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The European Partnership for Integrated
      Sustainability Management

                       Dr. Pamela Mühlmann,
                           Project Officer,
             ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability
Structure of the European Partnership

Launch Event and Partnership meeting

 Open issue and the ongoing process
The European Partnership

Integrated Management System for
               Sustainability (IMS)

•   a framework for organising work

•   a systematic, continuous process

•   Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle but with
    5th step and cross cutting elements

•   Integrates different sectors, actors
    and all sustainability factors in the
    whole urban area

•   Based on and harmonized with
    EMAS /ISO 14.001

•   To integrate different initiatives and
    to implement them systematically
European Partnership for Integrated Sustainability Management
                                   The mission:
      Mainstream the integrated approach to build sustainable cities and regions.


     members                  National training hubs:
(Universities, etc.)           Supporting cities &regions
                                to implement EU policies
                                    and initiatives in a
                               systematic way using IMS
                              (EU 2020, CoM, AC, RFSC, …)

                                Training, promotion, support

                              CLIENTS / BENEFICIARIES

                                         City          City
                                  City          City
National Training Hubs
The Role of the National Training Hubs

• Develop and maintain localised Capacity Development
  Materials (web portal)

• Training workshops for local authorities

• Facilitate Peer reviews

• Promotion of EU policies and initiatives on local and
  regional level

• Exchange of knowledge and training
  materials/methods through the European Partnership
European Partnership for Integrated Sustainability Management
                                   The mission:
        mainstream integrated approach to build sustainable cities and regions.


   Supporting                                                         Capacity
     members                  National training hubs:               Development
(Universities, etc.)           Supporting cities &regions              Portal
                                to implement EU policies
                                    and initiatives in a           Practical tools and
                               systematic way using IMS           contacts for trainers
                              (EU 2020, CoM, AC, RFSC, …)             and cities to
                                                                     implement EU
                                                                      policies and
                                Training, promotion, support

                              CLIENTS / BENEFICIARIES

                                         City          City
                                  City          City
Capacity Development Portal

                  Existing materials will be gathered and
                  updated under one portal

                  Following the 5 Steps of the Integrated
                  Management System

                  Materials for
                   - Local Authorities
                   - Trainers
                   - Auditors

Partnership Administration
                       General Assembly                           • Highest decision making body
                           All members                            • Will function as a development
                                                                  forum for the National Hubs

     Advisory          Executive Board                      • Will be formed by
      Board            Consists of 9 members                representatives of the National
                                                            Training Hubs
                                                            • Legal representative of the
                          Secretariat                       Partnership

• Giving an outsider
expert opinion on                              • The leading operational organ
issues concerning                              of the Partnership.
the tasks of the
Launch Event
    European Partnership
at the Resilient Cities Conference, 4 June 2011
European Partnership
Meeting, 25/26 October 2011
Intensive Discussion
The role of the Training Hubs in relation the
European Partnership
The future of the European Partnership
Open issues
Open issues

Expansion of the Capacity Development Portal
Finalisation of the Partnership statute
Establishment of the Secretariat
Development of an action plan for the next year
Project development and cooperation possibilities
Partnership meetings
Actual Development

3 Working groups
 - Partnership Governance
 - Project Development
 - Marketing & Communication

Partnership meeting planned for spring
"Coming together is a beginning.
 Keeping together is progress.
 Working together is success. “ H.Ford
Interested to join

   Open process for interested organisations!
   New perspectives and ideas welcome!
    Leave a message via LinkedIn or Twitter
    Write an E-Mail to
Thank you for your attention!

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Pamela Mühlmann: The European Partnership for Integrated Sustainability Management

  • 1. The European Partnership for Integrated Sustainability Management Dr. Pamela Mühlmann, Project Officer, ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability
  • 2. Overview Structure of the European Partnership Launch Event and Partnership meeting Open issue and the ongoing process
  • 4. Integrated Management System for Sustainability (IMS) • a framework for organising work • a systematic, continuous process • Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle but with 5th step and cross cutting elements included • Integrates different sectors, actors and all sustainability factors in the whole urban area • Based on and harmonized with EMAS /ISO 14.001 • To integrate different initiatives and to implement them systematically
  • 5. European Partnership for Integrated Sustainability Management The mission: Mainstream the integrated approach to build sustainable cities and regions. MEMBERS Supporting members National training hubs: (Universities, etc.) Supporting cities &regions to implement EU policies and initiatives in a systematic way using IMS (EU 2020, CoM, AC, RFSC, …) Training, promotion, support CLIENTS / BENEFICIARIES City City City City City
  • 7. The Role of the National Training Hubs • Develop and maintain localised Capacity Development Materials (web portal) • Training workshops for local authorities • Facilitate Peer reviews • Promotion of EU policies and initiatives on local and regional level • Exchange of knowledge and training materials/methods through the European Partnership
  • 8. European Partnership for Integrated Sustainability Management The mission: mainstream integrated approach to build sustainable cities and regions. MEMBERS Supporting Capacity members National training hubs: Development (Universities, etc.) Supporting cities &regions Portal to implement EU policies and initiatives in a Practical tools and systematic way using IMS contacts for trainers (EU 2020, CoM, AC, RFSC, …) and cities to implement EU policies and initiatives Training, promotion, support CLIENTS / BENEFICIARIES City City City City City
  • 10. Capacity Development Portal Existing materials will be gathered and updated under one portal Following the 5 Steps of the Integrated Management System Materials for - Local Authorities - Trainers - Auditors http://www.localmanagement.eu/index.php/champ:partnership
  • 11. Partnership Administration General Assembly • Highest decision making body All members • Will function as a development forum for the National Hubs Advisory Executive Board • Will be formed by Board Consists of 9 members representatives of the National Training Hubs • Legal representative of the Secretariat Partnership • Giving an outsider expert opinion on • The leading operational organ issues concerning of the Partnership. the tasks of the Partnership
  • 12. Launch Event European Partnership at the Resilient Cities Conference, 4 June 2011
  • 14. Intensive Discussion The role of the Training Hubs in relation the European Partnership The future of the European Partnership Open issues
  • 15. Open issues Expansion of the Capacity Development Portal Finalisation of the Partnership statute Establishment of the Secretariat Development of an action plan for the next year Project development and cooperation possibilities Partnership meetings
  • 16. Actual Development 3 Working groups - Partnership Governance - Project Development - Marketing & Communication Partnership meeting planned for spring 2012
  • 17. "Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success. “ H.Ford
  • 18. Interested to join Open process for interested organisations! New perspectives and ideas welcome! ----------------------------------------------------------- Leave a message via LinkedIn or Twitter Write an E-Mail to pamela.muehlmann@iclei.org pekka.salminen@turku.fi
  • 19. Thank you for your attention!