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OpenSSH tricks
Assem Chelli
assem.ch@gmail.com (@assem_ch)

Hacknowledge Contest Algeria 2013


Assem Chelli

OpenSSH tricks







. What is SSH?
SSH: Secure SHell, a Network protocol Created by Tatu
Ylonen (1995)
Secure logging into remote computer
Public key authentication (!Password),
Authentication of the server (!MAN-IN-THE-MIDDLE )

more features:
Stream Compression
Port forwarding
X11 sessions forwarding
File transfer


Assem Chelli

OpenSSH tricks








IP spoofing
IP source routing
DNS spoofing
Password sniffing
Manipulation of transfer data Atack on X11 (sniffing on


Assem Chelli

OpenSSH tricks







. Install Open SSH

SSH is so resricted , OPEN SSH is free!
openssh-client , openssh-server
sudo apt-get install openssh-client openssh-server
sudo yum install openssh-client openssh-server

WINDOWS: download & install PuTTY
http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/ sgtatham/putty/


Assem Chelli

OpenSSH tricks







. Basic SSH usage

Remote login
ssh hostname
ssh -l user hostname
ssh user@hostname
RSA key fingerprint —> yes / no (Public Key
host’s password: _______ (Password authentification)

known hosts


Assem Chelli

OpenSSH tricks







. Basic SSH usage

Remote login
ssh hostname
ssh -l user hostname
ssh user@hostname
RSA key fingerprint —> yes / no (Public Key
host’s password: _______ (Password authentification)

known hosts


Assem Chelli

OpenSSH tricks







. Omar in the middle!
let’s play SERVER role!
We put Server offline
Someone fix his IP as the same IP of server

Now try login again
ssh host
Someone could be eavesdropping on you right now (man-in-the-middle
It is also possible that the RSA host key has just been changed.


Assem Chelli

OpenSSH tricks







. Omar in the middle!
let’s play SERVER role!
We put Server offline
Someone fix his IP as the same IP of server

Now try login again
ssh host
Someone could be eavesdropping on you right now (man-in-the-middle
It is also possible that the RSA host key has just been changed.


Assem Chelli

OpenSSH tricks







. SSH replaces telnet.

ssh host.domena.pl
ssh user@host.domena.pl
ssh -l user host.domena.pl


Assem Chelli

OpenSSH tricks







. SSH replaces FTP.

sftp host.domena.pl
sftp> dir


Assem Chelli

OpenSSH tricks







. SSH replaces r-command .

ssh host "cat /etc/passwd"

ssh user@host

scp file host.domena.pl


Assem Chelli

OpenSSH tricks







. Executing commands remotely

ssh host netstat
ssh host "ls -C /bin"
ssh host “cat /etc/passwd”
ssh host “vi /tmp/foo ”
ssh -t host vi /tmp/foo


Assem Chelli

OpenSSH tricks







. Executing commands remotely

ssh host netstat
ssh host "ls -C /bin"
ssh host “cat /etc/passwd”
ssh host “vi /tmp/foo ”
ssh -t host vi /tmp/foo


Assem Chelli

OpenSSH tricks







. Redirecting commands input and output

ssh host "ls /bin | grep -i rm"
ssh host "ls /bin" | grep -i rm
ssh host "cat /etc/passwd" > remote_passwd
ssh host "psql billing" < billing.sql | grep -v ^INFO


Assem Chelli

OpenSSH tricks







. Redirecting commands input and output

ssh host "ls /bin | grep -i rm"
ssh host "ls /bin" | grep -i rm
ssh host "cat /etc/passwd" > remote_passwd
ssh host "psql billing" < billing.sql | grep -v ^INFO


Assem Chelli

OpenSSH tricks







. File transfer
scp [user1@]host1:/path/to/source/file
scp -r

sftp host
sftp> cd /usr/share/games
sftp> ls
sftp> lcd /tmp
get c*

ssh host "cd /usr/share/games ; tar cf - ./a*" | 
> (cd /tmp ; tar xpvf -)

rsync -ve ssh host:/bin/c* /tmp

Assem Chelli

OpenSSH tricks







. Public Keys

Generate a public key
ssh-keygen -t rsa
cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub

ssh-add -l

cat ~/.ssh/authorized_keys


Assem Chelli

OpenSSH tricks







. Default Config Files and SSH Port

/etc/ssh/sshd_config - OpenSSH server configuration file.
/etc/ssh/ssh_config - OpenSSH client configuration file.
~/.ssh/ - Users ssh configuration directory.
~/.ssh/authorized_keys - Lists the public keys (RSA or
DSA) that can be used to log into the users account
/etc/nologin - If this file exists, sshd refuses to let anyone
except root log in.
/etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny : Access controls
lists that should be enforced by tcp-wrappers are defined here.
SSH default port : TCP ??


Assem Chelli

OpenSSH tricks







. Default Config Files and SSH Port

/etc/ssh/sshd_config - OpenSSH server configuration file.
/etc/ssh/ssh_config - OpenSSH client configuration file.
~/.ssh/ - Users ssh configuration directory.
~/.ssh/authorized_keys - Lists the public keys (RSA or
DSA) that can be used to log into the users account
/etc/nologin - If this file exists, sshd refuses to let anyone
except root log in.
/etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny : Access controls
lists that should be enforced by tcp-wrappers are defined here.
SSH default port : TCP ??


Assem Chelli

OpenSSH tricks







. Default Config Files and SSH Port

/etc/ssh/sshd_config - OpenSSH server configuration file.
/etc/ssh/ssh_config - OpenSSH client configuration file.
~/.ssh/ - Users ssh configuration directory.
~/.ssh/authorized_keys - Lists the public keys (RSA or
DSA) that can be used to log into the users account
/etc/nologin - If this file exists, sshd refuses to let anyone
except root log in.
/etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny : Access controls
lists that should be enforced by tcp-wrappers are defined here.
SSH default port : TCP ??


