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Pest on Unilever
Pest Analysis On Unilever – December 2nd, 2010
Unilever is an Anglo–Dutch multinational corporation that owns many of the world's consumer
product brands in foods, beverages, cleaning agents and personal care products.
Unilever is a dual–listed company consisting of Unilever N.V. in Rotterdam, The Netherlands and
Unilever PLC in London, United Kingdom. This arrangement is similar to those of Reed Elsevier
and Royal Dutch Shell prior to their unified structures. Both Unilever companies have the same
directors and effectively operate as a single business. The current non–executive Chairman of
Unilever N.V. and PLC is Michael Treschow while Paul Polman is Group Chief Executive.
Unilever's main ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
All businesses are affected by national and global economic factors. National and global interest rate
and fiscal policy will be set around economic conditions. The climate of the economy dictates how
consumers, suppliers and other organizational stakeholders such as suppliers and creditors behave
within society.
An economy undergoing recession will have high unemployment, low spending power and low
stakeholder confidence. Conversely a "booming" or growing economy will have low
unemployment, high spending power and high stakeholder confidence.
A successful organization will respond to economic conditions and stakeholder behavior.
Furthermore organisations will need to review the impact economic conditions are having on their
competitors and respond accordingly.
In this global business world organisations are affected by economies throughout the world and not
just the countries in which they are based or operate from. For example: a global credit crunch
originating in the USA contributed towards the credit crunch in the UK in 2007/08.
Cheaper labour in developing countries affects the competitiveness of products from developed
countries. An increase in interest rates in the USA will affect the share price of UK stocks or adverse
weather conditions in India may affect the price of tea bought in an English café.
A truly global player has to be aware of economic conditions across all borders
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Pest On Unilever
Pest On Unilever
Pest On Unilever
Critical And Acute Care: A Qualitative Study
Alana Keenan and Lynn Joseph's study on "The Needs of Family Members of Severe Traumatic
Brain Injured Patients during Critical and Acute Care: A Qualitative Study" utilizes well known
phenomenological research and data analysis methods and presents their findings in a thorough and
well thought out manner. The report makes adequate effort to discuss what was done to enhance and
evaluate the quality of the data and the overall inquiry with the findings being "part of a larger
mixed method study of both qualitative and quantitative data collected over three time periods"
(Keenan, 2010, p. 25)
Background information regarding the development of the study was provided with the goal of the
study "to identify the needs expressed by family members, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
This is especially important in this study since further research in additional populations seems
necessary to determine which aspects of this study are generalizable to additional populations to
include different locations and patient populations as well as further variability in patient family
demographics (i.e. the inclusion of more male family members). One of the strategies not used in
this study we the use of group interviews or focus groups. The authors point this fact out in their
study indicating that while the results from such interviews would likely add to the evidence of their
study, because of the scope of the study this method would need to wait to be utilized in later
studies. Limiting the number of uncontrolled variables and not overwhelming the study with
multiple research methods that may or may not add to the value of the results at this point seems
beneficial and allows room for future
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Pest On Unilever
Pest On Unilever
Pest On Unilever
Strategic Options For The Australian Market Focus On...
3 Strategic options
As a result of the analysis of Toyota Australia, three options have been identified for the company to
Option 1 – Continue with existing 3–pronged strategy and expand operations within the Australian
market focus on hybrid/autonomous technologies
Option 2 – Maintain 3–pronged strategy, seeking to leverage government support
Option 3 – Remove two prongs, greater focus on the existing importing global model. Along with
reducing the local manufacturing presence, and expanding the existing dealer network.
3.1 Option 1: Continue with existing 3–pronged strategy and expand operations within the
Australian market focus on hybrid/autonomous technologies
The first strategic option proposed is. Expand operations ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
The addition of a technology and R&D strategy by expanding Australian operations to focus on
hybrid and autonomous technologies provides opportunities to develop competitive advantage in the
Australian market by providing Australian made vehicles. In addition, this aligns with the Federal
Government's National Innovation and Science Agenda (NISA).
This option is not without it's risks such as the higher production costs in Australia over other
Toyota plants in developing economies. In addition, the geographical remoteness of increasing
shipping fees. Equipment and parts availability not to mention the overall market acceptance of
Hybrid technology thus this option is very much a long term approach. A SWOT analysis for this
option is outlined below in figure six. Figure 6 – Option one SWOT analysis
3.2 Option 2: Maintain 3–pronged strategy, seeking to leverage government support
Option 2 maintains the current three pronged approach, stepping up lobbying of the Federal
government and Victorian government. To support the automotive manufacturing industry in
Since the release of the Productivity Commissions (2013) report into government support for the
automotive industry, the situation has changed.
There has been a decrease in the Australian dollar making exports more viable
With the exit of GMH, Ford, and Mitsubishi. Toyota is the last remaining automotive manufacturer
operating locally.
The mining downturn and loss of
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Pest On Unilever
Pest On Unilever
Chapter 1 – Listo Systems
Listo Systems is a graphic service agency with a long history of success. In the early 1990s, the
company quickly grew into one of the top graphic service companies in the world.
The rapid growth of technology in recent years has both helped and hindered the company.
Advancements in technology have allowed Listo Systems to provide quality services and products
faster and more efficiently. However, new technology has also been beneficial for Listo Systems'
competitors. The competition has grown significantly in number and in the quality of services and
products that they provide. The increase in technology has also led to an increase in customer
demands and expectations. Customers want services and products ... Show more content on
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4. Become the customer. The most radical move of all is to buy your largest customer. To generate
value, make this move just before power starts shifting to customers, not after it has progressed.
Purchasing of a distribution channel lets you join rather than fight the rise in customer power.
2. What external environmental factors are affecting Listo Systems?
External environment consists of forces that directly or indirectly influence organization's business
activities. The actors and forces outside marketing that affect management's ability to build and
maintain successful relationship with target customers.
Changes are often quick and unpredictable and offers both opportunities and threats
Company must use its research and marketing intelligence systems to monitor the changing
Systematic environmental scanning helps Listo System to revise and adapt business strategies to
meet new challenges and opportunities in the marketplace.
Technology can reduce costs, improve quality and lead to innovation. These developments can
benefit consumers as well as the organizations providing the products.
Every company faces a wide range of competitors and Listo System is also not apart from this fact.
Listo System must secure a strategic advantage over competitors by positioning their offerings to be
successful in the marketplace.
A PESTLE analysis for Listo must consider all the important external factors impacting on the
company. These factors
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Pest On Unilever
Pest On Unilever
Pest On Unilever
Business Intelligence, Accountant, And Marketing Intelligence
I am a student at Bryant and Stratton College working towards his bachelor in the business field. I
haven't yet decided what I want to use my degree to accomplish or what career I see myself attaining
in my future. As I conducted my research on my three professions, I have discovered that I would
like to be a business intelligence analyst, accountant, or maybe even a marketing manager.
Business intelligence analysts are important to the business field. They are responsible for producing
financial and marketing intelligence by querying data repositories and generating periodic reports.
They are also to devise methods for identifying data patterns and trends in available information
sources. Its certain you must acquire or already attain to be a business analyst such as critical
thinking, active listening, reading comprehension, active learning, and also speaking well. They
must complete certain tasks, like for example, Analyzing competitive marketing strategies,
synthesizing current business intelligence, managing timely flow of the business, and also collect
data from available industries reports. As of the 2014 research business analyst median wages are
$40.10 an hour and their salaries are $83,410. What really drew me to this field was the chance to
work with a company to ensure growth and improvement.
Accountants to me are the most important field in the business aspect of the world. They're
responsible for analyzing financial information and preparing financial
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Pest On Unilever
Pest On Unilever
Pest On Unilever
Case Study : Hybrid And Autonomous Technologies
3.1 Option 1: Continue with existing 3–pronged strategy and expand operations within the
Australian market to focus on hybrid/autonomous technologies
The first strategic option proposed is to expand operations within the Australian Market to focus on
hybrid and autonomous technologies in addition to the existing three pronged strategy.
The goals of this option include increasing production locally by adding new models for export and
simultaneously transitioning models made overseas to being made locally. This would focus on
hybrid and low carbon models. In addition, bringing R&D processes for autonomous vehicles to
Australia prepares Toyota Australia for this emerging market.
Autonomous models that are produced and tested in Australia will provide a first mover advantage
for Toyota Australia in the Australian market. Other manufacturers will take longer to bring models
to Australia and are likely to require government support to establish their models in the local
The addition of a technology and R&D strategy by expanding Australian operations to focus on
hybrid and autonomous technologies provides opportunities to develop competitive advantage in the
Australian market by providing Australian made vehicles. In addition, this aligns with the Federal
Government's National Innovation and Science Agenda (NISA).
This option is not without its risks including:
higher production costs in Australia over other Toyota plants in a developing economy
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Pest On Unilever
Unit20248 Assignment 1
COIT20248: Information Systems Analysis and Design
Term2, 2015
Assignment 1 – Systems Development
Lecturer: Akella Gopi
Tutor: Kayesh
Prepared by:
Darshitkumar Patel s0275395
1.Introduction 2
2.Approach to Systems Development 2
3. Systems Requirements 3
4. Project Cost Benefit Analysis 5
5. Project Schedule 7
6. System Information Requirement Investigation Techniques 9
7.Reflections and Conclusions 11
8.References 12
The aim of this system analysis report is to provide an automated Book information system which
has proper information in a relevant style; to which they show on their current system and to present
the proper information for an intended automated information system.
There are 5 major tasks ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
As there are many approaches for development for a medium sized company like Broadway
bookshop, SDLC (System development life cycle) is preferably the best method should to be
adapted development.
The systems development life cycle is a conceptual model which is used in project management that
is explains the stages one by one development project, from starting to complete the application.
In general SDLC Methodology following these steps to make an automated bookshop system:
1) The existing system which is manually so it is been evaluated. Even all the Deficiencies are
identified. It is done by interview with the users of system and by consulting with them.
2) And it is defined the new requirement for the system even the deficiencies are addressed with
specific proposal for improvement.
3) Then proposed system is been designed. Plans are prepared concerning with the physical
construction, hardware, operating systems, and
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Pest On Unilever
Advantage And Disadvantage Of Ssdm
SSADM is an analysis and design methodology that follows a structural tactic for Implementation of
a system. In the beginning of 80th of the past century this method was developed for government of
Great Britain. In 1993 it was accepted as the national standard of Great Britain and as a reason the
SSADM usage is expedient for those who work with governmental organizations and this method is
a standard for these organizations.
Unlike the conventional approach SSADM is DATA driven and data modeling begins very early in
the development of Information system. . SSADM may also represent the document–led approach to
system design, and can be contrasts with Rapid Application Development Method such as Dynamic
System Development Model (DSDM).
Assumptions are as follows:–
* business methods change often
* IS processes will need to reflect changes
* Underlying data in the system changes very little ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Advantage of SSADM
Timelines:–On the whole SSADM allows for the chance to plan, direct and control a project well.
Usability: – emphasizes the analysis of user requirements. Additionally system model will be
developed and a helpful analysis will be carried out. It has got an ability to change in business
environment. Documentation of project development is recorded critically and this helps to address
the planning of the project to the actual requirement of the business.
Effective use of skill:– It can be easily taught to employees because it does not need a special
Better quality:–It helps to cut mistakes of information system by telling a certain quality level in the
beginning and often reviewing the new system.
SSADM increases the overall productivity of the project and the organization by meeting business
needs, ensures better quality, improving on the dot delivery and engaging human resources
Disadvantage of
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Pest On Unilever
Pest On Unilever
A Detailed Analysis of Death of a Salesman
Jennifer Mills
Professor Usha Wahwani
English 102
1, April 2013
A Detailed Look at Death of a Salesman
Death of a Salesman has been accepted worldwide as one of the greatest American dramas to
premier in theatre. The story behind the play is based on Miller's interactions with his Uncle, a
salesman whose efforts to obtain the "American Dream" and pass his success on to his two sons
becomes his main focus. Miller's life during the preparation of Death of a Salesman provides the
spark and inspiration needed to pen a literary classic. Almost five decades later, Death of a
Salesman's themes is still relevant in today's society.
Arthur Asher Miller was born October 17, 1915 in Harlem, New York City. Miller was the son of
Isadora and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Even the country shut down production of consumer goods to meet the needs of the war. The
changes brought about an increase in industrial production. The labor force significantly increased.
