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Training Servants of the Church for the Great
Pauline Epistles (3 units)
Bachelor of Theology
 Prerequisites: None
 Instructor: Raymond L. Mortel, MDiv.
 Semester & Academic Year: 1st Sem AY 2023-2024
 Day & Time: Friday, 08:00-011:00 P.M.,
 Instructor’s Email Address: mortelray24@gmail.com
 Phone: 09264840014
This is a three-unit course that study the ministry and teachings of the Apostle Paul as recorded in the Pauline Epistles. The life
setting of each letter is related to Paul’s journeys described in the book of Acts. Special attention is given to the major theological
themes of the epistles.
By the end of the course, the students shall be able to:
1. Demonstrate an understanding with the main theories of authorship, origin, and purpose of each Pauline Epistles Books.
2. Understand Paul’s identity, life narrative and mission in his first century context, as well as the controversies that surround him
and his letters.
3. Know the message and structure of individual Pauline Epistles in light of the critical issues and historical contexts that are
foundational to uncovering the meaning of the texts.
4. Learn key Pauline themes and doctrines
1. Appreciate scripture and its production through meaningful encounters with the content and the people involved (Paul, the
churches, the individual recipients).
2. Desire to obey those commands and principles in the Pauline Epistles that are valid and relevant to their spiritual life.
3. Have a worldview that coherently processes and reflects Pauline theology
4. Emerge transformed by appropriately interacting with and responding to Paul’s teaching and exhortations.
1. Gain familiarity with the contents of Pauline Epistles Books.
2. State and critique the major critical approaches to the study of Pauline Epistles.
3. Summarize the major critical problems confronting selected books of Pauline Epistles and give constructive solutions to
these problems.
4. Orient others about the Pauline Epistles’ value and importance in Christian’s life and belief.
1. Students are required to attend class sessions on time. Classes shall start at the scheduled time except in some emergency and
special cases. There shall be a ten (10) - minute allowance for students to get to the class after which the door shall be closed
during the remainder of the class session. A student with three (3) unexcused absences shall automatically receive a failing
grade. In cases when a student cannot attend the class, he / she must write a letter to the instructor detailing the reason/s for the
absence. This letter MUST bear his / her pastor’s signature. Failure to present the letter shall be counted as absence from the
2. Students are required to do class reporting on the topic given by the instructor and present it on the given scheduled. No
reading of report is allowed on the class and don’t report unprepared. Study and memorize your assign topic to report. You
must follow the contents of the reporting; Contents and Structure, the editorial and process every book of Pauline Epistles,
Authorship, Time, and Place of Composition and any details to support your report.
3. Students are required to participate in every class activities, assignments, and quizzes inside and outside the school.
4. Students are required to take the midterm and the final exams. No exemption and no special treatment but must take the exam
on the given schedule.
5. The student is required to do a book review using the given guide;
Definition of a critical book review: A paper that describes the nature and scope of a book, and evaluates how well the author
succeeded in his or her purpose for writing. The assessment component of the review requires evidence to support its
Book Review Instructions Write a 6-8 page (1800-2500 words) review that includes two parts:
1. Part One: description of the book
2. Part Two: evaluation of the author’s purpose
Part I – Describe the Book and Summarize its Content (3.5-4 pages of book review)
Begin by providing the author’s name and the full title of the book.
*Describe the book by answering the following questions:
-What type of book is it?
-What subject matter does it cover?
-What is the main purpose and thesis of the author?
-Who is the main intended audience of the book?
-How does this have an impact on its overall presentation?
-What is the particular perspective of the author and what role does this play in his/her presentation?
Briefly outline the content of each chapter:
- Indicate how each chapter contributes to the overall purpose or thesis of the book.
- Describe how the author organizes and presents his or her information.
Part II – Evaluate the book (3.5-4 pages of book review)
Discuss the extent to which the author succeeds in fulfilling his or her purpose or thesis:
- Evaluate the quality of the sources the author uses and his or her treatment of this evidence to support his or her thesis.
- Evaluate the overall strength and logic of his or her argument.
- Note both weaknesses and strengths in his or her argument.
- Be sure to use specific examples to illustrate your critique.
Comment on the effectiveness of the overall organization of the book.
Indicate how the author’s perspective and approach influences his or her purpose, argument, and conclusions.
Explain how the author’s intended audience influences his or her purpose and choice of topic.
 Assignment, quizzes, and activities 20 % (200 points)
 Mid-term Exam 20 % (200 points)
 Final Exam 20 % (200 points)
 Student Reporting 15 % (150 points)
 Book Review 25 % (250 points)
 Total 100 % (1000 points)
Week 1 A.1. A.1. Discuss who was
Paul as Apostle and
-Presenting class *Course Syllabus ASSIGNMENT
the Syllabus
and other
A.2. Paul:
Apostle and
PART 1: The
Letters 1.
Paul of
Introduction /
g and
Paul / The
Life and
Letters of
A.2. Determine the
need of studying the
life of Apostle Paul
A.3. Discuss Paul’s
Theology presentation
A.4. Orient others on
who was Paul as
Apostle and
Theologian, the need
of studying the life of
Apostle Paul, and
Paul’s Theology
syllabus and other
introductory matters-
Giving of the assign
topic for the
reporting, lecture
and discussion on
“the book of
Classroom Activity:
Oral Recitation
Memorize the
Pauline Epistles
books and recite it
on the class in order.
-To do a Q &A on
the topic discussed
-To take a quiz on
the topic discussed
*Oral Recitation of
Pauline Epistles books
*Presented assignment
No. 1
*Lesson on PPT on
Paul: Apostle and
*Holy Bible
(translation of your
*Moo, Douglas J.
(2021.) A Theology
of Paul and His
Letters: The Gift of
the New Realm in
Christ. Grand Rapids,
MI: Zondervan,
* Carson, D. A.,
and Douglas Moo.
(2005). “An
Introduction to the
New Testament”.
2nd ed. Grand
(1) What is
View about
(2) Make a
reflection in
area of your
Date of
* Hawthorne,
Gerald F. Martin,
Ralph P. and Reid,
Daniel G. (1993).
Dictionary of Paul
and His Letter; A
Compendium of
Leicester, England.
Inter Varsity Press.
Week 2 B. Paul: Apostle
and Theologian
PART 1: The
Pauline Letters 1.
Paul of Tarsus
Introduction /
and Interpreting
Paul / The Life
and Letters of
_______________ -Lecture & class
discussion on Paul:
Apostle and
Theologian on PPT
-Classroom Activity:
Write two questions
on “Paul: Apostle
and Theologian”
Prepare two copies
for it and it will be
collected by the
-Quiz paper
-Presented assignment
No. 2
*Lessons on PPT
Paul: Apostle and
*Holy Bible
(translation of your
*Moo, Douglas J.
