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Open Educational Resources, Open Textbooks and Open Pedagogy
Michael Paskevicius
Learning Technologies Application Developer
Centre for Innovation and Excellence in Learning
Vancouver Island University
Search & Create LicenseRemix Share
Happy Open Education Week 2016!
What is this all about?
Hodgkinson-Williams, C. & Paskevicius, M. (2010). University of Cape Town OpenContent - Open Educational Resources Directory Launch.
Retrieved from http://www.slideshare.net/mpaskevi/university-of-cape-town-opencontent-open-educational-resources-directory-launch
Enablers of openness
All rights reserved: the default
No rights reserved: creator
must state public domain
State of the Commons 2015
Open Educational Resources
Shared freely
and openly to
… used by
anyone to …… adapt / repurpose/
improve under some
type of license in order
to …
… redistribute
and share
Open Content / open educational resources (OER) / open courseware are educational
materials which are discoverable online and openly licensed that can be:
openly licensed!
Pixel | Flickr - Photo Sharing! : taken from -
http://www.flickr.com/photos/37408217@N08/5025870260/ Author: filin
ilia - aliyo.hu http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/deed.en
Courseware Text & Multimedia ImagesVideo
• Quickly access links to open
educational content for course or
content development
• Resources are organized by media
type and subject area
• Users can submit open resources
they find useful as well
Vancouver Island University Open Educational
Resource Directory
• Arts
• Business
• Health
• Recreation/Tourism
• Sciences
• Social Sciences
• Trades
• Upgrading Programs
BC Campus currently has 139 open
textbooks available in the following
subject areas:
Business as usual
• buy used
• buy then sell
• rent online
• access via library
• photocopy
• wing it!
Jhangiani, J. (2015) Douglas College PD Event: The Desirable and
Inevitable Shift Towards Open Pedagogy and Open Science. Retrieved
from http://www.slideshare.net/rajivjhangiani1/the-future-is-open-
are-college-textbooks-so-absurdly-expensive/266801/ http://www.slideshare.net/clintlalonde/truolfm-open-textbooks
Replacing commercial
textbook with open textbook
with students
• Access free online
• Access free via mobile
• Print on demand
• Remix, adapt,
• Become familiar with
Creative Commons
What becomes possible using OER?
• Free access to online resource in a variety of formats
• Editing, localization and remixing of content for local
• OER as source for building online courses, activities,
• Course content can be shared openly via Wordpress,
etc. – no LMS
• Others?
Jhangiani, J. (2015) Douglas College PD Event: The Desirable and
Inevitable Shift Towards Open Pedagogy and Open Science. Retrieved
from http://www.slideshare.net/rajivjhangiani1/the-future-is-open-
What do we lose when using OER?
Jhangiani, J. (2015) Douglas College PD Event: The Desirable and
Inevitable Shift Towards Open Pedagogy and Open Science. Retrieved
from http://www.slideshare.net/rajivjhangiani1/the-future-is-open-
• Perceived high quality of publisher generated
• Ancillary materials included with textbooks (slide
decks, simulations, test banks, activity sheets,
• Potential familiarity and history with frequently
used textbook
• Others?
Available on the web to other faculties,
students and institutions to discover and
Designated as
OER on web
Adapted from Conole, G., McAndrew, P., & Dimitriadis, Y. (2010). The role of CSCL pedagogical patterns
as mediating artefacts for repurposing Open Educational Resources. Techniques for fostering
collaboration in online learning communities: Theoretical and practical perspectives, 206-223.
