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PHP Data Objects
         Wez Furlong
About me
 •   PHP Core Developer since 2001

 •   Author of the Streams layer

 •   I hold the title “King” of PECL

 •   Author of most of PDO and its drivers
What is PDO?
 •   PHP Data Objects

 •   A set of PHP extensions that provide a core PDO class and database
     specific drivers

 •   Focus on data access abstraction rather than database abstraction
What can it do?
 •   Prepare/execute, bound parameters

 •   Transactions

 •   LOBS

 •   SQLSTATE standard error codes, flexible error handling

 •   Portability attributes to smooth over database specific nuances
What databases are supported?
 •   MySQL, PostgreSQL

 •   ODBC, DB2, OCI

 •   SQLite

 •   Sybase/FreeTDS/MSSQL
 try {

     $dbh = new PDO($dsn, $user,
                    $password, $options);

 } catch (PDOException $e) {

     die(“Failed to connect:” .

 •   mysql:host=name;dbname=dbname

 •   pgsql:host=name dbname=dbname

 •   odbc:odbc_dsn

 •   oci:dbname=dbname;charset=charset

 •   sqlite:/path/to/file
Connection Management
 try {

     $dbh = new PDO($dsn, $user, $pw);
     // use the database here
     // ...
     // done; release
     $dbh = null;

 } catch (PDOException $e) {


DSN Aliasing
 •   uri:uri

      •   Specify location of a file that contains the actual DSN on the first

      •   Works with the streams interface, so remote URLs can work too
          (this has performance implications)

 •   name (with no colon)

      •   Maps to pdo.dsn.name in your php.ini

      •   pdo.dsn.name=sqlite:/path/to/name.db
DSN Aliasing

  $dbh = new PDO(“name”);

  is equivalent to:

  $dbh = new PDO(“sqlite:path/to/name.db”);
Persistent Connections
 // Connection stays alive between requests

 $dbh = new PDO($dsn, $user, $pass,
      PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT => true
Persistent Connections
 // Specify your own cache key

 $dbh = new PDO($dsn, $user, $pass,
      PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT => “my-key”

 Useful for keeping separate persistent connections
Persistent PDO
  The ODBC driver runs with connection pooling enabled
  by default.

  “better” than PHP-level persistence

    Pool is shared at the process level

  Can be forced off by setting:


  (requires that your web server be restarted)
Error Handling
 •   Maps error codes to ANSI SQLSTATE (5 character text string)

     •   also provides the native db error information

 •   Three error handling strategies

     •   silent (default)

     •   warning

     •   exception
// The default mode

if (!dbh->query($sql)) {
  echo $dbh->errorCode(), “<br>”;
  $info = $dbh->errorInfo();
  // $info[0] == $dbh->errorCode()
  //             SQLSTATE error code
  // $info[1] is driver specific err code
  // $info[2] is driver specific
  //             error message

Behaves the same as silent mode

Raises an E_WARNING as errors are detected

Can suppress with @ operator as usual
try {
} catch (PDOException $e) {
  // display warning message
  print $e->getMessage();
  $info = $e->errorInfo;
  // $info[0] == $e->code
  //             SQLSTATE error code
  // $info[1] driver specific error code
  // $info[2] driver specific error string
Get data
 $dbh = new PDO($dsn);
 $stmt = $dbh->prepare(
                   “SELECT * FROM FOO”);
 while ($row = $stmt->fetch()) {
 $stmt = null;
Forward-only cursors
 •   a.k.a. “unbuffered” queries in mysql parlance

 •   They are the default cursor type

 •   rowCount() doesn’t have meaning

 •   FAST!
Forward-only cursors
 •   Other queries are likely to block

 •   You must fetch all remaining data before launching another query

 •   $stmt->closeCursor();
Buffered Queries
 $dbh = new PDO($dsn);
 $stmt = $dbh->query(“SELECT * FROM FOO”);
 $rows = $stmt->fetchAll();
 $count = count($rows);
 foreach ($rows as $row) {
Data typing
 •   Very loose

