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Guided By-
Mr.Chandra Dwivedi
(Assistant professor of
ACP Durg ,C .G)
Submitted by-
Akant Yadav
B.Pharmacy (5th Sem) Apollo
collage of pharmacy Durg
■ The word Forensic is derived from Latin term Forencis
means a forum, a place for interaction or deliberations.
■ Jurisprudence means study of fundamental laws and in
case of pharmaceutical Jurisprudence, it is laws relating
to pharmacy.
■ Forensic Pharmacy or Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence is
branch of pharmacy, which deals with various legislations
of drugs and pharmaceuticals and profession of
■ This subject encompasses the knowledge of Acts,
Rules, Statues, Schedules, Sections etcAkant/ACP
■ Ayurveda (the Ancient Science of Life) based on 'Tridosh‘
theory of Vaat(wind), Pitta (bile) and Kapha(phlegm)
– documents such as 'Vedas' and 'Upanishadas‘.
■ Siddha medicine mainly practiced in southern regions of
the country.
■ Unani System: Moghul rulers specially Babur, there came
in a with new system of medicine practiced by Hakims
■ Allopathic System: Come with Britisher in Nineteenth
– more commonly known as "Vilayati Medicines".
History of Drug Legislation
■ During 1920-1930 there were number of reports of harmful
substitutes and adulterants being marketed in place of
genuine drugs and toxic effects of such drugs were
– In place of eye drops, croton oil was used.
– Chalk powder was frequently found to be used
for adulteration of drug formulations.
– There were toxicity due to overdose of
mercury compounds.
Drugs Enquiry Committee
(D.E.C.):■ On 11th August, 1930, D.E.C. was constituted under the
Chairmanship of Col. R. N. Chopra which was a historic
■ Terms of reference:
– To find out quality of drugs, that are being imported,
manufactured and sold especially, those which are official in
– To suggest remedial measures for checking import,
manufacturing, sale or distribution of the substandard or
spurious drugs and their formulations.
– To look into the formulations prepared indigenously from the
vegetable drugs and suggest remedial measures for maintaining
the quality of
such formulations.
profession of Akant/ACP
History of Drug Legislation
Report of Drugs Enquiry Committee (D.E.C.) (1931):
■ There was no systematic profession like pharmacy being
practicedin the country
■ The drugs were dispensed and compounded by the untrained
– The remuneration paid to them was poor
– They were also doing the work of dressers, helpers, laboratory
technicians and all other miscellaneous jobs including,
maintaining the accounts of doctors
– These compounders were able to read and write in English and
that was the only qualification they had for handling the drugs.
– Only in the provinces of Bengal and Madras, there was a
training course for compounders, chemists & druggistsAkant/ACP
Recommendation of Drugs Enquiry Committee(D.E.C.):
■ There should be legislations to control drugs and
other remedies whether belonging to the B.P or
■ There could be another law to ensure that drugs are handled
by qualified persons and there could be a systematic course
in pharmacy.
■ A drug regulating authority at center and in provinces/states
be established.
■ There should be drug/quality control laboratories
established in provinces and also at the centre.
– The efforts should be made to publishAkant/ACP
History of Drug Legislation
Effect of Drugs Enquiry Committee(D.E.C.):
■ In 1932, Department of pharmaceutics started by
Banaras Hindu University.
■ In 1935, Indian pharmaceutics association in UP.
■ In 1939, Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical science
■ In 1940, All India Pharmaceutical conference organized
by Indian pharmaceutical association
■ In 1940, The Drug Act, letter amended to The Drugs
and Cosmetics Act, 1940
History of Drug Legislation
The Health Survey and Development Committee,1943
■ Constituted under the Chairmanship of Sir Joseph Bhore
■ Objective:
– Survey for the qualified and trained pharmacists
and registration of pharmacists,
– formation of Councils to govern the profession at Centre,
– strengthening of the provisions of Drugs Act,
– drug control laboratories for strengthening of
infrastructure for drug regulation,
History of Drug Legislation
The Health Survey and Development Committee, 1943
■ Recommendations:
– Enactment of legislation for qualified pharmacist and their
■ Foundation for the Pharmacy Act, 1948.
– Establishment of All India Pharmacy council – for regulate
■ The Pharmacy Council of India was constituted in1949
– minimum qualification for registration as pharmacist was
prescribed and process for registration described.
