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Pharma Spectrum
                            Organisation of Pharmaceutical Producers of India

Volume 5                           Issue 7                                July 2012


             1.    IPR                                                     1
             2.    Regulatory                                              2
             3.    New Products                                            3
             4.    R&D / Clinical Trials                                   4
             5.    Mergers & Acquisitions / Collaborations                 5
             6.    Pricing                                                 6
             7.    Trade & Others                                          7
             8.    Biotechnology                                          10
             9.    Medical Diagnostics / Devices                          10
             10.   New Appointments                                       10

             1.    IPR                                                    10
             2.    Regulatory                                             11
             3.    New Products                                           14
             4.    R&D / Clinical Trials                                  14
             5.    Mergers & Acquisitions / Collaborations                16
             6.    Pricing                                                18
             7.    Trade & Others                                         19
             8.    Biotechnology                                          22
             9     Medical Diagnostics / Devices                          23
             10.   New Appointments                                       24
             11.   OPPI Related News                                      24

                      Organisation of Pharmaceutical Producers of India        0
Pharma Spectrum

International                                                 But as EvaluatePharma reminds us in its latest World
                                                              Preview report, released at this week's BIO conference,
                                                              2012 is far from the end of pharma's patent woes. Next

IPR                                                           year provides something of a respite, with only $29
                                                              billion's worth of drugs losing exclusivity.

As Compulsory Licensing                       Spreads,        Merck Loses A Patent                      Ruling      On
Drugmakers Adapt                                              Blockbuster Nasonex
June 22, 2012, Fierce Pharma                                  June 18, 2012, Fierce Pharma

There is the concept associated with evolution that you       Even as the clock is ticking down on the patent for its
must adapt or die. Now some experts are suggesting the        super blockbuster Singulair, Merck got smacked Friday
same thing for drugmakers when it comes to the growing        with a negative decision in its battle with genericmaker
threat of compulsory licensing. Now that China is             Apotex over Merck's blockbuster Nasonex spray. A
following India into this realm, which allows countries to    federal judge in New Jersey ruled against Merck, saying
essentially strip companies of patents if they deem it in     Apotex's generic did not step on Merck's patent, then
the public interest, the tension among big drug               separately ruled against Apotex, throwing out its claim
developers is rising.                                         that Merck's patent on the nasal spray is invalid.

LiveMint quotes a research company in the U.K. saying         Merck's general counsel Bruce Kuhlik tells Reuters it may
the research-oriented companies "will have to                 appeal the decision, while Merck spokesman Ron Rogers
restructure their business plans in emerging markets," to     tells Bloomberg, "As far as we know, the FDA has not
compete. Strategies will include making their drugs           approved Apotex's application. We do not expect generic
cheaper themselves in the countries where the threat of       competition near-term." Apotex declined comment.
compulsory licensing exists and making sure they are
available to more poor patients to cut off the incentive      China Now Carries A Big Compulsory-
to invoke the maneuver.                                       Licensing Stick
                                                              June 11, 2012, Fierce Pharma
Big Pharma Firms May Learn To Live
With Compulsory Licensing                                     Drugmakers can count compulsory licensing among the
June 22, 2012, Livemint                                       new pitfalls of China's huge-and-growing drug market.
                                                              Thanks to amended intellectual property laws, the
With China amending its patent law on compulsory              Chinese government can now force generic drugs onto
licensing soon after India granted the first such permit in   the market before branded meds lose patent protection.
the country, innovator pharmaceutical firms that bank
on patent protection for growth are under pressure to         China isn't alone in this, of course; India recently caused
revamp sourcing, distribution and pricing strategies,         a dust-up by compelling Bayer to license its cancer drug
industry experts said.                                        Nexavar to Natco Pharma, which promised to sell its
                                                              copycat version for $176 per month, compared with
“The research-oriented companies, which mostly focus          Bayer's $5,600 monthly price.
on the patented technologies that give them an edge,
will have to restructure their business plans in emerging     US Firm Sues Zydus Cadila Subsidary
markets now as local governments are taking all possible      For Infringement Of Patents
measures to lower the healthcare cost,” said a London-
based life sciences partner at a global consultant.
                                                              June 12, 2012, Business Standard
                                                              A complaint for infringement of patents with regard to
Beware: Patent Losses To Climb Back                           drug for treatment of acne has been filed against Zydus
To $56B By 2015                                               Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc, a fully owned subsidiary of
June 20, 2012, Fierce Pharma                                  Ahmedabad-based pharma major Cadila Healthcare Ltd
                                                              (Zydus Cadila) in a district court of US.
For years we've been anticipating 2012 as the steepest
patent cliff, the year when the world's biggest drugs         This complaint petition has been filed by one Arizona-
would be slammed with generic competition. No doubt           based Medicis Pharmaceutical Corporation (MPC). Zydus
about it, $67 billion in drug sales at risk from patent       USA has been accused of seeking approval from the
expirations is a whopping big figure.                         United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to
                                                              commercially manufacture, use, and selling of a generic
                                     Organisation of Pharmaceutical Producers of India                      1
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version of Solodyn minocycline hydrochloride and             system of Swiss drug major Roche (ROG: SIX), the world’s
extended release tablets, before the drug’s patents          biggest producer of cancer drugs.
which is with MPC, expires.
                                                             The EMA says this includes looking at whether the
China Amends Patent Law In Fight For                         deficiencies have an impact on the overall benefit-risk
                                                             profile for any of the products involved. However, it
Cheaper Drugs                                                points out that there is at present no evidence of a
June 8, 2012, Moneycontrol.com                               negative impact for patients and, while the
                                                             investigations are being conducted, there is no need for
China has overhauled parts of its intellectual property      patients or health care professionals to take any action.
laws to allow its drugmakers to make cheap copies of
medicines still under patent protection in a move likely     US To Charge Fee On Generic Drug Sale
to unnerve foreign pharmaceutical companies. The
Chinese move comes within months of a similar move by        Application
India to effectively end the monopoly on an expensive        June 21, 2012, Business Standard
cancer drug made by Bayer AG by issuing its first so-
called "compulsory licence".                                 All generic pharmaceutical companies, including Ranbaxy
                                                             Laboratories, Cipla, Dr Reddy’s Laboratories, Lupin,
Similar action by China will ring alarm bells in Big         Glenmark and Torrent Pharma, might soon have to pay a
Pharma, since the country is a vital growth market at a      fee to the US drug regulator when they seek its
time when sales in Western countries are flagging. The       permission to sell their products there.
amended Chinese patent law allows Beijing to issue
compulsory licences to eligible companies to produce         America is the world’s largest drug market. A Generic
generic versions of patented drugs during state              Drug User Fee Act is on the way, to enable the US Food
emergencies, or unusual circumstances, or in the             and Drugs Administration (FDA) to levy a user fee of
interests of the public.                                     around $100,000 on each generic drug application filed
                                                             for approval, it is learnt. The new norms are likely to be
Cipla Losses Appeal In US Court For                          introduced from October.

Animal Healthcare Product                                    FDA Panel Turns Thumbs Down On
June 8, 2012, The Economic Times
                                                             Sanofi's Anti-Clotting Drug
Drug firm Cipla today said it has lost an appeal in a US     June 20, 2012, Fierce Biotech
court over a patent case against Merial Ltd regarding an
animal healthcare product. The company had moved the         Sanofi's attempt to gain its first new drug approval in
US Court of Appeals in Washington against a ruling by        two years experienced another setback today as a
District Court Georgia that held that the company's sales    committee of external experts decisively voted against
of animal healthcare product, PetArmor Plus infringed a      an OK for semuloparin, a treatment designed to prevent
patent held by Merial Ltd, a subsidiary of Sanofi-Aventis,   blood clots among patients receiving chemotherapy.
and suspended sales of the product in the US.
                                                             The advisers concluded that Sanofi didn't proffer a clear
"Company has now received an order from the Federal          picture of who would benefit from the treatment,
Circuit wherein it has affirmed the order of the District    particularly worrying given their risk of bleeding. The 14
Court with two judges ruling against the company and         to 1 landslide likely buried any remaining chance of a
one judge in favour of the company," Cipla said in a         near-term approval for the treatment.
filing to BSE.
                                                             AstraZeneca’s Obesity Drug                       Study
Regulatory                                                   Stopped After Adverse Event
                                                             June 20, 2012, Fierce Biotech

EMA Investigating Deficiencies                         In    Score one against AstraZeneca in the obesity drug game.
                                                             Safety reviewers called a stop to the London-based drug
Roche's Drug Safety Reporting                                giant's Phase I study of an experimental obesity
June 22, 2012, Pharma Letter                                 treatment after a man on the injected drug became sick.

The European Medicines Agency revealed yesterday that        The drug, code named AZD2820, is a peptide
it is working with national medicines agencies to            melanocortin-4 receptor partial agonist from AZ's
investigate deficiencies in the medicine safety reporting    collaboration with the Cranbury, NJ-based biotech
                                                             Palatin Technologies. The potential bad reaction hit one
                                     Organisation of Pharmaceutical Producers of India                    2
Pharma Spectrum

of the 72 obese men that AZ had planned to enroll in the    international reference pricing system that links the
trial, and the man might have suffered from an allergic     price of medicines in Germany to those in countries like
reaction to his first shot of the drug.                     Greece; and a medicines assessment system that links
                                                            the price of new medicines to generics.
US FDA Calls For More Efficacy Data On
Pfizer's Tafamidis NDA                                      Following US Senate And House Pass Of
June 19, 2012, Pharma Letter                                FDA Reforms, Now Comes The Detail
                                                            June 5, 2012, Pharma Letter
The US Food and Drug Administration yesterday issued a
complete response letter regarding drugs behemoth           Now that the US House of Representatives and the
Pfizer’s New Drug Application for tafamidis meglumine,      Senate have passed HR 5651 and S 3187 (the FDA Safety
requesting the completion of a second efficacy study to     and Innovation Act), respectively, focus will move to a
establish substantial evidence of effectiveness prior to    conference committee, which will iron out differences
an approval.                                                between the bills and reach a compromise, comments
                                                            Karl Karst on law firm Hyman, Phelps & McNamara’s FDA
The Agency has also asked for additional information on     Law Blog.
the data within the current tafamidis NDA. Tafamidis is a
novel, investigational medication for the treatment of      Both bills reauthorize and amend old (PDUFA and
transthyretin familial amyloid polyneuropathy (TTR-FAP)     MDUFA) and establish new (GDUFA and BsUFA) user fee
in adult patients with symptomatic polyneuropathy to        statutes,   permanently      reauthorize  the     Best
delay neurologic impairment.                                Pharmaceuticals for Children Act and the Pediatric
                                                            Research Equity Act, and create several new provisions
FDA Approves Glaxosmithkline's New                          of law, among other things, he notes.

Combo Vaccine MenHibrix
June 18, 2012, Pharma Letter
                                                            New Products
The US Food and Drug Administration has approved US
pharma       giant     GlaxoSmithKline’s      MenHibrix
(meningococcal groups C and Y and Haemophilus b
                                                            Dr Reddy’s Laboratories                    Launches
tetanus toxoid conjugate vaccine), a combination            Parkinson’s Drug In US
vaccine for infants and children aged six weeks through     May 8, 2012, The Economic Times
18 months, for prevention of invasive disease caused by
Neisseria meningitidis serogroups C and Y and               Dr Reddy's Laboratories has launched in the US market
Haemophilus influenzae type b.                              ropinirole hydrochloride XR (extended release) tablets
                                                            used to treat the signs and symptoms of Parkinson's
The basis for FDA approval of MenHibrix included data       disease. Ropinirole hydrochloride XR tablets are the
GSK submitted from clinical trials conducted in the USA,    bioequivalent generic version of Requip XL tablets, a
Mexico, Australia, Belgium and Germany over seven           registered trademark of pharma giant SmithKline
years in which 7,521 infants and toddlers received at       Beecham.
least one dose of MenHibrix.
                                                            The Indian company has obtained the approval of the
German Model For Assessment Of New                          United States Food and Drug Administration for its
                                                            abbreviated new drug application for ropinirole
Medicines Slammed By EU Pharma                              hydrochloride XR tablets to launch a generic product.
Leaders                                                     Requip XL had reported sales of around $58 million for
June 11, 2012, Pharma Letter                                the 12 months period ended March 2012 in the US market
                                                            according to IMS Health.
Leading   pharmaceutical    companies    in    Europe,
represented   in   the    European    Federation    of      Ranbaxy To Relaunch Bessling Brand
Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA),         May 29, 2012, The Economic Times
meeting in Berlin last Friday, called on the German
government for urgent action to protect patient access      Ranbaxy Laboratories has received US drug regulator's
to new medicines and ensure that Germany remains a          approval to relaunch one of its best selling brand in the
home for pharmaceutical innovation.                         US after being banned for nearly four years. US Food and
                                                            Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Absorica, a
“Recent years have seen the introduction of a series of     novel, patented brand formulation of isotretinoin that is
punitive measures in Germany. A 16% rebate; an              used to treat acne.

                                    Organisation of Pharmaceutical Producers of India                    3
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                                                              Health and Human Services during the bilateral meeting
The drug has been developed by its Canadian partner           between India and the US.
Cipher Pharmaceuticals to whom Ranbaxy will pay
royalties on net sales of the drug, Ranbaxy said in a         The primary aim of this collaboration is to initiate a
release. "Absorica will be the flagship brand for             health research relationship between the two countries
Ranbaxy's specialized dermatology sales force," said          to generate a better understanding of the molecular and
Ranbaxy's Americas senior VP and regional director            biological   mechanisms     underlying   diabetes,   to
Venkat Krishnan said.                                         characterize the genetic, social and environmental
                                                              determinants, and to identify innovative approaches for
                                                              improving prevention and treatment of diabetes.

R&D/Clinical Trials                                           Hit By Red Tape, Clinical Trial
                                                              Companies Eye South-East Asia For
Global R&D Spending Rises 8.2% In                             Expansion
FY11                                                          June 13, 2012, The Economic Times
June 22, 2012, Hindu Business Line
                                                              Pushed to the wall by an overly cautious drug regulator
Global R&D spending, after witnessing a decline in fiscal     and an alarmist Indian government, clinical trial
2010, has grown by 8.2 per cent in FY2011, according to       companies are looking at South East Asian countries to
a Zinnov study. India’s prominence as an R&D hub is           expand their business and escape the red tape of Indian
growing with the likes of IBM, SAP, Oracle and others         authorities.
setting up R&D centres and currently, 30 per cent of the
top 1000 R&D spenders across verticals have a presence        Clinical research companies (CROs), that were aspiring
here.                                                         to become billion- dollar companies by 2010, had to
                                                              rework their plans after a Parliamentary Standing
This growth has been primarily driven by organisations in     Committee report questioned the allegedly unfair and
the semiconductor, industrial and consumer hardware           unethical trials conducted on Indian patients .
and electrical and electronic sectors.
                                                              Alzheimer’s          Vaccine         Trial       Proves
Researchers     At     CCMB     Make                          Successful
Breakthrough Discovery To Contain                             June 8, 2012, Zee News
Diabetes By Deactivating A Gene
June 21, 2012, Pharmabiz, A Raju                              Scientists have found a new vaccine to be effective
                                                              against Alzheimer’s disease. The vaccine, CAD106, can
A team of researchers at the Centre for Cellular and          prove a breakthrough in the search for a cure for this
Molecular Biology (CCMD) in Hyderabad have come out           seriously debilitating dementia disease. Alzheimer’s
with a major breakthrough discovery to contain diabetes       disease is a complex neurological dementia disease that
by successfully deactivating a gene to regulate the           is the cause of much human suffering and a great cost to
functioning of beta cells in pancreas.                        society.

