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Chapter 2 - Gaining Control with
Operators and Flow Control
By Dr M.Rani Reddy


PHP Operators and Flow Control
• Math Operators
+ Adds numbers
- Subtracts numbers
* Multiplies numbers
/ Divides numbers
% returns integer remainder from
integer division
echo "5+2 = ", 5+2, "<br />";
• Math Functions
abs Absolute Value
You call functions the same as you do in most
languages. Use the name of the function and
provide the appropriate arguments.
$y = abs(-9);
echo "$y";


List of Math Functions
• Here's some of the commonly used functions.
More are listed in the text, p. 35.
ceil rounds fractions up
exp calculates the exponent of e
floor rounds fractions down
fmod returns the floating point
remainder of the division of the
is_nan determines whether a value is
not a number
max finds the highest value
min finds the lowest value
sqrt square root


Assignment Operator
• As in most languages the assignment
operator is =.
This means the expression on the right of the
operator is evaluated and the resulting value
is stored in the variable on the left.
$a = 4 + 3 + $b.
• There are also combined assignment
+= -+ *= /=
.= %= |= ^=
<<= >>=
$a += $b;
We'll see more of these in use later.


Incrementing & Decrementing
• PHP includes the ++ and the -- operators that
can be used pre and post for some operation.
++$value increments $value by one, then
returns $value
--$value decrements $value by one, then
returns $value
$value++ returns $value, then increments
$value-- returns $value, then decrements
$a = $b = $c = $d = 1;
echo "$a++ gives ", $a++, "<br />";
echo "++$b gives ", ++$b, "<br />";
ouputs what ?


Operator Precedence
• new
• [
• ! ~ ++ -- (int) (float)
(string) (array) (object)
• @
• * / %
• + - .
• << >>
• < <= > >=
• == != === !==
• &
• ^
• |
• &&
• ||
• ? :
• = += -+ and so on
there are more. use parentheses to avoid


Execution Operator
• The execution operator lets you run operating
system commands and programs, enclose
the command in backquotes (`).
$output = `date`;
echo $output;
In a Unix system using bash --
Fri Aug 25 12:30:42 EDT 2006
• you can pass an argument to the system
$output = `ls -l *.php`;
echo $output;


String Operators
• PHP has two string operators.
concatenation .
concatenating assignment .=
• <?php
$a = "ITEC";
$b = 325;
$c = $a . " " . $b; #note coercion
# now $c = "ITEC 325"
$a .= " " . $b;
// now $a = "ITEC 325"
• we'll see many more string function in PHP in
the next chapter


Bitwise Operators
• PHP has a set of operators that can work with the
individual bits in an integer.
Note - Besides integers, you can also work with
strings using these operators; in that case, the
ASCII value of each character is used.
& AND $a & $b bits set in both $a and $b are
| OR $a | $b bits set in either $a or $b are
^ Xor $a ^ $b bits set in either $a or $b but
not both are set
- Not - $a bits set in $a are not set and
vice versa
<< shift
$a << $b shift left the bits in $a by the
amount in $b -- if $b is one,
multiply by two
>> shift
$a >> $b shift right the bits in $a by the
amount in $b -- if $b is one,
divide by two


if Statements
• Just the standard
if (boolean expression)
php statement;
if the boolean expression evaluates to true
the statement beneath is executed, otherwise
it is not executed
can execute more than one statement by
createing a block of statements using { }
if (boolean expression)
phpstatement 1;
php statement 2;
php statement 3;
$a = 50;
if ($a > 45)
echo "$a's value is: $a";


Comparison Operators
== equal $a == $b TRUE, if $a equals $b
=== Identical $a === $b TRUE, if $a is identical
to $b (no coercions)
!= not equal $a != $b TRUE, if $a is not equal
to $b
<> not equal $a <> $b TRUE, if $a is not equal
to $b
!== not
$a !== $b TRUE, if $a is not
identical to $b (no
< less than $a < $b TRUE, if $a is less than
> greater
$a > $b TRUE, if $a is greater
than $b
<= less than
or equal
$a <= $b TRUE, if $a is less than
or equal to $b
>= greater
than or
$a >= $b TRUE, if $a is greater
than or equal to $b


Logical Operators
and And $a and $b TRUE, if both $a and $b
are true
or Or $a or $b TRUE, if $a or $b are true
xor Xor $a xor $b TRUE, if either $a or $b
is true, but not both
! Not !$a TRUE, if $a is false
&& And $a && $b TRUE, if both $a and $b
are true (higher
precedence than and)
|| Or $a || $b TRUE, if either $a or $b
is true (higher
precedence than or)


else and elseif
• $a = 20;
$b = 40;
$c = "40chairs";
if ($a >= $b)
{ echo "$a is larger, value is : $a"; }
{ echo "$b is larger, value is : $b";}
if ($a == $c)
{ echo "a & c are the same."; }
{ echo "a & c are not the same."; }
if ($a === $c)
{ echo "a & c are the same."; }
elseif ($a == $c)
{ echo "a & c are different types."; }
{echo "a & c have different values."}
• comparisons of strings and characters are
based on the ASCII character codes


switch Statements
• switch statements are used for testing
multiple conditions. The same tests can be
built with multiple if statements, however,
switch statements help to organize code.
(use ints, floats, or strings)
$temp = 70;
switch ($temp)
case 70:
echo "Nice weather.";
case 80:
echo "Warm today. <br />";
echo "Old bones like warm weather.";
case 90:
echo "Hot!!!";
echo "temperature not in range";


for Loops
• for (expression1;expression2;expression3)
for ($ctr = 1; $ctr < 10; $ctr++)
print ("$ctr = : $ctr <br />");
• expressions in a for loop can handle multiple
indexes, as long as you separate them with
the comma operator.
for ($var1=2, $var2=2; $var1<5; $var1++)
echo "var1 is : $var1 ", " double it : $var1
* $var2 ":
• probably easier to use nested for loops


while Loops
• standard loop that keeps executing until the
initial condition is false
$ind = 10;
while ($ind > 1)
echo "ind = $ind";
• often used when reading files
while (not_at_end_of_file())
$data = read_one_line_from_file();
echo $data;


do … while Loops
• just like a while loop except the condition is
checked at the end of the loop instead of the
beginning, so it's always executed at least
echo $val, "<br />";
$val *= 2;
while ($val < 10);


foreach Loops & break
• the foreach loop makes working with arrays
much easier.
$arr = array("apples","oranges","grapes");
foreach ($arr as $value)
echo "Current fruit: $value <br />";
• in case you want to stop a loop or swich
statement early, the break statement ends
execution of the current for, foreach, while,
do…while, or switch statement.
while (not_at_end_of_file())
$data = read_one_line_from_file();
echo $data;
if ($data == "quit")


continue Statement
• the continue statement can be used inside a
loop to skip the rest of the current loop
iteration and continue with the next iteration.
for ($val = -2; $val < 2; $val++)
if ($val == 0)
{ continue; }
echo 1/$val, " <br />";
skipped the division by 0
• php has alternate syntax for if, while, for,
foreach, and switch statements
for ($ctr=0; $ctr < 5; $ctr++):
echo "Print this five times.";


Chapter 6 – Creating Web Forms and
Validating User Input
By Dr M.Rani Reddy


Developing Web Applications
• In developing web application, building the
forms is just the first step in collecting data.
Validating input data must be done to avoid
wasted processing and to reduce effective
response time.
A typical code structure that validates data
might be:
if (count($errors) != 0)


Displaying All Form Data
• Here's a program that will display all the data
being sent to the server program, a very
useful debugging tool
foreach($_REQUEST as $key => $val)
foreach($val as $item)
echo $key, " => ", $val, "<br />";
echo $key, " => ", $val, "<br />";


Server Variables
• There's a special superglobal array,
$_SERVER, that contains a great deal of
information about what's going on with your
web application. For example,
request method that was used ("GET",
"POST", and so on)
holds the authentication type
root directory under which the script
is executing, defined in server config
revision of the CGI spec. that the server
is using, i.e., CGI/1.1
filename of the currently executing
ip address from which the user is
viewing the current page


Server Variables (cont.)
request method used to access the page
name of the server host under which
the script is executing
there are more see page 170 & 171 in your


Useful HTTP Headers
• A number of HTTP headers are built into the
$_SERVER array as well. For example,
type of the user's browser.
Some of the other entries --
the address of the page (if any) that
referred the user agent to the current
text in the user_agent: header from the
current request, if there is one. Denotes
the browser that is accessing the page.


Redirecting with HTTP Headers
• You can read and create HTTP headers to
send back to the browser. The header()
function is used to create HTTP headers
in the following script:
the button value in the form has one of the
following values (the names of php files)
To redirect via a php script
$redirect = "Location: " .
$_REQUEST['Button'] . ".html";
echo header($redirect);
redirecting is often used with image maps


Custom Arrays for Form Data
• You can use PHP to create a custom array for
form data by giving each text field control a
name with square brackets
Set the name attribute in the form field as in
the following
<input name="textdata[name]" type="text"
size="20" maxlength="30" />
in the receiving script
$text = $_REQUEST['textdata'];
echo $text['name'];


Single PHP Page Application
• Many web applications are written with a
single PHP page. Say you wanted to get a
single piece of data (like name) from a user
and then you wanted to display that name
with some other request for data
<html><head><title>Single PHP Page</title>
<h2>Using Text Fields</h2>
if (isset($_REQUEST["Name"]))
<h2> Using Text Fields</h2>
<p>Your name is:
echo $_REQUEST["Name"]
else {
<form method="post" action="phptext.php">
What's your name?
<input name="name" type="text" /><br


Single Page App (Cont.)
<input type="submit" value="submit" />


Validating Data
• assume we're getting a name in a text field
If there's no entry in the text field we can
check like in the following
function validate_data()
global $errors;
if ($_REQUEST["Name"] == "")
$errors[] = "<span style="border-
color:blue;"> .
Please enter your name.
Note the structure for an php/html document
that includes a validating function.
((slide 2)) pp. 181-185 in your text


Regular Expressions
• PHP can implement regular expressions for
pattern matching. This is the way most
validation of entered data is accomplished.
Here are three functions used in pattern
ereg(), split(), ereg_replace
Use ereg(), to check if a string contains a
match pattern:
$ret = ereg("search pattern", "target string");
$ret will be set to 1if the pattern is found 0
search pattern is the regular expression
target string is the string to be searched


Pattern Matching Example
• $name = 'Jake Jackson';
$pattern = 'ke';
if (ereg($pattern, $name))
print ("Match");
print ("No match");
outputs match since "ke" is found
regular expressions are defined by an
industry standard IEEE POSIX 1003.2
there are several special characters that can
be used to build patterns
^ means the pattern must appear at the start
of the target string
$ means the pattern must appear at the end
of the target string


Pattern Matching Characters
+ matches 1 or more occurrences
* matches 0 or more occurrences
? matches 0 or 1 occurrences
. wildcard symbol matches any single
| or symbol either pattern can be matched
[] any of the included set can be matched
^ at the beginning of the set means not
these characters
{} specify a number of repetitions of a
character in the pattern
-- note there are more, but these provide a
good start


Pattern Matching Example
• suppose we want to test to see that a client
inputs a valid area code
first -- what do we know about area codes
-- 3 digits
-- first digit can't be 0
-- can't be 911
• remember we can group characters using


Predefined Character Classes
• there are several predefined character
classes that are typically used in pattern
matching regular expressions
[[:space:]] matches a single space
[[:alpha:]] matches any word character
(uppercase or lowercase letters)
[[:upper:]] matches any single uppercase
[[:lower:]] matches any single lowercase
[[:digit:]] matches any valid digit (0-9)
[[:punct:]] matches an punctuation mark
(? , . " ' ! ; : )


Using split()
• use split() to break a string into different
pieces based on the presence of a match
$output = split(search_patt, target_st, max);
$output -- is an array variable that will contain
the matches
search_patt -- this is the pattern to be
target_st -- the string to be searched
max -- maximum number of matches to make
(this parameter is optional)
$line = 'Baseball, hot dogs, apple pie';
$item = split ( ',' ,$line);
$item[0] will contain Baseball
$item[1] will contain hot dogs
$item[2] will contain apple pie


• works like ereg, but a second string is
specified to replace the part of the target
string that matches the pattern
$start = 'AC1001:Hammer:15:150';
$end = eregreplace('Hammer', 'Drill', $start);
$end will now contain


Removing HTML Tags from Input
• something you must watch out for --- html in a
user's text box, especially if you're going to
display that text. Malicious users can put
some nasty HTML (including JavaScripts) into
submitted text, which would be executed if
you display that text in a browser. You can
use the PHP strip_tags function to remove all
HTML tags from text.
function process_data()
$ok_text = strip_tags($_REQUEST["name"]);
• if you don't want to strip HTML tags, but you
want to render them harmless, you can use
the htmlentities function instead, which
encodes HTML tags. For example,
<b>Charles</b> would be converted to
a browser will display this as <b>Charles</b>


Validating with JavaScript
• using JavaScript embedded in an input form
provides for validation of data before it's sent
to the server.
<form name="fm1" action="servpg.php"
onsubmit="return checker()" >
once the user clicks on the submit button the
checker() javascript will be run. It can do
pattern matching and other validation on the
data in the form fields. If it returns false, the
query string will not be sent to the server
application. If it returns true, it will. If the
javascript detects a problem with the data it
can post a message to the user (typically
using a dialog box) which will prompt them to
correct the data. After the correction is made
the user can submit the data again.


HTTP authentication
• PHP allows you to determine whether the user
has been authorized by checking the
$_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] has been set
, the user is welcomed by name - otherwise,
the script is terminated with the PHP exit
if (!isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']))
Basic realm="workgroup"');
header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized');
echo 'Sorry, you are not authorized.';
echo "Welcome,


Working with Databases
Dr M.Rani Reddy


Supported Databases
• Many including Adabas, dBase, Empress,
FilePro,Oracle , IBM DB2, Informix, and more.
• One of the most popular Databases is MySQL
is free and can be downloaded at:
http://www.mysql.com. This book's examples
are based on MySQL version 4.0.
• Later the PHP DB module will be shown. DB
provides a layer of abstraction over database
operations, leeting the client work with many
different database servers using the same
function calls. The DB module lets the user
access all the database servers using the
same function calls, however using native
built-in support is much faster
• Manuals for PHP support for the various
database servers can be found at:


Basic SQL
• To interact with databases in PHP, SQL
(Structured Query Language) is used.
Assume a table named fruit:
// selects all records from table fruit
In PHP :
$query = "SELECT * FROM fruit";
$result = mysql_query($query) or
die ("Query Failed: ". mysql_error());
// selects specific fields
SELECT name, number FROM fruit
// use where clause
SELECT * FROM fruit WHERE name="apples"
// can also use >, >=, <, <= operators


Basic SQL (cont)
• // use in clause
// can add logical operators
("apples","oranges") AND number IS NOT
//can order a recordset descending
// can delete records
IN ("apples","oranges")
// use UPDATE to change value
UPDATE fruit SET number="2006" WHERE
name = "apples"
// insert new data
INSERT INTO fruit (name,number) VALUES
('apricots', '203')


Database Connections in PHP
• At RU, the PHP server is set-up with a
connection to a continuously running MySQL
database server
• To connect to a database use mysql_connect
command and provide the host, username,
and password
$host = 'localhost';
$user = 'jcdavis';
$pass = 'abcdef'; // your database password
$connection =
mysql_connect($host,$user,$pass) or
die ("Couldn't connect to dbase");
// now connect to the specific database
// at RU your database name is the same
// as your username
$db = mysql_select_db($user);
// now you can execute queries with
// mysql_query


Set Up Your MySQL Database at RU
• https://php.radford.edu
• go to this URL for information
• use the MySQL admin tool to set up a table
called fruits
(use lower case field names)
name number
apples 501
oranges 255
pears 299


Other Data Types?
• MySQL supports many other data types beyond
TEXT and INT. Here are a few :
– TEXT specifies that the table column can
hold a large amount of character data. It can
use space inefficiently since it reserves
space for up to 65,535 characters.
– CHAR(N) specifies a table column that holds
a fixed length string of up to N characters (N
must be less than 256).
– VARCAR(N) specifies a table column that
holds a variable length string of up to N
characters and removes any unused spaces
on the end of the entry.


Other Data Types?
– INT specifies a table column that holds an
integer with a value from about –2 billion to
about 2 billion.
– INT UNSIGNED specifies a table column
that holds an integer with a value from 0 to
about 4 billion.
– SMALLINT specifies a table column that
holds an integer with a value from –32,768
to 32,767.
– SMALLINT UNSIGNED specifies a table
column that holds an integer with a value
from 0 to 65,535.
– DECIMAL(N,D) specifies a number that
supports N total digits, of which D digits
are to the right of the decimal point.


Creating Database Tables
• Once database instance is created need to create
your tables.
– Use SQL CREATE TABLE command
(ProductID INT,
Product_descr TEXT);
The name of
the table. First table column can
hold integer data.
SQL commands are shown in upper case but
either upper or lower case can be used.
Second table column can
hold character data.


Some additional CREATE TABLE
• Can specify some additional options in CREATE
Product_desc VARCHAR(50),
Cost INT,
Weight INT,
Numb INT);
that ProductID must be
positive values.
ProductID must be
specified for each row.
Automatically add
one to each new
Make this
the primary
key for table.
Up to 50


Script Segment
1. $connect = mysql_connect($server, $user, $pass);
2. if ( !$connect ) {
3. die ("Cannot connect to $server using $user");
4. } else {
5. mysql_select_db('MyDatabaseName');
6. $SQLcmd = 'CREATE TABLE Products(
Product_desc VARCHAR(50), Cost INT,
Weight INT, Numb INT )';
7. mysql_query($SQLcmd, $connect);
8. mysql_close($connect);
9. }
Issue the SQL query
to the database.
Connect to


Inserting Data
• Once database is created will need to insert
• Use the SQL INSERT command
( '0', 'Hammer', 5, 12, 123 );
Each item goes into a
separate table column in a table row.
Table Name


Retrieving Data
• To retrieve all data, use following SQL command
• For example
$connect = mysql_connect('Localhost',
$SQLcmd = 'SELECT * FROM Products';
$results_id = mysql_query($SALcmd, $connect
SELECT * FROM TableName;
The asterisk ("*")
means get all the data
The name of the table to
get the data from.


