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Training and development in sona koyo steering
systems limited ltd.
Submitted to
A Case submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of the Degree of
Gujarat Technological University
Faculty Guide
Prof. Amit Patel
Submitted by
Gujarat Technological University
As we are very much interested in business, we chose the course
of integrated MBA Program related with administration and
management. It is a professional course rather than vocational
and the profession requires the situational how it exists in
The Master in Applied Management Program is well structured
five-year integrated Program organized by GTU (Gujarat
Technological University) - Ahmadabad.
The Gujarat Technological University prescribes “The major
project by I.M.B.A students and then presents a report to them.
The main objective of Project Report at I.M.B.A level is to make
students aware about Industry, business as well as application of
management concepts in practical words. And also to develop
skill and knowledge in a student by supplement to the theoretical
study of the business management in general. Only book
knowledge and class-room discussion is not enough for
management student. The I.M.B.A Program provides student
with a fundamental functions and actives as well as an exposure
to strategic thinking and management.
Every project is a master piece of hard work and sincere efforts of all
those who are Involved in the project. Hard work and success are the
two sides of the same coin. We are grateful to all of them who were a
part of our hard work and definitely been inevitable part of our success.
To make a project of this magnitude is impossible without a dedicated
effort and perfect guidance. “” is one of the Project of I.M.B.A Program.
We are much obliged to express our deep gratitude to all the
personalities who give their co-operation and guidance for this project.
This report is impossible without the cooperation of certain people. Let
us first express more thankful to our Gujarat Technological University –
Gandhinagar who have been providing us all academic.
Any accomplishment requires the efforts of many people and this work
is no different. With deep sense of gratitude and humble submission, we
owe our heartfelt thanks to our guide and director of the I.M.B.A
department Prof. Amit Patel for providing guidance and constructive
suggestions and showing faith in our abilities.
As we conclude, we would like to a state that just as a positive attitude
pays off; our hard efforts to bring this project to a successful end would
also pay off. We hope that this project would be one of the most
significant stepping-stones of our career and would fulfill our aspirations
in every aspect.
We thank all the respondents for showing co-operation with us
I Anju khadse, hereby declare that the project report entitled
“Case study” on “Trainning & development in sona koyo
steering systems limited ltd.” submitted in partial fulfillment of
requirement for degree of Integrated Master of Business
Administration to Chaudhary Technical Institute (CTI).
Place: (Signature)
(Name of Student)
• Training & Development is any attempt to improve current or
future employee performance by increasing an employee’s ability
to perform through learning, usually by changing the employee’s
attitude or increasing his or her skills and knowledge.”
• The need for Training and Development is determined by the
employee’s performance deficiency, computed as follows.
• Training & Development Need = Standard Performance – Actual
• We can make a distinction among Training, Development and
• Sona has been started with 50 Lakhs investment
• It was around 1985-1987.
• Dr. Surinder Kapur
What are the Training Inputs?
 Skills
 Education
 Development
 Ethics
 Problem Solving Skills
 Decision Making
 Attitudinal Changes
Need of Training
Individual level
 Diagnosis of present problems and future challenges
 Improve individual performance or fix up performance deficiency
 Improve skills or knowledge or any other problem
 To anticipate future skill-needs and prepare employee to handle more
challenging tasks
 To prepare for possible job transfers
Group level
 To face any change in organization strategy at group levels
 When new products and services are launched
 To avoid scraps and accident rates
Group Level Training Needs Identification
1. Organizational Goals and Objectives
2. Personnel / Skills Inventories
3. Organizational Climate Indices
4. Efficiency Indices
5. Exit Interviews
6. MBO / Work Planning Systems
7. Quality Circles
8. Customer Satisfaction Survey
9. Analysis of Current and Anticipated Changes
How To Make Training Effective?
1. Management Commitment
2. Training & Business Strategies Integration
3. Comprehensive and Systematic Approach
4. Continuous and Ongoing approach
5. Promoting Learning as Fundamental Value
6. Creations of effective training evaluation system
Corporate Learning has now become one of the main business elements
in organizations that want to focus on employee training. Over the years,
corporate training has come far from classroom training. However, there
still are a few aspects that need to be focused on to make it a universally
adoptable and financially viable across geographies.
In recent times, the eLearning industry has undergone rapid
improvements owing to the changes in the organizations to match to the
needs and expectations of the learners. Today’s learners have moved
beyond just a passive learning experience. Learning needs to happen in a
way that engages them and provides them easy access to information on
the fly. Learners don’t just want to learn. They want
to experiencelearning.
