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Results Announcement
                                 2nd Quarter 2010

                                                    August 17th, 2010

Conference Call / Webcast
Almir Guilherme Barbassa
CFO and Investor Relations Officer

The presentation may contain forward-looking statements       We undertake no obligation to publicly update or
about future events within the meaning of Section 27A of      revise any forward-looking statements, whether as
the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E       a result of new information or future events or for
of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, that      any other reason. Figures for 2010 on are
are not based on historical facts and are not assurances of   estimates or targets.
future results. Such forward-looking statements merely
reflect the Company’s current views and estimates of
future economic circumstances, industry conditions,           All forward-looking statements are expressly
company performance and financial results. Such terms         qualified in their entirety by this cautionary
as "anticipate", "believe", "expect", "forecast", "intend",   statement, and you should not place reliance on
"plan", "project", "seek", "should", along with similar or    any forward-looking statement contained in this
analogous expressions, are used to identify such forward-     presentation.
looking statements. Readers are cautioned that these
statements are only projections and may differ materially
from actual future results or events. Readers are referred    NON-SEC COMPLIANT OIL AND GAS RESERVES:
to the documents filed by the Company with the SEC,
specifically the Company’s most recent Annual Report on       CAUTIONARY STATEMENT FOR US INVESTORS
Form 20-F, which identify important risk factors that could   We present certain data in this presentation, such
cause actual results to differ from those contained in the    as oil and gas resources, that we are not permitted
forward-looking statements, including, among other            to present in documents filed with the United
things, risks relating to general economic and business       States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
conditions, including crude oil and other commodity           under new Subpart 1200 to Regulation S-K because
prices, refining margins and prevailing exchange rates,       such terms do not qualify as proved, probable or
uncertainties inherent in making estimates of our oil and     possible reserves under Rule 4-10(a) of Regulation
gas reserves including recently discovered oil and gas        S-X.
reserves, international and Brazilian political, economic
and social developments, receipt of governmental
approvals and licenses and our ability to obtain financing.


o    Net Income increased 7%, reaching R$ 8.3 billion;

o    New light oil discoveries in Campos Basin pre-salt.
     Recoverable volume estimates of around 500 million

o    Start-up of FPSO Capíxaba, producing from pre-salt
     horizon in Espírito Santo in July;

o    Business Plan 2010-2014 disclosed, with total planned
     investments of US$ 224 billion;

o    Two Extraordinary General Assemblies:

     1. Increase in authorized capital and authorization for the
        Board to execute the capitalization;

     2. Approval of the method to value Brazilian Treasury Notes
        in the capitalization.

New projects contribute to production increases
                                                                                     (Thous. bpd)
          Total Production                                     National Production
      2,503           2,568
      231            246            International            2,272           2,322
                                                           314            324         Natural Gas
                                                                                      Oil and LNG

     2,272          2,322
                                                          1,958          1,998

 o Monthly record of domestic oil production of 2,033 thousand bpd in April,2010;

 o 6,5% growth in international production due to production start-up in the fields of Akpo and
   production increase in Agbami, in Nigeria.

Continued increases in capacity

                                       Main units responsible for production increase
                                 Projects                                        Capacity                2Q10

                                    FPSO Cidade de Vitória
                                                                             100 thousd bpd              60.9

                                     FPSO Espírito Santo
                                                                             100 thousd bpd              28.2
                                    Parque das Conchas (1)

                                      FPSO Capixaba
                                                                             100 thousd bpd               9.7
                                  Cachalote e Baleia Franca

                                                                                                  Production Start-up:
                                     Mexilhão and Uruguá-                   35 thousd bpd and
                                                                                                      UTB - 14/jul
                                           Tambaú                           25 million cu.m gas
                                                                                                    Mexilhão – 4Q10
(1)   Projects in partnership, production refers to Petrobras share (35%)

