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Origins And Characteristics Of
Narrative Poetry Free E
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Origins And Characteristics Of Narrative Poetry Free E Origins And Characteristics Of Narrative Poetry Free E
Mlk Letter To Birmingham Jail
In the 1960 s Birmingham, Alabama was a much different place. Strict segregation laws caused anger
among the African American citizens of Birmingham, along with most people of America. Many
nonviolent protestors were arrested and put in jail, cramming 60 people in a jail cell, which was meant
to hold 10 people. Martin Luther King Jr. tried to stop segregation and even went to jail due to a
nonviolent campaign. While he was in jail, he received a letter from the minsters of Birmingham
claiming his campaigns and demonstrations were unwise. King wrote the Letter From Birmingham
Jail as a peaceful response. Martin Luther King Jr. uses logical appeal to catch the attention of the
ministers of Birmingham. First, King uses multiple examples of violent figures in his letter, such as
Adolf Hitler. King explains, at the time, Hitler s actions were considered legal , much like the
segregation laws in Birmingham. Discrimination against African American s was considered legal at
the time the letter was written too. The next violent event King mentions is Elijah ... Show more
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mentions multiple religious figures in his letter. King mentions Jesus Christ and the Christian religion
multiple times. This was meant to appeal to the ministers of Birmingham because religion is truthful
and meaningful, especially to ministers. The ministers said King was an extremist, King responded by
saying Was not Jesus an extremist in love? The ministers knew this was a fact and could not be denied
because Jesus was an extremist for a good thing. King also mentions St. Paul, a disciple of Jesus
Christ. One time, King mentions Paul by reminding the ministers of his devotion to Jesus by leaving
his village of Tarsus to spread Christianity. King relates this to his own life; this is because he is
compelled to spread freedom to the people of the world, just like Paul was compelled to spread
Christianity. Once again, King did this because the ministers could not deny this
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One Puff Closer to the Grave
Tobacco industries are very profitable, there is no denying that, but does this profit benefit the people s
economy? Tobacco companies want the people to think that tobacco is good for the economy even
though it isn t good for health (caner.org). The tobacco industry is one of the most profitable
businesses in the US, making not million, but billions of dollars every year (cancer.org). The cost of
smoking, however, is far higher than the income made from sales (cancer.org). In 2004, the US Center
for Disease Control Prevention estimated that smoking led to health cost and productivity losses that
came to a whopping average of 10.47 dollars. (cancer.org).This is per pack (caner.org). A study of
more recent number shows that annual smoking related economic cost in the US are calculated to be
between 289 billion dollar, and 332.5 billion dollars (cancer.org). To further understand what this
means, one must break down these numbers. In the total provided earlier, factors included consist of:
132.5 billion dollars to 175.9 billion dollars for direct medical care of adults (caner.org), 151 billion
dollars for loss of productivity that was a result of premature deaths (cancer.org), and 5.6 billion
dollars for a lost productivity due to exposure ok smoke, or secondhand smoke (cancer.org). To put
this simply, around 332.billion dollars each year is wasted on smoking.
The final argument that can be made in favor of banning cigarettes in parks and other outdoor
facilities is one
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Love And Hate In George Orwell s 1984
Without love we tend to grow a sense of hatred within ourselves and for each other. In the novel,
1984, Big Brother is portrayed as the leader in society, symbolizing a god like figure who has total
dominance over their citizens. Therefore, the people find themselves full of hate considering their
government is controlling them. George Orwell s message in 1984 claims that a society based on hate
would not survive seeing that the people would be the cause of their own destruction.
The story 1984 focuses on a man named Winston Smith, who lives in Oceania, an imaginative
country, ruled by the Party through a totalitarianism government. In their world, people are divided by
three social groups such as the Inner Party, the Outer Party, and the Proles. ... Show more content on
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In the story, the Party uses the power of hate to take advantage of the people into loving Big Brother.
For example, the point when Winston and Julia had a love affair with each other, was not only for lust
but also to rebel against their government. With regard to their love affair the novel states Not merely
the love of one person, but the animal instinct , the simple undifferentiated desire: the was the force
that would tear the Party to pieces. He pressed her down upon the grass, among the fallen bluebells.
(Orwell, 126) They were never in love because the hate they had for Big Brother is what lead them to
commit such an act. The love and friendship people have for each other in Oceania is non existent.
The Party desperately tries to erase love for anything but Big Brother from the lives of their citizens.
In doing so, they manage to place telescreens in every house, street, and public place which is a
security camera to prevent anyone from committing an act of rebellion towards Big Brother. In
addition, there is no friendship and people are forced into serving Big Brother by a selective job. In
the novel, it states The old civilizations claimed that they were founded on love and justice. Ours is
founded upon hatred. In our world there will be no emotions except fear, rage, triumph, and self
abasement. (Orwell, 267) This reveals that in their society, people are being forced to be someone they
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Spirit Airlines Executive Summary
Spirit Airlines (SAVE) is an ultra low cost, low fare based in Fort Lauderdale, Florida that provides
affordable travel opportunities. The IPO for Sprit airlines was offered on June 11th, 2011. The price of
the stock at the IPO date was of $12.00. According to NASDAQ.com, the money that was raised on
the IPO was $187.2 million dollars, with 5 million dollars in expenses. After the underwriting cost
eliminated they approximately raised171.0 million. After the IPO sale, the company decided to retain
net proceeds of 150 million and the remaining was used to pay three individual, unaffiliated holders
subordinated notes equal to 450,000. The remaining of the proceeds that they estimated to be 20
million were used ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
They paid three unaffiliated holders of its subordinated notes an amount of $450,000, and $5.9 million
in direct costs of the offering. They had a Recapitalization agreement, an in accordance of the
agreement, all of the principal and accrued and unpaid interest on outstanding notes, to the extent not
paid, totaling $279.2 million, as well as Class A and B Preferred stock outstanding, were exchanged
30.1 million shares of common stock at a share price of $12.00.
SPIRIT AIRLINES TODAY In an article posted on the DailyFinance by Sean Williams, The Motley
Fool, (Spirit Airlines Just Hit a 52 Week High: Can It Head Higher?) is commenting that the stock is
making a major shift in dominating the market. Since the company went public in June 2011, its been
dominating the competition. At the moment of this article Spirit Airlines held 343.0 million dollars in
cash with $0 debt. The following table is from the article and you can see how Spirit is doing against
its competitors.
http://www.dailyfinance.com/2012/04/17/spirit airlines just hit a 52 week high can it he/
Since the IPO the stock have had a generally speaking stable trend. According to Yahoo! Finance, the
stock have grown +8.41% points since December 9th, 2011 until the market was closed on Friday
December 7th, 2012. Daily the stock is raging from 16.91 to 17.19 per share, and in a 52 week range
from 13.90 to 24.75. The following image is showing
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FDR’s Alphabet Soup
After the Stock Market Crash of 1929 and the Hoover administration, something had to be done
regarding the relief and recovery of the Great Depression. This was one of the more important
objectives of Franklin Delano Roosevelt s first term as president. Although Herbert Hoover made
somewhat of an attempt trying to reconcile the country, but he was unable to live up to his rhetoric,
prosperity is right around the corner. Hoover failed to comprehend the extent of the damage of the
stock market crash from a global perspective and simply did too much too fast. When Franklin
Roosevelt came into presidency in 1933, he set out his first hundred day plan. Within the first term,
FDR created a series of relief and recovery acts to start the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
It was ran very militaristically and was considered one the most popular New Deal programs.
According to one employee through the CCC, Delbert Apetz, Nobody seemed to complain down there
because you had a place to sleep, a place to eat which is pretty skimpy a lot of times at home. FDR
knew that it would be one of the most successful programs America s recovery process. The night of
the Fireside Chat he describe to America the CCC was to start, Enhancing the value of our natural
resources and second, we were relieving an amount of natural distress. The program lasted until 1941;
having planted over 2.5 billion trees, 40 million acres were protected from erosion, 125,000 miles of
road was built and 800 state parks were created. The New Deal program was providing jobs and
helping natural resources from another plan: the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA). Established by
congress a little over a week after the Fireside Chat was given, the TVA was to cover the
environmental, economic and technological issues in the lower Appalachian area. The authority was
also to start the delivery of low cost electricity to most of Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky,
Mississippi, western North Carolina, and southwest Virginia. FDR stated, It should be charged with
the broadest duty of planning for the proper use, conservation and development of the natural
resources of the Tennessee River drainage basin and its adjoining territory for the
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Gun Shot Competition
New tool capturing enjoyment! Gun Shot Champion
The most effective tool entertainment
The most effective shoot diversion that will certainly meet you Gun Shot Champion
We must damage the various glass target!
Try an array of weapon updates
We ought to increase the high rating is allowed to strike bombs that appear on the display, chance, to
x2 goal
(weapon colt cobra weapon, gun colt python tool, weapon colt saa gun, weapon colt boa constrictor
We ought to elevate greater, with a weapon with a variety of tricks that have actually been updated
Fight with tool NPC weapon in 4 competitors, as well as competing various players widely!
Attempt shooting examination the victor in every competitors.
