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Essay about Teachers and Students
Teachers and Students
The education habits of students are rooted in them from the earliest days of their educational
careers. The different influences on students, whether it be inside educational institutions, or outside
is huge. The teacher of a classroom is the first and most pertinent influence in a student's educational
career. Teachers provide students with the basic skills they would need to survive not only in the
academic world, but also the world beyond. The relationship between teachers and their students is
the key element in creating an educational atmosphere that is both pleasant and effective.
The experience of a student at school, especially at a younger age, in most cases sets the main base of
the skills of that...show more content...
Unconsciously or not, they consistently reinforce and reward more 'feminine' behavior. Although
it may be true that boys are more active than girls, but to say that they are treated differently is to
be overly generalizing the situation. A teacher is supposed to be able to handle different types of
children in the classroom, and cater to their activeness or passiveness in a class. For example, a
teacher would try to involve a quiet and shy student as often as possible. The same goes for an
active child; the teacher should be able to find activities for that child which would not only educate
them, but also keep them busy.
Thomas provides various arguments as to how boys and girls are different; therefore they are
treated differently in a classroom. It cannot be argued that boys and girls are different, especially at
such a young age, but to say that teachers specifically do treat boys in a rougher manner would be
going too far. Thomas introduces the idea that society instills ideas of prejudice towards women in
young boys, so that when they do go into a classroom governed by a female teacher, they are
predisposed to be defiant and unruly. In my opinion, it is unfair to judge teachers based on the
performance of their students on various tests. Thomas's article introduces the idea that as the
number of female teachers is increasing, the performance of boys in school is declining. One much
question whether it is in fact the teachers who cause this
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My Teaching Philosophy Essay
My Teaching Philosophy I believe that education extends far beyond the classroom walls, and
involves many more people than students and teachers. People should be learning wherever they
go, and should continue learning long after they've graduated from high school or college.
Education isn't something that can be quantified with tests or report cards, but is instead
something that people carry with them. It's a survival pack for life, and some people are better
equipped in certain areas than in others. People with a solid education are prepared for nearly
anything, as they will be able to provide for their own physical, emotional, and aesthetic needs. That
being said, I also believe that a crucial part of education does...show more content...
The roles of a teacher are so many and so varied that it is impossible to list them all, but one of the
most important is preparing students to learn, not only in the classroom, but everywhere, and for
the rest of their lives. Learning is not a skill that is necessarily instinctual or easy, and therefore
different approaches must be used to make learning easier and more fun for students. Teaching is
not a skill that can be memorized or made repetitive, and so teachers must continue to challenge
not only their students, but also themselves. Teachers that become complacent in their jobs are
not good teachers. Those who can find a way to make an old lesson new and exciting will have an
energized classroom, and will be reenergized themselves. Every child is different. That sounds like
an obvious statement, but so many ineffective teachers seem to forget this. Each student has his or
her own varying abilities, talents, and levels of competence, and it is the job of a teacher not only
to recognize this, but to help each student recognize this as well. If a child isn't doing well in a
particular subject, both the teacher and the student should work towards figuring out why, and the
teacher should accept the challenge of finding a way to make a particular subject more
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What makes a good teacher? Essay
In my opinion, a good teacher should be one who puts her heart into teaching. This is because
only by doing so will the students feel their passion and hard work. When a teacher strives hard
for the students, students will put in their effort as well. If a teacher dislikes her job, goes to
classes in a bad mood, her teaching would also be affected and students would not be able to enjoy
lessons as well.
Another point that makes a good teacher would be his/her patience. Teachers should not get upset or
even worse, give up on the students who are not so strong in their studies. Instead, they should have
the patience to slowly coach them, give them extra lessons, and find different ways to encourage
them. Let them know that the teacher...show more content...
It would be better if the teacher is able to find common topics to chat with the students. This would
let the students feel like they can relate better to the teacher.
"You must not give up. I want to let you know that even if you're facing so many problems, and
feel like there's no one to talk to, I'll be here for you. Everyone else might want to be the sun that
lights up your life, but I rather be the moon that guides you through your darkest hours. Let's strive
hard and work toward our goal together!" This was what my high school teacher told me 10 years
ago and I have remembered it until now, and will remember it for the next 10 years and so on.
