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Updated: 05/07/12


I’m so glad you requested my Optimization Step By Step: 2012, and that you are
         interested in optimizing your website.

         To get us started – just a few quick facts about SEO:

                More than 8 out of 10 Internet users look on search engines to find
                information and the products or services they want to buy.

                Pay-per-click (PPC) costs are rising (over 37% higher).

                Up to 85% of searchers ignore paid listings.

                63% of the top natural (organic) listings get click throughs.

                Natural (organic) search results convert 30% higher than PPC.

                11.8% of Google traffic will click on a site in the second page of results.

                A new study from the University of Southern California’s Center for the
                Digital Future has “found that the Internet is perceived by users to be a
                more important source of information for them —over all other principal
                media, including television, radio, newspapers, and books.”

                The 2010 Media Planning Intelligence Study (which is being released by the
                Center for Media Research in conjunction with InsightExpress) found that
                57.7% of respondents “ideally” plan, and 56.3% “realistically” plan to
                include social media in their media plans in 2010.

May 2012

Did you survive Penguin? I hope so!

This started as a quick guide to walk you through the basics of optimization. It has grown as I have
continued to share advice, tips and news updates. The main body of the document is the step by step
process – but don’t forget to read through the end as well. It has all the recent updates and news, as well
as more advice and generally good stuff! So read from start to finish (maybe not all in one sitting). If you
want to do well at your own SEO, the success lies in the details so you need to soak up as much of this
info as you can. If you find it’s too much and you can’t handle it – let me know. I’ll prepare a proposal and
we’ll see if it makes sense for us to work together.

Enjoy!    - Jenn Horowitz, Director of Marketing for EcomBuffet and SEO enthusiast.

         OK! Now, let’s get right to the good stuff.

         Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com                                                           2
Introduction to the Search Engines (in basic terms):

Think of the engines like teachers handing out gold stars for everything that you
do well. Google currently has about 200 factors in their algorithms that determine
how your site will rank. Imagine your teacher with a clipboard and checklist with
200 items on it and she assigns you gold stars for each of the things you do well.

Remember, some of the items on the list are more important and you may get
multiple gold stars. No one knows for sure how the algorithm works, but we test
and monitor the industry to come up with a technique that works well for getting
sites ranked.

The number of gold stars you achieve will determine how well your site will rank.
There are no shortcuts and there are no tricks (none that are safe to use and
won’t result in trouble down the road).

Now let’s dive right in…

Topics Covered:

   •   Lesson One: Keyword Research
   •   Lesson Two: SEO Friendliness – Diagnosis & Correction, plus
       Competitor Analysis
   •   Lesson Three: On-page optimization
   •   Lesson Four: Google Webmaster Tools
   •   Lesson Five: Links
   •   Lesson Six: On-going Content Addition & Social Media
   •   Lesson Seven: Blogging
   •   Lesson Eight: Maintenance
   •   Misc Info
   •   Google information
   •   Conclusion: Final Words of Wisdom (don’t miss this section, I cover
       some great tips, articles and news updates)

             Lesson One: Keyword Research and Competitor Analysis

Finding the right keywords is the foundation to your campaign.

Here is an outline of the steps you should follow for keyword research:

1. Start with a brainstorming session to list all possible words and phrases that
   people would use to find what you have to offer. Remember to put yourself in
   the mindset of the potential customer.

Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com                                                      3
2. Do the necessary research to continue building your list.
      a. Research your competitors and see what keywords they are using.
      b. Look at your web stats and logs and pull words and phrases from there
         (this is a great source of info, you can find the words that people are
         already using to find you and enhance your rankings on those words
         so you can get even more traffic).
      c. If you have a search feature on your site, look at the logs and see what
         people are searching for within your site once they get there.

3. Take the large master list you have come up with and use a keyword tool to
   determine how much traffic there is and how competitive the words/phrases
   are. Remember you can’t live and die by this information, it only acts as a
   guide for you.

4. Take your list and break it into segments. You want some “low hanging fruit”
   – which means keywords that may be longer phrases with less traffic. These
   words will be easy to rank for fairly quickly so you can use those as your
   starting point to drive some quick traffic to the site. The second segment of
   your list should be words that are more competitive and have more traffic and
   will take longer to get rankings for. You will be glad you selected keywords
   from each segment because you will be getting traffic from the low hanging
   fruit while you are waiting for the more competitive phrases to kick in.

Because #4 is so vitally important, let’s break that down a little further. If your
keywords are too generic and not targeted it will take a long time to get rankings
and the traffic likely won’t convert as well. If you use keywords that are way too
specific you won’t get enough traffic. The solution? Use a 3 tier approach.

   • Shorter phrases and single words
   • Generic to your industry
   • Lots of traffic
   • Lower conversions

   • Slightly shorter phrases
   • Higher traffic numbers
   • Phrases are still focused on what you offer

Laser Focused: The Long Tail
   • Longer and more targeted phrases
   • Traffic numbers are smaller
   • People are further along in the buying process so conversion rates are

Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com                                                     4
The thought process behind “long tail keywords” is that the more detail someone
types in, the more they know exactly what they want and the further along they
are in the “buying” process.

For example if someone types “blue plates” they could want to buy them or they
could want info or they could want to see pics – who knows.

But if someone types in “Pfaltzgraff Blue dinner plates for 8” then they know
exactly what they want and are more likely to buy.

Typically the longer the phrase, the less traffic there is but the more targeted it is,
so it is likely to convert higher.

A solid SEO strategy should definitely implement some long tail because that
allows you to get rankings quicker (there is usually less competition on long tail
keywords) and it allows the conversion rate to be higher.

You get the benefit from the long tail while you are waiting for your more
competitive phrases to get ranked and kick in.

Most people are continually adding new long tail phrases and find that when they
add them up, in total the long tail phrases end up becoming a large part of your

Another thing to consider is the searchers intent. Let’s look at this scenario to
understand a little more.

“buy MAC lip gloss ” – the searcher is looking to buy online

“MAC lip gloss prices” – they are comparing prices and probably trying to decide
if they will buy

“MAC lip gloss” – they are interested in a specific brand

“lip gloss” – interested in a type of product

You want to capture leads at the different phases, but understand you will
convert more at the top level where they are further along in the buying process.

Your SEO strategy should include keywords from each of those “tiers” above.

Don’t forget you should also Google your keywords and check out what sites
come up on top. Check out what keywords they are using – you may get some

Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com                                                        5
Lesson Two: SEO Friendliness – Diagnosis & Correction, plus
   Competitor Analysis

   What does everybody with top rankings know that you don't know? That's the
question that drives most people in their quest for Search Engine Optimization
(SEO) information.

The foundation of a top ranked site should be SEO Friendly or SEO Ready –
both are terms used for making sure the foundation of your site is clean, concise
and “friendly” to the search engine bots that crawl your site.

Have you ever tried to build a house of cards? Your strategy as the house grew
more complex was very important - but none of it mattered without a solid

That is what you need for your site - a solid foundation to grow your search
engine rankings on.

To get top rankings and have long term SEO success you simply cannot
ignore the foundation of your campaign.

A solid foundation consists of the following:

   •   Clean code that is error free
   •   Java script that is in an external .js file and not on-page
   •   CSS in an external file and not on-page
   •   Easy to navigate pages that are well connected to each other
   •   A clearly defined topic for each page
   •   URLs that the engines can follow
   •   An XML sitemap
   •   A robots.txt file
   •   No frames
   •   No Flash or java script navigation
   •   Text that is on the actual page and not contained within Flash or an image
       (while the engines do read Flash, you shouldn’t have all of your text within

Once you are sure your foundation is in place you should spend some time
checking out your competitors to see what they are doing.

   •   What keywords are they using?
   •   How is their foundation?
   •   What on-page optimization do they have in place?
   •   How many links do they have?

Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com                                                    6
You don’t want to copy your competitors – but you do want to see what you are
up against.

Now you are ready to move on and start dealing with your on-page and off page

               Tip! Taking advantage of the tools that are available to you
               can make your SEO work, and your life much easier.

               Check out our comprehensive SEO Audit and save yourself
               the time and headache of trying to figure out if your site’s
               foundation is SEO Friendly or not!

               Check out: http://www.ecombuffet.com/120509-audit.htm

       Lesson Three: On-page Optimization

        Next we are going to focus on the tweaks we can make within your code
to “prepare” your site for the search engines.

These techniques change over time, so staying current with the engines is
vitally important to the on-going success of your webpage.

Please note: you should never abuse any of these techniques. Everything with

Let’s start with your Meta tags.

Meta Tags are HTML tags which provide additional information about a web
document. Unlike regular tags, Meta tags do not provide formatting information
for the browser.

They provide such information as the author, date of creation or latest update for
the page, titles, descriptions and keywords (which tell the search engines the
subject matter of the page).

For SEO purposes those last three (title, description and keyword) are what
matter the most. Also important are alt tags (which provide additional information
about images) and header tags (which indicate to users important areas of
content on your page).

The Importance of Meta Tags:

Meta Tags are important for two reasons:

Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com                                                    7
•   They help provide the information that is listed in the SERPs (search
       engine results pages).
   •   They are part of what influences (albeit only slightly) how well our
       individual pages rank on the SERPs.

All major search engines utilize (if only partially) Meta description and title tags in
an effort to understand the relevance of the site. They also look at alt tags
(important in today’s Blended/Universal search results - which features video,
images, etc.).

The Basics of Meta Elements & Tags.

Meta tags are not something you should spend a lot of time worrying about. But
do focus on crafting them so they properly reflect your site and its mission.

Title Tag:

While no hard and fast rules have been established about title tags (this is
actually a Meta element but is often referred to as “Title tag”), it is widely
accepted that they are an important part of a Web page.

Many SEO Firms debate the ideal number of characters to be included in the
Title tag. There are a few things that are not really debated and are widely
agreed upon.

For example, your Title tag should contain the most important keyword for each
specific webpage (and therefore are unique to that page and are not repeated
throughout the site).

Title tags should never exceed 70 characters, since this is the point where most
search engines will truncate the information. While many sites routinely exceed
this character limit, the value of a clear and concise Title tag outweighs any
benefit you may obtain from repeating the keyword or including keyword

The placement of the keyword (or key phrase) is equally important to users and
search engines. It is the “clickable” portion of a search listing and because
search engines do take these keywords into consideration when weighing the
value of the page, it’s best to include keywords where they will be found – at the
start of the Title tag.

Title tags are also an excellent spot to emphasize your brand, especially if your
company or website name uses the keyword or phrase you are optimizing for.

Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com                                                        8
SEO Firms that are truly tuned in to website analytics understand that targeting
the intent of users often yields a higher click-through rate and can even influence
the number of conversions. In other words, if your Title tag is clear, concise and
conveys what the person is likely looking for, you should get a better click
through rate.

It’s not all about your position on the SERPs (position 1 versus 2, or 5 versus 7) –
it’s also about the quality of the listing and if it inspires confidence in your site and
tells the user you have what they are looking for.

Description Tag:

The description is one of several Meta elements which assist users in
determining whether a resource will be useful to them when conducting queries
and viewing the SERPs. Your Description tag conveys the purpose of the page in
a clear, objective manner for these users and in some instances (should the
search engines not find something better within the copy of your webpage) is
used for search engine results.

When you write your Description tag think of your audience and the information
you wish to convey. The Description tag is intended to assist users in
determining if a listed resource will be useful to them, so stuffing keywords into
this element and being “cutesy” or too “hypey” instead of being informative, clear
and concise could cause alienation of the potential site visitor.

Typically the first 150 characters (including spaces) of the Description are
created for the purpose of display on search engine results pages and should
therefore be as concise, coherent and as objective as possible.

Keyword Tag:

The engines ignore this tag these days. But that doesn’t mean you should just
stuff a bunch of keywords in there – so many people say “if they ignore it, it can’t
hurt me and it may possibly help me” Not true – there is never an excuse to
keyword stuff.

ALT Tags:

ALT tags are the alternative text that the browser displays when a Web surfer is
unable (or unwilling) to see the images in a web page.

The ALT tag was initially utilized to help those with visual disabilities and use was
required to be in what is referred to as 508 compliance.

Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com                                                          9
You should not stuff your ALT tags with keywords, keep the text short and
concise and use the most relevant keyword to that page and the particular

Now, onto some other on-page optimization techniques:

Headline tags (H1, H2, etc.):

Header tags are designed to turn text on your site into a Headline – so they
actually change the appearance of the font by making it bigger – like a headline
would be. The reason they help you is because the engines feel that if you have
keywords within in Header tags then the page must really be focused on those
words – otherwise you wouldn’t use the words in the headlines.

By the way, if you are worried about appearances you can use CSS to alter the
Header tags so the text doesn’t actually look different but you still get the SEO
benefit of the tags.

Try using an H1 and an H2 on your pages. Don’t stuff keywords into these tags
– use a real sentence that uses your keywords well.

Page/File Names:

Such as: http://yourcompany.com/USEKEYWORD.htm. Using your keyword in
the file name is another way to let the engines know the page is really relevant to
those keywords. There is some debate about how much this really helps – but
most people feel it should be a tool in your arsenal and it doesn’t hurt you. If you
use multiple phrases use a hyphen (-) rather than an underscore (_) to separate
words. Don’t create a huge run on string (ex: keyword1-keyword2-keyword3-
keyword4.htm) Also make sure you name the page according to what it is about,
rather than just using it as a place to put random keywords.

Keyword Rich Content:

The search engines have one goal – that is to deliver relevant results to a
searcher on their site. If they don’t deliver quality, relevant results they are going
to lose their following. Google got so popular because they are known for great
relevant results. So, it stands to reason that the best thing you can do to show
the engines you are relevant to your keywords is to actually use your keywords
within your pages.

Some tips for writing for the engines.

   •   When you're writing your content, focus on 2-5 of your most important
       keyword phrases.

Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com                                                       10
•   Emphasize your main keywords in the first paragraph. This is the first
       thing the search engines "see" so it should include keyword-dense text.
   •   Aim to keep your page length between 200 - 600 words.
   •   If you’re struggling on where to put all those keywords, try writing non-
       optimized copy first and add key phrases later.
   •   Search for words and phrases like "our product" and "it," and transform
       them into keyword-filled phrases. Then your text and marketing flow are
       covered and adding keywords is simply filling in the blanks.
   •   Read your copy out loud to make sure it doesn’t sound stilted with all
       those keyword phrases. Strong search engine copywriting maintains a
       persuasive flow to it even with keyword phrases, and don’t clump keyword
       phrases in a big text block separated by commas. Search engines read
       this as spam and your prospects will be unimpressed by your nonsensical
   •   Tighten your copy and keep it focused.
   •   Rather than one large text block, write short paragraphs and include sub
       headlines that integrate keyword-rich bullet points to make it more
       readable and satisfy the engines.

Writing for the engines is very similar to conventional copywriting except you
structure your text around certain key phrases. With a little keyword phrase
research and powerful benefit statements, your copy will sell your
products/services in a way that the search engines love.

               Tip! Some engines will take the first 100 characters of the body text
              and use that as the description in the SERPs (search engine results
              page) instead of the Meta description. Start your body text with text
              that incorporates the most relevant keywords for that page. Do not
start with ‘Welcome to our site” – that is just a waste of space. Because engines
read left to right, you may need to incorporate this in the first left cell (if you use

Interlink pages:

The engines like to follow a path through your site and they like to see your
pages interconnected. The best way to explain this concept is to give an excerpt
of text.

Let’s say your website is about jewelry. You may have an article about how to
clean jewelry – here’s an excerpt:

“Cleaning gold rings is very different than cleaning silver rings. Cleaning
gemstones is very different than cleaning pearls. Let’s explore the different
methods for cleaning each of your jewelry pieces”.

Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com                                                        11
(By the way, I know nothing about jewelry care so for
      those of you out there that do know something forgive me
      if that made up text is inaccurate, I’m just trying to
      illustrate a point).

Rather than just leaving that text as is, you could chose to take some of the
keywords in there and link them to another page within your site. It shows the
engines that the site is focused and relevant and not just a bunch of random
things thrown together.

So you may chose to link the following words:

“Cleaning gold rings is very different than cleaning silver rings. Cleaning
gemstones is very different than cleaning pearls. Let’s explore the different
methods for cleaning each of your jewelry pieces”

Make sure you link to pages that are relevant to the words you chose. Don’t go
crazy and interlink every word but do try to make your whole site connected.
Generate your XML sitemap:

An XML sitemap is the preferred way to feed your content to the major engines.
It should definitely be part of your process. You can let them know which pages
are most important and how often you update pages, etc.
On-page optimization is not rocket science. However it does require patience,

Not sure if you should handle your own optimization or hire a firm? Email
jennifer@ecombuffet.com and request a free consultation. We will walk you
through an 11 point quiz that will help determine if you can handle your own

Bing & Yahoo - What You Need To Know

According to a recent comScore report, American consumers conducted more
than 16 billion searches during the month of July, with Yahoo gaining 1.2% of
search engine market share.

Yahoo's gains was largely at the expense of Google sites, which lost 1% of
search market share month-over-month. Google is still the front-ruunner with
61.6% of the search market.

Bing and Yahoo may not make up the lion-share of your traffic but from what
we've seen they drive nice traffic to sites and you never want to be too Google-
dependant, so making sure you are going to do well on Yahoo/Bing is important.
At a recent SEO Conference (SES SF) it was said "Yahoo and Bing are merging.
They’ll be 100% merged by the end of August or the beginning of September. It’s

Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com                                                    12
not something to ignore anymore. You’ll be missing out on 10 to 12 percent of

Some tips:
1. Bing likes older domain names so now is not the time to give up a domain
name with good history and start again.
2. Titles are important. Bing seems to place a lot of emphasis on Title tags, so
make sure you use your best keywords in the title tags of every page on your
3. Bing seems to place a higher value on pages that have at least 300 words.
4. Link popularity is important - just make sure they are from relevant sites!
5. Microsoft's Satya Nadella also says that "now is a good time for you to review
your crawl policies in your robots.txt and ensure that you have identical polices
for the msnbot/Bingbot and Yahoo’s bots.”