While we speak of how there has been a paradigm shift in learning, let’s
look at the changes 2017 has brought in the world of corporate
Here are a few ongoing trends in corporate learning that have caught the
attention of eLearning industry experts this year:
1. Microlearning
For those of you who are wondering—what is Microlearning, it is a
short, focused learning chunk of information on topics that is designed
to fulfill a specific learning objective. These modules are typically 3-5
minutes long. They could be shorter too, depending on your training
So, if we say that modules of about 10-15 minutes in length have a
completion rate of 97% approximately, what would you extract from this
fact? It is important to offer learning to millennials who have arguably
shorter attention spans, especially as their counts go up in organizations.
Well, with research facts like these, it is quite clear why microlearning is
now becoming a buzzword in the industry.
2. App-based learning
Mobile-based learning is now being widely used to deliver training to
learners. Recent statistics on usage of mobile apps also reveal that app-
based learning has gained popularity in most organizations as it enables
employers to easily connect with their employees/learners to provide on-
demand online training.
Some of the proven benefits of app-based learning include effective
implementation of microlearning, simulation and game-based learning,
extensive control on tracking and learning management and, off-line
performance support applications anywhere and anytime. Hence, with a
shrinking attention span of millennials, and a growing workforce
(particularly millennials) in organizations, app-based learning is a trend
to look forward to for on-the-go training in corporate organizations.
3. Mobile Learning
It goes without saying that we want everything “on the go”. With an
increasing number of mobile users across the globe, delivering their
training to them on their devices, in addition to tablets and computers, is
a continuous rising need.
Making your training available on mobile phones makes it accessible to
about 70% of learners! That’s a huge number, and we only see that
going up. That’s one of the reasons why mobile learning will continue to
grab the attention of learners in 2017. With more content going online,
learners can access information across different devices based on their
location or needs.
4. Video Learning
2017 is also the time to incorporate video learning in your training
courses! If it still does not convince you, think about the popularity
YouTube has gained in recent years. The fact that our human brain
processes videos about 60,000 times faster than text, there’s no doubt
why we frequently reach out to training channels on YouTube to fill a
knowledge gap!
Popular Read: 7 SEO Trends that will Shape Internet Marketing in
A recent study revealed that courses with videos have a 51% completion
rate while those without videos have as low as 36%! So, want to make
your courses more engaging and interactive for your learners? Integrate
video learning!
5. Social Learning
Social learning is not a newly introduced concept in learning, but it is
certainly on the rise. This is because in most organizations, social
learning or informal learning takes place through eLearning. This occurs
based on the fact that not all individuals are solitary learners, and this is
where informal learning or social learning comes into play.
Collaborating and connecting with others who are taking the course
benefits them while they interact.
Training companies have taken to integrating blogs, LinkedIn courses,
and social media pages into their current training programs to ensure
learners benefit more from these courses. Social learning may also
include social polling where learners are encouraged to give their
opinions and rate something such as a video, and later reveal what
everybody else thinks about the video. This way, learners also explore
the grey spaces that remained untouched by eLearning in the past instead
of just focusing on the black and white spaces.
The 70:20:10 model talks about 70 being on-the job training, 20 being
learning from peers and 10 being formal learning. This 20peer learning
is actually in part largely from social learning whether they are within
the organization or outside. Now this may be done via social learning on
corporate social and collaboration tools or externally on social media
networks like LinkedIn, even Facebook. Hence, social learning is a trend
to watch and adopt in today’s corporate learning courses.
6. Gamification
So why is gamification here to stay in the list of trends for 2017? Well,
that’s because its primary benefit is motivation. Offering incentives,
certificates or badges upon completion of courses, encourages learners
to complete their courses in a competitive manner. In addition to this,
point systems, leader boards, and timed challenges/quizzes are a few
ways gamification can play an important role in your training strategy.
Although Gartner had predicted that by 2015, 40% of the world’s 1000
biggest companies would implement gamification in their training
modules, gamification has still not gained that level of popularity or
preference. Thus, 2017 could be the year to fetch some real traction
towards gamification!
7. Adaptive Learning
Since the advent of the eLearning industry, there has been a constant
growth in terms of its efficiency and effectiveness over the years.
However, what was developed back in the late 20th century as static
eLearning is now a concept that is outdated, and hardly has any impact
on its audience. As the term suggests, adaptive learning is about
customizing learning to the needs of the learners.
Popular Read: Gaadizo - A Startup Building A Stop Solution for
Vehicle Repairs
Adaptive learning programs are so much more than static learning.
