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OSS DB on Azure
락플레이스, 김근동
• OSS DB Trends
• OSS DB on Azure overview
• OSS DB on Azure DB Migration
• Azure Database Migration Service
• OSS DB on Azure Tutorial
OSS DB Trends
Database 동향
DB-Engines Ranking(http://db-engines.com/en/ranking, June, 2020)
시장을 선도하는 OSS DB의 종류?
ž MySQL은 2019년도 올해의
데이터베이스로 선정 1Cisco Global Cloud Index: Forecast and Methodology, editions 2013-2018 & 2015-2020
2The State of Open Source RDBMSs, 2015, Gartner (Donald Feinberg and Merv Adrian)
3DB-Engines. “DB-Engines Ranking”. solid IT Gmbh, 2017. Accessed December 2017 at http://db-engines.com/en/ranking-trend
4DB-Engines. https://db-engines.com/en/blog_post/76
Kerschberg, Ben. “How Postgres and Open Source are Disrupting the Market for Database Management Systems”. Forbes. 8 Mar 2016
Manage risk and meet the pace of change in the cloud
1. Vanson Bourne. “The Business Impact of the Cloud” report
Manage risk and meet the pace of change in
the cloud
OSS DB on Azure overview
OSS DB의 선택?
• Azure Database Service :
Fully Managed Platform제공
• Customers choose database technology
based on:
1. 애플리케이션 개발과 요구에 따라 다양한
OSS Database 엔진 선택 가능
2. PaaS 서비스를 통해 추가적인 관리, 운영, 보
안, 백업에 대한 부담을 최소화 할 수 있음
3. IaaS또는 On-Prem가상화 대비 최적의 비용
효과 기대
On-prem database management tasks How PaaS helps?
Data protection
• Backups (with health checks and retention)
High availability / disaster recovery implementation
• Always On
• Database Mirroring
• Log shipping
Compliance with standards Built-in
• Data access
• Defense in depth
• Breach detection
Easy to use tools
Monitoring Easy to use tools
Performance tuning and maintenance
• Query plan regressions – detection and prevention
• Index optimization and maintenance
Use your community database as a fully
managed service
• MySQL community versions 5.6 and 5.7
• MariaDB community version 10.2 and 10.3
• Infrastructure and database management, including
feature updates, handled by Azure
• Familiar tools, frameworks and popular applications
including WordPress, Drupal and Magento
• Support for popular languages such as PHP and Java
• Guaranteed 99.99% uptime SLA for every server
High availability price comparison of Azure Database for
Azure MySQL GP 8
Azure MySQL MO 8
50% savings
vs. AWS
50% savings
vs. AWS
Lowest TCO with built-in high availability
• Take advantage of the global reach and enterprise-
ready features of Azure to maintain business
continuity at 50% cost savings compared to AWS
• Get a 99.99% high availability SLA without the
need to create a replica, compared to AWS’ 99.95%
HA with multi-availability zones
• Optimize your infrastructure cost by right-sizing
your instances based on workload demands
• Reduce development and DBA costs using
intelligent performance troubleshooting and
Get to market quickly
with LAMP stack
Microservices Read-heavy workloads MigrationWeb and mobile apps
Quickly deploy and scale
microservices with Azure
Kubernetes Service
Scale out read intensive
workloads to ensure high
read performance
Reduce database
administration by easily
migrating to Azure
Key use cases for Azure Database for
MySQL and MariaDB
The world’s most advanced open source relational database
PostgreSQL has staying power for a reason
Azure builds upon
the core benefits
of PostgreSQL and
Open Source
Scale up
& out
Easy ecosystem
Azure Database for PostgreSQL is
fully-managed, community PostgreSQL
Focus on your
not your database
Enterprise-grade managed services for P
ostgreSQL that consistently
delivers value and performance
Azure VMs with
Azure Database
for PostgreSQL
Datacenter managem
O/S provision /patchi
Database provision/ P
High availability /DR/
Datacenter managem
Database provision/ P
High availability /DR/
Datacenter manage
Database provision/
High availability/ DR
Intelligent performan
Managed by Microsoft
Managed by customer
Machine learning capability
Single Server Hyperscale
High performance PostgreSQL in the cloud with an
architecture that is built to scale out
Example use cases – Building applications for:
• HTAP (Hybrid Transactional and Analytical Processing)
• OLTP (Online Transactional Processing)
• OLAP (Online Analytical Processing)
Fully-managed, single-node PostgreSQL database service
with built-in HA
Example use cases – Building applications for:
• Transactional and operational analytics
• JSON, geospatial support, or full-text search
• Cloud-native apps built with modern frameworks
Azure Database for PostgreSQL deployment options
Stay current with
PostgreSQL innovations
Blazing performance Simplified infrastructureScale out horizontally
High performance scale-out with Azure
Database for PostgreSQL Hyperscale
Microsoft Windows group chooses Azure Database for PostgreSQL
Hyperscale to scale its vast analytics and bring quality updates
to customers
Windows was looking for a cloud-based database
that could support the volume and velocity of
transactions in its diagnostic metrics that are
displayed on a real-time analytics dashboard which
drives the quality of customer experiences for
Windows updates.
