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Ornamental climbers identification
and use in different situation for
Dr. Thaneshwari
Ipomoea purpurea
Morning glory covering fencing
2.Aristolochia elegans
(Calico flower)
 Elegans means graceful in Latin.
 Flower : Rains.
 Fruit : cold season
 Native : Rio de Janeiro in Brazil.
 Gardening : the hanging basket like fruit are very attractive. It
is entirely devoid of the unpleasant odour which is
characteristics of the flowers of this genus. In florida it
reproduce it self freely. May adjust well with rocky walls.
Aristolochia elegans
(Family: Aristolochiaceae)
Propagation: easily raised from seed which is freely
produced under cultivation and usually flower in the very
first year. It can also be propagated by cutting, layering
and suckers.
3. Vernonia elaegnoefolia
Family : Compositae
Origin: domesticated in india
A quick-growing, evergreen
climber, which is most
popular and usefull climber
for screening. the branches
which are pendulous hang
close to their support, thus
forming a neat screen. The
flower are white in colour. It
thrive best in places with
high humidity.
Propagation- cutting
4.Adenocalymma alliaceum
Adenocalymma alliaceum (Garlic Vine)
Family: Bignoniaceae
 Origin : Brazil
 Foliage : evergreen shiny
 Flower : large trumpet-shaped pink-mauve flowers.
 Flowering: March to June( Nauni: August)
 Climate : hot moist
 Propagation: layering and cutting during rainy
5.Bigonia unguiscati
Cat’s claw
Flower of cat’s clawCat’s Claw like tendril
Bignonia unguis-cati Linn.
Cat’s Claw ( in latin unguis cati).
 Description- an extensively climbing slender evergreen
species. The leaves are opposite and compound,
exstipulate. Leaflets 2,lanceolate or ovate-acuminate,
cordate, 3 in. or less long; the terminal leaflet is
represented by a three-partite claw like tendril, the arm of
which do not form disks after attachment. The flower
which are a beautiful clear yellow in colour, with deeper
yellow lines in the throat, are born in pairs seated on
slender peduncles in the axils of the leaves. Calyx 0.5 in.
long, obtusely 5-lobed, membranous, bowl-shaped, with
conspicuous veins. Corolla with a short tube and broadly
ventricose limb with spreading lobes, 2-4 in. across and 2-
2.5 in. long. Ovary linear, 0.25 in. long, seated on a fleshy
disk. Style curbed,1 in. long.
Synoname:Bignonia tweediana, B. gracilis, Doxanthan
 Flower : April
 Fruit : July
 Native :Argentina (S. America)
 Gardening : an extensive climber reaching top of the
trees and forming masses of foliage and yellow flower
in pendent bunches. They are excellent for being
trained over bare stone walls.
 Propagation : seed, cutting, layering.
6. Wisteria sinensis
(Chinese wisteria, blue rain, blue acacia)
(Family: Papilionaceae)
Wisteria sinensis
( sinensis means of Chinese origin)
Description: a deciduous vine with a twisted trunk reaching 6-9 in. in diameter,
and many long whip like branches, bark brown, often covered with brown felt.
Leaves compound, alternate, odd- pinnate, deciduous. Flowers arranged in
terminal lax racemes up to 13 in. long which appear with the young leaves,
pedicellate, rhachis striate-hairy, pedicel 0.75 in. long, hairy, bracts obsolete.
Calyx bell-shaped, densely covered with short hair, 5-toothed. Corolla
papilionaceous, standard orbicular-emerginate, or broader than long, clawed,
with 2 appendages at the top of the claw, violet blue or blue in colour. Stamen
9+1; the upper stamen free, the remaining nine joined by thin filament; anther
small. Ovary elongate, pubescent, style curved at right angles to the ovary. Fruit
a pod, up to 5 in. long. Seeds 0.25-0.5 in. in diameter, orbicular, flattened, dark
brown smooth.
Flowers : March-April.
Fruits : rainy season
Distribution: a native to China now widely cultivated in the hills and plains
of india.
Gardening: it is very suitable for covering porches, arbours and the like. This
may be raised as a small trees and by care full pruning can be trained as a
standard or a shrub. It is the noblest of the woody vines for temperate
Propagation: layering, seed.
7.Quisqualis indica
( Combretaceae)
Quisqualis indica (THE RANGOON CREEPER)
 Native: Malaysia, South-eastern Asia and West
Tropical Africa.
 Flower: practically all the year round, but fruit is rarely
found.(Nauni: April-July)
 Gardening: a rapid growing deciduous shrub
requiring a strong trellis for its support. The flower are
white, sweet scented, open at night but turning pink at
day break.
