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High-level Programming Languages
Apache Pig and Pig Latin
Pietro Michiardi
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Apache Pig
Apache Pig
See also the 4 segments on Pig on coursera:
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Apache Pig Introduction
Collection and analysis of enormous datasets is at the heart
of innovation in many organizations
E.g.: web crawls, search logs, click streams
Manual inspection before batch processing
Very often engineers look for exploitable trends in their data to drive
the design of more sophisticated techniques
This is difficult to do in practice, given the sheer size of the datasets
The MapReduce model has its own limitations
One input
Two-stage, two operators
Rigid data-flow
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Apache Pig Introduction
MapReduce limitations
Very often tricky workarounds are required1
This is very often exemplified by the difficulty in performing JOIN
Custom code required even for basic operations
Projection and Filtering need to be “rewritten” for each job
→ Code is difficult to reuse and maintain
→ Semantics of the analysis task are obscured
→ Optimizations are difficult due to opacity of Map and Reduce
The term workaround should not only be intended as negative.
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Apache Pig Introduction
Use Cases
Rollup aggregates
Compute aggregates against user activity logs, web crawls,
Example: compute the frequency of search terms aggregated over
days, weeks, month
Example: compute frequency of search terms aggregated over
geographical location, based on IP addresses
Successive aggregations
Joins followed by aggregations
Pig vs. OLAP systems
Datasets are too big
Data curation is too costly
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Apache Pig Introduction
Use Cases
Temporal Analysis
Study how search query distributions change over time
Correlation of search queries from two distinct time periods (groups)
Custom processing of the queries in each correlation group
Pig supports operators that minimize memory footprint
Instead, in a RDBMS such operations typically involve JOINS over
very large datasets that do not fit in memory and thus become slow
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Apache Pig Introduction
Use Cases
Session Analysis
Study sequences of page views and clicks
Example of typical aggregates
Average length of user session
Number of links clicked by a user before leaving a website
Click pattern variations in time
Pig supports advanced data structures, and UDFs
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Apache Pig Overview
Pig Latin
Pig Latin, a high-level programming language initially
developed at Yahoo!, now at HortonWorks
Combines the best of both declarative and imperative worlds
High-level declarative querying in the spirit of SQL
Low-level, procedural programming á la MapReduce
Pig Latin features
Multi-valued, nested data structures instead of flat tables
Powerful data transformations primitives, including joins
Pig Latin program
Made up of a series of operations (or transformations)
Each operation is applied to input data and produce output data
→ A Pig Latin program describes a data flow
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Apache Pig Overview
Example 1
Pig Latin premiere
Assume we have the following table:
urls: (url, category, pagerank)
url: is the url of a web page
category: corresponds to a pre-defined category for the web page
pagerank: is the numerical value of the pagerank associated to a
web page
→ Find, for each sufficiently large category, the average page rank of
high-pagerank urls in that category
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Apache Pig Overview
Example 1
SELECT category, AVG(pagerank)
FROM urls WHERE pagerank > 0.2
GROUP BY category HAVING COUNT(*) > 106
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Apache Pig Overview
Example 1
Pig Latin
good_urls = FILTER urls BY pagerank > 0.2;
groups = GROUP good_urls BY category;
big_groups = FILTER groups BY COUNT(good_urls) > 106
output = FOREACH big_groups GENERATE
category, AVG(good_urls.pagerank);
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Apache Pig Overview
Example 2
User data in one file, website data in another
Find the top 5 most visited sites
Group by users aged in the range (18,25)se Pig?
have user data in one
data in another, and
find the top 5 most
by users aged 18 -
Load Users Load Pages
Filter by age
Join on name
Group on url
Count clicks
Order by clicks
Take top 5
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Apache Pig Overview
Example 2: in MapReduce
In MapReduceimport java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.io.LongWritable;
import org.apache.hadoop.io.Text;
import org.apache.hadoop.io.Writable;
import org.apache.hadoop.io.WritableComparable;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.FileInputFormat;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.FileOutputFormat;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.KeyValueTextInputFormat;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Mapper;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.MapReduceBase;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.OutputCollector;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.RecordReader;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Reducer;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Reporter;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileOutputFormat;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.jobcontrol.Job;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.jobcontrol.JobControl;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.lib.IdentityMapper;
public class MRExample {
public static class LoadPages extends MapReduceBase
implements Mapper<LongWritable, Text, Text, Text> {
public void map(LongWritable k, Text val,
OutputCollector<Text, Text> oc,
Reporter reporter) throws IOException {
// Pull the key out
String line = val.toString();
int firstComma = line.indexOf(',');
String key = line.substring(0, firstComma);
String value = line.substring(firstComma + 1);
Text outKey = new Text(key);
// Prepend an index to the value so we know which file
// it came from.
