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The Second Severn Bridge
H. Seliet
Time Required

3 hours


      AS Business Studies
      AVCE Business


C1)    Types of business organisation
C2)    Privatisation
C3)    Nationalisation
C4)    Factors affecting business decisions
C5)    Quality control
C6)    Public sector/Private sector
C7)    Business structure and decision
C8)    Pricing a product
C9)    Factors affecting a business location
C10)   Opportunity cost
C11)   Health and Safety
C12)   Labour Intensive
C13)   Types of industrial sectors
C14)   Factors of production
C15)   Methods of production
C16)   Competition
C17)   Fixed costs
C18)   Variable Costs
C19)   Break-even
C20)   Pressure Groups


In this simulation         the   students    should   achieve   the
following objectives:

   1. demonstrate understanding of wants and how they give
      rise to the demand for goods;

   2. demonstrate   understanding       of     the    concept   of
      opportunity cost;

The Second Severn Bridge
H. Seliet
3. show understanding of primary, secondary and tertiary

   4. show understanding of factors affecting a business

   5. demonstrate critical understanding of the impact of
      external decisions, legislation and policies on a
      business, for example local and central government;

   6. demonstrate knowledge and critical understanding of
      the aims, objectives, ownership and sources of
      funding for a business;

   7. demonstrate   critical      understanding    of       internal
      organisation structure;

   8. demonstrate    critical    understanding    of             the
      relationship between size, risk and profit;

   9. explain the importance      of   profit as   a    reward   for
      risk- taking;

   10.classify the total costs of a business into fixed and
      variable, understand and apply the concept of break-

   11.demonstrate      critical   understanding        of   quality


Students are set the following tasks:

a) selecting the best location for the bridge;

b) choosing a type of business organisation for the bridge;

c) drawing an organisational chart to illustrate job roles
   and the hierarchy structure of the organisation;

d) designing, and building the bridge using the provided

e) costing the bridge by working out total variable costs
   and fixed costs;

The Second Severn Bridge
H. Seliet
f) working out the number of cars needed to break-even;

g) running a successful and efficient second bridge over
   the River Severn;

h) producing a report to present their findings.

After the simulation the students are debriefed about the
actual new Severn Bridge.
1- The Need for a Second Severn Bridge

In 1984 the government set up a study panel to look at the
increasing use of the existing Severn Bridge which had
been constructed in 1966 with an expected usage 1/3 of
that which the bridge was then experiencing. The bridge
was built to link the M4 motorway in England to the M4
motorway in South Wales. Prior to this bridge being built
the shortest route across the River Severn was to travel
north to Gloucester and then south to Chepstow, meaning a
round trip of 49 km. The bridge cut this journey quite
dramatically, overnight, as it is only 2.5 km long.

Whilst the bridge has always been well regarded by local
people, the increasing numbers of vehicles created
problems. Frequently there were mile long traffic jams for
people trying to cross the bridge, as it could not cope
with the increased demands of the traffic.

The findings of the inquiry were that within 20 years the
amount of traffic using the bridge would have increased to
such an extent that the Severn Bridge would no longer be
able to cope with the continued increase in traffic. It
was proposed that a new bridge should be built.

2- Government Objectives

The Government therefore stated that the new bridge must
link the M4 to South Wales and alleviate the usage of the
current Severn Bridge. A tunnel is not an option and
neither is a ferry service. As such they have highlighted
four different locations for the new bridge. Naturally
different people have different views about each site and
to assist you at each site two local people give their
points of view.

The Second Severn Bridge
H. Seliet
3- Location available for the bridge

Site A - Clevedon to Cardiff
This site has the largest potential usage as it basically
links two major cities together, those of Bristol and
Cardiff, however, the span of the bridge is eight Km,
which is three times as long as any bridge in Britain
(although there exists a longer bridge in Japan).

There is an abundance of labour in this area, both skilled
workers and unskilled workers, who have the knowledge
required for building a bridge. There are also a high
unemployment rates in both Cardiff and Bristol.

There are many technical colleges and training courses
related to bridge building both in Cardiff and Bristol,
which could train unskilled workers who do not have the
skills required for bridge building.

The Government is keen to give aid to new firms in the
Cardiff area and Government Grants are available for
businesses setting up in this area.

Whilst there is no physical difficulty on the site, both
banks of the river being at the same level, the site is
slightly away from the M4 motorway. It is however, very
close to the M5 motorway and therefore the only costs
involved are those for the construction of new link roads.

Local Bristol businesswoman Anne Senior says:

quot;I do a lot of work in Cardiff and building the bridge
here would mean that my journey time would be reduced by
half an hour. I'm all for the bridge being built herequot;.

However, the Cardiff council is extremely concerned about
the increasing traffic congestion in the city, as they
have recently built a new Ring Road to take traffic out of
the centre. The increase in the number of cars in Cardiff
would seriously affect the flow of traffic.

Barry Thomas     the   Mayor   of   Cardiff   makes   the   following

quot;It would be a disaster building the bridge here, we can't

The Second Severn Bridge
H. Seliet
cope with the amount of traffic at the moment in the city
centre that's why we built the ring road. With all the
extra traffic involved with the bridge, they would never
get out of the city for daysquot;.

Bristol and Newport Council are worried about the effect
the bridge would have on shipping, as they are both major
ports and have demanded that the bridge be high enough to
permit the sailing of ships beneath it.

