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Parrot Essay In Gujarati
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Parrot Essay In Gujarati Parrot Essay In Gujarati
Ecofeminism- Links the domination of women and the...
Expanding Feminist Activism Ecological Feminism: local/global activism
Ecofeminism Links the domination of women and the domination of nature.
Ecofeminism places importance on our connection as people of one earth and also recognizes how
women have been, historically in the capitalist patriarchy, labeled as subordinate in relation to the
dominating body. The environment falls into this subordinate category because it continues to be
pressed and used to benefit the man machine. It may be hard for participants in the capitalist system
to open their eyes and accept an ecofeminist stance when the realms of ecology and capitalism are
held in opposition. Ecofeminists do not support the idea that women s increased economic, political
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Ann Dale, a founding Senior Associate with the Sustainable Development Research Institute at the
University of British Columbia, quotes D. Bohm The very word environment is an abstraction, one
that is wrong in this context, it abstracts the environment from the person and the person from the
environment...But the so called environment is the very source of being for the person...It separates
things that are one (Dale 3). The constant polarization between male/female, society/environment
and economic warriors seeking incessant profit/the people that are exploited are all interconnected
and working together to maintain the power dynamic of the capitalist patriarchy.
A more egalitarian social order could be implemented through the rise of the concept sustainable
development. Robert Kates, a professor at Brown University believes that central to such a
sustainability transition will be, for both population and consumption, a transition from more to
enough (Schmandt 79). As members of a capitalist society we have been socialized to always want
more. We never have enough to satisfy our desires. I suggest we reassess our values. Sustainable
development has been criticized for its direct connection to the perpetuation of capitalist ideals
rather than truly challenging the existing structure. I believe that it is a good beginning to
controlling our patterns of consumption as they are. It is a starting point that may
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The Rise Of Fanfiction
Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L. James, Gabriel Trilogy by Sylvain Reynard, and After by Anna
Todd, are books that sold millions of copies all over the world. What do they all have in
common? They were all once fanfictions. But, these are just some of the vast amount of books
that were originally fanfiction. Because of these books, fanfiction has been getting a lot of
attention over the last year. If you didn t know what fanfiction was before, there is no way you
could ignore it now. Some people may say that it s just a childish trend that obsessed teens have
just started doing. Or people may praise it, and say it s the start of a new era. But, let me tell you,
fanfiction has been around for a very long time. It s hard to pinpoint where
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Costs and Profit Assignment
Assignment 2
(20 points)
Assignment 2: Costs and Profit
Save this file in your course folder, and name it with Assignment, the section number, and your first
initial and last name. For example, Jessie Robinson s assignment for Section 1 would be named
Type the answers to the assignment questions below. Use complete sentences unless the question
says otherwise. You will have more than one day to complete an assignment. At the end of each
day, be sure to save your progress.
Review Lesson 4 of the Course Overview for instructions about turning in your assignments.
Assignment Questions
In Section 2, you learned about costs and profit. Now, you ll apply what you learned.
1. Choose a real or made up ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Typically, net profit is measured on a quarterly or annual basis. When compared with a company
net profit during other periods, it can provide a useful measure for how profitable a company is
over time and the overall performance of the company management team.
4. If you were running a company, describe at least two things you would do to improve its
productivity. (1 4 sentences. 2.0 points)
This is a massive one in today s era of modern technology: emails, instant messaging, status
updates, sms etc. When you are in the middle of an important task and you get interrupted or
distracted, it can take you up to 20 minutes to get back into the zone. If this happens 3 times in a
day, that s 1 hour of lost productivity. In a fortnight, that s 10 hours or more than one whole day of
lost productivity, just from being interrupted. Imagine what you could do if you had a whole extra
day every fortnight. Now you know how.
The television networks know about prime time that is the time when most people are watching
and they will get their best return for their money. Hence, they put on their best shows during this
time. What is your prime time? Your prime time is the time when you are at your most
productive. Use this time to take on your most challenging and valuable tasks. For me, my prime
times are either in the mornings or evenings. I try to keep my afternoons for lower value tasks
while my mornings and evenings are set aside for tasks that require
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Washington State Symbols
The United States Congress consists of two chambers; the Senate and the House of
Representatives (O Connor, Sabato, Yanus, 2015). Congress is the legislative branch of
government with a primary goal of creating the laws as well as to represent the people s interest
in national politics (O Connor et al., 2015). Each of the 50 states gets its share of 435
representatives based upon its population in which a constitutionally delegated process also known
as apportionment adjusts the number of seats allotted to each state accordingly following a U.S.
Census decennial (O Connor et al., 2015).
The State of Washington officially became the 42nd state to be part of the Union in 1889 and the
only state in the United States named after one of the nation s president (Wash. Rev. Code В§
1.20.080 (1967)). Washington State s richly green landscapes is the result of its vast amount of
rainfall annually ( Why is Washington, 2016). The state s unofficial nickname The Evergreen State
comes from much of its terrain being of abundant evergreen forests of pine and fir trees ( State
Symbols, 2016). There are nine major cities ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Maria Cantwell, junior senator, has been a senator since 2001 and her next election is in 2018 (
Washington Senators, 2016). Senator Cantwell was previously Washington State s first
congressional district representative from 1993 1994 ( Washington Senators, 2016). Some of the
bills Senator Cantwell sponsors are in the issue areas of Taxation, Energy, Commerce, Foreign
Trade and International Finance, and Transportation and Public Works ( Washington Senators,
2016). Senators Murray and Cantwell are alike in following the delegate concept by putting the
needs and wants of their constituents before their conscience and personal policy preference (O
Connor et al., 2015). In other words, these representatives are true delegates who vote the way their
constituents would want them to regardless of their own opinions (O Connor et al., 2015, p.
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Everyday Use By Alice Walker
Heritage is defined as something that comes or belongs to one by reason of birth. In Everyday
Use , by Alice Walker, the theme of the story can be considered as the meaning of heritage or
even the power of education. Alice Walker uses many symbols and motifs such as the following:
quilts, education, knowledge, Asalamalakim, and the renaming of Dee. In the story, African
heritage and knowledge takes a major role. The African heritage plays a major role in the story,
Everyday Use . Alice Walker emphasizes the meaning of heritage by having Dee come visit her
family and contradicting her heritage. As Dee go off to college, she meets new people and finds
her a boyfriend, Asalamalakim. Alice Walker adds attention onto Dee s new name, Wangero,
because Dee changes her name, not understanding the true rootof her original name. No, mama,
she says. Not Dee, Wangero Leewanika Kemanjo! What happened to Dee ? I wanted to know.
She s dead... (160). However, Dee truly believes that her heritage lies way back to Africa. The
African clothes and name gives an understanding that Dee thinks that she is from Africa and that
is where her heritage originally lies. In addition, Mama and Dee have different point of views on
what heritage truly is. Mama tells Wangero (Dee) that her name comes from a line of ancestors,
yet Wangero believes that her new name has more roots in it. You know as well as me you were
named after your aunt Dicie, I said. Dicie is my sister. She named Dee. We
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Successful Start-Ups Key Success Factors
Successful Start ups Key Success Factors
A study of the Fast Growing Firms by Bertrand Brillois
Avdelning, Institution Division, Department
Datum Date 2000 06 02
Ekonomiska Institutionen 581 83 LINKГ–PING
SprГҐk Language Svenska/Swedish X Engelska/English Rapporttyp Report category
Licentiatavhandling Examensarbete C uppsats X D uppsats Г–vrig rapport ____ ISBN ISRN
Internationella ekonomprogrammet 2000/36 Serietitel och serienummer Title of series, numbering
URL för elektronisk version http://www.ep.liu.se/exjobb/eki/2000/iep/036/ Titel Title Författare
Author Successful start ups key success factors
Bertrand Brillois
Sammanfattning Abstract Almost everyday we can read about or listen to the radio the creation...
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I will continue by discussing the problem which this study deals with, then I will formulate the
main problems areas. At the end of the chapter I will give you the objectives of this thesis. In the
ten years or so, the importance of Small Business development and entrepreneurship has begun to
be recognized not only by specialists in this field, but also by a huge number of researchers, even
nowadays everybody is talking about it, we are the witnesses of a New Gold Rush. In this research
field, many new scientific papers have been published. The universities started offering new courses
in entrepreneurship, and later introduced separate programs in entrepreneurship as
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Bruckner s 8th Symphony Essay
With a sense of mystery, highly acclaimed New York Philharmonic conductor Lorin Maazel opened
Bruckner s 8th symphony with a tremolo on the strings and then repeats this tremolando in forte
while the brass gloriously brought in the first major theme. Amidst the bright colors and amazing
acoustics at Disney Hall, the audience sat in eager anticipation; many of the present members were
experienced with Bruckner s pieces and Wagnerian style. Sitting next to me, David Barry of the LA
Philharmonic Board of Directors gave me an introduction to the history of Disney Hall, the LA
Philharmonic musicians, and Anton Bruckner. He quickly detailed several prominent musicians
profiles, including that of the only timpanist at the concert, and then, he... Show more content on
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This astounding range of emotions, within just a few bars, was so new to me; at first, I was afraid
that I misunderstood the music. I had never heard music with such a strong Romantic style before,
but as the concert went on, I let the music wash over myself and lead my imagination to experience
Bruckner s dazzling array of emotions portrayed in this work.
Maazel s brilliant portrayal of Bruckner s swaying emotions was evident as the pizzicato on the
strings transitioned into the brass, fiercely bellowing the third theme. With my inexperience, I was
rather uncomfortable with the sudden and almost jarring shifts in the mood at first, but gradually, I
began to appreciate how Bruckner alternated between his themes, using them, as Mark Swed of the
LA Times noted, as gigantic melodic building blocks to construct a massive cathedral of sound.
Despite the complex, intertwining development of the three themes, the first movement vanishingly
surrendered itself, as elusively as the introduction.
In the subsequent scherzo, David Berry explained some of the influences of Beethoven, my favorite
composer, had on Bruckner s piece. Although I didn t really understand much, the second
movement s numerous reiterations of the bold principal theme left me feeling as if I were caught
in a powerful thunderstorm of divine glory, a contrast of loving compassion for the
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Fear In The Things They Carried
Throughout the mid 1960s to the 70s, the United States was at war with Vietnam. War is a
conflict between other nations or different groups inside a country. War can affect families
tremendously by letting go of a son and mother or father s relationship. It takes courage and
bravery to help defend your nation and to sacrifice your own life for others. I haven t been in a
war but if I had to I wouldn t. If entering a war you could lose everything you had before entering
a war. After the war you will have nothing left, you will lose your friends, family members, and
no one will talk to you about the struggles in the war because they do not have any experience
with it. As a result of violence in wars lead soldiers having PTSD, depression, and guilt. In The
Things They Carried the soldiers felt obligated to enter the war because they were fearful of
violence, ashamed for not being brave, guilty, and courageous for defending their nation.
In the late 60s, Tim O Brien had been drafted to go to war in Vietnam. When he got drafted he didn
t want to go ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Fear is important in The Things They Carried. War is fear. I personally dealt with fear before.
Dealing with fear gives you stress and anxiety. My fear was the dark. I used to live in the Bronx,
where there were crimes. I was afraid to put the garbage outside from the criminals. According to
the soldiers, they were young. They were not experienced. If you take a teen to war, he would
have problems later on such as PTSD, and other types of disorder that relate to fear. Norman
Bowker has an emotional life. His emotions are mostly about guilt which leads to fear. When
Kiowa died, he takes the blame for it. His fear comes from Kiowa s death because he had the
opportunity to save him but from the smell the quicksand he didn t. So, as the result of fear young
soldiers who doesn t have experience can lead to fear from the images of
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The Importance of Roger Spottiswoode’s Screen Adaptation...
The Importance of Roger Spottiswoode s Screen Adaptation of And The Band Played On
[1] Hollywood is no longer just a name, it is a business, a living entity holding America s people
in its grasp, and it is not about to let them go. Gradually taking on more responsibility and trying to
build up its reputation over the years, Hollywood has progressively assumed the position of history
teller for the American public. This role, whether or not an appropriate one for an industry such as
Hollywood to tackle, has catapulted actors and actresses into high paying, high visibility positions.
History has and will continue to be one of the main subjects that the movie industry has been
fascinated with. It is an alive and very fragile ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The debate over cinematic history still remains, and it will continue to challenge Hollywood,
constantly forcing the industry to make the best possible movies, producing historical epics on the
big screen, making history a universal and personable subject.
[3] In 1993, a small time director at HBO Productions thought it was about time that a movie was
made discussing the broad, taboo topic of the AIDS epidemic. Roger Spottiswoode was the
director, and he took author Randy Shilts controversial journal And The Band Played On:
Politics, People and the AIDS Epidemic (1987) and turned it into a movie. Spottiswoode took the
challenge facing Hollywood straight on and was bold enough to attempt a project that had been
passed over and rejected for six years straight. From the beginning to end And The Band Played
On was a fight. Spottiswoode fought for HBO to take the project on, and he fought with
Hollywood to try to entice actors to participate in it. The fight continued after the release of the
cable TV movie, with critics and the public simply not wanting to know or be informed of the truth.
[4] With controversy surrounding the production of the movie, the fight seeped into the movie and
its evidence in the story. The portrayal of the actors and the fight that each character undergoes is
an illustration of the fight that AIDS forced our country to face in the early 1980 s. With Richard
Gere s
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Baseball Creator
The Creator and How Baseball Was Created
Abner Doubleday was the inventor of baseball during the Civil War. When he created it he
claimed to have nothing to do with it but he really was the inventor. The game of baseball was
based off of old english games like rounders and cricket. The sport of baseball was turned into an
organized sport in the 1840 s to the 1850 s. Baseball was originated in Cooperstown, New york in
the year of 1839. When baseball started to be an organized sport there were eight major league
teams. The teams were Boston Red Stockings (now the Atlanta Braves), Chicago White Stockings
(now the Chicago Cubs), Cincinnati Red Stockings, Hartford Dark Blues, Louisville Grays, Mutual
of New York, Philadelphia Athletics and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
With this new ball the home runs per game averaged up to 0.20 home runs a game. By 1925 the
home runs averaged up to 0.48 home runs per game. The ball was heavier, bigger in size, but the
seams were smooth so pitchers had less control of the ball. This ball was called the rabbit ball
because of the australian wool. In 1920 pitchers were restricted from spitballs and now had
intentional walks. The spitball was when you put saliva or vaseline on the ball which caused
the ball to spin in a weird way. If you get caught with a spitball you either get suspended for the
game or from the whole league. In 1931 they changed the cork center with cushioned cork pill
which was a mix of ground rubber and cork. The amount of homeruns went down to 0.43
homeruns a game. The balls in the American league were different then the balls that the
National league had but they decided to standardize the ball that the American league was using.