– regulate the advertisements of drugs, which were in
exaggerated form and misleading.
■ The Drugs & Magic Remedies (Objectionable Advertisements)
History of Drug Legislation
Legislations and Pharmacy
at Fort St. George,
Madras.■ 1811, Young Scotch named
Mr.Bathgate came to India with
East India Company and
opened Chemist's shop in
Calcutta.■ 1820, Lord Cornwallis
startedOpium factory at Ghazipur
(U.P.).■ 1824, Hindustani versions
(Devnagriand persion scripts) of the
Important Milestones in Drug ■ 1824, The East India
Company decided to impart knowledge of
medical science-both European
and Indian
■ 1664, The first hospital was opened ■ 1835, First two medical
established at calcutta and
Madras.■ 1857, Few sections of lndian
PenalCode were applicable for
drugs.■ 1857, 1878, The Opium
.■ 1860, The beginning
ofpharmaceutical instructions in
British India at Madras
Medical CollegePharmacopoeia were prescribedA
History of Drug Legislation
Important Milestones in
Drug Legislations and
Pharmacy Profession
■ 1885 British Pharmacopoeia
was made the sole authority
for pharmacy profession.
■ 1889 The Indian
Merchandise Marks Act
■ 1894 The Indian Tariff Act
.■ 1899 The Compounders
trainingcourse started in
Madras.■ 1899 Achary P.c. Roy along
withKartic Chandra Bose
established Bengal Chemical
and Pharmaceutical Works at
Calcutta.■ 1905 Gajjar and Co. established
atBombay which also started
drug manufacturing.
■ 1906 In U.S.A. - Federal
Food &Drugs Act
History of Drug Legislation
Important Milestones in Drug
Legislations and Pharmacy
■ 1919 The Poisons Act enacted.
■ 1920 All India Compounders
and Dispensers Association
was established.
■ 9-3-1927 Resolution of Council
of States in India regarding
health services.
■ 1928 The state medical faculty of
Bengal introduced two years
course for compounders.
(D.E.C.) headed by Col. R. N.
Chopra constituted.
■ 1931 Report submitted by
■ 1932 A two year Degree Course
Pharmaceutical Chemistry for
B.Sc. - Beginning of pharmacy
education at BHU by Prof.
Mahadev Lal Schroff (Father of
Pharmacy Education in country).
■ 1-11-1933 The Indian
MedicalCouncil Act
enacted.■ 1935 United
ProvincesPharmaceutical Association
(UPPA) established at Banaras
by Prof.■ 11-8-1930 Drugs Enquiry CommittAekaent
History of Drug Legislation
Important Milestones in Drug
Legislations and Pharmacy
■ 1937 Biological Standardization
Laboratory (B.S.L.) established
at Calcutta.
■ 1939 United Provinces
Pharmaceutical Association (U.P.P.A)
was renamed as Indian
Pharmaceutical Association (I.P.A).
Publication of Indian Journal of
pharmacy started.
■ 1940 Drugs Bill introduced in
(D.C.A) was enacted.
■ 1940 Biological Standardization
Laboratory was named as
Central Drugs Laboratory (CDL)
under DCA.
■ 1941 First Drugs Technical
Advisory Board (DTAB)
■ 1941 First All India
Pharmaceutical Conference was
held at B.H.U, Varanasi under the
Presidentship of Prof. Mahadev
Lal Schroff.
■ 1943 Health Survey andAkant/ACP
History of Drug Legislation
Important Milestones in Drug Legislations and
Pharmacy Profession
■ 1944 First I. P.Committee constituted.
■ 1945 Pharmacy Bill introduced in the Parliament.
■ 1945 Justice Joseph Bhore submitted report.
■ 1945 Rules for Drugs & Cosmetic Act framed.
■ 1946 Indian Pharmaceutical Codex (I.P.C)
published. Akant/ACP
History of Drug Legislation
Important Milestones in Drug Legislations ■ 1951 The Industries
Act enacted. ■ 11-7-1953 First Education
Regulations(E.R) as approved by the Ministry
of Health & F.W., Government of
India were notified.
■ 1954 The Drugs and Magic
Remedies(Objectionable Advertisements)
Act enacted.
