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Persuasive Essay: Websit
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Persuasive Essay: Websit Persuasive Essay: Websit
Two Types Of Riddles
Riddle A riddle is a statement or question or phrase having a double or veiled meaning, put forth as a
puzzle to be solved. Riddles are of two types: enigmas, which are problems generally expressed in
metaphorical or allegorical language that require ingenuity and careful thinking for their solution, and
conundra, which are questions relying for their effects on punning in either the question or the answer.
Archer Taylor says that we can probably say that riddling is a universal art and cites riddles from
hundreds of different cultures including Finnish, Hungarian, American Indian, Chinese, Russian,
Dutch and Filipino sources amongst many others.[1] In the assessment of Elli Köngas Maranda
(originally writing about Malaitian riddles, but ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Q.3.BrainTeasers: Which Word Does Not Belong? One of the four words does not belong with the
other three. Which Word Does Not Belong? What is it that the others have in common? 1. Carrots,
radishes, potatoes, cabbages 2. April, December, November, June 3. Cirrus, calculus, cumulus, stratus
4. Green, yellow, red, blue 5. Fork, comb, rake, shovel Answer: 1. Cabbage. The others are vegetables
that grow underground. 2. December. The other months have only 30 days. 3. Calculus. The others are
cloud types. 4. Green. Yellow, red and blue are primary colors, green is not. 5. Shovel. The others have
prongs. Q.4.Guess What I am? I am a Five letters Word. People eat me. If you remove first letter, I
will be a form of energy. If you remove my first two letters, I will be needed for living. If you remove
my first three letters, I will be near you. If you remove my first four letters, I will be drink for you.
Answer: Wheat Q.5.Guess Musical Instruments from below given Image. 1.HARMONIUM
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The Multi Store Model And The Working Memory Model
Memory is our ability to encode, store,retain and subsequently recall information and past experiences
in the human brain (Luke Mastin,2010). In this review I am going to focus on the multi store model
and the working memory model, which explain in detail how memory works.
The multi store model (MSM) of memory by Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968), explains that the memory
is made up of three different stores.These are: sensory memory (SM), short term memory(STM) and
long term memory(LTM). This model explains how each store works in terms of encoding, duration
and capacity.
The SM obtains the information from environmental stimuli through our five senses which are
touch,sight,smell,taste and sound. In SM the encoding is either visual,auditory or haptic; duration is ¼
to ½ seconds and the capacity is all sensory experience(McLeod S.A,2007). Attention is essential for
the information to transfer to the STM, otherwise it is lost through decay. The information in the STM
is mostly encoded acoustically. The diagram below shows us how the information is transferred from
one store to another.
According to Miller s Magic number 7 (1956) most adults can store from 5 to 9 items, therefore STM
is known to have a capacity of 7+/ 2 items and a duration of up to 18 seconds. The information in this
store can be lost through displacement which is replacing the old information with new ones or
forgetting it (decay). There are two types of rehearsals. Maintenance rehearsal is not effective
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Atypical Child and Adolescent Development
Atypical Child and Adolescent Development Fall 2011 Study Guide for Midterm Chapters 6, 7, 8, 9
Chapter 6 Conduct Disorder Be familiar with the following concepts and disorders: Differentiate
conduct disorder from oppositional defiant disorder in terms of age, symptoms, severity of symptoms,
age of onset, and prognosis. conduct disorder (childhood) will display one symptom before the age of
10, symptoms repetitive, persistent pattern of severe aggressive and antisocial acts: inflicting pain on
others, stealing vandalism. more aggressive symptoms. more likely in boys, can persist to antisocial
behavior over time. conduct disorder (adolescent) as likely in boys and in girls. no severity or
psychopathology of the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
catastrophic thinking. gets in the way of developing friendships, get in the way of academics. age of 7
or 8, common between boys and girls, sometimes seems to go away or diminish but is always there till
addressed. 1/3 of cases show fluctuation. how to address it do trial separations, before preschool and
babysitting. Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) can be in children and adolescents. it is about
worrying about EVERYTHING. significant worrying, causing problems in your life. There is a lot of
muscle tension, autonomic restricters worrying so much that when they are tested with brain measures
you can see that their left side is very active. only in GAD. nothing can stop their worries. 10 14 age, 3
6% prevalence, equal between boys and girls, higher in adolescent girls. Higher rate of clinical
depression in this group. about half of the adolescents will diminish the worrying part of it as they
grow older, medication is very helpful and self talk awareness. reinforcement of self talk. if there are
physical symptoms headaches, stomaches. They have sleep difficulties. Specific phobia it can be an
object or a situation. irrational fear of an object or a situation, that gets in the way of their life.
categories natural environment, blood injury, animals, situational, and other. kids naturally have a fear
of the dark, insects, 4 10% prevalence, peaks at age 10 13 when its the worst, if a parent has a fear
kids can pick it up. home life
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A Summary On ́
Las experiencias de salud y enfermedad humanas, constituyen un proceso que puede entenderse como
un continuum , donde la evolución del estado de la persona hacia el extremo de la enfermedad implica
una serie de prácticas de salud respaldadas por saberes y creencias culturales que en muchos casos
impiden, retrasan, sustituyen o continúan la atención sanitaria profesional establecida según el modelo
Biomédico. Hasta ese momento en que se inicia el contacto entre el individuo con necesidades de
salud y la institución sanitaria formal, proliferan y se desarrollan tanto los sistemas de cuidados
informales como los procesos de autoatención, ambos circunscritos al ámbito doméstico; para el
posterior mantenimiento de la vida, ambos resultan imprescindibles, pero a su vez, requieren cierto
maridaje con los cuidados profesionales. Cuando los procesos de salud‐enfermedad se instauran de
manera crónica en el tiempo, afectan a personas de edad avanzada y generan dependencia,
alcanzándose un estado de salud que apenas permite salir del domicilio o incluso moverse, vuelven a
cobrar gran relevancia todas las prácticas ligadas al cuidado y mantenimiento de la vida en el ámbito
doméstico. Los cuidados informales son, por tanto, uno de los aspectos en los que centraremos nuestra
atención debido a su importancia actual en una sociedad envejecida, con nuevas necesidades. Por otro
lado, el cuidado
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Sociological Concepts Of Impression Management
The sociological concept of Impression Management refers to the modifications we apply to our
Authentic Self. Meaning that the way we show ourselves to society might not always be our real self.
It is a construction of self with the purpose of controlling what other people think of us (DuBrin,
2011). The various Stages of our day to day life demand, or better said, suggest a slightly different
version of us in order to meet social standards, or perhaps impress a certain group of society. The term
Stage coined by sociologist Erving Goffman refers to everyday life situations in which we might
benefit from portraying ourselves in a certain manner. Some examples include school, work, being
with friends, family, and in public. All of these, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I do manage my emotional expression (Collet, 2012), by appearing calm even if something is
upsetting me. In my experience, this allows us to communicate calmly as a couple, avoid heated
arguments and harsh words that we may regret later. An example of emotional expression
management was during an argument with my husband. During the argument he continued to raise his
voice to the point where I felt it was necessary for me to raise mine which I very seldom do. So, I put
an angry face on I felt sad, not angry and told him: See? I can raise my voice too! Do you think that
should make my point of view right? Well, it doesn t make your point of view right either! There is no
reason we can t communicate in a civilized manner... And it worked! He was so shocked that I had
raised my voice, he was quiet for a while, he apologized and then we continued to speak. Now, I
cannot even recall what we were arguing about but I believe it was the last time he raised his voice to
me. Another situation in which I apply impression management is when he is working on a project
where he needs to put something together he is a self proclaimed mechanically challenged person. So,
in this case I use the technique of playing dumb, (Collett, 2012), only not necessarily with the
intention of ingratiating, but keeping the peace. The project often seems easy, but when I try to explain
it to him he becomes flustered,
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Career Goal
My career goal is to become a Recreational Therapist. Recreational therapist typical help those with
disabilities, illnesses, or injuries, whether children or adults. Through recreation based treatment
programs they help maintain or improve a patient s physical, social, and emotional well being.
According to the bereu of labor statistics employment of recreational therapists is projected to grow 13
percent from 2012 to 2022, about as fast as the average for all occupations. In order for me to become
a Recreational Therapist I have to meet certain requirements. I would also need my Associate in Arts
in Kinesiology. First i would have to complete at least 12 units here at Long Beach City College so
that i may transfer my credits from my previous college. In order to transfer to a 4 year university,
more specifically, california state university (CSU), i must complete 60 units to transfer. 30 of those
60 units need to follow CSU general education breadth requirements also known as Plan B. The other
half will be completed by taking the required courses for my degree, kinesiology. After i earn my AA
in kinesiology and transfer to a California state university i will have to complete a total 120 units,
which include the units that transfer, in order to obtain my bachelors degree in recreation. If i estimate
correctly i would only have to take 60, give or take, more units after transfer.
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Fuel Subsidies Literature Review
Literature Review Neellohit Datta (1315709)
Topic: The Effectiveness of Fuel Subsidies on Developing Economies
Black Gold is the other name for petroleum, the reason being, it is black when it is extracted, and
subsequently the byproducts such as petrol, diesel, LPG, propane and so on are as precious as gold. As
importing fuel for the less petroleum rich countries is costly, the government generally gives subsidies
to the residents of the nation, to make the byproducts more easily accessible. They are also used as an
attempt to avoid inflation in the economy and safeguard citizens from the price fluctuations in the
global energy markets.
The flipside is that the Fuel subsidies given by the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Walsh (May 2013): The Fiscal and Welfare Impacts of Reforming Fuel Subsidies in India URL:
Michael Plante (March 2013): The Long run Macroeconomic Impacts of Fuel Subsidies URL:
Javier Arze del Granado, David Coady, and Robert Gillingham (September 2010): The Unequal
Benefits of Fuel Subsidies: A Review of Evidence for Developing Countries URL:
Brendan Greely (March 2014): Why Fuel Subsidies in Developing Nations Are an Economic
Addiction URL: http://www.bloomberg.com/bw/articles/2014 03 13/why fuel subsidies in developing
nations are an economic addiction
Utpal Bhaskar (February 2015): Budget 2015: Petroleum subsidy slashed by half URL:
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Essay On Arts Integration
When I was working for Girls Rock Math a summer camp that incorporates arts activities as a method
of teaching math concepts with the intention to spark young girls interest, I noticed a significant
increase in the girls interest when arts activities were present compared to when it was just plain math.
The first and second graders in my class appeared to be much more excited about the subject and more
concentrated when the teacher was trying to explain the instructions. This discovery makes me
wondering about the influence of arts integration has on students learning. Defined by The John F.
Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, arts integration is an approach to teaching in which students
construct and demonstrate understanding through an art form. By integrating arts into core subjects
teaching, educators are allowing students to learn through the arts, with the arts or accompanied by art
lessons. In fact, arts education has been constantly associated with higher individual achievement.
Established in 2012, the No Child Left Behind Act confirms learning the arts as a core academic
subject that all school should incorporate. It puts arts on equal footing with the other core subjects and
paves the way for the arts to be recognized both as a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
One of reasons is educational budget cut due to previous years economic slowdown. The adverse
economic situation which requires redistribution of funds, accompanied by the sharpening focus by
national and state educational policy makers on core subjects achievements, directly impacts the
availability of arts programs at school. Unlike Japan, Netherlands, Hungary and other countries who
mandated the arts be integral parts of the standard curriculum and successfully infused them into their
educational institutions, the arts in the United States typically connected with those who are
particularly gifted in aesthetics
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Vending Machine Snacks
In a recent AOL poll, we asked our readers to tell us what their least favorite body parts were. The
overwhelming answer? My belly! But the concern over a flabby belly is more serious than simply not
looking good in a bathing suit. Researchers are finding that abdominal fat leads to higher risks of heart
disease, diabetes and even certain types of cancers.
We re all aware that lack of exercise and a diet of burgers and fries will cause our bellies to bloat and
expand, but who knew that those late nights at the office, the stress of that big project or the hidden
trans fats in our favorite vending machine snacks were adding dangerous inches to our midsections?
In a society where workaholics reign, Americans are more sleep deprived, stress ridden ... Show more
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The problems arise when certain factors, such as muscle mass and fat deposition, are not taken into
consideration. Because muscle is much denser than fat and takes up less space, two individuals of the
same height and weight could have the same BMI, even though one may have a significantly higher
percentage of body fat than the other.
Researchers now know that if most of your fat is in the tummy area, your health risks are greater than
if it resides in, say, the hips, thighs or rear (sometimes referred to as the apple versus pear theory.
Dr. Tobias Pischon, lead author of a recent study that focused on the correlation between abdominal
fat and colon cancer, stated in a Reuters Health report that this type of fat is more alarming. Belly fat
is metabolically active and could possibly increase colon cancer risk by raising levels of certain
hormones that affect cell growth, including the growth of cancer cells.
