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Personalizing Solutions for a Changing World



                                                                 Personalizing Solutions for
                                                                         a Changing World

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2                                                                            PAETEC IN REVIEW   3


Message    The modern economy can move from boom to
               bust and back again with little warning, while
               advancing technology can change the competitive

    From Our   landscape almost overnight.

               The only constant for anyone running a business     range of capabilities. In other words, we’ve

               or institution seems to be perpetual disruptions    worked hard to create a unique portfolio that
               and ever-more complex challenges.                   allows us to be your trusted partner and expert
                                                                   advisor. You’ll find more detail on our approach
               In this environment, data, voice, and Internet      to partnership throughout this publication, but
               communications play such a central role             I’d like to briefly highlight what I see as three
               for any business that your decision about a         of PAETEC’s most significant differentiating
               communications provider is critical. Great          characteristics: personalized solutions delivered
               communications providers serve as effective         nationwide, unmatched customer service, and
               business partners, and few partners will be         a solid financial position.
               more essential to your organization’s near-
               term survival and long-term success than the
               company you entrust with your mission-critical      Personalized Solutions,
               communications.                                     Delivered Nationwide

               For more than 10 years, PAETEC has pursued          We work nationwide to deliver reliable and
               organic growth and strategic acquisitions that go   scalable solutions for your data, voice, and
               beyond the ordinary to create an extraordinary      Internet communications across 83 of the top

4                                                                                                     PAETEC IN REVIEW   5



                                                                                                                           To ensure that we stay attuned to our                                   In 2008, our adjusted EBITDA* exceeded
                                                                                                                           customers’ experience, we have formal                                   $237.0 million, and we ended the year with
                                                                                                                           Customer Advisory Boards in 50 cities with                              $164.5 million in cash and equivalents.
                                                                                                                           over 1,000 members. We use this customer
                                                                                                                           feedback to improve operations and refine                               Ultimately, what most distinctly differentiates
                                                                                                                           our product roadmap.                                                    PAETEC is our people. Our mission is to be
                                                                                                                                                                                                   the most customer and employee-oriented
                                                                                                                           Internally, we place a tremendous emphasis                              communications provider. We go to great
                                                                                                                           on developing the PAETEC workforce so                                   lengths to solicit your opinions, and our
                                                                                                                           our people have the expertise to give you                               employees go the extra mile to respond.
    Arunas A. Chesonis                                                                                                     unmatched customer service. PCU (PAETEC
    Chairman and CEO (in his office in front of employee photo wall)                                                       Communications University) includes extensive                          The result is that our 3,600-plus employees
                                                                                                                           courses on systems, product solutions, sales                           serve as customer ambassadors, delivering
                                                                                                                           skills, and more. In 2009, for a third consecutive                     unmatched service and personalized solutions
                                                                                                                           year, our Training Department was named                                throughout the country. Our people treat all
                                                                                                                           among the top 125 international training                               of our 47,000 business-class customers as if
    100 MSAs (Metropolitan Statistical Areas) in                       I am also very excited about the launch of          organizations, according to Training magazine.                         each one was our only customer. In the end,
    the nation. Since our McLeodUSA acquisition                        fixed wireless services nationwide. PAETEC                                                                                 that’s what PAETEC is all about – personalized
    in early 2008, we’ve organically expanded                          has acquired a company with 10 years of             Also in 2009, our NOC (Network Operations                              solutions, designed for you.
    into Oregon, Maine, and Northern California                        experience using fixed wireless to supplement       Center) was named the Back-Office Customer
    including San Francisco, Oakland, San Jose,                        wireline local network access or even to bypass     Service Department of the Year in the annual                            Sincerely,
    and Sacramento.                                                    the incumbent carrier’s local network entirely.     Stevie Awards for Sales and Customer Service.
                                                                       It’s exciting to increase the depth of our one-
    We have combined elements of PAETEC’s                              stop services by offering this capability at the
    broad portfolio to create holistic solutions to                    national level.                                      Solid Financial Position                                               Arunas A. Chesonis
    the critical challenges of primary connectivity,                                                                                                                                               Chairman and CEO
    business continuity/disaster recovery, and                                                                             In a volatile economy, it is important to know
    security. In addition, we can manage key                           Unmatched Customer Service                          that PAETEC has a solid financial position.
    services end-to-end, allowing you to devote                                                                            Our revenue in 2008 exceeded $1.5 billion in
    more time to your business.                                        PAETEC operates nationally, but we think            just our 10 th year of operation, and we have
                                                                       and serve locally. One of our first major actions   been free cash flow positive* for the 24th
    PAETEC also delivers business-intelligence                         after achieving national status in 2008 was to      consecutive quarter.
    capabilities that let you accurately understand                    create a regionalized leadership structure. We
    and more effectively manage the lifecycle of                       have placed accountability for sales, order
    complex IT resources. And, we have a financing                     fulfillment, and customer service in the hands      *Adjusted EBITDA (earnings before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization) and free cash flow (adjusted EBITDA less capital
                                                                                                                            expenditures), are non-GAAP measures that are defined and reconciled to GAAP in the “Selected Financial Data” section herein.
    solution that can subsidize and even eliminate                     of four regional presidents who are committed
    your capital cost for equipment and software as                    to maintaining a positive local touch.
    part of a broader network services contract.

6                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                PAETEC IN REVIEW   7


Personalized   PAETEC’s philosophy of personalized solutions
                   for business communications is at the heart of
                   everything we do. Our people take great pride in

    Solutions      delivering the most appropriate solution built around
                   your specific needs. It begins with core offerings
                   that span data, voice, and Internet requirements.

8                                                               PAETEC IN REVIEW   9


Solutions Built for Your Needs

     Having consulted with our customers for many years, we’ve learned that businesses need
     more than a catalog of products and services. You need solutions. PAETEC has responded by
     compiling key elements of our portfolio into solutions that address specific categories of needs.

     Communications Solutions                           Managed Services Solutions
     deliver reliable and scalable products for data,   help you manage budgetary constraints and
     voice and Internet services. PAETEC tailors        limited IT resources by essentially outsourcing
     its range of primary services to enhance your      your communications needs. Wouldn’t it be
     internal and external communications.              nice to let somebody else worry about the
                                                        network so you can focus on your operations?
                                                        That’s exactly what PAETEC’s Managed Services
                                                        Solutions deliver.

     Business Continuity Solutions
     utilize PAETEC’s effective tools for disaster
     preparedness, network redundancy, and
     application recovery. These tools help             Financing Solutions
     you recover from the loss or corruption            create an opportunity for you to acquire vital
     of data, and help you keep operating               business equipment or software at little or
     during and after a disaster.                       no capital expense. PAETEC’s EFS (Equipment
                                                        for Services) program includes an innovative
                                                        profit-sharing mechanism to reduce and
                                                        subsidize capital expenses as part of an
                                                        overall network services contract.
     Security Solutions
     protect critical corporate files and               PAETEC can also make arrangements to rent
     applications, mitigate risks, and support          equipment to your business. We are responsible
     regulatory compliance.                             for equipment maintenance, monitoring, and
                                                        support for the life of the contract. When the
                                                        term expires, you can either continue to rent
                                                        the equipment, or return it and upgrade to        Lori Ewoldt, Michael Mills, Kaleb Harrison
                                                        a more advanced communications system             NOC, Cedar Rapids, IA
                                                        without facing the loss of embedded costs for
                                                        owned equipment.

10                                                                                                                                                     PAETEC IN REVIEW   11


Voice Communications.
                          Years of Experience + Innovative Thinking

                                                                      Data Services                                        data and networks while freeing up your
                                                                                                                           IT resources to focus on your business.
                                                                      Can you imagine a day without data                   Are your IT resources strained? PAETEC’s
                                                                      communications? Data networking is essential         two geographically diverse, Class-A Customer
                                                                      for every business model and every type of           Data Centers can host your applications and
                                                                      enterprise. PAETEC’s robust portfolio includes       provide flexible and secure access to your data,
                                                                      a wide variety of data solutions and applications,   freeing you from the hassle of managing your
                                                                      all designed with the strictest security and         own equipment.
                                                                      performance requirements in mind.
                                                                                                                           If reducing expenses while increasing
                                                                      Do you have multiple locations? MPLS VPN             competitiveness is what you’re after, then
                                                                      (Multi-Protocol Label Switching Virtual Private      our Dynamic IP (Internet Protocol) with SIP
                                                                      Network) can dramatically boost productivity         (Session Initiation Protocol) Trunking solution
                                                                      while helping you manage your bandwidth              set can give your business the edge you need.
                                                                      more cost-effectively.                               PAETEC’s Dynamic IP services converge data
                                                                                                                           and voice communications onto a single circuit,
                                                                      In addition, Ethernet Local Loop is a flexible,      which reduces expenses while delivering
                                                                      high-bandwidth access solution that can              IP-based flexibility and capabilities.
                                                                      support both voice and data communications.
                                                                      This proven, cost-effective technology is an
                                                                      increasingly popular access solution and can         Voice Communications
                                                                      support Dedicated Internet, MPLS VPN, and
                                                                      VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol). PAETEC          In a world of Twitter and texts, there is often
                                                                      offers bandwidth over Ethernet Local Loop            no substitute for the sound of a human voice.
                                                                      that ranges from 10 Mbps to 1,000 Mbps.              PAETEC’s voice services include local, long
                                                                                                                           distance, and toll-free services. Whether you
                                                                      Are you worried about malicious hackers?             choose traditional voice or next-generation
                                                                      Managed CPE (Customer Premises                       VoIP services, we deliver world-class quality
                                                                      Equipment) Firewall with UTM (Unified                built upon our own vast industry expertise and
                                                                      Threat Management) protects corporate                the leading technology of our partners.