There is shortage of raw materials in this area as both
quarries and steelworks approximately 10 km away.

Should you decide to build the bridge here it must be 42m
high at all points to placate Bristol and Newport county
councils and allow ships to sail underneath it.

Projections for Site A - Cardiff to Clevendon.
   1- Span of the Bridge 8 km

   2- Grant available from the central government £20,000

   3- Additional fixed costs £40,000
   (For landscaping the Cardiff end of the bridge)

Don't forget to include other fixed costs of building your

   4- Variable costs

1/10 (10%) of whatever toll you set per car, i.e. month 12
at a toll of £3 = £3 X 10% X 96,000 = £28800. This is to
pay for the wages of the bridge staff operating the
tollbooths. The staff are paid per car crossing the
bridge, (piece rate).

Traffic usage (once bridge is opened) cumulative totals

   Number of cars                                  Toll
                                        £3       £5        £7       £9
Number   of   cars   in   month   1   10,000    6,250    4,000    3,000
Number   of   cars   in   month   2   18,000   12,500    8,000    6,000
Number   of   cars   in   month   3   26,000   18,750   12,000    9,000
Number   of   cars   in   month   4   34,000   25,000   16,000   12,000

The Second Severn Bridge
H. Seliet
Number   of   cars   in   month   5    42,000   31,250   20,000   15,000
Number   of   cars   in   month   6    50,000   37,500   24,000   18,000
Number   of   cars   in   month   7    58,000   43,250   28,000   21,000
Number   of   cars   in   month   8    64,000   50,000   32,000   24,000
Number   of   cars   in   month   9    72,000   56,250   36,000   27,000
Number   of   cars   in   month   10   80,000   62,500   40,000   30,000
Number   of   cars   in   month   11   88,000   68,750   44,000   33,000
Number   of   cars   in   month   12   96,000   75,000   48,000   36,000

Site B - Avonmouth to Severn Beach
This site is the closest to the existing bridge and has a
good potential for high usage. It links two large areas
together, those of the town of Newport and the city of
Bristol. The span of the bridge is 4 Km, is equal in
length to the longest bridge in Britain.

There is no shortage of labour at this site as both
skilled workers and unskilled workers can be found in
Newport   and   Bristol.   Whilst  Bristol   has   a  high
unemployment rate the rate in Newport is very low. In fact
many people in Newport commute to Bristol to work.

Alastair Eyres, Chepstow councillor says quot;This has to be
the site for the bridge if they want to prevent so many
people using the existing bridge. At least it’s close to
it.quot; It would also divert people away from the centre of

Avonmouth Councillor Jane McKenzie is concerned about the
increased traffic that the new bridge may create.

There are plenty of training courses for unskilled workers
both in Bristol and Newport on the subject of bridge

The Second Severn Bridge
H. Seliet
building. Newport has one technical college whilst Bristol
has several.

The Government is keen for new businesses to be set up in
South Wales and Newport is included. Government Grants are
available for new businesses setting up in the area.

The site is at the same level on both sides of the bank so
therefore   there  is   no   requirement  for  any   major
alterations except for link roads required to connect it
to the existing motorway network.

There is no shortage of raw materials at this site. There
are both quarries and steelworks 2Km away.

Projections for Site B - Avonmouth to Severn beach
   1. Span of the Bridge 4 km

   2. Grant available from the central government £ 10,000

   3. Additional fixed costs                                £ 60,000
   (To build link roads existing motorways)

Don't forget to include other fixed costs of building your

   4. Variable costs

1/10 (10%) of whatever toll you set per car, i.e. month 12
at a toll of £3 = £3 X 10% x 84,000 = £ 25200

This is to pay for the wages of the bridge staff operating
the tollbooths. The members of staff are paid per car
crossing the bridge, (piece rate).

Traffic usage (once bridge is opened) cumulative totals

   Number of cars                                  Toll
                                        £3       £5        £7      £9
Number   of   cars   in   month   1    7,000    5,500    4,000   2,500
Number   of   cars   in   month   2   14,000   11,000    8,000   5,000
Number   of   cars   in   month   3   21,000   16,500   12,000   7,500
Number   of   cars   in   month   4   28,000   22,000   16,000   10,000

The Second Severn Bridge
H. Seliet
Number   of   cars   in   month   5    35,000   27,500   20,000   12,500
Number   of   cars   in   month   6    42,000   33,000   24,000   15,000
Number   of   cars   in   month   7    49,000   38,500   28,000   17,500
Number   of   cars   in   month   8    56,000   44,000   32,000   20,000
Number   of   cars   in   month   9    63,000   49,500   36,000   22,500
Number   of   cars   in   month   10   70,000   55,000   40,000   25,000
Number   of   cars   in   month   11   77,000   60,000   44,000   27,500
Number   of   cars   in   month   12   84,000   66,000   48,000   30,000

Site C - Sharpness to Lyney
This site has some potential for increased traffic and
also has the shortest span. It is in a relatively
unpopulated area and the existing roads are not suitable
for heavy goods vehicles. Therefore new roads would
require to be constructed to take the traffic for the
bridge building companies’ vehicles.

As the population is low, any workforce would have to
travel some distance. Bristol is 15 km away, Newport is 25
km away and these are the closest cities. This is also
where the nearest training courses on bridge building are

No government assistance is available at this site.

