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Artificial Intelligence
            Pattern Recognition


                         Armando Vieira
                        Bernardete Ribeiro

                            CPR 2007-2008
• Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
• Soft Artificial Intelligence
• Artificial Neural Networks: theory, training,
• Supervised Learning: Mulilayer Perceptron
• Unsupervised Learning: Self-Organized Kohonen
• Genetic Algorithms
• Applications
• Project

                               CPR 2007-2008
Pattern Recognition?

“The assignment of a physical object or event to one of
several pre-specified categories” -- Duda & Hart

• A pattern is an object, process or event

• A class (or category) is a set of patterns that share
  common attribute (features) usually from the same
  information source
• During recognition (or classification) classes are
  assigned to the objects.
• A classifier is a machine that performs such task

                                       CPR 2007-2008
What is a pattern?
“A pattern is the opposite of a chaos; it is an entity vaguely
  defined, that could be given a name.”

                                        CPR 2007-2008
Examples of Patterns
Cristal Patterns: atómic or molecular

 Their structures are represented by 3D graphs and can be described by
 deterministic grammars or formal languages

                                                 CPR 2007-2008
Examples of Patterns
 Patterns of Constellations

Patterns of constellations are represented by 2D planar graphs

Human perception has strong tendency to find patterns from anything. We see
 patterns from even random noise --- we are more likely to believe a hidden
pattern than denying it when the risk (reward) for missing (discovering) a pattern
is often high.
                                                       CPR 2007-2008
Examples of Patterns
Biological Patterns ---morphology

  Landmarks are identified from biologic forms and these patterns are then
  represented by a list of points. But for other forms, like the root of plants,
  Points cannot be registered crossing instances.

  Applications: Biometrics, computacional anatomy, brain mapping, …

                                                      CPR 2007-2008
Examples of Patterns
Biological Patterns

 Landmarks are identified from biologic forms and these patterns are then
 represented by a list of points.

                                                  CPR 2007-2008
Examples of Patterns
Music Patterns

                      Ravel Symphony?
                                        CPR 2007-2008
Examples of Patterns
People Recognition

                      Patterns Behavior ?
Funny, Funny

                                            CPR 2007-2008
Examples of Patterns
Discovery and Association of Patterns

  Statistics show connections between the shape of one’s face (adults)
  and his/her Character. There is also evidence that the outline of children’s
  face is related to alcohol abuse during pregnancy.

                                                     CPR 2007-2008
Examples of Patterns
Discovery and Association of Patterns

  What are the features?
  Statistics show connections between the shape of one’s face (adults)
  and his/her Character.

                                                   CPR 2007-2008
Examples of Patterns
Patterns of Brain Activity

We may understand patterns of brain activity and find relationships
between brain activities, cognition, and behaviors

                                               CPR 2007-2008
Examples of Patterns
Variation Patterns:
  1. Expression – geometric deformation
  2. illumination--- Photometric deformation
  3. Transformation –3D pose 3D
  4. Noise and Occlusion

                                               CPR 2007-2008
Examples of Patterns
A broad range of texture patterns are generated by stochastic processes.

                                                CPR 2007-2008
Examples of Patterns
    How are these patterns represented in human mind?

                                                   CPR 2007-2008
Examples of Patterns
Speech signals and Hidden Markov models

                                          CPR 2007-2008
Examples of Patterns
Natural Language and stochastic grammar.

                                           CPR 2007-2008
Examples of Patterns
Object Recognition

                        Patterns everywhere ?

                                                CPR 2007-2008
Examples of Patterns
Maps Recognition

                        Patterns of Global Warming ?

                                                  CPR 2007-2008
Examples of Patterns
Finacial Series Pattern Recognition

                                      CPR 2007-2008
Examples of Patterns
How to Trade Chart Patterns ?

                                               CPR 2007-2008
Examples of Patterns
Pattern Recognition in Medical Diagnosis

                 Tomografia                                                   p(r,θ,z)
         Tomos (=corte) + grafos (=escrita, imagem, gráfico)

                                                       proje          cção
                                      f(x,y,z)             r etro



                                                                                              CPR 2007-2008
Examples of Patterns
Optical Character Recognition

                                CPR 2007-2008
Graphic Arts
               Examples of Patterns

                             Escher, who else?

                              CPR 2007-2008
Examples of Patterns
Human Genome

                 Beautiful Patterns!

                                       CPR 2007-2008
Examples of Applications
                          • Handwritten: sorting letters by postal code,
                          input device for PDA‘s.
                          • Printed texts: reading machines for blind
• Optical Character       people, digitalization of text documents.

