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ORIENTATION - DEFINITION “  Orientation is the planned introduction of new employees to their jobs, their co-workers and the organisation.”


PURPOSE Making employees comfortable Reduce their anxiety Adjust themselves to the new environment Providing them information about their job


ORIENTATION PROGRAMME Formal Informal Individual Collective Serial Disjunctive Investiture Divestiture


STAGES OF THE FORMAL PROGRAM Introduction to the company Specific orientation about the department and job Follow –up meeting


FORMAL ORIENTATION PROGRAMME HR representative Supervisor Placement Organisational issues and Employee benefits Specific Job location and Duties Special Anxiety reduction seminars


TOPICS COVERED IN  ORIENTATION PROGRAMME Organisational issues Employment benefits Introduction Job duties


REQUISITIES OF AN  EFFECTIVE PROGRAMME Prepare for new employees  Determine information new employees want to know Determine how to present information Completion of paper work


EVALUATION OF  ORIENTATION PROGRAMME Complete a questionnaire Suggestions from the employees  to know their opinion Group discussion sessions


PROBLEMS OF ORIENTATION Too much of information. Overloaded with forms to complete Giving very less or more work that discourages him Forced to fill the gaps Thrown into action too soon Mistakes can damage the company May develop wrong perception




PLACEMENT “ Placement refers to the allocation of people to jobs.  It includes initial assignment of new employees and promotion, transfer or demotion of present employees.”


PLACEMENT PROBLEMS Should look at the individual and not the job The individual does not work independent  We must be careful while placing the individuals






EMPLOYEE REMUNERATION “ Remuneration is the compensation an employee receives in return for his or her contribution to the organisation.”


COMPONENTS OF REMUNERATION Wages and salaries Incentives Fringe benefits Perquisites Non – monetary benefits


FACTORS OF REMUNERATION Labour market Cost of living Labour unions Government legislation Society Economy Business Strategy Job Evaluation and Performance Appraisal The   Employee


JOB BASED AND SKILL BASED PAY Job-based Based on job performance Employee linked to job Assess job content Pay based on the value of work performed Skill-based  Based on ability to perform Employee linked to skills Assess skills Flexibility




INCENTIVE PAYMENTS “  Incentives are variable rewards granted to employees according to variations in their performance.”


TYPES OF INCENTIVE SCHEMES Earnings vary in the same proportion as the output Earning varies less proportionately than the output Earning varies proportionately more than the output Earning differs at different levels of the output


ADVANTAGES Motivates the employees Reduced supervision and better utilization of equipment Reduce absenteeism and increased output


DISADVANTAGES This involves additional expenses Difficult to determine the rates Difficult in determining the standard performance




EMPLOYEE BENEFITS AND SERVICES “ Employee benefits and services include any benefit that the employee receive in addition to direct remuneration.”


TYPES OF EMPLOYEE BENEFITS AND SERVICES Legally required payments Contingent and deferred benefits Payment for time not work Other benefits






ORGANISATIONAL APPROACHES The new mode of getting new men involved New method of leading them New way of allowing them to achieve self-fulfillment


NEED OF NEW ORGANISATIONAL MAN Self-fulfillment income Affiliation income Equity participation income Leadership participation income


CONCLUSION The challenges faced by the new man is never so great Corporate management should know to adjust the personal and professional requirements .


INDIAN JOURNAL REVIEW “ Influence of HRD climate on the learning orientation of bank employees.” January 1, 2008


INTRODUCTION Analyses the influence of the HRD climate existing in banks on the learning orientation of the employees. Competent employees are the greatest assets of any organisation The employees should have an open mind for learning and change


Changes are occurring in almost all the facets of organisational life Organisations now are facing greater challenges to retain their talented and competent personnel Talent management has become the critical goal of HR professionals Improving the quality of HRD is reported to be one effective alternative to face these challenges


REFERENCES Human resource and personnel management – K. Aswathappa [3 rd  edition] Human resource management– K. Aswathappa [5 th  edition] Harvard Business Review – organisational development [Part IV] Indian Journal Review – Indian Journal of Industrial relations www.google.com


By- Gaurav Kumar Arvariya Karthiga. D

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Orientation (or) induction and Placement in human resource management