Assem Chelli

OpenSSH tricks







. Default Config Files and SSH Port

/etc/ssh/sshd_config - OpenSSH server configuration file.
/etc/ssh/ssh_config - OpenSSH client configuration file.
~/.ssh/ - Users ssh configuration directory.
~/.ssh/authorized_keys - Lists the public keys (RSA or
DSA) that can be used to log into the users account
/etc/nologin - If this file exists, sshd refuses to let anyone
except root log in.
/etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny : Access controls
lists that should be enforced by tcp-wrappers are defined here.
SSH default port : TCP ??


Assem Chelli

OpenSSH tricks







. Default Config Files and SSH Port

/etc/ssh/sshd_config - OpenSSH server configuration file.
/etc/ssh/ssh_config - OpenSSH client configuration file.
~/.ssh/ - Users ssh configuration directory.
~/.ssh/authorized_keys - Lists the public keys (RSA or
DSA) that can be used to log into the users account
/etc/nologin - If this file exists, sshd refuses to let anyone
except root log in.
/etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny : Access controls
lists that should be enforced by tcp-wrappers are defined here.
SSH default port : TCP ??


Assem Chelli

OpenSSH tricks







. Default Config Files and SSH Port

/etc/ssh/sshd_config - OpenSSH server configuration file.
/etc/ssh/ssh_config - OpenSSH client configuration file.
~/.ssh/ - Users ssh configuration directory.
~/.ssh/authorized_keys - Lists the public keys (RSA or
DSA) that can be used to log into the users account
/etc/nologin - If this file exists, sshd refuses to let anyone
except root log in.
/etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny : Access controls
lists that should be enforced by tcp-wrappers are defined here.
SSH default port : TCP ??


Assem Chelli

OpenSSH tricks







. Default Config Files and SSH Port

/etc/ssh/sshd_config - OpenSSH server configuration file.
/etc/ssh/ssh_config - OpenSSH client configuration file.
~/.ssh/ - Users ssh configuration directory.
~/.ssh/authorized_keys - Lists the public keys (RSA or
DSA) that can be used to log into the users account
/etc/nologin - If this file exists, sshd refuses to let anyone
except root log in.
/etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny : Access controls
lists that should be enforced by tcp-wrappers are defined here.
SSH default port : TCP ??


Assem Chelli

OpenSSH tricks







. BEST SSH Tricks 1
. Copy ssh keys to user@host to enable password-less ssh logins


ssh-copy-id user@host

. Start a tunnel from some machines port 80 to your local post


ssh -N -L2001:localhost:80 somemachine

. Output your microphone to a remote computers speaker


dd if=/dev/dsp | ssh -c arcfour -C username@host dd

. Compare a remote file with a local file


ssh user@host cat /path/to/remotefile | diff /path/to/localfile

. Mount folder/filesystem through SSH


ss hfs name@server:/path/to/folder /path/to/mount/point

Assem Chelli

OpenSSH tricks







. BEST SSH Tricks 1
. Copy ssh keys to user@host to enable password-less ssh logins


ssh-copy-id user@host

. Start a tunnel from some machines port 80 to your local post


ssh -N -L2001:localhost:80 somemachine

. Output your microphone to a remote computers speaker


dd if=/dev/dsp | ssh -c arcfour -C username@host dd

. Compare a remote file with a local file


ssh user@host cat /path/to/remotefile | diff /path/to/localfile

. Mount folder/filesystem through SSH


ss hfs name@server:/path/to/folder /path/to/mount/point

Assem Chelli

OpenSSH tricks







. BEST SSH Tricks 1
. Copy ssh keys to user@host to enable password-less ssh logins


ssh-copy-id user@host

. Start a tunnel from some machines port 80 to your local post


ssh -N -L2001:localhost:80 somemachine

. Output your microphone to a remote computers speaker


dd if=/dev/dsp | ssh -c arcfour -C username@host dd

. Compare a remote file with a local file


ssh user@host cat /path/to/remotefile | diff /path/to/localfile

. Mount folder/filesystem through SSH


ss hfs name@server:/path/to/folder /path/to/mount/point

Assem Chelli

OpenSSH tricks







. BEST SSH Tricks 1
. Copy ssh keys to user@host to enable password-less ssh logins


ssh-copy-id user@host

. Start a tunnel from some machines port 80 to your local post


ssh -N -L2001:localhost:80 somemachine

. Output your microphone to a remote computers speaker


dd if=/dev/dsp | ssh -c arcfour -C username@host dd

. Compare a remote file with a local file


ssh user@host cat /path/to/remotefile | diff /path/to/localfile

. Mount folder/filesystem through SSH


ss hfs name@server:/path/to/folder /path/to/mount/point

Assem Chelli

OpenSSH tricks







. BEST SSH Tricks 1
. Copy ssh keys to user@host to enable password-less ssh logins


ssh-copy-id user@host

. Start a tunnel from some machines port 80 to your local post


ssh -N -L2001:localhost:80 somemachine

. Output your microphone to a remote computers speaker


dd if=/dev/dsp | ssh -c arcfour -C username@host dd

. Compare a remote file with a local file


ssh user@host cat /path/to/remotefile | diff /path/to/localfile

. Mount folder/filesystem through SSH


ss hfs name@server:/path/to/folder /path/to/mount/point

Assem Chelli

OpenSSH tricks







. BEST SSH Tricks 2
. SSH connection through host in the middle


ssh -t reachable_host ssh unreachable_host

. Copy from host1 to host2, through your host


ssh root@host1 cd /somedir/tocopy/ && tar -cf . | ssh
root@host2 cd /samedir/tocopyto/ && tar -xf -