By choosing PostgreSQL Hyperscale, ship/no-ship
decisions for Windows were made based on on-the-
fly analytics on billions of JSON events with sub-
second responses. Distributed SQL with Azure
Database for PostgreSQL continues to be a game
changer for Windows.
Real-time analytics: 95% queries execute in <4s
Response times: 75% of queries are <200ms
Query volume: >6m daily
다양한 Community Version 제공
OSS 커뮤니티에서 사용하는
버전 그대로 플랫폼 서비스로 제공
On-Prem환경에서 소비하던 관리 작업 대신
애플리케이션 개발과 비즈니스에 보다 집중할
수 있도록 엔터프라이즈 환경에 맞게 준비된
데이터베이스 클라우드 플랫폼
-Automatic updates
-Automatic security fixes
-Automatic new feature updates
다양한 개발 언어 선택권
개발 언어와 프레임워크에 대한 자
유로운 선택
Build on your terms with a platform
that supports your application
development needs and offers a fully
integrated Azure experience
완벽하게 관리되는 PaaS
고가용성 기본 제공과 함께
엔터프라이즈 규모에 맞는 스케일 확장
Stay up and running without the need for
additional replicas
Meet the most demanding spikes by
elastically scaling performance
Rely on easy and cost effective disaster
recovery set up with a single click
Server provisioning
and management
3 copies of data for data reliability
Compute redundancy
MySQL IP:3306
US West
Azure Storage
MySQL or Po
stgreSQL Ser
MySQL or Po
stgreSQL Ser
Built-in High Availability
Top Security and Compliant
보안과 인증
Protect your data with up-to-date security and compliance
features with the Azure IP Advantage
-SOC2 - Compliant
-ISO 27001:2013 - Compliant
-ISO 27018:2014 -Compliant
-CSA STAR Certification - Compliant
-HIPAA / HITECH Act – Compliant
-PCI DSS Level 1 – Compliant
-ISO 27017:2015 – September 2018
-ISO 9001:2015 – September 2018
-ISO 22301:2012 – September 2018
-ISO/IEC 20000-1:2011 – September 2018
-VNET *by Q2 2018
Type 2
Level 1
• Seamless integration with Azure services to
extend functionality
• Popular application like WordPress and Drupal
available in a few clicks with Azure App Services
• Streamlined microservice integration with Azure
Kubernetes Service
• Access to industry-leading capabilities like Azure
AI and analytics for smarter apps
Simplify app development
through integration with
the Azure ecosystem
Azure regions availa
상용 DB to OSS DB 마이그레이션
상용 DB to OSS DB 마이그레이션
AS-IS 분석
* DBMS 현황 분석
* 현황 분석을 통한 이행
접근 방법 수립
* 데이터 이행 요건 정의
진단 및 계획
* 서비스 분석
* 스키마 / 데이터
* DB 오브젝트
평가 및 계획 수립
계획 수립
* 영향도 평가
스키마 & 데이터 이관
검증 및 튜닝
* 통합 기능 / 성능 테스트
* 애플리케이션
* DB
• 성능 리포트
튜닝, 기능
교육 및 기술이전
교육을 통한 기술 이전
교육 내용
TO-BE 구성
* 이행 대상시스템
환경 구축
* Migration Toolkit
* orakit
* MySQL Workbench
* 단계별 계획 수립
변환 및 이관
* 스키마 변환
* DB 오브젝트 변환
* 데이터 이관
상용 DB to OSS DB 마이그레이션
• 진단을 통해 영향도/위험요소를 파악하고 계획을 수립한다
상용 DB to OSS DB 마이그레이션
• Oracle에서 MySQL/PostgreSQL로 이관 가능한 목록
Object MySQL PostgreSQL (v10 기준)
Schemas O O
Tables O O
Constraints △ O
Indexes O O
Triggers Manual DML 트리거 지원
Table Data O O
Views O O
Procedures Manual Manual
Functions Manual
(Oracle 전용 함수 등)
Oracle to PostgreSQL | Why
• Over the last two years, we are seeing more and more customers moving away from hosting applications in
Oracle and migrate to other RDBMS datastores
• Not surprisingly, savings in licensing cost and support cost are some of the main triggers why customers are
moving away from Oracle
• PostgreSQL is an open platform with wide-ranging cost benefits compared to Oracle workloads
There are 5 reasons* we generally recommend PostgreSQL as the replacement database of Oracle:
I. PostgreSQL has gained credibility of enterprise ready and feature-rich database
II. Reduce total cost of ownership (TCO)
III. Shifting to adopt open source
IV. Similarities between Oracle and PostgreSQL to ease effort of migration
V. Azure offers elastic scaling and built-in HA with Azure Database for PostgreSQL
*See notes section for more detail on each reason