Almost a third of the country had a disposable income for the first time, a drastic change from
nearly half of Americans suffering from poverty a year before. After the war the goal simply became
developing an economy capable of providing an adequate livelihood to all its citizens, the
"American Dream". The 1940's marks the rise of suburbs and the ideal "good life" or "American
Dream" as many veterans returned home and purchased houses. In the late 1940's and throughout
the 1950's, many pursued the "American Dream" of hard work rewarded by middle–class signs of
success such as a house, a car, a college education, and household appliances. Miller wrote Act 1 of
Death of a Salesman in less than twenty four hours, and completed the rest of the play within six
weeks in a small studio built on his farm in Roxbury, Connecticut. Many believe the town was an
ideal location for authors to settle down way from the public eye. Authors William Styron and Frank
McCourt also found refuge in the New England farm town. Some suggest the peace that Roxbury
provided Miller allowed him to pen Death of a Salesman, a literary classic. Today Miller's estate
contributes to about forty seven acres to the Roxbury Land Trust and Miller was laid to rest at
Roxbury Center Cemetery in
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Pest On Unilever
Pest On Unilever
Pest On Unilever
Uber Pest Analysis Paper
Uber is an organization that is in the transportation industry, which offers the personal service of
automobile drivers (Walker Smith, 2016). Further, political factors in the PEST analysis include the
following: tax policy, trade control, competition regulation, environmental law, anti–trust law,
discrimination law, regulations, and laws regulating environment pollution (Jurevicius, 2013).
Moreover, organizations often view political factors affecting the business as extremely important.
In reviewing the political factors that affect Uber and the industry, worker classification has been a
battle industry wide. There have been many regulatory battles regarding the government decision
and class action lawsuits regarding the classification
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Pest On Unilever
Target Pest Analysis Paper
October, 2014
Business News Daily, 2013 explained PEST Analysis (Political, Economic, Social and
Technological Analysis) as how those external factors can affect a business's activities and
The article further explained that aside the fact that some organizations already have factors
affecting their performance, there are some factors outside the organization that can determine the
positive result of business. For those organizations to determine how those factors outside the
organization can be of positive impact, they decide to conduct a PEST Analysis. In this research, I
would be using TARGET CANADA as a case study on PEST Analysis.
"Target Canada. Co is the Canadian subsidiary of United States – based discount department store
chain Target Corporation which was formed in 2011 to oversee the company's Canadian operations.
Target Canada's main rival in the Discount store is Walmart, while there is also competition with
supermarket chains such as Loblaws, Metro and Sobeys (despite having agreement with Sobeys)
and other retailers such as Sears Canada, Canadian Tire, Shoppers Drug Mart and Rexall. ... Show
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Target opened its first Canadian stores in March 2013, these stores numbered 130 as of August 1,
2014." (Wikipedia, 2014)
I would discuss about the impact that each issue (from Political, Economic, Social and
Technological) had on the market entry experience of Target Canada.
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Pest On Unilever
Pest On Unilever
Pest On Unilever
Target: Political, Economic, Social And Political View
PEST is an acronym used for companies with in the political, economic, social and technological
views. PEST allows companies to view and observe certain areas that might have been overlooked.
The company I will be discussing the PEST analysis is Target. Target is a large scale company and is
constantly changing in the industry. The political views of Target is that they must have an
unbreakable bond with China due to majority of its products coming from that country. They must
be aware and stray away from any conflicts because it can create a negative affect in the operation
of Target. Also the company is altered by taxation, tariffs, cost, and trade restrictions especially
when they're trying to broden outside the United States. The economic
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Pest On Unilever
Pest On Unilever
Detailed Analysis on Personality Disorders
Personality Disorders: Detailed Analysis
First Paragraph Descriptions: Personality disorder is one of the many psychological disorders
examined by numerous psychiatrists and academics today. This is a serious psychological disorder,
yet one that can be treated by various means, most of which are still being advanced in many fields.
Thus, there is much hope that personality disorders can be treated quite well through both
psychotherapy and with medicine. Psychotherapy, one of the first topics to be discussed here, is
known as a therapeutic medium through which a patient and a doctor interact, with the patient
providing the doctor with psychological 'triggers' that the doctor can then analyze. Psychotherapy is
thus an umbrella term for many types of interventions, and these differ based on the individual.
Some define this type of therapy as "the informed and intentional application of clinical methods
and interpersonal stances derived from established psychological principles for the purpose of
assisting people to modify their behaviors, cognitions, emotions and/or other personal characteristics
in directions that the participants deem desirable." (Psychotherapeutic Interventions, P.247)
Psychotherapy is thus important as a means through which to treat all types o f personality
disorders, because of the fact that it can be tailored to a patient's needs.
Psychotherapeutic Interventions, P. 247–271
Second Paragraph Descriptions: In the realm of psychology,
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Pest On Unilever
Pest On Unilever
Pest On Unilever
Analysis Of ' Nurses ' Verbal Support Of Nulliparous Women...
Critique of Borders et al.'s Study (2013) "Midwives' Verbal Support of Nulliparous Women in
Second–Stage Labor" Title The title of this article was succinct and specific, including the
phenomenon under study (verbal support in second–stage labor) and the population (nulliparous
women). Although the title seems to imply that the study is qualitative in nature, it does not overtly
state this, and for some readers, it may be helpful to point that out. Also, the term "nulliparous" is
not a word used often in the general vocabulary of everyday people, and warrants the use of a
dictionary for most people to determine which type of women were included in the study. It may
have also been more beneficial to mention the additional comparison of ... Show more content on
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Research Questions Although the authors do not come right out and say it, the study focuses on a
single question they quote within the introduction which states, "If there is no good reason in theory
or in practice for hurrying the second stage of labor, why has the habit been prevalent for so long
and why does it still exist? (p. 311)". This appears to be the driving question behind the entire study
and is only apparent once the reader has read the discussion section of the article. Literature Review
The authors have done a thorough literature review and presented their findings by starting out with
some important statistics about typical supportive care during the birth process, and elaborating on
the last 50 years of research done on the types of pushing efforts and how they related to the
outcomes of the births. It reflects on the role of midwives as being supportive of spontaneous
pushing by the mother and the positive outcomes for those women and children. They did report on
a recent meta–analysis which supported the use of spontaneous pushing and only recommended
directed pushing in certain hazardous situations. The authors' review of the current literature affirms
their claim that there have been no studies done to analyze the role
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Pest On Unilever
Pest On Unilever
Pest On Unilever
Best Buy Pestle Analysis Paper
Pestle Analysis The PESTEL analysis covers the analysis of Political, Social, Technological,
Environmental and Legal factors to scan the organization's external macro environment. The
PESTEL analysis of Best Buy Co. is as follows: Political: Best Buy operates majorly in U.S. and
Canada. At present both countries has stable government, therefore, Best Buy do not face any
significant political threat. However any decrease or increase in taxes related to operations or sales
by political parties can place a major impact on best buy revenue. For example, in U.S. online–only
operators are exempt from collecting sales taxes in some states that allows company's competitor to
cut of their costs. Economic: Economic conditions have direct impact on company's sales. In past,
economic slowdown has affected best buy sales significantly. Consumer spending pattern has been
decreased. In 2008, company has laid off ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
For example, consumers prefer to buy I–pad from Apple store rather than Best Buy. Technological:
Best Buy sells latest technology products. Company's success is depending upon the successful
introduction of new products with latest technology to the customers. Failure to adapt the constantly
changing technology products could have adverse impact on company's sales. Best Buy uses
encryption technology to ensure secure transactions. Environmental: In 2007, Best Buy was held in
one of the five corporations that were involved in unethical deforestation in Canada. In 2008, Best
Buy has launched a program called Greener to increase the energy efficiency in its products.
According to Best Buy, from the period of 2008 to 2014, company has collected about 938 million
pounds of consumer electronics and appliances. Moreover, Best Buy offers energy– efficient
products to save energy. Placement of any major law relating to the protection of environment can
materiality affect Best
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Pest On Unilever
Pest On Unilever
Pest On Unilever
Evaluation Of The Interview Protocol Consisted Of Closed...
Instrumentation The following instruments were utilized within the study: semi–structured
interviews consisting of closed and open–ended questions and NVivo. NVivo is a software program
that provides rigorous analysis of qualitative data, thus allowing the researcher to obtain in–depth
knowledge pertaining to the responses of each participant. The interview protocol consisted of face–
to–face interviews within an Applewood elementary school office and during a predetermined time
provided by the participant. The interviews were private, as a one–on–one setting was employed.
The interview process consisted of accumulation of ten closed and open–ended questions. Interview
sessions were audio recorded on two digital recording devices, ... Show more content on
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The initial phase of the data analysis require the researcher to utilized data analysis principles
originated by Moustakas, 1994. The researcher initiated the data reduction proceedings by
implementing (epoche), which executed the disconnection of past memories embedded within the
researcher regarding the phenomenon (Moerer–Urdahl, T & Creswell, W. 2004). Responses
provided by the participants were transcribed verbatim and uploaded into NVivo, which is a
qualitative data analysis software program. The second phase of the data reduction procedures
required the identification of all significant statements embedded within transcriptions, participant
journals, and the researchers field notes; therefore all significant statement were highlighted. The
development of codes through clustering significant statements and information was the third phase
in the data reduction process. Creating categories to represent the data and shed light to the personal
experiences of the participants was an imperative step in the data analysis, as the researcher
developed codes based on the identified significant statements. Relevant quotes directly pulled from
the transcriptions, participant journals, and the researchers field notes were interjected into an
appropriate category, providing order while illuminating patterns, similarities, and differences
amongst the participants. The fourth phase mandated further reduction of the data; thus the
development of themes
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Pest On Unilever
Lufthansa Cargo
More information from http://www.researchandmarkets.com/reports/1322865/
Lufthansa Cargo AG – Strategic SWOT Analysis Review
Description: Lufthansa Cargo AG – Strategic SWOT Analysis Review Summary Lufthansa Cargo
AG(Lufthansa Cargo) is a Germany–based company which provides cargo airline, air freight and
logistics services. The company is engaaged in transporting cargo and mail from airport–to–airport.
Lufthansa Cargo AG has a strategic partnership agreement with Fraport AG. The airline transported
around 1.8 million tonnes of freight and mail. Lufthansa Cargo serves three product types with its
service portfolio, namely, the general cargo segment td.Pro, the express segment with td.Flash and
the Specials. The company ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
and Services Lufthansa Cargo AG – History Lufthansa Cargo AG – Company Statement Lufthansa
Cargo AG – Locations And Subsidiaries Head Office Other Locations & Subsidiaries Section 2 –
Company Analysis Lufthansa Cargo AG – Business Description Lufthansa Cargo AG – Corporate
Strategy Lufthansa Cargo AG – SWOT Analysis SWOT Analysis – Overview Lufthansa Cargo AG
– Strengths Strength – Innovation Strength – Diversified Service Offerings Strength – Strategic
Alliance Lufthansa Cargo AG – Weaknesses Weakness – Lack of Scale Lufthansa Cargo AG –
Opportunities Opportunity – Expansion into Emerging Markets Opportunity – Global Air Freight
and Logistics Outlook Opportunity – Relocation of its Asian Hub Lufthansa Cargo AG – Threats
Threat – Uncertain Macroeconomic Factors Threat – Short–Term Aviation Industry Outlook
Lufthansa Cargo AG – Key Competitors Section 3 – Company's Recent Developments Lufthansa
Cargo AG, Recent Developments Apr 14, 2010: Lufthansa Cargo, Mojix Complete Pilot
Deployment Of RFID System Feb 24, 2010: Lufthansa Cargo Enters Into Agreement With Austrian
Airlines Feb 24, 2010: Lufthansa Cargo Enters Into Agreement With Austrian Airlines Feb 02, 2010:
Smiths Detection, Lufthansa Cargo, Covenant Collaborate To Provide Security Solution Section 4 –
Appendix Methodology About GlobalData Contact Us Disclaimer
List of Tables Lufthansa Cargo AG, Key Facts Lufthansa Cargo AG, Key Employees Lufthansa
Cargo AG, Key Employee Biographies Lufthansa Cargo AG, Major Products
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Pest On Unilever
Software Development Life Cycle ( Sdlc )
Software Development Life Cycle
Software Development Life Cycle, (SDLC) denotes the process used by software industries to
design, develop and test high–quality software. SDLC is also referred to as Software development
process and aims at producing high–quality software meeting or exceeding customer's expectations,
or that reaches completion within cost and times estimation. A system is a set of intermingling or
dependent components that form a unified whole; it is a term that can get used in diverse industries.
Therefore, SDLC is a limited term that explains the phases of developing a software component
integrating with other software constituents to develop the whole system. Software Development
Life Cycle depicts the process to be followed by a software organization for a software project
consisting of the detailed plan with a description of how to develop, maintain, alter, and replace a
particular software (Davis et al. 1455). Typically, an SDLC consists of six development stages as
listed below:
i. Planning and requirement analyzes ii. Defining and documenting the requirements. iii. System
design. iv. Building the system software
v. Testing the system software. vi. Deployment and maintenance of the system software.