■ 1954 The first B. Pharmacy
Courseapproved by Pharmacy Council of
india at Birla College, Pilani.
■ 1955 The first Diploma in
PharmacyCourse approved by P.C.I. at
Government Medical College,
and Pharmacy Profession
■ 1947 The Indian Nursing Council
Act enacted.
■ 1948 The Pharmacy Act,
1948 enacted.
■ 1948 The Dentists Act, 1948 enacted.
■ 9-11-1949 First 'Pharmacy Council
OJ India' (P.C.I.) constituted under
the Pharmacy Act.
■ 1949 Dr. K.C.K.E. Raja was
nominated by the Central
Government as the first President of
History of Drug Legislation
Important Milestones in
Drug Legislations and
Pharmacy Profession
■ 1955 First IP published.
■ 1955 The Medicinal and Toilet
Preparations (Excise Duties)
■ 1956 Essential Commodities
Act enacted.
■ 1956 The UGC Act enacted.
■ 1957 Dangerous Drugs
(Import, Export &
■ 1960 Prevention of Cruelty
toAnimals Act
passed.■ 1960-70 Indian Drugs &
Pharma.Ltd. (I.D.P.L.) established at
five places in the country.
■ 1962 Beginning of
NationalPharmacy week celebrations in
third week of November every
year.■ 1963 Pharma Times Publication
ofI.P.Aas professional
monthly publication.
■ 1963 The Indian
HospitalsPharmacists Association (IHPA)
was launched at Pilani,
History of Drug Legislation
■ 1975 Hathi Committee
ReportSubmitted. The Committee
recommended that a Chief
Pharmacist with at least a graduate
in pharmacy degree should be
appointed for maintaining quality of
drugs supplied to patients in
■ 1975 All India Organisation of
Chemistsand Druggists (AIOCD) established
with Mr. VL. Theagaraj as President.
■ 1977 Indian Pharmaceutical
Congressalong with Conference of
Commonwealth Pharmaceutical
Association was held under the
Presidentship of Dr. J.N. Banerjee
at Mumbai
Important Milestones in Drug
Legislations and Pharmacy
■ 1966 Second IP published.
■ 1968 Insecticides Act enacted.
■ 1970 First DPCO (Drugs Price
Control Order), Later on in 1979
and 1987, 1995 published.
■ 1970 Indian Patents Act enacted.
■ 1971 Medicinal Termination
of Pregnancy Act enacted.
■ 1972 Education Regulations of
P.C.I. 1972 (notified on 6-1-1973).
History of Drug Legislation
and Pharmacy Profession
■ 1978 Drug Policy was
announced based on Hathi
Committee report.
■ 1979 Indian Journal of pharmacy
was named as Indian Journal of
Pharmaceutical Sciences (Bi-
monthly publication).
■ 1985 Third Indian
Pharmacopoeia published.
■ 1985 The Narcotic-Drugs &
Psychotropic Substances Act
Important Milestones in Drug Legislations ■ 1986 Revised Drug
Policy was announced
.■ 23-12-1987 The All India Council
forTechnical Education (AICTE) Act
covering pharmacy education
enacted.■ 1989 Golden Jubilee of
Association celebrated.
■ 2002 Pharmaceutical
Policyannounced by Ministry of
Chemicals and Fertilizers,
Department of Chemicals.
■ 2005 In Post-WTO era, new
patentregime (Product Patent) has
■ Ethics may be defined as “The code of moral principles or as the
science of morals”
■ Law: know as government control, while
■ Ethics: known as Customs and duties of person.
■ i.e.
– Law prevent from causing injury to another,
– But law cannot force anyone to help neighbor in need.
■ But this is the part of morality principles/code of ethics
■ Code of Pharmaceutical Ethics:
– Contain Moral principles for pharmacist.
– Ex. Selling of misbranded drug or adulterated drug is an offence,
but it is immoral (unethical) alsAokanti/fACpP harmacist improve its sell by
Code of Pharmaceutical Ethics
Code of conduct Classify as
■ Pharmacist in relation to his
– Pharmaceutical services
– Conduct of Drug store
– Handling of prescription
– Handling of
– Price structure
– Fair trade practice
– Purchase of drug
– Hawking of drug
– Advertising &
■ Pharmacist in relation to
medical profession:
– Limitation of
professional activity
– Commission arrangements
– Liaison with public
■ Pharmacist in relation to his trade: ■ Pharmacist in
relation tohis profession
– Professional vigilance
– Law abiding citizens
– Relation with
Pharmacist's Oath(As approved by the Pharmacy Council of India)
• gained about the patients in
connection with my
■ I swear by the Code of Ethics of
Pharmacy Council of India in relation
to the community and shall act as an
integral part of health care team.