                                                Principal New Units to start-up operation
                               Projects                                          Capacity           Start-up forecast
  FPSO Cidade de Angra dos Reis (Tupi Pilot)                                   100 mil bpd                4Q10
                       P-56 (Marlim Sul)                                       100 mil bpd                2011
                         P-57 (Jubarte)                                        180 mil bpd                2011

 Accelerating development activity
o Campos and Espirito Santo Basin

   o    New discoveries in Campos basin in the pre-salt layer in Marlim, Albacora Leste
        and Caratinga fields;

   o    Production start-up in Baleia Franca field, in Espírito Santo. 20 Tbpd forecast by
        year end.

o Santos Basin
    o    6 new wells to be drilled in 2010,                                                                     Franco
         totaling 16 wells in 2010;

    o    3 new rigs* previously contracted                                                 Iracema Norte
         scheduled to arrive in 2010, in                               Macunaíma
         addition to the 10 already operating;

    o    FPSO Cidade de Angra dos Reis, to be
         installed   as  Tupi    Pilot   project
         (currently en route to Brazil);                                              Piloto de
                                                                           NE          Tupi P1
    o    Letter of intent with SBM/Queiroz
         Galvão to construct 3rd Pilot. FPSO                                       Guará
         to    operate   in  Tupi   Nordeste.                                                          Piloto de
         Capacity: 120 thous. bpd of oil and 5                                                  Tupi   Tupi IG1
         million cu.m p/day of natural gas.                                                   Sudoeste
         Delivery date: 34 months;
                                                                                        Guará              Wells**:
    o    Letter of intent to construct 8                                                                           Petrobras
         replicant FPSO hulls for definitive
         systems Santos Basin, with Engevix.
         Capacity: 150 thous. bpd.                                                                                 ANP

                    * Ocean Valor, Vitoria 10.000 and Sevan Driller.                        ** Drilling or completion or test.   6
Stable price in both domestic and international markets

US$/bbl                                                                                                             Avg. Avg.
                 121                                                    R$/bbl                       Avg.
      120                  115                                                                       2Q09           1Q10 2Q10
          80                                          75     76   78     170                        160.79
                                 55              68                                                                157.65 158.72
          60                               59
                                      44                                 120                        128.41
                                                             73   74
          40                                     64 70                                                             148.75
                           48         32   49                             70
               2Q083Q08                                                   20
                        4Q08     1Q09 2Q09                                 4Q07 3Q08
                                                3Q09 4Q09                            4Q08 3Q08
                                                            1Q10 2Q10                          4Q09 1Q09
                                                                                                         2Q09 3Q09
                                                                                 ARP EUA                           4Q09 1Q10
          Petrobras Oil Price (avr)                                                                                          2Q10

          Brent (US$/bbl)                                                        ARP Petrobras

      o Oil price increase in the international market (1H09:US$40.74; 1H10:US$73.35) and decrease
        in the discount between light/heavy oil since the end of 2009 which increased E&P earnings;
      o Price stability in Brazil combined with higher Brent and heavy oil prices reduced refining

Stable costs

                       R$/barrel                                                     US$/barrel

                                                                                                  76.2      78.3

                          43.04   43.82    43.91
               41.62                                              58.8
     38.86                                                                              24.74   23.73    24.50

               24.78      26.53   26.87   26.37                                         15.23            14.71
     21.28                                                                    13.84             14.33

     17.58     16.84      16.51   16.95   17.54                    8.72        9.02      9.51    9.40     9.79

    2Q09       3Q09       4Q09    1Q10    2Q10                   2Q09        3Q09       4Q09    1Q10     2Q10

           Lifting Cost            Gov.Part.                             Lifting Cost     Gov. Part.     Brent

o In Dollar, lifting cost increased, followed recovery of international oil prices;

o In Reais, lifting cost remained stable during the last year.