     Marc Cross
     Central Office, Cedar Rapids, IA

12                                                                                                                                                           PAETEC IN REVIEW   13


Many businesses will find PAETEC’s Advanced        Of course, if you would rather speak with          fiber network to extend our point-of-presence to      Our next-generation facilities are only part
     Toll-Free services particularly useful. This       someone at PAETEC, give us a call. We answer       another location that does have a clear line to the   of the story though. Combined with our full
     service offers 32 distinct features that include   customer calls with a live person, typically       customer’s building. PAETEC wireless solutions        suite of managed professional services,
     Advanced Routing (including time of day            within 20 seconds.                                 are also ideal for campus settings that require       including advanced monitoring of device
     and geographic routing), hosted Integrated                                                            high-bandwidth point-to-point connections             and application performance, data backup
     Voice Response functionality, and Online                                                              between buildings in a private network.               and recovery services, and comprehensive
     management and report tools to boost your          Fixed Wireless                                                                                           24 x 7 x 365 monitoring, you can rest easy
     marketing efforts. This not only helps you                                                                                                                  knowing that dedicated PAETEC personal
     efficiently manage workflows, it also supports     In 2008, PAETEC acquired MPX, a New York-          Data Center Services                                  are always monitoring your data.
     business continuity in the event of a disaster.    based company with 10 years of experience
                                                        in licensed fixed wireless system engineering      PAETEC Data Centers are home to many
     PAETEC’s commitment to personalization             and field integrations. In 2009, we are taking     of the largest Web properties and business
     doesn’t end with core services. Our portfolio      these capabilities nationwide.                     collocation facilities in the nation. Built for
     delivers powerful options that include our                                                            the most demanding of customers, our data
     PAETEC Online customer portal, Fixed               We use carrier-grade microwave equipment           centers provide a secure environment to
     Wireless, telecom management software,             and consultative engineering to build reliable     develop your business continuity and hosting
     equipment, and consulting.                         “last-mile” access loops between your facility     needs, eliminating the need to build and
                                                        and a local PAETEC point-of-presence. We can       maintain your own private data center.
                                                        provision your wireless local loops at speeds
     PAETEC Online                                      ranging from DS-3 to Gigabit Ethernet, which       Robust and dedicated Internet access on our
                                                        will support the full range of voice and IP        IP backbone, a combination of both public and
     To give you greater control of your                services in our portfolio.                         private Internet peering arrangement, and SAS
     communications services, PAETEC Online                                                                70 Type II certification means you never have
     offers a new world of proactive partnership.       The benefits are many. Fixed Wireless provides     to worry about your business-critical data.
     Think of it as an online customer service          complete physical infrastructure diversity to
     representative that securely provides              better ensure your ability to operate during       When it’s time to take your business to the next
     information, account management, and               and after a catastrophe. You could even totally    level, PAETEC data centers provide the flexible
     problem resolution from any Internet-              bypass the local wired network if you choose.      solutions to let you grow your business. PAETEC
     connected computer. This free capability           Customers have also benefited from leveraging      offers a variety of cabinet rack space solutions
     allows you to directly add and change features,    PAETEC’s fiber network in tandem with Fixed        or custom cages built to your specifications, all
     review bills and payment history, and even         Wireless facilities. In cases where customer       housed within our secured facilities with best-
     view the status of your trouble tickets. In        facilities were in obscured locations, without     in-class fire suppression, power coverage, and
     addition, you can use PAETEC Online to analyze     a direct line-of-site to the wireless equipment,   redundant network connectivity.
     your service usage patterns, spot trends before    PAETEC has been able to use our extensive
     they become problems, and plan for growth.

14                                                                                                                                                                                                PAETEC IN REVIEW   15



     Fixed Wireless Case Study:

     New York University Langone Medical Center        Building a private fiber network would involve     As NYULMC has grown and its communications
     (NYULMC) is among the world’s premier             significant right-of-way challenges in addition    needs have evolved, the center has repeatedly
     centers for healthcare, biomedical research,      to being very costly and technically complex.      chosen PAETEC Fixed Wireless to deliver
     and medical education. And with 10,000 people     The best alternative, Bridgeman concluded,         a personalized solution:
     on staff, the institution is one of New York      was a licensed fixed wireless system that
     City’s largest employers.                         would deliver high reliability without the         ƒ   PAETEC connected the Hospital for
                                                       risk of interference from neighboring                  Joint Diseases with a remote facility
     As the center steadily expanded in size and       wireless networks.                                     on 2nd Avenue. This link provided
     scope, Director of IT Charles Bridgeman faced                                                            155 Mbps connectivity over a Gigabit
     a tremendous recurring challenge to upgrade       He turned to PAETEC for a fixed wireless               Ethernet interface.
     the center’s multi-site network infrastructure.   system that delivered 100 Mbps Ethernet for
     Crunch time came when the center began            data, with incremental T-1 circuits for voice to   ƒ   The center installed a Gigabit Ethernet
     moving functions into leased facilities remote    a remote facility on Park Avenue. The PAETEC           link between the Rusk Institute on First
     from its main “Superblock” Manhattan              engineering team worked with Bridgeman                 Avenue and offices on 34th Street.
     campus. Bridgeman recognized the need             throughout the design and implementation
     for more data capacity, and he wanted the         stages. The PAETEC team determined the             ƒ    PAETEC extended the Rusk Institute’s
     flexibility to incorporate voice services.        physical installation requirements at each              LAN (Local Area Network) to a medical
                                                       building, and also handled all aspects of               practice office across the street.
                                                       FCC licensing on NYULMC’s behalf. After
                                                       installation, PAETEC configured the system         ƒ    PAETEC deployed a Gigabit Ethernet link
                                                       interfaces to operate the link within the               between the Rusk Institute and the Day
                                                       center’s broader network.                               Surgery and Musculoskeletal Center
                                                                                                               on East 38 th Street.
                                                       “As soon as we put the microwave link
                                                        into service, our staff noticed a significant     ƒ   Another Gigabit link went live between
                                                       ‘quickening’ of the network,” Bridgeman said.          Skirball Institute and 32nd street.
                                                       “We felt like we had our own private fiber line,
                                                        but without any of the associated headaches.”      Incorporating fixed wireless transport has
                                                                                                           improved communications service for end
                                                       The center also contracted with PAETEC for          users, reduced operating costs for the
                                                       comprehensive maintenance, emergency                institution, and enhanced the delivery of quality
                                                       response, and remote monitoring services            care to patients. “The research, clinical, and
                                                       where technicians proactively communicate           administrative groups we support are happy
                                                       with Bridgeman’s team in the event of               with the results they see,” Bridgeman said.
                                                       any service issue.                                 “It’s a winning scenario all around.”
     Charles Bridgeman
     Director of IT, NYU Langone Medical Center

16                                                                                                                                           PAETEC IN REVIEW   17



                                                                                                               Network Design,
                                                                                                               Deployment & Equipment

     PINNACLE Software                                     Allworx 9224, a premier high-fidelity wideband
                                                           IP phone, as well as Allworx’s next-generation of
     The PINNACLE Communications Management                communications system software.
     Suite established new standards for usability,
     flexibility, and integration opportunities in 2008    Allworx systems support both traditional and
     with the release of PINNACLE Communications           VoIP telephone services, providing a “future-
     Management Suite V6.                                  proof” solution that allows customers to
                                                           manage their transition to VoIP at their own
     PINNACLE simplifies and automates IT                  pace. With Allworx, you receive all the business
     lifecycle management by integrating                   productivity enhancements, cost savings, and
     Telecom Expense Management, Service                   flexibility of VoIP with no risk of disruption to
     Management, Operations Management,                    your business.
     and Regulatory Compliance into a single,
     platform-independent framework.
                                                           Network Design, Deployment
     The more complex your network, the more               & Equipment
     opportunities you will have to save money and
     increase efficiency. PINNACLE V6 helps our            PAETEC also is a certified partner with Cisco,
     customers capitalize on those opportunities by        Nortel, Avaya, and ADTRAN. Through these
     incorporating interactive user-friendly business      established relationships, we offer business
     intelligence analytics, context-sensitive multi-      telephone systems, voicemail, voice and data
     media training materials, and a fully customizable    cabling, IP applications and services, routers,
     user interface that will allow your organization to   and turnkey cabling solutions to businesses
     do things that were never before possible.            of all sizes.