■ I shall uphold the laws and
standards governing my
■ I shall strive to perfect and enlarge
my knowledge to contribute to the
advancement of pharmacy and
public health.
best for pharmaceutical care
and counselling of patients.
■ I shall endeavour to discover and
manufacture drugs of quality to
alleviatesufferings of
■ I shall hold in confidence the
professional practice and never
divulge unless compelled to do
so by the law.
having their objectives for betterment
of the Profession of Pharmacy and
make contribution to carry out the
work of those organizations.
unviolated, may it be granted to me to
enjoy life and the practice of Pharmacy
respected by all, at all times!
■ Should I trespass and violate this
oath,may the reverse be myAkant/ACP
Pharmacy as a Career
– Higher education
– Marketing
– Drug Inspector
– Industries
■ Production
■ R&D
■ Quality control
■ Quality Assurance
■ Packaging
■ Regulatory Affairs
■ Sale & Marketing
– Research
– Consultancy
– Abroad (work as
■ Scope for diploma pharmacy (D.
– Community pharmacy
– Wholesale/Retail pharmacy
– Pharmacist in Hospital
– Lab technician in degree institute
– Higher education (B.Pharm)
– Marketing
■ Scope for Degree pharmacy(B.Pharm)
– Community pharmacy
– Wholesale/Retail pharmacy
– Pharmacist in Hospital
– Academics in D.Pharm

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Pharmaceutical Legislation By Akant Yadav

  • 1. PHARMACEUTICAL LEGISLATION Guided By- Mr.Chandra Dwivedi (Assistant professor of ACP Durg ,C .G) Submitted by- Akant Yadav B.Pharmacy (5th Sem) Apollo collage of pharmacy Durg Akant/ACP
  • 2. Introduction ■ The word Forensic is derived from Latin term Forencis means a forum, a place for interaction or deliberations. ■ Jurisprudence means study of fundamental laws and in case of pharmaceutical Jurisprudence, it is laws relating to pharmacy. ■ Forensic Pharmacy or Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence is branch of pharmacy, which deals with various legislations of drugs and pharmaceuticals and profession of pharmacy. ■ This subject encompasses the knowledge of Acts, Rules, Statues, Schedules, Sections etcAkant/ACP
  • 3. Introduction ■ Ayurveda (the Ancient Science of Life) based on 'Tridosh‘ theory of Vaat(wind), Pitta (bile) and Kapha(phlegm) – documents such as 'Vedas' and 'Upanishadas‘. ■ Siddha medicine mainly practiced in southern regions of the country. ■ Unani System: Moghul rulers specially Babur, there came in a with new system of medicine practiced by Hakims ■ Allopathic System: Come with Britisher in Nineteenth Century – more commonly known as "Vilayati Medicines". Akant/ACP
  • 4. History of Drug Legislation ■ During 1920-1930 there were number of reports of harmful substitutes and adulterants being marketed in place of genuine drugs and toxic effects of such drugs were observed. – In place of eye drops, croton oil was used. – Chalk powder was frequently found to be used for adulteration of drug formulations. – There were toxicity due to overdose of mercury compounds. Akant/ACP
  • 5. Drugs Enquiry Committee (D.E.C.):■ On 11th August, 1930, D.E.C. was constituted under the Chairmanship of Col. R. N. Chopra which was a historic development. ■ Terms of reference: – To find out quality of drugs, that are being imported, manufactured and sold especially, those which are official in B.P. – To suggest remedial measures for checking import, manufacturing, sale or distribution of the substandard or spurious drugs and their formulations. – To look into the formulations prepared indigenously from the vegetable drugs and suggest remedial measures for maintaining the quality of such formulations. profession of Akant/ACP
  • 6. History of Drug Legislation Report of Drugs Enquiry Committee (D.E.C.) (1931): ■ There was no systematic profession like pharmacy being practicedin the country ■ The drugs were dispensed and compounded by the untrained people – The remuneration paid to them was poor – They were also doing the work of dressers, helpers, laboratory technicians and all other miscellaneous jobs including, maintaining the accounts of doctors – These compounders were able to read and write in English and that was the only qualification they had for handling the drugs. – Only in the provinces of Bengal and Madras, there was a training course for compounders, chemists & druggistsAkant/ACP