The period consists of 5 rounds for every single 100 every competitors. ... Show more content on
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You need to relocate remembering completion objective to get a high rating and also bullseye struck
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How Did St Paul Influence Religion
Saint Paul is one of the most influential people in the Catholic Church to date, as he is one of the
leaders of the first generation of Christians, he has travelled countless of miles for his missionaries,
and he has converted thousands upon thousands of people into Christians; that is just the beginning. It
all started where St Paul came from: Tarsus, a major city in eastern Cilicia now known as eastern¬
Turkey, his trade was tent making, which he continued to practice after his conversion to Christianity.
Paul ¬¬¬spent much of the first half of his life persecuting the Christians, as he was born into a
wealthy, well educated, and Jewish family with strong beliefs of Judaism inducing him to do so.
Before all this, he was known as Saul, the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
A missionary is someone who believes fully in a religion and who wishes to spread their religion to
new countries and regions, they are dedicated completely to their religion and do not waver from what
their God wants. This full pledge to God allowed St Paul to be known as one of the most influential
people in the Catholic Church, as well as writing many letters to individuals, communities and
churches about many things such as the Gospel, his newly found wisdom and the messages from God.
St Paul became a missionary to connect to God easier, and to teach people about God and convert
people into the Christian life. As Paul became a missionary, he furthered his understanding of God,
and furthered the understanding of God to other people, resulting in a large increase of Christian faith
and believers. St Paul wrote many letters to the public about God and how to broaden their faith of
God. An instance of one of St Paul s letters is Galatians. His purpose of writing this letter to Galatia,
was to make sure they were on the path of truth and not led off into deceiving the wrong thing about
God. This letter was written in an aggressive tone, showing just how important it was to him that the
people embrace unity in Christ. Another example of a writing of Paul is Ephesians. He talks about
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Examples Of Legal Advice For Donothy
Legal Advice for Donothy In this assignment, I am going to discuss legal issues of Donothy s case,
apply legal principles and give her legal advice. The fact of the present case is that an advertisement
expressed that their slimming product Lemon Grass Pills could guarantee the customer who used their
products would lose 20kg within two months if he continuously drank one pill every day for a period
of two months, or they would pay for 50000hkd. Donothy, a consumer who wanted to lose weight
successfully before the wedding was attracted by the advertisement and bought Lemon Grass Pills for
1000hkd per bottle. After six weeks, she had not lost a single kilogram which drove her mad. The key
legal issues are as follows: Was there a contract ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
According to 〖Ewan McKendrick〗^2, A unilateral contract is a contract whereby one party
promises to pay to the other a sum of money or to do some act if that other party will do or refrain
from doing something without making a promise to that effect. Cases in point are Williams v
Carwardine [1833] EWHC KB J44, Errington v Errington [1951] EWCA Civ 2 and Woods, R v
Clarke (1927) 40 CLR 227. The essence of the transaction is that Donothy should take in pills for two
months as requested. It is unnecessary that there should be any notification of acceptance in the
present situation. A leading case is the Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Co [1983] 1 QB
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Influence Of Political Parties In The United States
Influence of Political Parties The American government runs on the party system. To be specific, it s
divided between Democrats and Republicans. A large part of the public also associates themselves as
Individuals because they feel that neither one of the parties represents their beliefs properly. Both
parties have very opposite beliefs from each other. The Republican party mainly consists of
conservatives and believes that the government should not be too involved in the economy because a
large government poses a threat to citizen s freedom. The Democratic party, on the other hand,
believes that government intervention in the economy is needed. Democrats are mainly Liberals and
they represent minorities, women, and the poor. They also support ... Show more content on
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For the most part, America employs single member districts which means that the electorate only
chooses one representative from each district. During presidential elections, every state is given votes
through the electoral college which equals to the amount of U.S. senators and House members. Single
member districts tend to weaken third parties. In 1992, an Individual named Ross Perot ran for the
presidential election and although he gained 19% of the popular votes, he didn t receive any electoral
votes. This happened because the Electoral College leverages the two party system. To decrease the
amount of influence political parties have on the government, other governments like Sweden elect
legislators in multimember districts instead of single member districts, and the number of seats that a
party wins is proportional to the amount of its support among voters. For example, In Sweden 310
seats are allocated in 29 constituencies. This helps everyone s opinions and voices to be
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The Great Gatsby Time Analysis
The Great Gatsby took place in the fictitious town of West Egg. Gatsby, a mysterious millionaire who
throws parties that he does not participate in is at the center of this novel and later we find that the
reason he is throwing these parties is to get the attention of a woman named Daisy. Daisy and Gatsby
had met earlier on and had a relationship before he participated in WWI. When he came back Daisy
had already moved on and was married to Tom Buchanan. Now Gatsby still remains hopeful that he
can rekindle what they once had. Gatsby is unwilling to accept the past and persistently attempts to
recreate it. But the concept that underlies within this is time. Through this novel we see the concept of
time play out through the relationships ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
An hour later the front door opened nervously, and Gatsby, in a white flannel suit, silver shirt, and
gold colored tie, hurried in. He was pale, and there were dark signs of sleeplessness beneath his eyes
(84). Silver is a flashy color that symbolizes a wealthy and rich atmosphere like that of gold. Due to
the fact that Gatsby chooses to wear this shirt to tea with Daisy, it is apparent that he is trying to use
his clothes to appeal to Daisy. Gatsby has spent all of his life trying to impress her and he cannot seem
to let her go and accept the past for what it really
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How Does Prospero Present Caliban s Relationship In The...
In the Tempest, Prospero s demand for respect and power leads him to be domineering and forceful
towards Caliban and Ariel. Not only having magical powers, Prospero displays another type of power,
his power over his slaves. Prospero s way of treating his slaves differs when he orders them to do
something. Caliban having a mean and violent relationship, while Ariel has an obligated and forceful
relationship with Prospero. Prospero and Caliban s relationship is portrayed as the more dominant
character having power over and abusing the weaker with violence. On the island, Prospero comes off
as a very controlling and dominant person, due to the way he acts with Caliban by calling him his
slave. Hence Caliban s name meaning earthy , Prospero
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Pilates Techniques
1: breathing breathing is something we don t always do correctly and breath control is and essential
part of every techniques. If we don t breath correctly then we lose the benefits of exercise. When we
breath we should make sure we are doing it correctly by taking air fully into your lung space and not
our abdominal space. Breath control makes us become aware of our bodies. This means we regain
control and correcting the bad habits we have gotten so use too.
2: centring its important to find the centre of the powerful core muscles. Everybody has a centre of
gravity, this is just below the navel, this is where the pelvis meets the spine.
3: concentration this is the first main requirement of pilates. If we don t concentrate then this will
affect the purpose of the exercises. When we stretch one part of the body, the rest of our body should
be relaxed and inorder to get this right you need to concentrate. ... Show more content on
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You learn mental control through pilates techniques. So every muscle can be controlled independently.
5: fluidity in order to have fluidity all the relevant muscles need to work together. To start with you
may feel jerky or uncomfortable so it may take a while to become fluid.
6: precision pilates have the emphasis of quality over quanity. Each exercise has instructions that must
be followed. This is all part of pilates discipline, having a mirror to check your positons will help.
7: stamina we have to have a routine of structured exercise which is on a regular basis. This can be
going to a class once or twice a week to exercising at home. Having stamina in pilates is not about
running yourself in to the ground.
8: relaxtion pilates exercises our designed to release stress and tension held in the body, especially the
shoulders. Pilates allows people to be relaxed yet able to exercise at the same time, so you feel
refreshed and energised at the same
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Sight Words In School
Engage: Student s will all come to the gathering place, after all the student s are sitting I will say It s
time to review our sight words . Then as a class we will say our 100 sight words correctly, if a word is
said incorrectly I will stop and correct students. After we say our sight words I will write the sight
word that we are reviewing for the day on the board. I will ask a quiet hand to tell me what that word
is. Then I will instruct students to repeat after me t h e y spells they, they, they. After that I will say
Now it s time to practice our word part sounds and then I will say Who can raise a quiet hand and tell
me why we practice our word parts After a student answers we will move on and do our word part
phonics flash cards as
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My Future Speech
My future. My future will make everyone eat their words. They laugh now, but at the end they will
admire me. I wasn t placed in this world to be average. I am a fearless young man. I prove others
wrong and prove myself right. At the end of the day you gotta feel some way. So why not feel
unbeatable? Why not feel untouchable? Why not feel like the best to ever do it? The Notorious Conor
McGregor. Not only have I strengthened my confidence, but also I have paved a clear road to my
future because of my parents, soccer, and my inspirations. My parents impacted my view on life.
Since I can remember, they have always wanted nothing but the best for me. For example, I always
bring back the chats with my father after my soccer games. No matter how well, or how many goals I
had scored, my dad always had comments on what I could ve done better in my game. His expressions
made me wonder if he was ever proud of me; however, looking back I just realized my father was my
biggest fan and only wanted me to perfect my skills. I am glad he was like that because now that is
how I am with my little brother. Also, my parents never raised me as a flashy or spoiled child, and I
thank them so much for that. As a kid you can question your parents ways of educating you, but when
you grow up and analyze everything you will truly understand why they did that. For example, I
would always see my idols on television with the most advanced and beautiful soccer cleats out there.