The malfunction of these beta cells leads to non-             According to the World Health Organisation, dementia is
production of insulin or production of ineffective insulin.   the fastest growing global health epidemic of our age.
The research team conducted the experiments on the            The prevailing hypothesis about its cause involves APP
mouse model. In this model, the researchers could             (amyloid precursor protein), a protein that resides in the
successfully regulate the mass of beta cells in pancreas      outer membrane of nerve cells and that, instead of being
of the mouse.                                                 broken down, form a harmful substance called beta-
                                                              amyloid, which accumulates as plaques and kills brain
India And US Sign Agreement On
Collaboration In Diabetes Research                            India, US To Begin Collaborative
June 19, 2012, The Economic Times
                                                              Research On Tuberculosis Soon
Indian and US have signed an agreement on collaboration       June 5, 2012, PharmaBiz
in Diabetes Research. The agreement was signed
between Ghulam Nabi Azad, Union Minister for Health           Even as tuberculosis (TB) continues to threaten the lives
and Family Welfare and Kathleen Sebelius, US Secretary,       and wellbeing of thousands of people each year in India
                                                              and several other countries, India and the US will soon

                                     Organisation of Pharmaceutical Producers of India                     4
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begin collaborative research on TB under the Indo-US         The topical drug is a non-steroidal treatment in Phase II
vaccine action programme (VAP).                              development for psoriasis and atopic dermatitis,
                                                             Research Triangle Park, NC-based Stiefel said in a
The main aim of this initiative is to build and enhance      statement. Welichem ($WBI.TSX), headquartered in
biomedical and clinical research capacity in India by        Burnaby, British Columbia, has gathered safety and
establishing long term longitudinal cohorts of TB patients   efficacy evidence on the drug...........
and their contacts (or other high TB risk patients) for
studies using state of the art research tools.

Zerhouni Trumpets New R&D Mindset                            Mergers &
At Sanofi
June 1, 2012, Fierce Biotech                                 Acquisitions /
Sanofi has reorganized its research and development
over the past couple of years, and R&D chief Elias
Zerhouni offered up some insights about the new
mindset at the French drug giant. For example, the           India, Norway To Extend Partnership In
company has emphasized a focus on results of clinical
programs over the scientific bureaucracy that has been
                                                             Healthcare Sector
implicated in the industry's lack of R&D productivity.       June 21, 2012, The Economic Times
"The project is what matters, not people's titles,"
Zerhouni said, as quoted by Bloomberg. "The least            India and Norway have decided to extend by five years
hierarchical the model is, the better."                      its partnership in healthcare sector after the success of
                                                             their joint efforts in delivering child and maternal health
                                                             services. At a meeting in Oslo on Monday between Health
Eli Lilly Opens Diabetes R&D Center In                       Secretary P K Pradhan and Norway's Secretary General
China                                                        from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Bente Angell-Hansen
June 1, 2012, BioSpectrum Asia                               signed a letter of intent to initiate Phase II of the
                                                             Norway India Partnership Initiative (NIPI) on reducing
Eli Lilly officially opened the Lilly China Research and     child and maternal mortality.
Development Center (LCRDC) on May 30, keeping with its
commitment towards China. The center will focus on           NIPI is a partnership between India and Norway to
discovering innovative diabetes medicines with novel         improve delivery of child and maternal health services in
mechanisms that can be tailored for the Chinese              select states under the National Rural Health Mission
population to delay the progression of the disease.          (NRHM). The partnership was initiated in 2006 by the
                                                             Prime Ministers of India and Norway Manmohan Singh and
Affecting nearly 90 million Chinese people, diabetes is a    Jens Stoltenberg.
significant national public health problem, due in part to
longer life expectancies, dietary changes and a              Piramal In Talk To Buy US Contract
sedentary lifestyle emerging in China. Differences in the
genetic makeup of Asian patients may also play a role in
                                                             Drug Maker Cambridge For $200 M
diabetes development and progression, and exploring          June 16, 2012, Financial Express
these differences is a priority for the LCRDC.
                                                             Piramal Healthcare (PHL) is in talks to buy US contract
                                                             drug manufacturer Cambridge Major Laboratories (CML)
GSK Unit Stiefel Snags Rights To Skin                        for around $200 million, a person with direct knowledge
Drug For CAD$35M                                             of the development said. “Early stage negotiations are
May 31, 2012, Fierce Biotech                                 on and it will take a while to conclude the deal,” he
Stiefel Laboratories has injected a new drug in mid-stage
development into its dermatology pipeline. The                PHL is the flagship company of the Ajay Piramal-owned
company, a unit of GlaxoSmithKline, has ponied up            Piramal Group while the Wisconsin-based unlisted CML
CAD$35 million ($33.9 million) in an upfront payment to      makes pharmaceutical intermediates and active
Welichem Biotech for rights to an experimental anti-         pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) used in drugs.
inflammatory compound dubbed WBI-1001 for markets
outside of China, Taiwan, Macao and Hong Kong.

                                     Organisation of Pharmaceutical Producers of India                     5
Pharma Spectrum

GSK Unit To Buy Basilea Eczema Drug                           India Firm Shakes Up Cancer Drug
For $227m                                                     Market With Price Cuts
June 13, 2012, Financial Express (epaper                      June 16, 2012, The Economic Times
page 10)
                                                              Indian    pharmaceutical     tycoon      Yusuf    Hamied
GlaxoSmithK.ine is to buy Basilea’s new eczema drug           revolutionised AIDS treatment more than a decade ago
Toctino for an initial 146 million pounds ($227 million) to   by supplying cut-price drugs to the world's poor -- and
boost its Stiefel dermatology business, the two               now he wants to do the same for cancer. Hamied,
companies said on Thursday. The Swiss biotech company         chairman of generic drugs giant Cipla, last month slashed
is also entitled to further payments of up to 50 million      the cost of three medicines to fight brain, kidney and
pounds if the drug is approved in the United States, as       lung cancer in India, making the drugs up to more than
well as double-digit percentage payments o US sales           four times cheaper.
begning three years after launch.
                                                              "I hope we'll cut prices of many more cancer drugs," he
                                                              told AFP, adding that he wants to supply the cheaper

Pricing                                                       drugs to Africa and elsewhere.

                                                              Drugmakers Warn German Pricing Is
Roche Slashes MabThera Price In S.                            Killing Innovation
Africa To Drive Sales                                         June 14, 2012, Fierce Pharma
June 20, 2012, Fierce Pharma
                                                              As economies have wilted in Europe, Germany has been
Drugmakers are chafing under European price cuts. But         all about austerity and how that is the only way to cure
more and more, they're cutting prices on their own in         the E.U.'s financial woes. But the backlash from
the developing world. It's part of the strategy to increase   drugmakers to German drug pricing has become so
emerging markets sales, a recognition of the fact that        significant that, for its own consumers, drugmakers warn
developing countries, a., can't afford drugs at the prices    the cure may be becoming worse than the disease.
charged in U.S. and Europe, and b., present very
different tactical challenges.                                Novartis pulled its blood pressure medication Rasilamlo
                                                              from the German market three months after introducing
Roche is the latest mover: The Swiss drugmaker has cut        it to Germany. Eli Lilly simply bypassed Germany with its
the price on its MabThera cancer treatment by one-half        launch of Trajenta, the diabetes drug it's launching in
in South Africa. The move will immediately increase           Europe with Boehringer Ingelheim.
volume, Business Day says. The government hasn't been
able to afford routine use of the pricey drug, which          MNCs Get Flexibility In Transfer
treats lymphoma, leukemia and rheumatoid arthritis.           Pricing; Move Will Dispel Fear Among
Now, more patients can get it.
                                                              Foreign Companies
Pharma Herd Faces                    Hurdles        With      June 11, 2012, The Economic Times
Pricey New Drugs                                              The government has allowed multinationals flexibility in
June 20, 2012, Fierce Pharma                                  valuing their transfer of intangibles such as brand to
                                                              their Indian subsidiaries without any fear of the tax
There was a time when specialty care drugs for diseases       department. The government hopes it will dispel the
such as multiple sclerosis, cancer and rare genetic           fears that India was gunning for foreign companies after
disorders flew under the radar of payers, as the              it changed income tax law retrospectively and
treatments gobbled up a modest piece of the overall           announced tough tax avoidance rules.
prescription-drug spending pie.
                                                              The new rule will allow multinationals to use any arms-
That time is over. With drugmakers flocking to these          length methodology to value intangibles such as brand
lucrative drug markets, the bar has risen to get              name, goodwill, and dealer network that are transferred
reimbursement and physician uptake of the expensive           to their Indian subsidiary, withdrawing any discretion to
products. But there are ways to hedge bets in the             the tax officer to question the value so determined.
specialty care game.

                                     Organisation of Pharmaceutical Producers of India                     6
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U.K. Pharma Balks At Value-Based                            Trade Organisation, resisting attempts by the US, Japan
                                                            and some other developed countries to club counterfeits
Pricing Ideas                                               or copies of patented drugs with fake or spurious ones.
June 7, 2012, Fierce Pharma
                                                            "The cases of seizure of high quality generic or off-
Drugmakers are squaring off against the U.K.'s price-       patent drugs by third countries that hold patents for
setting proposals. As Britain approaches its new value-     these could gain legitimacy if counterfeits are confused
based pricing system--set to come into effect in 2014--an   with fakes," an Indian official told ET. "We cannot allow
industry association warns that the government's…           this as it could seriously hinder access to cheap drugs by
                                                            the poor."
ACTA Will Make Life Saving Drugs
Costlier For The Poor                                       Anti-Overtime Ruling A Disguised
May 31, 2012, The Economic Times                            Blessing For Reps, Recruiters Say
                                                            June 21, 2012, Fierce Pharma
Joseph Munyi, a Kenyan citizen, has been living with HIV
for 8 years and, much like other HIV patients, is           The Supreme Court denied pharma sales reps their
unemployed. He has been receiving his medication free       overtime. But it may have saved many of their jobs--not
of charge on account of government programmes and           to mention their bonuses, industry recruiters say. If the
outreach programmes of Medicine Sans Frontieres. His        ruling had gone in the reps' favor, drugmakers would
medication comes in the form of generic drugs.              have been on the hook for billions in back pay--and that
                                                            outlay could have triggered another round of salesforce
However, this situation may not last long as economic       layoffs, Dow Jones reports.
interests of few may end up impeding many a public
spirited citizen of the world from executing her bounden    The ruling came in GlaxoSmithKline's ($GSK) overtime
duty as a human to ameliorate the conditions of the         case, and it likely saved the company hundreds of
underprivileged.                                            millions, if not billions. Other companies with pending
                                                            suits would have faced similar liabilities. Plus, the ruling
                                                            would have inspired other reps to sue their companies
Trade & Others                                              for back pay. Voilá, billions in immediate costs.

                                                            Indian Drug Outlook Favourable: ICRA
MSF Appeals European Nations Not To                         & Moody’s
Ratify  Anti-Counterfeiting   Trade                         June 21, 2012, The Economic Times
June 25, 2012, Pharmabiz, Ramesh Shankar                    Outlook on the Indian pharmaceutical industry remains
                                                            favourable, says ICRA & Moody report released on
Even as the European Parliament is meeting in July to       Wednesday. Domestic formulation market grew by 13-
give its final voting on the proposed Anti-Counterfeiting   16% per annum in last five years. According to the
Trade Agreement (ACTA), the international medical           report, domestic formulation market size stood at Rs
humanitarian organization Médecins Sans Frontières          58,300 crore, ranked third in terms of volume and tenth
(MSF) has appealed to the contracting states not to sign    in terms of value, globally.
and ratify the Agreement unless all concerns related to
access to medicines are fully addressed.                    The domestic growth was driven mainly by expansion in
                                                            volumes and new introductions. Lifestyle-related
Terming the Agreement as a 'Blank Cheque for Abuse',        disorders are driving growth at faster pace in chronic
MSF said that the Agreement is flawed and should not be     segments along with increasing healthcare spending.
accepted in its current form. Enlisting the concerns, the
international NGO said that ACTA is not restricted to       Pfizer Expects To Wrap Up Prempro
trademark counterfeiting.                                   Suits For $1.2B Total
                                                            June 19, 2012, Fierce Pharma
India, Brazil & China Defend Generic
Drugs At WTO                                                The price tag Pfizer's Prempro settlements is now in. The
June 25, 2012, The Economic Times                           drugmaker has paid $896 million to wrap up about 60% of
                                                            the patient lawsuits, Bloomberg reports. That's about
India, Brazil and China have defended the right of poor     6,000 cases, all alleging that its hormone-replacement
countries to access cheap generic medicines at the World    drugs caused breast cancer.

                                    Organisation of Pharmaceutical Producers of India                      7
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Pfizer has also set aside more money--$330 million--to        Australia’s PIC Reports To Ministers On
cover the rest of its Prempro liability. That's for about
4,000 suits still outstanding. Total: $1.226 billion for      Treatment And Reimbursement Of
10,000 cases, or a little more than $120,000 per case, on     Similar Biologics
average.                                                      June 14, 2012, Pharma Letter
Drug Export Up 27% At Rs 60,000 Crore                         The Australian Pharmaceuticals Industry Council (PIC),
In FY 12                                                      with industry group members AusBiotech, Medicines
                                                              Australia and the GMiA (representing generic
June 19, 2012, The Economic Times                             drugmakers), has today reported to the federal
                                                              government on the preferred treatment of follow-on
India's exports of drugs, pharmaceutical & fine chemicals     biologics for reimbursement.
grew 27% to Rs 60,000 crore for the year ended March
2012, according to data compiled by Pharmaceutical            The PIC has been considering the issue of regulation of
Exports Council of India (Pharmexcil). The export figure      similar biologic medicinal products (SBMPs) - also known
is now close to the size of the Indian formulations           as biosimilars - and specifically their treatment for
market which currently stands at around Rs 62,000 crore,      reimbursement, following a request by the former
which is growing at 15-20% annually.                          Minister for Health and Aging for the PIC to try to reach
                                                              a sector-wide consensus on a policy for managing the
However, the exports and the local formulations               listing and pricing of biosimilars on the Pharmaceutical
numbers are not comparable as the exports data include        Benefits Scheme (PBS).
sale of active pharmaceutical ingredients or basic raw
materials used to make drug. The revenues of the
domestic market takes into account only branded               Drugstores Accuse Pfizer, Teva Of
finished medicines.                                           Blocking Effexor Generics
                                                              June 14, 2012, Fierce Pharma
Takeda To Stop Selling 13 Pfizer Drugs
In Japan                                                      CVS Caremark and Rite Aid have signed on to the Effexor
                                                              XR conspiracy theory. In an antitrust lawsuit, the
June 16, 2012, Reuters                                        drugstore chains allege that Pfizer's ($PFE) Wyeth unit
                                                              and Teva Pharmaceutical Industries ($TEVA) colluded to
Takeda Pharmaceutical Co, Japan's biggest drugmaker,          delay generic versions of the blockbuster antidepressant.
said on Monday it will stop distributing 13 Pfizer Inc
drugs it now sells in Japan at the end of this year and       As Reuters points out, it's just the latest accusation of
Pfizer itself will begin selling them from 2013. The 13       generic-blocking shenanigans boosting sales of Effexor
drugs include antibiotic Minomycin, anticancer agents         XR, the extended-release version of venlafaxine. Back in
Torisel and Mylotarg, and depression treatment Amoxan.        December, Walgreen, Kroger, Safeway, Supervalu and
The list did not include Viagra.                              HEB Grocery together filed a similar suit against the two
                                                              drugmakers. Both companies have denied the
Takeda said it will continue to distribute Prevenar, a        allegations.
pneumococcus vaccine for children, and the haemophilia
B drug BeneFIX. It also said it and Pfizer will continue to
work together on the arthritis drug Enbrel.                   Indian   Companies                 Eye       $1billion
                                                              Generic Opportunity
Lipitor Generic’s Mkt Shrinks 96% In US                       June 13, 2012, The Times of India
On Over-Crowding
                                                              It's literally a billion-dollar opportunity. In the wake of
June 16, 2012, The Economic Times                             patent expiries on three blockbuster drugs over the last
                                                              six-seven months, an opportunity worth nearly $1.3
A higher-than-expected price erosion of cholesterol-          billion is up for grabs for domestic generic players. With
lowering Lipitor, the world’s best selling drug, is set to    three drugs - Lipitor, Zyprexa and more recently Plavix -
affect the earning of Indian drug makers Ranbaxy              going off-patent, along with a sharp rupee depreciation,
Laboratories and Dr. Reddy’s. The market of                   a significant revenue upside has emerged for players like
atorvastatin, the generic version of Lipitor, shrunk 96% in   Ranbaxy, Dr Reddy's and others.
the US on May 30-the first day after expiration of
Ranbaxy Laboratories’ 180 day marketing exclusivity – as      Of this, Ranbaxy is believed to have mopped up an
several new players entered the market                        estimated $600-million revenue already from generic
                                                              Lipitor since it was launched in December last year,
                                                              analysts say.