Using mysql_fetch_array
• The mysql_fetch_array function can be used
to get successive rows from a table in a while
loop and get each field value from each row
Assume the fruits table has two fields name
and number, like the following.
apples 1020
oranges 3329
bananas 442
pears 235
$conn = mysql_connection($host, $user,
$db = mysql_select_db($user, $conn);
// remember at RU username = dbname
$query = "SELECT * FROM fruit";
$result = mysql_query($query);
echo "<table border=”5” >";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<th>Name</th><th>Number</th>";
echo "</tr>";


mysql_fetch_array (cont.)
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>";
echo "$row[name]";
echo "</td>";
echo "<td>";
echo "$row[number]";
echo "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";


Searching For Specific Records
• Use the SELECT SQL statement with a
WHERE clause
SELECT * FROM TableName WHERE (test_expression);
look at all
Specify the
table name
to look at.
Specify a test expression
to evaluate


Test Operators
Ops SQL Example
= SELECT * FROM Products
WHERE (product_desc='hammer');
(Cost > '5');
(Numb < '3');
(Weight >= '10');
(Cost <= '3');


Update, Delete Example
• sample update query
$query = "UPDATE fruit SET number = 234
WHERE name = 'pears'";
$result = mysql_query($query) or
die ("Query Failed");
• sample delete query
$query = "DELETE * FROM fruit WHERE
name = 'apples' ";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die();
• sample insert
$query = "INSERT INTO fruit (name, number)


Pear DB Module
• PHP supports the DB module, which gives
you a level of abstraction that smoothes over
the details of working with different database
servers. When you use DB, you can use the
same functions to access your data; if you
switch database server types, you just have
to change the name of the database server
you're using.
DB is a PHP extension managed by PEAR, the
PHP Extension and Application Repository.
The PEAR module has to be installed when
you configure your PHP installation on the
Apache server.


PEAR DB Example
• Example of using the DB module's functions
to read a MySQL database
// at the top of the PHP
require 'DB.php';
// connect using the DB connect method
$db = DB::connect('dbname://username:
$query = "SELECT * FROM fruit";
$result = $db->query($query);
// you can recover a row of data using the
fetchRow method.


Oracle DB connection


An Object Oriented Programming
Dr M.Rani


What is OOP?
Object Oriented Programming (OOP) is the idea of
putting related data & methods that operate on
that data, together into constructs called classes.
When you create a concrete copy of a class, filled
with data, the process is called instantiation.
An instantiated class is called an object.


Basic Class Structure
Two types of
The variables that
hold the data
The functions that
hold the logic
class Animal
// The following are properties:
public $weight;
public $legs = 4; // A default value
// The following is a method:
public function classify() {
/* ... */
public function setFoodType($type) {
/* ... */


Instantiation & Access
by using the new
s properties
and methods
via ->
class Animal
public $weight;
public $legs = 4;
public function classify() { /* ... */ }
public function setFoodType($type) { /* ... */ }
$horse = new Animal();
echo $horse->legs;


A class can have a
method called a
This method, named
construct, allows you
to pass values when
class Animal
// The following are properties:
public $weight;
public $legs = 4; // A default value
// The following is a method:
public function classify() { /* ... */ }
public function setFoodType($type) { /* ... */ }
// Constructor:
public function construct($weight) {
$this->weight = $weight;
$cat = new Animal(13.4);


Privacy & Visibility
Within a class, methods &
properties have three
levels of privacy
modified & accessed by anyone
only accessed from within
the class itself
only be accessed from within
the class, or within a child
class Animal
protected $weight; // Accessible by children
public $legs = 4; // Publicly accessible
public function construct($weight) {
private function setWeight($weight) {
$this->weight = $weight;
$cat = new Animal(13.4);
echo $cat->weight; // Fatal Error


Static & Constants
Constants are
immutable properties.
Methods and
properties can be
static making them
accessible without
Access both via ::
class Math
const PI = 3.14159265359; // Constant:
public static $precision = 2; // Static property:
// Static method:
public static function circularArea($radius) {
$calc = self::PI * pow($radius, 2);
return round($calc, self::$precision);
Math::$precision = 4;
$answer = Math::circularArea(5);


Referencing Classes from within
> References the
Reference static & const
Same as self (within context)
Late Static Binding
(more on this later)
class Math
const PI = 3.14159265359; // Constant
public static $precision = 2; // Static property
private $last; // Private property
public function circularArea($radius) {
$this->last = Math::PI * pow($radius, 2);
return round($this->last, self::$precision);


Learning from the past


Through the extends keyword, this allows one class to be a copy of another
and build upon it. The new class is called the child, and the original the parent.
class Person {
public $first;
public $last;
public function construct($first, $last) {
$this->first = $first;
$this->last = $last;
public function name() {
return "{$this->first} {$this->last}";
class Employee extends Person {
public $title;
public function name() {
return $this->title;
class Intern extends Employee {
protected $title = 'Intern';


Accessing Your Parent
You can also
s properties &
methods in the
parent by using
the keyword
class Person {
public $name;
public function construct($name) {
$this->name = $name;
public function announcement() {
return "{$this->name}";
class Employee extends Person {
public $job;
public function announcement() {
return parent::announcement . ", " . $this->job;


Stopping Extension
Classes can prevent
children overriding
a method
Uses final keyword
Attempting to
override a final
causes a fatal error
class A {
public function construct() {
final public function notify() {
echo "A";
// Causes a fatal error:
class B extends A {
public function notify() {
echo "B";


Final Classes
Entire classes may
also be declared as
final to prevent
final class A
public function construct() {
public function notify() {
echo "A";


Abstracts & Interfaces
The contracts that we make with ourselves


Abstract Class
abstract class DataStore
// These methods must be defined in the child class
abstract public function save();
abstract public function load($id);
// Common properties
protected $data = [];
// Common methods
public function setValue($name, $value) {
$this->data[$name] = $value;
public function getValue($name) {
return $this->data[$name];
Defines an
‘incomplete’ class
using abstract
keyword on both
class & methods
Children need to
implement all
abstract methods
for the parent


All abstract methods
must be implemented
or this class must be
abstract as well
Method signatures
must match exactly
class FileStore extends DataStore {
private $file;
public function load($id) {
$this->file = "/Users/eli/{$id}.json";
$input = file_get_contents($this->file);
$this->data = (array)json_decode($input);
public function save() {
$output = json_encode($this->data)
file_put_contents($this->file, $output);
$storage = new FileStore();
$storage->load('Ramsey White');
$storage->setValue('middleName', 'Elliott');


An interface defines
method signatures that an
implementing class
must provide
Similar to abstract methods,
but sharable between classes
No code, No properties just
an interoperability framework
interface Rateable
public function rate(int $stars, $user);
public function getRating();
interface Searchable
public function find($query);


Interface Implementation
Uses the
One class may
implement multiple
class StatusUpdate implements Rateable, Searchable {
protected $ratings = [];
public function rate(int $stars, $user) {
$this->ratings[$user] = $stars;
public function getRating() {
$total = array_sum($this->ratings);
return $total/count($this->ratings);
public function find($query) {
/* ... database query or something ... */


Interface Extension
It is possible for an
interface to extend
another interface
Interfaces can
provide constants
interface Thumbs extends Rateable {
const THUMBUP = 5;
public function thumbsUp();
public function thumbsDown();
class Chat extends StatusUpdate implements Thumbs {
public function rate(int $stars, $user) {
$this->ratings[] = $stars;
public function thumbsUp() {
$this->rate(self::THUMBUP, null);
public function thumbsDown() {
$this->rate(0, null);


When you want more than a template


Enable horizontal
code reuse
Create code and
inject it into
diferent classes
Contains actual
// Define a simple, albeit silly, trait.
trait Counter
protected $_counter;
public function increment() {
public function decrement() {
public function getCount() {
return $this->_counter;


Using Traits
Inject into a class
with the use
A class can include
multiple traits
class MyCounter
use Counter;
/* ... */
$counter = new MyCounter();
echo $counter->getCount(); // 1


Late Static Binding
It’s fashionable to show up late


You mentioned
this before
Traditionally when
you use self:: in a
parent class you
always get the value
of the parent.
class Color {
public static $r = 0;
public static $g = 0;
public static $b = 0;
public static function hex() {
self::$r, self::$g, self::$b);
class Purple extends Color{
public static $r = 78;
public static $g = 0;
public static $b = 142;
Color::hex(); // Outputs: #000000
Purple::hex(); // Outputs: #000000 - Wait what?


Enter Late
Static Binding
By using the
static:: keyword it
will call the child’s
class Color {
public static $r = 0;
public static $g = 0;
public static $b = 0;
public static function hex() {
static::$r, static::$g, static::$b);
class Purple extends Color{
public static $r = 78;
public static $g = 0;
public static $b = 142;
Color::hex(); // Outputs: #000000
Purple::hex(); // Outputs: #4e008e - Right!


Methods Too
Allows a parent to
rely on a child’s
implementation of
a static method.
const work as well
class Color {
public $hue = [0,0,0];
public function construct(Array $values) {
$this->hue = $values;
public function css() {
echo static::format($this->hue), "n";
public static function format(Array $values) {
return vsprintf("#%02x%02x%02x", $values);
class ColorAlpha extends Color{
public static function format(Array $values) {
return vsprintf("rgba(%d,%d,%d,%0.2f)", $values);
$purple = new Color([78,0,142]);
$purple->css(); // Outputs: #4e008e
$purple50 = new ColorAlpha([78,0,142,0.5]);
$purple50->css(); // Outputs: rgba(78,0,142,0.50)


Who are you again?


Defining Namespaces
Namespaces let
you have multiple
libraries with
identically named
classes & functions.
Define with the
namespace keyword
to include all code
that follows.
namespace WorkLibrary;
class Database {
public static connect() { /* ... */ }
namespace MyLibrary;
class Database {
public static connect() { /* ... */ }


Use a backslash ‘’
to create these
namespace MyLibraryModel;
class Comments {
public construct() { /* ... */ }
namespace TrebFrameworkUtility;
class Cache {
public construct() { /* ... */ }


Using Namespaces
Use the fully
qualified name
Import via the use
Alias when importing
via as keyword
Reference builtin
classes with top level 
$db = MyProjectDatabase::connect();
$model = new MyProjectModelComments();
use MyProjectDatabase;
$db = Database::connect();
$images = new DateTime();
use MyProjectModelComments as MyCo;
$model = new MyCo();


Magic Methods
Part of the fairy dust that makes PHP sparkle


All magic methods
start with __
Allow for code that is
not directly called to run
Often have
counterparts, so just as
__construct() we have
__destruct() which runs
on object cleanup
class UserORM {
public $user;
private $db;
function construct($id, PDO $db) {
$this->db = $db;
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM user WHERE id = ?';
$stmt = $db->prepare($sql)->execute([$id]);
$this->user = $stmt->fetchObject();
function destruct() {
$sql = 'UPDATE user
SET name = ?, email = ? WHERE id = ?';
$stmt = $db->prepare();
$this->user->name, $this->user->id);
$oscar = new User(37);
$oscar->user->email = 'oscar@example.com';


__get and __set
Called when an reading
an unknown property.
Called when writing
an unknown property
Often used for storage
classes & overloading
class Data
protected $_data = [];
public function set($name, $value) {
$this->_data[$name] = $value;
public function get($name) {
return isset($this->_data[$name])
? $this->_data[$name] : NULL;
$o = new Data();
$o->neat = 'Something';
echo $o->neat;


__isset and __unset
ted on
ted on
class DataAll extends Data
public function isset($name) {
return isset($this->_data[$name]);
public function unset($name) {
$o = new DataAll();
$o->phone = 'iPhone';
$o->desktop = true;
if (isset($o->desktop)) {


__call and __callStatic
These two methods
are called when you
attempt to access
an undeclared
class Methods
public function call($name, $args) {
$pretty = implode($args, ",");
echo "Called: {$name} with ({$pretty})n";
public static function callStatic($name, $args) {
$count = count($args);
echo "Static call: {$name} with {$count} argsn";
// Output - Static call: sing with 2 args
Methods::sing('Barbara', 'Ann');
// Output - // Called: tea with (Earl Gray,Hot)
$m = new Methods();
$m->tea('Earl Gray', 'Hot');


allows your object
to be called as a
class TwoPower {
public function invoke($number) {
return $number * $number;
$o = new TwoPower();
$o(4); // Returns: 16


determines what
happens when you
echo your class.
er) {
$this->n =
public function toString() {
return "{$this->n} * 2 = " . $this->n * 2;
$four = new Doubler(4);
echo $four; // Output: 8


And more…
__sleep() and __wakeup()
control how your object is
serialized & unserialized.
__set_state() lets you
control exported properties
when var_export is
__debugInfo() lets you
change what a var_dump of
your object shows.
__clone() lets you modify
your object when it
becomes cloned.


Chapter 5 – Handling HTML Controls
in Web Pages
Dr M.Rani Reddy


HTML Form Fields
• in this chapter, we look at how to read data
from form fields on html documents
• buttons
• checkboxes
• hidden fields
• image maps
• lists
• passwords
• radio buttons
• reset button
• select (Menus)
• submit button
• text areas
• text fields


Handling Client Data
• Review
an html document may contain a form. A
form tag includes an action attribute, that
specifies the server side script to send the
form data to
<form action="https://php.radford.edu/
method = "post" >
<input type="text" name="txt1" size="20"
maxlength = "30" />
<input type="submit" value="submit data" />
if method is post, the data will be accessed
via the $_POST array, if method is get then
the data will be in $_GET array. the
$_REQUEST array holds data from both post
and get. These are superglobal arrays.


html Form
• form tag
<form name="fm1"
action="https://php.radford.ed …"
method = "post" >
form field examples ---
<p>Enter first name:
<input type="text" size="20"
maxlength="30" name="fn" />
<input type="checkbox" name="chk1"
value="book1" checked="checked" />
<input type="radio" name="age"
value="under20" />Under 20<br />
<input type="radio" name="age"
value="21-40" />21 - 40


form Fields (cont.)
• <input type="submit" value="Submit Data" />
<input type="reset" value="Clear Form" />
Menu's and text area's can also be used
collect data on an html form.
Processing data.
in php code
from a text box
$txt = $_POST["fn"];
from a check box, if a check box has been
checked it's value will be included in the
query string
$chk1 = $_POST["chk1"];
$chk1's value will be "book1"


Getting data from RB's
• <input type="radio" name="age"
value="<20" />Under 20<br />
<input type="radio" name="age"
value="20-40" />20-40<br />
<input type="radio" name="age"
value="over 40" /><br />
receiving code
$age = $_POST["age"];
• What will $age value be if the first radio
button is clicked?


Hidden Fields
• let's you store hidden data in html documents
say you had a multi-form application, so the
user fills out one form and clicks on submit.
the server application collects the data and
then wants to have the user enter more info.
on a new form. hidden fields can be used to
insert this data into the second form, so it will
return when the submit button on the second
form is clicked.
<input type="hidden" name="hide1"
value="under 20" />
when the second form is submitted, the data
can be retrieved as you would for a text field


Password Form Fields
• In PHP these are nearly the same as text
boxes. However, the characters the user
enters into the text field are not echoed to the
screen. Rather an asterisk is echoed so the
password can not be read by casual viewers
of the screen.
<input type="password" name="pass1" />
it is read in php just like a text field.
$password = $_POST["pass1"];
Note -- the password is not necessarily
encrypted in the query string


Image Maps
• PHP supports html image maps, which are
clickable images full of hot spots, although
you work with them differently in php.
to create an image map you use
<input type="image" name="imap"
src="imap.jpg" />
when the user clicks the map, the mouse
location is sent to the server.
$xloc = $_POST["imap_x"];
when you know where the map was clicked
you can use that info. to take different actions


Uploading Files
• HTML forms can be used to upload files.
Assume you wish to upload a file named
message.txt and make this text available to
the php server script
<form enctype="multipart/form-data"
action="phpfile.php" method="post" />
Upload this file:
<input name="userfile"
type="file" />
<input type="submit" value="Send File" />


Reading Uploaded Files
• There's another superglobal array $_FILES,
it gives you access to the uploaded file
original name of the file from user
MIME type of the file
for example -- "text/plain" or "image/gif")
size of the uploaded file in bytes
temporary filename of the file in
which the uploaded file was stored on
the server
when a file is uploaded, it's stored as a
temporary file on the server, and you access
using - $_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name']


Reading Uploaded Files (cont)
• We'll see more about reading and writing files
in chapter 6, but briefly here's the method
used to open and read an uploaded file
$handle =
$text = fgets($handle);
echo $text, "<br />";
fclose ($handle);


Form Buttons, Method 1
• You may want have multiple buttons on an
html form, the question how can you tell
which button(s) was (were) clicked by the
• First method, when a button is clicked on a
form put a description in a hidden field, then
read that field in the php server script. A
javascript will have to be included in the html
<form action="phpbuttons.php"
method="post" name = "form1">
<input type="hidden" name="button" />
<input type="button" value="b1"
onclick = "button1()" />
--------------- javascripts next slide


Buttons Method 1
• the following javascript would have to be
included in the html form document
<script language="JavaScript">
function button1()
document.form1.Button.value = "b1";
function button2()
<!-- one function per button
--the receiving script then reads the hidden
field to determine which button was clicked


Buttons Method 2
• The second method is to build multiple forms
on one html document. One form for each
button. Each button could then be built using
a submit button (there can only be one submit
button on a form). There would be a hidden
field in each form that contains the name of
the submit button for that form
One php server script can be specified in the
action attribute of each form. The identity of
the button can be read in the php server
script by reading the hidden field. Each
hidden field can be preset with the name of
the submit button in that form.
The problem with this approach is that if there
is extra data to be included on the form, it has
to be on all three forms. So, this method is
rarely used.


Buttons Method 3
• You can pass data back to the server script
by using the value attribute of the submit
You still must use three different forms, each
with a submit button with the same name. We
still have three forms, but the hidden field on
each form is not needed.
Each submit button would have a different
value, the string displayed on the face of the
In the php server script we would access the
value as in:
if (isset($_POST["Button"]))
echo $_REQUEST["Button"], "<br />";
why could you use both the $_POST and the
$_REQUEST super global arrays?