The Bingbot is designed to crawl non-optimized sites more easily. The new
Bingbot will replace the existing msnbot in October.

The Bing Webmaster Tools experience is live. This has been completely redone
with new features (and more to come).

Suggestion From Bing: Rick DeJarnette from Bing’s Webmaster blog has this
to say:

“The reasons for poor ranking are nearly as myriad as the number of sites on the
Web. Your site may be competing against some very well established, well-
designed sites in your industry niche. Your competitors may have published a ton
of useful, expert content, or have implemented a blog or forum where all of your
industry’s customers go for information, thus earning them tons of valuable
visitors and backlinks. And frankly, it could be that those competing sites
have seriously invested in search engine optimization (SEO) efforts when
you have not. If your page ranking is not where you want it to be, your site may
be due for a serious examination, one that looks for problems to solve and uses
optimization techniques that are meaningful to both human visitors and search
engine bots alike. You may be ready to consider a site review.”

The Takeaway? The holiday season is fast approaching, if your site isn't in tip
top shape and getting top rankings - now is the time to take action!

Already know you want to hire a firm? Click here to request a no-obligation
proposal: http://ecombuffet.com/Consultation-request.htm

Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com                                                     13
Lesson Four: Google Webmaster Tools

      Google has given us the gift of Google Webmaster Tools. In one
      convenient location you have access to great tools.

In Google’s own words, Google Webmaster Tools is:

“Statistics, diagnostics and management of Google's indexing of your website,
including Sitemap submission and reporting.”

Verification: Before you get started, you need to tell Google what sites you want
included in your account. Enter the URL as prompted and then you will need to
verify your ownership/control of that site.

A Peek Inside Google Webmaster Tools:

Diagnostics: The Diagnostic tools are here to tell you about any errors that
Google has encountered while crawling your site. They will report on the
following error types:
    • HTTP errors
    • Not found (404)
    • URLs not followed
    • URLs restricted by robots.txt
    • URLs timed out
    • Unreachable URLs

Some Statistics:

Top Search Queries: This report shows you how people are getting to your site
from a Google Search.

What Googlebot Sees: This is a great way to learn how others link to you and
how those links are considered along with your on page content. Multiple
sections exist on this report:
   • Phrases used in external links to your site (anchor text)
   • Keywords in your site’s content
   • In inbound links
   • The actual content on your site (ordered by density).

Index Stats: The index stats are a shortcut to advanced Google queries on your
site using operators. Shortcut links are provided on the following operators…
    • site:
    • link:
    • cache:
    • info:

Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com                                                   14
•   related:

Links: The link reports in Webmaster Tools are limited, but do provide you with
ways to measure internal and external link popularity.

Google Sitemaps: Google Sitemaps are what the entire Webmaster Tools were
originally built around. Here you can upload and manage XML based sitemap
files that catalog all of the pages on your site.

Analyze robots.txt: Robots.txt is where Googlebot and other spiders go when
they land on your site to immediately find instructions on what they can and
cannot have access to within your site. If you don’t want spiders indexing your
images, just disallow them. If you’d prefer not to have certain areas of your site
indexed and available for the searching public – go ahead and restrict access.

This is where you can check to make sure your robots.txt file is not only up to
date, but also valid in terms of how it is written.

Set crawl rate: This area is very informative - it provides an overview of
Googlebot’s activity on your site. If you have recently updated your site or
acquired new links you’ll want to come back and check this section out. See if
you see an increase in Googlebot activity in response to your work.

Set preferred domain: Tired of seeing www.domain.com and domain.com in
your search results? Or, maybe you have become worried about canonicalization
and how it will impact your optimization and links? All you have to do is set the
preferred domain tool. Using this tool you can instruct Google to display URLs
according to your preference. Now you can have all listings appear as being on

Of course, if you’re not worried about this – you can also opt to have no
associations set at all.

Remove URLs: This automated tool is available to help resolve issues with
pages that no longer exist or pages that you just want removed from Google’s

New Features: October 2009

There are new Labs features for Google Webmaster Tools – you should check
them out.

The features are “malware details” and “fetch as googlebot”

In order to help webmasters eliminate malware, Google is now sharing snippets
of code from pages it considers malware.

Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com                                                     15
“To help protect users against malware threats, Google has built automated
scanners that detect malware on websites we’ve indexed,” says Google’s Lucas
Ballard (of the Anti-malware, Anti-malvertising, and Webmaster Tools teams).

“Pages that are identified as dangerous by these scanners are accompanied by
warnings in Google search results, and browsers such as Google Chrome,
Firefox, and Safari also use our data to show similar warnings to people
attempting to visit suspicious sites.”

“While it is important to protect users, we also know that most of these sites are
not intentionally distributing malware. We understand the frustration of
webmasters whose sites have been compromised without their knowledge and
who discover that their site has been flagged,” Ballard says.

The Fetch as Googlebot feature lets users see if some of their pages have been
hacked and help them understand why they aren’t ranking for certain keywords.

“Our keywords and HTML suggestions features help you understand the content
we’re extracting from your site, and any issues we may be running into at crawl
and indexing time.,” says Webmaster Tools Product Manager Sagar Kamdar.
“However, we realized it was important to provide the ability for users to submit
pages on their site and get real-time feedback on what Googlebot sees.”

As you use these tools more you’ll find a number of new ways to use the data.
Remember, knowledge is power and Google is sharing some great info about
your site.

Tip! Make sure you are aware of what information Google makes available for
download. Schedule a download every 60 days or so. Google is only provides
the information for 90 days and if you don’t download it, you will lose data.

NOTE: Google has added +1 reporting as well.

           Lesson Five: Links

            Links are important to the search engines because it shows the
engines that other sites think your information is worthy of sharing. Each link is
like a vote for your website.

Links are not only good for the engines but good links open up new sources of
traffic from relevant, complementary but non-competing websites.

Linking has gone through so many transformations over the years. First all
reciprocal links are good, then only relevant links are good. Then reciprocal links
are not helpful, you need one way links.

Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com                                                    16
Today you are better off getting one way links, but some reciprocal links are OK.
The higher the PageRank on the site that links to you, the more the link helps

Buying links is a hot topic now. Google has clearly and plainly stated that they
will penalize sites for buying links – and they are also asking people to report
sites that are selling links, so they can penalize them as well. We strongly advise
you to avoid this practice.

So, how do you get links?

Hire a link expert. It is usually pretty pricey. Outsourcing to India, in my
experience, has never paid off but that is always an option, I guess.

Another way is through good old fashioned hard work. Seek out sites that are
relevant but not competing and propose some type of link swap.

The best way is to just write great content, create a fabulous podcast or an
interesting video and then submit it to various social media sites, article
directories – basically any place where you can put it. People will find it from
those sources and it’ll start to spread as people repost your content with links
back to you. Creating great content that enhances your site and also spreads
virally is the Holy Grail.

Sharing information and being a great resource is definitely valuable. However if
you can get creative and have a unique angle or even something controversial
your content will spread even faster.

            TIP! A URL for a links page should be resources.html. Don’t
            use links.html as your page name. The engines see it as a
            tip-off that you are just collecting links to improve your
            rankings – rather than building a true resource.

Some general guidelines:

   •   No more than 100 outgoing links at an absolute maximum on any one
       page. I prefer to keep it even lower – I don’t go above 50.

   •   You don’t want anyone with more than 50 links on a page linking to you.

   •   Links should be organized in categories that make sense.

   •   All links should be very relevant to the topic of your site. In other words,
       if you sell jewelry, link to jewelry cleaners and jewelry repair sites – don’t
       link to dog groomers and stock tips. It needs to be natural, which means

Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com                                                     17
the engines need to believe that someone looking at your site would
       actually be interested in the topic of the links you are providing.

   •   Links coming in to your site should go to different pages, not just one

   •   The “hot” part of the link (the anchor text) that you click should vary from
       link to link (coming into your site) to get you the most benefit. In other
       words, don’t have everyone that links to you use the same text.

   •   Links must be attained and grow in a “natural” way – in other words, start
       with a couple on each page and then build evenly across your important
       pages over time. If you get too many links too quickly it can be a red flag
       for the engines.

Here are some examples of the anchor text or “hot” part of the link using
keywords. Just remember, you want keywords in the anchor text, but you don’t
always want them to be the same. Vary them as you send them out to other
sites to link to you.

<a href="http://www.domain.com">Beads & Bead Supplies</a>

The above sample leads to much better search engine rankings for the keyword
"beads & bead supplies" than the link below.

<a href="http://www.domain.com">Beadsmith Bead Store</a>

Quality Links (Insider Info Direct From Google)

There are a lot of ways to use social media to obtain links to your site:

   •   Contests - people will always link to and spread around news about good
   •   Anything funny - we are all looking for a good laugh and you can be sure if
       you have a funny comic, video, Blog post, story etc, people will repost it
       with links back to you. Get creative and think outside the box.
   •   Anything controversial - take a current topic and have a view that is a little
       different and controversial and people will link to it and dissect it on their
   •   Offer great information that is explained in a way that really makes sense
       to people. We are all looking for solutions to problems - if you can provide
       a solution in a clear, concise and helpful manner, your content will be a hit.

Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com                                                     18
Now let's look at some linking advice right from Google:

Google is often asked what their take is on organic link building, so they compiled
a response. Rather than paraphrase, I'm just going to share Google's words with
you. Any comments our opinions I have are in [ ] and are to be taken as my
thoughts and opinions and not part of Google's statement!

"If your site is rather new and still unknown, a good way marketing technique is to
get involved in the community around your topic. Interact and contribute on
forums and blogs. Just keep in mind to contribute in a positive way, rather than
spamming or soliciting for your site. Just building a reputation can drive people to
your site. And they will keep on visiting it and linking to it. If you offer long-lasting,
unique and compelling content -- something that lets your expertise shine --
people will want to recommend it to others. Great content can serve this purpose
as much as providing useful tools." [Great advice but I have to reiterate the
"contribute in a positive way" part - it's so true. Comment spam (adding useless
comments to people's Blogs) won't earn you links and it's a sure way to earn you
a bad reputation. It's a waste of time. Speaking of time, doing legitimate
comments that add value to a conversation can be time consuming. Work out a
schedule and plan to spend a bit of time each day on it.]

"A promising way to create value for your target group and earn great links is to
think of issues or problems your users might encounter. Visitors are likely to
appreciate your site and link to it if you publish a short tutorial or a video
providing a solution, or a practical tool. Survey or original research results can
serve the same purpose, if they turn out to be useful for the target audience. Both
methods grow your credibility in the community and increase visibility. This can
help you gain lasting, merit-based links and loyal followers who generate direct
traffic and "spread the word." Offering a number of solutions for different
problems could evolve into a blog which can continuously affect the site's
reputation in a positive way."

"Humor can be another way to gain both great links and get people to talk about
your site. With Google Buzz and other social media services constantly growing,
entertaining content is being shared now more than ever. We've seen all kinds of
amusing content, from ASCII art embedded in a site's source code to funny
downtime messages used as a viral marketing technique to increase the visibility
of a site. However, we do not recommend counting only on short-lived link-bait
tactics. Their appeal wears off quickly and as powerful as marketing stunts can
be, you shouldn't rely on them as a long-term strategy or as your only marketing

"It's important to clarify that any legitimate link building strategy is a long-term
effort. There are those who advocate for short-lived, often spammy methods, but
these are not advisable if you care for your site's reputation. Buying PageRank-
passing links or randomly exchanging links are the worst ways of attempting to

Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com                                                          19
gather links and they're likely to have no positive impact on your site's
performance over time. If your site's visibility in the Google index is important to
you it's best to avoid them." [Read this paragraph again, it's hugely important!!]

Last May Google got a patent for their linking analysis. Here are some details

The patent describes that the value of a link seems to be based on the probability
that a web surfer would click on the link!

Here's the summary from the patent application: "Systems and methods
consistent with the principles of the invention may provide a reasonable surfer
model that indicates that when a surfer accesses a document with a set of links,
the surfer will follow some of the links with higher probability than others. This
reasonable surfer model reflects the fact that not all of the links associated with a
document are equally likely to be followed. ....

Examples of unlikely followed links may include 'Terms of Service' links, banner
advertisements, and links unrelated to the document."

How does Google classify the links?

To determine the value of a link, Google analyzes several things:

   •   Features of the linking page: URL of the page, number of links on the
       page, presence of other words on the page, match between the topic of
       the link text and the other words on the page
   •   Features of the link: color and size of the anchor text, link position, number
       of words, how commercial the text is, length of the linked URL, link type
       (image or text), context of words
   •   User behavior data: language and interests of the user, used search query
       terms, frequency of link selection, navigational actions (forms completed,
       links selected, etc.)
   •   Features of the linked page: URL of the page, associated websites, words
       in the URL, length of the URL

        Lesson Six: On-going Content Addition & Social Media

          The search engines like to see that your site is growing. They like to see
new content being added. It’s actually an important part of their algorithm. Many
people add content when they optimize their site, and that is a great idea but you
shouldn’t stop there. Create a plan to add content on an on-going basis. We all
get busy and forget, but if there is a plan to guide and remind you, you are more
likely to remember.

Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com                                                      20
I am often asked how much content you need to add. It depends on so many
factors, just a couple of which are: how big is your site already, how often are
your competitors adding content and the most important factor what can you
realistically commit to getting done? If you start adding a page a day and just
can’t keep up with that pace the engines will notice when you stop adding
content. You want to establish a pattern and some consistency.

You should plan on making your content pull double duty. Use it to syndicate to
article directories and also use it on social media sites.

          Tip! Make sure your content is posted on your site and spidered by the
          engines before you start syndicating it. You want to be sure you are
          credited as the original source of that content.

Most people look at adding content once or twice per week.

If your Blog is on your server in a subdirectory then content you add to your Blog
counts. (Don’t have a Blog yet? You are missing out! But that’s a whole other

Once your content addition plan is in place it is time to turn your attention to
social media.

When most people think about SEO, they think Meta Tags and keywords.

In 2012, SEO is so much more than that.

SEO is also about social media and the user experience.

While “on-page SEO” is still vital and should be taken care of (fresh, quality
content added and attention to site structure and code enhancements) it is
crucial that site owners understand that it doesn’t stop there.

Social media is often further down the priority list for many site owners. Primarily
because they either don’t like it personally or they don’t understand HOW it
actually helps their business. It’s hard for people to imagine a tweet or Facebook
message creating a sale (ROI).

The best message I can teach you in 2012 is that it doesn’t matter if you like or
understand Social Media. It only matters if Social Media can help your business
grow. And it can!!

The search engines (Bing and Google specifically) are now taking into account
the reputation of websites as reflected in social media as part of their algorithm to
rank sites.

Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com                                                      21
Much like links count as a “vote of popularity” for a site, so does Social Media
exposure. If your site is out there, getting talked about, getting messages shared
and liked and +1ed, then it shows the engines the site has something of value
that people are responding to.

If you do nothing else in 2012, you need to get involved in Social Media. On its
own Social Media can drive traffic and exposure BUT the boost it gives your SEO
is something you can’t afford to ignore.

Often I hear: “it’s OK, I’m already ranking well so I don’t need Social Media, but

The critical error there is thinking that ranking well now means you will
continue to rank well long term. With an average of more than one algorithm
change per day last year, there is no arguing how fast things change with the
engines. A ranking today is no way any assurance that you will rank tomorrow.
How can you ensure you will continue to rank tomorrow? Actively optimize in all
areas that the engines look at (and that includes Social Media).

So what is Social Media exactly? Social media as defined on Wikipedia is:

Social media is an umbrella term that defines the various activities that integrate
technology, social interaction, and the construction of words, pictures, videos and
audio. This interaction, and the manner in which information is presented,
depends on the varied perspectives and "building" of shared meaning among
communities, as people share their stories, and understandings.

Social media can take many different forms, including Internet forums, message
boards, weblogs, wikis, podcasts, pictures and video. Technologies include:
blogs, picture-sharing, vlogs, wall-postings, email, instant messaging, music-
sharing, crowdsourcing, and voice over IP, to name a few. Examples of social
media applications are Google Groups (reference, social networking), Wikipedia
(reference), MySpace (social networking), Facebook (social networking), Last.fm
(personal music), YouTube (social networking and video sharing), Second Life
(virtual reality), Flickr (photo sharing), Twitter (social networking and
microblogging) and other microblogs such as Jaiku and Pownce. Many of these
social media services can be integrated via social network aggregation platforms
like Mybloglog and Plaxo.

A few years ago Time magazine announced that the person of the year was
YOU. After all the “user generated” content that was published and spreading
rapidly across the internet Time felt YOU were responsible for this amazing new
trend and information that is now available.

The trend continues to grow as more and more sites appear and existing sites
allow for much more interaction and user generated content.

Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com                                                        22
These social networks allow you to post articles, podcasts, videos, Blogs,
bookmarks, bios, profiles and comments.

With social media it is very easy to share your thoughts and your marketing
message. Of course sharing it is only step one – the content has to be
interesting, funny, informative, shocking etc to create a viral spread of the content
through email and various networks.