This site is remote from the existing motorway and also

The Second Severn Bridge
H. Seliet
one bank     is a cliff face. It would therefore require
extensive   engineering work to build a bridge at his site
and also    to link it to the existing motorway. This is
reflected   in the additional costs.

Local farmer Dorothy Powles states quot;There's no point in
building the bridge here, for one thing they don't want to
offer anybody compensation for the inconvenience, secondly
it would spoil the beautiful countryside and finally we're
in the middle of nowhere.quot;

The site is quite a distance from the M4 although, if a
new motorway were built to link it to the M5, the journey
time would not be overlong.

Local businessman Andrew Wild says, quot;This would be a great
place for the bridge, it would reduce my journey time to
Newport quite a lot. I know nobody else who goes to
Newport around here but so what.quot;

Raw material would need to be transported some 25 km to
this site.

Projections for Site C - Sharpness to Lydney

1. Span of the Bridge 1 mile

2. Grant available from the central government   £0

3. Additional fixed costs £ 30,000

(For link roads engineering work)

Don't forget to include other fixed costs of building your

4- Variable costs

1/10 (10%) of whatever toll you set per car, i.e. month 12
at a toll of £3 = £3 X 10% X 30,000 = £9000

This is to pay for the wages of the bridge staff operating
the tollbooths. The members of staff are paid per car
crossing the bridge, (piece rate).

Traffic usage (once bridge is opened) cumulative totals

The Second Severn Bridge
H. Seliet
Number of cars                                   Toll
                                         £3       £5       £7      £9
Number   of   cars   in   month   1    2,500    2,000    1,000     500
Number   of   cars   in   month   2    5,000    4,000    2,000    1000
Number   of   cars   in   month   3    7,500    6,000    3,000    1500
Number   of   cars   in   month   4    10,000   8,000    4,000    2000
Number   of   cars   in   month   5    12,500   10,000   5,000    2500
Number   of   cars   in   month   6    15,000   12,000   6,000    3000
Number   of   cars   in   month   7    17,500   14,000   7,000    3500
Number   of   cars   in   month   8    20,000   16,000   8,000    4000
Number   of   cars   in   month   9    22,500   18,000   9,000    4500
Number   of   cars   in   month   10   25,500   20,000   10,000   5000
Number   of   cars   in   month   11   27,500   22,000   11,000   5500
Number   of   cars   in   month   12   30,000   24,000   12,000   6000

Site D - Saul to Blakeney

This site is the most northerly but has the potential for
a reasonable usage. The span of the bridge is not great,
as longer bridges already exist in Britain.

There is some local labour however, this is limited, and
the closest city is Gloucester, which is 7 km away where
there are some skilled workers and a few unskilled

The Second Severn Bridge
H. Seliet
There is a technical college in Gloucester that does offer
a course on bridge building but this has not run for two
years because of lack of interest.

There is no central Government assistance for this area
(Gloucester has a low unemployment rate). Gloucester
Council is however keen to encourage new firms and also
sees the bridge as a way of diverting traffic from the
city centre. (Where there is already a bridge across the
River Severn).

This site requires link roads to be built to link with the
M5 and this is reflected in the additional costs.

The site is some 18 km from the existing Severn Bridge and
users of this site, should the bridge be built, would face
a round trip of 36 km to arrive at the other side of the
existing bridge.

There are no physical difficulties with this location as
the banks of the rivers are both at the same level. There
is however a bird sanctuary at the south side of the river
called Slimbridge, which is known worldwide. Millions of
birds come to this site annually and naturalist have
already voiced concern about the choice of this site.

David Hellanby a well-known naturalist says, quot;It would be
an ecological disaster building a bridge at this site.
Millions of birds would be instantly ousted and migrating
birds would be a hazard to traffic. I'll make sure that no
bride is built here. I intend to campaign against it and I
will picket the site.quot;

Marry Farr the Mayoress of Gloucester council states, quot;I
know that the birds will need moving but so what they are
only birds. Just think of the potential that the new
bridge would bring to Gloucester in the form of new
businesses. People will also want to come and visit the
bridge. It would be wonderful”.

Projections for Site D Saul to Blakeney.

   1. Span of the Bridge   2 miles

   2. Grant available from the central government   £ 25,000

The Second Severn Bridge
H. Seliet
3. Additional fixed costs                                  £ 10,000
   (For new motorway to link to the M5)

Don't forget to include other fixed costs of building your

   4. Variable costs

1/10 (10%) of whatever toll you set per car, i.e. month 12
at a toll of £3 = £3 X 10% X 60,000 = £ 18000. This is to
pay for the wages of the bridge staff operating the
tollbooths. The members of staff are paid per car crossing
the bridge, (piece rate).