App is only 3rd party and can only run on Oracle on VM
App is 1st party, access to code and schema, willing to consider code
and driver updates and PostgreSQL – and get easier migration
App is 1st party, access to code schema, want to
standardize on SQL – with a somewhat harder
migration path
Oracle Migration | Pathways
Oracle to PostgreSQL | Cost of Ownership
Oracle Database Cl
oud Service Enterpr
ise Edition
Oracle Database
Cloud Service
Enterprise Edition
High Performance
Oracle Enterprise E
Azure Database for
Database $9,599 / month $19,801 / month $47,500* / per CPU $2,046.34 / month
Virtual Private Da
Included Included Included Row level security
Partitioning Not included Included $11,500* / per CPU Included
Data Guard Not included Not included $11,500* / per CPU Included
Spatial Not included Included $17,500* / per CPU Included
Diagnostics Included Included $7,500* / per CPU Included
Tuning Pack Included Included $5,000* / per CPU Included
Lifecycle Manage
ment Pack
Not included Included $12,000* / per CPU
Included as part of
OSS tool suite
Total Capex $0 $0 $1,800,000* $0
Annual Support /
Maintenance per
Server (Opex)
Included Included $396,000** Included
Total 3 Year Cost
of Ownership
$345,564 $712,836 $3,294,000*** $73,668
Savings with Azur
e (approx.)
80% 90% 95% NA
Customers migrate from
Oracle to Azure database for
PostgreSQL to reduce overall
cost of ownership by up to
95% in savings*
Configuration is based on a 4 socket, 32 core x86 processer
Oracle Cloud Service editions are based on virtual machines
• *Oracle licensing for Enterprise Edition is based on number of
processors which is derived by multiplying the number of cores by a
factor. In the case of this example it is 32 cores multiplied by .5 for
x86 resulting in 16 processors.
• **Annual maintenance and support for Oracle is 22% of the annual
license cost.
• ***Oracle standard terms for Enterprise Edition is 50% of list pricing
for 3 years. This example accounts for the 50% list pricing for 3 years
in the total.
Project Size? > $200K ADS in FY20-21
Estimates Only
*See Notes Section
Azure and PostgreSQL | The Best Destination
Platform Deficiency on AWS
• Only 22 regions available versus Azure’s 56 regions worldwide
• 99.95% SLA (99.99% SLA with Azure)Truly Global Reach
Deep Integration with Azure Pla
Built-In High Availability
• Requires additional connector for Power BI Integration
• Additional coding and certificates required to integrate with App Services in Azure
• Multi-AZ not configured out-of-the-box for high availability
• 2x costs due to required 2nd VM
• Built-In HA: For Single Server deployment option only
Lack of Seamless Azure Integrati
Configuration Required
Limited Global Reach
Industry Leading Security & Co
Extra Configuration
• AWS Directory Services integration requires additional coding
• AWS Identity & Access Management requires creation of additional users
• GuardDuty integration requires additional configuration
Commercial DB:
Oracle, Enterprise DB
Migrate to Azure Database
PostgreSQL (Hyperscale)On-premises / IaaS
Open Source DBs
Azure Database for
PostgreSQL (Single Server)
Migrate to Azure Database
PostgreSQL (Single/Hyperscale)
Azure PaaS: Enterprise-Ready
performance, security, and HA/DR
on top of cloud scaling and
Migrate to Azure PostgreSQL, cutting
cost and enable innovation
Community Versions of
Migrate to Azure Database for Postg
reSQL Hyperscale for faster response
times, Multi-Tenant apps and analyti
cal workloads
Migration | Typical Cloud Pathways
Azure Database Migration Service
Azure Database Migration Service
• Azure Database Migration Service는 다운타임을 최소화하면서 여러 데이터베이스 소스에서 Azure 데이터베이스 플랫폼
으로 원활하게 마이그레이션(온라인 마이그레이션) 할 수 있도록 설계된 관리형 서비스 입니다.