 Propagation: layering, cutting and division of roots.
8.Petrea volubilis
Petrea volubilis Linn.
 Volubilis means twining in latin and refer to the habit
of the plants
 Common name: Purple Wreath
 Flowers: March-April. Sometime a second flush in
October. It does not fruit in this country.
 Native : Tropical America.
 Gardening: it bear long spikes of cloudy- blue star like
flower which are extremely effective when massed. It
can be trained as a standard.
 Propagation:. air layering, suckers
9.Holmskioldia sanguinea
(CUP AND SAUCER PLANTS) (Family: Verbenaceae)
 Sanguineus means blood-colour and refer to the
normal colour of the flower.
 Flower: October-December
 Native: Subtropical Himalayas
 Gardening: this plant is very popular for cut flowers,
if even the corolla has fallen the calyx is pretty and very
 Propagation: layering and cutting
 A variety with orange flower has been introduced from
Assam where it is wild.
Ornamental climbers identification and use for different area landscaping
10.Allamanda cathartica
(A.linnaei, Orelia grandiflora)
 flower  Family: Apocynaceae
 Origin: Brazil
 Flower:large,yellow,scented
 Flowering: summer, rain
 Propagation: cutting, layering
11.Clerodendron splendens
 Family: Verbenaceae
 Origin: Sierra Leone
 Flower : crimson colour
 Flowering period: Winter
 Propagation: separation of
root sucker or by layering
 It is a dwarf growing
beautiful climber
12.Bigonia venusta
Pyrostegia venusta
(Family: Bignoniaceae) (Golden shower)
 ( Venusta is latin for charming, beautiful)
 Description: an evergreen plant climbing extensively by means of tendrils.
Stem stout, angled. Leaves compound, consisting of two leaflets with a
terminal branched tendril, or some times of three leaflets. Flowers very
showy, arranged in corymbose cymes or racemes, drooping. Calyx small,
campanulate in shape, with five, very small, hairy teeth. Corolla tubular, 3
in. long, gradually expanding to the mouth where it ends in five liner lobes
which are valvate in the bud, the point of junction being very evident as
each lobe has white villous margins. On opening the lobes curve
backwards and form two lips, the upper of which is 2, the lower 3 lobed.
Stamens 4, in pair, with filament of different lengths. The longer pair is
well exserted from the tube, the shorter reaches the base of the lobes.
Ovary linear, seated on a fleshy disk. Style very long, almost as long as the
stamens. This plant does not produce fruit in this country.
Flowers: cold season( January- February)
Distribution: indigenous to Brazil, but now a very common
cultivated plants in all cultivated countries.
Propagation: cutting, layering
Uses: it is suitable for pergolas, porches, verandahs. It is
grown on trellises, over compound walls or the wall of a house.
Ornamental climbers identification and use for different area landscaping
13.Lonicera japonica
Lonicera japonica( Japanese honeysuckle)
 Description: a widely climbing twiner. Leaves
opposite, petioled, ovate to oblong-ovate.
 Flowers: cold season. Does not set seed in this
country. (Nauni: March-May)
 Native : China, Japan and Formosa
 Gardening: an evergreen twiner with white, red or
purple-tinged flower which are very fragrant.
 Use : suitable for trellis work
 Propagation: cutting and layering
Lonicera covering the fencing
14.Rosa sp. (ramblers)
 These old climber with large clusters of small, single
and double flowers mainly belong to two groups, i.e.
The multiflora ramblers (from Rosa multiflora) and
the Wichuraiana rambler ( from Rosa wichuraiana ).
Rosa brunoni
Ornamental climbers identification and use for different area landscaping
15.Solanum jasminoides
 Potato vine  Family: solanaceae
 Suitable for medium to
high elevation
 Flower: star shaped
white flowers appear
in 8-12 flower racemes
during the summer.
 Propagation: layering
Flower and leaves of potato vine
flower leaves
16.Bougainvillea spp
 Family: Nyctaginaceae
 Native: Tropical and Subtropical South America
 The genus Bougainvillea is named after the celebrated
Franch navigator and explorer Louis Antoine de
bougainviolle(1728-1811), who introduce the genus in to
Europe from Rio de Janeiro.
