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Vol. 2 lssue 6 June 2012

Emerging Trends and the Future of
The Pharma Sales Force
Pharmaceutical companies have managed         innovation and discovery is picking up.
their business in much the same way           A flood of highly intelligent, Internet-
for decades. But significant changes          connected medical devices has entered
in government regulations, market             the health care industry, providing
conditions, and technology will force the     new opportunities for monitoring and
industry to look for new business models      managing difficult health care conditions.
and practices. Companies that don’t adapt     A furious pace of innovation has arrived
face an uncertain and unsettling future.      to dominate the healthcare device and
A fundamental and significant shift in        medical technology industries.
the world of healthcare is occurring.
Healthcare is rapidly evolving from a         With the advent of technology, hospitals,
world in which we react to disease and        which today are physical places;
illness after it has happened, to one         tomorrow, will be defined by the reach of
in which we will be doing far more in         their virtual network of bio-connectivity
advance to prevent specific health care       devices. Hospitals will come to be thought     Salil Kallianpur
problems. The driver for this massive         of as an extended community network
change is the emergence of extremely          through which a good portion of their         Health professionals are unhappy with the
specialized and highly personalized           services will be provided. Will our field     ‘quality’ of representatives that they need
medical treatments based upon one’s own       forces be trained adequately to deal with     for their practice. Interestingly, clinicians
DNA.                                          these developments?                           want more ‘nontraditional representatives’
                                                                                            who are very different from what
This is definitely not science fiction.       In the next few years, medical packaging      organizations currently train them to be.
Microsoft estimates that at least 50,000      will become smarter as it plugs into our      Clinicians prefer a hybrid of customer
people worldwide are now working in           home networks. Medicine bottles will be       service representatives and clinical health
the field of bio-informatics – a field that   equipped with technology that provides        educators. These types of nontraditional
involves the development of the highly        patients advice on how the medicine will      representatives provide tremendous value
sophisticated computer databases and          be used and when it should be taken. A        around service, education, and adherence/
computational methodologies that analyze      few years after that, medicine itself will    retention support. They will open their
a patient’s DNA – a development that is       become intelligent: an in-home bio-           doors to pharmaceutical companies and
critical to our migration into the era of     monitor will analyze the effectiveness of     representatives that help them accomplish
personalized medicine.                        the treatment, adjusting the dosage up or     these goals.
                                              down as appropriate.
Hyper-growth in knowledge means that                                                        What emerges is the inevitability
every doctor is becoming ever more            Customer service is coming to the health      of transformational change in the
specialized and niche-oriented. Add           care industry faster than you might           pharmaceutical selling model. It is
to this the looming number of ageing          think, and nothing will ever be the same.     time for new ideas, re-thinking of old
people owing to better living conditions,     Pioneers such as Minute-Clinic (with          models, and the enthusiasm of new
and declining numbers of medical/             the tag line, “You’re sick, we’re quick”)     leadership to tackle old problems with
paramedical personnel per person, and         are rapidly redefining the delivery of        fresh ideas and energy. Transformational
it’s evident that the war for talent is       health care. Once “patients” become           change is not the steady, incremental
going to drive much of the agenda of          “customers,” their expectations of their      improve¬ment most industry executives
the health care industry in the next few      family doctor and local hospital will have    have spearheaded in the past. Success
years as very busy doctors meet industry      forever changed.                              in transformation depends on
representatives selling complex products.                                                   getting the right changes done right.
                                              Doctors and other healthcare                  Transfor¬mation is indeed hard work,
Medical knowledge is doubling every           professionals have long realized this. The    requiring intensive engagement with all
eight years; this is expected to drop         overarching message in a recent survey        stakeholders. In a tired and old industry,
to every two years in the near future.        of healthcare professionals conducted         the challenge will be to substan¬tially
Leading edge research now results in new      by communication agency Publicis is           change the way the industry operates, as
methodologies, treatments and drugs           clear. Clinicians are begging for practical   a whole, while building upon its history
faster than ever before. For medical          help from the industry. More than ever        and culture. Transformation is clearly not
professionals, the future is all about        before, they want efficient tools and         for the faint-hearted, and in the modern
“keeping up,” and developing agility for      communications that will help them help       networked age, it is likely to be far more
rapid innovation, response, development,      their patients. They want to educate and      consuming for industry executives, than
and implementation. For pharmaceutical        support patients who need assistance, and     any strategic challenge that has come
companies, it’s about rapid development       help them comply and adhere to therapy.
and faster time to market. The pace of

www.medicinman.net                                                                               MarCom Partners:     www.creativesthatwork.com