NO. 2
(1) What is
Practice of
(2) Make a
reflection in
area of your
-To do a Q &A on
the topic discussed
-To take a quiz on
the topic discussed
* Carson, D. A.,
and Douglas Moo.
* Hawthorne,
Gerald F. Martin,
Ralph P. and Reid,
Daniel G. (1993).
Date of
Week 3 C. The book of
C.1. Discuss the
historical background
and settings of Romans
C.2. Explain the
different features of
the book of Romans by
studying its own
C.3. Appreciate the
value of the book as
part of the source to
deepen their
knowledge and
understanding about
Jesus life, the works of
the Apostles and
establishment of the
Church and its
-Lecture and class
discussion on “The
Book of Romans” on
-Student assigned
report on the topic
“Pauline Epistles,
book of Romans”
-To do an oral
reporting (No
reading of report is
-To do a Q &A on
*Submitted PPT
*Oral presentation on
the report
*Quiz paper
*Presented assignment
*Lessons on PPT
on the book of
*Holy Bible
(translation of your
*Moo, Douglas J.
NO. 3
(1) What is
Model of
(2) Make a
reflection in
area of your
Date of
C.4. Articulate the life-
setting, theme(s), and
content of the book of
C.5. Orient others on
the historical
background and
settings of Romans, the
different features of
the book of Romans by
studying its own
context, and the life-
setting, theme(s), and
content of the book of
the topic discussed
-To take a quiz on
the topic discussed
-Classroom Activity:
Write two questions
on each book (John
and Acts). Prepare
two copies for it and
it will be collected
by the Instructor.
* Carson, D. A.,
and Douglas Moo.
* Hawthorne,
Gerald F. Martin,
Ralph P. and Reid,
Daniel G. (1993).
Week 4 D. The Book of
1 Corinthians
D.1. Discuss the
historical background
and settings of the
book of 1 Corinthians
D.2. Determine the
need of studying the
book of 1 Corinthians
as part of the PE books
D.3. Discuss the
Author’s emphasis on
writing their letters on
the early Christian
-Lecture and class
discussion on “The
Book of 1
Corinthians” on PPT
-To do an oral
reporting on the
assigned topic “the
book of 1
*Submitted PPT
*Quiz paper
*Presented assignment
*Lessons on PPT
on the book of 1
*Holy Bible
(translation of your
NO. 4
(1) What is
(2) Make a
reflection in
church and people
D.4. Recognize the
importance of the
books as part of the
Christian history,
teaching, and belief
D.5.Orient others on
the historical
background and
settings of the book of
1 Corinthians, the
need of studying the 1
Corinthians as part of
the PE books, the
Author’s emphasis on
writing their letters on
the early Christian
church and people, and
the importance of each
book as part of the
Christian history,
teaching, and belief
-To do a Q&A on
the topic discussed
-To take a quiz on
the topic discussed
- Classroom
Write two questions
on each book (1
Prepare two copies
for it and it will be
collected by the
*Moo, Douglas J.
*Carson, D. A., and
Douglas Moo.
Gerald F. Martin,
Ralph P. and Reid,
Daniel G. (1993).
area of your
Date of
Week 5
Feb 24
E. The book of
E.1. Discuss the
historical background
and settings of the
book of 2 Corinthians
E.2. Determine the
need of studying the
book of 2 Corinthians
-Lecture and class
discussion on PPT
about “The Book of
2 Corinthians”
-To do an oral
reporting on the
assigned topic “the 2
*Submitted report on
*Quiz paper
*Lessons on PPT
about 2 Corinthians
*Holy Bible
NO. 5
(1) What is
Paul’s View
on Women
in Church
as part of the PE books
E.3. Discuss the
Author’s emphasis on
writing their letters on
the early Christian
church and the early
E.4. Recognize the
importance of the
books as part of the
Christian history,
teaching, and belief
E.5. Orient other on
the historical
background and
settings of the book of
2 Corinthians, the need
of studying the book of
2 Corinthians as part of
the PE books, the
Author’s emphasis on
writing their letters on
the early Christian
church and the early
believers, and the
importance of the
books as part of the
Christian history,
teaching, and belief
-To do a Q &A on
the topic discussed
-To take a quiz on
the topic discussed
- Classroom
Write two questions
on each book (2
Prepare two copies
for it and it will be
collected by the
*Presented assignment
(translation of your
*Moo, Douglas J.
*Carson, D. A., and
Douglas Moo.
Gerald F. Martin,
Ralph P. and Reid,
Daniel G. (1993).
(2) Make a
reflection in
area of your
Date of
F. The book of F.1. Discuss the *Lessons on PPT ASSIGNMENT
Week 6
Galatians historical background
and settings of the
book of Galatians
F.2. Determine the
need of studying the
book of Galatians as
part of the PE books
F.3. Discuss the main
theme of each book as
part of deepening their
F.4. Recognize the
importance of the
books as a source and
part of the Christian
history, teaching, and
F.5. Orient others on
the historical
background and
settings of the book of
Galatians, the need of
studying the book of
Galatians as part of the
PE books, the main
theme of each book as
part of deepening their
knowledge, and the
-Lecture and
discussion on “The
Book of Galatians”
on PPT
-To report on the
assigned topic about
- Classroom
Write two questions
on each book
(Galatians). Prepare
two copies for it and
it will be collected
by the Instructor.
-To do a Q&A on
the topic discussed
-To take a quiz on
the topic discussed
*Oral Reporting
*Submitted report on
*Presented assignment
No. 6
*Quiz paper
on the book of
Holy Bible
(translation of your
*Moo, Douglas J.
*Carson, D. A., and
Douglas Moo.
Gerald F. Martin,
Ralph P. and Reid,
Daniel G. (1993).)
NO. 6
Answer the two
guide questions
and present it
on the class
Date of
importance of the
books as a source and
part of the Christian
history, teaching, and
Week 7 G. The book of
G.1 Discuss the
historical background
and settings of the
book of Ephesians
G.2. Discuss the
message and purpose
of the book of
G.3. Explain the
importance and
contribution of the
book of Philippians to
the Christian faith and
G.4. Articulate the life-
setting, theme(s), and
content of the book of
G.5. Orient others on
the historical
background and
settings of the book of
Ephesians, the message
-Lecture and
discussion on “the
book of Ephesians”
on PPT
-To report on the
assigned topic about
-To do a Q&A about
the topic discussed.
-To take quiz about
- Classroom
Write two questions
on each book
(Ephesians). Prepare
*Oral Reporting
*Submitted report on
*Quiz paper
*Presented assignment
*Lessons on PPT
on the book of
Holy Bible
(translation of your
*Moo, Douglas J.
*Carson, D. A., and
Douglas Moo.