Consequently, waist to hip ratio (a measurement of waist size divided by hip size) is a more reliable
gauge of your risk factors for certain diseases, such as heart attacks. A ratio of above 0.85 for women
and above 0.90 for men is higher than average and typically indicates greater
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I Graduated High School May 9Th, 1997 And Just 2 Short
I graduated high school May 9th, 1997 and just 2 short days later I was arriving on the fabled yellow
footsteps of Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego. I was cocky when I arrived, ready to conquer this
next step of my life. In school I was a member of the Air Force JROTC in which I was at the top of the
food chain. I was the senior cadet in charge of all the rest of the cadets. I rolled into boot camp
thinking I was going to find instant gratification and achieve the same success. Shortly after my
platoon (Foxtrot 2101) was picked up by our platoon drill instructors each of us was individually
interviewed. I made the mistake of telling my senior drill instructor Sgt. Montgomery that I was a
better leader than I was a follower. I ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I was stationed with Pete three times in my career and I always saw him placing his members first and
that really resonated with me. It s easy to become complacent or overly comfortable and lose track of
the important things. I have realized that I need to spend more time walking around the shop spaces
among the crew and really ask them how they are doing. I need to ensure that I am listening to what
they are saying to me. It s important that I retain what I am hearing and act on what needs to be acted
on. I feel that if I can become a commonly seen and approachable person they will be comfortable
telling me what is going on and confidant in me to bring closure for them. The leaders that work for
me do an excellent job. I am very grateful to have such a strong Chief s Mess. We have been through a
lot the past few years. Our daily work schedules have been very dynamic recently. I see that it s
important that I dedicate time to circle back with my senior leaders and find out what has or has not
worked with our changes. I have seen it with my engineering officer, he was doing things that the
Chief s Mess took great exception too. It never occurred to him that he was cutting us out of these
important decisions. That was a perfect example of generating small wins. We gave the EO feedback,
let him know what he was doing, and he has become completely engaged with the mess. I have
learned from this course that
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Change Management Essay
Change Management
Change is not something to be taken lightly. This issue of change is one of the greatest challenges in
the workplace today (Fralix, P., 1998). One of the pitfalls of change within an organization is
employees fear of what change will bring. Will implementing new technologies destroy my job? Will I
be able to keep up with the changes in my organization? These are some of the questions that bring
about employee apprehension to changes in business. This very apprehension can determine the
success or the failure of change within that system. Yet change is inevitable. Much like the Darwinian
theory of survival, the company that can adapt with changes in emerging technologies will survive in
today s society. So how ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Since change is inevitable, ongoing process, these management levers must constantly be altered also
Even though this is not an altogether accurate definition from an instructional technology standpoint,
it does contain factors about change management. Most companies are concerned with aligning
themselves with their marketplace. Who hasn t seen a PetSmart or a KayBee s commercial where the
consumer may order his/her toys for either pet or human online. These corporations have aligned
themselves to their marketplace Ebusiness. Another factor in change management is the tools to
accomplish this smooth transition. Most companies will agree that one must look at strategy,
operations of the actual and the optimal systems, culture of the work environment, and incentives to
those who facilitate the smooth changes. Also change is an ongoing process, so management of that
change is also going to be an ongoing process. In order to prepare for change within the company, it is
important to identify any destabilizing forces that bring about change.
Change can be stimulated by three specific forces external and three specific internal forces to the
External Forces
Society Political/legal environment Technological developments
Internal Forces
Membership in professional associations New organizational
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Dislodged Cell Essay
Dislodged cells undergo a Special type of cell death named anoikis based on loss of cell matrix
interaction mediated by intrinsic and extrinsic apoptotic pathway. In intrinsic pathway after cell ECM
detachment, BH3 only proteins (Bim and Bid) stimulate Bax and Bak pro apoptotic proteins
oligomerization and pore creation in mitochondrial outer membrane. Because of these pores,
cytochrome C and SMAC/DIABLO proteins will be release from mitochondria into the cytosol.
Ultimately apoptosome complex formation induces executioner caspase activation and proteolysis.
Another involved route activate when extracellular death ligand such as FAS or TRAIL bind to their
receptors on the cell surface and launches downstream pathway. After ... Show more content on
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Also in oxidative stress, inducing ATG proteins expression through PERK (Protein kinase RNA like
endoplasmic reticulum kinase) activate canonical autophagy. DUE TO the activation of these proteins
autophagy begins, (and consequently or so) sustains the required energy of the cell. Another
temporary saving strategy in physiological condition is Provisional disengagement occurs during cell
migration. Cells take a different type of motility style in their transient displacement like
Mesenchymal and amoeboid movement. Motile cells with Mesenchymal form exhibit pro survival
signals activation. In amoeboid motile cells interaction with ECM does not require for movement and
survival and they suppress anoikis by using cytokine and growth factor instead of ECM proteins.
Acquisition of the Mesenchymal phenotype is functionally associated with the ability to overcome
anoikis /another process involved in anoikis resistance is EMT which is an essential feature that
allows epithelial cells participate in physiological process like embryogenesis. EMT in cancer cells /
also cancer cells acquire Mesenchymal feature which allow/permit them to overcome anoikis and
become motile and metastatic/in this process, cancer cells launch chain of event that enable them to
acquire Mesenchymal feature and overcome anoikis. During EMT cancer cell downregulate cell
adhesion molecules like E cadherin and γ catenin, and increase Mesenchymal associated markers such
as fibronectin and
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America Needs Prayer in Public Schools Essay
Not so long ago, a typical school day would begin with the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer. Today, a
simple prayer is considered offensive and unconstitutional. A prayer is meant to be a conversation
with God; a personal connection to a sovereign being of choice. I personally believe that prayer is
beneficial. Prayer calms my mind and gives me the chance to thank God for all of his blessings.
Granted, not everyone believes in the same God that I do. I believe most people would probably agree
that there is some form of higher power that everyone has to answer to. One of the things that I love
about being an American, are the freedoms that I have. I am free to worship the God I choose and to
pray at anytime or any place that I choose. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Little did they know their complaint against the school system would shock the country and set into
motion a new way of looking at what was a time honored tradition. After several failed attempts
through the various court systems in the state of New York, the case ended up going before the highest
court in the country, the United States Supreme Court. On June 25, 1962, the United States Supreme
Court voted 6 to 1 in favor of banning the Regents Prayer. The Justices considered the prayer a direct
contradiction to the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment which prohibits the government
from sponsoring or favoring any religion...prayer is a purely religious activity that should be left to the
people, not the government (Haas 48). The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment states:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise
thereof... (Irons 11). I believe that many people who read the First Amendment and the Establishment
Clause take it out of context. I agree that the government should not be allowed to establish one
religion, but I do not agree with the government interjecting and infringing upon my rights or my
children s rights to pray when and where they choose. Just look at the last part of the Establishment
Clause prohibiting the free exercise thereof... If my child chooses to pray at the
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Ford Motor Company With Insight Into The Organization...
Henry Ford was born in Michigan in 1863 and as a child, he demonstrated a fascination with
mechanical devices (Pittinger, 2009). He acquired employment with the Edison Illuminating Company
and became chief engineer. This provided him the opportunity to lay the foundation for the Model T
motorcar (introduced in 1908) because he accomplished work on the petrol drive quadricycle prior to
establishing the Ford Motor Company in 1903. During production, Ford saw a massive turnover rate,
which he wished to reduce, therefore, implemented an unprecedented wage increase. Additionally, he
revolutionized the production line process. Consequently, Ford became a leader throughout the
automobile industry. This paper the focus will be on the Ford motor company with insight into the
organization overview, management, and leadership to include vision and philosophy, main business
activities, demographics, the number of employees, and sustainability.
Organization Overview
Basic Information Henry Ford established Ford Motor Company in 1903 and today employs
approximately 187,000 employees with 62 plants worldwide (Ford, 2015). Additionally, Ford has
138,000 stockholders, 11,000 plus companies, suppliers, sold more than 6.3 million vehicles
worldwide, and 11,980 dealers. Within the United States, approximately 28 percent of employees were
a minority. This includes 23 percent of female employees with a worldwide rate of 18 percent in
managerial positions. Furthermore, Ford s board of
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What Is Jp Morgan Chase
JP Morgan Chase is a member of several leading organizations that address environmental and social
issues in business. These include:
Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (C2ES) Business Environmental Leadership Council
United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative
World Business Council for Sustainable Development
JP Morgan uses internationally recognized principles to assess environmental and social impact. These
The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights
The Wolfsberg Principles (anti money laundering)
The Equator Principles
The Carbon Principles
The Green Bond Principles
The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative
United Nations Principles for ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Global Energy and Greenhouse Gas Reductions
In 2012, JPMorgan Chase achieved its goal to reduce its global GHG emissions by 20% from a 2005
baseline and has extended that target to a 50% reduction from the 2005 baseline by 2020. Their Global
Real Estate group applies best practices in energy efficiency, energy procurement, and resource
management throughout their global operations to reduce energy use and GHG emissions.
B. Paper Procurement
JP Morgan Chase believes strongly in the importance of ensuring that the paper they use is sourced
from sustainably managed forests, which provide many significant long term benefits for the
environment and local communities, including timber for paper and other wood products, ecosystem
services such as clean air and water, habitat for wildlife and biodiversity, and recreation opportunities.
As a result, they seek to maximize the use of paper that has been independently certified by the Forest
Stewardship Council or Sustainable Forestry Initiative. Their primary focus is on office copy paper
and customer facing paper used in the daily operations of corporate and retail branch facilities, as well
as customer facing paper including statements and
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The Persian War Was A Series Of Wars
The Persian War was a series of wars fought amongst the great empire of Persia and the coalition of
the Greek city states, and lasted for twenty one years. The Ionian city states protested against Persian
rule, and expended their satraps and asserted their independence, which was the start of the Ionian
Revolt. Later, Darius promised to have revenge on Athens and Eretria for their revolt against the
Achaemenid empire. After the revolt Darius proclaim his rule, but it becomes more challenging for
him to sustain control. In attempt to cease future rebellion and get revenge for their insubordination,
Darius attacks, in hopes of expanding his control into Greece and acquiring the wealth of the Greek
and city states. In the mid sixth century, the Ionian Greeks had originally lost their independences to
King Croesus of Lydia (Lindsey 11). Croesus wanted to attack a territory in Anatolia that was
previously in the Median kingdom, so he consulted with an Oracle for advice about invading a
territory the Persian wanted to claim. Consequently, he lost all of his territory including Ionia to
Cyrus, Persian king because he did not listen to the Oracle instructions (Martin 127). By 499 B.C., the
Ionians started a revolt against the Greek tyrants because they were not happy about being ruled by
someone else (Lindsey 11). An Ionian leader traveled to mainland Greece seeking military aid for the
rebellion. The Peninsular Greeks joined in and helped the Ionian city. According to Ancient
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Analysis Of AinT No Rest For The Wicked
Ain t No Rest for the Wicked is a song by Cage the Elephant, and released as a single on June 16,
2008, but released in 2009 on the album Cage the Elephant . This song was written in the middle of
the Great Recession of 2007 2009 in the United States and is heavily influenced by the economic
issues during that time period. Matthew Schultz, a member of the band, told an interviewer about how
he came up with the song and what inspired him to write it. Schultz explained how he was working in
construction at the time he wrote the song, and how he asked a drug dealer why he did not stop doing
drugs and selling them, to which he replied, There ain t no rest for the wicked ( Cage the Elephant )
and that he has to work without rest in order to earn money, even if it meant that he could be arrested.
Ain t No Rest for the Wicked is a first person narrative and has a motif of events that reference
Marxist criticism because it focuses on the idea that society is greatly impacted by the state of the
economy and that people are willing to commit immoral acts to make a living. In the first verse of Ain
t No Rest for the Wicked , a scene is set where the narrator is walking down the street when he is
confronted by a prostitute who offers her services to him if he pay[s] the right price (Cage the
Elephant, line 10). When asked why she is selling her body to complete strangers, the prostitute
explains how Money
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The Out of Sight Transformation
The Out of Sight Transformation
Travel has always been associated with relaxation and enjoyment. People travel to explore new or
revisit favorite places. The idea that travel could also be a conduit for self growth and awareness,as
discussed in the article Transformative Travel,is a very new concept but old tradition. Various
religious groups send people across the world as missionaries. Missionary work was identified as a
group involvement. everyone on the mission fulfilled the same purpose. Transformative travel is a
combination of mission work and travel of leisure except it is based on an individual s personal goal.
Susan Ross,the author of the article Transformative Travel, assembles the transformative traveler into
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A journey that impacts each character differently. The characters in the book each possessed one or
more of the characteristic that defines a transformative traveler. The Texan priest appeared to be an
operative role ,amongst the crew, as a pilot. It is not until later that D.W. s magnanimous leadership
persona infects everyone on the asteroid. D.W. Yarborough s personal reason for taking the journey
only becomes apparent right before his death. D.W. s transformative profile would be that of an
adventure/ challenge and healing travler. D.W. belonged to the order of priesthood called the Jesuits.
The priesthood was the only alternative to harness D.W. s demons. The Jesuits strict guidelines gave
D.W. the necessary restraints to control his secular urges. The idea of of piloting the asteroid ,
reawakened a sleeping passion for D.W. The guilt from participating in the worldly adventure was
easily dismissed . D.W. was honored that the request came from the Jesuits ,which allowed him the
opportunity to participate free of guilt. The Jesuit approval gave credence to D.W s out of the ordinary
confidence. D.W. s love for Emilio was also a deciding factor to take this journey. The love that was
extended by D.W to Emilio skimmed the line between agape and eros love. The fact that he was
Emilio s mentor was an excellent guise concealing his true feelings. D.W. absorbed the blame
regarding Emilio s
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The Tooth Fairy Essay
Santa, the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny, Truth in Parenting
The early childhood years are full of play, pretend and magical thinking. Young children put on wings
and take flight around preschool classrooms. They can be anyone they can imagine superheroes,
princes princesses, mommy, daddy, and even the dog or the cat. The magic will gradually fade and
they may have a few questions for you...
The Shift
Children cannot distinguish the difference between fantasy and reality like adults. They believe that
fantasy can be real because they do not know the limits of reality.[1] This limitless way to see the
world allows them to believe that anything can happen. For example, approximately 65% of children
ages have imaginary friends by the age of 7.[2] They may even get upset when we forget to buckle
their friend into the car. I remember my sister getting very upset when I seemed to continuously sit on
her imaginary friend in our living room. This lack of boundary between fantasy and reality allows kids
to believe in Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, and the Easter Bunny...until they don t.