Cultivars for climbing on walls
 Lady Mary Baring : mustard colour bracts
 Mary Palmer : bicolour bracts, white and magenta
 Mrs. H.C. Buck : bracts large rose and purple
 Thimma :variegated leaves, bracts are like Mari Palmer
Cultivar suitable for hedge making
Glabra sanderiana
Glabra variegata
Tomato Red
Cultivar for planting in pot
 Dr. R.R. Pal
 Lady Mary Baring
 Mary Palmer
 Partha
 Shubhra
 Spring Fastival
 Summer Time
 Thimma
 Tomato Red
Cultivar ideal for hanging basket
 Jawaharlal Lal Nehru
 Mary Palmer
 Mrs. H. C. Buck
 Partha
 Shubhra
 Tomato Red
 Blondie
 Dr. R.R. Pal
Cultivar for making standards
 Mary Palmer
 Mrs. H.C. Buck
 Shubhra
 Thimma
 Tomato Red
Ornamental climbers identification and use for different area landscaping
17.Antigonon leptopus
Antigonon leptopus (The coral creeper, Sandwich-Island
Creeper, Love’s chain, Rosa de Montana)
Leptopus means thin or slender-stalked)
 Family: Polygonaceae
 Origin: South America
 Flower: through out the rainy and cold season, rosy red in
 Fruit: cold season
 Inflorescence: racemose, terminal or axillary
 Landscape use: this lovely climber of moderate growth is
best suited for arbours, verandahs, screening unsightly
object and the like.
 Propagation: division of root, layers, cutting and seed
during rain.
18.Beaumontia grandiflora
(syn. Echites grandiflora)
 Family: Apocynaceae
 Common name: Nepal
Trumpet Climber
 Origin: India
 Flower: large white
trumpet shaped, lily like
flower having a faint scent
are born in mass during
January to March
 Landscape use: over large
arches or on large tree
 Propagation: cutting,
19.Tecoma jasminoides
(Syn. Pandorea jasminoides,
Bignonia jasminoides)
 Common name: Bower Plant
of Australia
 Family: Bignoniaceae
 Origin: Australia
 Flower: blossoms are white
with pink or red shades on the
throat and appear in few
flower clusters during August
to October
 Propagation: seed, half
mature stem cutting.
20.Tecomeria capensis
 Flower: orange-red
 Flowering time:
through out the year
Mid hill: Autumn
 Half climbing shrub,
flower in peduncles
terminal racemes
21.Thunburgia grandiflora
(common name: Heavenly blue, Clock Vine)
 Family: Acanthaceae
 Origin: Bengal(India)
 Flower: flower are large, 7-9cm long
and broad, corolla tube bell shaped and
of blue colour with yellow colour inside.
 Flowering season: from February till
the rain
 Uses: for covering walls, trellises of
tennis courts, and trees. It need strong
22.Trachelospermum jasminoides
(Syn. Rhynchospermum jasminoides)
( Common name: Star Jasmine)
 Family: Apocynaceae.
 Origin: China.
 Flower: pure white scented
flower during the summer.
 It exudes a white latex when
 Uses: suitable for growing on
trellises and for screening.
 Propagation: cutting,
layering during rainy season.
23.Passiflora indica
Common name: Passion flower, Family: Passifloraceae
 Famous for its group of creepers
which bear beautiful flowers
and delicately flavoured fruit.
 Tendril climber which can be
trained over trellises or walls.
 Flowering season: May-
 Propagation: sucker, layering
24.Tecoma grandiflora
(Syn. Campsis grandiflora,
 Common name: Chinese Trumpet
 Family: Bignoniaceae
 Origin: China, Japan
 A climbing shrub with or without
aerial rootlets with the help of which
the creeper climbs.
 Flower: deep orange or red
 Flowering period: rainy season
 Propagation: root sucker, cutting
 Pruning: winter
Ornamental climbers identification and use for different area landscaping
25.Hiptage benghalensis
(H. madablota)
common name:Madhabilata
 Family: Malpighiaceae
 Origin: Tropical Asia
 Flower: sweet scented white
or yellow flowers.
 Flowering period: late
winter( Feb.-June)
 Propagation: seed, layering
26.Quamoclit coccinea
(Syn. Ipomoea coccinea)
(Common name: Star Ipomoea)
 Quamoclit(Greek, meaning dwarf
kidney bean)
 Family: convolvulaceae
 Origin: Central America
 It is a twiner growing to a height of
2m or more, having slender
pointed leaves and fragrant scarlet
flower with yellow throat. Seed are
sown in July-August in the plains.
In the hill it flowers during August
to September.
 Annual climber.
27.Mina Lobata (annual climber)
28.Tropaeolum majus
(Common name: Garden Nasturtium, Indian Cress) annual climber
 Family: Tropaeolaceae
 Origin: Mexico, America
 The tall nasturtium, with the help
of long stalk of leaves twisted
round the support, can be maid to
climb or trail stump of trees
through hedge, fences or some
other supports. These can be
grown on pot and then trained over
triangular supports(frames).
