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University of Tsukuba | Center for Computational Sciences
Division of Particle Physics
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This work
Research Topics
In nature, there are four basic forces: gravity, electromagnetism, the weak force, and the strong force. The strong force makes
stars shine and holds together the nuclei in the various molecules that form our bodies. It acts on quarks, which are the smallest
constituent particles (elementary particles) of matter, causing a characteristic phenomenon called “confinement” due to
non-perturbative effects. In experiments, only the bound state of multiple quarks (called “hadrons” ) is observed—not individual
quarks. Therefore, a non-perturbative method is needed to study the strong force. Lattice quantum chromodynamics (QCD) involves
the application of the theory of QCD to a discretized lattice of four-dimensional space–time—consisting of the three dimensions of
space and one dimension of time—and can be used to quantitatively examine the 10-15
m world of strong forces on the basis of first
principles using supercomputers.
・Precise calculation of the hadron mass spectrum
・Precise determination of the fundamental parameters of QCD (coupling constants and quark masses)
・Understanding the internal structure of hadrons
・Composition of light nuclei with quarks as degrees of freedom
・Study of QCD-based interactions between hadrons
・Understanding the phase structure of QCD, including the ultrahigh-temperature state (early universe) and high-density state
(inside the neutron star)
・Application of tensor renormalization group to relativistic quantum field theory
Latest Accomplishments
Recent improvements in algorithms and computer performance have
made it possible to perform physical point calculations (calculations
using the quark masses in nature), which has been a goal for many
years. Thus, lattice QD calculations are entering an era where precision
calculation error levels are improving from 10% to 1%. Figure 1 shows
the hadronic mass calculated via lattice QCD. Although this report was
published in 2009, the calculation nearly reproduces the experimental
value. Since then, lattice QCD calculations have made progress, and
we now approach an era in which we can strive for a new type of
physics based on small deviations between experimental values and
theoretical calculations. For example, in Figure 2, we compare the
theoretical calculation (with error symbols) and experimental values
(light blue vertical band) of a physical parameter called |Vus
| using lattice
QCD. Because the discrepancy between the two is evidence of an
unknown physical phenomenon, it is important to evaluate this
discrepancy through further precise calculations in the future.
Fig.1 Hadron masses with lattice QCD in comparison
with experimental values
Chief: KURAMASHI Yoshinobu, Professor, Ph.D.
Fig.2 Comparison between lattice QCD calculation and
experimental data (light blue vertical band). The red and
blue circles represent the results of our group's
University of Tsukuba | Center for Computational Sciences
Division of Astrophysics
Black hole physics
We aim to use fundamental physics to understand a wide variety of questions, such as the birth and evolution of the first stars and
galaxies in the universe; the characteristics of the light they emit; the formation and evolution of galaxies, galaxy clusters, and other
large-scale structures; the formation and evolution of black holes and their activity; the formation of planets; and the birth of life in the
universe. We are also researching how technologies developed in this field may find applications in medicine.
In the accretion disk where matter accumulates owing to the strong
gravity of a black hole, strong radiation and jets are generated by the
release of gravitational energy. We are investigating such high-energy
astrophysical phenomena around black holes and the radiation
characteristics of black hole objects through general relativistic radiation
magnetohydrodynamic simulations.
Galaxy formation
In the early universe, massive galaxies and supermassive black
holes may have been formed by the frequent merging of galaxies
and accretion in dense regions of
galaxies called primordial clusters. We
are studying the physical phenomena
occurring in primordial clusters of
galaxies through cosmological
radiation hydrodynamic simulations.
Fig. 6 Radiative transfer simulation assuming pulsed light
irradiation of a living body
Left: Black hole accretion disks and jets in general relativistic
radiative magnetohydrodynamic simulations
Right: Black hole shadow reproduced by general relativistic
radiative transfer calculations
Upper left: Large-scale mater distribution in the universe
Upper right: Structure of gas near the central galaxy in a proto-galaxy cluster 
Bottom:From left: galactic gas, heavy elements, and stellar surface density
Fig. 2 Interaction between interstellar gas and jets
Fig. 3 A galaxy collision that occurred in the Andromeda Galaxy
approximately 1 billion years ago
Fig. 4
Left: Result with neutrino effect
Right: Result without neutrino effect 
Chief: UMEMURA Masayuki, Professor, Ph.D.
Supermassive black holes and galactic evolution
Neutrinos and formation of large-scale structures in the universe
A supermassive black hole exists universally at the galaxy center and grows while
swallowing the surrounding stars and interstellar medium. Simultaneously, its jets blow
away the interstellar medium, strongly influencing the evolution of the galaxy. We are
investigating this complex interdependence using relativistic magnetohydrodynamic
simulations in an attempt to grapple with the mystery of galactic evolution.
Galactic evolution and dark matter
Dark matter is known to play an important role in the evolution of galaxies, but its nature remains
shrouded in mystery, and many contradictions within existing theories have been pointed out. We are
investigating the nature of dark matter haloes by studying galaxy collisions.
We are conducting theoretical research to investigate the mass of neutrinos,
which is yet to be elucidated, in preparation for future observational projects of
large-scale galaxy survey. To this end, for the first time, Vlasov simulations have
been accomplished as a high-precision numerical simulation method instead of
the conventional n-body simulation.
Applications in medicine
Diffuse optical tomography (DOT) using near-infrared light in
the wavelength range of 700–1000 nm has been attracting
attention as a new medical diagnostic method because it is a
non-invasive procedure that does not
expose the patient to radiation. We are
studying light propagation in living
organisms by applying the high-precision
t e c h n i q u e f o r r a d i a t i v e t r a n s f e r
calculation developed in astrophysics to
University of Tsukuba | Center for Computational Sciences
Division of Nuclear Physics
Research Topics
The nucleus can be described as a collection of Fermi particles (protons and neutrons) called nucleons. The mechanics to rule over this
microscopic world, such as the quantum mechanics of many-particle systems and quantum field theory, is essential. Three of the four
fundamental forces of nature—the strong force, electromagnetic force, and weak force—play important roles in the atomic nucleus,
leading to a variety of aspects of reactions and structure that are related to the existence of the matter around us. For example, the sun
and the stars in the night sky shine with atomic nuclei as fuel, and they are the lights of the factories that produce the elements. The
burning (nuclear reaction) process, which depends on the nature of the forces involved and the nuclear structure, controls the brightness
and lifetime of the star, as well as the type and quantity of elements produced.
Nuclear physics has progressed through both experiments using accelerators and theoretical calculations using computers. Numerical
calculations are indispensable for quantum many-body problems, such as nuclear problems. The Nuclear Physics division works on
developing theories, models, and numerical methods based on quantum mechanics to clarify the nuclear structure, nuclear reactions,
structure of stars, and quantum dynamics of matter.
Neutron stars, known as pulsars that emit regular periodic signals, remain shrouded
in mystery even more than half a century after their discovery. In recent years, the
study of neutron stars has entered a new stage with the observation of neutron star
mergers using gravitational waves and the identification of neutron stars with masses
that exceed twice the mass of the sun. The atomic nuclei on Earth are all microscopic,
with radii of at most approximately 10-14
m; no larger atomic nuclei can exist. However,
elsewhere in the universe, there are large nuclei with a radii of 10 km. These are the
neutron stars. It is conjectured that protons and neutrons form a non-uniform structure
near the surface of neutron stars, but existing studies have mainly used the
quasi-classical approximation.
We have been developing code for finite-temperature Hartree–Fock–Bogoliubov
calculations in three-dimensional (3D) real space to describe the structure of neutron
stars in a quantum and non-empirical manner using energy density functional theory,
which can universally and quantitatively describe atomic nuclei. Figure 1 shows the
structure of the inner crust of a neutron star calculated on this basis. In the inner crust,
neutrons spread to fill the space while protons are localized and appear periodically in
a manner that resembles a crystalline structure. It was confirmed that the neutrons are
in a superfluid state because of the pair condensation.