                                                           Our dedicated technical and engineering
     Allworx                                               personnel are ready to help you through every
                                                           step of creating a new network or upgrading
     Winning Internet Telephony’s Product of the Year      your current facilities. Our support includes
     for the 3rd consecutive year was just the start       project management, staging, configuration,
     for Allworx, which PAETEC acquired in 2007 as         physical installation, and end-to-end testing.
     a wholly owned subsidiary. The award-winning          After installation, we can partner with you to
     communications platform that PAETEC acquired          monitor and manage your network.
     would go on to win Product of the Year from
     Communications Solutions, receive recognition         Quite simply, PAETEC is your one-stop shop
     and accolades from industry heavyweights such         for everything from sales and service to            Timothy Brotzman
     as Texas Instruments, and bring to market the         installation, maintenance, and management.          Senior Manager, Database Applications, Rochester, NY

18                                                                                                                                                                                PAETEC IN REVIEW   19


“IP” refers to an efficient and flexible technology   All signature and patch updates are delivered
                                                                            for transporting data, voice, and video.             automatically to ensure that you always have
                                                                            PAETEC’s IP services are carried on our private      the most recent network protection.
                                                                            network, not the public Internet. This adds an
                                                                            important level of security compared with many        Both services are designed to protect
                                                                            IP services for business on the market. But           business-class customers from malicious
                                                                            private network facilities are just the beginning     Internet attacks and network-security
                                                                            of our approach to ensuring your security.            anomalies. And multi-location customers
                                                                                                                                  can deploy Managed CPE Firewall and
                                                                           PAETEC has created UTM services that deliver           Hosted Firewall together to create layered,
                                                                           comprehensive Internet security solutions.            “defense in depth” network security for
                                                                           These include Hosted Firewall, as well as              dispersed locations.
                                                                           Managed CPE Firewall.
                                                                                                                                 Customers have told us that Internet security
                                                                           Hosted Firewall is ideal for multi-site               is extremely complex and time-consuming.
     John Chapman                                                          customers. It keeps your corporate assets             In response, we developed the hosted and
     Senior Vice President, Marketing                                      and customer information secure, which is             managed firewall solutions, which allow you
                                                                           essential given the increasingly stringent            to devote your IT resources to building your
                                                                           regulatory requirements for data security.            business while PAETEC protects your vital
                                                                           PAETEC’s Hosted Firewall solution resides             data and assets.
                                                                           within our network rather than at your location.
     IP services have become mainstream, but not all IP service            Since we “host” your firewall, you are free to
                                                                           devote more resources and time to your core
     providers are created equally. For starters, it’s important to know   business operations.

     that using IP technology does not necessarily mean you have to        For single-site customers, Managed CPE
                                                                           Firewall delivers robust security while
     entrust your business to the public Internet. In fact, relying on     eliminating the need for you to purchase and
                                                                           maintain the multiple appliances, servers, and
     the Internet can expose your business to serious and                  software needed for an in-house solution.

     unnecessary risks.

20                                                                                                                                                                  PAETEC IN REVIEW   21



     Allworx                                              None of the company’s 85 employees had
                                                          voicemail at work. There was no option for
                                                          offices to call each other through extension
                                                          dialing. And requesting maintenance and
                                                                                                             The installation also provides “soft phone”
                                                                                                             service, which lets traveling employees use
                                                                                                             the Allworx system to make calls through
                                                                                                             a laptop computer.

                                                          repair was a challenge because it involved
                                                          multiple service technicians from diverse          “The Allworx system is very user-friendly,
                                                          equipment providers. In 2007, Carlton Scale’s       and it is a really wonderful system,” said
                                                          new president decided it was time for a unified     Carlton Scale’s President, Chris Trevey.
                                                          communications system.                             “I suggest that anyone go and try it. The
                                                                                                              system has so much functionality, and
                                                          The company sought help from Hayes &                it is so easy to set up conference calls.”
     PAETEC MPLS CASE STUDY:                              Associates, a communications equipment
                                                          and network reseller based in a nearby             The new communications system was just the
     CARLTON SCALE                                        city. Fortunately, the head of Hayes had           beginning of benefits for Carlton Scale. The
                                                          recently discovered and installed an Allworx       company also decided to move its managed
     Carlton Scale distributes and services industrial    communications system and allowed Carlton          communications services from AT&T to
     scales from its headquarters in Greensboro, NC,      Scale to connect to his Allworx system for         PAETEC’s MPLS network. This lets employees
     and seven branch locations in North Carolina,        a test drive.                                      securely access company data from virtually
     Tennessee, Virginia, and Maryland. Until recently,                                                      anywhere. It also prioritizes voice traffic to
     each office of the 60-plus year old company had      It didn’t take long for Carlton Scale to decide    better ensure that customers can stay in
     a different phone system.                            that Allworx was an excellent and cost-            touch with the company, and that company
                                                          effective choice. Today, the company uses the      employees can stay in contact with each other.
                                                          flagship Allworx 24x system at its corporate
                                                          headquarters and has Allworx 6x systems at         Allworx systems can be personalized to meet
                                                          all branch locations. In addition to this core     the specific needs of any business. And the
                                                          equipment, Carlton Scale purchased 86              systems offer built-in flexibility and scalability
                                                          Allworx office phones.                             to accommodate new communications
                                                                                                             requirements as a business grows.
                                                          Productivity has increased because every
                                                          employee now has voicemail as well as three-
                                                          digit, desktop-to-desktop dialing to all sites.
                                                          Among many other features, staff members
                                                          can forward incoming calls to their cell phones,
                                                          which means customers can be served more
                                                          quickly and efficiently.
     Chris Trevey
     President, Carlton Scale

22                                                                                                                                               PAETEC IN REVIEW   23


Our Network

                                         WORLD-REACH                                                                                                                                                                                                           Canada

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Albany                        Boston
                                                                                                                                                                Minneapolis / St. Paul                                                                                                  Rochester         Syracuse                  Worcester
                                                                                              Boise                                                                                                                                                                                                       Poughkeepsie
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Buffalo                                               Bridgeport / Hartford / New Haven
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Milwaukee                               Detroit                           Bethlehem
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Cleveland                                            New York
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Conshohocken                                      WORLD-REACH
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Harrisburg             Philadelphia           Europe
                                                                                                                                                                                          Cedar Rapids               Chicago
                                                                                                              Salt Lake City                                                                                                                                                            Pittsburgh
                                                                                                                                                                                  Des Moines                                                                         Columbus                                        Baltimore                     WORLD-REACH
                                                               Sacramento                                                                                           Omaha
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Indianapolis Dayton
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Washington, DC                      Africa
                                          San Francisco                                                                        Denver
                                                            San Jose                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Richmond
                                                                                                                                                                          Kansas City               St. Louis                                         Louisville                                                        Norfolk
                                                                                                                                             Colorado Springs

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Greensboro               Raleigh
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Chattanooga                            Charlotte
                                                                             San Bernardino                                                                                                                                                                                     Greenville
                                                               Oxnard                                                                                                                                           Memphis
                                                          Los Angeles                                                          Albuquerque                                                                                                                                               Columbia

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Atlanta Augusta                 Charleston
                                                                                                        Phoenix                                                                                                                 Birmingham
                                                                 San Diego
                                        Paci c Rim (Oceana)                                                Tucson                                                                  Dallas / Ft. Worth

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Mobile                                            Jacksonville

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Daytona Beach
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Baton Rouge
                                                                                      WORLD-REACH                                                                        Austin

                                                                                      Central America                                                                San Antonio
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                New Orleans                                                          Orlando

                                                                                                                                                                                           Houston                                                                                           Lakeland     Palm Bay
                                                                                      WORLD-REACH                                                                                                                                                                                                              West Palm Beach
                                                                                      South America                                                                                                                                                                             Sarasota
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Ft. Myers

                                                IP NETWORK                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Miami

                                                FIBER NETWORK

                                                LOCAL SERVICE AREA

                                                PAETEC POINT OF PRESENCE

                                                LONG DISTANCE SERVICE AVAILABLE NATIONWIDE

                                       Our Products

                                       DATA                                                                VOICE                                                            Consulting                                                                                          Financing
                                       Data                                                                Voice                                                            ƒ Network Diversity                                                                                 ƒ Equipment for Services
                                       ƒ MPLS VPN                                                          ƒ Local                                                            Engineering                                                                                       ƒ Equipment Rental
                                       ƒ Managed Router                                                    ƒ Long Distance                                                  ƒ Toll-Free Routing                                                                                 ƒ Software for Services
                                         Support                                                           ƒ Toll-Free                                                        Consultation
                                       ƒ Dedicated Internet                                                ƒ Advanced Toll-Free
                                          Access                                                           ƒ Advantage Business                                             EQUIPMENT                                                                                           APPLICATIONS
                                                                                                             Lines                                                          CPE                                                                                                 ƒ PINNACLE
                                       Transport/Access                                                    ƒ Direct Trunk Overflow                                          ƒ IP Phone Systems                                                                                    Communications
                                       ƒ Ethernet Local Loop                                               ƒ Managed Fraud                                                  ƒ Routers                                                                                             Management Suite
                                       ƒ Private Line                                                        Protection                                                     ƒ Integrated Access                                                                                 ƒ Hosted Broadcast
                                       ƒ Fixed Wireless                                                                                                                       Devices                                                                                             Notification
                                                                                                           VoIP                                                             ƒ Media Gateways
                                       Security                                                            ƒ Dynamic IP                                                                                                                                                         DATA CENTER
                                       ƒ Hosted E-mail Security                                            ƒ Hosted IP Telephony                                            Consulting                                                                                          ƒ Colocation Services
                                       ƒ Hosted Web Security                                                                                                                ƒ Network Engineering                                                                               ƒ Data Backup &
                                       ƒ Hosted Firewall                                                   Conferencing                                                       Consultation                                                                                        Recovery
                                       ƒ Managed CPE Firewall                                              ƒ Audio Conferencing                                             ƒ Hardware Maintenance                                                                              ƒ Dedicated Hosted
                                                                                                           ƒ Web Conferencing                                                 Support                                                                                             Server
     Paul Bunting, Rachel Greene
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ƒ Shared Web Hosting
     Customer Care, Cedar Rapids, IA

24                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     PAETEC IN REVIEW                                 25


Our       PAETEC’s national network is the result of
               aggressive organic expansion combined
               with strategic acquisitions made over more

     Network   than a decade.

