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act up: misbehave (for people); not work
properly (for machines).
"The babysitter had a difficult time. The chil-
dren acted up all evening."
act like: behave in a way that's like.
"What's wrong with Bob? He's acting like an
add up: find the total.
"What's the total of those bills? Could you
add them up and see?"
back off: not follow a threat.
"Tom was ready to call the police when I told
him I'd wrecked his car, but he backed off
when I said I'd pay for the damages."
back up (1): move backward; move in
"The people waiting in line are too close to
the door. We won't be able to open it unless
they back up."
back up (2): confirm a story, facts, or infor-
"If you don't believe me, talk to Dave. He'll
back me up."
back up (3): make a "protection" copy to
use if there are problems with the original.
"When my computer crashed, I lost many of
my files. It's a good thing I backed them up."
blow up (1): explode; destroy by exploding.
A: "That old building really came down
B: "That's because the construction company
used dynamite to blow it up."
blow up (2): suddenly become very angry.
"When I told Jerry that I'd had an accident
with his car, he blew up."
break down: stop working or functioning.
"Sharon will be late for work today. Her car
broke down on the freeway."
break in: enter by using force and breaking
a lock, window, etc.
"Jane's apartment was burglarized last night.
Someone broke in while Jane was at the
break up: end a personal relationship.
"I'm sorry to hear that their marriage broke
up. I'm sure the divorce will be difficult for
the children."
bring up: raise; rear.
"Lucy's parents died when she was a baby.
Her grandparents brought her up."
burn up: cause someone to become very
"Did you hear how rudely Fred talked to me?
That really burned me up!"
butt in: impolitely interrupt a conversation,
an action.
"Hey, you! Don't butt in! Wait for your turn!"
butter up: praise someone excessively with
the hope of getting some benefit.
"I guess Marty really wants to be promoted.
He's been buttering his boss up all week."
call off: cancel something that has been
"We don't have school today. The mayor
called classes off because of the snow."
calm down: become calm, less agitated or
"Why are you so upset? Suzie didn't intend to
spill orange juice on you. Calm down!"
care for: take care of; supply care to;
attend, watch.
"Amy's father got out of the hospital last
week. The family is caring for him at home."
catch on: develop understanding or knowl-
edge of something.
"Bill had never used a computer until he took
this class, but he caught on very quickly and
is now one of the best students."
catch up with: stop being behind.
"Terry stopped to rest for a few minutes. He'll
catch up with us later."
check in: register for at a hotel, conference,
etc.; let someone know officially that you
have arrived.
"When you arrive at the conference, be sure
to check in at the registration desk."
check out: follow procedures for leaving a
hotel, etc.
"Don't forget to take your room key to the
front desk when you check out.
cheer up: help someone feel less worried,
depressed, sad.
"Suzie's brother was depressed about not
getting a promotion, so she sent him a funny
card to cheer him up."
chew out: scold someone severely; berate.
"Tom's father was really angry when Tom
didn't come home until 3:00 AM. He chewed
Tom out and then said Tom had to stay at
home for two weeks."
come across: find unexpectedly.
"I've lost my extra car keys. If you come
across them while you're cleaning the room,
please put them in a safe place."
come down with: become ill with.
"George won't be at the office today. He
came down with the flu over the weekend."
count on: depend on; trust that something
will happen or that someone will do as
"I'm counting on you to wake me up tomor-
row. I know I won't hear the alarm."
cut back: use less of something.
"You drink too much coffee. You should cut
do in: to kill; to murder.
"The said that the murdered man was done
in between 10 and 11 o'clock last night."
do over: do something again.
"Oh, no! I forgot to save my report before I
turned the computer off! Now I'll have to do
it over!"
drag on: last much longer than expected or
is necessary.
"I thought the meeting would be a short one,
but it dragged on for more than three hours."
drop off: deliver something; deliver some-
one by giving him a ride.
"You don't have to take a taxi. You live fairly
close to me, so I'll be happy to drop you off."
drop in: visit informally and usually without
scheduling a specific time.
"If you're in town next month, we'd love to
see you. Please try to drop in.
drop out: stop attending, leave school or an
"No, Paul isn't at the university. He dropped
eat out: have a meal in a restaurant.
"I'm too tired to cook tonight. Why don't we
eat out?"
end up: arrive somewhere as a result or
"You're working too hard. If you don't take it
easy, you'll end up in the hospital!"
face up to: admit to; take responsibility for.