Gerald F. Martin,
Ralph P. and Reid,
Daniel G. (1993).)
NO. 7
Making a visual
aids of Paul’s
Date of
and purpose of the
book of Ephesians, the
importance and
contribution of the
book of Ephesians to
the Christian faith and
practice, and the life-
setting, theme(s), and
content of the book of
two copies for it and
it will be collected
by the Instructor.
Week 8 H. The book of
H.1. Discuss the
historical background
of the book of
H.2. Determine the
need of studying the
book of Philippians
H.3. Explain the
importance and
contribution of the
book of Philippians to
the Christian faith and
H.4. Articulate the
life-setting, theme(s),
and content of the
book of Philippians
-Lecture and
discussion on “The
book of Philippians”
on PPT
-To report on the
assigned topic about
“the book of
-To do a Q&A about
the topic discussed.
-To take quiz about
*Student submitted
* Oral reporting
*Quiz paper
*Lessons on PPT
on the book of
Holy Bible
(translation of your
*Moo, Douglas J.
*Carson, D. A., and
Douglas Moo.
Review for the
Mid-term Exam
(Cover From
first, second, and
third missionary
journey of Paul)
H.5. Orient others on
the historical
background of the
book of Philippians,
the need of studying
the book of
Philippians, the
importance and
contribution of the
book of Philippians to
the Christian faith and
practice, and the life-
setting, theme(s), and
content of the book of
the (2005).
Gerald F. Martin,
Ralph P. and Reid,
Daniel G. (1993).
Week 9 *Midterm Exam
Cover From
week 1-8)
Presentation of
visual aids of
I. The book of
I.1. Discuss the
historical background
of the book of
I.2. Determine the need
of studying the book of
-Lecture and
discussion on “The
book of 2 Timothy)”
on PPT
-To report on the
*Student submitted
* Oral reporting
*Quiz paper
*Lessons on PPT
on the book of
NO. 8
(1) What is
(2) Make a
I.3. Explain the
importance and
contribution of the
book of Colossians
I.4. Articulate the life-
setting, theme(s), and
content of the book of
I.5. Orient others on
the historical
background of the
book of Colossians,
the need of studying
the book of Colossians,
the importance and
contribution of the
book of Colossians to
the Christian faith and
practice, and the life-
setting, theme(s), and
content of the book of
assigned topic about
“book of
-To do a Q & A on
the presentation
-To take a quiz on
the topic discussed
- Classroom
Write two questions
on each book (book
of Colossians).
Prepare two copies
for it and it will be
collected by the
*Presented assignment
*Holy Bible
(translation of your
*Moo, Douglas J.
*Carson, D. A., and
Douglas Moo.
Gerald F. Martin,
Ralph P. and Reid,
Daniel G. (1993).
reflection in
area of your
Date of
J. The book of 1
J.1. Discuss the
historical background
of the book of 1
J.2. Determine the
need of studying the
book of 1
-Lecture and
discussion on “The
book of 1
Thessalonians” on
*Submitted report on
*Oral presentation of
*Lessons on PPT
on the book of 1
NO. 9
(1) What is
J.3. Explain the
importance and
contribution of the
book of 1
Thessalonians to the
Christian faith and
J.4. Articulate the
life-setting, theme(s),
and content of the
book of 1
J.5. Orient others on
Discuss the historical
background of the
book of 1
Thessalonians, the
need of studying the
book of 1
Thessalonians, the
importance and
contribution of the
book of 1
Thessalonians to the
Christian faith and
practice, and the life-
setting, theme(s), and
content of the book of
1 Thessalonians
-Student Reporting
on “book of 1
Thessalonians” on
-To do a Q&A on
the presentation
-To take a quiz on
the topic discussed
- Classroom
Write two questions
on each book (1
Prepare two copies
for it and it will be
collected by the
the report
*Quiz paper
*Presented assignment
No. 9
*Holy Bible
(translation of your
*Moo, Douglas J.
*Carson, D. A., and
Douglas Moo.
Gerald F. Martin,
Ralph P. and Reid,
Daniel G. (1993).
(2) Make a
reflection in
area of your
Date of
K. The book of
K.1. Discuss the
historical background
of the book of 2
K.2. Determine the
need of studying the
book of 2
K.3. Explain the
importance and
contribution of the
book of 2
K.4. Articulate the
life-setting, theme(s),
and content of the
book of 2
K.5. Orient others on
the historical
background of the
book of 2
Thessalonians, the
need of studying the
book of 2
Thessalonians, the
importance and
contribution of the
book of 2
-Lecture and
discussion on “The
book of 2
Thessalonians” on
-Student Reporting
on “book of 2
Thessalonians” on
-To do a Q&A on
the presentation
-To take a quiz on
the topic discussed
- Classroom
Write two questions
on each book (2
Prepare two copies
for it and it will be
collected by the
*Submitted report on
*Oral presentation of
the report
*Quiz paper
*Presented assignment
No. 10
*Lessons on PPT
on the book of 2
*Holy Bible
(translation of your
*Moo, Douglas J.
*Carson, D. A., and
Douglas Moo.
Gerald F. Martin,
Ralph P. and Reid,
Daniel G. (1993).
NO. 10
(1) What is
gy belief?
(2) Make a
reflection in
area of your
Date of
Thessalonians to the
Christian faith and
practice, and the life-
setting, theme(s), and
content of the book of
2 Thessalonians
L. The book of
1 Timothy
L.1. Discuss the
historical background
of the book of 1
L.2. Determine the
need of studying the
book of 1 Timothy
L.3. Explain the
importance and
contribution of the
book of 1 Timothy to
the Christian faith and
L.4. Articulate the
life-setting, theme(s),
and content of the
book of 1 Timothy
L.5. Orient others on
the historical
background of the
book of 1 Timothy,
the need of studying
the book of 1 Timothy
-Lecture and
discussion on “The
book of 1 Timothy”
on PPT
-Student Reporting
on “book of 1
Timothy” on PPT
-To do a Q&A on
the presentation
-To take a quiz on
the topic discussed
- Classroom
Write two questions
on each book (1
Timothy). Prepare
*Submitted report on
*Oral presentation of
the report
*Quiz paper
*Presented assignment
No. 11
*Lessons on PPT
on the book of 1
*Holy Bible
(translation of your
*Moo, Douglas J.
*Carson, D. A., and
Douglas Moo.
Gerald F. Martin,
NO. 11
(1) What is
Theology of
(2) Make a
reflection in
area of your
Date of
the importance and
contribution of the
book of 1 Timothy to
the Christian faith and
practice, and the life-
setting, theme(s), and
content of the book of
1 Timothy
two copies for it and
it will be collected
by the Instructor
Ralph P. and Reid,
Daniel G. (1993).