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Pharma Spectrum

CRAMS Holds Big                  Opportunity          For      The mere passage of a law that requires drug companies
                                                               to disclose how much money they pay doctors may not
Indian Generic                                                 change physician prescribing practices, suggests a new
June 8, 2012, The Times of India                               study. In two states that passed so-called sunshine laws
                                                               requiring drugmakers to disclose payments, doctors'
A global study has resized worldwide market for contract       choices of which drugs to prescribe for their patients did
research and development services, with pharmaceutical         not differ much from those of peers in states without
industry increasing its reliance on outsourcing to             such a law.
accelerate development of new medicines. A host of
domestic companies- Jubilant, Piramal, Divis Labs,             However, since the disclosure of information was to
Quintiles, Biocon and Syngene- offering businesses like        state agencies, not the general public, the state laws
manufacturing, custom research and clinical trials, are        were less likely to influence doctors' behavior, one
trying to catch a piece of the action.                         expert not involved in the research noted. "It was a way
                                                               of doing a quick analysis to even see if there was an
India To Take Up With Brazil Issues                            impact we could measure," said Kavita Nair, the study's
                                                               senior author and a associate professor at University of
Faced By Pharma Cos                                            Colorado School of Pharmacy in Aurora.
June 8, 2012, Hindu Business Line
                                                               WHO Will Set Generics Apart From
India will take up with Brazil the barriers faced by Indian
pharmaceutical companies, including procedural delays,         Counterfeits
and the consequent increase in costs of exports. The           June 4, 2012, DNA
procedural delays happen during inspections, clearances
and registration by the Brazilian authorities.                 World Health Organisation (WHO) has adopted a
                                                               resolution to clearly define counterfeit medical products
The issue is part of India's campaign in Latin America to      (CMP) so as to set them apart from genuine generic
boost its pharma exports, including generic drugs, as the      drugs. The resolution follows intense lobbying by India at
sector also faces similar non-tariff barriers in other Latin   the World Health Assembly (WHA) last week and is seen
American countries. This will be high on the agenda at         as a major diplomatic win.
the bilateral discussions during the June 9-15 visit to
Brazil by the Commerce Minister, Mr Anand Sharma,              The country has worked through back-channel ways at
official sources said.                                         the inter-governmental level for almost two years to
                                                               pressurise the international organisation. This also means
US Regulator Calls For Action On Fake                          WHO will limit its role to public health issues and not get
                                                               into the debate of intellectual property rights (IPR).....
June 7, 2012, Financial Times                                  Memos Show PhRMA, Pfizer Led Big
Laws to combat counterfeit drug trafficking are toothless      Pharma Support For Healthcare Bill
and need to be toughened, Margaret Hamburg,                    June 1, 2012, Fierce Parma
commissioner of the US Food and Drug Administration,
said on Wednesday. In an interview with the Financial          The cat is out of the bag so to speak with the disclosure
Times, Ms Hamburg said current penalties for peddling          of memos today detailing the level of drug industry
fake prescription medicines were the same as those for         support for passage of President Obama's prized
selling fake Gucci handbags and weaker than                    healthcare reform. It was never a secret that Big Pharma
punishments for people selling illicit drugs.                  came on board to support the legislation, but memos
                                                               released today by a Republican committee show that its
“We need legal authorities to give teeth to our actions,”      key trade association PhRMA, led by Pfizer, elicited
Ms Hamburg said. “We are increasingly concerned that           industry support and agreed to pay for advertising
this is becoming an attractive area for bad guys,              campaigns to boost its chances of passage.
including organised crime.” Her remarks came after two
recent high-profile cases of fake drugs circulating            In return, the administration agreed to stand in the way
through the US supply chain.                                   of provisions the industry didn't like, Bloomberg reports.
                                                               The memos show that drugmakers were most concerned
Do Doctor-Payment                  Sunshine         Laws       about price controls from Medicare and the consumers
                                                               getting access to cheaper drugs in other countries.
June 5, 2012, Reuters

                                      Organisation of Pharmaceutical Producers of India                      9
Pharma Spectrum

US FDA May Impose Huge Drug User
Fee On Generic Imports Soon, India To                         New Appointments
Hit Badly
May 28,         2012,     Pharmabiz,        Suja     Nair     No Relevant News
The US FDA may introduce a Generic Drug User Fee Act
(GDUFA) soon to curb import of cheap generic drugs into
that country. The proposed Act empowers the US
government to fix an exorbitant fee on the import of
each generic product category coming from any overseas

The US currently imports about 80 per cent of APIs and
40 per cent of generics made in the overseas locations.
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently
completed and submitted its recommendations for the
proposed Generic Drug User Fee Act (GDUFA) to the
Congress.                                                     Nexavar Licence Does Not Violate
                                                              Trade Pact: Sharma
                                                              June 15, 2012, Indian Express
Biotechnology                                                 Commerce and Industry Minister Anand Sharma on
                                                              Thursday said that issuance of compulsory licence to
Abbott Stands Alone In Challenge To                           anti-cancer drug Nexavar by India is not violative of any
                                                              provision of multi-lateral trade agreement. “We have not
Biosimilars Law                                               violated of any WTO agreement...this (invoking CL) is
June 22, 2012, Fierce Pharma                                  very much in conformity with the international
                                                              agreement under the WTO,” Sharma said while
So far Abbott Laboratories is having to fly solo in its       addressing industry leaders of the pharmaceutical
challenge to the legality of the biosimilar provision in      sectors in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
the Affordable Healthcare Act. In a citizens petition filed
with the FDA in April, the biologicsmaker claimed that        In March, Hyderabad-based Natco Pharma was allowed to
its rheumatoid arthritis drug Humira cannot be copied         manufacture and sell cancer-treatment drug Nexavar at
because it would be illegal to require Abbott to cough up     a price over 30 times lower than charged by patent-
the trade secrets that it has spent "massive amounts of       holder Bayer Corporation, under compulsory licensing
money" to develop, The Wall Street Journal reports.           (CL).

Further, it contends that no biologic drug approved
before passage of the law should be considered for
                                                              Patents: A Prize For Inventors Will
biosimilar approval. There has been plenty of opposition      Help
from those groups that want to see consumers benefit          June 2, 2012, Hindu Business Line
from cheaper biologic drugs coming to market sooner
and are concerned the challenge will hold up a new            A potentially game-changing idea is that if an inventor is
market for biosimilars.                                       rewarded with a huge cash award upfront in exchange
                                                              for his invention becoming available immediately for
                                                              public use, unseemly patent battles waged across
Medical Diagnostics                                           continents will be a thing of past.

/ Devices
                                                              Patents are country-specific, so much so that a person
                                                              registering one in his home country has no choice but to
                                                              also register it in all the countries where the product or
                                                              process is likely to be used. Under WTO norms, dictated
No Relevant News                                              by the powerful Western world, the patent-holder enjoys
                                                              monopoly rights over his invention for 20 years.

                                     Organisation of Pharmaceutical Producers of India                     10
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Scientists Float Group                  To     Protect        medicines. The department of pharmaceuticals had set
                                                              up a committee on price negotiations of patented
Intellectual Rights                                           medicines and there has been no substantial outcome on
June 2, 2012, Indian Express                                  the committee,” the commerce ministry said in a note to
                                                              the group of ministers on pharma pricing policy.
Invoking the case of Binayak Sen, four senior scientists
have formed a pressure group of “elder scientists” that
will take up issues related to “rights of scientists and
other intellectual workers”. The group announced its          Regulatory
formation in the latest issue of Current Science, jointly
published by the Indian Academy of Sciences and the
Current Science Association, and invited opinions.
                                                              We Will Prove The Poor Can Access
                                                              Healthcare: Dr Devi Prasad Shetty,
“Some time ago, when Binayak Sen, an eminent health           Narayana Hrudayalaya
activist and vice-president of the People’s Union for Civil
Liberties, was sentenced by a Chhattisgarh court to life
                                                              June 25, 2012, The Economic Times
imprisonment for sedition..., nine former presidents of
the three principal Academies of science in India             If Dr Devi Prasad Shetty's vision comes true, most Indians
endorsed an appeal by more than 50 Nobel laureates...,        will have access to quality healthcare. Dr Shetty says the
supporting Sen and urging immediate release,” the group       cost of healthcare in India can come down by 50% in the
wrote.                                                        next 5-10 years, and this will be forced on the hospitals
                                                              by the government if service providers do not get their
                                                              act together.
How P H Kurien Took On Global
Patents System To Make Very Costly                            "If you are going to say the cost of a heart surgery is 3
                                                              lakh for a rich man, it is fine. But for somebody who has
Drug Affordable For Poor                                      sold his house, it is unacceptable," he says. Shetty, who
May 30, 2012, The Economic Times                              pioneered the low-cost treatment model, said the lower
                                                              cost is achievable if hospitals increased the number of
It is said that only God and a few good men and women         procedures by 1,000 times.
run India. One such man is P H Kurien. For readers
unfamiliar with his name, Kurien was India's Controller
General of Patents, Designs & Trade Marks until March
                                                              NRHM Funds To Be Linked To States’
12, 2012. On March 9, 2012, just three days before he         Performance
left office, he issued the first-ever compulsory licence in   June 25, 2012, The Times of India
India for the manufacture of a drug still under patent.
                                                              For the first time ever, funds allocated to states under
The licence authorized Indian company Natco to                the country's flagship National Rural Health Mission
manufacture drug Naxevar for which Bayer, a German            (NRHM) will be cut by almost 15% if they fail to place
multinational company, holds the patent. This was an          doctors and health workers (even on contractual basis)
act of major significance for India's health. Since March     to districts with the worst health index.
3, 2008, when it got the Indian patent, Bayer has
imported Naxevar, selling its monthly dose at the             States will also have to post performance audits of
whopping price of 2,80,428 or $5,420. Unsurprisingly,         health facilities online, failing which up to 7.5% of their
only 2% of Indian patients have been able to afford it.       total outlay will be deducted. For the first time, NRHM's
                                                              programme implementation plan (PIP) for the year 2012-
Commerce Ministry Locks Horns With                            13 has put in place incentives to reward high performing
                                                              states and also punish those who fail.
Pharma Dept Over Patented Medicines
May 29, 2012, Financial Express
                                                              Pharma Units In Himachal Under
Commerce ministry has locked horns with the                   Scanner For Spurious Drugs Production
department of pharmaceuticals for the latter’s alleged        June 22, 2012, The Times of India
inaction on the plan to bring patented drugs under a
price negotiation system. There is no provision for any       Seeing around 25000 crore pharmaceutical industry of
regulation on patented drugs in the proposed new pricing      Himachal Pradesh facing credibility crisis due to the
policy for drugs.                                             production of sub standard drugs, state government has
                                                              finally started acting against the drug manufacturing
“The National Pharmaceutical Pricing Policy is restricted     units by suspending their licenses. Recently the licences
to generics alone and does not cover patented

                                     Organisation of Pharmaceutical Producers of India                      11
Pharma Spectrum

of seven companies were suspended             after   drugs    approvals given by the competent authority so far were
manufactured by them failed the test.                          'in order' and there was no need to re-examine the
                                                               approvals given or recall any particular drug from the
Considering the fact 600 pharmaceutical industries             market on the grounds of errors in approval process,
located in Himachal Pradesh caters to around 50%               highly placed sources confirmed.
demand of country, over the years Himachal Pradesh has
become the largest suppliers of drugs and almost all the       Improving The             Picture       Of     India’s
states in India are getting supplies from Himachal.
India In Race To Contain Untreatable                           June 18, 2012, Business Standard
Tuberculosis                                                   In the din of a slowing economy, falling rupee,
June 21, 2012, Livemint                                        rampaging     inflation,     and  incessant    political
                                                               manoeuvrings, India’s list of challenges continues to
India’s slow response to years of medical warnings now         grow. Of all these challenges, there is one that seems
threatens to turn the country into an incubator for a          insurmountable already, and worse, could soon end up
mutant strain of tuberculosis (TB) that is proving             becoming a calamity, aggravating the suffering of
resistant to all known treatments, raising alarms of a         hundreds of millions of Indians.
new global health hazard.
                                                               This challenge relates to the provision of affordable,
“We finally have ended up with a virtually untreatable         accessible, and accountable healthcare to every single
strain” of TB in India, said Dr Zarir Udwadia, one of the      citizen of India. On just about every single measurable
country’s leading TB authorities. In December, Dr              indicator of healthcare infrastructure, India is rapidly
Udwadia reported in a medical journal that he had four         deteriorating.
TB patients resistant to all treatment. By January, he
had a dozen cases, then 15.                                    Pharma Cos Sell Drugs 10 Times Cost:
CCI Seeks Partnership                    Agreements            MCA
                                                               June 16, 2012, Financial Express
With Global Counterparts
June 20, 2012, Livemint                                        Leading pharma companies, including GlaxoSmithkline,
                                                               Pfizer and Ranbaxy, sell commonly used drugs at a rate
To strengthen its extra-territorial jurisdiction, the          10 times the cost of production, a study by the
Competition Commission of India (CCI) is entering into         Corporate Affairs Ministry has found. A study by the Cost
cooperation agreements with its counterparts in other          Audit branch of the MCA found drugs like Calpol
nations. Extra-territorial jurisdiction relates to acts that   manufactured by Glaxosmithkline, Corex Cough Syrup by
take place outside the country but have an effect on           Pfizer, Revital by Ranbaxy Global, Omez by Dr Reddy's
competition in India.                                          Labs, Azithral by Alembic and several others were being
                                                               sold at a mark up of up to 1,123 per cent over the cost
India’s competition watchdog is close to signing a             of production.
memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the US
Federal Trade Commission’s Bureau of Competition, said         Worried over the findings of the study, Corporate Affairs
a CCI official with direct knowledge of the development.       Minister M Veerappa Moily has written to the ministers of
A draft MoU was prepared in November and is awaiting           Chemical and Fertilizers M K Alagiri and Health Ghulam
the foreign ministry’s approval.                               Nabi Azad seeking appropriate action on curbing this
                                                               practice of pharma companies.
CDSCO Rules Out Review Or Recall Of
33 Drugs Approved Between Jan 2008                             Parliamentary Panel Sceptic About
To Oct 2010                                                    Physical Targets For Improving Human
June 18, 2012, Pharmabiz, Joseph Alexander                     Resources In Health
                                                               June 15, 2012, Pharmabiz, Joseph Alexander
Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation (CDSCO) will
not review or recall the 33 controversial drugs which          The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Health has
were reportedly cleared without clinical trials on Indian      expressed apprehension on achieving the physical targets
patients during the period of January 2008 to October          set for the current Five Year Plan for improving the
2010.                                                          human resources in the health sector and called for more
                                                               allocation to paramedical sectors including pharmacists.
The regulatory authorities are of the view that all

                                      Organisation of Pharmaceutical Producers of India                     12
Pharma Spectrum

The Department of Health has set physical targets set to     Amravati, 46 in Aurangabad and 29 in Mumbai received
be accomplished in Twelfth Five year Plan which              notices. "Our drive exposed how many chemists were not
includes training capacity of 80,000 MBBS doctors and        following any norms.
45,000 specialists per annum by 2020 and bringing down
the doctor: population ratio from 1:2000 to 1:1000.          FIPB To Continue As Gate-Keeper On
Azad Visits US FDA; Stresses On                              Pharma Mergers For Now
                                                             June 7, 2012, Business Line
Importance Of Collaboration With US In
Food And Drug Regulation                                     Who will be gate-keeper for the pharmaceutical
June 14, 2012, PharmaBiz                                     industry, watching over local companies being acquired
                                                             by foreign owners? The Foreign Investment Promotion
The Union minister for health and family welfare,            board (FIPB), the Competition Commission of India (CCI)
Ghulam Nabi Azad has stressed on the importance of           or both? Until a final call is taken by the ministries
collaboration with the USA in food and drug regulation as    involved, the FIPB is set to continue as gate-keeper, said
this will provide exposure to the Indian regulators to       a source, after a meeting on the issue convened by the
international best practices in this area.                   Finance Ministry, on Wednesday.