               Today, our network includes 88 circuit-based
               switches, 32 IP-based soft switches, 107
                                                              The compelling part of this story, though, is
                                                              how we’ve assembled and configured these
               backbone routers, and 19,000 route miles of    network elements to support personalized
               fiber. These network elements are monitored    solutions in all of our markets across the
               by three geographically diverse NOCs.          United States. In October of 2008 – just seven
                                                              months after the McLeodUSA acquisition
                                                              added 26 major markets in 20 states – PAETEC
                                                              announced the successful unification of
                                                              previously separate network facilities to
                                                              create an integrated data network across the
                                                              company’s national footprint.

                                                              This milestone established the platform we
                                                              used to deploy an integrated product portfolio
                                                              available to new customers nationwide. We
                                                              also used our own internal resources to develop
                                                              a single view for Network Management across
                                                              our facilities to enhance our own monitoring
                                                              and trouble-resolution capabilities.

                                                              As part of our commitment to building and
               Customer Care Call Center                      developing world-class, next-generation
               Charlotte, NC                                  communications networks, we have partnered

26                                                                                             PAETEC IN REVIEW   27



                                     with leading technology providers including        expensive to install, maintain, and operate.
                                     Cisco, GENBAND, Alcatel-Lucent, and Juniper.       PAETEC understands how challenging this
                                     We expect these and other key partners to push     can be for you. Our proven solutions help
                                     the boundaries of technology and flexibility       your business achieve maximum efficiency
                                     and to help us deliver unparalleled reliability,   and productivity whether you choose next-
                                     availability, and serviceability.                  generation capabilities, traditional technologies,
                                                                                        or a mix of both.
                                     Through our relationships with these and other
                                     strategic technology companies, we have
                                     been able to streamline our operations while
                                     helping you simultaneously keep a sharp watch
                                     on expenses and maintaining our quality of
                                     customer service.

                                     Our network is supported and monitored
                                     24 x 7 x 365 in our state-of-the-art NOCs.
                                     Our NOC technicians are certified through
                                     a rigorous program with four levels of
                                     proficiency. This career progression program
                                     means you can rest assured that your business
                                     is getting the attention it deserves from
                                     experts who care about your business.

                                     As technology’s evolution continues, traditional   Pete Hagstrom
                                     voice networks have become increasingly            NOC, Cedar Rapids, IA

     Jason Fava
     NOC Technician, Charlotte, NC

28                                                                                                                         PAETEC IN REVIEW   29


SIP Trunking converges data, voice, and             Other benefits of choosing PAETEC include:
                                                                        Internet communications onto a single
                                                                        high-speed, IP circuit. This creates                ƒ VoIP-to-TDM conversion provided within
                                                                        a powerful, yet flexible foundation for               PAETEC’s network.
                                                                        advanced communications capabilities.
                                                                                                                            ƒ Expanded free local calling areas.
                                                                        We offer SIP Trunking nationwide, which
                                                                        frees multi-site customers from developing          ƒ Site-to-site voice and data sharing that
                                                                        patchwork solutions that involve multiple             is securely isolated from the public Internet.
                                                                        carriers for networking across diverse locations.
                                                                        In addition, PAETEC delivers SIP Trunking           You also have multiple options for certified
                                                                        features across both modern IP platforms            interoperable IP/PBX equipment from numerous
                                                                        as well as traditional TDM (Time Division           world-class vendors including Cisco, Toshiba,
                                                                        Multiplexing) network technology. You can           Allworx, and others. Certifying the interoperability
                                                                        make the jump to an IP PBX (Private Branch          of communications equipment and IP networks
     Sanjay Hiranandani                                                 Exchange) with a native IP connection, or           makes it easier for you to achieve the full benefits
     Senior Vice President, Engineering                                 you can choose an Integrated Access Device          of advanced communications capabilities.
                                                                        that can work with your legacy PBXs
                                                                        or key systems.                                     Telephony magazine has selected PAETEC’s
                                                                                                                            Dynamic IP with SIP Trunking as the industry’s
                                                                        We also use compression techniques that can         Most Innovative Product in 2008. In judging
     Many companies offer IP services, but PAETEC has built our IP      significantly increase the number of high-quality   PAETEC against telecom and cable companies,
                                                                        voice circuits within a single T-1 compared with    wireless service providers, and a host of niche
     capabilities with the express purpose of giving you maximum        traditional PRIs (Primary Rate Interfaces).         communications companies, Telephony Editor-
                                                                                                                            in-Chief Carol Wilson said, “The judges were
     flexibility. For example, with SIP Trunking from PAETEC, you       In addition, our QoS (Quality of Service)           impressed not just by this service but also by what
                                                                        capabilities instantly adjust your bandwidth        PAETEC delivers to its customers in support of SIP
     can choose the bandwidth that truly meets your requirements,       allocation as your business needs change            Trunking. In this instance, they are innovating in
                                                                        dynamically throughout the day. Voice signals       the way they deploy SIP Trunking.”
     ranging from a T-1 to Gigabit Ethernet. And, we offer numerous     receive instant priority over data to ensure
                                                                        high-quality voice services when you need           Another judge, Cindy Whelan of Current Analysis,
     features to address security, connectivity, business continuity,   them. Yet when no voice traffic is present,         said, “Where PAETEC shines against these
                                                                        all of your available bandwidth can be              competitors is in its focus on customer service.”
     and other critical business issues.                                used for data.

30                                                                                                                                                             PAETEC IN REVIEW    31



     Integration   “Integration” is an important and far-reaching
                    concept at PAETEC.

                   We offer integrated voice and data                  many competitors rely on disparate customer-
                   communications to cost-effectively increase         billing systems, PAETEC’s creation of a single
                   your organization’s productivity. We partner        platform for all customers nationwide should
                   with you as an integrated provider that can meet    increase our internal efficiency, as well as our
                   diverse needs that include communications           external flexibility to serve your evolving needs.
                   services and equipment; network design,
                   installation, and management; and software          A huge milestone came less than a year after
                   that allows you to expertly manage the full         we acquired McLeodUSA, when we announced
                   lifecycle of complex IT resources. And, we have     an integrated product portfolio available in
                   incorporated the ability to help you finance        all of our markets. PAETEC is now one of the
                   capital purchases as part of your network           few carriers that offers a consistent product
                   services contract.                                  portfolio nationally, and all new customers
                                                                       receive a single invoice even if they have sites
                   Integration also refers to PAETEC’s unusually       in multiple regions of the country.
                   aggressive approach to creating unified national
                   operations and capabilities from our diverse        To enhance the speed and accuracy of
                   acquisitions and organic growth strategy. This      customer service, we created a common
                   aspect of “integration” is significant, because     customer database for former US LEC and
                   PAETEC essentially tripled our revenue and          PAETEC customers. McLeodUSA customers will
                   geographic reach through the acquisitions of        be incorporated into this database as quickly
                   US LEC in 2007 and McLeodUSA in 2008.               as possible. The key value here is that once an
                   Effective integration processes are how we are      account representative updates information
                   ensuring customers benefit from this dramatic       in one system, the change automatically flows
                   expansion just as much as the company does.         through to our other systems including billing.

                   For example, the last critical step in the          As we continue to develop and integrate
                   integration of US LEC began in the fall of          new markets and capabilities, we remain
                   2008 when we announced plans to unify the           focused on putting the right tools into
                   PAETEC and former US LEC billing systems.           the hands of the right people – people
                   We expect to complete this project in early 2010,   who are dedicated to delivering the best
                   and intend to convert the McLeodUSA billing         and most personalized service in the
                   system within the following 12 months. While        communications industry.

32                                                                                                       PAETEC IN REVIEW   33


The fundamental key to our success is instilling   Unmatched Service
                                                                                                PAETEC’s culture throughout our national
                                                                                                operations. And, our culture is based on four      PAETEC does not pretend to be perfect.
                                                                                                core values that have guided our people since      No company is. But we do pledge to give
                                                                                                the company’s inception:                           our customers the best service in the
                                                                                                                                                   telecommunications industry. In addition to
                                                                                                                                                   things we learn from talking with customers,
                                                                                                Caring Culture                                     we also measure ourselves through the
                                                                                                                                                   rigorous process of NPS (Net Promoter Score).
                                                                                                PAETEC cares about you and the local               We use NPS as a valuable tool to measure our
                                                                                                communities where we both live and work.           service against competitors. It’s one more way
                                                                                                We know that current conditions have created       that we evaluate our performance with the goal
                                                                                                major challenges for non-profit agencies           of ensuring your satisfaction.
                                                                                                and institutions. To help these organizations
                                                                                                maintain the vital community services they
                                                                         Sharon LaMantia        provide, PAETEC is making network services         Personalized Solutions
                                                 Executive Vice President, Network Operations   available to non-profit groups at approximately
                                                                                                half price for two years. Another aspect of        We design and deliver solutions tailored to
                                                                                                caring culture is PAETEC’s corporate-wide          your specific situation and needs. Then we go
                                                                                                Green Team, which is working diligently to         beyond expectations in order to build a long-
                                                                                                reduce our impact on the environment.              lasting relationship with your organization.
     The common denominator underlying the many facets of                                                                                          For instance, when a PAETEC customer calls
                                                                                                                                                   one of our contact centers, we answer with a
     “integration” within PAETEC is our people. Before we begin the                             Open Communication                                 live person, typically within 20 seconds. We do
                                                                                                                                                   not force PAETEC customers into an automated
     process of integrating systems, product portfolios, or network                             From Customer Advisory Boards to open-doors        answering system, because your call is really
                                                                                                throughout the company, we rely on frank and       important to us!
     elements and capabilities, our first priority is to integrate our                          honest communications to help us constantly
                                                                                                improve our ability to serve you.                  Living up to these values has led our people
     people. Our goal is to create a cohesive team that cares just                                                                                 to take extraordinary actions to serve your
                                                                                                                                                   business and our communities.
     as much about your business as you do.