Significant sales growth in the domestic market
Thous. bpd               Oil Products                                          Natural Gas

                              1,851       1,898                                  +20%

                                                                                   257      292
     Others        473        505        501                             244
     LPG           212        203        221
     Gasoline      331        410        374
                              733        802                         2Q09
                  2Q09                                                                     2Q10

 Oil product sales in the domestic market grew 7% in comparison with 2Q09, due to:
 o 6,5% increase in diesel sales as a result of recovering economic activity and improved grain harvest;
 o 13% growth in gasoline sales. Growth was led by increase in the usage of gasoline in flex fuel vehicles
   caused by ethanol shortage and temporary reduction of anhydrous ethanol in the gasoline blend;
 o 15% increase in jet fuel sales (economic recovery leading to increased aviation).

  Natural gas: Higher sales of natural gas to industry, greater thermoelectric dispatch.

Increasing trade balance despite small reduction in net exports
Thous bpd                  1H09                                                     1H10
                                                         Oil   Oil Products
             708                                                              762
                                   524                                                 620
             226                                                              204
                               131                                                     281
             482                                                              558                142

        Export             Import                Net                     Export     Import         Net
                                                Export                                            Export
        Financial Volume (US$ Million)

                                         US$ 1,466

             US$ 1,302                                         o Lower net export due to stronger domestic
                                             10,370              demand, primarily diesel;
                           6,208                               o Higher financial volume in the trade balance
                                                                 (+US$ 164 million) due to smaller light heavy
                                                                 differential, reduced crack spreads on imports.

                   1S09                  1S10
                 Import                    Export

 Higher volumes and reduced operating expenses

(R$ Million)
                                        3,219       (3,142)

                                                                   609      12,303

                         1Q10        Operat. Net    COGS      Operating       2Q10
                       Operating      Revenue                 Expenses      Operating
                        Income                                               Income

       o Higher sales volume of oil products and better export prices enhanced Operating Revenues;
       o Higher COGS due to higher volumes sold, primarily imports of diesel;
       o 8% decrease in Operating Expenses due to higher extraordinary items in 1Q10 (impairments,
         dry hole expense, provision for contingencies with legal procedures);
       o 6% increase in operating income led by EBITDA of R$ 16 billion in the 2Q10.

NET INCOME 2Q10 vs 1Q10:
 Stable exchange rate eliminated fluctuation in financial results

(R$ Million)
                              686          71        (52)      (165)           29           8,295

                  1Q10      Operating   Financial    Equity            Minority Interest      2Q10
               Net Income    Income      Result     Income              and Employees      Net Income

   o Increase in net income of 7% was driven almost exclusively by higher operating income;

   o Items below the EBITDA line were stable, due to stable Dollar/Real exchange rate.

 Higher operating income in absence of extraordinary items
(R$ Million)

                               357          (553)                                    840          11,572
                11,060                                     (235)         103

                 1Q10      Price Effect   Cost Effect   Volume Effect   Volume Effect Operating     2Q10
               Operating   on Revenues     on COGS       on Revenue       on COGS     Expenses    Operating
                Income                                                                             Income

   o Increase in oil and natural gas sales prices (oil: +1%; NG: +37%, in US$/bbl);
   o Lower operating expenses as a result of no extraordinary expenses (Provisions for contingencies of
     the ICMS/RJ tax on P-36 platform - R$449 million in 1Q10), and decrease in 2Q10 of exploratory
     costs (- R$ 349 million) due to the write-off of dry or economically unviable wells in the 1Q10;
   o Higher operating income of 5%.

DOWNSTREAM 2Q10 vs 1Q10:
Increasing costs of throughput reduced margin
(R$ Milhões)
                                                           2,816        (2,609)

                               161         (1,654)


                 1Q10      Price Effect   Cost Effect   Volume Effect   Volume Effect Operating     2Q10
               Operating   on Revenues     on COGS       on Revenue       on COGS     Expenses    Operating
                Income                                                                             Income

     o Increase in COGS in the 2Q10 (+11%) tied to lower inventory costs in the 1Q10;
     o Higher diesel import costs due to scheduled stoppages in REPLAN in the 2Q10 contributed to the
       increase in COGS;
     o Demand growth was met by increase in imports, with positive margins;
     o Higher operating expenses due to freights and greater sales volumes.

