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YMCA Awards
Principles of Exercise, Fitness and Health


By the end of this unit you will be able to:
•  Understand the relationship between health and physical activity
•  Describe the aspects of total fitness
•  Name the five components of physical fitness
•  Explain the factors that affect health, physical fitness and training
•  Understand all aspects of cardiovascular fitness with particular reference
to the aerobic heart rate training zone model
•  Define the terms: muscular strength, muscular endurance and
understand aspects of training for muscular strength and endurance
•  Explain the terms: flexibility, static flexibility, ballistic flexibility and
developmental stretching
•  Define the term motor fitness and understand aspects of training motor
•  Explain adaptations for special populations for the components of
physical fitness
•  Explain basic nutritional guidelines for exercise and health


Unit 3 (Principles of Exercise, Fitness and Health)
will be assessed by an externally set and assessed
written test.
The test will be:
• Externally set and assessed (by YMCA Awards)
• Multiple choice questions
• 40 questions (70% pass mark - 28 marks required)
• Time allocation 60 minutes


Health & Fitness
L2 Principles of Exercise Fitness and Health


•  According to the World Health Organisation,
health is a state of complete physical, mental
and social well being; not merely the absence of
disease or infirmity (WHO, 1946)
Defining Health and Fitness


•  The term ‘fitness’ refers to the ability to meet the
demands of life safely and effectively, without
exhaustion or undue stress. Fitness is a multi-
dimensional concept and the level of fitness in
one area can influence other aspects of ‘total
health’ including: emotional & mental, social,
medical, nutritional, spiritual and physical
Defining Health and Fitness


•  Physical activity is defined as any bodily
movement produced by skeletal muscles that
require energy expenditure. Physical inactivity is
an independent risk factor for chronic disease
and is estimated to cause 1.9 million deaths
Defining Health and Fitness


•  Health related fitness is the capacity to combine
all aspects of fitness to facilitate positive health
and maintain optimal quality of life
•  This is often referred to as ‘total fitness’
Health related Fitness


•  Physical fitness is unique among the
components of ‘whole health’ as it is accepted
that physical fitness can have a beneficial impact
on ALL other aspects ‘total fitness’
Health related Fitness


Relationship between Total Fitness &
Physical Fitness


•  Emotional and mental – well being, the ability
to think clearly an constructively
•  Social – ability to interact, communicate and
form relationships with others
•  Medical – state of health and absence of
•  Nutritional – eating a well balanced diet
The Components of Total Fitness


•  Spiritual – attitude, honoring ones own and
others human values
•  Physical – a combination of attributes that
allows you to function effectively, to enjoy leisure
and cope with emergencies
The Components of Total Fitness


•  Flexibility - the ability of a joint or joint complex
to work to its full range of movement
•  Motor skills - the ability to perform a range of
skills such as balance, coordination, speed,
agility, power and reaction time
The Components of Physical Fitness


The Components of Physical Fitness
•  Cardiovascular fitness - the ability of the heart
and lungs to take in, transport and utilise oxygen
•  Muscular strength - the ability of a muscle or
group of muscles to use maximum force
•  Muscular endurance - the ability of a muscle or
muscle group to perform continual repetitions


Health, physical fitness and training potential are
determined by several variables including:
•  Genetic Factors
– Heredity
– Body type (ectomorph, mesomorph and
•  Gender
•  Age
Factors Influencing Health and Fitness


•  Lifestyle factors:
– Everyday activity
– Health status
– Lifestyle habits
– Diet
Factors Influencing Health and Fitness


Regular physical activity is one of the most
important things that you can do for your health.
According to the WHO, at least 30 minutes of
regular, moderate-intensity physical activity on
most days can help:
•  Decrease the risk of coronary heart disease
•  Decrease the risk of some cancers
•  Normalise blood pressure
•  Decrease high cholesterol
Health and Regular Physical Activity


•  Promote bone density to protect against
osteoporosis and falls in older age
•  Decrease the risk of type 2 diabetes
•  Reduce the risks of developing some types of
•  Promote healthy growth in children
Health and Regular Physical Activity


•  Weight management
•  Improve confidence and wellbeing
•  Strengthen bones, joints and muscles to improve
joint stability and posture
•  Decreasing the risk of injury
Health and Regular Physical Activity


Exercise Prescription for Health
•  Chief Medical Officer and Department of Health
`Start Active and Stay Active` report guidelines:
•  Under fives – 180 min per day
•  Children and young adults – 60 min and up to
several hours per day
•  Adults 19-64 and older – 150 minutes each
week of moderate to vigorous intensity physical


Despite growing awareness of the benefits many
people struggle to start or to maintain an effective
long term exercise habit. Common barriers
• Physical
• Physiological
• Financial
• Time
• Motivational
Barriers to Fitness and Exercise


•  Total fitness is a multi dimensional concept that
includes various fitness aspects
• Regular physical activity is beneficial to health
•  Physical fitness has five components and is
affected by several factors
•  Common barriers can influence an individuals
participation in regular exercise
Key Points


Principles of Training
L2 Principles of Exercise Fitness and Health


Training is a slow and subtle process that should lead
to improved performance resulting from planned
physiological and psychological changes.
Programming considerations include:
• Overload principle
• Progressive principle
- Repetitions, resistance, rate, rest, complexity
• Specificity principle
- Specific adaptations to imposed demands (SAID)
Principles of Training


•  Overload
•  Specificity
•  Reversibility principle
•  Adaptability
•  Recovery time
•  Plateau
•  Regression
Principles of Training


What happens to the body during training?
The following short term responses take place:
•  Activity of the nervous system increases
•  Heart rate, blood flow, oxygen uptake, cardiac
output and stroke volume increase
•  Blood vessels dilate
•  Concentration of CO2 rises in the blood leading
to increased breathing rate
•  Muscle and core body temperature rises
Short Term Effects of Training


•  Levels of lactic acid rise
•  Blood pressure increases
•  Joints become more mobile
Once training stops, the body returns to its normal
resting state. However, this process must be
gradual to avoid blood pooling
Short Term Effects of Training


Blood Pooling
•  If exercise stops suddenly the blood and waste
products stay in the muscle
•  Blood pooling can be avoided by incorporating
an effective cool down whereby the intensity is
reduced slowly
Principles of Training


Applying the FITT principle to achieve overload
•  Frequency – the number of sessions in a given
period (how often)
•  Intensity – the level of work performed during an
activity session (how hard)
•  Time – the duration of a given session (how
•  Type – the choice of activity. For example,
running, weight training, stretching etc.
Principles of Training


Regular exercise has a positive impact on the
skeletal system as well as the muscles
Regular weight bearing exercise has been shown
to have the following benefits:
Short term
•  Increased ROM
•  Increased secretion of synovial fluid
•  Improved shock absorption
Exercise and the Skeletal System


Long term
•  Increased bone density
•  Decreased risk of osteoporosis
•  Improved joint stability
•  Increased joint mobility
•  Stronger connective tissue
•  Improved ROM
•  Improved posture
•  Improved coordination and balance
•  Decreased risk of injury
Exercise and the Skeletal System


A balanced exercise programme can improve
posture. Benefits of improved posture include:
•  Improved functional performance
•  Reduced risk of injury
•  Elevated self esteem
Discuss postural focused exercises within:
•  Muscular strength
•  Muscular endurance
•  Flexibility
•  Core stability
Exercise and Improved Posture