M. The book of
2 Timothy
M.1. Discuss the
historical background
of the book of 2
M.2. Determine the
need of studying the
book of 2 Timothy
M.3. Explain the
importance and
contribution of the
book of 2 Timothy to
the Christian faith and
M.4. Articulate the
life-setting, theme(s),
and content of the
book of 2 Timothy
M.5. Orient others on
the historical
background of the
book of 2 Timothy,
-Lecture and
discussion on “The
book of 2 Timothy”
on PPT
-Student Reporting
on “book of 2
Timothy” on PPT
-To do a Q&A on
the presentation
-To take a quiz on
the topic discussed
-Classroom Activity:
Write two questions
on each book (2
Timothy). Prepare
*Submitted report on
*Oral presentation of
the report
*Quiz paper
*Presented assignment
No. 12
*Lessons on PPT
on the book of 2
*Holy Bible
(translation of your
*Moo, Douglas J.
*Carson, D. A., and
Douglas Moo.
NO. 12
Answer the two
guide questions
which has been
assigned to you
by your
Instructor and
present it in
class on the next
Date of
the need of studying
the book of 2 Timothy,
the importance and
contribution of the
book of 2 Timothy to
the Christian faith and
practice, and the life-
setting, theme(s), and
content of the book of
2 Timothy
two copies for it and
it will be collected
by the Instructor
Gerald F. Martin,
Ralph P. and Reid,
Daniel G. (1993).
N. The book of
N.1. Discuss the
historical background
of the book of Titus
N.2. Determine the
need of studying the
book of Titus
N.3. Explain the
importance and
contribution of the
book of Titus to the
Christian faith and
N.4. Articulate the
life-setting, theme(s),
and content of the
book of Titus
N.5. Orient others on
the historical
background of the
-Lecture and
discussion on “The
book of Titus” on
-To do a Q&A on
the presentation
-To take a quiz on
the topic discussed
- Classroom
Write two questions
on the book of Jude.
Prepare two copies
*Submitted report on
*Oral presentation of
the report
*Quiz paper
assignment no. 12
*Lessons on PPT
on the book of
*Holy Bible
(translation of your
*Moo, Douglas J.
*Carson, D. A., and
Douglas Moo.
NO. 12
Answer the two
guide questions
which has been
assigned to you
by your
Instructor and
present it in
class on the next
Date of
book of Titus, the
need of studying the
book of Titus, the
importance and
contribution of the
book of Titus to the
Christian faith and
practice, and the life-
setting, theme(s), and
content of the book of
for it and it will be
collected by the
Gerald F. Martin,
Ralph P. and Reid,
Daniel G. (1993).
O. The book of
O.1. Discuss the
historical background
of the book of
O.2. Determine the
need of studying the
book of Philemon
O.3. Explain the
importance and
contribution of the
book of Philemon to
the Christian faith and
O.4. Articulate the
life-setting, theme(s),
and content of the
book of Philemon
O.5. Orient others on
-Lecture and
discussion on “The
book of Philemon”
on PPT
-To do a Q&A on
the presentation
-To take a quiz on
the topic discussed
- Classroom
Write two questions
on each book (the
book of Philemon).
Prepare two copies
*Submitted report on
*Oral presentation of
the report
*Quiz paper
*Lessons on PPT
on the book of
*Holy Bible
(translation of your
*Moo, Douglas J.
*Carson, D. A., and
Douglas Moo.
*Review for the
final exam
(Cover week 10-
the historical
background of the
book of Philemon, the
need of studying the
book of Philemon, the
importance and
contribution of the
book of Philemon to
the Christian faith and
practice, and the life-
setting, theme(s), and
content of the book of
for it and it will be
collected by the
Gerald F. Martin,
Ralph P. and Reid,
Daniel G. (1993).
Completion Week
(Book Review, reports, and assignments)
until 5
Final Exam & Submission of the Research paper and other requirements
Barnett, Paul. (1999). Jesus & the Rise of Early Christianity: A History of New Testament Times. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity
Bailey, Mark L. and Constable, Tom L. (1999). “Nelson’s New Testament Survey”. Nashville: Tennessee. World Publishing
Barclay, John M. G. Paul and the Power of Grace. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2020.
Bock, Darrell. (2002). Studying the Historical Jesus: A Guide to Sources and Methods. Grand Rapids:MI, Baker
Carson, D. A., and Douglas Moo. (2005). “An Introduction to the New Testament”. 2nd ed. Grand Rapids:MI, Zondervan
Ehrman, Bart D. (2011). The New Testament: A Historical Introduction to the Early Christian Writings. 5th ed. New York: Oxford
University Press
Guthrie, Donald. (1990). New Testament Introduction. 4th ed. Downers Grove, IL: Inter-Varsity
Gundry, Robert H. (2003). A Survey of the New Testament (SNT). Grand Rapids:MI, Zondervan
Harrington, Daniel. (1990)., Interpreting the New Testament, v1. Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press
Habermas, Gary R. and Flew, Antony G.N. (1817). “Did Jesus Rise From The Dead? The Resurrection Debate”. New York: N.Y.
Harper and Row, Publisher Inc.
Hawthorne, Gerald F. Martin, Ralph P. and Reid, Daniel G. (1993). Dictionary of Paul and His Letter; A Compendium of
Contemporary Biblical Scholarship. Leicester, England. Inter Varsity Press.
Kruger, Michael J., A Biblical-Theological Introduction to the New Testament: The Gospel Realized, Wheaton: Crossway, 2016
Ridderbos, Herman. Paul: An Outline of His Theology. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1975.
Macaskill, Grant. Living in Union with Christ: Paul’s Gospel and Christian Moral Identity. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic,
Machen, J. Gresham. The Origin of Paul’s Religion. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1947.
*Moo, Douglas J. A Theology of Paul and His Letters: The Gift of the New Realm in Christ. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2021
The New Testament, any modern English version.

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Pauline Epistles Syllabus.docx

  • 1. BERKELEY CHRISTIAN COLLEGE – PHILIPPINES Training Servants of the Church for the Great Commission Pauline Epistles (3 units) Bachelor of Theology  Prerequisites: None  Instructor: Raymond L. Mortel, MDiv.  Semester & Academic Year: 1st Sem AY 2023-2024  Day & Time: Friday, 08:00-011:00 P.M.,  Instructor’s Email Address: mortelray24@gmail.com  Phone: 09264840014 COURSE SYLLABUS AND LEARNING PLAN COURSE DESCRIPTION This is a three-unit course that study the ministry and teachings of the Apostle Paul as recorded in the Pauline Epistles. The life setting of each letter is related to Paul’s journeys described in the book of Acts. Special attention is given to the major theological themes of the epistles. COURSE OBJECTIVES By the end of the course, the students shall be able to: Knowledge: 1. Demonstrate an understanding with the main theories of authorship, origin, and purpose of each Pauline Epistles Books.