"You can't pretend that you're doing OK in
this course, Joe. Sooner or later, you'll have
to face up to the fact that you're failing it."
figure out: logically find the answer to a
problem; solve a problem by thinking about
it carefully.
"For a long time I couldn't understand the
last problem, but I finally figured it out."
figure out: understand why someone
behaves the way she does.
"I can't figure Margie out. Sometimes she's
very warm and friendly and sometimes she
acts as if she doesn't know me."
fill in: add information to a form.
"The office needs to know your home address
and phone number. Could you fill them in on
this form?"
fill out: complete a form by adding required
"Of course I completed my application! I
filled it out and mailed it over three weeks
find out: learn, get information.
"I'm sorry that you didn't know the meeting
had been canceled. I didn't find out myself
until just a few minutes ago."
get across: make something understood;
communicate something understandably.
"Alan is really intelligent but sometimes he
has problems getting his ideas across."
get along: have a friendly relationship with;
be friendly.
"Why can't you and your sister get along?
Everyone else gets along with her just fine!"
get around: move from place to place.
"She doesn't have a car. She gets around by
bicycle, bus, or taxi."
get by: survive, financially, in a difficult sit-
"It's going to be hard to pay the rent now
that you've lost your job, but somehow we'll
get by."
get in: enter a small, closed vehicle.
"I don't know where Carole was going. She
just got in her car and drove away."
get off: leave a large, closed vehicle.
"When you get off the bus, cross the street,
turn right on Oak Street, and keep going
until you're at the corner of Oak and Lincoln
get over (1): finish.
"What time do your classes get over?"
get over (2): recover from an illness or
painful experience.
"Katy was really upset when she failed the
test. She thought she would never get over
feeling so stupid."
get rid of: dispose of; give away or throw
"That shirt is really ugly. Why don't you get
rid of it?"
get rid of: dismiss someone; fire someone
from a job; cause someone to leave.
"The treasurer of the Microsoft Company was
spending too much money so the company
president got rid of him."
give up: stop doing something (usually a
"He knows smoking isn't good for his health,
but he can't give it up."
grow up: spend the years between being a
child and being an adult.
"Did you know that Frank grew up in
grow up: behave responsibly; behave as an
adult, not a child.
A: "Lee really irritates me sometimes. He's
really silly and childish."
B: "I agree. I wish he would grow up."
hand in: submit homework, an assignment,
"You'd better get started on your report. You
know that you have to hand it in at 8:30
tomorrow morning!"
hand out: distribute.
"Why don't you have a course description
and list of assignments? The teacher handed
them out on the first day of class."
hang up: end a phone conversation by
replacing the receiver.
"I'd like to talk longer, but I'd better hang up.
My sister needs to make a call."
hold up: delay.
"I'm sorry I'm late. There was an accident on
the freeway and traffic held me up."
keep on: continue
"I'm not ready to stop yet. I think I'll keep on
working for a while."
kick out: expel; force someone to leave
because of his poor performance or unac-
ceptable behavior.
"Jim's club kicked him out because he didn't
pay his dues or come to meetings."
knock out: make unconscious.
"That medicine really knocked me out. I slept
for 14 hours straight!"
lay off: dismiss someone from a job because
of lack of work or money (not because of
poor performance)
"I feel really sorry Sally's family. Her father
was laid off yesterday."
leave out: forget; omit.
"Oh, no! When I made the list of those who
attended the meeting, I left your name out!"
let down: disappoint.
"I know I let you down when I didn't do what
I promised. I'm really sorry."
look forward to: anticipate pleasantly;
think about a pleasant thing before it hap-
"I'm really looking forward to vacation. I
can't wait for it to begin!"
look into: investigate, get more details
about something.
"Someone said there was a meeting at 9:30
but I haven't heard anything about it. Shall I
look into it?"
look like: resemble in appearance.
"Does he look like his father or his mother?"
look over: check; review.
"I think I may have some typos in this report.
Could you look it over?"
look up: find something in a reference work.
"I'm sorry, but I don't know what that word
means. I'll have to look it up."
make fun of: make jokes about.
"I agree that Bob looks ridiculous since he
shaved his head, but don't make fun of him.
You'll hurt his feelings."
make up: invent imaginary information.
"Judy's story is hard to believe. I'm sure she
made it up."
make up: compensate for something missed
or not done by doing extra or equivalent
"I'm sorry I missed the test. May I make it
mix up: cause to become confused.
"I didn't complete the assignment because I
didn't know how. The directions mixed me up
pass away: die.