 •   Prefers strings

 •   Gives you more control over data conversion
Fetch modes

 • $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_BOTH);
  -   Array with numeric and string keys

  -   default option

  -   numeric keys only

  -   string keys only
Fetch modes

  -   stdClass object

  -   $obj->name == ‘name’ column

  -   You choose the class

  -   You provide the object
Fetch modes
  - Fetches a column (example later)
  - Only fetches into bound variables
  - Returns the result filtered through a callback
 •   see the manual for more
 $dbh = new PDO($dsn);
 $stmt = $dbh->query(
            “SELECT name FROM FOO”,
            PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 0);
 foreach ($stmt as $name) {
   echo “Name: $namen”;

 $stmt = null;
Changing data
 $deleted = $dbh->exec(
               “DELETE FROM FOO WHERE 1”);

 $changes = $dbh->exec(
   “UPDATE FOO SET active=1 ”
  .“WHERE NAME LIKE ‘%joe%’”);
     “insert into foo values (...)”);
 echo $dbh->lastInsertId();

    “insert into foo values (...)”);
 echo $dbh->lastInsertId(“seqname”);

 Its up to you to call the right one for your db!
Prepared Statements
 // No need to manually quote data here

 $stmt = $dbh->prepare(
    “INSERT INTO CREDITS (extension, name)”
   .“VALUES (:extension, :name)”);

    ‘extension’ => ‘xdebug’,
    ‘name’      => ‘Derick Rethans’
Prepared Statements
 // No need to manually quote data here

 $stmt = $dbh->prepare(
    “INSERT INTO CREDITS (extension, name)”
   .“VALUES (?, ?)”);

                   ‘Derick Rethans’

 • If you really must quote things “by-hand”
 • $db->quote() adds quotes and proper escaping as
 • But doesn’t do anything in the ODBC driver!
 • Best to use prepared statements
 try {
   $dbh->query(“UPDATE ...”);
   $dbh->query(“UPDATE ...”);
 } catch (PDOException $e) {
Stored Procedures
 $stmt = $dbh->prepare(
               “CALL sp_set_string(?)”);

 $stmt = $dbh->prepare(
               “CALL sp_set_string(?)”);

 $stmt->bindValue(1, ‘foo’);
OUT parameters
 $stmt = $dbh->prepare(
            “CALL sp_get_string(?)”);
 $stmt->bindParam(1, $ret, PDO::PARAM_STR,
 if ($stmt->execute()) {
   echo “Got $retn”;
IN/OUT parameters
 $stmt = $dbh->prepare(
            “call @sp_inout(?)”);
 $val = “My input data”;
 $stmt->bindParam(1, $val,
 if ($stmt->execute()) {
   echo “Got $valn”;
Multi-rowset queries
 $stmt = $dbh->query(
           “call sp_multi_results()”);
 do {
   while ($row = $stmt->fetch()) {
 } while ($stmt->nextRowset());
Binding columns
 $stmt = $dbh->prepare(
    “SELECT extension, name from CREDITS”);
 if ($stmt->execute()) {
   $stmt->bindColumn(‘extension’, $ext);
   $stmt->bindColumn(‘name’, $name);
   while ($stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_BOUND)) {
     echo “Extension: $extn”;
     echo “Author:    $namen”;
Portability Aids
 •   PDO aims to make it easier to write db independent apps

 •   A number of hacks^Wtweaks for this purpose
Oracle style NULLs
 •   Oracle translates empty strings into NULLs

     •   $dbh->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ORACLE_NULLS, true)

 •   Translates empty strings into NULLs when fetching data

 •   But won’t change them on insert
Case folding
 •   The ANSI SQL standard says that column names are returned in upper

 •   High end databases (eg: Oracle and DB2) respect this

 •   Most others don’t

 •   $dbh->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_CASE, PDO::CASE_UPPER);