Traffic usage (once bridge is opened) cumulative totals

   Number of cars                                   Toll
                                         £3       £5        £7      £9
Number   of   cars   in   month   1     5,000    4,000    3,000   2,000
Number   of   cars   in   month   2    10,000    8,000    6,000   4,000
Number   of   cars   in   month   3    15,000   12,000    9,000   6,000
Number   of   cars   in   month   4    20,000   16,000   12,000   8,000
Number   of   cars   in   month   5    25,000   20,000   15,000   10,000
Number   of   cars   in   month   6    30,000   24,000   18,000   12,000
Number   of   cars   in   month   7    35,000   28,000   21,000   14,000
Number   of   cars   in   month   8    40,000   32,000   24,000   16,000
Number   of   cars   in   month   9    45,000   36,000   27,000   18,000
Number   of   cars   in   month   10   50,000   40,000   30,000   20,000
Number   of   cars   in   month   11   55,000   44,000   33,000   22,000
Number   of   cars   in   month   12   60,000   48,000   36,000   24,000


The Second Severn Bridge
H. Seliet
A4 paper                £3,000 per sheet
                       (One sheet spans 1 mile)

A4 card                 £5,000 per sheet
                       (One sheet spans 1 mile)

Paper clips                £2,000 for 2

Sellotape                       £10,000 for a small roll

Scissors                   £10,000

Riverbeds support          £5,000 each

Preparation before the simulation

1- Students are divided into groups of 6/7.

2- Students should be introduced to the topic of                      the
   simulation and the rationale behind the simulation.

The Procedure of the simulation

Task 1     Individual task (brain storming)

1-     Each group    of     students      will   be   attached   to    an

2-     Each pupil must read carefully the information pack
       provided to come up with his/her own ideas about the
       best location the best type of business organisation.

Task 2     Choosing a location

3-     Students will be placed into their groups to discuss
       their findings and to come up with the best option of
       location and type of business organisation. C1, C6,

In choosing a location your students should consider the
following constraints:

a)   the length of the bridge;
b)   effect on local area;
c)   government objectives;
d)   pressure groups;

The Second Severn Bridge
H. Seliet
e)   raw materials;
f)   skilled labour;
g)   training courses;
h)   competition;
i)   government grant.

Task 3     Choosing a type of ownership

4-     you must approach the resources manager with your
       proposal as to the type of organisation you are
       using. The resources manager then will provide you
       with your initial capital.

In choosing a type of ownership students should          be
encouraged to consider the following constraints:

a)   business objectives;
b)   government objective;
c)   raising finance;
d)   owners’ interest;
e)   size of the business;
f)   risk;
g)   government contribution;
h)   service provided;
i)   competition;
j)   government grant.

Task 4     Choosing an organisational chart

5-     In groups, the students should decide and draw the
       organisational chart for their business. C7

Task 5      Choosing a design

6-     In groups, the students should decide the best design
       of the bridge with reasons why (health and safety,
       cost, revenue...etc). C5, C11

Task 6      Constructing the bridge

7-     The students then set about constructing the bridge.
       At this stage the students should be encouraged to
       think about the factors of production involved in
       building the bridge, and the best method of
       production to build the bridge. C14, C15

All materials must be paid for and each request must be

The Second Severn Bridge
H. Seliet
made on the resources request sheet.


    In constructing the bridge the students should be
     encouraged to consider the following constraints:
a-   Location;
b-   type of Ownership;
c-   finance available;
d-   government objectives;
e-   government Grant;
f-   the safety of the bridge;
g-   the bridge must be at least 21 cm high but see rule at
     site quot;Aquot;.

    In constructing the bridge the students should consider
     the following points:

a)   methods of production;
b)   factors of production;
c)   industrial sectors;
d)   quality control.

Task 7      Break-even analysis

8-   In groups, the students will have to estimate the
costs involved in building the designed bridge. C17,

9-     In groups, the students will have to decide on the
       level of toll required with reasons why (e.g.
       competition, revenue etc). C8, C16. The students
       should be also encouraged to look at the opportunity
       cost of each choosing a particular level of toll. C10

10-    In groups, the students should work out break-even
       analysis. (Spreadsheet could be used) C19


You are allowed to change the level of toll if you need to
and alter your location. You must ensure that you operate
within the total capital allowed for your type of business
organisation. Also once you have set a budget you must
work within that budget.

The Second Severn Bridge
H. Seliet
Task 8    Report

11-   Each group should prepare a report. The report should
      include the following tasks:

a) the reasons behind the choice of a specific location;
b) the reasons for rejecting the other locations;
c) the type of the business organisation chosen for the
d) the organisational chart for the business;
e) break-even analysis.
f) the effect of the building of the bridge on business
   activities, workforce, environment, employment rate,
   local infrastructure and the prosperity of the local

g) The conclusion and recommendation for the future.

Task 9      Presentation

12- Each group should choose a representative to give a
presentation of their report.

Task 10     Demonstrations

13-   Each organisation will have to demonstrate their
      bridge in front of others and to ensure that the
      bridge achieves the required span and required height
      and that it will stand for two minutes and allow a
      matchbox car to cross it.

Criteria for Assessing The Success of the Bridge

1-    Choosing the best bridge location.

2-    Choosing the best type of business organisation for
      the ownership of the bridge.

3-    Choosing the best organisational chart to run the

4-    Choosing the best design of the bridge.

5-    Achieving the lowest cost of building the bridge.

6-    Generating the highest level of profit.

The Second Severn Bridge
H. Seliet
7-    Considering   the  safety   of  your   bridge.  Every
      organisation will have to ensure that the bridge
      achieves the required span and required height and
      that it will stand for two minutes and allow a
      matchbox car to cross it. If the bridge collapses
      during the actual demonstration the group will be
      considered grossly negligent by the Health and Safety
      committee and each group member will be made bankrupt
      and have to pay fine 10 P each.