These programs focus on learner requirements and their current
understanding of the matter. This helps them progress at a faster pace in
the subjects that they are familiar with. Thus, adaptive learning has been
of great importance for mobilizing eLearning to its full potential as it
pays attention to the points of interest of learners through a more
personalized training.
While developing a course, it is understood that no two learners are the
same and hence, with adaptive learning, learners can learn at their own
pace. It accelerates the learning along with reducing the cost of content
delivery. This has made vendors optimize their resources to deliver
maximum value to their clients.
Adaptive learning works both ways in corporate training. Low and
average performers can utilize it to improve their performance with time,
while high performers can quickly sharpen their skills with it.
8. Augmented Reality
Augmented realty is yet to be implemented on a large scale. Hence, it
remains to be seen how widespread augmented reality will be used in the
eLearning industry. However, industries with high-risk occupations will
be seen utilizing augmented reality to its best potential in the coming
time. These could be surgeons who can use technologies like Google
Glass and Oculus Rift to polish their skills, without risking the lives of
their patients.
Virtual reality has the potential to change the overall landscape of the
eLearning industry via the immersive experience it provides to the
learners. Complex subjects can be recreated in a life-like environment to
explain it in an elaborate manner. Consider an example where a real-life
case study based on leadership is created in VR and you can play a role
from one of the various characters available. This will help you learn
leadership lessons. Such VR case studies do not require physical
presence of the learners and hence, can be accessed from any part of the
globe. With minimal requirements of a fast internet connection, a
computer or mobile device, and a compatible 3D headset for VR, these
can help learners with advance eLearning solutions. Undoubtedly, this
technique can prove to be the most powerful of them all if it is
implemented effectively in the time to come. A strong component of
your learning and development strategies in the very near future!
Innovations and experiments in the industry are responsible for the
trends that emerge over time. With new methods coming up through
advancement in technologies and consistent efforts towards making
learning easy, engaging, and accessible to learners, these trends will gain
popularity based on their efficacy. As an industry professional, you must
pay attention to newer techniques being implemented and development
in training on a regular basis. Thoughtfully drafted strategies can then be
laid out based on these for business growth. You can follow the above
mentioned trends in 2017 to keep up with the industry and plan your
strategy to suit your business requirements.

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Part 2

  • 1. PROJECT REPORT ON Training and development in sona koyo steering systems limited ltd. Submitted to (CHAUDHRI TECHNICAL INSTITUTE, IMBA) A Case submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of the Degree of MASTER OF APPLIED MANAGEMENT Under Gujarat Technological University UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF Faculty Guide Prof. Amit Patel Submitted by ANJU KHADSE (13700585005) I.M.B.A– SEMESTER XI Gujarat Technological University Ahmedabad
  • 2. PREFACE As we are very much interested in business, we chose the course of integrated MBA Program related with administration and management. It is a professional course rather than vocational and the profession requires the situational how it exists in practical. The Master in Applied Management Program is well structured five-year integrated Program organized by GTU (Gujarat Technological University) - Ahmadabad. The Gujarat Technological University prescribes “The major project by I.M.B.A students and then presents a report to them. The main objective of Project Report at I.M.B.A level is to make students aware about Industry, business as well as application of management concepts in practical words. And also to develop skill and knowledge in a student by supplement to the theoretical study of the business management in general. Only book knowledge and class-room discussion is not enough for management student. The I.M.B.A Program provides student with a fundamental functions and actives as well as an exposure to strategic thinking and management.
  • 3. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Every project is a master piece of hard work and sincere efforts of all those who are Involved in the project. Hard work and success are the two sides of the same coin. We are grateful to all of them who were a part of our hard work and definitely been inevitable part of our success. To make a project of this magnitude is impossible without a dedicated effort and perfect guidance. “” is one of the Project of I.M.B.A Program. We are much obliged to express our deep gratitude to all the personalities who give their co-operation and guidance for this project. This report is impossible without the cooperation of certain people. Let us first express more thankful to our Gujarat Technological University – Ahmadabad and CHAUDHRI TECHNICAL INSTITUTE (CTI) – Gandhinagar who have been providing us all academic. Any accomplishment requires the efforts of many people and this work is no different. With deep sense of gratitude and humble submission, we owe our heartfelt thanks to our guide and director of the I.M.B.A department Prof. Amit Patel for providing guidance and constructive suggestions and showing faith in our abilities.