SDLC life cycle defines a methodology to improve the quality of software and complete
development process.
Planning and Requirements Analysis
Requirements analysis discovers the detailed real, business requirements deliverables, features and
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Pest On Unilever
Crusty Pizza Restaurant: Forecasting Using Regression
Crusty Pizza Restaurant: Forecasting using Regressions
Group One: Jenna Baseler and Zachary Kain
MBA 610–T304
The purpose of this case is to determine which key variables drive Crusty Pizza Restaurant's
monthly profit and then forecast what the monthly profit would be for potential stores. Based off of
this information we will be able to make a recommendation to Crusty Dough Pizza Restaurant on
which stores they should open and which they avoid. The group was provided 60 restaurants' data
that included monthly profit, student population, advertising expenditures, parking spots, population
within 20 miles, pizza varieties, and competitors within 15 miles. For the potential stores we were
given all of this ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In a regression analysis we found that the correlation coefficient is .5862 with a very high level of
confidence (see Appendix A for detailed Regression Analysis Data). We also found that the
coefficient of determination was .3437. This shows that since there is a correlation between student
population and profits, the impact student population has on the profits is approximately 34%. We
also found from our regression equation that an increase in the student population by 1 student can
increase profit by $1.07. You can see the positive trend in the scatter plot below.
Competitors within 15 Miles Competition is a strong driver in the free enterprise of America. Crusty
Dough Pizza Company is no exception. While Crusty Dough Pizza Company varies in its number of
competitors within 15 miles by store, this variance does not seem to correlate to higher or lower
profits. When looking at the regression analysis completed using competitors within 15 miles as the
independent variable and monthly profit as the dependent variable, we find that the correlation
coefficient is a very low .133. It's safe to say there is it not a correlation between these two figures
(see Appendix A for detailed Regression Analysis Data).
Multiple Regression
As you can see from our findings, two main correlations we found that impacted monthly profit are
monthly advertising expenditures and student population. We can use
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AM And MO Position At Family Dollar Job Analysis
Human Resource (HR) managers work with top managers in order to create jobs and develop high–
performing workforces. HR managers design jobs that fulfill the needs of the business and align
with organizational goals. However, before jobs are created, HR managers need to understand what
tasks and duties are required. The process of identifying the tasks and duties needed for a job is
referred to as Job Analysis (Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, & Wright, 2014). A job analysis is important
because it assists managers with recruiting, performance management, compensation, and ensuring
equal treatment (Stewart & Brown, 2012). Ultimately, the information gathered from job analyses
are used to develop job descriptions. This paper will demonstrate ... Show more content on
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All the tasks and responsibilities recorded by researching the jobs on O*Net and using the
observation and interview methods are used to create the job descriptions for these two positions.
The following are examples of job descriptions for an Assistant Manager and Merge Operator at
Family Dollar:
Figure 1.1 Assistant Manager Job Description
Job Overview:
Assist customers by answering questions and selling merchandise. Manage inventory by receiving
deliveries and stocking shelves. Supervisor at least one or more employees.
Job Duties:
Supervise employees that are engaged in work activities.
Instruct staff on how to handle difficult sales and transactions.
Manage merchandise by receiving inventory and stocking sales floor and shelves.
Ensure store cleanliness by performing routine checks of sale floor and storage areas.
Ensure store objectives and sales goals by coaching and training employees to meet and exceed
Figure 1.2 Merger Operator Job Description
Job Overview:
Manages flow of merchandise to ensure efficient distribution of inventory. Works with heavy
machinery and
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Case Analysis Guidelines & Checklist
Overview: In many ways writing a short analysis paper (including recommendations and/or
conclusions) is like writing an "action memo" or executive memo in business. The following
sections go over how to organize and format your written work here in class and in the business
world to be attractive to the reader and effective in getting your point across.
Approach: * Read the entire case carefully before you actually begin to write the paper, and make
careful notes
(including your emotional reactions, which can be useful). Try to read the case once at least a few
hours or a day earlier, and then again when you are writing the paper. This ... Show more content on
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* (Optional). You may decide to add a final titled conclusion section of 25–100 words, including any
parting thoughts you would like to add about the topic, the organization, or the situation, and any
lessons from it you want to note.
Format and Style:
Boston University emphasizes standards of effective oral and written business communication,
because these skills are important to your career success. Therefore you are expected to follow the
requirements of good business writing and the specific requirements of the course. Failure to follow
these rules (e.g. papers over length, excessive misspellings, incorrect citations, etc.) will result in
papers being downgraded. Likewise follow Boston University's rules on plagiarism and academic
Specific requirements * Papers should be organized into paragraphs, written in complete sentences,
and broken into clearly titled sections as per the outline above. Note that generally shorter rather
than longer paragraphs make for better communication, and that it is better to have "too many" titled
sections than too few. * Use correct spelling and grammar. You should use a spell–checking program
on your computer, and * personally proof–read your papers. If English is a second language for you,
ask an English speaking friend to check your writing and grammar for you. Remember to set the
language of Word to English (U.S.) through the Menu. Also make sure you have
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Detailed Review and Analysis of the Legal Situation...
Date: January 27th, 2014
To: Musgraves, Kacey
From: Calm, Bea
Subject: Unpaid Consulting Fees as performed for "Pasley, Bryan & Brooks, Barristers &
Memorandum and Objective: The purpose of the memorandum is to provide a detailed review and
analysis of the legal situation considering "Paslay, Bryan & Brooks, Barristers & Solicitors**" and
From the information presented to myself by Kacey Musgraves it is known that Kacey, operating
under "Arrow Consulting", was asked to perform consulting services by Eric Pasley. All documents
received by Kacey from Eric were presented with the name "Paslay, Bryan & Brooks, Barristers &
Solicitors**" and it was to her knowledge that she was performing work for this ... Show more
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The large law firm that OPG uses for its legal work is converting to a Limited Liability Partnership
(LLP). This change will be effective February 1st, 2014.
– the only areas of concern here for Kacey and the board of directors is how this change will affect
– if this change is significant
– "the related laws are..."
– Limited Liability Partnerships LLP have implications on structure of the partnership and are
usually applied to accounting and law firms
– find section reference for ones below
– LLP: a partner in a LLP is not liable, by means of indemnification, contribution or otherwise for
(a) the debts and obligations of the partnership or any partner arising from negligent or wrongful
acts and (b) any other debts or obligations of the partnership incurred while the partnership is a LLP
– Partner not proper party to action: a partner in a limited liability partnership is not a proper party
to a proceeding by or against the LLP for the purpose of recovering obligations.
– should there be any concerns? Or is there significance in this change? How does this affect the
board of directors?
– significant change
– section # clearly states that LLP are not labile for the negligent acts performed by a partner of the
– this meaning that if there was an occurrence of negligent conduct from the law firm that resulted
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A Brief Note On The System Safety Engineering
ENGG7020 System Safety Engineering
Assignment3: Literature Review
Author Lixing Liang
Student ID 44109989
Data October 18, 2016
Introduction 3
Analysis techniques 3
Concept of SWIFT 3
Suitable situations 4
Application of SWIFT 4
Concept of FMEDA 5
Suitable situations 6
Application of FMEDA 6
Concept of THERP 6
Suitable situations 7
Application of THERP 8
Conclusion 9
Reference 10
In this review, three different analysis techniques will be discussed, including Structured What If
Technique (SWIFT), Failure Modes, Effects, and Diagnostic Analysis (FMEDA) and Technique for
Human Error–rate Prediction (THERP). Each of them will be discussed in three aspects (concept,
suitable situations and application).
Analysis techniques:
Concept of SWIFT:
As a technique of risk identification, SWIFT is flexible and focus on high level. It can be run alone,
or as a portion of a staged method to achieve more efficient use of bottom–up methods like FMEA
(Failure Modes and Effects Analysis) [1].
By concentrating on high–level procedures, SWIFT can often be conducted more rapidly than more
detail–oriented approaches. In fact, an industrial case showed that a SWIFT risk assessment could
be conducted in as little as one–third of the time required for a HAZOP (Hazard and Operability
study)–based approach [1], a result that was replicated in a study comparing SWIFT to HFMEA
(Healthcare Failure Modes and Effects Analysis) in a
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Tesco Pestle Analysis Paper
Pestle stands for political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental. The political
environment of organisations comprises both the formal legal framework established by
governments to regulate behaviour (citation for john Naylor management book). Unemployment
rates have fell by 58000 to 1.9 million in the uk (BBC). In 2008, Tesco had 3751 stores nationwide.
In 2015 Tesco have more than double the amount of stores, totalling 7817. This means that millions
of jobs would have been worldwide and more specifically in the uk, this is why unemployment rate
in the uk are starting to decrease because big firms such as Tesco and developing new stores thus
creating more jobs. The managers need to assess the economic environment, ... Show more content
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Managers need to keep up with technological change as it allows them to keep a competitive
advantage. Tesco helped keep up with the technological environment by introducing the self–service
checkout in their stores which enables the customers to serve themselves. This decreases the amount
of staff they needed on the tills in the stores nationwide and thus saving on their wage costs. Legal
environment is making sure that companies abide by the government policies and legislation. In
2015, Tesco were being investigated into the relationship with the suppliers. Tesco could be find up
to 1% of annual profits if they are found guilty of mistreating their suppliers (BBC). By not
complying with legislation can affect the business, this would give it a bad reputation and may effect
sales and profits. The environmental factor is all about how companies can be environmentally
friendly and how the company can benefit society in the way they produce their products and
distribute them. Tesco are reducing there carbon intensity by 40.9% since 2006/2007(tesco website).
And they are reducing there carbon emissions by 0.3% year on year. This will increase brand
reputation as Tesco are becoming more environmentally and this may lead to more sales being
generated as a result which helps them maintain a competitive
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Advantages Of Conversation Analysis
What is a conversation? A conversation is referred to as a spontaneous, impromptu, everyday
exchange of talk between two or more individuals. The participants in a conversation take turns and
during their turn each makes a conversational move of some kind, this is seen as a form of
sociability and reflects an individual's ability and willingness to interact with others. People gather
their construction of a conversation together, cooperatively, and they deal with the gatherings of the
conversation at local level, one utterance at a time (Parker 1999).
Conversation analysis is an approach to the study of human interaction in society which embraces
verbal and nonverbal conduct in situations of everyday interchanges. There may be a misinformed
view that this analysis only focuses on the sociable nature of the conversation, but in reality, it
encompasses conversations of all sorts, from informal and formal to technologically mediated
conversations. Conversation analysis is broad in scope but one of the things that differentiate ...
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It does not use coded or summarised representations, but rather analyses detailed audio or video
recordings of interactional activities and detailed transcripts. Another benefit of using conversation
analysis, it focuses on naturally occurring data and not conversations that are manipulated as
mentioned prior. However, there are limitations to this approach as well such as the fact that it can
be time consuming and therefore requires a great deal of patience and dedication to go through
numerous and long transcripts of conversations. It can also be costly. Often it also requires
specialised training in the Conversation Analysis methodology if it is going to be done well. This
analytic approach is also very sensitive to misinterpretation and over interpretation therefore
member checking becomes very crucial (LaVelle
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Detecting And Protecting Against Inside Threats
Felipe Affonso Kaustubh M. Phaltankar April 18, 2016 Detecting and protecting against inside
threats Introduction Each day our world and our lives depend more on information systems, systems
that can guarantee that our informations are secure and available just for our own purpose. Lots of
companies work just if critical information which is stored on their databases. It is the responsibility
of these companies to guarantee with their costumers that this data is secure. Lots of those
companies are concerned about their databases and try to improve their security however. According
to last year 's Internet Security Report from Symantec, almost no company, whether large or small,
is immune to cyber attacks. Five of every six large companies (2500+ employees) were targeted
with spear–phishing attacks in 2014, a 40 percent increase over the previous year[1]. Normally,
companies are aware of theses attacks and are trying to invest more and more in security. It's
important to point out that attacks are not just from the outside; breaches and even data leakage can
be accomplished by inside employees. So, it's really important to protect against inside and outside
attacks. High–tech businesses rely primarily on two opposing information values: the dissemination
of information for innovation success and the protection of information to retain competitive
advantage[2]. These companies know that just physical security isn't enough anymore, it's necessary
to implement different
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A Detailed Art Analysis Of The Oil On Canvass Painting,...
The purpose of this paper is to give a detailed art analysis of the oil on canvass painting, Light of the
Incarnation (Lux Incarnationis),1888, signed and dated: lower right. This analysis will also include
background of its artist, Carl Gutherz (1844–1907).
Viewed at Memphis Brooks Museum of Art on January 12, 2017.
