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GRY Institute of Pharmacy, Borawan


 Introduction
 Principle of Separation
 Modes of Paper Chromatography
 Experimental Details for Qualitative Analysis
 Experimental Details for QuantitativeAnalysis
 Applications


 The most dramatic advance in the history of chromatography
took place in 1944.
 It was invented by two British biochemists, Archer John
Porter Martin and Richard Laurence Millington Synge.
 In 1941 Martin and Synge began working together on
proteins, which are made up of chains of amino acids.
 The duo was trying to characterize a particular protein by
determining the precise numbers of each amino acid present.


 Amino acids are so similar to each other, however, that the
problem of separating them had defeated a whole generation of
 Martin and Synge's development of paper
chromatography to solve this problem was an instant success.
 It worked not only on amino acids but also on various other
mixtures. The two scientists were awarded the 1952 Nobel
Prize in chemistry for their work.
 Synge determined the structure of an antibiotic peptide called


 Frederick Sanger used paper chromatography to figure out
the structure of the insulin molecule. He determined the
number of amino acids in it as well as the order in which they
 Calvin discovered the complex series of reactions that enable
green plants to convert solar energy into the chemical
energy stored in food using paper chromatography in 1950s.


 It was also used by Austrian-American biochemist Erwin
Chargaff, who modified the technique to study the
components of the nucleic acid molecule. His research
revealed four components, or nitrogenous bases, that occur in
 British biochemists James Dewey Watson and Francis Harry
Compton Crick later used these results to work out the
structure of DNA(deoxyribonucleic acid).


There are two types of paper chromatography, they are:
Paper impregnated with silica or alumina acts as adsorbent
(stationary phase) and solvent as mobile phase.
Moisture/ Water present in the pores of cellulose fibers
present in filter paper acts as stationary phase and solvent
used as mobile phase.


 The principle involved is partition chromatography wherein
the substances are distributed or partitioned between liquid
phases. One phase is the water, which is held in the pores of
the filter paper used; and other is the mobile phase which
moves over the paper.
 The compounds in the mixture get separated due to
differences in their affinity towards water (in stationary
phase) and mobile phase solvents during the movement of
mobile phase under the capillary action of pores in the paper.


Principle of separation Cont.,
 The principle can also be adsorption chromatography between
solid and liquid phases, wherein the stationary phase is the
solid surface of paper and the liquid phase is of mobile phase.
 But most of the applications of paper chromatography work on
the principle of partition chromatography, i.e. partitioned
between to liquid phases.


Based on the way the development of chromatogram on paper
is done in procedures, we have, broadly, five modes of
1. Ascending
2. Descending
3. Ascending-Descending
4. Circular/ Radial
5. Two-Dimensional


1. Ascending Technique
When the development of the paper is done by allowing the solvent
to travel up the paper, it is known as ascending technique.
 The chromatogram of this technique
ascends slowly due to the mobile phase
movement in a upward direction.
 The solvent is kept at the bottom of the
filter paper or stationary phase with the
end of the filter paper dipped in.
 The component mixture spot is kept
well above the solvent level and is not
allowed to touch the spot.


2. Descending Technique
When the development of the paper is done by allowing the solvent
to travel down the paper, it is known as descending technique.
The mobile phase in this
type is kept at the top of
the chromatogram and the
components of the mixture
separates out downward
gravity and
action of the
due to
filter paper.
Development is faster


3. Ascending-Descending Technique
 Ahybrid of above two techniques is called ascending-descending
 Only length of separation increased, first ascending takes place
followed by descending.
 Overall shows a bi-directional movement of the mixture


4. Circular/ Radial Technique
In this type of paper chromatography the solvent moves from the
centre towards the peripheral regions of the filter paper. The
radiating mixture component is allowed to spread till all the
components have separated out. For precaution the entire system is
covered with the help of a Petri dish.
The centre of the paper is allowed to be dipped into the solvent
and the coloured components radiates out in concentric circles.