* 설치형을 이용하여 오프라인 마이그레이션 수행도 가능
• Data Migration Assistant tool을 사용하여 마이그레이션을 수행하기 전에 필요한 변경 사항을 안내 받고 권고 사항을
제공하는 평가 보고서를 생성할 수 있습니다.
• 필요한 작업을 수행하는 것은 사용자 중심이며, Azure Database Migration Service를 사용하여 온라인 마이그레이션을
수행하려면 프리미엄 가격 책정 계층에 따라 인스턴스를 만들어야 합니다.
Azure Database Migration Service
Target Source Support Status
Azure SQL DB
SQL Server O GA
SQL Server O GA
Azure SQL VM
SQL Server O GA
Azure Cosmos DB MongoDB O Public Preview
Azure DB for MySQL
Azure DB for PostgreSQL
RDS PostgreSQL
Target Source Support Status
Azure SQL DB
SQL Server O GA
SQL Server O GA
Oracle O Private Preview
Azure SQL VM
SQL Server
Azure Cosmos DB MongoDB O Public Preview
Azure DB for MySQL
Azure DB for PostgreSQL
PostgreSQL O GA
Oracle O Private Preview
[온라인 마이그레이션 지원][오프라인(일회성) 마이그레이션 지원]
Azure Migrate, SSMA,
Azure Database Migration
Microsoft Azure
Migration | Using Azure Database Migration Service
Database Migration Guide: https://datamigration.microsoft.com/
Tutorial Scenario
사전 준비 사항
사전 준비 사항
Azure Database for PostgreSQL 생성
Azure Database for PostgreSQL 생성
Azure Database for PostgreSQL 생성
Azure Database for PostgreSQL 생성
Azure Database for PostgreSQL 접속
Azure Database for PostgreSQL 접속
Azure Database for PostgreSQL 접속
Azure Database for PostgreSQL
데이터 마이그레이션
Azure Database for PostgreSQL
데이터 마이그레이션
Azure Database for PostgreSQL
데이터 마이그레이션
Azure Database for PostgreSQL
데이터 마이그레이션
Azure Database for PostgreSQL
데이터 마이그레이션
Azure Database for PostgreSQL
데이터 마이그레이션
Azure Database for PostgreSQL
데이터 마이그레이션
Azure Database for PostgreSQL
데이터 마이그레이션
Azure Database for PostgreSQL
데이터 마이그레이션
Azure Database for PostgreSQL
데이터 마이그레이션
Azure Database for PostgreSQL
데이터 마이그레이션
Azure Database for PostgreSQL
데이터 마이그레이션
Azure Database for PostgreSQL
데이터 마이그레이션
Azure Database for PostgreSQL
데이터 마이그레이션
Azure Database for PostgreSQL
데이터 마이그레이션
Azure Database for PostgreSQL
데이터 마이그레이션
Azure Database for PostgreSQL
데이터 마이그레이션
Azure Database for PostgreSQL
데이터 마이그레이션
Azure Database for PostgreSQL
데이터 마이그레이션
Azure Database for PostgreSQL
데이터 마이그레이션
Azure Database for PostgreSQL
데이터 마이그레이션
Azure Database for PostgreSQL
데이터 마이그레이션
Thank You

More Related Content

OSS DB on Azure

  • 1. OSS DB on Azure 락플레이스, 김근동
  • 2. 목차 • OSS DB Trends • OSS DB on Azure overview • OSS DB on Azure DB Migration • Azure Database Migration Service • OSS DB on Azure Tutorial
  • 5. 시장을 선도하는 OSS DB의 종류? ž MySQL은 2019년도 올해의 데이터베이스로 선정 1Cisco Global Cloud Index: Forecast and Methodology, editions 2013-2018 & 2015-2020 2The State of Open Source RDBMSs, 2015, Gartner (Donald Feinberg and Merv Adrian) 3DB-Engines. “DB-Engines Ranking”. solid IT Gmbh, 2017. Accessed December 2017 at http://db-engines.com/en/ranking-trend 4DB-Engines. https://db-engines.com/en/blog_post/76 Kerschberg, Ben. “How Postgres and Open Source are Disrupting the Market for Database Management Systems”. Forbes. 8 Mar 2016
  • 6. Manage risk and meet the pace of change in the cloud 94% 20.6% 19.6% 18.8% 1. Vanson Bourne. “The Business Impact of the Cloud” report Manage risk and meet the pace of change in the cloud
  • 7. OSS DB on Azure overview
  • 8. OSS DB의 선택? • Azure Database Service : Fully Managed Platform제공 • Customers choose database technology based on: 1. 애플리케이션 개발과 요구에 따라 다양한 OSS Database 엔진 선택 가능 2. PaaS 서비스를 통해 추가적인 관리, 운영, 보 안, 백업에 대한 부담을 최소화 할 수 있음 3. IaaS또는 On-Prem가상화 대비 최적의 비용 효과 기대 On-prem database management tasks How PaaS helps? Data protection • Backups (with health checks and retention) Built-in High availability / disaster recovery implementation • Always On • Database Mirroring • Log shipping Built-in Compliance with standards Built-in Security • Data access • Defense in depth • Breach detection Easy to use tools Monitoring Easy to use tools Performance tuning and maintenance • Query plan regressions – detection and prevention • Index optimization and maintenance Built-in