Azad was speaking at the headquarters of the US Food         Addressing public health concerns raised by the Health
and Drug Regulatory Administration (FDA) at Maryland.        Ministry, and to streamline investment in local drug
Azad is member of the high level Indian delegation           companies, guidelines will be outlined on the FIPB Web
visiting the USA.                                            site, the source said. For instance, companies looking for
                                                             local acquisitions will have to ensure they continue to
                                                             manufacture essential medicines (if the acquired entity
CSR A Must In Cos Bill                                       was making them); and not discontinue ongoing research
June 13, 2012, The Economic Times (epaper                    in critical areas.
                                                             FDA Foresees Jump In Apps For Cancer
Decks have been cleared for reintroduction of the
Companies Bill,2011,in the monsoon session. If the bill is
passed after endorsing all the suggestions made by the       June 6, 2012, Fiercer Biotech
Parliamentary Standing Committee on Finance,
corporate social responsibility (CSR) would, for the first   U.S. regulators expect to review lots of cancer drugs this
time in the world, become mandatory.                         year. With developers finding ways to get early readouts
                                                             on efficacy, companies are expediting programs to set
The report recommends that companies with net worth          the stage for rapid development and speedy approvals of
above.500 crore, or an annual turnover of over.1,000         new anti-cancer therapies.
crore, earmark 2% of average net profits of three years
towards CSR. In the draft Companies Bill,2009,the CSR        In an interview with Reuters, FDA oncology chief Dr.
clause was voluntary though it was mandatory for             Richard Pazdur predicts that the agency will receive 20
companies to disclose their CSR spends to shareholders.      submissions for cancer drugs in 2012. It's too early to tell
                                                             whether that will lead to an increase in approvals this
                                                             year, but the number says a lot about intense
35% Chemists In Maharashtra Flout                            participation in cancer drug research around the
Abortion Drug Norms: Food And Drug                           biopharma industry.
June 13, 2012, The Times of India                            DCGI Asks State Drug Controllers To
                                                             Keep Tab On Trials To Wipe Out Illegal
Nearly 35% of drug retailers and wholesalers in the state
were found flouting norms claims the Food and Drug
Administration, which launched a crackdown following         June 6, 2012, PharmaBiz
cases of female feticide in Beed. Out of the 954 retailers
and wholesalers inspected in the last six days, 340 were     With reports of illegal trials affecting public safety, the
served show-cause notices for irregularities in              Central drug authorities have asked all the State drug
maintaining records and selling abortion drugs without a     controllers to keep a close tab on the clinical trials
prescription.                                                happening around and stop illegal trials especially those
                                                             done individually by the doctors without due permission
Eighty-eight chemists in the Konkan region were served       from the Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation
show-cause notices. Sixty-five chemists in Pune, 50 in       (CDSCO).

                                     Organisation of Pharmaceutical Producers of India                      13
Pharma Spectrum

Talking to Pharmabiz, Drug Controller General of India       Eli Lilly and Co. focusing on the growing diabetes market
(DCGI) Dr G N Singh admitted that there could be             is likely to set a new trend in the highly competitive
individual cases of doctors carrying out trials on their     local drug market, where foreign drug makers are
own for some companies, Indian or foreign, without           aggressively taking on entrenched generic rivals.
informing the authorities. Such cases lead to unethical
practices and cause troubles, he added.                      The global collaboration combining the portfolio of the
                                                             two to address a particular disease segment and selling
Industry Leaders Call For Overhauling                        the products through a common team in various markets
                                                             is the first such alliance in the drug industry.
Of CDSCO For Better Efficiency,
Transparency                                                 GSK Launches Metered-Dose Inhalers In
June 4, 2012, Pharmabiz, Nandita Vijay                       India
Even as The Lancet report exposes the inadequacies of
                                                             June 7, 2012, Business Line
the functioning of Central Drugs Standard Control
Organization (CDSCO), industry stakeholders have called      Asthma patients will now be able to buy the enhanced
for an overhaul of India's regulatory machinery on a         version of a Metered Dose Inhaler (MDI) with a dose
priority basis including staffing policy of the              counter, from their local chemists. Multinational drug-
organization.                                                maker GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals has launched
                                                             the product with this new technology in the country, a
According to a stakeholder, “A competent CDCSO is of         first of its kind, company officials said.
utmost importance and requires a leader who is
conversant with the nuances of this highly technical and     The inhaler has an innovative dose counter that keeps
research-driven business.” Further, he added, the            track of number of doses left. This helps the patients to
regulator should have a formal pharmacy education, to        take the right number of drug doses. The inhaler also has
discharge duties efficiently.                                a locking system which prevents drug wastage when the
                                                             inhaler is not in use.

Dr G N Singh's Term As DCGI Extended
For Another 3 Months
May 31, 2012, Pharmabiz
                                                             R&D/Clinical Trials
The health ministry further extended the tenure of Dr G      Doctors Discuss Problems Related To
N Singh with the additional charges of the Drug
Controller General of India (DCGI) by three more months
                                                             Clinical Act
effective from May 22. The order announcing the same         June 22, 2012, The Times of India
was issued by the health ministry on May 29 and comes
as a great relief to the industry which has been             A meeting of city doctors under the banner of Allahabad
demanding for some stability in the position of the drug     Medical Association(AMA) was held on Thursday where
regulator of the country.                                    the speakers discussed problems arising after the
                                                             passage of Clinical Establishment Act by the government.
Dr Singh informed that now with this order he will be
able to bring in stability to his position by enacting and   Addressing the gathering, state president Indian Medical
working on the mission of the CDSCO to safeguard and         association (IMA) Dr Ashok Agarwal said: "the government
enhance public health by assuring safety, efficacy and       is making medical facilities expensive for the common
quality of drugs, cosmetics and medical devices in the       man in the same manner as it is increasing the prices of
country.                                                     essential commodities including sugar, onion, petrol,
                                                             pulses, rice and green vegetables.

New Products                                                 Six New AIIMS Will Give Fillip To
                                                             Medical Research: Ghulam Nabi Azad
                                                             June 21, 2012, The Economic Times
Boehringer-Lilly Alliance Likely To Set
Trend                                                        Admitting that inadequate number of doctors has
June 15, 2012, Livemint                                      affected medical research in the country, Union Health
                                                             Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad today expressed hope that
The business alliance between German drug maker              the sector would get a fillip with the coming up of six
Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH and US biotechnology firm          new AIIMS from next year.

                                     Organisation of Pharmaceutical Producers of India                    14
Pharma Spectrum

"Six new AIIMS in the country will start functioning by       caused by invasive non-typhoidal Salmonella (NTS). This
April next year in different states, including Jodhpur in     strain is most common in the sub Saharan African regions
Rajasthan. This will ease pressure on AIIMS Delhi and         among malnourished children. About 20-30% of the
research work will get momentum," he said at a press          children are known to die because of this infectious
conference here.                                              disease each year.

Pharma Industry Urges Govt To Woo                             Lab- Grown Vein Transplant Milestone
Back Scientists                                               In Stem Cell Research
June 20, 2012, Financial Express                              June 15, 2012, Indian Express
As the government begins to correct deficiencies in the       In a first, doctors in Sweden have transplanted into the
drug regulatory process brought forth by a parliamentary      body of 10-year-old girl a vein grown in the laboratory
panel, the industry has urged it to woo back Indian           from her own stem cells. The core team that performed
scientists working with reputed global drug regulatory        the procedure was led by Dr Suchitra Holgersson, a
agencies of US and UK.                                        transplant medicine specialist originally from Mumbai,
                                                              and included four other doctors from India. The
In a letter to union health minister Ghulam Nabi Azad,        landmark transplant was published in the British medical
pharma sector captains through the auspices of industry       journal The Lancet on Thursday.
body Assocham, have said, “It is fortunate that a pool of
Indian origin scientists populate the world’s leading         The procedure “could offer a potential new way for
regulators like US FDA (Food and Drug Administration)         patients lacking healthy veins to undergo dialysis or
and UK MHRA (Medicines and Health products Regulatory         heart bypass surgery without the problems of synthetic
Agency).                                                      grafts or the need for lifelong immunosuppressive
                                                              drugs”, The Lancet said.
Indian Platform For Sharing, Viewing
Research    Available  For   Foreign                          Health Min To Notify Procedures And
Institutes                                                    Quantum Of Compensation To Victims
June 20, 2012, Business Standard                              Of Trials Soon
                                                              June 13, 2012, Pharmabiz, Joseph Alexander
Knimbus, an India-based global search and collaboration
platform for researchers, is set to offer its services in     The Health Ministry will soon formally notify the
foreign varsities. A platform that connects creators and      procedures and amount of compensation to be paid by
users of scientific, technical and medical knowledge to       the pharmaceuticals companies, if a volunteer dies or
online content and peer groups, Knimbus is in the             gets injured during a clinical trial. “The Government has
process of extending services to institutes in the United     already published the draft rules for the new schedule
States and some European countries.                           Y1 under the Drugs and Cosmetic Rules, 1945 and it is
                                                              under the stipulated process of examination before the
It has also tied up with a partner in Germany and is in       final notification.
the process of forging ties with about 25 universities in
Bangladesh. Knimbus was co-founded by Rahul Agarwalla         However, with a view to tighten the norms on clinical
and Tarun Arora in November 2010, and the service went        trials, several sections of the amendment have already
live in September 2011.                                       been implemented,” Drug Controller General of India
                                                              (DCGI) Dr G N Singh said. “We are in the process of
Bharat Biotech Receives $ 4 Million                           finalising the detailed procedures and amount of
                                                              compensation and on making the companies liable for
Award From The Wellcome Trust For                             causes of damages during the trials. This will be notified
Development And Clinical Trials                               within a couple of months,” he said.
June 19, 2012, The Economic Times
                                                              Pharma Companies Need Aggressive
Vaccine manufacturer Bharat Biotech and The University        R&D And Patent Filing: Experts
of Maryland Center for Vaccine Development (CVD) have
received $ 4 million from The Wellcome Trust for clinical
                                                              June 11, 2012, The Economic Times
development of a new conjugate vaccine for treating an
infectious disease.                                           Indian pharmaceutical companies need to go for
                                                              aggressive research and patent filing like China and
The Trust will also fund clinical trials beginning in three   Japan and unless spending on R&D is scaled up, it would
years to prevent the potentially lethal infectious disease    be difficult to create new molecules, industry experts

                                     Organisation of Pharmaceutical Producers of India                     15
Pharma Spectrum

said. "Our Indian companies are just beginning to realise     After keeping it dormant for many years, the
that they also need an R&D Department, as merely              Department of Health Research is fast-tracking for the
quality control would not help.                               final approval from the Cabinet a comprehensive bill to
                                                              regulate and monitor the entire research on the human
Unless spending on R&D is scaled up, it will be difficult     subjects in the country.
to create new molecules. It is time to go for aggressive
research and patent filing just like China and Japan,"        Sources said the modified Biomedical Research on Human
Deputy Controller of Patents & Designs, Intellectual          Subjects Bill is in the final stages. “The Cabinet note is
Property Office K S Kardam said at a workshop on              being prepared for submission and approval. The plans
'Patenting Pharmaceuticals in India'.                         are afoot to place it before the Parliament this year
                                                              itself and put into effect,” sources said.
R & D in India
June 5, 2012, Indian Express                                  University Of Pune With Serum
                                                              Institute Complete Animal Study On
Foreign direct investment may have slowed, but India
still has a vibrant, sophisticated and rapidly evolving
                                                              Herbal Vaccine, Adjuvants
R&D sector. India should be a compelling proposition for      May 30, 2012, Pharmabiz, Nandita Vijay
multinational companies seeking an emerging market
R&D location. The country’s large educated population,        University of Pune’s Interdisciplinary School of Health
its low labour costs and its huge and rapidly emerging        Sciences and Serum Institute of India, in a collaborative
middle class suggest the ideal environment for global         research programme, have completed animal study on
R&D investment.                                               herbal vaccine, adjuvants. The project was supported by
                                                              Department of Science and Technology.
And back in the heady days of 2006, the country was
certainly living up to that potential. FDI in R&D India was   In another study, the Pune University along with US-
$3.8 billion, more than in China and Eastern Europe           based BioVed Pharmaceuticals Inc. went on to research
combined.                                                     on blood disorder properties in cancer bearing animals
                                                              which is ready for commercialization.
Abbott To Strengthen Its Research
Capability In India, Also Scouts For
University Partner To Spur Innovation                         Mergers &
June 5, 2012, PharmaBiz
Abbott has now commenced its advanced nutrition
                                                              Acquisitions /
research    in   collaboration   with    Syngene.   The
multinational drug major has set up the Abbott Nutrition      Collaborations
R&D Centre in the Biocon Park which houses the Biocon
Biopharmaceutical Research Centre (BBRC). The
company is also in the process of scouting for a
                                                              PMO Seeks Legal Opinion On Pharma
University partner to spur its innovation in research in      FDI Issue
the country.                                                  June 25, 2012, Financial Express
The company has already tie-up with the University of         The Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) has sought a legal
Illinois where it has set up a Centre for Nutrition and       opinion on whether the Competition Commission of India
Cognition. In India, Abbott is looking not just to tap the    (CCI) can have the mandate of clearing or halting
talent of young researchers but also look at a similar        approvals of proposed brownfield pharma FDI deals on
initiative to advance its research and comprehension on       the grounds of public health. In a recent letter sent to
the needs of the Indian nutrition market, said Dr Robert      the law ministry, the PMO has sought its views on the
H Miller, divisional vice president, Global R&D and           matter.
Scientific Affairs for Abbott Nutrition.
                                                              This comes after the multiple arms of government -
Dept Of Health Research Fast-Tracking                         ministry of health and ministry of commerce and
                                                              industry as well as a section of the domestic industry -
Cabinet Nod For Bill To Regulate                              put up sustained resistance to an earlier decision taken
Clinical Research                                             in October last year to empower the CCI to assume the
May 30, 2012, Pharmabiz, Joseph Alexander                     role of the filter of brownfield pharma deals.

