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DBA Commands and Concepts
That Every Developer Should
Presented by: Alex Zaballa, Oracle DBA
Alex Zaballa
@alexzaballa206 and counting…
Worked for 7 years in Brazil as an Oracle Developer.
2000 - 2007
Worked for 8 years in Angola as an Oracle DBA
for the Ministry of Finance.
2007 - 2015
OTN TOUR 2016 - DBA Commands and Concepts That Every Developer Should Know
Availability of Oracle Database 12.2
Oracle Announces Beta Availability of Oracle Database 12c Release 2 - Oct 26,
From 252 to 4096
Don’t need to put the source in read-only for cloning
It’s like partitioning in a shared nothing database
The data is split into multiple databases
• In-Memory
In-Memory column Store on Active Data Guard
Heat Map
Pluggable Databases will share application objects
• More isolation, resource manager will limit the memory in addition to CPU and I/O.
• AWR will work on Active Data Guard Database: you can tune your reporting database
Availability of Oracle Database 12.2
Source: https://blogs.oracle.com/UPGRADE/entry/oracle_database_12_2_just
Oracle Database Release Status
MOS Note:742060.1
DBA Commands and Concepts That Every
Developer Should Know
No DBA access to the Database?
No DBA access to the Database?
eDB360 sample
No DBA access to the Database?
No DBA access to the Database?
SQLD360 sample
insert /*+ append parallel */ into tab1 select /*+
parallel */ * from tab2 nologging;
15 minutes to complete.
create table tab1 as select /*+ parallel */ * from
tab2 nologging;
2 minutes to complete.
Source: https://docs.oracle.com/database/121/VLDBG/GUID-5EB01FA8-030B-45BB-9B16-2D13881F6010.htm
Update I$_2258193201
set IND_UPDATE = 1
where exists (
select 1
from XX T
where I$_2258193201.X_REF_DT = T.X_REF_DT
and I$_2258193201XX.X_ACCT_KEY = T.X_ACCT_KEY
60 minutes to complete.
Update /*+ PARALLEL */ I$_2258193201_NEW I$_2258193201
set IND_UPDATE = 1
where exists (
select /*+ PARALLEL */ 1
from XX_NEW T
where I$_2258193201.X_REF_DT = T.X_REF_DT
and I$_2258193201XX.X_ACCT_KEY = T.X_ACCT_KEY
3 minutes to complete.
***Duplicate tables “_NEW”
Update /*+ PARALLEL */ I$_2258193201
set IND_UPDATE = 1
where exists (
select /*+ PARALLEL */ 1
from XX T
where I$_2258193201.X_REF_DT = T.X_REF_DT
and I$_2258193201XX.X_ACCT_KEY = T.X_ACCT_KEY
240 minutes to complete.
Full Table Scan: db file scattered read
Row chaining/Migration
"A migrated row is a row that was moved to another block due to an update making it too
large to fit on its original block with the other rows there”
"Any table with a long/long raw will have chained rows”
"Any table with more than 255 columns will have chained rows”
"Any table whose rowsize exceeds the blocksize will have chained rows"
Increasing PCTFREE can help to avoid migrated rows.
Explain Plan
How many people are using
Explain Plan ?
Explain Plan
Explain Plan Lies
Explain Plan
Explain Plan just try to predict the Plan.
AUTOTRACE experiences a similar "problem”, especially when
the SQL statement uses bind variables.
Explain Plan
Solution ?
Oracle Flashback Query
• Flashback Query (SELECT AS OF)
• Flashback Version Query
AND end
• Flashback Transaction Query
 SELECT FROM flashback_transaction_query
• Retrieve old versions of procedures:
select text from dba_source
as of timestamp systimestamp - interval '5' minute
where name='MY_PROC' order by line;
Oracle Flashback Query
Oracle Flashback Query
The maximum available versions are dependent on the
The default is 900 seconds (15 minutes).
Oracle Flashback Table
Reinstating an accidentally dropped table.
Parameter recyclebin = on (default).
Oracle Flashback Table
RMAN Table Recovery in 12c
RMAN enables you to recover one or more
tables or table partitions to a specified point in
RMAN Table Recovery in 12c
UNTIL TIME "TO_DATE('01/10/2013
09:33:39','DD/MM/RRRR HH24:MI:SS')"
Schema Management
DDL Wait Option
SQL> alter table invoice add (code number);
alter table invoice add (code number)
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT
specified or timeout expired
Schema Management
DDL Wait Option
Parameter DDL_LOCK_TIMEOUT (default = 0)
It will wait for N seconds.