 • Large objects are usually >4kb in size
 • Nice to avoid fetching them until you need them
 • Mature RDBMS offer LOB APIs for this
 • PDO exposes LOBs as Streams
Fetching an image
 $stmt = $dbh->prepare(
    “select contenttype, imagedata”
   .“ from images where id=?”);
 $stmt->bindColumn(1, $type,
                   PDO::PARAM_STR, 256);
 $stmt->bindColumn(2, $lob,
 header(“Content-Type: $type”);
Uploading an image
 $stmt = $db->prepare(“insert into images ”
    . “(id, contenttype, imagedata)”
    . “ values (?,?,?)”);
 $id = get_new_id();
 $fp = fopen($_FILES[‘file’][‘tmp_name’],‘rb’);
 $stmt->bindParam(1, $id);
 $stmt->bindParam(2, $_FILES[‘file’][‘type’]);
 $stmt->bindParam(3, $fp, PDO::PARAM_LOB);
Scrollable Cursors
 •   Allow random access to a rowset

 •   Higher resource usage than forward-only cursors

 •   Can be used for positioned updates (more useful for CLI/GUI apps)
Positioned updates
 •   An open (scrollable) cursor can be used to target a row for another

 •   Name your cursor by setting PDO::ATTR_CURSOR_NAME during

 •   UPDATE foo set bar = ? WHERE CURRENT OF cursor_name
 •   Find these slides on my blog and on slideshare.net