This new phenomenon gives the consumer the power to voice their opinions and
impact the decision making of other potential consumers. Because of all this
open and honest dialog that just spreads across the internet “Reputation
Management” has become a big buzz word and something we are all concerned

            Tip! Set a Google alert for your name, your company name and
            various other keywords that are relevant to your site and business.
            Keep tabs on what content is spreading about you and your
            company. You may come across negative content and will have to
work to neutralize the negativity and you may discover supporters of yours that
will open up new opportunities. So, definitely plan some reputation management
so this new age of user generated content doesn’t work against you.

The advent of social networking sites and user generated content also opens up
new opportunities for businesses to get involved and really interact with and
market to their audience in a different way.

Many companies are shying away from social media for 2 main reasons:

       1. They don’t understand what it is and how to participate.
       2. They don’t believe they will benefit from social media.

It is important that we address both of those issues.

How do you participate in social media?

There are so many ways, we could never cover it all right here so let’s look at just
a couple examples and some of the rules and tips you must know in order to

Facebook.com is a site that was designed for social networking. You connect
with friends, family and colleagues by searching the Facebook member

Each member has the opportunity to create their own profile, which is a page that
allows them to post a photo, share contact info and post information about
education, career, interests, as well as photos, quotes, videos and much more.

Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com                                                     23
You can also set up a Fan page. I highly recommend you create a Fan page and
promote it. You can use your Fan page to build your mailing list, promote your
products or services and drive traffic back to your site. You can even pull your
Blog feed into your Fan page.

(Need a quote on creating a killer Facebook Fan Page? Email

There are many different ways to break into facebook.com and use it as a
marketing tool, but the key thing you need to remember is you can’t go in there
and plaster your sales message all over the place and expect hordes of people to
go running to your site.

You need to experience the “culture” of the site and learn the etiquette. There are
ways you can share content that will turn your audience off and there are ways
you can attract them and get them interested.

Without learning the accepted etiquette for each site, you risk offending the very
people you are there to attract.

Start by setting up your profile and then check out groups and individuals that
have listed an interest in what you do, or the product or service that you offer.

See how they communicate and check out the type of interaction that occurs.

One thing you have to remember is things may not play out like you would expect
them to. For example, I have a Blog that many of you read. Many popular Blogs
have comments and feedback from the Blog readers. My Blog gets none of that –
instead people email me directly and share their comments and ask their

At first I was disappointed, I expected people to post comments on my Blog. I
quickly learned to adapt and realized I was getting a response; it just wasn’t in
the form I expected. So, you go with the flow. If something isn’t what you
expected you either adapt your expectations or alter your strategy. In my case, I
just adapted my thinking since the end result was what I wanted; it just didn’t
occur that way I expected it to.

So what I’m saying is the whole point of social media is that it is driven by the
public and you don’t have control, so you may not get what you expect. There is
no precise science. There is just trial and error and getting your name, your site
and your message out there.

I will go into detail on how to specifically participate in social media in an article
coming out soon, but for now I just wanted to lay the foundation and provide a
basic understanding for you.

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So, in general you would participate in different ways depending on the particular
site, but usually you start a group related to your product or service, posting your
interests, posting comments on the Blog or Message Board forum within the
particular website. You can post announcements, list products or services in the
marketplace section (if the site has one). You can announce events, newsletters,
teleconference calls etc.

More About Facebook Fan Pages:

They are a great tool to generate new leads and develop relationships with
people to help grow your business.

There is some confusion about a Profile on Facebook, a Group and a Fan Page
or Business Page.

Unlike groups in Facebook, Fan pages are visible to unregistered people and are
indexed by the engines – which is another opportunity for you to come up in the

The number of Fans you can have is unlimited (whereas the Friend limit is

Pages are generally better for a long-term relationships with your fans, readers or

Pages include links. Because the pages are public, you can get some link juice
(link popularity).

You can send “updates” to fans whenever you want. It’s a nice way of building a
database of interested users. Send messages about new products, updated
website, etc.

When someone joins a Fan Page, it’s published in their News feed for all of their
Friends to read (unless they have turned this off). This helps spread the word
about your Fan Page.

A Fan or Business Page is designed to promote a business. It can be used to
share simple information like your business hours, contact information and
product/service offerings. It can also be used as a marketing tool.

If you design a fun and graphically appealing Fan Page that is designed to
capture leads and promote your business well, it can be a good tool for
generating new leads.

You don’t have to have a Facebook profile to have a Fan/Business page BUT if
you want some of the added features to enhance the page, then you do need a

Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com                                                     25
profile. You don’t have to be active and look for old high school or college friends
or play any of the games or other things people do on Facebook. You can use
Facebook simply as a business tool. You just need a simple profile with your
name and a link to your website and then the Fan/Business page can be set up
with all of the added benefits.

Anyone can set up a Fan page, but to get the most out of it with the added
features, you need to know HTML.

NOTE: as of March 10 2011, Facebook will be using iFrames for custom tabs
(which means they are phasing out FBML – if you already have an FBML tab, it
will still function but all new pages will need to be created with iFrames. More
coding knowledge will be required and you are more likely to need help if you
aren’t proficient in coding.

Some interesting Facebook stats:

   •   Facebook has 600 Million Global Users (and growing)
   •   Facebook has 100 Million U.S. Users: Facebook is strong around-the-
       world (Canada has the highest penetration rate), but nearly 1/3 of all
       Facebook users are in the U.S.
   •   The average Facebook User Spends 55 Minutes Per Day
   •   Real-time Search Is Important Today: Facebook is now making most
       content available publicly (unless you adjust your privacy settings). This
       has tremendous implications for search engine optimization and reputation
       management. You need to be on top of real-time search - today.

A recent study (The Sysomos study) found a strong correlation between amount
of content (notes, links, photos, videos and custom pages/tabs) and number of

If you are looking to really grow your Fan base, you need something more
than a standard Fan page.

2012 Facebook Updates:

I wanted to give you a comprehensive breakdown of all the changes to the pages
(keep reading for that). I also wanted to make a limited time special offer.

We are offering comprehensive Facebook packages at a special price. Let me
take a minute to explain that and then we’ll get to the detailed breakdown of all

We can design a custom tab with an incentive-to-like feature (also called fan-
gating, it means you offer fans access to a coupon or info AFTER they click the
“LIKE” button so they are more compelled to click it and it increases your fans).

Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com                                                       26
We can also design a custom cover photo for your timeline page and a thumbnail
graphic to draw attention to your custom tab. The normal cost of this package is
$370 onetime fee. We are now able to offer it for $320 onetime fee for a very
limited time (until this coming Sunday). Save $50 by ordering before Sunday.
It’s the best way to ensure you have high-end custom design for the major
elements of your Fan Page.

If you have questions of what any of this means…shoot me an email and I can
show you samples and give you more details.

OK, now onto the details of all the changes…this is going to be long so get
comfy. You can read it all here:

With the new timeline pages, you will experience the following changes
(remember people were able to choose to convert to the timeline page anytime
but come tomorrow, it’s no longer optional and the switch is happening whether
you are ready or not).

If you are designing your own custom pages, one new change is that you will
have a chance to preview your page(s) and make any edits or tweaks before you
publish them. You’ll find the preview option at the top of your page in the old
design. Or, you can view a list of your pages here:
https://www.facebook.com/pages/status/ mode.

One of the major new changes is the Cover image. If you plan to create your
own, here are the dimensions and other details you need to know: It is 851 x
315 pixels. Note: if you upload an image that is smaller than that, they will
stretch it out and it may look distorted. Also note they won’t accept any image
unless it is at least 399 pixels wide. Facebook does have some rules for these
images, this is not meant to be free advertising for you (they want to get paid for
any advertising you do). Since they are giving you a nice piece of prime real
estate, there are some rules they want you to follow – which you can read about
here: http://www.facebook.com/page_guidelines.php

There is also space for your standard profile picture. Your profile pic should be
square and is either 160 x 160 pixels, depending on the size of someone’s
screen. The photo you upload must be at least 180 x 180 pixels.

Changes to custom landing tabs: You are no longer able to set a default tab – if
they find you on Facebook, they will land on the Timeline “wall” by default BUT
your custom tabs are still present on the page – they are listed as “custom apps”
and each custom app has a unique URL so you can drive traffic to any
‘landing page’ you wish.

You’ll notice on the new pages, just below your cover image there are thumbnails
which showcase your apps/tabs etc. You can have a maximum of 12 with 4 on

Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com                                                       27
display. The first one will always be your Photos tab, you can’t change that. The
other possible ones are Notes, Events, Likes, your custom tab and any other
third party apps (like a shopping page etc). You have the ability to customize
these little thumbnail apps - and if you don’t, they look pretty ugly and don’t stand
out – check the ones from my page that I haven’t yet customized:

So my suggestion is to customize the one for your custom/welcome tab –
especially if you are offering an incentive to like. It’s a great way to make
that tab stand out and draw people to the tab. If you are offering a free
report, the image could be customized to announce that. (If you hire us to
do your page, we’ll handle customizing the thumbnail for your custom tab).
If you handle it yourself, the dimensions for the thumbnails are 111 x 74

(Directions for adding/changing a custom thumbnail: expand all apps by clicking
the small down arrow to the right of the four app display. Then hover over any
app > click the edit pencil > click Edit Settings > click Change next to Custom
Tab Image (opens in a new window) > click Change > upload an image.

The Like becomes Liked. In the past when someone clicked the Like button, it
went away. Now it stays there and turns from Like to Liked. Users can hover
over the Liked button and see various options.
As of early March they added Interest Lists. You can read more about that here:

Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com                                                     28
The Timeline allows you to go back in time and add business milestones. You
can add milestones any time during the time you list your business as active (in
other words if you said you started 5 years ago, you could go back 5 years ago
and create a milestone that highlights the company formation – it’s a great way to
list important events in the company’s history)

There are new filters for wall posts: Highlights, Posts by Page, Posts by Others,
and Friend Activity. The default is always Highlights.,

A cool new feature allows posts on the page to be pinned the top of the wall for
up to 7 days.

Page admins can make some posts ‘double wide’ so the post spreads across
both columns of the Timeline. All you have to do is hover over a post and click
the star icon to highlight.

You can also reposition photos shared by you (or others). Hover over the image
and click the edit pencil, then click Reposition photo, then drag the image
where you want it, and click Save.

Fans and visitors can private Message fan admins – you can get more details
here: https://www.facebook.com/help/?page=265660236817588

Lots going on and the new pages are great – visually appealing and they create
a lot of opportunity for connection with potential customers. ☺

Facebook announced a minor change…starting April 26 the size of the profile
picture on all Pages will be 160 x 160 pixels and will sit at 23 pixels from the left
and 210 pixels from the top of the Page.

Since you were supposed to be loading images that were 180 x 180, you should
be fine. This just means they are showing a larger image than they were before.

Doing business on social media sites has its own set of challenges (the cost to
make changes and stay current if you don’t handle the work yourself, the time
needed to stay current and learn new features etc) but that’s all minor
considering the benefit you get. So while I was one of the ones ranting yesterday
about the sizing glitch, I had to remind myself that Facebook is offering us a
platform to get exposure and build connections – and it’s free! So if we need to
update from time to time, it’s really not that bad!

Please note Facebook consistently makes changes, they recently rolled out
a new Commenting platform that allows you to add the ability for people to
comment on your Blog and have it run through Facebook.

Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com                                                       29
December 2010 News:

Google and Bing both just confirmed that both Twitter and Facebook do impact
SEO rankings!

We’ve long suspected this and in anticipation of this announcement have
encouraged all our clients to get involved in Twitter and Facebook.

In a recent interview between Danny Sullivan (if you don’t know Danny, he is
seen as the leading expert in SEO – when I first met Danny I called him an SEO
Rock Star and while he laughed, it really is how he is known!) and Google and
Bing, we got the details of this announcement:

Danny Sullivan: If an article is retweeted or referenced much in Twitter, do you
count that as a signal outside of finding any non-nofollowed links that may
naturally result from it?

Bing: We do look at the social authority of a user. We look at how many people
you follow, how many follow you, and this can add a little weight to a listing in
regular search results. It carries much more weight in Bing Social Search, where
tweets from more authoritative people will flow to the top when best match
relevancy is used.

Google: Yes, we do use it as a signal. It is used as a signal in our organic and
news rankings. We also use it to enhance our news universal by marking how
many people shared an article.

WHAT THIS MEANS: You need to be on Twitter and sharing content that
gets retweeted!

Danny Sullivan: Do you try to calculate the authority of someone who tweets that
might be assigned to their Twitter page. Do you try to “know,” if you will, who they

Bing: Yes. We do calculate the authority of someone who tweets. For known
public figures or publishers, we do associate them with who they are. (For
example, query for Danny Sullivan)

Google: Yes we do compute and use author quality. We don’t know who anyone
is in real life :-)

Danny Sullivan: Do you calculate whether a link should carry more weight
depending on the person who tweets it?

Bing: Yes.

Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com                                                      30
Google: Yes we do use this as a signal, especially in the “Top links” section [of
Google Realtime Search].

WHAT THIS MEANS: You need to be actively building your follower base
and improve your “author authority” (so your tweets and retweets of your
tweets help you more and carry more weight).

We now know that those link sharing activities on Twitter + Facebook are
evaluated based on the person/entity sharing them through a score Google calls
"Author Authority," and Bing calls "Social Authority."

If you aren’t yet on Twitter or Facebook (with a Fan Page) please contact us
to get a quote and get going – it’s only going to become more important as
time goes on.

If you are already on Twitter and/or Facebook but think you may need some help,
let us review what you are doing and see how we can help!

Pinterest For Business

What is Pinterest?

Pinterest’s About page tells us it is:

a virtual pinboard — a place where you can create collections of things you love
and “follow” collections created by people with great taste. People use Pinterest
to collect and share all sorts of things — wedding inspiration, favorite T-shirts, DJ
equipment. You name it, people are pinning it.

To get started you need an invitation. You can either go to the homepage and
put in your email address to request one or you can ask a friend that is a
Pinterest user to invite you.

TIP: Use the same email you used for your Twitter account – that will make it
easy to share your pins with Twitter. Right now Facebook only has the ability to
connect with personal profiles and not business pages, so you don’t want to
connect your Pinterest to Facebook if you are planning on using it for business.

Getting started on Pinterest once you have your invitation:

The first thing you’ll do is set up your profile page.

Your profile shows your display name, a profile picture, a bio/description, and
how many followers you have as well as how many you are following.

Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com                                                       31
There is an option that says “Hide your Pinterest profile from search engines”.
Be sure this is OFF or else the engines won’t be able to spider your materials.

When you open a new Pinterest account, you will be given these five templates
for boards:

You can keep these five boards to get started or you can change them. On each
of the boards there is an “edit” button. Click on this and you can name/rename a
board, write a description for that board, choose a category (required by
Pinterest), determine if you are the only one who can pin or if it’s a shared board,
or just delete the board altogether. NOTE: Don’t forget to click on Save Board
Settings when you are done!

At the top of your profile page, in the right-hand part of the screen, you’ll see
various drop-down menus to help you navigate your own settings and boards as
well as discover others on Pinterest.

Navigating Pinterest:

If you are logged into Pinterest, you can hit the Pinterest icon in the top left-hand
corner of your screen to go to your Pinterest home. Just like going to your home
page in Facebook or Twitter, this will show you your feed. Here you will see all of
the recent pins of the people you follow.

Remember that everyone who follows you will see everything that you pin in their

From your home page (not your profile – your Pinterest home), you will see a link
to Discussions. This will show you what is hot on Pinterest at the moment based
on comments and repins (think of repins like retweets on Twitter or shares on
Facebook – it’s when someone shares a pin).

Then there is a link to Everything. This brings up the most recent pins from
everyone on Pinterest.

Beginners Tip: Click on the Everything feed and just spend some time looking.
This will help you to see what kinds of things people are pinning, what kinds of
boards others have created, and just give you a general feel for what Pinterest is

Once you are done that, you want to start building your Boards before you
actively try to build followers. Much like a new Blog, you don’t want to drive
people there before you have something for them to see. So build some boards
that have interesting pins and then you can start building your followers. (Note:
You will have the option to share posts through Facebook, Twitter and email.)

Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com                                                      32
How do I pin something to Pinterest?

You can use the “Pin This” bookmarklet (see that plus other topics here:

NOTE: There has been talk from IE users that it’s difficult to use the Pin This
bookmark in Explorer.

What should I pin on Pinterest?

There is etiquette to be followed and one of the leading items is not to be too
blatantly self-promotional. That ruins it for everyone.

(Side note: when you are posting from another source be sure to cite the source
and give them credit.)
Remember the name Pinterest comes from pinning about Interests. So you can
use Pinterest to create a personality and connection for your company that
potential customers and clients can relate to.

You can share things of interest to your target audience – things that show how
your product or service is used in their lifestyle. Things they can relate to.
Things they will find interesting. That will pay off – it’ll help them see you as a
resource and a source of interest in their life. You can post pictures of your
products if there is a reason, like they are homemade or they are décor related or
fashion related. People love to see beautiful things – just remember to balance it
with other things as well. If you hit them with nothing but your product catalog,
there isn’t really much in it for them and it’s all about you selling.

Here are some examples of integrating lifestyle imagery into your pins:

If you sell shoes, post pics of the shoes and then pics of the types of places
people would wear those in everyday life. Show beautiful hiking trails for hiking
boots. Show cocktail parties and great outfits that go with fancy heels. Take
what you sell and create imagery of that product being used in life.

If you sell baby blankets, show pics of babies in beds and playing on the floor.
Show baby showers and gift giving to plant the seed. Show your products.
Show all things baby related.

TIP: You can pin items from your Blog or site. Pinterest now has a Pin It! button
you can use for blog posts or product pages.