  • 9. Use your community database as a fully managed service • MySQL community versions 5.6 and 5.7 • MariaDB community version 10.2 and 10.3 • Infrastructure and database management, including feature updates, handled by Azure • Familiar tools, frameworks and popular applications including WordPress, Drupal and Magento • Support for popular languages such as PHP and Java • Guaranteed 99.99% uptime SLA for every server
  • 10. High availability price comparison of Azure Database for MySQL and AWS RDS MySQL $522 $1,042 $115 $230 $637 $1,272 Azure MySQL GP 8 vCore AWS RDS MySQL db.m4.2xlarge $703 $1,428 $115 $230 $818 $1,658 Azure MySQL MO 8 vCore AWS RDS MySQL db.r4.2xlarge 50% savings vs. AWS 50% savings vs. AWS Lowest TCO with built-in high availability • Take advantage of the global reach and enterprise- ready features of Azure to maintain business continuity at 50% cost savings compared to AWS RDS • Get a 99.99% high availability SLA without the need to create a replica, compared to AWS’ 99.95% HA with multi-availability zones • Optimize your infrastructure cost by right-sizing your instances based on workload demands • Reduce development and DBA costs using intelligent performance troubleshooting and alerting
  • 11. Get to market quickly with LAMP stack Microservices Read-heavy workloads MigrationWeb and mobile apps Quickly deploy and scale microservices with Azure Kubernetes Service Scale out read intensive workloads to ensure high read performance Reduce database administration by easily migrating to Azure Key use cases for Azure Database for MySQL and MariaDB
  • 12. The world’s most advanced open source relational database https://www.postgresql.org/ PostgreSQL has staying power for a reason
  • 13. Azure builds upon the core benefits of PostgreSQL and Open Source Global reach Security Scale up & out Built-in HA Compliance Intelligent performance Easy ecosystem integration Azure Database for PostgreSQL is fully-managed, community PostgreSQL Extension support
  • 14. Focus on your application, not your database Enterprise-grade managed services for P ostgreSQL that consistently delivers value and performance On-premises PostgreSQL IaaS Azure VMs with PostgreSQL PaaS Azure Database for PostgreSQL Datacenter managem ent Hardware O/S provision /patchi ng Database provision/ P atch/Scaling Virtualization Data Applications High availability /DR/ Backups Datacenter managem ent Hardware Virtualization O/S Database provision/ P atch/Scaling Data Applications High availability /DR/ Backups Data Applications Datacenter manage ment Hardware Virtualization O/S Database provision/ Patch/Scaling High availability/ DR /Backups Intelligent performan ce/security Managed by Microsoft Managed by customer Machine learning capability
  • 15. Single Server Hyperscale High performance PostgreSQL in the cloud with an architecture that is built to scale out Example use cases – Building applications for: • HTAP (Hybrid Transactional and Analytical Processing) • OLTP (Online Transactional Processing) • OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) Fully-managed, single-node PostgreSQL database service with built-in HA Example use cases – Building applications for: • Transactional and operational analytics • JSON, geospatial support, or full-text search • Cloud-native apps built with modern frameworks Azure Database for PostgreSQL deployment options
  • 16. Stay current with PostgreSQL innovations Blazing performance Simplified infrastructureScale out horizontally High performance scale-out with Azure Database for PostgreSQL Hyperscale
  • 17. Microsoft Windows group chooses Azure Database for PostgreSQL Hyperscale to scale its vast analytics and bring quality updates to customers Windows was looking for a cloud-based database that could support the volume and velocity of transactions in its diagnostic metrics that are displayed on a real-time analytics dashboard which drives the quality of customer experiences for Windows updates. By choosing PostgreSQL Hyperscale, ship/no-ship decisions for Windows were made based on on-the- fly analytics on billions of JSON events with sub- second responses. Distributed SQL with Azure Database for PostgreSQL continues to be a game changer for Windows. Real-time analytics: 95% queries execute in <4s Response times: 75% of queries are <200ms Query volume: >6m daily