Of course they are
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Counseling Trauma Survivors
The discussion will describe four important crisis skills that a counseling should use when counseling
trauma survivors. Kanel ((2008) explain basic attending skills in the ABC model, which include body
language, reflection of emotions, paraphrasing, and summarizations. Counselors want to create a
special connection fast so that they can get the information they need to help trauma survivors feel
safe, but do it in a way not to offend them. Body language include eye contact, encouraging nods, and
posture. Counselor s body language can be a key to help survivors talk or refuse to talk (Microtraining
Associates, 2008). Counselor s body language should not as if they are not concerned about the
survivors or in panic mode. Counselors need
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The Great Philosopher
Elveera Bowman
Mrs. Rose
Ap History
January 21, 2017
The Great Philosopher Plato
Plato is known as one of ancient Greece s greatest philosophers. Plato was born in Athens, Greece
during 428 BCE. Some people believe that Plato s real name is Aristocles, if in fact this is true he
would have received this name from his grandfather. Historians believed that Plato had two full
brother, one sister, and one half brother. They are unsure if Plato was the eldest. They believe that he
was since he inherited his grandfather s name, and tradition was that the eldest son would be named
after the grandfather. Plato s father, Ariston, was a direct descendant from kings of Athens and
Messina. His mother, Perictione, was a descendant of an athenian ... Show more content on
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One of Plato s greatest works was The Republic . The Republic was Plato s defence of justice and
what he thinks is the best form of government. The piece of writing brings up two questions that are
still relevant today. The questions brought up by this piece of writing were what is justice? , and what
is the relation between justice and being happy? . Some of Plato s other pieces of writing include
Meno. The Meno was written in an attempt to define what virtue was. Another one of Plato s well
known dialogue was Symposium. Plato wrote Symposium to show the purpose and nature of love.
Plato wrote many more dialogues, that people still read to this day. Plato spent his final years of his
life at the academy. Around 348 BCE Plato died in Athens. He was around eighty years old when he
passed away. No one knows how exactly he passed away. Some people say he passed away peacefully
in his sleep due to old age. Others say he died while attending a wedding.
Plato s accomplishments still live on to this day through the idea of platonism. His ideas impact
religion, science, government, and philosophy in today s world. His philosophy along with the
philosophy of Socrates and Aristotle helped form a basic idea of western philosophical traditions.
Plato s dialogues also affected life in today s society. The Republic is a good example of the effect
plato s dialogues left, because it helped
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Indian Heritage Study Guide
Required Reading: Indian Heritage: History:
1. How did the experience of war affect emperor Ashoka? What actions did he take as a result of the
experience? The message spread by Ashoka was based on which religion?
He felt sorrow and regret after he conquered the kingdom of Kalinga. He gave up the war. The
message spread by Ashoka was based on Buddhist teachings.
2. Why was the Gupta Empire known as India s golden age ?
The emperors of the Gupta dynasty reunited northern India about 320 and the territory of Gupta
extended to what is now Afghanistan and to the Vindhya mountains.
Required Reading: Indian Heritage: People:
3. Why do most Dravidians live in the south of India while the Indo Aryan peoples live in the north?
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List five minor religions in India. Choose one religion and give examples of how the religion affected
the Indian people:
Other religions in India are Islam, Buddhism, Christianity, Jainism, and Sikhism. Outbreaks of
violence occurred between Muslims and Hindus, but they also have lived together peacefully.
Required Reading: Chinese Heritage: History:
9. What were the major contributions of Qin emperor Shi Huangdi to ancient Chinese civilization?
He abolished the local states and set up a strong central government. The government standardized
weights and measures, the currency, and the Chinese writing system. He ordered the construction of
the Great Wall to keep invaders out.
10. Discuss five major innovations that occurred during the Han dynasty. During which years did the
dynasty flourish?
Histories and dictionaries were produced. Buddhism was introduced into China from India during the
late Han period. Using a brush for writing became common. The world s first porcelain was developed
in the A.D. 100 s. Chinese invented paper in the 200 s A.D. The Han dynasty ruled from 206 B.C. to
A.D. 220.
Required Reading: Chinese Heritage: Religion:
11. Discuss the basic beliefs and development of the following religions in China:
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Impact Of Mountaineering On Everest
Mount Everest is the highest mountain peak in the world with a summit of 29,035 feet. Mount Everest
is a part of what makes earth amazing and unique. Since Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the
world, it is human nature for us to look at it as a challenge that we need to conquer. This has not been
a good thing because the environmental impact of commercialized mountaineering on everest has
been disastrous. In this study we will talk about the environmental impact we have had on everest, the
trash that has collected on everest, and the rules Nepal has put in place to save Everest.
The gorgeous snowy mountain where you can see the snow glistening white as far as you can see has
changed. Everest has been nicknamed the world s highest garbage dump. The magnificent glaciers
have been affected and there is garbage leaking out of them. There are obviously no bathrooms on the
29,035 feet summit, so pyramids of human excrement fill up the camps. Dead bodies scatter the frozen
wasteland, making the peaceful mountain look like an old battleground. Sherpas now complain about
how pollution has affected their water source and it is almost like they are trading their way of life for
The boom in climbing Mount Everest has left the mountain covered in trash. There are food wrappers,
climbing gear, oxygen chambers, human waste, and bodies slathering the mountain. Over the past six
decades an estimated 50 tons of trash have4 been left just at basecamp. Everest has developed a
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The Failure Of Heart Failure
Heart failure is one of the leading causes of mortality, both globally and in New Zealand. It is defined
as the inability of the heart to meet the bodies metabolic need for oxygen and is characterised by a
decrease in cardiac output. The body has many intrinsic mechanisms to attempt to maintain cardiac
output, including activating the renin angiotensin aldosterone system (RAAS). The RAAS cascade
acts to restore cardiac output by increasing fluid retention, thus increasing blood volume and pressure.
Unfortunately, in decompensated heart failure, this is not enough to re establish cardiac output,
causing the action of this system to be upregulated and blood volume to increase further. This is
detrimental to the already failing heart. A new drug, aliskiren, affects the pathophysiology of
hypertension and heart failure by directly inhibiting renin, a mechanism that is distinct from current
therapeutic agents that also target the RAAS, such as ACE inhibitors and Angiotensin II Receptor
Blockers. This gives potential benefits by blocking the RAAS further upstream. However, clinical
trials have failed to demonstrate the predicted benefits of aliskiren. Taking this into consideration,
there is a strong possibility for development of further direct renin inhibiting agents displaying a
higher potential therapeutic index for the treatment of hypertension and heart failure. In order to
thoroughly discuss the potential benefits of aliskiren in relation to hypertension and heart
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Kate Chopin And The Story Of An Hour
Kate Chopin (1850 1904), an American author, wrote two published novels and about a hundred short
stories in the 1890s. Most of her best known work concentrates on the lives of sympathetic, intelligent
women. Many stories ended up being published in high status magazines such as Vogue and American
Press Association. Chopin s novels were mostly forgotten after her death in 1904, but several of her
short stories appeared within five years after her death, some were reprinted and people started to read
her stories again. Since 1969, numerous scholars have written about Chopin s life and work. Feminist
critics have had a massive influence. Most of what has been written about Kate Chopin since 1969 is
feminist in nature or is focused on women s ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There were many different views on this particular story, and was also banned in Chopin s hometown
in St. Louis, Missouri. When reading we are first introduced to Edna Pontellier, who is vacationing
with her family. Edna becomes very close to, and possibly falls in love with, a man named Robert
Lebrun, who then leaves for Mexico which makes Edna miserable. Edna then meets a male mistress
who only satisfies her sexual needs. She then has an urge of independence and pursues her interest in
painting, does not rely on her husband financially anymore, moves into a house by herself. The title
The Awakening itself says a lot, it is a metaphor for Edna s ongoing possession of self
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The Historical 1906 San Francisco Earthquake
APUSH Rajdeep Singh
Per 2
The Historical 1906 San Francisco Earthquake
One of the most greatest appearing earthquake in San Francisco in the year of 1906. It was
approximately 7.8 earthquake. The earthquake had hit buildings, schools, streets and houses. Killing
hundreds of people and injuring thousands. This earthquake began at an opera house and ended up all
throughout the streets in San Francisco. The Great San Francisco Earthquake may be studied by
examining the earthquake, the spread of fire, and the aftermath of the worst natural disasters.