Each group will be judged on the criteria on the attached
marking sheet and the successful group will be the one
with the highest overall score.

The Second Severn Bridge
H. Seliet
Assessment Criteria for the Bridge
                                   Business Name........
  Criteria        Excellen     V.    Good   Satisfactory   Poor   V. Poor Extremely
                     t        Good                                          poor
Type       of
Safety     of

The Second Severn Bridge
Teacher's Package
H. Seliet
Final score

Each of the above criteria is going to be measured according to the following scale:

     Excellent             6
Very good         5
Good              4
Satisfactory      3
Poor              2
Very Poor         1
Extremely poor    0

The Second Severn Bridge
Teacher's Package
H. Seliet
The Second Severn Bridge
Teacher's Package
H. Seliet
Pdf Second Severn Bridge
The Second Severn Bridge
Teacher's Package
H. Seliet

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Pdf Second Severn Bridge

  • 1. The Second Severn Bridge H. Seliet
  • 2. Time Required 3 hours Course  AS Business Studies  AVCE Business Concepts C1) Types of business organisation C2) Privatisation C3) Nationalisation C4) Factors affecting business decisions C5) Quality control C6) Public sector/Private sector C7) Business structure and decision C8) Pricing a product C9) Factors affecting a business location C10) Opportunity cost C11) Health and Safety C12) Labour Intensive C13) Types of industrial sectors C14) Factors of production C15) Methods of production C16) Competition C17) Fixed costs C18) Variable Costs C19) Break-even C20) Pressure Groups Objectives In this simulation the students should achieve the following objectives: 1. demonstrate understanding of wants and how they give rise to the demand for goods; 2. demonstrate understanding of the concept of opportunity cost; The Second Severn Bridge H. Seliet
  • 3. 3. show understanding of primary, secondary and tertiary activities; 4. show understanding of factors affecting a business location; 5. demonstrate critical understanding of the impact of external decisions, legislation and policies on a business, for example local and central government; 6. demonstrate knowledge and critical understanding of the aims, objectives, ownership and sources of funding for a business; 7. demonstrate critical understanding of internal organisation structure; 8. demonstrate critical understanding of the relationship between size, risk and profit; 9. explain the importance of profit as a reward for risk- taking; 10.classify the total costs of a business into fixed and variable, understand and apply the concept of break- even; 11.demonstrate critical understanding of quality control. Rational Students are set the following tasks: a) selecting the best location for the bridge; b) choosing a type of business organisation for the bridge; c) drawing an organisational chart to illustrate job roles and the hierarchy structure of the organisation; d) designing, and building the bridge using the provided materials; e) costing the bridge by working out total variable costs and fixed costs; The Second Severn Bridge H. Seliet
  • 4. f) working out the number of cars needed to break-even; g) running a successful and efficient second bridge over the River Severn; h) producing a report to present their findings. After the simulation the students are debriefed about the actual new Severn Bridge. BACKGROUND INFORMATION 1- The Need for a Second Severn Bridge In 1984 the government set up a study panel to look at the increasing use of the existing Severn Bridge which had been constructed in 1966 with an expected usage 1/3 of that which the bridge was then experiencing. The bridge was built to link the M4 motorway in England to the M4 motorway in South Wales. Prior to this bridge being built the shortest route across the River Severn was to travel north to Gloucester and then south to Chepstow, meaning a round trip of 49 km. The bridge cut this journey quite dramatically, overnight, as it is only 2.5 km long. Whilst the bridge has always been well regarded by local people, the increasing numbers of vehicles created problems. Frequently there were mile long traffic jams for people trying to cross the bridge, as it could not cope with the increased demands of the traffic. The findings of the inquiry were that within 20 years the amount of traffic using the bridge would have increased to such an extent that the Severn Bridge would no longer be able to cope with the continued increase in traffic. It was proposed that a new bridge should be built. 2- Government Objectives The Government therefore stated that the new bridge must link the M4 to South Wales and alleviate the usage of the current Severn Bridge. A tunnel is not an option and neither is a ferry service. As such they have highlighted four different locations for the new bridge. Naturally different people have different views about each site and to assist you at each site two local people give their points of view. The Second Severn Bridge H. Seliet
  • 5. 3- Location available for the bridge Site A - Clevedon to Cardiff This site has the largest potential usage as it basically links two major cities together, those of Bristol and Cardiff, however, the span of the bridge is eight Km, which is three times as long as any bridge in Britain (although there exists a longer bridge in Japan). There is an abundance of labour in this area, both skilled workers and unskilled workers, who have the knowledge required for building a bridge. There are also a high unemployment rates in both Cardiff and Bristol. There are many technical colleges and training courses related to bridge building both in Cardiff and Bristol, which could train unskilled workers who do not have the skills required for bridge building. The Government is keen to give aid to new firms in the Cardiff area and Government Grants are available for businesses setting up in this area. Whilst there is no physical difficulty on the site, both banks of the river being at the same level, the site is slightly away from the M4 motorway. It is however, very close to the M5 motorway and therefore the only costs involved are those for the construction of new link roads. Local Bristol businesswoman Anne Senior says: quot;I do a lot of work in Cardiff and building the bridge here would mean that my journey time would be reduced by half an hour. I'm all for the bridge being built herequot;. However, the Cardiff council is extremely concerned about the increasing traffic congestion in the city, as they have recently built a new Ring Road to take traffic out of the centre. The increase in the number of cars in Cardiff would seriously affect the flow of traffic. Barry Thomas the Mayor of Cardiff makes the following statement. quot;It would be a disaster building the bridge here, we can't The Second Severn Bridge H. Seliet