In that N seconds, it continually re-tries the DDL
operation until it's successful or this time
Schema Management
Adding Columns with a Default Value
Table T1  3 millions rows > alter table t1 add C_DDL number default 42 not null;
Table altered.
Elapsed: 00:00:48.53> alter table t1 add C_DDL number default 42 not null;
Table altered.
Elapsed: 00:00:00.04
How much longer?
select *
from v$session_longops
where sid = sid_of_the_session_doing_rollback
Source: https://docs.oracle.com/cloud/latest/db121/REFRN/refrn30227.htm#REFRN30227
SID : 26
SERIAL# : 30832
OPNAME : Transaction Rollback
TARGET_DESC : xid:0x000e.01c.00000012
SOFAR : 1211
UNITS : Blocks
START_TIME : 15-nov-2015 16:20:07
LAST_UPDATE_TIME : 15-nov-2015 16:21:24
MESSAGE : Transaction Rollback: .... USERNAME
: alex_zaballa
SQL_ADDRESS : 00000000DF79A840
SQL_HASH_VALUE : 72257521
SQL_ID : 4wv9a0h24x3zj
Pending Statistics
We have the option of keeping the newly gathered statistics in a pending
state for testing purposes, until you choose to publish them.
Set table preferences:
dbms_stats.set_table_prefs (
ownname => 'SCOTT',
tabname => 'EMP',
pname => 'PUBLISH',
pvalue => 'FALSE'
Collect the statistics.
Pending Statistics
select num_rows,
to_char(last_analyzed,'dd/mm/rrrr hh24:mi:ss')
from all_tab_pending_stats
where table_name = 'EMP';
Pending Statistics
alter session set
optimizer_use_pending_statistics = true;
Test the queries.
Pending Statistics
If it’s ok:
dbms_stats.publish_pending_stats('SCOTT', 'EMP');
Restore Statistics from History
Check the retention:
from dual;
Default is 31 days.
Restore Statistics from History
Statistics available for the table:
FROM dba_tab_stats_history
WHERE table_name='MY_TABLE';
Restore Statistics from History
‘08-NOV-15 AM +08:00’);
Export and Import schema statistics
dbms_stats.CREATE_STAT_TABLE( ownname=>user
, stattab=>'MY_STATS_TABLE'
dbms_stats.export_schema_stats( ownname=>user
, stattab=>'MY_STATS_TABLE'
, statid=>'CURRENT_STATS'
dbms_stats.import_schema_stats( ownname=>user
, stattab=>'MY_STATS_TABLE'
, statid=>'CURRENT_STATS'
Allows programs to add information to the
Use SET_MODULE to set the name for the program that
the user is currently executing. Optionally you can also
set an action name.
Use SET_ACTION for subsequent processing.
Use SET_CLIENT_INFO for any additional information.
Row-by-Row Processing vs Bulk
Instead of fetching a single row at a time it is
possible to use the bulk features.
Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD)
• VPD enables you to create security policies to control
database access at the row and column level.
• VPD adds a dynamic WHERE clause to a SQL statement.
• VPD enforces security directly on database tables,
views, or synonyms.
Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD)
Original Select:
VPD policy dynamically appends:
More on 12c
Extended Data Types
SQL> create table tabela_teste(campo01
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00910: specified length too long for its
Extended Data Types
- VARCHAR2 : 32767 bytes
- NVARCHAR2 : 32767 bytes
- RAW : 32767 bytes
Extended Data Types
ALTER SYSTEM SET max_string_size=extended;
**Once you switch to extended data types you can't switch back
SQL Text Expansion
SQL> variable retorno clob
SQL> begin
dbms_utility.expand_sql_text( input_sql_text
=> 'select * from emp', output_sql_text=>
:retorno );
SQL Text Expansion
• Views
• VPDs
Identity Columns
CREATE TABLE tabela_teste (
coluna1 VARCHAR2(30));
Identity Columns
CREATE TABLE tabela_teste (
coluna1 VARCHAR2(30));
READ Object Privilege and READ ANY
TABLE System Privilege
What is the difference to SELECT and SELECT
READ Object Privilege and READ ANY
TABLE System Privilege
SELECT and SELECT ANY TABLE provides the
ability to lock rows:
SELECT ... FROM table_name FOR UPDATE;
READ Object Privilege and READ ANY
TABLE System Privilege
SQL> grant select on scott.emp to teste;
Grant succeeded.