I was once a problematic kid who mixed with bad company and flunk tests. I never thought about
what I was going to do the next day, what more when I grew up. Of course when I was younger, I
had lots of dreams. I wanted to set up my own company, I wanted to be a teacher, I wanted to be
able to drive an airplane and the list went on. But as the years went by, they became less
insignificant to me and soon, I forgot every single one of those dreams and goals. I got to a new
school and knew friends who smoke and took drugs. My grades started dropping from "A" to fails.
But I did not care. I could not be bothered by then. I went partying every night and got home drunk.
What was the point of studying? My parents are
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Being a Teacher Essay
Being a Teacher
Is your life important to you? That is a statement anyone would replay, "yes" to. As surprising as it
may seem, though, an important, successful life would not even be, without one essential element:
Teachers, educators, instructors, mentors, or baby–sitters, whatever they may be classified as, they
are necessary for many reasons. They are foundation or our American society, they are a source of
security, and possibly the parents some never had.
They are the foundation of our American society, meaning they educate everyone. Attending school,
whether it is public, private, or home taught is mandatory in America at a certain age. Therefore, all
the basics of life...show more content...
Those are just a few illustrations of the obligations teachers have. These should not be considered
obligations, but honors. Who would not want to be such an influential role model in others' lives?
As I begin my teaching career and the years prior to it, many ideas and decisions will take place.
Being that I plan to teach elementary school and deal with small children, I plan to be excessive on
classroom accessories. Children have a limited attention span and a dull, plain room would not be
appealing to them. The adjustment of leaving "mommy" will be hard enough for them anyway. I
hope to make the environment comforting and welcoming for them. Bright colored bulletin boards
and posters with needed information on them. I would like my students seated around the room in a
circle. From experience, I've found that children feel more at ease and apt to speak up when seated
this way.
I believe the teacher should be authoritative, especially in the lower grades. The students need to
know who is in charge and feel that there is someone of authority to look up to. Still yet, I want the
children to feel a sense of authority, to make decisions and play a leadership role. Possibly, let one
child be "leader of the day" each day; for example, lead the lines or pass out the papers.
Motivation and discipline, I view as the primary topics of educating a classroom. Children have to be
motivated, it is human
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My Mission As A Teacher
My mission as a teacher is to foster intellectual growth in my students by instilling in them a passion
for learning as they pursue truth, goodness, and beauty in my classroom. Achievement of my
mission will lead to my students becoming independent and critical thinkers. Following after the
teachers who have made a positive impact on my life, I will be a catalyst for academic and character
development in my students. As a direct result of my passionate teaching of history, students will
develop a love for history in my class. Truth is constant and unchanging, and that such truth is found
in the pursuit of the liberal arts. The pursuit of truth is fruitless when students are passive in their
learning, listening to a teacher as she lectures. Intellectual growth occurs through experiences, and as
a teacher, I will guide my students towards their discovery of truth.
My responsibility as a teacher will be paying attention to the different learning styles of students so
that I can adequately guide them towards their discovery of truth. I will also be responsible for
enthusiastically teaching and challenging my students to broaden their perspectives; in turn, my
students will also develop a passion for history. My responsibility is to set clear expectations for
discussion, assignment completion, and classroom behavior. I will hold myself responsible to relate
to my students by being a role model of good character, honesty, and virtue. If I live according to the
moral standard that
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My Most Memorable Teachers Essay
My Most Memorable Teachers For some reason or another certain students are drawn to particular
teachers while other students are more fond of others. In my life I have studied under three
memorable teachers. Teachers with which I was able to connect, to laugh, to share my misgivings.
While I may have been close with each of these teachers, it is very clear, in retrospect, that each was
very unique, and represented an entirely different class of teacher.
The teacher that stands out most in my head is my eleventh grade English teacher. She had a liberal
arts background, and enjoyed the classic American writers; Hemingway, Steinbeck, what have you.
She was in the class of teachers who was more impressed by actions and honesty...show more
Her class of teachers take their jobs very seriously, and do not tolerate students who skip or disrupt
their classes. These teachers are fun, because once you get them off on some irrelevant tangent,
they will keep themselves going on it for entire class segments, trying to get out years of thought
and consideration in just a short period of time. This is how I got to know my psychology teacher,
because I was the one who kept her talking, so that the class could avoid taking the quiz that none of
us had studied for. Teachers like her have the innate gift to educate and entertain, with their
comprehensive lessons and subtle quirks.