. Run any GUI program remotely


ssh -fX @

. Create a persistent connection to a machine


ssh -MNf @

. Attach screen over ssh


ssh -t remote_host screen -r

Assem Chelli

OpenSSH tricks







. BEST SSH Tricks 2
. SSH connection through host in the middle


ssh -t reachable_host ssh unreachable_host

. Copy from host1 to host2, through your host


ssh root@host1 cd /somedir/tocopy/ && tar -cf . | ssh
root@host2 cd /samedir/tocopyto/ && tar -xf -

. Run any GUI program remotely


ssh -fX @

. Create a persistent connection to a machine


ssh -MNf @

. Attach screen over ssh


ssh -t remote_host screen -r

Assem Chelli

OpenSSH tricks







. BEST SSH Tricks 2
. SSH connection through host in the middle


ssh -t reachable_host ssh unreachable_host

. Copy from host1 to host2, through your host


ssh root@host1 cd /somedir/tocopy/ && tar -cf . | ssh
root@host2 cd /samedir/tocopyto/ && tar -xf -

. Run any GUI program remotely


ssh -fX @

. Create a persistent connection to a machine


ssh -MNf @

. Attach screen over ssh


ssh -t remote_host screen -r

Assem Chelli

OpenSSH tricks







. BEST SSH Tricks 2
. SSH connection through host in the middle


ssh -t reachable_host ssh unreachable_host

. Copy from host1 to host2, through your host


ssh root@host1 cd /somedir/tocopy/ && tar -cf . | ssh
root@host2 cd /samedir/tocopyto/ && tar -xf -

. Run any GUI program remotely


ssh -fX @

. Create a persistent connection to a machine


ssh -MNf @

. Attach screen over ssh


ssh -t remote_host screen -r

Assem Chelli

OpenSSH tricks







. BEST SSH Tricks 2
. SSH connection through host in the middle


ssh -t reachable_host ssh unreachable_host

. Copy from host1 to host2, through your host


ssh root@host1 cd /somedir/tocopy/ && tar -cf . | ssh
root@host2 cd /samedir/tocopyto/ && tar -xf -

. Run any GUI program remotely


ssh -fX @

. Create a persistent connection to a machine


ssh -MNf @

. Attach screen over ssh


ssh -t remote_host screen -r

Assem Chelli

OpenSSH tricks







. BEST SSH Tricks 3
. Run complex remote shell cmds over ssh


ssh host -l user $(
ssh host -l user cat cmd.txt

. Resume scp of a big file


rsync partial progress rsh=ssh $file_source

. Analyze traffic remotely over ssh w/ wireshark


ssh root@server.com tshark -f port !22 -w - | wireshark -k -i -

. Have an ssh session open forever


autossh -M50000 -t server.example.com screen -raAd

. Harder, Faster, Stronger SSH clients


ssh -4 -C -c blowfish-cbc

Assem Chelli

OpenSSH tricks







. BEST SSH Tricks 3
. Run complex remote shell cmds over ssh


ssh host -l user $(
ssh host -l user cat cmd.txt

. Resume scp of a big file


rsync partial progress rsh=ssh $file_source

. Analyze traffic remotely over ssh w/ wireshark


ssh root@server.com tshark -f port !22 -w - | wireshark -k -i -

. Have an ssh session open forever


autossh -M50000 -t server.example.com screen -raAd

. Harder, Faster, Stronger SSH clients


ssh -4 -C -c blowfish-cbc

Assem Chelli

OpenSSH tricks







. BEST SSH Tricks 3
. Run complex remote shell cmds over ssh


ssh host -l user $(
ssh host -l user cat cmd.txt

. Resume scp of a big file


rsync partial progress rsh=ssh $file_source

. Analyze traffic remotely over ssh w/ wireshark


ssh root@server.com tshark -f port !22 -w - | wireshark -k -i -

. Have an ssh session open forever


autossh -M50000 -t server.example.com screen -raAd

. Harder, Faster, Stronger SSH clients


ssh -4 -C -c blowfish-cbc

Assem Chelli

OpenSSH tricks







. BEST SSH Tricks 3
. Run complex remote shell cmds over ssh


ssh host -l user $(
ssh host -l user cat cmd.txt

. Resume scp of a big file


rsync partial progress rsh=ssh $file_source

. Analyze traffic remotely over ssh w/ wireshark


ssh root@server.com tshark -f port !22 -w - | wireshark -k -i -

. Have an ssh session open forever


autossh -M50000 -t server.example.com screen -raAd

. Harder, Faster, Stronger SSH clients


ssh -4 -C -c blowfish-cbc

Assem Chelli

OpenSSH tricks







. BEST SSH Tricks 3
. Run complex remote shell cmds over ssh


ssh host -l user $(
ssh host -l user cat cmd.txt

. Resume scp of a big file


rsync partial progress rsh=ssh $file_source

. Analyze traffic remotely over ssh w/ wireshark


ssh root@server.com tshark -f port !22 -w - | wireshark -k -i -

. Have an ssh session open forever


autossh -M50000 -t server.example.com screen -raAd

. Harder, Faster, Stronger SSH clients


ssh -4 -C -c blowfish-cbc

Assem Chelli

OpenSSH tricks







. Best SSH tricks 4
. Disable OpenSSH Server


apt-get remove openssh-server (ubuntu )
chkconfig sshd off && yum erase openssh-server (fedora)

. Force to use SSH protocole 2 because SSH-1 is vulnerable
(Man-in-the-middle attacks)


in /etc/ssh/sshd_config add the line: Protocol 2

. Limit root or Users’ SSH Access


in /etc/ssh/sshd_config
find&modify the line: AllowUsers root assem
or find&modify the line: DenyUsers omar zaki ali-baba
or find&modify the line: PermitRootLogin no

or create /etc/nologin

. Enable a Warning Banner


in /etc/ssh/sshd_config add the line: Banner /etc/issue

Assem Chelli

OpenSSH tricks







. Best SSH tricks 4
. Disable OpenSSH Server


apt-get remove openssh-server (ubuntu )
chkconfig sshd off && yum erase openssh-server (fedora)