  • 2. ORIENTATION - DEFINITION “ Orientation is the planned introduction of new employees to their jobs, their co-workers and the organisation.”
  • 3. PURPOSE Making employees comfortable Reduce their anxiety Adjust themselves to the new environment Providing them information about their job
  • 4. ORIENTATION PROGRAMME Formal Informal Individual Collective Serial Disjunctive Investiture Divestiture
  • 5. STAGES OF THE FORMAL PROGRAM Introduction to the company Specific orientation about the department and job Follow –up meeting
  • 6. FORMAL ORIENTATION PROGRAMME HR representative Supervisor Placement Organisational issues and Employee benefits Specific Job location and Duties Special Anxiety reduction seminars
  • 7. TOPICS COVERED IN ORIENTATION PROGRAMME Organisational issues Employment benefits Introduction Job duties
  • 8. REQUISITIES OF AN EFFECTIVE PROGRAMME Prepare for new employees Determine information new employees want to know Determine how to present information Completion of paper work
  • 9. EVALUATION OF ORIENTATION PROGRAMME Complete a questionnaire Suggestions from the employees to know their opinion Group discussion sessions
  • 10. PROBLEMS OF ORIENTATION Too much of information. Overloaded with forms to complete Giving very less or more work that discourages him Forced to fill the gaps Thrown into action too soon Mistakes can damage the company May develop wrong perception
  • 12. PLACEMENT “ Placement refers to the allocation of people to jobs. It includes initial assignment of new employees and promotion, transfer or demotion of present employees.”
  • 13. PLACEMENT PROBLEMS Should look at the individual and not the job The individual does not work independent We must be careful while placing the individuals
  • 16. EMPLOYEE REMUNERATION “ Remuneration is the compensation an employee receives in return for his or her contribution to the organisation.”
  • 17. COMPONENTS OF REMUNERATION Wages and salaries Incentives Fringe benefits Perquisites Non – monetary benefits
  • 18. FACTORS OF REMUNERATION Labour market Cost of living Labour unions Government legislation Society Economy Business Strategy Job Evaluation and Performance Appraisal The Employee
  • 19. JOB BASED AND SKILL BASED PAY Job-based Based on job performance Employee linked to job Assess job content Pay based on the value of work performed Skill-based Based on ability to perform Employee linked to skills Assess skills Flexibility
  • 21. INCENTIVE PAYMENTS “ Incentives are variable rewards granted to employees according to variations in their performance.”
  • 22. TYPES OF INCENTIVE SCHEMES Earnings vary in the same proportion as the output Earning varies less proportionately than the output Earning varies proportionately more than the output Earning differs at different levels of the output
  • 23. ADVANTAGES Motivates the employees Reduced supervision and better utilization of equipment Reduce absenteeism and increased output
  • 24. DISADVANTAGES This involves additional expenses Difficult to determine the rates Difficult in determining the standard performance
  • 26. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS AND SERVICES “ Employee benefits and services include any benefit that the employee receive in addition to direct remuneration.”
  • 27. TYPES OF EMPLOYEE BENEFITS AND SERVICES Legally required payments Contingent and deferred benefits Payment for time not work Other benefits
  • 28.  
  • 30. ORGANISATIONAL APPROACHES The new mode of getting new men involved New method of leading them New way of allowing them to achieve self-fulfillment
  • 31. NEED OF NEW ORGANISATIONAL MAN Self-fulfillment income Affiliation income Equity participation income Leadership participation income
  • 32. CONCLUSION The challenges faced by the new man is never so great Corporate management should know to adjust the personal and professional requirements .
  • 33. INDIAN JOURNAL REVIEW “ Influence of HRD climate on the learning orientation of bank employees.” January 1, 2008
  • 34. INTRODUCTION Analyses the influence of the HRD climate existing in banks on the learning orientation of the employees. Competent employees are the greatest assets of any organisation The employees should have an open mind for learning and change
  • 35. Changes are occurring in almost all the facets of organisational life Organisations now are facing greater challenges to retain their talented and competent personnel Talent management has become the critical goal of HR professionals Improving the quality of HRD is reported to be one effective alternative to face these challenges
  • 36. REFERENCES Human resource and personnel management – K. Aswathappa [3 rd edition] Human resource management– K. Aswathappa [5 th edition] Harvard Business Review – organisational development [Part IV] Indian Journal Review – Indian Journal of Industrial relations www.google.com
  • 37. By- Gaurav Kumar Arvariya Karthiga. D

Editor's Notes

  1. Formal : the management has a structured programme which is executed when new employees join the firm. Informal : new hires are directly put into job and they are expected to do the work themselves. Individual : It is orienting each person individually. It is more likely to preserve individual differences and perspectives. Collective : It is orienting people in a group. Most of the large firms tend to do this approach. Serial : orientation becomes serial when an experienced person inducts a new hire. Disjunctive : It becomes disjunctive when the new hire do not have any predecessors available for them. Investiture : It seeks to ratify the usefulness of the characteristics that the person brings to the new job. Divestiture : It seeks to make minor modifications in the characteristics of the new hire, though he or she was selected based on his or her potential.
  2. A general introduction to the company, given by the HR dept Specific orientation to the dept and the job, typically given by employee supervisor A follow – up meeting to verify that the important issues have been addressed and employees questions have been answered.
  3. 1. Employee is overwhelmed with too much of information. 2.Employee is overwhelmed with too much of information. 3. Employee is given a menial task that discourages him. 4.Employee is forced to fill the gaps 5.Employee is thrown into action too soon 6.Employee’s mistakes can damage the company 7.Employees may develop wrong perception
  4. Wages and salaries : the payment made to the employees as a compensation to their work Incentives : It is paid in addition to the wages and salaries. It depends on the productivity, sales, profit or cost reduction effort. Fringe benefits : It includes employee benefits like provident fund, gratutity and medical care. Perquisites : these are allowed to executives and include company car, club membership, paid holidays and furnished house. Non- monetary benefits : This include recognition or merit and challenging job responsibilities.
  5. Labour market: Demand and supply of labour influenec wages and salary fixation. A low wage paid when supply of labour exceeds and vice-versa. Cost of living: This matters during periods of rising prices, and forgotten when prices are stable or falling. Labour unions: labour union often determine the quantum of wages paid. Government Legislation: Some laws like, the payment of wages Act, 1936; the Minimum wages act, 1948; the payment of bonus Act, 1965; Equal remuneration Act, 1976 also determine the amount of wages. Society: The remuneration paid to employees has social implications too. The supreme court has been keeping social and ethical consideration in adjudicating wages and salary disputes. Economy: It is possiblethat there is a change in the wages in a recession, inflation and depression.
  6. Legally required payments: They are, old age, disability, health insurance, worker’s compensation, unemployment compensation. Contingent and deferred benefits: Some are, pension plans, prepaid legal plans, sick leave, tuition aid benefits. Payment for time not work: vacations, holidays, voting pay allowances Other benefits: Travel allowances, company car and subsidies, child care facilities, uniform and tool expenses.