The night before the quake it was an average typical night in the windy city of San Francisco. World
famous opera singer, Enrico Caruso was performing at the city s Grand Opera House. The music had
filled the building up with his beautiful singing. Enrico s voice was like a thunderbolt which seemed
to be rocking the Opera House. Little did the payed audience have knowledge of that an earthquake
was going to come in a matter of hours. Not only that but this earthquake was going shatter the city
into piece by piece, and destroy San Francisco including the Opera House. The earthquake had shook
the ground within twenty to twenty five seconds. Then, at 5:12 a.m., it had erupted and began it s
terror on the city. Furthermore, the earthquake was felt from Los Angeles to southern Oregon and as
far as central Nevada. The earthquake was bursting through the northern region in four hundred thirty
kilometers of the
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Corporate Social Responsibility Of The Enron Corporation
Introduction We will look at the Enron Corporation and discuss its application of Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) or in actuality its irresponsible behavior as related to social responsibility. We
will revisit what CSR is and discuss Enron s philosophy regarding its use and function within the
corporation. We will discuss the consequences of Enron s irresponsible behavior and the far reaching
effects it had on society. Corporate Social Responsibility are actions taken by a corporation that have
positive and lasting impact for all stakeholders associated with the organization, seeking to strike a
balance between profits and helping to establish lasting investment in the community (Carrol, 2015).
In the 1980 s, then President Reagan challenged the business community to take on more
responsibility to address social problems (Carrol, 2015). Socially responsible actions can benefit local
communities as well as the greater societal good.
Oddly enough, Enron had a CSR strategy with a very good reputation for having a strong and well
respected corporate responsibility known for generosity to the community and being environmentally
responsible. (Sims Brinkmann, 2003). In hindsight we see that they were playing CSR. Former CFO,
Jeff Skilling once told a colleague, Mike, we are a green energy company, but the green stands for
money (Bradley, 2008). The public should be very cautious when it comes to companies and their
CSR efforts as unfortunately some are just
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Stereotypes In Do The Right Thing
Reflection for Do the Right Thing The film Do the Right Thing took conventional stereotypes and
flipped them around. An example of this is whenever Radio Raheem the camera does a low angle shot
and a close up on his face. This is in contrast to when he interacts with Sal the camera does a high
angle shot and medium close up to Sal. This is continued even when Radio Raheem was being killed
by the police. The police where holding Radio Raheem above all of the police officers. Another
stereotype Spike Lee flipped was the only non minority characters, the police, smiley, and the man in
the car, are portrayed as disabled in some way, may it be mentally or morally.
Spike Lee chose to flip these stereotypes to showcase the black people should not
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How To Become A Real Tattoo Artist
Are you ready to become a real tattoo artist?
For some people, learning how to tattoo is a life long dream. For others, it s a newer fascination that
may have started when they got their own first tattoos. No matter what the spark for wanting to learn
how to tattoo, there are five essential steps that each person can follow on the path to becoming a pro.
Step One: Passion and Ability
Above all other things, there are two major factors that go into determining whether or not you have
what it takes to become a real tattoo artist. Sure, the other steps outlined here are very important, but if
you don t have both passion and ability, you are unlikely to succeed.
That s not to say that someone can t figure out how to tattoo and even find a job. ... Show more
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You may have to wait for a long period of time or even relocate to another city to learn how to tattoo
from a qualified artist whom you respect. It is hard not to get discouraged, but if you have the passion
and ability already mentioned above, then you ve got a much better chance at taking this big step
toward becoming a professional.
Step Five: Learn Everything You Can
Your apprenticeship will likely not begin with you learning how to tattoo right away. Instead, you may
be asked to perform many of the duties you did when you were working in a tattoo shop before you
became an apprentice. You will likely clean up the shop and will probably help with the sterilization of
As time goes by, however, the artist you re working with will offer you more and more responsibilities
and will teach you methods and techniques that will get you on your way.
There are other ways to increase your knowledge, too. While you can t necessarily learn how to tattoo
by just reading a book, you can certainly use tattoo books and tattoo magazines to build on the
knowledge you already have. Even the simple act of examining someone else s tattoos can help you
learn more about technique, color theory, flow and design, and
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Lupus Nephritis Research Paper
Lupus Nephritis
Lupus nephritis causes inflammation of the nephrons, which is caused by systemic lupus
erythematosus (SLE or lupus). The kidney s main function is to remove waste from blood and to
balance the amount of fluids in your body. When inflammation of nephrons occur it makes it harder to
filter the blood and can cause significant swelling. It is an autoimmune disease that causes the immune
system to mistake harmful substances from healthy ones which results in the immune system attacking
the healthy tissues and cells. It is still unknown on how the disease comes about except for these two
assumptions; genetic predisposition and research found on Renal DNase1 enzyme activity. Genetic
predisposition refers to environmental factors ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There is hyaline thrombus formation in capillaries causing restriction of blood flow making it difficult
to filter blood to urine. The creatinine levels are commonly normal or elevated at this class. This is the
most advanced class of lupus nephritis that results in tremendous protein loss and swelling (Johnson,
2012). There is not cure for lupus nephritis, but can be suppressed with proper dosage of medication.
These kinds of treatments are usually meant to keep the situation from worsening and lessen the
severity. Common treatments involve anti inflammation drugs such as corticosteroids to suppress the
inflammation and immunosuppressive medication like prednisone or cyclophosphamide that can
reduce damage to kidneys (Johnson, 2012). Some patients may require a dialysis to control kidney
failure and to manage certain symptoms from worsening. A kidney transplant may be required
depending on how severe the disease may be. The pro of having a kidney transplant is that the patient
will have full restoration of kidney function, but the con is that patients with active lupus nephritis
may be able to transfer it to the new kidney. Even if it does get transferred to the new kidney it is
rarely to see signs of end classes of the disease. From time to time there may be flare ups that occur
that results in certain symptoms to show. Today, there is still no way to prevent
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Essay On Endogenous Modulation Of Pain
Second, this study also provides supporting evidence for endogenous modulation of pain based on fc
changes compared cLBP in different pain condition with HC and within cLBP. Substantial evidence is
accumulating to show that the striatum plays an important role in the endogenous modulation of pain.
Published data provide evidence that the limbic system is essential to chronic pain processing59. The
NAc is a critical node in this network. Functional interactions between component structures in the
limbic system are wide ranging. Previous studies show that the nucleus accumbens (NAc) is
extensively anatomically connected with cortical areas including cingulate, prefrontal cortex,
parahippocampal gyrus, and insula 60 63 and subcortical areas ... Show more content on
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Therefore, some previous studies hypothesized that these brain regions, especially within the
emotional corticolimbic system, acted as the bridge of pain modulation and stress regulation5.
In practice, research on the emotional brain has often focused on a few structures thought to be central
to this type of processing hypothalamus, amygdala, insula, and so on. However, chronic pain
frequently coexists with other disorders such as anxiety, depression, or learning and memory deficits.
This co occurrence might manifest if chronic pain were to precipitate neuroplastic changes in supra
spinal structures, such as amygdala, that lead to these pain related disorders.
We also found the bilateral VSs, DC, DCP and DRP had significantly overlay increased connectivity
with the right DLPFC in cLBP in HP compared with cLBP in LP.
The bilateral DCP and DRP had significantly overlay increased connectivity with the right insular
cortex and ACC in cLBP in HP compared with cLBP in LP.
The above mentioned dorsal and ventral striatum, amygdala, anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), the
anterior insular and the orbitofrontal cortex are all implicated in reward as well as pain processing.
Recent experimental data suggest that basal ganglia may also be involved in various dimensions of
pain sensation and pain experience 69. So far, there
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Safety Gears In American Football
Have you ever thrown a pigskin before? Well I have. It is important to stay safe playing the best sport,
football. Clearly American football is safe because the players wear safety gear, learn to tackle
properly, and stretch before and after a playing period. The first reason is safety gear makes football
more safe because of the following.The helmet goes on a player s head they are made up of
polycarbonate shells. That is safe because the helmets have big pads inside the shell to support the
head on contact. The the next reason that safety gear is safe is the shoulder pads. The shoulder pads
help because they make the player lower their shoulder so they don t get hurt/injured. The pads go on
the shoulders and chest of a player. The shoulder pads protect the player from fractured bones in the
upper body area. A neck roll will go on a player s shoulder pads and around their neck. It helps the
neck and head because when the player gets hit in the head the neck roll will stop their helmet from
bending backwards. Another reason that makes football safe is PROPER tackling. First the player will
have to slow down and chop their feet to mimic the ball carrier. This will help them tackle the runner.
The defensive ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
That is safe because the helmets have big pads inside the shell to support the head on contact. The the
next reason that safety gear is safe is the shoulder pads. The shoulder pads help because they make the
player lower their shoulder so they don t get hurt/injured. The pads go on the shoulders and chest of a
player. The shoulder pads protect the player from fractured bones in the upper body area. A neck roll
will go on a player s shoulder pads and around their neck. It helps the neck and head because when the
player gets hit in the head the neck roll will stop their helmet from bending
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Is The American Dream Attainable
Josh Graham
Kennedy Govt.