                                     Organisation of Pharmaceutical Producers of India                     16
Pharma Spectrum

Ministries Oppose                PMO       View       On      GSK Extends $2.6 Billion Bid For
Pharma Deal Rules                                             Human Genome Sciences
June 14, 2012, Business Standard                              June 8, 2012, Fierce Pharma
The ministries of finance, commerce and health appear         GlaxoSmithKline said it would and now it has. It
to have locked horns with the Prime Minister’s Office         extended its $2.6 billion hostile bid for shares of its
(PMO) over the regulation of cross-border deals for           partner Human Genome Sciences by three weeks. The
expansion in the pharmaceutical sector.                       original offer from GSK of $13 a share was set to expire
                                                              last night, and since GSK has made it clear that it does
The Indian Pharmaceutical Alliance (IPA), an association      not intend to just fold on this proposal, it pushed the
representing the domestic industry, had also recently         deadline for investors to tender shares to June 29, the
written to the PMO suggesting joint clearance of              company says in an announcement today.
brownfield FDI proposals for expansion in pharma by the
Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB) and                 Human Genome opposes the deal, saying it values the
Competition Commission of India (CCI).                        company far too cheaply, and has been urging
                                                              shareholders to hold out until it can find a more
Pharmabiz      Editorial:                 Brownfield          rewarding alternative, even asking GSK to participate,
                                                              The Wall Street Journal reports.
Projects & FDI
June 13, 2012, Pharmabiz, P.A. Francis                        Why Fear FDI In Pharma?
In October last, at a high level meeting convened by the
                                                              June 6, 2012, Business Line
Prime Minister, it was decided that India will continue to
allow foreign direct investment in drugs and                  It would soon be time for the government to review its
pharmaceuticals sector through automatic route for            2011 policy decision on foreign direct investment in the
greenfield projects and in case of brownfield                 pharma sector. The occasion is ripe to consider
investments, FDI will be allowed through the Foreign          perceptions on the impact of FDI on the industry. The
Investment Promotion Board (FIPB) for six months.             FDI policy for the pharma sector was revised on
                                                              November 8, 2011, essentially shifting the FDI(in relation
These acquisitions will, however, be routed through the       to the brownfield investments) from the automatic to
Competition Commission of India for the six months            approval route. FDI in the sector is permitted up to 100
period. During this period, when the FIPB clears the          per cent.
acquisitions, necessary enabling regulations will be put
in place by the CCI for effectively overseeing mergers        The decision was a sequel to the acquisition spree by
and acquisitions so as to ensure a balance between            multinational corporations — notably Matrix by Mylan
public health concerns and flow of FDI into the pharma        (2006), Ranbaxy by Dai-ichi Sankyo (2008), Shanta
sector.                                                       Biotechnics by Sanofi Aventis (2009), Orchid Chemicals
                                                              by Hospira (2009), and Piramal Healthcare by Abbott
                                                              Laboratories (2010).
Empower Competition: Need To Have
Better Coordination Between Sector                            FDI In Drug Firms Resumes
Regulators And CCI                                            June 1, 2012, The Economic Times (epaper
June 12, 2012, The Economic Times                             page 24)
The corporate affairs ministry has reportedly sought to       The Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB) has
bring all sectors including telecom and banking under the     resumed clearing investment proposals in Indian drug
ambit of the Competition Commission of India (CCI). This      companies, a move that will revive deal flow in the.
is a good idea. The CCI's remit is to oversee competition,    62,000-crore domestic pharma sector.
check abuse of monopoly power and curtail unfair trade
practices.                                                    The board has cleared four proposals of foreign financial
                                                              investors, but again deferred a decision on stake buys by
The job cannot be left to sectoral regulators. This is not    multinational drug companies, extending uncertainty
to say that the CCI should become a super-regulator.          over new rules to check rising cases of promoters of
Instead, it should help sectoral regulators - be it the RBI   domestic drug companies selling out to foreign players.
or the telecom regulator - to arrive at informed decisions
in cases where there is a violation of fair play.             At its meeting on May 9, the FIPB cleared Pethico
                                                              Pharmaceuticals proposal to raise.490 crore by selling a
                                                              22% stake through the foreign currency convertible bond

                                     Organisation of Pharmaceutical Producers of India                     17
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Pharma Spectrum by OPPI