  • 6. cope with the amount of traffic at the moment in the city centre that's why we built the ring road. With all the extra traffic involved with the bridge, they would never get out of the city for daysquot;. Bristol and Newport Council are worried about the effect the bridge would have on shipping, as they are both major ports and have demanded that the bridge be high enough to permit the sailing of ships beneath it. There is shortage of raw materials in this area as both quarries and steelworks approximately 10 km away. Should you decide to build the bridge here it must be 42m high at all points to placate Bristol and Newport county councils and allow ships to sail underneath it. Projections for Site A - Cardiff to Clevendon. 1- Span of the Bridge 8 km 2- Grant available from the central government £20,000 3- Additional fixed costs £40,000 (For landscaping the Cardiff end of the bridge) Don't forget to include other fixed costs of building your bridge. 4- Variable costs 1/10 (10%) of whatever toll you set per car, i.e. month 12 at a toll of £3 = £3 X 10% X 96,000 = £28800. This is to pay for the wages of the bridge staff operating the tollbooths. The staff are paid per car crossing the bridge, (piece rate). Traffic usage (once bridge is opened) cumulative totals Number of cars Toll £3 £5 £7 £9 Number of cars in month 1 10,000 6,250 4,000 3,000 Number of cars in month 2 18,000 12,500 8,000 6,000 Number of cars in month 3 26,000 18,750 12,000 9,000 Number of cars in month 4 34,000 25,000 16,000 12,000 The Second Severn Bridge H. Seliet
  • 7. Number of cars in month 5 42,000 31,250 20,000 15,000 Number of cars in month 6 50,000 37,500 24,000 18,000 Number of cars in month 7 58,000 43,250 28,000 21,000 Number of cars in month 8 64,000 50,000 32,000 24,000 Number of cars in month 9 72,000 56,250 36,000 27,000 Number of cars in month 10 80,000 62,500 40,000 30,000 Number of cars in month 11 88,000 68,750 44,000 33,000 Number of cars in month 12 96,000 75,000 48,000 36,000 Site B - Avonmouth to Severn Beach This site is the closest to the existing bridge and has a good potential for high usage. It links two large areas together, those of the town of Newport and the city of Bristol. The span of the bridge is 4 Km, is equal in length to the longest bridge in Britain. There is no shortage of labour at this site as both skilled workers and unskilled workers can be found in Newport and Bristol. Whilst Bristol has a high unemployment rate the rate in Newport is very low. In fact many people in Newport commute to Bristol to work. Alastair Eyres, Chepstow councillor says quot;This has to be the site for the bridge if they want to prevent so many people using the existing bridge. At least it’s close to it.quot; It would also divert people away from the centre of Chepstowquot;. Avonmouth Councillor Jane McKenzie is concerned about the increased traffic that the new bridge may create. There are plenty of training courses for unskilled workers both in Bristol and Newport on the subject of bridge The Second Severn Bridge H. Seliet
  • 8. building. Newport has one technical college whilst Bristol has several. The Government is keen for new businesses to be set up in South Wales and Newport is included. Government Grants are available for new businesses setting up in the area. The site is at the same level on both sides of the bank so therefore there is no requirement for any major alterations except for link roads required to connect it to the existing motorway network. There is no shortage of raw materials at this site. There are both quarries and steelworks 2Km away. Projections for Site B - Avonmouth to Severn beach 1. Span of the Bridge 4 km 2. Grant available from the central government £ 10,000 3. Additional fixed costs £ 60,000 (To build link roads existing motorways) Don't forget to include other fixed costs of building your bridge. 4. Variable costs 1/10 (10%) of whatever toll you set per car, i.e. month 12 at a toll of £3 = £3 X 10% x 84,000 = £ 25200 This is to pay for the wages of the bridge staff operating the tollbooths. The members of staff are paid per car crossing the bridge, (piece rate). Traffic usage (once bridge is opened) cumulative totals Number of cars Toll £3 £5 £7 £9 Number of cars in month 1 7,000 5,500 4,000 2,500 Number of cars in month 2 14,000 11,000 8,000 5,000 Number of cars in month 3 21,000 16,500 12,000 7,500 Number of cars in month 4 28,000 22,000 16,000 10,000 The Second Severn Bridge H. Seliet
  • 9. Number of cars in month 5 35,000 27,500 20,000 12,500 Number of cars in month 6 42,000 33,000 24,000 15,000 Number of cars in month 7 49,000 38,500 28,000 17,500 Number of cars in month 8 56,000 44,000 32,000 20,000 Number of cars in month 9 63,000 49,500 36,000 22,500 Number of cars in month 10 70,000 55,000 40,000 25,000 Number of cars in month 11 77,000 60,000 44,000 27,500 Number of cars in month 12 84,000 66,000 48,000 30,000 Site C - Sharpness to Lyney This site has some potential for increased traffic and also has the shortest span. It is in a relatively unpopulated area and the existing roads are not suitable for heavy goods vehicles. Therefore new roads would require to be constructed to take the traffic for the bridge building companies’ vehicles. As the population is low, any workforce would have to travel some distance. Bristol is 15 km away, Newport is 25 km away and these are the closest cities. This is also where the nearest training courses on bridge building are situated. No government assistance is available at this site. This site is remote from the existing motorway and also The Second Severn Bridge H. Seliet