  • 2. 2. Understand Paul’s identity, life narrative and mission in his first century context, as well as the controversies that surround him and his letters. 3. Know the message and structure of individual Pauline Epistles in light of the critical issues and historical contexts that are foundational to uncovering the meaning of the texts. 4. Learn key Pauline themes and doctrines Values 1. Appreciate scripture and its production through meaningful encounters with the content and the people involved (Paul, the churches, the individual recipients). 2. Desire to obey those commands and principles in the Pauline Epistles that are valid and relevant to their spiritual life. 3. Have a worldview that coherently processes and reflects Pauline theology 4. Emerge transformed by appropriately interacting with and responding to Paul’s teaching and exhortations. Skills 1. Gain familiarity with the contents of Pauline Epistles Books. 2. State and critique the major critical approaches to the study of Pauline Epistles. 3. Summarize the major critical problems confronting selected books of Pauline Epistles and give constructive solutions to these problems. 4. Orient others about the Pauline Epistles’ value and importance in Christian’s life and belief. COURSE REQUIREMENTS / POLICIES 1. Students are required to attend class sessions on time. Classes shall start at the scheduled time except in some emergency and special cases. There shall be a ten (10) - minute allowance for students to get to the class after which the door shall be closed during the remainder of the class session. A student with three (3) unexcused absences shall automatically receive a failing
  • 3. grade. In cases when a student cannot attend the class, he / she must write a letter to the instructor detailing the reason/s for the absence. This letter MUST bear his / her pastor’s signature. Failure to present the letter shall be counted as absence from the class. 2. Students are required to do class reporting on the topic given by the instructor and present it on the given scheduled. No reading of report is allowed on the class and don’t report unprepared. Study and memorize your assign topic to report. You must follow the contents of the reporting; Contents and Structure, the editorial and process every book of Pauline Epistles, Authorship, Time, and Place of Composition and any details to support your report. 3. Students are required to participate in every class activities, assignments, and quizzes inside and outside the school. 4. Students are required to take the midterm and the final exams. No exemption and no special treatment but must take the exam on the given schedule. 5. The student is required to do a book review using the given guide; Definition of a critical book review: A paper that describes the nature and scope of a book, and evaluates how well the author succeeded in his or her purpose for writing. The assessment component of the review requires evidence to support its conclusions. Book Review Instructions Write a 6-8 page (1800-2500 words) review that includes two parts: 1. Part One: description of the book 2. Part Two: evaluation of the author’s purpose Part I – Describe the Book and Summarize its Content (3.5-4 pages of book review) Begin by providing the author’s name and the full title of the book. *Describe the book by answering the following questions: -What type of book is it? -What subject matter does it cover? -What is the main purpose and thesis of the author? -Who is the main intended audience of the book? -How does this have an impact on its overall presentation? -What is the particular perspective of the author and what role does this play in his/her presentation? Briefly outline the content of each chapter: - Indicate how each chapter contributes to the overall purpose or thesis of the book. - Describe how the author organizes and presents his or her information.
  • 4. Part II – Evaluate the book (3.5-4 pages of book review) Discuss the extent to which the author succeeds in fulfilling his or her purpose or thesis: - Evaluate the quality of the sources the author uses and his or her treatment of this evidence to support his or her thesis. - Evaluate the overall strength and logic of his or her argument. - Note both weaknesses and strengths in his or her argument. - Be sure to use specific examples to illustrate your critique. Comment on the effectiveness of the overall organization of the book. Indicate how the author’s perspective and approach influences his or her purpose, argument, and conclusions. Explain how the author’s intended audience influences his or her purpose and choice of topic. GRADING BREAKDOWN  Assignment, quizzes, and activities 20 % (200 points)  Mid-term Exam 20 % (200 points)  Final Exam 20 % (200 points)  Student Reporting 15 % (150 points)  Book Review 25 % (250 points)  Total 100 % (1000 points) CLASS CALENDAR WEEK / DATE TOPIC LEARNING OUTCOMES METHODOLOGY /ACTIVITY ASSESSMENT RESOURCES HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT Week 1 A.1. A.1. Discuss who was Paul as Apostle and -Presenting class *Course Syllabus ASSIGNMENT
  • 5. Presenting the Syllabus and other introductory matter A.2. Paul: Apostle and Theologian PART 1: The Undisputed Pauline Letters 1. Paul of Tarsus Introduction / Understandin g and Interpreting Paul / The Life and Letters of Paul Theologian A.2. Determine the need of studying the life of Apostle Paul A.3. Discuss Paul’s Theology presentation A.4. Orient others on who was Paul as Apostle and Theologian, the need of studying the life of Apostle Paul, and Paul’s Theology presentation syllabus and other introductory matters- Giving of the assign topic for the reporting, lecture and discussion on “the book of Matthew” Classroom Activity: Oral Recitation Memorize the Pauline Epistles books and recite it on the class in order. -To do a Q &A on the topic discussed -To take a quiz on the topic discussed *Oral Recitation of Pauline Epistles books *Presented assignment No. 1 *Lesson on PPT on Paul: Apostle and Theologian *LCD Projector/Laptop *Holy Bible (translation of your choice). *Moo, Douglas J. (2021.) A Theology of Paul and His Letters: The Gift of the New Realm in Christ. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, * Carson, D. A., and Douglas Moo. (2005). “An Introduction to the New Testament”. 2nd ed. Grand Rapids:MI, Zondervan NO.1 (1) What is Pauline View about Suffering? (2) Make a reflection in both personal and ministerial area of your life. Date of submission:
  • 6. * Hawthorne, Gerald F. Martin, Ralph P. and Reid, Daniel G. (1993). Dictionary of Paul and His Letter; A Compendium of Contemporary Biblical Scholarship. Leicester, England. Inter Varsity Press. Week 2 B. Paul: Apostle and Theologian PART 1: The Undisputed Pauline Letters 1. Paul of Tarsus Introduction / Understanding and Interpreting Paul / The Life and Letters of Paul (Lesson Continuation) _______________ -Lecture & class discussion on Paul: Apostle and Theologian on PPT -Classroom Activity: Write two questions on “Paul: Apostle and Theologian” Prepare two copies for it and it will be collected by the Instructor. -Quiz paper -Presented assignment No. 2 *Lessons on PPT Paul: Apostle and Theologian *LCD Projector/Laptop *Holy Bible (translation of your choice). *Moo, Douglas J. (2021.) ASSIGNMENT NO. 2 (1) What is Pauline Practice of Prayer? (2) Make a reflection in both personal and ministerial area of your life.
