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Secret No.7: Be

It Helps to Have the
Skin of a Rhino – don’t
Be Defeated by ERP
and Re-Engineering
 Péter Villányi
 Avis Group Business Support Centre
 18th March 2009

 • Avis - Background
 • Avis – Shared Service Centre
 • Financial Systems
 • The Next Generation

Avis – Background
Avis Europe is a leading car rental
 company in EMEA and Asia

Avis Europe
• 8 million rentals annually
• 14 corporate countries with 1,800 locations
• Licensee network across 94 countries with
  1,200 locations
• Combined annual revenue €2.1bn
• Around 18% market share in Europe
  (includes Budget 3%)

Budget Europe
• Coverage across 63 countries in 800
• Combined revenue of €450m

Avis : Shared Service Centre History
• Opened call centres in 2000 (Manchester, Barcelona)
• Opened Business Support Centre, in Budapest, for finance
  and administrative services in January 2004:
   – Scope: Accounts Receivables and Payables, Financial
     Accounting, Customer Services, Databases, IT
   – Markets: UK, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Netherlands,
     Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, Portugal
   – Headcount: currently 340
   – ERP: none – access to country legacy systems and CODA

The Keys to Implementation Success – classic list
• Top Management Support – 93%

• Recruitment in the SSC – 70%

• Change management mentality during project - 66%

• Early & Effective communication to affected persons – 57%

• Gaining Quick Wins – 40%

  Source – The Hackett Group, ‘Fourth Annual European Shared Services Organization Study 2005’

Solutions to Reality – Customer Focus

Organizational Buy-In      Corporate strategy, with C-
                           level sponsorship, or if in doubt
                           mandate it!

                          Absolute clarity from start,
Scope                      included in signed off strategy

                          Clear Customer Relationship
Managing customers         Model, include pricing and
 of the centre             issue escalation!

Solutions to Reality – Operations / Process Focus
Business systems or            Process re-engineering required
  processes suitable to a        specifically to address
  SSC approach (ERP)             document exchange – ERP
                                 nice, but not essential
Planning – program             Comes back to business strategy
  linked, communicated &         – this solves most things, but
  achievable across total        still requires right talent
  business                     Many ways to do this across
                                 different cost perspectives – in
                                 the SSC or in country, or mix.
Transition approach              Need to be flexible! PMO &
  correct                        methodology vital
                               Simple / clever processes
                                 essential – success then in KT
Getting quality at the right     and People, supported by
  mark                           effective customer relationship
Solutions to Reality – People Issues
  SSC & location skills /   Essential to have right start up
   experience                 experience for a SSC (not just a
                              finance operation), same for
                              location. Buy-in carefully!
  Manage attrition          Reflects success in other areas:
                              scope, reward, management
                              and vision
  Change / Project          Enabler to establish the SSC, but
   Management resource        also the change in business.
                              Buy-in carefully!
  Recruitment               Success driven by project
                              methodology – timing, roles,
  Reward & Motivation       Survey + skills based, plus career
Solutions to Reality – Financial Issue
   – Business Case in place / achievable
     (Hackett Survey: 15% of SSC survey respondents expect >
     40% cost saving, 34% > 20%, 34% expect saving > 11%)

• Ensuring the business case is do-able – customers, business,
  systems, volume driven
• Managing hidden costs of implementation
• Controlling the business case
• Benefit realization program starts very early

Final Conclusions on SSC implementation
SSC Opportunity assessment

   Business case

      Organization Buy-in

          Planning, CRM, Transition, Key People, Communication

            Recruitment, Reward, Quality

               Quality Management, Attrition, Benefit Realization

New system solutions

• Flexibility vs. standardisation

• One system cannot deliver best practice on all processes

• Process by process approach
   – Financial and Supplier processes
   – Customer supporting processes

Financial Processes - Reality check

• Achieved efficiencies when first set up

• Finance system was outdated and unsupported

• Needed to move systems to achieve more efficiencies

• Requirement for up to date technology

Objectives of the project

Aim to drive further efficiencies through the organisation with
  new finance system:

•   Reduced processing costs & errors
•   Meets local country requirements
•   Integration with local business systems
•   Standardisation
•   Easy to use
•   Improved efficiency, less cost


Key criteria for new finance system:

• Not ERP

• Single instance

• Capability to support local countries

• Latest technology but proven


Chose Financials from CODA

•   Latest ‘Neon’ release
•   Proven international capabilities
•   e-Procurement
•   Process control

The Roll-out

• Live Oct 2007
    – Germany, Portugal
• Live Jan 2008
    – UK, Holland, Belgium, Luxembourg
• March/April 2008
    – Austria, Switzerland, France
• May 2008
    – Italy, Spain, European HQ (~40 entities)
    – Inter-company processes
• Strong functional support for a year

Roadmap for the Next Generation initiatives
                                BSC Next
        BSC                                                Next Generation
  (current status)                                              BSC

• Benefit from labour   • Is not just about the BSC • Transfer additional
  cost arbitrage        • Improve process and         service and volumes
                          services E2E              • Centre of Competence for
                        • Combined effort by BSC      continuously improving
                            and countries                  service quality and
                        •   Provide a basis for            increase service
                            expanding BSC services         efficiency
                        •   Build competence for       •   Efficient , harmonized and
                            continuous service             effectively managed E2E
                            improvement                    processes
                        •   Increase Partner
                            Satisfaction both in the
                            countries and in the BSC
Overview of the Next Generation projects
                                 Receivable         •   Improve Avis capability to collect outstanding debt more quickly
                                 Project                and reduce cash flow and interest on payments
Process Improvement

                                 Database           •   Increase efficiency by an automated workflow

                                                    •   Improve Customer Satisfaction by improving quality of data
                                 CODA Phase II      •   enhancements to the current CODA version
                                 FAC Project

                                 CODA Phase II      •   enhancements to the current CODA version
                                 P2P Project

                                 Roles &            •   End to end view of back office processes. Using RACI charts at
                                 Responsibility         startegic, tactical and operational levels
          Enabling Initiatives

                                 Training and       •   Define the job requirements of all key process roles, identify
                                 Skilled Res.           training needs and deliver training more effectively and efficiently

                                 Quality System     •   Using Lean Six Sigma tools to define process quality goals
                                 & KPIs
                                                    •   Set up quality KPIs
                                 Process            •   Standard framework for process mapping and procedure
                                 Management             documentation                                                  18

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Shared services secret 7: Don't be defeated by ERP and ERP Complications