  • 1. Pharma Spectrum Organisation of Pharmaceutical Producers of India Volume 5 Issue 7 July 2012 INDEX INTERNATIONAL 1. IPR 1 2. Regulatory 2 3. New Products 3 4. R&D / Clinical Trials 4 5. Mergers & Acquisitions / Collaborations 5 6. Pricing 6 7. Trade & Others 7 8. Biotechnology 10 9. Medical Diagnostics / Devices 10 10. New Appointments 10 DOMESTIC 1. IPR 10 2. Regulatory 11 3. New Products 14 4. R&D / Clinical Trials 14 5. Mergers & Acquisitions / Collaborations 16 6. Pricing 18 7. Trade & Others 19 8. Biotechnology 22 9 Medical Diagnostics / Devices 23 10. New Appointments 24 11. OPPI Related News 24 Organisation of Pharmaceutical Producers of India 0
  • 2. Pharma Spectrum International But as EvaluatePharma reminds us in its latest World Preview report, released at this week's BIO conference, 2012 is far from the end of pharma's patent woes. Next IPR year provides something of a respite, with only $29 billion's worth of drugs losing exclusivity. As Compulsory Licensing Spreads, Merck Loses A Patent Ruling On Drugmakers Adapt Blockbuster Nasonex June 22, 2012, Fierce Pharma June 18, 2012, Fierce Pharma There is the concept associated with evolution that you Even as the clock is ticking down on the patent for its must adapt or die. Now some experts are suggesting the super blockbuster Singulair, Merck got smacked Friday same thing for drugmakers when it comes to the growing with a negative decision in its battle with genericmaker threat of compulsory licensing. Now that China is Apotex over Merck's blockbuster Nasonex spray. A following India into this realm, which allows countries to federal judge in New Jersey ruled against Merck, saying essentially strip companies of patents if they deem it in Apotex's generic did not step on Merck's patent, then the public interest, the tension among big drug separately ruled against Apotex, throwing out its claim developers is rising. that Merck's patent on the nasal spray is invalid. LiveMint quotes a research company in the U.K. saying Merck's general counsel Bruce Kuhlik tells Reuters it may the research-oriented companies "will have to appeal the decision, while Merck spokesman Ron Rogers restructure their business plans in emerging markets," to tells Bloomberg, "As far as we know, the FDA has not compete. Strategies will include making their drugs approved Apotex's application. We do not expect generic cheaper themselves in the countries where the threat of competition near-term." Apotex declined comment. compulsory licensing exists and making sure they are available to more poor patients to cut off the incentive China Now Carries A Big Compulsory- to invoke the maneuver. Licensing Stick June 11, 2012, Fierce Pharma Big Pharma Firms May Learn To Live With Compulsory Licensing Drugmakers can count compulsory licensing among the June 22, 2012, Livemint new pitfalls of China's huge-and-growing drug market. Thanks to amended intellectual property laws, the With China amending its patent law on compulsory Chinese government can now force generic drugs onto licensing soon after India granted the first such permit in the market before branded meds lose patent protection. the country, innovator pharmaceutical firms that bank on patent protection for growth are under pressure to China isn't alone in this, of course; India recently caused revamp sourcing, distribution and pricing strategies, a dust-up by compelling Bayer to license its cancer drug industry experts said. Nexavar to Natco Pharma, which promised to sell its copycat version for $176 per month, compared with “The research-oriented companies, which mostly focus Bayer's $5,600 monthly price. on the patented technologies that give them an edge, will have to restructure their business plans in emerging US Firm Sues Zydus Cadila Subsidary markets now as local governments are taking all possible For Infringement Of Patents measures to lower the healthcare cost,” said a London- based life sciences partner at a global consultant. June 12, 2012, Business Standard A complaint for infringement of patents with regard to Beware: Patent Losses To Climb Back drug for treatment of acne has been filed against Zydus To $56B By 2015 Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc, a fully owned subsidiary of June 20, 2012, Fierce Pharma Ahmedabad-based pharma major Cadila Healthcare Ltd (Zydus Cadila) in a district court of US. For years we've been anticipating 2012 as the steepest patent cliff, the year when the world's biggest drugs This complaint petition has been filed by one Arizona- would be slammed with generic competition. No doubt based Medicis Pharmaceutical Corporation (MPC). Zydus about it, $67 billion in drug sales at risk from patent USA has been accused of seeking approval from the expirations is a whopping big figure. United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to commercially manufacture, use, and selling of a generic Organisation of Pharmaceutical Producers of India 1
  • 3. Pharma Spectrum version of Solodyn minocycline hydrochloride and system of Swiss drug major Roche (ROG: SIX), the world’s extended release tablets, before the drug’s patents biggest producer of cancer drugs. which is with MPC, expires. The EMA says this includes looking at whether the China Amends Patent Law In Fight For deficiencies have an impact on the overall benefit-risk profile for any of the products involved. However, it Cheaper Drugs points out that there is at present no evidence of a June 8, 2012, Moneycontrol.com negative impact for patients and, while the investigations are being conducted, there is no need for China has overhauled parts of its intellectual property patients or health care professionals to take any action. laws to allow its drugmakers to make cheap copies of medicines still under patent protection in a move likely US To Charge Fee On Generic Drug Sale to unnerve foreign pharmaceutical companies. The Chinese move comes within months of a similar move by Application India to effectively end the monopoly on an expensive June 21, 2012, Business Standard cancer drug made by Bayer AG by issuing its first so- called "compulsory licence". All generic pharmaceutical companies, including Ranbaxy Laboratories, Cipla, Dr Reddy’s Laboratories, Lupin, Similar action by China will ring alarm bells in Big Glenmark and Torrent Pharma, might soon have to pay a Pharma, since the country is a vital growth market at a fee to the US drug regulator when they seek its time when sales in Western countries are flagging. The permission to sell their products there. amended Chinese patent law allows Beijing to issue compulsory licences to eligible companies to produce America is the world’s largest drug market. A Generic generic versions of patented drugs during state Drug User Fee Act is on the way, to enable the US Food emergencies, or unusual circumstances, or in the and Drugs Administration (FDA) to levy a user fee of interests of the public. around $100,000 on each generic drug application filed for approval, it is learnt. The new norms are likely to be Cipla Losses Appeal In US Court For introduced from October. Animal Healthcare Product FDA Panel Turns Thumbs Down On June 8, 2012, The Economic Times Sanofi's Anti-Clotting Drug Drug firm Cipla today said it has lost an appeal in a US June 20, 2012, Fierce Biotech court over a patent case against Merial Ltd regarding an animal healthcare product. The company had moved the Sanofi's attempt to gain its first new drug approval in US Court of Appeals in Washington against a ruling by two years experienced another setback today as a District Court Georgia that held that the company's sales committee of external experts decisively voted against of animal healthcare product, PetArmor Plus infringed a an OK for semuloparin, a treatment designed to prevent patent held by Merial Ltd, a subsidiary of Sanofi-Aventis, blood clots among patients receiving chemotherapy. and suspended sales of the product in the US. The advisers concluded that Sanofi didn't proffer a clear "Company has now received an order from the Federal picture of who would benefit from the treatment, Circuit wherein it has affirmed the order of the District particularly worrying given their risk of bleeding. The 14 Court with two judges ruling against the company and to 1 landslide likely buried any remaining chance of a one judge in favour of the company," Cipla said in a near-term approval for the treatment. filing to BSE. AstraZeneca’s Obesity Drug Study Regulatory Stopped After Adverse Event June 20, 2012, Fierce Biotech EMA Investigating Deficiencies In Score one against AstraZeneca in the obesity drug game. Safety reviewers called a stop to the London-based drug Roche's Drug Safety Reporting giant's Phase I study of an experimental obesity June 22, 2012, Pharma Letter treatment after a man on the injected drug became sick. The European Medicines Agency revealed yesterday that The drug, code named AZD2820, is a peptide it is working with national medicines agencies to melanocortin-4 receptor partial agonist from AZ's investigate deficiencies in the medicine safety reporting collaboration with the Cranbury, NJ-based biotech Palatin Technologies. The potential bad reaction hit one Organisation of Pharmaceutical Producers of India 2
  • 4. Pharma Spectrum of the 72 obese men that AZ had planned to enroll in the international reference pricing system that links the trial, and the man might have suffered from an allergic price of medicines in Germany to those in countries like reaction to his first shot of the drug. Greece; and a medicines assessment system that links the price of new medicines to generics. US FDA Calls For More Efficacy Data On Pfizer's Tafamidis NDA Following US Senate And House Pass Of June 19, 2012, Pharma Letter FDA Reforms, Now Comes The Detail June 5, 2012, Pharma Letter The US Food and Drug Administration yesterday issued a complete response letter regarding drugs behemoth Now that the US House of Representatives and the Pfizer’s New Drug Application for tafamidis meglumine, Senate have passed HR 5651 and S 3187 (the FDA Safety requesting the completion of a second efficacy study to and Innovation Act), respectively, focus will move to a establish substantial evidence of effectiveness prior to conference committee, which will iron out differences an approval. between the bills and reach a compromise, comments Karl Karst on law firm Hyman, Phelps & McNamara’s FDA The Agency has also asked for additional information on Law Blog. the data within the current tafamidis NDA. Tafamidis is a novel, investigational medication for the treatment of Both bills reauthorize and amend old (PDUFA and transthyretin familial amyloid polyneuropathy (TTR-FAP) MDUFA) and establish new (GDUFA and BsUFA) user fee in adult patients with symptomatic polyneuropathy to statutes, permanently reauthorize the Best delay neurologic impairment. Pharmaceuticals for Children Act and the Pediatric Research Equity Act, and create several new provisions FDA Approves Glaxosmithkline's New of law, among other things, he notes. Combo Vaccine MenHibrix June 18, 2012, Pharma Letter New Products The US Food and Drug Administration has approved US pharma giant GlaxoSmithKline’s MenHibrix (meningococcal groups C and Y and Haemophilus b Dr Reddy’s Laboratories Launches tetanus toxoid conjugate vaccine), a combination Parkinson’s Drug In US vaccine for infants and children aged six weeks through May 8, 2012, The Economic Times 18 months, for prevention of invasive disease caused by Neisseria meningitidis serogroups C and Y and Dr Reddy's Laboratories has launched in the US market Haemophilus influenzae type b. ropinirole hydrochloride XR (extended release) tablets used to treat the signs and symptoms of Parkinson's The basis for FDA approval of MenHibrix included data disease. Ropinirole hydrochloride XR tablets are the GSK submitted from clinical trials conducted in the USA, bioequivalent generic version of Requip XL tablets, a Mexico, Australia, Belgium and Germany over seven registered trademark of pharma giant SmithKline years in which 7,521 infants and toddlers received at Beecham. least one dose of MenHibrix. The Indian company has obtained the approval of the German Model For Assessment Of New United States Food and Drug Administration for its abbreviated new drug application for ropinirole Medicines Slammed By EU Pharma hydrochloride XR tablets to launch a generic product. Leaders Requip XL had reported sales of around $58 million for June 11, 2012, Pharma Letter the 12 months period ended March 2012 in the US market according to IMS Health. Leading pharmaceutical companies in Europe, represented in the European Federation of Ranbaxy To Relaunch Bessling Brand Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA), May 29, 2012, The Economic Times meeting in Berlin last Friday, called on the German government for urgent action to protect patient access Ranbaxy Laboratories has received US drug regulator's to new medicines and ensure that Germany remains a approval to relaunch one of its best selling brand in the home for pharmaceutical innovation. US after being banned for nearly four years. US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Absorica, a “Recent years have seen the introduction of a series of novel, patented brand formulation of isotretinoin that is punitive measures in Germany. A 16% rebate; an used to treat acne. Organisation of Pharmaceutical Producers of India 3
  • 5. Pharma Spectrum Health and Human Services during the bilateral meeting The drug has been developed by its Canadian partner between India and the US. Cipher Pharmaceuticals to whom Ranbaxy will pay royalties on net sales of the drug, Ranbaxy said in a The primary aim of this collaboration is to initiate a release. "Absorica will be the flagship brand for health research relationship between the two countries Ranbaxy's specialized dermatology sales force," said to generate a better understanding of the molecular and Ranbaxy's Americas senior VP and regional director biological mechanisms underlying diabetes, to Venkat Krishnan said. characterize the genetic, social and environmental determinants, and to identify innovative approaches for improving prevention and treatment of diabetes. R&D/Clinical Trials Hit By Red Tape, Clinical Trial Companies Eye South-East Asia For Global R&D Spending Rises 8.2% In Expansion FY11 June 13, 2012, The Economic Times June 22, 2012, Hindu Business Line Pushed to the wall by an overly cautious drug regulator Global R&D spending, after witnessing a decline in fiscal and an alarmist Indian government, clinical trial 2010, has grown by 8.2 per cent in FY2011, according to companies are looking at South East Asian countries to a Zinnov study. India’s prominence as an R&D hub is expand their business and escape the red tape of Indian growing with the likes of IBM, SAP, Oracle and others authorities. setting up R&D centres and currently, 30 per cent of the top 1000 R&D spenders across verticals have a presence Clinical research companies (CROs), that were aspiring here. to become billion- dollar companies by 2010, had to rework their plans after a Parliamentary Standing This growth has been primarily driven by organisations in Committee report questioned the allegedly unfair and the semiconductor, industrial and consumer hardware unethical trials conducted on Indian patients . and electrical and electronic sectors. Alzheimer’s Vaccine Trial Proves Researchers At CCMB Make Successful Breakthrough Discovery To Contain June 8, 2012, Zee News Diabetes By Deactivating A Gene June 21, 2012, Pharmabiz, A Raju Scientists have found a new vaccine to be effective against Alzheimer’s disease. The vaccine, CAD106, can A team of researchers at the Centre for Cellular and prove a breakthrough in the search for a cure for this Molecular Biology (CCMD) in Hyderabad have come out seriously debilitating dementia disease. Alzheimer’s with a major breakthrough discovery to contain diabetes disease is a complex neurological dementia disease that by successfully deactivating a gene to regulate the is the cause of much human suffering and a great cost to functioning of beta cells in pancreas. society. The malfunction of these beta cells leads to non- According to the World Health Organisation, dementia is production of insulin or production of ineffective insulin. the fastest growing global health epidemic of our age. The research team conducted the experiments on the The prevailing hypothesis about its cause involves APP mouse model. In this model, the researchers could (amyloid precursor protein), a protein that resides in the successfully regulate the mass of beta cells in pancreas outer membrane of nerve cells and that, instead of being of the mouse. broken down, form a harmful substance called beta- amyloid, which accumulates as plaques and kills brain cells. India And US Sign Agreement On Collaboration In Diabetes Research India, US To Begin Collaborative June 19, 2012, The Economic Times Research On Tuberculosis Soon Indian and US have signed an agreement on collaboration June 5, 2012, PharmaBiz in Diabetes Research. The agreement was signed between Ghulam Nabi Azad, Union Minister for Health Even as tuberculosis (TB) continues to threaten the lives and Family Welfare and Kathleen Sebelius, US Secretary, and wellbeing of thousands of people each year in India and several other countries, India and the US will soon Organisation of Pharmaceutical Producers of India 4
  • 6. Pharma Spectrum begin collaborative research on TB under the Indo-US The topical drug is a non-steroidal treatment in Phase II vaccine action programme (VAP). development for psoriasis and atopic dermatitis, Research Triangle Park, NC-based Stiefel said in a The main aim of this initiative is to build and enhance statement. Welichem ($WBI.TSX), headquartered in biomedical and clinical research capacity in India by Burnaby, British Columbia, has gathered safety and establishing long term longitudinal cohorts of TB patients efficacy evidence on the drug........... and their contacts (or other high TB risk patients) for studies using state of the art research tools. Zerhouni Trumpets New R&D Mindset Mergers & At Sanofi June 1, 2012, Fierce Biotech Acquisitions / Sanofi has reorganized its research and development over the past couple of years, and R&D chief Elias Collaborations Zerhouni offered up some insights about the new mindset at the French drug giant. For example, the India, Norway To Extend Partnership In company has emphasized a focus on results of clinical programs over the scientific bureaucracy that has been Healthcare Sector implicated in the industry's lack of R&D productivity. June 21, 2012, The Economic Times "The project is what matters, not people's titles," Zerhouni said, as quoted by Bloomberg. "The least India and Norway have decided to extend by five years hierarchical the model is, the better." its partnership in healthcare sector after the success of their joint efforts in delivering child and maternal health services. At a meeting in Oslo on Monday between Health Eli Lilly Opens Diabetes R&D Center In Secretary P K Pradhan and Norway's Secretary General China from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Bente Angell-Hansen June 1, 2012, BioSpectrum Asia signed a letter of intent to initiate Phase II of the Norway India Partnership Initiative (NIPI) on reducing Eli Lilly officially opened the Lilly China Research and child and maternal mortality. Development Center (LCRDC) on May 30, keeping with its commitment towards China. The center will focus on NIPI is a partnership between India and Norway to discovering innovative diabetes medicines with novel improve delivery of child and maternal health services in mechanisms that can be tailored for the Chinese select states under the National Rural Health Mission population to delay the progression of the disease. (NRHM). The partnership was initiated in 2006 by the Prime Ministers of India and Norway Manmohan Singh and Affecting nearly 90 million Chinese people, diabetes is a Jens Stoltenberg. significant national public health problem, due in part to longer life expectancies, dietary changes and a Piramal In Talk To Buy US Contract sedentary lifestyle emerging in China. Differences in the genetic makeup of Asian patients may also play a role in Drug Maker Cambridge For $200 M diabetes development and progression, and exploring June 16, 2012, Financial Express these differences is a priority for the LCRDC. Piramal Healthcare (PHL) is in talks to buy US contract drug manufacturer Cambridge Major Laboratories (CML) GSK Unit Stiefel Snags Rights To Skin for around $200 million, a person with direct knowledge Drug For CAD$35M of the development said. “Early stage negotiations are May 31, 2012, Fierce Biotech on and it will take a while to conclude the deal,” he said. Stiefel Laboratories has injected a new drug in mid-stage development into its dermatology pipeline. The PHL is the flagship company of the Ajay Piramal-owned company, a unit of GlaxoSmithKline, has ponied up Piramal Group while the Wisconsin-based unlisted CML CAD$35 million ($33.9 million) in an upfront payment to makes pharmaceutical intermediates and active Welichem Biotech for rights to an experimental anti- pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) used in drugs. inflammatory compound dubbed WBI-1001 for markets outside of China, Taiwan, Macao and Hong Kong. Organisation of Pharmaceutical Producers of India 5
  • 7. Pharma Spectrum GSK Unit To Buy Basilea Eczema Drug India Firm Shakes Up Cancer Drug For $227m Market With Price Cuts June 13, 2012, Financial Express (epaper June 16, 2012, The Economic Times page 10) Indian pharmaceutical tycoon Yusuf Hamied GlaxoSmithK.ine is to buy Basilea’s new eczema drug revolutionised AIDS treatment more than a decade ago Toctino for an initial 146 million pounds ($227 million) to by supplying cut-price drugs to the world's poor -- and boost its Stiefel dermatology business, the two now he wants to do the same for cancer. Hamied, companies said on Thursday. The Swiss biotech company chairman of generic drugs giant Cipla, last month slashed is also entitled to further payments of up to 50 million the cost of three medicines to fight brain, kidney and pounds if the drug is approved in the United States, as lung cancer in India, making the drugs up to more than well as double-digit percentage payments o US sales four times cheaper. begning three years after launch. "I hope we'll cut prices of many more cancer drugs," he told AFP, adding that he wants to supply the cheaper Pricing drugs to Africa and elsewhere. Drugmakers Warn German Pricing Is Roche Slashes MabThera Price In S. Killing Innovation Africa To Drive Sales June 14, 2012, Fierce Pharma June 20, 2012, Fierce Pharma As economies have wilted in Europe, Germany has been Drugmakers are chafing under European price cuts. But all about austerity and how that is the only way to cure more and more, they're cutting prices on their own in the E.U.'s financial woes. But the backlash from the developing world. It's part of the strategy to increase drugmakers to German drug pricing has become so emerging markets sales, a recognition of the fact that significant that, for its own consumers, drugmakers warn developing countries, a., can't afford drugs at the prices the cure may be becoming worse than the disease. charged in U.S. and Europe, and b., present very different tactical challenges. Novartis pulled its blood pressure medication Rasilamlo from the German market three months after introducing Roche is the latest mover: The Swiss drugmaker has cut it to Germany. Eli Lilly simply bypassed Germany with its the price on its MabThera cancer treatment by one-half launch of Trajenta, the diabetes drug it's launching in in South Africa. The move will immediately increase Europe with Boehringer Ingelheim. volume, Business Day says. The government hasn't been able to afford routine use of the pricey drug, which MNCs Get Flexibility In Transfer treats lymphoma, leukemia and rheumatoid arthritis. Pricing; Move Will Dispel Fear Among Now, more patients can get it. Foreign Companies Pharma Herd Faces Hurdles With June 11, 2012, The Economic Times Pricey New Drugs The government has allowed multinationals flexibility in June 20, 2012, Fierce Pharma valuing their transfer of intangibles such as brand to their Indian subsidiaries without any fear of the tax There was a time when specialty care drugs for diseases department. The government hopes it will dispel the such as multiple sclerosis, cancer and rare genetic fears that India was gunning for foreign companies after disorders flew under the radar of payers, as the it changed income tax law retrospectively and treatments gobbled up a modest piece of the overall announced tough tax avoidance rules. prescription-drug spending pie. The new rule will allow multinationals to use any arms- That time is over. With drugmakers flocking to these length methodology to value intangibles such as brand lucrative drug markets, the bar has risen to get name, goodwill, and dealer network that are transferred reimbursement and physician uptake of the expensive to their Indian subsidiary, withdrawing any discretion to products. But there are ways to hedge bets in the the tax officer to question the value so determined. specialty care game. Organisation of Pharmaceutical Producers of India 6