September 30, 2016
The American Dream The American Dream is defined as the ideals of freedom, equality, and
opportunity traditionally held to be available to every American. Is the American Dream truly
attainable by all Americans? The American dream is an idea that all men created equal, through hard
work, determination, and elbow grease, anything can be achieved. The American Dream was first
defined in 1931 by James Truslow Adams. Adams said that the American dream is not ... a dream of
motor cars and high wages merely, but a dream of social order in which each man and each woman
shall be able to attain to the fullest stature of which they are innately capable, and be recognized by
others for what they are, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The new European Dream is based on different assumptions about what constitutes freedom and
security. For Europeans, freedom is found not in autonomy but in embeddedness. To be free is to have
access to many interdependent relationships. The more communities one has access to, the more
options one has for living a full and meaningful life. It is inclusivity that brings security belonging, not
belongings, meaning that in the United States we see our dream as social success, economic growth,
and personal wealth, while in European countries, their dream is based upon sustainable development,
quality of life, and interdependence. The European Dream is also based upon a person s happiness
rather than economic success. Europe is not the only place to share a dream, though. China also has a
dream of their own. The Chinese Dream integrates national and personal aspirations, with the twin
goals of reclaiming national pride and achieving personal well being. It requires sustained economic
growth, expanded equality and an infusion of cultural values to balance materialism. The Chinese
Dream is similar to both the American Dream and the European Dream in some ways. The Chinese
Dream is similar to the American Dream in that they both share the goal of becoming economically
successful, and The Chinese Dream shares the idea that one s personal well being should be a
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Romanticism In Oliver Twist
In mid 19th century England, realistic literature came as a response to the preceding romantic period.
The romantic period was known to emphasize the experiences of the individual and was regarded as a
highly aesthetic period. It was related with the movement of sensibility or sentimentalism, which
stressed the importance of emotions and feelings of sympathy (Kitson 328 329). Contrarily, realism
during the Victorian age aimed to address economic and social issues in society by depicting the
struggles in the developing society as accurately as possible (Redd). Consequently, in the 1830s, when
Charles Dickens was writing Oliver Twist, it is justifiable that elements of both realism and
sentimentalism can be found in the novel. This ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Most notably, Dickens depiction of London (in particular the workhouses and other social institutions)
and his criminal characters have a very prominent realistic effect. However before going into detail
about the realistic setting and characters, it would be beneficial to take a look at Dickens preface for
Oliver Twist. In his preface for Oliver Twist, Dickens justifies his reasons for writing about the
criminals of London; he had the impression that real thieves and pickpockets were not portrayed
correctly in literature during that time. For that reason, he felt that it was necessary to show these
crooks as they really were, for ever skulking uneasily through the dirtiest paths of life (7). He also
believed that doing this would be a service to society , and that he did it as best as [he] could . He
explains that he won t be writing about appealing and pleasant situations; ...no merry makings in the
snuggest of all possibly caverns, none of the attractions of dress, no embroidery, no lace... (8). In
essence, this preface foreshadows the realistic elements in the novel by telling the readers where to
look. Clearly the characters and setting will be portrayed as honestly and truthfully as possible,
without overlooking even one hole in the Dodger s coat, or one scrap of curl paper in Nancy s
dishevelled hair (9) and describing the cold wet shelterless midnight streets of London; the foul and
frowsy dens, where vice is closely packed and lacks the room to turn [...]
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The Great Train Robbery By Michael Crichton
Going Where No Man Has Gone Before
The motives for a crime are sometimes not as clear as some may believe. In the Great Train Robbery,
by Michael Crichton, Edward Pierce had complex motives for his crime. He was aware of how
difficult the robbery would be, and decided to undergo the whole ordeal for that reason alone. Edward
Pierce decided to commit the train robbery to know that he can succeed in completing a massive
challenge few have attempted. Pierce chose to rob the train because of the difficulty of the task. He
wanted to complete a challenge few have even attempted. According to the novel, The gentleman
climbed the hill, pressed binoculars to his eyes, and swept the length of the tracks. Immediately he
fixed on the body of the
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Banning Affirmative Action
Affirmative action is an active effort to improve the employment or educational opportunities of
members of minority groups and women; also : a similar effort to promote the rights or progress of
other disadvantaged persons As defined by Webster s Dictionary. This is a practice used by many fine
colleges and universities across America. Recently a wave of bans has stormed the nation, starting in
California, spreading to states like Michigan and Texas. Banning affirmative action strikes outrage
into some people, and happiness in others. The Association of American Universities stands in
defiance of these bans, saying that the diversity that may not be achieved otherwise is an important
aspect in their students education. Others, like The ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Colleges may feel that their affirmative action policies help them to make their campuses better places
to live, and that by banning affirmative action, states are limiting their ability to provide a diverse
education. Others argue that affirmative action is actually a handicap, pushing some minorities into
schools that they are not academically ready to attend. Affirmative action is certainly a hot issue for
many people, and the only agreeable goal is freedom, should colleges be free to choose the students
that they want to educate, or should students be free to apply to colleges without having the risk of
being turned away for something that they can t
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  • 7. Gun Shot Competition New tool capturing enjoyment! Gun Shot Champion The most effective tool entertainment The most effective shoot diversion that will certainly meet you Gun Shot Champion We must damage the various glass target! Try an array of weapon updates We ought to increase the high rating is allowed to strike bombs that appear on the display, chance, to x2 goal (weapon colt cobra weapon, gun colt python tool, weapon colt saa gun, weapon colt boa constrictor gun). We ought to elevate greater, with a weapon with a variety of tricks that have actually been updated rating. Fight with tool NPC weapon in 4 competitors, as well as competing various players widely! Attempt shooting examination the victor in every competitors. The period consists of 5 rounds for every single 100 every competitors. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... You need to relocate remembering completion objective to get a high rating and also bullseye struck combination. Just what s New. v 2.0.0. Update of Christmas Memorial. Consist of a celebration entertainment (will certainly be paid by everyday 5ea dollars.). Include reach be imaginable to enjoyment without internet organization. Is not accompanied the Internet, when the improvement of the enjoyment .
  • 8. I could not Google s Play Game Ranking registration. You will not have the storage capacity to event enjoyment. Regrettable. Advertising serves for assistance as well as overhauls. On the off possibility that you mention of feeling allure, I will certainly try to have the storage capacity to think about the adhering to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. How Did St Paul Influence Religion Saint Paul is one of the most influential people in the Catholic Church to date, as he is one of the leaders of the first generation of Christians, he has travelled countless of miles for his missionaries, and he has converted thousands upon thousands of people into Christians; that is just the beginning. It all started where St Paul came from: Tarsus, a major city in eastern Cilicia now known as eastern¬ Turkey, his trade was tent making, which he continued to practice after his conversion to Christianity. Paul ¬¬¬spent much of the first half of his life persecuting the Christians, as he was born into a wealthy, well educated, and Jewish family with strong beliefs of Judaism inducing him to do so. Before all this, he was known as Saul, the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A missionary is someone who believes fully in a religion and who wishes to spread their religion to new countries and regions, they are dedicated completely to their religion and do not waver from what their God wants. This full pledge to God allowed St Paul to be known as one of the most influential people in the Catholic Church, as well as writing many letters to individuals, communities and churches about many things such as the Gospel, his newly found wisdom and the messages from God. St Paul became a missionary to connect to God easier, and to teach people about God and convert people into the Christian life. As Paul became a missionary, he furthered his understanding of God, and furthered the understanding of God to other people, resulting in a large increase of Christian faith and believers. St Paul wrote many letters to the public about God and how to broaden their faith of God. An instance of one of St Paul s letters is Galatians. His purpose of writing this letter to Galatia, was to make sure they were on the path of truth and not led off into deceiving the wrong thing about God. This letter was written in an aggressive tone, showing just how important it was to him that the people embrace unity in Christ. Another example of a writing of Paul is Ephesians. He talks about topics ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Examples Of Legal Advice For Donothy Legal Advice for Donothy In this assignment, I am going to discuss legal issues of Donothy s case, apply legal principles and give her legal advice. The fact of the present case is that an advertisement expressed that their slimming product Lemon Grass Pills could guarantee the customer who used their products would lose 20kg within two months if he continuously drank one pill every day for a period of two months, or they would pay for 50000hkd. Donothy, a consumer who wanted to lose weight successfully before the wedding was attracted by the advertisement and bought Lemon Grass Pills for 1000hkd per bottle. After six weeks, she had not lost a single kilogram which drove her mad. The key legal issues are as follows: Was there a contract ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... According to 〖Ewan McKendrick〗^2, A unilateral contract is a contract whereby one party promises to pay to the other a sum of money or to do some act if that other party will do or refrain from doing something without making a promise to that effect. Cases in point are Williams v Carwardine [1833] EWHC KB J44, Errington v Errington [1951] EWCA Civ 2 and Woods, R v Clarke (1927) 40 CLR 227. The essence of the transaction is that Donothy should take in pills for two months as requested. It is unnecessary that there should be any notification of acceptance in the present situation. A leading case is the Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Co [1983] 1 QB ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Influence Of Political Parties In The United States Influence of Political Parties The American government runs on the party system. To be specific, it s divided between Democrats and Republicans. A large part of the public also associates themselves as Individuals because they feel that neither one of the parties represents their beliefs properly. Both parties have very opposite beliefs from each other. The Republican party mainly consists of conservatives and believes that the government should not be too involved in the economy because a large government poses a threat to citizen s freedom. The Democratic party, on the other