29.Lathyrus odoratus
(Sweet pea)(Annual climber)
 Family: Leguminosae
 Origin: Sicily and South Italy
 Flower: wide range of flower colour, with
elegant form, fragrance. Plant start flowering
in February, from seed sown in September-
October, and continues till march.
 Uses: cut flower, as temporary screen to hind
unsightly object or to separate the kitchen
garden from the flower garden or along a
path. They are good for growing on trellises.
30.Hedera helix (ivy)
FAMILY: Araliaceae
 Evergreen light climber
with variegated foliage.
Good for semi-shaded
31.Ficus repens
( F. pumila, F. scandens)
 Creeping fig
 Indian fig
 Family: moraceae
 Origin: China, Japan
 A beautiful but slow growing
climber, clinging close to
conservatory wall with the help of
its small rootlets.
 Propagated from cutting of stems
which generally root naturally at
each node.
32.Epipremnum aurium
Family: Araceae
33.Hedera nepalensis
(wild green ivy)
34.Cissus discolor
Rex Begonia Vine
 Family: Vitaceae
 A strong-growing evergreen climber
that ascends by tendrils.
 It occurs naturally in tropical
Southeast Asia to northern
 Its strikingly marked foliage and
bronze-red new growth is
reminiscent of Rex Begonia foliage.
 In temperate areas it is usually seen
as a house plant.
35.Cissus rhombifolia
Ellen Danica
A bushy cultivar of the
Venezuelan Tree vine,
an evergreen, tendril-
climbing vine native to
tropical America.
 'Ellen Danica' has
leaflets with deeply
toothed edges and is
widely used as a foliage
house plant.
36.Pereskia bleo (P.grandiflora)
 Family: Cactaceae
 Origen: Brazil
 Flower colour: pink
 Propagation: cutting
 Shrub or half climber
 Indoor climber
37.Syngonium podophyllum
Common name : Arrowhead
Family : Araceae
Indoor climber
38.Trachelospermum jasminoides 'Variegata‘
(Variegated Star Jasmine )
A cream and pale green-
variegated form of an
evergreen climber native to
 In cold weather the foliage
develops strong pink tones.
its flowers are very fragrant
and appear mainly in
summer, but they are far less
conspicuous against the
lighter foliage.
Tropical flowering
 Pyrostegia venusta
 Wisteria sinensis
 Jacquemontia pentantha
 Petres volubilis
 Quisqualis indica
 Passiflora sp.
 Ipomia sp.
 Thunbergia grandiflora
 Solanum wendlandii
 Solanum jasminoides (Thunbergia mysorensis ) (Thunbergia grandiflora)
Tropical foliage climber
 Monstera deliciosa
 Ficus repens
 Ficus radicans
 Aristolochia macrocarpa
 Philodendron scandens
Monstera deliciosa
Sub-tropical flowering
 Lonicera japonica
 Ixora parviflora
 Campsis grandiflora
 Cestrum aurantiacum
 Allamanda cathartica
 Antigonon leptopus
 Clematis paniculata
 Clerodendrum splendens
• Arrabidaea magnifica
Sub-tropical foliage
 Cissus discolor
 Scindapsus aureus
 Vernonia eleagnifolia
 Asparagus celaceus
 Ipomea learii
Temperate flowering
 Clematis flammula
 Bauhinia vauhlii
 Solanum seaforthianum
 Trachelospermum fragrans
 Begonia limmingheira
 Campsis radicans
 Lonicera japonica
 Wisteria sinensis
 Rubus flagelliformis
Temperate foliage
 Hedera helix
 Euonymus radicans
 Vitis rotundifolia
Climbers with scented flower
 Climbing jasmines
 Trachelospermum jasminoides
 Lonicera japonica
 Hiptage benghalensis
 Quisqualis indica
 Ipomoea coccinea
 Solanum jasminoides
 Tecoma jasminoides
 Clematis paniculata
These are generally grown near the house
Shade loving Climber
 Pothos
 Asparagus
 Hedera helix
 Trachelospermum jasminoides
 Clerodendrum splendens
 Jacquemontia pentantha
 Thunbergia grandiflora
Climber for sunny situation
 Antigonon leptopus
 Bougainvillea species
 Pyrostegia venusta
 Quisqualis indica
 Wisteria sinensis
Climber for controlling
sound and noise pollution
 Hiptage benghalensis
 Scindapsus aureus
 Jacquemontia pentantha
 Quisqualis indica
 Ipomoea carnea
Climber for controlling air
 Jacquemontia pentantha
 Quisqualis indica
 Ipomoea carnea
Climber for controlling
water pollution
 Ipomoea carnea
Climber for controlling
soil erosion
 Clerodendron splendens
 Ficus repens
Air purifying climber
 Jasminum grandiflorum
 Jasminum auricuflorialatum
 Jasminum sambac
 Gardenia floria
insect pest repellent
 Aristolochia elegans
 Aristolochia grandiflora
 Passiflora edulis
 Lathyrus odoratus
 Pyrostegia venusta

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Ornamental climbers identification and use for different area landscaping

  • 1. Ornamental climbers identification and use in different situation for landscaping Dr. Thaneshwari
  • 5.  Elegans means graceful in Latin.  Flower : Rains.  Fruit : cold season  Native : Rio de Janeiro in Brazil.  Gardening : the hanging basket like fruit are very attractive. It is entirely devoid of the unpleasant odour which is characteristics of the flowers of this genus. In florida it reproduce it self freely. May adjust well with rocky walls. Aristolochia elegans (Family: Aristolochiaceae)
  • 6. Propagation: easily raised from seed which is freely produced under cultivation and usually flower in the very first year. It can also be propagated by cutting, layering and suckers.