Finally, I come to my high school horticulture teacher, whom I studied under for so many years
that by the time I was a senior, we talked to each other on a first name basis. He belonged to a
small class of teachers who are personally important to every young adult. This class of teacher is the
buddy, the friend. The teacher with whom you can talk about anything, be it the trouble you have
been having with your girlfriend, the high–potency marijuana that you smoked over the weekend, or
just the dirty jokes you heard the day before. These are the teachers with whom you simply share
interests, and thus, get along really well. Having a teacher like this is almost like having a
counselor, someone older and wiser than yourself
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Nature Is My Teacher Essay
Nature! Mother Nature! So ancient, yet so fresh; so marvel, yet so novel! A deep connection
between beauty and civilization! It is my universe, it is my life. From birth to death, Mother Nature
cradles me in her bosom. She is always in my mind. She is so dear. Nature is my Teacher.
Simplicity is her beauty! Nature that envelopes all of us is so grand, so loving! She gives us the
grace, the beauty and the fluency of our life. The care, the love, the affection of all our human life is
imbibed from her spirit. She breathes life into us. Grew in sun and shadow, we live the life given
to us by her. We all are accommodated to be her children. She is the creator, protector and
promoter of our mortal life. Our purpose of life is worthy of her benevolence, it elevates us that we
are. It is as true as we exist as her children. Mother has always been a synonym with love, devotion
and dedication; the personification of nature as a nurturing mother is so primitive. Giving nature the
attributes of a mother, life–giving and nurturing, is as old as the evolution of human as a thinking
animal. We are at home and harmony with her– at our leisure, through our work, in our labor and at
our rest. She is the reservoir of all happiness, a whole planet of magic waits for us at every step.
The wise believes it, the prudent feels it. It is the human friction with nature, a Midas...show more
When we are in harmony with nature, we live in normal and moral terms with ourselves; our
leisure in nature becomes pleasure. Keeping that in mind, what we have attempted in the book is
to connect, interface and achieve the natural love of life, which is so close to the earth and open to
the world. The connection helps us to see the tree green, the birds fly in the blue sky, setting of the
sun, and a morning sunrise with a new look. It makes us feel that these were there before our eyes
all these days, yet we missed them
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The Power of Teachers Essay
The Power of Teachers
Education is one of the main ingredients in forming a successful society. Our education system here
in the USA is very complex and does a wonderful job of teaching our youth. There are four major
subjects in the curriculum, English, Math, History and Science but the other aspects of our students'
education are vastly important as well. I believe that the Arts and other skills have to be incorporated
into our education system in order to create well–rounded students. I also feel that enhancement of
the body (Physical education) goes hand in hand with enhancement of the mind and also can not be
overlooked in educating our students.
I believe the roles of the teacher in education are critical, not only...show more content...
There are many different styles of teaching and learning. Some teachers choose to make students
simply memorize information. Other teachers like to lecture while their students take notes. Yet
others choose to be very interactive in the teaching/learning process. I feel that a combination of all
these different styles is the best way for both teacher and student. There are times when a straight
lecture format is needed, and then there are times when memorization is needed. I believe that
interaction, visualization and actually applying what is learned is the best way for students to
grasp the information, but this style can not always be used either, but teachers can never teach the
class solely on an interactive level. That is why a combination of all different styles is the best way
to teach. Most of all I think it is very important that the students are able not only to learn the
information but also retain what they have learned. If the students can use what they have learned
later on in life, than the learning process is a success.
Children today are the same as children in the past. No youngster would choose to go to school
rather than spend time with their friends, so the key to getting them to learn is to get them
interested. No child is dumb, but many children are very unmotivated. Lack of motivation in
wanting to learn is a key factor in why many children are unsuccessful in school. I believe it is our
job as teachers to get students
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Essay on The Future of Education
The Future of Education
As teachers our primary concern should be the students and what type of learning environment will
be best suited to meet their needs. There are many different opinions as top what the most effective
or appropriate curriculum is for the students. I do not believe there is any one philosophy that can
provide the ideal curriculum for each and every student. Just as there are numerous methods of
teaching, there are also numerous ways to learn. It is essential that we keep this in mind as we help
the students achieve their goals and discover their talents. Above all we must encourage the students
to try new things and do what we can to prevent limiting them in any way.
I do not feel that I...show more content...
I think that many of the schools today merely try to prepare the students to move on to college and
by doing so exclude the students who are gifted with other abilities that are equally important and
useful in society, even though those talents may not necessarily be something that can be refined
through a traditional four year college.