  • 7. Recommendation of Drugs Enquiry Committee(D.E.C.): ■ There should be legislations to control drugs and other remedies whether belonging to the B.P or not. ■ There could be another law to ensure that drugs are handled by qualified persons and there could be a systematic course in pharmacy. ■ A drug regulating authority at center and in provinces/states be established. ■ There should be drug/quality control laboratories established in provinces and also at the centre. – The efforts should be made to publishAkant/ACP
  • 8. History of Drug Legislation Effect of Drugs Enquiry Committee(D.E.C.): ■ In 1932, Department of pharmaceutics started by Banaras Hindu University. ■ In 1935, Indian pharmaceutics association in UP. ■ In 1939, Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical science ■ In 1940, All India Pharmaceutical conference organized by Indian pharmaceutical association ■ In 1940, The Drug Act, letter amended to The Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 Akant/ACP
  • 9. History of Drug Legislation The Health Survey and Development Committee,1943 ■ Constituted under the Chairmanship of Sir Joseph Bhore ■ Objective: – Survey for the qualified and trained pharmacists and registration of pharmacists, – formation of Councils to govern the profession at Centre, – strengthening of the provisions of Drugs Act, – drug control laboratories for strengthening of infrastructure for drug regulation, Akant/ACP
  • 10. History of Drug Legislation The Health Survey and Development Committee, 1943 ■ Recommendations: – Enactment of legislation for qualified pharmacist and their proffesion ■ Foundation for the Pharmacy Act, 1948. – Establishment of All India Pharmacy council – for regulate education ■ The Pharmacy Council of India was constituted in1949 – minimum qualification for registration as pharmacist was prescribed and process for registration described. – regulate the advertisements of drugs, which were in exaggerated form and misleading. ■ The Drugs & Magic Remedies (Objectionable Advertisements)
  • 11. History of Drug Legislation Legislations and Pharmacy Profession ■ PRE-INDEPENDENCE ERA at Fort St. George, Madras.■ 1811, Young Scotch named Mr.Bathgate came to India with East India Company and opened Chemist's shop in Calcutta.■ 1820, Lord Cornwallis startedOpium factory at Ghazipur (U.P.).■ 1824, Hindustani versions (Devnagriand persion scripts) of the London Important Milestones in Drug ■ 1824, The East India Company decided to impart knowledge of medical science-both European and Indian . ■ 1664, The first hospital was opened ■ 1835, First two medical colleges established at calcutta and Madras.■ 1857, Few sections of lndian PenalCode were applicable for drugs.■ 1857, 1878, The Opium Actenacted .■ 1860, The beginning ofpharmaceutical instructions in British India at Madras Medical CollegePharmacopoeia were prescribedA .kant /ACP
  • 12. History of Drug Legislation Important Milestones in Drug Legislations and Pharmacy Profession ■ PRE-INDEPENDENCE ERA ■ 1885 British Pharmacopoeia was made the sole authority for pharmacy profession. ■ 1889 The Indian Merchandise Marks Act enacted. ■ 1894 The Indian Tariff Act enacted. enacted .■ 1899 The Compounders trainingcourse started in Madras.■ 1899 Achary P.c. Roy along withKartic Chandra Bose established Bengal Chemical and Pharmaceutical Works at Calcutta.■ 1905 Gajjar and Co. established atBombay which also started drug manufacturing. ■ 1906 In U.S.A. - Federal Food &Drugs Act introduced. Akant/ACP