SQL> lock table scott.emp in exclusive mode;
Table(s) Locked.
READ Object Privilege and READ ANY
TABLE System Privilege
SQL> grant read on scott.emp to teste;
Grant succeeded.
SQL> lock table scott.emp in exclusive mode;
lock table scott.emp in exclusive mode
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
Virtual Columns
“Virtual columns appear to be normal table
columns, but their values are derived rather
than being stored on disc.”
This package allow programmatic access to the call
stack and error stack.
Online Table Redefinition
You can change the structure of a table that is
already in use and is impossible to get a
maintenance downtime.
OTN TOUR 2016 - DBA Commands and Concepts That Every Developer Should Know
Thank You
Slides Available: http://www.slideshare.net/

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OTN TOUR 2016 - DBA Commands and Concepts That Every Developer Should Know

  • 1. DBA Commands and Concepts That Every Developer Should Know Presented by: Alex Zaballa, Oracle DBA
  • 2. Alex Zaballa http://alexzaballa.blogspot.com/ @alexzaballa206 and counting… https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexzaballa
  • 3. Worked for 7 years in Brazil as an Oracle Developer. 2000 - 2007 Worked for 8 years in Angola as an Oracle DBA for the Ministry of Finance. 2007 - 2015
  • 5. Availability of Oracle Database 12.2
  • 6. Oracle Announces Beta Availability of Oracle Database 12c Release 2 - Oct 26, 2015 • PLUGGABLE DATABASES From 252 to 4096 • HOT CLONING Don’t need to put the source in read-only for cloning • SHARDING It’s like partitioning in a shared nothing database The data is split into multiple databases • In-Memory In-Memory column Store on Active Data Guard Heat Map • APPLICATION CONTAINER Pluggable Databases will share application objects • More isolation, resource manager will limit the memory in addition to CPU and I/O. • AWR will work on Active Data Guard Database: you can tune your reporting database
  • 7. Availability of Oracle Database 12.2 Source: https://blogs.oracle.com/UPGRADE/entry/oracle_database_12_2_just
  • 8. Oracle Database Release Status MOS Note:742060.1
  • 9. DBA Commands and Concepts That Every Developer Should Know
  • 10. No DBA access to the Database?
  • 11. No DBA access to the Database? eDB360 sample
  • 12. No DBA access to the Database?
  • 13. No DBA access to the Database? SQLD360 sample
  • 14. insert /*+ append parallel */ into tab1 select /*+ parallel */ * from tab2 nologging; 15 minutes to complete. create table tab1 as select /*+ parallel */ * from tab2 nologging; 2 minutes to complete. Parallel
  • 17. Parallel Update I$_2258193201 set IND_UPDATE = 1 where exists ( select 1 from XX T where I$_2258193201.X_REF_DT = T.X_REF_DT and I$_2258193201XX.X_ACCT_KEY = T.X_ACCT_KEY ); 60 minutes to complete.
  • 18. Parallel Update /*+ PARALLEL */ I$_2258193201_NEW I$_2258193201 set IND_UPDATE = 1 where exists ( select /*+ PARALLEL */ 1 from XX_NEW T where I$_2258193201.X_REF_DT = T.X_REF_DT and I$_2258193201XX.X_ACCT_KEY = T.X_ACCT_KEY ); 3 minutes to complete. ***Duplicate tables “_NEW”
  • 19. Parallel Update /*+ PARALLEL */ I$_2258193201 set IND_UPDATE = 1 where exists ( select /*+ PARALLEL */ 1 from XX T where I$_2258193201.X_REF_DT = T.X_REF_DT and I$_2258193201XX.X_ACCT_KEY = T.X_ACCT_KEY ); 240 minutes to complete.