As a future teacher, I very strongly believe that students need to be shown practical applications of
the concepts they are taught. For myself this is especially notable in mathematical applications. As
teachers we need to not just show how to work through a problem: we need to show why it works
and what it is useful for. Without something to apply the information to math is nothing more than a
stream of numbers and formulas that students memorize for a specific test and then quickly forget.
By demonstrating specific examples of applications the students will be able to retain some of the
information easier and then adapt what they learn to other problems they encounter in the future.
Upon graduation I hope to begin teaching Math at the middle school or high school level.
Geometry, Trigonometry, and Algebra would be my first choices of classes I would like to teach,
but I feel I would enjoy teaching any of the other forms of math. I would prefer to teach in a rural
area since that is the
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Teachers Are Heroes Too.
Dafne Bianchi
November 13, 2014
Research Paper Teachers Are Heroes Too "A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination,
and instill a love of learning"(BrainyQuotes). These are few of the many responsibilities that
educators have. They inspire hope by making the students want to come back to class everyday.
Imagination is ignited by the many different stories they share as the day moves along. Learning to
love to learn is all based on how the teacher instills the material in the children's hearts and minds.
Teaching is more than a job it is a desire. Education is full of many different emotions, categories to
teach in, and rewards or benefits. Emotions are one of the main factors in the career of teaching.
Lauren Morris is a fairly new English teacher at Upper Sandusky High School. She has been
teaching for four years. Morris shared that "it can be rewarding when the students ask questions or
try to comprehend the information and work hard. When the light bulb goes off it is nice to see the
ah–ha moment. Another rewarding part of teaching is when students' grades are where they
should be. It can be very frustrating when students do not work up to their capability or ask
questions when needed or do not do as well on test because there is no effort put into it." when
asked for examples of the different emotions that go along with teaching (Morris, Interview).
Making a difference is many educators goal. "If one wants to have a profound impact on people's
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  • 2. My Teaching Philosophy Essay My Teaching Philosophy I believe that education extends far beyond the classroom walls, and involves many more people than students and teachers. People should be learning wherever they go, and should continue learning long after they've graduated from high school or college. Education isn't something that can be quantified with tests or report cards, but is instead something that people carry with them. It's a survival pack for life, and some people are better equipped in certain areas than in others. People with a solid education are prepared for nearly anything, as they will be able to provide for their own physical, emotional, and aesthetic needs. That being said, I also believe that a crucial part of education does...show more content... The roles of a teacher are so many and so varied that it is impossible to list them all, but one of the most important is preparing students to learn, not only in the classroom, but everywhere, and for the rest of their lives. Learning is not a skill that is necessarily instinctual or easy, and therefore different approaches must be used to make learning easier and more fun for students. Teaching is not a skill that can be memorized or made repetitive, and so teachers must continue to challenge not only their students, but also themselves. Teachers that become complacent in their jobs are not good teachers. Those who can find a way to make an old lesson new and exciting will have an energized classroom, and will be reenergized themselves. Every child is different. That sounds like an obvious statement, but so many ineffective teachers seem to forget this. Each student has his or her own varying abilities, talents, and levels of competence, and it is the job of a teacher not only to recognize this, but to help each student recognize this as well. If a child isn't doing well in a particular subject, both the teacher and the student should work towards figuring out why, and the teacher should accept the challenge of finding a way to make a particular subject more Get more content on HelpWriting.net
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  • 4. Being a Teacher Essay Being a Teacher Is your life important to you? That is a statement anyone would replay, "yes" to. As surprising as it may seem, though, an important, successful life would not even be, without one essential element: teachers. Teachers, educators, instructors, mentors, or baby–sitters, whatever they may be classified as, they are necessary for many reasons. They are foundation or our American society, they are a source of security, and possibly the parents some never had. They are the foundation of our American society, meaning they educate everyone. Attending school, whether it is public, private, or home taught is mandatory in America at a certain age. Therefore, all the basics of life...show more content... Those are just a few illustrations of the obligations teachers have. These should not be considered obligations, but honors. Who would not want to be such an influential role model in others' lives? As I begin my teaching career and the years prior to it, many ideas and decisions will take place. Being that I plan to teach elementary school and deal with small children, I plan to be excessive on classroom accessories. Children have a limited attention span and a dull, plain room would not be appealing to them. The adjustment of leaving "mommy" will be hard enough for them anyway. I hope to make the environment comforting and welcoming for them. Bright colored bulletin boards and posters with needed information on them. I would like my