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PebbleStorm: “Reflect” April 15, 2009
Intentions for “Reflect” Get clear on what you want from your (work) life, and how you want to do it  … What is your Unique Genius?  … What is a Dream Business to you?
“ Keep It Simple” In The Sandbox Craft a “Vision Blueprint” to post on your wiki profile by May 1 &  k eep  p l a y i n g  with babysteps in: Unique Genius practices Worksheet, writing, team sharing… Winning Enjoyment Points / Fun 101 Asking for help!
The fun we’ll have, today!  News from the Sandbox Learnin’s Practices (a Toybox) Vision Blueprint Next Babysteps  With sharing throughout!
News From The Frontlines!
Our Teams The Natives+ Sunnyside Up We Just Wanna Have Fun Blue Skies
Katrina Wong “ In less than 2 weeks, I’ve discovered  things that are completely new to me” “ I started challenging myself to win  enjoyment points!” “ How: I broke down tasks into smaller parts so they’re less overwhelming I focused on the positives I ignored what I didn’t like (such as corporate drama)” http://katchme.wordpress.com/
Tony Wong’s Blog “ For the first time…I put  enjoyment, satisfaction,  happiness ahead of money &  business” “ All of a sudden, I feel alive again.” “ The work I enjoy is teaching, writing and moving the discipline of Software Development Leadership forward…most of the time I’m not doing that. I’m doing the things that make me money.” http://digitalonion.com/wordpress
Onna Young’s blog  “Leaps & Bounds” “ My unique genius: creatively,  passionately help people take  their lives/projects to the next  level.  “ I inspire through my writing and creative endeavors.”  “ It took about six months to open up to my calling & Unique Genius.  It’s been staring me in the face my whole life just waiting for me to see it.” http://leapsandbounds.wordpress.com
“ I was thinking differently about  everything because I was focusing  on how enjoyable it might be.”  “ Little things made a big difference.” “ Recording these points is helping  me get my Unique Genius.”  “ I’m getting that people call me when they want to feel better.  I’m good at…” Erin Halling: “Happy Surprises” Blog http://happysurprises.wordpress.com/
The fun we’ll have, today!  News from the Sandbox Learnin’s Practices (a Toybox) Vision Blueprint Next Babysteps   With sharing throughout!
Today’s Learnin’s PebbleStorm Roadmap Unique G & Dream Biz Backsliding & Breakdowns Enemies of PebbleStorm
If You Built a “Dream Store”… What do you want? Blueprints Attract partners & customers Stock it Ring the register! Reversed!
Where are we going? REFLECT   on what you truly want & enjoy What is your Unique Genius?  Dream Business(es)? Result : a “Vision ___” (a representation you can share with others) Aaron: answers came ~2 months after asking the questions (June 07) PLAY   with how your Unique Genius manifests Find your “voice” through writing, art, video, blogs, books, events… Result : something (blog, event, etc) people can interact with (a first Layer of the Onion) Aaron: shaped it over about 6 months (Aug 08-March 08)
ATTRACT   an audience, fans Result:  you have your “first 5” (collaborators, affiliates or opt-ins) Aaron: began attracting after 8 months (March, 08) PACKAGE   products & services for your audience Result:  you create products or find others’ products to share (you have your first Layers of the Onion that produce $) Aaron: launched “Come Play With Me” after 20 months (March 09) RECEIVE   income and growth…and it’s time to reflect again! Result:  you have monthly revenue, and are familiar with financial and commerce tools Aaron: Year 3 for PebbleStorm Where are we going?
Unique Genius
/Magnets /Seeds
Why Unique Genius Matters It’s the  foundation  of your Dream Business house Enjoyable success:  more “success” in something you don’t enjoy creates more unhappiness Lasting success:  easy come, easy go! If a business is easy to start for you, it’ll be easy for 100 others to start too Differentiated success:  people WILL rip you off, but they can’t take your unique genius or audience Sustainable success:  The audience and fans attracted by your Unique Genius will stick with you
Unlocking Your Unique Genius It’s like watering a plant Constantly watering it will kill it Give it a little water (attention) each day, and eventually it’ll sprout
Like Musicians‘ Uniqueness Fans are eternal Musicians collaborate, rather than compete Authentic talent lasts  Key is unlocking your authentic talent
They Will Copy Your Site, But Not Your Unique Genius & Audience “ Fresh, customized and B2B customer data”
1st: What Are Your Puzzle Pieces? Are you committed getting real answers from the worksheet, or not taking it seriously?  Shared any of it with your team or friends yet?