. Force to use SSH protocole 2 because SSH-1 is vulnerable
(Man-in-the-middle attacks)


in /etc/ssh/sshd_config add the line: Protocol 2

. Limit root or Users’ SSH Access


in /etc/ssh/sshd_config
find&modify the line: AllowUsers root assem
or find&modify the line: DenyUsers omar zaki ali-baba
or find&modify the line: PermitRootLogin no

or create /etc/nologin

. Enable a Warning Banner


in /etc/ssh/sshd_config add the line: Banner /etc/issue

Assem Chelli

OpenSSH tricks







. Best SSH tricks 4
. Disable OpenSSH Server


apt-get remove openssh-server (ubuntu )
chkconfig sshd off && yum erase openssh-server (fedora)

. Force to use SSH protocole 2 because SSH-1 is vulnerable
(Man-in-the-middle attacks)


in /etc/ssh/sshd_config add the line: Protocol 2

. Limit root or Users’ SSH Access


in /etc/ssh/sshd_config
find&modify the line: AllowUsers root assem
or find&modify the line: DenyUsers omar zaki ali-baba
or find&modify the line: PermitRootLogin no

or create /etc/nologin

. Enable a Warning Banner


in /etc/ssh/sshd_config add the line: Banner /etc/issue

Assem Chelli

OpenSSH tricks







. Best SSH tricks 4
. Disable OpenSSH Server


apt-get remove openssh-server (ubuntu )
chkconfig sshd off && yum erase openssh-server (fedora)

. Force to use SSH protocole 2 because SSH-1 is vulnerable
(Man-in-the-middle attacks)


in /etc/ssh/sshd_config add the line: Protocol 2

. Limit root or Users’ SSH Access


in /etc/ssh/sshd_config
find&modify the line: AllowUsers root assem
or find&modify the line: DenyUsers omar zaki ali-baba
or find&modify the line: PermitRootLogin no

or create /etc/nologin

. Enable a Warning Banner


in /etc/ssh/sshd_config add the line: Banner /etc/issue

Assem Chelli

OpenSSH tricks







. Best SSH tricks 5

. Change SSH port


in /etc/ssh/sshd_config find&modify the line: Port 300

. Deny empty passwords


in /etc/ssh/sshd_config find&modify the line:
PermitEmptyPasswords no

. Use SSH as an Internet Proxy


Google it !


Assem Chelli

OpenSSH tricks







. Best SSH tricks 5

. Change SSH port


in /etc/ssh/sshd_config find&modify the line: Port 300

. Deny empty passwords


in /etc/ssh/sshd_config find&modify the line:
PermitEmptyPasswords no

. Use SSH as an Internet Proxy


Google it !


Assem Chelli

OpenSSH tricks







. Best SSH tricks 5

. Change SSH port


in /etc/ssh/sshd_config find&modify the line: Port 300

. Deny empty passwords


in /etc/ssh/sshd_config find&modify the line:
PermitEmptyPasswords no

. Use SSH as an Internet Proxy


Google it !


Assem Chelli

OpenSSH tricks







. Best SSH tricks 5

. Change SSH port


in /etc/ssh/sshd_config find&modify the line: Port 300

. Deny empty passwords


in /etc/ssh/sshd_config find&modify the line:
PermitEmptyPasswords no

. Use SSH as an Internet Proxy


Google it !


Assem Chelli

OpenSSH tricks







. Thwart SSH Crackers



Assem Chelli

OpenSSH tricks







. SSH via Proxy!

Proxy Problem!
host *
proxyCommand connect -H %h %p


Assem Chelli

OpenSSH tricks







. SSH via Proxy!

Proxy Problem!
host *
proxyCommand connect -H %h %p


Assem Chelli

OpenSSH tricks







. forwarding over SSH

Agent forwarding
ssh -A trustedhost (your privatekeys can be stolen)

X11 forwarding
ssh -X user@host firefox
ssh -Y user@host

Port forwarding
ssh -L8000:anotherhost:80 somehost


Assem Chelli

OpenSSH tricks







. Tunneling types

ForwardX11/ForwardX11Trusted Tunnel


Assem Chelli

OpenSSH tricks







. Security

SSH timing attack


Assem Chelli

OpenSSH tricks








. Questions



Assem Chelli

OpenSSH tricks








For Further Reading

. For Further Reading I

SSH tips, tricks & protocol tutorial
.Damien Miller , AUUG Winter 2002 .
25 Best SSH Commands / Tricks.
SSH manpage