"I was very sorry to hear that your grandfa-
ther passed away."
pass out: faint; lose consciousness.
"When Ella heard that she'd won a million
dollars, she was so shocked that she passed
pass out: distribute.
"Everyone in the room needs one of these
information sheets. Who will help me pass
them out?"
pick out: choose; select.
"Billy's grandmother especially liked her
birthday card because Billy had picked it out
pick up: lift; take up.
"Those books don't belong on the floor. Will
you help me pick them up?"
pull over: drive a vehicle to the side of the
"When the policeman indicated that I should
pull over, I knew he was going to give me a
put off: postpone; delay; avoid.
"I can't put this work off any longer. If I don't
do it soon, it'll be impossible to finish it in
put on: begin to wear.
"It's a little bit chilly outside. You'd better put
a sweater on."
put up with: tolerate.
"It's really important to come to work on
time. The boss won't put up with tardiness."
run into: meet by chance.
"Yesterday at the supermarket, Jan ran into
her former roommate. Before yesterday,
they hadn't seen each other for nearly five
run out of: use the last of.
"On the way home from work, Art ran out of
set up: make arrangements for something.
"You'll see Mr. Thomas tomorrow. I've set a
meeting up for 9:30 AM."
stand out: be noticeably better than other
similar people or things.
"Good job, Ann! Your work really stands out!"
show up: arrive; appear.
"The boss was very upset when you didn't
show up for the meeting. What happened?"
stand for: represent.
"These letters seem to be an abbreviation.
Do you know what they stand for?"
stand for: tolerate; permit (usually nega-
"I'm not surprised that Mrs. Johnson reject-
ed your report. She won't stand for shoddy
take after: resemble; favor (in appearance).
"Both my sister and I take after our father."
take back: return.
"This book is due tomorrow. I guess I should
take it back to the library."
take care of: provide care for; watch one's
"You've been working too hard lately. You'd
better take care of yourself!"
take off: remove something you're wearing.
"Please take your hat off when you go inside
a building."
take off: leave; depart (often suddenly or
"When does your plane take off?"
take up: begin a hobby or leisure-time activ-
A: "Do you like to ski?"
B: "I've never been skiing, but I think I'd like
to take it up."
try on: wear something briefly to check its
fit, how it looks, etc.
"I'm not sure that jacket is large enough.
May I try it on?"
try out: use a machine briefly to determine
how well it works.
"I really like the way this car looks. May I try
it out?"
turn around: move so that you are facing
the opposite direction.
"Everyone turned around and stared when I
entered the meeting late."
turn down: decrease the volume.
"Your music is giving me a headache! Please
turn it down or use your headphones!"
turn down: refuse.
"I thought I could borrow some money from
Joe, but when I asked, he turned me down."
turn in: give, deliver, submit to someone.
"I've written my report, but I haven't turned
it in."
turn off: stop by turning a handle or switch.
"I'm cold. Do you mind if I turn the air con-
ditioner off?"
turn off: bore; repel (very informal).
"That music turns me off. Please play some-
thing else!"
turn on (1): start by turning a handle or
"It's cold in here. I'm going to turn the heater
turn on (2): interest very much; excite
(very informal).
"What kind of music turns you on?"
turn up: increase the volume.
"I can barely hear the TV. Can you turn it up
a little?"
turn up: appear unexpectedly.
"We were all surprised when Pam turned up
at the party. We didn't even know she was in
watch out for: be careful of; beware of.
"There's a school at the end of this block.
Watch out for children crossing the street."
wear out: cause to become exhausted;
cause to become very tired.
"I had four different meetings today. They
wore me out."
work out( 1): exercise to build muscles,
body tone, etc.
"Instead of eating lunch on Monday,
Wednesday, and Friday, Sheila goes to the
recreation center to work out."
work out (2): solve a problem, resolve a
difficult situation (usually by working togeth-
"I know we disagree on many points, but I
believe we can work things out."
wrap up (1): wear enough clothes to keep
"It's really cold today. Be sure you wrap up
when you leave the house."
wrap up (2): finish something; bring some-
thing to a conclusion.
"We've been talking about the problem for
nearly three hours.
I hope we'll be able to wrap the discussion up
write down: record something in writing.
"Could you tell me your e-mail address
again? I want to write it down."
write up: record; report in writing.