Class Exercise
• Build a three part form
- the first document is a form that has a text
field that calls one php server script.
This script puts the contents of the text field
into another form and asks the user to
indicate how many times they want to
concatenate that entry together. It calls a
second php script.
The second server script performs the
concatenation and outputs back to the client
the original string entered and the
concatenated string. This script should
contain a function that is called multiple times
to do the concatenation, it should utilize a
static variable.


Chapter 3 – Handling Strings and
Dr M.Rani Reddy


String Functions
• Lots of string functions are built into PHP.
There are string functions that sort, search,
trim, change case, and more in PHP. We’ll
look at many of these but not all. Most of the
important string functions are listed on pp 66-
67 in the text.
• trim, ltrim, rtrim
These functions trim whitespace characters,
usually blanks, from either or both ends of a
string variable
echo trim(" No worries. ", "n");
--No worries.
• print, echo
Displays a string.
print ("abc n"); print "var = $var";
echo "abc", "n";
note - inside double quotes, variables are
interpolated (they are replaced by their value
• strlen
returns the length of a string
$len = strlen("abcd"); (($len will be 4))


String Functions (cont.)
• strpos
finds position of the first occurrence of a
target string inside a source string
$pos = strpos("ITEC 325","32");
--- $pos will have value 5
• strrev
reverses the characters in a string
$str = "abcd";
$newstr = strrev($str);
--- $newstr will have value "dcba"
• substr
returns a portion of a string
- first index is the start of the substring
- second index is the length of the substring
echo substr("ITEC 325", 5, 3);
• substr_replace
replace a target portion of a string with a new
echo substr_replace("no way", "yes", 0,2);
-- what will be displayed?


String Functions (cont.)
• strtolower, strtoupper
changes string to all lower or upper case
$lowcas = strtolower("ABCdef");
-- $lowcas will have value "abcdef"
• strncmp
binary safe comparison of two strings for a
given number of characters, returns -1, 0, or 1
$ind = strncmp("ABC", "DEF", 3);
• strnatcmp
performs natural comparison of two strings
returns -1, 0, 1
$ind = strnatcmp("ABC", "def");
• we'll look at some more string functions that
work with arrays.
• there are many, many more string functions,
see table B-3 in your text


Formatting Strings
• There are two string functions that are very
useful when you want to format data for
display, printf and sprintf.
printf (format [, args])
sprintf (format [,args])
The format string is composed of zero or
more directives: characters that are copied
directly to the result, and conversion
specifications. Each conversion specification
consists of a percent sign (%), followed by
one or more of these elements, in order:
- optional padding specifier indicating what
character should be used to pad the results to
the correct string size, space or a 0 character.
- optional alignment specifier indicating
whether the results should be left or right
- optional number, width specifier, specifying
how many minimum characters this
conversion should result in


Formatting Strings (cont.)
- optional precision specifier that indicates
how many decimal digits should be displayed
for floating point numbers.
- a type specifier that says what type
argument the data should be treated as
Possible type specifiers are:
- percent character, no argument required
- integer presented as binary
- integer presented as the character with
that ASCII value
- integer  presented as a signed decimal
- integer presented as unsigned decimal
- float presented as a float
- integer presented as octal
- string  string
- integer  presented as hex lowercase
- integer  presented as hex uppercase


Formatting Strings (cont.)
• printf ("I have %s apples and %s
oranges. n", 4, 56);
output is:
I have 4 apples and 56 oranges.
• $year = 2005; $month = 4; $day = 28;
$year, $month, $day);
output is:
• $price = 5999.99;
printf("$%01.2fn", $price);
output is:


Formatting Strings (cont.)
• printf("%6.2fn", 1.2);
printf("%6.2fn", 10.2);
printf("%6.2fn", 100.2);
output is:
• $string = sprintf("Now I have %s apples and
%s oranges.n", 3, 5);
echo $string;
output is:
Now I have 3 apples and 5 oranges.


Converting to & from Strings.
• Converting between string format and other
formats is a common task in web
To convert a float to a string:
$float = 1.2345;
echo (string) $float, "n";
echo strval($float), "n";
• A boolean TRUE is converted to the string "1"
and FALSE to an empty string "". An int or
float is converted to a string with its digits
and decimal points. The value NULL is
always converted to an empty string. A string
can be converted to a number, it will be a float
if it contains '.', 'e', or 'E'. PHP determines the
numeric value of a string from the initial part
of the string. If the string starts with numeric
data, it will use that. Otherwise, the value will
be 0.


Converting to & from Strings (cont)
• Examples:
$number = 1 + "14.5";
echo "$numbern";
-- will output 15.5
$number = 1 + "-1.5e2";
echo "$numbern";
-- will output -149
$text = "5.0";
$number = (float) $text;
echo $number / 2.0, "n";
-- will output 2.5
$a = 14 + "dave14";
echo $a, "n";
-- will output
$a = "14dave" + 5;
echo $a, "n";
-- will output


Creating Arrays
• Arrays are easy to handle in PHP because
each data item, or element, can be accessed
with an index value. Arrays can be created
when you assign data to them, array names
start with a $.
$students[1] = "John Smith";
this assignment statement creates an array
named $students and sets the element at
index 1 to "John Smith"
echo $students[1];
to add elements:
$students[2] = "Mary White";
$students[3] = "Juan Valdez";
you can also use strings as indexes:
$course["web_programming"] = 325;
$course["java_1"] = 120;
((sometimes called associative arrays))


Creating Arrays (cont.)
• shortcut for creating arrays
$students[] = "John Smith";
$students[] = "Mary White";
$students[] = "Juan Valdez";
in this case $students[0] will hold "John
Smith" and $students[1] will hold "Mary
White", etc.
you can also create an array --
$students = array("John", "Mary", "Juan");
or like the above but specify indexes
$students = array (1 =>"John", 2=>"Mary",
or --
$courses = array("web"=>325, "java1" =>
the => operator lets you specify key/value


Modifying Array Values
• current array values
$students[1] = "John Smith";
$students[2] = "Mary White";
$students[3] = "Juan Valdez";
$students[2] = "Kathy Jordan"; //modify
$students[4] = "Michael Xu"; // add new
$students[] = "George Lau"; // add new [5]
• looping through an array
for ($ct=1; ct<count($students); $ct++)
echo $students[ct], "<br />", "n");
• test what value the function count returns
when we have a sparse array!


Modifying Arrays (cont.)
• consider:
$student[0] = "Mary"; // what's the prob???
$students[1] = "John";
$students[2] = "Ralph";
$students[0] = "";
this sets the element to null, but does not
remove the element from the array
to remove an element use the unset function
without looping you can also display the
contents of an array with print_r
(print array)
[1] => John
[2] => Ralph


foreach loop with Arrays
• useful to access all the elements of the array
without having to know what the indices are,
it has two forms:
foreach (array as $value)
foreach (array as $key => $value)
in the first, $value takes on each value in the
array in succession.
in the second form $key takes on the index
and $value takes the value of the array,
careful it's easy to confuse the two.


Arrays & loops
• $students = array("White" => junior,
"Jones" => senior,
"Smith" => soph);
foreach ($students as $key => $val)
echo "Key: $key Value: $valn<br />";
• can also use the each function in a while loop
while (list($key, $val) = each ($students))
echo "Key: $key; Value: $valn<br />";


Sorting Arrays
• $fruits[0] = "tangerine";
$fruits[1] = "apple";
$fruits[2] = "orange";
now $fruits[0] = "apple", etc.
now $fruits[0] = "tangerine";
$fruits["good"] = "apple";
$fruits["better"] = "orange";
$fruits["best"] = "banana";
asort($fruits) results in apple, banana, orange
Note - sorted by value, but keys are
ksort($fruits) results in banana, orange, apple
sorts based on the indexes


Navigating through Arrays
• PHP includes several functions for navigating
through arrays
consider an array has a pointer to the
"current" element, this could be any element
in the array
set the current pointer to the first element in
the array
echo current($students);
set the current pointer to the next or previous
next($students); prev($students);
echo next($students);


Implode and Explode
• convert between strings and arrays by using
the PHP implode and explode functions
$cars = array("Honda", "Ford", "Buick");
$text = implode(",", $cars);
$text contains: Honda,Ford,Buick
• $cars = explode(",",$text);
now $cars -- ("Honda", "Ford", "Buick");
• use the list function to get data values from
an array
list ($first, $second) = $cars;
$first will contain "Honda"
$second will contain "Ford"
-- can also use the extract function


Merging & Splitting Arrays
• $students[] = "Mary";
$students[] = "Ralph";
$students[] = "Karen";
$students[] = "Robert";
you can slice off part of an array:
$substudents = array_slice($students,1,2);
1 -- the array element you want to start
2 - the number of elements (length)
$substudents now contains?
if the offset is negative, the sequence will be
measured from the end of the array. if the
length is negative, the sequence will stop that
many elements from the end of the array.
$newstudents = array("Frank", "Sheila");
merge the two arrays:
$mergestudents = array_merge($students,


Comparing Arrays
• PHP includes functions that will determine
which elements are the same in two arrays
and which are different.
$local_fruits = array("apple", "peach",
$tropical_fruits = array("banana", "orange",
$diff = array_diff($local_fruits,
(values in 1st array, not in second array)
$diff will contain -- apple, peach
$common = array_intersect($local_fruits,
$common will contain -- orange
can also work with associative arrays with
array_diff_assoc or array_intersect_assoc


Array Functions
• delete duplicate elements in an array
$scores = array(65, 60, 70, 65, 65);
$scores = array_unique($scores);
now scores has (65, 60, 70)
• sum elements of an array
$sum = array_sum($scores);
now $sum has value 195
• the array_flip function will exchange an
array's keys and values


Multidimensional Arrays
• $testscor['smith'][1] = 75;
$testscor['smith'][2] = 80;
$testscor['jones'][1] = 95;
$testscor['jones'][2] = 85;
have two indexes, so a two dimensional array
can use nested for loops to access and
process all the elements
foreach ($testscor as $outerkey => $singarr)
foreach($singarr as $innerkey => $val)
statements, average each students
test scores…
• Multidimensional sort - listing
• Multidimensional sort - execute


Multi-dimensional array sort
• <html>
• <!-- mularraysort.php
• example of sorting a multidimensional array -->
• <head> <title>multi-dimensional array sort</title> </head>
• <body>
• <h2>Multi-dimensional array sort.</h2>
• <p>
• <?php
• // set array elements
• $testscor['smith'][1] = 71; $testscor['smith'][2] = 80;
• $testscor['smith'][3] = 78; $testscor['jones'][1] = 91;
• $testscor['jones'][2] = 92; $testscor['jones'][3] = 93;
• // print array elements
• foreach ($testscor as $nkey => $scorarr)
• {
• $tot = 0; $noscor = 0;
• echo "test scores for $nkey<br>n";
• foreach($scorarr as $testkey => $val)
• {
• $tot = $tot + $val;
• $noscor ++;
• echo "$testkey - $val<br>n";
• }
• $avg = $tot / $noscor;
• printf ("test average = %02.2f<br>n",$avg);
• }
• ?>
• </p> <p>
• <?php
• // let's sort the $testscor array for each name
• foreach ($testscor as $nkey => $narray)
• {
• sort($testscor[$nkey]);
• }


Array Operators
• consider $aar and $bar are both arrays
$aar + $bar union
$aar == $bar TRUE, if have all same
$aar === $bar TRUE, if same elements in
same order
$aar != $bar TRUE, not same elements
$aar <> $bar same as above
$aar !== $bar TRUE, not same elements in
same order




What is OOPS
Class & Objects
Class Constants
Inheritance In Php
Magic Function
Abstract Classes
Static Methods And Properties
Accessor Methods
Determining A Object's Class


What Is Oop ?
Object Oriented Programming (OOP) is the
programming method that involves the use of
the data , structure and organize classes of an
application. The data structure becomes an
objects that includes both functions and data. A
relationship between one object and other
object is created by the programmer


A class is a programmer
defined datatype which
include local fuctions as well
as local data.
Like a pattern or a blueprint
a oops class has exact
specifications. The
specification is the class' s


Creating a class
Class emailer
Private $sender;
Private $receiver;


An object is a like a container that
contains methods and properties
which are require to make a certain
data types useful. An object’s
methods are what it can do and its
properties are what it knows.


In object oriented programming, some
Keywords are private and some are public in
class. These keyword are known as modifier.
These keywords help you to define how these
variables and properties will be accessed by the
user of this class.


Private: Properties or methods declared as
private are not allowed to be called from
outside the class. However any method inside
the same class can access them without a
problem. In our Emailer class we have all these
properties declared as private, so if we execute
the following code we will find an error.


$emobject = new Emailer("mranimca@rediff.com");
$emobject->subject = "Hello world";
The above code upon execution gives a fatal error as shown below:
<b>Faprivate property emailer::$subject
in <b>C:OOP with PHP5Codesch1class.emailer.php</b> on line
<b>43</><br />
tal error</b>: Cannot access That means you can't access


Public: Any property or method which is not
explicitly declared as private or protected is a
public method. You can access a public method
from inside or outside the class.
Protected: This is another modifier which has a
special meaning in OOP. If any property or
method is declared as protected, you can only
access the method from its subclass. To see
how a protected method or property actually
works, we'll use the following example:


To start, let's open class.emailer.php file (the
Emailer class) and change the declaration of the
$sender variable. Make it as follows:
protected $sender
Now create another file name
class.extendedemailer.php with the following


class ExtendedEmailer extends emailer
function construct(){}
public function setSender($sender)
$this->sender = $sender;


Constructor & Destructor
Constructor is Acclimated to Initialize the
Arguments can be taken by constructor.
A class name has same name as Constructor.
Memory allocation is done by Constructor


Constructor & Destructor
The objects that are created in memory, are
destroyed by the destructor.
Arguments can be taken by the destructor.
Overloading is possible in destructor.
It has same name as class name with tiled operator.




Class Constants
You can make constants in your PHP scripts
utilizing the predefine keyword to define
(constant name, constant value). At the same
time to make constants in the class you need to
utilize the const keyword. These constants
really work like static variables, the main
distinction is that they are read-only.


Class Constants
class WordCounter
const ASC=1; //you need not use $ sign before Constants
const DESC=2;
private $words;
function construct($filename)
$file_content = file_get_contents($filename);
$this->words =


Class Constants
public function count($order)
if ($order==self::ASC)
else if($order==self::DESC)
foreach ($this->words as $key=>$val)
echo $key ." = ". $val."<br/>";




Inheritance In Php
Inheritance is a well-known programming rule,
and PHP makes utilization of this standard in its
object model. This standard will influence the
way numerous objects and classes identify with
each other.
For illustration, when you extend a class, the
subclass inherits each public and protected
method from the guardian class. Unless a class
overrides those techniques, they will hold their
unique functionality




Magic Functions
There are some predefine function names
which you can’t use in your programme unless
you have magic functionality relate with them.
These functions are known as Magic Functions.
Magic functions have special names which
begine with two underscores.


Magic Functions
_ _construct()
_ _deconstruct()
_ _call()
_ _callStatic()
_ _get()
_ _set()
_ _isset()
_ _unset()


Magic Functions
_ _construct()
Construct function is called when object is
instantiated. Generally it is used in php 5 for
creating constructor
_ _deconstruct()
It is the opposite of construct function. When
object of a class is unset, this function is called.


Magic Functions
_ _call()
When a class in a function is try to call an
accessible or inaccessible function , this method
is called.
_ _callStatic()
It is similar to callStatic() with only one
difference that is its triggered when you try to
call an accessible or inaccessible function in
static context.


Magic Functions
_ _get()
This function is triggered when your object try
call a variable of a class which is either
unavailable or inaccessible.
_ _set()
This function is called when we try to change to
value of a property which is unavailable or




The ability of a object, variable or function to
appear in many form is known as
polymorphism. It allows a developer to
programme in general rather than programme
in specific. There are two types of
compile time polymorphism
run-time polymorphism".


There are some specific set of variable and functions
which can be called outside a class itself. These are
known as interfaces. Interfaces are declared using
interface keyword.
interface DBDriver
public function connect();
public function execute($sql);


Abstract Classes


Abstract Classes
A class which is declared using abstract keyword is
known as abstract class. An abstract class is not
implemented just declared only (followed by
semicolon without braces)
abstract class ReportGenerator
public function generateReport($resultArray)
//write code to process the multidimensional result array and
//generate HTML Report


Static Method And


Static Methods & Properties
In object oriented programming, static keyword is
very crucial. Static properties and method acts as a
significant element in design pattern and application
design. To access any method or attribute in a class
you must create an instance (i.e. using new keyword,
like $object = new emailer()), otherwise you can't
access them. But there is a difference for static
methods and properties. You can access a static
method or property directly without creating any
instance of that class. A static member is like a global
member for that class and all instances of that class


Static Methods & Properties
class DBManager
public static function getMySQLDriver()
//instantiate a new MySQL Driver object and return
public static function getPostgreSQLDriver()


Static Methods & Properties
//instantiate a new PostgreSQL Driver object and
public static function getSQLiteDriver()
//instantiate a new MySQL Driver object and return


Accessor Method
Accessor methods are simply methods that are
solely devoted to get and set the value of any class
properties. It's a good practice to access class
properties using accessor methods instead of
directly setting or getting their value. Though
accessor methods are the same as other methods,
there are some conventions writing them. There
are two types of accessor methods. One is called
getter, whose purpose is returning value of any
class property. The other is setter that sets a value
into a class property.