Assem Chelli

OpenSSH tricks






More Related Content

OpenSSH tricks

  • 1. . . OpenSSH tricks Assem Chelli assem.ch@gmail.com (@assem_ch) Hacknowledge Contest Algeria 2013 . Assem Chelli OpenSSH tricks . . . . .
  • 2. . What is SSH? SSH: Secure SHell, a Network protocol Created by Tatu Ylonen (1995) Secure logging into remote computer Public key authentication (!Password), Authentication of the server (!MAN-IN-THE-MIDDLE ) Encryption, Integrity more features: Stream Compression Port forwarding X11 sessions forwarding File transfer . Assem Chelli OpenSSH tricks . . . . .
  • 3. . WHY SSH IS SO IMPORTANT? IP spoofing IP source routing DNS spoofing Password sniffing Manipulation of transfer data Atack on X11 (sniffing on authorization) . Assem Chelli OpenSSH tricks . . . . .
  • 4. . Install Open SSH SSH is so resricted , OPEN SSH is free! openssh-client , openssh-server sudo apt-get install openssh-client openssh-server sudo yum install openssh-client openssh-server WINDOWS: download & install PuTTY http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/ sgtatham/putty/ . Assem Chelli OpenSSH tricks . . . . .
  • 5. . Basic SSH usage Remote login ssh hostname ssh -l user hostname ssh user@hostname cd:41:70:30:48:07:16:81:e5:30:34:66:f1:56:ef:db RSA key fingerprint —> yes / no (Public Key authentification) host’s password: _______ (Password authentification) known hosts ~/.ssh/known_hosts . Assem Chelli OpenSSH tricks . . . . .
  • 6. . Basic SSH usage Remote login ssh hostname ssh -l user hostname ssh user@hostname cd:41:70:30:48:07:16:81:e5:30:34:66:f1:56:ef:db RSA key fingerprint —> yes / no (Public Key authentification) host’s password: _______ (Password authentification) known hosts ~/.ssh/known_hosts . Assem Chelli OpenSSH tricks . . . . .
  • 7. . Omar in the middle! let’s play SERVER role! We put Server offline Someone fix his IP as the same IP of server Now try login again ssh host @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED! @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ IT IS POSSIBLE THAT SOMEONE IS DOING SOMETHING NASTY! Someone could be eavesdropping on you right now (man-in-the-middle attack)! It is also possible that the RSA host key has just been changed. . Assem Chelli OpenSSH tricks . . . . .
  • 8. . Omar in the middle! let’s play SERVER role! We put Server offline Someone fix his IP as the same IP of server Now try login again ssh host @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED! @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ IT IS POSSIBLE THAT SOMEONE IS DOING SOMETHING NASTY! Someone could be eavesdropping on you right now (man-in-the-middle attack)! It is also possible that the RSA host key has just been changed. . Assem Chelli OpenSSH tricks . . . . .
  • 9. . SSH replaces telnet. ssh host.domena.pl ssh user@host.domena.pl ssh -l user host.domena.pl . Assem Chelli OpenSSH tricks . . . . .
  • 10. . SSH replaces FTP. sftp host.domena.pl sftp> dir . Assem Chelli OpenSSH tricks . . . . .
  • 11. . SSH replaces r-command . rexec ssh host "cat /etc/passwd" rlogin ssh user@host rcp scp file host.domena.pl . Assem Chelli OpenSSH tricks . . . . .
  • 12. . Executing commands remotely ssh host netstat ssh host "ls -C /bin" ssh host “cat /etc/passwd” ssh host “vi /tmp/foo ” ssh -t host vi /tmp/foo . Assem Chelli OpenSSH tricks . . . . .
  • 13. . Executing commands remotely ssh host netstat ssh host "ls -C /bin" ssh host “cat /etc/passwd” ssh host “vi /tmp/foo ” ssh -t host vi /tmp/foo . Assem Chelli OpenSSH tricks . . . . .
  • 14. . Redirecting commands input and output ssh host "ls /bin | grep -i rm" ssh host "ls /bin" | grep -i rm ssh host "cat /etc/passwd" > remote_passwd ssh host "psql billing" < billing.sql | grep -v ^INFO . Assem Chelli OpenSSH tricks . . . . .
  • 15. . Redirecting commands input and output ssh host "ls /bin | grep -i rm" ssh host "ls /bin" | grep -i rm ssh host "cat /etc/passwd" > remote_passwd ssh host "psql billing" < billing.sql | grep -v ^INFO . Assem Chelli OpenSSH tricks . . . . .
  • 16. . File transfer scp scp [user1@]host1:/path/to/source/file [user2@]host2:/path/to/destination/file scp -r sftp sftp host sftp> cd /usr/share/games sftp> ls sftp> lcd /tmp get c* quit tar-over-ssh ssh host "cd /usr/share/games ; tar cf - ./a*" | > (cd /tmp ; tar xpvf -) rsync rsync -ve ssh host:/bin/c* /tmp . Assem Chelli OpenSSH tricks . . . . .
  • 17. . Public Keys Generate a public key ssh-keygen -t rsa cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub Authentification ssh-add -l Restrictions cat ~/.ssh/authorized_keys . Assem Chelli OpenSSH tricks . . . . .
  • 18. . Default Config Files and SSH Port /etc/ssh/sshd_config - OpenSSH server configuration file. /etc/ssh/ssh_config - OpenSSH client configuration file. ~/.ssh/ - Users ssh configuration directory. ~/.ssh/authorized_keys - Lists the public keys (RSA or DSA) that can be used to log into the users account /etc/nologin - If this file exists, sshd refuses to let anyone except root log in. /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny : Access controls lists that should be enforced by tcp-wrappers are defined here. SSH default port : TCP ?? . Assem Chelli OpenSSH tricks . . . . .