Text outVal = new Text("1" + value);
oc.collect(outKey, outVal);
public static class LoadAndFilterUsers extends MapReduceBase
implements Mapper<LongWritable, Text, Text, Text> {
public void map(LongWritable k, Text val,
OutputCollector<Text, Text> oc,
Reporter reporter) throws IOException {
// Pull the key out
String line = val.toString();
int firstComma = line.indexOf(',');
String value = line.substring(firstComma + 1);
int age = Integer.parseInt(value);
if (age < 18 || age > 25) return;
String key = line.substring(0, firstComma);
Text outKey = new Text(key);
// Prepend an index to the value so we know which file
// it came from.
Text outVal = new Text("2" + value);
oc.collect(outKey, outVal);
public static class Join extends MapReduceBase
implements Reducer<Text, Text, Text, Text> {
public void reduce(Text key,
Iterator<Text> iter,
OutputCollector<Text, Text> oc,
Reporter reporter) throws IOException {
// For each value, figure out which file it's from and
store it
// accordingly.
List<String> first = new ArrayList<String>();
List<String> second = new ArrayList<String>();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
Text t = iter.next();
String value = t.toString();
if (value.charAt(0) == '1')
else second.add(value.substring(1));
// Do the cross product and collect the values
for (String s1 : first) {
for (String s2 : second) {
String outval = key + "," + s1 + "," + s2;
oc.collect(null, new Text(outval));
public static class LoadJoined extends MapReduceBase
implements Mapper<Text, Text, Text, LongWritable> {
public void map(
Text k,
Text val,
OutputCollector<Text, LongWritable> oc,
Reporter reporter) throws IOException {
// Find the url
String line = val.toString();
int firstComma = line.indexOf(',');
int secondComma = line.indexOf(',', firstComma);
String key = line.substring(firstComma, secondComma);
// drop the rest of the record, I don't need it anymore,
// just pass a 1 for the combiner/reducer to sum instead.
Text outKey = new Text(key);
oc.collect(outKey, new LongWritable(1L));
public static class ReduceUrls extends MapReduceBase
implements Reducer<Text, LongWritable, WritableComparable,
Writable> {
public void reduce(
Text key,
Iterator<LongWritable> iter,
OutputCollector<WritableComparable, Writable> oc,
Reporter reporter) throws IOException {
// Add up all the values we see
long sum = 0;
while (iter.hasNext()) {
sum += iter.next().get();
oc.collect(key, new LongWritable(sum));
public static class LoadClicks extends MapReduceBase
implements Mapper<WritableComparable, Writable, LongWritable,
Text> {
public void map(
WritableComparable key,
Writable val,
OutputCollector<LongWritable, Text> oc,
Reporter reporter) throws IOException {
oc.collect((LongWritable)val, (Text)key);
public static class LimitClicks extends MapReduceBase
implements Reducer<LongWritable, Text, LongWritable, Text> {
int count = 0;
public void reduce(
LongWritable key,
Iterator<Text> iter,
OutputCollector<LongWritable, Text> oc,
Reporter reporter) throws IOException {
// Only output the first 100 records
while (count < 100 && iter.hasNext()) {
oc.collect(key, iter.next());
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
JobConf lp = new JobConf(MRExample.class);
lp.setJobName("Load Pages");
FileInputFormat.addInputPath(lp, new
new Path("/user/gates/tmp/indexed_pages"));
Job loadPages = new Job(lp);
JobConf lfu = new JobConf(MRExample.class);
lfu.setJobName("Load and Filter Users");
FileInputFormat.addInputPath(lfu, new
new Path("/user/gates/tmp/filtered_users"));
Job loadUsers = new Job(lfu);
JobConf join = new JobConf(MRExample.class);
join.setJobName("Join Users and Pages");
FileInputFormat.addInputPath(join, new
FileInputFormat.addInputPath(join, new
FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(join, new
Job joinJob = new Job(join);
JobConf group = new JobConf(MRExample.class);
group.setJobName("Group URLs");
FileInputFormat.addInputPath(group, new
FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(group, new
Job groupJob = new Job(group);
JobConf top100 = new JobConf(MRExample.class);
top100.setJobName("Top 100 sites");
FileInputFormat.addInputPath(top100, new
FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(top100, new
Job limit = new Job(top100);
JobControl jc = new JobControl("Find top 100 sites for users
18 to 25");
170 lines of code, 4 hours to write
Hundreds lines of code; hours to write
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Apache Pig Overview
Example 2: in Pig
Users = load ’users’ as (name, age);
Fltrd = filter Users by age >= 18 and age <= 25;
Pages = load ’pages’ as (user, url);
Jnd = join Fltrd by name, Pages by user; Grpd = group Jnd by
Smmd = foreach Grpd generate group, COUNT(Jnd) as clicks;
Srtd = order Smmd by clicks desc; Top5 = limit Srtd 5;
store Top5 into ’top5sites’;
Few lines of code; few minutes to write
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Apache Pig Overview
Pig Execution environment
How do we go from Pig Latin to MapReduce?