Accessor Method
class Student
private $name;
private $roll;
More free ebooks : http://fast-file.blogspot.com
Chapter 2
[ 39 ]
public function setName($name)
$this->name= $name;


Accessor Method
public function setRoll($roll)
$this->roll =$roll;
public function getName()
return $this->name;
public function getRoll()
return $this->roll;


Determining A Object's Class
public function setRoll($roll)
$this->roll =$roll;
public function getName()
return $this->name;
public function getRoll()
return $this->roll;


Chapter 9 – File Handling
Dr M.Rani Reddy


Opening a File: fopen
• We're able to create, modify, and access files
easily from PHP.
Files are used to store customer data, store
page hit counts, remember end-user
preferences, and a plethora of other things in
web applications.
• The fopen function opens a file for reading or
fopen (string filename, string mode,
[, int use_include_path
[, resource zcontext ]])
filename - name of the file including path
mode - how the file will be used read, write,
use_include_path - optional parameter that
can be set to 1 to specify
that you want to search
the file in the PHP include
zcontext - not covered in these notes


File Modes
• 'r' - open for reading only
• 'r+' - open for reading & writing
• 'w' - open for writing only, create file if
• 'w+' - open for reading and writing, create file
if necessary
• 'a' - open for appending, (start writing at
end of file)
• 'a+' - open for reading and writing
• 'x' - create and open for writing only, if file
already exists fopen will fail
• 'x+' - create and open for reading and
• Note -------
different operating systems have different
line-ending conventions. When inserting a
line-break into a text file you need to use the
correct line-ending character(s). Windows
systems use rn, unix based systems use n.
PHP has a constant PHP_EOL which holds
the correct one for the system you are using.


File Open Examples
• In Windows, you can use a text-mode
translation flag ('t'), which will translate n to
rn when working with the file. To use this
flag specify 't' as the last character of the
mode parameter, i.e.; 'wt'.
• Examples
-- open the file /home/file.txt for reading
$handle = fopen("/home/file.txt", "r");
# after this you'll refer to the file with the
variable $handle
-- open a file for writing
$handle = fopen("/home/wrfile.txt","w");
# the file will be created if it doesn't exist,
if it does exist you will overwrite whatever is
currently in the file


File Open Examples
• open a file for binary writing
$handle = fopen("/home/file.txt", "wb");
• In Windows you should be careful to escape
any backslashes used in the path to the file
$handle = fopen("c:datafile.txt", "r");
• you can open files on another system
$handle = fopen("http://www.superduper.
com/file.txt", "r");
• can use ftp
$handle = fopen("ftp://user:password@


Reading Lines of Text: fgets
• The fgets function reads a string of text from
a file.
fgets (resource handle [, int length]);
Pass this function the file handle to an open
file, and an optional length. Reading ends
when length - 1 bytes have been read, on a
newline (which is included in the return
value), or on encountering the end of file,
whichever comes first. If no length is
specified, the default length is 1024 bytes.
(file.txt below)
$handle = fopen("file.txt","r");
while (!feof($handle))
$text = fgets ($handle);


Reading Characters: fgetc
• The fgetc function let's you read a single
character from an open file.
the file
$fhandle = fopen("file.txt", "r");
while ($char = fgetc($fhandle))
if ($char == "n")
$char = "<br />";
echo "$char";


Binary Reading: fread
• Files don't have to be read line by line, you
can read a specified number of bytes (or until
the end-of-file is reached). The file is treated
as a simple binary file of bytes.
fread (resource handle, int length);
Bytes are read up to the length specified or
EOF is reached. On Windows systems, you
should open files for binary reading (mode
'rb') to work with fread. Adding 'b' to the
mode does no harm on other systems, it can
be included for portability.
$handle = fopen("file.txt","rb");
$text = fread($handle, filesize("file.txt");
// the filesize function returns the no. of bytes
// in the file.
you can convert line endings to <br />
$br_text = str_replace("n", "<br />", $text);


Reading a Whole File: file_get_contents
• The file_get_contents function will read the
entire contents of a file into a string. No file
handle is needed for this function.
$text = file_get_contents("file.txt");
$br_text = str_replace("n","<br />",$text);
echo $br_text;
Careful with this function, for very large files,
it can be a problem since the entire file must
be memory resident at one time.
Parsing a File
To make it easier to extract data from a file,
you can format that file (using, for example,
tabs) and use fscanf to read your data from
the file.
In general -----
fscanf (resource handle, string format);


Parsing a file: fscanf (cont.)
• This function takes a file handle, handle, and
format, which describes the format of the file
you're working with. You set up the format in
the same way as with sprintf, which was
discussed in Chapter 3. For example, say the
following data was contained in a file names
tabs.txt, where the first and last names are
separated by a tab.
George Washington
Benjamin Franklin
Thomas Jefferson
$fh = fopen("tabs.txt", "rb");
while ($names = fscanf($fh, "%st%sn"))
list($firstname,$lastname) = $names;
echo $firstname, " ", $lastname, "<br />";
fclose ($fh);


Writing to a File: fwrite
• Write to a file with fwrite.
fwrite (resource fh, string str [, int length]);
The fwrite function writes the contents of str
to the file stream represented by fh. The
writing will stop after length bytes have been
written or the end of the string is reached.
fwrite returns the number of bytes written or
FALSE if there was an error. If you're working
on a Windows system the file must be opened
with 'b' included in the fopen mode
$fh = fopen("text.txt","wb");
$text = "Herenisnthenfile.";
if (fwrite($fh, $text) == FALSE)
echo "Cannot write to text.txt.";
else {
echo "Created the file text.txt.";


Appending to a File: fwrite
• In this case open the file for appending, using
the file mode 'a':
$fh = fopen("text.txt","ab");
Append this to text.txt:
And here is
more text.
$text = "nAnd here isnmore text.";
if (fwrite($fh, $text) == FALSE)
echo "Cannot write to text.txt.";
else {
echo "Appended to the file text.txt.";


Writing a File at Once: file_put_contents
• This function writes a string to a file, and
here's how you use it in general:
file_put_contents (string filename, string data
[, int flags
[,resource context]]);
$text = "Herenisnthentext.";
if (file_put_contents("text.txt",$text) ==
echo "Cannot write to text.txt.";
else {
echo "Wrote to the file text.txt";


Chapter 9 – Cookies, Sessions, FTP,
Email and More
Dr M.Rani Reddy


PHP Sending Email
• The PHP installation has to include some
specifications for how to send email, in
particular the PHP initialization file must
specify the connections to the email system.
• At RU, this has been done.
• To send email in a PHP script use the mail
Mail(string to, string subject, string message,
[,string additional_headers [,
string additional_parameters]])
This sends an email to the email address in
to, with subject subject and message
message. You can also set additional mail
headers and parameters to mail.
$result = mail(steve@ispname.com, “Web
mail”, $_REQUEST[“message”]);
**message is retrieved from html form


PHP Email w/Headers (mailinput.php)
• Additional email headers like the following
may be specified.
cc (“carbon copy”)
bcc (“blind carbon copy”)
These are set with the additional_headers
$headers .= “cc:” . $_REQUEST[“cc”] . “rn”;
$headers .= “bcc:” . $_REQUEST[“bcc”] .
$result = mail(“steve@chooseanisp.com”,
“Web mail”,
• Can also send email with attachments.


PHP Cookies
• Cookies hold text that you can store on the
user’s computer and retrieve later. They are
set using the setcookie function.
setcookie parameters:
name - cookie name
value - value to be stored on the client
expire - time the cookie expires, set with
PHP time function (1/1/70)
path - path on the server on which the
cookie will be available
domain - domain for which the cookie is
secure - indicates that the cookie should
only be transmitted via https.


PHP Cookies
• Cookies are part of the HTTP headers sent to
the browser, and so they must be sent before
any other output from the PHP script. Calls to
this function must occur before any other
output from your script. This means calls to
setcookie must occur before any other output
including <html> and <head> tags. If some
output exists before calling this function,
setcookie may fail and return FALSE.
setcookie(“message”, “No worries.”);


Getting Cookies
• After a cookie is set, it won't be visible to
scripts until the next time a page is loaded.
The cookie is sent from the server machine,
so it won't be sent from the client to the
server until the next time a request is sent by
the client. Cookies are sent in the HTTP
headers to the server from the client, then
only if the request is for a page from the same
domain that the cookie came from.
After cookies are set, they can be accessed
on the next page load with $_COOKIE array.
Say a previous page set a cookie named
message. Then it will be in the global array
$_COOKIE. So, in the PHP script we have
only to access the $_COOKIE array, however,
we should check to see the cookie exists.
if (isset($_COOKIE['message']))
echo $_COOKIE['message'];


• Cookie names can also be set as array names
and will be available to your PHP scripts as
arrays. For example:
After these cookies have been set, they could
be read after the next request like this:
if (isset($_COOKIE['cookie']))
foreach ($_COOKIE['cookie'] as $data)
echo "$value <br />";


Cookie Expiration Time
• You can also specify how long the cookie
should exist on the user's machine. The
cookie will be deleted when the user ends the
current browser session (which usually
means closing all browser windows). So,
normally we'll want to specify how long a
cookie should last by giving a value for the
expire parameter.
Normally, we use the time function which
returns current time, then add the number of
seconds we want the cookie to last.
setcookie("mycookie", $value, time() + 3600);
How long will this cookie last?
• Delete a Cookie
just set the cookie's value to "" and call
setcookie with the same parameters as the
cookie was set with. When the value
argument is set to an empty string, and all
other arguments match a previous call, then
the cookie will be deleted from the user's


PHP Sessions
• When clients are working with various pages
in your web application, all the data in the
various pages is reset to its original values
when those pages are loaded. That means all
the data is reinitialized between accesses.
There are times when you want to retain data
from a single client longer. To do this you
can use cookies, hidden fields, or session
Sessions are designed to hold data on the
server. Each user is given a cookie with his
or her session ID, which means that PHP will
be able to reinstate all the data in each user's
session automatically, even over multiple
page accesses. If the user has cookies
turned off, PHP can encode the session ID in
the URL.


PHP Sessions (cont.)
• Using sessions, you can store and retrieve
data by name. To work with a session, you
start by calling session_start. To store data
in the session, you use the $_SESSION array.
$_SESSION['color'] = "blue";
in a separate page you might:
$color = $_SESSION['color'];
Session behavior is affected by many settings
when PHP is installed. For example, session
variable life is limited to the number of
minutes specified for session.cache_expire,
which can only be set during the PHP install.
All data for a particular session will be stored
in a file in the directory specified by the
session.save_path item in the php.ini file. A
file for each session will be created.


Chapter 4 – Breaking It Up:
Dr M.Rani Reddy


• In addition to the many built-in functions that
we've seen in PHP, user-defined functions
can be easily built
• User-defined functions
- it's the best way break code in manageble
- when scripts are longer than 20-30
statements they should probably be broken
into functions
- functions limit variable scope
if you have a 2000 line script and you use a
variable named $counter at the beginning,
then you forget and use another variable
named $counter near the end, they will be the
same variable and unintended side effects
and bugs will result
- functions promote reusability
- functions improve reliability


Creating a Function
• To define a function
function function_name([arg_list…])
• say all your web pages have a navigation bar
at the top
function nav_bar()
echo "<hr>";
echo "<center>";
echo "<a href='home.html'>Home</a>";
echo "<a href='map.html'>Site Map</a>";
echo "<a href='help.html'>Help</a>;
echo "</center>";


Calling Functions
• Typically we include functions at the end of
echo "<h3>Welcome to my web page!</h3>";
function nav_bar()


Passing data to Functions
• nav_bar("Big Company","© 2005");
function nav_bar($text, $copyright)
… more statements here …
echo "<i>$text</i><br />";
echo "<b>$copyright</b><br />";
• if you fail to pass an argument to a function,
you'll get an error like:
PHP Warning: Missing argument 1 for
nav_bar in C:phpt.php on line 5
you can provide a default value when you
define a function as in:
function greeting($text = "Hi")
now if you don't provide a value, then the
default value will be used


Passing Arrays to Functions
• Arrays can be passed to functions as
$fruits[0] = "apples";
$fruits[1] = "oranges";
#call to function
function array_echoer($arr)
for ($ind=0;$index<count($arr);$ind++)
echo "Element $ind: ","$arr[$ind]", "n";


Passing Arguments by Reference
• Pass-by-value is the default method of
passing argument values in PHP (a copy of
the value of the variable is made and stored in
local memory for the function). Meaning
• What if we want to pass by reference, so if
changes are made to a value in the function
they are reflected in the calling program?
$string = "no ";
echo $string;
function add_text(&$text)
$text .= "worries";
in this function the variable $string is passed
by reference, what would the output be if it
was not passed by reference?


Variable-Length Argument Lists
• You can pass a variable number of arguments
to functions. For example, here's a function
named joiner that joins any number of strings
joiner("Here's", "a", "longer", "string");
• There are three PHP functions to retrieve the
number of arguments and the value of each
argument passed to a function.
func_num_args -- returns the number of
arguments passed
func_get_arg -- returns a single argument
func_get_args -- returns all arguments in an


Varialble_Length Argument Lists (cont)
function joiner()
$text = "";
$arg_list = func_get_args();
for ($ct=0;$ct<func_num_args();$ct++)
$text .= $arg_list[$ct] . " ";
• Returning values from functions
just use the return statement
function square($val)
return ($val * $val);
call statement -- $sqval = square($num);


Return Statements
• PHP does allow the use of multiple return
statements in a single function. When a
return statement is executed in a function,
execution of the function is over.
function check_temp($temp)
if ($temp > 65 && $temp<85)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
Why is no else clause needed in this
Is this good programming?


Returning Arrays
• In PHP the return statement can return arrays
as well as scalar values.
function array_dbl($arr)
for ($ct=0;$ct<count($arr);$ct++)
$arr[$ct] *= 2;
return $arr;
to call --
$pricearray = array_db($pricearray);
• Exercise --
Implement an array doubler in php that
outputs an html document that shows the
original array values and the doubled array


Returning Lists
• Lists are another way to return multiple
values from a function.
function arraydbl($arr)
for ($ctr=0;$ctr<count($arr);$ct++)
$arr[$ctr] *= 2;
return $arr;
$loarr = array(2,4,6,8);
list($first, $second, $third) = arraydb($loarr);
• even if you only use the first few elements of
an array, it will work
• you can't return a list directly from a function
as in: return list($one, $two);


Using Variable Scope
• breaking code into functions helps with:
testing & reliability,
code reuse,
documentation (maintainability),
and most definitely tends to reduce side
effects due to improper variable scope.
$val = 5;
echo "At script level, $val = ", $val, "<br />";
echo "after fn, $val = ", $val, "<br />";
function local_scope()
$val = 20000;
echo "in fn, $val = ", $val, "<br />";
function variables are local scope --


Global Access
• you can access script level (global) variables)
inside a function, but you must declare the
variable global
$val = 5;
echo "$val = ",$val, "<br />";
echo "scr level $val = ",$val,"<br />";
function global_scope()
global $val;
$val += 2;
echo "in fn $val =", $val, "<br />";
echo "scr level $val = ",$val,"<br />";


Static Variables
• local variables in functions are reset to their
starting values each time the function is
you can have function variables retain their
values between function executions by
declaring a local variable as static
echo "count = ", counter(), "<br />";
echo "count = ", counter(), "<br />";
echo "count = ", counter(), "<br />";
echo "count = ", counter(), "<br />";
function counter()
static $countvar = 0;
return $countvar;


Variable Functions
• a variable can hold the name of a function,
the function can be called by including
parentheses after variable. this allows the
program to determine which function is called
at run time
$fn_var = "apples";
$fn_var = "oranges";
function apples()
function oranges()
-- think about determining which function to
call based on input


Conditional & Sub Functions
• some functions may be defined inside an if
statement or in some other conditional clause
in this case, since PHP is an interpreted
language, you have to make sure the
conditional statement is executed before the
function is executed
• functions can be nested in PHP
remember, like conditional functions, the
internal (nested function) doesn't exist until
the enclosing function is executed
function enclosfn()
{ echo "Hello";
function created_function()
{ echo "Hello from created"; }


Include Files
• include files allow you to reuse functions
stored in separate files
example define some constants in a separate
// file is constants.php
define ("pi",3.14159);
define ("e",2.71828);
// file is app.php
echo "value for pi: ", pi, "<br />";
login functions that are used by a number of
applications, database login values and
passwords, etc.