  • 18. 다양한 Community Version 제공 OSS 커뮤니티에서 사용하는 버전 그대로 플랫폼 서비스로 제공 On-Prem환경에서 소비하던 관리 작업 대신 애플리케이션 개발과 비즈니스에 보다 집중할 수 있도록 엔터프라이즈 환경에 맞게 준비된 데이터베이스 클라우드 플랫폼 -Automatic updates -Automatic security fixes -Automatic new feature updates My
  • 19. 다양한 개발 언어 선택권 개발 언어와 프레임워크에 대한 자 유로운 선택 Build on your terms with a platform that supports your application development needs and offers a fully integrated Azure experience
  • 20. 완벽하게 관리되는 PaaS 고가용성 기본 제공과 함께 엔터프라이즈 규모에 맞는 스케일 확장 Stay up and running without the need for additional replicas Meet the most demanding spikes by elastically scaling performance Rely on easy and cost effective disaster recovery set up with a single click
  • 21. Server provisioning and management server=server.mysql.database.azure.com Retry 3 copies of data for data reliability Compute redundancy MySQL IP:3306 PGSQL IP:5432 US West Azure Storage MySQL or Po stgreSQL Ser ver MySQL or Po stgreSQL Ser ver Built-in High Availability
  • 22. Top Security and Compliant 보안과 인증 Protect your data with up-to-date security and compliance features with the Azure IP Advantage -SOC2 - Compliant -ISO 27001:2013 - Compliant -ISO 27018:2014 -Compliant -CSA STAR Certification - Compliant -HIPAA / HITECH Act – Compliant -PCI DSS Level 1 – Compliant -ISO 27017:2015 – September 2018 -ISO 9001:2015 – September 2018 -ISO 22301:2012 – September 2018 -ISO/IEC 20000-1:2011 – September 2018 -VNET *by Q2 2018 SOC 2 Type 2 CSA STAR Certification Level 1
  • 23. • Seamless integration with Azure services to extend functionality • Popular application like WordPress and Drupal available in a few clicks with Azure App Services • Streamlined microservice integration with Azure Kubernetes Service • Access to industry-leading capabilities like Azure AI and analytics for smarter apps Simplify app development through integration with the Azure ecosystem
  • 25. 상용 DB to OSS DB 마이그레이션
  • 26. 상용 DB to OSS DB 마이그레이션 환경분석 AS-IS 분석 * DBMS 현황 분석 * 현황 분석을 통한 이행 접근 방법 수립 * 데이터 이행 요건 정의 기존환경분석 진단 및 계획 * 서비스 분석 * 스키마 / 데이터 * DB 오브젝트 진단 평가 및 계획 수립 계획 수립 * 영향도 평가 마이그레이션 스키마 & 데이터 이관 검증 및 튜닝 * 통합 기능 / 성능 테스트 검증 * 애플리케이션 * WEB / WAS * DB 튜닝 • 성능 리포트 튜닝, 기능 교육 및 기술이전 교육 마이그레이션 교육을 통한 기술 이전 교육 내용 TO-BE 구성 * 이행 대상시스템 환경 구축 TOOL * Migration Toolkit * orakit * MySQL Workbench * 단계별 계획 수립 변환 및 이관 * 스키마 변환 * DB 오브젝트 변환 * 데이터 이관 산출물
  • 27. 상용 DB to OSS DB 마이그레이션 • 진단을 통해 영향도/위험요소를 파악하고 계획을 수립한다
  • 28. 상용 DB to OSS DB 마이그레이션 • Oracle에서 MySQL/PostgreSQL로 이관 가능한 목록 Object MySQL PostgreSQL (v10 기준) Schemas O O Tables O O Constraints △ O Indexes O O Triggers Manual DML 트리거 지원 Table Data O O Views O O Procedures Manual Manual Functions Manual Manual (Oracle 전용 함수 등)
  • 29. Oracle to PostgreSQL | Why • Over the last two years, we are seeing more and more customers moving away from hosting applications in Oracle and migrate to other RDBMS datastores • Not surprisingly, savings in licensing cost and support cost are some of the main triggers why customers are moving away from Oracle • PostgreSQL is an open platform with wide-ranging cost benefits compared to Oracle workloads There are 5 reasons* we generally recommend PostgreSQL as the replacement database of Oracle: I. PostgreSQL has gained credibility of enterprise ready and feature-rich database II. Reduce total cost of ownership (TCO) III. Shifting to adopt open source IV. Similarities between Oracle and PostgreSQL to ease effort of migration V. Azure offers elastic scaling and built-in HA with Azure Database for PostgreSQL *See notes section for more detail on each reason