34                                                                                                                                                                                  PAETEC IN REVIEW   35


The Road   When you think about your business, what do you
                need from your communications solutions provider?
                More importantly, what do you want? What will your

     Ahead      business need next year, and five years after that?

                Since our founding in 1998, PAETEC has been
                asking customers questions just like these.
                                                                  recovery, as well as new offerings,
                                                                  including virtual servers and Software
                We then use that information to refine our        as a Service (SaaS).
                processes and develop our product roadmap.
                                                                  We will continue to integrate acquired
                On PAETEC’s road ahead, we will continue          companies to fully deliver the benefits of a
                turbo-charging our network services including     single, contiguous company. By leveraging
                our MPLS VPN, VoIP, Fixed Wireless, data          our national network, nationwide reach, and
                centers, security, and managed service            unified systems, our benchmark customer
                offerings. Our unique combination of assets       support will become ever better. We expect
                are designed to be there for your expanding       to continue expanding organically into new
                communications needs as your business             major markets. Building on our current reach
                succeeds and grows.                               into 83 of the top 100 largest US MSAs, we are
                                                                  exploring new organic expansions in areas
                Additionally, over the next three years we’re     such as Las Vegas, Cincinnati, and Tulsa.
                expanding our data centers nationally to better
                serve your business. These data centers will      Over time, we plan to steadily increase our
                have “in the cloud” product portfolio which       on-net, last-mile connectivity, whether it’s
                include web hosting services, data backup and     using our fiber network assets or our ability

36                                                                                                  PAETEC IN REVIEW   37



                                                 to deliver fixed wireless local access anywhere   And that is ultimately the sweet spot of
                                                 in the country, providing more cost-effective     PAETEC’s business model. We work hard
                                                 options for our customers.                        to treat customers the way customers want
                                                                                                   to be treated.
                                                 In 2008, PAETEC began serving businesses
                                                 as an independent energy advisor, currently       In a world where communications technology is
                                                 limited to our markets in upstate New York.       constantly changing and competitive pressures
                                                 Building on expertise we gained through a         are increasingly intense and global, PAETEC
                                                 recent acquisition, we help customers find        will continue to take the time to understand
                                                 innovative and flexible energy services that      your business. Our goal is to give customers
                                                 include renewable as well as traditional          personalized solutions and unmatched
                                                 sources of energy.                                customer service, both today and through
                                                                                                   whatever changes the future might bring.
                                                 In the years to come, as we continue expanding
                                                 our geographic reach and our ability to help
                                                 customers succeed, PAETEC fully expects to
                                                 become a Fortune 500 company. We believe
                                                 this will happen because the market ultimately
                                                 will prove that customers want a company
                                                 that cares.

     Daidre Fanis
     Senior Director, Customer Solutions
     National Customer Advisory Board Meeting,
     Charlotte, NC

38                                                                                                                                PAETEC IN REVIEW   39