  • 1. Secret No.7: Be Tenacious It Helps to Have the Skin of a Rhino – don’t Be Defeated by ERP and Re-Engineering Complications Péter Villányi Avis Group Business Support Centre 18th March 2009
  • 2. Agenda • Avis - Background • Avis – Shared Service Centre History • Financial Systems Transformation • The Next Generation 2
  • 3. Avis – Background Avis Europe is a leading car rental company in EMEA and Asia Avis Europe • 8 million rentals annually • 14 corporate countries with 1,800 locations • Licensee network across 94 countries with 1,200 locations • Combined annual revenue €2.1bn • Around 18% market share in Europe (includes Budget 3%) Budget Europe • Coverage across 63 countries in 800 locations • Combined revenue of €450m 3
  • 4. Avis : Shared Service Centre History • Opened call centres in 2000 (Manchester, Barcelona) • Opened Business Support Centre, in Budapest, for finance and administrative services in January 2004: – Scope: Accounts Receivables and Payables, Financial Accounting, Customer Services, Databases, IT – Markets: UK, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, Portugal – Headcount: currently 340 – ERP: none – access to country legacy systems and CODA 4
  • 5. The Keys to Implementation Success – classic list • Top Management Support – 93% • Recruitment in the SSC – 70% • Change management mentality during project - 66% • Early & Effective communication to affected persons – 57% • Gaining Quick Wins – 40% Source – The Hackett Group, ‘Fourth Annual European Shared Services Organization Study 2005’ 5
  • 6. Solutions to Reality – Customer Focus Organizational Buy-In Corporate strategy, with C- level sponsorship, or if in doubt mandate it! Absolute clarity from start, Scope included in signed off strategy Clear Customer Relationship Managing customers Model, include pricing and of the centre issue escalation! 6
  • 7. Solutions to Reality – Operations / Process Focus Business systems or Process re-engineering required processes suitable to a specifically to address SSC approach (ERP) document exchange – ERP nice, but not essential Planning – program Comes back to business strategy linked, communicated & – this solves most things, but achievable across total still requires right talent business Many ways to do this across different cost perspectives – in the SSC or in country, or mix. Transition approach Need to be flexible! PMO & correct methodology vital Simple / clever processes essential – success then in KT Getting quality at the right and People, supported by mark effective customer relationship model 7
  • 8. Solutions to Reality – People Issues SSC & location skills / Essential to have right start up experience experience for a SSC (not just a finance operation), same for location. Buy-in carefully! Manage attrition Reflects success in other areas: scope, reward, management and vision Change / Project Enabler to establish the SSC, but Management resource also the change in business. Buy-in carefully! Recruitment Success driven by project methodology – timing, roles, mechanics Reward & Motivation Survey + skills based, plus career management 8
  • 9. Solutions to Reality – Financial Issue Issue: – Business Case in place / achievable (Hackett Survey: 15% of SSC survey respondents expect > 40% cost saving, 34% > 20%, 34% expect saving > 11%) Solution: • Ensuring the business case is do-able – customers, business, systems, volume driven • Managing hidden costs of implementation • Controlling the business case • Benefit realization program starts very early 9
  • 10. Final Conclusions on SSC implementation SSC Opportunity assessment Business case Organization Buy-in Planning, CRM, Transition, Key People, Communication Recruitment, Reward, Quality Quality Management, Attrition, Benefit Realization 10
  • 11. New system solutions • Flexibility vs. standardisation • One system cannot deliver best practice on all processes • Process by process approach – Financial and Supplier processes – Customer supporting processes 11
  • 12. Financial Processes - Reality check • Achieved efficiencies when first set up • Finance system was outdated and unsupported • Needed to move systems to achieve more efficiencies • Requirement for up to date technology 12
  • 13. Objectives of the project Aim to drive further efficiencies through the organisation with new finance system: • Reduced processing costs & errors • Meets local country requirements • Integration with local business systems • Standardisation • Easy to use • Improved efficiency, less cost 13
  • 14. Evaluation Key criteria for new finance system: • Not ERP • Single instance • Capability to support local countries • Latest technology but proven 14
  • 15. Evaluation Chose Financials from CODA • Latest ‘Neon’ release • Proven international capabilities • e-Procurement • Process control 15
  • 16. The Roll-out • Live Oct 2007 – Germany, Portugal • Live Jan 2008 – UK, Holland, Belgium, Luxembourg • March/April 2008 – Austria, Switzerland, France • May 2008 – Italy, Spain, European HQ (~40 entities) – Inter-company processes • Strong functional support for a year 16
  • 17. Roadmap for the Next Generation initiatives BSC Next BSC Next Generation Generation (current status) BSC Program • Benefit from labour • Is not just about the BSC • Transfer additional cost arbitrage • Improve process and service and volumes services E2E • Centre of Competence for • Combined effort by BSC continuously improving and countries service quality and • Provide a basis for increase service expanding BSC services efficiency • Build competence for • Efficient , harmonized and continuous service effectively managed E2E improvement processes • Increase Partner Satisfaction both in the countries and in the BSC 17
  • 18. Overview of the Next Generation projects Receivable • Improve Avis capability to collect outstanding debt more quickly Project and reduce cash flow and interest on payments Process Improvement Database • Increase efficiency by an automated workflow Projects Project • Improve Customer Satisfaction by improving quality of data CODA Phase II • enhancements to the current CODA version FAC Project CODA Phase II • enhancements to the current CODA version P2P Project Roles & • End to end view of back office processes. Using RACI charts at Responsibility startegic, tactical and operational levels Enabling Initiatives Training and • Define the job requirements of all key process roles, identify Skilled Res. training needs and deliver training more effectively and efficiently Quality System • Using Lean Six Sigma tools to define process quality goals & KPIs • Set up quality KPIs Process • Standard framework for process mapping and procedure Management documentation 18