  • 13. History of Drug Legislation Important Milestones in Drug Legislations and Pharmacy Profession ■ PRE-INDEPENDENCE ERA ■ 1919 The Poisons Act enacted. ■ 1920 All India Compounders and Dispensers Association was established. ■ 9-3-1927 Resolution of Council of States in India regarding health services. ■ 1928 The state medical faculty of Bengal introduced two years course for compounders. (D.E.C.) headed by Col. R. N. Chopra constituted. ■ 1931 Report submitted by D.E.C. ■ 1932 A two year Degree Course in Pharmaceutical Chemistry for B.Sc. - Beginning of pharmacy education at BHU by Prof. Mahadev Lal Schroff (Father of Pharmacy Education in country). ■ 1-11-1933 The Indian MedicalCouncil Act enacted.■ 1935 United ProvincesPharmaceutical Association (UPPA) established at Banaras by Prof.■ 11-8-1930 Drugs Enquiry CommittAekaent /ACP
  • 14. History of Drug Legislation Important Milestones in Drug Legislations and Pharmacy Profession ■ PRE-INDEPENDENCE ERA ■ 1937 Biological Standardization Laboratory (B.S.L.) established at Calcutta. ■ 1939 United Provinces Pharmaceutical Association (U.P.P.A) was renamed as Indian Pharmaceutical Association (I.P.A). Publication of Indian Journal of pharmacy started. ■ 1940 Drugs Bill introduced in (D.C.A) was enacted. ■ 1940 Biological Standardization Laboratory was named as Central Drugs Laboratory (CDL) under DCA. ■ 1941 First Drugs Technical Advisory Board (DTAB) constituted. ■ 1941 First All India Pharmaceutical Conference was held at B.H.U, Varanasi under the Presidentship of Prof. Mahadev Lal Schroff. ■ 1943 Health Survey andAkant/ACP
  • 15. History of Drug Legislation Important Milestones in Drug Legislations and Pharmacy Profession ■ PRE-INDEPENDENCE ERA ■ 1944 First I. P.Committee constituted. ■ 1945 Pharmacy Bill introduced in the Parliament. ■ 1945 Justice Joseph Bhore submitted report. ■ 1945 Rules for Drugs & Cosmetic Act framed. ■ 1946 Indian Pharmaceutical Codex (I.P.C) published. Akant/ACP
  • 16. History of Drug Legislation Important Milestones in Drug Legislations ■ 1951 The Industries Act enacted. ■ 11-7-1953 First Education Regulations(E.R) as approved by the Ministry of Health & F.W., Government of India were notified. ■ 1954 The Drugs and Magic Remedies(Objectionable Advertisements) Act enacted. ■ 1954 The first B. Pharmacy Courseapproved by Pharmacy Council of india at Birla College, Pilani. ■ 1955 The first Diploma in PharmacyCourse approved by P.C.I. at Government Medical College, Amritsar.. and Pharmacy Profession ■ POST-INDEPENDENCE ERA ■ 1947 The Indian Nursing Council Act enacted. ■ 1948 The Pharmacy Act, 1948 enacted. ■ 1948 The Dentists Act, 1948 enacted. ■ 9-11-1949 First 'Pharmacy Council OJ India' (P.C.I.) constituted under the Pharmacy Act. ■ 1949 Dr. K.C.K.E. Raja was nominated by the Central Government as the first President of
  • 17. History of Drug Legislation framed Important Milestones in Drug Legislations and Pharmacy Profession ■ POST-INDEPENDENCE ERA ■ 1955 First IP published. ■ 1955 The Medicinal and Toilet Preparations (Excise Duties) Act. ■ 1956 Essential Commodities Act enacted. ■ 1956 The UGC Act enacted. ■ 1957 Dangerous Drugs (Import, Export & ■ 1960 Prevention of Cruelty toAnimals Act passed.■ 1960-70 Indian Drugs & Pharma.Ltd. (I.D.P.L.) established at five places in the country. ■ 1962 Beginning of NationalPharmacy week celebrations in third week of November every year.■ 1963 Pharma Times Publication ofI.P.Aas professional monthly publication. ■ 1963 The Indian HospitalsPharmacists Association (IHPA) was launched at Pilani, Akant/ACP
  • 18. History of Drug Legislation ■ 1975 Hathi Committee ReportSubmitted. The Committee recommended that a Chief Pharmacist with at least a graduate in pharmacy degree should be appointed for maintaining quality of drugs supplied to patients in hospitals. ■ 1975 All India Organisation of Chemistsand Druggists (AIOCD) established with Mr. VL. Theagaraj as President. ■ 1977 Indian Pharmaceutical Congressalong with Conference of Commonwealth Pharmaceutical Association was held under the Presidentship of Dr. J.N. Banerjee at Mumbai Important Milestones in Drug Legislations and Pharmacy Profession ■ POST-INDEPENDENCE ERA ■ 1966 Second IP published. ■ 1968 Insecticides Act enacted. ■ 1970 First DPCO (Drugs Price Control Order), Later on in 1979 and 1987, 1995 published. ■ 1970 Indian Patents Act enacted. ■ 1971 Medicinal Termination of Pregnancy Act enacted. ■ 1972 Education Regulations of P.C.I. 1972 (notified on 6-1-1973).