2nd: What Can You Build With Them? What is a Dream Business for you?  Or any fun project? Consider both  what it does , and  what it does for you
What Is A Dream Business For You? How can you  mash your enjoyments? Who would you  want to help, & how? Try saying or writing “My dream business is…”
Breakdowns & Backsliding
Breakdowns & Backsliding They are ok!!!  Breakdowns happen when we try new things I still backslide: I forget my enjoyment points I forget to make work fun I fall back into “work is hard” habits It’s just like returning to your breath in meditation… Relax Choose another babystep and make it  tiny ! Ask for help
Feeling Stuck?
What are YOU creating? Keep doing what you’re doing = keep  getting what you’re getting Onna: “I used to create  ‘not good enough, no special skills, nothing special to give, too busy’  LOL!”
PebbleStorm’s ‘Inner’ Hard Work “ Selfishly” committing to your happiness Letting go of limiting beliefs & neediness Letting go of ego  Patience Having fun I still work on these too
Help Yourself By Helping Others Helping people with their ideas and businesses will help you see yours!
LA Meetup, 4.14.09 Video:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sn1jAgpKVQs Jim Belden, Kristine Castro, Mary Saunders, Tony Wong Yanitz Rubin, Onna Young, Aaron Ross
A Heartbeat Should Have Pauses
Enjoyment Enemies
Dream Killers Eeyores Energy vampires Crazymakers Party poopers Bozos But-ers  (“But…”) Appreciate real feedback…and follow your intuition
Impatience I want it NOW! Waaah!! Crying won’t make Xmas come faster
Fear BOO! Why be afraid of the boogeyman? Take a babystep “ Throw a rock”!
More Enemies Ego Let go of titles, turf “ What would ______  think?” Ill health  – mental, physical, spiritual Your programming “ I can’t make money at that!” “ Work can’t be fun” Cloudy mind  - intoxicants, drama
Impatience = Unhappiness Doubling the temperature won’t bake a cake faster Patience: Enhances clarity Increases enjoyment Creates time
The fun we’ll have, today!  News from the Sandbox Learnin’s Practices (a Toybox) Vision Blueprint Next Babysteps   With sharing throughout!
A ToyBox For Reflecting Writing Ideas Bowl Meditation Buddy System Enjoyment Points Rewards Calendar Morning Pages Questions cheat sheet Self-reminders
Writing Journaling, blogging, Morning Pages…
A Patience “Ideas Bowl” Toss ideas into a bowl Every few weeks, toss the junk & save the golden nuggets Savor the time created by not chasing every idea!
The Buddy System Find a buddy (or several), in or out of PebbleStorm, and meet  regularly
Follow Your Fun
Fun 101: Winning Enjoyment Points Follow your fun! Find a playmate Keep it simple Shrink it to a babystep Add color & pictures Break out some toys Make it a gift “ Let’s play a game” Take recess Build something cool Mash it up Make your sandbox fun Mix in some silly Do it outside Keep your hands (issues) to yourself, play nice, and no raining on parades
Follow Your Fun! Keep coming back to Enjoyment Points How can you remind yourself to win them? How can you track what you enjoy, with yourself or with others?
Example: Rewards Calendar
A Questions Cheat Sheet “ I make a list of questions I want answers to”  “ Every few days I scan the list to see if I now know any of the answers” “ This way I can learn to trust that the answers are within me (or will come naturally to me)” “ The most interesting questions become spring boards for new products and services” Cheryl Miller, www.CherylMillerVille.com
Morning Pages /  TheArtistsWay.com
Make Reminders For Yourself
The fun we’ll have, today!  News from the Sandbox Learnin’s Practices (a Toybox) Vision Blueprint Next Babysteps   With sharing throughout!