5. Two- Dimensional Technique
 The chromatogram in this type
develops at right angle to each other
and the filter paper is dipped at right
angle once the first chromatogram is
 The second chromatogram then
develops at right angle to the first


1. Choice of Development Technique
2. Choice of Stationary Phase
3. Proper Developing Solvent System
4. Preparation of Sample
5. Application of Sample (Spotting)
6. Drying the Chromatogram
7. Detecting or Visualizing
8. Calculation of Rf Value
Experimental details for qualitative analysis


1. Choice of Development Technique
The choice of technique depends
substances to separated.
upon the nature of the
 Ascending
 Descending
 Ascending-Descending
 Circular/ Radial
 Two-Dimensional


2. Choice of Stationary Phase
 Chromatography makes use
stationary phase.
 Paper essentially consists of
of paper which acts as a
cellulose fibers which are
polymers having -OH functional groups sticking out of the
polymer chains.
 These groups lead to retention and separation of surface
absorbed molecules.
 In practice the separating molecules equilibrate between the
layer of adsorbed water and the mobile phase solvent.


2. Choice of Stationary Phase Cont.,
The choice of paper is dependent on the type of problem under
investigation. The prime factors, that govern the choice, are as
 Whether the paper is being used for quantitative or
qualitative analysis;
 Whether it is used for analytical or preparative
chromatography; or
 Whether the substances used are hydropilic or lipophilic,
neutral or charged species.


2. Choice of Stationary Phase Cont.,
Various types of Whatmann papers are available.
Rate of Flow
Fast Medium Slow
Thin Paper No. 4 No. 7 No. 2
No. 54 No. 1 No. 20
No. 540
No. 31 No. 3
No. 17 No. 3 MM


2. Choice of Stationary Phase Cont.,
 Whatmann filter papers commonly used for chromatographic
purposes have a content of 99% of α-cellulose. The rest is
mineral content.
 For the efficient separation of polar substances, the exchange
capacity of the paper is increased by increasing the carboxyl
content (1.4%) by partial oxidation.
 It is possible to increase the capillarity of the paper by partial
hydrolysis which is achieved by soaking the filter paper for 24 h
in 7% hydrochloric acid and washing successfully with water
and ethanol.


2. Choice of Stationary Phase Cont.,
 Cellulose paper is also used as a support for various adsorbents
like alumina, silica, zirconium oxide etc. which get precipitated
in the pores of the filter paper to produce a thin sheet of the
adsorbent with the flexibility of the paper but having adsorbent
characteristics of the precipitate.
 Chelating agents such as 8-hydroxyquinoline, dimethyl
glyoxime and several other compounds impart papers with
special characteristics.
 Papers have also been impregnated with powdered or liquid ion
exchangers to produce ion exchange papers.


Modified Papers for Paper Chromatography
Type Mobile Phase
Carboxyl papers Cationic separation of protonated amines
and amino acids
Acetylated Papers RP chromatography of lipophilic substances
like steroids, insecticides and pigments and
also metal cations.
Kieselguhr papers,
Alumina papers,
Zirconia papers, Silica
Separation of low polarity substances such as
amines, fatty acids, steroids, triglycerides,
vitamins and pesticides
Ion Exchange Papers Ion Exchange paper chromatography
2. Choice of Stationary Phase Cont.,


3. Proper Developing Solvent System
Criteria for selection of a working solvent system:
 Solvents should not be toxic or carcinogenic. In such cases
adequate handling care should be exercised.
 The solvent mixture composition should not change with
 Solvent constituents should not chemically react with any of
the sample constituents.
 Solvents should not interfere with the detection of spots on
the developed paper.