Fig.1 (a) Structure of the neutron star inner crust
predicted to appear at a certain temperature and
density, assuming a face-centered cubic lattice
structure. Within the region indicated by the figure,
there exist 136 protons and approximately 4,000
neutrons. The density distributions of (b) neutrons and
(c) protons in the xy cross-section.
Chief: NAKATSUKASA Takashi, Professor, Ph.D.
Fig. 2 Simulating nuclear fission of the Pu
nucleus in real time. The time span from the left
to the right ends is about 2×10−20
By extending this density functional theory to a time-dependent version, it is possible to study the response, reaction, and excitation
modes of nuclei. There are many unresolved issues in low-energy nuclear reactions, such as nucleon-pair transfer from the
pair-condensation phase and the nuclear shape change during the reaction. We are performing real-time simulation calculations in 3D
space taking into account the nuclear superfluidity, as well as microscopic determination of nuclear reaction paths based on a theory of
large-amplitude collective motion. In the analysis of the fission phenomenon shown in Figure 2, the mechanism whereby a large amount
of xenon and nearby nuclei are generated as fission fragments in a nuclear reactor was illuminated. Iodine-135, which is produced by
nuclear fission in a nuclear reactor, reduces the power output of the nuclear reactor when it is converted to xenon-135 and accumulated,
which is called xenon override. This well-known phenomenon is thought to be the cause of the Chernobyl accident, but until now, the
mechanism whereby iodine-135 nuclei are produced in large amounts had yet to be explained.
University of Tsukuba | Center for Computational Sciences
Division of Quantum Condensed Matter Physics
Interaction of light and matter
The matter that exists around us is made up of atoms, which are composed of nuclei and electrons. This matter exhibits a variety of
properties depending on its composition and structure, and their use supports much of science and technology today. In our division, we
consider diverse types of matter, such as quantum many-body systems coupled by Coulomb interactions, and use computers to solve
quantum mechanics equations. We aim to obtain the knowledge that will become the basis for the next generation of technology by
understanding the various properties of matter, utilizing the quantum information of matter, and searching for matter with new functions.
Light has given us the means to precisely measure the properties of
matter. In recent years, the use of intense and very short pulses of light
in optical science has led to real-time measurements of ultrafast
electron motion and manipulation of electron motion by light. In
collaboration with computer scientists and researchers from other
institutions, we are investigating the interaction between light and
matter using first-principles computational methods such as
time-dependent density functional theory and developing the
first-principles code SALMON (Scalable Ab initio Light-Matter simulator
for Optics and Nanoscience), which works on massively parallel
computations. SALMON was developed as an open-source software
and can be downloaded at https://salmon-tddft.jp.
Chief: YABANA Kazuhiro, Professor, Ph.D., Deputy Director of CCS
First-principles simulation of chemical reactions at the solid–liquid interface
With the growing concern for environmental issues, there is a need to significantly
improve the performance and durability of energy-related devices such as fuel cells
and storage batteries. We run simulations of chemical reactions that occur in these
devices at the microscale to understand the reaction mechanisms from a quantum
mechanics perspective. The simulation results are used in the design of devices and
development of materials to improve device performance. We are also developing
computational methods and programs for the simulations, and the code for these has
been released in the form of open-source software used widely by researchers both in
Japan and abroad.
Emergent gauge field matter
In superconductors, magnetic materials, strongly correlated matter,
and topological matter, an emergent gauge field—which differs from an
electromagnetic field—is introduced in the mathematical form known as
the Berry connection. When considering the function of such matter and
their responses to external fields, it is necessary to incorporate the
emergent gauge field into the calculations. We are developing such a
method and using it to perform material science quantum calculations.
Emergent gauge fields give rise to “topological quantum states,” and it is
possible to build a quantum computer using the quantum information in
these states. The realization of such a computer is also a part of our
work. Additionally, we are studying ultrafast dynamics in strongly
correlated matter and topological matter irradiated by intense laser
beams and electronic state control via laser beams through simulations
using theoretical models.
SALMON (Scalable Ab initio Light-Matter
simulator for Optics and Nanoscience)
“SALMON” can be downloaded !
open-source software
University of Tsukuba | Center for Computational Sciences
Division of Life Science: Biological Function and Information Group
Development of an efficient structure sampling
method using MD and machine learning
Biological phenomena are governed by a series of chemical reactions driven by biological molecules such as proteins, nucleic acids,
lipids, and sugars. As such, the fundamental molecular mechanisms of biological phenomena can be understood by examining the
changes in electronic states and the spatial arrangement of atoms during chemical reactions. In the Biological Function and Information
Group, we use computational methods such as first-principles calculations based on quantum theory and molecular dynamics (MD)
calculations based on classical (statistical) mechanics to understand
the inherent dynamic structure–function relationships in biological
molecules and to understand the essence of biological phenomena.
Protein conformational change is a phenomenon that operates over
extremely long timescales, making it difficult to track using conventional MD
simulations. We have developed Parallel Cascade Selection MD (PaCS-MD) to
efficiently explore protein folding pathways (Fig. 1). Furthermore, we have found
that the sampling efficiency can be significantly increased by using machine
learning—a method rooted in information science. This method has proven to
be suitable for massively parallel environments. We are using the
supercomputer at the Research Center for Computational Science to perform
such calculations.
Fig.1 Tryptophan cage folding simulation
Fig.2 Overall structure and active center structure of photosystem II
Chief: SHIGETA Yasuteru, Professor, Ph.D.
Fig.3 Image of molecular evolution and
amino-acid synthesis in interstellar space
Because some of the biomolecules that constitute life have been found in meteorites, there is a
possibility that life originated in interstellar space. We are using high-precision ab initio methods to
comprehensively analyze various reaction pathways for prebiotic amino-acid synthesis and
degradation. In collaboration with the Division of Astrophysics, we are studying the molecular
evolutionary processes related to the origins of life.
Reaction analysis of proteins using hybrid QM/MM methods
Photosystem II has a highly characteristic reaction active center
composed of manganese, calcium, and oxygen atoms (Fig. 2) and
produces oxygen molecules from water molecules in a multi-step chemical
reaction using light energy. We identified the structure–electron–proton
transfer changes in this reaction (water-splitting reaction) using a hybrid
QM/MM method.
Clarifying the mechanism of amino-acid formation
in interstellar space and the origin of L-body excess formation
“Comprehensive in silicon drug repositioning for
COVID-19 related proteins”
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Our Research Movie
University of Tsukuba | Center for Computational Sciences
Division of Life Science: Molecular Evolution Group
Research Topics
Phylogenetic analysis of major phylogenetic groups in eukaryotes: It has been proposed that eukaryotes can be divided into roughly six
major phylogenetic groups. We use molecular phylogenetic analysis with multiple gene sequences to infer whether each major
phylogenetic group is truly monophyletic and how closely related the groups are. We are also studying the methods for phylogenetic
analyses to make unbiased inferences. We are also interested in symbiosis between two distinct unicellular organisms, as multiple
symbiotic events played a major role in the early evolution of eukaryotes. We are challenging to elucidate the mechanism underlying
symbiotic events by assessing genomic data sampled from diverse organisms.
Earth is inhabited by a wide variety of organisms. For example, we humans have a spine, move our own bodies, and consume foods
(other organisms) to survive. The human body is made up of many cells. Although plants are also made up of many cells, their way of life
differs significantly from ours. Plants do not move by themselves and do not need to eat food. Instead, they live by photosynthesis, which
is based on light energy. Although we do not always realize it, there are a vast number of other species on the planet that we cannot see
with the naked eye. These organisms have a wide variety of appearances and lifestyles. All of these organisms on Earth have evolved over
a long period of time from a single primitive organism to their present forms. Our research group focuses on eukaryotes—organisms with
nuclei in their cells—and aims to understand the evolutionary relationships among the major phylogenetic groups of eukaryotes and their
evolutionary paths. We know that in the evolutionary process of eukaryotes, there have been multiple instances where organisms from
completely different phylogenetic lineages have evolved symbiotically in cells and become part of the cells. Such symbiotic events are
thought to have contributed substantially to the diversification of eukaryotic organisms, but the mechanism whereby two separate
organism lineages fuse into a single organism remains largely unknown. We are working to understand the principles of symbiosis that led
to the current diversity among eukaryotes using genomic information and other data.