When you begin, Pinterest will help you find friends on Pinterest using your
email, Twitter, or Facebook. That’s a great place to start. Pinterest will then make

Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com                                                      33
suggestions for you and display those suggestions on your home page. Pinterest
has also compiled some lists which are also a great place to find great people to
follow (check out the upper right hand corner of the page and find the People
drop-down menu; you’ll find the lists there).

You have the choice to follow all of someone’s boards or follow individual boards
they have created. If you follow all, that means that you will follow every board
they have at present and all future boards they will create.

Unfollowing a board is easy. Click on whatever board you don’t want to follow
(from your feed) then click the Unfollow button from the top right-hand corner of
that board. Easy! Now that board will no longer appear in your feed.

Helpful Pinterest Tips:

- You can follow a user, which means you will be notified of anything they pin
on any Boards or you can follow just one board to be updated on the pins to that
Board only.
- You will have the option to share posts through Facebook, Twitter and email.
- Use hashtags just like you do on your other social media sites.
- If you have an off-line event, create a Pinboard to share images from the
event and use that to promote future similar events.
- You can create video galleries too.
- For every pin, there is a space for a description. You’ll see everything from
“want this” to “love this” but you can also go into more detail. It’s a great place to
include a link back to your site/Blog/landing page etc. Note that when repinning,
the description from the person who pinned it before you appears in that space
by default.
- Choose to receive email notifications from your Preferences. This will alert
you to new followers, new repins, @ mentions, and likes.
- ”Like” is a wonderful and helpful feature on Pinterest. If you come across
something that you like but don’t necessarily want/need to pin, you can simply
Like it. This won’t show up in the feed of those who follow you, but you can click
on Likes from your profile to see a list of everything you have Liked on Pinterest.
- To tag another Pinterest user when you pin something, use @ just like on
Twitter or Facebook.
- You can even create something specifically for the purpose of pinning. If you
are on Facebook you’ll see that the hottest trend is taking inspirational or
motivational quotes and creating an image to post. You can do that with quotes
related to your industry and pin those. They spread like wildfire – especially if
you pair an incredible image with a great quote.
- If you are in the fashion, food, crafts/handmade, art, photography, décor,
Mommy interests, sports area– you might find Pinterest to be a really great tool
for you. It’s designed for just those kinds of things (although with a little creativity
you can make it work for any business)

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Why should I be on Pinterest?

The growth of Pinterest has been amazing and many compare it to Facebook in
its early days.

Most compelling, the primary demographic of Pinterest users is composed of
women, a hard-to-reach online demographic.

Ideas For Pins

- Use any visual content and images you already have
- Create new ones – either design images in Photoshop or go on a camera
spree in the office one day and catch some great candid shots
- Look at Blog posts and see what visuals you can pull from there
- Create or use infographics and charts
- Use covers or ebooks or books
- Show product photos
- Show photos of happy customers
- Allow users to pin to your pinboards.

Promotion Ideas

Try hosting a contest. Ask people to create a board on their own account that
shows why they love your product and/or service.

Ask them to show pics of then doing fun/crazy/interesting things with your
products. The coolest board wins a prize or ask them to re-pin their board to
your profile and get people to vote on who is best.

Promote your Pinboards via email, your site and Blog and all your other social
media profiles

Engage with other users – like and comment on their work. Much like on Tiwtter
if you are active with them, they are likely to reciprocate.

Be focused on specific topics on your Boards – that allows you to create a strong
area of interest for people passionate about the topic.

Remember the key here is thinking about your target audience and how your
products/services fit into their lifestyles. Capture imagery they can relate to and
will respond emotionally to.

Let’s look at a few more samples:

If you sell kitchenware, pin images of great recipes (share the recipe under the
photo), show pics of moms & kids cooking together (they are always funny and

Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com                                                      35
cute), create images of great quotes from famous chefs (like Julia Child etc).
If you sell baby blankets, in addition to images from baby showers and adorable
baby pics and product photos, you can also get creative and look for images of
kids using blankets in play (as a cape, as a fort, to drag their sibling around, as a
bag of their stuff when they threaten to “run away” etc.

If you sell accounting software, show images of people saving money, show
images of paperwork and frustrated people, show screenshots of your software
with smiling people. Show image of tax and financial tips (remember it could be
just words designed a graphic, that is so popular on Facebook right now)

Get creative and have some fun. As with all social media, this will take more
time to get up and running and then once you are in a groove, it’ll get easier.

Lesson Seven: Blogging

•   About 120,000 new weblogs are created each day – which means 1.4 new
    blogs are created every second
•   1.5 million posts per day which means 17 posts are made every second

What does that mean?

Some people might think it means there are so many Blogs out there how could
my little Blog get noticed and make a difference? That’s not the right way to look
at it though, and here’s why:
• 3000-7000 new splogs (fake, or spam Blogs) are created every day

• Only 19.4 million Bloggers (55%) are still posting 3 months after their Blogs are

Which means a real Blog, with interesting content that is configured for maximum
exposure and benefit, can find its place in the Blogosphere and make a
difference in your SEO campaign and your marketing campaign as well.

Benefits of a Blog:

• Easy to update, once it’s set up you can create posts yourself and add fresh
content as often as you want

• Blogs invite interactivity with your site viewers – the more you engage your
visitors the more likely they are to buy (and the more they are likely to spend on
each purchase)

• The search engines index more Blogs daily then web pages, so adding a Blog
to your arsenal creates a second site that can be indexed and drive traffic.

Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com                                                      36
• Your Blog can boost your main site’s rankings if set up properly.

• Many people are not aware of the power of Blogs and are just using a free
Blogger.com Blog. They are missing out on the benefits of all the powerful
Plugins** that come with a hosted Blog. Which means if you set up a powerful
hosted Blog you are a step ahead of so many of the Bloggers out there.

• Blogs allow you to tap into Real Time Search, which creates another
opportunity for you to appear in the first page of the SERPs (search engine
results pages)

**Plugins are features that are added to your Blog to make it more powerful. With
Plugins your content can virally spread across the internet through RSS Feed,
pings and so much more.

If you don’t have a Blog, or aren’t sure if you are getting the most out of
your Blog – send us an email and we’ll help you sort through the tech stuff
and make a decision that is best for your business. Just email me at

        Lesson Eight: Maintenance

        Now that your site is optimized, your link campaign is under way and you
        are diving into social media, it’s time to talk about maintenance.

SEO is an ever changing industry. Optimization is not a “set it and forget it” kind
of thing. You have to monitor rankings and tweak your site if the results you
were hoping for don’t happen. Even if you get the results you were after, you
need to stay on top of industry news and make any necessary changes to your
site. If you don’t stay current with what the engines are looking for, you risk
losing your rankings.

There is always going to be some fluctuation in rankings – the SERPs (search
engine results pages) are not static. But you want to minimize the chances of
major rankings changes.

Aside from staying current on trends and changes in optimization you also need
to stay current on keywords and definitely monitor web stats.

Let’s talk about keywords for a minute.

Did you know that 25% of searches each month are brand new, never before
seen search words and phrases? That is shocking. You would think with the
number of search queries running through Google, they have seen it all.

Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com                                                    37
We spend so much time on keyword research – and rightfully so, it’s the
foundation of your campaign. But this new information tells us that we need to
tweak the process a little bit to keep up with the ever changing SEO world.
So, how do you handle keyword research and make sure you are staying

First and foremost you want to make sure you have outlined your strategy.
Without a plan in place you are likely to forget to do it, and it’ll just rattle around in
the back of your brain or sit on a post-it note that gets stuck to the back of
another piece of paper in your planner.

So, before that happens, let’s define your plan right now.

You’ve already done your initial keyword research steps as outlined in Lesson
One – which outlined steps 1 – 4. Here is where most people are missing out
and need to plan further action.

5. Once a month you should do keyword research and see what new words and
   phrases come up and add those new words and phrases to your campaign. If
   you find once a month is too often, do it every other month. Just make sure
   you have a plan to check back regularly so you can take advantage of new
   search phrases and tap into more traffic. You could put a monthly reminder in
   your Outlook or use an online reminder service. Find a system that will work
   for you!

If you are adding content to your site like you should be, then adding these new
keyword phrases should be easy to work into the new content you are writing. ☺
You should also schedule at least a monthly review of your web stats (if not more
often). Check out how much traffic you are actually getting from the engines.
Find out what phrases people are actually finding your site with. Don’t forget the
engines will start picking up your site for “bonus keywords” – which are different
combinations and variations of your core keywords that you optimized for. If you
identify some of these “bonus keywords” it’ll give you insight into exactly how
people are searching and what they are looking for. You may find it’s worth
adding content for these new phrases so you can try to get even more exposure
for them.

You also want to look at how long people are staying on your site, how many
pages they are looking at before they leave, and what pages they leave most

Although checking web stats is not directly related to optimization, it is vital to the
success and growth of your site – which is ultimately why you are optimizing your
site, right?

Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com                                                          38
MISC INFO – STILL “MUST HAVE” INFO (just added it on to the end as it
become new info that you had to have)

I have been a columnist at industry favorite Search Engine Journal for a while
now and there is some great content you should check out. Here is a list of all
my posts there: http://www.searchenginejournal.com/author/jennifer-horowitz/

We are done with your lessons, so now let’s take a look at some other really
good information…

GOOGLE (A breakdown of news, tips, new features etc)

This section includes a collection of information, specifically related to Google.
I’ve thrown it in to keep you updated on the history. I recently edited this book
(August 29) so anything that is still here is important information for you to have,
even if it’s dated from a year or two ago.

Search Plus Your World

I am getting a lot of questions about “Search Plus Your World” and it’s not
surprising. With Google pushing the +1 button and Google+ down our throats,
most people have heard of it by now. But in case you don’t know the details, I
wanted to give you a rundown. Grab a drink and maybe a little snack and get
comfy – this could be a long one! I’ll give a rough overview of +1/G+ and then
we’ll go into “Search Plus Your World” (and at the end I’ll wrap it all up with my
opinions and what it means to you).

+1 is the equivalent of Facebook’s “LIKE” button. Google+ or G+ is Google’s
social network. It allows you to post pics, “hangout” (chat) and post comments
that people can follow. You create “circles” to organize your “friends” and you
can choose what content you share with what circles.

When it first launched it was invitation only. It was primarily people in the
SEO/online marketing industry using it. As it expanded, more and more people
started checking it out – primarily business owners that were scared into
checking it out (for fear of missing the next big traffic generation source). The
number of users that Google was reporting were large. BUT then it came out
that the numbers were a little inflated because they counted people logging into
gmail as well. Long story short: it’s still not totally clear whether G+ will pass the
test of time. Most people seem to feel like this about it:

Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com                                                        39
(I got those both on Facebook, would love to credit the brilliant creative minds
that came up with those)

So the bottom line? Google has a lot invested in making this work (rumor has it
employee bonuses are being tied to the success of this) BUT most people aren’t
convinced it’ll take off and even it does, it likely won’t overtake Facebook.

OK, so now that you know the scoop – back to “Search Plus Your World”

Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com                                                      40
How Does “Search Plus Your World” Work?

If you have a Google account, you automatically have a Google profile and if you
have a profile, then you now have a Google+ presence. So even if you haven’t
yet signed up for to Google+, your profile in the Google+ community exists and is
lying there dormant until you get active on it.

Any Google user (Google+ participant or not) can experience the personalized
“Search Plus” results when they search in Google, and active Google+ users can
see even more personalized results based on content shared in Google+.

Google explains that the content people can now see in the SERPs is:

   •   Personal Results, which enable you to find information just for you, such
       as Google+ photos and posts—both your own and those shared
       specifically with you, that only you will be able to see on your results page;
   •   Profiles in Search: both in autocomplete and results, which enable you to
       immediately find people you’re close to or might be interested in following;
   •   People and Pages, which help you find people profiles and Google+
       pages related to a specific topic or area of interest, and enable you to
       follow them with just a few clicks. Because behind most every query is a

So basically the search engine algorithms that made behavioral, social and
personalized search possible before are all bundled together now into the
“Search Plus Your World” feature. The non-personalized results are still
available. A user can jump back and forth between personal and non-personal
results with one click.

There are now basically three options for the SERPs:

   1. Non-personalized results (stripped of most cues that have personalized
      searches in the past)
   2. Personalized results
   3. Google+ personalized only results.

If doing a search in the “Search Plus” (the default view in the SERPs), here is
what you are likely to find:

   •   Google+ posts. You can find relevant G+ posts from
       friends/colleagues/people in your circles (you’ll see this info whether they
       shared it publically or privately with you). You'll find links that they shared
   •   Photos. You’ll find photos – both yours and your friends that are relevant
       to your query (I went to Buenos Aires last year, so if I’m in your circle and

Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com                                                       41
you search for Buenos Aires, you’ll see some of my great pics – go for it –
       they are worth a look!) Images are pulled in based on captions,
       comments and the album title.

If I haven’t totally confused you yet, keep on reading for more details.

So these personalized results are mixed in with the "normal" results and they are
personalized to you. So you could be sitting side by side with a friend and each
search for the same thing and you’ll see different results.

When Universal search first came out, there was some confusion (for those that
don’t remember that was when Blogs, shopping, images, videos etc were all
integrated in the SERPs). This is the same as that, but now there are also
links/posts and images from yourself and people you are connected to in the mix
as well.

“Search Plus” has been called “personalized search on steroids”- but still many
people are not happy about it. There are privacy issues and there are concerns
about the information being delivered in the SERPs will be so filtered based on
“over-personalization” (feeding information that is only relevant to your circles
and you and not giving unbiased “big picture” results.

Another point of contention – it doesn’t include date from Facebook, Twitter,
LinkedIn or other social networks. People feel it’s very self-serving of Google
and they also feel if personalized content is so important they are missing the
boat big time by leaving out the biggest sources of social content.

FYI: Google says they would be open to featuring the content from other social
networks if they had access to the data they need from Facebook, Twitter etc.
Skeptics says its lip service and they could easily access the data but want to
exclude it for their own benefit (promoting G+)

Another interesting note: The Official Google Blog says that “behavioral search”
is no longer happening in the non-personalized results:

That means no results from your friends, no private information and no
personalization of results based on your Web History. This toggle button works
for an individual search session, but you can also make this the default in your
Search Settings. We provide separate control in Search Settings over other
contextual signals we use, including location and language.

That is really interesting and it means we have data that is ultra-personalized on
one side and with the click of the toggle button, content that is no longer
personalized. That means no more influence from past web browsing history or
social or behavioral cues (but geo-targeting will still happen so you will still see

Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com                                                      42
local results). Halleluiah! But this is not the default so remember to toggle to
non-personalized if you want “raw” Google data.

The problem is most users don’t spend the time and energy that people in my
industry and web site owners spend, so they may not realize they can toggle to
the non-personalized. But then again, those users are not likely to be active on
G+ and won’t have a lot of data pulling from there.

As you can see, there are a lot of “ifs” and “ands” and even some “buts” (some
may argue there are also some “butts” over at Google!) and a lot that is still not
totally clear. We need to wait a bit longer and see how it impacts the results over
time. We’ll see users that aren’t as aware of all this start noticing a decrease in
quality of results (people speculate that over-personalizing will limit and impair

So what does all this mean? Is this the year SEO actually dies? If we had a
funeral for each time SEO was declared dead, I’d be pulling out my black dress
quite a few times a year.

The answer once again is a resounding NO.

As with most Google changes, this doesn’t mean the death of SEO, it simply
means we have some adapting and adjusting to do.

People still want real info – they want to research and book travel and find hotels
and find stores to buy from. They don’t only want to see their friends photos and
links and posts.

On-page optimization to get your site to come up for relevant queries is still very
alive and well and needed.

Google still values content (as evidenced by their freshness filter and duplicate
content filter – let’s not forget Panda!) You still need to add content, optimize
your site, create a strong structure that is easy to navigate – basically Google still
needs to clearly see the theme of your site and find it relevant to the search
queries people perform.

There is talk that Google will focus more on click-throughs from within your
circles and optimizing tags to get click-throughs is important but I don’t even want
to go there because that was always important and something that should
already be being done.

So my friends, there you have it. As you can probably tell I’m in the cynic’s camp
on this one. There is a lot I don’t like and I think a lot will change (The LA Times
is already predicting more FTC trouble for Google and the privacy groups are
going to be all over this too). Time will tell how it all plays out. And as always, I
want to leave you with a take-away:

Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com                                                      43
Don’t stop optimizing and adding content to your site (if anything optimization
gets more important over time as searchers get more sophisticated and more
competition comes on board). Lastly, don’t jump all over G+ for fear of missing
out (I’ll let you know if that changes) but you probably should put a +1 button up
on your site just in case. ☺

Important Information: How Does Google Categorize Your Site?

You know what you have to offer and you know what your site is about – but
does Google?

If you had to categorize your site, do you think it would match how Google would
categorize it?

You can find out!

If Google thinks your site is about a certain topic, or in a certain category and it
doesn’t match what your site is truly about, it could be hard to rank for words that
are relevant for you because Google may not agree they are relevant. So being
sure how Google sees your site is important.

You can use the “similar” search operator to find out just how Google categorizes
your site!

Go to your Google search box and type:

related:www.domain.com/ ~domain.com

Replace www.domain.com with your own domain name. Make sure there is no
space after the colon.

The results page will show other sites Google thinks are related to your site. This
will give you a glimpse into what Google thinks your site is about. If the websites
listed on the search results page are related (similar) to your site, which is good.
It means Google understands what your site is about and you are in sync! If the
sites are about totally different topics, then there is a big problem that needs to
be fixed immediately.

If its hit and miss, some of the sites are actually related sites and others aren’t,
then there is still some tweaking to get more clarity and to show Google without a
doubt what the topic/category of your site is.

How does Google determine what your site is about?

Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com                                                     44
They look at the content of the site (and the accompanying optimization) and
they also look at the links coming into your site. If the links coming into your site
are all from completely unrelated sites, it doesn't reinforce the theme / topic /
category of your site. You want to be sure that the links you are getting are
coming from complementary sites and also be sure the anchor text is using a
keyword that is related to the page it is linking to.

Tags on Local Listings

For $25 you can enhance your Google Maps/Local listing.

Get more details: http://google-latlong.blogspot.com/2010/06/google-tags-rolling-

Google’s “Mayday Update” and What It Means To You (this is from May
2010 but the lessons learned from this update are still relevant today):

My Blog has details on Google’s “Mayday Update” – which things up and caused
a lot of site owners to see a decrease in traffic – specifically for keyword phrases
that are three or more keywords long, known as long tail keywords.

The good news: Google is now able to index longer keyword phrases more

Previously Google guessed at the best pages to rank for long keyword phrases.
The new Google patent indicates that Google now has the power to index longer
keyword phrases on web pages instead of guessing them.

The Takeaway? If you’ve taken the time to really learn how people search and
done proper keyword research to select targeted phrases that are very likely to
convert and if you’ve optimized your site pages well for those phrases – then you
are in good shape. If you haven’t, you need to.

Longtail keywords are highly valuable. People don’t have time to search generic
terms and scroll through tons of results so they get really detailed and use longer
search queries right out of the gate. People know what they are looking for and
want the quickest path to it!

While the “Mayday Update” was not a welcome change for many (especially
those site owners who don’t have good quality sites that are well optimized and
deep with content) it actually presents lots of opportunity for those that choose to
act on it.

Important Info: Has Your Site Been Banned From Google?