Traditional sharing of
teaching materials
Sharing educational
resources as OER
Additional considerations:
• Clearing of copyright or use of open licenses
• Formatting for web and accessibility for reuse
• Addition of descriptive metadata
• Publishing in repository, referatory or on the web
Learning activity
or resource
with students
Sharing beyond the classroom
with colleagues
Research on Potential OER impact
Significant potential for impact on:
• student performance and satisfaction
• inspiring new approaches to teaching and learning
• more equitable access to educational resources
• critical reflection on practice by educators through exposure to OER
Lesser impact:
• student retention
• institutional finances
Weller, M., de los Arcos, B., Farrow, R., Pitt, B., & McAndrew, P. (2015). The impact of OER
on teaching and learning practice. Open Praxis, 7(4), 351-361. Retrieved online
Logical Pathways to Adopting OER
Others? http://bit.ly/OERPathways
Open Educational Resource Grants
Open Educational Resource grants may be used for, but not limited to:
• Adaptation of Open Textbooks or Open Educational Resources
• Creation of Open Educational Resources
• Course Redesign using Open Educational Resources
Ancillary Materials Development
Call for proposals to create ancillary support material for existing open textbooks. This can
• Test banks of questions based on an existing open textbook
• Presentations (PowerPoint, Open Office, Prezi, etc)
• Multimedia content, such as audio or video, that could further enhance the textbook
• Simulations
• Instructor and student manuals
• Additional learning activities
Engaging with Open
Educational Practices
Defining Open Educational
• Open Educational Practices have been defined as “the next phase in
OER development, which will see a shift from a focus on resources to
a focus on open educational practices being a combination of open
resources use and open learning architectures to transform learning”
(Camilleri & Ehlers, 2011, p. 6)
• Open Pedagogy “describes the experiences of learners who engage in
an experience through the open web. The non-linear, dynamic, and
networked characteristics of the open web fully inform the qualities
of open pedagogy” (Pacansky-Brock, 2015)
Camilleri, A. F. & Ehlers, U. D. (2011). Mainstreaming Open Educational Practice. Recommendations for Policy. OPAL
Consortium. European Foundation for Quality in E-Learning (EFQUEL). Retrieved from http://efquel.org/wp-
Pacansky-Brock, M. (2015). What is open pedagogy? Teaching and Learning Innovations, August 26, 2015. Retrieved from
Wileys’ Notes on Open Pedagogy (2016)
• Students learn as a result of the things they do
• We ask students to do many things – read, watch, listen, answer, solve, etc.
• Broadly speaking, our pedagogy is how we decide what we ask students to
• Openness increase the number of students who can do things with
resources by increasing student access to resources
• Openness enables new pedagogical approaches by allowing students to do
things with resources that weren’t previously possible or practical
• Openness invites students to share their work more widely, creating
opportunities for peer review, network formation, indexing and archiving
Wiley, D. (2016) Notes on Open Pedagogy. Iterating Toward Openness
Blog. March 1, 2016. http://opencontent.org/blog/archives/4483
The Disposable Assignment
• Students will do the work
• Faculty will grade the work
• Students will throw away the
• Students will do the work
• Faculty will grade the work
• The work is inherently valuable
to someone beyond the class
• The work is openly published
and licensed so those other
people can find and use it
The Renewable Assignment
Wiley, D. (2016) Notes on Open Pedagogy. Iterating Toward Openness
Blog. March 1, 2016. http://opencontent.org/blog/archives/4483
Business as
Engages in
resource sharing
Licensing and
permissions often
Engages students in
contributing or
remixing open access,
openly licensed and
public domain
Creates and shares
T&L resources that
are open access,
openly license
and/or public
practice at
and events
Uses open
access, open
licenses and
public domain
resources in T&L
Adopts and
prescribes an
open textbook
from BC Campus
or other
Engages students
in using open
access, open
licenses and
public domain
Understanding of
licensing usage rights
Understanding and adoption of
open licensing
Uses open
found online
under fair
of open
Most common practices
Emerging practices
Future practices
Open Pedagogy: Biology 325
• All students built and maintained their own
open access Wordpress site
• Posts were aggregated into a parent site
• Tasked with creating two articles on a local
bird species of their choice
• Comments emerged as students reviewed
one another's work
• This work is now
archived and accessible
on the web
The ChemWiki is a collaborative
approach toward chemistry
education where an Open Access
textbook environment is constantly
being written and re-written by
students and faculty members
resulting in a free Chemistry
textbook to supplant conventional
paper-based books.