 Differences in Rf values of any two components should be at
least 0.05 for differentiation between two closely spaced spots.
 The Rf values of the sample should lie between 0.05 and 0.85
in the system.
Suitable solvent systems for paper chromatography
Water as a stationary Phase
– Isopropanol: ammonia: water [9:1:2]
– N-butanol: glacial acetic acid: water [4:1:5]
– Phenol saturated with water
SP(dimethyl ether):- Cyclohexane
SP(kerosene) :- 70% isopropanol


3. Proper Developing Mobile Phase cont.,
Commonly used solvent combinations:
 Strongly polar compounds:
o ethyl acetate: n-butanol: acetic acid: water - 80:10:5:5
 Polar compounds:
o 10% methanol or less in dichloromethane
 Strongly basic compounds:
o 10% ammonium hydroxide in methanol and make 1-10%
mixture of this in dichloromethane


4. Preparation of Sample
 Pure solutions can be applied directly on the paper but solids
are always dissolved in small quantity of a suitable solvent.
 Biological tissues are treated with suitable solvents and their
extracts obtained.
 The sample volume of 10-20 µL having as many µg of the
substances is that ideal quantity to be spotted.


Preparation of Paper
 Cut the paper into desired
shape and size depending upon
work to be carried out.
 The starting line is marked on
the paper with an ordinary
pencil 2 cm from the bottom
 On the staring line marks are
made 2 cm apart from each
5. Application of Sample (Spotting)


 The sample to be applied is dissolved in the mobile phase and
applied as a small spot on the origin line, using capillary tube or
 Very low concentration is used to avoid larger zone.
 The sample is applied as a neat spot on a horizontal line drawn
with a pencil close to one edge.
 The spot is dried on the filter paper and is placed in developing


 Allow the spot to dry and then immerse the paper in the
developing chamber as per the selected technique with the marked
spot above the solvent level.
 The solvent begins to move and draws the sample components
differentially along with it.
 At the end of the development take out the paper and mark the
solvent front with another line.


6. Drying of Chromatogram
They are dried by cold or hot air depending on volatility of
solvents. A simple hair dryer is a convenient device to dry


7. Detecting or Visualizing
 Coloured spots are easily observed on developed
 However, different approaches need to be adopted when
colourless components are to be observed.
 It is convenient to classify such methods as specific or


Non-specific methods (Physical):
 Iodine chamber: The developed plate is suspended in a
closed jar containing a few crystals of iodine for about a
vapour most organic
minute. In presence of iodine
compounds appear as brown spots.
 UV viewing cabinet:
 Majority of colourless compounds can be viewed under
illumination with UV light in a UV viewing cabinet.
 Commonly the cabinets are equipped with a long
wavelength (366 nm) and short wavelength (254 nm)
light sources.


Specific methods (Chemical methods)
• Ferric chloride
• Ninhydrin in acetone
• Dragendroff’s reagents
• 3,5-dinitro benzoic acid
• Molisch reagent
• Phenolic comp. & tannins
• Amino acids
• Alkaloids
• Cardiac glycosides
• Carbohydrates


Rf VALUE (Retardation Factor)
The Rf defines the movement
of the substance relative to
the solvent front in a given
chromatographic system.
8. Calculation of Rf VALUE


Factors affecting Rf VALUE
 The temperature
 The purity of the solvents used
 The quality of the paper, adsorbents & impurities present in
the adsorbents
 Chamber saturation techniques, method of drying &
 The distance travelled by the solute & solvent
 Chemical reaction between the substances being partitioned.
 pH of the solution


 In many cases it has been observed that the solvent front is run
off the end of the paper.
 It is the ratio of distance travelled by the sample and the
distance travelled by the standard.
 Rx value is always closer to 1.