  • 4. As we conclude, we would like to a state that just as a positive attitude pays off; our hard efforts to bring this project to a successful end would also pay off. We hope that this project would be one of the most significant stepping-stones of our career and would fulfill our aspirations in every aspect. We thank all the respondents for showing co-operation with us
  • 5. DECLARATION I Anju khadse, hereby declare that the project report entitled “Case study” on “Trainning & development in sona koyo steering systems limited ltd.” submitted in partial fulfillment of requirement for degree of Integrated Master of Business Administration to Chaudhary Technical Institute (CTI). Place: (Signature) (Name of Student) Date: (ANJU KHADSE)
  • 7. • Training & Development is any attempt to improve current or future employee performance by increasing an employee’s ability to perform through learning, usually by changing the employee’s attitude or increasing his or her skills and knowledge.” • The need for Training and Development is determined by the employee’s performance deficiency, computed as follows. • Training & Development Need = Standard Performance – Actual Performance • We can make a distinction among Training, Development and Education. • Sona has been started with 50 Lakhs investment • It was around 1985-1987. • Dr. Surinder Kapur
  • 9. What are the Training Inputs?  Skills  Education  Development  Ethics  Problem Solving Skills  Decision Making  Attitudinal Changes Need of Training Individual level
  • 10.  Diagnosis of present problems and future challenges  Improve individual performance or fix up performance deficiency  Improve skills or knowledge or any other problem  To anticipate future skill-needs and prepare employee to handle more challenging tasks  To prepare for possible job transfers Group level  To face any change in organization strategy at group levels  When new products and services are launched  To avoid scraps and accident rates Group Level Training Needs Identification 1. Organizational Goals and Objectives 2. Personnel / Skills Inventories 3. Organizational Climate Indices 4. Efficiency Indices 5. Exit Interviews 6. MBO / Work Planning Systems 7. Quality Circles 8. Customer Satisfaction Survey 9. Analysis of Current and Anticipated Changes
  • 11. How To Make Training Effective? 1. Management Commitment 2. Training & Business Strategies Integration 3. Comprehensive and Systematic Approach 4. Continuous and Ongoing approach 5. Promoting Learning as Fundamental Value 6. Creations of effective training evaluation system
  • 13. Corporate Learning has now become one of the main business elements in organizations that want to focus on employee training. Over the years, corporate training has come far from classroom training. However, there still are a few aspects that need to be focused on to make it a universally adoptable and financially viable across geographies. In recent times, the eLearning industry has undergone rapid improvements owing to the changes in the organizations to match to the needs and expectations of the learners. Today’s learners have moved beyond just a passive learning experience. Learning needs to happen in a way that engages them and provides them easy access to information on the fly. Learners don’t just want to learn. They want to experiencelearning. While we speak of how there has been a paradigm shift in learning, let’s look at the changes 2017 has brought in the world of corporate eLearning. Here are a few ongoing trends in corporate learning that have caught the attention of eLearning industry experts this year:
  • 14. 1. Microlearning For those of you who are wondering—what is Microlearning, it is a short, focused learning chunk of information on topics that is designed to fulfill a specific learning objective. These modules are typically 3-5 minutes long. They could be shorter too, depending on your training objective. So, if we say that modules of about 10-15 minutes in length have a completion rate of 97% approximately, what would you extract from this fact? It is important to offer learning to millennials who have arguably shorter attention spans, especially as their counts go up in organizations. Well, with research facts like these, it is quite clear why microlearning is now becoming a buzzword in the industry.
  • 15. 2. App-based learning Mobile-based learning is now being widely used to deliver training to learners. Recent statistics on usage of mobile apps also reveal that app- based learning has gained popularity in most organizations as it enables employers to easily connect with their employees/learners to provide on- demand online training. Some of the proven benefits of app-based learning include effective implementation of microlearning, simulation and game-based learning, extensive control on tracking and learning management and, off-line performance support applications anywhere and anytime. Hence, with a shrinking attention span of millennials, and a growing workforce (particularly millennials) in organizations, app-based learning is a trend to look forward to for on-the-go training in corporate organizations. 3. Mobile Learning It goes without saying that we want everything “on the go”. With an increasing number of mobile users across the globe, delivering their training to them on their devices, in addition to tablets and computers, is a continuous rising need. Making your training available on mobile phones makes it accessible to about 70% of learners! That’s a huge number, and we only see that going up. That’s one of the reasons why mobile learning will continue to
  • 16. grab the attention of learners in 2017. With more content going online, learners can access information across different devices based on their location or needs. 4. Video Learning 2017 is also the time to incorporate video learning in your training courses! If it still does not convince you, think about the popularity YouTube has gained in recent years. The fact that our human brain processes videos about 60,000 times faster than text, there’s no doubt why we frequently reach out to training channels on YouTube to fill a knowledge gap! Popular Read: 7 SEO Trends that will Shape Internet Marketing in 2017 A recent study revealed that courses with videos have a 51% completion rate while those without videos have as low as 36%! So, want to make your courses more engaging and interactive for your learners? Integrate video learning! 5. Social Learning
  • 17. Social learning is not a newly introduced concept in learning, but it is certainly on the rise. This is because in most organizations, social learning or informal learning takes place through eLearning. This occurs based on the fact that not all individuals are solitary learners, and this is where informal learning or social learning comes into play. Collaborating and connecting with others who are taking the course benefits them while they interact. Training companies have taken to integrating blogs, LinkedIn courses, and social media pages into their current training programs to ensure learners benefit more from these courses. Social learning may also include social polling where learners are encouraged to give their opinions and rate something such as a video, and later reveal what everybody else thinks about the video. This way, learners also explore the grey spaces that remained untouched by eLearning in the past instead of just focusing on the black and white spaces. The 70:20:10 model talks about 70 being on-the job training, 20 being learning from peers and 10 being formal learning. This 20peer learning is actually in part largely from social learning whether they are within the organization or outside. Now this may be done via social learning on corporate social and collaboration tools or externally on social media networks like LinkedIn, even Facebook. Hence, social learning is a trend to watch and adopt in today’s corporate learning courses.