We endeavor to understand the evolutionary path of eukaryotes by
inferring their phylogenetic relationships and performing comparative
genomic analyses based on data regarding gene (DNA) sequences and
protein amino-acid sequences of existing species. Furthermore, there are
many “new” organisms in the natural environment that have yet to be
studied, and these undiscovered organisms may hold the key to solving
various problems in eukaryotic evolution. We are investigating such
organisms that are evolutionarily important but have not yet been
investigated. To this end, we are analyzing each organism’ s evolutionary
characteristics by acquiring large-scale genetic and genomic information
from eukaryotes from various phyla.
Molecular phylogenetic analysis requires statistical processing
using the maximum likelihood method, and computers are used for
this purpose. In a nucleotide or amino-acid sequence, “signals”
corresponding to past evolutionary events and random changes
(called “noise” ) have accumulated during the evolutionary
process. The problem lies in the fact that the amount of noise in the
sequence increases over time, while the amount of signal
decreases. Therefore, to accurately infer the relationship between
major eukaryotic phylogenetic groups that may have diverged in
the distant past, it is necessary to analyze large amounts of
sequence data. We are using supercomputers to analyze
transcriptome data and genome data to handle large amounts of
data containing complex genetic information.
Fig.1 Main lineages of eukaryotes
Group Leader: INAGAKI Yuji, Professor, Ph.D.
Fig.2 Example of a unicellular eukaryote that coexists with bacteria (arrows)
University of Tsukuba | Center for Computational Sciences
Division of Global Environmental Science
global-scale numerical weather prediction model NICAM
The Division of Global Environmental Science comprehensively plans and promotes research related to weather and climate from the
global scale to the urban scale using the global cloud-resolving model “NICAM” with the regional weather model “WRF” and the urban
district weather model “LES.”
In addition to four dedicated faculty members, the research division has joint researchers within the university. The resident faculty
members are Professor Hiroshi Tanaka, who specializes in global atmospheric science; Professor Hiroyuki Kusaka, who specializes in
studying climates familiar to us, such as urban and mountain climates; Assistant Professor Mio Matsueda, who aims to improve the
accuracy of weather prediction using ensemble forecasting; and Assistant Professor Quan-Van Doan, who specializes in urban and
Southeast Asian climates.
The Nonhydrostatic ICosahedral Atmospheric Model (NICAM) is an
atmospheric general circulation model developed jointly by the Atmosphere and
Ocean Research Institute (AORI) of the University of Tokyo, RIKEN R-CCS and
the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC). It has
been ported to Oakforest-PACS and is being used as an important research tool.
We are using the NICAM to study arctic cyclones, blocking highs, the Arctic
Oscillation, and stratospheric sudden warming.
The Weather Research and Forecasting model (WRF) is a highly
versatile numerical weather prediction/simulation model that was
developed mainly by the National Center for Atmospheric Research
(NCAR) in the United States and released to the public. In this division,
we use the WRF to tackle unsolved problems in familiar
meteorological phenomena, such as the urban heat island
phenomenon, heavy rainfalls, Foehn wind, and cap and
mountain-wave clouds in mountains. We are also conducting research
on urban climate and projecting the future of heat stroke to address
issues in society.
Additionally, we have been developing a micro-scale meteorological model (LES model) with extremely high spatial resolution that can
reproduce radiations, temperature, humidity, and wind distributions in urban districts, in collaboration with the CCS’ s Division of
High-Performance Computing Systems.
Fig.1 Cloud image from the NICAM global 7-km resolution
model, showing the simultaneous development of Typhoon
Sinlaku (2008) and Hurricane Ike (2008)
Fig.2 Cap clouds and mountain-wave clouds appearing over Mt. Fuji.
Chief: KUSAKA Hiroyuki, Professor, Ph.D.
Fig. 3 Surface temperature distribution around Tokyo Station. Buildings are shown in black. The left figure shows
the results of a simulation with the LES model developed by JCAHPC, and the right figure shows the results of
helicopter observation by the Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Environmental Science.
City-LES Movie
Check it now!
regional-scale numerical wether prediction model WRF
micro-scale urban meteorological simulation model City-LES
University of Tsukuba | Center for Computational Sciences
Division of High Performance Computing Systems
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Fundamental technologies for parallel I/O and storage systems
High-performance, massively parallel numerical algorithms
The High-Performance Computing Systems Division conducts research and development of various hardware and software for High
Performance Computing (HPC) to satisfy the demand for ultrafast and high-capacity computing to promote cutting-edge computational
science. In collaboration with the Center’ s teams in domain science fields, we aim to provide the ideal HPC systems for real-world
Research targets a variety of fields, such as high-performance computer architecture, parallel programming languages, large-scale
parallel numerical calculation algorithms and libraries, computational acceleration systems such as Graphics Processing Units (GPUs),
Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA), large-scale distributed storage systems, and grid/cloud environments.
Storage performance has become a bottleneck in large-scale
data analysis and artificial intelligence (AI) using Big Data on
supercomputers. To reduce this performance bottleneck, we
are researching and developing fundamental technologies for
parallel input/output (I/O) and storage systems. We developed
Gfarm/BB, which can temporarily configure a parallel file
system when parallel applications are executed, by utilizing the
storage system of a compute node. We also designed and
implemented a standard library for parallel I/O (NSMPI), which
efficiently utilizes the storage system of a compute node. Both
of them exhibit scalable performance depending on the number
of nodes and contribute significantly to reducing performance
Fig. 1 left: Gfarm/BB read and write performance
right: NSMPI write performance
Chief: BOKU Taisuke, Professor, Ph.D., Director of CCS
Fig. 2
left: Performance of parallel one-dimensional FFT on Oakforest-PACS (1024 nodes)
right: solution time of saddle point problems
FFTE—an open-source high-performance parallel
FFT library developed by our division—has an
auto-tuning mechanism and is suitable for a wide
range of systems (from PC clusters to massively
parallel systems). We are also developing
large-scale linear computation algorithms. We
constructed a method using the matrix structure of
saddle point problems that enables faster solutions
than existing methods.
GPU computing
GPUs were originally designed as accelerators with a large number of arithmetic units for image processing, but they are also able to
perform general-purpose calculations. GPUs have been used to accelerate applications but are now used to perform larger-scale
calculations, often with longer execution times. In shared systems such as supercomputers, there are execution time limits, but time limits
can be exceeded using a technique called checkpointing, which is used to save the application state to a file in the middle of an execution
so that the application can be resumed later.
Because the checkpointing technique for applications using only the central processing unit (CPU) is well established, we extended it to
the GPU. The GPU has its own memory separate from the CPU, and GPU applications control the GPU with dedicated application
programming interface (API) functions from the CPU. We monitor all the calls to these API functions, collect the necessary information to
resume execution, and store it in the CPU memory. Additionally, in the pre-processing of saving the checkpoint, the data in the GPU’ s
memory is collected on the CPU side so that they can be saved together in a file. Because we cannot increase the execution time to
enable checkpoints, we must minimize the overhead of monitoring the API. It is important to minimize the number of API functions to be
monitored and to save only the data that are needed.
University of Tsukuba | Center for Computational Sciences
Division of Computational Informatics: Database Group
Data mining and knowledge discovery
The management and utilization of big data are major issues in computational science.
The Database Group in the Division of Computational Informatics is in charge of research
and development in the field of data engineering for the utilization of big data.