For quantitative analysis, the preliminary separation is done
in the same way as in qualitative analysis. Then, the assay
can be performed either after extraction from the paper or
in situ on the paper.
1. Estimation after Extraction from the paper
2. In situ methods
Experimental details for Quantitative Analysis


In this technique, the spots are cut into portions and eluted with
solvents. This solution can be analyzed by any techniques of
analysis like gravimetric estimation, spectrophotometry,
Colorimetry, Polarography, Flame photometry, etc.
In the assessment of the merits of any procedure, the following
information is required:
 The nature of the substance to be assayed.
 The scientific equipment available and its sensitivity.
 The time available and
 The alternative method, available, if any, and their relative
1. Estimation after Extraction from the paper


2. In situ methods
 By Visual Assessment: The simplest procedure is to see the spot by the
human eye. However, it is not very accurate.
 By Measurement of areas:
 if the outline of the spots or zones are well defined, the size of the
spot (length or areas) may serve for determining the quantity of the
 Then a linear relationship is obtained between the spot area and
amount of the substance present.
 The random errors in the procedure are generally high as a results of
the variations of the spot shape during separation.
 Other drawbacks: Volume of applied sample and speed of


2. In situ methods cont.,
 By Densitometer: It is a method whereby the intensity of the colour
of a substance is measured directly on the chromatogram.
 By Potentiometer: Changes in the potential of a metal electrode in
contact with the filter paper is also utilised with quadrant
electrometer or electronic voltmeters.
 Fluorimetry: The compound to be determined by fluorimetry must
be fluorescent or convertible into fluorescent derivatives.
 Radiotracer Method: The compound containing radioactive
element is labeled and treated with locating reagent. Using Geiger
Muller counter.


 Error during application of the spots:
o Apply minimum volume of the concentrated solution in order to
avoid diffusion through the paper which leads to poor separation
o Spots should be approximately of the same diameter.
 Development:
o Improper adjustment of the paper in the tank leads to this error
so the paper should be held vertically.
o Do chamber saturation
 Detection:
o The spraying methods affect the final result


Innumerable applications have been reported in analysis of
different classes of compounds such as:
 Amino acids and organic acids
 Alkaloids
 Polysaccharides
 Proteins and peptides
 Natural and artificial pigments
 Inorganic cations
 Plant extracts


Applications cont.,
Typical applications in key areas are briefly outlined here:
1. Reaction monitoring:
In a chemical reaction over a period of time the concentration of
reactants decreases whereas the concentration of products increases.
Developing the chromatogram over different time intervals by spotting
the reactants can give a fair idea on the progress of reaction.
Traditionally the technique was used for qualitative monitoring but
availability of densitometers made quantitative estimations possible.


Applications cont.,
2. Isolation & Purification:
Paper chromatography has been put to use as a purification and
isolation technique for components of mixtures. The separated
components on the paper are cut, dissolved in suitable solvents and
their absorption characterised at specific wavelengths using
spectrophotometric methods.
3. Foods & Beverages:
Paper chromatography has been used for analysis of food colours in
synthetic drinks and beverages, ice creams, jams & jellies, sweets, etc.


Applications cont.,
2. Isolation & Purification:
Paper chromatography has been put to use as a purification and
isolation technique for components of mixtures. The separated
components on the paper are cut, dissolved in suitable solvents and
their absorption characterised at specific wavelengths using
spectrophotometric methods.
3. Foods & Beverages:
Paper chromatography has been used for analysis of food colours in
synthetic drinks and beverages, ice creams, jams & jellies, sweets, etc.


Applications cont.,
4. Forensics:
The major applications are for identification and comparison against
reference standards for drugs and their metabolites in viscera, explosive
residues from blast sites, inks used in forgery of documents and paint
pigments investigations in hit and run road accident cases.
5. Pharmaceuticals:
It offers a cost-effective alternative to monitoring the active ingredients
in drug forms administered in bioanalytical studies. Its main
contribution is when the quantity of sample available is in minute