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Optimization stepbystep
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  • 2. I’m so glad you requested my Optimization Step By Step: 2012, and that you are interested in optimizing your website. To get us started – just a few quick facts about SEO: More than 8 out of 10 Internet users look on search engines to find information and the products or services they want to buy. Pay-per-click (PPC) costs are rising (over 37% higher). Up to 85% of searchers ignore paid listings. 63% of the top natural (organic) listings get click throughs. Natural (organic) search results convert 30% higher than PPC. 11.8% of Google traffic will click on a site in the second page of results. A new study from the University of Southern California’s Center for the Digital Future has “found that the Internet is perceived by users to be a more important source of information for them —over all other principal media, including television, radio, newspapers, and books.” The 2010 Media Planning Intelligence Study (which is being released by the Center for Media Research in conjunction with InsightExpress) found that 57.7% of respondents “ideally” plan, and 56.3% “realistically” plan to include social media in their media plans in 2010. May 2012 Did you survive Penguin? I hope so! This started as a quick guide to walk you through the basics of optimization. It has grown as I have continued to share advice, tips and news updates. The main body of the document is the step by step process – but don’t forget to read through the end as well. It has all the recent updates and news, as well as more advice and generally good stuff! So read from start to finish (maybe not all in one sitting). If you want to do well at your own SEO, the success lies in the details so you need to soak up as much of this info as you can. If you find it’s too much and you can’t handle it – let me know. I’ll prepare a proposal and we’ll see if it makes sense for us to work together. Enjoy! - Jenn Horowitz, Director of Marketing for EcomBuffet and SEO enthusiast. OK! Now, let’s get right to the good stuff. Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com 2
  • 3. Introduction to the Search Engines (in basic terms): Think of the engines like teachers handing out gold stars for everything that you do well. Google currently has about 200 factors in their algorithms that determine how your site will rank. Imagine your teacher with a clipboard and checklist with 200 items on it and she assigns you gold stars for each of the things you do well. Remember, some of the items on the list are more important and you may get multiple gold stars. No one knows for sure how the algorithm works, but we test and monitor the industry to come up with a technique that works well for getting sites ranked. The number of gold stars you achieve will determine how well your site will rank. There are no shortcuts and there are no tricks (none that are safe to use and won’t result in trouble down the road). Now let’s dive right in… Topics Covered: • Lesson One: Keyword Research • Lesson Two: SEO Friendliness – Diagnosis & Correction, plus Competitor Analysis • Lesson Three: On-page optimization • Lesson Four: Google Webmaster Tools • Lesson Five: Links • Lesson Six: On-going Content Addition & Social Media • Lesson Seven: Blogging • Lesson Eight: Maintenance • Misc Info • Google information • Conclusion: Final Words of Wisdom (don’t miss this section, I cover some great tips, articles and news updates) Lesson One: Keyword Research and Competitor Analysis Finding the right keywords is the foundation to your campaign. Here is an outline of the steps you should follow for keyword research: 1. Start with a brainstorming session to list all possible words and phrases that people would use to find what you have to offer. Remember to put yourself in the mindset of the potential customer. Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com 3
  • 4. 2. Do the necessary research to continue building your list. a. Research your competitors and see what keywords they are using. b. Look at your web stats and logs and pull words and phrases from there (this is a great source of info, you can find the words that people are already using to find you and enhance your rankings on those words so you can get even more traffic). c. If you have a search feature on your site, look at the logs and see what people are searching for within your site once they get there. 3. Take the large master list you have come up with and use a keyword tool to determine how much traffic there is and how competitive the words/phrases are. Remember you can’t live and die by this information, it only acts as a guide for you. 4. Take your list and break it into segments. You want some “low hanging fruit” – which means keywords that may be longer phrases with less traffic. These words will be easy to rank for fairly quickly so you can use those as your starting point to drive some quick traffic to the site. The second segment of your list should be words that are more competitive and have more traffic and will take longer to get rankings for. You will be glad you selected keywords from each segment because you will be getting traffic from the low hanging fruit while you are waiting for the more competitive phrases to kick in. Because #4 is so vitally important, let’s break that down a little further. If your keywords are too generic and not targeted it will take a long time to get rankings and the traffic likely won’t convert as well. If you use keywords that are way too specific you won’t get enough traffic. The solution? Use a 3 tier approach. Broad: • Shorter phrases and single words • Generic to your industry • Lots of traffic • Lower conversions Focused: • Slightly shorter phrases • Higher traffic numbers • Phrases are still focused on what you offer Laser Focused: The Long Tail • Longer and more targeted phrases • Traffic numbers are smaller • People are further along in the buying process so conversion rates are higher Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com 4
  • 5. The thought process behind “long tail keywords” is that the more detail someone types in, the more they know exactly what they want and the further along they are in the “buying” process. For example if someone types “blue plates” they could want to buy them or they could want info or they could want to see pics – who knows. But if someone types in “Pfaltzgraff Blue dinner plates for 8” then they know exactly what they want and are more likely to buy. Typically the longer the phrase, the less traffic there is but the more targeted it is, so it is likely to convert higher. A solid SEO strategy should definitely implement some long tail because that allows you to get rankings quicker (there is usually less competition on long tail keywords) and it allows the conversion rate to be higher. You get the benefit from the long tail while you are waiting for your more competitive phrases to get ranked and kick in. Most people are continually adding new long tail phrases and find that when they add them up, in total the long tail phrases end up becoming a large part of your traffic. Another thing to consider is the searchers intent. Let’s look at this scenario to understand a little more. “buy MAC lip gloss ” – the searcher is looking to buy online “MAC lip gloss prices” – they are comparing prices and probably trying to decide if they will buy “MAC lip gloss” – they are interested in a specific brand “lip gloss” – interested in a type of product You want to capture leads at the different phases, but understand you will convert more at the top level where they are further along in the buying process. Your SEO strategy should include keywords from each of those “tiers” above. Don’t forget you should also Google your keywords and check out what sites come up on top. Check out what keywords they are using – you may get some ideas. Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com 5
  • 6. Lesson Two: SEO Friendliness – Diagnosis & Correction, plus Competitor Analysis What does everybody with top rankings know that you don't know? That's the question that drives most people in their quest for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) information. The foundation of a top ranked site should be SEO Friendly or SEO Ready – both are terms used for making sure the foundation of your site is clean, concise and “friendly” to the search engine bots that crawl your site. Have you ever tried to build a house of cards? Your strategy as the house grew more complex was very important - but none of it mattered without a solid foundation. That is what you need for your site - a solid foundation to grow your search engine rankings on. To get top rankings and have long term SEO success you simply cannot ignore the foundation of your campaign. A solid foundation consists of the following: • Clean code that is error free • Java script that is in an external .js file and not on-page • CSS in an external file and not on-page • Easy to navigate pages that are well connected to each other • A clearly defined topic for each page • URLs that the engines can follow • An XML sitemap • A robots.txt file • No frames • No Flash or java script navigation • Text that is on the actual page and not contained within Flash or an image (while the engines do read Flash, you shouldn’t have all of your text within Flash) Once you are sure your foundation is in place you should spend some time checking out your competitors to see what they are doing. • What keywords are they using? • How is their foundation? • What on-page optimization do they have in place? • How many links do they have? Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com 6
  • 7. You don’t want to copy your competitors – but you do want to see what you are up against. Now you are ready to move on and start dealing with your on-page and off page optimization. Tip! Taking advantage of the tools that are available to you can make your SEO work, and your life much easier. Check out our comprehensive SEO Audit and save yourself the time and headache of trying to figure out if your site’s foundation is SEO Friendly or not! Check out: http://www.ecombuffet.com/120509-audit.htm Lesson Three: On-page Optimization Next we are going to focus on the tweaks we can make within your code to “prepare” your site for the search engines. These techniques change over time, so staying current with the engines is vitally important to the on-going success of your webpage. Please note: you should never abuse any of these techniques. Everything with moderation! Let’s start with your Meta tags. Meta Tags are HTML tags which provide additional information about a web document. Unlike regular tags, Meta tags do not provide formatting information for the browser. They provide such information as the author, date of creation or latest update for the page, titles, descriptions and keywords (which tell the search engines the subject matter of the page). For SEO purposes those last three (title, description and keyword) are what matter the most. Also important are alt tags (which provide additional information about images) and header tags (which indicate to users important areas of content on your page). The Importance of Meta Tags: Meta Tags are important for two reasons: Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com 7
  • 8. They help provide the information that is listed in the SERPs (search engine results pages). • They are part of what influences (albeit only slightly) how well our individual pages rank on the SERPs. All major search engines utilize (if only partially) Meta description and title tags in an effort to understand the relevance of the site. They also look at alt tags (important in today’s Blended/Universal search results - which features video, images, etc.). The Basics of Meta Elements & Tags. Meta tags are not something you should spend a lot of time worrying about. But do focus on crafting them so they properly reflect your site and its mission. Title Tag: While no hard and fast rules have been established about title tags (this is actually a Meta element but is often referred to as “Title tag”), it is widely accepted that they are an important part of a Web page. Many SEO Firms debate the ideal number of characters to be included in the Title tag. There are a few things that are not really debated and are widely agreed upon. For example, your Title tag should contain the most important keyword for each specific webpage (and therefore are unique to that page and are not repeated throughout the site). Title tags should never exceed 70 characters, since this is the point where most search engines will truncate the information. While many sites routinely exceed this character limit, the value of a clear and concise Title tag outweighs any benefit you may obtain from repeating the keyword or including keyword variations. The placement of the keyword (or key phrase) is equally important to users and search engines. It is the “clickable” portion of a search listing and because search engines do take these keywords into consideration when weighing the value of the page, it’s best to include keywords where they will be found – at the start of the Title tag. Title tags are also an excellent spot to emphasize your brand, especially if your company or website name uses the keyword or phrase you are optimizing for. Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com 8
  • 9. SEO Firms that are truly tuned in to website analytics understand that targeting the intent of users often yields a higher click-through rate and can even influence the number of conversions. In other words, if your Title tag is clear, concise and conveys what the person is likely looking for, you should get a better click through rate. It’s not all about your position on the SERPs (position 1 versus 2, or 5 versus 7) – it’s also about the quality of the listing and if it inspires confidence in your site and tells the user you have what they are looking for. Description Tag: The description is one of several Meta elements which assist users in determining whether a resource will be useful to them when conducting queries and viewing the SERPs. Your Description tag conveys the purpose of the page in a clear, objective manner for these users and in some instances (should the search engines not find something better within the copy of your webpage) is used for search engine results. When you write your Description tag think of your audience and the information you wish to convey. The Description tag is intended to assist users in determining if a listed resource will be useful to them, so stuffing keywords into this element and being “cutesy” or too “hypey” instead of being informative, clear and concise could cause alienation of the potential site visitor. Typically the first 150 characters (including spaces) of the Description are created for the purpose of display on search engine results pages and should therefore be as concise, coherent and as objective as possible. Keyword Tag: The engines ignore this tag these days. But that doesn’t mean you should just stuff a bunch of keywords in there – so many people say “if they ignore it, it can’t hurt me and it may possibly help me” Not true – there is never an excuse to keyword stuff. ALT Tags: ALT tags are the alternative text that the browser displays when a Web surfer is unable (or unwilling) to see the images in a web page. The ALT tag was initially utilized to help those with visual disabilities and use was required to be in what is referred to as 508 compliance. Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com 9
  • 10. You should not stuff your ALT tags with keywords, keep the text short and concise and use the most relevant keyword to that page and the particular image. Now, onto some other on-page optimization techniques: Headline tags (H1, H2, etc.): Header tags are designed to turn text on your site into a Headline – so they actually change the appearance of the font by making it bigger – like a headline would be. The reason they help you is because the engines feel that if you have keywords within in Header tags then the page must really be focused on those words – otherwise you wouldn’t use the words in the headlines. By the way, if you are worried about appearances you can use CSS to alter the Header tags so the text doesn’t actually look different but you still get the SEO benefit of the tags. Try using an H1 and an H2 on your pages. Don’t stuff keywords into these tags – use a real sentence that uses your keywords well. Page/File Names: Such as: http://yourcompany.com/USEKEYWORD.htm. Using your keyword in the file name is another way to let the engines know the page is really relevant to those keywords. There is some debate about how much this really helps – but most people feel it should be a tool in your arsenal and it doesn’t hurt you. If you use multiple phrases use a hyphen (-) rather than an underscore (_) to separate words. Don’t create a huge run on string (ex: keyword1-keyword2-keyword3- keyword4.htm) Also make sure you name the page according to what it is about, rather than just using it as a place to put random keywords. Keyword Rich Content: The search engines have one goal – that is to deliver relevant results to a searcher on their site. If they don’t deliver quality, relevant results they are going to lose their following. Google got so popular because they are known for great relevant results. So, it stands to reason that the best thing you can do to show the engines you are relevant to your keywords is to actually use your keywords within your pages. Some tips for writing for the engines. • When you're writing your content, focus on 2-5 of your most important keyword phrases. Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com 10
  • 11. Emphasize your main keywords in the first paragraph. This is the first thing the search engines "see" so it should include keyword-dense text. • Aim to keep your page length between 200 - 600 words. • If you’re struggling on where to put all those keywords, try writing non- optimized copy first and add key phrases later. • Search for words and phrases like "our product" and "it," and transform them into keyword-filled phrases. Then your text and marketing flow are covered and adding keywords is simply filling in the blanks. • Read your copy out loud to make sure it doesn’t sound stilted with all those keyword phrases. Strong search engine copywriting maintains a persuasive flow to it even with keyword phrases, and don’t clump keyword phrases in a big text block separated by commas. Search engines read this as spam and your prospects will be unimpressed by your nonsensical text. • Tighten your copy and keep it focused. • Rather than one large text block, write short paragraphs and include sub headlines that integrate keyword-rich bullet points to make it more readable and satisfy the engines. Writing for the engines is very similar to conventional copywriting except you structure your text around certain key phrases. With a little keyword phrase research and powerful benefit statements, your copy will sell your products/services in a way that the search engines love. Tip! Some engines will take the first 100 characters of the body text and use that as the description in the SERPs (search engine results page) instead of the Meta description. Start your body text with text that incorporates the most relevant keywords for that page. Do not start with ‘Welcome to our site” – that is just a waste of space. Because engines read left to right, you may need to incorporate this in the first left cell (if you use tables). Interlink pages: The engines like to follow a path through your site and they like to see your pages interconnected. The best way to explain this concept is to give an excerpt of text. Let’s say your website is about jewelry. You may have an article about how to clean jewelry – here’s an excerpt: “Cleaning gold rings is very different than cleaning silver rings. Cleaning gemstones is very different than cleaning pearls. Let’s explore the different methods for cleaning each of your jewelry pieces”. Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com 11
  • 12. (By the way, I know nothing about jewelry care so for those of you out there that do know something forgive me if that made up text is inaccurate, I’m just trying to illustrate a point). Rather than just leaving that text as is, you could chose to take some of the keywords in there and link them to another page within your site. It shows the engines that the site is focused and relevant and not just a bunch of random things thrown together. So you may chose to link the following words: “Cleaning gold rings is very different than cleaning silver rings. Cleaning gemstones is very different than cleaning pearls. Let’s explore the different methods for cleaning each of your jewelry pieces” Make sure you link to pages that are relevant to the words you chose. Don’t go crazy and interlink every word but do try to make your whole site connected. Generate your XML sitemap: An XML sitemap is the preferred way to feed your content to the major engines. It should definitely be part of your process. You can let them know which pages are most important and how often you update pages, etc. On-page optimization is not rocket science. However it does require patience, Not sure if you should handle your own optimization or hire a firm? Email jennifer@ecombuffet.com and request a free consultation. We will walk you through an 11 point quiz that will help determine if you can handle your own SEO. Bing & Yahoo - What You Need To Know According to a recent comScore report, American consumers conducted more than 16 billion searches during the month of July, with Yahoo gaining 1.2% of search engine market share. Yahoo's gains was largely at the expense of Google sites, which lost 1% of search market share month-over-month. Google is still the front-ruunner with 61.6% of the search market. Bing and Yahoo may not make up the lion-share of your traffic but from what we've seen they drive nice traffic to sites and you never want to be too Google- dependant, so making sure you are going to do well on Yahoo/Bing is important. At a recent SEO Conference (SES SF) it was said "Yahoo and Bing are merging. They’ll be 100% merged by the end of August or the beginning of September. It’s Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com 12
  • 13. not something to ignore anymore. You’ll be missing out on 10 to 12 percent of traffic." Some tips: 1. Bing likes older domain names so now is not the time to give up a domain name with good history and start again. 2. Titles are important. Bing seems to place a lot of emphasis on Title tags, so make sure you use your best keywords in the title tags of every page on your site. 3. Bing seems to place a higher value on pages that have at least 300 words. 4. Link popularity is important - just make sure they are from relevant sites! 5. Microsoft's Satya Nadella also says that "now is a good time for you to review your crawl policies in your robots.txt and ensure that you have identical polices for the msnbot/Bingbot and Yahoo’s bots.” The Bingbot is designed to crawl non-optimized sites more easily. The new Bingbot will replace the existing msnbot in October. The Bing Webmaster Tools experience is live. This has been completely redone with new features (and more to come). Suggestion From Bing: Rick DeJarnette from Bing’s Webmaster blog has this to say: “The reasons for poor ranking are nearly as myriad as the number of sites on the Web. Your site may be competing against some very well established, well- designed sites in your industry niche. Your competitors may have published a ton of useful, expert content, or have implemented a blog or forum where all of your industry’s customers go for information, thus earning them tons of valuable visitors and backlinks. And frankly, it could be that those competing sites have seriously invested in search engine optimization (SEO) efforts when you have not. If your page ranking is not where you want it to be, your site may be due for a serious examination, one that looks for problems to solve and uses optimization techniques that are meaningful to both human visitors and search engine bots alike. You may be ready to consider a site review.” The Takeaway? The holiday season is fast approaching, if your site isn't in tip top shape and getting top rankings - now is the time to take action! Already know you want to hire a firm? Click here to request a no-obligation proposal: http://ecombuffet.com/Consultation-request.htm Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com 13
  • 14. Lesson Four: Google Webmaster Tools Google has given us the gift of Google Webmaster Tools. In one convenient location you have access to great tools. In Google’s own words, Google Webmaster Tools is: “Statistics, diagnostics and management of Google's indexing of your website, including Sitemap submission and reporting.” Verification: Before you get started, you need to tell Google what sites you want included in your account. Enter the URL as prompted and then you will need to verify your ownership/control of that site. A Peek Inside Google Webmaster Tools: Diagnostics: The Diagnostic tools are here to tell you about any errors that Google has encountered while crawling your site. They will report on the following error types: • HTTP errors • Not found (404) • URLs not followed • URLs restricted by robots.txt • URLs timed out • Unreachable URLs Some Statistics: Top Search Queries: This report shows you how people are getting to your site from a Google Search. What Googlebot Sees: This is a great way to learn how others link to you and how those links are considered along with your on page content. Multiple sections exist on this report: • Phrases used in external links to your site (anchor text) • Keywords in your site’s content • In inbound links • The actual content on your site (ordered by density). Index Stats: The index stats are a shortcut to advanced Google queries on your site using operators. Shortcut links are provided on the following operators… • site: • link: • cache: • info: Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com 14
  • 15. related: Links: The link reports in Webmaster Tools are limited, but do provide you with ways to measure internal and external link popularity. Google Sitemaps: Google Sitemaps are what the entire Webmaster Tools were originally built around. Here you can upload and manage XML based sitemap files that catalog all of the pages on your site. Analyze robots.txt: Robots.txt is where Googlebot and other spiders go when they land on your site to immediately find instructions on what they can and cannot have access to within your site. If you don’t want spiders indexing your images, just disallow them. If you’d prefer not to have certain areas of your site indexed and available for the searching public – go ahead and restrict access. This is where you can check to make sure your robots.txt file is not only up to date, but also valid in terms of how it is written. Set crawl rate: This area is very informative - it provides an overview of Googlebot’s activity on your site. If you have recently updated your site or acquired new links you’ll want to come back and check this section out. See if you see an increase in Googlebot activity in response to your work. Set preferred domain: Tired of seeing www.domain.com and domain.com in your search results? Or, maybe you have become worried about canonicalization and how it will impact your optimization and links? All you have to do is set the preferred domain tool. Using this tool you can instruct Google to display URLs according to your preference. Now you can have all listings appear as being on www.domain.com. Of course, if you’re not worried about this – you can also opt to have no associations set at all. Remove URLs: This automated tool is available to help resolve issues with pages that no longer exist or pages that you just want removed from Google’s index. New Features: October 2009 There are new Labs features for Google Webmaster Tools – you should check them out. The features are “malware details” and “fetch as googlebot” In order to help webmasters eliminate malware, Google is now sharing snippets of code from pages it considers malware. Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com 15
  • 16. “To help protect users against malware threats, Google has built automated scanners that detect malware on websites we’ve indexed,” says Google’s Lucas Ballard (of the Anti-malware, Anti-malvertising, and Webmaster Tools teams). “Pages that are identified as dangerous by these scanners are accompanied by warnings in Google search results, and browsers such as Google Chrome, Firefox, and Safari also use our data to show similar warnings to people attempting to visit suspicious sites.” “While it is important to protect users, we also know that most of these sites are not intentionally distributing malware. We understand the frustration of webmasters whose sites have been compromised without their knowledge and who discover that their site has been flagged,” Ballard says. The Fetch as Googlebot feature lets users see if some of their pages have been hacked and help them understand why they aren’t ranking for certain keywords. “Our keywords and HTML suggestions features help you understand the content we’re extracting from your site, and any issues we may be running into at crawl and indexing time.,” says Webmaster Tools Product Manager Sagar Kamdar. “However, we realized it was important to provide the ability for users to submit pages on their site and get real-time feedback on what Googlebot sees.” As you use these tools more you’ll find a number of new ways to use the data. Remember, knowledge is power and Google is sharing some great info about your site. Tip! Make sure you are aware of what information Google makes available for download. Schedule a download every 60 days or so. Google is only provides the information for 90 days and if you don’t download it, you will lose data. NOTE: Google has added +1 reporting as well. Lesson Five: Links Links are important to the search engines because it shows the engines that other sites think your information is worthy of sharing. Each link is like a vote for your website. Links are not only good for the engines but good links open up new sources of traffic from relevant, complementary but non-competing websites. Linking has gone through so many transformations over the years. First all reciprocal links are good, then only relevant links are good. Then reciprocal links are not helpful, you need one way links. Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com 16