Continued improvement across other segments
                                                                     2Q10       VS.     1Q10
                                         Net Income:                                                               8%

                                                                 R$ 349 million     R$ 323 million

                                       o Higher revenue due to power generation and higher industrial sales;
                                       o Higher natural gas demand to attend termoelectrical plants. Decrease in
                                         units' operational expenses;
                                       o Earnings were partially offset by higher acquisition costs.

                                                                    2Q10             VS.       1Q10
                                          Net Income:                                                             19 %
                                                                R$ 533 million             R$ 447 million
                                       o Higher volumes sold in Nigeria, incresing prices for oil production;
                                       o Absence of impairments provisioned in the 1T10;
                  FPSO Campo de Akpo
                                       o Provision to reduce inventories to market value in United States and Japan.

                                                                    2Q10             VS.       1Q10
                                         Net Income :

                                                                R$ 268 million             R$ 362 million         26%

                                       o Sales volumes increased 4% although the segment presented higher
                                         expenses (freight and sales promotion);
                                       o Non-recurring expenses from the settlement of ICMS tax debits (R$110
                                          million) reduced income.

CAPEX 1H10 vs 1H09:
Increasing investments to meet domestic market demand
            Capex 1H10                                                             Capex 1H09
            R$ 38.1 billion                                                       R$ 32.5 billion
      0.3     3.4                                                                       4.2
                                         15.7      Downstream
            2.5    0,05                            Gas and Energy                 4.2
                                           1,1                                                     14.8
            2.4                                    International

                           13.8           6,1      Others                               6.4
                          10,1    24,7


                                                               Quality /Sulfur Content Reduction

                     25%                 25%
                                                               New Refineries

                                                               Fleet Expansion
                   18%                                         Investments of R$ 2.5 billion in Braskem
                                   19%                         Plangas, Maintenance, infrastructure, HSE
                                                               and others

Multiples maintained within Company´s targets

    6                 Net Debt/Net Cap.                        Net Debt/Ebitda            40%
  5.5                                                               32%                   35%
                                                    30%                             34%
           26%           28%                28%                                           30%
  4.5                                                                                                 Targets:
    4                                                                                            - Leverage between
  3.5                                                                                     20%       25% and 35%
    3                                                                                     15%    - Net Debt / EBITDA
  2.5                                                                                     10%         up to 2,5x
    2                                                                                     5%
                                                                  1.35            1.52
          0.95                            1.00       1.21                                 0%
    0                                                                                     -10%
 -0.5                                                                                     -15%
   -1                                                                                     -20%
          1Q09           2Q09             3Q09      4Q09         1Q10             2Q10

        R$ Billion                                06/30/2010          03/31/2010
        Short Term Debt                              26.0                  20.7
        Long Term Debt                               92.4                  87.5
        Total Debt                                  118.4                 108.2
        Cash and Cash Equivalents                    24.2                  27.0
        Net Debt                                     94.2                  81.2
        Net Debt/Ebitda                             1.52X                 1.35X

        US$ Billion                               06/30/2010          03/31/2010
        Total Debt                                   65.7                  60.8

Financing and cash flow support investments and maintain liquidity

 R$ million                                     2Q09          1Q10             2Q10
 Cash at the beginning of the period           19,776        29,034           26,951

 Cash generated by operating activities         9,114         9,676           13,259

 Cash used in investment activities            (17,750)     (16,013)         (19,638)

 Free Cash Flow                                (8,636)       (6,337)          (6,379)
 Dividends                                     (6,398)         (24)           (3,711)
 Financing                                      5,937         4,212            7,292

 Cash at the end of the period                 10,297        26,951           24,210

 Brent (US$/bbl)                                 58             76               78
 FX rate (R$/US$)                               2.07           1.80             1.79

 EBITDA                                        17,599        15,076           15,927

  o Stable EBITDA with substantial liquidity
  o Greater EBITDA in 2Q09 due to higher ARP, combined with lower production taxes. Weaker
    Real also led to higher export revenues, when expressed in Reais.