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Paper Chromatography.pptx

  • 1. GRY Institute of Pharmacy, Borawan
  • 2. 2 CONTENTS  Introduction  Principle of Separation  Modes of Paper Chromatography  Experimental Details for Qualitative Analysis  Experimental Details for QuantitativeAnalysis  Applications
  • 3. 3  The most dramatic advance in the history of chromatography took place in 1944.  It was invented by two British biochemists, Archer John Porter Martin and Richard Laurence Millington Synge.  In 1941 Martin and Synge began working together on proteins, which are made up of chains of amino acids.  The duo was trying to characterize a particular protein by determining the precise numbers of each amino acid present. INTRODUCTION
  • 4. 4  Amino acids are so similar to each other, however, that the problem of separating them had defeated a whole generation of biochemists.  Martin and Synge's development of paper chromatography to solve this problem was an instant success.  It worked not only on amino acids but also on various other mixtures. The two scientists were awarded the 1952 Nobel Prize in chemistry for their work.  Synge determined the structure of an antibiotic peptide called "Gramicidin-S.
  • 5. 5  Frederick Sanger used paper chromatography to figure out the structure of the insulin molecule. He determined the number of amino acids in it as well as the order in which they occurred.  Calvin discovered the complex series of reactions that enable green plants to convert solar energy into the chemical energy stored in food using paper chromatography in 1950s.
  • 6. 6  It was also used by Austrian-American biochemist Erwin Chargaff, who modified the technique to study the components of the nucleic acid molecule. His research revealed four components, or nitrogenous bases, that occur in pairs.  British biochemists James Dewey Watson and Francis Harry Compton Crick later used these results to work out the structure of DNA(deoxyribonucleic acid).
  • 7. 7 There are two types of paper chromatography, they are: PAPER ADSORPTION CHROMATOGRAPHY Paper impregnated with silica or alumina acts as adsorbent (stationary phase) and solvent as mobile phase. PAPER PARTITION CHROMATOGRAPHY Moisture/ Water present in the pores of cellulose fibers present in filter paper acts as stationary phase and solvent used as mobile phase.
  • 8. 8 PRINCIPLE OF SEPARATION  The principle involved is partition chromatography wherein the substances are distributed or partitioned between liquid phases. One phase is the water, which is held in the pores of the filter paper used; and other is the mobile phase which moves over the paper.  The compounds in the mixture get separated due to differences in their affinity towards water (in stationary phase) and mobile phase solvents during the movement of mobile phase under the capillary action of pores in the paper.
  • 9. 9 Principle of separation Cont.,  The principle can also be adsorption chromatography between solid and liquid phases, wherein the stationary phase is the solid surface of paper and the liquid phase is of mobile phase.  But most of the applications of paper chromatography work on the principle of partition chromatography, i.e. partitioned between to liquid phases.
  • 10. 10 M ODES OF PAPER CHROM ATOGRAPHY Based on the way the development of chromatogram on paper is done in procedures, we have, broadly, five modes of chromatography. 1. Ascending 2. Descending 3. Ascending-Descending 4. Circular/ Radial 5. Two-Dimensional
  • 11. 1. Ascending Technique When the development of the paper is done by allowing the solvent to travel up the paper, it is known as ascending technique.  The chromatogram of this technique ascends slowly due to the mobile phase movement in a upward direction.  The solvent is kept at the bottom of the filter paper or stationary phase with the end of the filter paper dipped in.  The component mixture spot is kept well above the solvent level and is not allowed to touch the spot. 11
  • 12. 2. Descending Technique When the development of the paper is done by allowing the solvent to travel down the paper, it is known as descending technique. The mobile phase in this type is kept at the top of the chromatogram and the components of the mixture separates out downward gravity and action of the due to capillary filter paper. ADVANTAGE: Development is faster 12
  • 13. 3. Ascending-Descending Technique  Ahybrid of above two techniques is called ascending-descending chromatography.  Only length of separation increased, first ascending takes place followed by descending.  Overall shows a bi-directional movement of the mixture components. 13