"You'll need to make a report on your busi-
ness meetings. Be sure you write them up as
soon as possible after you return from your
zonk out: fall asleep quickly because of
"I intended to go shopping after work, but I
was so tired that I zonked out as soon as I
got home."

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Phrasal verbs

  • 1. 329PPHHRRAASSAALL VVEERRBBSS act up: misbehave (for people); not work properly (for machines). "The babysitter had a difficult time. The chil- dren acted up all evening." act like: behave in a way that's like. "What's wrong with Bob? He's acting like an idiot." add up: find the total. "What's the total of those bills? Could you add them up and see?" back off: not follow a threat. "Tom was ready to call the police when I told him I'd wrecked his car, but he backed off when I said I'd pay for the damages." back up (1): move backward; move in reverse. "The people waiting in line are too close to the door. We won't be able to open it unless they back up." back up (2): confirm a story, facts, or infor- mation. "If you don't believe me, talk to Dave. He'll back me up." back up (3): make a "protection" copy to use if there are problems with the original. "When my computer crashed, I lost many of my files. It's a good thing I backed them up." blow up (1): explode; destroy by exploding. A: "That old building really came down quickly!" B: "That's because the construction company used dynamite to blow it up." blow up (2): suddenly become very angry. "When I told Jerry that I'd had an accident with his car, he blew up." break down: stop working or functioning. "Sharon will be late for work today. Her car broke down on the freeway." break in: enter by using force and breaking a lock, window, etc. "Jane's apartment was burglarized last night. Someone broke in while Jane was at the movies." break up: end a personal relationship. "I'm sorry to hear that their marriage broke up. I'm sure the divorce will be difficult for the children." bring up: raise; rear. "Lucy's parents died when she was a baby. Her grandparents brought her up." burn up: cause someone to become very angry. "Did you hear how rudely Fred talked to me? That really burned me up!" butt in: impolitely interrupt a conversation, an action. "Hey, you! Don't butt in! Wait for your turn!" butter up: praise someone excessively with the hope of getting some benefit. "I guess Marty really wants to be promoted. He's been buttering his boss up all week." call off: cancel something that has been scheduled. "We don't have school today. The mayor called classes off because of the snow." calm down: become calm, less agitated or upset. "Why are you so upset? Suzie didn't intend to spill orange juice on you. Calm down!"
  • 2. 330 PPHHRRAASSAALL VVEERRBBSS care for: take care of; supply care to; attend, watch. "Amy's father got out of the hospital last week. The family is caring for him at home." catch on: develop understanding or knowl- edge of something. "Bill had never used a computer until he took this class, but he caught on very quickly and is now one of the best students." catch up with: stop being behind. "Terry stopped to rest for a few minutes. He'll catch up with us later." check in: register for at a hotel, conference, etc.; let someone know officially that you have arrived. "When you arrive at the conference, be sure to check in at the registration desk." check out: follow procedures for leaving a hotel, etc. "Don't forget to take your room key to the front desk when you check out. cheer up: help someone feel less worried, depressed, sad. "Suzie's brother was depressed about not getting a promotion, so she sent him a funny card to cheer him up." chew out: scold someone severely; berate. "Tom's father was really angry when Tom didn't come home until 3:00 AM. He chewed Tom out and then said Tom had to stay at home for two weeks." come across: find unexpectedly. "I've lost my extra car keys. If you come across them while you're cleaning the room, please put them in a safe place." come down with: become ill with. "George won't be at the office today. He came down with the flu over the weekend." count on: depend on; trust that something will happen or that someone will do as expected. "I'm counting on you to wake me up tomor- row. I know I won't hear the alarm." cut back: use less of something. "You drink too much coffee. You should cut back." do in: to kill; to murder. "The said that the murdered man was done in between 10 and 11 o'clock last night." do over: do something again. "Oh, no! I forgot to save my report before I turned the computer off! Now I'll have to do it over!" drag on: last much longer than expected or is necessary. "I thought the meeting would be a short one, but it dragged on for more than three hours." drop off: deliver something; deliver some- one by giving him a ride. "You don't have to take a taxi. You live fairly close to me, so I'll be happy to drop you off." drop in: visit informally and usually without scheduling a specific time. "If you're in town next month, we'd love to see you. Please try to drop in. drop out: stop attending, leave school or an organization. "No, Paul isn't at the university. He dropped out. eat out: have a meal in a restaurant. "I'm too tired to cook tonight. Why don't we eat out?" end up: arrive somewhere as a result or consequence. "You're working too hard. If you don't take it easy, you'll end up in the hospital!" face up to: admit to; take responsibility for. "You can't pretend that you're doing OK in this course, Joe. Sooner or later, you'll have to face up to the fact that you're failing it." figure out: logically find the answer to a problem; solve a problem by thinking about it carefully. "For a long time I couldn't understand the last problem, but I finally figured it out." figure out: understand why someone behaves the way she does. "I can't figure Margie out. Sometimes she's very warm and friendly and sometimes she acts as if she doesn't know me."