•  Potentially negative impact on posture
•  Increased muscular strength (and control)
required to maintain posture at speed
•  Speed can be used to increase or decrease
•  Not always the most appropriate method of
increasing exercise intensity
Speed and its Impact on Exercise


•  The principles of training are overload,
specificity, adaptability, individuality, recovery
time and plateau
•  Overload is applied using the FITT principle
•  Modifications, progressions and adaptations are
required to meet individual needs
•  And effective cool down will ensure that safely
the body returns to normal
Key Points


Cardiovascular Fitness
L2 Principles of Exercise Fitness and Health


•  Cardiovascular fitness is often referred to as
stamina, endurance, cardio-respiratory fitness
(heart and lungs) or aerobic fitness. All these
terms essentially refer to ‘the ability to take
in,transport and utilise oxygen`
Cardiovascular Fitness


•  Cardiovascular exercise can be defined as
– Rhythmic in nature
– Continuous
– Uses large muscle group
– Under low to moderate tension
– Over an extended period of time
– Frequently referred to as ‘aerobic exercise’.
Cardiovascular Exercise


Guidelines for CV Training
Frequency 3-­‐5	
Intensity Moderate	
Type Rhythmic	


Physical Exercise and the Heart
•  The heart is a muscle (specifically cardiac
•  Improves in response to overload
•  HR is very individual
•  Not necessarily an indication of CV fitness (heart
•  Resting HR will be lower in response to regular
and progressive CV training
•  Massive health benefits in reduced risk of CHD


Heart Rate Training Zones
Aerobic HR training zone
•  50% - 100% maximum HR
•  Partly genetic but always affected by age


We use four key aerobic HR training zones
•  Moderate aerobic zone - 50%+ MaxHR, mainly for
untrained sedentary individuals & realistic first step to
•  The fitness zone - 60%-70% MaxHR, ‘Fat burning’ –
suitable for most individuals & next step in intensity
•  The performance zone - 70%-80% MaxHR, for
improvements in CV fitness `aerobic training zone`
•  Performance anaerobic zone - 80%-90% MaxHR, for
very well trained individuals, to increase speed, pace
and performance
Heart Rate Training Zones


•  HR changes in response to exercise
– Heart size, stroke volume, HR, oxygen uptake
(V02 MAX)
•  HR is a valid measure of both:
– Exercise intensity
– CV performance progression (fitness)
•  HR affected by a number of factors (medication,
pregnancy, etc)
Exercise Intensity


A quick and simple method for measuring exercise
intensity for aerobic work is to use heart rate
•  Heart rate (HR) – beats per minute
– Resting HR
– Maximum HR – Age adjusted prediction (220
– age)
Monitoring Exercise Intensity


•  Effective alternative methods of measuring
– RPE 6–20 Borg scale
– RPE Borg CR 10 scale
– Talk test
– Observation
Measuring Exercise Intensity


Exercise Intensity
The 6 – 20 Borg scale


Exercise Intensity
The CR 1-10 scale


Short term effects of CV activity (during exercise):
•  Heart rate, blood flow, oxygen uptake, cardiac
output and stroke volume all increase
•  Blood vessels dilate
•  Concentration of CO2 in the blood increases and
thereby breathing rate
•  Muscle temperature and overall core body
temperature increase
•  Levels of lactic acid in the blood rise
Benefits of CV Training


Longer term effects of CV training (health & fitness):
•  The lungs (increased capacity – utilisation rather
than size)
•  The blood (increased transport – blood volume and
red blood cells)
•  The heart (increased cardiac output – larger and
stronger heart muscle)
•  Blood capillaries (increased number – increased
Benefits of CV Training


•  Blood pressure (reduced/normalised)
•  The muscles (increased mitochondria – better
oxygen utilisation)
•  The bones (improved density – dependant on
weight baring activity)
•  Blood fat profile (LDL and HDL profile changes)
•  Blood pooling (increased blood supply to
working muscles – cool down
Benefits of CV Training


•  Children
– Need to work harder than adults to meet
oxygen requirements
– Developing energy supply systems
– Interval or fartlek training more appropriate
•  Pregnancy
– Low to moderate intensity – maintain blood
flow to foetus
– Overheating and breathlessness
– Talk test rather than HR monitoring
CV Training for Special Populations


•  Ageing
– Fatigue, lactic acid tolerance and recovery
– Age related increased BP, dizziness and blood
– Rib cage flexibility and breathing rate (oxygen
– Bones and joints – may need to avoid
prolonged high impact exercise)
CV Training for Special Populations


•  Disability
– Exercise options may be limited by disability
– Fitness level may be low due to disability
related inactivity
– Consider exercise options carefully and seek
professional advice
CV Training for Special Populations


•  CV fitness refers to the body's ability to take in,
transport and utilise oxygen
•  CV exercises are rhythmic, continuous using large
muscle groups under moderate tensions
•  Max Hr can be estimated by using the formula 220
minus age
•  There are four heart rate training zones
•  Heart rate during exercise can me monitored by
several methods
•  CV can provide protection against CHD and provide
health benefits
Key Points


Muscular Strength and
L2 Principles of Exercise Fitness and


Muscular Strength
`The Maximal tension or force that is produced by a
muscle or muscle group`
Very high resistance x low repetitions
75% (or above) of 1RM x low repetitions
(1-10 reps)
Muscular Strength


Muscular Endurance
`The ability of a muscle, or muscle group, to exert
sub-maximal forces against a resistance over an
extended period of time`
Low to moderate intensity x high repetitions
40% – 60% of 1RM x high repetitions
(15-25 reps)
Muscular Endurance


Power is defined as:
Force x Speed
Muscular Power


The Muscular Strength and Endurance
Strength Strength/endurance Endurance
Heavy resistance Heavy/moderate
Moderate resistance
PC energy system PC/LA energy
LA/O2 energy
1-8 repetitions 8-12 repetitions 12-25 + repetitions
Fast twitch muscle
Mix of fibre types Slow twitch muscle
The strength and endurance continuum


Guidelines for Improving Muscular Fitness
ACSM guidelines for improving muscular fitness
Frequency 2-3 times per week with 48 hours separating the
training sessions
Intensity 2-4 sets of 8-12 repetitions, with a rest interval of
2-4 minutes between sets. For older adults and
the deconditioned, 1 or more sets of 10-15
Time Relative to the number of exercises and sets/reps
Type Whole-body, multi joint exercises for the major
muscle groups
Free weights, resistance machines, body weight


Long Term Effects of MSE Training
Long-term moderate levels of CV fitness can
•  The heart
•  The lungs
•  Circulation
•  Blood
•  Blood pressure
•  The skeleton
•  The muscles


•  Stress on connective tissue (micro tears)
•  Muscle stiffness/pain 12-72 hours after exercise
– Risk for new clients (untrained) or following
change of exercise routine
•  Eccentric training
– 30-40% more resistance capacity than
concentric phase
– Higher level of muscle damage (micro tears)
– Not suitable for de-trained clients
Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness


•  Weight bearing exercise for children is an
important feature of development
•  Appropriate repetitions and resistance stimulate
bone growth
•  High intensity strength training may damage
bone and the growth plates
•  Muscle growth does not keep up with bone
growth in developing children
Contraindicated Exercises for
Special Populations


•  The hormone relaxin effects joint stability, especially
those in the pelvis
•  Changing body shape and lax ligaments lead to postural
•  A supine lying position should be avoided after the first
trimester due to the restriction of blood return to the heart
and the pressure on internal organs.
•  Relaxin may remain in the system up to five months after
Contraindicated Exercises for
Special Populations