Recognition (OCR)         • Face recognition, verification, retrieval.
                          • Finger prints recognition.
                          • Speech recognition.
• Biometrics
                          • Medical diagnosis: X-Ray, EKG analysis.
• Diagnostic systems      • Machine diagnostics, waster detection.

                          • Automated Target Recognition (ATR).
• Military applications   • Image segmentation and analysis (recognition
                          from aerial or satelite photographs).

                                              CPR 2007-2008

• Statistical PR: based on underlying statistical model of
  patterns and pattern classes.
• Neural networks: classifier is represented as a network of
  cells modeling neurons of the human brain (connectionist
• Structural (or syntactic) PR: pattern classes represented
  by means of formal structures as grammars, automata,
  strings, etc.

                                        CPR 2007-2008
An example of Pattern Recognition
 Classification of fish into two classes: salmon and Sea Bass
       by discriminative method

   •“Sorting incoming
   Fish on a conveyor
   according to species
   using optical sensing”

                                                   CPR 2007-2008
Problem Analysis

– Set up a camera and take some sample images to extract
    • Length
    • Lightness
    • Width
    • Number and shape of fins
    • Position of the mouth, etc…

   This is the set of all suggested features to explore for use
     in our classifier!

                                         CPR 2007-2008
Pattern Recognition Phases
• Preprocess raw data from camera
• Segment isolated fish
• Extract features from each fish
  (length,width, brightness, etc.)
• Classify each fish

                             CPR 2007-2008
Pattern Recognition Phases
• Preprocessing
   – Use a segmentation operation to isolate
     fishes from one another and from the
• Information from a single fish is sent to a
  feature extractor whose purpose is to reduce
  the data by measuring certain features
• The features are passed to a classifier

                              CPR 2007-2008
• Classification

  Select the length of the fish as a possible
   feature for discrimination

                               CPR 2007-2008
Features and Distributions

The length is a poor feature alone!

Select the lightness as a possible feature.
                                      CPR 2007-2008
“Customers do not want sea bass in
       their cans of salmon”
• Threshold decision boundary and cost relationship

• Move our decision boundary toward smaller
  values of lightness in order to minimize the cost
  (reduce the number of sea bass that are classified

                 Task of decision theory

                                    CPR 2007-2008
• Adopt the lightness and add the width of the

           Fish            x = [x1, x2]

                         Lightness        Width

                                CPR 2007-2008
Decision/classification Boundaries ?

                       CPR 2007-2008
CPR 2007-2008
• We might add other features that are not correlated
  with the ones we already have. A precaution should
  be taken not to reduce the performance by adding
  such “noisy features”

• Ideally, the best decision boundary should be the
  one which provides an optimal performance such as
  in the following figure:

                                  CPR 2007-2008
CPR 2007-2008
• However, our satisfaction is
  premature because the central aim of
  designing a classifier is to correctly
  classify novel input

        Issue of generalization!
                          CPR 2007-2008
CPR 2007-2008
Occam’s Razor

Entities are not to be multiplied without necessity

                                      William of Occam

                                  CPR 2007-2008
A Complete PR System

               CPR 2007-2008
Problem Formulation
                               Features        Classification
Input Preprocessing                                             Class
object                                                          Label
   Basic ingredients:
   •Measurement space (e.g., image intensity, pressure)
   •Features (e.g., corners, spectral energy)
   •Classifier - soft and hard
   •Decision boundary
   •Training sample
   •Probability of error

                                            CPR 2007-2008
Design Cycle
1. Feature selection and extraction
       --- What are good discriminative features?
2. Modeling and learning
3. Dimension reduction, model complexity
4. Decisions and risks
5. Error analysis and validation.
6. Performance bounds and capacity.
7. Algorithms

                                      CPR 2007-2008
CPR 2007-2008
• Data Collection

   How do we know when we have collected an
   adequately large and representative set of
   examples for training and testing the system?

                                 CPR 2007-2008
• Feature Choice

   Depends on the characteristics of the problem
   domain. Simple to extract, invariant to
   irrelevant transformation, insensitive to noise.

                                  CPR 2007-2008
• Model Choice

   Unsatisfied with the performance of our linear fish
   classifier and want to jump to another class of model

                                    CPR 2007-2008
• Training

   Use data to determine the classifier. Many different
   procedures for training classifiers and choosing models

                                    CPR 2007-2008
• Evaluation

   Measure the error rate (or performance) and switch
   from one set of features & models to another one.