  • 8. Pharma Spectrum U.K. Pharma Balks At Value-Based Trade Organisation, resisting attempts by the US, Japan and some other developed countries to club counterfeits Pricing Ideas or copies of patented drugs with fake or spurious ones. June 7, 2012, Fierce Pharma "The cases of seizure of high quality generic or off- Drugmakers are squaring off against the U.K.'s price- patent drugs by third countries that hold patents for setting proposals. As Britain approaches its new value- these could gain legitimacy if counterfeits are confused based pricing system--set to come into effect in 2014--an with fakes," an Indian official told ET. "We cannot allow industry association warns that the government's… this as it could seriously hinder access to cheap drugs by the poor." ACTA Will Make Life Saving Drugs Costlier For The Poor Anti-Overtime Ruling A Disguised May 31, 2012, The Economic Times Blessing For Reps, Recruiters Say June 21, 2012, Fierce Pharma Joseph Munyi, a Kenyan citizen, has been living with HIV for 8 years and, much like other HIV patients, is The Supreme Court denied pharma sales reps their unemployed. He has been receiving his medication free overtime. But it may have saved many of their jobs--not of charge on account of government programmes and to mention their bonuses, industry recruiters say. If the outreach programmes of Medicine Sans Frontieres. His ruling had gone in the reps' favor, drugmakers would medication comes in the form of generic drugs. have been on the hook for billions in back pay--and that outlay could have triggered another round of salesforce However, this situation may not last long as economic layoffs, Dow Jones reports. interests of few may end up impeding many a public spirited citizen of the world from executing her bounden The ruling came in GlaxoSmithKline's ($GSK) overtime duty as a human to ameliorate the conditions of the case, and it likely saved the company hundreds of underprivileged. millions, if not billions. Other companies with pending suits would have faced similar liabilities. Plus, the ruling would have inspired other reps to sue their companies Trade & Others for back pay. Voilá, billions in immediate costs. Indian Drug Outlook Favourable: ICRA MSF Appeals European Nations Not To & Moody’s Ratify Anti-Counterfeiting Trade June 21, 2012, The Economic Times Agreement June 25, 2012, Pharmabiz, Ramesh Shankar Outlook on the Indian pharmaceutical industry remains favourable, says ICRA & Moody report released on Even as the European Parliament is meeting in July to Wednesday. Domestic formulation market grew by 13- give its final voting on the proposed Anti-Counterfeiting 16% per annum in last five years. According to the Trade Agreement (ACTA), the international medical report, domestic formulation market size stood at Rs humanitarian organization Médecins Sans Frontières 58,300 crore, ranked third in terms of volume and tenth (MSF) has appealed to the contracting states not to sign in terms of value, globally. and ratify the Agreement unless all concerns related to access to medicines are fully addressed. The domestic growth was driven mainly by expansion in volumes and new introductions. Lifestyle-related Terming the Agreement as a 'Blank Cheque for Abuse', disorders are driving growth at faster pace in chronic MSF said that the Agreement is flawed and should not be segments along with increasing healthcare spending. accepted in its current form. Enlisting the concerns, the international NGO said that ACTA is not restricted to Pfizer Expects To Wrap Up Prempro trademark counterfeiting. Suits For $1.2B Total June 19, 2012, Fierce Pharma India, Brazil & China Defend Generic Drugs At WTO The price tag Pfizer's Prempro settlements is now in. The June 25, 2012, The Economic Times drugmaker has paid $896 million to wrap up about 60% of the patient lawsuits, Bloomberg reports. That's about India, Brazil and China have defended the right of poor 6,000 cases, all alleging that its hormone-replacement countries to access cheap generic medicines at the World drugs caused breast cancer. Organisation of Pharmaceutical Producers of India 7
  • 9. Pharma Spectrum Pfizer has also set aside more money--$330 million--to Australia’s PIC Reports To Ministers On cover the rest of its Prempro liability. That's for about 4,000 suits still outstanding. Total: $1.226 billion for Treatment And Reimbursement Of 10,000 cases, or a little more than $120,000 per case, on Similar Biologics average. June 14, 2012, Pharma Letter Drug Export Up 27% At Rs 60,000 Crore The Australian Pharmaceuticals Industry Council (PIC), In FY 12 with industry group members AusBiotech, Medicines Australia and the GMiA (representing generic June 19, 2012, The Economic Times drugmakers), has today reported to the federal government on the preferred treatment of follow-on India's exports of drugs, pharmaceutical & fine chemicals biologics for reimbursement. grew 27% to Rs 60,000 crore for the year ended March 2012, according to data compiled by Pharmaceutical The PIC has been considering the issue of regulation of Exports Council of India (Pharmexcil). The export figure similar biologic medicinal products (SBMPs) - also known is now close to the size of the Indian formulations as biosimilars - and specifically their treatment for market which currently stands at around Rs 62,000 crore, reimbursement, following a request by the former which is growing at 15-20% annually. Minister for Health and Aging for the PIC to try to reach a sector-wide consensus on a policy for managing the However, the exports and the local formulations listing and pricing of biosimilars on the Pharmaceutical numbers are not comparable as the exports data include Benefits Scheme (PBS). sale of active pharmaceutical ingredients or basic raw materials used to make drug. The revenues of the domestic market takes into account only branded Drugstores Accuse Pfizer, Teva Of finished medicines. Blocking Effexor Generics June 14, 2012, Fierce Pharma Takeda To Stop Selling 13 Pfizer Drugs In Japan CVS Caremark and Rite Aid have signed on to the Effexor XR conspiracy theory. In an antitrust lawsuit, the June 16, 2012, Reuters drugstore chains allege that Pfizer's ($PFE) Wyeth unit and Teva Pharmaceutical Industries ($TEVA) colluded to Takeda Pharmaceutical Co, Japan's biggest drugmaker, delay generic versions of the blockbuster antidepressant. said on Monday it will stop distributing 13 Pfizer Inc drugs it now sells in Japan at the end of this year and As Reuters points out, it's just the latest accusation of Pfizer itself will begin selling them from 2013. The 13 generic-blocking shenanigans boosting sales of Effexor drugs include antibiotic Minomycin, anticancer agents XR, the extended-release version of venlafaxine. Back in Torisel and Mylotarg, and depression treatment Amoxan. December, Walgreen, Kroger, Safeway, Supervalu and The list did not include Viagra. HEB Grocery together filed a similar suit against the two drugmakers. Both companies have denied the Takeda said it will continue to distribute Prevenar, a allegations. pneumococcus vaccine for children, and the haemophilia B drug BeneFIX. It also said it and Pfizer will continue to work together on the arthritis drug Enbrel. Indian Companies Eye $1billion Generic Opportunity Lipitor Generic’s Mkt Shrinks 96% In US June 13, 2012, The Times of India On Over-Crowding It's literally a billion-dollar opportunity. In the wake of June 16, 2012, The Economic Times patent expiries on three blockbuster drugs over the last six-seven months, an opportunity worth nearly $1.3 A higher-than-expected price erosion of cholesterol- billion is up for grabs for domestic generic players. With lowering Lipitor, the world’s best selling drug, is set to three drugs - Lipitor, Zyprexa and more recently Plavix - affect the earning of Indian drug makers Ranbaxy going off-patent, along with a sharp rupee depreciation, Laboratories and Dr. Reddy’s. The market of a significant revenue upside has emerged for players like atorvastatin, the generic version of Lipitor, shrunk 96% in Ranbaxy, Dr Reddy's and others. the US on May 30-the first day after expiration of Ranbaxy Laboratories’ 180 day marketing exclusivity – as Of this, Ranbaxy is believed to have mopped up an several new players entered the market estimated $600-million revenue already from generic Lipitor since it was launched in December last year, analysts say. Organisation of Pharmaceutical Producers of India 8
  • 10. Pharma Spectrum CRAMS Holds Big Opportunity For The mere passage of a law that requires drug companies to disclose how much money they pay doctors may not Indian Generic change physician prescribing practices, suggests a new June 8, 2012, The Times of India study. In two states that passed so-called sunshine laws requiring drugmakers to disclose payments, doctors' A global study has resized worldwide market for contract choices of which drugs to prescribe for their patients did research and development services, with pharmaceutical not differ much from those of peers in states without industry increasing its reliance on outsourcing to such a law. accelerate development of new medicines. A host of domestic companies- Jubilant, Piramal, Divis Labs, However, since the disclosure of information was to Quintiles, Biocon and Syngene- offering businesses like state agencies, not the general public, the state laws manufacturing, custom research and clinical trials, are were less likely to influence doctors' behavior, one trying to catch a piece of the action. expert not involved in the research noted. "It was a way of doing a quick analysis to even see if there was an India To Take Up With Brazil Issues impact we could measure," said Kavita Nair, the study's senior author and a associate professor at University of Faced By Pharma Cos Colorado School of Pharmacy in Aurora. June 8, 2012, Hindu Business Line WHO Will Set Generics Apart From India will take up with Brazil the barriers faced by Indian pharmaceutical companies, including procedural delays, Counterfeits and the consequent increase in costs of exports. The June 4, 2012, DNA procedural delays happen during inspections, clearances and registration by the Brazilian authorities. World Health Organisation (WHO) has adopted a resolution to clearly define counterfeit medical products The issue is part of India's campaign in Latin America to (CMP) so as to set them apart from genuine generic boost its pharma exports, including generic drugs, as the drugs. The resolution follows intense lobbying by India at sector also faces similar non-tariff barriers in other Latin the World Health Assembly (WHA) last week and is seen American countries. This will be high on the agenda at as a major diplomatic win. the bilateral discussions during the June 9-15 visit to Brazil by the Commerce Minister, Mr Anand Sharma, The country has worked through back-channel ways at official sources said. the inter-governmental level for almost two years to pressurise the international organisation. This also means US Regulator Calls For Action On Fake WHO will limit its role to public health issues and not get into the debate of intellectual property rights (IPR)..... Drugs June 7, 2012, Financial Times Memos Show PhRMA, Pfizer Led Big Laws to combat counterfeit drug trafficking are toothless Pharma Support For Healthcare Bill and need to be toughened, Margaret Hamburg, June 1, 2012, Fierce Parma commissioner of the US Food and Drug Administration, said on Wednesday. In an interview with the Financial The cat is out of the bag so to speak with the disclosure Times, Ms Hamburg said current penalties for peddling of memos today detailing the level of drug industry fake prescription medicines were the same as those for support for passage of President Obama's prized selling fake Gucci handbags and weaker than healthcare reform. It was never a secret that Big Pharma punishments for people selling illicit drugs. came on board to support the legislation, but memos released today by a Republican committee show that its “We need legal authorities to give teeth to our actions,” key trade association PhRMA, led by Pfizer, elicited Ms Hamburg said. “We are increasingly concerned that industry support and agreed to pay for advertising this is becoming an attractive area for bad guys, campaigns to boost its chances of passage. including organised crime.” Her remarks came after two recent high-profile cases of fake drugs circulating In return, the administration agreed to stand in the way through the US supply chain. of provisions the industry didn't like, Bloomberg reports. The memos show that drugmakers were most concerned Do Doctor-Payment Sunshine Laws about price controls from Medicare and the consumers getting access to cheaper drugs in other countries. Work? June 5, 2012, Reuters Organisation of Pharmaceutical Producers of India 9
  • 11. Pharma Spectrum US FDA May Impose Huge Drug User Fee On Generic Imports Soon, India To New Appointments Hit Badly May 28, 2012, Pharmabiz, Suja Nair No Relevant News Shirodkar The US FDA may introduce a Generic Drug User Fee Act (GDUFA) soon to curb import of cheap generic drugs into that country. The proposed Act empowers the US government to fix an exorbitant fee on the import of each generic product category coming from any overseas sources. The US currently imports about 80 per cent of APIs and Domestic 40 per cent of generics made in the overseas locations. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently completed and submitted its recommendations for the IPR proposed Generic Drug User Fee Act (GDUFA) to the Congress. Nexavar Licence Does Not Violate Trade Pact: Sharma June 15, 2012, Indian Express Biotechnology Commerce and Industry Minister Anand Sharma on Thursday said that issuance of compulsory licence to Abbott Stands Alone In Challenge To anti-cancer drug Nexavar by India is not violative of any provision of multi-lateral trade agreement. “We have not Biosimilars Law violated of any WTO agreement...this (invoking CL) is June 22, 2012, Fierce Pharma very much in conformity with the international agreement under the WTO,” Sharma said while So far Abbott Laboratories is having to fly solo in its addressing industry leaders of the pharmaceutical challenge to the legality of the biosimilar provision in sectors in Sao Paulo, Brazil. the Affordable Healthcare Act. In a citizens petition filed with the FDA in April, the biologicsmaker claimed that In March, Hyderabad-based Natco Pharma was allowed to its rheumatoid arthritis drug Humira cannot be copied manufacture and sell cancer-treatment drug Nexavar at because it would be illegal to require Abbott to cough up a price over 30 times lower than charged by patent- the trade secrets that it has spent "massive amounts of holder Bayer Corporation, under compulsory licensing money" to develop, The Wall Street Journal reports. (CL). Further, it contends that no biologic drug approved before passage of the law should be considered for Patents: A Prize For Inventors Will biosimilar approval. There has been plenty of opposition Help from those groups that want to see consumers benefit June 2, 2012, Hindu Business Line from cheaper biologic drugs coming to market sooner and are concerned the challenge will hold up a new A potentially game-changing idea is that if an inventor is market for biosimilars. rewarded with a huge cash award upfront in exchange for his invention becoming available immediately for public use, unseemly patent battles waged across Medical Diagnostics continents will be a thing of past. / Devices Patents are country-specific, so much so that a person registering one in his home country has no choice but to also register it in all the countries where the product or process is likely to be used. Under WTO norms, dictated No Relevant News by the powerful Western world, the patent-holder enjoys monopoly rights over his invention for 20 years. Organisation of Pharmaceutical Producers of India 10
  • 12. Pharma Spectrum Scientists Float Group To Protect medicines. The department of pharmaceuticals had set up a committee on price negotiations of patented Intellectual Rights medicines and there has been no substantial outcome on June 2, 2012, Indian Express the committee,” the commerce ministry said in a note to the group of ministers on pharma pricing policy. Invoking the case of Binayak Sen, four senior scientists have formed a pressure group of “elder scientists” that will take up issues related to “rights of scientists and other intellectual workers”. The group announced its Regulatory formation in the latest issue of Current Science, jointly published by the Indian Academy of Sciences and the Current Science Association, and invited opinions. We Will Prove The Poor Can Access Healthcare: Dr Devi Prasad Shetty, “Some time ago, when Binayak Sen, an eminent health Narayana Hrudayalaya activist and vice-president of the People’s Union for Civil Liberties, was sentenced by a Chhattisgarh court to life June 25, 2012, The Economic Times imprisonment for sedition..., nine former presidents of the three principal Academies of science in India If Dr Devi Prasad Shetty's vision comes true, most Indians endorsed an appeal by more than 50 Nobel laureates..., will have access to quality healthcare. Dr Shetty says the supporting Sen and urging immediate release,” the group cost of healthcare in India can come down by 50% in the wrote. next 5-10 years, and this will be forced on the hospitals by the government if service providers do not get their act together. How P H Kurien Took On Global Patents System To Make Very Costly "If you are going to say the cost of a heart surgery is 3 lakh for a rich man, it is fine. But for somebody who has Drug Affordable For Poor sold his house, it is unacceptable," he says. Shetty, who May 30, 2012, The Economic Times pioneered the low-cost treatment model, said the lower cost is achievable if hospitals increased the number of It is said that only God and a few good men and women procedures by 1,000 times. run India. One such man is P H Kurien. For readers unfamiliar with his name, Kurien was India's Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trade Marks until March NRHM Funds To Be Linked To States’ 12, 2012. On March 9, 2012, just three days before he Performance left office, he issued the first-ever compulsory licence in June 25, 2012, The Times of India India for the manufacture of a drug still under patent. For the first time ever, funds allocated to states under The licence authorized Indian company Natco to the country's flagship National Rural Health Mission manufacture drug Naxevar for which Bayer, a German (NRHM) will be cut by almost 15% if they fail to place multinational company, holds the patent. This was an doctors and health workers (even on contractual basis) act of major significance for India's health. Since March to districts with the worst health index. 3, 2008, when it got the Indian patent, Bayer has imported Naxevar, selling its monthly dose at the States will also have to post performance audits of whopping price of 2,80,428 or $5,420. Unsurprisingly, health facilities online, failing which up to 7.5% of their only 2% of Indian patients have been able to afford it. total outlay will be deducted. For the first time, NRHM's programme implementation plan (PIP) for the year 2012- Commerce Ministry Locks Horns With 13 has put in place incentives to reward high performing states and also punish those who fail. Pharma Dept Over Patented Medicines May 29, 2012, Financial Express Pharma Units In Himachal Under Commerce ministry has locked horns with the Scanner For Spurious Drugs Production department of pharmaceuticals for the latter’s alleged June 22, 2012, The Times of India inaction on the plan to bring patented drugs under a price negotiation system. There is no provision for any Seeing around 25000 crore pharmaceutical industry of regulation on patented drugs in the proposed new pricing Himachal Pradesh facing credibility crisis due to the policy for drugs. production of sub standard drugs, state government has finally started acting against the drug manufacturing “The National Pharmaceutical Pricing Policy is restricted units by suspending their licenses. Recently the licences to generics alone and does not cover patented Organisation of Pharmaceutical Producers of India 11