PAETEC In Review


PAETEC In Review


PAETEC In Review


PAETEC In Review


PAETEC In Review

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PAETEC In Review

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  • 3. Message The modern economy can move from boom to bust and back again with little warning, while advancing technology can change the competitive From Our landscape almost overnight. The only constant for anyone running a business range of capabilities. In other words, we’ve CEO: or institution seems to be perpetual disruptions worked hard to create a unique portfolio that and ever-more complex challenges. allows us to be your trusted partner and expert advisor. You’ll find more detail on our approach In this environment, data, voice, and Internet to partnership throughout this publication, but communications play such a central role I’d like to briefly highlight what I see as three for any business that your decision about a of PAETEC’s most significant differentiating communications provider is critical. Great characteristics: personalized solutions delivered communications providers serve as effective nationwide, unmatched customer service, and business partners, and few partners will be a solid financial position. more essential to your organization’s near- term survival and long-term success than the company you entrust with your mission-critical Personalized Solutions, communications. Delivered Nationwide For more than 10 years, PAETEC has pursued We work nationwide to deliver reliable and organic growth and strategic acquisitions that go scalable solutions for your data, voice, and beyond the ordinary to create an extraordinary Internet communications across 83 of the top 4 PAETEC IN REVIEW 5
  • 4. MESSAGE FROM OUR CEO To ensure that we stay attuned to our In 2008, our adjusted EBITDA* exceeded customers’ experience, we have formal $237.0 million, and we ended the year with Customer Advisory Boards in 50 cities with $164.5 million in cash and equivalents. over 1,000 members. We use this customer feedback to improve operations and refine Ultimately, what most distinctly differentiates our product roadmap. PAETEC is our people. Our mission is to be the most customer and employee-oriented Internally, we place a tremendous emphasis communications provider. We go to great on developing the PAETEC workforce so lengths to solicit your opinions, and our our people have the expertise to give you employees go the extra mile to respond. Arunas A. Chesonis unmatched customer service. PCU (PAETEC Chairman and CEO (in his office in front of employee photo wall) Communications University) includes extensive The result is that our 3,600-plus employees courses on systems, product solutions, sales serve as customer ambassadors, delivering skills, and more. In 2009, for a third consecutive unmatched service and personalized solutions year, our Training Department was named throughout the country. Our people treat all among the top 125 international training of our 47,000 business-class customers as if 100 MSAs (Metropolitan Statistical Areas) in I am also very excited about the launch of organizations, according to Training magazine. each one was our only customer. In the end, the nation. Since our McLeodUSA acquisition fixed wireless services nationwide. PAETEC that’s what PAETEC is all about – personalized in early 2008, we’ve organically expanded has acquired a company with 10 years of Also in 2009, our NOC (Network Operations solutions, designed for you. into Oregon, Maine, and Northern California experience using fixed wireless to supplement Center) was named the Back-Office Customer including San Francisco, Oakland, San Jose, wireline local network access or even to bypass Service Department of the Year in the annual Sincerely, and Sacramento. the incumbent carrier’s local network entirely. Stevie Awards for Sales and Customer Service. It’s exciting to increase the depth of our one- We have combined elements of PAETEC’s stop services by offering this capability at the broad portfolio to create holistic solutions to national level. Solid Financial Position Arunas A. Chesonis the critical challenges of primary connectivity, Chairman and CEO business continuity/disaster recovery, and In a volatile economy, it is important to know security. In addition, we can manage key Unmatched Customer Service that PAETEC has a solid financial position. services end-to-end, allowing you to devote Our revenue in 2008 exceeded $1.5 billion in more time to your business. PAETEC operates nationally, but we think just our 10 th year of operation, and we have and serve locally. One of our first major actions been free cash flow positive* for the 24th PAETEC also delivers business-intelligence after achieving national status in 2008 was to consecutive quarter. capabilities that let you accurately understand create a regionalized leadership structure. We and more effectively manage the lifecycle of have placed accountability for sales, order complex IT resources. And, we have a financing fulfillment, and customer service in the hands *Adjusted EBITDA (earnings before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization) and free cash flow (adjusted EBITDA less capital expenditures), are non-GAAP measures that are defined and reconciled to GAAP in the “Selected Financial Data” section herein. solution that can subsidize and even eliminate of four regional presidents who are committed your capital cost for equipment and software as to maintaining a positive local touch. part of a broader network services contract. 6 PAETEC IN REVIEW 7
  • 5. Personalized PAETEC’s philosophy of personalized solutions for business communications is at the heart of everything we do. Our people take great pride in Solutions delivering the most appropriate solution built around your specific needs. It begins with core offerings that span data, voice, and Internet requirements. 8 PAETEC IN REVIEW 9
  • 6. Solutions Built for Your Needs Having consulted with our customers for many years, we’ve learned that businesses need more than a catalog of products and services. You need solutions. PAETEC has responded by compiling key elements of our portfolio into solutions that address specific categories of needs. Communications Solutions Managed Services Solutions deliver reliable and scalable products for data, help you manage budgetary constraints and voice and Internet services. PAETEC tailors limited IT resources by essentially outsourcing its range of primary services to enhance your your communications needs. Wouldn’t it be internal and external communications. nice to let somebody else worry about the network so you can focus on your operations? That’s exactly what PAETEC’s Managed Services Solutions deliver. Business Continuity Solutions utilize PAETEC’s effective tools for disaster preparedness, network redundancy, and application recovery. These tools help Financing Solutions you recover from the loss or corruption create an opportunity for you to acquire vital of data, and help you keep operating business equipment or software at little or during and after a disaster. no capital expense. PAETEC’s EFS (Equipment for Services) program includes an innovative profit-sharing mechanism to reduce and subsidize capital expenses as part of an overall network services contract. Security Solutions protect critical corporate files and PAETEC can also make arrangements to rent applications, mitigate risks, and support equipment to your business. We are responsible regulatory compliance. for equipment maintenance, monitoring, and support for the life of the contract. When the term expires, you can either continue to rent the equipment, or return it and upgrade to Lori Ewoldt, Michael Mills, Kaleb Harrison a more advanced communications system NOC, Cedar Rapids, IA without facing the loss of embedded costs for owned equipment. 10 PAETEC IN REVIEW 11
  • 7. Voice Communications. Years of Experience + Innovative Thinking Data Services data and networks while freeing up your IT resources to focus on your business. Can you imagine a day without data Are your IT resources strained? PAETEC’s communications? Data networking is essential two geographically diverse, Class-A Customer for every business model and every type of Data Centers can host your applications and enterprise. PAETEC’s robust portfolio includes provide flexible and secure access to your data, a wide variety of data solutions and applications, freeing you from the hassle of managing your all designed with the strictest security and own equipment. performance requirements in mind. If reducing expenses while increasing Do you have multiple locations? MPLS VPN competitiveness is what you’re after, then (Multi-Protocol Label Switching Virtual Private our Dynamic IP (Internet Protocol) with SIP Network) can dramatically boost productivity (Session Initiation Protocol) Trunking solution while helping you manage your bandwidth set can give your business the edge you need. more cost-effectively. PAETEC’s Dynamic IP services converge data and voice communications onto a single circuit, In addition, Ethernet Local Loop is a flexible, which reduces expenses while delivering high-bandwidth access solution that can IP-based flexibility and capabilities. support both voice and data communications. This proven, cost-effective technology is an increasingly popular access solution and can Voice Communications support Dedicated Internet, MPLS VPN, and VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol). PAETEC In a world of Twitter and texts, there is often offers bandwidth over Ethernet Local Loop no substitute for the sound of a human voice. that ranges from 10 Mbps to 1,000 Mbps. PAETEC’s voice services include local, long distance, and toll-free services. Whether you Are you worried about malicious hackers? choose traditional voice or next-generation Managed CPE (Customer Premises VoIP services, we deliver world-class quality Equipment) Firewall with UTM (Unified built upon our own vast industry expertise and Threat Management) protects corporate the leading technology of our partners. Marc Cross Central Office, Cedar Rapids, IA 12 PAETEC IN REVIEW 13
  • 8. Many businesses will find PAETEC’s Advanced Of course, if you would rather speak with fiber network to extend our point-of-presence to Our next-generation facilities are only part Toll-Free services particularly useful. This someone at PAETEC, give us a call. We answer another location that does have a clear line to the of the story though. Combined with our full service offers 32 distinct features that include customer calls with a live person, typically customer’s building. PAETEC wireless solutions suite of managed professional services, Advanced Routing (including time of day within 20 seconds. are also ideal for campus settings that require including advanced monitoring of device and geographic routing), hosted Integrated high-bandwidth point-to-point connections and application performance, data backup Voice Response functionality, and Online between buildings in a private network. and recovery services, and comprehensive management and report tools to boost your Fixed Wireless 24 x 7 x 365 monitoring, you can rest easy marketing efforts. This not only helps you knowing that dedicated PAETEC personal efficiently manage workflows, it also supports In 2008, PAETEC acquired MPX, a New York- Data Center Services are always monitoring your data. business continuity in the event of a disaster. based company with 10 years of experience in licensed fixed wireless system engineering PAETEC Data Centers are home to many PAETEC’s commitment to personalization and field integrations. In 2009, we are taking of the largest Web properties and business doesn’t end with core services. Our portfolio these capabilities nationwide. collocation facilities in the nation. Built for delivers powerful options that include our the most demanding of customers, our data PAETEC Online customer portal, Fixed We use carrier-grade microwave equipment centers provide a secure environment to Wireless, telecom management software, and consultative engineering to build reliable develop your business continuity and hosting equipment, and consulting. “last-mile” access loops between your facility needs, eliminating the need to build and and a local PAETEC point-of-presence. We can maintain your own private data center. provision your wireless local loops at speeds PAETEC Online ranging from DS-3 to Gigabit Ethernet, which Robust and dedicated Internet access on our will support the full range of voice and IP IP backbone, a combination of both public and To give you greater control of your services in our portfolio. private Internet peering arrangement, and SAS communications services, PAETEC Online 70 Type II certification means you never have offers a new world of proactive partnership. The benefits are many. Fixed Wireless provides to worry about your business-critical data. Think of it as an online customer service complete physical infrastructure diversity to representative that securely provides better ensure your ability to operate during When it’s time to take your business to the next information, account management, and and after a catastrophe. You could even totally level, PAETEC data centers provide the flexible problem resolution from any Internet- bypass the local wired network if you choose. solutions to let you grow your business. PAETEC connected computer. This free capability Customers have also benefited from leveraging offers a variety of cabinet rack space solutions allows you to directly add and change features, PAETEC’s fiber network in tandem with Fixed or custom cages built to your specifications, all review bills and payment history, and even Wireless facilities. In cases where customer housed within our secured facilities with best- view the status of your trouble tickets. In facilities were in obscured locations, without in-class fire suppression, power coverage, and addition, you can use PAETEC Online to analyze a direct line-of-site to the wireless equipment, redundant network connectivity. your service usage patterns, spot trends before PAETEC has been able to use our extensive they become problems, and plan for growth. 14 PAETEC IN REVIEW 15