The Pig system is in charge of this
Complex execution environment that interacts with Hadoop
→ The programmer focuses on the data and analysis
Pig Compiler
Pig Latin operators are translated into MapReduce code
NOTE: in some cases, hand-written MapReduce code performs
Pig Optimizer2
Pig Latin data flows undergo an (automatic) optimization phase3
These optimizations are borrowed from the RDBMS community
Currently, rule-based optimization only.
Optimizations can be selectively disabled.
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Apache Pig Overview
Pig and Pig Latin
Pig is not a RDBMS!
This means it is not suitable for all data processing tasks
Designed for batch processing
Of course, since it compiles to MapReduce
Of course, since data is materialized as files on HDFS
NOT designed for random access
Query selectivity does not match that of a RDBMS
Full-scans oriented!
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Apache Pig Overview
Comparison with RDBMS
It may seem that Pig Latin is similar to SQL
We’ll see several examples, operators, etc. that resemble SQL
Data-flow vs. declarative programming language
Step-by-step set of operations
Each operation is a single transformation
Set of constraints
Applied together to an input to generate output
→ With Pig Latin it’s like working at the query planner
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Apache Pig Overview
Comparison with RDBMS
RDBMS store data in tables
Schema are predefined and strict
Tables are flat
Pig and Pig Latin work on more complex data structures
Schema can be defined at run-time for readability
Pigs eat anything!
UDF and streaming together with nested data structures make Pig
and Pig Latin more flexible
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Apache Pig Features and Motivations
Dataflow Language
A Pig Latin program specifies a series of steps
Each step is a single, high level data transformation
Stylistically different from SQL
With reference to Example 1
The programmer supply an order in which each operation will be
Consider the following snippet
spam_urls = FILTER urls BY isSpam(url);
culprit_urls = FILTER spam_urls BY pagerank > 0.8;
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Apache Pig Features and Motivations
Dataflow Language
Data flow optimizations
Explicit sequences of operations can be overridden
Use of high-level, relational-algebra-style primitives (GROUP,
FILTER,...) allows using traditional RDBMS optimization
→ NOTE: it is necessary to check whether such optimizations
are beneficial or not, by hand
Pig Latin allows Pig to perform optimizations that would
otherwise by a tedious manual exercise if done at the
MapReduce level
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Apache Pig Features and Motivations
Quick Start and Interoperability
Data I/O is greatly simplified in Pig
No need to curate, bulk import, parse, apply schema, create
indexes that traditional RDBMS require
Standard and ad-hoc “readers” and “writers” facilitate the task of
ingesting and producing data in arbitrary formats
Pig can work with a wide range of other tools
Why RDBMS have stringent requirements?
To enable transactional consistency guarantees
To enable efficient point lookup (using physical indexes)
To enable data curation on behalf of the user
To enable other users figuring out what the data is, by studying the
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Apache Pig Features and Motivations
Quick Start and Interoperability
Why is Pig so flexible?
Supports read-only workloads
Supports scan-only workloads (no lookups)
→ No need for transactions nor indexes
Why data curation is not required?
Very often, Pig is used for ad-hoc data analysis
Work on temporary datasets, then throw them out!