  • 10. one bank is a cliff face. It would therefore require extensive engineering work to build a bridge at his site and also to link it to the existing motorway. This is reflected in the additional costs. Local farmer Dorothy Powles states quot;There's no point in building the bridge here, for one thing they don't want to offer anybody compensation for the inconvenience, secondly it would spoil the beautiful countryside and finally we're in the middle of nowhere.quot; The site is quite a distance from the M4 although, if a new motorway were built to link it to the M5, the journey time would not be overlong. Local businessman Andrew Wild says, quot;This would be a great place for the bridge, it would reduce my journey time to Newport quite a lot. I know nobody else who goes to Newport around here but so what.quot; Raw material would need to be transported some 25 km to this site. Projections for Site C - Sharpness to Lydney 1. Span of the Bridge 1 mile 2. Grant available from the central government £0 3. Additional fixed costs £ 30,000 (For link roads engineering work) Don't forget to include other fixed costs of building your bridge. 4- Variable costs 1/10 (10%) of whatever toll you set per car, i.e. month 12 at a toll of £3 = £3 X 10% X 30,000 = £9000 This is to pay for the wages of the bridge staff operating the tollbooths. The members of staff are paid per car crossing the bridge, (piece rate). Traffic usage (once bridge is opened) cumulative totals The Second Severn Bridge H. Seliet
  • 11. Number of cars Toll £3 £5 £7 £9 Number of cars in month 1 2,500 2,000 1,000 500 Number of cars in month 2 5,000 4,000 2,000 1000 Number of cars in month 3 7,500 6,000 3,000 1500 Number of cars in month 4 10,000 8,000 4,000 2000 Number of cars in month 5 12,500 10,000 5,000 2500 Number of cars in month 6 15,000 12,000 6,000 3000 Number of cars in month 7 17,500 14,000 7,000 3500 Number of cars in month 8 20,000 16,000 8,000 4000 Number of cars in month 9 22,500 18,000 9,000 4500 Number of cars in month 10 25,500 20,000 10,000 5000 Number of cars in month 11 27,500 22,000 11,000 5500 Number of cars in month 12 30,000 24,000 12,000 6000 Site D - Saul to Blakeney This site is the most northerly but has the potential for a reasonable usage. The span of the bridge is not great, as longer bridges already exist in Britain. There is some local labour however, this is limited, and the closest city is Gloucester, which is 7 km away where there are some skilled workers and a few unskilled workers. The Second Severn Bridge H. Seliet
  • 12. There is a technical college in Gloucester that does offer a course on bridge building but this has not run for two years because of lack of interest. There is no central Government assistance for this area (Gloucester has a low unemployment rate). Gloucester Council is however keen to encourage new firms and also sees the bridge as a way of diverting traffic from the city centre. (Where there is already a bridge across the River Severn). This site requires link roads to be built to link with the M5 and this is reflected in the additional costs. The site is some 18 km from the existing Severn Bridge and users of this site, should the bridge be built, would face a round trip of 36 km to arrive at the other side of the existing bridge. There are no physical difficulties with this location as the banks of the rivers are both at the same level. There is however a bird sanctuary at the south side of the river called Slimbridge, which is known worldwide. Millions of birds come to this site annually and naturalist have already voiced concern about the choice of this site. David Hellanby a well-known naturalist says, quot;It would be an ecological disaster building a bridge at this site. Millions of birds would be instantly ousted and migrating birds would be a hazard to traffic. I'll make sure that no bride is built here. I intend to campaign against it and I will picket the site.quot; Marry Farr the Mayoress of Gloucester council states, quot;I know that the birds will need moving but so what they are only birds. Just think of the potential that the new bridge would bring to Gloucester in the form of new businesses. People will also want to come and visit the bridge. It would be wonderful”. Projections for Site D Saul to Blakeney. 1. Span of the Bridge 2 miles 2. Grant available from the central government £ 25,000 The Second Severn Bridge H. Seliet
  • 13. 3. Additional fixed costs £ 10,000 (For new motorway to link to the M5) Don't forget to include other fixed costs of building your bridge. 4. Variable costs 1/10 (10%) of whatever toll you set per car, i.e. month 12 at a toll of £3 = £3 X 10% X 60,000 = £ 18000. This is to pay for the wages of the bridge staff operating the tollbooths. The members of staff are paid per car crossing the bridge, (piece rate). Traffic usage (once bridge is opened) cumulative totals Number of cars Toll £3 £5 £7 £9 Number of cars in month 1 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 Number of cars in month 2 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 Number of cars in month 3 15,000 12,000 9,000 6,000 Number of cars in month 4 20,000 16,000 12,000 8,000 Number of cars in month 5 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 Number of cars in month 6 30,000 24,000 18,000 12,000 Number of cars in month 7 35,000 28,000 21,000 14,000 Number of cars in month 8 40,000 32,000 24,000 16,000 Number of cars in month 9 45,000 36,000 27,000 18,000 Number of cars in month 10 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 Number of cars in month 11 55,000 44,000 33,000 22,000 Number of cars in month 12 60,000 48,000 36,000 24,000 MATERIALS The Second Severn Bridge H. Seliet