students seated around the room in a circle. From experience, I've found that children feel more at ease and apt to speak up when seated this way. I believe the teacher should be authoritative, especially in the lower grades. The students need to know who is in charge and feel that there is someone of authority to look up to. Still yet, I want the children to feel a sense of authority, to make decisions and play a leadership role. Possibly, let one child be "leader of the day" each day; for example, lead the lines or pass out the papers. Motivation and discipline, I view as the primary topics of educating a classroom. Children have to be motivated, it is human Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 5. My Mission As A Teacher My mission as a teacher is to foster intellectual growth in my students by instilling in them a passion for learning as they pursue truth, goodness, and beauty in my classroom. Achievement of my mission will lead to my students becoming independent and critical thinkers. Following after the teachers who have made a positive impact on my life, I will be a catalyst for academic and character development in my students. As a direct result of my passionate teaching of history, students will develop a love for history in my class. Truth is constant and unchanging, and that such truth is found in the pursuit of the liberal arts. The pursuit of truth is fruitless when students are passive in their learning, listening to a teacher as she lectures. Intellectual growth occurs through experiences, and as a teacher, I will guide my students towards their discovery of truth. My responsibility as a teacher will be paying attention to the different learning styles of students so that I can adequately guide them towards their discovery of truth. I will also be responsible for enthusiastically teaching and challenging my students to broaden their perspectives; in turn, my students will also develop a passion for history. My responsibility is to set clear expectations for discussion, assignment completion, and classroom behavior. I will hold myself responsible to relate to my students by being a role model of good character, honesty, and virtue. If I live according to the moral standard that Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 6. My Most Memorable Teachers Essay My Most Memorable Teachers For some reason or another certain students are drawn to particular teachers while other students are more fond of others. In my life I have studied under three memorable teachers. Teachers with which I was able to connect, to laugh, to share my misgivings. While I may have been close with each of these teachers, it is very clear, in retrospect, that each was very unique, and represented an entirely different class of teacher. The teacher that stands out most in my head is my eleventh grade English teacher. She had a liberal arts background, and enjoyed the classic American writers; Hemingway, Steinbeck, what have you. She was in the class of teachers who was more impressed by actions and honesty...show more content... Her class of teachers take their jobs very seriously, and do not tolerate students who skip or disrupt their classes. These teachers are fun, because once you get them off on some irrelevant tangent, they will keep themselves going on it for entire class segments, trying to get out years of thought and consideration in just a short period of time. This is how I got to know my psychology teacher, because I was the one who kept her talking, so that the class could avoid taking the quiz that none of us had studied for. Teachers like her have the innate gift to educate and entertain, with their comprehensive lessons and subtle quirks. Finally, I come to my high school horticulture teacher, whom I studied under for so many years that by the time I was a senior, we talked to each other on a first name basis. He belonged to a small class of teachers who are personally important to every young adult. This class of teacher is the buddy, the friend. The teacher with whom you can talk about anything, be it the trouble you have been having with your girlfriend, the high–potency marijuana that you smoked over the weekend, or just the dirty jokes you heard the day before. These are the teachers with whom you simply share interests, and thus, get along really well. Having a teacher like this is almost like having a counselor, someone older and wiser than yourself Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 7. Nature Is My Teacher Essay Nature! Mother Nature! So ancient, yet so fresh; so marvel, yet so novel! A deep connection between beauty and civilization! It is my universe, it is my life. From birth to death, Mother Nature cradles me in her bosom. She is always in my mind. She is so dear. Nature is my Teacher. Simplicity is her beauty! Nature that envelopes all of us is so grand, so loving! She gives us the grace, the beauty and the fluency of our life. The care, the love, the affection of all our human life is imbibed from her spirit. She breathes life into us. Grew in sun and shadow, we live the life given to us by her. We all are accommodated to be her children. She is the creator, protector and promoter of our mortal life. Our purpose of life is worthy of her benevolence, it elevates us that we are. It is as true as we exist as her children. Mother has always been a synonym with love, devotion and dedication; the personification of nature as a nurturing mother is so primitive. Giving nature the attributes of a mother, life–giving and nurturing, is as old as the evolution of human as a thinking animal. We are at home and harmony with her– at our leisure, through our work, in our labor and at our rest. She is the reservoir of all happiness, a whole planet of magic waits for us at every step. The wise believes it, the prudent feels it. It is the human friction with nature, a Midas...show more content... When we are in harmony with nature, we live in normal and moral terms with ourselves; our leisure in nature becomes pleasure. Keeping that in mind, what we have attempted in the book is to connect, interface and achieve the natural love of life, which is so close to the earth and open to the world. The connection helps us to see