  • 3. 331PPHHRRAASSAALL VVEERRBBSS fill in: add information to a form. "The office needs to know your home address and phone number. Could you fill them in on this form?" fill out: complete a form by adding required information. "Of course I completed my application! I filled it out and mailed it over three weeks ago!" find out: learn, get information. "I'm sorry that you didn't know the meeting had been canceled. I didn't find out myself until just a few minutes ago." get across: make something understood; communicate something understandably. "Alan is really intelligent but sometimes he has problems getting his ideas across." get along: have a friendly relationship with; be friendly. "Why can't you and your sister get along? Everyone else gets along with her just fine!" get around: move from place to place. "She doesn't have a car. She gets around by bicycle, bus, or taxi." get by: survive, financially, in a difficult sit- uation. "It's going to be hard to pay the rent now that you've lost your job, but somehow we'll get by." get in: enter a small, closed vehicle. "I don't know where Carole was going. She just got in her car and drove away." get off: leave a large, closed vehicle. "When you get off the bus, cross the street, turn right on Oak Street, and keep going until you're at the corner of Oak and Lincoln Boulevard." get over (1): finish. "What time do your classes get over?" get over (2): recover from an illness or painful experience. "Katy was really upset when she failed the test. She thought she would never get over feeling so stupid." get rid of: dispose of; give away or throw away. "That shirt is really ugly. Why don't you get rid of it?" get rid of: dismiss someone; fire someone from a job; cause someone to leave. "The treasurer of the Microsoft Company was spending too much money so the company president got rid of him." give up: stop doing something (usually a habit). "He knows smoking isn't good for his health, but he can't give it up." grow up: spend the years between being a child and being an adult. "Did you know that Frank grew up in Malaysia?" grow up: behave responsibly; behave as an adult, not a child. A: "Lee really irritates me sometimes. He's really silly and childish." B: "I agree. I wish he would grow up." hand in: submit homework, an assignment, etc. "You'd better get started on your report. You know that you have to hand it in at 8:30 tomorrow morning!" hand out: distribute. "Why don't you have a course description and list of assignments? The teacher handed them out on the first day of class." hang up: end a phone conversation by replacing the receiver. "I'd like to talk longer, but I'd better hang up. My sister needs to make a call." hold up: delay. "I'm sorry I'm late. There was an accident on the freeway and traffic held me up." keep on: continue "I'm not ready to stop yet. I think I'll keep on working for a while."
  • 4. 332 PPHHRRAASSAALL VVEERRBBSS kick out: expel; force someone to leave because of his poor performance or unac- ceptable behavior. "Jim's club kicked him out because he didn't pay his dues or come to meetings." knock out: make unconscious. "That medicine really knocked me out. I slept for 14 hours straight!" lay off: dismiss someone from a job because of lack of work or money (not because of poor performance) "I feel really sorry Sally's family. Her father was laid off yesterday." leave out: forget; omit. "Oh, no! When I made the list of those who attended the meeting, I left your name out!" let down: disappoint. "I know I let you down when I didn't do what I promised. I'm really sorry." look forward to: anticipate pleasantly; think about a pleasant thing before it hap- pens "I'm really looking forward to vacation. I can't wait for it to begin!" look into: investigate, get more details about something. "Someone said there was a meeting at 9:30 but I haven't heard anything about it. Shall I look into it?" look like: resemble in appearance. "Does he look like his father or his mother?" look over: check; review. "I think I may have some typos in this report. Could you look it over?" look up: find something in a reference work. "I'm sorry, but I don't know what that word means. I'll have to look it up." make fun of: make jokes about. "I agree that Bob looks ridiculous since he shaved his head, but don't make fun of him. You'll hurt his feelings." make up: invent imaginary information. "Judy's story is hard to believe. I'm sure she made it up." make up: compensate for something missed or not done by doing extra or equivalent work. "I'm sorry I missed the test. May I make it up?" mix up: cause to become confused. "I didn't complete the assignment because I didn't know how. The directions mixed me up pass away: die. "I was very sorry to hear that your grandfa- ther passed away." pass out: faint; lose consciousness. "When Ella heard that she'd won a million dollars, she was so shocked that she passed out." pass out: distribute. "Everyone in the room needs one of these information sheets. Who will help me pass them out?" pick out: choose; select. "Billy's grandmother especially liked her birthday card because Billy had picked it out himself." pick up: lift; take up. "Those books don't belong on the floor. Will you help me pick them up?" pull over: drive a vehicle to the side of the rode. "When the policeman indicated that I should pull over, I knew he was going to give me a ticket." put off: postpone; delay; avoid. "I can't put this work off any longer. If I don't do it soon, it'll be impossible to finish it in time." put on: begin to wear. "It's a little bit chilly outside. You'd better put a sweater on." put up with: tolerate. "It's really important to come to work on time. The boss won't put up with tardiness."