→ Curation is an overkill
Schemas are optional
Can apply one on the fly, at runtime
Can refer to fields using positional notation
E.g.: good_urls = FILTER urls BY $2 > 0.2
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Apache Pig Features and Motivations
Nested Data Model
Easier for “programmers” to think of nested data structures
E.g.: capture information about positional occurrences of terms in a
collection of documents
Map<documnetId, Set<positions> >
Instead, RDBMS allows only fat tables
Only atomic fields as columns
Require normalization
From the example above: need to create two tables
term_info: (termId, termString, ...)
position_info: (termId, documentId, position)
→ Occurrence information obtained by joining on termId, and
grouping on termId, documentId
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Apache Pig Features and Motivations
Nested Data Model
Fully nested data model (see also later in the presentation)
Allows complex, non-atomic data types
E.g.: set, map, tuple
Advantages of a nested data model
More natural than normalization
Data is often already stored in a nested fashion on disk
E.g.: a web crawler outputs for each crawled url, the set of outlinks
Separating this in normalized form imply use of joins, which is an
overkill for web-scale data
Nested data allows to have an algebraic language
E.g.: each tuple output by GROUP has one non-atomic field, a nested
set of tuples from the same group
Nested data makes life easy when writing UDFs
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Apache Pig Features and Motivations
User Defined Functions
Custom processing is often predominant
E.g.: users may be interested in performing natural language
stemming of a search term, or tagging urls as spam
All commands of Pig Latin can be customized
Grouping, filtering, joining, per-tuple processing
UDFs support the nested data model
Input and output can be non-atomic
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Apache Pig Features and Motivations
Example 3
Continues from Example 1
Assume we want to find for each category, the top 10 urls according
to pagerank
groups = GROUP urls BY category;
output = FOREACH groups GENERATE category,
top10() is a UDF that accepts a set of urls (for each group at a
it outputs a set containing the top 10 urls by pagerank for that
final output contains non-atomic fields
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Apache Pig Features and Motivations
User Defined Functions
UDFs can be used in all Pig Latin constructs
Instead, in SQL, there are restrictions
Only scalar functions can be used in SELECT clauses
Only set-valued functions can appear in the FROM clause
Aggregation functions can only be applied to GROUP BY or
UDFs can be written in Java, Python and Javascript
With streaming, we can use also C/C++, Python, ...
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Apache Pig Features and Motivations
Handling parallel execution
Pig and Pig Latin are geared towards parallel processing
Of course, the underlying execution engine is MapReduce
SPORK = Pig on Spark → the execution engine need not be
Pig Latin primitives are chosen such that they can be easily
Non-equi joins, correlated sub-queries,... are not directly supported
Users may specify parallelization parameters at run time
Question: Can you specify the number of maps?
Question: Can you specify the number of reducers?
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Apache Pig Features and Motivations
A note on Performance
But can it fly?
src: OlstonPietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 29 / 78
Apache Pig Pig Latin
Pig Latin
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Apache Pig Pig Latin
Not a complete reference to the Pig Latin language: refer to [1]
Here we cover some interesting/useful aspects
The focus here is on some language primitives
Optimizations are treated separately
How they can be implemented (in the underlying engine) is not
Examples are taken from [2, 3]
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Apache Pig Pig Latin
Data Model
Supports four types
Atom: contains a simple atomic value as a string or a number, e.g.
Tuple: sequence of fields, each can be of any data type, e.g.,
(‘alice’, ‘lakers’)
Bag: collection of tuples with possible duplicates. Flexible schema,
no need to have the same number and type of fields
The example shows that tuples can be nested
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Apache Pig Pig Latin
Data Model
Supports four types
Map: collection of data items, where each item has an associated
key for lookup. The schema, as with bags, is flexible.
NOTE: keys are required to be data atoms, for efficient lookup.