Investor Relations
+55 21 3224-1510


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Webcast 2Q10 IFRS

  • 1. Results Announcement 2nd Quarter 2010 (IFRS) August 17th, 2010 Conference Call / Webcast Almir Guilherme Barbassa CFO and Investor Relations Officer 1
  • 2. DISCLAIMER FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS: DISCLAIMER The presentation may contain forward-looking statements We undertake no obligation to publicly update or about future events within the meaning of Section 27A of revise any forward-looking statements, whether as the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E a result of new information or future events or for of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, that any other reason. Figures for 2010 on are are not based on historical facts and are not assurances of estimates or targets. future results. Such forward-looking statements merely reflect the Company’s current views and estimates of future economic circumstances, industry conditions, All forward-looking statements are expressly company performance and financial results. Such terms qualified in their entirety by this cautionary as "anticipate", "believe", "expect", "forecast", "intend", statement, and you should not place reliance on "plan", "project", "seek", "should", along with similar or any forward-looking statement contained in this analogous expressions, are used to identify such forward- presentation. looking statements. Readers are cautioned that these statements are only projections and may differ materially from actual future results or events. Readers are referred NON-SEC COMPLIANT OIL AND GAS RESERVES: to the documents filed by the Company with the SEC, specifically the Company’s most recent Annual Report on CAUTIONARY STATEMENT FOR US INVESTORS Form 20-F, which identify important risk factors that could We present certain data in this presentation, such cause actual results to differ from those contained in the as oil and gas resources, that we are not permitted forward-looking statements, including, among other to present in documents filed with the United things, risks relating to general economic and business States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) conditions, including crude oil and other commodity under new Subpart 1200 to Regulation S-K because prices, refining margins and prevailing exchange rates, such terms do not qualify as proved, probable or uncertainties inherent in making estimates of our oil and possible reserves under Rule 4-10(a) of Regulation gas reserves including recently discovered oil and gas S-X. reserves, international and Brazilian political, economic and social developments, receipt of governmental approvals and licenses and our ability to obtain financing. 2
  • 3. HIGHLIGHTS FOR THE QUARTER o Net Income increased 7%, reaching R$ 8.3 billion; o New light oil discoveries in Campos Basin pre-salt. Recoverable volume estimates of around 500 million boe; o Start-up of FPSO Capíxaba, producing from pre-salt horizon in Espírito Santo in July; o Business Plan 2010-2014 disclosed, with total planned investments of US$ 224 billion; o Two Extraordinary General Assemblies: 1. Increase in authorized capital and authorization for the Board to execute the capitalization; 2. Approval of the method to value Brazilian Treasury Notes in the capitalization. 3