  • 7. -To do a Q &A on the topic discussed -To take a quiz on the topic discussed * Carson, D. A., and Douglas Moo. (2005). * Hawthorne, Gerald F. Martin, Ralph P. and Reid, Daniel G. (1993). Date of submission: Week 3 C. The book of Romans C.1. Discuss the historical background and settings of Romans C.2. Explain the different features of the book of Romans by studying its own context C.3. Appreciate the value of the book as part of the source to deepen their knowledge and understanding about Jesus life, the works of the Apostles and establishment of the Church and its ministries -Lecture and class discussion on “The Book of Romans” on PPT -Student assigned report on the topic “Pauline Epistles, book of Romans” -To do an oral reporting (No reading of report is allowed) -To do a Q &A on *Submitted PPT *Oral presentation on the report *Quiz paper *Presented assignment No.3 *Lessons on PPT on the book of Romans *LCD Projector/Laptop *Holy Bible (translation of your choice). *Moo, Douglas J. (2021.) ASSIGNMENT NO. 3 (1) What is Pauline Model of Leadership? (2) Make a reflection in both personal and ministerial area of your life Date of submission:
  • 8. C.4. Articulate the life- setting, theme(s), and content of the book of Romans C.5. Orient others on the historical background and settings of Romans, the different features of the book of Romans by studying its own context, and the life- setting, theme(s), and content of the book of Romans the topic discussed -To take a quiz on the topic discussed -Classroom Activity: Write two questions on each book (John and Acts). Prepare two copies for it and it will be collected by the Instructor. * Carson, D. A., and Douglas Moo. (2005). * Hawthorne, Gerald F. Martin, Ralph P. and Reid, Daniel G. (1993). Week 4 D. The Book of 1 Corinthians D.1. Discuss the historical background and settings of the book of 1 Corinthians D.2. Determine the need of studying the book of 1 Corinthians as part of the PE books D.3. Discuss the Author’s emphasis on writing their letters on the early Christian -Lecture and class discussion on “The Book of 1 Corinthians” on PPT -To do an oral reporting on the assigned topic “the book of 1 Corinthians” *Submitted PPT *Quiz paper *Presented assignment No.4 *Lessons on PPT on the book of 1 Corinthians *LCD Projector/Laptop *Holy Bible (translation of your choice). ASSIGNMENT NO. 4 (1) What is Pauline Ecclesiology ? (2) Make a reflection in both personal and
  • 9. church and people D.4. Recognize the importance of the books as part of the Christian history, teaching, and belief D.5.Orient others on the historical background and settings of the book of 1 Corinthians, the need of studying the 1 Corinthians as part of the PE books, the Author’s emphasis on writing their letters on the early Christian church and people, and the importance of each book as part of the Christian history, teaching, and belief -To do a Q&A on the topic discussed -To take a quiz on the topic discussed - Classroom Activity: Write two questions on each book (1 Corinthians). Prepare two copies for it and it will be collected by the Instructor. *Moo, Douglas J. (2021.) *Carson, D. A., and Douglas Moo. (2005). *Hawthorne, Gerald F. Martin, Ralph P. and Reid, Daniel G. (1993). ministerial area of your life Date of submission: Week 5 Feb 24 E. The book of 2 Corinthians E.1. Discuss the historical background and settings of the book of 2 Corinthians E.2. Determine the need of studying the book of 2 Corinthians -Lecture and class discussion on PPT about “The Book of 2 Corinthians” -To do an oral reporting on the assigned topic “the 2 *Submitted report on PPT *Quiz paper *Lessons on PPT about 2 Corinthians *LCD Projector/Laptop *Holy Bible ASSIGNMENT NO. 5 (1) What is Paul’s View on Women in Church
  • 10. as part of the PE books E.3. Discuss the Author’s emphasis on writing their letters on the early Christian church and the early believers E.4. Recognize the importance of the books as part of the Christian history, teaching, and belief E.5. Orient other on the historical background and settings of the book of 2 Corinthians, the need of studying the book of 2 Corinthians as part of the PE books, the Author’s emphasis on writing their letters on the early Christian church and the early believers, and the importance of the books as part of the Christian history, teaching, and belief Corinthians” -To do a Q &A on the topic discussed -To take a quiz on the topic discussed - Classroom Activity: Write two questions on each book (2 Corinthians). Prepare two copies for it and it will be collected by the Instructor. *Presented assignment No.5 (translation of your choice). *Moo, Douglas J. (2021.) *Carson, D. A., and Douglas Moo. (2005). *Hawthorne, Gerald F. Martin, Ralph P. and Reid, Daniel G. (1993). Leadership? (2) Make a reflection in both personal and ministerial area of your life Date of submission: F. The book of F.1. Discuss the *Lessons on PPT ASSIGNMENT
  • 11. Week 6 Galatians historical background and settings of the book of Galatians F.2. Determine the need of studying the book of Galatians as part of the PE books F.3. Discuss the main theme of each book as part of deepening their knowledge F.4. Recognize the importance of the books as a source and part of the Christian history, teaching, and belief F.5. Orient others on the historical background and settings of the book of Galatians, the need of studying the book of Galatians as part of the PE books, the main theme of each book as part of deepening their knowledge, and the -Lecture and discussion on “The Book of Galatians” on PPT -To report on the assigned topic about “Galatians” - Classroom Activity: Write two questions on each book (Galatians). Prepare two copies for it and it will be collected by the Instructor. -To do a Q&A on the topic discussed -To take a quiz on the topic discussed *Oral Reporting *Submitted report on PPT *Presented assignment No. 6 *Quiz paper on the book of Galatians *LCD Projector/Laptop Holy Bible (translation of your choice). *Moo, Douglas J. (2021.) *Carson, D. A., and Douglas Moo. (2005). *Hawthorne, Gerald F. Martin, Ralph P. and Reid, Daniel G. (1993).) NO. 6 Answer the two guide questions and present it on the class Date of submission:
  • 12. importance of the books as a source and part of the Christian history, teaching, and belief Week 7 G. The book of Ephesians G.1 Discuss the historical background and settings of the book of Ephesians G.2. Discuss the message and purpose of the book of Ephesians G.3. Explain the importance and contribution of the book of Philippians to the Christian faith and practice G.4. Articulate the life- setting, theme(s), and content of the book of Ephesians G.5. Orient others on the historical background and settings of the book of Ephesians, the message -Lecture and discussion on “the book of Ephesians” on PPT -To report on the assigned topic about “Ephesians” -To do a Q&A about the topic discussed. -To take quiz about the - Classroom Activity: Write two questions on each book (Ephesians). Prepare *Oral Reporting *Submitted report on PPT *Quiz paper *Presented assignment No.7 *Lessons on PPT on the book of Ephesians *LCD Projector/Laptop Holy Bible (translation of your choice). *Moo, Douglas J. (2021). *Carson, D. A., and Douglas Moo. (2005). *Hawthorne, Gerald F. Martin, Ralph P. and Reid, Daniel G. (1993).) ASSIGNMENT NO. 7 Group Presentation: Making a visual aids of Paul’s Missionary Journey Date of submission:
  • 13. and purpose of the book of Ephesians, the importance and contribution of the book of Ephesians to the Christian faith and practice, and the life- setting, theme(s), and content of the book of Ephesians two copies for it and it will be collected by the Instructor. Week 8 H. The book of Philippians H.1. Discuss the historical background of the book of Philippians H.2. Determine the need of studying the book of Philippians H.3. Explain the importance and contribution of the book of Philippians to the Christian faith and practice H.4. Articulate the life-setting, theme(s), and content of the book of Philippians -Lecture and discussion on “The book of Philippians” on PPT -To report on the assigned topic about “the book of Philippians” -To do a Q&A about the topic discussed. -To take quiz about *Student submitted PPT * Oral reporting *Quiz paper *Lessons on PPT on the book of Philippians *LCD Projector/Laptop Holy Bible (translation of your choice). *Moo, Douglas J. (2021.) *Carson, D. A., and Douglas Moo. Review for the Mid-term Exam (Cover From first, second, and third missionary journey of Paul)
  • 14. H.5. Orient others on the historical background of the book of Philippians, the need of studying the book of Philippians, the importance and contribution of the book of Philippians to the Christian faith and practice, and the life- setting, theme(s), and content of the book of Philippians the (2005). *Hawthorne, Gerald F. Martin, Ralph P. and Reid, Daniel G. (1993). Week 9 *Midterm Exam Cover From week 1-8) MID-TERM EXAM Group Presentation of visual aids of Paul’s Missionary Journey Week 10 I. The book of Colossians I.1. Discuss the historical background of the book of Colossians I.2. Determine the need of studying the book of Colossians -Lecture and discussion on “The book of 2 Timothy)” on PPT -To report on the *Student submitted PPT * Oral reporting *Quiz paper *Lessons on PPT on the book of Colossians *LCD Projector/Laptop ASSIGNMENT NO. 8 (1) What is Pauline Soteriology belief? (2) Make a
  • 15. I.3. Explain the importance and contribution of the book of Colossians I.4. Articulate the life- setting, theme(s), and content of the book of Colossians I.5. Orient others on the historical background of the book of Colossians, the need of studying the book of Colossians, the importance and contribution of the book of Colossians to the Christian faith and practice, and the life- setting, theme(s), and content of the book of Colossians assigned topic about “book of Colossians” -To do a Q & A on the presentation -To take a quiz on the topic discussed - Classroom Activity: Write two questions on each book (book of Colossians). Prepare two copies for it and it will be collected by the Instructor. *Presented assignment No.8 *Holy Bible (translation of your choice). *Moo, Douglas J. (2021.) *Carson, D. A., and Douglas Moo. (2005). *Hawthorne, Gerald F. Martin, Ralph P. and Reid, Daniel G. (1993). reflection in both personal and ministerial area of your life Date of submission: Week 11 J. The book of 1 Thessalonian s J.1. Discuss the historical background of the book of 1 Thessalonians J.2. Determine the need of studying the book of 1 -Lecture and discussion on “The book of 1 Thessalonians” on PPT *Submitted report on PPT *Oral presentation of *Lessons on PPT on the book of 1 Thessalonians *LCD Projector/Laptop ASSIGNMENT NO. 9 (1) What is Pauline Ecclesiology belief?
  • 16. Thessalonians J.3. Explain the importance and contribution of the book of 1 Thessalonians to the Christian faith and practice J.4. Articulate the life-setting, theme(s), and content of the book of 1 Thessalonians J.5. Orient others on Discuss the historical background of the book of 1 Thessalonians, the need of studying the book of 1 Thessalonians, the importance and contribution of the book of 1 Thessalonians to the Christian faith and practice, and the life- setting, theme(s), and content of the book of 1 Thessalonians -Student Reporting on “book of 1 Thessalonians” on PPT -To do a Q&A on the presentation -To take a quiz on the topic discussed - Classroom Activity: Write two questions on each book (1 Thessalonians). Prepare two copies for it and it will be collected by the Instructor. the report *Quiz paper *Presented assignment No. 9 *Holy Bible (translation of your choice). *Moo, Douglas J. (2021.) *Carson, D. A., and Douglas Moo. (2005). *Hawthorne, Gerald F. Martin, Ralph P. and Reid, Daniel G. (1993). (2) Make a reflection in both personal and ministerial area of your life Date of submission:
  • 17. Week 12 K. The book of 2 Thessalonia ns K.1. Discuss the historical background of the book of 2 Thessalonians K.2. Determine the need of studying the book of 2 Thessalonians K.3. Explain the importance and contribution of the book of 2 Thessalonians K.4. Articulate the life-setting, theme(s), and content of the book of 2 Thessalonians K.5. Orient others on the historical background of the book of 2 Thessalonians, the need of studying the book of 2 Thessalonians, the importance and contribution of the book of 2 -Lecture and discussion on “The book of 2 Thessalonians” on PPT -Student Reporting on “book of 2 Thessalonians” on PPT -To do a Q&A on the presentation -To take a quiz on the topic discussed - Classroom Activity: Write two questions on each book (2 Thessalonians). Prepare two copies for it and it will be collected by the *Submitted report on PPT *Oral presentation of the report *Quiz paper *Presented assignment No. 10 *Lessons on PPT on the book of 2 Thessalonians *LCD Projector/Laptop *Holy Bible (translation of your choice). *Moo, Douglas J. (2021). *Carson, D. A., and Douglas Moo. (2005). *Hawthorne, Gerald F. Martin, Ralph P. and Reid, Daniel G. (1993). ASSIGNMENT NO. 10 (1) What is Pauline Pneumatolo gy belief? (2) Make a reflection in both personal and ministerial area of your life Date of submission:
  • 18. Thessalonians to the Christian faith and practice, and the life- setting, theme(s), and content of the book of 2 Thessalonians Instructor Week 13 L. The book of 1 Timothy L.1. Discuss the historical background of the book of 1 Timothy L.2. Determine the need of studying the book of 1 Timothy L.3. Explain the importance and contribution of the book of 1 Timothy to the Christian faith and practice L.4. Articulate the life-setting, theme(s), and content of the book of 1 Timothy L.5. Orient others on the historical background of the book of 1 Timothy, the need of studying the book of 1 Timothy -Lecture and discussion on “The book of 1 Timothy” on PPT -Student Reporting on “book of 1 Timothy” on PPT -To do a Q&A on the presentation -To take a quiz on the topic discussed - Classroom Activity: Write two questions on each book (1 Timothy). Prepare *Submitted report on PPT *Oral presentation of the report *Quiz paper *Presented assignment No. 11 *Lessons on PPT on the book of 1 Timothy *LCD Projector/Laptop *Holy Bible (translation of your choice). *Moo, Douglas J. (2021). *Carson, D. A., and Douglas Moo. (2005). *Hawthorne, Gerald F. Martin, ASSIGNMNET NO. 11 (1) What is Paul’s Theology of Eschatology ? (2) Make a reflection in both personal and ministerial area of your life Date of submission:
  • 19. the importance and contribution of the book of 1 Timothy to the Christian faith and practice, and the life- setting, theme(s), and content of the book of 1 Timothy two copies for it and it will be collected by the Instructor Ralph P. and Reid, Daniel G. (1993). Week 14 M. The book of 2 Timothy M.1. Discuss the historical background of the book of 2 Timothy M.2. Determine the need of studying the book of 2 Timothy M.3. Explain the importance and contribution of the book of 2 Timothy to the Christian faith and practice M.4. Articulate the life-setting, theme(s), and content of the book of 2 Timothy M.5. Orient others on the historical background of the book of 2 Timothy, -Lecture and discussion on “The book of 2 Timothy” on PPT -Student Reporting on “book of 2 Timothy” on PPT -To do a Q&A on the presentation -To take a quiz on the topic discussed -Classroom Activity: Write two questions on each book (2 Timothy). Prepare *Submitted report on PPT *Oral presentation of the report *Quiz paper *Presented assignment No. 12 *Lessons on PPT on the book of 2 Timothy *LCD Projector/Laptop *Holy Bible (translation of your choice). *Moo, Douglas J. (2021). *Carson, D. A., and Douglas Moo. (2005). ASSIGNMENT NO. 12 Answer the two guide questions which has been assigned to you by your Instructor and present it in class on the next meeting Date of Submission:
  • 20. the need of studying the book of 2 Timothy, the importance and contribution of the book of 2 Timothy to the Christian faith and practice, and the life- setting, theme(s), and content of the book of 2 Timothy two copies for it and it will be collected by the Instructor *Hawthorne, Gerald F. Martin, Ralph P. and Reid, Daniel G. (1993). Week 15 N. The book of Titus N.1. Discuss the historical background of the book of Titus N.2. Determine the need of studying the book of Titus N.3. Explain the importance and contribution of the book of Titus to the Christian faith and practice N.4. Articulate the life-setting, theme(s), and content of the book of Titus N.5. Orient others on the historical background of the -Lecture and discussion on “The book of Titus” on PPT -To do a Q&A on the presentation -To take a quiz on the topic discussed - Classroom Activity: Write two questions on the book of Jude. Prepare two copies *Submitted report on PPT *Oral presentation of the report *Quiz paper *Submitted assignment no. 12 *Lessons on PPT on the book of Titus *LCD Projector/Laptop *Holy Bible (translation of your choice). *Moo, Douglas J. (2021). *Carson, D. A., and Douglas Moo. (2005). ASSIGNMENT NO. 12 Answer the two guide questions which has been assigned to you by your Instructor and present it in class on the next meeting Date of submission:
  • 21. book of Titus, the need of studying the book of Titus, the importance and contribution of the book of Titus to the Christian faith and practice, and the life- setting, theme(s), and content of the book of Titus for it and it will be collected by the Instructor *Hawthorne, Gerald F. Martin, Ralph P. and Reid, Daniel G. (1993). Week 16 O. The book of Philemon O.1. Discuss the historical background of the book of Philemon O.2. Determine the need of studying the book of Philemon O.3. Explain the importance and contribution of the book of Philemon to the Christian faith and practice O.4. Articulate the life-setting, theme(s), and content of the book of Philemon O.5. Orient others on -Lecture and discussion on “The book of Philemon” on PPT -To do a Q&A on the presentation -To take a quiz on the topic discussed - Classroom Activity: Write two questions on each book (the book of Philemon). Prepare two copies *Submitted report on PPT *Oral presentation of the report *Quiz paper *Lessons on PPT on the book of Philemon *LCD Projector/Laptop *Holy Bible (translation of your choice). *Moo, Douglas J. (2021). *Carson, D. A., and Douglas Moo. *Review for the final exam (Cover week 10- 16)
  • 22. the historical background of the book of Philemon, the need of studying the book of Philemon, the importance and contribution of the book of Philemon to the Christian faith and practice, and the life- setting, theme(s), and content of the book of Philemon for it and it will be collected by the Instructor (2005). *Hawthorne, Gerald F. Martin, Ralph P. and Reid, Daniel G. (1993). Week 17 Completion Week (Book Review, reports, and assignments) Week 18 due today until 5 P.M. only Final Exam & Submission of the Research paper and other requirements
  • 23. References: Barnett, Paul. (1999). Jesus & the Rise of Early Christianity: A History of New Testament Times. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Bailey, Mark L. and Constable, Tom L. (1999). “Nelson’s New Testament Survey”. Nashville: Tennessee. World Publishing Barclay, John M. G. Paul and the Power of Grace. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2020. Bock, Darrell. (2002). Studying the Historical Jesus: A Guide to Sources and Methods. Grand Rapids:MI, Baker Carson, D. A., and Douglas Moo. (2005). “An Introduction to the New Testament”. 2nd ed. Grand Rapids:MI, Zondervan Ehrman, Bart D. (2011). The New Testament: A Historical Introduction to the Early Christian Writings. 5th ed. New York: Oxford University Press Guthrie, Donald. (1990). New Testament Introduction. 4th ed. Downers Grove, IL: Inter-Varsity Gundry, Robert H. (2003). A Survey of the New Testament (SNT). Grand Rapids:MI, Zondervan Harrington, Daniel. (1990)., Interpreting the New Testament, v1. Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press
  • 24. Habermas, Gary R. and Flew, Antony G.N. (1817). “Did Jesus Rise From The Dead? The Resurrection Debate”. New York: N.Y. Harper and Row, Publisher Inc. Hawthorne, Gerald F. Martin, Ralph P. and Reid, Daniel G. (1993). Dictionary of Paul and His Letter; A Compendium of Contemporary Biblical Scholarship. Leicester, England. Inter Varsity Press. Kruger, Michael J., A Biblical-Theological Introduction to the New Testament: The Gospel Realized, Wheaton: Crossway, 2016 Ridderbos, Herman. Paul: An Outline of His Theology. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1975. Macaskill, Grant. Living in Union with Christ: Paul’s Gospel and Christian Moral Identity. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2019. Machen, J. Gresham. The Origin of Paul’s Religion. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1947. *Moo, Douglas J. A Theology of Paul and His Letters: The Gift of the New Realm in Christ. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2021 The New Testament, any modern English version.