‘fan of’ →
‘age’ → 20
The key ‘fan of’ is mapped to a bag containing two tuples
The key ‘age’ is mapped to an atom
Maps are useful to model datasets in which schema may be
dynamic (over time)
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Apache Pig Pig Latin
Pig Latin programs are a sequence of steps
Can use an interactive shell (called grunt)
Can feed them as a “script”
In line: with double hyphens (- -)
C-style for longer comments (/* ... */)
Reserved keywords
List of keywords that can’t be used as identifiers
Same old story as for any language
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Apache Pig Pig Latin
As a Pig Latin program is executed, each statement is parsed
The interpreter builds a logical plan for every relational operation
The logical plan of each statement is added to that of the program
so far
Then the interpreter moves on to the next statement
IMPORTANT: No data processing takes place during
construction of logical plan → Lazy Evaluation
When the interpreter sees the first line of a program, it confirms that
it is syntactically and semantically correct
Then it adds it to the logical plan
It does not even check the existence of files, for data load
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Apache Pig Pig Latin
→ It makes no sense to start any processing until the whole
flow is defined
Indeed, there are several optimizations that could make a program
more efficient (e.g., by avoiding to operate on some data that later
on is going to be filtered)
The trigger for Pig to start execution are the DUMP and STORE
It is only at this point that the logical plan is compiled into a physical
How the physical plan is built
Pig prepares a series of MapReduce jobs
In Local mode, these are run locally on the JVM
In MapReduce mode, the jobs are sent to the Hadoop Cluster
IMPORTANT: The command EXPLAIN can be used to show the
MapReduce plan
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Apache Pig Pig Latin
Multi-query execution
There is a difference between DUMP and STORE
Apart from diagnosis, and interactive mode, in batch mode STORE
allows for program/job optimizations
Main optimization objective: minimize I/O
Consider the following example:
A = LOAD ’input/pig/multiquery/A’;
B = FILTER A BY $1 == ’banana’;
C = FILTER A BY $1 != ’banana’;
STORE B INTO ’output/b’;
STORE C INTO ’output/c’;
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Apache Pig Pig Latin
Multi-query execution
In the example, relations B and C are both derived from A
Naively, this means that at the first STORE operator the input should
be read
Then, at the second STORE operator, the input should be read again
Pig will run this as a single MapReduce job
Relation A is going to be read only once
Then, each relation B and C will be written to the output
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Apache Pig Pig Latin
An expression is something that is evaluated to yield a value
Lookup on [3] for documentation
ython, so that
sing web-scale
n-parallel eval-
d in Pig Latin
t can be easily
ot lend them-
d out by writ-
es not provide
are aware of
ther they will
program right
few iterations
t =
(‘lakers’, 1)
(‘iPod’, 2)
‘age’ ⇤ 20
Let fields of tuple t be called f1, f2, f3
Expression Type Example Value for t
Constant ‘bob’ Independent of t
Field by position $0 ‘alice’
Field by name f3
‘age’ ⇤ 20
Projection f2.$0
Map Lookup f3#‘age’ 20
Function Evaluation SUM(f2.$1) 1 + 2 = 3
Flattening FLATTEN(f2)
‘lakers’, 1
‘iPod’, 2
Table 1: Expressions in Pig Latin.
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Apache Pig Pig Latin
A relation in Pig may have an associated schema
This is optional
A schema gives the fields in the relations names and types
Use the command DESCRIBE to reveal the schema in use for a
Schema declaration is flexible but reuse is awkward4
A set of queries over the same input data will often have the same
This is sometimes hard to maintain (unlike HIVE) as there is no
external components to maintain this association
HINT:: You can write a UDF function to perform a personalized load
operation which encapsulates the schema
Current developments solve this problem: HCatalogs. We will not cover this in this
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Apache Pig Pig Latin
Validation and nulls
Pig does not have the same power to enforce constraints on
schema at load time as a RDBMS
If a value cannot be cast to a type declared in the schema, then it
will be set to a null value
This also happens for corrupt files
A useful technique to partition input data to discern good and
bad records
Use the SPLIT operator
SPLIT records INTO good_records IF temperature is
not null, bad _records IF temperature is NULL;
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Apache Pig Pig Latin
Other relevant information
Schema propagation and merging
How schema are propagated to new relations?
Advanced, but important topic
User-Defined Functions
Use [3] for an introduction to designing UDFs
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Apache Pig Pig Latin
Data Processing Operators
Loading and storing data
The first step in a Pig Latin program is to load data
Accounts for what input files are (e.g. csv files)
How the file contents are to be deserialized
An input file is assumed to contain a sequence of tuples
Data loading is done with the LOAD command
queries = LOAD ‘query_log.txt’
USING myLoad()
AS (userId, queryString, timestamp);
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Apache Pig Pig Latin
Data Processing Operators
Loading and storing data
The example above specifies the following:
The input file is query_log.txt
The input file should be converted into tuples using the custom
myLoad deserializer
The loaded tuples have three fields, specified by the schema
Optional parts
USING clause is optional: if not specified, the input file is assumed
to be plain text, tab-delimited
AS clause is optional: if not specified, must refer to fileds by position
instead of by name
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Apache Pig Pig Latin
Data Processing Operators
Loading and storing data
Return value of the LOAD command
Handle to a bag
This can be used by subsequent commands
→ bag handles are only logical
→ no file is actually read!