Embodied in Flesh This oil on canvass depicts the moment when Christ, a divine spirit embodied in
flesh, was born in Bethlehem. The painting is filled with all living things rejoicing as radiant beams
of clean white light bounce from the birth and back to the heavens above. The painting is full of
opalescent colors that bring a sense of calm. As you are drawn in your eyes reach the elegant
curvature of the angel's ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This work is of the upmost tangible form to express the artist's feelings. If it is preserved it will
forever be alive. Gutherz received a bronze medal for Light of the Incarnation in 1889, Paris
Exposition Universelle (Marilyn Masler, 2009). In contemplating the work based on the nativity of
Christ, he was stead–fast upon the idea of depicting it from a unique perspective and in his journal
he writes: (Marilyn Masler, 2009)
First Thought on Lux Incarnationis...
The Christmas morn on earth is seen
By angels far away
The world in bright resplendid [sic] sheen
To Heaven casts a ray. At first glance the large–scaled canvass demands your attention. As the
distance between the observer and the canvass close you are drawn in like a moth to light. To the
right center of the work is a winged angel wearing a flawless white dress with open arms inviting all
to be a part of what has happened. There is a golden glow of color that surrounds the curvature of
her head. As you come to rest in the waiting arms you are no longer a spectator, you have now
become a participant. Its massive size gives an understanding that there is room for anyone who
wishes to take it in as truth. Now drawn in you realize there are many winged angels that recede to
give the two–dimensional work depth. They too have the same golden glow that encompasses their
heads. Their wings take on the same lustrous colored dress that covers their bodies. The dresses are
solid in
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Pest On Unilever
The First Phase Of Strategy Work
Information collection
The first phase of strategy work is to gain the information of case company. Our case company is a
nonprofit organization –––MacMillan Cancer Support. The first thing we did is to get to understand
how charity works. After the first group meeting, we decided to find the information about the
company and the industry individually and then made a pool of collected information. As a student
from China, I knew little about charity because in my country charity is not a big industry and
people seldom pay attention to this field. Charity was a totally new thing to me and I started to learn
it from scratch. At the beginning, I felt a little perplexed and I did not know where to start my
research work. I searched in the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
We felt we needed to make some change to move forward then we turned to the framework we
learned the lectures.
Information analysis
Our first step was to identify the goal of MacMillan. Unlike profit–driven company, charity's goal is
not to chase profit but to make the world better. Their intentions are always altruistic. According to
their homepage and their annual report we found their nine outcomes as their goals. They are
devoted to cancer support to make sure that everyone affected by cancer will not face the disease
After specifying their goal, we moved to the environmental analysis. Since it was in the first few
weeks, we chose the PEST and five forces framework to use. When we started to analyze, a main
problem came to us. Since MacMillan is a nonprofit organization, the definition of its competitors
confused us. Should it be all the charities worldwide or only the local cancer charities? Through
looking up the textbooks and identifying the industry, we thought that in this industry they mainly
competed for the funding, so we defined their competitors as all the cancer charities which searched
for funding against MacMillan. Since the definition of their competitors has been clarified, we
started to look the industry. We thought the hospitals and hospices could be the substitutes of charity
and the new cancer charity would be the potential entrants. In the five
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Pest On Unilever
A Detailed Analysis of The Red-Headed League and The Final...
A Detailed Analysis of The Red–Headed League and The Final Problem In 1888, "A Study in
Scarlet" was published, bringing together the infamous duo of Holmes and Watson – and in the
creation of Holmes, earned Conan Doyle his fortune. "Scandal in Bohemia" and the following
stories of his characters journey into the world of crime solving appeared in "The Strand" magazine.
The 1880s saw a growing market for popular fiction and at a mere sixpence a week, it had anxious
people rushing to the stands for literary entertainment, amusement and escapism. The double act of
Holmes and Watson is very effective in the short stories by Conan Doyle. Holmes is often described
in the short stories with ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Another reason Watson is effective as the storyteller, is that compared to Holmes' amazing powers
of logic and deduction, he seems more like a normal person. He, like the reader, is amazed by
Holmes' skills, yet he does not understand them. During the denouement of "The Red–Headed
League", Watson helps the reader understand how Holmes' came to his conclusions by asking him
the questions that are in the readers mind, such as, "But how could you guess what the motive was?"
and, "how could you tell that they would make their attempt to–night?" This satisfies the reader and
adds realism – it helps them accept it is possible. Also, as Watson is left in the dark until the
conclusion, it emphasises Holmes ingenuity and powers of deductive reasoning. Throughout "The
Red–Headed League", there are many clues that enable the mystery to be solved. The idea of the
Red–Headed League was so bizarre that there had to be something beyond the obvious evidence.
Holmes chuckles after the reading of the advertisement found in the newspaper and concludes that it
is "a little off the beaten track". The strange factors that surround the hiring of Wilson's assistant,
Vincent Spaulding, make the reader (and the characters) quite dubious of his authenticity. Vincent
worked "at half wages" and he had been with Wilson "about a month" before he showed Wilson the
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Pestle Analysis
Report: The environmental factors within the PESTLE analysis which are having an impact on
Charles Stanley October 2008 1.0 – Introduction to the PESTLE
analysis.............................................................3 2.0 – Introduction – Charles Stanley 2.1 – Pestle
Analysis of Charles Stanley Stockbrokers 3.0 – Detailed Focus – Two Key Factors 3.1 – Impact
factors on HR strategy and practise 3.2 – Recommendations 3.3 – Conclusions 4.0 – Conclusion
Appendix References Bibliography Concept Completing a PESTLE analysis in order to see the
'bigger picture', can be a simple or a rather complex task, depending on how much detail is gathered
and also how many people are involved as people see things differently. The six elements form
detailed ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The growing concern around obesity and lack of physical activity has pushed Charles Stanley to
offer health club membership. Also the attitudes to work and leisure bring focus to the work hard,
play hard culture and for leisure. Charles Stanley have a Ride to Work scheme in place. Having such
schemes in place may incur additional costs but there are long term benefits which include higher
productivity, raised morale, motivation, engagement and achieving strategic objectives. The work
life balance is also an important issue as many find that work demands get in the way of other
commitments so 'being aware of different demands on time and energy' has become increasingly
difficult to manage within the HR function at Charles Stanley. (David Clutterbuck) It has become
increasingly important to have family friendly policies and flexible work patterns to help employees
with other commitments such as community commitments or studying. Family friendly benefits like
childcare vouchers are also offered at Charles Stanley but not taken up by many because they are not
publicised enough. Other challenges recently raised within the HR dept is the lack of female labour
in financial services and the ageing workforce which increases pensions costs. Technological As UK
Internet usage becomes more widespread, this has encouraged Charles Stanley to support the
introduction of a new Human Resources Information System (HRIS) and an
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Pest On Unilever
Hello Professor Essay
Prepare a critical analysis of a quantitative study focusing on protection of human participants, data
collection, data analysis, problem statement, and interpretation of findings.
Each study analysis will be 750–1,000 words and submitted in one document.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract
is not required.
Submit the assignment along with an electronic version of the article used for the analysis. If an
electronic version is not available, submit a clean unmarked copy of the article.
Using this article
Article– Chaney, D., Coates, V., Shevlin, M., Carson, D., McDougall, A., &
Long, A. (2012). Diabetes education: what do adolescents want?.
Journal Of Clinical ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Conclusion. Participants favored a structured diabetes education program that was short in duration,
practical in nature, positive in outlook and relevant to daily life. Relevance to clinical practice.
Programs should address the specific needs of adolescents, be delivered in a practical manner and be
realistic for everyday use.
Research Critique, Part 2
To write a critical appraisal that demonstrates comprehension of the research study conducted,
respond to each of the questions listed under the headings below. Do not answer the questions with a
yes or no; rather, provide a rationale or include examples or content from the study to address the
Protection of Human Participants * Identify the benefits and risks of participation addressed by the
authors. Were there benefits or risks the authors do not identify? * Was informed consent obtained
from the subjects or participants? * Did it seem that the subjects participated voluntarily in the
study? * Was institutional review board approval obtained from the agency in which the study was
Data Collection * Are the major variables (independent and dependent variables) identified and
defined? What were these variables? * How were data collected in this study? * What rationale did
the author provide for using this data collection method? *
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Pest On Unilever
Analysis Of Porter 's Five Forces Of Competition Framework
In week two we covered topics that explore methodologies that can be used to analyze the industry
that a company is in. In chapter 3 of the text some of the main topics include industry profitability
and attractiveness which can be analyzed by using "Porter's Five Forces of Competition
Framework" (Grant, 2010; pg 69). The five forces include competition from substitutes, new market
entrants, and established firms as well as the power of buyers and suppliers. One of the main topics
with this framework is the availability of substitutes which addresses the sensitivity to the price of a
product or service and when customers will switch. Porter's framework does not include the
availability of complimentary products. The threat of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Another important topic discussed in chapter 3 is the application of industry analysis. This includes
using the information available to forecast the potential profit in an industry. This is done in three
stages which include: looking at how the amount of competition and profit to examine the industry's
current structure, identifying trends within the industry that are changing it, and identifying how
those changes will affect the five forces of competition and profitability (Grant, 2010; pg. 78–79).
The application of industry analysis also includes using this information to position the company by
finding weak points in the competition and using them to the company's advantage. One final
important topic in chapter 3 involves the identification of "key success factors" (Grant, 2010; pg.
86). This involves answering the questions of what customers want in a product or service and how
they survive the competition. These factors vary by industry. Customers may want low prices,
quality products, or convenience to name a few. Surviving the competition may mean product
differentiation, price competition, or cost efficiency. In some industries these factor may be easy to
identify. Chapter 4 dives deeper into industry and competitive analysis and considers the
competitive dynamics of competitors
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Loan Diagrams With Detailed Analysis And Investigation Of...
Executive Summary
This course work purposes to research the basics of options, payoff diagrams with detailed analysis
and investigation of the Greek letters. The first part of this work includes some basic of options for
introduction of this topic. The second part contains an analysis of payoff diagrams for put and call
options that are based on simple examples for clearness. The next part presents theory and analysis
of the Greek letters that based on Bloomberg data.
Table of Contents Introduction Literature Review Basics of Options Payoff Diagrams for Options
Black–Scholes model The Greek letters in Theory The Greek letters in Practice Conclusion
Introduction ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The third and important use is a hedge. Hedge is a trading strategy in which derivative securities are
used to reduce or completely offset counterparty's risk exposure to an underlying asset [1] (Brown,
2012). Some research has shown that the options allow creating hedged portfolio that generate
excess returns, which is not only covers risks, but also makes the portfolio is sufficiently
speculative. Also a total risk is reduced compared to the portfolio which is not being hedged.
As options theme is very broad, the main aim of this course work is analysing option basics and the
Greek letters. And it is organized as follows.
In Section 1 options basics are introduces. In Section 2 payoff diagrams for different types of option
are explained by simple examples for clearness. In Section 3 the Black and Scholes model and the
Greek letters are shown in theory. Then Section 4 introduces detailed analyses of variation of the
Greek letters with stock prices. Section 5 concludes the course work.
Literature Review John C.Hull, 2012, "Risk Management and Financial Institutions". Paul Wilmott,
2000, "Derivatives. The theory and practice of financial engineering". Don M.Chance, Robert
Brooks, 2010, "An Introduction to Derivatives and Risk Management". Frank K.Reilly, Keith C.
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Pest On Unilever
A Detailed Authoritative Background Analysis On Aerotoxic...
The following report provides a detailed authoritative background analysis on Aerotoxic Syndrome.
The report is broken up into four sections, comprising firstly the nature of the problem, and how it
affects all stakeholders, followed by the controversies related to the topic, with potential solutions to
such controversies. Next in the report is the identification and prioritisation of appropriate risk
controls, and finally an indication of immediate and long term actions the airline carrier can take
when a crew member appears to be suffering from the illness, Aerotoxic Syndrome. Ultimately, the
report as a whole will aid your airline carrier surrounding the issues of Aerotoxic Syndrome now
and into the future.
Aerotoxic Syndrome is an illness that is caused by breathing in toxic fumes inside of the jet aircraft.
This is caused by the air intake on a plane, which comes from the engine where it sucks in the air
and pumps it into the cabin, but the toxic oils and other substances in the engine can easily leak into
the airflow and contaminate the air that all passengers and staff breath. A very common leakage is
the leakage of the jet engine lubricant oil, tricresyl phosphate, otherwise known as TCP or TOCP.
The Government and regulatory authorities have conducted researches that have admitted to the
association between the contamination of the cabin air to chronic health problems, but they have not
admitted to specific causation. Aerotoxic Syndrome could possibly cause
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Pest On Unilever
Remembering 9/11 through the Lens of Hollywood: A Detailed...