Instead of…
• A starting point for potential research
• An excellent source of reusable and
remixable multimedia
• Remixing is creative!
• Use openly licensed content and
cite your sources
• Let’s find some open source
software which meets your needs
• You can contribute to that software
project as well
Lets move towards…
• Open Educational Resources (OER) provide
alternatives and supplements to commercial
educational resources
• Alternative copyright tools have emerged which
make the legal sharing of digital resources more
• There is a wealth of educational content available
under open copyright licenses
• BC Open Textbooks are a provincial initiative and
should be promoted as an alternative to
commercial textbooks
• Being aware of and using open resources invites
new pedagogies and practices
Open education: Key takeaways
Prepared by: Michael Paskevicius
Learning Technologies Application Developer
Centre for Innovation and Excellence in Learning
Follow me: http://twitter.com/mpaskevi
Portfolio: http://michaelpaskevicius.com/
Presentations: http://www.slideshare.net/mpaskevi
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License.. To view a copy of this license, visit
Open Educational Practices

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Open Education Week: Degrees of Open Practice

  • 1. Open Educational Resources, Open Textbooks and Open Pedagogy Michael Paskevicius Learning Technologies Application Developer Centre for Innovation and Excellence in Learning Vancouver Island University Search & Create LicenseRemix Share
  • 2. Happy Open Education Week 2016! http://www.openeducationweek.org/
  • 3. What is this all about?
  • 4. Hodgkinson-Williams, C. & Paskevicius, M. (2010). University of Cape Town OpenContent - Open Educational Resources Directory Launch. Retrieved from http://www.slideshare.net/mpaskevi/university-of-cape-town-opencontent-open-educational-resources-directory-launch Enablers of openness
  • 5. All rights reserved: the default No rights reserved: creator must state public domain https://ciel.viu.ca/learning-technologies-innovation/developing-using-media-content/finding-using-open-educational-resources/creative-commons-licences
  • 6. State of the Commons 2015 https://stateof.creativecommons.org/2015/
  • 7. Open Educational Resources Shared Shared freely and openly to be… Used Improved Redistributed … used by anyone to …… adapt / repurpose/ improve under some type of license in order to … … redistribute and share again. Open Content / open educational resources (OER) / open courseware are educational materials which are discoverable online and openly licensed that can be:
  • 8. Online DOES NOT EQUAL openly licensed! Pixel | Flickr - Photo Sharing! : taken from - http://www.flickr.com/photos/37408217@N08/5025870260/ Author: filin ilia - aliyo.hu http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/deed.en
  • 9. Courseware Text & Multimedia ImagesVideo
  • 10. • Quickly access links to open educational content for course or content development • Resources are organized by media type and subject area • Users can submit open resources they find useful as well http://wordpress.viu.ca/openeducationalresources/ Vancouver Island University Open Educational Resource Directory
  • 11. • Arts • Business • Health • Recreation/Tourism • Sciences • Social Sciences • Trades • Upgrading Programs BC Campus currently has 139 open textbooks available in the following subject areas: https://open.bccampus.ca/
  • 12. Business as usual Commercial textbook Assigns Students: • buy used • buy then sell • rent online • access via library • photocopy • wing it! Instructor Jhangiani, J. (2015) Douglas College PD Event: The Desirable and Inevitable Shift Towards Open Pedagogy and Open Science. Retrieved from http://www.slideshare.net/rajivjhangiani1/the-future-is-open- the-desirable-and-inevitable-shift-towards-open-pedagogy-and-open- science
  • 14. Replacing commercial textbook with open textbook Open textbook Assigns Shares with students Instructor Students: • Access free online • Access free via mobile • Print on demand • Remix, adapt, repurpose • Become familiar with Creative Commons
  • 15. What becomes possible using OER? • Free access to online resource in a variety of formats • Editing, localization and remixing of content for local context • OER as source for building online courses, activities, assessment • Course content can be shared openly via Wordpress, etc. – no LMS • Others? Jhangiani, J. (2015) Douglas College PD Event: The Desirable and Inevitable Shift Towards Open Pedagogy and Open Science. Retrieved from http://www.slideshare.net/rajivjhangiani1/the-future-is-open- the-desirable-and-inevitable-shift-towards-open-pedagogy-and-open- science
  • 16. What do we lose when using OER? Jhangiani, J. (2015) Douglas College PD Event: The Desirable and Inevitable Shift Towards Open Pedagogy and Open Science. Retrieved from http://www.slideshare.net/rajivjhangiani1/the-future-is-open- the-desirable-and-inevitable-shift-towards-open-pedagogy-and-open- science • Perceived high quality of publisher generated texts • Ancillary materials included with textbooks (slide decks, simulations, test banks, activity sheets, etc.) • Potential familiarity and history with frequently used textbook • Others?