  • 18. 6. Gamification So why is gamification here to stay in the list of trends for 2017? Well, that’s because its primary benefit is motivation. Offering incentives, certificates or badges upon completion of courses, encourages learners to complete their courses in a competitive manner. In addition to this, point systems, leader boards, and timed challenges/quizzes are a few ways gamification can play an important role in your training strategy. Although Gartner had predicted that by 2015, 40% of the world’s 1000 biggest companies would implement gamification in their training modules, gamification has still not gained that level of popularity or preference. Thus, 2017 could be the year to fetch some real traction towards gamification! 7. Adaptive Learning Since the advent of the eLearning industry, there has been a constant growth in terms of its efficiency and effectiveness over the years. However, what was developed back in the late 20th century as static eLearning is now a concept that is outdated, and hardly has any impact on its audience. As the term suggests, adaptive learning is about customizing learning to the needs of the learners.
  • 19. Popular Read: Gaadizo - A Startup Building A Stop Solution for Vehicle Repairs Adaptive learning programs are so much more than static learning. These programs focus on learner requirements and their current understanding of the matter. This helps them progress at a faster pace in the subjects that they are familiar with. Thus, adaptive learning has been of great importance for mobilizing eLearning to its full potential as it pays attention to the points of interest of learners through a more personalized training. While developing a course, it is understood that no two learners are the same and hence, with adaptive learning, learners can learn at their own pace. It accelerates the learning along with reducing the cost of content delivery. This has made vendors optimize their resources to deliver maximum value to their clients. Adaptive learning works both ways in corporate training. Low and average performers can utilize it to improve their performance with time, while high performers can quickly sharpen their skills with it. 8. Augmented Reality
  • 20. Augmented realty is yet to be implemented on a large scale. Hence, it remains to be seen how widespread augmented reality will be used in the eLearning industry. However, industries with high-risk occupations will be seen utilizing augmented reality to its best potential in the coming time. These could be surgeons who can use technologies like Google Glass and Oculus Rift to polish their skills, without risking the lives of their patients. Virtual reality has the potential to change the overall landscape of the eLearning industry via the immersive experience it provides to the learners. Complex subjects can be recreated in a life-like environment to explain it in an elaborate manner. Consider an example where a real-life case study based on leadership is created in VR and you can play a role from one of the various characters available. This will help you learn leadership lessons. Such VR case studies do not require physical presence of the learners and hence, can be accessed from any part of the globe. With minimal requirements of a fast internet connection, a computer or mobile device, and a compatible 3D headset for VR, these can help learners with advance eLearning solutions. Undoubtedly, this technique can prove to be the most powerful of them all if it is implemented effectively in the time to come. A strong component of your learning and development strategies in the very near future!
  • 21. Conclusion Innovations and experiments in the industry are responsible for the trends that emerge over time. With new methods coming up through advancement in technologies and consistent efforts towards making learning easy, engaging, and accessible to learners, these trends will gain popularity based on their efficacy. As an industry professional, you must pay attention to newer techniques being implemented and development in training on a regular basis. Thoughtfully drafted strategies can then be laid out based on these for business growth. You can follow the above mentioned trends in 2017 to keep up with the industry and plan your strategy to suit your business requirements. http://www.iamwire.com/2017/06/8-corporate-learning-trends-in- 2017/153875