  • 8. Origin: domesticated in india A quick-growing, evergreen climber, which is most popular and usefull climber for screening. the branches which are pendulous hang close to their support, thus forming a neat screen. The flower are white in colour. It thrive best in places with high humidity. Propagation- cutting
  • 10. Adenocalymma alliaceum (Garlic Vine) Family: Bignoniaceae  Origin : Brazil  Foliage : evergreen shiny  Flower : large trumpet-shaped pink-mauve flowers.  Flowering: March to June( Nauni: August)  Climate : hot moist  Propagation: layering and cutting during rainy season.
  • 12. Cat’s claw Flower of cat’s clawCat’s Claw like tendril
  • 13. Bignonia unguis-cati Linn. Cat’s Claw ( in latin unguis cati).  Description- an extensively climbing slender evergreen species. The leaves are opposite and compound, exstipulate. Leaflets 2,lanceolate or ovate-acuminate, cordate, 3 in. or less long; the terminal leaflet is represented by a three-partite claw like tendril, the arm of which do not form disks after attachment. The flower which are a beautiful clear yellow in colour, with deeper yellow lines in the throat, are born in pairs seated on slender peduncles in the axils of the leaves. Calyx 0.5 in. long, obtusely 5-lobed, membranous, bowl-shaped, with conspicuous veins. Corolla with a short tube and broadly ventricose limb with spreading lobes, 2-4 in. across and 2- 2.5 in. long. Ovary linear, 0.25 in. long, seated on a fleshy disk. Style curbed,1 in. long.
  • 14. Synoname:Bignonia tweediana, B. gracilis, Doxanthan unguis-cati.  Flower : April  Fruit : July  Native :Argentina (S. America)  Gardening : an extensive climber reaching top of the trees and forming masses of foliage and yellow flower in pendent bunches. They are excellent for being trained over bare stone walls.  Propagation : seed, cutting, layering.
  • 15. 6. Wisteria sinensis (Chinese wisteria, blue rain, blue acacia) (Family: Papilionaceae)
  • 16. Wisteria sinensis ( sinensis means of Chinese origin) Description: a deciduous vine with a twisted trunk reaching 6-9 in. in diameter, and many long whip like branches, bark brown, often covered with brown felt. Leaves compound, alternate, odd- pinnate, deciduous. Flowers arranged in terminal lax racemes up to 13 in. long which appear with the young leaves, pedicellate, rhachis striate-hairy, pedicel 0.75 in. long, hairy, bracts obsolete. Calyx bell-shaped, densely covered with short hair, 5-toothed. Corolla papilionaceous, standard orbicular-emerginate, or broader than long, clawed, with 2 appendages at the top of the claw, violet blue or blue in colour. Stamen 9+1; the upper stamen free, the remaining nine joined by thin filament; anther small. Ovary elongate, pubescent, style curved at right angles to the ovary. Fruit a pod, up to 5 in. long. Seeds 0.25-0.5 in. in diameter, orbicular, flattened, dark brown smooth. Flowers : March-April. Fruits : rainy season
  • 17. Distribution: a native to China now widely cultivated in the hills and plains of india. Gardening: it is very suitable for covering porches, arbours and the like. This may be raised as a small trees and by care full pruning can be trained as a standard or a shrub. It is the noblest of the woody vines for temperate regions. Propagation: layering, seed.