In WWII when the Japanese seized Malaya and the Dutch East Indies, the U.S. was cut off from
its usual source of supply . About a ton of rubber was used to make tanks and about half was used
for a long ranged bomber, therefore Uncle Sam restricted the use of rubber materials it was only
aloud to be used for the war so people were not aloud to use rubber to make baseballs anymore.
During that time a new baseball was presented and it looked and felt like a real
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National Pork Producers Council Executive Summary
Background on NPPC The National Pork Producers Council (NPPC) is branded as the voice that
fights for and defends the United States pork industry. The organization works on a national, state,
and local level to assure that the pork industry is profitable and successful. Their central locations
are stationed in Des Moines, Iowa as well as Washington D.C. Economically, the porkindustry
generates approximately $34billion each year in gross product within the country (cite). The NPPC
aims to be a representative of the benefit that the pork industry brings to the country as well as an
advocate for the 500,000 jobs that the industry represents. The organization is investor funded, with
80% of pork farmers across the country supporting it.
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A Student Board Representative For My School District
Fifteen years ago, I served as the student board representative for my school district. All I can
really remember is being entertained by emotional parent complaints and listening to jargon
filled presentations. Upon receiving my first pink slip from that same district seven years later,
I spoke at a school board meeting for the first time. Three years later, I was motivated by another
pink slip to speak in front of a school board this time as a teacher for my current school district,
San Diego County Office of Education (SDCOE) Juvenile Court and Community Schools
(JCCS). Since that first pink slip scare with JCCS, I have been a regular attendee at SDCOE
board meetings. I try my best to pay attention and even take notes when JCCS is on the agenda. I
have spoken on behalf of my students and coworkers and even helped to introduce my site s
student board representative. However, I honestly spend most of the meetings bored by detailed
presentations about programs far removed from my classroom or confused by topics that I do not
completely understand. However, I keep attending. During the past few weeks, I attended the San
Diego Unified School District (SDUSD) June 2 meeting and the SDCOE June 10 meeting. After
observing a board meeting in a traditional school district for the first time in ten years, I was
reminded of the strong parent and community voice that is often shared during board meetings in
local districts. On the other hand county board meetings are
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15 E Young Street Somerville NJ 08876 908 285 9169 (Cell) acreggy@hotmail.com
I am a hard working, energetic individual with strong project management, relationship
management and communication skills and have a proven track record for achieving set objectives
and goals.
* Broad Project Management experience across a multitude of industries including Airline,
Broadcasting amp; Media, Telecommunications, Banking amp; Finance and IT amp; Engineering. *
Excellent Relationship Management skills with a proven track record of successfully collaborating
with multiple ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Project Manager Triton NGDCS Flight Management Help and Support Transition
Reporting to the Project Implementation Manager, my responsibilities included; * Plan amp;
manage the overall transition activities for the Triton NGDCS Flight Management implementation.
* Develop a transition strategy. * Manage the preparation of detailed plans, check lists, etc to
support all facets of the transition to business as usual. * Assist in the coordination of Help amp;
Support activities. * Define the level of additional support that will be required during
implementation and the point when production handover should be completed. * Assist in the
actual cutover activities. * Report workstream status. * Create effective relationships and forums to
engage all key stakeholders. * Manage workstream risks, issues amp; actions. * Represent Qantas in
workstream related joint forums including those involving senior and/or executives in Qantas and
Amadeus. * Resolve problems amp; conflicts.
Triton NGDCS Flight Management Network and Desktop Infrastructure Project Manager
Reporting to the Qantas IT Infrastructure Manager, my responsibilities included; * Prepare Qantas
and their Hosted Airlines network and desktop environment for the implementation of the Amadeus
New Generation Inventory System including the decommissioning of the Qantas Universal
Business System RS13. * Manage third party vendor
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Hester Prynne Shadow
Pearl s life is in the shadow of her mother Hester Prynne. Hester is an horrible influence on Pearl.
She shouldn t be able to keep her at all, because everyone in town is going to reject Pearl, because
of her mother committed crimes over and over again. Hester should not keep Pearl because she has
committed crimesНѕ Pearl is forced to live in the shadow of her mother s guiltНѕ and she is forced
to live without a father or other family.
Man had marked this woman s sin by a scarlet letter,which had, such potent and disastrous efficacy
that no human sympathy could reach her, save it were sinful like herself (Hawthorne 73).Hester
Prynne shouldn t be able to keep Pearl, because she is known for committing adultery.It wouldn t
be safe for Pearl either,
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Timetable Management System Using Java
Semester I
Course Code
Course Name
COMP 712
Programming Problem Solving with C
COMP 714
COMP 715
MAS 621
BAM 752
Introduction to Softwares
Computer Organization and Architecture
Discrete Mathematics
Business Communication
Total Credits
Semester II
Course Code
Course Name
COMP 723
Operating System
COMP 724
COMP 725
COMP 726
MAS 661
Data Structures using C++
Information System Analysis and Design
Web Technologies
BAM 753
Essentials of Management
Computer based Numerical and Statistical
Total Credits
Semester III
Course Code
COMP 731
COMP 732
COMP 733
COMP 736
COMP 837
BAM 796
Semester IV
Course Code
COMP 842
COMP 843
20 ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Unit 3: Software
System software, Operating System, Functions of OS, Overview of DOS,
Windows and Unix.
Application software (Word Processor, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint)
Unit 4: Programming Languages and Software Development
Generation of Languages, Compiler, Assembler, Linker, Loader, Software
Development Methodology, Software Development Life Cycle
Programming Languages: Programming Language Paradigm, Procedure Oriented
Language, Object Oriented Language, Web Based Languages
Unit 5: Network and Data Base Concepts
Definition and Types of Network, Introduction to Internet Search Engine, Web
Page, Web Browser, Introduction to E Commerce.
Data Base definition, Data Base Management System, overview of MS Access
Text Books:
1. Fundamentals of Computer: V. Raja Raman
2. Fundamentals of Computer: P. K. Sinha
Reference Books:
1. Microsoft Office Black Book
2. UNIX: The Ultimate Guide: Sumitabha Das
3. PC Software: V.K. Jain O Level
Computer Organization Architecture
Code: COMP 715
Credits: 4(3+1+0)
Introduction: Types of computers: Analog, Digital and Hybrid Computers, Modern Digital
Number systems Binary, Octal, Decimal, Hexadecimal , 1 s 2 s Complement.
Digital logic circuits and Components: Logic gates, Boolean Algebra, K Map Simplification, Half
Adder, Full Adder, Decoder, Encoders, Multiplexers, Demultiplexer, Flip Flops, Registers, Binary
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The Absences Of Government
Many people in the world feel like the government is not necessary and exists for the sole purpose
of controlling or putting power over people. However, the government serves three distinct
purposes and without it, countries would quickly fall apart, and eventually the world would follow
suit. Governments exist to maintain authority, ensure national security, and manage society for the
good of all of the citizens. While some people may argue that there are countries that have survived
in the absence of government, these countries have often times become a failed state. According to
John Presley in his lecture entitled, The Absences of Government, a failed state is defined by a
government that cannot uphold to their purposes, which causes countries to become unstable and
unsafe... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
According to Brad Plumer of The Washington Post, when a government shutdown occurs, the CDC
is forced to stop many of its operations. The CDC provides many health safety programs and
regulations for health professionals. Without this organization running, the United Statescould
easily face a disease outbreak and have no way to stop it. Plumer also says, During the shutdown,
the Food and Drug Administration will have to cease most of its food safety operations. This means
that there would be nobody regulating where our dairy, poultry, and other sources of food come
from. If no one is regulating our food, it could easily be contaminated yet people would still receive
the product. When the government is active, these organizations run smoothly, but once there is no
government, the organizations are nonfunctional. During that short absence of government, our
country also loses many of its efforts to maintain society. When a government shutdown occurs, we
face sharp repercussions that could have easily been avoided in the presence of active
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Mama Day Symbolism
Is magic a universally accepted belief? Does it really exist in the real world? This is a question
that many people ask themselves throughout their lifetime. In the novel, Mama Day written by
Gloria Naylor, the readers see many aspects of magic and can universally accept it s authenticity
through subtle associations of true beliefs.. In Mama Day, multiple characters are presented as
conjure women or men and witches. A conjure woman or man is a sorceress (or sorcerer), or
someone who practices hoodoo. Hoodoo is defined as witchcraft or magic (Oxford Dictionary pg.
1). In the novel, Mama Day by Gloria Naylor, the reader sees magic as a theme throughout the
plot, and the readers see these two characters as holding some sort of magical powers:... Show more
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The first narrator the reader blatantly sees as a conjure woman is Mama Day. This character
often says that her powers are god given, and that she only uses the resources that god has given
her. An example of this would be her baby bearing hands. Mama Day did not conjure up these
skills, but they were crafted and created by God before she was even born. She only ever uses
her powers to help others. Jane Duran, a lecturer in Black Studies, writes that [i]n Mama Day, it
is clear that the title character also known as Miranda is in fact a contemporary conjure woman,
whose gifts are used for good for all except the foolish few who would dare to try to cause harm
to her or her family. In general, Miranda functions as a healer and visionary, whose abilities to
save children s lives, birth babies, and provide aid and succor to the ill are legendary on the
island (Duran pg. 4). There are several scenes where the reader sees Mama Days powers at work.
For example, Bernice, another character in the novel, is wanting to get pregnant. She has been
trying to get pregnant for a quite some time now, and she
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The Chocolate War Summary
The setting of this novel, The Chocolate War, by Robert Cormier, is set in trinity. Trinity is a
school for the top tier students. Trinity is also known for doing what other schools can t. This
story has a very rebellious mood to it. The reasoning behind this is the rebellious behavior Jerry
uses. The first characteris Jerry Renault. In this story Jerry plays the important role of protagonist.
Mentally Jerry is a coward, but only at the start of the story as he becomes faced with trials. Jerrys
weight is five foot nine inches and his weight is one hundred forty five pounds. What the hell you
want to play football for? You need more meat on those bones. (6).
The second character is Archie Costello. In this story Archie also play an important role as the
main antagonist. Archie is an average young male with blond hair. Archie is not certain he is
human and struggles with that. Don t you think i m human. (14). The third and final character is
Brother Leon. In the story Leon is an antagonist that hides in the shadows controlling archie. At the
start Leon comes off as someone who believes in the school. I know it s a lot of chocolates .(23).
This shows the disguise of tenderness. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Jerry is told to refuse the chocolates by the vigils as an assignment. Everyone finds out about the
assignment Jerry received. After Jerry s assignment is over jerry continues to refuse the
chocolates. The vigils consider Jerry s refusal to sell a defiance. The other students consider
rebelling as well. The school treasurer finds out about Leon embezzling from the school and
needs to sell all the chocolates to break even. Archie plans a raffle where you put how you want
Janza to to hit Jerry or how you want Jerry to hit Janza. Janza breaks the rules hitting Jerry in the
head rendering him knocked
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Governmental Regulation And “Red Tape” Is Often The Target
Governmental regulation and red tape is often the target of the people who see an ineffective
government and a bloated public administration. Red tape is the complex process which
administrators much go through to solve a problem or conduct normal business. Regulations are
additional requirements for businesses and the people which may have the potential to harm the
economy. Red tapeand regulations are the problem with this nations bureaucracy. To demonstrate
this problem, two models of bureaucratic dysfunction will be explored. This examination will be
followed by a discussion of the bureaucratic problem. The public bureaucracy has always been the
target of great scrutiny. The have been seen as unproductive and/or hungry for power.... Show more
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Trained incapacity occurs when an individual relies upon previous training to such an extent that
they will mold a situation to fit their training even if it does not. The fourth aspect of the model is
goal displacement which occurs when individuals blindly follows instructions and the goals of the
organization. Blindly following the organizations goals diminishes the role of reflection and
employee initiated reforms.
The final aspect of the first model is dual system of authority. This occurs when individuals are
asked to step outside of their training or approach an issue from a different training procedure.
On page 173, the author claim its similar to getting a doctor to think of a problem from a legal or
engineering perspective (Knott Miller, 1987, 173). The first model, based upon the writings of
James March and Herbert Simons, places the blame on organizations failing to meet their stated
objectives on the individual. The second model does not place the same blame on the individual as
the first one does. Instead, the majority of the blame is placed upon the structure of the
organization. Individuals work most of the time to better their own self interest. This is the main
dilemma of the second model, as it is very difficult to structure an organization so that individuals,
in pursing their own self interest, are always working for the organization s best interest at the same
time (Knott Miller, 1987, 174). This model contains
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The American War of Independence
The American Revolutionary War, also known as the War of Independence, began on April 19th,
1775 with the Battle of Lexington and Concord. The American Revolution was a war between the
thirteen colonies and Great Britian. The colonies wanted to gain independence from Great Britian.
It was also a rebellion against the monarchy, which lead to the establishment of the republic
[CROSS]. The outcome of the war was a victory for the thirteen colonies. The colonist gained
independence and British recognition. The Battle of Lexington and Concord was a significant
battle because it was the start of the Revolutionary War; there are many events that led to the
colonist fighting back. The war started because Great Britain was taxing the colonies. Great Britain
imposed the Sugar Act, Stamp Act, Townshend Acts, etc. It was taxation without representation.