From the PATRIOT Act of 2001 that was signed into law by the formal President George W. Bush,
to the flags that fluttered in the front yard of every American's house, the terrorist attack of
September 11, 2001 brought the whole nation together for a single goal of fighting back terrorism
and getting through the test that America was put to. Everybody's loyalty is getting tested since then
towards the United States, and one cannot put aside Hollywood. Its reaction through the movies
contributed the nation by bringing different ethnic, racial, social, and economical groups, which
America was divided into, together and showing loyalty and patriotism to one's nation. Hollywood
movies in the post 9/11 era conveyed the message that "it's time to ... Show more content on
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Everyday life of Americans is depicted and the shots are cut between the awkwardness of the
terrorists sitting among Americans, and all the rest of the passengers continuing their usual work.
This particular scene in the waiting room recognizes how the terrorists are "not" Americans, which
ideally gives the audience a hint of exclusion and anger which is a secondary reaction of patriotism.
The one thing that Lee is cautious about, in particular, is the nondiscrimination and unrecognition of
the terrorists from the characters' point of view, which conveys the message of neutrality and
fairness seen among all Americans for the rest of the world, which does not work in the same way as
the United States does. This wary precaution kept him out of any accusations by any race, ethnicity,
or religion. The absence of personal opinion and interpretation in the movie extends the viewers to
believe in what is shown and take it as factual storyline, one that has not been tampered in any way.
But, what comes next is a downhill of tragic scenes, one after another– of the radio stations heating
up of phone calls, tension rose due to absence of authorities, lack of communications between
different wings of the State, and the trembling reactions of each passenger from the actions of the
terrorists on board. While the mid–section of the movie does make you feel sympathetic to
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Pest On Unilever
Pest Analysis Of Walmart
Several years ago, I was the Director of HR Strategy for Walmart US. As a component of one of my
early projects, and being fairly new to the organization, I was asked to conduct a PEST of the
organization based on my team's perspective. As a retail industry leader, Walmart continues to
withstand the potential negative effects of threats in the political, economic, sociocultural, and
technological (PEST) aspects of its business. However, this success requires continued evaluation of
the retail industry environment and constant investment in risk mitigation strategies and processes.
These PEST factors also change over time, and since it has been years for me since being there, I
fresh look is required. These constant changes may present new threats or opportunities that were
otherwise not contemplated before (i.e. the Amazon effect). Walmart must exploit the opportunities
and protect itself from threats. In using the PEST analysis, Walmart leaders and managers can
determine which factors to prioritize in strategy development. Let's look at each of the four factors
in our further analysis.
Political Factors – "Are there any other political factors that are likely to change?" Walmart
considers political factors in the retail and employment markets, usually pertaining to government
policies and employment law. In the PEST analysis model, politically active interest groups are also
significant in how Walmart reacts to this aspect. For the most part, politics that would
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Pest On Unilever
Pest On Unilever
Pest On Unilever
Remembering 9/11 through the Lens of Hollywood: A Detailed...
From the PATRIOT Act of 2001 that was signed into law by the former President George W. Bush,
to the flags that fluttered in the front yard of every American's house, the terrorist attack of
September 11, 2001 brought the whole nation together for a single goal of fighting back terrorism
and getting through the test that America was put to. Everybody's loyalty towards the United States
has been tested since then, and one cannot put aside Hollywood in this collective effort of this nation
(Markert 58). The film industry's reaction through the movies contributed the nation by bringing
different ethnic, racial, social, and economical groups together and exposing them to loyalty and
patriotism to one's nation. Hollywood movies in the post 9/11 ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
11 tragedy" (1) for the movie being uniquely wrapped around the theme of 9/11. "Seeing with the
eyes of another, listening with the ears of another, and feeling with the heart of another." Someone
who did get inspired from Alfred Adler's above quote happens to be Paul Greengrass, the writer and
director of the movie United 93. The point of view camera shots, staggering and making its way
through, led the audience on board of the airliner, creating subtle lively feeling of presence on the
plane for the audience. The United 93's opening scenes do make the audience an iota suspicious
about the Al Qaeda terrorists, in a civilian get up, reading Quran in Arabic, and plotting the course
of their plan. In contrast, the passengers, from a senior citizen to teenager girls, from a Russian
tourist to a business person, and from the pilots to hostesses, who will be soon boarding the plane,
are shown limited to these facts of having a terrorist among their fellows by Greengrass. Everyday
life of Americans can be distinguished by the camera shots that are cut between the clumsiness of
the terrorists sitting among Americans, and all the rest of the characters engrossed in their usual
work. This particular scene in the waiting room recognizes how the terrorists are "not" Americans,
and it gives the audience a hint of exclusion and anger, which are secondary reactions of patriotism.
One thing that Greengrass is cautious
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Pest On Unilever
Pest On Unilever
Pest On Unilever
Week 3 Assignment
1. The occupation I researched was in the field of corrections. Finding specific information on this
occupation using O*NET was not difficult at all. For this assignment I was provided with step–by–
step instructions on how to get to the " My Next Move" page where a person can type in keywords
to research careers. At first glance the site can look intimidating but like any other site if you read
the information provided the page will help guide you in the right direction. I feel that a person
navigating through the site can still reach the locations they desire if they familiarize themselves
with the page and once again, read the information given. As I began reading information I noticed
that each heading or subtitle ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Spanish version database "maintains the same format and file structure as the English 4.0
version. This can be a pretty accurate tool to answer questions HR may have involving language
barriers and a good format for Spanish speaking "job seekers, students, and other career explorers"
(O*NET, 2010) to utilize the same wealth of information.
4. I would most certainly have my staff use this site for several reasons. As mentioned earlier, this
site contains so much information and different helpful tools to assist with HRM I think a company
would do itself an injustice not utilizing all that it has to offer. Consistently updated information,
easy to read instructions, examples, and point and click functions available at no cost all wrapped up
in a complete package make this at tool HR should not be without. I would have my staff use this
site to keep our job analysis up to date and accurate. When seeking potential employees it is in the
interest of the company as well as the applicant that the job seeker understands exactly what the
company is in search of and what they expect from them. Since the company web site has become
the most popular recruiting method it is that much more important that job listing be accurate with
the job specifications that "state the minimum acceptable qualifications that the incumbent must
possess to perform the job successfully" (DeCenzo, Robbins, 2012). The job specifications provide
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Pest On Unilever
Pest On Unilever
Pest On Unilever
Personal Reflection
In my first course at Walden University, Dr. Beebe asked for the reasons I am pursuing my advanced
degree and gave her reasons why she did hers. It was part of our discussion board topic of igniting
your passion to drive the work that we do. Her reason was similar to mine but I was caught off guard
because until yesterday I was not ready to accept that I was doing this degree for me. It felt wrong
that I was doing something for me because the world has so much issues and I am here dedicating a
large part of my life and finances to do something for myself. After some reflection I was ready to
accept it and embrace it without the feeling of guilt. As a child growing up in a third world country
with limited resources everyone knew what they wanted to become and had dreams of achieving so
much. I was that child 15 years ago who knew what he wanted but had the mindset of reality that
unless something drastic happen, this dream was far from reality. Five years later, something drastic
did happen and I was given the opportunity to come to America. I told myself walking into that
plane that I am going to take every single opportunity given to me and run with it. Ever since I am
working towards my potential to fulfill that promise I made to myself, to take the opportunities
given to me and make the most out of my life. After some more reflection I came to the conclusion
that as much as I am doing this for me, there is nothing selfish about it. I planned to use this degree
to help
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  • 40. Uber Pest Analysis Paper Uber is an organization that is in the transportation industry, which offers the personal service of automobile drivers (Walker Smith, 2016). Further, political factors in the PEST analysis include the following: tax policy, trade control, competition regulation, environmental law, anti–trust law, discrimination law, regulations, and laws regulating environment pollution (Jurevicius, 2013). Moreover, organizations often view political factors affecting the business as extremely important. In reviewing the political factors that affect Uber and the industry, worker classification has been a battle industry wide. There have been many regulatory battles regarding the government decision and class action lawsuits regarding the classification ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Target Pest Analysis Paper PEST ANALYSIS ON TARGET CANADA BY GRACE NWACHUKWU. October, 2014 Business News Daily, 2013 explained PEST Analysis (Political, Economic, Social and Technological Analysis) as how those external factors can affect a business's activities and performance... The article further explained that aside the fact that some organizations already have factors affecting their performance, there are some factors outside the organization that can determine the positive result of business. For those organizations to determine how those factors outside the organization can be of positive impact, they decide to conduct a PEST Analysis. In this research, I would be using TARGET CANADA as a case study on PEST Analysis. ABOUT TARGET CANADA. "Target Canada. Co is the Canadian subsidiary of United States – based discount department store chain Target Corporation which was formed in 2011 to oversee the company's Canadian operations. Target Canada's main rival in the Discount store is Walmart, while there is also competition with supermarket chains such as Loblaws, Metro and Sobeys (despite having agreement with Sobeys) and other retailers such as Sears Canada, Canadian Tire, Shoppers Drug Mart and Rexall. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Target opened its first Canadian stores in March 2013, these stores numbered 130 as of August 1, 2014." (Wikipedia, 2014) PEST ANALYSIS ON TARGET CANADA. I would discuss about the impact that each issue (from Political, Economic, Social and Technological) had on the market entry experience of Target Canada. Political ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. Target: Political, Economic, Social And Political View PEST is an acronym used for companies with in the political, economic, social and technological views. PEST allows companies to view and observe certain areas that might have been overlooked. The company I will be discussing the PEST analysis is Target. Target is a large scale company and is constantly changing in the industry. The political views of Target is that they must have an unbreakable bond with China due to majority of its products coming from that country. They must be aware and stray away from any conflicts because it can create a negative affect in the operation of Target. Also the company is altered by taxation, tariffs, cost, and trade restrictions especially when they're trying to broden outside the United States. The economic ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 52. Detailed Analysis on Personality Disorders Personality Disorders: Detailed Analysis First Paragraph Descriptions: Personality disorder is one of the many psychological disorders examined by numerous psychiatrists and academics today. This is a serious psychological disorder, yet one that can be treated by various means, most of which are still being advanced in many fields. Thus, there is much hope that personality disorders can be treated quite well through both psychotherapy and with medicine. Psychotherapy, one of the first topics to be discussed here, is known as a therapeutic medium through which a patient and a doctor interact, with the patient providing the doctor with psychological 'triggers' that the doctor can then analyze. Psychotherapy is thus an umbrella term for many types of interventions, and these differ based on the individual. Some define this type of therapy as "the informed and intentional application of clinical methods and interpersonal stances derived from established psychological principles for the purpose of assisting people to modify their behaviors, cognitions, emotions and/or other personal characteristics in directions that the participants deem desirable." (Psychotherapeutic Interventions, P.247) Psychotherapy is thus important as a means through which to treat all types o f personality disorders, because of the fact that it can be tailored to a patient's needs. Source*: Psychotherapeutic Interventions, P. 247–271 Second Paragraph Descriptions: In the realm of psychology, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 56. Analysis Of ' Nurses ' Verbal Support Of Nulliparous Women... Critique of Borders et al.'s Study (2013) "Midwives' Verbal Support of Nulliparous Women in Second–Stage Labor" Title The title of this article was succinct and specific, including the phenomenon under study (verbal support in second–stage labor) and the population (nulliparous women). Although the title seems to imply that the study is qualitative in nature, it does not overtly state this, and for some readers, it may be helpful to point that out. Also, the term "nulliparous" is not a word used often in the general vocabulary of everyday people, and warrants the use of a dictionary for most people to determine which type of women were included in the study. It may have also been more beneficial to mention the additional comparison of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Research Questions Although the authors do not come right out and say it, the study focuses on a single question they quote within the introduction which states, "If there is no good reason in theory or in practice for hurrying the second stage of labor, why has the habit been prevalent for so long and why does it still exist? (p. 311)". This appears to be the driving question behind the entire study and is only apparent once the reader has read the discussion section of the article. Literature Review The authors have done a thorough literature review and presented their findings by starting out with some important statistics about typical supportive care during the birth process, and elaborating on the last 50 years of research done on the types of pushing efforts and how they related to the outcomes of the births. It reflects on the role of midwives as being supportive of spontaneous pushing by the mother and the positive outcomes for those women and children. They did report on a recent meta–analysis which supported the use of spontaneous pushing and only recommended directed pushing in certain hazardous situations. The authors' review of the current literature affirms their claim that there have been no studies done to analyze the role ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 60. Best Buy Pestle Analysis Paper Pestle Analysis The PESTEL