  • 19. Quisqualis indica (THE RANGOON CREEPER)  Native: Malaysia, South-eastern Asia and West Tropical Africa.  Flower: practically all the year round, but fruit is rarely found.(Nauni: April-July)  Gardening: a rapid growing deciduous shrub requiring a strong trellis for its support. The flower are white, sweet scented, open at night but turning pink at day break.  Propagation: layering, cutting and division of roots.
  • 21. Petrea volubilis Linn.  Volubilis means twining in latin and refer to the habit of the plants  Common name: Purple Wreath  Flowers: March-April. Sometime a second flush in October. It does not fruit in this country.  Native : Tropical America.  Gardening: it bear long spikes of cloudy- blue star like flower which are extremely effective when massed. It can be trained as a standard.  Propagation:. air layering, suckers
  • 22. 9.Holmskioldia sanguinea (CUP AND SAUCER PLANTS) (Family: Verbenaceae)  Sanguineus means blood-colour and refer to the normal colour of the flower.  Flower: October-December  Native: Subtropical Himalayas  Gardening: this plant is very popular for cut flowers, if even the corolla has fallen the calyx is pretty and very effective.  Propagation: layering and cutting  A variety with orange flower has been introduced from Assam where it is wild.
  • 24. 10.Allamanda cathartica (A.linnaei, Orelia grandiflora)  flower  Family: Apocynaceae  Origin: Brazil  Flower:large,yellow,scented  Flowering: summer, rain  Propagation: cutting, layering
  • 25. 11.Clerodendron splendens  Family: Verbenaceae  Origin: Sierra Leone  Flower : crimson colour  Flowering period: Winter  Propagation: separation of root sucker or by layering  It is a dwarf growing beautiful climber
  • 26. 12.Bigonia venusta Pyrostegia venusta (Family: Bignoniaceae) (Golden shower)  ( Venusta is latin for charming, beautiful)  Description: an evergreen plant climbing extensively by means of tendrils. Stem stout, angled. Leaves compound, consisting of two leaflets with a terminal branched tendril, or some times of three leaflets. Flowers very showy, arranged in corymbose cymes or racemes, drooping. Calyx small, campanulate in shape, with five, very small, hairy teeth. Corolla tubular, 3 in. long, gradually expanding to the mouth where it ends in five liner lobes which are valvate in the bud, the point of junction being very evident as each lobe has white villous margins. On opening the lobes curve backwards and form two lips, the upper of which is 2, the lower 3 lobed. Stamens 4, in pair, with filament of different lengths. The longer pair is well exserted from the tube, the shorter reaches the base of the lobes. Ovary linear, seated on a fleshy disk. Style very long, almost as long as the stamens. This plant does not produce fruit in this country.
  • 27. Flowers: cold season( January- February) Distribution: indigenous to Brazil, but now a very common cultivated plants in all cultivated countries. Propagation: cutting, layering Uses: it is suitable for pergolas, porches, verandahs. It is grown on trellises, over compound walls or the wall of a house.
  • 30. Lonicera japonica( Japanese honeysuckle)  Description: a widely climbing twiner. Leaves opposite, petioled, ovate to oblong-ovate.  Flowers: cold season. Does not set seed in this country. (Nauni: March-May)  Native : China, Japan and Formosa  Gardening: an evergreen twiner with white, red or purple-tinged flower which are very fragrant.  Use : suitable for trellis work  Propagation: cutting and layering
  • 32. 14.Rosa sp. (ramblers)  These old climber with large clusters of small, single and double flowers mainly belong to two groups, i.e. The multiflora ramblers (from Rosa multiflora) and the Wichuraiana rambler ( from Rosa wichuraiana ).
  • 35. 15.Solanum jasminoides  Potato vine  Family: solanaceae  Suitable for medium to high elevation  Flower: star shaped white flowers appear in 8-12 flower racemes during the summer.  Propagation: layering
  • 36. Flower and leaves of potato vine flower leaves
  • 37. 16.Bougainvillea spp  Family: Nyctaginaceae  Native: Tropical and Subtropical South America  The genus Bougainvillea is named after the celebrated Franch navigator and explorer Louis Antoine de bougainviolle(1728-1811), who introduce the genus in to Europe from Rio de Janeiro.