Many people wrote about what colonists should do. John Dickinson wrote The Letters From a
Pennsyvlanvia Farmer and Thomas Paine wrote Common Sense . Both were the actions that they
believed that colonist should take and their opinion on the matters. Americans rebelled with the
Boston Massacre in 1770 and the Boston Tea Party in 1773 [CITE]. This caused Great Britain to
enact the Coercive Acts. The Coercive Acts were divided into three parts: Boston Port Act,
Administration of Justice Act, and the Massachusetts Government Act. The Boston Port Act shut
down Boston s harbors in June of 1774 until the colonies paid for the tea that was
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Ancient Babylonia
When studying Ancient Babylonia it is notably important to look at these factors: daily life,
religion, people, society, government and economy so we can determine the development of the
civilization and how it is similar to the way we live today. The Babylonian Empire is unique
because their government was run by a law known as the Code of Hammurabi similarly are
government is run by numerous laws. Their knowledge of science and astrology is intriguing due
to the fact that they were the first civilization to form the basis of the sixteen month of thirty days
calendar, their discovery of the calendar lend us to the calendars we have today. In addition to
government, science and astrology their economy was very modern and played an immense... Show
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They also had a list of magical stones to develop their knowledge of mineralogy. Map mating
was a very known science to the Babylonians most of them were experienced in it which made
them more aware of there surrounding. Babylonians drew maps of local areas such as field
plans, estates plans, grounds plants of temples and houses as well as maps of more distant
regions such as larger areas: districts and towns. Their maps were drawn mostly in straight lines,
with little attention to scale, angles and orientation. Most of the sciences they began to study
and explore are the same sciences that we are going into today. The Babylonians have built the
foundation for us and we used that and are building the rest. br br Mathematics was just as
important to the Babylonian as it is to us. They however calculated things entirely different from
us. A prime example of this is their number system which had two disadvantages: (1) it was
confusing and, therefore, not used in many daily economic activities (2) there was no special
sign for zero, to separate the different units, so they would leave two blank spaces for zero or by
using a special sign that indicated a space between two words. Babylonian mathematicians
developed a mastery of algebraic skill, even though there was no graphic symbol for the unknown.
Instead they invented a method called false value. Babylonians also
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The Secret Life Of Garnet Belonging Quotes
For most of us, family has always been a safe space and a group of people you can always be
yourself around and still maintain a sense of belonging no matter how different you might be. Well
imagine being ripped apart from your family at a young and tender age and sent to live with
complete strangers. What consequences would it have on the childs identity? Will the child feel the
same sense of belonging? This novel explores some of the issues that surrounds kids in foster care
as it talks about the life of Garnet Raven, a Native child who was taken from his familywhen he
was two by child services and lived with foster care families. This shows the importance of
belonging as in the novel Garnet took on many identities to fit in and even tries... Show more
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This is a turning point as Garnet learns that his family has never given up on him coming back
home and that there are people waiting for him and that he can finally go somewhere he might
be able to truly belong. But at first when Garnet gets out of jail and visits the White dog reserve
he was an outsider and didn t feel like he belonged because of the big differences from his former
life in Toronto. He was also made fun of because of how he dressed like he was black. He also
didn t know anything about Native culture and how the people lived. But even so when Garnet met
his family and was introduced to his brother and sister they tell him what happened to his father
and how he died and also tell him stories about their childhood before Garnet disappeared which
really helps Garnet reconnect with them and feel the sense of belonging and being part of a
family especially when he learns that his mother Alice would sing the song Bik hee yan which
meant come home and made garnet feel like he was always wanted and not
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Why Else Would There Be Lasers, Retna Analysis
File 6141 By: Brielle
For good ideas and true innovation, you need human interaction, conflict, argument, and debate.
Margaret Heffrerson Stanley crawled towards the filing cabinet in anticipation of the myriad of
files above him. Knowing only that the court files were truly confidential. Why else would there
be lasers, retna analysis, and tongue scanners? Stanley hid his brown locks from existence under
his black sherlock trench coat. In his mind a chiseled face ,deep eyes and luscious hair was truly
egregious. Footsteps scurried around the hardwood floor, in the dark ... Show more content on
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On behalf of the French government he was sentenced to a lifetime of jail. After public complaints
Mr. White was ceased at the sight of his home. His only child was sent to home of the Smolouth
family . Mr.White was found guilty of planning offences against the government. Mr.White Tried to
convince the local public to rebel against the French government. He is now at the Rikers island
prison in New York.
Stanley jumped up and grabbed his frail bag he shoved the file into it, crushing the other contents.
He had to brake his dad out. He had spent 4 soliant years, trying to discover the location his father.
Everything was here EVERYTHING .
Screech!!!! the wheels of his dull skateboard halted at the doors of the prison. He glaced at his
tiny watch upon his tiny arm. 12;01 right on time. He managed to contact one the former inmates
of the prison and narrow down the area in which his dad might be. Stanley grabbed the rough
crowbar out of his sac placing it firmly in his hand. His looked up at the jaw opening scene above
Rikers Island
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Comparing The AFL And The Populist Party
there are two classes in society, one incessantly striving to obtain the labor of the other class for
as little as possible, and to obtain the largest amount or number of hours of labor . The United
States of America by the dawn of the 20th century was the home of opportunity and economic
prosperity to people around the world, a place where the average person could with hard work and
dedication rise above his socio economic status. While the united statesmay have been perceived as
the land of opportunity to foreigner s, people actually living in the united states might have not seen
it in that light. By the late 19th century economic difficulties increased for the working class people
of the united states such as industrial workers and farmers. With politicians constantly failing their
constituents and turning a blind eye to corruption in order to expand their pockets, a new political
partyarises that promises hope and change to an American population wary of the same politicians.
political parties such as the populist party arise along with other historical figures who helped
shape and reform this country. The populist party was a party of reform for the common citizens, a
party that planned to restore democracy and economic opportunity to a country facing... Show more
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Both the AFL and the Populist party had to take personal action to get the reforms that they needed
through strikes and political platform these movements. For Samuel Gompers and the AFL in order
to get better working conditions it was important for them to unite and work as a team to to combat
against their employer. The populist party along with the AFL also came about, due to politicians
choosing not to hear the cries of the working class and their conditions. Instead these politicians
decided to ignore the struggle of the working class until they eventually stood up for
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Comparing Crime And Punishment By Albert Camus
Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky and The Stranger by Albert Camus both explore
changes in a man as he goes through stages of his life, including committing a crime. These authors
explore what defines a man; the crimes he commits and the punishments that result take their toll on
him. What determines their decency? Dostoevsky and Camus pour their own histories into their
work to examine the souls of mankind, and find that love is the deciding factor in a man s
morality and gives him his source of life.
In Crime and Punishment, Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov is the protagonist. He believes there
are only two types of people in the world: Napoleon type people and the ordinary. The Napoleon
people are the extraordinary. These people, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Dostoevsky himself spent time in prison when the Russian government began to suspect him of
plotting revolution. Dostoevsky waited to be released from prison so he could continue his life.
He wasn t yet married, but would soon begin a relationship, just like Raskolnikov when he
waited to see Sonya. This is when Raskolnikov finds true happiness. Sonya and him fall in love
and wait to be married. This finally adds meaning in Raskolnikov s life. ...for her there was no
longer any doubt that he loved her, loved her infinitely...there already shone the dawn of a
renewed future, of complete resurrection into a new life. They were resurrected by love; the
heart of each held infinite sources of life for the heart of the other. (Dostoevsky 549). Before,
Raskolnikov was saying Pah, how paltry it all is! (Dostoevsky 10), but then he was risen and he
knew it (Dostoevsky 550). Dostoevsky, since he spent time in prison, would not believe that all
criminals are damned. He would think that everyone deserved a second chance, despite his or her
past. Raskolnikov s love for Sonya made him want to keep living; it gave him a second chance at
life. He no longer thought about killing himself, rather he was rejuvenated in the fact that he was
loved, and he was giving
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The Great Depression Research Paper
Everardo Villa Jr.
Dr. Folsom
Civilian Conservation Corps
The 1930s for the United States was not one of the best times in history. October 29, 1929 was the
start of the great depression. One of the hardest parts of history in the united states. The Great
depression was when the stock market crashed and unemployment skyrocketed. Unemployment
reached to nearly 13 to 15 million people, which is about 25 percent, up from 3.2 percent in 1929.
Industrial production declined by 50 percent, international trade plunged 30 percent, and investment
fell 98 percent, and almost half of the banks in the united states also have failed. People across the
nation lost their farms and homes. Some traveled to other states in hopes of employment with no
luck. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
They are the echo canyon and Massai point loop; The Rhyolite canyon, and Massai canyon loop,
and the sugar loaf lookout trail. The first two loop trails connect, allowing several variations of
route for the rider. The echo canyon and Massai point trail are three and a half miles long. It
leaves the Echo parking area, winds down Echo Ridge for three quarters of a mile on an average
minus grade of 5 per cent, then using eleven switch backs The short section was built through an
area 90 percent of solid rock and about 600 cubic yards of rock was taken from cuts and utilized in
retaining walls and
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Persuasive Speech On Animal Eating Animals
Imagine KFC s fried chicken, McDonalds Big Mac, or Arby s Smoked Italian Porchetta is
sitting right in front of you, waiting for you to add some sauce or salt and pepper on it. Now,
imagine being inside a prison, a cage, looking at the same food, but you can t reach it. Your legs
and body has been genetically enlarged to the extent that you can t even walk to get yourself water
let alone the KFC, McDonald s or Arby s food. Yes, that s the same animal that s in your fried
chicken, Big Mac, and Smoked Italian Prochetta. To consider reducing the amount of suffering
these animals go through, one should consider embracing a vegetarian lifestyle. Eating a diet
without any meator animal flesh not only produces animal liberation but also... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
A major advantage of vegetarianism is the improvement of personal health for the long run. Meat
eaters showed a 300 percent risk of colon cancer in a Harvard investigation whereas a study done
by England and Germany displayed a 40% less cancer risk for those committed to a vegetarian
diet ( Vegetarian Foods ). Vegetarianism helps reduces the risk of cancer. Moreover, research
shows that meat consumption often allows overabundance of protein in the body which leads to
kidney stones, osteoporosis, and . . . heart disease ( Vegetarian Foods ). A vegetable diet with
grains, beans, and other protein sources help maintain a balance of protein. Additionally, a rising
obesity rate concerns an overwhelming amount of people who desire to lose weight (in a healthy
way). Many can turn to a vegetarian lifestyle which keeps their weight and health in check. A
research study showed how plant based diet helped people with type 2 diabetes to lose weight . . .
and improve their metabolism ( Vegetarian Diet ). Basically, a vegetarian diet even promotes
healthy weight loss. The impact of vegetarianism further extends to a global and environmental
level. One of the major global issues includes the effect human overpopulation on poverty levels.
Too many mouths exist, waiting to be fed though not enough food is readily available. Studies
indicate that animals consume approximately 40% of the global grains harvest which could feed
millions and billions of starving people on the planet
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Informative Speech On Wicca
In order for me to tell you how Wicca came to be I first have to tell you about witchcraft so lets
get started. Witchcraft was from way back when in the 15,000 B.C. when there where healers
who practice magic even in the bible it talks about witches and some believe that Jesus was a
witch because he could turn water into wine and heal the sick and so on but it went on to 700
B.C when the Celtic lived in England and the Romans used there way of life such as pagan
festivals and such, then on to 560 B.c where in the bible it states that there are witch s and they
shall not live, in 200 B.C. the Druids where first heard of, and in 300 A.D. When it was in pre
christian time when The roman Empire burned alive those that were thought to be witches who also
said... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In the 1970 s the wiccan creed was born so that others could follow it. 1985 The District Court of
Virginia states that Wiccais a real religion and is protected by the First Amendment. There is a
reason for all of this and I will tell you the reason this all goes together with our knowing the
history you could not know how it all started Okay now that we have that out of the way lets get
going on the rest was started in the 20th century when it was hidden form the outside world they
were going off of what Margaret Murray stated in her books by this time though it was not Wicca it
was occult or witchcraft it was not called Wicca until 1950 s when Gerald Gardner said these
names in his book and called it that and said he was a witch it is said that Gardner rewrote rituals
and spells form the older ancient times form other witches and changed things to make it his
own although he did state that he used some not all were able to been read so he had to fix them
but he did write his own. Gerald thought that witchcraft would die out so that is why he wrote the
books he wanted it to live on. The terms Wicca and Wiccen we first hear these words when a man
by the name of Charles Cardell wrote an article about
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Differences And Similarities Between Aristotle And Aristotle
Aristotle and Plato have been two of the most important philosophers, who have transcended their
writings to our culture. But inside they found several differences and similarities.
The fundamental difference between the metaphysics of Plato and Aristotle is that Platoconcepts
are ideas, and Aristotle are ways. Plato thinks that there are two worlds, sensitive objects (sensible
world) and ideas (intelligible world). The latter world is providing a true knowledge, and which
we can only trust, while the second is based onDoxa or opinion.
Aristotle thinks that there is only one world, the sensible. This world is full of material things with
a form found in them. But his thinking is not far from Plato. Aristotle thought forms exist with
individuals, but do not disappear with the death of these (though eventually die with the passage of
time, so they are more permanent than individuals, which makes them more real). He also defended
the existence of the Unmoved Mover, which does not belong to the sensible and represents the most
real and permanent entity that exists, asthe idea Bien Plato.