 •   My blog: http://netevil.org/

 •   Gold: http://troels.arvin.dk/db/rdbms/#select-limit-offset

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PHP Data Objects

  • 1. PHP Data Objects Wez Furlong <wez@messagesystems.com>
  • 2. About me • PHP Core Developer since 2001 • Author of the Streams layer • I hold the title “King” of PECL • Author of most of PDO and its drivers
  • 3. What is PDO? • PHP Data Objects • A set of PHP extensions that provide a core PDO class and database specific drivers • Focus on data access abstraction rather than database abstraction
  • 4. What can it do? • Prepare/execute, bound parameters • Transactions • LOBS • SQLSTATE standard error codes, flexible error handling • Portability attributes to smooth over database specific nuances
  • 5. What databases are supported? • MySQL, PostgreSQL • ODBC, DB2, OCI • SQLite • Sybase/FreeTDS/MSSQL
  • 6. Connecting try { $dbh = new PDO($dsn, $user, $password, $options); } catch (PDOException $e) { die(“Failed to connect:” . $e->getMessage(); }
  • 7. DSNs • mysql:host=name;dbname=dbname • pgsql:host=name dbname=dbname • odbc:odbc_dsn • oci:dbname=dbname;charset=charset • sqlite:/path/to/file
  • 8. Connection Management try { $dbh = new PDO($dsn, $user, $pw); // use the database here // ... // done; release $dbh = null; } catch (PDOException $e) { die($e->getMessage(); }
  • 9. DSN Aliasing • uri:uri • Specify location of a file that contains the actual DSN on the first line • Works with the streams interface, so remote URLs can work too (this has performance implications) • name (with no colon) • Maps to pdo.dsn.name in your php.ini • pdo.dsn.name=sqlite:/path/to/name.db
  • 10. DSN Aliasing pdo.dsn.name=sqlite:/path/to/name.db $dbh = new PDO(“name”); is equivalent to: $dbh = new PDO(“sqlite:path/to/name.db”);
  • 11. Persistent Connections // Connection stays alive between requests $dbh = new PDO($dsn, $user, $pass, array( PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT => true ) );
  • 12. Persistent Connections // Specify your own cache key $dbh = new PDO($dsn, $user, $pass, array( PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT => “my-key” ) ); Useful for keeping separate persistent connections
  • 13. Persistent PDO The ODBC driver runs with connection pooling enabled by default. “better” than PHP-level persistence Pool is shared at the process level Can be forced off by setting: pdo_odbc.connection_pooling=off (requires that your web server be restarted)
  • 14. Error Handling • Maps error codes to ANSI SQLSTATE (5 character text string) • also provides the native db error information • Three error handling strategies • silent (default) • warning • exception
  • 15. PDO::ERRMODE_SILENT // The default mode if (!dbh->query($sql)) { echo $dbh->errorCode(), “<br>”; $info = $dbh->errorInfo(); // $info[0] == $dbh->errorCode() // SQLSTATE error code // $info[1] is driver specific err code // $info[2] is driver specific // error message }
  • 16. PDO::ERRMODE_WARNING $dbh->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_WARNING); Behaves the same as silent mode Raises an E_WARNING as errors are detected Can suppress with @ operator as usual
  • 17. PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION $dbh->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); try { $dbh->exec($sql); } catch (PDOException $e) { // display warning message print $e->getMessage(); $info = $e->errorInfo; // $info[0] == $e->code // SQLSTATE error code // $info[1] driver specific error code // $info[2] driver specific error string }
  • 18. Get data $dbh = new PDO($dsn); $stmt = $dbh->prepare( “SELECT * FROM FOO”); $stmt->execute(); while ($row = $stmt->fetch()) { print_r($row); } $stmt = null;
  • 19. Forward-only cursors • a.k.a. “unbuffered” queries in mysql parlance • They are the default cursor type • rowCount() doesn’t have meaning • FAST!
  • 20. Forward-only cursors • Other queries are likely to block • You must fetch all remaining data before launching another query • $stmt->closeCursor();
  • 21. Buffered Queries $dbh = new PDO($dsn); $stmt = $dbh->query(“SELECT * FROM FOO”); $rows = $stmt->fetchAll(); $count = count($rows); foreach ($rows as $row) { print_r($row); }
  • 22. Data typing • Very loose • Prefers strings • Gives you more control over data conversion
  • 23. Fetch modes • $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_BOTH); - Array with numeric and string keys - default option • PDO::FETCH_NUM - numeric keys only • PDO::FETCH_ASSOC - string keys only
  • 24. Fetch modes • PDO::FETCH_OBJ - stdClass object - $obj->name == ‘name’ column • PDO::FETCH_CLASS - You choose the class • PDO::FETCH_INTO - You provide the object