  • 5. 333PPHHRRAASSAALL VVEERRBBSS run into: meet by chance. "Yesterday at the supermarket, Jan ran into her former roommate. Before yesterday, they hadn't seen each other for nearly five years." run out of: use the last of. "On the way home from work, Art ran out of gas." set up: make arrangements for something. "You'll see Mr. Thomas tomorrow. I've set a meeting up for 9:30 AM." stand out: be noticeably better than other similar people or things. "Good job, Ann! Your work really stands out!" show up: arrive; appear. "The boss was very upset when you didn't show up for the meeting. What happened?" stand for: represent. "These letters seem to be an abbreviation. Do you know what they stand for?" stand for: tolerate; permit (usually nega- tive). "I'm not surprised that Mrs. Johnson reject- ed your report. She won't stand for shoddy work." take after: resemble; favor (in appearance). "Both my sister and I take after our father." take back: return. "This book is due tomorrow. I guess I should take it back to the library." take care of: provide care for; watch one's health. "You've been working too hard lately. You'd better take care of yourself!" take off: remove something you're wearing. "Please take your hat off when you go inside a building." take off: leave; depart (often suddenly or quickly). "When does your plane take off?" take up: begin a hobby or leisure-time activ- ity. A: "Do you like to ski?" B: "I've never been skiing, but I think I'd like to take it up." try on: wear something briefly to check its fit, how it looks, etc. "I'm not sure that jacket is large enough. May I try it on?" try out: use a machine briefly to determine how well it works. "I really like the way this car looks. May I try it out?" turn around: move so that you are facing the opposite direction. "Everyone turned around and stared when I entered the meeting late." turn down: decrease the volume. "Your music is giving me a headache! Please turn it down or use your headphones!" turn down: refuse. "I thought I could borrow some money from Joe, but when I asked, he turned me down." turn in: give, deliver, submit to someone. "I've written my report, but I haven't turned it in." turn off: stop by turning a handle or switch. "I'm cold. Do you mind if I turn the air con- ditioner off?" turn off: bore; repel (very informal). "That music turns me off. Please play some- thing else!" turn on (1): start by turning a handle or switch. "It's cold in here. I'm going to turn the heater on" turn on (2): interest very much; excite (very informal). "What kind of music turns you on?" turn up: increase the volume. "I can barely hear the TV. Can you turn it up a little?"
  • 6. 334 PPHHRRAASSAALL VVEERRBBSS turn up: appear unexpectedly. "We were all surprised when Pam turned up at the party. We didn't even know she was in town." watch out for: be careful of; beware of. "There's a school at the end of this block. Watch out for children crossing the street." wear out: cause to become exhausted; cause to become very tired. "I had four different meetings today. They wore me out." work out( 1): exercise to build muscles, body tone, etc. "Instead of eating lunch on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, Sheila goes to the recreation center to work out." work out (2): solve a problem, resolve a difficult situation (usually by working togeth- er). "I know we disagree on many points, but I believe we can work things out." wrap up (1): wear enough clothes to keep warm. "It's really cold today. Be sure you wrap up when you leave the house." wrap up (2): finish something; bring some- thing to a conclusion. "We've been talking about the problem for nearly three hours. I hope we'll be able to wrap the discussion up soon." write down: record something in writing. "Could you tell me your e-mail address again? I want to write it down." write up: record; report in writing. "You'll need to make a report on your busi- ness meetings. Be sure you write them up as soon as possible after you return from your trip." zonk out: fall asleep quickly because of exhaustion. "I intended to go shopping after work, but I was so tired that I zonked out as soon as I got home."