  • 4. OIL AND NATURAL GAS PRODUCTION 1H10 VS 1H09: New projects contribute to production increases (Thous. bpd) Total Production National Production 2,503 2,568 231 246 International 2,272 2,322 National 314 324 Natural Gas Oil and LNG 2,272 2,322 1,958 1,998 o Monthly record of domestic oil production of 2,033 thousand bpd in April,2010; o 6,5% growth in international production due to production start-up in the fields of Akpo and production increase in Agbami, in Nigeria. 4
  • 5. NEW PRODUCTION UNITS: Continued increases in capacity Main units responsible for production increase Projects Capacity 2Q10 FPSO Cidade de Vitória 100 thousd bpd 60.9 (Golfinho) FPSO Espírito Santo 100 thousd bpd 28.2 Parque das Conchas (1) FPSO Capixaba 100 thousd bpd 9.7 Cachalote e Baleia Franca Production Start-up: Mexilhão and Uruguá- 35 thousd bpd and UTB - 14/jul Tambaú 25 million cu.m gas Mexilhão – 4Q10 (1) Projects in partnership, production refers to Petrobras share (35%) Principal New Units to start-up operation Projects Capacity Start-up forecast FPSO Cidade de Angra dos Reis (Tupi Pilot) 100 mil bpd 4Q10 P-56 (Marlim Sul) 100 mil bpd 2011 P-57 (Jubarte) 180 mil bpd 2011 5
  • 6. PRODUÇÃO 2010 PRE-SALT NEWS: Accelerating development activity o Campos and Espirito Santo Basin o New discoveries in Campos basin in the pre-salt layer in Marlim, Albacora Leste and Caratinga fields; o Production start-up in Baleia Franca field, in Espírito Santo. 20 Tbpd forecast by year end. o Santos Basin Libra o 6 new wells to be drilled in 2010, Franco totaling 16 wells in 2010; o 3 new rigs* previously contracted Iracema Norte scheduled to arrive in 2010, in Macunaíma addition to the 10 already operating; o FPSO Cidade de Angra dos Reis, to be installed as Tupi Pilot project (currently en route to Brazil); Piloto de Carioca NE Tupi P1 o Letter of intent with SBM/Queiroz Galvão to construct 3rd Pilot. FPSO Guará to operate in Tupi Nordeste. Piloto de Norte Capacity: 120 thous. bpd of oil and 5 Tupi Tupi IG1 million cu.m p/day of natural gas. Sudoeste Delivery date: 34 months; Guará Wells**: o Letter of intent to construct 8 Petrobras replicant FPSO hulls for definitive systems Santos Basin, with Engevix. Capacity: 150 thous. bpd. ANP * Ocean Valor, Vitoria 10.000 and Sevan Driller. ** Drilling or completion or test. 6
  • 7. AVERAGE REALIZATION PRICE: Stable price in both domestic and international markets US$/bbl Avg. Avg. 121 R$/bbl Avg. 120 115 2Q09 1Q10 2Q10 105 220 100 101 80 75 76 78 170 160.79 55 68 157.65 158.72 60 59 44 120 128.41 73 74 40 64 70 148.75 152.64 48 32 49 70 20 2Q083Q08 20 4Q08 1Q09 2Q09 4Q07 3Q08 3Q09 4Q09 4Q08 3Q08 1Q10 2Q10 4Q09 1Q09 2Q09 3Q09 ARP EUA 4Q09 1Q10 Petrobras Oil Price (avr) 2Q10 Brent (US$/bbl) ARP Petrobras o Oil price increase in the international market (1H09:US$40.74; 1H10:US$73.35) and decrease in the discount between light/heavy oil since the end of 2009 which increased E&P earnings; o Price stability in Brazil combined with higher Brent and heavy oil prices reduced refining margins 7
  • 8. DOMESTIC LIFTING COST: Stable costs R$/barrel US$/barrel 76.2 78.3 74.6 68.3 43.04 43.82 43.91 41.62 58.8 38.86 24.74 23.73 24.50 22.86 19.50 24.78 26.53 26.87 26.37 15.23 14.71 21.28 13.84 14.33 10.78 17.58 16.84 16.51 16.95 17.54 8.72 9.02 9.51 9.40 9.79 2Q09 3Q09 4Q09 1Q10 2Q10 2Q09 3Q09 4Q09 1Q10 2Q10 Lifting Cost Gov.Part. Lifting Cost Gov. Part. Brent o In Dollar, lifting cost increased, followed recovery of international oil prices; o In Reais, lifting cost remained stable during the last year. 8