                                     CPR 2007-2008
• Computational Complexity

   What is the trade off between computational ease and
   (How an algorithm scales as a function of the number
   of features, number or training examples, number
   patterns or categories?)

                                   CPR 2007-2008

More Related Content

Pattern recognition

  • 1. Artificial Intelligence & Pattern Recognition Introduction 2007/2008 Armando Vieira & Bernardete Ribeiro CPR 2007-2008
  • 2. Program • Introduction to Artificial Intelligence • Soft Artificial Intelligence • Artificial Neural Networks: theory, training, applications • Supervised Learning: Mulilayer Perceptron • Unsupervised Learning: Self-Organized Kohonen Maps • Genetic Algorithms • Applications • Project CPR 2007-2008
  • 3. Pattern Recognition? “The assignment of a physical object or event to one of several pre-specified categories” -- Duda & Hart • A pattern is an object, process or event • A class (or category) is a set of patterns that share common attribute (features) usually from the same information source • During recognition (or classification) classes are assigned to the objects. • A classifier is a machine that performs such task CPR 2007-2008
  • 4. What is a pattern? “A pattern is the opposite of a chaos; it is an entity vaguely defined, that could be given a name.” CPR 2007-2008
  • 5. Examples of Patterns Cristal Patterns: atómic or molecular Their structures are represented by 3D graphs and can be described by deterministic grammars or formal languages CPR 2007-2008
  • 6. Examples of Patterns Patterns of Constellations Patterns of constellations are represented by 2D planar graphs Human perception has strong tendency to find patterns from anything. We see patterns from even random noise --- we are more likely to believe a hidden pattern than denying it when the risk (reward) for missing (discovering) a pattern is often high. CPR 2007-2008
  • 7. Examples of Patterns Biological Patterns ---morphology Landmarks are identified from biologic forms and these patterns are then represented by a list of points. But for other forms, like the root of plants, Points cannot be registered crossing instances. Applications: Biometrics, computacional anatomy, brain mapping, … CPR 2007-2008
  • 8. Examples of Patterns Biological Patterns Landmarks are identified from biologic forms and these patterns are then represented by a list of points. CPR 2007-2008
  • 9. Examples of Patterns Music Patterns Ravel Symphony? CPR 2007-2008
  • 10. Examples of Patterns People Recognition Patterns Behavior ? Funny, Funny CPR 2007-2008
  • 11. Examples of Patterns Discovery and Association of Patterns Statistics show connections between the shape of one’s face (adults) and his/her Character. There is also evidence that the outline of children’s face is related to alcohol abuse during pregnancy. CPR 2007-2008
  • 12. Examples of Patterns Discovery and Association of Patterns What are the features? Statistics show connections between the shape of one’s face (adults) and his/her Character. CPR 2007-2008
  • 13. Examples of Patterns Patterns of Brain Activity We may understand patterns of brain activity and find relationships between brain activities, cognition, and behaviors CPR 2007-2008
  • 14. Examples of Patterns Variation Patterns: 1. Expression – geometric deformation 2. illumination--- Photometric deformation 3. Transformation –3D pose 3D 4. Noise and Occlusion CPR 2007-2008
  • 15. Examples of Patterns A broad range of texture patterns are generated by stochastic processes. CPR 2007-2008
  • 16. Examples of Patterns . How are these patterns represented in human mind? CPR 2007-2008
  • 17. Examples of Patterns Speech signals and Hidden Markov models CPR 2007-2008
  • 18. Examples of Patterns Natural Language and stochastic grammar. . CPR 2007-2008
  • 19. Examples of Patterns Object Recognition Patterns everywhere ? CPR 2007-2008
  • 20. Examples of Patterns Maps Recognition Patterns of Global Warming ? CPR 2007-2008
  • 21. Examples of Patterns Finacial Series Pattern Recognition CPR 2007-2008
  • 22. Examples of Patterns How to Trade Chart Patterns ? CPR 2007-2008
  • 23. Examples of Patterns Pattern Recognition in Medical Diagnosis projecções Tomografia Tomografia p(r,θ,z) Tomos (=corte) + grafos (=escrita, imagem, gráfico) cção proje cção proje f(x,y,z) r etro p(r,θ,z) f(x,y,z) Reconstrução CPR 2007-2008
  • 24. Examples of Patterns Optical Character Recognition CPR 2007-2008
  • 25. Graphic Arts Examples of Patterns Escher, who else? CPR 2007-2008
  • 26. Examples of Patterns Human Genome Beautiful Patterns! CPR 2007-2008