•  Decreasing metabolic rate (muscle atrophy
•  Regular resistance training preserves muscle
•  Regular muscular fitness training reduces the
risk of osteoporosis and bone fractures in later
life and can reduce the frequency and severity of
falls and fractures.
Contraindicated Exercises for
Special Populations


•  Exercise limitations specific to disability
•  Muscles may be de-conditioned or atrophied due
to disability related inactivity
•  Consider exercise options carefully and seek
professional advice
Contraindicated Exercises for
Special Populations


•  MSE can be achieved by using a range of repetitions and
•  There are a range of adaptations to strength and
endurance training
•  DOMs describes the micro tears in the tissues associated
with very high intensity training
•  Body weight can be adapted for strength and endurance
by lever length and body position
•  ACSM provide guidelines for improving muscular fitness
•  The benefits of MSE training contribute to health,
improved lifestyle, self-image and ease of daily activities
Key Points


L2 Principles of Exercise Fitness and Health


Flexibility is a measure of the maximum range of
movement (ROM) possible around a joint or joints
•  Age related awareness of flexibility
•  Under rated and under practiced component of
physical fitness
•  There are many health related benefits to
maintaining good flexibility


•  Static
– Passive
– Active
•  Dynamic
•  Ballistic
•  PNF
Types of Stretching


During warm up
•  Short (preparatory) stretching – static or dynamic
During cool down/specific stretch sessions
•  Maintenance stretching
•  Developmental stretching
When to Stretch


Factors affecting flexibility
•  The structure of the joint
•  Ligaments and tendons
•  Opposing tissue bulk (muscle or fat tissue)
•  Muscle and its connective tissues
•  Gender
•  Age
•  Time of day
•  Temperature
Factors Affecting Flexibility


Guidelines to Flexibility
ACSM guidelines for stretching
Frequency Minimum of 2-3 times per week
Intensity 3-4 reps per muscle group to the end of the range of
movement, without inducing discomfort
Time 15-60 seconds for static. A 6 minute contraction
followed by a 10-30 second assisted stretch for PNF
Type Static, dynamic or PNF (ballistic may be considered
for persons who sporting activities involve ballistic


•  Quality of life
•  Improved sports performance
•  Improved posture
•  Stress management
Benefits of Flexibility Training


•  Stretch with care
•  Soft joints and growth spurts
•  Increased ability to achieve a greater ROM
•  Stretch with care
•  Short stretches only
•  Avoid developmental stretching
Flexibility Training for Special


•  Increased muscle ‘stiffness’
•  Decreasing stretch potential
•  Heat loss
Flexibility Training for Special


•  Exercise options may be limited due to disability
•  ROM may be limited due to disability related
•  Consider exercise options carefully and seek
professional advice
Flexibility Training for Special Populations


Key Points
•  Flexibility is the ROM around a joint and is
specific to each joint
•  There are several different types of stretching
•  Short stretches are performed in the warm up,
maintenance and developmental stretching in
the cool down
•  Benefits to improve flexibility include
improvements in quality of life, sporting
performance, posture and prevention of chronic
back pain


Motor Skills
L2 Principles of Exercise Fitness and


Components of motor fitness
•  Speed
•  Agility
•  Balance
•  Coordination
•  Power
•  Reaction time
Motor Fitness (Skill)


•  Kinaesthetic (spatial) awareness
•  Links between the central and peripheral
nervous systems
•  Every day activities
•  Sporting performance
•  Reduced risk of injury
The Importance of Motor Fitness


Skill development can be affected by a number
of factors including:
•  Previous skill/experience
•  Kinaesthetic awareness
•  Genetic factors
•  Lifestyle factors
Principles of Motor Fitness Training


Skill development and the learning process:
•  Individuals need both time and practice to develop new
specific skills
•  Managing your body weight, maneuvering centre of
gravity, coordinating body movements, moving at different
speeds, in different directions and at different intensities,
will in the long term help to improve your motor skills.
•  There are three main stages of learning when training
motor skills
Principles of Motor Fitness Training


Three main stages of the motor skills learning
•  Cognitive
•  Motor (associative)
•  Automatic (autonomous)
Principles of Motor Fitness Training


Working with young people (age 14–16 years)
•  Muscle growth does not keep up with bone growth
•  Very high intensity training should be avoided
•  Weight bearing is an important feature of their
Motor Skills Training for Special


Exercises to avoid:
•  Prolonged high intensity (anaerobic training)
•  High resistance training
Exercises to include:
•  Interval type training (reduce the impact and intensity
between efforts)
•  Body weight exercises incorporating gravity and lever
length as resistance
•  Functional activities such as pulling and pushing
•  Activities to develop motor skills
Working with Young People


Ante Post Natal
•  The hormone relaxin affects joint stability
(especially in the pelvis) therefore greater risk of
•  Time scales for release and withdrawal of relaxin
should be considered
•  Changes in body shape leads to postural changes
in gravity
Motor Skills Training for Special


Exercises to avoid:
•  Supine position exercises after the first trimester
•  Developmental, PNF or ballistic stretching
•  High impact exercises
Exercise to include:
•  Interval type exercises
•  Maintenance stretches e.g. static stretches
•  Core stability exercises
•  Balance exercises
Working with Ante Post Natal Clients


•  Metabolic rate tends to decrease
•  Loss of muscle tissue
•  Loss of bone density
•  Increased susceptibility to falls
Motor Skills Training for Special


Safety guidelines as defined by the National
Occupational Standards for older people include:
Exercises to avoid:
•  High impact. Prone/flexion activities. Complex
Working with Ageing Clients (50+)


Exercises to include:
•  Back extension (in particular thoracic extension)
to improve posture
•  Interval type activities which allows for rest
between harder bouts of activity
•  Functional activities to assist in everyday tasks
•  Multijoint/compound type activities
•  Balance activities
•  Core stability activities
Working with Ageing Clients (50+)


•  Specific disability related limitations specific to their
•  Poor motor skills resulting from disability or
disability related inactivity
•  Consider exercise options carefully and seek
professional advice
Motor Skills Training for Special


Key Points
•  Motor fitness refers to the skill-related elements of
fitness agility
•  Motor fitness is essential for everyday life, sporting
activities and specific exercises
•  To develop motor fitness skills need to be broken
down into a logical learning process


General Considerations for
Special Populations
L2 Principles of Exercise Fitness and Health


Working with young people (age 14–16 years)
•  A sedentary lifestyle in young people can have
negative health consequences both now and
later in their life
•  An obese child has an 80% chance of growing
up to be an obese adult
•  Possibly due to unhealthy lifestyle choices and
learned behaviours from their parents
Young People


A young person who is active will have:
•  Stronger muscles and bones
•  A leaner body, controlled body fat and be less
likely to become overweight
•  A decreased risk of developing type 2 diabetes
•  Possibly lower blood pressure and blood
cholesterol levels
•  Be more confident and have a better outlook on
Young People


Working with antenatal and post natal clients
•  Exercise plays an important role in promoting health and
well being before, during and after pregnancy
•  Women who exercise during pregnancy have reduced
weight gain, more rapid weight loss after delivery,
improved mood and improved sleep patterns
•  Women who exercise regularly during pregnancy may
have less incidence of induction, faster labours, are less
likely to require epidural analgesia, have fewer operative
births and a quicker recovery from delivery
Ante Post Natal