  • 14. A4 paper £3,000 per sheet (One sheet spans 1 mile) A4 card £5,000 per sheet (One sheet spans 1 mile) Paper clips £2,000 for 2 Sellotape £10,000 for a small roll Scissors £10,000 Riverbeds support £5,000 each Preparation before the simulation 1- Students are divided into groups of 6/7. 2- Students should be introduced to the topic of the simulation and the rationale behind the simulation. The Procedure of the simulation Task 1 Individual task (brain storming) 1- Each group of students will be attached to an advisor. 2- Each pupil must read carefully the information pack provided to come up with his/her own ideas about the best location the best type of business organisation. Task 2 Choosing a location 3- Students will be placed into their groups to discuss their findings and to come up with the best option of location and type of business organisation. C1, C6, C9. In choosing a location your students should consider the following constraints: a) the length of the bridge; b) effect on local area; c) government objectives; d) pressure groups; The Second Severn Bridge H. Seliet
  • 15. e) raw materials; f) skilled labour; g) training courses; h) competition; i) government grant. Task 3 Choosing a type of ownership 4- you must approach the resources manager with your proposal as to the type of organisation you are using. The resources manager then will provide you with your initial capital. In choosing a type of ownership students should be encouraged to consider the following constraints: a) business objectives; b) government objective; c) raising finance; d) owners’ interest; e) size of the business; f) risk; g) government contribution; h) service provided; i) competition; j) government grant. Task 4 Choosing an organisational chart 5- In groups, the students should decide and draw the organisational chart for their business. C7 Task 5 Choosing a design 6- In groups, the students should decide the best design of the bridge with reasons why (health and safety, cost, revenue...etc). C5, C11 Task 6 Constructing the bridge 7- The students then set about constructing the bridge. At this stage the students should be encouraged to think about the factors of production involved in building the bridge, and the best method of production to build the bridge. C14, C15 All materials must be paid for and each request must be The Second Severn Bridge H. Seliet
  • 16. made on the resources request sheet. Note  In constructing the bridge the students should be encouraged to consider the following constraints: a- Location; b- type of Ownership; c- finance available; d- government objectives; e- government Grant; f- the safety of the bridge; g- the bridge must be at least 21 cm high but see rule at site quot;Aquot;.  In constructing the bridge the students should consider the following points: a) methods of production; b) factors of production; c) industrial sectors; d) quality control. Task 7 Break-even analysis 8- In groups, the students will have to estimate the costs involved in building the designed bridge. C17, C18. 9- In groups, the students will have to decide on the level of toll required with reasons why (e.g. competition, revenue etc). C8, C16. The students should be also encouraged to look at the opportunity cost of each choosing a particular level of toll. C10 10- In groups, the students should work out break-even analysis. (Spreadsheet could be used) C19 Note You are allowed to change the level of toll if you need to and alter your location. You must ensure that you operate within the total capital allowed for your type of business organisation. Also once you have set a budget you must work within that budget. The Second Severn Bridge H. Seliet
  • 17. Task 8 Report 11- Each group should prepare a report. The report should include the following tasks: a) the reasons behind the choice of a specific location; b) the reasons for rejecting the other locations; c) the type of the business organisation chosen for the bridge; d) the organisational chart for the business; e) break-even analysis. f) the effect of the building of the bridge on business activities, workforce, environment, employment rate, local infrastructure and the prosperity of the local area; g) The conclusion and recommendation for the future. Task 9 Presentation 12- Each group should choose a representative to give a presentation of their report. Task 10 Demonstrations 13- Each organisation will have to demonstrate their bridge in front of others and to ensure that the bridge achieves the required span and required height and that it will stand for two minutes and allow a matchbox car to cross it. Criteria for Assessing The Success of the Bridge 1- Choosing the best bridge location. 2- Choosing the best type of business organisation for the ownership of the bridge. 3- Choosing the best organisational chart to run the bridge. 4- Choosing the best design of the bridge. 5- Achieving the lowest cost of building the bridge. 6- Generating the highest level of profit. The Second Severn Bridge H. Seliet
  • 18. 7- Considering the safety of your bridge. Every organisation will have to ensure that the bridge achieves the required span and required height and that it will stand for two minutes and allow a matchbox car to cross it. If the bridge collapses during the actual demonstration the group will be considered grossly negligent by the Health and Safety committee and each group member will be made bankrupt and have to pay fine 10 P each. Each group will be judged on the criteria on the attached marking sheet and the successful group will be the one with the highest overall score. The Second Severn Bridge H. Seliet
  • 19. Assessment Criteria for the Bridge Business Name........ Criteria Excellen V. Good Satisfactory Poor V. Poor Extremely t Good poor Location Type of organisation Quality control Safety of bridge Aesthetic appeal Breakeven analysis Profit Costing Group organisation Demonstration Presentation The Second Severn Bridge Teacher's Package H. Seliet
  • 20. Final score Each of the above criteria is going to be measured according to the following scale: Excellent 6 Very good 5 Good 4 Satisfactory 3 Poor 2 Very Poor 1 Extremely poor 0 The Second Severn Bridge Teacher's Package H. Seliet
  • 21. The Second Severn Bridge Teacher's Package H. Seliet
  • 23. The Second Severn Bridge Teacher's Package H. Seliet