For Aristotle the forms are not eternal causes a big difference between these two philosophers in
what concerns the soul. Both thought the soul had three parts belonging to the intelligible world,
but for Plato the soul is eternal, immortal, like all ideas, while Aristotle the soul is eternal, it is a
form is mortal, corrupted and
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Accounting Primer
[pic] ACC/537 Week One Topic One University Tools 1 University Tools Primer The University
Tools Primer is designed to familiarize you with the myriad of tools provided by the University
of Phoenix to assist in your success. For example, did you know that the University of Phoenix
Library contains thousands of up to date journals, newspapers, industry reports, and research
databases? This University Tools Primer sends you on a search to answer 14 questions similar to
the following question: Access the University Library page by going to the Library tab in your
student portal and select the link for the University Library. On the lower right hand side, under the
section titled Library Services, there is a link called Read... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
a. Guidelines for Writing Academic Papers b. University of Phoenix Library Tutorial c. Sample
Case Study d. Grammar Guide 3. Out in the business world almost all projects are completed by
some type of team or collaborative group of individuals. At the University of Phoenix, you will
gain experience with project collaboration in a safe and supportive environment. These skills
will carry you through teamings and collaborations on future real world s projects where success
may mean more pay, a promotion, or another major reward or compensation. To assist in the
areas involved in teamwork and team building the University of Phoenix provides you with the
Learning Team Toolkit. This Learning Team Toolkit is your gateway to materials that will help
you achieve greater professional competence as a member and leader of work teams. Go to the
Library tab in your student portal and select the link, Read all Aspects of Teamwork located on the
right side of the webpage under Learning Team Toolkit. Then, under the category Toolkit
Essentials, open the Learning Team Handbook and select which Purpose for Learning Team
Benefits is listed. a. Serve as laboratories through which students develop into effective leaders and
members of workplace teams. a. Provide a sense of community and support that is invaluable in
helping working adults cope with the challenge of balancing
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Stereotypes In Grey s Anatomy
I only viewed two stereotypes in the shows I watched. The first stereotype is that In Grey s
Anatomy they made women seem hysterical and clueless when it came to a pregnancy. They
also made the dads seem useless because they were hardly in the room. In the show they also
made The Doctors look arrogant and selfish because as if every doctor only believes in
experimenting instead of truly helping a patient. In the commercials there were a lot of
stereotypes. The asian aways played the smart guy or tech savvy guy. The older man always
played the wealthy guys or someone who is extremly sick in health. There was a certain Lexus
commercial that stuck with me because its a fast car a man is driving and when he gets home he
finds his wife with a man
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Major Character Development In The Boy In The Burning House
Through the character and actions of the characters in The Boy in the Burning House, Tim Wynne
Jones shows that major character development is influenced by the minor characters. An individual
s character is developed by how others interact with him/her. What others say to him/her, how others
act around him/her, and how he/she reacts to what they say and do to him/her. Tim Wynne Jones is
the author of the novelTHE BOY IN THE BURNING HOUSE. Major characterdevelopment is
advanced by minor characters. In the novel, Tim Wynne Jones centers around his protagonist, Jim
Hawkins and how his character develops with help of others as he is trying to figure out why
his father disappears. Hector Menzies, an old friend of the Hawkins, helps Jim out by giving
information on Hub, his father s past. Jim also receives help from his bus driver to solve an
internal conflict. Jim receives the final piece in finding himself, by one of his neighbors. It is
with the aid of others that Jim is able to find himself and it begins with Hector Menzies. Hector
Menzies helps Jim s character to develop because of the information Jim receives from him.
Hector gives jim hope in the form of information. Jim learns about the fire in 1972, he also learns
that Father Fisher is found near the spot where Hub is before he disappears. He had not told
Ruth Rose he was going to the Expositor. He wasn t sure he would help her...[He had] Some
kind of burning need to know (72). Showing desire is showing character. The burning need to
know, Jim has it. Hector helped him satisfy his lust for knowledge about his father s past. Hector
giving the newspapers allowed Jim to move on with his thoughts on Hub and Father. Jim s
desire for knowledge shows, his thought process. At the start of the novel, Jim is depressed,
hopeless. He now has a goal because of the information. Hector gives Jim a reason. But he wasn t
lost for the first time in a year he felt he saw the faintest trace of a trail opening up for him (73).
Feeling is what makes humans, human. Characters, character. Jim is feeling hope, as the author
refers to it as a Trail opening . Jim at the beginning of the novel depressed, hopeless because of his
father s disappearance. He now has hope,
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Comparison Of Ansel Adams s Life And Work
Ansel Adams a photographer and environmentalist, was born on February 20, 1902 in San
Francisco, California, the son of Charles Hitchcock Adams, a businessman, and Olive Bray. He
was the grandson of a wealthy timber baron. An only child, Adams was born when his mother was
forty. His relatively elderly parents, affluent familyhistory, and the presence of his mothers maiden
sister and aged father all combined to create an environment that was both socially and emotionally
conservative. Adams s mother spent much of her time brooding and fretting over her husband s
inability to restore the Adams fortune, leaving an ambivalent imprint on her son. Charles Adams,
on the other hand, deeply and patiently influenced, encouraged, and supported his son.
When Adams was only four, an aftershock of a great earthquake of 1906, threw him to the ground
and badly broke his nose, distinctly marking him for life. Due to a different ... Show more content
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His first published photographs and writings appeared in the club s 1922 Bulletin, and he had
his first one man exhibition in 1928 at the club s San Francisco headquarters. In 1928, Ansel
Adams married Virginia Best, the daughter of James Best, a local painter , who won the right to
sell his work and the owner of Best Studios. Ansel Adams and Virginia had two children. Each
summer the club conducted a month long High Trip, usually in the Sierra Nevada, where up to
two hundred member s attended. . The participants hiked each day to a new and beautiful
campsite accompanied by a large contingent of pack mules, packers, and cooks. As photographer
of these outings, in the late 1920s, Adams began to realize that he can earn enough to survive,
that he was far more likely to succeed as a photographer than as a concert pianist. By 1934 Adams
had been elected to the club s board of directors and was well established as both the artist of the
Sierra Nevada and the defender of
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Sustainable Development Essay
The following case study critiques Upton s vision to establish a sustainable community through
implementing comprehensive sustainable strategy. The urban periphery development is thought to
demonstrate superior execution of sustainable principles in development (Jackson 2007). As a
parallel, the report focuses on the development of Upton s design code and demonstrates how
large scale mix use developments can incorporate sustainable practice and principles of urban
growth. Site Context Upton is a 44 ha greenfield site forming part of Northampton s South West
District , a fundamental area of strategic economic and population expansion situated south west of
the central core. The area is accessible via the A45 and A43 main roads and via... Show more
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The multi faceted characteristics of high quality urban extensions are detailed in the Sustainable
Urban Extensions: Planned through Design (2010), a report from the Princes Foundation, focusing
particularly on the quality of new housing. Paraphrased below are the proposed requirements to
create a successful development indicated by the report: High density and compact design; A mix
of housing types and tenures; Legible neighbourhoods; Communal areas of green space and;
Communal amenities and facilities. The report identifies the physical attributes of a sustainable
urban extension, focussing on quality of new housing. Higher density, a mix of housing types and
tenures, legible neighbourhoods, communal areas including green space and communal amenities
and facilities are all observed as necessary. However, due to adverse effects of the economic
downturn, Upton is yet to provide the substantial amenities as originally proposed. Consequently,
residents of Upton will require transportation to obtain essential services, thus partially offsetting
the sustainable premise of the scheme. Breheny et al (1993) considered the design characteristics of
new communities and summaries the dominant tendency towards oversimplified and functional
concepts. In urban extensions there is an inclination to focus heavily on traditional features of an
English Village, resulting in a pastiche urban fabric, with Poundbury Dorchester
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Critical Analysis of The Veldt
The Veldt by Ray Bradbury deals with some of the same fundamental problems that we are now
encountering in this modern day and age, such as the breakdown of family relationships due to
technology. Ray Bradbury is an American writer who lived from 1920 to 2012 (Paradowski).
Written in 1950, The Veldt is even more relevant to today than it was then. The fundamental issue,
as Marcelene Cox said, Parents are often so busy with the physical rearing of children that they
miss the glory of parenthood, just as the grandeur of the trees is lost when raking leaves.
Technology creating dysfunctional families is an ever increasing problem. In the story, the Hadley
family lives in a house that is entirely composed of machines. A major... Show more content on
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The lions stood looking at George and Lydia Hadley with terrible green yellow eyes. Watch out!
screamed Lydia. The lions came running at them. Lydia bolted and ran. Instinctively, George
sprang after her. Outside, in the hall, with the door slammed he was laughing and she was
crying, and they both stood appalled at the other s reaction. (Bradbury). George s musings about
his childrens view of death was actually a foreshadowing of his own death, They were awfully
young, Wendy and Peter, for death thoughts. Or, no, you were never too young, really. Long
before you knew what death was you were wishing it on someone else. When you were two years
old you were shooting people with cap pistols. But this the long, hot African veldt the awful death
in the jaws of a lion. And repeated again and again. (Bradbury). Finally, the childrens rebellion,
which resulted in their parents death, was foreshadowed when Peter threatened his own father to
never turn off the technology. I wouldn t want the nursery locked up, said Peter coldly. Ever. Matter
of fact, we re thinking of turning the whole house off for about a month.... Will you shut off the
house sometime soon? We re considering it. I don t think you d better consider it any more, Father.
(Bradbury). Throughout the story, these instances of foreshadowing of death
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The Scottsboro Trials, Brown v. Mississippi, and trial of...
The Scottsboro Trials, Brown v. Mississippi, and trial of Tom Robinson in Harper Lee s To Kill a
The purpose of this essay is to compare three very similar cases, the Scottsboro Trials, Brown v.
Mississippi, and the fictional trial of Tom Robinson in Harper Lee s To Kill a Mockingbird; and to
prove why the defendant of the third trial never had a chance. Each took place in the rural South in
the 1920 s and 30 s and involved the unfair conviction of young black males by all white juries
pressured by the threat of mob violence. Each lacked the evidence sufficient for conviction, most
especially for the death penalty. Last, heroes emerged from each trial and made small but solid
steps towards equal justice for all. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Price had conveniently washed her step ins and though six men allegedly raped her, not a one got
any semen on her coat. The Supreme Court granted the Scottsboro boys new trials on the grounds
that they did not receive adequate legal counsel. In this second round of trials, presided by Judge
James E. Horton, Ruby Bates denied that she or Victoria Price had ever been raped (To Kill a
Mockingbird: Then and Now).
The hero in this case was Judge Horton. Despite public opinion in the region, Horton overturned the
conviction of the jury, an unprecedented act. He wrote a thoughtful essay of the improbability of
the crime and examined what evidence should have resulted from it. Very little of this expected
evidence actually appeared and thus Judge Horton declared:
It is therefore ordered and adjudged by the Court that the motion be granted; that the verdict of the
jury in this case and the judgment of the Court sentencing this defendant to death be, and the same
hereby is, set aside and that a new trial be and the same is hereby ordered. (To Kill a Mockingbird:
Then and Now).
Judge Horton had run unopposed in the previous two elections, but shortly thereafter, Judge Horton
lost the next election.
One hundred and fifty miles southwest (Cortner 4) and a couple years later, in spring of 1934,
Raymond Stuart was found in his cotton shed, brutally murdered in Kemper County, Mississippi.
The very same night, Ed
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Genetic Disease And Its Effects On The Body
Introduction Genetic diseases are being discovered more often as we learn the affects that genes
have on the body. McArdle s disease is a metabolic disease that affects skeletal muscle because of
a gene mutation. The genetic mutation prevents the creation of the enzyme myophosphorylase.
This enzyme is responsible for the breakdown of glycogen in muscles (Haldeman Englert, 2014).
McArdle s disease is also known as Type V Glycogen Storage Disorder. It affects approximately one
out of every 100,000 people ( McArdlesDisease.org, n.d.). Glycogen is broken down into glucose,
which is used to produce adenosine triphosphatefor muscleenergy. Patients can live relatively
normal lives with this disease once proper care and education has been provided (Kitaoka, 2014).
Genetic Nature McArdle s disease is seen as muscle dysfunction caused by a mutation in the gene
that codes for the enzyme myophosphorylase. The myophosphorylase gene, PYGM, is located at
chromosome 11q13 (Kitaoka, 2014). There have been over 100 mutations of the gene detected. In
North American Caucasians, the mutation commonly found is the p.R50X (Kitaoka, 2014). In
Japanese patients, it is found to be the p.F709del/F710de mutation (Kitaoka, 2014). Researchers
have seen a correlation between ethnicity and the type of mutation of that they carry. All the
mutations cause a lack of the myophosphorylase enzyme in the muscle tissue. It is found to be an
autosomal recessive inheritance trait. Those who are heterozygotes
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Beethoven And The Piano In The 1800 s
Beethoven and the Piano
During the late 1700 s and early 1800 s, Beethoven was innovating the world of music through
various compositions. In particular, Beethoven s works for piano revolutionized and innovated the
piano and its performance practices. His compositional works have always been considered to be
some of the best works published, but not everyone realizes just how pivotal his work was in this
point in music history. Ludwig van Beethoven was born in Bonn, Germany on December 16th,
1770 to his father, Johann van Beethoven, and mother, Maria Magdalena Keverich. He lived in
Bonn for about 22 years then moved to Vienna after his father passed away due to alcohol misuse.
In Vienna, he was a well known German pianist and composer. His compositional works were well
known for broadening the usage of instrumentation and expanding the boundaries for performance.
Beethoven began to struggle during the later years of his life due to his deafness. He used his
emotions to give meaning to his music, and this music became to be known as some of his most
important works. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Whenever Beethoven first moved to Vienna, he was well know for writing sonatas, variations and
other shorter works for piano. Beethoven is also known for drawing a heavy amount of inspiration
from other various famous composers. He even went as far as to dedicate his first three piano
sonatas to Haydn. These three pieces were to pay homage to the older composer s style which he
just embellished upon. Unlike most other piano sonatas, Beethoven included a forth movement
instead of just stopping at three, and rather than having a minuet at the end, the last two ended the
piece with a more dynamic
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Coming Of Age Ceremony Essay
Every year on the third Monday in May, Korea celebrates the coming of age ceremony for young
men and women turning 19 in that year. Aside from the ceremonies in different parts of the
country, there is also an award ceremony to laud exemplary young adults. The usual gifts for this
day are popularly given as a bouquet of red roses and, if lucky, a first kiss. Champagne and
perfume are other two options with high tech gadgets being the latest addition these days.