•  Pregnancy is a highly complex physiological process and
precautions are needed to ensure that exercise does not
contribute to any complications.
•  After birth, most of the physiological changes persist for
4–6 weeks, therefore gradual introduction of pre-
pregnancy exercise should be based on capability
Ante Post Natal


•  The advancement of age is something that happens to
us all
•  People are commonly living well into their 80s
•  Increased need to be physically fit to enable individuals
to be independent and enjoy life
Older People


Age should not be a barrier to exercise, regular physical
activity can:
•  Stimulate physical and mental health
•  Increase mobility and independence
•  Improve stamina, strength, posture, coordination and
reduce the risk of falls
•  Reduce the risks of osteoporosis and fractures
•  Help to overcome loneliness and isolation
•  Assist in reducing anxiety and depression and promote a
sense of well-being
Older People


•  Over 10 million disabled people in the UK
•  Only 7% are sufficiently physically active for
disease prevention
•  Appropriate levels of physical activity is known to
reduce the incidence of certain chronic diseases
by as much as 50%


•  Disabled people may realise greater benefits
from keeping physically active as it can help to
reduce, manage or even reverse some
•  Exercise with care. Seek expert advice. Work
within your knowledge and qualifications
•  Individuals with hearing or sight impairment can
easily be integrated within a regular training


Key Points
•  Due to physiological differences in special
populations, specialist training is required
•  For the apparently healthy, simple adaptations to
mainstream sessions can be made
•  Working with specialist populations can be
rewarding and fun for the instructor and
potentially life-changing for the client


L2 Principles of Exercise Fitness and Health


•  The NHS Live Well website recommends the following
guidelines using the eatwell plate.
•  The eatwell plate is a visual representation of how different
foods contribute towards a healthy balanced diet
•  The size of the segments for each of the food groups is
consistent with government recommendations for a diet that
would provide all the nutrients required for a healthy adult or
child (over the age of two).
Recommendations for a
Healthy Diet


The eatwell plate is based on the five food
•  Bread, rice, potatoes, pasta and other starchy
•  Fruit and vegetables
•  Milk and dairy foods
•  Meat, fish, eggs, beans and other non-dairy
sources of protein
•  Foods and drinks high in fat and/or sugar
The Eatwell Plate


The eatwell Plate


•  The body needs fuel to provide energy for all
organs and cells to be able to do their job
•  These fuels are provided in the form of the
following macronutrients:
Key Nutrients


Carbohydrates in the food we eat come in two
different forms:
•  Simple carbohydrates
– naturally occurring sugars found in fruits and
•  Complex carbohydrates
– starches found in plants, particularly grains,
seeds and root vegetables like potatoes


Dietary fats are complex organic substances that
are not soluble in water
There are two basic types of fat; saturated and


Vitamins and minerals
•  Vitamins – to enable us to effectively use the energy
from the macronutrients
–  Vitamins A, D, E & K are fat soluble
•  Minerals for a range of very specific tasks
Deficiencies in vitamins and minerals can lead to anaemia,
reduced bone mineral density/osteoporosis, digestive
disorders such as constipation and diarrhoea, reduced
muscle mass, weight loss/gain and deficiencies in essential
fatty acids.


•  The body also needs fibre, which is a form of
carbohydrate that is found in plant cell walls.
•  Fibre is essential for optimum function of the
digestive system


•  Water provides the right conditions for all other
•  Approximately 65% of adult body weight is made
up of water
•  We can survive for a number of weeks without
food, but four to five days without water
•  Lost water MUST be replaced


Water is lost from our bodies in a number of ways:
•  urine and faeces
•  evaporation from the skin as sweat
•  Expired breath
•  Even without moving around we lose 2–2.5 litres
of water per day via these routes


•  Approximately 50% can be replaced from the
food we eat
•  An inactive person needs to drink about six
glasses of fluid a day
•  A sportsperson or active trainer would need to
drink much more. Up to 4–5 litres per day. More
in hot environments


•  If you lose too much water from the body and it
is not replaced, the building of body tissues,
temperature regulation and metabolic rate are all
•  The resulting dehydration can lead to fatigue,
headaches, lack of concentration and
•  A loss of only 10% of your normal bodily
requirements can result in severe dehydration
that may be fatal


•  Carbohydrates - energy production
– Complex
– Simple
•  Fats - insulation, protection, vitamin transport &
energy production
– Saturated
– Unsaturated
The Dietary Role of Key Nutrients


•  Proteins - tissue growth & repair, oxygen
transport, cell function and fighting disease
•  Vitamins Minerals - multi functional with major
health benefits
•  Fibre - aids digestion
•  Water - required
The Dietary Role of Key Nutrients


Choosing a variety of foods from within each group
will add to the range of nutrients you consume.
Foods in the eatwell plate fifth group (foods and
drinks high in fat and/or sugar) are not essential to
a healthy diet
•  Eat predominantly complex carbohydrates
•  Five to seven portions of fruit and vegetables per
Healthy Eating Advice


•  Restrict intake of foods with a high sugar content
•  Eat less saturated fat and replace these with
mono-unsaturated and poly-unsaturated fats
•  Drink at least two litres of water per day
•  Reduce salt intake
•  Moderate intakes of protein, less protein from
animal sources
Healthy Eating Advice


•  The range of internal activities that take place in our bodies
is known as metabolism and the amount of energy that is
required at rest to drive metabolism is known as our `basal
metabolic rate` (BMR)
•  BMR is measured in calories
•  BMR will be different for each individual as it depends on:
- body weight
- body composition
- how active we are
Metabolism and Energy Balance


•  BMR is usually around 1,500 kcals (kilocalories) for an
average female and 2,000 kcals for an average male
•  BMR estimated by body weight (kgs) x 25
i.e. 65 kgs x 25 = BMR 1625 kcals (irrespective of gender)
Metabolism and Energy Balance


•  The body will remain the same weight when calorific
intake equals calorific expenditure
•  If intake exceeds output, the excess is stored as fat
•  If output exceeds input the result is weight loss
Energy in > energy out = weight gain
Energy in < energy out = weight loss
Energy in = energy out = weight maintenance
The Energy Balance Equation


•  To lose weight there must be a deficit
•  A deficit of 3,500 kcals is required to lose 1lb of
stored fat
•  This is best achieved through a combination of
increased physical activity and a reduction in
The Energy Balance Equation


There are many health risks associated with a poor
diet including:
•  Overweight (obesity) or underweight
•  Medical health issues including:
–  Hypertension
–  CHD
–  Bone and joint disorders
–  Diabetes
–  Some forms of cancer
•  Mental, emotional and social health issues
Health Risks of Poor Nutrition


•  Fitness instructors are limited in providing
information to clients without further training.
•  Stick to the guidelines as per the Food Standards
Agency and the eatwell plate
•  Seek professional expert advice
•  Pursue additional nutrition specific personal
Professional Boundaries and Nutritional


Key Points
•  Good quality foods of the correct quantity are
essential to health
•  The main food groups are carbohydrates, fats and
•  Vitamins, minerals, fiber and water are also
necessary for a variety of bodily processes
•  The energy balance equation explains why we gain,
loose or remain the same weight
•  A poor diet can lead to many health problems
•  Instructors are limited in providing nutritional
information without further training