  • 14. 4. Circular/ Radial Technique 14 In this type of paper chromatography the solvent moves from the centre towards the peripheral regions of the filter paper. The radiating mixture component is allowed to spread till all the components have separated out. For precaution the entire system is covered with the help of a Petri dish. The centre of the paper is allowed to be dipped into the solvent and the coloured components radiates out in concentric circles.
  • 15. 5. Two- Dimensional Technique  The chromatogram in this type develops at right angle to each other and the filter paper is dipped at right angle once the first chromatogram is complete.  The second chromatogram then develops at right angle to the first one. 15
  • 16. 16 1. Choice of Development Technique 2. Choice of Stationary Phase 3. Proper Developing Solvent System 4. Preparation of Sample 5. Application of Sample (Spotting) 6. Drying the Chromatogram 7. Detecting or Visualizing 8. Calculation of Rf Value Experimental details for qualitative analysis
  • 17. 17 1. Choice of Development Technique The choice of technique depends substances to separated. upon the nature of the  Ascending  Descending  Ascending-Descending  Circular/ Radial  Two-Dimensional
  • 18. 2. Choice of Stationary Phase  Chromatography makes use stationary phase.  Paper essentially consists of of paper which acts as a cellulose fibers which are polymers having -OH functional groups sticking out of the polymer chains.  These groups lead to retention and separation of surface absorbed molecules.  In practice the separating molecules equilibrate between the layer of adsorbed water and the mobile phase solvent. 18
  • 19. 19 2. Choice of Stationary Phase Cont., The choice of paper is dependent on the type of problem under investigation. The prime factors, that govern the choice, are as follows:  Whether the paper is being used for quantitative or qualitative analysis;  Whether it is used for analytical or preparative chromatography; or  Whether the substances used are hydropilic or lipophilic, neutral or charged species.
  • 20. 20 2. Choice of Stationary Phase Cont., Various types of Whatmann papers are available. Rate of Flow Fast Medium Slow Thin Paper No. 4 No. 7 No. 2 No. 54 No. 1 No. 20 No. 540 Thick Paper No. 31 No. 3 No. 17 No. 3 MM
  • 21. 21 2. Choice of Stationary Phase Cont.,  Whatmann filter papers commonly used for chromatographic purposes have a content of 99% of α-cellulose. The rest is mineral content.  For the efficient separation of polar substances, the exchange capacity of the paper is increased by increasing the carboxyl content (1.4%) by partial oxidation.  It is possible to increase the capillarity of the paper by partial hydrolysis which is achieved by soaking the filter paper for 24 h in 7% hydrochloric acid and washing successfully with water and ethanol.
  • 22. 22 2. Choice of Stationary Phase Cont.,  Cellulose paper is also used as a support for various adsorbents like alumina, silica, zirconium oxide etc. which get precipitated in the pores of the filter paper to produce a thin sheet of the adsorbent with the flexibility of the paper but having adsorbent characteristics of the precipitate.  Chelating agents such as 8-hydroxyquinoline, dimethyl glyoxime and several other compounds impart papers with special characteristics.  Papers have also been impregnated with powdered or liquid ion exchangers to produce ion exchange papers.
  • 23. 23 Modified Papers for Paper Chromatography Type Mobile Phase Carboxyl papers Cationic separation of protonated amines and amino acids Acetylated Papers RP chromatography of lipophilic substances like steroids, insecticides and pigments and also metal cations. Kieselguhr papers, Alumina papers, Zirconia papers, Silica papers Separation of low polarity substances such as amines, fatty acids, steroids, triglycerides, vitamins and pesticides Ion Exchange Papers Ion Exchange paper chromatography 2. Choice of Stationary Phase Cont.,
  • 24. 24 3. Proper Developing Solvent System Criteria for selection of a working solvent system:  Solvents should not be toxic or carcinogenic. In such cases adequate handling care should be exercised.  The solvent mixture composition should not change with time.  Solvent constituents should not chemically react with any of the sample constituents.  Solvents should not interfere with the detection of spots on the developed paper.