  • 17. Today you are better off getting one way links, but some reciprocal links are OK. The higher the PageRank on the site that links to you, the more the link helps you. Buying links is a hot topic now. Google has clearly and plainly stated that they will penalize sites for buying links – and they are also asking people to report sites that are selling links, so they can penalize them as well. We strongly advise you to avoid this practice. So, how do you get links? Hire a link expert. It is usually pretty pricey. Outsourcing to India, in my experience, has never paid off but that is always an option, I guess. Another way is through good old fashioned hard work. Seek out sites that are relevant but not competing and propose some type of link swap. The best way is to just write great content, create a fabulous podcast or an interesting video and then submit it to various social media sites, article directories – basically any place where you can put it. People will find it from those sources and it’ll start to spread as people repost your content with links back to you. Creating great content that enhances your site and also spreads virally is the Holy Grail. Sharing information and being a great resource is definitely valuable. However if you can get creative and have a unique angle or even something controversial your content will spread even faster. TIP! A URL for a links page should be resources.html. Don’t use links.html as your page name. The engines see it as a tip-off that you are just collecting links to improve your rankings – rather than building a true resource. Some general guidelines: • No more than 100 outgoing links at an absolute maximum on any one page. I prefer to keep it even lower – I don’t go above 50. • You don’t want anyone with more than 50 links on a page linking to you. • Links should be organized in categories that make sense. • All links should be very relevant to the topic of your site. In other words, if you sell jewelry, link to jewelry cleaners and jewelry repair sites – don’t link to dog groomers and stock tips. It needs to be natural, which means Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com 17
  • 18. the engines need to believe that someone looking at your site would actually be interested in the topic of the links you are providing. • Links coming in to your site should go to different pages, not just one page. • The “hot” part of the link (the anchor text) that you click should vary from link to link (coming into your site) to get you the most benefit. In other words, don’t have everyone that links to you use the same text. • Links must be attained and grow in a “natural” way – in other words, start with a couple on each page and then build evenly across your important pages over time. If you get too many links too quickly it can be a red flag for the engines. Here are some examples of the anchor text or “hot” part of the link using keywords. Just remember, you want keywords in the anchor text, but you don’t always want them to be the same. Vary them as you send them out to other sites to link to you. <a href="http://www.domain.com">Beads & Bead Supplies</a> The above sample leads to much better search engine rankings for the keyword "beads & bead supplies" than the link below. <a href="http://www.domain.com">Beadsmith Bead Store</a> Quality Links (Insider Info Direct From Google) There are a lot of ways to use social media to obtain links to your site: • Contests - people will always link to and spread around news about good contests. • Anything funny - we are all looking for a good laugh and you can be sure if you have a funny comic, video, Blog post, story etc, people will repost it with links back to you. Get creative and think outside the box. • Anything controversial - take a current topic and have a view that is a little different and controversial and people will link to it and dissect it on their Blog. • Offer great information that is explained in a way that really makes sense to people. We are all looking for solutions to problems - if you can provide a solution in a clear, concise and helpful manner, your content will be a hit. Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com 18
  • 19. Now let's look at some linking advice right from Google: Google is often asked what their take is on organic link building, so they compiled a response. Rather than paraphrase, I'm just going to share Google's words with you. Any comments our opinions I have are in [ ] and are to be taken as my thoughts and opinions and not part of Google's statement! "If your site is rather new and still unknown, a good way marketing technique is to get involved in the community around your topic. Interact and contribute on forums and blogs. Just keep in mind to contribute in a positive way, rather than spamming or soliciting for your site. Just building a reputation can drive people to your site. And they will keep on visiting it and linking to it. If you offer long-lasting, unique and compelling content -- something that lets your expertise shine -- people will want to recommend it to others. Great content can serve this purpose as much as providing useful tools." [Great advice but I have to reiterate the "contribute in a positive way" part - it's so true. Comment spam (adding useless comments to people's Blogs) won't earn you links and it's a sure way to earn you a bad reputation. It's a waste of time. Speaking of time, doing legitimate comments that add value to a conversation can be time consuming. Work out a schedule and plan to spend a bit of time each day on it.] "A promising way to create value for your target group and earn great links is to think of issues or problems your users might encounter. Visitors are likely to appreciate your site and link to it if you publish a short tutorial or a video providing a solution, or a practical tool. Survey or original research results can serve the same purpose, if they turn out to be useful for the target audience. Both methods grow your credibility in the community and increase visibility. This can help you gain lasting, merit-based links and loyal followers who generate direct traffic and "spread the word." Offering a number of solutions for different problems could evolve into a blog which can continuously affect the site's reputation in a positive way." "Humor can be another way to gain both great links and get people to talk about your site. With Google Buzz and other social media services constantly growing, entertaining content is being shared now more than ever. We've seen all kinds of amusing content, from ASCII art embedded in a site's source code to funny downtime messages used as a viral marketing technique to increase the visibility of a site. However, we do not recommend counting only on short-lived link-bait tactics. Their appeal wears off quickly and as powerful as marketing stunts can be, you shouldn't rely on them as a long-term strategy or as your only marketing effort." "It's important to clarify that any legitimate link building strategy is a long-term effort. There are those who advocate for short-lived, often spammy methods, but these are not advisable if you care for your site's reputation. Buying PageRank- passing links or randomly exchanging links are the worst ways of attempting to Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com 19
  • 20. gather links and they're likely to have no positive impact on your site's performance over time. If your site's visibility in the Google index is important to you it's best to avoid them." [Read this paragraph again, it's hugely important!!] Last May Google got a patent for their linking analysis. Here are some details The patent describes that the value of a link seems to be based on the probability that a web surfer would click on the link! Here's the summary from the patent application: "Systems and methods consistent with the principles of the invention may provide a reasonable surfer model that indicates that when a surfer accesses a document with a set of links, the surfer will follow some of the links with higher probability than others. This reasonable surfer model reflects the fact that not all of the links associated with a document are equally likely to be followed. .... Examples of unlikely followed links may include 'Terms of Service' links, banner advertisements, and links unrelated to the document." How does Google classify the links? To determine the value of a link, Google analyzes several things: • Features of the linking page: URL of the page, number of links on the page, presence of other words on the page, match between the topic of the link text and the other words on the page • Features of the link: color and size of the anchor text, link position, number of words, how commercial the text is, length of the linked URL, link type (image or text), context of words • User behavior data: language and interests of the user, used search query terms, frequency of link selection, navigational actions (forms completed, links selected, etc.) • Features of the linked page: URL of the page, associated websites, words in the URL, length of the URL Lesson Six: On-going Content Addition & Social Media The search engines like to see that your site is growing. They like to see new content being added. It’s actually an important part of their algorithm. Many people add content when they optimize their site, and that is a great idea but you shouldn’t stop there. Create a plan to add content on an on-going basis. We all get busy and forget, but if there is a plan to guide and remind you, you are more likely to remember. Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com 20
  • 21. I am often asked how much content you need to add. It depends on so many factors, just a couple of which are: how big is your site already, how often are your competitors adding content and the most important factor what can you realistically commit to getting done? If you start adding a page a day and just can’t keep up with that pace the engines will notice when you stop adding content. You want to establish a pattern and some consistency. You should plan on making your content pull double duty. Use it to syndicate to article directories and also use it on social media sites. Tip! Make sure your content is posted on your site and spidered by the engines before you start syndicating it. You want to be sure you are credited as the original source of that content. Most people look at adding content once or twice per week. If your Blog is on your server in a subdirectory then content you add to your Blog counts. (Don’t have a Blog yet? You are missing out! But that’s a whole other topic.) Once your content addition plan is in place it is time to turn your attention to social media. When most people think about SEO, they think Meta Tags and keywords. In 2012, SEO is so much more than that. SEO is also about social media and the user experience. While “on-page SEO” is still vital and should be taken care of (fresh, quality content added and attention to site structure and code enhancements) it is crucial that site owners understand that it doesn’t stop there. Social media is often further down the priority list for many site owners. Primarily because they either don’t like it personally or they don’t understand HOW it actually helps their business. It’s hard for people to imagine a tweet or Facebook message creating a sale (ROI). The best message I can teach you in 2012 is that it doesn’t matter if you like or understand Social Media. It only matters if Social Media can help your business grow. And it can!! The search engines (Bing and Google specifically) are now taking into account the reputation of websites as reflected in social media as part of their algorithm to rank sites. Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com 21
  • 22. Much like links count as a “vote of popularity” for a site, so does Social Media exposure. If your site is out there, getting talked about, getting messages shared and liked and +1ed, then it shows the engines the site has something of value that people are responding to. If you do nothing else in 2012, you need to get involved in Social Media. On its own Social Media can drive traffic and exposure BUT the boost it gives your SEO is something you can’t afford to ignore. Often I hear: “it’s OK, I’m already ranking well so I don’t need Social Media, but thanks.” The critical error there is thinking that ranking well now means you will continue to rank well long term. With an average of more than one algorithm change per day last year, there is no arguing how fast things change with the engines. A ranking today is no way any assurance that you will rank tomorrow. How can you ensure you will continue to rank tomorrow? Actively optimize in all areas that the engines look at (and that includes Social Media). So what is Social Media exactly? Social media as defined on Wikipedia is: Social media is an umbrella term that defines the various activities that integrate technology, social interaction, and the construction of words, pictures, videos and audio. This interaction, and the manner in which information is presented, depends on the varied perspectives and "building" of shared meaning among communities, as people share their stories, and understandings. Social media can take many different forms, including Internet forums, message boards, weblogs, wikis, podcasts, pictures and video. Technologies include: blogs, picture-sharing, vlogs, wall-postings, email, instant messaging, music- sharing, crowdsourcing, and voice over IP, to name a few. Examples of social media applications are Google Groups (reference, social networking), Wikipedia (reference), MySpace (social networking), Facebook (social networking), Last.fm (personal music), YouTube (social networking and video sharing), Second Life (virtual reality), Flickr (photo sharing), Twitter (social networking and microblogging) and other microblogs such as Jaiku and Pownce. Many of these social media services can be integrated via social network aggregation platforms like Mybloglog and Plaxo. A few years ago Time magazine announced that the person of the year was YOU. After all the “user generated” content that was published and spreading rapidly across the internet Time felt YOU were responsible for this amazing new trend and information that is now available. The trend continues to grow as more and more sites appear and existing sites allow for much more interaction and user generated content. Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com 22
  • 23. These social networks allow you to post articles, podcasts, videos, Blogs, bookmarks, bios, profiles and comments. With social media it is very easy to share your thoughts and your marketing message. Of course sharing it is only step one – the content has to be interesting, funny, informative, shocking etc to create a viral spread of the content through email and various networks. This new phenomenon gives the consumer the power to voice their opinions and impact the decision making of other potential consumers. Because of all this open and honest dialog that just spreads across the internet “Reputation Management” has become a big buzz word and something we are all concerned about. Tip! Set a Google alert for your name, your company name and various other keywords that are relevant to your site and business. Keep tabs on what content is spreading about you and your company. You may come across negative content and will have to work to neutralize the negativity and you may discover supporters of yours that will open up new opportunities. So, definitely plan some reputation management so this new age of user generated content doesn’t work against you. The advent of social networking sites and user generated content also opens up new opportunities for businesses to get involved and really interact with and market to their audience in a different way. Many companies are shying away from social media for 2 main reasons: 1. They don’t understand what it is and how to participate. 2. They don’t believe they will benefit from social media. It is important that we address both of those issues. How do you participate in social media? There are so many ways, we could never cover it all right here so let’s look at just a couple examples and some of the rules and tips you must know in order to participate. Facebook.com is a site that was designed for social networking. You connect with friends, family and colleagues by searching the Facebook member database. Each member has the opportunity to create their own profile, which is a page that allows them to post a photo, share contact info and post information about education, career, interests, as well as photos, quotes, videos and much more. Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com 23
  • 24. You can also set up a Fan page. I highly recommend you create a Fan page and promote it. You can use your Fan page to build your mailing list, promote your products or services and drive traffic back to your site. You can even pull your Blog feed into your Fan page. (Need a quote on creating a killer Facebook Fan Page? Email jennifer@ecombuffet.com) There are many different ways to break into facebook.com and use it as a marketing tool, but the key thing you need to remember is you can’t go in there and plaster your sales message all over the place and expect hordes of people to go running to your site. You need to experience the “culture” of the site and learn the etiquette. There are ways you can share content that will turn your audience off and there are ways you can attract them and get them interested. Without learning the accepted etiquette for each site, you risk offending the very people you are there to attract. Start by setting up your profile and then check out groups and individuals that have listed an interest in what you do, or the product or service that you offer. See how they communicate and check out the type of interaction that occurs. One thing you have to remember is things may not play out like you would expect them to. For example, I have a Blog that many of you read. Many popular Blogs have comments and feedback from the Blog readers. My Blog gets none of that – instead people email me directly and share their comments and ask their questions. At first I was disappointed, I expected people to post comments on my Blog. I quickly learned to adapt and realized I was getting a response; it just wasn’t in the form I expected. So, you go with the flow. If something isn’t what you expected you either adapt your expectations or alter your strategy. In my case, I just adapted my thinking since the end result was what I wanted; it just didn’t occur that way I expected it to. So what I’m saying is the whole point of social media is that it is driven by the public and you don’t have control, so you may not get what you expect. There is no precise science. There is just trial and error and getting your name, your site and your message out there. I will go into detail on how to specifically participate in social media in an article coming out soon, but for now I just wanted to lay the foundation and provide a basic understanding for you. Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com 24
  • 25. So, in general you would participate in different ways depending on the particular site, but usually you start a group related to your product or service, posting your interests, posting comments on the Blog or Message Board forum within the particular website. You can post announcements, list products or services in the marketplace section (if the site has one). You can announce events, newsletters, teleconference calls etc. More About Facebook Fan Pages: They are a great tool to generate new leads and develop relationships with people to help grow your business. There is some confusion about a Profile on Facebook, a Group and a Fan Page or Business Page. Unlike groups in Facebook, Fan pages are visible to unregistered people and are indexed by the engines – which is another opportunity for you to come up in the engines. The number of Fans you can have is unlimited (whereas the Friend limit is 5,000). Pages are generally better for a long-term relationships with your fans, readers or customers. Pages include links. Because the pages are public, you can get some link juice (link popularity). You can send “updates” to fans whenever you want. It’s a nice way of building a database of interested users. Send messages about new products, updated website, etc. When someone joins a Fan Page, it’s published in their News feed for all of their Friends to read (unless they have turned this off). This helps spread the word about your Fan Page. A Fan or Business Page is designed to promote a business. It can be used to share simple information like your business hours, contact information and product/service offerings. It can also be used as a marketing tool. If you design a fun and graphically appealing Fan Page that is designed to capture leads and promote your business well, it can be a good tool for generating new leads. You don’t have to have a Facebook profile to have a Fan/Business page BUT if you want some of the added features to enhance the page, then you do need a Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com 25
  • 26. profile. You don’t have to be active and look for old high school or college friends or play any of the games or other things people do on Facebook. You can use Facebook simply as a business tool. You just need a simple profile with your name and a link to your website and then the Fan/Business page can be set up with all of the added benefits. Anyone can set up a Fan page, but to get the most out of it with the added features, you need to know HTML. NOTE: as of March 10 2011, Facebook will be using iFrames for custom tabs (which means they are phasing out FBML – if you already have an FBML tab, it will still function but all new pages will need to be created with iFrames. More coding knowledge will be required and you are more likely to need help if you aren’t proficient in coding. Some interesting Facebook stats: • Facebook has 600 Million Global Users (and growing) • Facebook has 100 Million U.S. Users: Facebook is strong around-the- world (Canada has the highest penetration rate), but nearly 1/3 of all Facebook users are in the U.S. • The average Facebook User Spends 55 Minutes Per Day • Real-time Search Is Important Today: Facebook is now making most content available publicly (unless you adjust your privacy settings). This has tremendous implications for search engine optimization and reputation management. You need to be on top of real-time search - today. A recent study (The Sysomos study) found a strong correlation between amount of content (notes, links, photos, videos and custom pages/tabs) and number of fans. If you are looking to really grow your Fan base, you need something more than a standard Fan page. 2012 Facebook Updates: I wanted to give you a comprehensive breakdown of all the changes to the pages (keep reading for that). I also wanted to make a limited time special offer. We are offering comprehensive Facebook packages at a special price. Let me take a minute to explain that and then we’ll get to the detailed breakdown of all changes. We can design a custom tab with an incentive-to-like feature (also called fan- gating, it means you offer fans access to a coupon or info AFTER they click the “LIKE” button so they are more compelled to click it and it increases your fans). Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com 26
  • 27. We can also design a custom cover photo for your timeline page and a thumbnail graphic to draw attention to your custom tab. The normal cost of this package is $370 onetime fee. We are now able to offer it for $320 onetime fee for a very limited time (until this coming Sunday). Save $50 by ordering before Sunday. It’s the best way to ensure you have high-end custom design for the major elements of your Fan Page. If you have questions of what any of this means…shoot me an email and I can show you samples and give you more details. OK, now onto the details of all the changes…this is going to be long so get comfy. You can read it all here: With the new timeline pages, you will experience the following changes (remember people were able to choose to convert to the timeline page anytime but come tomorrow, it’s no longer optional and the switch is happening whether you are ready or not). If you are designing your own custom pages, one new change is that you will have a chance to preview your page(s) and make any edits or tweaks before you publish them. You’ll find the preview option at the top of your page in the old design. Or, you can view a list of your pages here: https://www.facebook.com/pages/status/ mode. One of the major new changes is the Cover image. If you plan to create your own, here are the dimensions and other details you need to know: It is 851 x 315 pixels. Note: if you upload an image that is smaller than that, they will stretch it out and it may look distorted. Also note they won’t accept any image unless it is at least 399 pixels wide. Facebook does have some rules for these images, this is not meant to be free advertising for you (they want to get paid for any advertising you do). Since they are giving you a nice piece of prime real estate, there are some rules they want you to follow – which you can read about here: http://www.facebook.com/page_guidelines.php There is also space for your standard profile picture. Your profile pic should be square and is either 160 x 160 pixels, depending on the size of someone’s screen. The photo you upload must be at least 180 x 180 pixels. Changes to custom landing tabs: You are no longer able to set a default tab – if they find you on Facebook, they will land on the Timeline “wall” by default BUT your custom tabs are still present on the page – they are listed as “custom apps” and each custom app has a unique URL so you can drive traffic to any ‘landing page’ you wish. You’ll notice on the new pages, just below your cover image there are thumbnails which showcase your apps/tabs etc. You can have a maximum of 12 with 4 on Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com 27
  • 28. display. The first one will always be your Photos tab, you can’t change that. The other possible ones are Notes, Events, Likes, your custom tab and any other third party apps (like a shopping page etc). You have the ability to customize these little thumbnail apps - and if you don’t, they look pretty ugly and don’t stand out – check the ones from my page that I haven’t yet customized: So my suggestion is to customize the one for your custom/welcome tab – especially if you are offering an incentive to like. It’s a great way to make that tab stand out and draw people to the tab. If you are offering a free report, the image could be customized to announce that. (If you hire us to do your page, we’ll handle customizing the thumbnail for your custom tab). If you handle it yourself, the dimensions for the thumbnails are 111 x 74 pixels. (Directions for adding/changing a custom thumbnail: expand all apps by clicking the small down arrow to the right of the four app display. Then hover over any app > click the edit pencil > click Edit Settings > click Change next to Custom Tab Image (opens in a new window) > click Change > upload an image. The Like becomes Liked. In the past when someone clicked the Like button, it went away. Now it stays there and turns from Like to Liked. Users can hover over the Liked button and see various options. As of early March they added Interest Lists. You can read more about that here: http://newsroom.fb.com/Announcements/Introducing-Interest-Lists-109.aspx Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com 28
  • 29. The Timeline allows you to go back in time and add business milestones. You can add milestones any time during the time you list your business as active (in other words if you said you started 5 years ago, you could go back 5 years ago and create a milestone that highlights the company formation – it’s a great way to list important events in the company’s history) There are new filters for wall posts: Highlights, Posts by Page, Posts by Others, and Friend Activity. The default is always Highlights., A cool new feature allows posts on the page to be pinned the top of the wall for up to 7 days. Page admins can make some posts ‘double wide’ so the post spreads across both columns of the Timeline. All you have to do is hover over a post and click the star icon to highlight. You can also reposition photos shared by you (or others). Hover over the image and click the edit pencil, then click Reposition photo, then drag the image where you want it, and click Save. Fans and visitors can private Message fan admins – you can get more details here: https://www.facebook.com/help/?page=265660236817588 Lots going on and the new pages are great – visually appealing and they create a lot of opportunity for connection with potential customers. ☺ Facebook announced a minor change…starting April 26 the size of the profile picture on all Pages will be 160 x 160 pixels and will sit at 23 pixels from the left and 210 pixels from the top of the Page. Since you were supposed to be loading images that were 180 x 180, you should be fine. This just means they are showing a larger image than they were before. Doing business on social media sites has its own set of challenges (the cost to make changes and stay current if you don’t handle the work yourself, the time needed to stay current and learn new features etc) but that’s all minor considering the benefit you get. So while I was one of the ones ranting yesterday about the sizing glitch, I had to remind myself that Facebook is offering us a platform to get exposure and build connections – and it’s free! So if we need to update from time to time, it’s really not that bad! Please note Facebook consistently makes changes, they recently rolled out a new Commenting platform that allows you to add the ability for people to comment on your Blog and have it run through Facebook. Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com 29
  • 30. December 2010 News: Google and Bing both just confirmed that both Twitter and Facebook do impact SEO rankings! We’ve long suspected this and in anticipation of this announcement have encouraged all our clients to get involved in Twitter and Facebook. In a recent interview between Danny Sullivan (if you don’t know Danny, he is seen as the leading expert in SEO – when I first met Danny I called him an SEO Rock Star and while he laughed, it really is how he is known!) and Google and Bing, we got the details of this announcement: Danny Sullivan: If an article is retweeted or referenced much in Twitter, do you count that as a signal outside of finding any non-nofollowed links that may naturally result from it? Bing: We do look at the social authority of a user. We look at how many people you follow, how many follow you, and this can add a little weight to a listing in regular search results. It carries much more weight in Bing Social Search, where tweets from more authoritative people will flow to the top when best match relevancy is used. Google: Yes, we do use it as a signal. It is used as a signal in our organic and news rankings. We also use it to enhance our news universal by marking how many people shared an article. WHAT THIS MEANS: You need to be on Twitter and sharing content that gets retweeted! Danny Sullivan: Do you try to calculate the authority of someone who tweets that might be assigned to their Twitter page. Do you try to “know,” if you will, who they are? Bing: Yes. We do calculate the authority of someone who tweets. For known public figures or publishers, we do associate them with who they are. (For example, query for Danny Sullivan) Google: Yes we do compute and use author quality. We don’t know who anyone is in real life :-) Danny Sullivan: Do you calculate whether a link should carry more weight depending on the person who tweets it? Bing: Yes. Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com 30