analysis covers the analysis of Political, Social, Technological, Environmental and Legal factors to scan the organization's external macro environment. The PESTEL analysis of Best Buy Co. is as follows: Political: Best Buy operates majorly in U.S. and Canada. At present both countries has stable government, therefore, Best Buy do not face any significant political threat. However any decrease or increase in taxes related to operations or sales by political parties can place a major impact on best buy revenue. For example, in U.S. online–only operators are exempt from collecting sales taxes in some states that allows company's competitor to cut of their costs. Economic: Economic conditions have direct impact on company's sales. In past, economic slowdown has affected best buy sales significantly. Consumer spending pattern has been decreased. In 2008, company has laid off ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For example, consumers prefer to buy I–pad from Apple store rather than Best Buy. Technological: Best Buy sells latest technology products. Company's success is depending upon the successful introduction of new products with latest technology to the customers. Failure to adapt the constantly changing technology products could have adverse impact on company's sales. Best Buy uses encryption technology to ensure secure transactions. Environmental: In 2007, Best Buy was held in one of the five corporations that were involved in unethical deforestation in Canada. In 2008, Best Buy has launched a program called Greener to increase the energy efficiency in its products. According to Best Buy, from the period of 2008 to 2014, company has collected about 938 million pounds of consumer electronics and appliances. Moreover, Best Buy offers energy– efficient products to save energy. Placement of any major law relating to the protection of environment can materiality affect Best ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 64. Evaluation Of The Interview Protocol Consisted Of Closed... Instrumentation The following instruments were utilized within the study: semi–structured interviews consisting of closed and open–ended questions and NVivo. NVivo is a software program that provides rigorous analysis of qualitative data, thus allowing the researcher to obtain in–depth knowledge pertaining to the responses of each participant. The interview protocol consisted of face– to–face interviews within an Applewood elementary school office and during a predetermined time provided by the participant. The interviews were private, as a one–on–one setting was employed. The interview process consisted of accumulation of ten closed and open–ended questions. Interview sessions were audio recorded on two digital recording devices, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The initial phase of the data analysis require the researcher to utilized data analysis principles originated by Moustakas, 1994. The researcher initiated the data reduction proceedings by implementing (epoche), which executed the disconnection of past memories embedded within the researcher regarding the phenomenon (Moerer–Urdahl, T & Creswell, W. 2004). Responses provided by the participants were transcribed verbatim and uploaded into NVivo, which is a qualitative data analysis software program. The second phase of the data reduction procedures required the identification of all significant statements embedded within transcriptions, participant journals, and the researchers field notes; therefore all significant statement were highlighted. The development of codes through clustering significant statements and information was the third phase in the data reduction process. Creating categories to represent the data and shed light to the personal experiences of the participants was an imperative step in the data analysis, as the researcher developed codes based on the identified significant statements. Relevant quotes directly pulled from the transcriptions, participant journals, and the researchers field notes were interjected into an appropriate category, providing order while illuminating patterns, similarities, and differences amongst the participants. The fourth phase mandated further reduction of the data; thus the development of themes ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 68. Lufthansa Cargo Brochure More information from http://www.researchandmarkets.com/reports/1322865/ Lufthansa Cargo AG – Strategic SWOT Analysis Review Description: Lufthansa Cargo AG – Strategic SWOT Analysis Review Summary Lufthansa Cargo AG(Lufthansa Cargo) is a Germany–based company which provides cargo airline, air freight and logistics services. The company is engaaged in transporting cargo and mail from airport–to–airport. Lufthansa Cargo AG has a strategic partnership agreement with Fraport AG. The airline transported around 1.8 million tonnes of freight and mail. Lufthansa Cargo serves three product types with its service portfolio, namely, the general cargo segment td.Pro, the express segment with td.Flash and the Specials. The company ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... and Services Lufthansa Cargo AG – History Lufthansa Cargo AG – Company Statement Lufthansa Cargo AG – Locations And Subsidiaries Head Office Other Locations & Subsidiaries Section 2 – Company Analysis Lufthansa Cargo AG – Business Description Lufthansa Cargo AG – Corporate Strategy Lufthansa Cargo AG – SWOT Analysis SWOT Analysis – Overview Lufthansa Cargo AG – Strengths Strength – Innovation Strength – Diversified Service Offerings Strength – Strategic Alliance Lufthansa Cargo AG – Weaknesses Weakness – Lack of Scale Lufthansa Cargo AG – Opportunities Opportunity – Expansion into Emerging Markets Opportunity – Global Air Freight and Logistics Outlook Opportunity – Relocation of its Asian Hub Lufthansa Cargo AG – Threats Threat – Uncertain Macroeconomic Factors Threat – Short–Term Aviation Industry Outlook Lufthansa Cargo AG – Key Competitors Section 3 – Company's Recent Developments Lufthansa Cargo AG, Recent Developments Apr 14, 2010: Lufthansa Cargo, Mojix Complete Pilot Deployment Of RFID System Feb 24, 2010: Lufthansa Cargo Enters Into Agreement With Austrian Airlines Feb 24, 2010: Lufthansa Cargo Enters Into Agreement With Austrian Airlines Feb 02, 2010: Smiths Detection, Lufthansa Cargo, Covenant Collaborate To Provide Security Solution Section 4 – Appendix Methodology About GlobalData Contact Us Disclaimer List of Tables Lufthansa Cargo AG, Key Facts Lufthansa Cargo AG, Key Employees Lufthansa Cargo AG, Key Employee Biographies Lufthansa Cargo AG, Major Products ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 72. Software Development Life Cycle ( Sdlc ) Software Development Life Cycle Introduction Software Development Life Cycle, (SDLC) denotes the process used by software industries to design, develop and test high–quality software. SDLC is also referred to as Software development process and aims at producing high–quality software meeting or exceeding customer's expectations, or that reaches completion within cost and times estimation. A system is a set of intermingling or dependent components that form a unified whole; it is a term that can get used in diverse industries. Therefore, SDLC is a limited term that explains the phases of developing a software component integrating with other software constituents to develop the whole system. Software Development Life Cycle depicts the process to be followed by a software organization for a software project consisting of the detailed plan with a description of how to develop, maintain, alter, and replace a particular software (Davis et al. 1455). Typically, an SDLC consists of six development stages as listed below: i. Planning and requirement analyzes ii. Defining and documenting the requirements. iii. System design. iv. Building the system software v. Testing the system software. vi. Deployment and maintenance of the system software. SDLC life cycle defines a methodology to improve the quality of software and complete development process. Planning and Requirements Analysis Requirements analysis discovers the detailed real, business requirements deliverables, features and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 76. Crusty Pizza Restaurant: Forecasting Using Regression Crusty Pizza Restaurant: Forecasting using Regressions Group One: Jenna Baseler and Zachary Kain MBA 610–T304 Introduction The purpose of this case is to determine which key variables drive Crusty Pizza Restaurant's monthly profit and then forecast what the monthly profit would be for potential stores. Based off of this information we will be able to make a recommendation to Crusty Dough Pizza Restaurant on which stores they should open and which they avoid. The group was provided 60 restaurants' data that included monthly profit, student population, advertising expenditures, parking spots, population within 20 miles, pizza varieties, and competitors within 15 miles. For the potential stores we were given all of this ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In a regression analysis we found that the correlation coefficient is .5862 with a very high level of confidence (see Appendix A for detailed Regression Analysis Data). We also found that the coefficient of determination was .3437. This shows that since there is a correlation between student population and profits, the impact student population has on the profits is approximately 34%. We also found from our regression equation that an increase in the student population by 1 student can increase profit by $1.07. You can see the positive trend in the scatter plot below. Competitors within 15 Miles Competition is a strong driver in the free enterprise of America. Crusty Dough Pizza Company is no exception. While Crusty Dough Pizza Company varies in its number of competitors within 15 miles by store, this variance does not seem to correlate to higher or lower profits. When looking at the regression analysis completed using competitors within 15 miles as the independent variable and monthly profit as the dependent variable, we find that the correlation coefficient is a very low .133. It's safe to say there is it not a correlation between these two figures (see Appendix A for detailed Regression Analysis Data). Multiple Regression As you can see from our findings, two main correlations we found that impacted monthly profit are monthly advertising expenditures and student population. We can use ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 80. AM And MO Position At Family Dollar Job Analysis Human Resource (HR) managers work with top managers in order to create jobs and develop high– performing workforces. HR managers design jobs that fulfill the needs of the business and align with organizational goals. However, before jobs are created, HR managers need to understand what tasks and duties are required. The process of identifying the tasks and duties needed for a job is referred to as Job Analysis (Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, & Wright, 2014). A job analysis is important because it assists managers with recruiting, performance management, compensation, and ensuring equal treatment (Stewart & Brown, 2012). Ultimately, the information gathered from job analyses are used to develop job descriptions. This paper will demonstrate ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... All the tasks and responsibilities recorded by researching the jobs on O*Net and using the observation and interview methods are used to create the job descriptions for these two positions. The following are examples of job descriptions for an Assistant Manager and Merge Operator at Family Dollar: Figure 1.1 Assistant Manager Job Description Job Overview: Assist customers by answering questions and selling merchandise. Manage inventory by receiving deliveries and stocking shelves. Supervisor at least one or more employees. Job Duties: Supervise employees that are engaged in work activities. Instruct staff on how to handle difficult sales and transactions. Manage merchandise by receiving inventory and stocking sales floor and shelves. Ensure store cleanliness by performing routine checks of sale floor and storage areas. Ensure store objectives and sales goals by coaching and training employees to meet and exceed expectations. Figure 1.2 Merger Operator Job Description Job Overview: Manages flow of merchandise to ensure efficient distribution of inventory. Works with heavy machinery and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 84. Case1 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Case Analysis Guidelines & Checklist Overview: In many ways writing a short analysis paper (including recommendations and/or conclusions) is like writing an "action memo" or executive memo in business. The following sections go over how to organize and format your written work here in class and in the business world to be attractive to the reader and effective in getting your point across. Approach: * Read the entire case carefully before you actually begin to write the paper, and make careful notes (including your emotional reactions, which can be useful). Try to read the case once at least a few hours or a day earlier, and then again when you are writing the paper. This ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... * (Optional). You may decide to add a final titled conclusion section of 25–100 words, including any parting thoughts you would like to add about the topic, the organization, or the situation, and any lessons from it you want to note. Format and Style: Boston University emphasizes standards of effective oral and written business communication, because these skills are important to your career success. Therefore you are expected to follow the requirements of good business writing and the specific requirements of the course. Failure to follow these rules (e.g. papers over length, excessive misspellings, incorrect citations, etc.) will result in papers being downgraded. Likewise follow Boston University's rules on plagiarism and academic conduct. Specific requirements * Papers should be organized into paragraphs, written in complete sentences, and broken into clearly titled sections as per the outline above. Note that generally shorter rather than longer paragraphs make for better communication, and that it is better to have "too many" titled sections than too few. * Use correct spelling and grammar. You should use a spell–checking program on your computer, and * personally proof–read your papers. If English is a second language for you, ask an English speaking friend to check your writing and grammar for you. Remember to set the language of Word to English (U.S.) through the Menu. Also make sure you have ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 88. Detailed Review and Analysis of the Legal Situation... Date: January 27th, 2014 To: Musgraves, Kacey From: Calm, Bea Subject: Unpaid Consulting Fees as performed for "Pasley, Bryan & Brooks, Barristers & Solicitors**" Memorandum and Objective: The purpose of the memorandum is to provide a detailed review and analysis of the legal situation considering "Paslay, Bryan & Brooks, Barristers & Solicitors**" and Facts: From the information presented to myself by Kacey Musgraves it is known that Kacey, operating under "Arrow Consulting", was asked to perform consulting services by Eric Pasley. All documents received by Kacey from Eric were presented with the name "Paslay, Bryan & Brooks, Barristers & Solicitors**" and it was to her knowledge that she was performing work for this ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Facts: The large law firm that OPG uses for its legal work is converting to a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP). This change will be effective February 1st, 2014. Issues: – the only areas of concern here for Kacey and the board of directors is how this change will affect them – if this change is significant – Law: – "the related laws are..." – Limited Liability Partnerships LLP have implications on structure of the partnership and are usually applied to accounting and law firms – find section reference for ones below – LLP: a partner in a LLP is not liable, by means of indemnification, contribution or otherwise for (a) the debts and obligations of the partnership or any partner arising from negligent or wrongful
  • 89. acts and (b) any other debts or obligations of the partnership incurred while the partnership is a LLP – Partner not proper party to action: a partner in a limited liability partnership is not a proper party to a proceeding by or against the LLP for the purpose of recovering obligations. Analyze: – should there be any concerns? Or is there significance in this change? How does this affect the board of directors? – significant change – section # clearly states that LLP are not labile for the negligent acts performed by a partner of the firm – this meaning that if there was an occurrence of negligent conduct from the law firm that resulted in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 93. A Brief Note On The System Safety Engineering ENGG7020 System Safety Engineering Assignment3: Literature Review Author Lixing Liang Student ID 44109989 Data October 18, 2016 Contents Introduction 3 Analysis techniques 3 SWIFT 3 Concept of SWIFT 3 Suitable situations 4 Application of SWIFT 4 FMEDA 5 Concept of FMEDA 5 Suitable situations 6 Application of FMEDA 6 THERP 6 Concept of THERP 6 Suitable situations 7 Application of THERP 8 Conclusion 9 Reference 10 Introduction: In this review, three different analysis techniques will be discussed, including Structured What If Technique (SWIFT), Failure Modes, Effects, and Diagnostic Analysis (FMEDA) and Technique for Human Error–rate Prediction (THERP). Each of them will be discussed in three aspects (concept, suitable situations and application). Analysis techniques: SWIFT: Concept of SWIFT:
  • 94. As a technique of risk identification, SWIFT is flexible and focus on high level. It can be run alone, or as a portion of a staged method to achieve more efficient use of bottom–up methods like FMEA (Failure Modes and Effects Analysis) [1]. By concentrating on high–level procedures, SWIFT can often be conducted more rapidly than more detail–oriented approaches. In fact, an industrial case showed that a SWIFT risk assessment could be conducted in as little as one–third of the time required for a HAZOP (Hazard and Operability study)–based approach [1], a result that was replicated in a study comparing SWIFT to HFMEA (Healthcare Failure Modes and Effects Analysis) in a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 98. Tesco Pestle Analysis Paper Pestle stands for political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental. The political environment of organisations comprises both the formal legal framework established by governments to regulate behaviour (citation for john Naylor management book). Unemployment rates have fell by 58000 to 1.9 million in the uk (BBC). In 2008, Tesco had 3751 stores nationwide. In 2015 Tesco have more than double the amount of stores, totalling 7817. This means that millions of jobs would have been worldwide and more specifically in the uk, this is why unemployment rate in the uk are starting to decrease because big firms such as Tesco and developing new stores thus creating more jobs. The managers need to assess the economic environment, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Managers need to keep up with technological change as it allows them to keep a competitive advantage. Tesco helped keep up with the technological environment by introducing the self–service checkout in their stores which enables the customers to serve themselves. This decreases the amount of staff they needed on the tills in the stores nationwide and thus saving on their wage costs. Legal environment is making sure that companies abide by the government policies and legislation. In 2015, Tesco were being investigated into the relationship with the suppliers. Tesco could be find up to 1% of annual profits if they are found guilty of mistreating their suppliers (BBC). By not complying with legislation can affect the business, this would give it a bad reputation and may effect sales and profits. The environmental factor is all about how companies can be environmentally friendly and how the company can benefit society in the way they produce their products and distribute them. Tesco are reducing there carbon intensity by 40.9% since 2006/2007(tesco website). And they are reducing there carbon emissions by 0.3% year on year. This will increase brand reputation as Tesco are becoming more environmentally and this may lead to more sales being generated as a result which helps them maintain a competitive ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 102. Advantages Of Conversation Analysis What is a conversation? A conversation is referred to as a spontaneous, impromptu, everyday exchange of talk between two or more individuals. The participants in a conversation take turns and during their turn each makes a conversational move of some kind, this is seen as a form of sociability and reflects an individual's ability and willingness to interact with others. People gather their construction of a conversation together, cooperatively, and they deal with the gatherings of the conversation at local level, one utterance at a time (Parker 1999). Conversation analysis is an approach to the study of human interaction in society which embraces verbal and nonverbal conduct in situations of everyday interchanges. There may be a misinformed view that this analysis only focuses on the sociable nature of the conversation, but in reality, it encompasses conversations of all sorts, from informal and formal to technologically mediated conversations. Conversation analysis is broad in scope but one of the things that differentiate ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It does not use coded or summarised representations, but rather analyses detailed audio or video recordings of interactional activities and detailed transcripts. Another benefit of using conversation analysis, it focuses on naturally occurring data and not conversations that are manipulated as mentioned prior. However, there are limitations to this approach as well such as the fact that it can be time consuming and therefore requires a great deal of patience and dedication to go through numerous and long transcripts of conversations. It can also be costly. Often it also requires specialised training in the Conversation Analysis methodology if it is going to be done well. This analytic approach is also very sensitive to misinterpretation and over interpretation therefore member checking becomes very crucial (LaVelle ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 106. Detecting And Protecting Against Inside Threats Felipe Affonso Kaustubh M. Phaltankar April 18, 2016 Detecting and protecting against inside threats Introduction Each day our world and our lives depend more on information systems, systems that can guarantee that our informations are secure and available just for our own purpose. Lots of companies work just if critical information which is stored on their databases. It is the responsibility of these companies to guarantee with their costumers that this data is secure. Lots of those companies are concerned about their databases and try to improve their security however. According to last year 's Internet Security Report from Symantec, almost no company, whether large or small, is immune to cyber attacks. Five of every six large companies (2500+ employees) were targeted with spear–phishing attacks in 2014, a 40 percent increase over the previous year[1]. Normally, companies are aware of theses attacks and are trying to invest more and more in security. It's important to point out that attacks are not just from the outside; breaches and even data leakage can be accomplished by inside employees. So, it's really important to protect against inside and outside attacks. High–tech businesses rely primarily on two opposing information values: the dissemination of information for innovation success and the protection of information to retain competitive advantage[2]. These companies know that just physical security isn't enough anymore, it's necessary to implement different ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 110. A Detailed Art Analysis Of The Oil On Canvass Painting,... The purpose of this paper is to give a detailed art analysis of the oil on canvass painting, Light of the Incarnation (Lux Incarnationis),1888, signed and dated: lower right. This analysis will also include background of its artist, Carl Gutherz (1844–1907). Viewed at Memphis Brooks Museum of Art on January 12, 2017. Embodied in Flesh This oil on canvass depicts the moment when Christ, a divine spirit embodied in flesh, was born in Bethlehem. The painting is filled with all living things rejoicing as radiant beams of clean white light bounce from the birth and back to the heavens above. The painting is full of opalescent colors that bring a sense of calm. As you are drawn in your eyes reach the elegant curvature of the angel's ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This work is of the upmost tangible form to express the artist's feelings. If it is preserved it will forever be alive. Gutherz received a bronze medal for Light of the Incarnation in 1889, Paris Exposition Universelle (Marilyn Masler, 2009). In contemplating the work based on the nativity of Christ, he was stead–fast upon the idea of depicting it from a unique perspective and in his journal he writes: (Marilyn Masler, 2009) First Thought on Lux Incarnationis... The Christmas morn on earth is seen By angels far away The world in bright resplendid [sic] sheen To Heaven casts a ray. At first glance the large–scaled canvass demands your attention. As the distance between the observer and the canvass close you are drawn in like a moth to light. To the right center of the work is a winged angel wearing a flawless white dress with open arms inviting all to be a part of what has happened. There is a golden glow of color that surrounds the curvature of her head. As you come to rest in the waiting arms you are no longer a spectator, you have now become a participant. Its massive size gives an understanding that there is room for anyone who wishes to take it in as truth. Now drawn in you realize there are many winged angels that recede to give the two–dimensional work depth. They too have the same golden glow that encompasses their heads. Their wings take on the same lustrous colored dress that covers their bodies. The dresses are solid in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 114. The First Phase Of Strategy Work Information collection The first phase of strategy work is to gain the information of case company. Our case company is a nonprofit organization –––MacMillan Cancer Support. The first thing we did is to get to understand how charity works. After the first group meeting, we decided to find the information about the company and the industry individually and then made a pool of collected information. As a student from China, I knew little about charity because in my country charity is not a big industry and people seldom pay attention to this field. Charity was a totally new thing to me and I started to learn it from scratch. At the beginning, I felt a little perplexed and I did not know where to start my research work. I searched in the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... We felt we needed to make some change to move forward then we turned to the framework we learned the lectures. Information analysis Our first step was to identify the goal of MacMillan. Unlike profit–driven company, charity's goal is not to chase profit but to make the world better. Their intentions are always altruistic. According to their homepage and their annual report we found their nine outcomes as their goals. They are devoted to cancer support to make sure that everyone affected by cancer will not face the disease alone. After specifying their goal, we moved to the environmental analysis. Since it was in the first few weeks, we chose the PEST and five forces framework to use. When we started to analyze, a main problem came to us. Since MacMillan is a nonprofit organization, the definition of its competitors confused us. Should it be all the charities worldwide or only the local cancer charities? Through looking up the textbooks and identifying the industry, we thought that in this industry they mainly competed for the funding, so we defined their competitors as all the cancer charities which searched for funding against MacMillan. Since the definition of their competitors has been clarified, we started to look the industry. We thought the hospitals and hospices could be the substitutes of charity and the new cancer charity would be the potential entrants. In the five ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 118. A Detailed Analysis of The Red-Headed League and The Final... A Detailed Analysis of The Red–Headed League and The Final Problem In 1888, "A Study in Scarlet" was published, bringing together the infamous duo of Holmes and Watson – and in the creation of Holmes, earned Conan Doyle his fortune. "Scandal in Bohemia" and the following stories of his characters journey into the world of crime solving appeared in "The Strand" magazine. The 1880s saw a growing market for popular fiction and at a mere sixpence a week, it had anxious people rushing to the stands for literary entertainment, amusement and escapism. The double act of Holmes and Watson is very effective in the short stories by Conan Doyle. Holmes is often described in the short stories with ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Another reason Watson is effective as the storyteller, is that compared to Holmes' amazing powers of logic and deduction, he seems more like a normal person. He, like the reader, is amazed by Holmes' skills, yet he does not understand them. During the denouement of "The Red–Headed League", Watson helps the reader understand how Holmes' came to his conclusions by asking him the questions that are in the readers mind, such as, "But how could you guess what the motive was?" and, "how could you tell that they would make their attempt to–night?" This satisfies the reader and adds realism – it helps them accept it is possible. Also, as Watson is left in the dark until the conclusion, it emphasises Holmes ingenuity and powers of deductive reasoning. Throughout "The Red–Headed League", there are many clues that enable the mystery to be solved. The idea of the Red–Headed League was so bizarre that there had to be something beyond the obvious evidence. Holmes chuckles after the reading of the advertisement found in the newspaper and concludes that it is "a little off the beaten track". The strange factors that surround the hiring of Wilson's assistant, Vincent Spaulding, make the reader (and the characters) quite dubious of his authenticity. Vincent worked "at half wages" and he had been with Wilson "about a month" before he showed Wilson the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 122. Pestle Analysis Report: The environmental factors within the PESTLE analysis which are having an impact on Charles Stanley October 2008 1.0 – Introduction to the PESTLE analysis.............................................................3 2.0 – Introduction – Charles Stanley 2.1 – Pestle Analysis of Charles Stanley Stockbrokers 3.0 – Detailed Focus – Two Key Factors 3.1 – Impact factors on HR strategy and practise 3.2 – Recommendations 3.3 – Conclusions 4.0 – Conclusion Appendix References Bibliography Concept Completing a PESTLE analysis in order to see the 'bigger picture', can be a simple or a rather complex task, depending on how much detail is gathered and also how many people are involved as people see things differently. The six elements form detailed ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The growing concern around obesity and lack of physical activity has pushed Charles Stanley to offer health club membership. Also the attitudes to work and leisure bring focus to the work hard, play hard culture and for leisure. Charles Stanley have a Ride to Work scheme in place. Having such schemes in place may incur additional costs but there are long term benefits which include higher productivity, raised morale, motivation, engagement and achieving strategic objectives. The work life balance is also an important issue as many find that work demands get in the way of other commitments so 'being aware of different demands on time and energy' has become increasingly difficult to manage within the HR function at Charles Stanley. (David Clutterbuck) It has become increasingly important to have family friendly policies and flexible work patterns to help employees with other commitments such as community commitments or studying. Family friendly benefits like childcare vouchers are also offered at Charles Stanley but not taken up by many because they are not publicised enough. Other challenges recently raised within the HR dept is the lack of female labour in financial services and the ageing workforce which increases pensions costs. Technological As UK Internet usage becomes more widespread, this has encouraged Charles Stanley to support the introduction of a new Human Resources Information System (HRIS) and an ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 126. Hello Professor Essay Prepare a critical analysis of a quantitative study focusing on protection of human participants, data collection, data analysis, problem statement, and interpretation of findings. Each study analysis will be 750–1,000 words and submitted in one document. Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is not required. Submit the assignment along with an electronic version of the article used for the analysis. If an electronic version is not available, submit a clean unmarked copy of the article. Using this article Article– Chaney, D., Coates, V., Shevlin, M., Carson, D., McDougall, A., & Long, A. (2012). Diabetes education: what do adolescents want?. Journal Of Clinical ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Conclusion. Participants favored a structured diabetes education program that was short in duration, practical in nature, positive in outlook and relevant to daily life. Relevance to clinical practice. Programs should address the specific needs of adolescents, be delivered in a practical manner and be realistic for everyday use. Guidelines Research Critique, Part 2 To write a critical appraisal that demonstrates comprehension of the research study conducted, respond to each of the questions listed under the headings below. Do not answer the questions with a yes or no; rather, provide a rationale or include examples or content from the study to address the questions. CRITICAL APPRAISAL GUIDELINES: QUANTITATIVE STUDY Protection of Human Participants * Identify the benefits and risks of participation addressed by the authors. Were there benefits or risks the authors do not identify? * Was informed consent obtained from the subjects or participants? * Did it seem that the subjects participated voluntarily in the study? * Was institutional review board approval obtained from the agency in which the study was conducted? Data Collection * Are the major variables (independent and dependent variables) identified and