Psychologist Jean Piaget developed a stage theory of intellectual development that included four
distinct stages: the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
She has completed the State of New Jersey Director s Academy for Early Care and Education, and her
credentials include New Jersey Teacher Certification through 12th grade. Cindy has spent more than
17 years working in the field of education, and she has experience teaching and directing in daycare,
preschool, and school age programs. She is an approved Professional Impact New Jersey Associate
Instructor for Adults. Her specialty is cognitive development, positive guidance and discipline,
curriculum development, developmentally appropriate practice, and best
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Spoon River Themes
The movie Sixth Sense and the book the Spoon River Anthology both talk about dead people, but
there lies a deeper meaning in both of them. The book and movie each have their own differences, but
also the book and movie have similarities between them. The book and the movie are not that different
they have each share common theme. The movie Sixth Sense and the book spoon river anthology have
their differences but also share a common theme which is, Do not end your life with you unfinished
business, finish what you started. In the book the Spoon River anthology, many themes are expressed
throughout the story. One of the themes is never being afraid to speak your mind because that is the
way you will be remembered. This is found in Dorcas ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
One of those ideas is how can someone tell if they are alive or dead without experiencing. At the end
of the movie there is a major plot twist where the audience finds out that the doctor was actually dead
the entire and got shot he did not realize either. The doctor did not realize that he was dead until Cole
said They do not know they are dead yet. The doctor realizes this is happening to him when he goes
back to his house for the first time and sees his wife. Another idea is that how can we tell what is real
or fake without actually seeing it. This idea comes from Cole Sean a nine year old kid who suffers
from a disorder where he can see dead people as though they were living. His problem brings up an
interesting point because Humans do not know what is actually real or not because we really do not
what is there. Cole is a very special kid because he can the dead people and he knows what is real
because he sees the dead people and he knows what is there. It is a little frightening these things out in
this world that humans cannot see but could be there. A theme found in sixth sense is Closure makes
everything better. This theme is found when the Doctor is by Cole to talk to his wife when she is
sleeping because then she will listen. Cole said to the Doctor the best time to talk to her is when she is
sleeping, because she will actually listen. The Doctors does this and His wife is able to feel much
better because she knows that her husband is okay and that he will always be with her. This makes the
doctor feel better too because he knows that he wife still loves him and will always remember him.
The doctor and his wife were both better once the doctor opened up and gave some closure. Another
example about this is when Cole and his mom were stuck in traffic Cole finally told his mother about
his secret and gave an example. He told his mom that his grandmother, Cole s mom s mom, that
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187 Reasons Why Mexicans Can T Cross The Border
The revision process for me was difficult. It was difficult because I thought that my ideas were clearly
stated and organized. However, that was not the case. There were sections in which the language of
my essay made the ideas that I was trying to convey disorganized. Other times I had too much going
on and had to slow down the pace of the essay. In brief there were errors within my essay, therefore I
needed to make revisions to improve the quality. There were many changes/revisions that I made.
Firstly, I omitted a paragraph in which I made a relation to 187 Reasons Why Mexicans Can t Cross
The Border. Though it had good content in regards to identity, I realized that it threw off the idea of a
close reading. The objective of this assignment
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Essay about Freedom
Freedom Freedom is never more than one generation from extinction. These are the words of Ronald
Reagan, former President of the United States of America, speaking on the topic of freedom, a subject
he frequently dealt with during his long presidency. Over the years, freedom in the U.S. has become
an increasingly controversial topic, and the effectiveness of the government in affording these
freedoms has been called into question. Through certain historical documents and events, the
government s effectiveness at ensuring freedoms for all can be confirmed. The occurrences of several
major events in the history of America eventually gave all blacks equal rights and fostered a culture of
change in American society. The Emancipation ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Additionally, approximately a century later, bigotry received its final, most important, blow when the
Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed. The act was one of the most important pieces of legislation in
American history, outlawing discrimination of not only blacks, but women, in terms of voting, public
education, and workplaces. The passing of this act was a catalyst for social reform, and racial and
sexual acceptance. Although delayed and incredibly late, Lincoln and the United States government
eventually granted and ensured all American citizens the same freedoms that still exist in the country
today. A prime example of the freedom afforded to citizens can be seen through the exploits of the
immensely controversial Westboro Baptist Church. The church, according to the Anti Defamation
League, is a small virulently homophobic, anti Semitic hate group that regularly stages protests around
the country (Extremism in America 1). According to Bill Mears with CNN, the church, which has long
been a source of controversy, was recently sued for inflicting emotional distress upon a family as a
result of protesting at the funeral of a dead marine. However, despite a powerful statement by Chief
Justice John Roberts in which he claimed that speech is powerful and that it can inflict great pain, he
also said that we cannot react to that pain by punishing the speaker (Mears 1).
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Summary Of The Virgin Of Guadalupe
The Virgin of Guadalupe represented a melding of indigenous and Western cultures, a woman who
was both a symbol of Catholicism, but appeared to an indigenous man and spoke in Nahuatl. The
Virgin stemmed from syncretism of Catholicism with indigenous religions after Catholics realized that
they needed to accept indigenous idols and beliefs if they wanted to spread their religion in Columbian
era Mexico. However, over time, the Virgin of Guadalupe has come to represent not only religion but
something inherently Mexican due her origins are non polarizing, her being associated with both
indigenous and Western culture. Ideologically, she also came to represent the idea of purity when
contrasted with La Malinche, who Mexicans view as a representation of betrayal. The Virgin s place in
the virgin/whore dichotomy is what cements her place in history not only as a religious symbol but
also as a symbol for all of Mexico, something which represents purity and one s pride in Mexico itself.
Mexican Mosaic, quoting Carlos Fuentes, describes this ironic view of the Virgin s place in a country
with the state sponsored religion as how one may no longer consider himself a Christian, but one
cannot truly be considered a Mexican unless one believes in the Virgin of Guadalupe (Buchenau 23).
The Virgin represents an inherent purity that all Mexicans strive to achieve. Although she is
intrinsically Catholic, she appears to be associated more with the history and culture of Mexico itself.
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The Importance Of Government Surveillance In Our Society
Our society is dystopian in that we are being watched by the government. The governments
surveillance ranges from cameras to electronics to even emails. We are told that this constant
surveillance is for our safety and to make it a safe environment for us because their main reason is to
protect us when in fact it may not be their true intentions. Surveillance has been a problem in our
society because people think that there s too much cameras which it s not necessary. People feel like
they are constantly being watched. This increase in surveillance makes us question if the government
is collecting of information for their own good.
According to Detroit News, on the 23rd of March a 23 year old man named Rudy Carcamo Carranza
was arrested because he was involved in a drunken driving allegations and a hit and run crash and was
also a twice deported worker from El Salvador. Federal investigators used a a device called Stingray
which is designed for counter terrorism but is used hunt undocumented immigrants. Based on Aclu,
Stingrays, also known as cell site simulators or IMSI catchers are invasive cell phone surveillance
devices that mimic cell phone towers and send out signals to trick cell phones in the area into
transmitting their locations and identifying information , the device is an example that at any moment
our cellphones can not only be used for law enforcement agencies to track down undocumented
people but also allows the government to have access to our locations
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Essay on Financial Analysis Report Yum! Brands
Financial Analysis Report (FAR) YUM! Brands, Inc. The fast food and quick service restaurant
industry consisted of about 945,000 restaurants representing approximately $552 billion in annual
sales. The industry is highly fragmented, with the top 50 companies holding about 25% of industry
sales and is intensely competitive with respect to food quality, price, service, convenience, location
and concept (Hoovers 2009). The major companies of the industry include McDonald s, Burger King,
Subway, Domino s Pizza, Dairy Queen and the Yum Brands restaurant companies. Quick service
restaurants are often affected by changes in consumer tastes; national, regional or local economic
conditions; currency fluctuations; demographic trends; ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
3. Taco Bell The first Taco Bell restaurant was opened in 1962 by Glen Bell in Downey, California,
and in 1964, the first Taco Bell franchise was sold. Taco Bell is based in Irvine, California. As of year
end 2008, Taco Bell was the leader in the U.S. Mexican QSR segment, with a 54 percent market share
in that segment. 4. Long John Silver (LJS) The first LJS restaurant opened in 1969 and the first LJS
franchise unit opened later the same year. LJS is based in Louisville, Kentucky. As of year end 2008,
LJS was the leader in the U.S. seafood QSR segment, with a 35 percent market share in that segment.
5. A W A W was founded in Lodi, California by Roy Allen in 1919 and the first A W franchise unit
opened in 1925. A W is based in Louisville, Kentucky. A W operates in 10 countries and territories
throughout the world. As of year end 2008, there were 363 A W units in the U.S., and 264 units
outside the U.S. All single brand units inside and outside of the U.S. are operated by franchisees. As of
year end 2008, there were 89 company operated multi brand units that included the A W concept. With
the multi brand strategy, Yum has also found a way to achieve a competitive advantage over its
competitors by way of globalization. Through globalization, Yum Brands can be found in over 100
countries. The International and China Division segments can account for over 60% of the company s
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Women s Fashion During The Great Depression
Fashion during the Great depression was very different from before because poor people struggled and
used cheap resources as clothing, men s fashion was pointed towards the job they worked, and women
s fashion was practical, yet simple. Poor families had to use their resources to make necessities for
them to live, like clothes. Clothing in poor families were usually made from flour sacks. Women
during the Depression had an elegant style, yet made cheaper and more practical for the work they do
to survive. Men always looked sharp, but their pieces were usually made of cheaper fabrics to save
money because of the depressing loses during the difficult times. There were many styles for different
families, working women, and men with specific needs ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Men went overseas and women worked more during WWII after the Depression (Eberhardt). Clothes
for men was a lot more fashionable than it was in the 20 s, unlike women (Tucker). Although, the
colors were like the women s because they were still dark and plain (Sessions). Men were said to be
overdressed for all occasions in this decade (Tucker). It was popular for men too to have very athletic
build and looked good in a v neck coat with very broad shoulders. Men wore plain white button downs
for a regular, everyday outfit, or also for under a suit because men sweat a lot at work (Tucker).
Younger men usually wore sweaters to make their own fashion statement. Everything a man wore was
usually worn with tall, high waisted pants. They were easy and looked good with just about any outfit.
They usually cuffed the bottom of their pants if they wanted to go for a more casual look. Another
fashion statement for a guy was to wear a fedora almost everywhere. Gangsters wore suits with a
monogrammed shirt, and always a fedora. Men just picked up on that style for everyday. Shoes for
men were very simple. They were always nice looking with a toe cap and looked similar to bowling
shoes. They always wore bright socks to make a statement since their outfits and shoes were very
plain. For men in the evening,
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Science Fair Project Report
This year, for my Science Fair Project I plan to do a study on how varying system parameters affect
the dynamics of a multi tank liquid level hydraulic system. The purpose of this type of system is to
maintain a constant fluid flow. In order to maintain this fluid flow the tanks have to preserve a certain
liquid level, this necessary level depends on the other variables. My system will consist of: an inflow
valve, the tanks, valves to go between the tanks, and an outflow valve. I want to do this experiment
because about two years ago, when I was in the seventh grade, I did a science fair experiment where I
tested how changing the variables in a mass spring damper system affected system response. In that
experiment, I changed the amount of mass,
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Mao s Success with Domestic Policies Essay
Mao s Success with Domestic Policies After Mao had defeated the Nationalists he was aware of the
instability of communism in china. He aimed of stabilizing china by dividing it into six main regions
also called the Organic Law of 1949, each was governed by a Bureau including four major officials :
Chairman, party secretary, military commander and political commissar. The last two officials were
members of the PLA, which effectively left china under army control but also Mao hoped that through
these actions he would be able to stabilize communist China. Nevertheless, Mao had to adopt force in
order to control china. Since Mao had send his officials also in regions in which communism was not
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These three Antis were successful, and fulfilled Mao s plan to get rid of the capitalist class system, and
the problems linked to it. In 1952 Mao realized that China would need again a new domestic policy
and since the three Antis were successful he extended the three Antis and introduced the five Anti
movement . His aim was to extinguish the as he called it bureaucratic capitalist class , and to give
Chinas economy a sudden push. This time the campaign was against, tax evasion, bribery, fraud,
industry sabotage and theft of government property. Mao s goals for the Anti campaigns were almost
all fulfilled, so it can be seen that the Anti movements showed that Mao was successful in his
domestic policies. Mao always referred to the Soviet union and how successful they were. Mao was
very interested and surprised by the outcomes of the serious of five year plans of the soviet union. And
eventually in 1953 he introduced the first five year plan. The emphasis of the plan was on state
directed growth of heavy industry. A basis for this was already in China since the GMD government
had establish a National Resource committee which had taken control of industrial
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Essay on Police Use of Force
The police forces in every community are deemed law enforcement officers and have to take
necessary precautions in executing their job. Individuals that police officers encounter may at any time
threaten the security of the officer or others. Police officers have to follow procedures that are
necessary to maintain control of situations that can cause harm to others or property. The three topics
that will be discussed in police use of force are; the explanation and background of use of force,
limitations of use of force, and disputed court cases dealing with police use of force.
Police use of force can be described as being the amount of effort required by police to compel
compliance by an unwilling subject. (nij.gov, p.1) The stages ... Show more content on
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The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) in Data Collection on Police Use of Force, states that the legal
test of excessive force is determining whether the police officer reasonably believed that their force
was necessary to reach a legitimate police goal (cops.usdoj, p.1). Courts; however, may define
reasonable differently than a court in another jurisdiction. The understanding of improper use of force
can be divided into two categories: unnecessary and excessive (p.1). The unnecessary use of force
would be the application of force where there is no justification to use it; while an excessive use of
force would be the application of more force than required where use of force is reasonable.
(https://www.ncjrs.gov/txtfiles/ppsyc.txt) Some psychologists have been assigned to evaluate police
officers who practice excessive force. The psychologists services are more counseling oriented than
training (ncjrs.gov p.1). In examining police psychologists role in managing police use of excessive
force, they were surveyed to examine the types of services they provide. They were also asked how
those services are used to counter police use of excessive force (p.1). The psychologists characterized
the types of officers who abuse force and offered strategies that could help police
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Health Literature Review Essay
To locate the articles to be reviewed, a systematic approach will be used to search for the sources on
many electronic data bases such as PubMed, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health
Literature (CINAHL), Scopus, Ebsco, EMBASE and Science Direct. The articles searched for will be
published between 2007 and 2017 and the search terms used will be drawn from the research question.