hand, believes that government intervention in the economy is needed. Democrats are mainly Liberals and they represent minorities, women, and the poor. They also support ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For the most part, America employs single member districts which means that the electorate only chooses one representative from each district. During presidential elections, every state is given votes through the electoral college which equals to the amount of U.S. senators and House members. Single member districts tend to weaken third parties. In 1992, an Individual named Ross Perot ran for the presidential election and although he gained 19% of the popular votes, he didn t receive any electoral votes. This happened because the Electoral College leverages the two party system. To decrease the amount of influence political parties have on the government, other governments like Sweden elect legislators in multimember districts instead of single member districts, and the number of seats that a party wins is proportional to the amount of its support among voters. For example, In Sweden 310 seats are allocated in 29 constituencies. This helps everyone s opinions and voices to be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. The Great Gatsby Time Analysis The Great Gatsby took place in the fictitious town of West Egg. Gatsby, a mysterious millionaire who throws parties that he does not participate in is at the center of this novel and later we find that the reason he is throwing these parties is to get the attention of a woman named Daisy. Daisy and Gatsby had met earlier on and had a relationship before he participated in WWI. When he came back Daisy had already moved on and was married to Tom Buchanan. Now Gatsby still remains hopeful that he can rekindle what they once had. Gatsby is unwilling to accept the past and persistently attempts to recreate it. But the concept that underlies within this is time. Through this novel we see the concept of time play out through the relationships ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... An hour later the front door opened nervously, and Gatsby, in a white flannel suit, silver shirt, and gold colored tie, hurried in. He was pale, and there were dark signs of sleeplessness beneath his eyes (84). Silver is a flashy color that symbolizes a wealthy and rich atmosphere like that of gold. Due to the fact that Gatsby chooses to wear this shirt to tea with Daisy, it is apparent that he is trying to use his clothes to appeal to Daisy. Gatsby has spent all of his life trying to impress her and he cannot seem to let her go and accept the past for what it really ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. How Does Prospero Present Caliban s Relationship In The... In the Tempest, Prospero s demand for respect and power leads him to be domineering and forceful towards Caliban and Ariel. Not only having magical powers, Prospero displays another type of power, his power over his slaves. Prospero s way of treating his slaves differs when he orders them to do something. Caliban having a mean and violent relationship, while Ariel has an obligated and forceful relationship with Prospero. Prospero and Caliban s relationship is portrayed as the more dominant character having power over and abusing the weaker with violence. On the island, Prospero comes off as a very controlling and dominant person, due to the way he acts with Caliban by calling him his slave. Hence Caliban s name meaning earthy , Prospero ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Pilates Techniques 1: breathing breathing is something we don t always do correctly and breath control is and essential part of every techniques. If we don t breath correctly then we lose the benefits of exercise. When we breath we should make sure we are doing it correctly by taking air fully into your lung space and not our abdominal space. Breath control makes us become aware of our bodies. This means we regain control and correcting the bad habits we have gotten so use too. 2: centring its important to find the centre of the powerful core muscles. Everybody has a centre of gravity, this is just below the navel, this is where the pelvis meets the spine. 3: concentration this is the first main requirement of pilates. If we don t concentrate then this will affect the purpose of the exercises. When we stretch one part of the body, the rest of our body should be relaxed and inorder to get this right you need to concentrate. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... You learn mental control through pilates techniques. So every muscle can be controlled independently. 5: fluidity in order to have fluidity all the relevant muscles need to work together. To start with you may feel jerky or uncomfortable so it may take a while to become fluid. 6: precision pilates have the emphasis of quality over quanity. Each exercise has instructions that must be followed. This is all part of pilates discipline, having a mirror to check your positons will help. 7: stamina we have to have a routine of structured exercise which is on a regular basis. This can be going to a class once or twice a week to exercising at home. Having stamina in pilates is not about running yourself in to the ground. 8: relaxtion pilates exercises our designed to release stress and tension held in the body, especially the shoulders. Pilates allows people to be relaxed yet able to exercise at the same time, so you feel refreshed and energised at the same ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Sight Words In School Engage: Student s will all come to the gathering place, after all the student s are sitting I will say It s time to review our sight words . Then as a class we will say our 100 sight words correctly, if a word is said incorrectly I will stop and correct students. After we say our sight words I will write the sight word that we are reviewing for the day on the board. I will ask a quiet hand to tell me what that word is. Then I will instruct students to repeat after me t h e y spells they, they, they. After that I will say Now it s time to practice our word part sounds and then I will say Who can raise a quiet hand and tell me why we practice our word parts After a student answers we will move on and do our word part phonics flash cards as ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. My Future Speech My future. My future will make everyone eat their words. They laugh now, but at the end they will admire me. I wasn t placed in this world to be average. I am a fearless young man. I prove others wrong and prove myself right. At the end of the day you gotta feel some way. So why not feel unbeatable? Why not feel untouchable? Why not feel like the best to ever do it? The Notorious Conor McGregor. Not only have I strengthened my confidence, but also I have paved a clear road to my future because of my parents, soccer, and my inspirations. My parents impacted my view on life. Since I can remember, they have always wanted nothing but the best for me. For example, I always bring back the chats with my father after my soccer games. No matter how well, or how many goals I had scored, my dad always had comments on what I could ve done better in my game. His expressions made me wonder if he was ever proud of me; however, looking back I just realized my father was my biggest fan and only wanted me to perfect my skills. I am glad he was like that because now that is how I am with my little brother. Also, my parents never raised me as a flashy or spoiled child, and I thank them so much for that. As a kid you can question your parents ways of educating you, but when you grow up and analyze everything you will truly understand why they did that. For example, I would always see my idols on television with the most advanced and beautiful soccer cleats out there. Of course they are ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Counseling Trauma Survivors The discussion will describe four important crisis skills that a counseling should use when counseling trauma survivors. Kanel ((2008) explain basic attending skills in the ABC model, which include body language, reflection of emotions, paraphrasing, and summarizations. Counselors want to create a special connection fast so that they can get the information they need to help trauma survivors feel safe, but do it in a way not to offend them. Body language include eye contact, encouraging nods, and posture. Counselor s body language can be a key to help survivors talk or refuse to talk (Microtraining Associates, 2008). Counselor s body language should not as if they are not concerned about the survivors or in panic mode. Counselors need ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. The Great Philosopher Elveera Bowman Mrs. Rose Ap History January 21, 2017 The Great Philosopher Plato Plato is known as one of ancient Greece s greatest philosophers. Plato was born in Athens, Greece during 428 BCE. Some people believe that Plato s real name is Aristocles, if in fact this is true he would have received this name from his grandfather. Historians believed that Plato had two full brother, one sister, and one half brother. They are unsure if Plato was the eldest. They believe that he was since he inherited his grandfather s name, and tradition was that the eldest son would be named after the grandfather. Plato s father, Ariston, was a direct descendant from kings of Athens and Messina. His mother, Perictione, was a descendant of an athenian ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One of Plato s greatest works was The Republic . The Republic was Plato s defence of justice and what he thinks is the best form of government. The piece of writing brings up two questions that are still relevant today. The questions brought up by this piece of writing were what is justice? , and what is the relation between justice and being happy? . Some of Plato s other pieces of writing include Meno. The Meno was written in an attempt to define what virtue was. Another one of Plato s well known dialogue was Symposium. Plato wrote Symposium to show the purpose and nature of love. Plato wrote many more dialogues, that people still read to this day. Plato spent his final years of his life at the academy. Around 348 BCE Plato died in Athens. He was around eighty years old when he passed away. No one knows how exactly he passed away. Some people say he passed away peacefully in his sleep due to old age. Others say he died while attending a wedding. Plato s accomplishments still live on to this day through the idea of platonism. His ideas impact religion, science, government, and philosophy in today s world. His philosophy along with the philosophy of Socrates and Aristotle helped form a basic idea of western philosophical traditions. Plato s dialogues also affected life in today s society. The Republic is a good example of the effect plato s dialogues left, because it helped ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Indian Heritage Study Guide Required Reading: Indian Heritage: History: 1. How did the experience of war affect emperor Ashoka? What actions did he take as a result of the experience? The message spread by Ashoka was based on which religion? He felt sorrow and regret after he conquered the kingdom of Kalinga. He gave up the war. The message spread by Ashoka was based on Buddhist teachings. 2. Why was the Gupta Empire known as India s golden age ? The emperors of the Gupta dynasty reunited northern India about 320 and the territory of Gupta extended to what is now Afghanistan and to the Vindhya mountains. Required Reading: Indian Heritage: People: 3. Why do most Dravidians live in the south of India while the Indo Aryan peoples live in the north? ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... List five minor religions in India. Choose one religion and give examples of how the religion affected the Indian people: Other religions in India are Islam, Buddhism, Christianity, Jainism, and Sikhism. Outbreaks of violence occurred between Muslims and Hindus, but they also have lived together peacefully. Required Reading: Chinese Heritage: History: 9. What were the major contributions of Qin emperor Shi Huangdi to ancient Chinese civilization? He abolished the local states and set up a strong central government. The government standardized weights and measures, the currency, and the Chinese writing system. He ordered the construction of the Great Wall to keep invaders out. 10. Discuss five major innovations that occurred during the Han dynasty. During which years did the dynasty flourish? Histories and dictionaries were produced. Buddhism was introduced into China from India during the late Han period. Using a brush for writing became common. The world s first porcelain was developed in the A.D. 100 s. Chinese invented paper in the 200 s A.D. The Han dynasty ruled from 206 B.C. to A.D. 220.