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  • 2. YMCA Awards Principles of Exercise, Fitness and Health
  • 3. By the end of this unit you will be able to: •  Understand the relationship between health and physical activity •  Describe the aspects of total fitness •  Name the five components of physical fitness •  Explain the factors that affect health, physical fitness and training potential •  Understand all aspects of cardiovascular fitness with particular reference to the aerobic heart rate training zone model •  Define the terms: muscular strength, muscular endurance and understand aspects of training for muscular strength and endurance •  Explain the terms: flexibility, static flexibility, ballistic flexibility and developmental stretching •  Define the term motor fitness and understand aspects of training motor fitness •  Explain adaptations for special populations for the components of physical fitness •  Explain basic nutritional guidelines for exercise and health
  • 4. Unit 3 (Principles of Exercise, Fitness and Health) will be assessed by an externally set and assessed written test. The test will be: • Externally set and assessed (by YMCA Awards) • Multiple choice questions • 40 questions (70% pass mark - 28 marks required) • Time allocation 60 minutes Assessment
  • 5. Health & Fitness L2 Principles of Exercise Fitness and Health
  • 6. •  According to the World Health Organisation, health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well being; not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (WHO, 1946) Defining Health and Fitness
  • 7. •  The term ‘fitness’ refers to the ability to meet the demands of life safely and effectively, without exhaustion or undue stress. Fitness is a multi- dimensional concept and the level of fitness in one area can influence other aspects of ‘total health’ including: emotional & mental, social, medical, nutritional, spiritual and physical Defining Health and Fitness
  • 8. •  Physical activity is defined as any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that require energy expenditure. Physical inactivity is an independent risk factor for chronic disease and is estimated to cause 1.9 million deaths globally Defining Health and Fitness
  • 9. •  Health related fitness is the capacity to combine all aspects of fitness to facilitate positive health and maintain optimal quality of life •  This is often referred to as ‘total fitness’ Health related Fitness
  • 10. •  Physical fitness is unique among the components of ‘whole health’ as it is accepted that physical fitness can have a beneficial impact on ALL other aspects ‘total fitness’ Health related Fitness
  • 11. Relationship between Total Fitness & Physical Fitness
  • 12. •  Emotional and mental – well being, the ability to think clearly an constructively •  Social – ability to interact, communicate and form relationships with others •  Medical – state of health and absence of disease •  Nutritional – eating a well balanced diet The Components of Total Fitness
  • 13. •  Spiritual – attitude, honoring ones own and others human values •  Physical – a combination of attributes that allows you to function effectively, to enjoy leisure and cope with emergencies The Components of Total Fitness
  • 14. •  Flexibility - the ability of a joint or joint complex to work to its full range of movement •  Motor skills - the ability to perform a range of skills such as balance, coordination, speed, agility, power and reaction time The Components of Physical Fitness
  • 15. The Components of Physical Fitness •  Cardiovascular fitness - the ability of the heart and lungs to take in, transport and utilise oxygen •  Muscular strength - the ability of a muscle or group of muscles to use maximum force •  Muscular endurance - the ability of a muscle or muscle group to perform continual repetitions
  • 16. Health, physical fitness and training potential are determined by several variables including: •  Genetic Factors – Heredity – Body type (ectomorph, mesomorph and endomorph) •  Gender •  Age Factors Influencing Health and Fitness
  • 17. •  Lifestyle factors: – Everyday activity – Health status – Lifestyle habits – Diet Factors Influencing Health and Fitness
  • 18. Regular physical activity is one of the most important things that you can do for your health. According to the WHO, at least 30 minutes of regular, moderate-intensity physical activity on most days can help: •  Decrease the risk of coronary heart disease •  Decrease the risk of some cancers •  Normalise blood pressure •  Decrease high cholesterol Health and Regular Physical Activity
  • 19. •  Promote bone density to protect against osteoporosis and falls in older age •  Decrease the risk of type 2 diabetes •  Reduce the risks of developing some types of cancers •  Promote healthy growth in children Health and Regular Physical Activity
  • 20. •  Weight management •  Improve confidence and wellbeing •  Strengthen bones, joints and muscles to improve joint stability and posture •  Decreasing the risk of injury Health and Regular Physical Activity
  • 21. Exercise Prescription for Health •  Chief Medical Officer and Department of Health `Start Active and Stay Active` report guidelines: •  Under fives – 180 min per day •  Children and young adults – 60 min and up to several hours per day •  Adults 19-64 and older – 150 minutes each week of moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity http://www.bhfactive.org.uk/home/index.html
  • 22. Despite growing awareness of the benefits many people struggle to start or to maintain an effective long term exercise habit. Common barriers include: • Physical • Physiological • Financial • Time • Motivational Barriers to Fitness and Exercise
  • 23. •  Total fitness is a multi dimensional concept that includes various fitness aspects • Regular physical activity is beneficial to health •  Physical fitness has five components and is affected by several factors •  Common barriers can influence an individuals participation in regular exercise Key Points
  • 24. Principles of Training L2 Principles of Exercise Fitness and Health
  • 25. Training is a slow and subtle process that should lead to improved performance resulting from planned physiological and psychological changes. Programming considerations include: • Overload principle • Progressive principle - Repetitions, resistance, rate, rest, complexity • Specificity principle - Specific adaptations to imposed demands (SAID) Principles of Training
  • 26. •  Overload •  Specificity •  Reversibility principle •  Adaptability •  Recovery time •  Plateau •  Regression Principles of Training
  • 27. What happens to the body during training? The following short term responses take place: •  Activity of the nervous system increases •  Heart rate, blood flow, oxygen uptake, cardiac output and stroke volume increase •  Blood vessels dilate •  Concentration of CO2 rises in the blood leading to increased breathing rate •  Muscle and core body temperature rises Short Term Effects of Training
  • 28. •  Levels of lactic acid rise •  Blood pressure increases •  Joints become more mobile Once training stops, the body returns to its normal resting state. However, this process must be gradual to avoid blood pooling Short Term Effects of Training
  • 29. Blood Pooling •  If exercise stops suddenly the blood and waste products stay in the muscle •  Blood pooling can be avoided by incorporating an effective cool down whereby the intensity is reduced slowly Principles of Training
  • 30. Applying the FITT principle to achieve overload •  Frequency – the number of sessions in a given period (how often) •  Intensity – the level of work performed during an activity session (how hard) •  Time – the duration of a given session (how long) •  Type – the choice of activity. For example, running, weight training, stretching etc. Principles of Training
  • 31. Regular exercise has a positive impact on the skeletal system as well as the muscles Regular weight bearing exercise has been shown to have the following benefits: Short term •  Increased ROM •  Increased secretion of synovial fluid •  Improved shock absorption Exercise and the Skeletal System
  • 32. Long term •  Increased bone density •  Decreased risk of osteoporosis •  Improved joint stability •  Increased joint mobility •  Stronger connective tissue •  Improved ROM •  Improved posture •  Improved coordination and balance •  Decreased risk of injury Exercise and the Skeletal System
  • 33. A balanced exercise programme can improve posture. Benefits of improved posture include: •  Improved functional performance •  Reduced risk of injury •  Elevated self esteem Discuss postural focused exercises within: •  Muscular strength •  Muscular endurance •  Flexibility •  Core stability Exercise and Improved Posture