Errors Returned from Functions
• if there's been an error in a function, that
function returns a value of FALSE
intentionally. you can also write functions
that will return false if there's an error
function reciprocal($val)
if ($val != 0)
return 1/$val;
return FALSE;
one way of handling a return value of FALSE
is to use the PHP die function
$filename = "nonfile";
$file = fopen($filename, "r")
or die("Cannot open file");

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  • 1. 1 Chapter 2 - Gaining Control with Operators and Flow Control By Dr M.Rani Reddy
  • 2. 2 PHP Operators and Flow Control • Math Operators + Adds numbers - Subtracts numbers * Multiplies numbers / Divides numbers % returns integer remainder from integer division <?php echo "5+2 = ", 5+2, "<br />"; ?> • Math Functions abs Absolute Value You call functions the same as you do in most languages. Use the name of the function and provide the appropriate arguments. $y = abs(-9); echo "$y";
  • 3. 3 List of Math Functions • Here's some of the commonly used functions. More are listed in the text, p. 35. ceil rounds fractions up exp calculates the exponent of e floor rounds fractions down fmod returns the floating point remainder of the division of the arguments is_nan determines whether a value is not a number max finds the highest value min finds the lowest value sqrt square root
  • 4. 4 Assignment Operator • As in most languages the assignment operator is =. This means the expression on the right of the operator is evaluated and the resulting value is stored in the variable on the left. $a = 4 + 3 + $b. • There are also combined assignment operators. += -+ *= /= .= %= |= ^= <<= >>= $a += $b; We'll see more of these in use later.
  • 5. 5 Incrementing & Decrementing • PHP includes the ++ and the -- operators that can be used pre and post for some operation. ++$value increments $value by one, then returns $value --$value decrements $value by one, then returns $value $value++ returns $value, then increments $value-- returns $value, then decrements <?php $a = $b = $c = $d = 1; echo "$a++ gives ", $a++, "<br />"; echo "++$b gives ", ++$b, "<br />"; ?> ouputs what ?
  • 6. 6 Operator Precedence • new • [ • ! ~ ++ -- (int) (float) (string) (array) (object) • @ • * / % • + - . • << >> • < <= > >= • == != === !== • & • ^ • | • && • || • ? : • = += -+ and so on there are more. use parentheses to avoid problems.
  • 7. 7 Execution Operator • The execution operator lets you run operating system commands and programs, enclose the command in backquotes (`). <?php $output = `date`; echo $output; ?> In a Unix system using bash -- Fri Aug 25 12:30:42 EDT 2006 • you can pass an argument to the system command <?php $output = `ls -l *.php`; echo $output; ?>
  • 8. 8 String Operators • PHP has two string operators. concatenation . concatenating assignment .= • <?php $a = "ITEC"; $b = 325; $c = $a . " " . $b; #note coercion # now $c = "ITEC 325" $a .= " " . $b; // now $a = "ITEC 325" ?> • we'll see many more string function in PHP in the next chapter
  • 9. 9 Bitwise Operators • PHP has a set of operators that can work with the individual bits in an integer. Note - Besides integers, you can also work with strings using these operators; in that case, the ASCII value of each character is used. & AND $a & $b bits set in both $a and $b are set | OR $a | $b bits set in either $a or $b are set ^ Xor $a ^ $b bits set in either $a or $b but not both are set - Not - $a bits set in $a are not set and vice versa << shift left $a << $b shift left the bits in $a by the amount in $b -- if $b is one, multiply by two >> shift right $a >> $b shift right the bits in $a by the amount in $b -- if $b is one, divide by two
  • 10. 10 if Statements • Just the standard if (boolean expression) php statement; if the boolean expression evaluates to true the statement beneath is executed, otherwise it is not executed can execute more than one statement by createing a block of statements using { } if (boolean expression) { phpstatement 1; php statement 2; php statement 3; } $a = 50; if ($a > 45) echo "$a's value is: $a";
  • 11. 11 Comparison Operators == equal $a == $b TRUE, if $a equals $b === Identical $a === $b TRUE, if $a is identical to $b (no coercions) != not equal $a != $b TRUE, if $a is not equal to $b <> not equal $a <> $b TRUE, if $a is not equal to $b !== not identical $a !== $b TRUE, if $a is not identical to $b (no coercions) < less than $a < $b TRUE, if $a is less than $b > greater than $a > $b TRUE, if $a is greater than $b <= less than or equal $a <= $b TRUE, if $a is less than or equal to $b >= greater than or equal $a >= $b TRUE, if $a is greater than or equal to $b
  • 12. 12 Logical Operators and And $a and $b TRUE, if both $a and $b are true or Or $a or $b TRUE, if $a or $b are true xor Xor $a xor $b TRUE, if either $a or $b is true, but not both ! Not !$a TRUE, if $a is false && And $a && $b TRUE, if both $a and $b are true (higher precedence than and) || Or $a || $b TRUE, if either $a or $b is true (higher precedence than or)
  • 13. 13 else and elseif • $a = 20; $b = 40; $c = "40chairs"; if ($a >= $b) { echo "$a is larger, value is : $a"; } else { echo "$b is larger, value is : $b";} if ($a == $c) { echo "a & c are the same."; } else { echo "a & c are not the same."; } if ($a === $c) { echo "a & c are the same."; } elseif ($a == $c) { echo "a & c are different types."; } else {echo "a & c have different values."} • comparisons of strings and characters are based on the ASCII character codes
  • 14. 14 switch Statements • switch statements are used for testing multiple conditions. The same tests can be built with multiple if statements, however, switch statements help to organize code. (use ints, floats, or strings) $temp = 70; switch ($temp) { case 70: echo "Nice weather."; break; case 80: { echo "Warm today. <br />"; echo "Old bones like warm weather."; break; } case 90: echo "Hot!!!"; break; default: echo "temperature not in range"; }
  • 15. 15 for Loops • for (expression1;expression2;expression3) statement; for ($ctr = 1; $ctr < 10; $ctr++) { print ("$ctr = : $ctr <br />"); } • expressions in a for loop can handle multiple indexes, as long as you separate them with the comma operator. for ($var1=2, $var2=2; $var1<5; $var1++) { echo "var1 is : $var1 ", " double it : $var1 * $var2 ": } • probably easier to use nested for loops
  • 16. 16 while Loops • standard loop that keeps executing until the initial condition is false $ind = 10; while ($ind > 1) { echo "ind = $ind"; $ind--; } • often used when reading files open_file(); while (not_at_end_of_file()) { $data = read_one_line_from_file(); echo $data; }
  • 17. 17 do … while Loops • just like a while loop except the condition is checked at the end of the loop instead of the beginning, so it's always executed at least once do { echo $val, "<br />"; $val *= 2; } while ($val < 10);
  • 18. 18 foreach Loops & break • the foreach loop makes working with arrays much easier. <?php $arr = array("apples","oranges","grapes"); foreach ($arr as $value) { echo "Current fruit: $value <br />"; } • in case you want to stop a loop or swich statement early, the break statement ends execution of the current for, foreach, while, do…while, or switch statement. while (not_at_end_of_file()) { $data = read_one_line_from_file(); echo $data; if ($data == "quit") break; }
  • 19. 19 continue Statement • the continue statement can be used inside a loop to skip the rest of the current loop iteration and continue with the next iteration. for ($val = -2; $val < 2; $val++) { if ($val == 0) { continue; } echo 1/$val, " <br />"; } skipped the division by 0 • php has alternate syntax for if, while, for, foreach, and switch statements for ($ctr=0; $ctr < 5; $ctr++): echo "Print this five times."; endfor;
  • 20. 20 Chapter 6 – Creating Web Forms and Validating User Input By Dr M.Rani Reddy
  • 21. 21 Developing Web Applications • In developing web application, building the forms is just the first step in collecting data. Validating input data must be done to avoid wasted processing and to reduce effective response time. A typical code structure that validates data might be: validate_data(); if (count($errors) != 0) { display_errors(); display_welcome(); } else { process_data(); }
  • 22. 22 Displaying All Form Data • Here's a program that will display all the data being sent to the server program, a very useful debugging tool <?php foreach($_REQUEST as $key => $val) { if(is_array($val)) { foreach($val as $item) { echo $key, " => ", $val, "<br />"; } } else { echo $key, " => ", $val, "<br />"; } } ?>
  • 23. 23 Server Variables • There's a special superglobal array, $_SERVER, that contains a great deal of information about what's going on with your web application. For example, $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] holds the request method that was used ("GET", "POST", and so on) 'AUTH_TYPE' holds the authentication type 'DOCUMENT_ROOT' root directory under which the script is executing, defined in server config 'GATEWAY_INTERFACE' revision of the CGI spec. that the server is using, i.e., CGI/1.1 'PHP_SELF' filename of the currently executing script 'REMOTE_ADDR' ip address from which the user is viewing the current page
  • 24. 24 Server Variables (cont.) • 'REQUEST_METHOD' request method used to access the page -- GET, POST, HEAD, PUT 'SERVER_NAME' name of the server host under which the script is executing there are more see page 170 & 171 in your text
  • 25. 25 Useful HTTP Headers • A number of HTTP headers are built into the $_SERVER array as well. For example, $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] holds the type of the user's browser. Some of the other entries -- 'HTTP_REFERER' the address of the page (if any) that referred the user agent to the current page. 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' text in the user_agent: header from the current request, if there is one. Denotes the browser that is accessing the page.
  • 26. 26 Redirecting with HTTP Headers • You can read and create HTTP headers to send back to the browser. The header() function is used to create HTTP headers in the following script: the button value in the form has one of the following values (the names of php files) phpbuttons phplistbox phptextarea To redirect via a php script <?php $redirect = "Location: " . $_REQUEST['Button'] . ".html"; echo header($redirect); ?> redirecting is often used with image maps
  • 27. 27 Custom Arrays for Form Data • You can use PHP to create a custom array for form data by giving each text field control a name with square brackets Set the name attribute in the form field as in the following <input name="textdata[name]" type="text" size="20" maxlength="30" /> in the receiving script <?php $text = $_REQUEST['textdata']; echo $text['name']; ?>
  • 28. 28 Single PHP Page Application • Many web applications are written with a single PHP page. Say you wanted to get a single piece of data (like name) from a user and then you wanted to display that name with some other request for data <html><head><title>Single PHP Page</title> </head> <body> <h2>Using Text Fields</h2> <?php if (isset($_REQUEST["Name"])) { ?> <h2> Using Text Fields</h2> <p>Your name is: <?php echo $_REQUEST["Name"] } else { ?> <form method="post" action="phptext.php"> What's your name? <input name="name" type="text" /><br /><br/>
  • 29. 29 Single Page App (Cont.) <input type="submit" value="submit" /> </form> <?php } ?> </body> </html>
  • 30. 30 Validating Data • assume we're getting a name in a text field If there's no entry in the text field we can check like in the following function validate_data() { global $errors; if ($_REQUEST["Name"] == "") { $errors[] = "<span style="border- style:red; color:blue;"> . Please enter your name. </span>"; } } Note the structure for an php/html document that includes a validating function. ((slide 2)) pp. 181-185 in your text
  • 31. 31 Regular Expressions • PHP can implement regular expressions for pattern matching. This is the way most validation of entered data is accomplished. Here are three functions used in pattern matching. ereg(), split(), ereg_replace Use ereg(), to check if a string contains a match pattern: $ret = ereg("search pattern", "target string"); $ret will be set to 1if the pattern is found 0 otherwise search pattern is the regular expression target string is the string to be searched
  • 32. 32 Pattern Matching Example • $name = 'Jake Jackson'; $pattern = 'ke'; if (ereg($pattern, $name)) { print ("Match"); } else print ("No match"); outputs match since "ke" is found regular expressions are defined by an industry standard IEEE POSIX 1003.2 standard there are several special characters that can be used to build patterns ^ means the pattern must appear at the start of the target string $ means the pattern must appear at the end of the target string
  • 33. 33 Pattern Matching Characters • + matches 1 or more occurrences * matches 0 or more occurrences ? matches 0 or 1 occurrences . wildcard symbol matches any single character | or symbol either pattern can be matched [] any of the included set can be matched ^ at the beginning of the set means not these characters {} specify a number of repetitions of a character in the pattern -- note there are more, but these provide a good start
  • 34. 34 Pattern Matching Example • suppose we want to test to see that a client inputs a valid area code first -- what do we know about area codes -- 3 digits -- first digit can't be 0 -- can't be 911 • remember we can group characters using parentheses
  • 35. 35 Predefined Character Classes • there are several predefined character classes that are typically used in pattern matching regular expressions [[:space:]] matches a single space [[:alpha:]] matches any word character (uppercase or lowercase letters) [[:upper:]] matches any single uppercase letter [[:lower:]] matches any single lowercase letter [[:digit:]] matches any valid digit (0-9) [[:punct:]] matches an punctuation mark (? , . " ' ! ; : )
  • 36. 36 Using split() • use split() to break a string into different pieces based on the presence of a match pattern $output = split(search_patt, target_st, max); $output -- is an array variable that will contain the matches search_patt -- this is the pattern to be matched target_st -- the string to be searched max -- maximum number of matches to make (this parameter is optional) $line = 'Baseball, hot dogs, apple pie'; $item = split ( ',' ,$line); $item[0] will contain Baseball $item[1] will contain hot dogs $item[2] will contain apple pie
  • 37. 37 eregreplace() • works like ereg, but a second string is specified to replace the part of the target string that matches the pattern $start = 'AC1001:Hammer:15:150'; $end = eregreplace('Hammer', 'Drill', $start); $end will now contain 'AC1001:Drill:15:150'
  • 38. 38 Removing HTML Tags from Input • something you must watch out for --- html in a user's text box, especially if you're going to display that text. Malicious users can put some nasty HTML (including JavaScripts) into submitted text, which would be executed if you display that text in a browser. You can use the PHP strip_tags function to remove all HTML tags from text. function process_data() { $ok_text = strip_tags($_REQUEST["name"]); } • if you don't want to strip HTML tags, but you want to render them harmless, you can use the htmlentities function instead, which encodes HTML tags. For example, <b>Charles</b> would be converted to &lt;b&gt;Charles&lt;/b&gt; a browser will display this as <b>Charles</b>
  • 39. 39 Validating with JavaScript • using JavaScript embedded in an input form provides for validation of data before it's sent to the server. <form name="fm1" action="servpg.php" method="post" onsubmit="return checker()" > once the user clicks on the submit button the checker() javascript will be run. It can do pattern matching and other validation on the data in the form fields. If it returns false, the query string will not be sent to the server application. If it returns true, it will. If the javascript detects a problem with the data it can post a message to the user (typically using a dialog box) which will prompt them to correct the data. After the correction is made the user can submit the data again.
  • 40. 40 HTTP authentication • PHP allows you to determine whether the user has been authorized by checking the PHP_AUTH_USER key in $_SERVER. If $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] has been set , the user is welcomed by name - otherwise, the script is terminated with the PHP exit function. <?php if (!isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'])) { header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="workgroup"'); header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized'); echo 'Sorry, you are not authorized.'; exit; } else { echo "Welcome, $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']."; } ?>
  • 42. 42 Supported Databases • Many including Adabas, dBase, Empress, FilePro,Oracle , IBM DB2, Informix, and more. • One of the most popular Databases is MySQL is free and can be downloaded at: http://www.mysql.com. This book's examples are based on MySQL version 4.0. • Later the PHP DB module will be shown. DB provides a layer of abstraction over database operations, leeting the client work with many different database servers using the same function calls. The DB module lets the user access all the database servers using the same function calls, however using native built-in support is much faster • Manuals for PHP support for the various database servers can be found at: http://www.php.net/dbname
  • 43. 43 Basic SQL • To interact with databases in PHP, SQL (Structured Query Language) is used. Assume a table named fruit: SELECT * FROM fruit // selects all records from table fruit In PHP : $query = "SELECT * FROM fruit"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die ("Query Failed: ". mysql_error()); // selects specific fields SELECT name, number FROM fruit // use where clause SELECT * FROM fruit WHERE name="apples" // can also use >, >=, <, <= operators
  • 44. 44 Basic SQL (cont) • // use in clause SELECT * FROM fruit WHERE name IN ("apples","oranges") // can add logical operators SELECT * FROM fruit WHERE name NOT IN ("apples","oranges") AND number IS NOT NULL //can order a recordset descending SELECT * FROM fruit ORDER BY name DESC // can delete records DELETE FROM fruit WHERE name NOT IN ("apples","oranges") // use UPDATE to change value UPDATE fruit SET number="2006" WHERE name = "apples" // insert new data INSERT INTO fruit (name,number) VALUES ('apricots', '203')
  • 45. 45 Database Connections in PHP • At RU, the PHP server is set-up with a connection to a continuously running MySQL database server • To connect to a database use mysql_connect command and provide the host, username, and password $host = 'localhost'; $user = 'jcdavis'; $pass = 'abcdef'; // your database password $connection = mysql_connect($host,$user,$pass) or die ("Couldn't connect to dbase"); // now connect to the specific database // at RU your database name is the same // as your username $db = mysql_select_db($user); // now you can execute queries with // mysql_query mysql_close
  • 46. 46 Set Up Your MySQL Database at RU • https://php.radford.edu • go to this URL for information https://php.radford.edu/~mysql-php/ • use the MySQL admin tool to set up a table called fruits (use lower case field names) name number apples 501 oranges 255 pears 299
  • 47. 47 Other Data Types? • MySQL supports many other data types beyond TEXT and INT. Here are a few : – TEXT specifies that the table column can hold a large amount of character data. It can use space inefficiently since it reserves space for up to 65,535 characters. – CHAR(N) specifies a table column that holds a fixed length string of up to N characters (N must be less than 256). – VARCAR(N) specifies a table column that holds a variable length string of up to N characters and removes any unused spaces on the end of the entry.
  • 48. 48 Other Data Types? – INT specifies a table column that holds an integer with a value from about –2 billion to about 2 billion. – INT UNSIGNED specifies a table column that holds an integer with a value from 0 to about 4 billion. – SMALLINT specifies a table column that holds an integer with a value from –32,768 to 32,767. – SMALLINT UNSIGNED specifies a table column that holds an integer with a value from 0 to 65,535. – DECIMAL(N,D) specifies a number that supports N total digits, of which D digits are to the right of the decimal point.
  • 49. 49 Creating Database Tables • Once database instance is created need to create your tables. – Use SQL CREATE TABLE command CREATE TABLE Products (ProductID INT, Product_descr TEXT); The name of the table. First table column can hold integer data. SQL commands are shown in upper case but either upper or lower case can be used. Second table column can hold character data.
  • 50. 50 Some additional CREATE TABLE Options • Can specify some additional options in CREATE TABLE: CREATE TABLE Products (ProductID INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, Product_desc VARCHAR(50), Cost INT, Weight INT, Numb INT); An INT UNSIGNED means that ProductID must be positive values. ProductID must be specified for each row. Automatically add one to each new ProductID. Make this the primary key for table. Up to 50 characters long
  • 51. 51 Issuing CREATE TABLE From PHP Script Segment 1. $connect = mysql_connect($server, $user, $pass); 2. if ( !$connect ) { 3. die ("Cannot connect to $server using $user"); 4. } else { 5. mysql_select_db('MyDatabaseName'); 6. $SQLcmd = 'CREATE TABLE Products( ProductID INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, Product_desc VARCHAR(50), Cost INT, Weight INT, Numb INT )'; 7. mysql_query($SQLcmd, $connect); 8. mysql_close($connect); 9. } Issue the SQL query to the database. Connect to MySQL