  • 30. App is only 3rd party and can only run on Oracle on VM App is 1st party, access to code and schema, willing to consider code and driver updates and PostgreSQL – and get easier migration App is 1st party, access to code schema, want to standardize on SQL – with a somewhat harder migration path Oracle Migration | Pathways
  • 31. Oracle to PostgreSQL | Cost of Ownership Oracle Database Cl oud Service Enterpr ise Edition Oracle Database Cloud Service Enterprise Edition High Performance Oracle Enterprise E dition Azure Database for PostgreSQL Database $9,599 / month $19,801 / month $47,500* / per CPU $2,046.34 / month Virtual Private Da tabase Included Included Included Row level security Partitioning Not included Included $11,500* / per CPU Included Data Guard Not included Not included $11,500* / per CPU Included Spatial Not included Included $17,500* / per CPU Included Diagnostics Included Included $7,500* / per CPU Included Tuning Pack Included Included $5,000* / per CPU Included Lifecycle Manage ment Pack Not included Included $12,000* / per CPU Included as part of OSS tool suite Total Capex $0 $0 $1,800,000* $0 Annual Support / Maintenance per Server (Opex) Included Included $396,000** Included Total 3 Year Cost of Ownership $345,564 $712,836 $3,294,000*** $73,668 Savings with Azur e (approx.) 80% 90% 95% NA Customers migrate from Oracle to Azure database for PostgreSQL to reduce overall cost of ownership by up to 95% in savings* Configuration is based on a 4 socket, 32 core x86 processer Oracle Cloud Service editions are based on virtual machines • *Oracle licensing for Enterprise Edition is based on number of processors which is derived by multiplying the number of cores by a factor. In the case of this example it is 32 cores multiplied by .5 for x86 resulting in 16 processors. • **Annual maintenance and support for Oracle is 22% of the annual license cost. • ***Oracle standard terms for Enterprise Edition is 50% of list pricing for 3 years. This example accounts for the 50% list pricing for 3 years in the total. Project Size? > $200K ADS in FY20-21 Estimates Only *See Notes Section
  • 32. Azure and PostgreSQL | The Best Destination AZURE DATABASE FOR POSTGRESQL PostgreSQL on AWS Platform Deficiency on AWS • Only 22 regions available versus Azure’s 56 regions worldwide • 99.95% SLA (99.99% SLA with Azure)Truly Global Reach Deep Integration with Azure Pla tform Built-In High Availability • Requires additional connector for Power BI Integration • Additional coding and certificates required to integrate with App Services in Azure • Multi-AZ not configured out-of-the-box for high availability • 2x costs due to required 2nd VM • Built-In HA: For Single Server deployment option only Lack of Seamless Azure Integrati on Complex Configuration Required Limited Global Reach Industry Leading Security & Co mpliance Extra Configuration • AWS Directory Services integration requires additional coding • AWS Identity & Access Management requires creation of additional users • GuardDuty integration requires additional configuration
  • 33. Commercial DB: Oracle, Enterprise DB Migrate to Azure Database PostgreSQL (Hyperscale)On-premises / IaaS Open Source DBs Azure Database for PostgreSQL (Single Server) Migrate to Azure Database PostgreSQL (Single/Hyperscale) Azure PaaS: Enterprise-Ready performance, security, and HA/DR on top of cloud scaling and integration Migrate to Azure PostgreSQL, cutting cost and enable innovation Community Versions of PostgreSQL Migrate to Azure Database for Postg reSQL Hyperscale for faster response times, Multi-Tenant apps and analyti cal workloads Migration | Typical Cloud Pathways
  • 35. Azure Database Migration Service • Azure Database Migration Service는 다운타임을 최소화하면서 여러 데이터베이스 소스에서 Azure 데이터베이스 플랫폼 으로 원활하게 마이그레이션(온라인 마이그레이션) 할 수 있도록 설계된 관리형 서비스 입니다. * 설치형을 이용하여 오프라인 마이그레이션 수행도 가능 • Data Migration Assistant tool을 사용하여 마이그레이션을 수행하기 전에 필요한 변경 사항을 안내 받고 권고 사항을 제공하는 평가 보고서를 생성할 수 있습니다. • 필요한 작업을 수행하는 것은 사용자 중심이며, Azure Database Migration Service를 사용하여 온라인 마이그레이션을 수행하려면 프리미엄 가격 책정 계층에 따라 인스턴스를 만들어야 합니다.