  • 34. •  Potentially negative impact on posture •  Increased muscular strength (and control) required to maintain posture at speed •  Speed can be used to increase or decrease intensity •  Not always the most appropriate method of increasing exercise intensity Speed and its Impact on Exercise
  • 35. •  The principles of training are overload, specificity, adaptability, individuality, recovery time and plateau •  Overload is applied using the FITT principle •  Modifications, progressions and adaptations are required to meet individual needs •  And effective cool down will ensure that safely the body returns to normal Key Points
  • 36. Cardiovascular Fitness L2 Principles of Exercise Fitness and Health
  • 37. •  Cardiovascular fitness is often referred to as stamina, endurance, cardio-respiratory fitness (heart and lungs) or aerobic fitness. All these terms essentially refer to ‘the ability to take in,transport and utilise oxygen` Cardiovascular Fitness
  • 38. •  Cardiovascular exercise can be defined as being: – Rhythmic in nature – Continuous – Uses large muscle group – Under low to moderate tension – Over an extended period of time – Frequently referred to as ‘aerobic exercise’. Cardiovascular Exercise
  • 39. Guidelines for CV Training ACSM  guidelines  to  achieve  and  maintain  cardiovascular  health  and  fitness   benefits Frequency 3-­‐5  days  per  week Intensity Moderate  and  vigorous   Time   Moderate  30  minutes  5  days  a  week  OR  vigorous  20-­‐25   minutes  3  days  a  week Type Rhythmic  aerobic  acGvity  that  involves  large  muscle  groups
  • 40. Physical Exercise and the Heart •  The heart is a muscle (specifically cardiac muscle) •  Improves in response to overload •  HR is very individual •  Not necessarily an indication of CV fitness (heart size) •  Resting HR will be lower in response to regular and progressive CV training •  Massive health benefits in reduced risk of CHD
  • 41. Heart Rate Training Zones Aerobic HR training zone •  50% - 100% maximum HR •  Partly genetic but always affected by age
  • 42. We use four key aerobic HR training zones •  Moderate aerobic zone - 50%+ MaxHR, mainly for untrained sedentary individuals & realistic first step to training •  The fitness zone - 60%-70% MaxHR, ‘Fat burning’ – suitable for most individuals & next step in intensity •  The performance zone - 70%-80% MaxHR, for improvements in CV fitness `aerobic training zone` •  Performance anaerobic zone - 80%-90% MaxHR, for very well trained individuals, to increase speed, pace and performance Heart Rate Training Zones
  • 43. •  HR changes in response to exercise – Heart size, stroke volume, HR, oxygen uptake (V02 MAX) •  HR is a valid measure of both: – Exercise intensity – CV performance progression (fitness) •  HR affected by a number of factors (medication, pregnancy, etc) Exercise Intensity
  • 44. A quick and simple method for measuring exercise intensity for aerobic work is to use heart rate •  Heart rate (HR) – beats per minute – Resting HR – Maximum HR – Age adjusted prediction (220 – age) Monitoring Exercise Intensity
  • 45. •  Effective alternative methods of measuring intensity: – RPE 6–20 Borg scale – RPE Borg CR 10 scale – Talk test – Observation Measuring Exercise Intensity
  • 46. Exercise Intensity The 6 – 20 Borg scale
  • 48. Short term effects of CV activity (during exercise): •  Heart rate, blood flow, oxygen uptake, cardiac output and stroke volume all increase •  Blood vessels dilate •  Concentration of CO2 in the blood increases and thereby breathing rate •  Muscle temperature and overall core body temperature increase •  Levels of lactic acid in the blood rise Benefits of CV Training
  • 49. Longer term effects of CV training (health & fitness): •  The lungs (increased capacity – utilisation rather than size) •  The blood (increased transport – blood volume and red blood cells) •  The heart (increased cardiac output – larger and stronger heart muscle) •  Blood capillaries (increased number – increased exchange) Benefits of CV Training
  • 50. •  Blood pressure (reduced/normalised) •  The muscles (increased mitochondria – better oxygen utilisation) •  The bones (improved density – dependant on weight baring activity) •  Blood fat profile (LDL and HDL profile changes) •  Blood pooling (increased blood supply to working muscles – cool down Benefits of CV Training
  • 51. •  Children – Need to work harder than adults to meet oxygen requirements – Developing energy supply systems – Interval or fartlek training more appropriate •  Pregnancy – Low to moderate intensity – maintain blood flow to foetus – Overheating and breathlessness – Talk test rather than HR monitoring CV Training for Special Populations
  • 52. •  Ageing – Fatigue, lactic acid tolerance and recovery – Age related increased BP, dizziness and blood re-distribution – Rib cage flexibility and breathing rate (oxygen exchange) – Bones and joints – may need to avoid prolonged high impact exercise) CV Training for Special Populations
  • 53. •  Disability – Exercise options may be limited by disability – Fitness level may be low due to disability related inactivity – Consider exercise options carefully and seek professional advice CV Training for Special Populations
  • 54. •  CV fitness refers to the body's ability to take in, transport and utilise oxygen •  CV exercises are rhythmic, continuous using large muscle groups under moderate tensions •  Max Hr can be estimated by using the formula 220 minus age •  There are four heart rate training zones •  Heart rate during exercise can me monitored by several methods •  CV can provide protection against CHD and provide health benefits Key Points
  • 55. Muscular Strength and Endurance L2 Principles of Exercise Fitness and Health
  • 56. Muscular Strength `The Maximal tension or force that is produced by a muscle or muscle group` Very high resistance x low repetitions 75% (or above) of 1RM x low repetitions (1-10 reps) Muscular Strength
  • 57. Muscular Endurance `The ability of a muscle, or muscle group, to exert sub-maximal forces against a resistance over an extended period of time` Low to moderate intensity x high repetitions 40% – 60% of 1RM x high repetitions (15-25 reps) Muscular Endurance
  • 58. Power is defined as: Force x Speed Muscular Power
  • 59. The Muscular Strength and Endurance Continuum Strength Strength/endurance Endurance Heavy resistance Heavy/moderate resistance Moderate resistance PC energy system PC/LA energy system LA/O2 energy system 1-8 repetitions 8-12 repetitions 12-25 + repetitions Fast twitch muscle fibres Mix of fibre types Slow twitch muscle fibres The strength and endurance continuum
  • 60. Guidelines for Improving Muscular Fitness ACSM guidelines for improving muscular fitness Frequency 2-3 times per week with 48 hours separating the training sessions Intensity 2-4 sets of 8-12 repetitions, with a rest interval of 2-4 minutes between sets. For older adults and the deconditioned, 1 or more sets of 10-15 repetitions Time Relative to the number of exercises and sets/reps Type Whole-body, multi joint exercises for the major muscle groups Free weights, resistance machines, body weight etc.
  • 61. Long Term Effects of MSE Training Long-term moderate levels of CV fitness can improve: •  The heart •  The lungs •  Circulation •  Blood •  Blood pressure •  The skeleton •  The muscles
  • 62. •  Stress on connective tissue (micro tears) •  Muscle stiffness/pain 12-72 hours after exercise – Risk for new clients (untrained) or following change of exercise routine •  Eccentric training – 30-40% more resistance capacity than concentric phase – Higher level of muscle damage (micro tears) – Not suitable for de-trained clients Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness
  • 63. Children •  Weight bearing exercise for children is an important feature of development •  Appropriate repetitions and resistance stimulate bone growth •  High intensity strength training may damage bone and the growth plates •  Muscle growth does not keep up with bone growth in developing children Contraindicated Exercises for Special Populations
  • 64. Pregnancy •  The hormone relaxin effects joint stability, especially those in the pelvis •  Changing body shape and lax ligaments lead to postural changes •  A supine lying position should be avoided after the first trimester due to the restriction of blood return to the heart and the pressure on internal organs. •  Relaxin may remain in the system up to five months after childbirth. Contraindicated Exercises for Special Populations