  • 52. 52 Inserting Data • Once database is created will need to insert data • Use the SQL INSERT command INSERT INTO Products VALUES ( '0', 'Hammer', 5, 12, 123 ); Each item goes into a separate table column in a table row. Table Name
  • 53. 53 Retrieving Data • To retrieve all data, use following SQL command • For example $connect = mysql_connect('Localhost', 'phpgm','mypasswd'); $SQLcmd = 'SELECT * FROM Products'; mysql_select_db('MyDatabase'); $results_id = mysql_query($SALcmd, $connect SELECT * FROM TableName; The asterisk ("*") means get all the data The name of the table to get the data from. SQL SELECT Statement.
  • 54. 54 Using mysql_fetch_array • The mysql_fetch_array function can be used to get successive rows from a table in a while loop and get each field value from each row (record). Assume the fruits table has two fields name and number, like the following. apples 1020 oranges 3329 bananas 442 pears 235 $conn = mysql_connection($host, $user, $pass); $db = mysql_select_db($user, $conn); // remember at RU username = dbname $query = "SELECT * FROM fruit"; $result = mysql_query($query); echo "<table border=”5” >"; echo "<tr>"; echo "<th>Name</th><th>Number</th>"; echo "</tr>";
  • 55. 55 mysql_fetch_array (cont.) • while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo "<tr>"; echo "<td>"; echo "$row[name]"; echo "</td>"; echo "<td>"; echo "$row[number]"; echo "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; } echo "</table>"; mysql_close($conn);
  • 56. 56 Searching For Specific Records • Use the SELECT SQL statement with a WHERE clause SELECT * FROM TableName WHERE (test_expression); The asterisk (“*”) means look at all table columns. Specify the table name to look at. Specify a test expression to evaluate
  • 57. 57 Selected WHERE CLAUSE Test Operators Ops SQL Example = SELECT * FROM Products WHERE (product_desc='hammer'); > SELECT * FROM Products WHERE (Cost > '5'); < SELECT * FROM Products WHERE (Numb < '3'); >= SELECT * FROM Products WHERE (Weight >= '10'); <= SELECT * FROM Products WHERE (Cost <= '3');
  • 58. 58 Update, Delete Example • sample update query $query = "UPDATE fruit SET number = 234 WHERE name = 'pears'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die ("Query Failed"); • sample delete query $query = "DELETE * FROM fruit WHERE name = 'apples' "; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(); • sample insert $query = "INSERT INTO fruit (name, number) VALUES('grapes','200')";
  • 59. 59 Pear DB Module • PHP supports the DB module, which gives you a level of abstraction that smoothes over the details of working with different database servers. When you use DB, you can use the same functions to access your data; if you switch database server types, you just have to change the name of the database server you're using. DB is a PHP extension managed by PEAR, the PHP Extension and Application Repository. The PEAR module has to be installed when you configure your PHP installation on the Apache server.
  • 60. 60 PEAR DB Example • Example of using the DB module's functions to read a MySQL database // at the top of the PHP require 'DB.php'; // connect using the DB connect method $db = DB::connect('dbname://username: password@server/databasename); $query = "SELECT * FROM fruit"; $result = $db->query($query); // you can recover a row of data using the fetchRow method.
  • 62. PHP OOP An Object Oriented Programming Dr M.Rani Reddy
  • 63. What is OOP? Object Oriented Programming (OOP) is the idea of putting related data & methods that operate on that data, together into constructs called classes. When you create a concrete copy of a class, filled with data, the process is called instantiation. An instantiated class is called an object.
  • 64. Basic Class Structure Two types of constructs properties: The variables that hold the data methods: The functions that hold the logic class Animal { // The following are properties: public $weight; public $legs = 4; // A default value // The following is a method: public function classify() { /* ... */ } public function setFoodType($type) { /* ... */ } }
  • 65. Instantiation & Access instantiate by using the new keyword acces s properties and methods via -> class Animal { public $weight; public $legs = 4; public function classify() { /* ... */ } public function setFoodType($type) { /* ... */ } } $horse = new Animal(); echo $horse->legs; $horse->setFoodType("grain");
  • 66. Constructors A class can have a method called a constructor. This method, named construct, allows you to pass values when instantiating. class Animal { // The following are properties: public $weight; public $legs = 4; // A default value // The following is a method: public function classify() { /* ... */ } public function setFoodType($type) { /* ... */ } // Constructor: public function construct($weight) { $this->weight = $weight; } } $cat = new Animal(13.4);
  • 67. Privacy & Visibility Within a class, methods & properties have three levels of privacy public modified & accessed by anyone private only accessed from within the class itself protected only be accessed from within the class, or within a child class Animal { protected $weight; // Accessible by children public $legs = 4; // Publicly accessible public function construct($weight) { $this->setWeight($weight); } private function setWeight($weight) { $this->weight = $weight; } } $cat = new Animal(13.4); echo $cat->weight; // Fatal Error
  • 68. Static & Constants Constants are immutable properties. Methods and properties can be static making them accessible without instantiation. Access both via :: class Math { const PI = 3.14159265359; // Constant: public static $precision = 2; // Static property: // Static method: public static function circularArea($radius) { $calc = self::PI * pow($radius, 2); return round($calc, self::$precision); } } Math::$precision = 4; $answer = Math::circularArea(5);
  • 69. Referencing Classes from within $this- > References the object self:: Reference static & const <class_name>:: Same as self (within context) static:: Late Static Binding (more on this later) class Math { const PI = 3.14159265359; // Constant public static $precision = 2; // Static property private $last; // Private property public function circularArea($radius) { $this->last = Math::PI * pow($radius, 2); return round($this->last, self::$precision); } }
  • 71. Inheritance Through the extends keyword, this allows one class to be a copy of another and build upon it. The new class is called the child, and the original the parent. class Person { public $first; public $last; public function construct($first, $last) { $this->first = $first; $this->last = $last; } public function name() { return "{$this->first} {$this->last}"; } } class Employee extends Person { public $title; public function name() { return $this->title; } } class Intern extends Employee { protected $title = 'Intern'; }
  • 72. Accessing Your Parent You can also acces s properties & methods in the parent by using the keyword parent:: class Person { public $name; public function construct($name) { $this->name = $name; } public function announcement() { return "{$this->name}"; } } class Employee extends Person { public $job; public function announcement() { return parent::announcement . ", " . $this->job; } }
  • 73. Stopping Extension Classes can prevent children overriding a method Uses final keyword Attempting to override a final causes a fatal error class A { public function construct() { $this->notify(); } final public function notify() { echo "A"; } } // Causes a fatal error: class B extends A { public function notify() { echo "B"; } }
  • 74. Final Classes Entire classes may also be declared as final to prevent extension completely final class A { public function construct() { $this->notify(); } public function notify() { echo "A"; } }
  • 75. Abstracts & Interfaces The contracts that we make with ourselves
  • 76. Abstract Class abstract class DataStore { // These methods must be defined in the child class abstract public function save(); abstract public function load($id); // Common properties protected $data = []; // Common methods public function setValue($name, $value) { $this->data[$name] = $value; } public function getValue($name) { return $this->data[$name]; } } Defines an ‘incomplete’ class using abstract keyword on both class & methods Children need to implement all abstract methods for the parent
  • 77. Abstract Contract All abstract methods must be implemented or this class must be abstract as well Method signatures must match exactly class FileStore extends DataStore { private $file; public function load($id) { $this->file = "/Users/eli/{$id}.json"; $input = file_get_contents($this->file); $this->data = (array)json_decode($input); } public function save() { $output = json_encode($this->data) file_put_contents($this->file, $output); } } $storage = new FileStore(); $storage->load('Ramsey White'); $storage->setValue('middleName', 'Elliott'); $storage->save();
  • 78. Interfaces An interface defines method signatures that an implementing class must provide Similar to abstract methods, but sharable between classes No code, No properties just an interoperability framework interface Rateable { public function rate(int $stars, $user); public function getRating(); } interface Searchable { public function find($query); }
  • 79. Interface Implementation Uses the implements keyword One class may implement multiple interfaces class StatusUpdate implements Rateable, Searchable { protected $ratings = []; public function rate(int $stars, $user) { $this->ratings[$user] = $stars; } public function getRating() { $total = array_sum($this->ratings); return $total/count($this->ratings); } public function find($query) { /* ... database query or something ... */ } }
  • 80. Interface Extension It is possible for an interface to extend another interface Interfaces can provide constants interface Thumbs extends Rateable { const THUMBUP = 5; public function thumbsUp(); public function thumbsDown(); } class Chat extends StatusUpdate implements Thumbs { public function rate(int $stars, $user) { $this->ratings[] = $stars; } public function thumbsUp() { $this->rate(self::THUMBUP, null); } public function thumbsDown() { $this->rate(0, null); } }
  • 81. Traits When you want more than a template
  • 82. Traits Enable horizontal code reuse Create code and inject it into diferent classes Contains actual implementation // Define a simple, albeit silly, trait. trait Counter { protected $_counter; public function increment() { ++$this->_counter; } public function decrement() { --$this->_counter; } public function getCount() { return $this->_counter; } }
  • 83. Using Traits Inject into a class with the use keyword A class can include multiple traits class MyCounter { use Counter; /* ... */ } $counter = new MyCounter(); $counter->increment(); echo $counter->getCount(); // 1
  • 84. Late Static Binding It’s fashionable to show up late
  • 85. You mentioned this before Traditionally when you use self:: in a parent class you always get the value of the parent. class Color { public static $r = 0; public static $g = 0; public static $b = 0; public static function hex() { printf("#%02x%02x%02xn", self::$r, self::$g, self::$b); } } class Purple extends Color{ public static $r = 78; public static $g = 0; public static $b = 142; } Color::hex(); // Outputs: #000000 Purple::hex(); // Outputs: #000000 - Wait what?
  • 86. Enter Late Static Binding By using the static:: keyword it will call the child’s copy. class Color { public static $r = 0; public static $g = 0; public static $b = 0; public static function hex() { printf("#%02x%02x%02xn", static::$r, static::$g, static::$b); } } class Purple extends Color{ public static $r = 78; public static $g = 0; public static $b = 142; } Color::hex(); // Outputs: #000000 Purple::hex(); // Outputs: #4e008e - Right!
  • 87. Affects Methods Too Allows a parent to rely on a child’s implementation of a static method. const work as well class Color { public $hue = [0,0,0]; public function construct(Array $values) { $this->hue = $values; } public function css() { echo static::format($this->hue), "n"; } public static function format(Array $values) { return vsprintf("#%02x%02x%02x", $values); } } class ColorAlpha extends Color{ public static function format(Array $values) { return vsprintf("rgba(%d,%d,%d,%0.2f)", $values); } } $purple = new Color([78,0,142]); $purple->css(); // Outputs: #4e008e $purple50 = new ColorAlpha([78,0,142,0.5]); $purple50->css(); // Outputs: rgba(78,0,142,0.50)
  • 89. Defining Namespaces Namespaces let you have multiple libraries with identically named classes & functions. Define with the namespace keyword to include all code that follows. <?php namespace WorkLibrary; class Database { public static connect() { /* ... */ } } <?php namespace MyLibrary; class Database { public static connect() { /* ... */ } }
  • 90. Sub-namespaces Use a backslash ‘’ to create these <?php namespace MyLibraryModel; class Comments { public construct() { /* ... */ } } <?php namespace TrebFrameworkUtility; class Cache { public construct() { /* ... */ } }
  • 91. Using Namespaces Use the fully qualified name Import via the use keyword Alias when importing via as keyword Reference builtin classes with top level $db = MyProjectDatabase::connect(); $model = new MyProjectModelComments(); use MyProjectDatabase; $db = Database::connect(); $images = new DateTime(); use MyProjectModelComments as MyCo; $model = new MyCo();
  • 92. Magic Methods Part of the fairy dust that makes PHP sparkle
  • 93. Magic? All magic methods start with __ Allow for code that is not directly called to run Often have counterparts, so just as __construct() we have __destruct() which runs on object cleanup class UserORM { public $user; private $db; function construct($id, PDO $db) { $this->db = $db; $sql = 'SELECT * FROM user WHERE id = ?'; $stmt = $db->prepare($sql)->execute([$id]); $this->user = $stmt->fetchObject(); } function destruct() { $sql = 'UPDATE user SET name = ?, email = ? WHERE id = ?'; $stmt = $db->prepare(); $stmt->execute($this->user->email $this->user->name, $this->user->id); } } $oscar = new User(37); $oscar->user->email = 'oscar@example.com';
  • 94. __get and __set __get Called when an reading an unknown property. __set Called when writing an unknown property Often used for storage classes & overloading class Data { protected $_data = []; public function set($name, $value) { $this->_data[$name] = $value; } public function get($name) { return isset($this->_data[$name]) ? $this->_data[$name] : NULL; } } $o = new Data(); $o->neat = 'Something'; echo $o->neat;
  • 95. __isset and __unset _ _isset Called when isset() is reques ted on an unkno wn proper ty _ _unset Called when unset() is reques ted on an unkno wn proper ty class DataAll extends Data { public function isset($name) { return isset($this->_data[$name]); } public function unset($name) { unset($this->_data[$name]); } } $o = new DataAll(); $o->phone = 'iPhone'; $o->desktop = true; if (isset($o->desktop)) { unset($o->phone); }
  • 96. __call and __callStatic These two methods are called when you attempt to access an undeclared method class Methods { public function call($name, $args) { $pretty = implode($args, ","); echo "Called: {$name} with ({$pretty})n"; } public static function callStatic($name, $args) { $count = count($args); echo "Static call: {$name} with {$count} argsn"; } } // Output - Static call: sing with 2 args Methods::sing('Barbara', 'Ann'); // Output - // Called: tea with (Earl Gray,Hot) $m = new Methods(); $m->tea('Earl Gray', 'Hot');
  • 97. __invoke __invoke allows your object to be called as a function. class TwoPower { public function invoke($number) { return $number * $number; } } $o = new TwoPower(); $o(4); // Returns: 16
  • 98. __toString __toString determines what happens when you echo your class. c l a s s D o u b l e r { p r i v a t e $ n ; public function construct($numb er) { $this->n = $number; } public function toString() { return "{$this->n} * 2 = " . $this->n * 2; } } $four = new Doubler(4); echo $four; // Output: 8
  • 99. And more… __sleep() and __wakeup() control how your object is serialized & unserialized. __set_state() lets you control exported properties when var_export is __debugInfo() lets you change what a var_dump of your object shows. __clone() lets you modify your object when it becomes cloned.
  • 100. 100 Chapter 5 – Handling HTML Controls in Web Pages Dr M.Rani Reddy
  • 101. 101 HTML Form Fields • in this chapter, we look at how to read data from form fields on html documents • buttons • checkboxes • hidden fields • image maps • lists • passwords • radio buttons • reset button • select (Menus) • submit button • text areas • text fields
  • 102. 102 Handling Client Data • Review an html document may contain a form. A form tag includes an action attribute, that specifies the server side script to send the form data to <form action="https://php.radford.edu/ ~jcdavis/phpscript.php" method = "post" > <input type="text" name="txt1" size="20" maxlength = "30" /> <input type="submit" value="submit data" /> </form> if method is post, the data will be accessed via the $_POST array, if method is get then the data will be in $_GET array. the $_REQUEST array holds data from both post and get. These are superglobal arrays.
  • 103. 103 html Form • form tag <form name="fm1" action="https://php.radford.ed …" method = "post" > form field examples --- <p>Enter first name: <input type="text" size="20" maxlength="30" name="fn" /> </p> <p> <input type="checkbox" name="chk1" value="book1" checked="checked" /> <input type="radio" name="age" value="under20" />Under 20<br /> <input type="radio" name="age" value="21-40" />21 - 40 </p>
  • 104. 104 form Fields (cont.) • <input type="submit" value="Submit Data" /> <input type="reset" value="Clear Form" /> Menu's and text area's can also be used collect data on an html form. Processing data. in php code from a text box $txt = $_POST["fn"]; from a check box, if a check box has been checked it's value will be included in the query string $chk1 = $_POST["chk1"]; $chk1's value will be "book1"
  • 105. 105 Getting data from RB's • <input type="radio" name="age" value="<20" />Under 20<br /> <input type="radio" name="age" value="20-40" />20-40<br /> <input type="radio" name="age" value="over 40" /><br /> -------------------- receiving code <?php $age = $_POST["age"]; • What will $age value be if the first radio button is clicked?
  • 106. 106 Hidden Fields • let's you store hidden data in html documents say you had a multi-form application, so the user fills out one form and clicks on submit. the server application collects the data and then wants to have the user enter more info. on a new form. hidden fields can be used to insert this data into the second form, so it will return when the submit button on the second form is clicked. <input type="hidden" name="hide1" value="under 20" /> when the second form is submitted, the data can be retrieved as you would for a text field
  • 107. 107 Password Form Fields • In PHP these are nearly the same as text boxes. However, the characters the user enters into the text field are not echoed to the screen. Rather an asterisk is echoed so the password can not be read by casual viewers of the screen. <input type="password" name="pass1" /> it is read in php just like a text field. <? $password = $_POST["pass1"]; Note -- the password is not necessarily encrypted in the query string
  • 108. 108 Image Maps • PHP supports html image maps, which are clickable images full of hot spots, although you work with them differently in php. to create an image map you use <input type="image" name="imap" src="imap.jpg" /> when the user clicks the map, the mouse location is sent to the server. $xloc = $_POST["imap_x"]; when you know where the map was clicked you can use that info. to take different actions
  • 109. 109 Uploading Files • HTML forms can be used to upload files. Assume you wish to upload a file named message.txt and make this text available to the php server script <form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="phpfile.php" method="post" /> Upload this file: <input name="userfile" type="file" /> <input type="submit" value="Send File" /> </form>
  • 110. 110 Reading Uploaded Files • There's another superglobal array $_FILES, it gives you access to the uploaded file $_FILES['userfile']['name'] original name of the file from user $_FILES['userfile']['type'] MIME type of the file for example -- "text/plain" or "image/gif") $_FILES['userfile']['size'] size of the uploaded file in bytes $_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'] temporary filename of the file in which the uploaded file was stored on the server when a file is uploaded, it's stored as a temporary file on the server, and you access using - $_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name']
  • 111. 111 Reading Uploaded Files (cont) • We'll see more about reading and writing files in chapter 6, but briefly here's the method used to open and read an uploaded file <?php $handle = fopen($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'],"r"); while(!feof($handle)) { $text = fgets($handle); echo $text, "<br />"; } fclose ($handle); ?>
  • 112. 112 Form Buttons, Method 1 • You may want have multiple buttons on an html form, the question how can you tell which button(s) was (were) clicked by the client • First method, when a button is clicked on a form put a description in a hidden field, then read that field in the php server script. A javascript will have to be included in the html form <form action="phpbuttons.php" method="post" name = "form1"> <input type="hidden" name="button" /> <input type="button" value="b1" onclick = "button1()" /> … </form> --------------- javascripts next slide