The command to write output to disk is STORE
It has similar semantics to the LOAD command
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Apache Pig Pig Latin
Data Processing Operators
Loading and storing data: Example
A = LOAD ’myfile.txt’ USING PigStorage(’,’) AS
<1, 2, 3>
<4, 2, 1>
<8, 3, 4>
<4, 3, 3>
<7, 2, 5>
<8, 4, 3>
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Apache Pig Pig Latin
Data Processing Operators
Per-tuple processing
Once you have some data loaded into a relation, a possible
next step is, e.g., to filter it
This is done, e.g., to remove unwanted data
HINT: By filtering early in the processing pipeline, you minimize the
amount of data flowing trough the system
A basic operation is to apply some processing over every
tuple of a data set
This is achieved with the FOREACH command
expanded_queries = FOREACH queries GENERATE
userId, expandQuery(queryString);
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Apache Pig Pig Latin
Data Processing Operators
Per-tuple processing
Comments on the example above:
Each tuple of the bag queries should be processed independently
The second field of the output is the result of a UDF
Semantics of the FOREACH command
There can be no dependence between the processing of different
input tuples
→ This allows for an efficient parallel implementation
Semantics of the GENERATE clause
Followed by a list of expressions
Also flattening is allowed
This is done to eliminate nesting in data
→ Allows to make output data independent for further parallel
→ Useful to store data on disk
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Apache Pig Pig Latin
Data Processing Operators
Per-tuple processing: example
Y = GROUP A BY f0;
Z = FOREACH Y GENERATE group, Y.($1, $2);
<1, 2, 3>
<4, 2, 1>
<8, 3, 4>
<4, 3, 3>
<7, 2, 5>
<8, 4, 3>
<1, 5>
<4, 3>
<8, 7>
<4, 6>
<7, 7>
<8, 7>
<1, {<2, 3>}>
<4, {<2, 1>, <3, 3>}>
<7, {<2, 5>}>
<8, {<3, 4>, <4, 3>}>
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Apache Pig Pig Latin
Data Processing Operators
Per-tuple processing: Discarding unwanted data
A common operation is to retain a portion of the input data
This is done with the FILTER command
real_queries = FILTER queries BY userId neq
Filtering conditions involve a combination of expressions
Comparison operators
Logical connectors
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Apache Pig Pig Latin
Data Processing Operators
Filtering: example
Y = FILTER A BY f1 == ’8’;
<1, 2, 3>
<4, 2, 1>
<8, 3, 4>
<4, 3, 3>
<7, 2, 5>
<8, 4, 3>
<8, 3, 4>
<8, 4, 3>
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Apache Pig Pig Latin
Data Processing Operators
Per-tuple processing: Streaming data
The STREAM operator allows transforming data in a relation
using an external program or script
This is possible because Hadoop MapReduce supports “streaming”
C = STREAM A THROUGH ‘cut -f 2’;
which use the Unix cut command to extract the second filed of
each tuple in A
The STREAM operator uses PigStorage to serialize and
deserialize relations to and from stdin/stdout
Can also provide a custom serializer/deserializer
Works well with python
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Apache Pig Pig Latin
Data Processing Operators
Getting related data together
It is often necessary to group together tuples from one or
more data sets
We will explore several nuances of “grouping”
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Apache Pig Pig Latin
Data Processing Operators
The GROUP operator
Sometimes, we want to operate on a single dataset
This is when you use the GROUP operator
Let’s continue from Example 3:
Assume we want to find the total revenue for each query string.
This writes as:
grouped_revenue = GROUP revenue BY queryString;
query_revenue = FOREACH grouped_revenue GENERATE
queryString, SUM(revenue.amount) AS totalRevenue;
Note that revenue.amount refers to a projection of the nested
bag in the tuples of grouped_revenue
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Apache Pig Pig Latin
Data Processing Operators
GROUP ... BY ...: Example
X = GROUP A BY f1;
<1, 2, 3>
<4, 2, 1>
<8, 3, 4>
<4, 3, 3>
<7, 2, 5>
<8, 4, 3>
<1, <1, 2, 3>>
<4, <4, 2, 1>, <4, 3, 3>>
<7, <7, 2, 5>>
<8, <8, 3, 4>, <8, 4, 3>>
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Apache Pig Pig Latin
Data Processing Operators
Getting related data together
Suppose we want to group together all search results data
and revenue data for the same query string
grouped_data = COGROUP results BY queryString,
revenue BY queryString;
Figure 2: COGROUP versus JOIN.