  • 20. Required Reading: Chinese Heritage: Religion: 11. Discuss the basic beliefs and development of the following religions in China: ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Impact Of Mountaineering On Everest Mount Everest is the highest mountain peak in the world with a summit of 29,035 feet. Mount Everest is a part of what makes earth amazing and unique. Since Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world, it is human nature for us to look at it as a challenge that we need to conquer. This has not been a good thing because the environmental impact of commercialized mountaineering on everest has been disastrous. In this study we will talk about the environmental impact we have had on everest, the trash that has collected on everest, and the rules Nepal has put in place to save Everest. The gorgeous snowy mountain where you can see the snow glistening white as far as you can see has changed. Everest has been nicknamed the world s highest garbage dump. The magnificent glaciers have been affected and there is garbage leaking out of them. There are obviously no bathrooms on the 29,035 feet summit, so pyramids of human excrement fill up the camps. Dead bodies scatter the frozen wasteland, making the peaceful mountain look like an old battleground. Sherpas now complain about how pollution has affected their water source and it is almost like they are trading their way of life for money. The boom in climbing Mount Everest has left the mountain covered in trash. There are food wrappers, climbing gear, oxygen chambers, human waste, and bodies slathering the mountain. Over the past six decades an estimated 50 tons of trash have4 been left just at basecamp. Everest has developed a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. The Failure Of Heart Failure ABSTRACT Heart failure is one of the leading causes of mortality, both globally and in New Zealand. It is defined as the inability of the heart to meet the bodies metabolic need for oxygen and is characterised by a decrease in cardiac output. The body has many intrinsic mechanisms to attempt to maintain cardiac output, including activating the renin angiotensin aldosterone system (RAAS). The RAAS cascade acts to restore cardiac output by increasing fluid retention, thus increasing blood volume and pressure. Unfortunately, in decompensated heart failure, this is not enough to re establish cardiac output, causing the action of this system to be upregulated and blood volume to increase further. This is detrimental to the already failing heart. A new drug, aliskiren, affects the pathophysiology of hypertension and heart failure by directly inhibiting renin, a mechanism that is distinct from current therapeutic agents that also target the RAAS, such as ACE inhibitors and Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers. This gives potential benefits by blocking the RAAS further upstream. However, clinical trials have failed to demonstrate the predicted benefits of aliskiren. Taking this into consideration, there is a strong possibility for development of further direct renin inhibiting agents displaying a higher potential therapeutic index for the treatment of hypertension and heart failure. In order to thoroughly discuss the potential benefits of aliskiren in relation to hypertension and heart ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Kate Chopin And The Story Of An Hour Kate Chopin (1850 1904), an American author, wrote two published novels and about a hundred short stories in the 1890s. Most of her best known work concentrates on the lives of sympathetic, intelligent women. Many stories ended up being published in high status magazines such as Vogue and American Press Association. Chopin s novels were mostly forgotten after her death in 1904, but several of her short stories appeared within five years after her death, some were reprinted and people started to read her stories again. Since 1969, numerous scholars have written about Chopin s life and work. Feminist critics have had a massive influence. Most of what has been written about Kate Chopin since 1969 is feminist in nature or is focused on women s ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There were many different views on this particular story, and was also banned in Chopin s hometown in St. Louis, Missouri. When reading we are first introduced to Edna Pontellier, who is vacationing with her family. Edna becomes very close to, and possibly falls in love with, a man named Robert Lebrun, who then leaves for Mexico which makes Edna miserable. Edna then meets a male mistress who only satisfies her sexual needs. She then has an urge of independence and pursues her interest in painting, does not rely on her husband financially anymore, moves into a house by herself. The title The Awakening itself says a lot, it is a metaphor for Edna s ongoing possession of self ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. The Historical 1906 San Francisco Earthquake APUSH Rajdeep Singh Henderson Per 2 The Historical 1906 San Francisco Earthquake One of the most greatest appearing earthquake in San Francisco in the year of 1906. It was approximately 7.8 earthquake. The earthquake had hit buildings, schools, streets and houses. Killing hundreds of people and injuring thousands. This earthquake began at an opera house and ended up all throughout the streets in San Francisco. The Great San Francisco Earthquake may be studied by examining the earthquake, the spread of fire, and the aftermath of the worst natural disasters. The night before the quake it was an average typical night in the windy city of San Francisco. World famous opera singer, Enrico Caruso was performing at the city s Grand Opera House. The music had filled the building up with his beautiful singing. Enrico s voice was like a thunderbolt which seemed to be rocking the Opera House. Little did the payed audience have knowledge of that an earthquake was going to come in a matter of hours. Not only that but this earthquake was going shatter the city into piece by piece, and destroy San Francisco including the Opera House. The earthquake had shook the ground within twenty to twenty five seconds. Then, at 5:12 a.m., it had erupted and began it s terror on the city. Furthermore, the earthquake was felt from Los Angeles to southern Oregon and as far as central Nevada. The earthquake was bursting through the northern region in four hundred thirty kilometers of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Corporate Social Responsibility Of The Enron Corporation Introduction We will look at the Enron Corporation and discuss its application of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) or in actuality its irresponsible behavior as related to social responsibility. We will revisit what CSR is and discuss Enron s philosophy regarding its use and function within the corporation. We will discuss the consequences of Enron s irresponsible behavior and the far reaching effects it had on society. Corporate Social Responsibility are actions taken by a corporation that have positive and lasting impact for all stakeholders associated with the organization, seeking to strike a balance between profits and helping to establish lasting investment in the community (Carrol, 2015). In the 1980 s, then President Reagan challenged the business community to take on more responsibility to address social problems (Carrol, 2015). Socially responsible actions can benefit local communities as well as the greater societal good. Oddly enough, Enron had a CSR strategy with a very good reputation for having a strong and well respected corporate responsibility known for generosity to the community and being environmentally responsible. (Sims Brinkmann, 2003). In hindsight we see that they were playing CSR. Former CFO, Jeff Skilling once told a colleague, Mike, we are a green energy company, but the green stands for money (Bradley, 2008). The public should be very cautious when it comes to companies and their CSR efforts as unfortunately some are just ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Stereotypes In Do The Right Thing Reflection for Do the Right Thing The film Do the Right Thing took conventional stereotypes and flipped them around. An example of this is whenever Radio Raheem the camera does a low angle shot and a close up on his face. This is in contrast to when he interacts with Sal the camera does a high angle shot and medium close up to Sal. This is continued even when Radio Raheem was being killed by the police. The police where holding Radio Raheem above all of the police officers. Another stereotype Spike Lee flipped was the only non minority characters, the police, smiley, and the man in the car, are portrayed as disabled in some way, may it be mentally or morally. Spike Lee chose to flip these stereotypes to showcase the black people should not ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. How To Become A Real Tattoo Artist Are you ready to become a real tattoo artist? For some people, learning how to tattoo is a life long dream. For others, it s a newer fascination that may have started when they got their own first tattoos. No matter what the spark for wanting to learn how to tattoo, there are five essential steps that each person can follow on the path to becoming a pro. Step One: Passion and Ability Above all other things, there are two major factors that go into determining whether or not you have what it takes to become a real tattoo artist. Sure, the other steps outlined here are very important, but if you don t have both passion and ability, you are unlikely to succeed. That s not to say that someone can t figure out how to tattoo and even find a job. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... You may have to wait for a long period of time or even relocate to another city to learn how to tattoo from a qualified artist whom you respect. It is hard not to get discouraged, but if you have the passion and ability already mentioned above, then you ve got a much better chance at taking this big step toward becoming a professional. Step Five: Learn Everything You Can Your apprenticeship will likely not begin with you learning how to tattoo right away. Instead, you may be asked to perform many of the duties you did when you were working in a tattoo shop before you became an apprentice. You will likely clean up the shop and will probably help with the sterilization of equipment. As time goes by, however, the artist you re working with will offer you more and more responsibilities and will teach you methods and techniques that will get you on your way. There are other ways to increase your knowledge, too. While you can t necessarily learn how to tattoo by just reading a book, you can certainly use tattoo books and tattoo magazines to build on the knowledge you already have. Even the simple act of examining someone else s tattoos can help you learn more about technique, color theory, flow and design, and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Lupus Nephritis Research Paper Lupus Nephritis Lupus nephritis causes inflammation of the nephrons, which is caused by systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE or lupus). The kidney s main function is to remove waste from blood and to balance the amount of fluids in your body. When inflammation of nephrons occur it makes it harder to filter the blood and can cause significant swelling. It is an autoimmune disease that causes the immune system to mistake harmful substances from healthy ones which results in the immune system attacking the healthy tissues and cells. It is still unknown on how the disease comes about except for these two assumptions; genetic predisposition and research found on Renal DNase1 enzyme activity. Genetic predisposition refers to environmental factors ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There is hyaline thrombus formation in capillaries causing restriction of blood flow making it difficult to filter blood to urine. The creatinine levels are commonly normal or elevated at this class. This is the most advanced class of lupus nephritis that results in tremendous protein loss and swelling (Johnson, 2012). There is not cure for lupus