  • 31. Google: Yes we do use this as a signal, especially in the “Top links” section [of Google Realtime Search]. WHAT THIS MEANS: You need to be actively building your follower base and improve your “author authority” (so your tweets and retweets of your tweets help you more and carry more weight). We now know that those link sharing activities on Twitter + Facebook are evaluated based on the person/entity sharing them through a score Google calls "Author Authority," and Bing calls "Social Authority." If you aren’t yet on Twitter or Facebook (with a Fan Page) please contact us to get a quote and get going – it’s only going to become more important as time goes on. If you are already on Twitter and/or Facebook but think you may need some help, let us review what you are doing and see how we can help! Pinterest For Business What is Pinterest? Pinterest’s About page tells us it is: a virtual pinboard — a place where you can create collections of things you love and “follow” collections created by people with great taste. People use Pinterest to collect and share all sorts of things — wedding inspiration, favorite T-shirts, DJ equipment. You name it, people are pinning it. To get started you need an invitation. You can either go to the homepage and put in your email address to request one or you can ask a friend that is a Pinterest user to invite you. TIP: Use the same email you used for your Twitter account – that will make it easy to share your pins with Twitter. Right now Facebook only has the ability to connect with personal profiles and not business pages, so you don’t want to connect your Pinterest to Facebook if you are planning on using it for business. Getting started on Pinterest once you have your invitation: The first thing you’ll do is set up your profile page. Your profile shows your display name, a profile picture, a bio/description, and how many followers you have as well as how many you are following. Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com 31
  • 32. There is an option that says “Hide your Pinterest profile from search engines”. Be sure this is OFF or else the engines won’t be able to spider your materials. When you open a new Pinterest account, you will be given these five templates for boards: You can keep these five boards to get started or you can change them. On each of the boards there is an “edit” button. Click on this and you can name/rename a board, write a description for that board, choose a category (required by Pinterest), determine if you are the only one who can pin or if it’s a shared board, or just delete the board altogether. NOTE: Don’t forget to click on Save Board Settings when you are done! At the top of your profile page, in the right-hand part of the screen, you’ll see various drop-down menus to help you navigate your own settings and boards as well as discover others on Pinterest. Navigating Pinterest: If you are logged into Pinterest, you can hit the Pinterest icon in the top left-hand corner of your screen to go to your Pinterest home. Just like going to your home page in Facebook or Twitter, this will show you your feed. Here you will see all of the recent pins of the people you follow. Remember that everyone who follows you will see everything that you pin in their feed. From your home page (not your profile – your Pinterest home), you will see a link to Discussions. This will show you what is hot on Pinterest at the moment based on comments and repins (think of repins like retweets on Twitter or shares on Facebook – it’s when someone shares a pin). Then there is a link to Everything. This brings up the most recent pins from everyone on Pinterest. Beginners Tip: Click on the Everything feed and just spend some time looking. This will help you to see what kinds of things people are pinning, what kinds of boards others have created, and just give you a general feel for what Pinterest is about. Once you are done that, you want to start building your Boards before you actively try to build followers. Much like a new Blog, you don’t want to drive people there before you have something for them to see. So build some boards that have interesting pins and then you can start building your followers. (Note: You will have the option to share posts through Facebook, Twitter and email.) Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com 32
  • 33. How do I pin something to Pinterest? You can use the “Pin This” bookmarklet (see that plus other topics here: http://pinterest.com/about/help/) NOTE: There has been talk from IE users that it’s difficult to use the Pin This bookmark in Explorer. What should I pin on Pinterest? There is etiquette to be followed and one of the leading items is not to be too blatantly self-promotional. That ruins it for everyone. (Side note: when you are posting from another source be sure to cite the source and give them credit.) Remember the name Pinterest comes from pinning about Interests. So you can use Pinterest to create a personality and connection for your company that potential customers and clients can relate to. You can share things of interest to your target audience – things that show how your product or service is used in their lifestyle. Things they can relate to. Things they will find interesting. That will pay off – it’ll help them see you as a resource and a source of interest in their life. You can post pictures of your products if there is a reason, like they are homemade or they are décor related or fashion related. People love to see beautiful things – just remember to balance it with other things as well. If you hit them with nothing but your product catalog, there isn’t really much in it for them and it’s all about you selling. Here are some examples of integrating lifestyle imagery into your pins: If you sell shoes, post pics of the shoes and then pics of the types of places people would wear those in everyday life. Show beautiful hiking trails for hiking boots. Show cocktail parties and great outfits that go with fancy heels. Take what you sell and create imagery of that product being used in life. If you sell baby blankets, show pics of babies in beds and playing on the floor. Show baby showers and gift giving to plant the seed. Show your products. Show all things baby related. TIP: You can pin items from your Blog or site. Pinterest now has a Pin It! button you can use for blog posts or product pages. Following/Unfollowing When you begin, Pinterest will help you find friends on Pinterest using your email, Twitter, or Facebook. That’s a great place to start. Pinterest will then make Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com 33
  • 34. suggestions for you and display those suggestions on your home page. Pinterest has also compiled some lists which are also a great place to find great people to follow (check out the upper right hand corner of the page and find the People drop-down menu; you’ll find the lists there). You have the choice to follow all of someone’s boards or follow individual boards they have created. If you follow all, that means that you will follow every board they have at present and all future boards they will create. Unfollowing a board is easy. Click on whatever board you don’t want to follow (from your feed) then click the Unfollow button from the top right-hand corner of that board. Easy! Now that board will no longer appear in your feed. Helpful Pinterest Tips: - You can follow a user, which means you will be notified of anything they pin on any Boards or you can follow just one board to be updated on the pins to that Board only. - You will have the option to share posts through Facebook, Twitter and email. - Use hashtags just like you do on your other social media sites. - If you have an off-line event, create a Pinboard to share images from the event and use that to promote future similar events. - You can create video galleries too. - For every pin, there is a space for a description. You’ll see everything from “want this” to “love this” but you can also go into more detail. It’s a great place to include a link back to your site/Blog/landing page etc. Note that when repinning, the description from the person who pinned it before you appears in that space by default. - Choose to receive email notifications from your Preferences. This will alert you to new followers, new repins, @ mentions, and likes. - ”Like” is a wonderful and helpful feature on Pinterest. If you come across something that you like but don’t necessarily want/need to pin, you can simply Like it. This won’t show up in the feed of those who follow you, but you can click on Likes from your profile to see a list of everything you have Liked on Pinterest. - To tag another Pinterest user when you pin something, use @ just like on Twitter or Facebook. - You can even create something specifically for the purpose of pinning. If you are on Facebook you’ll see that the hottest trend is taking inspirational or motivational quotes and creating an image to post. You can do that with quotes related to your industry and pin those. They spread like wildfire – especially if you pair an incredible image with a great quote. - If you are in the fashion, food, crafts/handmade, art, photography, décor, Mommy interests, sports area– you might find Pinterest to be a really great tool for you. It’s designed for just those kinds of things (although with a little creativity you can make it work for any business) Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com 34
  • 35. Why should I be on Pinterest? The growth of Pinterest has been amazing and many compare it to Facebook in its early days. Most compelling, the primary demographic of Pinterest users is composed of women, a hard-to-reach online demographic. Ideas For Pins - Use any visual content and images you already have - Create new ones – either design images in Photoshop or go on a camera spree in the office one day and catch some great candid shots - Look at Blog posts and see what visuals you can pull from there - Create or use infographics and charts - Use covers or ebooks or books - Show product photos - Show photos of happy customers - Allow users to pin to your pinboards. Promotion Ideas Try hosting a contest. Ask people to create a board on their own account that shows why they love your product and/or service. Ask them to show pics of then doing fun/crazy/interesting things with your products. The coolest board wins a prize or ask them to re-pin their board to your profile and get people to vote on who is best. Promote your Pinboards via email, your site and Blog and all your other social media profiles Engage with other users – like and comment on their work. Much like on Tiwtter if you are active with them, they are likely to reciprocate. Be focused on specific topics on your Boards – that allows you to create a strong area of interest for people passionate about the topic. Remember the key here is thinking about your target audience and how your products/services fit into their lifestyles. Capture imagery they can relate to and will respond emotionally to. Let’s look at a few more samples: If you sell kitchenware, pin images of great recipes (share the recipe under the photo), show pics of moms & kids cooking together (they are always funny and Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com 35
  • 36. cute), create images of great quotes from famous chefs (like Julia Child etc). If you sell baby blankets, in addition to images from baby showers and adorable baby pics and product photos, you can also get creative and look for images of kids using blankets in play (as a cape, as a fort, to drag their sibling around, as a bag of their stuff when they threaten to “run away” etc. If you sell accounting software, show images of people saving money, show images of paperwork and frustrated people, show screenshots of your software with smiling people. Show image of tax and financial tips (remember it could be just words designed a graphic, that is so popular on Facebook right now) Get creative and have some fun. As with all social media, this will take more time to get up and running and then once you are in a groove, it’ll get easier. Lesson Seven: Blogging • About 120,000 new weblogs are created each day – which means 1.4 new blogs are created every second • 1.5 million posts per day which means 17 posts are made every second What does that mean? Some people might think it means there are so many Blogs out there how could my little Blog get noticed and make a difference? That’s not the right way to look at it though, and here’s why: • 3000-7000 new splogs (fake, or spam Blogs) are created every day • Only 19.4 million Bloggers (55%) are still posting 3 months after their Blogs are created Which means a real Blog, with interesting content that is configured for maximum exposure and benefit, can find its place in the Blogosphere and make a difference in your SEO campaign and your marketing campaign as well. Benefits of a Blog: • Easy to update, once it’s set up you can create posts yourself and add fresh content as often as you want • Blogs invite interactivity with your site viewers – the more you engage your visitors the more likely they are to buy (and the more they are likely to spend on each purchase) • The search engines index more Blogs daily then web pages, so adding a Blog to your arsenal creates a second site that can be indexed and drive traffic. Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com 36
  • 37. • Your Blog can boost your main site’s rankings if set up properly. • Many people are not aware of the power of Blogs and are just using a free Blogger.com Blog. They are missing out on the benefits of all the powerful Plugins** that come with a hosted Blog. Which means if you set up a powerful hosted Blog you are a step ahead of so many of the Bloggers out there. • Blogs allow you to tap into Real Time Search, which creates another opportunity for you to appear in the first page of the SERPs (search engine results pages) **Plugins are features that are added to your Blog to make it more powerful. With Plugins your content can virally spread across the internet through RSS Feed, pings and so much more. If you don’t have a Blog, or aren’t sure if you are getting the most out of your Blog – send us an email and we’ll help you sort through the tech stuff and make a decision that is best for your business. Just email me at jennifer@ecombuffet.com Lesson Eight: Maintenance Now that your site is optimized, your link campaign is under way and you are diving into social media, it’s time to talk about maintenance. SEO is an ever changing industry. Optimization is not a “set it and forget it” kind of thing. You have to monitor rankings and tweak your site if the results you were hoping for don’t happen. Even if you get the results you were after, you need to stay on top of industry news and make any necessary changes to your site. If you don’t stay current with what the engines are looking for, you risk losing your rankings. There is always going to be some fluctuation in rankings – the SERPs (search engine results pages) are not static. But you want to minimize the chances of major rankings changes. Aside from staying current on trends and changes in optimization you also need to stay current on keywords and definitely monitor web stats. Let’s talk about keywords for a minute. Did you know that 25% of searches each month are brand new, never before seen search words and phrases? That is shocking. You would think with the number of search queries running through Google, they have seen it all. Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com 37
  • 38. We spend so much time on keyword research – and rightfully so, it’s the foundation of your campaign. But this new information tells us that we need to tweak the process a little bit to keep up with the ever changing SEO world. So, how do you handle keyword research and make sure you are staying current? First and foremost you want to make sure you have outlined your strategy. Without a plan in place you are likely to forget to do it, and it’ll just rattle around in the back of your brain or sit on a post-it note that gets stuck to the back of another piece of paper in your planner. So, before that happens, let’s define your plan right now. You’ve already done your initial keyword research steps as outlined in Lesson One – which outlined steps 1 – 4. Here is where most people are missing out and need to plan further action. 5. Once a month you should do keyword research and see what new words and phrases come up and add those new words and phrases to your campaign. If you find once a month is too often, do it every other month. Just make sure you have a plan to check back regularly so you can take advantage of new search phrases and tap into more traffic. You could put a monthly reminder in your Outlook or use an online reminder service. Find a system that will work for you! If you are adding content to your site like you should be, then adding these new keyword phrases should be easy to work into the new content you are writing. ☺ You should also schedule at least a monthly review of your web stats (if not more often). Check out how much traffic you are actually getting from the engines. Find out what phrases people are actually finding your site with. Don’t forget the engines will start picking up your site for “bonus keywords” – which are different combinations and variations of your core keywords that you optimized for. If you identify some of these “bonus keywords” it’ll give you insight into exactly how people are searching and what they are looking for. You may find it’s worth adding content for these new phrases so you can try to get even more exposure for them. You also want to look at how long people are staying on your site, how many pages they are looking at before they leave, and what pages they leave most often. Although checking web stats is not directly related to optimization, it is vital to the success and growth of your site – which is ultimately why you are optimizing your site, right? Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com 38
  • 39. MISC INFO – STILL “MUST HAVE” INFO (just added it on to the end as it become new info that you had to have) I have been a columnist at industry favorite Search Engine Journal for a while now and there is some great content you should check out. Here is a list of all my posts there: http://www.searchenginejournal.com/author/jennifer-horowitz/ We are done with your lessons, so now let’s take a look at some other really good information… GOOGLE (A breakdown of news, tips, new features etc) This section includes a collection of information, specifically related to Google. I’ve thrown it in to keep you updated on the history. I recently edited this book (August 29) so anything that is still here is important information for you to have, even if it’s dated from a year or two ago. Search Plus Your World I am getting a lot of questions about “Search Plus Your World” and it’s not surprising. With Google pushing the +1 button and Google+ down our throats, most people have heard of it by now. But in case you don’t know the details, I wanted to give you a rundown. Grab a drink and maybe a little snack and get comfy – this could be a long one! I’ll give a rough overview of +1/G+ and then we’ll go into “Search Plus Your World” (and at the end I’ll wrap it all up with my opinions and what it means to you). +1 is the equivalent of Facebook’s “LIKE” button. Google+ or G+ is Google’s social network. It allows you to post pics, “hangout” (chat) and post comments that people can follow. You create “circles” to organize your “friends” and you can choose what content you share with what circles. When it first launched it was invitation only. It was primarily people in the SEO/online marketing industry using it. As it expanded, more and more people started checking it out – primarily business owners that were scared into checking it out (for fear of missing the next big traffic generation source). The number of users that Google was reporting were large. BUT then it came out that the numbers were a little inflated because they counted people logging into gmail as well. Long story short: it’s still not totally clear whether G+ will pass the test of time. Most people seem to feel like this about it: Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com 39
  • 40. (I got those both on Facebook, would love to credit the brilliant creative minds that came up with those) So the bottom line? Google has a lot invested in making this work (rumor has it employee bonuses are being tied to the success of this) BUT most people aren’t convinced it’ll take off and even it does, it likely won’t overtake Facebook. OK, so now that you know the scoop – back to “Search Plus Your World” Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com 40
  • 41. How Does “Search Plus Your World” Work? If you have a Google account, you automatically have a Google profile and if you have a profile, then you now have a Google+ presence. So even if you haven’t yet signed up for to Google+, your profile in the Google+ community exists and is lying there dormant until you get active on it. Any Google user (Google+ participant or not) can experience the personalized “Search Plus” results when they search in Google, and active Google+ users can see even more personalized results based on content shared in Google+. Google explains that the content people can now see in the SERPs is: • Personal Results, which enable you to find information just for you, such as Google+ photos and posts—both your own and those shared specifically with you, that only you will be able to see on your results page; • Profiles in Search: both in autocomplete and results, which enable you to immediately find people you’re close to or might be interested in following; and, • People and Pages, which help you find people profiles and Google+ pages related to a specific topic or area of interest, and enable you to follow them with just a few clicks. Because behind most every query is a community. So basically the search engine algorithms that made behavioral, social and personalized search possible before are all bundled together now into the “Search Plus Your World” feature. The non-personalized results are still available. A user can jump back and forth between personal and non-personal results with one click. There are now basically three options for the SERPs: 1. Non-personalized results (stripped of most cues that have personalized searches in the past) 2. Personalized results 3. Google+ personalized only results. If doing a search in the “Search Plus” (the default view in the SERPs), here is what you are likely to find: • Google+ posts. You can find relevant G+ posts from friends/colleagues/people in your circles (you’ll see this info whether they shared it publically or privately with you). You'll find links that they shared also. • Photos. You’ll find photos – both yours and your friends that are relevant to your query (I went to Buenos Aires last year, so if I’m in your circle and Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com 41
  • 42. you search for Buenos Aires, you’ll see some of my great pics – go for it – they are worth a look!) Images are pulled in based on captions, comments and the album title. If I haven’t totally confused you yet, keep on reading for more details. So these personalized results are mixed in with the "normal" results and they are personalized to you. So you could be sitting side by side with a friend and each search for the same thing and you’ll see different results. When Universal search first came out, there was some confusion (for those that don’t remember that was when Blogs, shopping, images, videos etc were all integrated in the SERPs). This is the same as that, but now there are also links/posts and images from yourself and people you are connected to in the mix as well. “Search Plus” has been called “personalized search on steroids”- but still many people are not happy about it. There are privacy issues and there are concerns about the information being delivered in the SERPs will be so filtered based on “over-personalization” (feeding information that is only relevant to your circles and you and not giving unbiased “big picture” results. Another point of contention – it doesn’t include date from Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or other social networks. People feel it’s very self-serving of Google and they also feel if personalized content is so important they are missing the boat big time by leaving out the biggest sources of social content. FYI: Google says they would be open to featuring the content from other social networks if they had access to the data they need from Facebook, Twitter etc. Skeptics says its lip service and they could easily access the data but want to exclude it for their own benefit (promoting G+) Another interesting note: The Official Google Blog says that “behavioral search” is no longer happening in the non-personalized results: That means no results from your friends, no private information and no personalization of results based on your Web History. This toggle button works for an individual search session, but you can also make this the default in your Search Settings. We provide separate control in Search Settings over other contextual signals we use, including location and language. That is really interesting and it means we have data that is ultra-personalized on one side and with the click of the toggle button, content that is no longer personalized. That means no more influence from past web browsing history or social or behavioral cues (but geo-targeting will still happen so you will still see Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com 42
  • 43. local results). Halleluiah! But this is not the default so remember to toggle to non-personalized if you want “raw” Google data. The problem is most users don’t spend the time and energy that people in my industry and web site owners spend, so they may not realize they can toggle to the non-personalized. But then again, those users are not likely to be active on G+ and won’t have a lot of data pulling from there. As you can see, there are a lot of “ifs” and “ands” and even some “buts” (some may argue there are also some “butts” over at Google!) and a lot that is still not totally clear. We need to wait a bit longer and see how it impacts the results over time. We’ll see users that aren’t as aware of all this start noticing a decrease in quality of results (people speculate that over-personalizing will limit and impair results). So what does all this mean? Is this the year SEO actually dies? If we had a funeral for each time SEO was declared dead, I’d be pulling out my black dress quite a few times a year. The answer once again is a resounding NO. As with most Google changes, this doesn’t mean the death of SEO, it simply means we have some adapting and adjusting to do. People still want real info – they want to research and book travel and find hotels and find stores to buy from. They don’t only want to see their friends photos and links and posts. On-page optimization to get your site to come up for relevant queries is still very alive and well and needed. Google still values content (as evidenced by their freshness filter and duplicate content filter – let’s not forget Panda!) You still need to add content, optimize your site, create a strong structure that is easy to navigate – basically Google still needs to clearly see the theme of your site and find it relevant to the search queries people perform. There is talk that Google will focus more on click-throughs from within your circles and optimizing tags to get click-throughs is important but I don’t even want to go there because that was always important and something that should already be being done. So my friends, there you have it. As you can probably tell I’m in the cynic’s camp on this one. There is a lot I don’t like and I think a lot will change (The LA Times is already predicting more FTC trouble for Google and the privacy groups are going to be all over this too). Time will tell how it all plays out. And as always, I want to leave you with a take-away: Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com 43
  • 44. Don’t stop optimizing and adding content to your site (if anything optimization gets more important over time as searchers get more sophisticated and more competition comes on board). Lastly, don’t jump all over G+ for fear of missing out (I’ll let you know if that changes) but you probably should put a +1 button up on your site just in case. ☺ Important Information: How Does Google Categorize Your Site? You know what you have to offer and you know what your site is about – but does Google? If you had to categorize your site, do you think it would match how Google would categorize it? You can find out! If Google thinks your site is about a certain topic, or in a certain category and it doesn’t match what your site is truly about, it could be hard to rank for words that are relevant for you because Google may not agree they are relevant. So being sure how Google sees your site is important. You can use the “similar” search operator to find out just how Google categorizes your site! Go to your Google search box and type: related:www.domain.com/ ~domain.com Replace www.domain.com with your own domain name. Make sure there is no space after the colon. The results page will show other sites Google thinks are related to your site. This will give you a glimpse into what Google thinks your site is about. If the websites listed on the search results page are related (similar) to your site, which is good. It means Google understands what your site is about and you are in sync! If the sites are about totally different topics, then there is a big problem that needs to be fixed immediately. If its hit and miss, some of the sites are actually related sites and others aren’t, then there is still some tweaking to get more clarity and to show Google without a doubt what the topic/category of your site is. How does Google determine what your site is about? Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com 44
  • 45. They look at the content of the site (and the accompanying optimization) and they also look at the links coming into your site. If the links coming into your site are all from completely unrelated sites, it doesn't reinforce the theme / topic / category of your site. You want to be sure that the links you are getting are coming from complementary sites and also be sure the anchor text is using a keyword that is related to the page it is linking to. Tags on Local Listings For $25 you can enhance your Google Maps/Local listing. Get more details: http://google-latlong.blogspot.com/2010/06/google-tags-rolling- out- nationwide.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=F eed:+blogspot/SbSV+%28Google+LatLong%29&utm_content=Google+Reader Google’s “Mayday Update” and What It Means To You (this is from May 2010 but the lessons learned from this update are still relevant today): My Blog has details on Google’s “Mayday Update” – which things up and caused a lot of site owners to see a decrease in traffic – specifically for keyword phrases that are three or more keywords long, known as long tail keywords. The good news: Google is now able to index longer keyword phrases more accurately. Previously Google guessed at the best pages to rank for long keyword phrases. The new Google patent indicates that Google now has the power to index longer keyword phrases on web pages instead of guessing them. The Takeaway? If you’ve taken the time to really learn how people search and done proper keyword research to select targeted phrases that are very likely to convert and if you’ve optimized your site pages well for those phrases – then you are in good shape. If you haven’t, you need to. Longtail keywords are highly valuable. People don’t have time to search generic terms and scroll through tons of results so they get really detailed and use longer search queries right out of the gate. People know what they are looking for and want the quickest path to it! While the “Mayday Update” was not a welcome change for many (especially those site owners who don’t have good quality sites that are well optimized and deep with content) it actually presents lots of opportunity for those that choose to act on it. Important Info: Has Your Site Been Banned From Google? Copyright 2012 EcomBuffet.com 45