  • 19. . Default Config Files and SSH Port /etc/ssh/sshd_config - OpenSSH server configuration file. /etc/ssh/ssh_config - OpenSSH client configuration file. ~/.ssh/ - Users ssh configuration directory. ~/.ssh/authorized_keys - Lists the public keys (RSA or DSA) that can be used to log into the users account /etc/nologin - If this file exists, sshd refuses to let anyone except root log in. /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny : Access controls lists that should be enforced by tcp-wrappers are defined here. SSH default port : TCP ?? . Assem Chelli OpenSSH tricks . . . . .
  • 20. . Default Config Files and SSH Port /etc/ssh/sshd_config - OpenSSH server configuration file. /etc/ssh/ssh_config - OpenSSH client configuration file. ~/.ssh/ - Users ssh configuration directory. ~/.ssh/authorized_keys - Lists the public keys (RSA or DSA) that can be used to log into the users account /etc/nologin - If this file exists, sshd refuses to let anyone except root log in. /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny : Access controls lists that should be enforced by tcp-wrappers are defined here. SSH default port : TCP ?? . Assem Chelli OpenSSH tricks . . . . .
  • 21. . Default Config Files and SSH Port /etc/ssh/sshd_config - OpenSSH server configuration file. /etc/ssh/ssh_config - OpenSSH client configuration file. ~/.ssh/ - Users ssh configuration directory. ~/.ssh/authorized_keys - Lists the public keys (RSA or DSA) that can be used to log into the users account /etc/nologin - If this file exists, sshd refuses to let anyone except root log in. /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny : Access controls lists that should be enforced by tcp-wrappers are defined here. SSH default port : TCP ?? . Assem Chelli OpenSSH tricks . . . . .
  • 22. . Default Config Files and SSH Port /etc/ssh/sshd_config - OpenSSH server configuration file. /etc/ssh/ssh_config - OpenSSH client configuration file. ~/.ssh/ - Users ssh configuration directory. ~/.ssh/authorized_keys - Lists the public keys (RSA or DSA) that can be used to log into the users account /etc/nologin - If this file exists, sshd refuses to let anyone except root log in. /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny : Access controls lists that should be enforced by tcp-wrappers are defined here. SSH default port : TCP ?? . Assem Chelli OpenSSH tricks . . . . .
  • 23. . Default Config Files and SSH Port /etc/ssh/sshd_config - OpenSSH server configuration file. /etc/ssh/ssh_config - OpenSSH client configuration file. ~/.ssh/ - Users ssh configuration directory. ~/.ssh/authorized_keys - Lists the public keys (RSA or DSA) that can be used to log into the users account /etc/nologin - If this file exists, sshd refuses to let anyone except root log in. /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny : Access controls lists that should be enforced by tcp-wrappers are defined here. SSH default port : TCP ?? . Assem Chelli OpenSSH tricks . . . . .
  • 24. . Default Config Files and SSH Port /etc/ssh/sshd_config - OpenSSH server configuration file. /etc/ssh/ssh_config - OpenSSH client configuration file. ~/.ssh/ - Users ssh configuration directory. ~/.ssh/authorized_keys - Lists the public keys (RSA or DSA) that can be used to log into the users account /etc/nologin - If this file exists, sshd refuses to let anyone except root log in. /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny : Access controls lists that should be enforced by tcp-wrappers are defined here. SSH default port : TCP ?? . Assem Chelli OpenSSH tricks . . . . .
  • 25. . BEST SSH Tricks 1 . Copy ssh keys to user@host to enable password-less ssh logins 1 ssh-copy-id user@host . Start a tunnel from some machines port 80 to your local post 2001 2 ssh -N -L2001:localhost:80 somemachine . Output your microphone to a remote computers speaker 3 dd if=/dev/dsp | ssh -c arcfour -C username@host dd of=/dev/dsp . Compare a remote file with a local file 4 ssh user@host cat /path/to/remotefile | diff /path/to/localfile - . Mount folder/filesystem through SSH 5 ss hfs name@server:/path/to/folder /path/to/mount/point . Assem Chelli OpenSSH tricks . . . . .
  • 26. . BEST SSH Tricks 1 . Copy ssh keys to user@host to enable password-less ssh logins 1 ssh-copy-id user@host . Start a tunnel from some machines port 80 to your local post 2001 2 ssh -N -L2001:localhost:80 somemachine . Output your microphone to a remote computers speaker 3 dd if=/dev/dsp | ssh -c arcfour -C username@host dd of=/dev/dsp . Compare a remote file with a local file 4 ssh user@host cat /path/to/remotefile | diff /path/to/localfile - . Mount folder/filesystem through SSH 5 ss hfs name@server:/path/to/folder /path/to/mount/point . Assem Chelli OpenSSH tricks . . . . .
  • 27. . BEST SSH Tricks 1 . Copy ssh keys to user@host to enable password-less ssh logins 1 ssh-copy-id user@host . Start a tunnel from some machines port 80 to your local post 2001 2 ssh -N -L2001:localhost:80 somemachine . Output your microphone to a remote computers speaker 3 dd if=/dev/dsp | ssh -c arcfour -C username@host dd of=/dev/dsp . Compare a remote file with a local file 4 ssh user@host cat /path/to/remotefile | diff /path/to/localfile - . Mount folder/filesystem through SSH 5 ss hfs name@server:/path/to/folder /path/to/mount/point . Assem Chelli OpenSSH tricks . . . . .