Despite the western appearance however, the coming of age ceremony has its own tradition dating
as far as the Goryeo Dynasty (918 1392). The first written record of Korea s coming of age
ceremony is found in 965, during King Gwangjong s reign (925 975). It was written at the time that
the young crown prince was presented with new grown up garments ... Show more content on
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Their coming of age ceremony would take place in the year they turned 15 and they would be
taught the virtues of a woman. They too would visit ancestral shrines to inform the heaven of their
maturity. The ritual would be called a gyerye.
The coming of age ritual was a prerequisite for both men and women to get married.
As recently as the mid 1950s it was quite common to see traditional coming of age rites held in
towns and villages with the attendance of the elderly. By the latter half of the 20th century
however, the influx of western culture and its manner of enjoying the rite of passage into adulthood
came to replace traditional rites more and more.
In 1999, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, in order to resurrect the tradition, came up
with standardized coming of age rites to be practiced in schools and towns. The purpose was to
remind young people of the pride and dignity of traditional culture and teach the true meaning of
being a responsible member of
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Black Scholes
Wiener Process Ito s Lemma Derivation of Black Scholes Solving Black Scholes
Introduction to Financial Derivatives
Understanding the Stock Pricing Model
Understanding the Stock Pricing Model
Wiener Process Ito s Lemma Derivation of Black Scholes
Stock Pricing Model
Solving Black Scholes
Recall our stochastic dierential equation to model stock prices:
dS = Пѓ dX + Вµ dt S where Вµ is known as the asset s drift , a measure of the average rate of
growth of the asset price, Пѓ is the volatility of the stock, it measures the standard deviation of an
asset s returns, and
dX is a random sample drawn from a normal distribution with mean zero.
Both Вµ and Пѓ are measured on a per year ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Understanding the Stock Pricing Model 22M:303:002
Wiener Process Ito s Lemma Derivation of Black Scholes
Wiener Statistics
Solving Black Scholes
Mean of dX , E[dX ] =
dt E[П† ] = 0
Varianceof dX , Var[dX ] = E[(dX в€’ 0)2 ] = E[П† 2 dt ] = dt E[П† 2 ] = dt В· 1 = dt в€
Standard deviation of dX = dt
Understanding the Stock Pricing Model
Wiener Process Ito s Lemma Derivation of Black Scholes
The Pricing Model
Solving Black Scholes
dS = Пѓ dX + Вµ dt S
Since we chose
such that
E[dX ] = 0
the mean of
E[dS ] = E[Пѓ SdX + Вµ Sdt ] = Вµ Sdt
The variance of
Var [dS ] = E[dS 2 ] в€’ E[dS ]2 = E[П
ѓ 2 S 2 dX 2 ] = Пѓ 2 S 2 dt
Note that the standard deviation equals proportional to the asset s volatility.
љ Пѓ S dt ,
which is
Understanding the Stock Pricing Model
Wiener Process Ito s Lemma Derivation of Black Scholes
Taylor s +
Solving Black Scholes
We need to determine how to calculate small changes in a function that is dependent on the values
determined by the above stochastic dierential equation. Let f (S ) be the desired smooth function
of S ; since f is suciently smooth we know that small changes in the asset s price, dS , result in
small changes to the function f . Recall that we approximated df with a Taylor series expansion,
resulting in
df =
df 1 d 2f dS + dS 2 + В· В· В· , dS 2 dS 2
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The Dark Side Of Dark Net Markets
In a world of ever dwindling freedoms one of the last bastions of completely unregulated and
free trade is the deep web, and even though a plethora of dangerous illegal activity goes on within
it, it should be left alone. Even if the deep web and all the markets hidden within it are somehow
shut down, people will find a new haven to carry on their activity. There will always be a bastion
for illegal activity somewhere, and there is nothing anyone can do to change that fact. Dark net
markets aren t the only thing hiding in the deep webeither, there are entire communities that house
themselves within it. Something I find myself pondering quite a bit about these days is that a lot
of the technology that has become so embedded in our lives seems so science fiction like, but are
we ready for it? Something that we have in our culture that not many people know about is the
dark net or deep web. Like a cyberpunk novel, it s an entire underground culture based in the vast
world of the internet, our modern day virtual information highway. It is used for all colors of illegal
activity; drug trafficking, human trafficking, counterfeit products, a disturbing amount of illegal
pornography (most of it is just that, same with the surface webas well), weapons, hitmen,
questionable literature, all the things the government veils with its law. The dark net is much more
than that, and despite the myriad of illegal endeavors that it is infamous for, the dark net is a vast
expanse of
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Cad Plotter Research Paper
Keyword: CAD Plotter Construction Subcontractors Benefit from Having a CAD Plotter If you
were to make a list of the hardest working people in the country, subcontractors would certainly be
at the top. Year round, they tirelessly perform their trades, meeting deadlines, and striving to stay
under budget. To stay ahead of the game in today s construction market, electricians, plumbers,
framers, and drywall workers need to take advantage of every opportunity to keep a competitive
edge. One way they can increase efficiencies it to print their own construction drawings for
estimating. Check out some of the top reasons why subcontractors should consider having their
own CAD plotter. The Power of the PDF File One of the most drastic things that... Show more
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In fact, studies show that the more that files are shared digitally, the more printing is done
overall. It is just that the large reprographic shops are not doing the bulk of printing anymore.
The majority of printing is now handled at the end user level. Still, several software companies
have developed software that allows estimators to import a drawing, set a scale, and begin
measurements and takeoffs digitally. This works great in the office, but does not have a good
practical application in the field. In fact, we have joked that you can t set your monitor on the
hood of a truck. Ultimately the field crews need a physical drawing that they can reference at the
jobsite. So, instead of looking at a wide format plotter as an either/or proposition against takeoff
software, it should be considered as a complement component. How much more valuable would a
construction plan be in the field with notes and markups from the digital
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  • 10. Fear In The Things They Carried Throughout the mid 1960s to the 70s, the United States was at war with Vietnam. War is a conflict between other nations or different groups inside a country. War can affect families tremendously by letting go of a son and mother or father s relationship. It takes courage and bravery to help defend your nation and to sacrifice your own life for others. I haven t been in a war but if I had to I wouldn t. If entering a war you could lose everything you had before entering a war. After the war you will have nothing left, you will lose your friends, family members, and no one will talk to you about the struggles in the war because they do not have any experience with it. As a result of violence in wars lead soldiers having PTSD, depression, and guilt. In The Things They Carried the soldiers felt obligated to enter the war because they were fearful of violence, ashamed for not being brave, guilty, and courageous for defending their nation. In the late 60s, Tim O Brien had been drafted to go to war in Vietnam. When he got drafted he didn t want to go ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Fear is important in The Things They Carried. War is fear. I personally dealt with fear before. Dealing with fear gives you stress and anxiety. My fear was the dark. I used to live in the Bronx, where there were crimes. I was afraid to put the garbage outside from the criminals. According to the soldiers, they were young. They were not experienced. If you take a teen to war, he would have problems later on such as PTSD, and other types of disorder that relate to fear. Norman Bowker has an emotional life. His emotions are mostly about guilt which leads to fear. When Kiowa died, he takes the blame for it. His fear comes from Kiowa s death because he had the opportunity to save him but from the smell the quicksand he didn t. So, as the result of fear young soldiers who doesn t have experience can lead to fear from the images of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. The Importance of Roger Spottiswoode’s Screen Adaptation... The Importance of Roger Spottiswoode s Screen Adaptation of And The Band Played On [1] Hollywood is no longer just a name, it is a business, a living entity holding America s people in its grasp, and it is not about to let them go. Gradually taking on more responsibility and trying to build up its reputation over the years, Hollywood has progressively assumed the position of history teller for the American public. This role, whether or not an appropriate one for an industry such as Hollywood to tackle, has catapulted actors and actresses into high paying, high visibility positions. History has and will continue to be one of the main subjects that the movie industry has been fascinated with. It is an alive and very fragile ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The debate over cinematic history still remains, and it will continue to challenge Hollywood, constantly forcing the industry to make the best possible movies, producing historical epics on the big screen, making history a universal and personable subject. [3] In 1993, a small time director at HBO Productions thought it was about time that a movie was made discussing the broad, taboo topic of the AIDS epidemic. Roger Spottiswoode was the director, and he took author Randy Shilts controversial journal And The Band Played On: Politics, People and the AIDS Epidemic (1987) and turned it into a movie. Spottiswoode took the challenge facing Hollywood straight on and was bold enough to attempt a project that had been passed over and rejected for six years straight. From the beginning to end And The Band Played On was a fight. Spottiswoode fought for HBO to take the project on, and he fought with Hollywood to try to entice actors to participate in it. The fight continued after the release of the cable TV movie, with critics and the public simply not wanting to know or be informed of the truth. [4] With controversy surrounding the production of the movie, the fight seeped into the movie and its evidence in the story. The portrayal of the actors and the fight that each character undergoes is an illustration of the fight that AIDS forced our country to face in the early 1980 s. With Richard Gere s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Baseball Creator The Creator and How Baseball Was Created Abner Doubleday was the inventor of baseball during the Civil War. When he created it he claimed to have nothing to do with it but he really was the inventor. The game of baseball was based off of old english games like rounders and cricket. The sport of baseball was turned into an organized sport in the 1840 s to the 1850 s. Baseball was originated in Cooperstown, New york in the year of 1839. When baseball started to be an organized sport there were eight major league teams. The teams were Boston Red Stockings (now the Atlanta Braves), Chicago White Stockings (now the Chicago Cubs), Cincinnati Red Stockings, Hartford Dark Blues, Louisville Grays, Mutual of New York, Philadelphia Athletics and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... With this new ball the home runs per game averaged up to 0.20 home runs a game. By 1925 the home runs averaged up to 0.48 home runs per game. The ball was heavier, bigger in size, but the seams were smooth so pitchers had less control of the ball. This ball was called the rabbit ball because of the australian wool. In 1920 pitchers were restricted from spitballs and now had intentional walks. The spitball was when you put saliva or vaseline on the ball which caused the ball to spin in a weird way. If you get caught with a spitball you either get suspended for the game or from the whole league. In 1931 they changed the cork center with cushioned cork pill which was a mix of ground rubber and cork. The amount of homeruns went down to 0.43 homeruns a game. The balls in the American league were different then the balls that the National league had but they decided to standardize the ball that the American league was using. In WWII when the Japanese seized Malaya and the Dutch East Indies, the U.S. was cut off from its usual source of supply . About a ton of rubber was used to make tanks and about half was used for a long ranged bomber, therefore Uncle Sam restricted the use of rubber materials it was only aloud to be used for the war so people were not aloud to use rubber to make baseballs anymore. During that time a new baseball was presented and it looked and felt like a real ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. National Pork Producers Council Executive Summary Background on NPPC The National Pork Producers Council (NPPC) is branded as the voice that fights for and defends the United States pork industry. The organization works on a national, state, and local level to assure that the pork industry is profitable and successful. Their central locations are stationed in Des Moines, Iowa as well as Washington D.C. Economically, the porkindustry generates approximately $34billion each year in gross product within the country (cite). The NPPC aims to be a representative of the benefit that the pork industry brings to the country as well as an advocate for the 500,000 jobs that the industry represents. The organization is investor funded, with 80% of pork farmers across the country supporting it. The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. A Student Board Representative For My School District Fifteen years ago, I served as the student board representative for my school district. All I can really remember is being entertained by emotional parent complaints and listening to jargon filled presentations. Upon receiving my first pink slip from that same district seven years later, I spoke at a school board meeting for the first time. Three years later, I was motivated by another pink slip to speak in front of a school board this time as a teacher for my current school district, San Diego County Office of Education (SDCOE) Juvenile Court and Community Schools (JCCS). Since that first pink slip scare with JCCS, I have been a regular attendee at SDCOE board meetings. I try my best to pay attention and even take notes when JCCS is on the agenda. I have spoken on behalf of my students and coworkers and even helped to introduce my site s student board representative. However, I honestly spend most of the meetings bored by detailed presentations about programs far removed from my classroom or confused by topics that I do not completely understand. However, I keep attending. During the past few weeks, I attended the San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD) June 2 meeting and the SDCOE June 10 meeting. After observing a board meeting in a traditional school district for the first time in ten years, I was reminded of the strong parent and community voice that is often shared during board meetings in local districts. On the other hand county board meetings are ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Student R E S U M E AMALENE CREGGY 15 E Young Street Somerville NJ 08876 908 285 9169 (Cell) acreggy@hotmail.com I am a hard working, energetic individual with strong project management, relationship management and communication skills and have a proven track record for achieving set objectives and goals. SUMMARY * Broad Project Management experience across a multitude of industries including Airline, Broadcasting amp; Media, Telecommunications, Banking amp; Finance and IT amp; Engineering. * Excellent Relationship Management skills with a proven track record of successfully collaborating with multiple ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Project Manager Triton NGDCS Flight Management Help and Support Transition Reporting to the Project Implementation Manager, my responsibilities included; * Plan amp; manage the overall transition activities for the Triton NGDCS Flight Management implementation. * Develop a transition strategy. * Manage the preparation of detailed plans, check lists, etc to support all facets of the transition to business as usual. * Assist in the coordination of Help amp; Support activities. * Define the level of additional support that will be required during implementation and the point when production handover should be completed. * Assist in the actual cutover activities. * Report workstream status. * Create effective relationships and forums to engage all key stakeholders. * Manage workstream risks, issues amp; actions. * Represent Qantas in workstream related joint forums including those involving senior and/or executives in Qantas and Amadeus. * Resolve problems amp; conflicts. Triton NGDCS Flight Management Network and Desktop Infrastructure Project Manager Reporting to the Qantas IT Infrastructure Manager, my responsibilities included; * Prepare Qantas and their Hosted Airlines network and desktop environment for the implementation of the Amadeus New Generation Inventory System including the decommissioning of the Qantas Universal Business System RS13. * Manage third party vendor ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Hester Prynne Shadow Pearl s life is in the shadow of her mother Hester Prynne. Hester is an horrible influence on Pearl. She shouldn t be able to keep her at all, because everyone in town is going to reject Pearl, because of her mother committed crimes over and over again. Hester should not keep Pearl because she has committed crimesНѕ Pearl is forced to live in the shadow of her mother s guiltНѕ and she is forced to live without a father or other family. Man had marked this woman s sin by a scarlet letter,which had, such potent and disastrous efficacy that no human sympathy could reach her, save it were sinful like herself (Hawthorne 73).Hester Prynne shouldn t be able to keep Pearl, because she is known for committing adultery.It wouldn t be safe for Pearl either, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Timetable Management System Using Java MCA Semester I S.No. Course Code Course Name 1 2 3 4 5 COMP 712 Programming Problem Solving with C COMP 714 COMP 715 MAS 621 BAM 752 Introduction to Softwares Computer Organization and Architecture Discrete Mathematics Business Communication Total Credits Semester II S.No. Course Code Course Name 6 COMP 723 Operating System