  • 65. Ageing •  Decreasing metabolic rate (muscle atrophy related) •  Regular resistance training preserves muscle mass •  Regular muscular fitness training reduces the risk of osteoporosis and bone fractures in later life and can reduce the frequency and severity of falls and fractures. Contraindicated Exercises for Special Populations
  • 66. Disability •  Exercise limitations specific to disability •  Muscles may be de-conditioned or atrophied due to disability related inactivity •  Consider exercise options carefully and seek professional advice Contraindicated Exercises for Special Populations
  • 67. •  MSE can be achieved by using a range of repetitions and resistance •  There are a range of adaptations to strength and endurance training •  DOMs describes the micro tears in the tissues associated with very high intensity training •  Body weight can be adapted for strength and endurance by lever length and body position •  ACSM provide guidelines for improving muscular fitness •  The benefits of MSE training contribute to health, improved lifestyle, self-image and ease of daily activities Key Points
  • 68. Flexibility L2 Principles of Exercise Fitness and Health
  • 69. Flexibility is a measure of the maximum range of movement (ROM) possible around a joint or joints •  Age related awareness of flexibility •  Under rated and under practiced component of physical fitness •  There are many health related benefits to maintaining good flexibility Flexibility
  • 70. •  Static – Passive – Active •  Dynamic •  Ballistic •  PNF Types of Stretching
  • 71. During warm up •  Short (preparatory) stretching – static or dynamic During cool down/specific stretch sessions •  Maintenance stretching •  Developmental stretching When to Stretch
  • 72. Factors affecting flexibility •  The structure of the joint •  Ligaments and tendons •  Opposing tissue bulk (muscle or fat tissue) •  Muscle and its connective tissues •  Gender •  Age •  Time of day •  Temperature Factors Affecting Flexibility
  • 73. Guidelines to Flexibility ACSM guidelines for stretching Frequency Minimum of 2-3 times per week Intensity 3-4 reps per muscle group to the end of the range of movement, without inducing discomfort Time 15-60 seconds for static. A 6 minute contraction followed by a 10-30 second assisted stretch for PNF techniques Type Static, dynamic or PNF (ballistic may be considered for persons who sporting activities involve ballistic movements
  • 74. •  Quality of life •  Improved sports performance •  Improved posture •  Stress management Benefits of Flexibility Training
  • 75. Children •  Stretch with care •  Soft joints and growth spurts Pregnancy •  Increased ability to achieve a greater ROM (Relaxin) •  Stretch with care •  Short stretches only •  Avoid developmental stretching Flexibility Training for Special Populations
  • 76. Ageing •  Increased muscle ‘stiffness’ •  Decreasing stretch potential •  Heat loss Flexibility Training for Special Populations
  • 77. Disability •  Exercise options may be limited due to disability •  ROM may be limited due to disability related inactivity •  Consider exercise options carefully and seek professional advice Flexibility Training for Special Populations
  • 78. Key Points •  Flexibility is the ROM around a joint and is specific to each joint •  There are several different types of stretching •  Short stretches are performed in the warm up, maintenance and developmental stretching in the cool down •  Benefits to improve flexibility include improvements in quality of life, sporting performance, posture and prevention of chronic back pain
  • 79. Motor Skills L2 Principles of Exercise Fitness and Health
  • 80. Components of motor fitness •  Speed •  Agility •  Balance •  Coordination •  Power •  Reaction time Motor Fitness (Skill)
  • 81. •  Kinaesthetic (spatial) awareness •  Links between the central and peripheral nervous systems •  Every day activities •  Sporting performance •  Reduced risk of injury The Importance of Motor Fitness
  • 82. Skill development can be affected by a number of factors including: •  Previous skill/experience •  Kinaesthetic awareness •  Genetic factors •  Lifestyle factors Principles of Motor Fitness Training
  • 83. Skill development and the learning process: •  Individuals need both time and practice to develop new specific skills •  Managing your body weight, maneuvering centre of gravity, coordinating body movements, moving at different speeds, in different directions and at different intensities, will in the long term help to improve your motor skills. •  There are three main stages of learning when training motor skills Principles of Motor Fitness Training
  • 84. Three main stages of the motor skills learning process: •  Cognitive •  Motor (associative) •  Automatic (autonomous) Principles of Motor Fitness Training
  • 85. Working with young people (age 14–16 years) •  Muscle growth does not keep up with bone growth •  Very high intensity training should be avoided •  Weight bearing is an important feature of their development Motor Skills Training for Special Populations
  • 86. Exercises to avoid: •  Prolonged high intensity (anaerobic training) •  High resistance training Exercises to include: •  Interval type training (reduce the impact and intensity between efforts) •  Body weight exercises incorporating gravity and lever length as resistance •  Functional activities such as pulling and pushing •  Activities to develop motor skills Working with Young People
  • 87. Ante Post Natal •  The hormone relaxin affects joint stability (especially in the pelvis) therefore greater risk of injury •  Time scales for release and withdrawal of relaxin should be considered •  Changes in body shape leads to postural changes in gravity Motor Skills Training for Special Populations
  • 88. Exercises to avoid: •  Supine position exercises after the first trimester •  Developmental, PNF or ballistic stretching •  High impact exercises Exercise to include: •  Interval type exercises •  Maintenance stretches e.g. static stretches •  Core stability exercises •  Balance exercises Working with Ante Post Natal Clients
  • 89. Ageing •  Metabolic rate tends to decrease •  Loss of muscle tissue •  Loss of bone density •  Increased susceptibility to falls Motor Skills Training for Special Populations
  • 90. Safety guidelines as defined by the National Occupational Standards for older people include: Exercises to avoid: •  High impact. Prone/flexion activities. Complex choreography Working with Ageing Clients (50+)
  • 91. Exercises to include: •  Back extension (in particular thoracic extension) to improve posture •  Interval type activities which allows for rest between harder bouts of activity •  Functional activities to assist in everyday tasks •  Multijoint/compound type activities •  Balance activities •  Core stability activities Working with Ageing Clients (50+)
  • 92. Disability •  Specific disability related limitations specific to their disability •  Poor motor skills resulting from disability or disability related inactivity •  Consider exercise options carefully and seek professional advice Motor Skills Training for Special Populations
  • 93. Key Points •  Motor fitness refers to the skill-related elements of fitness agility •  Motor fitness is essential for everyday life, sporting activities and specific exercises •  To develop motor fitness skills need to be broken down into a logical learning process
  • 94. General Considerations for Special Populations L2 Principles of Exercise Fitness and Health
  • 95. Working with young people (age 14–16 years) •  A sedentary lifestyle in young people can have negative health consequences both now and later in their life •  An obese child has an 80% chance of growing up to be an obese adult •  Possibly due to unhealthy lifestyle choices and learned behaviours from their parents Young People
  • 96. A young person who is active will have: •  Stronger muscles and bones •  A leaner body, controlled body fat and be less likely to become overweight •  A decreased risk of developing type 2 diabetes •  Possibly lower blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels •  Be more confident and have a better outlook on life Young People
  • 97. Working with antenatal and post natal clients •  Exercise plays an important role in promoting health and well being before, during and after pregnancy •  Women who exercise during pregnancy have reduced weight gain, more rapid weight loss after delivery, improved mood and improved sleep patterns •  Women who exercise regularly during pregnancy may have less incidence of induction, faster labours, are less likely to require epidural analgesia, have fewer operative births and a quicker recovery from delivery Ante Post Natal