  • 25. 25  Differences in Rf values of any two components should be at least 0.05 for differentiation between two closely spaced spots.  The Rf values of the sample should lie between 0.05 and 0.85 in the system. Suitable solvent systems for paper chromatography Water as a stationary Phase – Isopropanol: ammonia: water [9:1:2] – N-butanol: glacial acetic acid: water [4:1:5] – Phenol saturated with water SP(dimethyl ether):- Cyclohexane SP(kerosene) :- 70% isopropanol
  • 26. 26 3. Proper Developing Mobile Phase cont., Commonly used solvent combinations:  Strongly polar compounds: o ethyl acetate: n-butanol: acetic acid: water - 80:10:5:5  Polar compounds: o 10% methanol or less in dichloromethane  Strongly basic compounds: o 10% ammonium hydroxide in methanol and make 1-10% mixture of this in dichloromethane
  • 27. 27 4. Preparation of Sample  Pure solutions can be applied directly on the paper but solids are always dissolved in small quantity of a suitable solvent.  Biological tissues are treated with suitable solvents and their extracts obtained.  The sample volume of 10-20 µL having as many µg of the substances is that ideal quantity to be spotted.
  • 28. Preparation of Paper  Cut the paper into desired shape and size depending upon work to be carried out.  The starting line is marked on the paper with an ordinary pencil 2 cm from the bottom edge.  On the staring line marks are made 2 cm apart from each other. 5. Application of Sample (Spotting) 28
  • 29. Spotting:  The sample to be applied is dissolved in the mobile phase and applied as a small spot on the origin line, using capillary tube or micropipette.  Very low concentration is used to avoid larger zone.  The sample is applied as a neat spot on a horizontal line drawn with a pencil close to one edge.  The spot is dried on the filter paper and is placed in developing chamber. 29
  • 30. Developing:  Allow the spot to dry and then immerse the paper in the developing chamber as per the selected technique with the marked spot above the solvent level.  The solvent begins to move and draws the sample components differentially along with it.  At the end of the development take out the paper and mark the solvent front with another line. 30
  • 31. 6. Drying of Chromatogram They are dried by cold or hot air depending on volatility of solvents. A simple hair dryer is a convenient device to dry chromatograms. 31
  • 32. 32 7. Detecting or Visualizing  Coloured spots are easily observed on developed chromatograms.  However, different approaches need to be adopted when colourless components are to be observed.  It is convenient to classify such methods as specific or non-specific.
  • 33. 33 Non-specific methods (Physical):  Iodine chamber: The developed plate is suspended in a closed jar containing a few crystals of iodine for about a vapour most organic minute. In presence of iodine compounds appear as brown spots.  UV viewing cabinet:  Majority of colourless compounds can be viewed under illumination with UV light in a UV viewing cabinet.  Commonly the cabinets are equipped with a long wavelength (366 nm) and short wavelength (254 nm) light sources.
  • 34. Specific methods (Chemical methods) • Ferric chloride • Ninhydrin in acetone • Dragendroff’s reagents • 3,5-dinitro benzoic acid • Molisch reagent • Phenolic comp. & tannins • Amino acids • Alkaloids • Cardiac glycosides • Carbohydrates 34
  • 35. Rf VALUE (Retardation Factor) The Rf defines the movement of the substance relative to the solvent front in a given chromatographic system. 8. Calculation of Rf VALUE 35
  • 36. 36 Factors affecting Rf VALUE  The temperature  The purity of the solvents used  The quality of the paper, adsorbents & impurities present in the adsorbents  Chamber saturation techniques, method of drying & development  The distance travelled by the solute & solvent  Chemical reaction between the substances being partitioned.  pH of the solution
  • 37. 37 Rx VALUE  In many cases it has been observed that the solvent front is run off the end of the paper.  It is the ratio of distance travelled by the sample and the distance travelled by the standard.  Rx value is always closer to 1.
  • 38. 38 For quantitative analysis, the preliminary separation is done in the same way as in qualitative analysis. Then, the assay can be performed either after extraction from the paper or in situ on the paper. 1. Estimation after Extraction from the paper 2. In situ methods Experimental details for Quantitative Analysis