  • 127. defined? What were these variables? * How were data collected in this study? * What rationale did the author provide for using this data collection method? * ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 131. Analysis Of Porter 's Five Forces Of Competition Framework In week two we covered topics that explore methodologies that can be used to analyze the industry that a company is in. In chapter 3 of the text some of the main topics include industry profitability and attractiveness which can be analyzed by using "Porter's Five Forces of Competition Framework" (Grant, 2010; pg 69). The five forces include competition from substitutes, new market entrants, and established firms as well as the power of buyers and suppliers. One of the main topics with this framework is the availability of substitutes which addresses the sensitivity to the price of a product or service and when customers will switch. Porter's framework does not include the availability of complimentary products. The threat of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Another important topic discussed in chapter 3 is the application of industry analysis. This includes using the information available to forecast the potential profit in an industry. This is done in three stages which include: looking at how the amount of competition and profit to examine the industry's current structure, identifying trends within the industry that are changing it, and identifying how those changes will affect the five forces of competition and profitability (Grant, 2010; pg. 78–79). The application of industry analysis also includes using this information to position the company by finding weak points in the competition and using them to the company's advantage. One final important topic in chapter 3 involves the identification of "key success factors" (Grant, 2010; pg. 86). This involves answering the questions of what customers want in a product or service and how they survive the competition. These factors vary by industry. Customers may want low prices, quality products, or convenience to name a few. Surviving the competition may mean product differentiation, price competition, or cost efficiency. In some industries these factor may be easy to identify. Chapter 4 dives deeper into industry and competitive analysis and considers the competitive dynamics of competitors ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 135. Loan Diagrams With Detailed Analysis And Investigation Of... Executive Summary This course work purposes to research the basics of options, payoff diagrams with detailed analysis and investigation of the Greek letters. The first part of this work includes some basic of options for introduction of this topic. The second part contains an analysis of payoff diagrams for put and call options that are based on simple examples for clearness. The next part presents theory and analysis of the Greek letters that based on Bloomberg data. Table of Contents Introduction Literature Review Basics of Options Payoff Diagrams for Options Black–Scholes model The Greek letters in Theory The Greek letters in Practice Conclusion References Introduction ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The third and important use is a hedge. Hedge is a trading strategy in which derivative securities are used to reduce or completely offset counterparty's risk exposure to an underlying asset [1] (Brown, 2012). Some research has shown that the options allow creating hedged portfolio that generate excess returns, which is not only covers risks, but also makes the portfolio is sufficiently speculative. Also a total risk is reduced compared to the portfolio which is not being hedged. As options theme is very broad, the main aim of this course work is analysing option basics and the Greek letters. And it is organized as follows. In Section 1 options basics are introduces. In Section 2 payoff diagrams for different types of option are explained by simple examples for clearness. In Section 3 the Black and Scholes model and the Greek letters are shown in theory. Then Section 4 introduces detailed analyses of variation of the Greek letters with stock prices. Section 5 concludes the course work. Literature Review John C.Hull, 2012, "Risk Management and Financial Institutions". Paul Wilmott, 2000, "Derivatives. The theory and practice of financial engineering". Don M.Chance, Robert Brooks, 2010, "An Introduction to Derivatives and Risk Management". Frank K.Reilly, Keith C. Brown, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 139. A Detailed Authoritative Background Analysis On Aerotoxic... The following report provides a detailed authoritative background analysis on Aerotoxic Syndrome. The report is broken up into four sections, comprising firstly the nature of the problem, and how it affects all stakeholders, followed by the controversies related to the topic, with potential solutions to such controversies. Next in the report is the identification and prioritisation of appropriate risk controls, and finally an indication of immediate and long term actions the airline carrier can take when a crew member appears to be suffering from the illness, Aerotoxic Syndrome. Ultimately, the report as a whole will aid your airline carrier surrounding the issues of Aerotoxic Syndrome now and into the future. Aerotoxic Syndrome is an illness that is caused by breathing in toxic fumes inside of the jet aircraft. This is caused by the air intake on a plane, which comes from the engine where it sucks in the air and pumps it into the cabin, but the toxic oils and other substances in the engine can easily leak into the airflow and contaminate the air that all passengers and staff breath. A very common leakage is the leakage of the jet engine lubricant oil, tricresyl phosphate, otherwise known as TCP or TOCP. The Government and regulatory authorities have conducted researches that have admitted to the association between the contamination of the cabin air to chronic health problems, but they have not admitted to specific causation. Aerotoxic Syndrome could possibly cause ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 143. Remembering 9/11 through the Lens of Hollywood: A Detailed... From the PATRIOT Act of 2001 that was signed into law by the formal President George W. Bush, to the flags that fluttered in the front yard of every American's house, the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001 brought the whole nation together for a single goal of fighting back terrorism and getting through the test that America was put to. Everybody's loyalty is getting tested since then towards the United States, and one cannot put aside Hollywood. Its reaction through the movies contributed the nation by bringing different ethnic, racial, social, and economical groups, which America was divided into, together and showing loyalty and patriotism to one's nation. Hollywood movies in the post 9/11 era conveyed the message that "it's time to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Everyday life of Americans is depicted and the shots are cut between the awkwardness of the terrorists sitting among Americans, and all the rest of the passengers continuing their usual work. This particular scene in the waiting room recognizes how the terrorists are "not" Americans, which ideally gives the audience a hint of exclusion and anger which is a secondary reaction of patriotism. The one thing that Lee is cautious about, in particular, is the nondiscrimination and unrecognition of the terrorists from the characters' point of view, which conveys the message of neutrality and fairness seen among all Americans for the rest of the world, which does not work in the same way as the United States does. This wary precaution kept him out of any accusations by any race, ethnicity, or religion. The absence of personal opinion and interpretation in the movie extends the viewers to believe in what is shown and take it as factual storyline, one that has not been tampered in any way. But, what comes next is a downhill of tragic scenes, one after another– of the radio stations heating up of phone calls, tension rose due to absence of authorities, lack of communications between different wings of the State, and the trembling reactions of each passenger from the actions of the terrorists on board. While the mid–section of the movie does make you feel sympathetic to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 147. Pest Analysis Of Walmart Several years ago, I was the Director of HR Strategy for Walmart US. As a component of one of my early projects, and being fairly new to the organization, I was asked to conduct a PEST of the organization based on my team's perspective. As a retail industry leader, Walmart continues to withstand the potential negative effects of threats in the political, economic, sociocultural, and technological (PEST) aspects of its business. However, this success requires continued evaluation of the retail industry environment and constant investment in risk mitigation strategies and processes. These PEST factors also change over time, and since it has been years for me since being there, I fresh look is required. These constant changes may present new threats or opportunities that were otherwise not contemplated before (i.e. the Amazon effect). Walmart must exploit the opportunities and protect itself from threats. In using the PEST analysis, Walmart leaders and managers can determine which factors to prioritize in strategy development. Let's look at each of the four factors in our further analysis. Political Factors – "Are there any other political factors that are likely to change?" Walmart considers political factors in the retail and employment markets, usually pertaining to government policies and employment law. In the PEST analysis model, politically active interest groups are also significant in how Walmart reacts to this aspect. For the most part, politics that would ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 151. Remembering 9/11 through the Lens of Hollywood: A Detailed... From the PATRIOT Act of 2001 that was signed into law by the former President George W. Bush, to the flags that fluttered in the front yard of every American's house, the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001 brought the whole nation together for a single goal of fighting back terrorism and getting through the test that America was put to. Everybody's loyalty towards the United States has been tested since then, and one cannot put aside Hollywood in this collective effort of this nation (Markert 58). The film industry's reaction through the movies contributed the nation by bringing different ethnic, racial, social, and economical groups together and exposing them to loyalty and patriotism to one's nation. Hollywood movies in the post 9/11 ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 11 tragedy" (1) for the movie being uniquely wrapped around the theme of 9/11. "Seeing with the eyes of another, listening with the ears of another, and feeling with the heart of another." Someone who did get inspired from Alfred Adler's above quote happens to be Paul Greengrass, the writer and director of the movie United 93. The point of view camera shots, staggering and making its way through, led the audience on board of the airliner, creating subtle lively feeling of presence on the plane for the audience. The United 93's opening scenes do make the audience an iota suspicious about the Al Qaeda terrorists, in a civilian get up, reading Quran in Arabic, and plotting the course of their plan. In contrast, the passengers, from a senior citizen to teenager girls, from a Russian tourist to a business person, and from the pilots to hostesses, who will be soon boarding the plane, are shown limited to these facts of having a terrorist among their fellows by Greengrass. Everyday life of Americans can be distinguished by the camera shots that are cut between the clumsiness of the terrorists sitting among Americans, and all the rest of the characters engrossed in their usual work. This particular scene in the waiting room recognizes how the terrorists are "not" Americans, and it gives the audience a hint of exclusion and anger, which are secondary reactions of patriotism. One thing that Greengrass is cautious ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 155. Onet Week 3 Assignment 1. The occupation I researched was in the field of corrections. Finding specific information on this occupation using O*NET was not difficult at all. For this assignment I was provided with step–by– step instructions on how to get to the " My Next Move" page where a person can type in keywords to research careers. At first glance the site can look intimidating but like any other site if you read the information provided the page will help guide you in the right direction. I feel that a person navigating through the site can still reach the locations they desire if they familiarize themselves with the page and once again, read the information given. As I began reading information I noticed that each heading or subtitle ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Spanish version database "maintains the same format and file structure as the English 4.0 version. This can be a pretty accurate tool to answer questions HR may have involving language barriers and a good format for Spanish speaking "job seekers, students, and other career explorers" (O*NET, 2010) to utilize the same wealth of information. 4. I would most certainly have my staff use this site for several reasons. As mentioned earlier, this site contains so much information and different helpful tools to assist with HRM I think a company would do itself an injustice not utilizing all that it has to offer. Consistently updated information, easy to read instructions, examples, and point and click functions available at no cost all wrapped up in a complete package make this at tool HR should not be without. I would have my staff use this site to keep our job analysis up to date and accurate. When seeking potential employees it is in the interest of the company as well as the applicant that the job seeker understands exactly what the company is in search of and what they expect from them. Since the company web site has become the most popular recruiting method it is that much more important that job listing be accurate with the job specifications that "state the minimum acceptable qualifications that the incumbent must possess to perform the job successfully" (DeCenzo, Robbins, 2012). The job specifications provide ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 159. Personal Reflection In my first course at Walden University, Dr. Beebe asked for the reasons I am pursuing my advanced degree and gave her reasons why she did hers. It was part of our discussion board topic of igniting your passion to drive the work that we do. Her reason was similar to mine but I was caught off guard because until yesterday I was not ready to accept that I was doing this degree for me. It felt wrong that I was doing something for me because the world has so much issues and I am here dedicating a large part of my life and finances to do something for myself. After some reflection I was ready to accept it and embrace it without the feeling of guilt. As a child growing up in a third world country with limited resources everyone knew what they wanted to become and had dreams of achieving so much. I was that child 15 years ago who knew what he wanted but had the mindset of reality that unless something drastic happen, this dream was far from reality. Five years later, something drastic did happen and I was given the opportunity to come to America. I told myself walking into that plane that I am going to take every single opportunity given to me and run with it. Ever since I am working towards my potential to fulfill that promise I made to myself, to take the opportunities given to me and make the most out of my life. After some more reflection I came to the conclusion that as much as I am doing this for me, there is nothing selfish about it. I planned to use this degree to help ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...