  • 9. DOMESTIC OIL PRODUCTS AND NATURAL GAS MARKET: Significant sales growth in the domestic market Thous. bpd Oil Products Natural Gas +7% 1,851 1,898 +20% 1,769 257 292 Others 473 505 501 244 LPG 212 203 221 Gasoline 331 410 374 Diesel 753 733 802 2Q09 1Q10 2Q09 2Q10 1Q10 2Q10 Oil product sales in the domestic market grew 7% in comparison with 2Q09, due to: o 6,5% increase in diesel sales as a result of recovering economic activity and improved grain harvest; o 13% growth in gasoline sales. Growth was led by increase in the usage of gasoline in flex fuel vehicles caused by ethanol shortage and temporary reduction of anhydrous ethanol in the gasoline blend; o 15% increase in jet fuel sales (economic recovery leading to increased aviation). Natural gas: Higher sales of natural gas to industry, greater thermoelectric dispatch. 9
  • 10. TRADE BALANCE 1H09 v. 1H10: Increasing trade balance despite small reduction in net exports Thous bpd 1H09 1H10 Oil Oil Products 708 762 524 620 226 204 131 281 184 482 558 142 393 339 Export Import Net Export Import Net Export Export Financial Volume (US$ Million) US$ 1,466 US$ 1,302 o Lower net export due to stronger domestic 10,370 demand, primarily diesel; 8,904 6,208 o Higher financial volume in the trade balance 4,906 (+US$ 164 million) due to smaller light heavy differential, reduced crack spreads on imports. 1S09 1S10 Import Export 10
  • 11. OPERATING INCOME 2Q10 vs 1Q10: Higher volumes and reduced operating expenses (R$ Million) 3,219 (3,142) 609 12,303 11,617 1Q10 Operat. Net COGS Operating 2Q10 Operating Revenue Expenses Operating Income Income o Higher sales volume of oil products and better export prices enhanced Operating Revenues; o Higher COGS due to higher volumes sold, primarily imports of diesel; o 8% decrease in Operating Expenses due to higher extraordinary items in 1Q10 (impairments, dry hole expense, provision for contingencies with legal procedures); o 6% increase in operating income led by EBITDA of R$ 16 billion in the 2Q10. 11
  • 12. NET INCOME 2Q10 vs 1Q10: Stable exchange rate eliminated fluctuation in financial results (R$ Million) 686 71 (52) (165) 29 8,295 7,726 1Q10 Operating Financial Equity Minority Interest 2Q10 Taxes Net Income Income Result Income and Employees Net Income Part. o Increase in net income of 7% was driven almost exclusively by higher operating income; o Items below the EBITDA line were stable, due to stable Dollar/Real exchange rate. 12
  • 13. EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION 2Q10 vs 1Q10: Higher operating income in absence of extraordinary items (R$ Million) 357 (553) 840 11,572 11,060 (235) 103 1Q10 Price Effect Cost Effect Volume Effect Volume Effect Operating 2Q10 Operating on Revenues on COGS on Revenue on COGS Expenses Operating Income Income o Increase in oil and natural gas sales prices (oil: +1%; NG: +37%, in US$/bbl); o Lower operating expenses as a result of no extraordinary expenses (Provisions for contingencies of the ICMS/RJ tax on P-36 platform - R$449 million in 1Q10), and decrease in 2Q10 of exploratory costs (- R$ 349 million) due to the write-off of dry or economically unviable wells in the 1Q10; o Higher operating income of 5%. 13