  • 38. Cultivars for climbing on walls  Lady Mary Baring : mustard colour bracts  Mary Palmer : bicolour bracts, white and magenta  Mrs. H.C. Buck : bracts large rose and purple  Thimma :variegated leaves, bracts are like Mari Palmer Cultivar suitable for hedge making Glabra sanderiana Glabra variegata Partha Thimma Tomato Red
  • 39. Cultivar for planting in pot  Dr. R.R. Pal  Lady Mary Baring  Mary Palmer  Partha  Shubhra  Spring Fastival  Summer Time  Thimma  Tomato Red
  • 40. Cultivar ideal for hanging basket  Jawaharlal Lal Nehru  Mary Palmer  Mrs. H. C. Buck  Partha  Shubhra  Tomato Red  Blondie  Dr. R.R. Pal
  • 41. Cultivar for making standards  Mary Palmer  Mrs. H.C. Buck  Shubhra  Thimma  Tomato Red
  • 44. Antigonon leptopus (The coral creeper, Sandwich-Island Creeper, Love’s chain, Rosa de Montana) Leptopus means thin or slender-stalked)  Family: Polygonaceae  Origin: South America  Flower: through out the rainy and cold season, rosy red in colour.  Fruit: cold season  Inflorescence: racemose, terminal or axillary  Landscape use: this lovely climber of moderate growth is best suited for arbours, verandahs, screening unsightly object and the like.  Propagation: division of root, layers, cutting and seed during rain.
  • 45. 18.Beaumontia grandiflora (syn. Echites grandiflora)  Family: Apocynaceae  Common name: Nepal Trumpet Climber  Origin: India  Flower: large white trumpet shaped, lily like flower having a faint scent are born in mass during January to March  Landscape use: over large arches or on large tree  Propagation: cutting, layering
  • 46. 19.Tecoma jasminoides (Syn. Pandorea jasminoides, Bignonia jasminoides)  Common name: Bower Plant of Australia  Family: Bignoniaceae  Origin: Australia  Flower: blossoms are white with pink or red shades on the throat and appear in few flower clusters during August to October  Propagation: seed, half mature stem cutting.
  • 47. 20.Tecomeria capensis  Flower: orange-red  Flowering time: through out the year Mid hill: Autumn  Half climbing shrub, flower in peduncles terminal racemes
  • 48. 21.Thunburgia grandiflora (common name: Heavenly blue, Clock Vine)  Family: Acanthaceae  Origin: Bengal(India)  Flower: flower are large, 7-9cm long and broad, corolla tube bell shaped and of blue colour with yellow colour inside.  Flowering season: from February till the rain  Uses: for covering walls, trellises of tennis courts, and trees. It need strong support.
  • 49. 22.Trachelospermum jasminoides (Syn. Rhynchospermum jasminoides) ( Common name: Star Jasmine)  Family: Apocynaceae.  Origin: China.  Flower: pure white scented flower during the summer.  It exudes a white latex when injured  Uses: suitable for growing on trellises and for screening.  Propagation: cutting, layering during rainy season.
  • 50. 23.Passiflora indica Common name: Passion flower, Family: Passifloraceae  Famous for its group of creepers which bear beautiful flowers and delicately flavoured fruit.  Tendril climber which can be trained over trellises or walls.  Flowering season: May- November  Propagation: sucker, layering
  • 51. 24.Tecoma grandiflora (Syn. Campsis grandiflora, C.chinensis)  Common name: Chinese Trumpet Creeper  Family: Bignoniaceae  Origin: China, Japan  A climbing shrub with or without aerial rootlets with the help of which the creeper climbs.  Flower: deep orange or red  Flowering period: rainy season  Propagation: root sucker, cutting  Pruning: winter
  • 53. 25.Hiptage benghalensis (H. madablota) common name:Madhabilata  Family: Malpighiaceae  Origin: Tropical Asia  Flower: sweet scented white or yellow flowers.  Flowering period: late winter( Feb.-June)  Propagation: seed, layering
  • 54. 26.Quamoclit coccinea (Syn. Ipomoea coccinea) (Common name: Star Ipomoea)  Quamoclit(Greek, meaning dwarf kidney bean)  Family: convolvulaceae  Origin: Central America  It is a twiner growing to a height of 2m or more, having slender pointed leaves and fragrant scarlet flower with yellow throat. Seed are sown in July-August in the plains. In the hill it flowers during August to September.  Annual climber.
  • 56. 28.Tropaeolum majus (Common name: Garden Nasturtium, Indian Cress) annual climber  Family: Tropaeolaceae  Origin: Mexico, America  The tall nasturtium, with the help of long stalk of leaves twisted round the support, can be maid to climb or trail stump of trees through hedge, fences or some other supports. These can be grown on pot and then trained over triangular supports(frames).
  • 57. 29.Lathyrus odoratus (Sweet pea)(Annual climber)  Family: Leguminosae  Origin: Sicily and South Italy  Flower: wide range of flower colour, with elegant form, fragrance. Plant start flowering in February, from seed sown in September- October, and continues till march.  Uses: cut flower, as temporary screen to hind unsightly object or to separate the kitchen garden from the flower garden or along a path. They are good for growing on trellises.