  • 28. . BEST SSH Tricks 1 . Copy ssh keys to user@host to enable password-less ssh logins 1 ssh-copy-id user@host . Start a tunnel from some machines port 80 to your local post 2001 2 ssh -N -L2001:localhost:80 somemachine . Output your microphone to a remote computers speaker 3 dd if=/dev/dsp | ssh -c arcfour -C username@host dd of=/dev/dsp . Compare a remote file with a local file 4 ssh user@host cat /path/to/remotefile | diff /path/to/localfile - . Mount folder/filesystem through SSH 5 ss hfs name@server:/path/to/folder /path/to/mount/point . Assem Chelli OpenSSH tricks . . . . .
  • 29. . BEST SSH Tricks 1 . Copy ssh keys to user@host to enable password-less ssh logins 1 ssh-copy-id user@host . Start a tunnel from some machines port 80 to your local post 2001 2 ssh -N -L2001:localhost:80 somemachine . Output your microphone to a remote computers speaker 3 dd if=/dev/dsp | ssh -c arcfour -C username@host dd of=/dev/dsp . Compare a remote file with a local file 4 ssh user@host cat /path/to/remotefile | diff /path/to/localfile - . Mount folder/filesystem through SSH 5 ss hfs name@server:/path/to/folder /path/to/mount/point . Assem Chelli OpenSSH tricks . . . . .
  • 30. . BEST SSH Tricks 2 . SSH connection through host in the middle 1 ssh -t reachable_host ssh unreachable_host . Copy from host1 to host2, through your host 2 ssh root@host1 cd /somedir/tocopy/ && tar -cf . | ssh root@host2 cd /samedir/tocopyto/ && tar -xf - . Run any GUI program remotely 3 ssh -fX @ . Create a persistent connection to a machine 4 ssh -MNf @ . Attach screen over ssh 5 ssh -t remote_host screen -r . Assem Chelli OpenSSH tricks . . . . .
  • 31. . BEST SSH Tricks 2 . SSH connection through host in the middle 1 ssh -t reachable_host ssh unreachable_host . Copy from host1 to host2, through your host 2 ssh root@host1 cd /somedir/tocopy/ && tar -cf . | ssh root@host2 cd /samedir/tocopyto/ && tar -xf - . Run any GUI program remotely 3 ssh -fX @ . Create a persistent connection to a machine 4 ssh -MNf @ . Attach screen over ssh 5 ssh -t remote_host screen -r . Assem Chelli OpenSSH tricks . . . . .
  • 32. . BEST SSH Tricks 2 . SSH connection through host in the middle 1 ssh -t reachable_host ssh unreachable_host . Copy from host1 to host2, through your host 2 ssh root@host1 cd /somedir/tocopy/ && tar -cf . | ssh root@host2 cd /samedir/tocopyto/ && tar -xf - . Run any GUI program remotely 3 ssh -fX @ . Create a persistent connection to a machine 4 ssh -MNf @ . Attach screen over ssh 5 ssh -t remote_host screen -r . Assem Chelli OpenSSH tricks . . . . .
  • 33. . BEST SSH Tricks 2 . SSH connection through host in the middle 1 ssh -t reachable_host ssh unreachable_host . Copy from host1 to host2, through your host 2 ssh root@host1 cd /somedir/tocopy/ && tar -cf . | ssh root@host2 cd /samedir/tocopyto/ && tar -xf - . Run any GUI program remotely 3 ssh -fX @ . Create a persistent connection to a machine 4 ssh -MNf @ . Attach screen over ssh 5 ssh -t remote_host screen -r . Assem Chelli OpenSSH tricks . . . . .
  • 34. . BEST SSH Tricks 2 . SSH connection through host in the middle 1 ssh -t reachable_host ssh unreachable_host . Copy from host1 to host2, through your host 2 ssh root@host1 cd /somedir/tocopy/ && tar -cf . | ssh root@host2 cd /samedir/tocopyto/ && tar -xf - . Run any GUI program remotely 3 ssh -fX @ . Create a persistent connection to a machine 4 ssh -MNf @ . Attach screen over ssh 5 ssh -t remote_host screen -r . Assem Chelli OpenSSH tricks . . . . .
  • 35. . BEST SSH Tricks 3 . Run complex remote shell cmds over ssh 1 ssh host -l user $( ssh host -l user cat cmd.txt . Resume scp of a big file 2 rsync partial progress rsh=ssh $file_source $user@$host:$destination_file . Analyze traffic remotely over ssh w/ wireshark 3 ssh root@server.com tshark -f port !22 -w - | wireshark -k -i - . Have an ssh session open forever 4 autossh -M50000 -t server.example.com screen -raAd mysession . Harder, Faster, Stronger SSH clients 5 ssh -4 -C -c blowfish-cbc . Assem Chelli OpenSSH tricks . . . . .
  • 36. . BEST SSH Tricks 3 . Run complex remote shell cmds over ssh 1 ssh host -l user $( ssh host -l user cat cmd.txt . Resume scp of a big file 2 rsync partial progress rsh=ssh $file_source $user@$host:$destination_file . Analyze traffic remotely over ssh w/ wireshark 3 ssh root@server.com tshark -f port !22 -w - | wireshark -k -i - . Have an ssh session open forever 4 autossh -M50000 -t server.example.com screen -raAd mysession . Harder, Faster, Stronger SSH clients 5 ssh -4 -C -c blowfish-cbc . Assem Chelli OpenSSH tricks . . . . .
  • 37. . BEST SSH Tricks 3 . Run complex remote shell cmds over ssh 1 ssh host -l user $( ssh host -l user cat cmd.txt . Resume scp of a big file 2 rsync partial progress rsh=ssh $file_source $user@$host:$destination_file . Analyze traffic remotely over ssh w/ wireshark 3 ssh root@server.com tshark -f port !22 -w - | wireshark -k -i - . Have an ssh session open forever 4 autossh -M50000 -t server.example.com screen -raAd mysession . Harder, Faster, Stronger SSH clients 5 ssh -4 -C -c blowfish-cbc . Assem Chelli OpenSSH tricks . . . . .
  • 38. . BEST SSH Tricks 3 . Run complex remote shell cmds over ssh 1 ssh host -l user $( ssh host -l user cat cmd.txt . Resume scp of a big file 2 rsync partial progress rsh=ssh $file_source $user@$host:$destination_file . Analyze traffic remotely over ssh w/ wireshark 3 ssh root@server.com tshark -f port !22 -w - | wireshark -k -i - . Have an ssh session open forever 4 autossh -M50000 -t server.example.com screen -raAd mysession . Harder, Faster, Stronger SSH clients 5 ssh -4 -C -c blowfish-cbc . Assem Chelli OpenSSH tricks . . . . .