Crafting A Vision Blueprint
How Can You Share Your Vision? Get help from your team & create  on e by May 1 A self-manifesto A simple paragraph or blog post An ‘About’ page on your blog/website Your Trading or Play Card (not business card) A Business Vision Board, Collage or Painting  A Visual Business Plan An audio or video recording A “2020 Biography”
My “Small Pebble, Big Wave” Self-Manifesto “ How can I make the biggest impact with the least effort? (And with the most happiness?)” “ Small pebble = least effort, big wave = biggest impact” “ I want to work on what I want, when I want, with whom I want, and make plenty of money at it.” “ I want to… Be in control of the work/business, not have it be in control of me. I don’t want to be a slave to a company, even one that I start. Enjoy work, by working from a place of desire, not obligation or ego Contribute from areas of strength…” Posted this exactly one year ago (4.17.08) pebblestorm.com/2008/04/17/the-original-small-pebble-big-wave-self-manifesto/
My Dream Business, PebbleStorm, helps others create their own Dream Businesses. … while working when, how, with whom and from where I want. Even a Single Sentence
“ Open to give, open to receive” Cards can create intrigue and resonance even without many words
“ Hug-Giver, Love-Maker & Tickle-Diva”
A Visual  Business Plan
Write your 2020 biography Who was I? What was I known for?  Who did I help and how? Why & for what were people drawn to me?
Onna Young’s 2020 Bio “ Onna Young, an innovative e-entrepreneur, life-coach, and author…“ “ In 2009, Onna created her first philanthropic organization, became a consumer advocate and lecturer to teach good credit practices, launched a national financial curriculum for schools, wrote her series of Daddy and Me children’s books and through e-entrepreneurship achieved her goal of 1M in net income.”  ” She was CEO of Cold Calling 2.0, a PebbleStorm partner, founded the Idea Factory, Literacy Lab, Passion Projects, Think Forward, Foodies, Dream Dates, The Man Code, Manonymous, Baby Steps, and an E-book publishing house...”
The fun we’ll have, today!  News from the Sandbox Learnin’s Practices (a Toybox) Vision Blueprint Next Babysteps  With sharing throughout!
Babysteps  Should  Be   babysteps It is  impossible  for them to be too small What can you do in a few minutes?
People Enjoy Helping – Ask For It! Make it easy for them to help  (help them help you)
“ Keep It Simple” In The Sandbox Craft a “Vision Blueprint” to post on your wiki profile by May 1 &  k eep  p l a y i n g  with babysteps in: Unique Genius practices Worksheet, writing, team sharing… Winning Enjoyment Points / Fun 101 Asking for help! Next webinar on “Play”: May 13 th , 6p PST

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PebbleStorm "Reflect" Webinar 4.15.09

  • 2. Intentions for “Reflect” Get clear on what you want from your (work) life, and how you want to do it … What is your Unique Genius? … What is a Dream Business to you?
  • 3. “ Keep It Simple” In The Sandbox Craft a “Vision Blueprint” to post on your wiki profile by May 1 & k eep p l a y i n g with babysteps in: Unique Genius practices Worksheet, writing, team sharing… Winning Enjoyment Points / Fun 101 Asking for help!
  • 4. The fun we’ll have, today! News from the Sandbox Learnin’s Practices (a Toybox) Vision Blueprint Next Babysteps With sharing throughout!
  • 5. News From The Frontlines!
  • 6. Our Teams The Natives+ Sunnyside Up We Just Wanna Have Fun Blue Skies
  • 7. Katrina Wong “ In less than 2 weeks, I’ve discovered things that are completely new to me” “ I started challenging myself to win enjoyment points!” “ How: I broke down tasks into smaller parts so they’re less overwhelming I focused on the positives I ignored what I didn’t like (such as corporate drama)” http://katchme.wordpress.com/
  • 8. Tony Wong’s Blog “ For the first time…I put enjoyment, satisfaction, happiness ahead of money & business” “ All of a sudden, I feel alive again.” “ The work I enjoy is teaching, writing and moving the discipline of Software Development Leadership forward…most of the time I’m not doing that. I’m doing the things that make me money.” http://digitalonion.com/wordpress
  • 9. Onna Young’s blog “Leaps & Bounds” “ My unique genius: creatively, passionately help people take their lives/projects to the next level. “ I inspire through my writing and creative endeavors.” “ It took about six months to open up to my calling & Unique Genius. It’s been staring me in the face my whole life just waiting for me to see it.” http://leapsandbounds.wordpress.com
  • 10. “ I was thinking differently about everything because I was focusing on how enjoyable it might be.” “ Little things made a big difference.” “ Recording these points is helping me get my Unique Genius.” “ I’m getting that people call me when they want to feel better. I’m good at…” Erin Halling: “Happy Surprises” Blog http://happysurprises.wordpress.com/
  • 11. The fun we’ll have, today! News from the Sandbox Learnin’s Practices (a Toybox) Vision Blueprint Next Babysteps With sharing throughout!