Specifically, we work on data integration infrastructure technology to handle diverse
information sources and real-time data in an integrated manner, high-performance
large-scale data analysis technology (Fig. 1), data mining and knowledge discovery
technology for knowledge and patterns found in large-scale scientific data and social
media, open data-related technologies for handling various data and knowledge on the
Internet in a unified manner, and other such fundamental technologies. We also promote
applied research in various fields of computational science in collaboration with the
Division of Global Environmental Science, Division of Particle Physics, and Division of Life
Sciences at the Center for Computational Science, International Institute for Integrated
Sleep Medicine (IIIS), Center for Artificial Intelligence Research (C-AIR), etc.
Research on fundamental technologies for processing and analyzing big data characterized by the 3Vs (volume, variety, and velocity): 1) development of
fundamental systems for linking streams such as sensor data in addition to databases and the Web, etc.; 2) high-performance big data analysis technology
using massively parallel processing with GPUs, FPGAs, etc.; 3) privacy and security in big data processing; and 4) systems for processing semi-structured data
such as RDF and LOD.
We are working on research and development of heterogeneous stream integration infrastructure systems, stream/batch integrated big data-processing
infrastructure, and ultrahigh-performance data analysis methods using GPUs.
Research on data mining and knowledge discovery methods for various types of data: 1) various analysis algorithms for text, images, graphs, etc.; 2) social
media analysis and mining; and 3) biological data analysis using machine learning.
We are working on research and development of high-speed analysis algorithms for large-scale graphs and images, advanced metadata extraction
algorithms that significantly improve the scope of social-media use, etc.
Fig.2 Viewing weather maps using Google Earth
Group Leader: AMAGASA Toshiyuki, Professor, Ph.D.
Fig.1 GPU probabilistic frequent item set mining
Big data infrastructure technology
Utilization of scientific data
Research aimed at the management and utilization of explosively
growing scientific data: 1) operation and development of the
GPV/JMA large-scale meteorological database and the JRA-55
archive; 2) operation and development of the JLDG/ILDG lattice QCD
data grid; and 3) advancement of genomic and biological data
utilization using machine learning.
We are developing and operating the GPU/JMA archive and the
JRA-55 archive, which are databases for archiving numerical weather
data (GPV) published by the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), and
making them available to researchers (Fig. 2).
University of Tsukuba | Center for Computational Sciences
Division of Computational Informatics:Computational Media Group
Omnidirectional multi-view image viewing method using
3D image processing and generative adversarial networks (GANs)
Visualization of time-series changes in 3D
reconstruction of cultural heritage buildings
In contrast to ordinary supercomputers, which pursue pure data-processing efficiency and speed, computational science that
processes information related to humans requires that the time axis of information processing be aligned with that of humans. We are
therefore conducting research on the global expansion of human society and its surrounding environments (living spaces, urban
environments, etc.). We propose a new framework of computation using computational media as a mediator to present the information
obtained by integrating observed data and simulation results in a form that is easy for humans to understand and to feed back to human
Specifically, we are implementing large-scale intelligent information media by integrating sensing functionality for real-world information,
ample computing functionality for processing diverse information, and large-scale database functionality for selecting and storing
information on a computer network. Our research efforts are also focused on the computational medical business.
We propose an omnidirectional multi-view image viewing
method using 3D image processing and GANs. With structure
from motion, we can estimate the camera parameters and 3D
information of the targeted workspace from the
omnidirectional multi-view images and generate the free
viewpoint image with an arbitrary viewpoint image rendering
process based on the depth information to achieve smooth
viewpoint movement. The quality of free viewpoint image is
improved by deep learning using a GAN to achieve
high-quality omnidirectional multi-viewpoint image viewing.
Measurement and analysis of visual search activities in sports
We proposed a VR system that allows both soccer players and coaches to
measure active visual exploratory activity patterns. The main objective of this
research is to analyze the ability of soccer players to “read the game” in pressure
situations. By using head-mounted display technology and biometrics, including
head- and eye-tracking functions, we can accurately measure and analyze the
user’ s visual search movements during a game.
Investigating the degree of deterioration, damage, renovation, or alteration of cultural
heritage buildings over time is an important issue. Continual image capturing from one
viewpoint over a long period of time is impractical. In this research, by using a
self-encoder (auto-encoder) and guided matching, we succeeded in precisely visualizing
time-series changes by accurately aligning past and present images of the target building.
Fig.1 Measurement of visual search movement in VR space
Chief: KAMEDA Yoshinari, Professor Ph.D.
Fig.3 Superposition of past and present images using the proposed method
Fig.2 Omnidirectional multi-view image viewing method overview
University of Tsukuba | Center for Computational Sciences
Project Office for Exascale Computing System Research and Development
Head: BOKU Taisuke, Professor, Ph.D., Director of CCS
Developing advanced fundamental technologies for ExaFLOPS and beyond
A parallel supercomputer system’ s peak computing performance is expressed as follows: node (processor) performance × number of
nodes. Thus far, performance improvement has been pursued by increasing the number of nodes, but owing to problems such as power
consumption and a high failure rate, simply increasing the number of nodes as a means of performance improvement is approaching its limit.
The world’ s highest performing supercomputers are reaching the exascale, but to reach this level and beyond, it is necessary to establish
fault-tolerant technology for hundreds of thousands to millions of nodes and to enhance the computing performance of individual nodes to the
100TFLOPS level. To achieve the latter, a computation acceleration mechanism is promising, which would enable strong scaling of the
simulation time per step.
In the Next Generation Computing Systems Laboratory, we are conducting research on fundamental technologies for the next generation of
HPC systems based on the concept of multi-hybrid accelerated supercomputing (MHAS). FPGAs play a central role in this research and are
applied to the integration of computation and communication against the backdrop of dramatic improvements in the computation and
communication performance in these devices. Since 2017, we have been developing and expanding PPX (Pre-PACS-X), a mini-cluster for
demonstration experiments based on the idea of using FPGAs as complementary tools to achieve the ideal acceleration of computation for
applications where the conventional combination of CPU and GPU is insufficient. Cygnus—the 10th generation supercomputer of the PACS
series—was developed as a practical application system and began operating in the 2019 academic year. The following is an introduction to
the main technologies being developed here.
In collaboration with the Division of High-Performance Computing Systems and Division of Astrophysics, we developed the ARGOT code,
which includes the radiation transport problem in the simulation of early-universe object formation, so that it would run fast on a tightly coupled
GPU and FGPA platform. The entire ARGOT code can now be run on a 1-node GPU+FPGA co-computation, which is up to 17 times faster
than a GPU-only computation. Additionally, we developed a DMA engine that enables high-speed communication between the GPU and
We developed CIRCUS (Communication Integrated Reconfigurable CompUting System) as a communication framework that facilitates the
use of FPGA-to-FPGA networks with physical performance levels of 100 Gbps. It is easy to use at the user level and achieved
high-performance communication (90 Gbps—90% of the theoretical peak performance of 100 Gbps) on the Cygnus supercomputer.
Additionally, we applied this framework to the FPGA offload portion of the ARGOT code and confirmed that parallel FPGA processing can be
performed smoothly.