  • 36. Azure Database Migration Service Target Source Support Status Azure SQL DB SQL Server O GA RDS SQL Oracle Azure SQL DB MI SQL Server O GA RDS SQL Oracle Azure SQL VM SQL Server O GA Oracle Azure Cosmos DB MongoDB O Public Preview Azure DB for MySQL MySQL RDS MySQL Azure DB for PostgreSQL PostgreSQL RDS PostgreSQL Target Source Support Status Azure SQL DB SQL Server O GA RDS SQL O GA Oracle Azure SQL DB MI SQL Server O GA RDS SQL O GA Oracle O Private Preview Azure SQL VM SQL Server Oracle Azure Cosmos DB MongoDB O Public Preview Azure DB for MySQL MySQL O GA RDS MySQL O GA Azure DB for PostgreSQL PostgreSQL O GA RDS PostgreSQL O GA Oracle O Private Preview [온라인 마이그레이션 지원][오프라인(일회성) 마이그레이션 지원]
  • 37. On-premises Assessment Azure Migrate, SSMA, DMA, DEA Migration Azure Database Migration Service Microsoft Azure Migration | Using Azure Database Migration Service Database Migration Guide: https://datamigration.microsoft.com/
  • 42. Azure Database for PostgreSQL 생성
  • 43. Azure Database for PostgreSQL 생성
  • 44. Azure Database for PostgreSQL 생성
  • 45. Azure Database for PostgreSQL 생성
  • 46. Azure Database for PostgreSQL 접속
  • 47. Azure Database for PostgreSQL 접속
  • 48. Azure Database for PostgreSQL 접속
  • 49. Azure Database for PostgreSQL 데이터 마이그레이션
  • 50. Azure Database for PostgreSQL 데이터 마이그레이션
  • 51. Azure Database for PostgreSQL 데이터 마이그레이션
  • 52. Azure Database for PostgreSQL 데이터 마이그레이션
  • 53. Azure Database for PostgreSQL 데이터 마이그레이션
  • 54. Azure Database for PostgreSQL 데이터 마이그레이션
  • 55. Azure Database for PostgreSQL 데이터 마이그레이션
  • 56. Azure Database for PostgreSQL 데이터 마이그레이션
  • 57. Azure Database for PostgreSQL 데이터 마이그레이션
  • 58. Azure Database for PostgreSQL 데이터 마이그레이션
  • 59. Azure Database for PostgreSQL 데이터 마이그레이션
  • 60. Azure Database for PostgreSQL 데이터 마이그레이션
  • 61. Azure Database for PostgreSQL 데이터 마이그레이션
  • 62. Azure Database for PostgreSQL 데이터 마이그레이션
  • 63. Azure Database for PostgreSQL 데이터 마이그레이션
  • 64. Azure Database for PostgreSQL 데이터 마이그레이션
  • 65. Azure Database for PostgreSQL 데이터 마이그레이션
  • 66. Azure Database for PostgreSQL 데이터 마이그레이션
  • 67. Azure Database for PostgreSQL 데이터 마이그레이션
  • 68. Azure Database for PostgreSQL 데이터 마이그레이션
  • 69. Azure Database for PostgreSQL 데이터 마이그레이션
  • 70. Azure Database for PostgreSQL 데이터 마이그레이션