  • 12. Today’s Learnin’s PebbleStorm Roadmap Unique G & Dream Biz Backsliding & Breakdowns Enemies of PebbleStorm
  • 13. If You Built a “Dream Store”… What do you want? Blueprints Attract partners & customers Stock it Ring the register! Reversed!
  • 14. Where are we going? REFLECT on what you truly want & enjoy What is your Unique Genius? Dream Business(es)? Result : a “Vision ___” (a representation you can share with others) Aaron: answers came ~2 months after asking the questions (June 07) PLAY with how your Unique Genius manifests Find your “voice” through writing, art, video, blogs, books, events… Result : something (blog, event, etc) people can interact with (a first Layer of the Onion) Aaron: shaped it over about 6 months (Aug 08-March 08)
  • 15. ATTRACT an audience, fans Result: you have your “first 5” (collaborators, affiliates or opt-ins) Aaron: began attracting after 8 months (March, 08) PACKAGE products & services for your audience Result: you create products or find others’ products to share (you have your first Layers of the Onion that produce $) Aaron: launched “Come Play With Me” after 20 months (March 09) RECEIVE income and growth…and it’s time to reflect again! Result: you have monthly revenue, and are familiar with financial and commerce tools Aaron: Year 3 for PebbleStorm Where are we going?
  • 18. Why Unique Genius Matters It’s the foundation of your Dream Business house Enjoyable success: more “success” in something you don’t enjoy creates more unhappiness Lasting success: easy come, easy go! If a business is easy to start for you, it’ll be easy for 100 others to start too Differentiated success: people WILL rip you off, but they can’t take your unique genius or audience Sustainable success: The audience and fans attracted by your Unique Genius will stick with you
  • 19. Unlocking Your Unique Genius It’s like watering a plant Constantly watering it will kill it Give it a little water (attention) each day, and eventually it’ll sprout
  • 20. Like Musicians‘ Uniqueness Fans are eternal Musicians collaborate, rather than compete Authentic talent lasts Key is unlocking your authentic talent
  • 21. They Will Copy Your Site, But Not Your Unique Genius & Audience “ Fresh, customized and B2B customer data”
  • 22. 1st: What Are Your Puzzle Pieces? Are you committed getting real answers from the worksheet, or not taking it seriously? Shared any of it with your team or friends yet?
  • 23. 2nd: What Can You Build With Them? What is a Dream Business for you? Or any fun project? Consider both what it does , and what it does for you
  • 24. What Is A Dream Business For You? How can you mash your enjoyments? Who would you want to help, & how? Try saying or writing “My dream business is…”
  • 26. Breakdowns & Backsliding They are ok!!! Breakdowns happen when we try new things I still backslide: I forget my enjoyment points I forget to make work fun I fall back into “work is hard” habits It’s just like returning to your breath in meditation… Relax Choose another babystep and make it tiny ! Ask for help
  • 28. What are YOU creating? Keep doing what you’re doing = keep getting what you’re getting Onna: “I used to create ‘not good enough, no special skills, nothing special to give, too busy’ LOL!”
  • 29. PebbleStorm’s ‘Inner’ Hard Work “ Selfishly” committing to your happiness Letting go of limiting beliefs & neediness Letting go of ego Patience Having fun I still work on these too
  • 30. Help Yourself By Helping Others Helping people with their ideas and businesses will help you see yours!
  • 31. LA Meetup, 4.14.09 Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sn1jAgpKVQs Jim Belden, Kristine Castro, Mary Saunders, Tony Wong Yanitz Rubin, Onna Young, Aaron Ross
  • 32. A Heartbeat Should Have Pauses
  • 34. Dream Killers Eeyores Energy vampires Crazymakers Party poopers Bozos But-ers (“But…”) Appreciate real feedback…and follow your intuition
  • 35. DOUBT
  • 36. Impatience I want it NOW! Waaah!! Crying won’t make Xmas come faster
  • 37. Fear BOO! Why be afraid of the boogeyman? Take a babystep “ Throw a rock”!
  • 38. More Enemies Ego Let go of titles, turf “ What would ______ think?” Ill health – mental, physical, spiritual Your programming “ I can’t make money at that!” “ Work can’t be fun” Cloudy mind - intoxicants, drama
  • 39. Impatience = Unhappiness Doubling the temperature won’t bake a cake faster Patience: Enhances clarity Increases enjoyment Creates time
  • 40. The fun we’ll have, today! News from the Sandbox Learnin’s Practices (a Toybox) Vision Blueprint Next Babysteps With sharing throughout!