In collaboration with the Division of High-Performance Computing Systems and Division of Astrophysics, we developed the ARGOT code,
which includes the radiation transport problem in the simulation of early-universe object formation, so that it would run fast on a tightly coupled
GPU and FGPA platform. The entire ARGOT code can now be run on a 1-node GPU+FPGA co-computation, which is up to 17 times faster
than a GPU-only computation. Additionally, we developed a DMA engine that enables high-speed communication between the GPU and
FPGAs without using the CPU. Furthermore, through joint research
with the Division of Global Environmental Science and the Division of
Quantum Condensed Matter Physics, we are working on GPU/FPGA
acceleration of application codes being independently developed at
Developing applications that jointly use FPGAs and the GPU
OpenCL interface for FPGA-to-FPGA high-speed optical networks
Unified GPU–FPGA programming environment
GPU+FPGA co-computation performance in early-universe object-formation simulation

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PCCC21 筑波大学計算科学研究センター 「学際計算科学による最新の研究成果」

  • 1. University of Tsukuba | Center for Computational Sciences https://www.ccs.tsukuba.ac.jp/ Division of Particle Physics 0.221 0.222 0.223 0.224 0.225 0.226 0.227 0.228 0.229 0.230 |Vus | FNAL/MILC19 ETM16 This work JLQCD17 RBC-UKQCD15 FNAL/MILC13 PACS Nf =2+1 PDG18 Kl3 Nf =2+1+1 Kl3 Nf =2+1 Kl2 Research Topics In nature, there are four basic forces: gravity, electromagnetism, the weak force, and the strong force. The strong force makes stars shine and holds together the nuclei in the various molecules that form our bodies. It acts on quarks, which are the smallest constituent particles (elementary particles) of matter, causing a characteristic phenomenon called “confinement” due to non-perturbative effects. In experiments, only the bound state of multiple quarks (called “hadrons” ) is observed—not individual quarks. Therefore, a non-perturbative method is needed to study the strong force. Lattice quantum chromodynamics (QCD) involves the application of the theory of QCD to a discretized lattice of four-dimensional space–time—consisting of the three dimensions of space and one dimension of time—and can be used to quantitatively examine the 10-15 m world of strong forces on the basis of first principles using supercomputers. ・Precise calculation of the hadron mass spectrum ・Precise determination of the fundamental parameters of QCD (coupling constants and quark masses) ・Understanding the internal structure of hadrons ・Composition of light nuclei with quarks as degrees of freedom ・Study of QCD-based interactions between hadrons ・Understanding the phase structure of QCD, including the ultrahigh-temperature state (early universe) and high-density state (inside the neutron star) ・Application of tensor renormalization group to relativistic quantum field theory Latest Accomplishments Recent improvements in algorithms and computer performance have made it possible to perform physical point calculations (calculations using the quark masses in nature), which has been a goal for many years. Thus, lattice QD calculations are entering an era where precision calculation error levels are improving from 10% to 1%. Figure 1 shows the hadronic mass calculated via lattice QCD. Although this report was published in 2009, the calculation nearly reproduces the experimental value. Since then, lattice QCD calculations have made progress, and we now approach an era in which we can strive for a new type of physics based on small deviations between experimental values and theoretical calculations. For example, in Figure 2, we compare the theoretical calculation (with error symbols) and experimental values (light blue vertical band) of a physical parameter called |Vus | using lattice QCD. Because the discrepancy between the two is evidence of an unknown physical phenomenon, it is important to evaluate this discrepancy through further precise calculations in the future. Fig.1 Hadron masses with lattice QCD in comparison with experimental values Chief: KURAMASHI Yoshinobu, Professor, Ph.D. Fig.2 Comparison between lattice QCD calculation and experimental data (light blue vertical band). The red and blue circles represent the results of our group's calculations.
  • 2. University of Tsukuba | Center for Computational Sciences https://www.ccs.tsukuba.ac.jp/ Division of Astrophysics Black hole physics We aim to use fundamental physics to understand a wide variety of questions, such as the birth and evolution of the first stars and galaxies in the universe; the characteristics of the light they emit; the formation and evolution of galaxies, galaxy clusters, and other large-scale structures; the formation and evolution of black holes and their activity; the formation of planets; and the birth of life in the universe. We are also researching how technologies developed in this field may find applications in medicine. In the accretion disk where matter accumulates owing to the strong gravity of a black hole, strong radiation and jets are generated by the release of gravitational energy. We are investigating such high-energy astrophysical phenomena around black holes and the radiation characteristics of black hole objects through general relativistic radiation magnetohydrodynamic simulations. Galaxy formation In the early universe, massive galaxies and supermassive black holes may have been formed by the frequent merging of galaxies and accretion in dense regions of galaxies called primordial clusters. We are studying the physical phenomena occurring in primordial clusters of galaxies through cosmological radiation hydrodynamic simulations. Fig. 6 Radiative transfer simulation assuming pulsed light irradiation of a living body Fig.1 Left: Black hole accretion disks and jets in general relativistic radiative magnetohydrodynamic simulations Right: Black hole shadow reproduced by general relativistic radiative transfer calculations Fig.5 Upper left: Large-scale mater distribution in the universe Upper right: Structure of gas near the central galaxy in a proto-galaxy cluster  Bottom:From left: galactic gas, heavy elements, and stellar surface density Fig. 2 Interaction between interstellar gas and jets Fig. 3 A galaxy collision that occurred in the Andromeda Galaxy approximately 1 billion years ago Fig. 4 Left: Result with neutrino effect Right: Result without neutrino effect  Chief: UMEMURA Masayuki, Professor, Ph.D. Supermassive black holes and galactic evolution Neutrinos and formation of large-scale structures in the universe A supermassive black hole exists universally at the galaxy center and grows while swallowing the surrounding stars and interstellar medium. Simultaneously, its jets blow away the interstellar medium, strongly influencing the evolution of the galaxy. We are investigating this complex interdependence using relativistic magnetohydrodynamic simulations in an attempt to grapple with the mystery of galactic evolution. Galactic evolution and dark matter Dark matter is known to play an important role in the evolution of galaxies, but its nature remains shrouded in mystery, and many contradictions within existing theories have been pointed out. We are investigating the nature of dark matter haloes by studying galaxy collisions. We are conducting theoretical research to investigate the mass of neutrinos, which is yet to be elucidated, in preparation for future observational projects of large-scale galaxy survey. To this end, for the first time, Vlasov simulations have been accomplished as a high-precision numerical simulation method instead of the conventional n-body simulation. Applications in medicine Diffuse optical tomography (DOT) using near-infrared light in the wavelength range of 700–1000 nm has been attracting attention as a new medical diagnostic method because it is a non-invasive procedure that does not expose the patient to radiation. We are studying light propagation in living organisms by applying the high-precision t e c h n i q u e f o r r a d i a t i v e t r a n s f e r calculation developed in astrophysics to DOT.
  • 3. University of Tsukuba | Center for Computational Sciences https://www.ccs.tsukuba.ac.jp/ Division of Nuclear Physics Research Topics The nucleus can be described as a collection of Fermi particles (protons and neutrons) called nucleons. The mechanics to rule over this microscopic world, such as the quantum mechanics of many-particle systems and quantum field theory, is essential. Three of the four fundamental forces of nature—the strong force, electromagnetic force, and weak force—play important roles in the atomic nucleus, leading to a variety of aspects of reactions and structure that are related to the existence of the matter around us. For example, the sun and the stars in the night sky shine with atomic nuclei as fuel, and they are the lights of the factories that produce the elements. The burning (nuclear reaction) process, which depends on the nature of the forces involved and the nuclear structure, controls the brightness and lifetime of the star, as well as the type and quantity of elements produced. Nuclear physics has progressed through both experiments using accelerators and theoretical calculations using computers. Numerical calculations are indispensable for quantum many-body problems, such as nuclear problems. The Nuclear Physics division works on developing theories, models, and numerical methods based on quantum mechanics to clarify the nuclear structure, nuclear reactions, structure of stars, and quantum dynamics of matter. Neutron stars, known as pulsars that emit regular periodic signals, remain shrouded in mystery even more than half a century after their discovery. In recent years, the study of neutron stars has entered a new stage with the observation of neutron star mergers using gravitational waves and the identification of neutron stars with masses that exceed twice the mass of the sun. The atomic nuclei on Earth are all microscopic, with radii of at most approximately 10-14 m; no larger atomic nuclei can exist. However, elsewhere in the universe, there are large nuclei with a radii of 10 km. These are the neutron stars. It is conjectured that protons and neutrons form a non-uniform structure near the surface of neutron stars, but existing studies have mainly used the quasi-classical approximation. We have been developing code for finite-temperature Hartree–Fock–Bogoliubov calculations in three-dimensional (3D) real space to describe the structure of neutron stars in a quantum and non-empirical manner using energy density functional theory, which can universally and quantitatively describe atomic nuclei. Figure 1 shows the structure of the inner crust of a neutron star calculated on this basis. In the inner crust, neutrons spread to fill the space while protons are localized and appear periodically in a manner that resembles a crystalline structure. It was confirmed that the neutrons are in a superfluid state because of the pair condensation. Fig.1 (a) Structure of the neutron star inner crust predicted to appear at a certain temperature and density, assuming a face-centered cubic lattice structure. Within the region indicated by the figure, there exist 136 protons and approximately 4,000 neutrons. The density distributions of (b) neutrons and (c) protons in the xy cross-section. Chief: NAKATSUKASA Takashi, Professor, Ph.D. Fig. 2 Simulating nuclear fission of the Pu nucleus in real time. The time span from the left to the right ends is about 2×10−20 s. By extending this density functional theory to a time-dependent version, it is possible to study the response, reaction, and excitation modes of nuclei. There are many unresolved issues in low-energy nuclear reactions, such as nucleon-pair transfer from the pair-condensation phase and the nuclear shape change during the reaction. We are performing real-time simulation calculations in 3D space taking into account the nuclear superfluidity, as well as microscopic determination of nuclear reaction paths based on a theory of large-amplitude collective motion. In the analysis of the fission phenomenon shown in Figure 2, the mechanism whereby a large amount of xenon and nearby nuclei are generated as fission fragments in a nuclear reactor was illuminated. Iodine-135, which is produced by nuclear fission in a nuclear reactor, reduces the power output of the nuclear reactor when it is converted to xenon-135 and accumulated, which is called xenon override. This well-known phenomenon is thought to be the cause of the Chernobyl accident, but until now, the mechanism whereby iodine-135 nuclei are produced in large amounts had yet to be explained.