  • 20. Parallel Full Table Scan: db file scattered read
  • 24. Row chaining/Migration "A migrated row is a row that was moved to another block due to an update making it too large to fit on its original block with the other rows there” "Any table with a long/long raw will have chained rows” "Any table with more than 255 columns will have chained rows” "Any table whose rowsize exceeds the blocksize will have chained rows" Increasing PCTFREE can help to avoid migrated rows.
  • 25. Explain Plan How many people are using Explain Plan ?
  • 27. Explain Plan Explain Plan just try to predict the Plan. AUTOTRACE experiences a similar "problem”, especially when the SQL statement uses bind variables.
  • 29. DEMO
  • 30. Oracle Flashback Query • Flashback Query (SELECT AS OF)  AS OF TIMESTAMP • Flashback Version Query  VERSIONS BETWEEN { SCN | TIMESTAMP } start AND end • Flashback Transaction Query  SELECT FROM flashback_transaction_query
  • 31. DEMO
  • 32. • Retrieve old versions of procedures: select text from dba_source as of timestamp systimestamp - interval '5' minute where name='MY_PROC' order by line; Oracle Flashback Query
  • 33. DEMO
  • 34. Oracle Flashback Query The maximum available versions are dependent on the UNDO_RETENTION parameter. The default is 900 seconds (15 minutes).
  • 35. Oracle Flashback Table Reinstating an accidentally dropped table. Parameter recyclebin = on (default).
  • 37. DEMO
  • 38. RMAN Table Recovery in 12c RMAN enables you to recover one or more tables or table partitions to a specified point in time.
  • 39. RMAN Table Recovery in 12c RMAN> RECOVER TABLE HR.REGIONS UNTIL TIME "TO_DATE('01/10/2013 09:33:39','DD/MM/RRRR HH24:MI:SS')" AUXILIARY DESTINATION '/tmp/backups'
  • 40. Schema Management DDL Wait Option SQL> alter table invoice add (code number); alter table invoice add (code number) * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified or timeout expired
  • 41. Schema Management DDL Wait Option Parameter DDL_LOCK_TIMEOUT (default = 0) It will wait for N seconds. In that N seconds, it continually re-tries the DDL operation until it's successful or this time expires.
  • 42. DEMO
  • 43. Schema Management Adding Columns with a Default Value Table T1  3 millions rows > alter table t1 add C_DDL number default 42 not null; Table altered. Elapsed: 00:00:48.53> alter table t1 add C_DDL number default 42 not null; Table altered. Elapsed: 00:00:00.04 http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/pt/articles/sql/otimizacao-comandos-ddl-oracle-11g-2226731-ptb.html
  • 44. DEMO
  • 45. Rollback How much longer? select * from v$session_longops where sid = sid_of_the_session_doing_rollback
  • 47. Rollback SID : 26 SERIAL# : 30832 OPNAME : Transaction Rollback TARGET : TARGET_DESC : xid:0x000e.01c.00000012 SOFAR : 1211 TOTALWORK : 21244 UNITS : Blocks START_TIME : 15-nov-2015 16:20:07 LAST_UPDATE_TIME : 15-nov-2015 16:21:24 TIME_REMAINING : 55 ELAPSED_SECONDS : 5 CONTEXT : 0 MESSAGE : Transaction Rollback: .... USERNAME : alex_zaballa SQL_ADDRESS : 00000000DF79A840 SQL_HASH_VALUE : 72257521 SQL_ID : 4wv9a0h24x3zj
  • 48. Pending Statistics We have the option of keeping the newly gathered statistics in a pending state for testing purposes, until you choose to publish them. Set table preferences: begin dbms_stats.set_table_prefs ( ownname => 'SCOTT', tabname => 'EMP', pname => 'PUBLISH', pvalue => 'FALSE' ); end; Collect the statistics.
  • 49. Pending Statistics select num_rows, to_char(last_analyzed,'dd/mm/rrrr hh24:mi:ss') from all_tab_pending_stats where table_name = 'EMP';
  • 50. Pending Statistics alter session set optimizer_use_pending_statistics = true; Test the queries.
  • 51. Pending Statistics If it’s ok: dbms_stats.publish_pending_stats('SCOTT', 'EMP'); Or: dbms_stats.delete_pending_stats(’SCOTT',’EMP');
  • 52. Restore Statistics from History Check the retention: select DBMS_STATS.GET_STATS_HISTORY_RETENTION from dual; Default is 31 days.