  • 9. CASE STUDY: NEW YORK UNIVERSITY LANGONE MEDICAL CENTER Fixed Wireless Case Study: NEW YORK UNIVERSITY · LANGONE MEDICAL CENTER New York University Langone Medical Center Building a private fiber network would involve As NYULMC has grown and its communications (NYULMC) is among the world’s premier significant right-of-way challenges in addition needs have evolved, the center has repeatedly centers for healthcare, biomedical research, to being very costly and technically complex. chosen PAETEC Fixed Wireless to deliver and medical education. And with 10,000 people The best alternative, Bridgeman concluded, a personalized solution: on staff, the institution is one of New York was a licensed fixed wireless system that City’s largest employers. would deliver high reliability without the ƒ PAETEC connected the Hospital for risk of interference from neighboring Joint Diseases with a remote facility As the center steadily expanded in size and wireless networks. on 2nd Avenue. This link provided scope, Director of IT Charles Bridgeman faced 155 Mbps connectivity over a Gigabit a tremendous recurring challenge to upgrade He turned to PAETEC for a fixed wireless Ethernet interface. the center’s multi-site network infrastructure. system that delivered 100 Mbps Ethernet for Crunch time came when the center began data, with incremental T-1 circuits for voice to ƒ The center installed a Gigabit Ethernet moving functions into leased facilities remote a remote facility on Park Avenue. The PAETEC link between the Rusk Institute on First from its main “Superblock” Manhattan engineering team worked with Bridgeman Avenue and offices on 34th Street. campus. Bridgeman recognized the need throughout the design and implementation for more data capacity, and he wanted the stages. The PAETEC team determined the ƒ PAETEC extended the Rusk Institute’s flexibility to incorporate voice services. physical installation requirements at each LAN (Local Area Network) to a medical building, and also handled all aspects of practice office across the street. FCC licensing on NYULMC’s behalf. After installation, PAETEC configured the system ƒ PAETEC deployed a Gigabit Ethernet link interfaces to operate the link within the between the Rusk Institute and the Day center’s broader network. Surgery and Musculoskeletal Center on East 38 th Street. “As soon as we put the microwave link into service, our staff noticed a significant ƒ Another Gigabit link went live between ‘quickening’ of the network,” Bridgeman said. Skirball Institute and 32nd street. “We felt like we had our own private fiber line, but without any of the associated headaches.” Incorporating fixed wireless transport has improved communications service for end The center also contracted with PAETEC for users, reduced operating costs for the comprehensive maintenance, emergency institution, and enhanced the delivery of quality response, and remote monitoring services care to patients. “The research, clinical, and where technicians proactively communicate administrative groups we support are happy with Bridgeman’s team in the event of with the results they see,” Bridgeman said. any service issue. “It’s a winning scenario all around.” Charles Bridgeman Director of IT, NYU Langone Medical Center 16 PAETEC IN REVIEW 17
  • 10. PERSONALIZED SOLUTIONS Network Design, Deployment & Equipment PINNACLE Software Allworx 9224, a premier high-fidelity wideband IP phone, as well as Allworx’s next-generation of The PINNACLE Communications Management communications system software. Suite established new standards for usability, flexibility, and integration opportunities in 2008 Allworx systems support both traditional and with the release of PINNACLE Communications VoIP telephone services, providing a “future- Management Suite V6. proof” solution that allows customers to manage their transition to VoIP at their own PINNACLE simplifies and automates IT pace. With Allworx, you receive all the business lifecycle management by integrating productivity enhancements, cost savings, and Telecom Expense Management, Service flexibility of VoIP with no risk of disruption to Management, Operations Management, your business. and Regulatory Compliance into a single, platform-independent framework. Network Design, Deployment The more complex your network, the more & Equipment opportunities you will have to save money and increase efficiency. PINNACLE V6 helps our PAETEC also is a certified partner with Cisco, customers capitalize on those opportunities by Nortel, Avaya, and ADTRAN. Through these incorporating interactive user-friendly business established relationships, we offer business intelligence analytics, context-sensitive multi- telephone systems, voicemail, voice and data media training materials, and a fully customizable cabling, IP applications and services, routers, user interface that will allow your organization to and turnkey cabling solutions to businesses do things that were never before possible. of all sizes. Our dedicated technical and engineering Allworx personnel are ready to help you through every step of creating a new network or upgrading Winning Internet Telephony’s Product of the Year your current facilities. Our support includes for the 3rd consecutive year was just the start project management, staging, configuration, for Allworx, which PAETEC acquired in 2007 as physical installation, and end-to-end testing. a wholly owned subsidiary. The award-winning After installation, we can partner with you to communications platform that PAETEC acquired monitor and manage your network. would go on to win Product of the Year from Communications Solutions, receive recognition Quite simply, PAETEC is your one-stop shop and accolades from industry heavyweights such for everything from sales and service to Timothy Brotzman as Texas Instruments, and bring to market the installation, maintenance, and management. Senior Manager, Database Applications, Rochester, NY 18 PAETEC IN REVIEW 19
  • 11. “IP” refers to an efficient and flexible technology All signature and patch updates are delivered for transporting data, voice, and video. automatically to ensure that you always have PAETEC’s IP services are carried on our private the most recent network protection. network, not the public Internet. This adds an important level of security compared with many Both services are designed to protect IP services for business on the market. But business-class customers from malicious private network facilities are just the beginning Internet attacks and network-security of our approach to ensuring your security. anomalies. And multi-location customers can deploy Managed CPE Firewall and PAETEC has created UTM services that deliver Hosted Firewall together to create layered, comprehensive Internet security solutions. “defense in depth” network security for These include Hosted Firewall, as well as dispersed locations. Managed CPE Firewall. Customers have told us that Internet security Hosted Firewall is ideal for multi-site is extremely complex and time-consuming. John Chapman customers. It keeps your corporate assets In response, we developed the hosted and Senior Vice President, Marketing and customer information secure, which is managed firewall solutions, which allow you essential given the increasingly stringent to devote your IT resources to building your regulatory requirements for data security. business while PAETEC protects your vital PAETEC’s Hosted Firewall solution resides data and assets. within our network rather than at your location. IP services have become mainstream, but not all IP service Since we “host” your firewall, you are free to devote more resources and time to your core providers are created equally. For starters, it’s important to know business operations. that using IP technology does not necessarily mean you have to For single-site customers, Managed CPE Firewall delivers robust security while entrust your business to the public Internet. In fact, relying on eliminating the need for you to purchase and maintain the multiple appliances, servers, and the Internet can expose your business to serious and software needed for an in-house solution. unnecessary risks. 20 PAETEC IN REVIEW 21
  • 12. ALLWORX EQUIPMENT, PAETEC MPLS CASE STUDY: CARLTON SCALE Allworx None of the company’s 85 employees had voicemail at work. There was no option for offices to call each other through extension dialing. And requesting maintenance and The installation also provides “soft phone” service, which lets traveling employees use the Allworx system to make calls through a laptop computer. Equipment repair was a challenge because it involved multiple service technicians from diverse “The Allworx system is very user-friendly, equipment providers. In 2007, Carlton Scale’s and it is a really wonderful system,” said new president decided it was time for a unified Carlton Scale’s President, Chris Trevey. communications system. “I suggest that anyone go and try it. The system has so much functionality, and The company sought help from Hayes & it is so easy to set up conference calls.” PAETEC MPLS CASE STUDY: Associates, a communications equipment and network reseller based in a nearby The new communications system was just the CARLTON SCALE city. Fortunately, the head of Hayes had beginning of benefits for Carlton Scale. The recently discovered and installed an Allworx company also decided to move its managed Carlton Scale distributes and services industrial communications system and allowed Carlton communications services from AT&T to scales from its headquarters in Greensboro, NC, Scale to connect to his Allworx system for PAETEC’s MPLS network. This lets employees and seven branch locations in North Carolina, a test drive. securely access company data from virtually Tennessee, Virginia, and Maryland. Until recently, anywhere. It also prioritizes voice traffic to each office of the 60-plus year old company had It didn’t take long for Carlton Scale to decide better ensure that customers can stay in a different phone system. that Allworx was an excellent and cost- touch with the company, and that company effective choice. Today, the company uses the employees can stay in contact with each other. flagship Allworx 24x system at its corporate headquarters and has Allworx 6x systems at Allworx systems can be personalized to meet all branch locations. In addition to this core the specific needs of any business. And the equipment, Carlton Scale purchased 86 systems offer built-in flexibility and scalability Allworx office phones. to accommodate new communications requirements as a business grows. Productivity has increased because every employee now has voicemail as well as three- digit, desktop-to-desktop dialing to all sites. Among many other features, staff members can forward incoming calls to their cell phones, which means customers can be served more quickly and efficiently. Chris Trevey President, Carlton Scale 22 PAETEC IN REVIEW 23
  • 13. Our Network Seattle WORLD-REACH WORLD-REACH Canada Asia Portland Albany Boston Providence Minneapolis / St. Paul Rochester Syracuse Worcester Springfield Boise Poughkeepsie Buffalo Bridgeport / Hartford / New Haven Scranton Milwaukee Detroit Bethlehem Madison Cleveland New York Conshohocken WORLD-REACH Harrisburg Philadelphia Europe Cedar Rapids Chicago Salt Lake City Pittsburgh Des Moines Columbus Baltimore WORLD-REACH Sacramento Omaha Indianapolis Dayton Washington, DC Africa Cincinnati San Francisco Denver San Jose Richmond Kansas City St. Louis Louisville Norfolk Colorado Springs Greensboro Raleigh Knoxville Nashville Chattanooga Charlotte San Bernardino Greenville Oxnard Memphis Anaheim Los Angeles Albuquerque Columbia Atlanta Augusta Charleston Phoenix Birmingham San Diego WORLD-REACH Paci c Rim (Oceana) Tucson Dallas / Ft. Worth Jackson Mobile Jacksonville Daytona Beach Baton Rouge WORLD-REACH Austin Central America San Antonio New Orleans Orlando Houston Lakeland Palm Bay Tampa WORLD-REACH West Palm Beach South America Sarasota Ft. Myers IP NETWORK Miami FIBER NETWORK LOCAL SERVICE AREA PAETEC POINT OF PRESENCE LONG DISTANCE SERVICE AVAILABLE NATIONWIDE Our Products DATA VOICE Consulting Financing Data Voice ƒ Network Diversity ƒ Equipment for Services ƒ MPLS VPN ƒ Local Engineering ƒ Equipment Rental ƒ Managed Router ƒ Long Distance ƒ Toll-Free Routing ƒ Software for Services Support ƒ Toll-Free Consultation ƒ Dedicated Internet ƒ Advanced Toll-Free Access ƒ Advantage Business EQUIPMENT APPLICATIONS Lines CPE ƒ PINNACLE Transport/Access ƒ Direct Trunk Overflow ƒ IP Phone Systems Communications ƒ Ethernet Local Loop ƒ Managed Fraud ƒ Routers Management Suite ƒ Private Line Protection ƒ Integrated Access ƒ Hosted Broadcast ƒ Fixed Wireless Devices Notification VoIP ƒ Media Gateways Security ƒ Dynamic IP DATA CENTER ƒ Hosted E-mail Security ƒ Hosted IP Telephony Consulting ƒ Colocation Services ƒ Hosted Web Security ƒ Network Engineering ƒ Data Backup & ƒ Hosted Firewall Conferencing Consultation Recovery ƒ Managed CPE Firewall ƒ Audio Conferencing ƒ Hardware Maintenance ƒ Dedicated Hosted ƒ Web Conferencing Support Server Paul Bunting, Rachel Greene ƒ Shared Web Hosting Customer Care, Cedar Rapids, IA 24 PAETEC IN REVIEW 25