These key words include, direct payments , personation of care direct payments and adults with
learning disabilities , effect of direct payments . The literature search generated a large amount of
relevant, current as well as dated articles as well as some that were not so reverent for this research. To
reduce the number of articles located I used ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Similarly, advocates of direct payments in line with personal budgets argue that they can achieve a
wide range of policy objectives such as better outcomes for social care users (Poll et al. 2006), greater
empowerment of recipients, thereby conferring more dignity and personal responsibility (Hatton et al.
2008). Those against have argued that the use of direct payments to encourage personalisation of care,
as well as encouraging service users to become more independent and autonomous, is a government
ploy to absolve itself of responsibility toward its citizens (Woolham et al 2015). In Ferguson (2007) is
also of the view that the personalisation agenda represents not so much an extension of choice as a
privatisation of risk due to the way it shifts responsibility away from the state and on to individuals
with social care needs and their unpaid carers.
Despite the controversy around the topic, evidence from the literature show that the use of
personalisation, and personal health budgets had led to improved health outcomes for adults with
learning disabilities. In support, Jones et al (2013) in their randomised controlled trial observed that
direct payments were linked to a significant improvement in patients care related quality of life and
psychological wellbeing. On the same note, evidence show that
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SCHEDULE B (Form 1040A or 1040) Interest and Ordinary Dividends ▶ OMB No. 1545 0074
Attach to Form 1040A or 1040. Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service (99) ▶
Information about Schedule B (Form 1040A or 1040) and its instructions is at www.irs.gov/scheduleb.
Name(s) shown on return Attachment Sequence No. 08 Your social security number 2013 Amount
Part I Interest (See instructions on back and the instructions for Form 1040A, or Form 1040, line 8a.)
Note. If you received a Form 1099 INT, Form 1099 OID, or substitute statement from a brokerage
firm, list the firm s name as the payer and enter the total interest shown on that form. 1 List name of
payer. If any interest is from a seller financed ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Financial account located in a foreign country. A financial account is located in a foreign country if the
account is physically located outside of the United States. For example, an account maintained with a
branch of a United States bank that is physically located outside of the United States is a foreign
financial account. An account maintained with a branch of a foreign bank that is physically located in
the United States is not a foreign financial account. Signature authority. Signature authority is the
authority of an individual (alone or in conjunction with another individual) to control the disposition
of assets held in a foreign financial account by direct communication (whether in writing or otherwise)
to the bank or other financial institution that maintains the financial account. See the FinCEN Form
114 instructions for exceptions. Do not consider the exceptions relating to signature authority in
answering Question 1 on line 7a. Other definitions. For definitions of financial interest, United States,
and other relevant terms, see the instructions for FinCEN Form 114. Line 7a Question 2. See FinCEN
Form 114 and its instructions to determine whether you must file the form. Check the Yes box if you
are required to file the form; check the No box if
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Programs Offering Food and Medical Assistance
Along with cash assistance programs, there are many programs that offer food and medical assistance.
Emergency food programs help supplement the diets of low income needy people by providing food at
no cost. Foods banks and churches, both offer emergency food when a family or individual is in need.
SNAP which was formerly known as food stamps is a food benefit program that offers low income
people and families help to buy the food needed to maintain a healthy diet and retain good health. The
benefits are provided on a link card that is accepted at most grocery stores. There are limits as to what
can be purchased with SNAP benefits, such as; cigarettes and any other tobacco products, alcohol,
gasoline, and any hot, already prepared foods. Along with food, you are able to also purchase
vegetable and fruit seeds to be able to grow your own foods in a garden (DHS Programs). Women,
Infants, and Children, or WIC is a food assistance program for women infants and children. The
program helps pregnant women, new mothers and young children eat well and stay healthy. Special
checks are used to buy, foods like; milk juice, eggs, cheese, cereal, beans, bread, peanut butter, and
formula and baby food for infants and babies. Most states also have a medical program and is usually
called Medicaid. The Medicaid program is for qualifying low income individuals and families. For
adults the Medicaid program covers doctor visits, emergency room services and hospital services,
dental and vision
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Spirit Of St. Louis Essay
The Spirit of St. Louis played a major role in aviation history during the 1920s. This single engine
monoplane was custom built for one task only, and that was to fly non stop from Long Island, New
York to Paris, France. In 1919, Raymond Orteig offered a $25,000 pil.z,e to the first aviator that could
navigate across the Atlantic. However, it wasn t until May 12,1927 that this feat was accomplished by
Charles Lindbergh. It required much planning and sponsorships for this non stop transatlantic flight
upon the completion of his of his specialtybuilt plane by Ryan Airlines named the spirit of St. Louis.
This plane served as Lindbergh s life support through night and day and would later make history as
one of ttre best known aircraft in the world. The journey took approximately 33.5 hours and a distance
traveled of 3,600 miles of the entire solo flight. After landing in Paris, Charles Lindbergh had become
an international legend and was an important milestone for aviation industry. Donald A. Hall was the
designer behind the Spirit and worked for Ryan Airlines. officially, the plane wiu known as the Ryan
Nryp for New york to Paris. The Spirit of St. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The first leg of his flight was to fiavel to Curtiss Field on Long Island, New York for the beginning of
the transatlantic flight. The spirit of St. Louis landed on May 12,1927 and while enroute they had
already broken a standing record for the fastest transcontinental flight. A few days later, Charles
Lindbergh set off from Roosevelt Field on his non stop transatlantic flight to France. He had to fight
sleep deprivation and limited visibility for 33.5 hours sfraight, but on May 20, 1927 Lindbergh landed
safely at l0:22pm on Le Bourget Field, Paris. From that point on Charles Lindbergh would go down in
history as one of the greatest aviators of all time. Now, the spirit of St. Louis lives on to represent that
great accomplishment at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum in Washington,
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In The Code Book, By Simon Singh
In the Code Book, by Simon Singh he talks about how the exchange of digital information over the
internet has become the most used way to send messages and mail. The use of cryptography is being
used to encrypt emails or important messages. Paper mail has slowly decreased because of everyone
using the internet to do everything and making it easier for someone to intercept an important message
. However, when sending the information or message thru paper mail it is more difficult for someone
to intercept the message, but if using the internet if you don t send it encrypted it can be easy for the
message to be read by someone else.
In The Dark Game by Paul Janeczko he talks about how spies would send messages about their
enemies. They would
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American People Watching Vietnam
Watching Vietnam: Media and the American People Newspapers, radio and television are all types of
media that debated the Vietnam War from 1965 to 1975. For the first time, television showed
American citizens what was going on battle after battle in Vietnam. It became one of the most
controversial wars that America was ever involved in. Over the span of the war, the government
wanted to keep public support for the war. But, it was difficult because the media s support declined
over time. Did the media change the course of military operations or government decision making in
Vietnam? The War Within: America s Battle Over Vietnam (1995), by Tom Wells, labelled the media
as the opinion makers. They decided how to portray the war through news channels, magazines, radio
and newspapers. The ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
America s opinion changed overtime and the military worked to control the media. Tom Wells wrote
about the power of the media. William Hammond wrote about how the military and government tried
to control what was reported to the American public. But in the end, the media could not be censored.
Daniel C. Hallin called the Vietnam War, the uncensored war . The media changed the courses of
government decision making and military operations in America. For the president, it was all about
getting the votes and keeping public opinion positive and supportive. By 1972, Nixon promised what
the public wanted: to end the war and win the peace. Americans would have had different opinions
about the war if the information only came from the government and military leaders. The militaries
agenda was to win the war and the governments agenda was to keep American support and stop the
North Vietnamese communists. The media had a very different agenda; they wanted to share the facts
about Vietnam. And the facts included death, fire, guns, bombings, napalm and atrocities. The media
watched Vietnam and shared all they seen with the American
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‘Is good management essential in achieving organizational...
Management is the process of achieving organisational goals through the four functions of
management, planning, organising, leading and controlling (Davidson, 2006: 5). For the reason that
management involved with such variety of activities that basically would affect the proper function
and the flow of the organisation; consequently, the standard of the management is the direct factor
hindering the efficiency, effectiveness and productivity in the organisation.
Efficiency means accomplishing those goals within time constraints and effectiveness means the
accomplishment of the organisation s goals (Seward ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Through further research, McDonald s employees work in different parts of the workplace. For
example, one employee is making burgers and another serving at the counter. This is very efficient as
each employee has a specific role. This enhances productivity.
Motivation, leadership, group processes and communication are important as they enhance
The Ford Motor Company is a global automotive industry. It manufactures and distributes vehicles
across the world. The Firm also owns other automobile brands which include Volvo and Astin Martin
(Ford, 2008: 1). Ford is currently the fourth largest automaker in the world based on number of
vehicles sold annually and is now a market leader in innovation and technology (Ford, 2010). One of
the management challenges that Ford Motor faces is it must be prepared to address the fierce
competition from other companies within and outside the country.
In order to compete, the company must be ahead on cost, quality and service. Also Ford has to
constantly innovate through research and development to create new products. This strategy has
enabled the organisation to achieve its effective goal of survival and profitability by allowing it to
compete not only on the price but also design and quality. This receives academic support from Stoner
_et al_. (1985) who states that management requires performance that is both efficient and effective.
Another management challenge
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What Are The Emperor s New Clothes
The Emperor s New Clothes
The Emperor s New Clothes Is a parody that turned into a reality as humans advanced from 1837 now
turning into a common occurrence among society. Made in Denmark the writer Hans Christian
Andersen is a famous writer who wrote about his mother begging on streets which resulted in The
little girl with a match and talked about how he was as a child with the ugly toad feeling left out. He
writes mostly about his experiences and what he sees in their world. The emperor s New Clothes is a
fable how to swindler s trick the emperor his clothes were so good it has been unseen by the regular
people and only seen by rich people when in reality it s just no clothes. It shows how people are
willing to go with the crowd until it s unpopular to make fun of it. The emperor s new clothes written
by Hans Christen Andersen can now be used as a metaphor how people act today.
In The Emperor s New Clothes was written to mock how people react to things. When one thing turns
popular most people agree and follow it until someone realizes how it s really weird then everyone
goes at it. He mocks it in the story where he shows how the people in the crowd are applauding ...
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It makes the reader think of how you ve done that by having it entertainment. Current versions of the
book are just a shadow of the original only including the base, but not including what made it so good
the people agreeing with the king. An way this is a problem is how none one knows what the book is
really about, it is a random story instead of being based on something or originated by something. The
book shows how humans are willing to act in front of someone with an not something cool with
someone who has a popular social status. When it s all done the book is a metaphor of people and a
metaphor of how people react to
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HIPAA Compliance
This article influences me in a large number of various ways. Most importantly, with these rules set up
my records are put in safe hands and will be shielded from everybody who wishes to steal them and
bring damage to me and also other individuals. It clarifies the tenets and regulations of this act and
secures regular individuals like you and me amid times of great chaos and destruction. As a patient, I
am truly enthusiastic this has been implemented and that there is clear framework set up intended to
secure my data, essential nonreplaceable records, and oral discussions between attendants, specialists
and so forth that should only be between us. I am thankful that all HIPAA covered entities must
comply with the Security Rule and all of this also include health plans and a majority of healthcare
providers, medical clearinghouses, and drug card sponsors (HIPAA 2 3). There are actually two rules,
one for privacy and the other for security, which is two distinct things. ... Show more content on
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For the duration of reading this article, it explains everything that must be followed and met in the
practices of the facilities. These include privacy guidelines, electronic transaction guidelines, and just
overall security as a whole. With all of these put in place the patients that are attending the hospital
should be joyous to know that their records are for the most part safe, secure, and in the right hands.
Meaning that there is no chaos and everything is peaceful until there is a corrupt politician wanting to
spread illegal information about their opponents, someone letting their guard down, or worse,
someone hacking into the system and causing a catastrophe which is why HIPAA was created in the
first place. Using this system can protect the hospital during times when someone has hacked into the
system if they have followed all the rules and such to the
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Nozick Experience Machine Analysis
3. Nozick s Experience Machine thought experience is supposed to demonstrate utilitarianism thinking
of ethical hedonism. Nozick believes that pleasure is good and any component such as pain does not
increase personal well being. The Experience Machine gives a person any experience they want
functioning as a tank where scientists stimulate your brain to believe that your experience is actually
happen. The Experience Machine lasts for two years in which the person then decides to choose the
next round of experiences for the next two years. The Experience Machine is a perfect illusion within
the human mind. My strongest objection is that the Experience Machine is flawed in the sense that
good and bad experiences equally influence a person s morality
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Case Study Of A Report On Construction Management
Dr Sally Yu is a chartered chemist specialising in construction materials who has been recognized for
her innovative approaches to engineering chemistry and combustion science. She instructs as an
expert by Bond Legal to prepare a report on behalf of Queensland Best Property Group. This report
will be used in Court at the trial/hearing of dispute.
The detailed Curriculum Vitae about Dr Sally YU is attached in Appendix A.
1) Queensland Best Property Group planned to refurbish the Bond Tower.
2) The competitive tender of the renovation construction project was held on 9th January, 2017 and
the Gold Coast Construction Ltd won the bidding with the quoted price of $3 million.
3) Queensland Best Property Group (the principal) signed the ... Show more content on
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The scope of inspection is the newly built cladding of the outside building walls of the Bond Tower
and the framework which supported the construction work. The whole process of inspection and
collection was undergoing with a notary, James Cooper, who was appointed by the Supreme Court of
7.2.1. The process of inspection and collection
a) Inspection 1
09:00 am, I arrived at the Bond tower, 25 Lake Orr Drive, Robina. First of all, I went to the
construction site office to pick up the drawings of Bond Tower renovation plan, the project
management plan and the BOQ of cladding. From the documents, it is stated that aluminium cladding
with a 50mm ventilated cavity to vent moisture next to 150mm of Celotex FR500 insulation will be
installed. This type of cladding has a Class 0 rating, the highest rating for preventing the spread of
flames (see figure 7.1). All related diagrams attached in Appendix B.