  • 17. Available on the web to other faculties, students and institutions to discover and reuse Designated as OER on web Adapted from Conole, G., McAndrew, P., & Dimitriadis, Y. (2010). The role of CSCL pedagogical patterns as mediating artefacts for repurposing Open Educational Resources. Techniques for fostering collaboration in online learning communities: Theoretical and practical perspectives, 206-223. Traditional sharing of teaching materials Sharing educational resources as OER Additional considerations: • Clearing of copyright or use of open licenses • Formatting for web and accessibility for reuse • Addition of descriptive metadata • Publishing in repository, referatory or on the web Learning activity or resource Creates Shares with students Instructor Sharing beyond the classroom Shares with colleagues (hopefully)
  • 18. Research on Potential OER impact Significant potential for impact on: • student performance and satisfaction • inspiring new approaches to teaching and learning • more equitable access to educational resources • critical reflection on practice by educators through exposure to OER Lesser impact: • student retention • institutional finances Weller, M., de los Arcos, B., Farrow, R., Pitt, B., & McAndrew, P. (2015). The impact of OER on teaching and learning practice. Open Praxis, 7(4), 351-361. Retrieved online http://www.openpraxis.org/index.php/OpenPraxis/article/view/227
  • 19. Logical Pathways to Adopting OER Others? http://bit.ly/OERPathways
  • 20. Open Educational Resource Grants Open Educational Resource grants may be used for, but not limited to: • Adaptation of Open Textbooks or Open Educational Resources • Creation of Open Educational Resources • Course Redesign using Open Educational Resources https://open.bccampus.ca/call-for-proposals/open-educational-resource-grants/ Ancillary Materials Development Call for proposals to create ancillary support material for existing open textbooks. This can include: • Test banks of questions based on an existing open textbook • Presentations (PowerPoint, Open Office, Prezi, etc) • Multimedia content, such as audio or video, that could further enhance the textbook • Simulations • Instructor and student manuals • Additional learning activities https://open.bccampus.ca/call-for-proposals/ancillary-materials-development/
  • 22. Defining Open Educational Practices • Open Educational Practices have been defined as “the next phase in OER development, which will see a shift from a focus on resources to a focus on open educational practices being a combination of open resources use and open learning architectures to transform learning” (Camilleri & Ehlers, 2011, p. 6) • Open Pedagogy “describes the experiences of learners who engage in an experience through the open web. The non-linear, dynamic, and networked characteristics of the open web fully inform the qualities of open pedagogy” (Pacansky-Brock, 2015) Camilleri, A. F. & Ehlers, U. D. (2011). Mainstreaming Open Educational Practice. Recommendations for Policy. OPAL Consortium. European Foundation for Quality in E-Learning (EFQUEL). Retrieved from http://efquel.org/wp- content/uploads/2012/03/Policy_Support_OEP.pdf Pacansky-Brock, M. (2015). What is open pedagogy? Teaching and Learning Innovations, August 26, 2015. Retrieved from http://tlinnovations.cikeys.com/uncategorized/what-is-open-pedagogy/
  • 23. Wileys’ Notes on Open Pedagogy (2016) • Students learn as a result of the things they do • We ask students to do many things – read, watch, listen, answer, solve, etc. • Broadly speaking, our pedagogy is how we decide what we ask students to do • Openness increase the number of students who can do things with resources by increasing student access to resources • Openness enables new pedagogical approaches by allowing students to do things with resources that weren’t previously possible or practical • Openness invites students to share their work more widely, creating opportunities for peer review, network formation, indexing and archiving Wiley, D. (2016) Notes on Open Pedagogy. Iterating Toward Openness Blog. March 1, 2016. http://opencontent.org/blog/archives/4483