  • 113. 113 Buttons Method 1 • the following javascript would have to be included in the html form document <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- function button1() { document.form1.Button.value = "b1"; form1.submit(); } function button2() { document.form1.Button.value="b2"; form1.submit(); } … <!-- one function per button </script> --the receiving script then reads the hidden field to determine which button was clicked
  • 114. 114 Buttons Method 2 • The second method is to build multiple forms on one html document. One form for each button. Each button could then be built using a submit button (there can only be one submit button on a form). There would be a hidden field in each form that contains the name of the submit button for that form One php server script can be specified in the action attribute of each form. The identity of the button can be read in the php server script by reading the hidden field. Each hidden field can be preset with the name of the submit button in that form. The problem with this approach is that if there is extra data to be included on the form, it has to be on all three forms. So, this method is rarely used.
  • 115. 115 Buttons Method 3 • You can pass data back to the server script by using the value attribute of the submit button. You still must use three different forms, each with a submit button with the same name. We still have three forms, but the hidden field on each form is not needed. Each submit button would have a different value, the string displayed on the face of the button. In the php server script we would access the value as in: <?php if (isset($_POST["Button"])) echo $_REQUEST["Button"], "<br />"; ?> why could you use both the $_POST and the $_REQUEST super global arrays?
  • 116. 116 Class Exercise • Build a three part form - the first document is a form that has a text field that calls one php server script. This script puts the contents of the text field into another form and asks the user to indicate how many times they want to concatenate that entry together. It calls a second php script. The second server script performs the concatenation and outputs back to the client the original string entered and the concatenated string. This script should contain a function that is called multiple times to do the concatenation, it should utilize a static variable.
  • 117. 117 Chapter 3 – Handling Strings and Arrays Dr M.Rani Reddy
  • 118. 118 String Functions • Lots of string functions are built into PHP. There are string functions that sort, search, trim, change case, and more in PHP. We’ll look at many of these but not all. Most of the important string functions are listed on pp 66- 67 in the text. • trim, ltrim, rtrim These functions trim whitespace characters, usually blanks, from either or both ends of a string variable echo trim(" No worries. ", "n"); --No worries. • print, echo Displays a string. print ("abc n"); print "var = $var"; echo "abc", "n"; note - inside double quotes, variables are interpolated (they are replaced by their value • strlen returns the length of a string $len = strlen("abcd"); (($len will be 4))
  • 119. 119 String Functions (cont.) • strpos finds position of the first occurrence of a target string inside a source string $pos = strpos("ITEC 325","32"); --- $pos will have value 5 • strrev reverses the characters in a string $str = "abcd"; $newstr = strrev($str); --- $newstr will have value "dcba" • substr returns a portion of a string - first index is the start of the substring - second index is the length of the substring echo substr("ITEC 325", 5, 3); • substr_replace replace a target portion of a string with a new substring echo substr_replace("no way", "yes", 0,2); -- what will be displayed?
  • 120. 120 String Functions (cont.) • strtolower, strtoupper changes string to all lower or upper case characters $lowcas = strtolower("ABCdef"); -- $lowcas will have value "abcdef" • strncmp binary safe comparison of two strings for a given number of characters, returns -1, 0, or 1 $ind = strncmp("ABC", "DEF", 3); • strnatcmp performs natural comparison of two strings returns -1, 0, 1 $ind = strnatcmp("ABC", "def"); • we'll look at some more string functions that work with arrays. • there are many, many more string functions, see table B-3 in your text
  • 121. 121 Formatting Strings • There are two string functions that are very useful when you want to format data for display, printf and sprintf. printf (format [, args]) sprintf (format [,args]) The format string is composed of zero or more directives: characters that are copied directly to the result, and conversion specifications. Each conversion specification consists of a percent sign (%), followed by one or more of these elements, in order: - optional padding specifier indicating what character should be used to pad the results to the correct string size, space or a 0 character. - optional alignment specifier indicating whether the results should be left or right justified. - optional number, width specifier, specifying how many minimum characters this conversion should result in
  • 122. 122 Formatting Strings (cont.) - optional precision specifier that indicates how many decimal digits should be displayed for floating point numbers. - a type specifier that says what type argument the data should be treated as Possible type specifiers are: - percent character, no argument required - integer presented as binary - integer presented as the character with that ASCII value - integer  presented as a signed decimal - integer presented as unsigned decimal - float presented as a float - integer presented as octal - string  string - integer  presented as hex lowercase - integer  presented as hex uppercase
  • 123. 123 Formatting Strings (cont.) • printf ("I have %s apples and %s oranges. n", 4, 56); output is: I have 4 apples and 56 oranges. • $year = 2005; $month = 4; $day = 28; printf("%04d-%2d-%02dn", $year, $month, $day); output is: 2005-04-28 • $price = 5999.99; printf("$%01.2fn", $price); output is: $5999.99
  • 124. 124 Formatting Strings (cont.) • printf("%6.2fn", 1.2); printf("%6.2fn", 10.2); printf("%6.2fn", 100.2); output is: 1.20 10.20 100.20 • $string = sprintf("Now I have %s apples and %s oranges.n", 3, 5); echo $string; output is: Now I have 3 apples and 5 oranges.
  • 125. 125 Converting to & from Strings. • Converting between string format and other formats is a common task in web programming. To convert a float to a string: $float = 1.2345; echo (string) $float, "n"; echo strval($float), "n"; • A boolean TRUE is converted to the string "1" and FALSE to an empty string "". An int or float is converted to a string with its digits and decimal points. The value NULL is always converted to an empty string. A string can be converted to a number, it will be a float if it contains '.', 'e', or 'E'. PHP determines the numeric value of a string from the initial part of the string. If the string starts with numeric data, it will use that. Otherwise, the value will be 0.
  • 126. 126 Converting to & from Strings (cont) • Examples: $number = 1 + "14.5"; echo "$numbern"; -- will output 15.5 $number = 1 + "-1.5e2"; echo "$numbern"; -- will output -149 $text = "5.0"; $number = (float) $text; echo $number / 2.0, "n"; -- will output 2.5 $a = 14 + "dave14"; echo $a, "n"; -- will output $a = "14dave" + 5; echo $a, "n"; -- will output
  • 127. 127 Creating Arrays • Arrays are easy to handle in PHP because each data item, or element, can be accessed with an index value. Arrays can be created when you assign data to them, array names start with a $. $students[1] = "John Smith"; this assignment statement creates an array named $students and sets the element at index 1 to "John Smith" echo $students[1]; to add elements: $students[2] = "Mary White"; $students[3] = "Juan Valdez"; you can also use strings as indexes: $course["web_programming"] = 325; $course["java_1"] = 120; ((sometimes called associative arrays))
  • 128. 128 Creating Arrays (cont.) • shortcut for creating arrays $students[] = "John Smith"; $students[] = "Mary White"; $students[] = "Juan Valdez"; in this case $students[0] will hold "John Smith" and $students[1] will hold "Mary White", etc. you can also create an array -- $students = array("John", "Mary", "Juan"); or like the above but specify indexes $students = array (1 =>"John", 2=>"Mary", 3=>"Juan"); or -- $courses = array("web"=>325, "java1" => 120); the => operator lets you specify key/value pairs
  • 129. 129 Modifying Array Values • current array values $students[1] = "John Smith"; $students[2] = "Mary White"; $students[3] = "Juan Valdez"; $students[2] = "Kathy Jordan"; //modify $students[4] = "Michael Xu"; // add new $students[] = "George Lau"; // add new [5] • looping through an array for ($ct=1; ct<count($students); $ct++) { echo $students[ct], "<br />", "n"); } • test what value the function count returns when we have a sparse array!
  • 130. 130 Modifying Arrays (cont.) • consider: $student[0] = "Mary"; // what's the prob??? $students[1] = "John"; $students[2] = "Ralph"; $students[0] = ""; this sets the element to null, but does not remove the element from the array to remove an element use the unset function unset($students[0]); without looping you can also display the contents of an array with print_r (print array) print_r($students); Array { [1] => John [2] => Ralph }
  • 131. 131 foreach loop with Arrays • useful to access all the elements of the array without having to know what the indices are, it has two forms: foreach (array as $value) { statement(s) } foreach (array as $key => $value) { statement(s) } in the first, $value takes on each value in the array in succession. in the second form $key takes on the index and $value takes the value of the array, careful it's easy to confuse the two.
  • 132. 132 Arrays & loops • $students = array("White" => junior, "Jones" => senior, "Smith" => soph); foreach ($students as $key => $val) { echo "Key: $key Value: $valn<br />"; } • can also use the each function in a while loop while (list($key, $val) = each ($students)) { echo "Key: $key; Value: $valn<br />"; }
  • 133. 133 Sorting Arrays • $fruits[0] = "tangerine"; $fruits[1] = "apple"; $fruits[2] = "orange"; sort($fruits); now $fruits[0] = "apple", etc. rsort($fruits); now $fruits[0] = "tangerine"; $fruits["good"] = "apple"; $fruits["better"] = "orange"; $fruits["best"] = "banana"; asort($fruits) results in apple, banana, orange Note - sorted by value, but keys are maintained ksort($fruits) results in banana, orange, apple sorts based on the indexes
  • 134. 134 Navigating through Arrays • PHP includes several functions for navigating through arrays consider an array has a pointer to the "current" element, this could be any element in the array set the current pointer to the first element in the array reset($students); echo current($students); set the current pointer to the next or previous element next($students); prev($students); echo next($students);
  • 135. 135 Implode and Explode • convert between strings and arrays by using the PHP implode and explode functions $cars = array("Honda", "Ford", "Buick"); $text = implode(",", $cars); $text contains: Honda,Ford,Buick • $cars = explode(",",$text); now $cars -- ("Honda", "Ford", "Buick"); • use the list function to get data values from an array list ($first, $second) = $cars; $first will contain "Honda" $second will contain "Ford" -- can also use the extract function
  • 136. 136 Merging & Splitting Arrays • $students[] = "Mary"; $students[] = "Ralph"; $students[] = "Karen"; $students[] = "Robert"; you can slice off part of an array: $substudents = array_slice($students,1,2); 1 -- the array element you want to start (offset) 2 - the number of elements (length) $substudents now contains? if the offset is negative, the sequence will be measured from the end of the array. if the length is negative, the sequence will stop that many elements from the end of the array. $newstudents = array("Frank", "Sheila"); merge the two arrays: $mergestudents = array_merge($students, $newstudents);
  • 137. 137 Comparing Arrays • PHP includes functions that will determine which elements are the same in two arrays and which are different. $local_fruits = array("apple", "peach", "orange"); $tropical_fruits = array("banana", "orange", "pineapple"); $diff = array_diff($local_fruits, $tropical_fruits); (values in 1st array, not in second array) $diff will contain -- apple, peach $common = array_intersect($local_fruits, $tropical_fruits); $common will contain -- orange can also work with associative arrays with array_diff_assoc or array_intersect_assoc
  • 138. 138 Array Functions • delete duplicate elements in an array $scores = array(65, 60, 70, 65, 65); $scores = array_unique($scores); now scores has (65, 60, 70) • sum elements of an array $sum = array_sum($scores); now $sum has value 195 • the array_flip function will exchange an array's keys and values
  • 139. 139 Multidimensional Arrays • $testscor['smith'][1] = 75; $testscor['smith'][2] = 80; $testscor['jones'][1] = 95; $testscor['jones'][2] = 85; have two indexes, so a two dimensional array can use nested for loops to access and process all the elements foreach ($testscor as $outerkey => $singarr) { foreach($singarr as $innerkey => $val) { statements, average each students test scores… } } • Multidimensional sort - listing • Multidimensional sort - execute
  • 140. 140 Multi-dimensional array sort • <html> • <!-- mularraysort.php • example of sorting a multidimensional array --> • <head> <title>multi-dimensional array sort</title> </head> • <body> • <h2>Multi-dimensional array sort.</h2> • <p> • <?php • // set array elements • $testscor['smith'][1] = 71; $testscor['smith'][2] = 80; • $testscor['smith'][3] = 78; $testscor['jones'][1] = 91; • $testscor['jones'][2] = 92; $testscor['jones'][3] = 93; • // print array elements • foreach ($testscor as $nkey => $scorarr) • { • $tot = 0; $noscor = 0; • echo "test scores for $nkey<br>n"; • foreach($scorarr as $testkey => $val) • { • $tot = $tot + $val; • $noscor ++; • echo "$testkey - $val<br>n"; • } • $avg = $tot / $noscor; • printf ("test average = %02.2f<br>n",$avg); • } • ?> • </p> <p> • <?php • // let's sort the $testscor array for each name • foreach ($testscor as $nkey => $narray) • { • sort($testscor[$nkey]); • }
  • 141. 141 Array Operators • consider $aar and $bar are both arrays $aar + $bar union $aar == $bar TRUE, if have all same elements $aar === $bar TRUE, if same elements in same order $aar != $bar TRUE, not same elements $aar <> $bar same as above $aar !== $bar TRUE, not same elements in same order
  • 143. Topics What is OOPS Class & Objects Modifier Constructor Deconstructor Class Constants Inheritance In Php Magic Function Polymorphism Interfaces Abstract Classes Static Methods And Properties Accessor Methods Determining A Object's Class
  • 144. What Is Oop ? Object Oriented Programming (OOP) is the programming method that involves the use of the data , structure and organize classes of an application. The data structure becomes an objects that includes both functions and data. A relationship between one object and other object is created by the programmer
  • 145. Classes A class is a programmer defined datatype which include local fuctions as well as local data. Like a pattern or a blueprint a oops class has exact specifications. The specification is the class' s contract.
  • 146. Creating a class <?php Class emailer { Private $sender; Private $receiver; }
  • 147. An object is a like a container that contains methods and properties which are require to make a certain data types useful. An object’s methods are what it can do and its properties are what it knows. Object
  • 148. Modifier In object oriented programming, some Keywords are private and some are public in class. These keyword are known as modifier. These keywords help you to define how these variables and properties will be accessed by the user of this class.
  • 149. Modifier Private: Properties or methods declared as private are not allowed to be called from outside the class. However any method inside the same class can access them without a problem. In our Emailer class we have all these properties declared as private, so if we execute the following code we will find an error.
  • 150. Modifier <? include_once("class.emailer.php"); $emobject = new Emailer("mranimca@rediff.com"); $emobject->subject = "Hello world"; ?> The above code upon execution gives a fatal error as shown below: <b>Faprivate property emailer::$subject in <b>C:OOP with PHP5Codesch1class.emailer.php</b> on line <b>43</><br /> tal error</b>: Cannot access That means you can't access
  • 151. Modifier Public: Any property or method which is not explicitly declared as private or protected is a public method. You can access a public method from inside or outside the class. Protected: This is another modifier which has a special meaning in OOP. If any property or method is declared as protected, you can only access the method from its subclass. To see how a protected method or property actually works, we'll use the following example:
  • 152. Modifier To start, let's open class.emailer.php file (the Emailer class) and change the declaration of the $sender variable. Make it as follows: protected $sender Now create another file name class.extendedemailer.php with the following code:
  • 153. Modifier <? class ExtendedEmailer extends emailer { function construct(){} public function setSender($sender) { $this->sender = $sender; } } ?>
  • 154. Constructor & Destructor Constructor is Acclimated to Initialize the Object. Arguments can be taken by constructor. A class name has same name as Constructor. Memory allocation is done by Constructor
  • 155. Constructor & Destructor The objects that are created in memory, are destroyed by the destructor. Arguments can be taken by the destructor. Overloading is possible in destructor. It has same name as class name with tiled operator.
  • 157. Class Constants You can make constants in your PHP scripts utilizing the predefine keyword to define (constant name, constant value). At the same time to make constants in the class you need to utilize the const keyword. These constants really work like static variables, the main distinction is that they are read-only.
  • 158. Class Constants <? class WordCounter { const ASC=1; //you need not use $ sign before Constants const DESC=2; private $words; function construct($filename) { $file_content = file_get_contents($filename); $this->words = (array_count_values(str_word_count(strtolower ($file_content),1)));
  • 159. Class Constants } public function count($order) { if ($order==self::ASC) asort($this->words); else if($order==self::DESC) arsort($this->words); foreach ($this->words as $key=>$val) echo $key ." = ". $val."<br/>"; } } ?>
  • 161. Inheritance In Php Inheritance is a well-known programming rule, and PHP makes utilization of this standard in its object model. This standard will influence the way numerous objects and classes identify with each other. For illustration, when you extend a class, the subclass inherits each public and protected method from the guardian class. Unless a class overrides those techniques, they will hold their unique functionality
  • 163. Magic Functions There are some predefine function names which you can’t use in your programme unless you have magic functionality relate with them. These functions are known as Magic Functions. Magic functions have special names which begine with two underscores.
  • 164. Magic Functions _ _construct() _ _deconstruct() _ _call() _ _callStatic() _ _get() _ _set() _ _isset() _ _unset() sleep() wakeup() tostring() invoke() set_state() clone() debugInfo()
  • 165. Magic Functions _ _construct() Construct function is called when object is instantiated. Generally it is used in php 5 for creating constructor _ _deconstruct() It is the opposite of construct function. When object of a class is unset, this function is called.
  • 166. Magic Functions _ _call() When a class in a function is try to call an accessible or inaccessible function , this method is called. _ _callStatic() It is similar to callStatic() with only one difference that is its triggered when you try to call an accessible or inaccessible function in static context.
  • 167. Magic Functions _ _get() This function is triggered when your object try call a variable of a class which is either unavailable or inaccessible. _ _set() This function is called when we try to change to value of a property which is unavailable or inaccessible.
  • 169. Polymorphism The ability of a object, variable or function to appear in many form is known as polymorphism. It allows a developer to programme in general rather than programme in specific. There are two types of polymorphism. compile time polymorphism run-time polymorphism".
  • 170. Interfaces There are some specific set of variable and functions which can be called outside a class itself. These are known as interfaces. Interfaces are declared using interface keyword. <? //interface.dbdriver.php interface DBDriver { public function connect(); public function execute($sql); } ?>
  • 172. Abstract Classes A class which is declared using abstract keyword is known as abstract class. An abstract class is not implemented just declared only (followed by semicolon without braces) <? //abstract.reportgenerator.php abstract class ReportGenerator { public function generateReport($resultArray) { //write code to process the multidimensional result array and //generate HTML Report } } ?
  • 174. Static Methods & Properties In object oriented programming, static keyword is very crucial. Static properties and method acts as a significant element in design pattern and application design. To access any method or attribute in a class you must create an instance (i.e. using new keyword, like $object = new emailer()), otherwise you can't access them. But there is a difference for static methods and properties. You can access a static method or property directly without creating any instance of that class. A static member is like a global member for that class and all instances of that class