  • 18. 7 8 9 10 COMP 724 COMP 725 COMP 726 MAS 661 Data Structures using C++ Information System Analysis and Design Web Technologies 11 BAM 753 Essentials of Management Computer based Numerical and Statistical Techniques Total Credits Semester III S.No. Course Code 12 13 14 15 16 17 COMP 731 COMP 732 COMP 733 COMP 736 COMP 837 BAM 796 Semester IV S.No. Course Code 18 COMP 842 19 COMP 843 20 ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Unit 3: Software
  • 19. System software, Operating System, Functions of OS, Overview of DOS, Windows and Unix. Application software (Word Processor, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint) Unit 4: Programming Languages and Software Development Generation of Languages, Compiler, Assembler, Linker, Loader, Software Development Methodology, Software Development Life Cycle Programming Languages: Programming Language Paradigm, Procedure Oriented Language, Object Oriented Language, Web Based Languages Unit 5: Network and Data Base Concepts Definition and Types of Network, Introduction to Internet Search Engine, Web Page, Web Browser, Introduction to E Commerce. Data Base definition, Data Base Management System, overview of MS Access Text Books: 1. Fundamentals of Computer: V. Raja Raman 2. Fundamentals of Computer: P. K. Sinha Reference Books: 1. Microsoft Office Black Book 2. UNIX: The Ultimate Guide: Sumitabha Das 3. PC Software: V.K. Jain O Level Computer Organization Architecture Code: COMP 715 Credits: 4(3+1+0) UNIT 1 Introduction: Types of computers: Analog, Digital and Hybrid Computers, Modern Digital Computer, Number systems Binary, Octal, Decimal, Hexadecimal , 1 s 2 s Complement. Digital logic circuits and Components: Logic gates, Boolean Algebra, K Map Simplification, Half Adder, Full Adder, Decoder, Encoders, Multiplexers, Demultiplexer, Flip Flops, Registers, Binary Counters. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. The Absences Of Government Many people in the world feel like the government is not necessary and exists for the sole purpose of controlling or putting power over people. However, the government serves three distinct purposes and without it, countries would quickly fall apart, and eventually the world would follow suit. Governments exist to maintain authority, ensure national security, and manage society for the good of all of the citizens. While some people may argue that there are countries that have survived in the absence of government, these countries have often times become a failed state. According to John Presley in his lecture entitled, The Absences of Government, a failed state is defined by a government that cannot uphold to their purposes, which causes countries to become unstable and unsafe... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... According to Brad Plumer of The Washington Post, when a government shutdown occurs, the CDC is forced to stop many of its operations. The CDC provides many health safety programs and regulations for health professionals. Without this organization running, the United Statescould easily face a disease outbreak and have no way to stop it. Plumer also says, During the shutdown, the Food and Drug Administration will have to cease most of its food safety operations. This means that there would be nobody regulating where our dairy, poultry, and other sources of food come from. If no one is regulating our food, it could easily be contaminated yet people would still receive the product. When the government is active, these organizations run smoothly, but once there is no government, the organizations are nonfunctional. During that short absence of government, our country also loses many of its efforts to maintain society. When a government shutdown occurs, we face sharp repercussions that could have easily been avoided in the presence of active ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Mama Day Symbolism Is magic a universally accepted belief? Does it really exist in the real world? This is a question that many people ask themselves throughout their lifetime. In the novel, Mama Day written by Gloria Naylor, the readers see many aspects of magic and can universally accept it s authenticity through subtle associations of true beliefs.. In Mama Day, multiple characters are presented as conjure women or men and witches. A conjure woman or man is a sorceress (or sorcerer), or someone who practices hoodoo. Hoodoo is defined as witchcraft or magic (Oxford Dictionary pg. 1). In the novel, Mama Day by Gloria Naylor, the reader sees magic as a theme throughout the plot, and the readers see these two characters as holding some sort of magical powers:... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The first narrator the reader blatantly sees as a conjure woman is Mama Day. This character often says that her powers are god given, and that she only uses the resources that god has given her. An example of this would be her baby bearing hands. Mama Day did not conjure up these skills, but they were crafted and created by God before she was even born. She only ever uses her powers to help others. Jane Duran, a lecturer in Black Studies, writes that [i]n Mama Day, it is clear that the title character also known as Miranda is in fact a contemporary conjure woman, whose gifts are used for good for all except the foolish few who would dare to try to cause harm to her or her family. In general, Miranda functions as a healer and visionary, whose abilities to save children s lives, birth babies, and provide aid and succor to the ill are legendary on the island (Duran pg. 4). There are several scenes where the reader sees Mama Days powers at work. For example, Bernice, another character in the novel, is wanting to get pregnant. She has been trying to get pregnant for a quite some time now, and she ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. The Chocolate War Summary The setting of this novel, The Chocolate War, by Robert Cormier, is set in trinity. Trinity is a school for the top tier students. Trinity is also known for doing what other schools can t. This story has a very rebellious mood to it. The reasoning behind this is the rebellious behavior Jerry uses. The first characteris Jerry Renault. In this story Jerry plays the important role of protagonist. Mentally Jerry is a coward, but only at the start of the story as he becomes faced with trials. Jerrys weight is five foot nine inches and his weight is one hundred forty five pounds. What the hell you want to play football for? You need more meat on those bones. (6). The second character is Archie Costello. In this story Archie also play an important role as the main antagonist. Archie is an average young male with blond hair. Archie is not certain he is human and struggles with that. Don t you think i m human. (14). The third and final character is Brother Leon. In the story Leon is an antagonist that hides in the shadows controlling archie. At the start Leon comes off as someone who believes in the school. I know it s a lot of chocolates .(23). This shows the disguise of tenderness. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Jerry is told to refuse the chocolates by the vigils as an assignment. Everyone finds out about the assignment Jerry received. After Jerry s assignment is over jerry continues to refuse the chocolates. The vigils consider Jerry s refusal to sell a defiance. The other students consider rebelling as well. The school treasurer finds out about Leon embezzling from the school and needs to sell all the chocolates to break even. Archie plans a raffle where you put how you want Janza to to hit Jerry or how you want Jerry to hit Janza. Janza breaks the rules hitting Jerry in the head rendering him knocked ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Governmental Regulation And “Red Tape” Is Often The Target Governmental regulation and red tape is often the target of the people who see an ineffective government and a bloated public administration. Red tape is the complex process which administrators much go through to solve a problem or conduct normal business. Regulations are additional requirements for businesses and the people which may have the potential to harm the economy. Red tapeand regulations are the problem with this nations bureaucracy. To demonstrate this problem, two models of bureaucratic dysfunction will be explored. This examination will be followed by a discussion of the bureaucratic problem. The public bureaucracy has always been the target of great scrutiny. The have been seen as unproductive and/or hungry for power.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Trained incapacity occurs when an individual relies upon previous training to such an extent that they will mold a situation to fit their training even if it does not. The fourth aspect of the model is goal displacement which occurs when individuals blindly follows instructions and the goals of the organization. Blindly following the organizations goals diminishes the role of reflection and employee initiated reforms. The final aspect of the first model is dual system of authority. This occurs when individuals are asked to step outside of their training or approach an issue from a different training procedure. On page 173, the author claim its similar to getting a doctor to think of a problem from a legal or engineering perspective (Knott Miller, 1987, 173). The first model, based upon the writings of James March and Herbert Simons, places the blame on organizations failing to meet their stated objectives on the individual. The second model does not place the same blame on the individual as the first one does. Instead, the majority of the blame is placed upon the structure of the organization. Individuals work most of the time to better their own self interest. This is the main dilemma of the second model, as it is very difficult to structure an organization so that individuals, in pursing their own self interest, are always working for the organization s best interest at the same time (Knott Miller, 1987, 174). This model contains ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. The American War of Independence The American Revolutionary War, also known as the War of Independence, began on April 19th, 1775 with the Battle of Lexington and Concord. The American Revolution was a war between the thirteen colonies and Great Britian. The colonies wanted to gain independence from Great Britian. It was also a rebellion against the monarchy, which lead to the establishment of the republic [CROSS]. The outcome of the war was a victory for the thirteen colonies. The colonist gained independence and British recognition. The Battle of Lexington and Concord was a significant battle because it was the start of the Revolutionary War; there are many events that led to the colonist fighting back. The war started because Great Britain was taxing the colonies. Great Britain imposed the Sugar Act, Stamp Act, Townshend Acts, etc. It was taxation without representation. Many people wrote about what colonists should do. John Dickinson wrote The Letters From a Pennsyvlanvia Farmer and Thomas Paine wrote Common Sense . Both were the actions that they believed that colonist should take and their opinion on the matters. Americans rebelled with the Boston Massacre in 1770 and the Boston Tea Party in 1773 [CITE]. This caused Great Britain to enact the Coercive Acts. The Coercive Acts were divided into three parts: Boston Port Act, Administration of Justice Act, and the Massachusetts Government Act. The Boston Port Act shut down Boston s harbors in June of 1774 until the colonies paid for the tea that was ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Ancient Babylonia When studying Ancient Babylonia it is notably important to look at these factors: daily life, religion, people, society, government and economy so we can determine the development of the civilization and how it is similar to the way we live today. The Babylonian Empire is unique because their government was run by a law known as the Code of Hammurabi similarly are government is run by numerous laws. Their knowledge of science and astrology is intriguing due to the fact that they were the first civilization to form the basis of the sixteen month of thirty days calendar, their discovery of the calendar lend us to the calendars we have today. In addition to government, science and astrology their economy was very modern and played an immense... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They also had a list of magical stones to develop their knowledge of mineralogy. Map mating was a very known science to the Babylonians most of them were experienced in it which made them more aware of there surrounding. Babylonians drew maps of local areas such as field plans, estates plans, grounds plants of temples and houses as well as maps of more distant regions such as larger areas: districts and towns. Their maps were drawn mostly in straight lines, with little attention to scale, angles and orientation. Most of the sciences they began to study and explore are the same sciences that we are going into today. The Babylonians have built the foundation for us and we used that and are building the rest. br br Mathematics was just as important to the Babylonian as it is to us. They however calculated things entirely different from us. A prime example of this is their number system which had two disadvantages: (1) it was confusing and, therefore, not used in many daily economic activities (2) there was no special sign for zero, to separate the different units, so they would leave two blank spaces for zero or by using a special sign that indicated a space between two words. Babylonian mathematicians developed a mastery of algebraic skill, even though there was no graphic symbol for the unknown. Instead they invented a method called false value. Babylonians also ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. The Secret Life Of Garnet Belonging Quotes For most of us, family has always been a safe space and a group of people you can always be yourself around and still maintain a sense of belonging no matter how different you might be. Well imagine being ripped apart from your family at a young and tender age and sent to live with complete strangers. What consequences would it have on the childs identity? Will the child feel the same sense of belonging? This novel explores some of the issues that surrounds kids in foster care as it talks about the life of Garnet Raven, a Native child who was taken from his familywhen he was two by child services and lived with foster care families. This shows the importance of belonging as in the novel Garnet took on many identities to fit in and even tries... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This is a turning point as Garnet learns that his family has never given up on him coming back home and that there are people waiting for him and that he can finally go somewhere he might be able to truly belong. But at first when Garnet gets out of jail and visits the White dog reserve he was an outsider and didn t feel like he belonged because of the big differences from his former life in Toronto. He was also made fun of because of how he dressed like he was black. He also didn t know anything about Native culture and how the people lived. But even so when Garnet met his family and was introduced to his brother and sister they tell him what happened to his father and how he died and also tell him stories about their childhood before Garnet disappeared which really helps Garnet reconnect with them and feel the sense of belonging and being part of a family especially when he learns that his mother Alice would sing the song Bik hee yan which meant come home and made garnet feel like he was always wanted and not ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Why Else Would There Be Lasers, Retna Analysis File 6141 By: Brielle For good ideas and true innovation, you need human interaction, conflict, argument, and debate. Margaret Heffrerson Stanley crawled towards the filing cabinet in anticipation of the myriad of files above him. Knowing only that the court files were truly confidential. Why else would there be lasers, retna analysis, and tongue scanners? Stanley hid his brown locks from existence under his black sherlock trench coat. In his mind a chiseled face ,deep eyes and luscious hair was truly egregious. Footsteps scurried around the hardwood floor, in the dark ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... On behalf of the French government he was sentenced to a lifetime of jail. After public complaints Mr. White was ceased at the sight of his home. His only child was sent to home of the Smolouth family . Mr.White was found guilty of planning offences against the government. Mr.White Tried to convince the local public to rebel against the French government. He is now at the Rikers island prison in New York. Stanley jumped up and grabbed his frail bag he shoved the file into it, crushing the other contents. He had to brake his dad out. He had spent 4 soliant years, trying to discover the location his father. Everything was here EVERYTHING . Screech!!!! the wheels of his dull skateboard halted at the doors of the prison. He glaced at his tiny watch upon his tiny arm. 12;01 right on time. He managed to contact one the former inmates of the prison and narrow down the area in which his dad might be. Stanley grabbed the rough crowbar out of his sac placing it firmly in his hand. His looked up at the jaw opening scene above him. Rikers Island ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Comparing The AFL And The Populist Party there are two classes in society, one incessantly striving to obtain the labor of the other class for as little as possible, and to obtain the largest amount or number of hours of labor . The United States of America by the dawn of the 20th century was the home of opportunity and economic prosperity to people around the world, a place where the average person could with hard work and dedication rise above his socio economic status. While the united statesmay have been perceived as the land of opportunity to foreigner s, people actually living in the united states might have not seen it in that light. By the late 19th century economic difficulties increased for the working class people of the united states such as industrial workers and farmers. With politicians constantly failing their constituents and turning a blind eye to corruption in order to expand their pockets, a new political partyarises that promises hope and change to an American population wary of the same politicians. political parties such as the populist party arise along with other historical figures who helped shape and reform this country. The populist party was a party of reform for the common citizens, a party that planned to restore democracy and economic opportunity to a country facing... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Both the AFL and the Populist party had to take personal action to get the reforms that they needed through strikes and political platform these movements. For Samuel Gompers and the AFL in order to get better working conditions it was important for them to unite and work as a team to to combat against their employer. The populist party along with the AFL also came about, due to politicians choosing not to hear the cries of the working class and their conditions. Instead these politicians decided to ignore the struggle of the working class until they eventually stood up for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Comparing Crime And Punishment By Albert Camus Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky and The Stranger by Albert Camus both explore changes in a man as he goes through stages of his life, including committing a crime. These authors explore what defines a man; the crimes he commits and the punishments that result take their toll on him. What determines their decency? Dostoevsky and Camus pour their own histories into their work to examine the souls of mankind, and find that love is the deciding factor in a man s morality and gives him his source of life. In Crime and Punishment, Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov is the protagonist. He believes there are only two types of people in the world: Napoleon type people and the ordinary. The Napoleon people are the extraordinary. These people, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Dostoevsky himself spent time in prison when the Russian government began to suspect him of plotting revolution. Dostoevsky waited to be released from prison so he could continue his life. He wasn t yet married, but would soon begin a relationship, just like Raskolnikov when he waited to see Sonya. This is when Raskolnikov finds true happiness. Sonya and him fall in love and wait to be married. This finally adds meaning in Raskolnikov s life. ...for her there was no longer any doubt that he loved her, loved her infinitely...there already shone the dawn of a renewed future, of complete resurrection into a new life. They were resurrected by love; the heart of each held infinite sources of life for the heart of the other. (Dostoevsky 549). Before, Raskolnikov was saying Pah, how paltry it all is! (Dostoevsky 10), but then he was risen and he knew it (Dostoevsky 550). Dostoevsky, since he spent time in prison, would not believe that all criminals are damned. He would think that everyone deserved a second chance, despite his or her past. Raskolnikov s love for Sonya made him want to keep living; it gave him a second chance at life. He no longer thought about killing himself, rather he was rejuvenated in the fact that he was loved, and he was giving ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. The Great Depression Research Paper Everardo Villa Jr. Dr. Folsom Civilian Conservation Corps The 1930s for the United States was not one of the best times in history. October 29, 1929 was the start of the great depression. One of the hardest parts of history in the united states. The Great depression was when the stock market crashed and unemployment skyrocketed. Unemployment reached to nearly 13 to 15 million people, which is about 25 percent, up from 3.2 percent in 1929. Industrial production declined by 50 percent, international trade plunged 30 percent, and investment fell 98 percent, and almost half of the banks in the united states also have failed. People across the nation lost their farms and homes. Some traveled to other states in hopes of employment with no luck. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They are the echo canyon and Massai point loop; The Rhyolite canyon, and Massai canyon loop, and the sugar loaf lookout trail. The first two loop trails connect, allowing several variations of route for the rider. The echo canyon and Massai point trail are three and a half miles long. It leaves the Echo parking area, winds down Echo Ridge for three quarters of a mile on an average minus grade of 5 per cent, then using eleven switch backs The short section was built through an area 90 percent of solid rock and about 600 cubic yards of rock was taken from cuts and utilized in retaining walls and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Persuasive Speech On Animal Eating Animals Imagine KFC s fried chicken, McDonalds Big Mac, or Arby s Smoked Italian Porchetta is sitting right in front of you, waiting for you to add some sauce or salt and pepper on it. Now, imagine being inside a prison, a cage, looking at the same food, but you can t reach it. Your legs and body has been genetically enlarged to the extent that you can t even walk to get yourself water let alone the KFC, McDonald s or Arby s food. Yes, that s the same animal that s in your fried chicken, Big Mac, and Smoked Italian Prochetta. To consider reducing the amount of suffering these animals go through, one should consider embracing a vegetarian lifestyle. Eating a diet without any meator animal flesh not only produces animal liberation but also... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A major advantage of vegetarianism is the improvement of personal health for the long run. Meat eaters showed a 300 percent risk of colon cancer in a Harvard investigation whereas a study done by England and Germany displayed a 40% less cancer risk for those committed to a vegetarian diet ( Vegetarian Foods ). Vegetarianism helps reduces the risk of cancer. Moreover, research shows that meat consumption often allows overabundance of protein in the body which leads to kidney stones, osteoporosis, and . . . heart disease ( Vegetarian Foods ). A vegetable diet with grains, beans, and other protein sources help maintain a balance of protein. Additionally, a rising obesity rate concerns an overwhelming amount of people who desire to lose weight (in a healthy way). Many can turn to a vegetarian lifestyle which keeps their weight and health in check. A research study showed how plant based diet helped people with type 2 diabetes to lose weight . . . and improve their metabolism ( Vegetarian Diet ). Basically, a vegetarian diet even promotes healthy weight loss. The impact of vegetarianism further extends to a global and environmental level. One of the major global issues includes the effect human overpopulation on poverty levels. Too many mouths exist, waiting to be fed though not enough food is readily available. Studies indicate that animals consume approximately 40% of the global grains harvest which could feed millions and billions of starving people on the planet ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Informative Speech On Wicca In order for me to tell you how Wicca came to be I first have to tell you about witchcraft so lets get started. Witchcraft was from way back when in the 15,000 B.C. when there where healers who practice magic even in the bible it talks about witches and some believe that Jesus was a witch because he could turn water into wine and heal the sick and so on but it went on to 700 B.C when the Celtic lived in England and the Romans used there way of life such as pagan festivals and such, then on to 560 B.c where in the bible it states that there are witch s and they shall not live, in 200 B.C. the Druids where first heard of, and in 300 A.D. When it was in pre christian time when The roman Empire burned alive those that were thought to be witches who also said... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the 1970 s the wiccan creed was born so that others could follow it. 1985 The District Court of Virginia states that Wiccais a real religion and is protected by the First Amendment. There is a reason for all of this and I will tell you the reason this all goes together with our knowing the history you could not know how it all started Okay now that we have that out of the way lets get going on the rest was started in the 20th century when it was hidden form the outside world they were going off of what Margaret Murray stated in her books by this time though it was not Wicca it was occult or witchcraft it was not called Wicca until 1950 s when Gerald Gardner said these names in his book and called it that and said he was a witch it is said that Gardner rewrote rituals and spells form the older ancient times form other witches and changed things to make it his own although he did state that he used some not all were able to been read so he had to fix them but he did write his own. Gerald thought that witchcraft would die out so that is why he wrote the books he wanted it to live on. The terms Wicca and Wiccen we first hear these words when a man by the name of Charles Cardell wrote an article about ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Differences And Similarities Between Aristotle And Aristotle Aristotle and Plato have been two of the most important philosophers, who have transcended their writings to our culture. But inside they found several differences and similarities. Ontology. The fundamental difference between the metaphysics of Plato and Aristotle is that Platoconcepts are ideas, and Aristotle are ways. Plato thinks that there are two worlds, sensitive objects (sensible world) and ideas (intelligible world). The latter world is providing a true knowledge, and which we can only trust, while the second is based onDoxa or opinion. Aristotle thinks that there is only one world, the sensible. This world is full of material things with a form found in them. But his thinking is not far from Plato. Aristotle thought forms exist with individuals, but do not disappear with the death of these (though eventually die with the passage of time, so they are more permanent than individuals, which makes them more real). He also defended the existence of the Unmoved Mover, which does not belong to the sensible and represents the most real and permanent entity that exists, asthe idea Bien Plato. Epistemology. For Aristotle the forms are not eternal causes a big difference between these two philosophers in what concerns the soul. Both thought the soul had three parts belonging to the intelligible world, but for Plato the soul is eternal, immortal, like all ideas, while Aristotle the soul is eternal, it is a form is mortal, corrupted and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Accounting Primer [pic] ACC/537 Week One Topic One University Tools 1 University Tools Primer The University Tools Primer is designed to familiarize you with the myriad of tools provided by the University of Phoenix to assist in your success. For example, did you know that the University of Phoenix Library contains thousands of up to date journals, newspapers, industry reports, and research databases? This University Tools Primer sends you on a search to answer 14 questions similar to the following question: Access the University Library page by going to the Library tab in your student portal and select the link for the University Library. On the lower right hand side, under the section titled Library Services, there is a link called Read... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... a. Guidelines for Writing Academic Papers b. University of Phoenix Library Tutorial c. Sample Case Study d. Grammar Guide 3. Out in the business world almost all projects are completed by some type of team or collaborative group of individuals. At the University of Phoenix, you will gain experience with project collaboration in a safe and supportive environment. These skills will carry you through teamings and collaborations on future real world s projects where success may mean more pay, a promotion, or another major reward or compensation. To assist in the areas involved in teamwork and team building the University of Phoenix provides you with the Learning Team Toolkit. This Learning Team Toolkit is your gateway to materials that will help you achieve greater professional competence as a member and leader of work teams. Go to the Library tab in your student portal and select the link, Read all Aspects of Teamwork located on the right side of the webpage under Learning Team Toolkit. Then, under the category Toolkit Essentials, open the Learning Team Handbook and select which Purpose for Learning Team Benefits is listed. a. Serve as laboratories through which students develop into effective leaders and members of workplace teams. a. Provide a sense of community and support that is invaluable in helping working adults cope with the challenge of balancing ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Stereotypes In Grey s Anatomy I only viewed two stereotypes in the shows I watched. The first stereotype is that In Grey s Anatomy they made women seem hysterical and clueless when it came to a pregnancy. They also made the dads seem useless because they were hardly in the room. In the show they also made The Doctors look arrogant and selfish because as if every doctor only believes in experimenting instead of truly helping a patient. In the commercials there were a lot of stereotypes. The asian aways played the smart guy or tech savvy guy. The older man always played the wealthy guys or someone who is extremly sick in health. There was a certain Lexus commercial that stuck with me because its a fast car a man is driving and when he gets home he finds his wife with a man ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Major Character Development In The Boy In The Burning House Through the character and actions of the characters in The Boy in the Burning House, Tim Wynne Jones shows that major character development is influenced by the minor characters. An individual s character is developed by how others interact with him/her. What others say to him/her, how others act around him/her, and how he/she reacts to what they say and do to him/her. Tim Wynne Jones is the author of the novelTHE BOY IN THE BURNING HOUSE. Major characterdevelopment is advanced by minor characters. In the novel, Tim Wynne Jones centers around his protagonist, Jim Hawkins and how his character develops with help of others as he is trying to figure out why his father disappears. Hector Menzies, an old friend of the Hawkins, helps Jim out by giving information on Hub, his father s past. Jim also receives help from his bus driver to solve an internal conflict. Jim receives the final piece in finding himself, by one of his neighbors. It is with the aid of others that Jim is able to find himself and it begins with Hector Menzies. Hector Menzies helps Jim s character to develop because of the information Jim receives from him. Hector gives jim hope in the form of information. Jim learns about the fire in 1972, he also learns that Father Fisher is found near the spot where Hub is before he disappears. He had not told Ruth Rose he was going to the Expositor. He wasn t sure he would help her...[He had] Some kind of burning need to know (72). Showing desire is showing character. The burning need to know, Jim has it. Hector helped him satisfy his lust for knowledge about his father s past. Hector giving the newspapers allowed Jim to move on with his thoughts on Hub and Father. Jim s desire for knowledge shows, his thought process. At the start of the novel, Jim is depressed, hopeless. He now has a goal because of the information. Hector gives Jim a reason. But he wasn t lost for the first time in a year he felt he saw the faintest trace of a trail opening up for him (73). Feeling is what makes humans, human. Characters, character. Jim is feeling hope, as the author refers to it as a Trail opening . Jim at the beginning of the novel depressed, hopeless because of his father s disappearance. He now has hope, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Comparison Of Ansel Adams s Life And Work Ansel Adams a photographer and environmentalist, was born on February 20, 1902 in San Francisco, California, the son of Charles Hitchcock Adams, a businessman, and Olive Bray. He was the grandson of a wealthy timber baron. An only child, Adams was born when his mother was forty. His relatively elderly parents, affluent familyhistory, and the presence of his mothers maiden sister and aged father all combined to create an environment that was both socially and emotionally conservative. Adams s mother spent much of her time brooding and fretting over her husband s inability to restore the Adams fortune, leaving an ambivalent imprint on her son. Charles Adams, on the other hand, deeply and patiently influenced, encouraged, and supported his son. When Adams was only four, an aftershock of a great earthquake of 1906, threw him to the ground and badly broke his nose, distinctly marking him for life. Due to a different ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... His first published photographs and writings appeared in the club s 1922 Bulletin, and he had his first one man exhibition in 1928 at the club s San Francisco headquarters. In 1928, Ansel Adams married Virginia Best, the daughter of James Best, a local painter , who won the right to sell his work and the owner of Best Studios. Ansel Adams and Virginia had two children. Each summer the club conducted a month long High Trip, usually in the Sierra Nevada, where up to two hundred member s attended. . The participants hiked each day to a new and beautiful campsite accompanied by a large contingent of pack mules, packers, and cooks. As photographer of these outings, in the late 1920s, Adams began to realize that he can earn enough to survive, that he was far more likely to succeed as a photographer than as a concert pianist. By 1934 Adams had been elected to the club s board of directors and was well established as both the artist of the Sierra Nevada and the defender of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Sustainable Development Essay The following case study critiques Upton s vision to establish a sustainable community through implementing comprehensive sustainable strategy. The urban periphery development is thought to demonstrate superior execution of sustainable principles in development (Jackson 2007). As a parallel, the report focuses on the development of Upton s design code and demonstrates how large scale mix use developments can incorporate sustainable practice and principles of urban growth. Site Context Upton is a 44 ha greenfield site forming part of Northampton s South West District , a fundamental area of strategic economic and population expansion situated south west of the central core. The area is accessible via the A45 and A43 main roads and via... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The multi faceted characteristics of high quality urban extensions are detailed in the Sustainable Urban Extensions: Planned through Design (2010), a report from the Princes Foundation, focusing particularly on the quality of new housing. Paraphrased below are the proposed requirements to create a successful development indicated by the report: High density and compact design; A mix of housing types and tenures; Legible neighbourhoods; Communal areas of green space and; Communal amenities and facilities. The report identifies the physical attributes of a sustainable urban extension, focussing on quality of new housing. Higher density, a mix of housing types and tenures, legible neighbourhoods, communal areas including green space and communal amenities and facilities are all observed as necessary. However, due to adverse effects of the economic downturn, Upton is yet to provide the substantial amenities as originally proposed. Consequently, residents of Upton will require transportation to obtain essential services, thus partially offsetting the sustainable premise of the scheme. Breheny et al (1993) considered the design characteristics of new communities and summaries the dominant tendency towards oversimplified and functional concepts. In urban extensions there is an inclination to focus heavily on traditional features of an English Village, resulting in a pastiche urban fabric, with Poundbury Dorchester ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Critical Analysis of The Veldt The Veldt by Ray Bradbury deals with some of the same fundamental problems that we are now encountering in this modern day and age, such as the breakdown of family relationships due to technology. Ray Bradbury is an American writer who lived from 1920 to 2012 (Paradowski). Written in 1950, The Veldt is even more relevant to today than it was then. The fundamental issue, as Marcelene Cox said, Parents are often so busy with the physical rearing of children that they miss the glory of parenthood, just as the grandeur of the trees is lost when raking leaves. Technology creating dysfunctional families is an ever increasing problem. In the story, the Hadley family lives in a house that is entirely composed of machines. A major... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The lions stood looking at George and Lydia Hadley with terrible green yellow eyes. Watch out! screamed Lydia. The lions came running at them. Lydia bolted and ran. Instinctively, George sprang after her. Outside, in the hall, with the door slammed he was laughing and she was crying, and they both stood appalled at the other s reaction. (Bradbury). George s musings about his childrens view of death was actually a foreshadowing of his own death, They were awfully young, Wendy and Peter, for death thoughts. Or, no, you were never too young, really. Long before you knew what death was you were wishing it on someone else. When you were two years old you were shooting people with cap pistols. But this the long, hot African veldt the awful death in the jaws of a lion. And repeated again and again. (Bradbury). Finally, the childrens rebellion, which resulted in their parents death, was foreshadowed when Peter threatened his own father to never turn off the technology. I wouldn t want the nursery locked up, said Peter coldly. Ever. Matter of fact, we re thinking of turning the whole house off for about a month.... Will you shut off the house sometime soon? We re considering it. I don t think you d better consider it any more, Father. (Bradbury). Throughout the story, these instances of foreshadowing of death ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. The Scottsboro Trials, Brown v. Mississippi, and trial of... The Scottsboro Trials, Brown v. Mississippi, and trial of Tom Robinson in Harper Lee s To Kill a Mockingbird The purpose of this essay is to compare three very similar cases, the Scottsboro Trials, Brown v. Mississippi, and the fictional trial of Tom Robinson in Harper Lee s To Kill a Mockingbird; and to prove why the defendant of the third trial never had a chance. Each took place in the rural South in the 1920 s and 30 s and involved the unfair conviction of young black males by all white juries pressured by the threat of mob violence. Each lacked the evidence sufficient for conviction, most especially for the death penalty. Last, heroes emerged from each trial and made small but solid steps towards equal justice for all. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Price had conveniently washed her step ins and though six men allegedly raped her, not a one got any semen on her coat. The Supreme Court granted the Scottsboro boys new trials on the grounds that they did not receive adequate legal counsel. In this second round of trials, presided by Judge James E. Horton, Ruby Bates denied that she or Victoria Price had ever been raped (To Kill a Mockingbird: Then and Now). The hero in this case was Judge Horton. Despite public opinion in the region, Horton overturned the conviction of the jury, an unprecedented act. He wrote a thoughtful essay of the improbability of the crime and examined what evidence should have resulted from it. Very little of this expected evidence actually appeared and thus Judge Horton declared: It is therefore ordered and adjudged by the Court that the motion be granted; that the verdict of the jury in this case and the judgment of the Court sentencing this defendant to death be, and the same hereby is, set aside and that a new trial be and the same is hereby ordered. (To Kill a Mockingbird: Then and Now). Judge Horton had run unopposed in the previous two elections, but shortly thereafter, Judge Horton lost the next election. One hundred and fifty miles southwest (Cortner 4) and a couple years later, in spring of 1934, Raymond Stuart was found in his cotton shed, brutally murdered in Kemper County, Mississippi. The very same night, Ed ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Genetic Disease And Its Effects On The Body Introduction Genetic diseases are being discovered more often as we learn the affects that genes have on the body. McArdle s disease is a metabolic disease that affects skeletal muscle because of a gene mutation. The genetic mutation prevents the creation of the enzyme myophosphorylase. This enzyme is responsible for the breakdown of glycogen in muscles (Haldeman Englert, 2014). McArdle s disease is also known as Type V Glycogen Storage Disorder. It affects approximately one out of every 100,000 people ( McArdlesDisease.org, n.d.). Glycogen is broken down into glucose, which is used to produce adenosine triphosphatefor muscleenergy. Patients can live relatively normal lives with this disease once proper care and education has been provided (Kitaoka, 2014). Genetic Nature McArdle s disease is seen as muscle dysfunction caused by a mutation in the gene that codes for the enzyme myophosphorylase. The myophosphorylase gene, PYGM, is located at chromosome 11q13 (Kitaoka, 2014). There have been over 100 mutations of the gene detected. In North American Caucasians, the mutation commonly found is the p.R50X (Kitaoka, 2014). In Japanese patients, it is found to be the p.F709del/F710de mutation (Kitaoka, 2014). Researchers have seen a correlation between ethnicity and the type of mutation of that they carry. All the mutations cause a lack of the myophosphorylase enzyme in the muscle tissue. It is found to be an autosomal recessive inheritance trait. Those who are heterozygotes ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Beethoven And The Piano In The 1800 s Beethoven and the Piano During the late 1700 s and early 1800 s, Beethoven was innovating the world of music through various compositions. In particular, Beethoven s works for piano revolutionized and innovated the piano and its performance practices. His compositional works have always been considered to be some of the best works published, but not everyone realizes just how pivotal his work was in this point in music history. Ludwig van Beethoven was born in Bonn, Germany on December 16th, 1770 to his father, Johann van Beethoven, and mother, Maria Magdalena Keverich. He lived in Bonn for about 22 years then moved to Vienna after his father passed away due to alcohol misuse. In Vienna, he was a well known German pianist and composer. His compositional works were well known for broadening the usage of instrumentation and expanding the boundaries for performance. Beethoven began to struggle during the later years of his life due to his deafness. He used his emotions to give meaning to his music, and this music became to be known as some of his most important works. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Whenever Beethoven first moved to Vienna, he was well know for writing sonatas, variations and other shorter works for piano. Beethoven is also known for drawing a heavy amount of inspiration from other various famous composers. He even went as far as to dedicate his first three piano sonatas to Haydn. These three pieces were to pay homage to the older composer s style which he just embellished upon. Unlike most other piano sonatas, Beethoven included a forth movement instead of just stopping at three, and rather than having a minuet at the end, the last two ended the piece with a more dynamic ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Coming Of Age Ceremony Essay Every year on the third Monday in May, Korea celebrates the coming of age ceremony for young men and women turning 19 in that year. Aside from the ceremonies in different parts of the country, there is also an award ceremony to laud exemplary young adults. The usual gifts for this day are popularly given as a bouquet of red roses and, if lucky, a first kiss. Champagne and perfume are other two options with high tech gadgets being the latest addition these days. Despite the western appearance however, the coming of age ceremony has its own tradition dating as far as the Goryeo Dynasty (918 1392). The first written record of Korea s coming of age ceremony is found in 965, during King Gwangjong s reign (925 975). It was written at the time that the young crown prince was presented with new grown up garments ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Their coming of age ceremony would take place in the year they turned 15 and they would be taught the virtues of a woman. They too would visit ancestral shrines to inform the heaven of their maturity. The ritual would be called a gyerye. The coming of age ritual was a prerequisite for both men and women to get married. As recently as the mid 1950s it was quite common to see traditional coming of age rites held in towns and villages with the attendance of the elderly. By the latter half of the 20th century however, the influx of western culture and its manner of enjoying the rite of passage into adulthood came to replace traditional rites more and more. In 1999, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, in order to resurrect the tradition, came up with standardized coming of age rites to be practiced in schools and towns. The purpose was to remind young people of the pride and dignity of traditional culture and teach the true meaning of being a responsible member of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Black Scholes Wiener Process Ito s Lemma Derivation of Black Scholes Solving Black Scholes Introduction to Financial Derivatives Understanding the Stock Pricing Model 22M:303:002 Understanding the Stock Pricing Model 22M:303:002 Wiener Process Ito s Lemma Derivation of Black Scholes Stock Pricing Model Solving Black Scholes Recall our stochastic dierential equation to model stock prices: dS = Пѓ dX + Вµ dt S where Вµ is known as the asset s drift , a measure of the average rate of growth of the asset price, Пѓ is the volatility of the stock, it measures the standard deviation of an asset s returns, and dX is a random sample drawn from a normal distribution with mean zero. Both Вµ and Пѓ are measured on a per year ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Understanding the Stock Pricing Model 22M:303:002 Wiener Process Ito s Lemma Derivation of Black Scholes Wiener Statistics Solving Black Scholes Mean of dX , E[dX ] = в€ љ dt E[П† ] = 0 Varianceof dX , Var[dX ] = E[(dX в€’ 0)2 ] = E[П† 2 dt ] = dt E[П† 2 ] = dt В· 1 = dt в€ љ Standard deviation of dX = dt
  • 45. Understanding the Stock Pricing Model 22M:303:002 Wiener Process Ito s Lemma Derivation of Black Scholes The Pricing Model Solving Black Scholes dS = Пѓ dX + Вµ dt S Since we chose dX such that E[dX ] = 0 the mean of dS is: E[dS ] = E[Пѓ SdX + Вµ Sdt ] = Вµ Sdt The variance of dS is: Var [dS ] = E[dS 2 ] в€’ E[dS ]2 = E[П ѓ 2 S 2 dX 2 ] = Пѓ 2 S 2 dt Note that the standard deviation equals proportional to the asset s volatility. в€ љ Пѓ S dt , which is Understanding the Stock Pricing Model 22M:303:002 Wiener Process Ito s Lemma Derivation of Black Scholes Taylor s + Solving Black Scholes
  • 46. We need to determine how to calculate small changes in a function that is dependent on the values determined by the above stochastic dierential equation. Let f (S ) be the desired smooth function of S ; since f is suciently smooth we know that small changes in the asset s price, dS , result in small changes to the function f . Recall that we approximated df with a Taylor series expansion, resulting in df = df 1 d 2f dS + dS 2 + В· В· В· , dS 2 dS 2 ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. The Dark Side Of Dark Net Markets In a world of ever dwindling freedoms one of the last bastions of completely unregulated and free trade is the deep web, and even though a plethora of dangerous illegal activity goes on within it, it should be left alone. Even if the deep web and all the markets hidden within it are somehow shut down, people will find a new haven to carry on their activity. There will always be a bastion for illegal activity somewhere, and there is nothing anyone can do to change that fact. Dark net markets aren t the only thing hiding in the deep webeither, there are entire communities that house themselves within it. Something I find myself pondering quite a bit about these days is that a lot of the technology that has become so embedded in our lives seems so science fiction like, but are we ready for it? Something that we have in our culture that not many people know about is the dark net or deep web. Like a cyberpunk novel, it s an entire underground culture based in the vast world of the internet, our modern day virtual information highway. It is used for all colors of illegal activity; drug trafficking, human trafficking, counterfeit products, a disturbing amount of illegal pornography (most of it is just that, same with the surface webas well), weapons, hitmen, questionable literature, all the things the government veils with its law. The dark net is much more than that, and despite the myriad of illegal endeavors that it is infamous for, the dark net is a vast expanse of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. Cad Plotter Research Paper Keyword: CAD Plotter Construction Subcontractors Benefit from Having a CAD Plotter If you were to make a list of the hardest working people in the country, subcontractors would certainly be at the top. Year round, they tirelessly perform their trades, meeting deadlines, and striving to stay under budget. To stay ahead of the game in today s construction market, electricians, plumbers, framers, and drywall workers need to take advantage of every opportunity to keep a competitive edge. One way they can increase efficiencies it to print their own construction drawings for estimating. Check out some of the top reasons why subcontractors should consider having their own CAD plotter. The Power of the PDF File One of the most drastic things that... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In fact, studies show that the more that files are shared digitally, the more printing is done overall. It is just that the large reprographic shops are not doing the bulk of printing anymore. The majority of printing is now handled at the end user level. Still, several software companies have developed software that allows estimators to import a drawing, set a scale, and begin measurements and takeoffs digitally. This works great in the office, but does not have a good practical application in the field. In fact, we have joked that you can t set your monitor on the hood of a truck. Ultimately the field crews need a physical drawing that they can reference at the jobsite. So, instead of looking at a wide format plotter as an either/or proposition against takeoff software, it should be considered as a complement component. How much more valuable would a construction plan be in the field with notes and markups from the digital ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...