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Apache Pig Pig Latin
Data Processing Operators
The COGROUP command
Output of a COGROUP contains one tuple for each group
First field (group) is the group identifier (the value of the
Each of the next fields is a bag, one for each group being
Grouping can be performed according to UDFs
Next: a clarifying example
Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 57 / 78
Apache Pig Pig Latin
Data Processing Operators
C = COGROUP A BY f1, B BY $0;
<1, 2, 3>
<4, 2, 1>
<8, 3, 4>
<4, 3, 3>
<7, 2, 5>
<8, 4, 3>
<2, 4>
<8, 9>
<1, 3>
<2, 7>
<2, 9>
<4, 6>
<4, 9>
<1, {<1, 2, 3>}, {<1, 3>}>
<2, { }, {<2, 4>, <2, 7>, <2, 9>}>
<4, {<4, 2, 1>, <4, 3, 3>}, {<4, 6>,<4, 9>}>
<7, {<7, 2, 5>}, { }>
<8, {<8, 3, 4>, <8, 4, 3>}, {<8, 9>}>
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Apache Pig Pig Latin
Data Processing Operators
Their are equivalent: JOIN == COGROUP followed by a cross
product of the tuples in the nested bags
Example 3: Suppose we try to attribute search revenue to
search-results urls → compute monetary worth of each url
grouped_data = COGROUP results BY queryString,
revenue BY queryString;
url_revenues = FOREACH grouped_data GENERATE
FLATTEN(distrubteRevenue(results, revenue));
Where distrubteRevenue is a UDF that accepts search results
and revenue information for each query string, and outputs a bag of
urls and revenue attributed to them
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Apache Pig Pig Latin
Data Processing Operators
More details on the UDF distribute Revenue
Attributes revenue from the top slot entirely to the first search result
The revenue from the side slot may be equally split among all
Let’s see how to do the same with a JOIN
JOIN the tables results and revenues by queryString
GROUP BY queryString
Apply a custom aggregation function
What happens behind the scenes
During the JOIN, the system computes the cross product of the
search and revenue information
Then the custom aggregation needs to undo this cross product,
because the UDF specifically requires so
Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 60 / 78
Apache Pig Pig Latin
Data Processing Operators
COGROUP in details
The COGROUP statement conforms to an algebraic language
The operator carries out only the operation of grouping together
tuples into nested bags
The user can the decide whether to apply a (custom) aggregation
on those tuples or to cross-product them and obtain a JOIN
It is thanks to the nested data model that COGROUP is an
independent operation
Implementation details are tricky
Groups can be very large (and are redundant)
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Apache Pig Pig Latin
Data Processing Operators
JOIN in Pig Latin
In many cases, the typical operation on two or more datasets
amounts to an equi-join
IMPORTANT NOTE: large datasets that are suitable to be analyzed
with Pig (and MapReduce) are generally not normalized
→ JOINs are used more infrequently in Pig Latin than they are in SQL
The syntax of a JOIN
join_result = JOIN results BY queryString,
revenue BY queryString;
This is a classic inner join (actually an equi-join), where each match
between the two relations corresponds to a row in the
Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 62 / 78
Apache Pig Pig Latin
Data Processing Operators
JOIN in Pig Latin
JOINs lend themselves to optimization opportunities
Active development of several join flavors is on-going
Assume we join two datasets, one of which is considerably
smaller than the other
For instance, suppose a dataset fits in memory
Fragment replicate join
Syntax: append the clause USING “replicated” to a JOIN
Uses a distributed cache available in Hadoop
All mappers will have a copy of the small input
→ This is a Map-side join
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Apache Pig Pig Latin
Data Processing Operators
MapReduce in Pig Latin
It is trivial to express MapReduce programs in Pig Latin
This is achieved using GROUP and FOREACH statements
A map function operates on one input tuple at a time and outputs a
bag of key-value pairs
The reduce function operates on all values for a key at a time to
produce the final result
map_result = FOREACH input GENERATE
key_groups = GROUP map_results BY $0;
output = FOREACH key_groups GENERATE reduce(*);
where map() and reduce() are UDFs
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Apache Pig Pig Execution Engine
The Pig Execution
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Apache Pig Pig Execution Engine
Pig Execution Engine
Pig Latin Programs are compiled into MapReduce jobs, and
executed using Hadoop5
How to build a logical plan for a Pig Latin program
How to compile the logical plan into a physical plan of MapReduce
Other execution engines are allowed, but require a lot of implementation effort.