  • 24. The Disposable Assignment • Students will do the work • Faculty will grade the work • Students will throw away the work • Students will do the work • Faculty will grade the work • The work is inherently valuable to someone beyond the class • The work is openly published and licensed so those other people can find and use it The Renewable Assignment Wiley, D. (2016) Notes on Open Pedagogy. Iterating Toward Openness Blog. March 1, 2016. http://opencontent.org/blog/archives/4483
  • 25. Business as usual Shares resources among colleagues Engages in interinstitutional resource sharing Licensing and permissions often unclear Engages students in contributing or remixing open access, openly licensed and public domain resources Creates and shares T&L resources that are open access, openly license and/or public domain Shares practice at teaching conferences and events Uses open access, open licenses and public domain resources in T&L Adopts and prescribes an open textbook from BC Campus or other repository Engages students in using open access, open licenses and public domain resources Understanding of licensing usage rights Understanding and adoption of open licensing Uses open resources found online Often under fair use Spectrum of open educational practices Most common practices Emerging practices Future practices
  • 26. Open Pedagogy: Biology 325 • All students built and maintained their own open access Wordpress site • Posts were aggregated into a parent site • Tasked with creating two articles on a local bird species of their choice • Comments emerged as students reviewed one another's work • This work is now archived and accessible on the web http://wordpress.viu.ca/biol325
  • 27. The ChemWiki is a collaborative approach toward chemistry education where an Open Access textbook environment is constantly being written and re-written by students and faculty members resulting in a free Chemistry textbook to supplant conventional paper-based books. http://chemwiki.ucdavis.edu/
  • 28. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpNDMRw7Ygk Instead of… https://scholarblogs.emory.edu/lovestory/2014/03/28/carr-keys-326/ http://www.icts.uct.ac.za/ • A starting point for potential research • An excellent source of reusable and remixable multimedia • Remixing is creative! • Use openly licensed content and cite your sources • Let’s find some open source software which meets your needs • You can contribute to that software project as well Lets move towards…
  • 29. • Open Educational Resources (OER) provide alternatives and supplements to commercial educational resources • Alternative copyright tools have emerged which make the legal sharing of digital resources more straightforward • There is a wealth of educational content available under open copyright licenses • BC Open Textbooks are a provincial initiative and should be promoted as an alternative to commercial textbooks • Being aware of and using open resources invites new pedagogies and practices Open education: Key takeaways
  • 30. Prepared by: Michael Paskevicius Learning Technologies Application Developer Centre for Innovation and Excellence in Learning michael.paskevicus@viu.ca Follow me: http://twitter.com/mpaskevi Portfolio: http://michaelpaskevicius.com/ Presentations: http://www.slideshare.net/mpaskevi This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0

Editor's Notes

  1. 5
  2. The key aspect of an OER is that it is both discoverable online – so that people can find it AND openly licensed - so that people can legally make use of it. OER includes texts, different forms of media, ideas, as well as documented teaching strategies/techniques or practices. Advocates of openness would suggest that the value in OER is in its potential to support learning in many ways and in many contexts.
  3. Online DOES NOT EQUAL openly licensed!
  4. So what is meant to happen is a cycle of teaching material evermore being improved and shared. Plus it is all legal under the terms of the open license. We are all familiar with preparing materials for the classroom, but for those who want to delve into creating OER there are some additional considerations that you will have to take into mind: Clearing of copyright issues Formatting for web and accessibility for reuse Addition of descriptive metadata Publishing in repository, referatory or on the web This is a fair bit of extra work and a number of additional considerations to take into account when creawting instructional media. Fortunatly there are a number of enablers which can help you.
  5. Thank you!