  • 4. University of Tsukuba | Center for Computational Sciences https://www.ccs.tsukuba.ac.jp/ Division of Quantum Condensed Matter Physics Interaction of light and matter The matter that exists around us is made up of atoms, which are composed of nuclei and electrons. This matter exhibits a variety of properties depending on its composition and structure, and their use supports much of science and technology today. In our division, we consider diverse types of matter, such as quantum many-body systems coupled by Coulomb interactions, and use computers to solve quantum mechanics equations. We aim to obtain the knowledge that will become the basis for the next generation of technology by understanding the various properties of matter, utilizing the quantum information of matter, and searching for matter with new functions. Light has given us the means to precisely measure the properties of matter. In recent years, the use of intense and very short pulses of light in optical science has led to real-time measurements of ultrafast electron motion and manipulation of electron motion by light. In collaboration with computer scientists and researchers from other institutions, we are investigating the interaction between light and matter using first-principles computational methods such as time-dependent density functional theory and developing the first-principles code SALMON (Scalable Ab initio Light-Matter simulator for Optics and Nanoscience), which works on massively parallel computations. SALMON was developed as an open-source software and can be downloaded at https://salmon-tddft.jp. Chief: YABANA Kazuhiro, Professor, Ph.D., Deputy Director of CCS First-principles simulation of chemical reactions at the solid–liquid interface With the growing concern for environmental issues, there is a need to significantly improve the performance and durability of energy-related devices such as fuel cells and storage batteries. We run simulations of chemical reactions that occur in these devices at the microscale to understand the reaction mechanisms from a quantum mechanics perspective. The simulation results are used in the design of devices and development of materials to improve device performance. We are also developing computational methods and programs for the simulations, and the code for these has been released in the form of open-source software used widely by researchers both in Japan and abroad. Emergent gauge field matter In superconductors, magnetic materials, strongly correlated matter, and topological matter, an emergent gauge field—which differs from an electromagnetic field—is introduced in the mathematical form known as the Berry connection. When considering the function of such matter and their responses to external fields, it is necessary to incorporate the emergent gauge field into the calculations. We are developing such a method and using it to perform material science quantum calculations. Emergent gauge fields give rise to “topological quantum states,” and it is possible to build a quantum computer using the quantum information in these states. The realization of such a computer is also a part of our work. Additionally, we are studying ultrafast dynamics in strongly correlated matter and topological matter irradiated by intense laser beams and electronic state control via laser beams through simulations using theoretical models. SALMON (Scalable Ab initio Light-Matter simulator for Optics and Nanoscience) “SALMON” can be downloaded ! open-source software
  • 5. University of Tsukuba | Center for Computational Sciences https://www.ccs.tsukuba.ac.jp/ Division of Life Science: Biological Function and Information Group Development of an efficient structure sampling method using MD and machine learning Biological phenomena are governed by a series of chemical reactions driven by biological molecules such as proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, and sugars. As such, the fundamental molecular mechanisms of biological phenomena can be understood by examining the changes in electronic states and the spatial arrangement of atoms during chemical reactions. In the Biological Function and Information Group, we use computational methods such as first-principles calculations based on quantum theory and molecular dynamics (MD) calculations based on classical (statistical) mechanics to understand the inherent dynamic structure–function relationships in biological molecules and to understand the essence of biological phenomena. Protein conformational change is a phenomenon that operates over extremely long timescales, making it difficult to track using conventional MD simulations. We have developed Parallel Cascade Selection MD (PaCS-MD) to efficiently explore protein folding pathways (Fig. 1). Furthermore, we have found that the sampling efficiency can be significantly increased by using machine learning—a method rooted in information science. This method has proven to be suitable for massively parallel environments. We are using the supercomputer at the Research Center for Computational Science to perform such calculations. Fig.1 Tryptophan cage folding simulation Fig.2 Overall structure and active center structure of photosystem II Chief: SHIGETA Yasuteru, Professor, Ph.D. Fig.3 Image of molecular evolution and amino-acid synthesis in interstellar space Because some of the biomolecules that constitute life have been found in meteorites, there is a possibility that life originated in interstellar space. We are using high-precision ab initio methods to comprehensively analyze various reaction pathways for prebiotic amino-acid synthesis and degradation. In collaboration with the Division of Astrophysics, we are studying the molecular evolutionary processes related to the origins of life. Reaction analysis of proteins using hybrid QM/MM methods Photosystem II has a highly characteristic reaction active center composed of manganese, calcium, and oxygen atoms (Fig. 2) and produces oxygen molecules from water molecules in a multi-step chemical reaction using light energy. We identified the structure–electron–proton transfer changes in this reaction (water-splitting reaction) using a hybrid QM/MM method. Clarifying the mechanism of amino-acid formation in interstellar space and the origin of L-body excess formation “Comprehensive in silicon drug repositioning for COVID-19 related proteins” Check it now! Our Research Movie
  • 6. University of Tsukuba | Center for Computational Sciences https://www.ccs.tsukuba.ac.jp/ Division of Life Science: Molecular Evolution Group Research Topics Phylogenetic analysis of major phylogenetic groups in eukaryotes: It has been proposed that eukaryotes can be divided into roughly six major phylogenetic groups. We use molecular phylogenetic analysis with multiple gene sequences to infer whether each major phylogenetic group is truly monophyletic and how closely related the groups are. We are also studying the methods for phylogenetic analyses to make unbiased inferences. We are also interested in symbiosis between two distinct unicellular organisms, as multiple symbiotic events played a major role in the early evolution of eukaryotes. We are challenging to elucidate the mechanism underlying symbiotic events by assessing genomic data sampled from diverse organisms. Earth is inhabited by a wide variety of organisms. For example, we humans have a spine, move our own bodies, and consume foods (other organisms) to survive. The human body is made up of many cells. Although plants are also made up of many cells, their way of life differs significantly from ours. Plants do not move by themselves and do not need to eat food. Instead, they live by photosynthesis, which is based on light energy. Although we do not always realize it, there are a vast number of other species on the planet that we cannot see with the naked eye. These organisms have a wide variety of appearances and lifestyles. All of these organisms on Earth have evolved over a long period of time from a single primitive organism to their present forms. Our research group focuses on eukaryotes—organisms with nuclei in their cells—and aims to understand the evolutionary relationships among the major phylogenetic groups of eukaryotes and their evolutionary paths. We know that in the evolutionary process of eukaryotes, there have been multiple instances where organisms from completely different phylogenetic lineages have evolved symbiotically in cells and become part of the cells. Such symbiotic events are thought to have contributed substantially to the diversification of eukaryotic organisms, but the mechanism whereby two separate organism lineages fuse into a single organism remains largely unknown. We are working to understand the principles of symbiosis that led to the current diversity among eukaryotes using genomic information and other data. We