  • 98. •  Pregnancy is a highly complex physiological process and precautions are needed to ensure that exercise does not contribute to any complications. •  After birth, most of the physiological changes persist for 4–6 weeks, therefore gradual introduction of pre- pregnancy exercise should be based on capability Ante Post Natal
  • 99. •  The advancement of age is something that happens to us all •  People are commonly living well into their 80s •  Increased need to be physically fit to enable individuals to be independent and enjoy life Older People
  • 100. Age should not be a barrier to exercise, regular physical activity can: •  Stimulate physical and mental health •  Increase mobility and independence •  Improve stamina, strength, posture, coordination and reduce the risk of falls •  Reduce the risks of osteoporosis and fractures •  Help to overcome loneliness and isolation •  Assist in reducing anxiety and depression and promote a sense of well-being Older People
  • 101. •  Over 10 million disabled people in the UK •  Only 7% are sufficiently physically active for disease prevention •  Appropriate levels of physical activity is known to reduce the incidence of certain chronic diseases by as much as 50% Disability
  • 102. •  Disabled people may realise greater benefits from keeping physically active as it can help to reduce, manage or even reverse some impairments •  Exercise with care. Seek expert advice. Work within your knowledge and qualifications •  Individuals with hearing or sight impairment can easily be integrated within a regular training environment Age
  • 103. Key Points •  Due to physiological differences in special populations, specialist training is required •  For the apparently healthy, simple adaptations to mainstream sessions can be made •  Working with specialist populations can be rewarding and fun for the instructor and potentially life-changing for the client
  • 104. Nutrition L2 Principles of Exercise Fitness and Health
  • 105. •  The NHS Live Well website recommends the following guidelines using the eatwell plate. •  The eatwell plate is a visual representation of how different foods contribute towards a healthy balanced diet •  The size of the segments for each of the food groups is consistent with government recommendations for a diet that would provide all the nutrients required for a healthy adult or child (over the age of two). Recommendations for a Healthy Diet
  • 106. The eatwell plate is based on the five food groups: •  Bread, rice, potatoes, pasta and other starchy foods •  Fruit and vegetables •  Milk and dairy foods •  Meat, fish, eggs, beans and other non-dairy sources of protein •  Foods and drinks high in fat and/or sugar The Eatwell Plate
  • 108. •  The body needs fuel to provide energy for all organs and cells to be able to do their job •  These fuels are provided in the form of the following macronutrients: Key Nutrients
  • 109. Carbohydrates in the food we eat come in two different forms: •  Simple carbohydrates – naturally occurring sugars found in fruits and milk •  Complex carbohydrates – starches found in plants, particularly grains, seeds and root vegetables like potatoes Carbohydrates
  • 110. Dietary fats are complex organic substances that are not soluble in water There are two basic types of fat; saturated and unsaturated: Fats
  • 111. Vitamins and minerals •  Vitamins – to enable us to effectively use the energy from the macronutrients –  Vitamins A, D, E & K are fat soluble •  Minerals for a range of very specific tasks Deficiencies in vitamins and minerals can lead to anaemia, reduced bone mineral density/osteoporosis, digestive disorders such as constipation and diarrhoea, reduced muscle mass, weight loss/gain and deficiencies in essential fatty acids. Micronutrients
  • 112. •  The body also needs fibre, which is a form of carbohydrate that is found in plant cell walls. •  Fibre is essential for optimum function of the digestive system Fibre
  • 113. Water •  Water provides the right conditions for all other functions •  Approximately 65% of adult body weight is made up of water •  We can survive for a number of weeks without food, but four to five days without water •  Lost water MUST be replaced Hydration
  • 114. Water is lost from our bodies in a number of ways: •  urine and faeces •  evaporation from the skin as sweat •  Expired breath •  Even without moving around we lose 2–2.5 litres of water per day via these routes Hydration
  • 115. •  Approximately 50% can be replaced from the food we eat •  An inactive person needs to drink about six glasses of fluid a day •  A sportsperson or active trainer would need to drink much more. Up to 4–5 litres per day. More in hot environments Hydration
  • 116. •  If you lose too much water from the body and it is not replaced, the building of body tissues, temperature regulation and metabolic rate are all affected •  The resulting dehydration can lead to fatigue, headaches, lack of concentration and constipation •  A loss of only 10% of your normal bodily requirements can result in severe dehydration that may be fatal Dehydration
  • 117. •  Carbohydrates - energy production – Complex – Simple •  Fats - insulation, protection, vitamin transport & energy production – Saturated – Unsaturated The Dietary Role of Key Nutrients
  • 118. •  Proteins - tissue growth & repair, oxygen transport, cell function and fighting disease •  Vitamins Minerals - multi functional with major health benefits •  Fibre - aids digestion •  Water - required The Dietary Role of Key Nutrients
  • 119. Choosing a variety of foods from within each group will add to the range of nutrients you consume. Foods in the eatwell plate fifth group (foods and drinks high in fat and/or sugar) are not essential to a healthy diet •  Eat predominantly complex carbohydrates •  Five to seven portions of fruit and vegetables per day Healthy Eating Advice
  • 120. •  Restrict intake of foods with a high sugar content •  Eat less saturated fat and replace these with mono-unsaturated and poly-unsaturated fats •  Drink at least two litres of water per day •  Reduce salt intake •  Moderate intakes of protein, less protein from animal sources Healthy Eating Advice
  • 121. •  The range of internal activities that take place in our bodies is known as metabolism and the amount of energy that is required at rest to drive metabolism is known as our `basal metabolic rate` (BMR) •  BMR is measured in calories •  BMR will be different for each individual as it depends on: - body weight - body composition - how active we are Metabolism and Energy Balance
  • 122. •  BMR is usually around 1,500 kcals (kilocalories) for an average female and 2,000 kcals for an average male •  BMR estimated by body weight (kgs) x 25 i.e. 65 kgs x 25 = BMR 1625 kcals (irrespective of gender) Metabolism and Energy Balance
  • 123. •  The body will remain the same weight when calorific intake equals calorific expenditure •  If intake exceeds output, the excess is stored as fat weight •  If output exceeds input the result is weight loss Energy in > energy out = weight gain Energy in < energy out = weight loss Energy in = energy out = weight maintenance The Energy Balance Equation
  • 124. •  To lose weight there must be a deficit •  A deficit of 3,500 kcals is required to lose 1lb of stored fat •  This is best achieved through a combination of increased physical activity and a reduction in calories The Energy Balance Equation
  • 125. There are many health risks associated with a poor diet including: •  Overweight (obesity) or underweight •  Medical health issues including: –  Hypertension –  CHD –  Bone and joint disorders –  Diabetes –  Some forms of cancer •  Mental, emotional and social health issues Health Risks of Poor Nutrition
  • 126. •  Fitness instructors are limited in providing information to clients without further training. •  Stick to the guidelines as per the Food Standards Agency and the eatwell plate •  Seek professional expert advice •  Pursue additional nutrition specific personal qualifications Professional Boundaries and Nutritional Advice
  • 127. Key Points •  Good quality foods of the correct quantity are essential to health •  The main food groups are carbohydrates, fats and protein •  Vitamins, minerals, fiber and water are also necessary for a variety of bodily processes •  The energy balance equation explains why we gain, loose or remain the same weight •  A poor diet can lead to many health problems •  Instructors are limited in providing nutritional information without further training