  • 19. History of Drug Legislation and Pharmacy Profession ■ POST-INDEPENDENCE ERA ■ 1978 Drug Policy was announced based on Hathi Committee report. ■ 1979 Indian Journal of pharmacy was named as Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (Bi- monthly publication). ■ 1985 Third Indian Pharmacopoeia published. ■ 1985 The Narcotic-Drugs & Psychotropic Substances Act enacted.enacted Important Milestones in Drug Legislations ■ 1986 Revised Drug Policy was announced .■ 23-12-1987 The All India Council forTechnical Education (AICTE) Act covering pharmacy education enacted.■ 1989 Golden Jubilee of IndianPharmaceutical Association celebrated. ■ 2002 Pharmaceutical Policyannounced by Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, Department of Chemicals. ■ 2005 In Post-WTO era, new patentregime (Product Patent) has started.Akant/ACP
  • 21. Definition ■ Ethics may be defined as “The code of moral principles or as the science of morals” ■ Law: know as government control, while ■ Ethics: known as Customs and duties of person. ■ i.e. – Law prevent from causing injury to another, – But law cannot force anyone to help neighbor in need. ■ But this is the part of morality principles/code of ethics ■ Code of Pharmaceutical Ethics: – Contain Moral principles for pharmacist. – Ex. Selling of misbranded drug or adulterated drug is an offence, but it is immoral (unethical) alsAokanti/fACpP harmacist improve its sell by
  • 22. Code of Pharmaceutical Ethics Code of conduct Classify as follows. ■ Pharmacist in relation to his job – Pharmaceutical services – Conduct of Drug store – Handling of prescription – Handling of drug – Price structure – Fair trade practice – Purchase of drug – Hawking of drug – Advertising & Displays ■ Pharmacist in relation to medical profession: – Limitation of professional activity – Commission arrangements – Liaison with public ■ Pharmacist in relation to his trade: ■ Pharmacist in relation tohis profession – Professional vigilance – Law abiding citizens – Relation with professional organizationAkant/ACP
  • 23. Pharmacist's Oath(As approved by the Pharmacy Council of India) • gained about the patients in connection with my ■ I swear by the Code of Ethics of Pharmacy Council of India in relation to the community and shall act as an integral part of health care team. ■ I shall uphold the laws and standards governing my profession. ■ I shall strive to perfect and enlarge my knowledge to contribute to the advancement of pharmacy and public health. best for pharmaceutical care and counselling of patients. ■ I shall endeavour to discover and manufacture drugs of quality to alleviatesufferings of ■ I shall hold in confidence the knowledge professional practice and never divulge unless compelled to do so by the law. having their objectives for betterment of the Profession of Pharmacy and make contribution to carry out the work of those organizations. unviolated, may it be granted to me to enjoy life and the practice of Pharmacy respected by all, at all times! ■ Should I trespass and violate this oath,may the reverse be myAkant/ACP
  • 24. Pharmacy as a Career – Higher education (M.Pharm) – Marketing – Drug Inspector – Industries ■ Production ■ R&D ■ Quality control ■ Quality Assurance ■ Packaging ■ Regulatory Affairs ■ Sale & Marketing – Research – Consultancy – Abroad (work as ■ Scope for diploma pharmacy (D. Pharm) students: – Community pharmacy – Wholesale/Retail pharmacy – Pharmacist in Hospital – Lab technician in degree institute – Higher education (B.Pharm) – Marketing ■ Scope for Degree pharmacy(B.Pharm) students: – Community pharmacy – Wholesale/Retail pharmacy – Pharmacist in Hospital – Academics in D.Pharm