endeavor to understand the evolutionary path of eukaryotes by inferring their phylogenetic relationships and performing comparative genomic analyses based on data regarding gene (DNA) sequences and protein amino-acid sequences of existing species. Furthermore, there are many “new” organisms in the natural environment that have yet to be studied, and these undiscovered organisms may hold the key to solving various problems in eukaryotic evolution. We are investigating such organisms that are evolutionarily important but have not yet been investigated. To this end, we are analyzing each organism’ s evolutionary characteristics by acquiring large-scale genetic and genomic information from eukaryotes from various phyla. Molecular phylogenetic analysis requires statistical processing using the maximum likelihood method, and computers are used for this purpose. In a nucleotide or amino-acid sequence, “signals” corresponding to past evolutionary events and random changes (called “noise” ) have accumulated during the evolutionary process. The problem lies in the fact that the amount of noise in the sequence increases over time, while the amount of signal decreases. Therefore, to accurately infer the relationship between major eukaryotic phylogenetic groups that may have diverged in the distant past, it is necessary to analyze large amounts of sequence data. We are using supercomputers to analyze transcriptome data and genome data to handle large amounts of data containing complex genetic information. Fig.1 Main lineages of eukaryotes Group Leader: INAGAKI Yuji, Professor, Ph.D. Fig.2 Example of a unicellular eukaryote that coexists with bacteria (arrows)
  • 7. University of Tsukuba | Center for Computational Sciences https://www.ccs.tsukuba.ac.jp/ Division of Global Environmental Science global-scale numerical weather prediction model NICAM The Division of Global Environmental Science comprehensively plans and promotes research related to weather and climate from the global scale to the urban scale using the global cloud-resolving model “NICAM” with the regional weather model “WRF” and the urban district weather model “LES.” In addition to four dedicated faculty members, the research division has joint researchers within the university. The resident faculty members are Professor Hiroshi Tanaka, who specializes in global atmospheric science; Professor Hiroyuki Kusaka, who specializes in studying climates familiar to us, such as urban and mountain climates; Assistant Professor Mio Matsueda, who aims to improve the accuracy of weather prediction using ensemble forecasting; and Assistant Professor Quan-Van Doan, who specializes in urban and Southeast Asian climates. The Nonhydrostatic ICosahedral Atmospheric Model (NICAM) is an atmospheric general circulation model developed jointly by the Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute (AORI) of the University of Tokyo, RIKEN R-CCS and the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC). It has been ported to Oakforest-PACS and is being used as an important research tool. We are using the NICAM to study arctic cyclones, blocking highs, the Arctic Oscillation, and stratospheric sudden warming. The Weather Research and Forecasting model (WRF) is a highly versatile numerical weather prediction/simulation model that was developed mainly by the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in the United States and released to the public. In this division, we use the WRF to tackle unsolved problems in familiar meteorological phenomena, such as the urban heat island phenomenon, heavy rainfalls, Foehn wind, and cap and mountain-wave clouds in mountains. We are also conducting research on urban climate and projecting the future of heat stroke to address issues in society. Additionally, we have been developing a micro-scale meteorological model (LES model) with extremely high spatial resolution that can reproduce radiations, temperature, humidity, and wind distributions in urban districts, in collaboration with the CCS’ s Division of High-Performance Computing Systems. Fig.1 Cloud image from the NICAM global 7-km resolution model, showing the simultaneous development of Typhoon Sinlaku (2008) and Hurricane Ike (2008) Fig.2 Cap clouds and mountain-wave clouds appearing over Mt. Fuji. Chief: KUSAKA Hiroyuki, Professor, Ph.D. Fig. 3 Surface temperature distribution around Tokyo Station. Buildings are shown in black. The left figure shows the results of a simulation with the LES model developed by JCAHPC, and the right figure shows the results of helicopter observation by the Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Environmental Science. City-LES Movie NICAM Movie Check it now! regional-scale numerical wether prediction model WRF micro-scale urban meteorological simulation model City-LES
  • 8. University of Tsukuba | Center for Computational Sciences https://www.ccs.tsukuba.ac.jp/ Division of High Performance Computing Systems ! "!! #!!! #"!! $!!! $"!! %!!! %"!! &!!! #'( %$( '&( #$)( $"'( "#$( #* $* &* )* #'* %$* *+,-./ 0123456-764892/7-8: ++;<6'=$9,.596>2-6-?18,9.@ ++;<6'=$9,.596>ABCDE&@ ++;<6'=$9,.596FG456H; ++;I6%=%=) Fundamental technologies for parallel I/O and storage systems High-performance, massively parallel numerical algorithms The High-Performance Computing Systems Division conducts research and development of various hardware and software for High Performance Computing (HPC) to satisfy the demand for ultrafast and high-capacity computing to promote cutting-edge computational science. In collaboration with the Center’ s teams in domain science fields, we aim to provide the ideal HPC systems for real-world problems. Research targets a variety of fields, such as high-performance computer architecture, parallel programming languages, large-scale parallel numerical calculation algorithms and libraries, computational acceleration systems such as Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA), large-scale distributed storage systems, and grid/cloud environments. Storage performance has become a bottleneck in large-scale data analysis and artificial intelligence (AI) using Big Data on supercomputers. To reduce this performance bottleneck, we are researching and developing fundamental technologies for parallel input/output (I/O) and storage systems. We developed Gfarm/BB, which can temporarily configure a parallel file system when parallel applications are executed, by utilizing the storage system of a compute node. We also designed and implemented a standard library for parallel I/O (NSMPI), which efficiently utilizes the storage system of a compute node. Both of them exhibit scalable performance depending on the number of nodes and contribute significantly to reducing performance bottlenecks. Fig. 1 left: Gfarm/BB read and write performance right: NSMPI write performance Chief: BOKU Taisuke, Professor, Ph.D., Director of CCS Fig. 2 left: Performance of parallel one-dimensional FFT on Oakforest-PACS (1024 nodes) right: solution time of saddle point problems FFTE—an open-source high-performance parallel FFT library developed by our division—has an auto-tuning mechanism and is suitable for a wide range of systems (from PC clusters to massively parallel systems). We are also developing large-scale linear computation algorithms. We constructed a method using the matrix structure of saddle point problems that enables faster solutions than existing methods. GPU computing GPUs were originally designed as accelerators with a large number of arithmetic units for image processing, but they are also able to perform general-purpose calculations. GPUs have been used to accelerate applications but are now used to perform larger-scale calculations, often with longer execution times. In shared systems such as supercomputers, there are execution time limits, but time limits can be exceeded using a technique called checkpointing, which is used to save the application state to a file in the middle of an execution so that the application can be resumed later. Because the checkpointing technique for applications using only the central processing unit (CPU) is well established, we extended it to the GPU. The GPU has its own memory separate from the CPU, and GPU applications control the GPU with dedicated application programming interface (API) functions from the CPU. We monitor all the calls to these API functions, collect the necessary information to resume execution, and store it in the CPU memory. Additionally, in the pre-processing of saving the checkpoint, the data in the GPU’ s memory is collected on the CPU side so that they can be saved together in a file. Because we cannot increase the execution time to enable checkpoints, we must minimize the overhead of monitoring the API. It is important to minimize the number of API functions to be monitored and to save only the data that are needed.