  • 41. A ToyBox For Reflecting Writing Ideas Bowl Meditation Buddy System Enjoyment Points Rewards Calendar Morning Pages Questions cheat sheet Self-reminders
  • 42. Writing Journaling, blogging, Morning Pages…
  • 43. A Patience “Ideas Bowl” Toss ideas into a bowl Every few weeks, toss the junk & save the golden nuggets Savor the time created by not chasing every idea!
  • 45. The Buddy System Find a buddy (or several), in or out of PebbleStorm, and meet regularly
  • 47. Fun 101: Winning Enjoyment Points Follow your fun! Find a playmate Keep it simple Shrink it to a babystep Add color & pictures Break out some toys Make it a gift “ Let’s play a game” Take recess Build something cool Mash it up Make your sandbox fun Mix in some silly Do it outside Keep your hands (issues) to yourself, play nice, and no raining on parades
  • 48. Follow Your Fun! Keep coming back to Enjoyment Points How can you remind yourself to win them? How can you track what you enjoy, with yourself or with others?
  • 50. A Questions Cheat Sheet “ I make a list of questions I want answers to” “ Every few days I scan the list to see if I now know any of the answers” “ This way I can learn to trust that the answers are within me (or will come naturally to me)” “ The most interesting questions become spring boards for new products and services” Cheryl Miller, www.CherylMillerVille.com
  • 51. Morning Pages / TheArtistsWay.com
  • 52. Make Reminders For Yourself
  • 53. The fun we’ll have, today! News from the Sandbox Learnin’s Practices (a Toybox) Vision Blueprint Next Babysteps With sharing throughout!
  • 54. Crafting A Vision Blueprint
  • 55. How Can You Share Your Vision? Get help from your team & create on e by May 1 A self-manifesto A simple paragraph or blog post An ‘About’ page on your blog/website Your Trading or Play Card (not business card) A Business Vision Board, Collage or Painting A Visual Business Plan An audio or video recording A “2020 Biography”
  • 56. My “Small Pebble, Big Wave” Self-Manifesto “ How can I make the biggest impact with the least effort? (And with the most happiness?)” “ Small pebble = least effort, big wave = biggest impact” “ I want to work on what I want, when I want, with whom I want, and make plenty of money at it.” “ I want to… Be in control of the work/business, not have it be in control of me. I don’t want to be a slave to a company, even one that I start. Enjoy work, by working from a place of desire, not obligation or ego Contribute from areas of strength…” Posted this exactly one year ago (4.17.08) pebblestorm.com/2008/04/17/the-original-small-pebble-big-wave-self-manifesto/
  • 57.  
  • 58. My Dream Business, PebbleStorm, helps others create their own Dream Businesses. … while working when, how, with whom and from where I want. Even a Single Sentence
  • 59. “ Open to give, open to receive” Cards can create intrigue and resonance even without many words
  • 60. “ Hug-Giver, Love-Maker & Tickle-Diva”
  • 61. A Visual Business Plan
  • 62.  
  • 63. Write your 2020 biography Who was I? What was I known for? Who did I help and how? Why & for what were people drawn to me?
  • 64. Onna Young’s 2020 Bio “ Onna Young, an innovative e-entrepreneur, life-coach, and author…“ “ In 2009, Onna created her first philanthropic organization, became a consumer advocate and lecturer to teach good credit practices, launched a national financial curriculum for schools, wrote her series of Daddy and Me children’s books and through e-entrepreneurship achieved her goal of 1M in net income.” ” She was CEO of Cold Calling 2.0, a PebbleStorm partner, founded the Idea Factory, Literacy Lab, Passion Projects, Think Forward, Foodies, Dream Dates, The Man Code, Manonymous, Baby Steps, and an E-book publishing house...”
  • 65. The fun we’ll have, today! News from the Sandbox Learnin’s Practices (a Toybox) Vision Blueprint Next Babysteps With sharing throughout!
  • 66. Babysteps Should Be babysteps It is impossible for them to be too small What can you do in a few minutes?
  • 67. People Enjoy Helping – Ask For It! Make it easy for them to help (help them help you)
  • 68. “ Keep It Simple” In The Sandbox Craft a “Vision Blueprint” to post on your wiki profile by May 1 & k eep p l a y i n g with babysteps in: Unique Genius practices Worksheet, writing, team sharing… Winning Enjoyment Points / Fun 101 Asking for help! Next webinar on “Play”: May 13 th , 6p PST