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Pharma Field Force - Emerging Trends

  • 1. Vol. 2 lssue 6 June 2012 Emerging Trends and the Future of The Pharma Sales Force Pharmaceutical companies have managed innovation and discovery is picking up. their business in much the same way A flood of highly intelligent, Internet- for decades. But significant changes connected medical devices has entered in government regulations, market the health care industry, providing conditions, and technology will force the new opportunities for monitoring and industry to look for new business models managing difficult health care conditions. and practices. Companies that don’t adapt A furious pace of innovation has arrived face an uncertain and unsettling future. to dominate the healthcare device and A fundamental and significant shift in medical technology industries. the world of healthcare is occurring. Healthcare is rapidly evolving from a With the advent of technology, hospitals, world in which we react to disease and which today are physical places; illness after it has happened, to one tomorrow, will be defined by the reach of in which we will be doing far more in their virtual network of bio-connectivity advance to prevent specific health care devices. Hospitals will come to be thought Salil Kallianpur problems. The driver for this massive of as an extended community network change is the emergence of extremely through which a good portion of their Health professionals are unhappy with the specialized and highly personalized services will be provided. Will our field ‘quality’ of representatives that they need medical treatments based upon one’s own forces be trained adequately to deal with for their practice. Interestingly, clinicians DNA. these developments? want more ‘nontraditional representatives’ who are very different from what This is definitely not science fiction. In the next few years, medical packaging organizations currently train them to be. Microsoft estimates that at least 50,000 will become smarter as it plugs into our Clinicians prefer a hybrid of customer people worldwide are now working in home networks. Medicine bottles will be service representatives and clinical health the field of bio-informatics – a field that equipped with technology that provides educators. These types of nontraditional involves the development of the highly patients advice on how the medicine will representatives provide tremendous value sophisticated computer databases and be used and when it should be taken. A around service, education, and adherence/ computational methodologies that analyze few years after that, medicine itself will retention support. They will open their a patient’s DNA – a development that is become intelligent: an in-home bio- doors to pharmaceutical companies and critical to our migration into the era of monitor will analyze the effectiveness of representatives that help them accomplish personalized medicine. the treatment, adjusting the dosage up or these goals. down as appropriate. Hyper-growth in knowledge means that What emerges is the inevitability every doctor is becoming ever more Customer service is coming to the health of transformational change in the specialized and niche-oriented. Add care industry faster than you might pharmaceutical selling model. It is to this the looming number of ageing think, and nothing will ever be the same. time for new ideas, re-thinking of old people owing to better living conditions, Pioneers such as Minute-Clinic (with models, and the enthusiasm of new and declining numbers of medical/ the tag line, “You’re sick, we’re quick”) leadership to tackle old problems with paramedical personnel per person, and are rapidly redefining the delivery of fresh ideas and energy. Transformational it’s evident that the war for talent is health care. Once “patients” become change is not the steady, incremental going to drive much of the agenda of “customers,” their expectations of their improve¬ment most industry executives the health care industry in the next few family doctor and local hospital will have have spearheaded in the past. Success years as very busy doctors meet industry forever changed. in transformation depends on representatives selling complex products. getting the right changes done right. Doctors and other healthcare Transfor¬mation is indeed hard work, Medical knowledge is doubling every professionals have long realized this. The requiring intensive engagement with all eight years; this is expected to drop overarching message in a recent survey stakeholders. In a tired and old industry, to every two years in the near future. of healthcare professionals conducted the challenge will be to substan¬tially Leading edge research now results in new by communication agency Publicis is change the way the industry operates, as methodologies, treatments and drugs clear. Clinicians are begging for practical a whole, while building upon its history faster than ever before. For medical help from the industry. More than ever and culture. Transformation is clearly not professionals, the future is all about before, they want efficient tools and for the faint-hearted, and in the modern “keeping up,” and developing agility for communications that will help them help networked age, it is likely to be far more rapid innovation, response, development, their patients. They want to educate and consuming for industry executives, than and implementation. For pharmaceutical support patients who need assistance, and any strategic challenge that has come companies, it’s about rapid development help them comply and adhere to therapy. and faster time to market. The pace of www.medicinman.net MarCom Partners: www.creativesthatwork.com