  • 13. Pharma Spectrum of seven companies were suspended after drugs approvals given by the competent authority so far were manufactured by them failed the test. 'in order' and there was no need to re-examine the approvals given or recall any particular drug from the Considering the fact 600 pharmaceutical industries market on the grounds of errors in approval process, located in Himachal Pradesh caters to around 50% highly placed sources confirmed. demand of country, over the years Himachal Pradesh has become the largest suppliers of drugs and almost all the Improving The Picture Of India’s states in India are getting supplies from Himachal. Healthcare India In Race To Contain Untreatable June 18, 2012, Business Standard Tuberculosis In the din of a slowing economy, falling rupee, June 21, 2012, Livemint rampaging inflation, and incessant political manoeuvrings, India’s list of challenges continues to India’s slow response to years of medical warnings now grow. Of all these challenges, there is one that seems threatens to turn the country into an incubator for a insurmountable already, and worse, could soon end up mutant strain of tuberculosis (TB) that is proving becoming a calamity, aggravating the suffering of resistant to all known treatments, raising alarms of a hundreds of millions of Indians. new global health hazard. This challenge relates to the provision of affordable, “We finally have ended up with a virtually untreatable accessible, and accountable healthcare to every single strain” of TB in India, said Dr Zarir Udwadia, one of the citizen of India. On just about every single measurable country’s leading TB authorities. In December, Dr indicator of healthcare infrastructure, India is rapidly Udwadia reported in a medical journal that he had four deteriorating. TB patients resistant to all treatment. By January, he had a dozen cases, then 15. Pharma Cos Sell Drugs 10 Times Cost: CCI Seeks Partnership Agreements MCA June 16, 2012, Financial Express With Global Counterparts June 20, 2012, Livemint Leading pharma companies, including GlaxoSmithkline, Pfizer and Ranbaxy, sell commonly used drugs at a rate To strengthen its extra-territorial jurisdiction, the 10 times the cost of production, a study by the Competition Commission of India (CCI) is entering into Corporate Affairs Ministry has found. A study by the Cost cooperation agreements with its counterparts in other Audit branch of the MCA found drugs like Calpol nations. Extra-territorial jurisdiction relates to acts that manufactured by Glaxosmithkline, Corex Cough Syrup by take place outside the country but have an effect on Pfizer, Revital by Ranbaxy Global, Omez by Dr Reddy's competition in India. Labs, Azithral by Alembic and several others were being sold at a mark up of up to 1,123 per cent over the cost India’s competition watchdog is close to signing a of production. memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the US Federal Trade Commission’s Bureau of Competition, said Worried over the findings of the study, Corporate Affairs a CCI official with direct knowledge of the development. Minister M Veerappa Moily has written to the ministers of A draft MoU was prepared in November and is awaiting Chemical and Fertilizers M K Alagiri and Health Ghulam the foreign ministry’s approval. Nabi Azad seeking appropriate action on curbing this practice of pharma companies. CDSCO Rules Out Review Or Recall Of 33 Drugs Approved Between Jan 2008 Parliamentary Panel Sceptic About To Oct 2010 Physical Targets For Improving Human June 18, 2012, Pharmabiz, Joseph Alexander Resources In Health June 15, 2012, Pharmabiz, Joseph Alexander Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation (CDSCO) will not review or recall the 33 controversial drugs which The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Health has were reportedly cleared without clinical trials on Indian expressed apprehension on achieving the physical targets patients during the period of January 2008 to October set for the current Five Year Plan for improving the 2010. human resources in the health sector and called for more allocation to paramedical sectors including pharmacists. The regulatory authorities are of the view that all Organisation of Pharmaceutical Producers of India 12
  • 14. Pharma Spectrum The Department of Health has set physical targets set to Amravati, 46 in Aurangabad and 29 in Mumbai received be accomplished in Twelfth Five year Plan which notices. "Our drive exposed how many chemists were not includes training capacity of 80,000 MBBS doctors and following any norms. 45,000 specialists per annum by 2020 and bringing down the doctor: population ratio from 1:2000 to 1:1000. FIPB To Continue As Gate-Keeper On Azad Visits US FDA; Stresses On Pharma Mergers For Now June 7, 2012, Business Line Importance Of Collaboration With US In Food And Drug Regulation Who will be gate-keeper for the pharmaceutical June 14, 2012, PharmaBiz industry, watching over local companies being acquired by foreign owners? The Foreign Investment Promotion The Union minister for health and family welfare, board (FIPB), the Competition Commission of India (CCI) Ghulam Nabi Azad has stressed on the importance of or both? Until a final call is taken by the ministries collaboration with the USA in food and drug regulation as involved, the FIPB is set to continue as gate-keeper, said this will provide exposure to the Indian regulators to a source, after a meeting on the issue convened by the international best practices in this area. Finance Ministry, on Wednesday. Azad was speaking at the headquarters of the US Food Addressing public health concerns raised by the Health and Drug Regulatory Administration (FDA) at Maryland. Ministry, and to streamline investment in local drug Azad is member of the high level Indian delegation companies, guidelines will be outlined on the FIPB Web visiting the USA. site, the source said. For instance, companies looking for local acquisitions will have to ensure they continue to manufacture essential medicines (if the acquired entity CSR A Must In Cos Bill was making them); and not discontinue ongoing research June 13, 2012, The Economic Times (epaper in critical areas. page2) FDA Foresees Jump In Apps For Cancer Decks have been cleared for reintroduction of the Companies Bill,2011,in the monsoon session. If the bill is Drugs passed after endorsing all the suggestions made by the June 6, 2012, Fiercer Biotech Parliamentary Standing Committee on Finance, corporate social responsibility (CSR) would, for the first U.S. regulators expect to review lots of cancer drugs this time in the world, become mandatory. year. With developers finding ways to get early readouts on efficacy, companies are expediting programs to set The report recommends that companies with net worth the stage for rapid development and speedy approvals of above.500 crore, or an annual turnover of over.1,000 new anti-cancer therapies. crore, earmark 2% of average net profits of three years towards CSR. In the draft Companies Bill,2009,the CSR In an interview with Reuters, FDA oncology chief Dr. clause was voluntary though it was mandatory for Richard Pazdur predicts that the agency will receive 20 companies to disclose their CSR spends to shareholders. submissions for cancer drugs in 2012. It's too early to tell whether that will lead to an increase in approvals this year, but the number says a lot about intense 35% Chemists In Maharashtra Flout participation in cancer drug research around the Abortion Drug Norms: Food And Drug biopharma industry. Administration June 13, 2012, The Times of India DCGI Asks State Drug Controllers To Keep Tab On Trials To Wipe Out Illegal Nearly 35% of drug retailers and wholesalers in the state were found flouting norms claims the Food and Drug Practices Administration, which launched a crackdown following June 6, 2012, PharmaBiz cases of female feticide in Beed. Out of the 954 retailers and wholesalers inspected in the last six days, 340 were With reports of illegal trials affecting public safety, the served show-cause notices for irregularities in Central drug authorities have asked all the State drug maintaining records and selling abortion drugs without a controllers to keep a close tab on the clinical trials prescription. happening around and stop illegal trials especially those done individually by the doctors without due permission Eighty-eight chemists in the Konkan region were served from the Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation show-cause notices. Sixty-five chemists in Pune, 50 in (CDSCO). Organisation of Pharmaceutical Producers of India 13
  • 15. Pharma Spectrum Talking to Pharmabiz, Drug Controller General of India Eli Lilly and Co. focusing on the growing diabetes market (DCGI) Dr G N Singh admitted that there could be is likely to set a new trend in the highly competitive individual cases of doctors carrying out trials on their local drug market, where foreign drug makers are own for some companies, Indian or foreign, without aggressively taking on entrenched generic rivals. informing the authorities. Such cases lead to unethical practices and cause troubles, he added. The global collaboration combining the portfolio of the two to address a particular disease segment and selling Industry Leaders Call For Overhauling the products through a common team in various markets is the first such alliance in the drug industry. Of CDSCO For Better Efficiency, Transparency GSK Launches Metered-Dose Inhalers In June 4, 2012, Pharmabiz, Nandita Vijay India Even as The Lancet report exposes the inadequacies of June 7, 2012, Business Line the functioning of Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO), industry stakeholders have called Asthma patients will now be able to buy the enhanced for an overhaul of India's regulatory machinery on a version of a Metered Dose Inhaler (MDI) with a dose priority basis including staffing policy of the counter, from their local chemists. Multinational drug- organization. maker GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals has launched the product with this new technology in the country, a According to a stakeholder, “A competent CDCSO is of first of its kind, company officials said. utmost importance and requires a leader who is conversant with the nuances of this highly technical and The inhaler has an innovative dose counter that keeps research-driven business.” Further, he added, the track of number of doses left. This helps the patients to regulator should have a formal pharmacy education, to take the right number of drug doses. The inhaler also has discharge duties efficiently. a locking system which prevents drug wastage when the inhaler is not in use. Dr G N Singh's Term As DCGI Extended For Another 3 Months May 31, 2012, Pharmabiz R&D/Clinical Trials The health ministry further extended the tenure of Dr G Doctors Discuss Problems Related To N Singh with the additional charges of the Drug Controller General of India (DCGI) by three more months Clinical Act effective from May 22. The order announcing the same June 22, 2012, The Times of India was issued by the health ministry on May 29 and comes as a great relief to the industry which has been A meeting of city doctors under the banner of Allahabad demanding for some stability in the position of the drug Medical Association(AMA) was held on Thursday where regulator of the country. the speakers discussed problems arising after the passage of Clinical Establishment Act by the government. Dr Singh informed that now with this order he will be able to bring in stability to his position by enacting and Addressing the gathering, state president Indian Medical working on the mission of the CDSCO to safeguard and association (IMA) Dr Ashok Agarwal said: "the government enhance public health by assuring safety, efficacy and is making medical facilities expensive for the common quality of drugs, cosmetics and medical devices in the man in the same manner as it is increasing the prices of country. essential commodities including sugar, onion, petrol, pulses, rice and green vegetables. New Products Six New AIIMS Will Give Fillip To Medical Research: Ghulam Nabi Azad June 21, 2012, The Economic Times Boehringer-Lilly Alliance Likely To Set Trend Admitting that inadequate number of doctors has June 15, 2012, Livemint affected medical research in the country, Union Health Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad today expressed hope that The business alliance between German drug maker the sector would get a fillip with the coming up of six Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH and US biotechnology firm new AIIMS from next year. Organisation of Pharmaceutical Producers of India 14
  • 16. Pharma Spectrum "Six new AIIMS in the country will start functioning by caused by invasive non-typhoidal Salmonella (NTS). This April next year in different states, including Jodhpur in strain is most common in the sub Saharan African regions Rajasthan. This will ease pressure on AIIMS Delhi and among malnourished children. About 20-30% of the research work will get momentum," he said at a press children are known to die because of this infectious conference here. disease each year. Pharma Industry Urges Govt To Woo Lab- Grown Vein Transplant Milestone Back Scientists In Stem Cell Research June 20, 2012, Financial Express June 15, 2012, Indian Express As the government begins to correct deficiencies in the In a first, doctors in Sweden have transplanted into the drug regulatory process brought forth by a parliamentary body of 10-year-old girl a vein grown in the laboratory panel, the industry has urged it to woo back Indian from her own stem cells. The core team that performed scientists working with reputed global drug regulatory the procedure was led by Dr Suchitra Holgersson, a agencies of US and UK. transplant medicine specialist originally from Mumbai, and included four other doctors from India. The In a letter to union health minister Ghulam Nabi Azad, landmark transplant was published in the British medical pharma sector captains through the auspices of industry journal The Lancet on Thursday. body Assocham, have said, “It is fortunate that a pool of Indian origin scientists populate the world’s leading The procedure “could offer a potential new way for regulators like US FDA (Food and Drug Administration) patients lacking healthy veins to undergo dialysis or and UK MHRA (Medicines and Health products Regulatory heart bypass surgery without the problems of synthetic Agency). grafts or the need for lifelong immunosuppressive drugs”, The Lancet said. Indian Platform For Sharing, Viewing Research Available For Foreign Health Min To Notify Procedures And Institutes Quantum Of Compensation To Victims June 20, 2012, Business Standard Of Trials Soon June 13, 2012, Pharmabiz, Joseph Alexander Knimbus, an India-based global search and collaboration platform for researchers, is set to offer its services in The Health Ministry will soon formally notify the foreign varsities. A platform that connects creators and procedures and amount of compensation to be paid by users of scientific, technical and medical knowledge to the pharmaceuticals companies, if a volunteer dies or online content and peer groups, Knimbus is in the gets injured during a clinical trial. “The Government has process of extending services to institutes in the United already published the draft rules for the new schedule States and some European countries. Y1 under the Drugs and Cosmetic Rules, 1945 and it is under the stipulated process of examination before the It has also tied up with a partner in Germany and is in final notification. the process of forging ties with about 25 universities in Bangladesh. Knimbus was co-founded by Rahul Agarwalla However, with a view to tighten the norms on clinical and Tarun Arora in November 2010, and the service went trials, several sections of the amendment have already live in September 2011. been implemented,” Drug Controller General of India (DCGI) Dr G N Singh said. “We are in the process of Bharat Biotech Receives $ 4 Million finalising the detailed procedures and amount of compensation and on making the companies liable for Award From The Wellcome Trust For causes of damages during the trials. This will be notified Development And Clinical Trials within a couple of months,” he said. June 19, 2012, The Economic Times Pharma Companies Need Aggressive Vaccine manufacturer Bharat Biotech and The University R&D And Patent Filing: Experts of Maryland Center for Vaccine Development (CVD) have received $ 4 million from The Wellcome Trust for clinical June 11, 2012, The Economic Times development of a new conjugate vaccine for treating an infectious disease. Indian pharmaceutical companies need to go for aggressive research and patent filing like China and The Trust will also fund clinical trials beginning in three Japan and unless spending on R&D is scaled up, it would years to prevent the potentially lethal infectious disease be difficult to create new molecules, industry experts Organisation of Pharmaceutical Producers of India 15
  • 17. Pharma Spectrum said. "Our Indian companies are just beginning to realise After keeping it dormant for many years, the that they also need an R&D Department, as merely Department of Health Research is fast-tracking for the quality control would not help. final approval from the Cabinet a comprehensive bill to regulate and monitor the entire research on the human Unless spending on R&D is scaled up, it will be difficult subjects in the country. to create new molecules. It is time to go for aggressive research and patent filing just like China and Japan," Sources said the modified Biomedical Research on Human Deputy Controller of Patents & Designs, Intellectual Subjects Bill is in the final stages. “The Cabinet note is Property Office K S Kardam said at a workshop on being prepared for submission and approval. The plans 'Patenting Pharmaceuticals in India'. are afoot to place it before the Parliament this year itself and put into effect,” sources said. R & D in India June 5, 2012, Indian Express University Of Pune With Serum Institute Complete Animal Study On Foreign direct investment may have slowed, but India still has a vibrant, sophisticated and rapidly evolving Herbal Vaccine, Adjuvants R&D sector. India should be a compelling proposition for May 30, 2012, Pharmabiz, Nandita Vijay multinational companies seeking an emerging market R&D location. The country’s large educated population, University of Pune’s Interdisciplinary School of Health its low labour costs and its huge and rapidly emerging Sciences and Serum Institute of India, in a collaborative middle class suggest the ideal environment for global research programme, have completed animal study on R&D investment. herbal vaccine, adjuvants. The project was supported by Department of Science and Technology. And back in the heady days of 2006, the country was certainly living up to that potential. FDI in R&D India was In another study, the Pune University along with US- $3.8 billion, more than in China and Eastern Europe based BioVed Pharmaceuticals Inc. went on to research combined. on blood disorder properties in cancer bearing animals which is ready for commercialization. Abbott To Strengthen Its Research Capability In India, Also Scouts For University Partner To Spur Innovation Mergers & June 5, 2012, PharmaBiz Abbott has now commenced its advanced nutrition Acquisitions / research in collaboration with Syngene. The multinational drug major has set up the Abbott Nutrition Collaborations R&D Centre in the Biocon Park which houses the Biocon Biopharmaceutical Research Centre (BBRC). The company is also in the process of scouting for a PMO Seeks Legal Opinion On Pharma University partner to spur its innovation in research in FDI Issue the country. June 25, 2012, Financial Express The company has already tie-up with the University of The Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) has sought a legal Illinois where it has set up a Centre for Nutrition and opinion on whether the Competition Commission of India Cognition. In India, Abbott is looking not just to tap the (CCI) can have the mandate of clearing or halting talent of young researchers but also look at a similar approvals of proposed brownfield pharma FDI deals on initiative to advance its research and comprehension on the grounds of public health. In a recent letter sent to the needs of the Indian nutrition market, said Dr Robert the law ministry, the PMO has sought its views on the H Miller, divisional vice president, Global R&D and matter. Scientific Affairs for Abbott Nutrition. This comes after the multiple arms of government - Dept Of Health Research Fast-Tracking ministry of health and ministry of commerce and industry as well as a section of the domestic industry - Cabinet Nod For Bill To Regulate put up sustained resistance to an earlier decision taken Clinical Research in October last year to empower the CCI to assume the May 30, 2012, Pharmabiz, Joseph Alexander role of the filter of brownfield pharma deals. Organisation of Pharmaceutical Producers of India 16
  • 18. Pharma Spectrum Ministries Oppose PMO View On GSK Extends $2.6 Billion Bid For Pharma Deal Rules Human Genome Sciences June 14, 2012, Business Standard June 8, 2012, Fierce Pharma The ministries of finance, commerce and health appear GlaxoSmithKline said it would and now it has. It to have locked horns with the Prime Minister’s Office extended its $2.6 billion hostile bid for shares of its (PMO) over the regulation of cross-border deals for partner Human Genome Sciences by three weeks. The expansion in the pharmaceutical sector. original offer from GSK of $13 a share was set to expire last night, and since GSK has made it clear that it does The Indian Pharmaceutical Alliance (IPA), an association not intend to just fold on this proposal, it pushed the representing the domestic industry, had also recently deadline for investors to tender shares to June 29, the written to the PMO suggesting joint clearance of company says in an announcement today. brownfield FDI proposals for expansion in pharma by the Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB) and Human Genome opposes the deal, saying it values the Competition Commission of India (CCI). company far too cheaply, and has been urging shareholders to hold out until it can find a more Pharmabiz Editorial: Brownfield rewarding alternative, even asking GSK to participate, The Wall Street Journal reports. Projects & FDI June 13, 2012, Pharmabiz, P.A. Francis Why Fear FDI In Pharma? In October last, at a high level meeting convened by the June 6, 2012, Business Line Prime Minister, it was decided that India will continue to allow foreign direct investment in drugs and It would soon be time for the government to review its pharmaceuticals sector through automatic route for 2011 policy decision on foreign direct investment in the greenfield projects and in case of brownfield pharma sector. The occasion is ripe to consider investments, FDI will be allowed through the Foreign perceptions on the impact of FDI on the industry. The Investment Promotion Board (FIPB) for six months. FDI policy for the pharma sector was revised on November 8, 2011, essentially shifting the FDI(in relation These acquisitions will, however, be routed through the to the brownfield investments) from the automatic to Competition Commission of India for the six months approval route. FDI in the sector is permitted up to 100 period. During this period, when the FIPB clears the per cent. acquisitions, necessary enabling regulations will be put in place by the CCI for effectively overseeing mergers The decision was a sequel to the acquisition spree by and acquisitions so as to ensure a balance between multinational corporations — notably Matrix by Mylan public health concerns and flow of FDI into the pharma (2006), Ranbaxy by Dai-ichi Sankyo (2008), Shanta sector. Biotechnics by Sanofi Aventis (2009), Orchid Chemicals by Hospira (2009), and Piramal Healthcare by Abbott Laboratories (2010). Empower Competition: Need To Have Better Coordination Between Sector FDI In Drug Firms Resumes Regulators And CCI June 1, 2012, The Economic Times (epaper June 12, 2012, The Economic Times page 24) The corporate affairs ministry has reportedly sought to The Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB) has bring all sectors including telecom and banking under the resumed clearing investment proposals in Indian drug ambit of the Competition Commission of India (CCI). This companies, a move that will revive deal flow in the. is a good idea. The CCI's remit is to oversee competition, 62,000-crore domestic pharma sector. check abuse of monopoly power and curtail unfair trade practices. The board has cleared four proposals of foreign financial investors, but again deferred a decision on stake buys by The job cannot be left to sectoral regulators. This is not multinational drug companies, extending uncertainty to say that the CCI should become a super-regulator. over new rules to check rising cases of promoters of Instead, it should help sectoral regulators - be it the RBI domestic drug companies selling out to foreign players. or the telecom regulator - to arrive at informed decisions in cases where there is a violation of fair play. At its meeting on May 9, the FIPB cleared Pethico Pharmaceuticals proposal to raise.490 crore by selling a 22% stake through the foreign currency convertible bond Organisation of Pharmaceutical Producers of India 17