  • 14. DOWNSTREAM 2Q10 vs 1Q10: Increasing costs of throughput reduced margin (R$ Milhões) 2,816 (2,609) 161 (1,654) 1,870 (340) 244 1Q10 Price Effect Cost Effect Volume Effect Volume Effect Operating 2Q10 Operating on Revenues on COGS on Revenue on COGS Expenses Operating Income Income o Increase in COGS in the 2Q10 (+11%) tied to lower inventory costs in the 1Q10; o Higher diesel import costs due to scheduled stoppages in REPLAN in the 2Q10 contributed to the increase in COGS; o Demand growth was met by increase in imports, with positive margins; o Higher operating expenses due to freights and greater sales volumes. 14
  • 15. GAS & ENERGY, INTERNATIONAL and DISTRIBUTION (2Q10 vs 1Q10) Continued improvement across other segments 2Q10 VS. 1Q10 Net Income: 8% Gas&Energy R$ 349 million R$ 323 million o Higher revenue due to power generation and higher industrial sales; o Higher natural gas demand to attend termoelectrical plants. Decrease in units' operational expenses; o Earnings were partially offset by higher acquisition costs. International 2Q10 VS. 1Q10 Net Income: 19 % R$ 533 million R$ 447 million o Higher volumes sold in Nigeria, incresing prices for oil production; o Absence of impairments provisioned in the 1T10; FPSO Campo de Akpo o Provision to reduce inventories to market value in United States and Japan. 2Q10 VS. 1Q10 Net Income : Distribution R$ 268 million R$ 362 million 26% o Sales volumes increased 4% although the segment presented higher expenses (freight and sales promotion); o Non-recurring expenses from the settlement of ICMS tax debits (R$110 million) reduced income. 15
  • 16. CAPEX 1H10 vs 1H09: Increasing investments to meet domestic market demand Capex 1H10 Capex 1H09 R$ 38.1 billion R$ 32.5 billion 0.2 E&P 0.3 3.4 4.2 15.7 Downstream 5,6 2.5 0,05 Gas and Energy 4.2 1,1 14.8 2.4 International 1,3 2,7 3,8 RTC 13.8 6,1 Others 6.4 10,1 24,7 Downstream Capex Quality /Sulfur Content Reduction Conversion 25% 25% New Refineries Fleet Expansion 12% 18% Investments of R$ 2.5 billion in Braskem 19% Plangas, Maintenance, infrastructure, HSE and others 1% 16
  • 17. LEVERAGE: Multiples maintained within Company´s targets 6 Net Debt/Net Cap. Net Debt/Ebitda 40% 5.5 32% 35% 30% 34% 5 26% 28% 28% 30% 4.5 Targets: 25% 4 - Leverage between 3.5 20% 25% and 35% 3 15% - Net Debt / EBITDA 2.5 10% up to 2,5x 2 5% 1.35 1.52 1.5 0.95 1.00 1.21 0% 1 0.95 -5% 0.5 0 -10% -0.5 -15% -1 -20% 1Q09 2Q09 3Q09 4Q09 1Q10 2Q10 R$ Billion 06/30/2010 03/31/2010 Short Term Debt 26.0 20.7 Long Term Debt 92.4 87.5 Total Debt 118.4 108.2 Cash and Cash Equivalents 24.2 27.0 Net Debt 94.2 81.2 Net Debt/Ebitda 1.52X 1.35X US$ Billion 06/30/2010 03/31/2010 Total Debt 65.7 60.8 17
  • 18. QUARTERLY CASH FLOW: Financing and cash flow support investments and maintain liquidity R$ million 2Q09 1Q10 2Q10 Cash at the beginning of the period 19,776 29,034 26,951 Cash generated by operating activities 9,114 9,676 13,259 Cash used in investment activities (17,750) (16,013) (19,638) Free Cash Flow (8,636) (6,337) (6,379) Dividends (6,398) (24) (3,711) Financing 5,937 4,212 7,292 Cash at the end of the period 10,297 26,951 24,210 Brent (US$/bbl) 58 76 78 FX rate (R$/US$) 2.07 1.80 1.79 EBITDA 17,599 15,076 15,927 o Stable EBITDA with substantial liquidity o Greater EBITDA in 2Q09 due to higher ARP, combined with lower production taxes. Weaker Real also led to higher export revenues, when expressed in Reais. 18
  • 19. Information: Investor Relations +55 21 3224-1510 petroinvest@petrobras.com.br 19 19