  • 53. Restore Statistics from History Statistics available for the table: SELECT OWNER, TABLE_NAME, STATS_UPDATE_TIME FROM dba_tab_stats_history WHERE table_name='MY_TABLE';
  • 54. Restore Statistics from History Begin dbms_stats.restore_table_stats( 'SCOTT', 'EMP', ‘08-NOV-15 AM +08:00’); End;
  • 55. Export and Import schema statistics begin dbms_stats.CREATE_STAT_TABLE( ownname=>user , stattab=>'MY_STATS_TABLE' ); end; begin dbms_stats.export_schema_stats( ownname=>user , stattab=>'MY_STATS_TABLE' , statid=>'CURRENT_STATS' ); End; EXPDP / IMPDP begin dbms_stats.import_schema_stats( ownname=>user , stattab=>'MY_STATS_TABLE' , statid=>'CURRENT_STATS' ); End;
  • 56. DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO Allows programs to add information to the V$SESSION. Use SET_MODULE to set the name for the program that the user is currently executing. Optionally you can also set an action name. Use SET_ACTION for subsequent processing. Use SET_CLIENT_INFO for any additional information.
  • 57. DEMO
  • 58. Row-by-Row Processing vs Bulk Processing Instead of fetching a single row at a time it is possible to use the bulk features.
  • 59. DEMO
  • 60. Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD) • VPD enables you to create security policies to control database access at the row and column level. • VPD adds a dynamic WHERE clause to a SQL statement. • VPD enforces security directly on database tables, views, or synonyms.
  • 61. Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD) Original Select: SELECT * FROM ORDERS; VPD policy dynamically appends: SELECT * FROM ORDERS WHERE COMPANY_ID = 1;
  • 62. DEMO
  • 64. Extended Data Types SQL> create table tabela_teste(campo01 varchar2(4001)); * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00910: specified length too long for its datatype
  • 65. Extended Data Types - VARCHAR2 : 32767 bytes - NVARCHAR2 : 32767 bytes - RAW : 32767 bytes
  • 66. Extended Data Types SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE; STARTUP UPGRADE; ALTER SYSTEM SET max_string_size=extended; @?/rdbms/admin/utl32k.sql SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE; STARTUP; **Once you switch to extended data types you can't switch back
  • 67. SQL Text Expansion SQL> variable retorno clob SQL> begin dbms_utility.expand_sql_text( input_sql_text => 'select * from emp', output_sql_text=> :retorno ); end;
  • 68. SQL Text Expansion • Views • VPDs
  • 69. DEMO
  • 70. Identity Columns CREATE TABLE tabela_teste ( id NUMBER GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY, coluna1 VARCHAR2(30));
  • 71. Identity Columns CREATE TABLE tabela_teste ( id NUMBER GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY, coluna1 VARCHAR2(30));
  • 72. DEMO
  • 73. READ Object Privilege and READ ANY TABLE System Privilege What is the difference to SELECT and SELECT ANY TABLE?
  • 74. READ Object Privilege and READ ANY TABLE System Privilege SELECT and SELECT ANY TABLE provides the ability to lock rows: LOCK TABLE table_name IN EXCLUSIVE MODE; SELECT ... FROM table_name FOR UPDATE;
  • 75. READ Object Privilege and READ ANY TABLE System Privilege SQL> grant select on scott.emp to teste; Grant succeeded. SQL> lock table scott.emp in exclusive mode; Table(s) Locked.
  • 76. READ Object Privilege and READ ANY TABLE System Privilege SQL> grant read on scott.emp to teste; Grant succeeded. SQL> lock table scott.emp in exclusive mode; lock table scott.emp in exclusive mode * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
  • 77. DEMO
  • 78. Virtual Columns “Virtual columns appear to be normal table columns, but their values are derived rather than being stored on disc.”
  • 79. DEMO
  • 80. UTL_CALL_STACK This package allow programmatic access to the call stack and error stack. Before 12c: DBMS_UTILITY.FORMAT_CALL_STACK
  • 81. DEMO
  • 82. Online Table Redefinition (DBMS_REDEFINITION) You can change the structure of a table that is already in use and is impossible to get a maintenance downtime.
  • 83. DEMO
  • 86. Thank You Slides Available: http://www.slideshare.net/