  • 58. 30.Hedera helix (ivy) FAMILY: Araliaceae  Evergreen light climber with variegated foliage. Good for semi-shaded areas.
  • 59. 31.Ficus repens ( F. pumila, F. scandens)  Creeping fig  Indian fig  Family: moraceae  Origin: China, Japan  A beautiful but slow growing climber, clinging close to conservatory wall with the help of its small rootlets.  Propagated from cutting of stems which generally root naturally at each node.
  • 62. 34.Cissus discolor Rex Begonia Vine  Family: Vitaceae  A strong-growing evergreen climber that ascends by tendrils.  It occurs naturally in tropical Southeast Asia to northern Australia.  Its strikingly marked foliage and bronze-red new growth is reminiscent of Rex Begonia foliage.  In temperate areas it is usually seen as a house plant.
  • 63. ' 35.Cissus rhombifolia Ellen Danica A bushy cultivar of the Venezuelan Tree vine, an evergreen, tendril- climbing vine native to tropical America.  'Ellen Danica' has leaflets with deeply toothed edges and is widely used as a foliage house plant.
  • 64. 36.Pereskia bleo (P.grandiflora)  Family: Cactaceae  Origen: Brazil  Flower colour: pink  Propagation: cutting  Shrub or half climber  Indoor climber
  • 65. 37.Syngonium podophyllum Common name : Arrowhead Family : Araceae Indoor climber
  • 66. 38.Trachelospermum jasminoides 'Variegata‘ (Variegated Star Jasmine ) A cream and pale green- variegated form of an evergreen climber native to China.  In cold weather the foliage develops strong pink tones. its flowers are very fragrant and appear mainly in summer, but they are far less conspicuous against the lighter foliage.
  • 67. Tropical flowering climbers  Pyrostegia venusta  Wisteria sinensis  Jacquemontia pentantha  Petres volubilis  Quisqualis indica  Passiflora sp.  Ipomia sp.  Thunbergia grandiflora  Solanum wendlandii  Solanum jasminoides (Thunbergia mysorensis ) (Thunbergia grandiflora)
  • 68. Tropical foliage climber  Monstera deliciosa  Ficus repens  Ficus radicans  Aristolochia macrocarpa  Philodendron scandens Monstera deliciosa
  • 69. Sub-tropical flowering climber  Lonicera japonica  Ixora parviflora  Campsis grandiflora  Cestrum aurantiacum  Allamanda cathartica  Antigonon leptopus  Clematis paniculata  Clerodendrum splendens • Arrabidaea magnifica
  • 70. Sub-tropical foliage climber  Cissus discolor  Scindapsus aureus  Vernonia eleagnifolia  Asparagus celaceus  Ipomea learii
  • 71. Temperate flowering climber  Clematis flammula  Bauhinia vauhlii  Solanum seaforthianum  Trachelospermum fragrans  Begonia limmingheira  Campsis radicans  Lonicera japonica  Wisteria sinensis  Rubus flagelliformis
  • 72. Temperate foliage climbers  Hedera helix  Euonymus radicans  Vitis rotundifolia
  • 73. Climbers with scented flower  Climbing jasmines  Trachelospermum jasminoides  Lonicera japonica  Hiptage benghalensis  Quisqualis indica  Ipomoea coccinea  Solanum jasminoides  Tecoma jasminoides  Clematis paniculata These are generally grown near the house
  • 74. Shade loving Climber  Pothos  Asparagus  Hedera helix  Trachelospermum jasminoides  Clerodendrum splendens  Jacquemontia pentantha  Thunbergia grandiflora
  • 75. Climber for sunny situation  Antigonon leptopus  Bougainvillea species  Pyrostegia venusta  Quisqualis indica  Wisteria sinensis
  • 76. Climber for controlling sound and noise pollution  Hiptage benghalensis  Scindapsus aureus  Jacquemontia pentantha  Quisqualis indica  Ipomoea carnea
  • 77. Climber for controlling air pollution  Jacquemontia pentantha  Quisqualis indica  Ipomoea carnea
  • 78. Climber for controlling water pollution  Ipomoea carnea
  • 79. Climber for controlling soil erosion  Clerodendron splendens  Ficus repens
  • 80. Air purifying climber  Jasminum grandiflorum  Jasminum auricuflorialatum  Jasminum sambac  Gardenia floria
  • 81. insect pest repellent climbers  Aristolochia elegans  Aristolochia grandiflora  Passiflora edulis  Lathyrus odoratus  Pyrostegia venusta