Figure 7.1 Outside wall cladding plan of the Bond Tower
b) Inspection 2
09:45 am, I started the inspection and collection job from the north bottom side of the building and
followed by clockwise movement. I noticed that there is no significant fire damage to all sides of the
bottom of the Bond Tower (as shown on figure 7.1). On each side, I cut and collected a piece of
250cm * 250 cm sample cladding on each side as sample NB1, SB1, EB1 and
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Spotify Persuasive Essay
Spotify provides a lot of benefits to the artists and music industry: reduce illegal download, expend the
life span of music, and provide the listeners the opportunities to consume music in the legal ways.
Nevertheless, there are huge disputes between Spotify and top artists over royalty issues. Some of top
artists like Taylor Swift and Adele against Spotify: Adele acknowledges that streaming is the future of
music industry but she wants to show that it s not the only way to consume music (Adele). Swift
against Spotify another reason, during an interview with Time Subscribe, Swift states, Music is art,
and art is important and rare. Important, rare things are valuable. Valuable things should be paid
for...music should not be free. She argues that the valuable things like the music should be paid. ...
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Spotify answers the Swift s argument: We personally view per stream metrics as a highly flawed
indication of our value to artist...We believe, however, that our service and the lives of artists will both
be best if the world s music fans enjoy more music than ever before in a legal, paid manner. They
argue that they pay for the value of music (royalty) and legally provide music for listeners to enjoy
music. According to Spotify s financial report, they pay a lot of amount of royalties to have right to
stream music in their
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Labpaq Scientific Method Essay
The Scientific Method
Portland Community College Staff* Version 42 0207 00 01
Lab RepoRt assistant
This document is not meant to be a substitute for a formal laboratory report. The Lab Report Assistant
is simply a summary of the experiment s questions, diagrams if needed, and data tables that should be
addressed in a formal lab report. The intent is to facilitate students writing of lab reports by providing
this information in an editable file which can be sent to an instructor.
Data Table 1: Making Observations | Procedure ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The pieces were clearer and sharper looking than the original rock salt.
2. Describe the initial observations made when several drops of water were added to few particles rock
salt and the observations made several minutes later. Initially, the rock salt partially dissolved in the
drops of water. After several minutes, the salt was more dissolved, but had not completely dissolved.
There were very fine grains of salt that were visible at the base of the water bubble that hadn t
3. In light of these observations, what can be concluded about salt?
Salt can be broken down and dissolved by water, but not in high concentrations.
C. Do all the grains of sand look like they are made out of the same material? No.
1. Propose a hypothesis to explain the observed appearance of sand.
Sand is a conglomeration of rocks and stones that have been broken down into sediments.
2. Describe what was initially observed when several drops of water were added to several grains of
sand and the observations made several minutes later.
Initially, when water was added to sand, the sand was unchanged. After several minutes, the sand
continued to appear unchanged.
3. In light of these observations, what can be concluded about sand? Sand cannot be dissolved into
D. The water and oil acted differently on the reaction surface. Propose a hypothesis that explains the
different behavior of
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International Market Analysis For A Growing Firm
Luigi Vittatoe Professor Stanley Klatka BUS1801 Global Business Perspectives October 5, 2015
International Business Paper Introduction For a growing firm, the international market represents one
of the avenues to achieve growth and expansion. The global market, through trade, has been an engine
of growth, for example, world trade has been growing at seven percent since 1945, becoming a
contributor to economic growth. The international market has facilitated global trade and the
integration of economies. Therefore, it has enabled countries to exploit its comparative advantage. The
following report looks at the international market entry strategies, reasons for selecting the topic, new
relevant materials learned facts about the topic and the unexpected facts relating to it. Reasons for
choosing the topic International market entry is important because it enables an organization to
increase its output and attract new customers. By expanding the customer base and the scale of
production, the business will be able to achieve economies of scale. That is, the organization can be
able to reduce the average cost per unit of production when the level of output is substantially
increased (Stephan and Roin 28). After international expansion, cost advantages and higher profit be
obtained through bulk purchasing, enjoying high turnover rate and paying lower interest rates on
loans. For the business firm to grow, it has to find new opportunities of expansion. The opportunity for
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Ethnography Essays
Beginning with the early stages of savagery to the complex civilizations in the 21st century, the need
to compete remains an important aspect in the continual evolution of mankind. Competition took
various forms throughout history from the bloody attempts to kill a mammoth in order to provide
nourishment, to the violent battles between two opposing sides taking place on college football fields
every Saturday afternoon. Another form of competition involving severe contact on a scale par with
football is the sport of rugby. My personal history with the sport began in a medium sized island in
Polynesia. I lived and worked in New Zealand during the summer of 1999, between my sophomore
and junior year. This little ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
From my research I discovered three conflicting themes, and my theory behind these themes is based
upon structural analysis. This ethnography will also reveal some of the methodological questions
discussed in class, specifically, replicability, critical dialogue, reflexivity, and globalization.
Interestingly, I found a way to connect three out of the four methodological issues to the conflicting
themes gathered in my research. For example, critical dialogue links to the contradiction between
playfulness and competiveness, reflexivity to upper and lower classes, and globalization to
Englishness and Americaness. My point of departure, however, will begin with a basic introduction to
the history and rules of rugby. This will enable my non rugby playing readers (i.e. Joel, William,
Bashira, etc.) to gain general background knowledge on the sport before they become acquainted with
the Occidental rugby culture.
Rugby s Tale
Legend has it that a young English boy picked up a soccer ball during a match at Rugby School.
Picking up the ball is a clear violation in soccer unless the player is the goalie; but the illegality proved
popular and led to the sport of rugby. In 1846, the school later published the rules of rugby. England,
Scotland, and Whales picked the game up quickly and developed leagues for the new sport. The
spread of rugby to outside the island
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  • 9. Essay On Arts Integration When I was working for Girls Rock Math a summer camp that incorporates arts activities as a method of teaching math concepts with the intention to spark young girls interest, I noticed a significant increase in the girls interest when arts activities were present compared to when it was just plain math. The first and second graders in my class appeared to be much more excited about the subject and more concentrated when the teacher was trying to explain the instructions. This discovery makes me wondering about the influence of arts integration has on students learning. Defined by The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, arts integration is an approach to teaching in which students construct and demonstrate understanding through an art form. By integrating arts into core subjects teaching, educators are allowing students to learn through the arts, with the arts or accompanied by art lessons. In fact, arts education has been constantly associated with higher individual achievement. Established in 2012, the No Child Left Behind Act confirms learning the arts as a core academic subject that all school should incorporate. It puts arts on equal footing with the other core subjects and paves the way for the arts to be recognized both as a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One of reasons is educational budget cut due to previous years economic slowdown. The adverse economic situation which requires redistribution of funds, accompanied by the sharpening focus by national and state educational policy makers on core subjects achievements, directly impacts the availability of arts programs at school. Unlike Japan, Netherlands, Hungary and other countries who mandated the arts be integral parts of the standard curriculum and successfully infused them into their educational institutions, the arts in the United States typically connected with those who are particularly gifted in aesthetics ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Vending Machine Snacks In a recent AOL poll, we asked our readers to tell us what their least favorite body parts were. The overwhelming answer? My belly! But the concern over a flabby belly is more serious than simply not looking good in a bathing suit. Researchers are finding that abdominal fat leads to higher risks of heart disease, diabetes and even certain types of cancers. We re all aware that lack of exercise and a diet of burgers and fries will cause our bellies to bloat and expand, but who knew that those late nights at the office, the stress of that big project or the hidden trans fats in our favorite vending machine snacks were adding dangerous inches to our midsections? In a society where workaholics reign, Americans are more sleep deprived, stress ridden ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The problems arise when certain factors, such as muscle mass and fat deposition, are not taken into consideration. Because muscle is much denser than fat and takes up less space, two individuals of the same height and weight could have the same BMI, even though one may have a significantly higher percentage of body fat than the other. Researchers now know that if most of your fat is in the tummy area, your health risks are greater than if it resides in, say, the hips, thighs or rear (sometimes referred to as the apple versus pear theory. Dr. Tobias Pischon, lead author of a recent study that focused on the correlation between abdominal fat and colon cancer, stated in a Reuters Health report that this type of fat is more alarming. Belly fat is metabolically active and could possibly increase colon cancer risk by raising levels of certain hormones that affect cell growth, including the growth of cancer cells. Consequently, waist to hip ratio (a measurement of waist size divided by hip size) is a more reliable gauge of your risk factors for certain diseases, such as heart attacks. A ratio of above 0.85 for women and above 0.90 for men is higher than average and typically indicates greater ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. I Graduated High School May 9Th, 1997 And Just 2 Short I graduated high school May 9th, 1997 and just 2 short days later I was arriving on the fabled yellow footsteps of Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego. I was cocky when I arrived, ready to conquer this next step of my life. In school I was a member of the Air Force JROTC in which I was at the top of the food chain. I was the senior cadet in charge of all the rest of the cadets. I rolled into boot camp thinking I was going to find instant gratification and achieve the same success. Shortly after my platoon (Foxtrot 2101) was picked up by our platoon drill instructors each of us was individually interviewed. I made the mistake of telling my senior drill instructor Sgt. Montgomery that I was a better leader than I was a follower. I ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I was stationed with Pete three times in my career and I always saw him placing his members first and that really resonated with me. It s easy to become complacent or overly comfortable and lose track of the important things. I have realized that I need to spend more time walking around the shop spaces among the crew and really ask them how they are doing. I need to ensure that I am listening to what they are saying to me. It s important that I retain what I am hearing and act on what needs to be acted on. I feel that if I can become a commonly seen and approachable person they will be comfortable telling me what is going on and confidant in me to bring closure for them. The leaders that work for me do an excellent job. I am very grateful to have such a strong Chief s Mess. We have been through a lot the past few years. Our daily work schedules have been very dynamic recently. I see that it s important that I dedicate time to circle back with my senior leaders and find out what has or has not worked with our changes. I have seen it with my engineering officer, he was doing things that the Chief s Mess took great exception too. It never occurred to him that he was cutting us out of these important decisions. That was a perfect example of generating small wins. We gave the EO feedback, let him know what he was doing, and he has become completely engaged with the mess. I have learned from this course that ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Change Management Essay Change Management Change is not something to be taken lightly. This issue of change is one of the greatest challenges in the workplace today (Fralix, P., 1998). One of the pitfalls of change within an organization is employees fear of what change will bring. Will implementing new technologies destroy my job? Will I be able to keep up with the changes in my organization? These are some of the questions that bring about employee apprehension to changes in business. This very apprehension can determine the success or the failure of change within that system. Yet change is inevitable. Much like the Darwinian theory of survival, the company that can adapt with changes in emerging technologies will survive in today s society. So how ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Since change is inevitable, ongoing process, these management levers must constantly be altered also (1997). Even though this is not an altogether accurate definition from an instructional technology standpoint, it does contain factors about change management. Most companies are concerned with aligning themselves with their marketplace. Who hasn t seen a PetSmart or a KayBee s commercial where the consumer may order his/her toys for either pet or human online. These corporations have aligned themselves to their marketplace Ebusiness. Another factor in change management is the tools to accomplish this smooth transition. Most companies will agree that one must look at strategy, operations of the actual and the optimal systems, culture of the work environment, and incentives to those who facilitate the smooth changes. Also change is an ongoing process, so management of that change is also going to be an ongoing process. In order to prepare for change within the company, it is important to identify any destabilizing forces that bring about change. Change can be stimulated by three specific forces external and three specific internal forces to the organization External Forces Society Political/legal environment Technological developments Internal Forces Membership in professional associations New organizational ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Dislodged Cell Essay Dislodged cells undergo a Special type of cell death named anoikis based on loss of cell matrix interaction mediated by intrinsic and extrinsic apoptotic pathway. In intrinsic pathway after cell ECM detachment, BH3 only proteins (Bim and Bid) stimulate Bax and Bak pro apoptotic proteins oligomerization and pore creation in mitochondrial outer membrane. Because of these pores, cytochrome C and SMAC/DIABLO proteins will be release from mitochondria into the cytosol. Ultimately apoptosome complex formation induces executioner caspase activation and proteolysis. Another involved route activate when extracellular death ligand such as FAS or TRAIL bind to their receptors on the cell surface and launches downstream pathway. After ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Also in oxidative stress, inducing ATG proteins expression through PERK (Protein kinase RNA like endoplasmic reticulum kinase) activate canonical autophagy. DUE TO the activation of these proteins autophagy begins, (and consequently or so) sustains the required energy of the cell. Another temporary saving strategy in physiological condition is Provisional disengagement occurs during cell migration. Cells take a different type of motility style in their transient displacement like Mesenchymal and amoeboid movement. Motile cells with Mesenchymal form exhibit pro survival signals activation. In amoeboid motile cells interaction with ECM does not require for movement and survival and they suppress anoikis by using cytokine and growth factor instead of ECM proteins. Acquisition of the Mesenchymal phenotype is functionally associated with the ability to overcome anoikis /another process involved in anoikis resistance is EMT which is an essential feature that allows epithelial cells participate in physiological process like embryogenesis. EMT in cancer cells / also cancer cells acquire Mesenchymal feature which allow/permit them to overcome anoikis and become motile and metastatic/in this process, cancer cells launch chain of event that enable them to acquire Mesenchymal feature and overcome anoikis. During EMT cancer cell downregulate cell adhesion molecules like E cadherin and γ catenin, and increase Mesenchymal associated markers such as fibronectin and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. America Needs Prayer in Public Schools Essay Not so long ago, a typical school day would begin with the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer. Today, a simple prayer is considered offensive and unconstitutional. A prayer is meant to be a conversation with God; a personal connection to a sovereign being of choice. I personally believe that prayer is beneficial. Prayer calms my mind and gives me the chance to thank God for all of his blessings. Granted, not everyone believes in the same God that I do. I believe most people would probably agree that there is some form of higher power that everyone has to answer to. One of the things that I love about being an American, are the freedoms that I have. I am free to worship the God I choose and to pray at anytime or any place that I choose. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Little did they know their complaint against the school system would shock the country and set into motion a new way of looking at what was a time honored tradition. After several failed attempts through the various court systems in the state of New York, the case ended up going before the highest court in the country, the United States Supreme Court. On June 25, 1962, the United States Supreme Court voted 6 to 1 in favor of banning the Regents Prayer. The Justices considered the prayer a direct contradiction to the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment which prohibits the government from sponsoring or favoring any religion...prayer is a purely religious activity that should be left to the people, not the government (Haas 48). The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment states: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof... (Irons 11). I believe that many people who read the First Amendment and the Establishment Clause take it out of context. I agree that the government should not be allowed to establish one religion, but I do not agree with the government interjecting and infringing upon my rights or my children s rights to pray when and where they choose. Just look at the last part of the Establishment Clause prohibiting the free exercise thereof... If my child chooses to pray at the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Ford Motor Company With Insight Into The Organization... Henry Ford was born in Michigan in 1863 and as a child, he demonstrated a fascination with mechanical devices (Pittinger, 2009). He acquired employment with the Edison Illuminating Company and became chief engineer. This provided him the opportunity to lay the foundation for the Model T motorcar (introduced in 1908) because he accomplished work on the petrol drive quadricycle prior to establishing the Ford Motor Company in 1903. During production, Ford saw a massive turnover rate, which he wished to reduce, therefore, implemented an unprecedented wage increase. Additionally, he revolutionized the production line process. Consequently, Ford became a leader throughout the automobile industry. This paper the focus will be on the Ford motor company with insight into the organization overview, management, and leadership to include vision and philosophy, main business activities, demographics, the number of employees, and sustainability. Organization Overview Basic Information Henry Ford established Ford Motor Company in 1903 and today employs approximately 187,000 employees with 62 plants worldwide (Ford, 2015). Additionally, Ford has 138,000 stockholders, 11,000 plus companies, suppliers, sold more than 6.3 million vehicles worldwide, and 11,980 dealers. Within the United States, approximately 28 percent of employees were a minority. This includes 23 percent of female employees with a worldwide rate of 18 percent in managerial positions. Furthermore, Ford s board of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. What Is Jp Morgan Chase JP Morgan Chase is a member of several leading organizations that address environmental and social issues in business. These include: Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (C2ES) Business Environmental Leadership Council Ceres United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative World Business Council for Sustainable Development JP Morgan uses internationally recognized principles to assess environmental and social impact. These include: The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights The Wolfsberg Principles (anti money laundering) The Equator Principles The Carbon Principles The Green Bond Principles The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative United Nations Principles for ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Global Energy and Greenhouse Gas Reductions In 2012, JPMorgan Chase achieved its goal to reduce its global GHG emissions by 20% from a 2005 baseline and has extended that target to a 50% reduction from the 2005 baseline by 2020. Their Global Real Estate group applies best practices in energy efficiency, energy procurement, and resource management throughout their global operations to reduce energy use and GHG emissions. B. Paper Procurement JP Morgan Chase believes strongly in the importance of ensuring that the paper they use is sourced from sustainably managed forests, which provide many significant long term benefits for the environment and local communities, including timber for paper and other wood products, ecosystem services such as clean air and water, habitat for wildlife and biodiversity, and recreation opportunities. As a result, they seek to maximize the use of paper that has been independently certified by the Forest Stewardship Council or Sustainable Forestry Initiative. Their primary focus is on office copy paper and customer facing paper used in the daily operations of corporate and retail branch facilities, as well as customer facing paper including statements and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. The Persian War Was A Series Of Wars The Persian War was a series of wars fought amongst the great empire of Persia and the coalition of the Greek city states, and lasted for twenty one years. The Ionian city states protested against Persian rule, and expended their satraps and asserted their independence, which was the start of the Ionian Revolt. Later, Darius promised to have revenge on Athens and Eretria for their revolt against the Achaemenid empire. After the revolt Darius proclaim his rule, but it becomes more challenging for him to sustain control. In attempt to cease future rebellion and get revenge for their insubordination, Darius attacks, in hopes of expanding his control into Greece and acquiring the wealth of the Greek and city states. In the mid sixth century, the Ionian Greeks had originally lost their independences to King Croesus of Lydia (Lindsey 11). Croesus wanted to attack a territory in Anatolia that was previously in the Median kingdom, so he consulted with an Oracle for advice about invading a territory the Persian wanted to claim. Consequently, he lost all of his territory including Ionia to Cyrus, Persian king because he did not listen to the Oracle instructions (Martin 127). By 499 B.C., the Ionians started a revolt against the Greek tyrants because they were not happy about being ruled by someone else (Lindsey 11). An Ionian leader traveled to mainland Greece seeking military aid for the rebellion. The Peninsular Greeks joined in and helped the Ionian city. According to Ancient ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Analysis Of AinT No Rest For The Wicked Ain t No Rest for the Wicked is a song by Cage the Elephant, and released as a single on June 16, 2008, but released in 2009 on the album Cage the Elephant . This song was written in the middle of the Great Recession of 2007 2009 in the United States and is heavily influenced by the economic issues during that time period. Matthew Schultz, a member of the band, told an interviewer about how he came up with the song and what inspired him to write it. Schultz explained how he was working in construction at the time he wrote the song, and how he asked a drug dealer why he did not stop doing drugs and selling them, to which he replied, There ain t no rest for the wicked ( Cage the Elephant ) and that he has to work without rest in order to earn money, even if it meant that he could be arrested. Ain t No Rest for the Wicked is a first person narrative and has a motif of events that reference Marxist criticism because it focuses on the idea that society is greatly impacted by the state of the economy and that people are willing to commit immoral acts to make a living. In the first verse of Ain t No Rest for the Wicked , a scene is set where the narrator is walking down the street when he is confronted by a prostitute who offers her services to him if he pay[s] the right price (Cage the Elephant, line 10). When asked why she is selling her body to complete strangers, the prostitute explains how Money ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. The Out of Sight Transformation The Out of Sight Transformation Travel has always been associated with relaxation and enjoyment. People travel to explore new or revisit favorite places. The idea that travel could also be a conduit for self growth and awareness,as discussed in the article Transformative Travel,is a very new concept but old tradition. Various religious groups send people across the world as missionaries. Missionary work was identified as a group involvement. everyone on the mission fulfilled the same purpose. Transformative travel is a combination of mission work and travel of leisure except it is based on an individual s personal goal. Susan Ross,the author of the article Transformative Travel, assembles the transformative traveler into ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A journey that impacts each character differently. The characters in the book each possessed one or more of the characteristic that defines a transformative traveler. The Texan priest appeared to be an operative role ,amongst the crew, as a pilot. It is not until later that D.W. s magnanimous leadership persona infects everyone on the asteroid. D.W. Yarborough s personal reason for taking the journey only becomes apparent right before his death. D.W. s transformative profile would be that of an adventure/ challenge and healing travler. D.W. belonged to the order of priesthood called the Jesuits. The priesthood was the only alternative to harness D.W. s demons. The Jesuits strict guidelines gave D.W. the necessary restraints to control his secular urges. The idea of of piloting the asteroid , reawakened a sleeping passion for D.W. The guilt from participating in the worldly adventure was easily dismissed . D.W. was honored that the request came from the Jesuits ,which allowed him the opportunity to participate free of guilt. The Jesuit approval gave credence to D.W s out of the ordinary confidence. D.W. s love for Emilio was also a deciding factor to take this journey. The love that was extended by D.W to Emilio skimmed the line between agape and eros love. The fact that he was Emilio s mentor was an excellent guise concealing his true feelings. D.W. absorbed the blame regarding Emilio s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. The Tooth Fairy Essay Santa, the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny, Truth in Parenting The early childhood years are full of play, pretend and magical thinking. Young children put on wings and take flight around preschool classrooms. They can be anyone they can imagine superheroes, princes princesses, mommy, daddy, and even the dog or the cat. The magic will gradually fade and they may have a few questions for you... The Shift Children cannot distinguish the difference between fantasy and reality like adults. They believe that fantasy can be real because they do not know the limits of reality.[1] This limitless way to see the world allows them to believe that anything can happen. For example, approximately 65% of children ages have imaginary friends by the age of 7.[2] They may even get upset when we forget to buckle their friend into the car. I remember my sister getting very upset when I seemed to continuously sit on her imaginary friend in our living room. This lack of boundary between fantasy and reality allows kids to believe in Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, and the Easter Bunny...until they don t. Psychologist Jean Piaget developed a stage theory of intellectual development that included four distinct stages: the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... She has completed the State of New Jersey Director s Academy for Early Care and Education, and her credentials include New Jersey Teacher Certification through 12th grade. Cindy has spent more than 17 years working in the field of education, and she has experience teaching and directing in daycare, preschool, and school age programs. She is an approved Professional Impact New Jersey Associate Instructor for Adults. Her specialty is cognitive development, positive guidance and discipline, curriculum development, developmentally appropriate practice, and best ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Spoon River Themes The movie Sixth Sense and the book the Spoon River Anthology both talk about dead people, but there lies a deeper meaning in both of them. The book and movie each have their own differences, but also the book and movie have similarities between them. The book and the movie are not that different they have each share common theme. The movie Sixth Sense and the book spoon river anthology have their differences but also share a common theme which is, Do not end your life with you unfinished business, finish what you started. In the book the Spoon River anthology, many themes are expressed throughout the story. One of the themes is never being afraid to speak your mind because that is the way you will be remembered. This is found in Dorcas ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One of those ideas is how can someone tell if they are alive or dead without experiencing. At the end of the movie there is a major plot twist where the audience finds out that the doctor was actually dead the entire and got shot he did not realize either. The doctor did not realize that he was dead until Cole said They do not know they are dead yet. The doctor realizes this is happening to him when he goes back to his house for the first time and sees his wife. Another idea is that how can we tell what is real or fake without actually seeing it. This idea comes from Cole Sean a nine year old kid who suffers from a disorder where he can see dead people as though they were living. His problem brings up an interesting point because Humans do not know what is actually real or not because we really do not what is there. Cole is a very special kid because he can the dead people and he knows what is real because he sees the dead people and he knows what is there. It is a little frightening these things out in this world that humans cannot see but could be there. A theme found in sixth sense is Closure makes everything better. This theme is found when the Doctor is by Cole to talk to his wife when she is sleeping because then she will listen. Cole said to the Doctor the best time to talk to her is when she is sleeping, because she will actually listen. The Doctors does this and His wife is able to feel much better because she knows that her husband is okay and that he will always be with her. This makes the doctor feel better too because he knows that he wife still loves him and will always remember him. The doctor and his wife were both better once the doctor opened up and gave some closure. Another example about this is when Cole and his mom were stuck in traffic Cole finally told his mother about his secret and gave an example. He told his mom that his grandmother, Cole s mom s mom, that Grandma ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. 187 Reasons Why Mexicans Can T Cross The Border The revision process for me was difficult. It was difficult because I thought that my ideas were clearly stated and organized. However, that was not the case. There were sections in which the language of my essay made the ideas that I was trying to convey disorganized. Other times I had too much going on and had to slow down the pace of the essay. In brief there were errors within my essay, therefore I needed to make revisions to improve the quality. There were many changes/revisions that I made. Firstly, I omitted a paragraph in which I made a relation to 187 Reasons Why Mexicans Can t Cross The Border. Though it had good content in regards to identity, I realized that it threw off the idea of a close reading. The objective of this assignment ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Essay about Freedom Freedom Freedom is never more than one generation from extinction. These are the words of Ronald Reagan, former President of the United States of America, speaking on the topic of freedom, a subject he frequently dealt with during his long presidency. Over the years, freedom in the U.S. has become an increasingly controversial topic, and the effectiveness of the government in affording these freedoms has been called into question. Through certain historical documents and events, the government s effectiveness at ensuring freedoms for all can be confirmed. The occurrences of several major events in the history of America eventually gave all blacks equal rights and fostered a culture of change in American society. The Emancipation ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Additionally, approximately a century later, bigotry received its final, most important, blow when the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed. The act was one of the most important pieces of legislation in American history, outlawing discrimination of not only blacks, but women, in terms of voting, public education, and workplaces. The passing of this act was a catalyst for social reform, and racial and sexual acceptance. Although delayed and incredibly late, Lincoln and the United States government eventually granted and ensured all American citizens the same freedoms that still exist in the country today. A prime example of the freedom afforded to citizens can be seen through the exploits of the immensely controversial Westboro Baptist Church. The church, according to the Anti Defamation League, is a small virulently homophobic, anti Semitic hate group that regularly stages protests around the country (Extremism in America 1). According to Bill Mears with CNN, the church, which has long been a source of controversy, was recently sued for inflicting emotional distress upon a family as a result of protesting at the funeral of a dead marine. However, despite a powerful statement by Chief Justice John Roberts in which he claimed that speech is powerful and that it can inflict great pain, he also said that we cannot react to that pain by punishing the speaker (Mears 1). ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Summary Of The Virgin Of Guadalupe The Virgin of Guadalupe represented a melding of indigenous and Western cultures, a woman who was both a symbol of Catholicism, but appeared to an indigenous man and spoke in Nahuatl. The Virgin stemmed from syncretism of Catholicism with indigenous religions after Catholics realized that they needed to accept indigenous idols and beliefs if they wanted to spread their religion in Columbian era Mexico. However, over time, the Virgin of Guadalupe has come to represent not only religion but something inherently Mexican due her origins are non polarizing, her being associated with both indigenous and Western culture. Ideologically, she also came to represent the idea of purity when contrasted with La Malinche, who Mexicans view as a representation of betrayal. The Virgin s place in the virgin/whore dichotomy is what cements her place in history not only as a religious symbol but also as a symbol for all of Mexico, something which represents purity and one s pride in Mexico itself. Mexican Mosaic, quoting Carlos Fuentes, describes this ironic view of the Virgin s place in a country with the state sponsored religion as how one may no longer consider himself a Christian, but one cannot truly be considered a Mexican unless one believes in the Virgin of Guadalupe (Buchenau 23). The Virgin represents an inherent purity that all Mexicans strive to achieve. Although she is intrinsically Catholic, she appears to be associated more with the history and culture of Mexico itself. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. The Importance Of Government Surveillance In Our Society Our society is dystopian in that we are being watched by the government. The governments surveillance ranges from cameras to electronics to even emails. We are told that this constant surveillance is for our safety and to make it a safe environment for us because their main reason is to protect us when in fact it may not be their true intentions. Surveillance has been a problem in our society because people think that there s too much cameras which it s not necessary. People feel like they are constantly being watched. This increase in surveillance makes us question if the government is collecting of information for their own good. According to Detroit News, on the 23rd of March a 23 year old man named Rudy Carcamo Carranza was arrested because he was involved in a drunken driving allegations and a hit and run crash and was also a twice deported worker from El Salvador. Federal investigators used a a device called Stingray which is designed for counter terrorism but is used hunt undocumented immigrants. Based on Aclu, Stingrays, also known as cell site simulators or IMSI catchers are invasive cell phone surveillance devices that mimic cell phone towers and send out signals to trick cell phones in the area into transmitting their locations and identifying information , the device is an example that at any moment our cellphones can not only be used for law enforcement agencies to track down undocumented people but also allows the government to have access to our locations ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Essay on Financial Analysis Report Yum! Brands Financial Analysis Report (FAR) YUM! Brands, Inc. The fast food and quick service restaurant industry consisted of about 945,000 restaurants representing approximately $552 billion in annual sales. The industry is highly fragmented, with the top 50 companies holding about 25% of industry sales and is intensely competitive with respect to food quality, price, service, convenience, location and concept (Hoovers 2009). The major companies of the industry include McDonald s, Burger King, Subway, Domino s Pizza, Dairy Queen and the Yum Brands restaurant companies. Quick service restaurants are often affected by changes in consumer tastes; national, regional or local economic conditions; currency fluctuations; demographic trends; ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 3. Taco Bell The first Taco Bell restaurant was opened in 1962 by Glen Bell in Downey, California, and in 1964, the first Taco Bell franchise was sold. Taco Bell is based in Irvine, California. As of year end 2008, Taco Bell was the leader in the U.S. Mexican QSR segment, with a 54 percent market share in that segment. 4. Long John Silver (LJS) The first LJS restaurant opened in 1969 and the first LJS franchise unit opened later the same year. LJS is based in Louisville, Kentucky. As of year end 2008, LJS was the leader in the U.S. seafood QSR segment, with a 35 percent market share in that segment. 5. A W A W was founded in Lodi, California by Roy Allen in 1919 and the first A W franchise unit opened in 1925. A W is based in Louisville, Kentucky. A W operates in 10 countries and territories throughout the world. As of year end 2008, there were 363 A W units in the U.S., and 264 units outside the U.S. All single brand units inside and outside of the U.S. are operated by franchisees. As of year end 2008, there were 89 company operated multi brand units that included the A W concept. With the multi brand strategy, Yum has also found a way to achieve a competitive advantage over its competitors by way of globalization. Through globalization, Yum Brands can be found in over 100 countries. The International and China Division segments can account for over 60% of the company s total ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Women s Fashion During The Great Depression Fashion during the Great depression was very different from before because poor people struggled and used cheap resources as clothing, men s fashion was pointed towards the job they worked, and women s fashion was practical, yet simple. Poor families had to use their resources to make necessities for them to live, like clothes. Clothing in poor families were usually made from flour sacks. Women during the Depression had an elegant style, yet made cheaper and more practical for the work they do to survive. Men always looked sharp, but their pieces were usually made of cheaper fabrics to save money because of the depressing loses during the difficult times. There were many styles for different families, working women, and men with specific needs ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Men went overseas and women worked more during WWII after the Depression (Eberhardt). Clothes for men was a lot more fashionable than it was in the 20 s, unlike women (Tucker). Although, the colors were like the women s because they were still dark and plain (Sessions). Men were said to be overdressed for all occasions in this decade (Tucker). It was popular for men too to have very athletic build and looked good in a v neck coat with very broad shoulders. Men wore plain white button downs for a regular, everyday outfit, or also for under a suit because men sweat a lot at work (Tucker). Younger men usually wore sweaters to make their own fashion statement. Everything a man wore was usually worn with tall, high waisted pants. They were easy and looked good with just about any outfit. They usually cuffed the bottom of their pants if they wanted to go for a more casual look. Another fashion statement for a guy was to wear a fedora almost everywhere. Gangsters wore suits with a monogrammed shirt, and always a fedora. Men just picked up on that style for everyday. Shoes for men were very simple. They were always nice looking with a toe cap and looked similar to bowling shoes. They always wore bright socks to make a statement since their outfits and shoes were very plain. For men in the evening, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Science Fair Project Report This year, for my Science Fair Project I plan to do a study on how varying system parameters affect the dynamics of a multi tank liquid level hydraulic system. The purpose of this type of system is to maintain a constant fluid flow. In order to maintain this fluid flow the tanks have to preserve a certain liquid level, this necessary level depends on the other variables. My system will consist of: an inflow valve, the tanks, valves to go between the tanks, and an outflow valve. I want to do this experiment because about two years ago, when I was in the seventh grade, I did a science fair experiment where I tested how changing the variables in a mass spring damper system affected system response. In that experiment, I changed the amount of mass, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Mao s Success with Domestic Policies Essay Mao s Success with Domestic Policies After Mao had defeated the Nationalists he was aware of the instability of communism in china. He aimed of stabilizing china by dividing it into six main regions also called the Organic Law of 1949, each was governed by a Bureau including four major officials : Chairman, party secretary, military commander and political commissar. The last two officials were members of the PLA, which effectively left china under army control but also Mao hoped that through these actions he would be able to stabilize communist China. Nevertheless, Mao had to adopt force in order to control china. Since Mao had send his officials also in regions in which communism was not ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... These three Antis were successful, and fulfilled Mao s plan to get rid of the capitalist class system, and the problems linked to it. In 1952 Mao realized that China would need again a new domestic policy and since the three Antis were successful he extended the three Antis and introduced the five Anti movement . His aim was to extinguish the as he called it bureaucratic capitalist class , and to give Chinas economy a sudden push. This time the campaign was against, tax evasion, bribery, fraud, industry sabotage and theft of government property. Mao s goals for the Anti campaigns were almost all fulfilled, so it can be seen that the Anti movements showed that Mao was successful in his domestic policies. Mao always referred to the Soviet union and how successful they were. Mao was very interested and surprised by the outcomes of the serious of five year plans of the soviet union. And eventually in 1953 he introduced the first five year plan. The emphasis of the plan was on state directed growth of heavy industry. A basis for this was already in China since the GMD government had establish a National Resource committee which had taken control of industrial ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Essay on Police Use of Force The police forces in every community are deemed law enforcement officers and have to take necessary precautions in executing their job. Individuals that police officers encounter may at any time threaten the security of the officer or others. Police officers have to follow procedures that are necessary to maintain control of situations that can cause harm to others or property. The three topics that will be discussed in police use of force are; the explanation and background of use of force, limitations of use of force, and disputed court cases dealing with police use of force. Police use of force can be described as being the amount of effort required by police to compel compliance by an unwilling subject. (nij.gov, p.1) The stages ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) in Data Collection on Police Use of Force, states that the legal test of excessive force is determining whether the police officer reasonably believed that their force was necessary to reach a legitimate police goal (cops.usdoj, p.1). Courts; however, may define reasonable differently than a court in another jurisdiction. The understanding of improper use of force can be divided into two categories: unnecessary and excessive (p.1). The unnecessary use of force would be the application of force where there is no justification to use it; while an excessive use of force would be the application of more force than required where use of force is reasonable. (http://www.cops.usdoj.gov/default.asp?Item=1374) (https://www.ncjrs.gov/txtfiles/ppsyc.txt) Some psychologists have been assigned to evaluate police officers who practice excessive force. The psychologists services are more counseling oriented than training (ncjrs.gov p.1). In examining police psychologists role in managing police use of excessive force, they were surveyed to examine the types of services they provide. They were also asked how those services are used to counter police use of excessive force (p.1). The psychologists characterized the types of officers who abuse force and offered strategies that could help police ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Health Literature Review Essay To locate the articles to be reviewed, a systematic approach will be used to search for the sources on many electronic data bases such as PubMed, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), Scopus, Ebsco, EMBASE and Science Direct. The articles searched for will be published between 2007 and 2017 and the search terms used will be drawn from the research question. These key words include, direct payments , personation of care direct payments and adults with learning disabilities , effect of direct payments . The literature search generated a large amount of relevant, current as well as dated articles as well as some that were not so reverent for this research. To reduce the number of articles located I used ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Similarly, advocates of direct payments in line with personal budgets argue that they can achieve a wide range of policy objectives such as better outcomes for social care users (Poll et al. 2006), greater empowerment of recipients, thereby conferring more dignity and personal responsibility (Hatton et al. 2008). Those against have argued that the use of direct payments to encourage personalisation of care, as well as encouraging service users to become more independent and autonomous, is a government ploy to absolve itself of responsibility toward its citizens (Woolham et al 2015). In Ferguson (2007) is also of the view that the personalisation agenda represents not so much an extension of choice as a privatisation of risk due to the way it shifts responsibility away from the state and on to individuals with social care needs and their unpaid carers. Despite the controversy around the topic, evidence from the literature show that the use of personalisation, and personal health budgets had led to improved health outcomes for adults with learning disabilities. In support, Jones et al (2013) in their randomised controlled trial observed that direct payments were linked to a significant improvement in patients care related quality of life and psychological wellbeing. On the same note, evidence show that ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Account SCHEDULE B (Form 1040A or 1040) Interest and Ordinary Dividends ▶ OMB No. 1545 0074 Attach to Form 1040A or 1040. Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service (99) ▶ Information about Schedule B (Form 1040A or 1040) and its instructions is at www.irs.gov/scheduleb. Name(s) shown on return Attachment Sequence No. 08 Your social security number 2013 Amount Part I Interest (See instructions on back and the instructions for Form 1040A, or Form 1040, line 8a.) Note. If you received a Form 1099 INT, Form 1099 OID, or substitute statement from a brokerage firm, list the firm s name as the payer and enter the total interest shown on that form. 1 List name of payer. If any interest is from a seller financed ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Financial account located in a foreign country. A financial account is located in a foreign country if the account is physically located outside of the United States. For example, an account maintained with a branch of a United States bank that is physically located outside of the United States is a foreign financial account. An account maintained with a branch of a foreign bank that is physically located in the United States is not a foreign financial account. Signature authority. Signature authority is the authority of an individual (alone or in conjunction with another individual) to control the disposition of assets held in a foreign financial account by direct communication (whether in writing or otherwise) to the bank or other financial institution that maintains the financial account. See the FinCEN Form 114 instructions for exceptions. Do not consider the exceptions relating to signature authority in answering Question 1 on line 7a. Other definitions. For definitions of financial interest, United States, and other relevant terms, see the instructions for FinCEN Form 114. Line 7a Question 2. See FinCEN Form 114 and its instructions to determine whether you must file the form. Check the Yes box if you are required to file the form; check the No box if ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Programs Offering Food and Medical Assistance Along with cash assistance programs, there are many programs that offer food and medical assistance. Emergency food programs help supplement the diets of low income needy people by providing food at no cost. Foods banks and churches, both offer emergency food when a family or individual is in need. SNAP which was formerly known as food stamps is a food benefit program that offers low income people and families help to buy the food needed to maintain a healthy diet and retain good health. The benefits are provided on a link card that is accepted at most grocery stores. There are limits as to what can be purchased with SNAP benefits, such as; cigarettes and any other tobacco products, alcohol, gasoline, and any hot, already prepared foods. Along with food, you are able to also purchase vegetable and fruit seeds to be able to grow your own foods in a garden (DHS Programs). Women, Infants, and Children, or WIC is a food assistance program for women infants and children. The program helps pregnant women, new mothers and young children eat well and stay healthy. Special checks are used to buy, foods like; milk juice, eggs, cheese, cereal, beans, bread, peanut butter, and formula and baby food for infants and babies. Most states also have a medical program and is usually called Medicaid. The Medicaid program is for qualifying low income individuals and families. For adults the Medicaid program covers doctor visits, emergency room services and hospital services, dental and vision ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Spirit Of St. Louis Essay The Spirit of St. Louis played a major role in aviation history during the 1920s. This single engine monoplane was custom built for one task only, and that was to fly non stop from Long Island, New York to Paris, France. In 1919, Raymond Orteig offered a $25,000 pil.z,e to the first aviator that could navigate across the Atlantic. However, it wasn t until May 12,1927 that this feat was accomplished by Charles Lindbergh. It required much planning and sponsorships for this non stop transatlantic flight upon the completion of his of his specialtybuilt plane by Ryan Airlines named the spirit of St. Louis. This plane served as Lindbergh s life support through night and day and would later make history as one of ttre best known aircraft in the world. The journey took approximately 33.5 hours and a distance traveled of 3,600 miles of the entire solo flight. After landing in Paris, Charles Lindbergh had become an international legend and was an important milestone for aviation industry. Donald A. Hall was the designer behind the Spirit and worked for Ryan Airlines. officially, the plane wiu known as the Ryan Nryp for New york to Paris. The Spirit of St. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The first leg of his flight was to fiavel to Curtiss Field on Long Island, New York for the beginning of the transatlantic flight. The spirit of St. Louis landed on May 12,1927 and while enroute they had already broken a standing record for the fastest transcontinental flight. A few days later, Charles Lindbergh set off from Roosevelt Field on his non stop transatlantic flight to France. He had to fight sleep deprivation and limited visibility for 33.5 hours sfraight, but on May 20, 1927 Lindbergh landed safely at l0:22pm on Le Bourget Field, Paris. From that point on Charles Lindbergh would go down in history as one of the greatest aviators of all time. Now, the spirit of St. Louis lives on to represent that great accomplishment at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum in Washington, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. In The Code Book, By Simon Singh In the Code Book, by Simon Singh he talks about how the exchange of digital information over the internet has become the most used way to send messages and mail. The use of cryptography is being used to encrypt emails or important messages. Paper mail has slowly decreased because of everyone using the internet to do everything and making it easier for someone to intercept an important message . However, when sending the information or message thru paper mail it is more difficult for someone to intercept the message, but if using the internet if you don t send it encrypted it can be easy for the message to be read by someone else. In The Dark Game by Paul Janeczko he talks about how spies would send messages about their enemies. They would ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. American People Watching Vietnam Watching Vietnam: Media and the American People Newspapers, radio and television are all types of media that debated the Vietnam War from 1965 to 1975. For the first time, television showed American citizens what was going on battle after battle in Vietnam. It became one of the most controversial wars that America was ever involved in. Over the span of the war, the government wanted to keep public support for the war. But, it was difficult because the media s support declined over time. Did the media change the course of military operations or government decision making in Vietnam? The War Within: America s Battle Over Vietnam (1995), by Tom Wells, labelled the media as the opinion makers. They decided how to portray the war through news channels, magazines, radio and newspapers. The ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... America s opinion changed overtime and the military worked to control the media. Tom Wells wrote about the power of the media. William Hammond wrote about how the military and government tried to control what was reported to the American public. But in the end, the media could not be censored. Daniel C. Hallin called the Vietnam War, the uncensored war . The media changed the courses of government decision making and military operations in America. For the president, it was all about getting the votes and keeping public opinion positive and supportive. By 1972, Nixon promised what the public wanted: to end the war and win the peace. Americans would have had different opinions about the war if the information only came from the government and military leaders. The militaries agenda was to win the war and the governments agenda was to keep American support and stop the North Vietnamese communists. The media had a very different agenda; they wanted to share the facts about Vietnam. And the facts included death, fire, guns, bombings, napalm and atrocities. The media watched Vietnam and shared all they seen with the American ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. ‘Is good management essential in achieving organizational... _ IS GOOD MANAGEMENT ESSENTIAL IN ACHIEVING ORGANIZATIONAL GOALS OF ORGANIZATIONAL EFFICIENCY, EFFECTIVENESS AND PRODUCTIVITY? _ Management is the process of achieving organisational goals through the four functions of management, planning, organising, leading and controlling (Davidson, 2006: 5). For the reason that management involved with such variety of activities that basically would affect the proper function and the flow of the organisation; consequently, the standard of the management is the direct factor hindering the efficiency, effectiveness and productivity in the organisation. Efficiency means accomplishing those goals within time constraints and effectiveness means the accomplishment of the organisation s goals (Seward ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Through further research, McDonald s employees work in different parts of the workplace. For example, one employee is making burgers and another serving at the counter. This is very efficient as each employee has a specific role. This enhances productivity. Motivation, leadership, group processes and communication are important as they enhance productivity. The Ford Motor Company is a global automotive industry. It manufactures and distributes vehicles across the world. The Firm also owns other automobile brands which include Volvo and Astin Martin (Ford, 2008: 1). Ford is currently the fourth largest automaker in the world based on number of vehicles sold annually and is now a market leader in innovation and technology (Ford, 2010). One of the management challenges that Ford Motor faces is it must be prepared to address the fierce competition from other companies within and outside the country. In order to compete, the company must be ahead on cost, quality and service. Also Ford has to constantly innovate through research and development to create new products. This strategy has enabled the organisation to achieve its effective goal of survival and profitability by allowing it to compete not only on the price but also design and quality. This receives academic support from Stoner _et al_. (1985) who states that management requires performance that is both efficient and effective. Another management challenge ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. What Are The Emperor s New Clothes The Emperor s New Clothes The Emperor s New Clothes Is a parody that turned into a reality as humans advanced from 1837 now turning into a common occurrence among society. Made in Denmark the writer Hans Christian Andersen is a famous writer who wrote about his mother begging on streets which resulted in The little girl with a match and talked about how he was as a child with the ugly toad feeling left out. He writes mostly about his experiences and what he sees in their world. The emperor s New Clothes is a fable how to swindler s trick the emperor his clothes were so good it has been unseen by the regular people and only seen by rich people when in reality it s just no clothes. It shows how people are willing to go with the crowd until it s unpopular to make fun of it. The emperor s new clothes written by Hans Christen Andersen can now be used as a metaphor how people act today. In The Emperor s New Clothes was written to mock how people react to things. When one thing turns popular most people agree and follow it until someone realizes how it s really weird then everyone goes at it. He mocks it in the story where he shows how the people in the crowd are applauding ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It makes the reader think of how you ve done that by having it entertainment. Current versions of the book are just a shadow of the original only including the base, but not including what made it so good the people agreeing with the king. An way this is a problem is how none one knows what the book is really about, it is a random story instead of being based on something or originated by something. The book shows how humans are willing to act in front of someone with an not something cool with someone who has a popular social status. When it s all done the book is a metaphor of people and a metaphor of how people react to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. HIPAA Compliance This article influences me in a large number of various ways. Most importantly, with these rules set up my records are put in safe hands and will be shielded from everybody who wishes to steal them and bring damage to me and also other individuals. It clarifies the tenets and regulations of this act and secures regular individuals like you and me amid times of great chaos and destruction. As a patient, I am truly enthusiastic this has been implemented and that there is clear framework set up intended to secure my data, essential nonreplaceable records, and oral discussions between attendants, specialists and so forth that should only be between us. I am thankful that all HIPAA covered entities must comply with the Security Rule and all of this also include health plans and a majority of healthcare providers, medical clearinghouses, and drug card sponsors (HIPAA 2 3). There are actually two rules, one for privacy and the other for security, which is two distinct things. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For the duration of reading this article, it explains everything that must be followed and met in the practices of the facilities. These include privacy guidelines, electronic transaction guidelines, and just overall security as a whole. With all of these put in place the patients that are attending the hospital should be joyous to know that their records are for the most part safe, secure, and in the right hands. Meaning that there is no chaos and everything is peaceful until there is a corrupt politician wanting to spread illegal information about their opponents, someone letting their guard down, or worse, someone hacking into the system and causing a catastrophe which is why HIPAA was created in the first place. Using this system can protect the hospital during times when someone has hacked into the system if they have followed all the rules and such to the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Nozick Experience Machine Analysis 3. Nozick s Experience Machine thought experience is supposed to demonstrate utilitarianism thinking of ethical hedonism. Nozick believes that pleasure is good and any component such as pain does not increase personal well being. The Experience Machine gives a person any experience they want functioning as a tank where scientists stimulate your brain to believe that your experience is actually happen. The Experience Machine lasts for two years in which the person then decides to choose the next round of experiences for the next two years. The Experience Machine is a perfect illusion within the human mind. My strongest objection is that the Experience Machine is flawed in the sense that good and bad experiences equally influence a person s morality ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Case Study Of A Report On Construction Management Dr Sally Yu is a chartered chemist specialising in construction materials who has been recognized for her innovative approaches to engineering chemistry and combustion science. She instructs as an expert by Bond Legal to prepare a report on behalf of Queensland Best Property Group. This report will be used in Court at the trial/hearing of dispute. The detailed Curriculum Vitae about Dr Sally YU is attached in Appendix A. 1) Queensland Best Property Group planned to refurbish the Bond Tower. 2) The competitive tender of the renovation construction project was held on 9th January, 2017 and the Gold Coast Construction Ltd won the bidding with the quoted price of $3 million. 3) Queensland Best Property Group (the principal) signed the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The scope of inspection is the newly built cladding of the outside building walls of the Bond Tower and the framework which supported the construction work. The whole process of inspection and collection was undergoing with a notary, James Cooper, who was appointed by the Supreme Court of Queensland. 7.2.1. The process of inspection and collection a) Inspection 1 09:00 am, I arrived at the Bond tower, 25 Lake Orr Drive, Robina. First of all, I went to the construction site office to pick up the drawings of Bond Tower renovation plan, the project management plan and the BOQ of cladding. From the documents, it is stated that aluminium cladding with a 50mm ventilated cavity to vent moisture next to 150mm of Celotex FR500 insulation will be installed. This type of cladding has a Class 0 rating, the highest rating for preventing the spread of flames (see figure 7.1). All related diagrams attached in Appendix B. Figure 7.1 Outside wall cladding plan of the Bond Tower b) Inspection 2 09:45 am, I started the inspection and collection job from the north bottom side of the building and followed by clockwise movement. I noticed that there is no significant fire damage to all sides of the bottom of the Bond Tower (as shown on figure 7.1). On each side, I cut and collected a piece of 250cm * 250 cm sample cladding on each side as sample NB1, SB1, EB1 and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Spotify Persuasive Essay Spotify provides a lot of benefits to the artists and music industry: reduce illegal download, expend the life span of music, and provide the listeners the opportunities to consume music in the legal ways. Nevertheless, there are huge disputes between Spotify and top artists over royalty issues. Some of top artists like Taylor Swift and Adele against Spotify: Adele acknowledges that streaming is the future of music industry but she wants to show that it s not the only way to consume music (Adele). Swift against Spotify another reason, during an interview with Time Subscribe, Swift states, Music is art, and art is important and rare. Important, rare things are valuable. Valuable things should be paid for...music should not be free. She argues that the valuable things like the music should be paid. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Spotify answers the Swift s argument: We personally view per stream metrics as a highly flawed indication of our value to artist...We believe, however, that our service and the lives of artists will both be best if the world s music fans enjoy more music than ever before in a legal, paid manner. They argue that they pay for the value of music (royalty) and legally provide music for listeners to enjoy music. According to Spotify s financial report, they pay a lot of amount of royalties to have right to stream music in their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Labpaq Scientific Method Essay The Scientific Method Portland Community College Staff* Version 42 0207 00 01 Lab RepoRt assistant This document is not meant to be a substitute for a formal laboratory report. The Lab Report Assistant is simply a summary of the experiment s questions, diagrams if needed, and data tables that should be addressed in a formal lab report. The intent is to facilitate students writing of lab reports by providing this information in an editable file which can be sent to an instructor. obseRvations Data Table 1: Making Observations | Procedure ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The pieces were clearer and sharper looking than the original rock salt. 2. Describe the initial observations made when several drops of water were added to few particles rock salt and the observations made several minutes later. Initially, the rock salt partially dissolved in the drops of water. After several minutes, the salt was more dissolved, but had not completely dissolved. There were very fine grains of salt that were visible at the base of the water bubble that hadn t dissolved. 3. In light of these observations, what can be concluded about salt? Salt can be broken down and dissolved by water, but not in high concentrations. C. Do all the grains of sand look like they are made out of the same material? No. 1. Propose a hypothesis to explain the observed appearance of sand. Sand is a conglomeration of rocks and stones that have been broken down into sediments. 2. Describe what was initially observed when several drops of water were added to several grains of sand and the observations made several minutes later. Initially, when water was added to sand, the sand was unchanged. After several minutes, the sand continued to appear unchanged. 3. In light of these observations, what can be concluded about sand? Sand cannot be dissolved into water.
  • 44. D. The water and oil acted differently on the reaction surface. Propose a hypothesis that explains the different behavior of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. International Market Analysis For A Growing Firm Luigi Vittatoe Professor Stanley Klatka BUS1801 Global Business Perspectives October 5, 2015 International Business Paper Introduction For a growing firm, the international market represents one of the avenues to achieve growth and expansion. The global market, through trade, has been an engine of growth, for example, world trade has been growing at seven percent since 1945, becoming a contributor to economic growth. The international market has facilitated global trade and the integration of economies. Therefore, it has enabled countries to exploit its comparative advantage. The following report looks at the international market entry strategies, reasons for selecting the topic, new relevant materials learned facts about the topic and the unexpected facts relating to it. Reasons for choosing the topic International market entry is important because it enables an organization to increase its output and attract new customers. By expanding the customer base and the scale of production, the business will be able to achieve economies of scale. That is, the organization can be able to reduce the average cost per unit of production when the level of output is substantially increased (Stephan and Roin 28). After international expansion, cost advantages and higher profit be obtained through bulk purchasing, enjoying high turnover rate and paying lower interest rates on loans. For the business firm to grow, it has to find new opportunities of expansion. The opportunity for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Ethnography Essays Ethnography Introduction Beginning with the early stages of savagery to the complex civilizations in the 21st century, the need to compete remains an important aspect in the continual evolution of mankind. Competition took various forms throughout history from the bloody attempts to kill a mammoth in order to provide nourishment, to the violent battles between two opposing sides taking place on college football fields every Saturday afternoon. Another form of competition involving severe contact on a scale par with football is the sport of rugby. My personal history with the sport began in a medium sized island in Polynesia. I lived and worked in New Zealand during the summer of 1999, between my sophomore and junior year. This little ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... From my research I discovered three conflicting themes, and my theory behind these themes is based upon structural analysis. This ethnography will also reveal some of the methodological questions discussed in class, specifically, replicability, critical dialogue, reflexivity, and globalization. Interestingly, I found a way to connect three out of the four methodological issues to the conflicting themes gathered in my research. For example, critical dialogue links to the contradiction between playfulness and competiveness, reflexivity to upper and lower classes, and globalization to Englishness and Americaness. My point of departure, however, will begin with a basic introduction to the history and rules of rugby. This will enable my non rugby playing readers (i.e. Joel, William, Bashira, etc.) to gain general background knowledge on the sport before they become acquainted with the Occidental rugby culture. Rugby s Tale Legend has it that a young English boy picked up a soccer ball during a match at Rugby School. Picking up the ball is a clear violation in soccer unless the player is the goalie; but the illegality proved popular and led to the sport of rugby. In 1846, the school later published the rules of rugby. England, Scotland, and Whales picked the game up quickly and developed leagues for the new sport. The spread of rugby to outside the island ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...