  • 25. Fetch modes • PDO::FETCH_COLUMN - Fetches a column (example later) • PDO::FETCH_BOUND - Only fetches into bound variables • PDO::FETCH_FUNC - Returns the result filtered through a callback • see the manual for more
  • 26. Iterators $dbh = new PDO($dsn); $stmt = $dbh->query( “SELECT name FROM FOO”, PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 0); foreach ($stmt as $name) { echo “Name: $namen”; } $stmt = null;
  • 27. Changing data $deleted = $dbh->exec( “DELETE FROM FOO WHERE 1”); $changes = $dbh->exec( “UPDATE FOO SET active=1 ” .“WHERE NAME LIKE ‘%joe%’”);
  • 28. Autonumber/sequences $dbh->exec( “insert into foo values (...)”); echo $dbh->lastInsertId(); $dbh->exec( “insert into foo values (...)”); echo $dbh->lastInsertId(“seqname”); Its up to you to call the right one for your db!
  • 29. Prepared Statements // No need to manually quote data here $stmt = $dbh->prepare( “INSERT INTO CREDITS (extension, name)” .“VALUES (:extension, :name)”); $stmt->execute(array( ‘extension’ => ‘xdebug’, ‘name’ => ‘Derick Rethans’ ));
  • 30. Prepared Statements // No need to manually quote data here $stmt = $dbh->prepare( “INSERT INTO CREDITS (extension, name)” .“VALUES (?, ?)”); $stmt->execute(array( ‘xdebug’, ‘Derick Rethans’ ));
  • 31. $db->quote() • If you really must quote things “by-hand” • $db->quote() adds quotes and proper escaping as needed • But doesn’t do anything in the ODBC driver! • Best to use prepared statements
  • 32. Transactions $dbh->beginTransaction(); try { $dbh->query(“UPDATE ...”); $dbh->query(“UPDATE ...”); $dbh->commit(); } catch (PDOException $e) { $dbh->rollBack(); }
  • 33. Stored Procedures $stmt = $dbh->prepare( “CALL sp_set_string(?)”); $stmt->execute(array(‘foo’)); $stmt = $dbh->prepare( “CALL sp_set_string(?)”); $stmt->bindValue(1, ‘foo’); $stmt->execute();
  • 34. OUT parameters $stmt = $dbh->prepare( “CALL sp_get_string(?)”); $stmt->bindParam(1, $ret, PDO::PARAM_STR, 4000); if ($stmt->execute()) { echo “Got $retn”; }
  • 35. IN/OUT parameters $stmt = $dbh->prepare( “call @sp_inout(?)”); $val = “My input data”; $stmt->bindParam(1, $val, PDO::PARAM_STR| PDO::PARAM_INPUT_OUTPUT, 4000); if ($stmt->execute()) { echo “Got $valn”; }
  • 36. Multi-rowset queries $stmt = $dbh->query( “call sp_multi_results()”); do { while ($row = $stmt->fetch()) { print_r($row); } } while ($stmt->nextRowset());
  • 37. Binding columns $stmt = $dbh->prepare( “SELECT extension, name from CREDITS”); if ($stmt->execute()) { $stmt->bindColumn(‘extension’, $ext); $stmt->bindColumn(‘name’, $name); while ($stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_BOUND)) { echo “Extension: $extn”; echo “Author: $namen”; } }
  • 38. Portability Aids • PDO aims to make it easier to write db independent apps • A number of hacks^Wtweaks for this purpose
  • 39. Oracle style NULLs • Oracle translates empty strings into NULLs • $dbh->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ORACLE_NULLS, true) • Translates empty strings into NULLs when fetching data • But won’t change them on insert
  • 40. Case folding • The ANSI SQL standard says that column names are returned in upper case • High end databases (eg: Oracle and DB2) respect this • Most others don’t • $dbh->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_CASE, PDO::CASE_UPPER);
  • 41. LOBs • Large objects are usually >4kb in size • Nice to avoid fetching them until you need them • Mature RDBMS offer LOB APIs for this • PDO exposes LOBs as Streams
  • 42. Fetching an image $stmt = $dbh->prepare( “select contenttype, imagedata” .“ from images where id=?”); $stmt->execute(array($_GET[‘id’])); $stmt->bindColumn(1, $type, PDO::PARAM_STR, 256); $stmt->bindColumn(2, $lob, PDO::PARAM_LOB); $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_BOUND); header(“Content-Type: $type”); fpassthru($lob);
  • 43. Uploading an image $stmt = $db->prepare(“insert into images ” . “(id, contenttype, imagedata)” . “ values (?,?,?)”); $id = get_new_id(); $fp = fopen($_FILES[‘file’][‘tmp_name’],‘rb’); $stmt->bindParam(1, $id); $stmt->bindParam(2, $_FILES[‘file’][‘type’]); $stmt->bindParam(3, $fp, PDO::PARAM_LOB); $stmt->execute();
  • 44. Scrollable Cursors • Allow random access to a rowset • Higher resource usage than forward-only cursors • Can be used for positioned updates (more useful for CLI/GUI apps)
  • 45. Positioned updates • An open (scrollable) cursor can be used to target a row for another query • Name your cursor by setting PDO::ATTR_CURSOR_NAME during prepare() • UPDATE foo set bar = ? WHERE CURRENT OF cursor_name
  • 46. Questions? • Find these slides on my blog and on slideshare.net • My blog: http://netevil.org/ • Gold: http://troels.arvin.dk/db/rdbms/#select-limit-offset