nephritis, but can be suppressed with proper dosage of medication. These kinds of treatments are usually meant to keep the situation from worsening and lessen the severity. Common treatments involve anti inflammation drugs such as corticosteroids to suppress the inflammation and immunosuppressive medication like prednisone or cyclophosphamide that can reduce damage to kidneys (Johnson, 2012). Some patients may require a dialysis to control kidney failure and to manage certain symptoms from worsening. A kidney transplant may be required depending on how severe the disease may be. The pro of having a kidney transplant is that the patient will have full restoration of kidney function, but the con is that patients with active lupus nephritis may be able to transfer it to the new kidney. Even if it does get transferred to the new kidney it is rarely to see signs of end classes of the disease. From time to time there may be flare ups that occur that results in certain symptoms to show. Today, there is still no way to prevent ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Essay On Endogenous Modulation Of Pain Second, this study also provides supporting evidence for endogenous modulation of pain based on fc changes compared cLBP in different pain condition with HC and within cLBP. Substantial evidence is accumulating to show that the striatum plays an important role in the endogenous modulation of pain. Published data provide evidence that the limbic system is essential to chronic pain processing59. The NAc is a critical node in this network. Functional interactions between component structures in the limbic system are wide ranging. Previous studies show that the nucleus accumbens (NAc) is extensively anatomically connected with cortical areas including cingulate, prefrontal cortex, parahippocampal gyrus, and insula 60 63 and subcortical areas ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Therefore, some previous studies hypothesized that these brain regions, especially within the emotional corticolimbic system, acted as the bridge of pain modulation and stress regulation5. In practice, research on the emotional brain has often focused on a few structures thought to be central to this type of processing hypothalamus, amygdala, insula, and so on. However, chronic pain frequently coexists with other disorders such as anxiety, depression, or learning and memory deficits. This co occurrence might manifest if chronic pain were to precipitate neuroplastic changes in supra spinal structures, such as amygdala, that lead to these pain related disorders. We also found the bilateral VSs, DC, DCP and DRP had significantly overlay increased connectivity with the right DLPFC in cLBP in HP compared with cLBP in LP. The bilateral DCP and DRP had significantly overlay increased connectivity with the right insular cortex and ACC in cLBP in HP compared with cLBP in LP. The above mentioned dorsal and ventral striatum, amygdala, anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), the anterior insular and the orbitofrontal cortex are all implicated in reward as well as pain processing. Recent experimental data suggest that basal ganglia may also be involved in various dimensions of pain sensation and pain experience 69. So far, there ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Safety Gears In American Football Have you ever thrown a pigskin before? Well I have. It is important to stay safe playing the best sport, football. Clearly American football is safe because the players wear safety gear, learn to tackle properly, and stretch before and after a playing period. The first reason is safety gear makes football more safe because of the following.The helmet goes on a player s head they are made up of polycarbonate shells. That is safe because the helmets have big pads inside the shell to support the head on contact. The the next reason that safety gear is safe is the shoulder pads. The shoulder pads help because they make the player lower their shoulder so they don t get hurt/injured. The pads go on the shoulders and chest of a player. The shoulder pads protect the player from fractured bones in the upper body area. A neck roll will go on a player s shoulder pads and around their neck. It helps the neck and head because when the player gets hit in the head the neck roll will stop their helmet from bending backwards. Another reason that makes football safe is PROPER tackling. First the player will have to slow down and chop their feet to mimic the ball carrier. This will help them tackle the runner. The defensive ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... That is safe because the helmets have big pads inside the shell to support the head on contact. The the next reason that safety gear is safe is the shoulder pads. The shoulder pads help because they make the player lower their shoulder so they don t get hurt/injured. The pads go on the shoulders and chest of a player. The shoulder pads protect the player from fractured bones in the upper body area. A neck roll will go on a player s shoulder pads and around their neck. It helps the neck and head because when the player gets hit in the head the neck roll will stop their helmet from bending ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Is The American Dream Attainable Josh Graham Kennedy Govt. September 30, 2016 The American Dream The American Dream is defined as the ideals of freedom, equality, and opportunity traditionally held to be available to every American. Is the American Dream truly attainable by all Americans? The American dream is an idea that all men created equal, through hard work, determination, and elbow grease, anything can be achieved. The American Dream was first defined in 1931 by James Truslow Adams. Adams said that the American dream is not ... a dream of motor cars and high wages merely, but a dream of social order in which each man and each woman shall be able to attain to the fullest stature of which they are innately capable, and be recognized by others for what they are, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The new European Dream is based on different assumptions about what constitutes freedom and security. For Europeans, freedom is found not in autonomy but in embeddedness. To be free is to have access to many interdependent relationships. The more communities one has access to, the more options one has for living a full and meaningful life. It is inclusivity that brings security belonging, not belongings, meaning that in the United States we see our dream as social success, economic growth, and personal wealth, while in European countries, their dream is based upon sustainable development, quality of life, and interdependence. The European Dream is also based upon a person s happiness rather than economic success. Europe is not the only place to share a dream, though. China also has a dream of their own. The Chinese Dream integrates national and personal aspirations, with the twin goals of reclaiming national pride and achieving personal well being. It requires sustained economic growth, expanded equality and an infusion of cultural values to balance materialism. The Chinese Dream is similar to both the American Dream and the European Dream in some ways. The Chinese Dream is similar to the American Dream in that they both share the goal of becoming economically successful, and The Chinese Dream shares the idea that one s personal well being should be a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Romanticism In Oliver Twist Introduction: In mid 19th century England, realistic literature came as a response to the preceding romantic period. The romantic period was known to emphasize the experiences of the individual and was regarded as a highly aesthetic period. It was related with the movement of sensibility or sentimentalism, which stressed the importance of emotions and feelings of sympathy (Kitson 328 329). Contrarily, realism during the Victorian age aimed to address economic and social issues in society by depicting the struggles in the developing society as accurately as possible (Redd). Consequently, in the 1830s, when Charles Dickens was writing Oliver Twist, it is justifiable that elements of both realism and sentimentalism can be found in the novel. This ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Most notably, Dickens depiction of London (in particular the workhouses and other social institutions) and his criminal characters have a very prominent realistic effect. However before going into detail about the realistic setting and characters, it would be beneficial to take a look at Dickens preface for Oliver Twist. In his preface for Oliver Twist, Dickens justifies his reasons for writing about the criminals of London; he had the impression that real thieves and pickpockets were not portrayed correctly in literature during that time. For that reason, he felt that it was necessary to show these crooks as they really were, for ever skulking uneasily through the dirtiest paths of life (7). He also believed that doing this would be a service to society , and that he did it as best as [he] could . He explains that he won t be writing about appealing and pleasant situations; ...no merry makings in the snuggest of all possibly caverns, none of the attractions of dress, no embroidery, no lace... (8). In essence, this preface foreshadows the realistic elements in the novel by telling the readers where to look. Clearly the characters and setting will be portrayed as honestly and truthfully as possible, without overlooking even one hole in the Dodger s coat, or one scrap of curl paper in Nancy s dishevelled hair (9) and describing the cold wet shelterless midnight streets of London; the foul and frowsy dens, where vice is closely packed and lacks the room to turn [...] ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. The Great Train Robbery By Michael Crichton Going Where No Man Has Gone Before The motives for a crime are sometimes not as clear as some may believe. In the Great Train Robbery, by Michael Crichton, Edward Pierce had complex motives for his crime. He was aware of how difficult the robbery would be, and decided to undergo the whole ordeal for that reason alone. Edward Pierce decided to commit the train robbery to know that he can succeed in completing a massive challenge few have attempted. Pierce chose to rob the train because of the difficulty of the task. He wanted to complete a challenge few have even attempted. According to the novel, The gentleman climbed the hill, pressed binoculars to his eyes, and swept the length of the tracks. Immediately he fixed on the body of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Banning Affirmative Action Affirmative action is an active effort to improve the employment or educational opportunities of members of minority groups and women; also : a similar effort to promote the rights or progress of other disadvantaged persons As defined by Webster s Dictionary. This is a practice used by many fine colleges and universities across America. Recently a wave of bans has stormed the nation, starting in California, spreading to states like Michigan and Texas. Banning affirmative action strikes outrage into some people, and happiness in others. The Association of American Universities stands in defiance of these bans, saying that the diversity that may not be achieved otherwise is an important aspect in their students education. Others, like The ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Colleges may feel that their affirmative action policies help them to make their campuses better places to live, and that by banning affirmative action, states are limiting their ability to provide a diverse education. Others argue that affirmative action is actually a handicap, pushing some minorities into schools that they are not academically ready to attend. Affirmative action is certainly a hot issue for many people, and the only agreeable goal is freedom, should colleges be free to choose the students that they want to educate, or should students be free to apply to colleges without having the risk of being turned away for something that they can t ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...