the tree green, the birds fly in the blue sky, setting of the sun, and a morning sunrise with a new look. It makes us feel that these were there before our eyes all these days, yet we missed them Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 8. The Power of Teachers Essay The Power of Teachers Education is one of the main ingredients in forming a successful society. Our education system here in the USA is very complex and does a wonderful job of teaching our youth. There are four major subjects in the curriculum, English, Math, History and Science but the other aspects of our students' education are vastly important as well. I believe that the Arts and other skills have to be incorporated into our education system in order to create well–rounded students. I also feel that enhancement of the body (Physical education) goes hand in hand with enhancement of the mind and also can not be overlooked in educating our students. I believe the roles of the teacher in education are critical, not only...show more content... There are many different styles of teaching and learning. Some teachers choose to make students simply memorize information. Other teachers like to lecture while their students take notes. Yet others choose to be very interactive in the teaching/learning process. I feel that a combination of all these different styles is the best way for both teacher and student. There are times when a straight lecture format is needed, and then there are times when memorization is needed. I believe that interaction, visualization and actually applying what is learned is the best way for students to grasp the information, but this style can not always be used either, but teachers can never teach the class solely on an interactive level. That is why a combination of all different styles is the best way to teach. Most of all I think it is very important that the students are able not only to learn the information but also retain what they have learned. If the students can use what they have learned later on in life, than the learning process is a success. Children today are the same as children in the past. No youngster would choose to go to school rather than spend time with their friends, so the key to getting them to learn is to get them interested. No child is dumb, but many children are very unmotivated. Lack of motivation in wanting to learn is a key factor in why many children are unsuccessful in school. I believe it is our job as teachers to get students Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 9. Essay on The Future of Education The Future of Education As teachers our primary concern should be the students and what type of learning environment will be best suited to meet their needs. There are many different opinions as top what the most effective or appropriate curriculum is for the students. I do not believe there is any one philosophy that can provide the ideal curriculum for each and every student. Just as there are numerous methods of teaching, there are also numerous ways to learn. It is essential that we keep this in mind as we help the students achieve their goals and discover their talents. Above all we must encourage the students to try new things and do what we can to prevent limiting them in any way. I do not feel that I...show more content... I think that many of the schools today merely try to prepare the students to move on to college and by doing so exclude the students who are gifted with other abilities that are equally important and useful in society, even though those talents may not necessarily be something that can be refined through a traditional four year college. As a future teacher, I very strongly believe that students need to be shown practical applications of the concepts they are taught. For myself this is especially notable in mathematical applications. As teachers we need to not just show how to work through a problem: we need to show why it works and what it is useful for. Without something to apply the information to math is nothing more than a stream of numbers and formulas that students memorize for a specific test and then quickly forget. By demonstrating specific examples of applications the students will be able to retain some of the information easier and then adapt what they learn to other problems they encounter in the future. Upon graduation I hope to begin teaching Math at the middle school or high school level. Geometry, Trigonometry, and Algebra would be my first choices of classes I would like to teach, but I feel I would enjoy teaching any of the other forms of math. I would prefer to teach in a rural area since that is the Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 10. Teachers Are Heroes Too. Dafne Bianchi November 13, 2014 Research Paper Teachers Are Heroes Too "A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instill a love of learning"(BrainyQuotes). These are few of the many responsibilities that educators have. They inspire hope by making the students want to come back to class everyday. Imagination is ignited by the many different stories they share as the day moves along. Learning to love to learn is all based on how the teacher instills the material in the children's hearts and minds. Teaching is more than a job it is a desire. Education is full of many different emotions, categories to teach in, and rewards or benefits. Emotions are one of the main factors in the career of teaching. Lauren Morris is a fairly new English teacher at Upper Sandusky High School. She has been teaching for four years. Morris shared that "it can be rewarding when the students ask questions or try to comprehend the information and work hard. When the light bulb goes off it is nice to see the ah–ha moment. Another rewarding part of teaching is when students' grades are where they should be. It can be very frustrating when students do not work up to their capability or ask questions when needed or do not do as well on test because there is no effort put into it." when asked for examples of the different emotions that go along with teaching (Morris, Interview). Making a difference is many educators goal. "If one wants to have a profound impact on people's lives, Get more content on HelpWriting.net