  • 39. . BEST SSH Tricks 3 . Run complex remote shell cmds over ssh 1 ssh host -l user $( ssh host -l user cat cmd.txt . Resume scp of a big file 2 rsync partial progress rsh=ssh $file_source $user@$host:$destination_file . Analyze traffic remotely over ssh w/ wireshark 3 ssh root@server.com tshark -f port !22 -w - | wireshark -k -i - . Have an ssh session open forever 4 autossh -M50000 -t server.example.com screen -raAd mysession . Harder, Faster, Stronger SSH clients 5 ssh -4 -C -c blowfish-cbc . Assem Chelli OpenSSH tricks . . . . .
  • 40. . Best SSH tricks 4 . Disable OpenSSH Server 1 apt-get remove openssh-server (ubuntu ) chkconfig sshd off && yum erase openssh-server (fedora) . Force to use SSH protocole 2 because SSH-1 is vulnerable (Man-in-the-middle attacks) 2 in /etc/ssh/sshd_config add the line: Protocol 2 . Limit root or Users’ SSH Access 3 in /etc/ssh/sshd_config find&modify the line: AllowUsers root assem or find&modify the line: DenyUsers omar zaki ali-baba or find&modify the line: PermitRootLogin no or create /etc/nologin . Enable a Warning Banner 4 in /etc/ssh/sshd_config add the line: Banner /etc/issue . Assem Chelli OpenSSH tricks . . . . .
  • 41. . Best SSH tricks 4 . Disable OpenSSH Server 1 apt-get remove openssh-server (ubuntu ) chkconfig sshd off && yum erase openssh-server (fedora) . Force to use SSH protocole 2 because SSH-1 is vulnerable (Man-in-the-middle attacks) 2 in /etc/ssh/sshd_config add the line: Protocol 2 . Limit root or Users’ SSH Access 3 in /etc/ssh/sshd_config find&modify the line: AllowUsers root assem or find&modify the line: DenyUsers omar zaki ali-baba or find&modify the line: PermitRootLogin no or create /etc/nologin . Enable a Warning Banner 4 in /etc/ssh/sshd_config add the line: Banner /etc/issue . Assem Chelli OpenSSH tricks . . . . .
  • 42. . Best SSH tricks 4 . Disable OpenSSH Server 1 apt-get remove openssh-server (ubuntu ) chkconfig sshd off && yum erase openssh-server (fedora) . Force to use SSH protocole 2 because SSH-1 is vulnerable (Man-in-the-middle attacks) 2 in /etc/ssh/sshd_config add the line: Protocol 2 . Limit root or Users’ SSH Access 3 in /etc/ssh/sshd_config find&modify the line: AllowUsers root assem or find&modify the line: DenyUsers omar zaki ali-baba or find&modify the line: PermitRootLogin no or create /etc/nologin . Enable a Warning Banner 4 in /etc/ssh/sshd_config add the line: Banner /etc/issue . Assem Chelli OpenSSH tricks . . . . .
  • 43. . Best SSH tricks 4 . Disable OpenSSH Server 1 apt-get remove openssh-server (ubuntu ) chkconfig sshd off && yum erase openssh-server (fedora) . Force to use SSH protocole 2 because SSH-1 is vulnerable (Man-in-the-middle attacks) 2 in /etc/ssh/sshd_config add the line: Protocol 2 . Limit root or Users’ SSH Access 3 in /etc/ssh/sshd_config find&modify the line: AllowUsers root assem or find&modify the line: DenyUsers omar zaki ali-baba or find&modify the line: PermitRootLogin no or create /etc/nologin . Enable a Warning Banner 4 in /etc/ssh/sshd_config add the line: Banner /etc/issue . Assem Chelli OpenSSH tricks . . . . .
  • 44. . Best SSH tricks 5 . Change SSH port 1 in /etc/ssh/sshd_config find&modify the line: Port 300 . Deny empty passwords 2 in /etc/ssh/sshd_config find&modify the line: PermitEmptyPasswords no . Use SSH as an Internet Proxy 3 Google it ! . Assem Chelli OpenSSH tricks . . . . .
  • 45. . Best SSH tricks 5 . Change SSH port 1 in /etc/ssh/sshd_config find&modify the line: Port 300 . Deny empty passwords 2 in /etc/ssh/sshd_config find&modify the line: PermitEmptyPasswords no . Use SSH as an Internet Proxy 3 Google it ! . Assem Chelli OpenSSH tricks . . . . .
  • 46. . Best SSH tricks 5 . Change SSH port 1 in /etc/ssh/sshd_config find&modify the line: Port 300 . Deny empty passwords 2 in /etc/ssh/sshd_config find&modify the line: PermitEmptyPasswords no . Use SSH as an Internet Proxy 3 Google it ! . Assem Chelli OpenSSH tricks . . . . .
  • 47. . Best SSH tricks 5 . Change SSH port 1 in /etc/ssh/sshd_config find&modify the line: Port 300 . Deny empty passwords 2 in /etc/ssh/sshd_config find&modify the line: PermitEmptyPasswords no . Use SSH as an Internet Proxy 3 Google it ! . Assem Chelli OpenSSH tricks . . . . .
  • 48. . Thwart SSH Crackers DenyHosts Fail2ban security/sshguard security/sshblock . Assem Chelli OpenSSH tricks . . . . .
  • 49. . SSH via Proxy! Proxy Problem! /etc/ssh/ssh_config host * proxyCommand connect -H %h %p . Assem Chelli OpenSSH tricks . . . . .
  • 50. . SSH via Proxy! Proxy Problem! /etc/ssh/ssh_config host * proxyCommand connect -H %h %p . Assem Chelli OpenSSH tricks . . . . .
  • 51. . forwarding over SSH Agent forwarding ssh -A trustedhost (your privatekeys can be stolen) X11 forwarding ssh -X user@host firefox ssh -Y user@host Port forwarding ssh -L8000:anotherhost:80 somehost . Assem Chelli OpenSSH tricks . . . . .
  • 53. . Security ssh-agent X11 GatewayPorts MITM SSH-1.99 SSH timing attack . Assem Chelli OpenSSH tricks . . . . .
  • 55. Appendix For Further Reading . For Further Reading I SSH tips, tricks & protocol tutorial .Damien Miller , AUUG Winter 2002 . 25 Best SSH Commands / Tricks. http://www.newitperson.com/2012/01/25-ssh-commandstricks/ SSH manpage . Assem Chelli OpenSSH tricks . . . . .