  • 14. Our PAETEC’s national network is the result of aggressive organic expansion combined with strategic acquisitions made over more Network than a decade. Today, our network includes 88 circuit-based switches, 32 IP-based soft switches, 107 The compelling part of this story, though, is how we’ve assembled and configured these backbone routers, and 19,000 route miles of network elements to support personalized fiber. These network elements are monitored solutions in all of our markets across the by three geographically diverse NOCs. United States. In October of 2008 – just seven months after the McLeodUSA acquisition added 26 major markets in 20 states – PAETEC announced the successful unification of previously separate network facilities to create an integrated data network across the company’s national footprint. This milestone established the platform we used to deploy an integrated product portfolio available to new customers nationwide. We also used our own internal resources to develop a single view for Network Management across our facilities to enhance our own monitoring and trouble-resolution capabilities. As part of our commitment to building and Customer Care Call Center developing world-class, next-generation Charlotte, NC communications networks, we have partnered 26 PAETEC IN REVIEW 27
  • 15. OUR NETWORK with leading technology providers including expensive to install, maintain, and operate. Cisco, GENBAND, Alcatel-Lucent, and Juniper. PAETEC understands how challenging this We expect these and other key partners to push can be for you. Our proven solutions help the boundaries of technology and flexibility your business achieve maximum efficiency and to help us deliver unparalleled reliability, and productivity whether you choose next- availability, and serviceability. generation capabilities, traditional technologies, or a mix of both. Through our relationships with these and other strategic technology companies, we have been able to streamline our operations while helping you simultaneously keep a sharp watch on expenses and maintaining our quality of customer service. Our network is supported and monitored 24 x 7 x 365 in our state-of-the-art NOCs. Our NOC technicians are certified through a rigorous program with four levels of proficiency. This career progression program means you can rest assured that your business is getting the attention it deserves from experts who care about your business. As technology’s evolution continues, traditional Pete Hagstrom voice networks have become increasingly NOC, Cedar Rapids, IA Jason Fava NOC Technician, Charlotte, NC 28 PAETEC IN REVIEW 29
  • 16. SIP Trunking converges data, voice, and Other benefits of choosing PAETEC include: Internet communications onto a single high-speed, IP circuit. This creates ƒ VoIP-to-TDM conversion provided within a powerful, yet flexible foundation for PAETEC’s network. advanced communications capabilities. ƒ Expanded free local calling areas. We offer SIP Trunking nationwide, which frees multi-site customers from developing ƒ Site-to-site voice and data sharing that patchwork solutions that involve multiple is securely isolated from the public Internet. carriers for networking across diverse locations. In addition, PAETEC delivers SIP Trunking You also have multiple options for certified features across both modern IP platforms interoperable IP/PBX equipment from numerous as well as traditional TDM (Time Division world-class vendors including Cisco, Toshiba, Multiplexing) network technology. You can Allworx, and others. Certifying the interoperability make the jump to an IP PBX (Private Branch of communications equipment and IP networks Sanjay Hiranandani Exchange) with a native IP connection, or makes it easier for you to achieve the full benefits Senior Vice President, Engineering you can choose an Integrated Access Device of advanced communications capabilities. that can work with your legacy PBXs or key systems. Telephony magazine has selected PAETEC’s Dynamic IP with SIP Trunking as the industry’s We also use compression techniques that can Most Innovative Product in 2008. In judging Many companies offer IP services, but PAETEC has built our IP significantly increase the number of high-quality PAETEC against telecom and cable companies, voice circuits within a single T-1 compared with wireless service providers, and a host of niche capabilities with the express purpose of giving you maximum traditional PRIs (Primary Rate Interfaces). communications companies, Telephony Editor- in-Chief Carol Wilson said, “The judges were flexibility. For example, with SIP Trunking from PAETEC, you In addition, our QoS (Quality of Service) impressed not just by this service but also by what capabilities instantly adjust your bandwidth PAETEC delivers to its customers in support of SIP can choose the bandwidth that truly meets your requirements, allocation as your business needs change Trunking. In this instance, they are innovating in dynamically throughout the day. Voice signals the way they deploy SIP Trunking.” ranging from a T-1 to Gigabit Ethernet. And, we offer numerous receive instant priority over data to ensure high-quality voice services when you need Another judge, Cindy Whelan of Current Analysis, features to address security, connectivity, business continuity, them. Yet when no voice traffic is present, said, “Where PAETEC shines against these all of your available bandwidth can be competitors is in its focus on customer service.” and other critical business issues. used for data. 30 PAETEC IN REVIEW 31
  • 17. INTEGRATION Integration “Integration” is an important and far-reaching concept at PAETEC. We offer integrated voice and data many competitors rely on disparate customer- communications to cost-effectively increase billing systems, PAETEC’s creation of a single your organization’s productivity. We partner platform for all customers nationwide should with you as an integrated provider that can meet increase our internal efficiency, as well as our diverse needs that include communications external flexibility to serve your evolving needs. services and equipment; network design, installation, and management; and software A huge milestone came less than a year after that allows you to expertly manage the full we acquired McLeodUSA, when we announced lifecycle of complex IT resources. And, we have an integrated product portfolio available in incorporated the ability to help you finance all of our markets. PAETEC is now one of the capital purchases as part of your network few carriers that offers a consistent product services contract. portfolio nationally, and all new customers receive a single invoice even if they have sites Integration also refers to PAETEC’s unusually in multiple regions of the country. aggressive approach to creating unified national operations and capabilities from our diverse To enhance the speed and accuracy of acquisitions and organic growth strategy. This customer service, we created a common aspect of “integration” is significant, because customer database for former US LEC and PAETEC essentially tripled our revenue and PAETEC customers. McLeodUSA customers will geographic reach through the acquisitions of be incorporated into this database as quickly US LEC in 2007 and McLeodUSA in 2008. as possible. The key value here is that once an Effective integration processes are how we are account representative updates information ensuring customers benefit from this dramatic in one system, the change automatically flows expansion just as much as the company does. through to our other systems including billing. For example, the last critical step in the As we continue to develop and integrate integration of US LEC began in the fall of new markets and capabilities, we remain 2008 when we announced plans to unify the focused on putting the right tools into PAETEC and former US LEC billing systems. the hands of the right people – people We expect to complete this project in early 2010, who are dedicated to delivering the best and intend to convert the McLeodUSA billing and most personalized service in the system within the following 12 months. While communications industry. 32 PAETEC IN REVIEW 33
  • 18. The fundamental key to our success is instilling Unmatched Service PAETEC’s culture throughout our national operations. And, our culture is based on four PAETEC does not pretend to be perfect. core values that have guided our people since No company is. But we do pledge to give the company’s inception: our customers the best service in the telecommunications industry. In addition to things we learn from talking with customers, Caring Culture we also measure ourselves through the rigorous process of NPS (Net Promoter Score). PAETEC cares about you and the local We use NPS as a valuable tool to measure our communities where we both live and work. service against competitors. It’s one more way We know that current conditions have created that we evaluate our performance with the goal major challenges for non-profit agencies of ensuring your satisfaction. and institutions. To help these organizations maintain the vital community services they Sharon LaMantia provide, PAETEC is making network services Personalized Solutions Executive Vice President, Network Operations available to non-profit groups at approximately half price for two years. Another aspect of We design and deliver solutions tailored to caring culture is PAETEC’s corporate-wide your specific situation and needs. Then we go Green Team, which is working diligently to beyond expectations in order to build a long- reduce our impact on the environment. lasting relationship with your organization. The common denominator underlying the many facets of For instance, when a PAETEC customer calls one of our contact centers, we answer with a “integration” within PAETEC is our people. Before we begin the Open Communication live person, typically within 20 seconds. We do not force PAETEC customers into an automated process of integrating systems, product portfolios, or network From Customer Advisory Boards to open-doors answering system, because your call is really throughout the company, we rely on frank and important to us! elements and capabilities, our first priority is to integrate our honest communications to help us constantly improve our ability to serve you. Living up to these values has led our people people. Our goal is to create a cohesive team that cares just to take extraordinary actions to serve your business and our communities. as much about your business as you do. 34 PAETEC IN REVIEW 35
  • 19. The Road When you think about your business, what do you need from your communications solutions provider? More importantly, what do you want? What will your Ahead business need next year, and five years after that? Since our founding in 1998, PAETEC has been asking customers questions just like these. recovery, as well as new offerings, including virtual servers and Software We then use that information to refine our as a Service (SaaS). processes and develop our product roadmap. We will continue to integrate acquired On PAETEC’s road ahead, we will continue companies to fully deliver the benefits of a turbo-charging our network services including single, contiguous company. By leveraging our MPLS VPN, VoIP, Fixed Wireless, data our national network, nationwide reach, and centers, security, and managed service unified systems, our benchmark customer offerings. Our unique combination of assets support will become ever better. We expect are designed to be there for your expanding to continue expanding organically into new communications needs as your business major markets. Building on our current reach succeeds and grows. into 83 of the top 100 largest US MSAs, we are exploring new organic expansions in areas Additionally, over the next three years we’re such as Las Vegas, Cincinnati, and Tulsa. expanding our data centers nationally to better serve your business. These data centers will Over time, we plan to steadily increase our have “in the cloud” product portfolio which on-net, last-mile connectivity, whether it’s include web hosting services, data backup and using our fiber network assets or our ability 36 PAETEC IN REVIEW 37
  • 20. THE ROAD AHEAD to deliver fixed wireless local access anywhere And that is ultimately the sweet spot of in the country, providing more cost-effective PAETEC’s business model. We work hard options for our customers. to treat customers the way customers want to be treated. In 2008, PAETEC began serving businesses as an independent energy advisor, currently In a world where communications technology is limited to our markets in upstate New York. constantly changing and competitive pressures Building on expertise we gained through a are increasingly intense and global, PAETEC recent acquisition, we help customers find will continue to take the time to understand innovative and flexible energy services that your business. Our goal is to give customers include renewable as well as traditional personalized solutions and unmatched sources of energy. customer service, both today and through whatever changes the future might bring. In the years to come, as we continue expanding our geographic reach and our ability to help customers succeed, PAETEC fully expects to become a Fortune 500 company. We believe this will happen because the market ultimately will prove that customers want a company that cares. Daidre Fanis Senior Director, Customer Solutions National Customer Advisory Board Meeting, Charlotte, NC 38 PAETEC IN REVIEW 39