  • 9. University of Tsukuba | Center for Computational Sciences https://www.ccs.tsukuba.ac.jp/ Division of Computational Informatics: Database Group Data mining and knowledge discovery The management and utilization of big data are major issues in computational science. The Database Group in the Division of Computational Informatics is in charge of research and development in the field of data engineering for the utilization of big data. Specifically, we work on data integration infrastructure technology to handle diverse information sources and real-time data in an integrated manner, high-performance large-scale data analysis technology (Fig. 1), data mining and knowledge discovery technology for knowledge and patterns found in large-scale scientific data and social media, open data-related technologies for handling various data and knowledge on the Internet in a unified manner, and other such fundamental technologies. We also promote applied research in various fields of computational science in collaboration with the Division of Global Environmental Science, Division of Particle Physics, and Division of Life Sciences at the Center for Computational Science, International Institute for Integrated Sleep Medicine (IIIS), Center for Artificial Intelligence Research (C-AIR), etc. Research on fundamental technologies for processing and analyzing big data characterized by the 3Vs (volume, variety, and velocity): 1) development of fundamental systems for linking streams such as sensor data in addition to databases and the Web, etc.; 2) high-performance big data analysis technology using massively parallel processing with GPUs, FPGAs, etc.; 3) privacy and security in big data processing; and 4) systems for processing semi-structured data such as RDF and LOD. We are working on research and development of heterogeneous stream integration infrastructure systems, stream/batch integrated big data-processing infrastructure, and ultrahigh-performance data analysis methods using GPUs. Research on data mining and knowledge discovery methods for various types of data: 1) various analysis algorithms for text, images, graphs, etc.; 2) social media analysis and mining; and 3) biological data analysis using machine learning. We are working on research and development of high-speed analysis algorithms for large-scale graphs and images, advanced metadata extraction algorithms that significantly improve the scope of social-media use, etc. Fig.2 Viewing weather maps using Google Earth Group Leader: AMAGASA Toshiyuki, Professor, Ph.D. Fig.1 GPU probabilistic frequent item set mining Big data infrastructure technology Utilization of scientific data Research aimed at the management and utilization of explosively growing scientific data: 1) operation and development of the GPV/JMA large-scale meteorological database and the JRA-55 archive; 2) operation and development of the JLDG/ILDG lattice QCD data grid; and 3) advancement of genomic and biological data utilization using machine learning. We are developing and operating the GPU/JMA archive and the JRA-55 archive, which are databases for archiving numerical weather data (GPV) published by the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), and making them available to researchers (Fig. 2).
  • 10. University of Tsukuba | Center for Computational Sciences https://www.ccs.tsukuba.ac.jp/ Division of Computational Informatics:Computational Media Group Omnidirectional multi-view image viewing method using 3D image processing and generative adversarial networks (GANs) Visualization of time-series changes in 3D reconstruction of cultural heritage buildings In contrast to ordinary supercomputers, which pursue pure data-processing efficiency and speed, computational science that processes information related to humans requires that the time axis of information processing be aligned with that of humans. We are therefore conducting research on the global expansion of human society and its surrounding environments (living spaces, urban environments, etc.). We propose a new framework of computation using computational media as a mediator to present the information obtained by integrating observed data and simulation results in a form that is easy for humans to understand and to feed back to human society. Specifically, we are implementing large-scale intelligent information media by integrating sensing functionality for real-world information, ample computing functionality for processing diverse information, and large-scale database functionality for selecting and storing information on a computer network. Our research efforts are also focused on the computational medical business. We propose an omnidirectional multi-view image viewing method using 3D image processing and GANs. With structure from motion, we can estimate the camera parameters and 3D information of the targeted workspace from the omnidirectional multi-view images and generate the free viewpoint image with an arbitrary viewpoint image rendering process based on the depth information to achieve smooth viewpoint movement. The quality of free viewpoint image is improved by deep learning using a GAN to achieve high-quality omnidirectional multi-viewpoint image viewing. Measurement and analysis of visual search activities in sports We proposed a VR system that allows both soccer players and coaches to measure active visual exploratory activity patterns. The main objective of this research is to analyze the ability of soccer players to “read the game” in pressure situations. By using head-mounted display technology and biometrics, including head- and eye-tracking functions, we can accurately measure and analyze the user’ s visual search movements during a game. Investigating the degree of deterioration, damage, renovation, or alteration of cultural heritage buildings over time is an important issue. Continual image capturing from one viewpoint over a long period of time is impractical. In this research, by using a self-encoder (auto-encoder) and guided matching, we succeeded in precisely visualizing time-series changes by accurately aligning past and present images of the target building. Fig.1 Measurement of visual search movement in VR space Chief: KAMEDA Yoshinari, Professor Ph.D. Fig.3 Superposition of past and present images using the proposed method Fig.2 Omnidirectional multi-view image viewing method overview
  • 11. University of Tsukuba | Center for Computational Sciences https://www.ccs.tsukuba.ac.jp/ Project Office for Exascale Computing System Research and Development Head: BOKU Taisuke, Professor, Ph.D., Director of CCS Developing advanced fundamental technologies for ExaFLOPS and beyond A parallel supercomputer system’ s peak computing performance is expressed as follows: node (processor) performance × number of nodes. Thus far, performance improvement has been pursued by increasing the number of nodes, but owing to problems such as power consumption and a high failure rate, simply increasing the number of nodes as a means of performance improvement is approaching its limit. The world’ s highest performing supercomputers are reaching the exascale, but to reach this level and beyond, it is necessary to establish fault-tolerant technology for hundreds of thousands to millions of nodes and to enhance the computing performance of individual nodes to the 100TFLOPS level. To achieve the latter, a computation acceleration mechanism is promising, which would enable strong scaling of the simulation time per step. In the Next Generation Computing Systems Laboratory, we are conducting research on fundamental technologies for the next generation of HPC systems based on the concept of multi-hybrid accelerated supercomputing (MHAS). FPGAs play a central role in this research and are applied to the integration of computation and communication against the backdrop of dramatic improvements in the computation and communication performance in these devices. Since 2017, we have been developing and expanding PPX (Pre-PACS-X), a mini-cluster for demonstration experiments based on the idea of using FPGAs as complementary tools to achieve the ideal acceleration of computation for applications where the conventional combination of CPU and GPU is insufficient. Cygnus—the 10th generation supercomputer of the PACS series—was developed as a practical application system and began operating in the 2019 academic year. The following is an introduction to the main technologies being developed here. In collaboration with the Division of High-Performance Computing Systems and Division of Astrophysics, we developed the ARGOT code, which includes the radiation transport problem in the simulation of early-universe object formation, so that it would run fast on a tightly coupled GPU and FGPA platform. The entire ARGOT code can now be run on a 1-node GPU+FPGA co-computation, which is up to 17 times faster than a GPU-only computation. Additionally, we developed a DMA engine that enables high-speed communication between the GPU and We developed CIRCUS (Communication Integrated Reconfigurable CompUting System) as a communication framework that facilitates the use of FPGA-to-FPGA networks with physical performance levels of 100 Gbps. It is easy to use at the user level and achieved high-performance communication (90 Gbps—90% of the theoretical peak performance of 100 Gbps) on the Cygnus supercomputer. Additionally, we applied this framework to the FPGA offload portion of the ARGOT code and confirmed that parallel FPGA processing can be performed smoothly. In collaboration with the Division of High-Performance Computing Systems and Division of Astrophysics, we developed the ARGOT code, which includes the radiation transport problem in the simulation of early-universe object formation, so that it would run fast on a tightly coupled GPU and FGPA platform. The entire ARGOT code can now be run on a 1-node GPU+FPGA co-computation, which is up to 17 times faster than a GPU-only computation. Additionally, we developed a DMA engine that enables high-speed communication between the GPU and FPGAs FPGAs without using the CPU. Furthermore, through joint research with the Division of Global Environmental Science and the Division of Quantum Condensed Matter Physics, we are working on GPU/FPGA acceleration of application codes being independently developed at JCAHPC. Developing applications that jointly use FPGAs and the GPU OpenCL interface for FPGA-to-FPGA high-speed optical networks Unified GPU–FPGA programming environment GPU+FPGA co-computation performance in early-universe object-formation simulation