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creative brief                               prepared by Maggie Wang / Alan Arguelles

The problem                                                 who will we engage?
The brand’s extensive service has lead misinter-            Teenagers, whose age ranges from 12-17 years old,
pretations about PayPal being an online shopping            they try to balance between school, a part-time job,
payment system. Currently, the brand perception             extra-curricular activities, family, and friends. At this
is that PayPal’s just an alternative to credit cards        point in their lives, they are starting to become inde-
or other means of online payment.                           pendent and branch out their lives through their
                                                            friends, classmates and other people around them.
Our goal                                                    They are curious, and are trying to establish connec-
                                                            tions that would stand the test of time. They trust their
PayPal’s main essence is to deal with our daily             friends and peers, basically because they value their
money transactions. Our goal is to clarify the              opinions. They want control over their money, how
misconceptions surrounding the brand and                    they’re going to use it, and when they’re going to use
re-iterate what PayPal is all about: A virtual wallet       it, but not want the complexities that come with using a
where the user’s in control.                                credit card.

Our key insight
                                                            our MAIN message
Young entrepreneurs find ways on how to earn
money to feel the sense of independence. At the                 Receive money whenever, wherever.
same time, they are still supported by their
parents. They need a service that would give them
the flexibility of receiving money (either allowance
from their parents, or getting paid from walking the
dog as one of their part-time jobs), while still
struggling to balance the life of a typical teenager.       our opportunities
                                                            (please check the next page for other possibilities)

                          personal                                                                conversation
                           matters                                                                starter with
                                                               fast                               brand's
                                      share             fun & entertainment
                                                        as a "back channel"
                                                          for interaction                           Channel

             SMS/ MMS                                                                               How do they use it

                                                                                                    Why do they use it
                                     school/                                                        Brand Opportunity
                                                                                                 starter with
act as guide/
consultation                                                       fun &
                                   cheaper than

                                                                                        as a "back

                                                                                                                   channel opportunities
                                                 say hello            exchange
                                                  & chat              personal
               to make an                                              matters

                                    report                                    manage
                                                      SMS/ MMS                 work             fast

                easy way to
                 touch base            micro-                              share
                                       coor-                              photos/
                                      dination                             music
                                                       information                            Channel

                                                                                              How do they use it
                              more time to
share news /                  craft a                                                         Why do they use it
information                   message                  document
                                                       messages for
                                                       future                                 Brand Opportunity

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PayPal Creative Brief

  • 1. creative brief prepared by Maggie Wang / Alan Arguelles The problem who will we engage? The brand’s extensive service has lead misinter- Teenagers, whose age ranges from 12-17 years old, pretations about PayPal being an online shopping they try to balance between school, a part-time job, payment system. Currently, the brand perception extra-curricular activities, family, and friends. At this is that PayPal’s just an alternative to credit cards point in their lives, they are starting to become inde- or other means of online payment. pendent and branch out their lives through their friends, classmates and other people around them. Our goal They are curious, and are trying to establish connec- tions that would stand the test of time. They trust their PayPal’s main essence is to deal with our daily friends and peers, basically because they value their money transactions. Our goal is to clarify the opinions. They want control over their money, how misconceptions surrounding the brand and they’re going to use it, and when they’re going to use re-iterate what PayPal is all about: A virtual wallet it, but not want the complexities that come with using a where the user’s in control. credit card. Our key insight our MAIN message Young entrepreneurs find ways on how to earn money to feel the sense of independence. At the Receive money whenever, wherever. same time, they are still supported by their parents. They need a service that would give them the flexibility of receiving money (either allowance from their parents, or getting paid from walking the dog as one of their part-time jobs), while still struggling to balance the life of a typical teenager. our opportunities (please check the next page for other possibilities) exchange personal conversation matters starter with fast brand's customers share fun & entertainment photos/ music as a "back channel" for interaction Channel SMS/ MMS How do they use it Why do they use it manage school/ Brand Opportunity work
  • 2. conversation starter with brand's act as guide/ customers consultation fun & entertainment cheaper than calling as a "back channel opportunities channel" for interaction say hello exchange & chat personal to make an matters excuse report manage school/ location SMS/ MMS work fast easy way to touch base micro- share coor- photos/ dination music bus information Channel How do they use it more time to share news / craft a Why do they use it information message document messages for future Brand Opportunity reference