  • 39. 39 In this technique, the spots are cut into portions and eluted with solvents. This solution can be analyzed by any techniques of analysis like gravimetric estimation, spectrophotometry, Colorimetry, Polarography, Flame photometry, etc. In the assessment of the merits of any procedure, the following information is required:  The nature of the substance to be assayed.  The scientific equipment available and its sensitivity.  The time available and  The alternative method, available, if any, and their relative accuracies 1. Estimation after Extraction from the paper
  • 40. 40 2. In situ methods  By Visual Assessment: The simplest procedure is to see the spot by the human eye. However, it is not very accurate.  By Measurement of areas:  if the outline of the spots or zones are well defined, the size of the spot (length or areas) may serve for determining the quantity of the substances.  Then a linear relationship is obtained between the spot area and amount of the substance present.  The random errors in the procedure are generally high as a results of the variations of the spot shape during separation.  Other drawbacks: Volume of applied sample and speed of application
  • 41. 41 2. In situ methods cont.,  By Densitometer: It is a method whereby the intensity of the colour of a substance is measured directly on the chromatogram.  By Potentiometer: Changes in the potential of a metal electrode in contact with the filter paper is also utilised with quadrant electrometer or electronic voltmeters.  Fluorimetry: The compound to be determined by fluorimetry must be fluorescent or convertible into fluorescent derivatives.  Radiotracer Method: The compound containing radioactive element is labeled and treated with locating reagent. Using Geiger Muller counter.
  • 42. 42 SOURCES of ERROR  Error during application of the spots: o Apply minimum volume of the concentrated solution in order to avoid diffusion through the paper which leads to poor separation o Spots should be approximately of the same diameter.  Development: o Improper adjustment of the paper in the tank leads to this error so the paper should be held vertically. o Do chamber saturation  Detection: o The spraying methods affect the final result
  • 43. 43 APPLICATIONS Innumerable applications have been reported in analysis of different classes of compounds such as:  Amino acids and organic acids  Alkaloids  Polysaccharides  Proteins and peptides  Natural and artificial pigments  Inorganic cations  Plant extracts
  • 44. 44 Applications cont., Typical applications in key areas are briefly outlined here: 1. Reaction monitoring: In a chemical reaction over a period of time the concentration of reactants decreases whereas the concentration of products increases. Developing the chromatogram over different time intervals by spotting the reactants can give a fair idea on the progress of reaction. Traditionally the technique was used for qualitative monitoring but availability of densitometers made quantitative estimations possible.
  • 45. 45 Applications cont., 2. Isolation & Purification: Paper chromatography has been put to use as a purification and isolation technique for components of mixtures. The separated components on the paper are cut, dissolved in suitable solvents and their absorption characterised at specific wavelengths using spectrophotometric methods. 3. Foods & Beverages: Paper chromatography has been used for analysis of food colours in synthetic drinks and beverages, ice creams, jams & jellies, sweets, etc.
  • 46. 46 Applications cont., 2. Isolation & Purification: Paper chromatography has been put to use as a purification and isolation technique for components of mixtures. The separated components on the paper are cut, dissolved in suitable solvents and their absorption characterised at specific wavelengths using spectrophotometric methods. 3. Foods & Beverages: Paper chromatography has been used for analysis of food colours in synthetic drinks and beverages, ice creams, jams & jellies, sweets, etc.
  • 47. 47 Applications cont., 4. Forensics: The major applications are for identification and comparison against reference standards for drugs and their metabolites in viscera, explosive residues from blast sites, inks used in forgery of documents and paint pigments investigations in hit and run road accident cases. 5. Pharmaceuticals: It offers a cost-effective alternative to monitoring the active ingredients in drug forms administered in bioanalytical studies. Its main contribution is when the quantity of sample available is in minute amounts.