To have a healthy body, you need a healthy mouth as the same blood and nerves connect the mouth to the rest of the body. Oral hygiene includes keeping the mouth clean and is necessary to prevent dental caries, gingivitis, periodontitis, bad breath and other dental problems. Maintaining good oral hygiene can prevent dental caries, gingivitis, periodontitis and halitosis.
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Oral Hygiene
2. It is the time to think of our
mouths as somehow
disconnected from the rest of our
bodies. The same blood flows
through them, the same nerves go
to them. To have a healthy body,
you need a healthy mouth.
3. Oral Hygiene
Oral hygiene includes all the processes
for keeping mouth clean and healthy.
Good oral hygiene is necessary for
prevention of dental caries , periodontal
diseases, bad breath and also many dental
5. By maintaining good oral
hygiene can prevent
. Dental caries
. Gingivitis
. Periodontitis
. Halitosis