  • 27. Examples of Applications • Handwritten: sorting letters by postal code, input device for PDA‘s. • Printed texts: reading machines for blind • Optical Character people, digitalization of text documents. Recognition (OCR) • Face recognition, verification, retrieval. • Finger prints recognition. • Speech recognition. • Biometrics • Medical diagnosis: X-Ray, EKG analysis. • Diagnostic systems • Machine diagnostics, waster detection. • Automated Target Recognition (ATR). • Military applications • Image segmentation and analysis (recognition from aerial or satelite photographs). CPR 2007-2008
  • 28. Approaches • Statistical PR: based on underlying statistical model of patterns and pattern classes. • Neural networks: classifier is represented as a network of cells modeling neurons of the human brain (connectionist approach). • Structural (or syntactic) PR: pattern classes represented by means of formal structures as grammars, automata, strings, etc. CPR 2007-2008
  • 29. An example of Pattern Recognition Classification of fish into two classes: salmon and Sea Bass by discriminative method •“Sorting incoming Fish on a conveyor according to species using optical sensing” CPR 2007-2008
  • 30. Problem Analysis – Set up a camera and take some sample images to extract features • Length • Lightness • Width • Number and shape of fins • Position of the mouth, etc… This is the set of all suggested features to explore for use in our classifier! CPR 2007-2008
  • 31. Pattern Recognition Phases • Preprocess raw data from camera • Segment isolated fish • Extract features from each fish (length,width, brightness, etc.) • Classify each fish CPR 2007-2008
  • 32. Pattern Recognition Phases • Preprocessing – Use a segmentation operation to isolate fishes from one another and from the background • Information from a single fish is sent to a feature extractor whose purpose is to reduce the data by measuring certain features • The features are passed to a classifier CPR 2007-2008
  • 33. • Classification Select the length of the fish as a possible feature for discrimination CPR 2007-2008
  • 34. Features and Distributions The length is a poor feature alone! Select the lightness as a possible feature. CPR 2007-2008
  • 35. “Customers do not want sea bass in their cans of salmon” • Threshold decision boundary and cost relationship • Move our decision boundary toward smaller values of lightness in order to minimize the cost (reduce the number of sea bass that are classified salmon!) Task of decision theory CPR 2007-2008
  • 36. • Adopt the lightness and add the width of the fish Fish x = [x1, x2] Lightness Width CPR 2007-2008
  • 39. • We might add other features that are not correlated with the ones we already have. A precaution should be taken not to reduce the performance by adding such “noisy features” • Ideally, the best decision boundary should be the one which provides an optimal performance such as in the following figure: CPR 2007-2008
  • 41. • However, our satisfaction is premature because the central aim of designing a classifier is to correctly classify novel input Issue of generalization! CPR 2007-2008
  • 43. Occam’s Razor Entities are not to be multiplied without necessity William of Occam (1284-1347) CPR 2007-2008
  • 44. A Complete PR System CPR 2007-2008
  • 45. Problem Formulation Measurements Features Classification Input Preprocessing Class object Label Basic ingredients: •Measurement space (e.g., image intensity, pressure) •Features (e.g., corners, spectral energy) •Classifier - soft and hard •Decision boundary •Training sample •Probability of error CPR 2007-2008
  • 46. Design Cycle 1. Feature selection and extraction --- What are good discriminative features? 2. Modeling and learning 3. Dimension reduction, model complexity 4. Decisions and risks 5. Error analysis and validation. 6. Performance bounds and capacity. 7. Algorithms CPR 2007-2008
  • 48. • Data Collection How do we know when we have collected an adequately large and representative set of examples for training and testing the system? CPR 2007-2008
  • 49. • Feature Choice Depends on the characteristics of the problem domain. Simple to extract, invariant to irrelevant transformation, insensitive to noise. CPR 2007-2008
  • 50. • Model Choice Unsatisfied with the performance of our linear fish classifier and want to jump to another class of model CPR 2007-2008
  • 51. • Training Use data to determine the classifier. Many different procedures for training classifiers and choosing models CPR 2007-2008
  • 52. • Evaluation Measure the error rate (or performance) and switch from one set of features & models to another one. CPR 2007-2008
  • 53. • Computational Complexity What is the trade off between computational ease and performance? (How an algorithm scales as a function of the number of features, number or training examples, number patterns or categories?) CPR 2007-2008