  • 175. Static Methods & Properties <? //class.dbmanager.php class DBManager { public static function getMySQLDriver() { //instantiate a new MySQL Driver object and return } public static function getPostgreSQLDriver()
  • 176. Static Methods & Properties { //instantiate a new PostgreSQL Driver object and return } public static function getSQLiteDriver() { //instantiate a new MySQL Driver object and return } } ?>
  • 177. Accessor Method Accessor methods are simply methods that are solely devoted to get and set the value of any class properties. It's a good practice to access class properties using accessor methods instead of directly setting or getting their value. Though accessor methods are the same as other methods, there are some conventions writing them. There are two types of accessor methods. One is called getter, whose purpose is returning value of any class property. The other is setter that sets a value into a class property.
  • 178. Accessor Method <? class Student { private $name; private $roll; More free ebooks : http://fast-file.blogspot.com Chapter 2 [ 39 ] public function setName($name) { $this->name= $name; }
  • 179. Accessor Method public function setRoll($roll) { $this->roll =$roll; } public function getName() { return $this->name; } public function getRoll() { return $this->roll; } } ?>
  • 180. Determining A Object's Class public function setRoll($roll) { $this->roll =$roll; } public function getName() { return $this->name; } public function getRoll() { return $this->roll; } } ?>
  • 181. 181 Chapter 9 – File Handling Dr M.Rani Reddy
  • 182. 182 Opening a File: fopen • We're able to create, modify, and access files easily from PHP. Files are used to store customer data, store page hit counts, remember end-user preferences, and a plethora of other things in web applications. • The fopen function opens a file for reading or writing. fopen (string filename, string mode, [, int use_include_path [, resource zcontext ]]) filename - name of the file including path mode - how the file will be used read, write, etc use_include_path - optional parameter that can be set to 1 to specify that you want to search for the file in the PHP include path zcontext - not covered in these notes
  • 183. 183 File Modes • 'r' - open for reading only • 'r+' - open for reading & writing • 'w' - open for writing only, create file if necessary • 'w+' - open for reading and writing, create file if necessary • 'a' - open for appending, (start writing at end of file) • 'a+' - open for reading and writing • 'x' - create and open for writing only, if file already exists fopen will fail • 'x+' - create and open for reading and writing • Note ------- different operating systems have different line-ending conventions. When inserting a line-break into a text file you need to use the correct line-ending character(s). Windows systems use rn, unix based systems use n. PHP has a constant PHP_EOL which holds the correct one for the system you are using.
  • 184. 184 File Open Examples • In Windows, you can use a text-mode translation flag ('t'), which will translate n to rn when working with the file. To use this flag specify 't' as the last character of the mode parameter, i.e.; 'wt'. • Examples -- open the file /home/file.txt for reading $handle = fopen("/home/file.txt", "r"); # after this you'll refer to the file with the variable $handle -- open a file for writing $handle = fopen("/home/wrfile.txt","w"); # the file will be created if it doesn't exist, if it does exist you will overwrite whatever is currently in the file
  • 185. 185 File Open Examples • open a file for binary writing $handle = fopen("/home/file.txt", "wb"); • In Windows you should be careful to escape any backslashes used in the path to the file $handle = fopen("c:datafile.txt", "r"); • you can open files on another system $handle = fopen("http://www.superduper. com/file.txt", "r"); • can use ftp $handle = fopen("ftp://user:password@ superduper.com/file.txt", "r");
  • 186. 186 Reading Lines of Text: fgets • The fgets function reads a string of text from a file. fgets (resource handle [, int length]); Pass this function the file handle to an open file, and an optional length. Reading ends when length - 1 bytes have been read, on a newline (which is included in the return value), or on encountering the end of file, whichever comes first. If no length is specified, the default length is 1024 bytes. (file.txt below) Here is the file. $handle = fopen("file.txt","r"); while (!feof($handle)) { $text = fgets ($handle); } fclose($handle);
  • 187. 187 Reading Characters: fgetc • The fgetc function let's you read a single character from an open file. Here's the file contents. $fhandle = fopen("file.txt", "r"); while ($char = fgetc($fhandle)) { if ($char == "n") { $char = "<br />"; } echo "$char"; } fclose($fhandle);
  • 188. 188 Binary Reading: fread • Files don't have to be read line by line, you can read a specified number of bytes (or until the end-of-file is reached). The file is treated as a simple binary file of bytes. fread (resource handle, int length); Bytes are read up to the length specified or EOF is reached. On Windows systems, you should open files for binary reading (mode 'rb') to work with fread. Adding 'b' to the mode does no harm on other systems, it can be included for portability. $handle = fopen("file.txt","rb"); $text = fread($handle, filesize("file.txt"); // the filesize function returns the no. of bytes // in the file. you can convert line endings to <br /> $br_text = str_replace("n", "<br />", $text);
  • 189. 189 Reading a Whole File: file_get_contents • The file_get_contents function will read the entire contents of a file into a string. No file handle is needed for this function. $text = file_get_contents("file.txt"); $br_text = str_replace("n","<br />",$text); echo $br_text; Careful with this function, for very large files, it can be a problem since the entire file must be memory resident at one time. Parsing a File To make it easier to extract data from a file, you can format that file (using, for example, tabs) and use fscanf to read your data from the file. In general ----- fscanf (resource handle, string format);
  • 190. 190 Parsing a file: fscanf (cont.) • This function takes a file handle, handle, and format, which describes the format of the file you're working with. You set up the format in the same way as with sprintf, which was discussed in Chapter 3. For example, say the following data was contained in a file names tabs.txt, where the first and last names are separated by a tab. George Washington Benjamin Franklin Thomas Jefferson $fh = fopen("tabs.txt", "rb"); while ($names = fscanf($fh, "%st%sn")) { list($firstname,$lastname) = $names; echo $firstname, " ", $lastname, "<br />"; } fclose ($fh);
  • 191. 191 Writing to a File: fwrite • Write to a file with fwrite. fwrite (resource fh, string str [, int length]); The fwrite function writes the contents of str to the file stream represented by fh. The writing will stop after length bytes have been written or the end of the string is reached. fwrite returns the number of bytes written or FALSE if there was an error. If you're working on a Windows system the file must be opened with 'b' included in the fopen mode parameter. $fh = fopen("text.txt","wb"); $text = "Herenisnthenfile."; if (fwrite($fh, $text) == FALSE) { echo "Cannot write to text.txt."; } else { echo "Created the file text.txt."; } fclose($fh);
  • 192. 192 Appending to a File: fwrite • In this case open the file for appending, using the file mode 'a': $fh = fopen("text.txt","ab"); Append this to text.txt: And here is more text. $text = "nAnd here isnmore text."; if (fwrite($fh, $text) == FALSE) { echo "Cannot write to text.txt."; } else { echo "Appended to the file text.txt."; } fclose($fh);
  • 193. 193 Writing a File at Once: file_put_contents • This function writes a string to a file, and here's how you use it in general: file_put_contents (string filename, string data [, int flags [,resource context]]); $text = "Herenisnthentext."; if (file_put_contents("text.txt",$text) == FALSE) { echo "Cannot write to text.txt."; } else { echo "Wrote to the file text.txt"; }
  • 194. 194 Chapter 9 – Cookies, Sessions, FTP, Email and More Dr M.Rani Reddy
  • 195. 195 PHP Sending Email • The PHP installation has to include some specifications for how to send email, in particular the PHP initialization file must specify the connections to the email system. • At RU, this has been done. • To send email in a PHP script use the mail function. Mail(string to, string subject, string message, [,string additional_headers [, string additional_parameters]]) This sends an email to the email address in to, with subject subject and message message. You can also set additional mail headers and parameters to mail. $result = mail(steve@ispname.com, “Web mail”, $_REQUEST[“message”]); **message is retrieved from html form
  • 196. 196 PHP Email w/Headers (mailinput.php) • Additional email headers like the following may be specified. cc (“carbon copy”) bcc (“blind carbon copy”) These are set with the additional_headers parameter. $headers .= “cc:” . $_REQUEST[“cc”] . “rn”; $headers .= “bcc:” . $_REQUEST[“bcc”] . “rn”; $result = mail(“steve@chooseanisp.com”, “Web mail”, $_REQUEST[“message”], $headers); • Can also send email with attachments.
  • 197. 197 PHP Cookies • Cookies hold text that you can store on the user’s computer and retrieve later. They are set using the setcookie function. setcookie parameters: name - cookie name value - value to be stored on the client machine expire - time the cookie expires, set with PHP time function (1/1/70) path - path on the server on which the cookie will be available domain - domain for which the cookie is available secure - indicates that the cookie should only be transmitted via https.
  • 198. 198 PHP Cookies • Cookies are part of the HTTP headers sent to the browser, and so they must be sent before any other output from the PHP script. Calls to this function must occur before any other output from your script. This means calls to setcookie must occur before any other output including <html> and <head> tags. If some output exists before calling this function, setcookie may fail and return FALSE. <?php setcookie(“message”, “No worries.”); ?> <html> …
  • 199. 199 Getting Cookies • After a cookie is set, it won't be visible to scripts until the next time a page is loaded. The cookie is sent from the server machine, so it won't be sent from the client to the server until the next time a request is sent by the client. Cookies are sent in the HTTP headers to the server from the client, then only if the request is for a page from the same domain that the cookie came from. After cookies are set, they can be accessed on the next page load with $_COOKIE array. Say a previous page set a cookie named message. Then it will be in the global array $_COOKIE. So, in the PHP script we have only to access the $_COOKIE array, however, we should check to see the cookie exists. if (isset($_COOKIE['message'])) { echo $_COOKIE['message']; }
  • 200. 200 COOKIE Arrays • Cookie names can also be set as array names and will be available to your PHP scripts as arrays. For example: setcookie("cookie[one]","no"); setcookie("cookie[two]","worries"); setcookie("cookie[three]","today."); After these cookies have been set, they could be read after the next request like this: if (isset($_COOKIE['cookie'])) { foreach ($_COOKIE['cookie'] as $data) { echo "$value <br />"; } }
  • 201. 201 Cookie Expiration Time • You can also specify how long the cookie should exist on the user's machine. The cookie will be deleted when the user ends the current browser session (which usually means closing all browser windows). So, normally we'll want to specify how long a cookie should last by giving a value for the expire parameter. Normally, we use the time function which returns current time, then add the number of seconds we want the cookie to last. setcookie("mycookie", $value, time() + 3600); How long will this cookie last? • Delete a Cookie just set the cookie's value to "" and call setcookie with the same parameters as the cookie was set with. When the value argument is set to an empty string, and all other arguments match a previous call, then the cookie will be deleted from the user's machine.
  • 202. 202 PHP Sessions • When clients are working with various pages in your web application, all the data in the various pages is reset to its original values when those pages are loaded. That means all the data is reinitialized between accesses. There are times when you want to retain data from a single client longer. To do this you can use cookies, hidden fields, or session variables. Sessions are designed to hold data on the server. Each user is given a cookie with his or her session ID, which means that PHP will be able to reinstate all the data in each user's session automatically, even over multiple page accesses. If the user has cookies turned off, PHP can encode the session ID in the URL.
  • 203. 203 PHP Sessions (cont.) • Using sessions, you can store and retrieve data by name. To work with a session, you start by calling session_start. To store data in the session, you use the $_SESSION array. session_start(); $_SESSION['color'] = "blue"; in a separate page you might: session_start(); $color = $_SESSION['color']; Session behavior is affected by many settings when PHP is installed. For example, session variable life is limited to the number of minutes specified for session.cache_expire, which can only be set during the PHP install. All data for a particular session will be stored in a file in the directory specified by the session.save_path item in the php.ini file. A file for each session will be created.
  • 204. 204 Chapter 4 – Breaking It Up: Functions Dr M.Rani Reddy
  • 205. 205 Functions • In addition to the many built-in functions that we've seen in PHP, user-defined functions can be easily built • User-defined functions - it's the best way break code in manageble sections - when scripts are longer than 20-30 statements they should probably be broken into functions - functions limit variable scope if you have a 2000 line script and you use a variable named $counter at the beginning, then you forget and use another variable named $counter near the end, they will be the same variable and unintended side effects and bugs will result - functions promote reusability - functions improve reliability
  • 206. 206 Creating a Function • To define a function function function_name([arg_list…]) { } • say all your web pages have a navigation bar at the top function nav_bar() { echo "<hr>"; echo "<center>"; echo "<a href='home.html'>Home</a>"; echo "<a href='map.html'>Site Map</a>"; echo "<a href='help.html'>Help</a>; echo "</center>";
  • 207. 207 Calling Functions • Typically we include functions at the end of code <?php echo "<h3>Welcome to my web page!</h3>"; … nav_bar(); function nav_bar() { … } ?>
  • 208. 208 Passing data to Functions • nav_bar("Big Company","© 2005"); function nav_bar($text, $copyright) { … more statements here … echo "<i>$text</i><br />"; echo "<b>$copyright</b><br />"; } • if you fail to pass an argument to a function, you'll get an error like: PHP Warning: Missing argument 1 for nav_bar in C:phpt.php on line 5 you can provide a default value when you define a function as in: function greeting($text = "Hi") now if you don't provide a value, then the default value will be used
  • 209. 209 Passing Arrays to Functions • Arrays can be passed to functions as arguments <?php $fruits[0] = "apples"; $fruits[1] = "oranges"; array_echoer($fruits); #call to function function array_echoer($arr) { for ($ind=0;$index<count($arr);$ind++) { echo "Element $ind: ","$arr[$ind]", "n"; } }
  • 210. 210 Passing Arguments by Reference • Pass-by-value is the default method of passing argument values in PHP (a copy of the value of the variable is made and stored in local memory for the function). Meaning what? • What if we want to pass by reference, so if changes are made to a value in the function they are reflected in the calling program? $string = "no "; add_text($string); echo $string; function add_text(&$text) { $text .= "worries"; } in this function the variable $string is passed by reference, what would the output be if it was not passed by reference?
  • 211. 211 Variable-Length Argument Lists • You can pass a variable number of arguments to functions. For example, here's a function named joiner that joins any number of strings together. joiner("No","worries"); joiner("Here's", "a", "longer", "string"); • There are three PHP functions to retrieve the number of arguments and the value of each argument passed to a function. func_num_args -- returns the number of arguments passed func_get_arg -- returns a single argument func_get_args -- returns all arguments in an array.
  • 212. 212 Varialble_Length Argument Lists (cont) • function joiner() { $text = ""; $arg_list = func_get_args(); for ($ct=0;$ct<func_num_args();$ct++) { $text .= $arg_list[$ct] . " "; } } • Returning values from functions just use the return statement function square($val) { return ($val * $val); } call statement -- $sqval = square($num); argpass.php
  • 213. 213 Return Statements • PHP does allow the use of multiple return statements in a single function. When a return statement is executed in a function, execution of the function is over. function check_temp($temp) { if ($temp > 65 && $temp<85) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } Why is no else clause needed in this function? Is this good programming?
  • 214. 214 Returning Arrays • In PHP the return statement can return arrays as well as scalar values. function array_dbl($arr) { for ($ct=0;$ct<count($arr);$ct++) { $arr[$ct] *= 2; } return $arr; } to call -- $pricearray = array_db($pricearray); • Exercise -- Implement an array doubler in php that outputs an html document that shows the original array values and the doubled array values.
  • 215. 215 Returning Lists • Lists are another way to return multiple values from a function. function arraydbl($arr) { for ($ctr=0;$ctr<count($arr);$ct++) { $arr[$ctr] *= 2; } return $arr; } $loarr = array(2,4,6,8); list($first, $second, $third) = arraydb($loarr); • even if you only use the first few elements of an array, it will work • you can't return a list directly from a function as in: return list($one, $two);
  • 216. 216 Using Variable Scope • breaking code into functions helps with: testing & reliability, code reuse, documentation (maintainability), and most definitely tends to reduce side effects due to improper variable scope. <?php $val = 5; echo "At script level, $val = ", $val, "<br />"; local_scope(); echo "after fn, $val = ", $val, "<br />"; function local_scope() { $val = 20000; echo "in fn, $val = ", $val, "<br />"; } ?> function variables are local scope --
  • 217. 217 Global Access • you can access script level (global) variables) inside a function, but you must declare the variable global <?php $val = 5; echo "$val = ",$val, "<br />"; global_scope(); echo "scr level $val = ",$val,"<br />"; function global_scope() { global $val; $val += 2; echo "in fn $val =", $val, "<br />"; } echo "scr level $val = ",$val,"<br />";
  • 218. 218 Static Variables • local variables in functions are reset to their starting values each time the function is called you can have function variables retain their values between function executions by declaring a local variable as static <?php echo "count = ", counter(), "<br />"; echo "count = ", counter(), "<br />"; echo "count = ", counter(), "<br />"; echo "count = ", counter(), "<br />"; function counter() { static $countvar = 0; $countvar++; return $countvar; } ?>
  • 219. 219 Variable Functions • a variable can hold the name of a function, the function can be called by including parentheses after variable. this allows the program to determine which function is called at run time $fn_var = "apples"; $fn_var(); $fn_var = "oranges"; $fn_var(); function apples() { … } function oranges() { … } -- think about determining which function to call based on input
  • 220. 220 Conditional & Sub Functions • some functions may be defined inside an if statement or in some other conditional clause in this case, since PHP is an interpreted language, you have to make sure the conditional statement is executed before the function is executed • functions can be nested in PHP remember, like conditional functions, the internal (nested function) doesn't exist until the enclosing function is executed <?php function enclosfn() { echo "Hello"; function created_function() { echo "Hello from created"; } } enclosfn(); created_function(); ?>
  • 221. 221 Include Files • include files allow you to reuse functions stored in separate files example define some constants in a separate file <?php // file is constants.php define ("pi",3.14159); define ("e",2.71828); ?> <?php // file is app.php include("constants.php"); echo "value for pi: ", pi, "<br />"; ?> login functions that are used by a number of applications, database login values and passwords, etc.
  • 222. 222 Errors Returned from Functions • if there's been an error in a function, that function returns a value of FALSE intentionally. you can also write functions that will return false if there's an error function reciprocal($val) { if ($val != 0) { return 1/$val; } else { return FALSE; } } one way of handling a return value of FALSE is to use the PHP die function $filename = "nonfile"; $file = fopen($filename, "r") or die("Cannot open file");