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Apache Pig Pig Execution Engine
Building a Logical Plan
As clients issue Pig Latin commands (interactive or batch
The Pig interpreter parses the commands
Then it verifies validity of input files and bags (variables)
E.g.: if the command is c = COGROUP a BY ..., b BY ...;, it
verifies if a and b have already been defined
Pig builds a logical plan for every bag
When a new bag is defined by a command, the new logical plan is a
combination of the plans for the input and that of the current
Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 67 / 78
Apache Pig Pig Execution Engine
Building a Logical Plan
No processing is carried out when constructing the logical
Processing is triggered only by STORE or DUMP
At that point, the logical plan is compiled to a physical plan
Lazy execution model
Allows in-memory pipelining
File reordering
Various optimizations from the traditional RDBMS world
Pig is (potentially) platform independent
Parsing and logical plan construction are platform oblivious
Only the compiler is specific to Hadoop
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Apache Pig Pig Execution Engine
Building the Physical Plan
Compilation of a logical plan into a physical plan is “simple”
MapReduce primitives allow a parallel GROUP BY
Map assigns keys for grouping
Reduce process a group at a time (actually in parallel)
How the compiler works
Converts each (CO)GROUP command in the logical plan into
distinct MapReduce jobs
Map function for (CO)GROUP command C initially assigns keys to
tuples based on the BY clause(s) of C
Reduce function is initially a no-op
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Apache Pig Pig Execution Engine
Building the Physical Plan
Figure 3: Map-reduce compilation of Pig Latin.
Parallelism for LOAD is obtained since Pig operates over
files residing in the Hadoop distributed file system. We also
automatically get parallelism for FILTER and FOREACH oper-
ations since for a given map-reduce job, several map and re-
duce instances are run in parallel. Parallelism for (CO)GROUP
MapReduce boundary is the COGROUP command
The sequence of FILTER and FOREACH from the LOAD to the first
COGROUP C1 are pushed in the Map function
The commands in later COGROUP commands Ci and Ci+1 can be
pushed into:
the Reduce function of Ci
the Map function of Ci+1
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Apache Pig Pig Execution Engine
Building the Physical Plan
Pig optimization for the physical plan
Among the two options outlined above, the first is preferred
Indeed, grouping is often followed by aggregation
→ reduces the amount of data to be materialized between jobs
COGROUP command with more than one input dataset
Map function appends an extra field to each tuple to identify the
Reduce function decodes this information and inserts tuple in the
appropriate nested bags for each group
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Apache Pig Pig Execution Engine
Building the Physical Plan
How parallelism is achieved
For LOAD this is inherited by operating over HDFS
For FILTER and FOREACH, this is automatic thanks to MapReduce
For (CO)GROUP uses the SHUFFLE phase
A note on the ORDER command
Translated in two MapReduce jobs
First job: Samples the input to determine quantiles of the sort key
Second job: Range partitions the input according to quantiles,
followed by sorting in the reduce phase
Known overheads due to MapReduce inflexibility
Data materialization between jobs
Multiple inputs are not supported well
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Apache Pig Pig Execution Engine
Physical Plan
Logical Plan
Query Plan
Pig Latin Program
MapReduce Program
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Apache Pig Pig Execution Engine
Single-program Optimizations
Logical optimizations: query plan
Early projection
Early filtering
Operator rewrites
Physical optimization: execution plan
Mapping of logical operations to MapReduce
Splitting logical operations in multiple physical ones
Join execution strategies
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Apache Pig Pig Execution Engine
Efficiency measures
(CO)GROUP command places tuples of the same group in
nested bags
Bag materialization (I/O) can be avoided
This is important also due to memory constraints
Distributive or algebraic aggregation facilitate this task
What is an algebraic function?
Function that can be structured as a tree of sub-functions
Each leaf sub-function operates over a subset of the input data
→ If nodes in the tree achieve data reduction, then the system can
reduce materialization
Examples: COUNT, SUM, MIN, MAX, AVERAGE, ...
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Apache Pig Pig Execution Engine
Efficiency measures
Pig compiler uses the combiner function of Hadoop
A special API for algebraic UDF is available
There are cases in which (CO)GROUP is inefficient
This happens with non-algebraic functions
Nested bags can be spilled to disk
Pig provides a disk-resident bag implementation
Features external sort algorithms
Features duplicates elimination
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Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 77 / 78
References I
[1] Pig wiki.
[2] C. Olston, B. Reed, U. Srivastava, R. Kumar, , and A. Tomkins.
Pig latin: A not-so-foreign language for data processing.
In Proc. of ACM SIGMOD, 2008.
[3] Tom White.
Hadoop, The Definitive Guide.
O’Reilly, Yahoo, 2010.
Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 78 / 78

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High-level Programming Languages: Apache Pig and Pig Latin

  • 1. High-level Programming Languages Apache Pig and Pig Latin Pietro Michiardi Eurecom Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 1 / 78
  • 2. Apache Pig Apache Pig See also the 4 segments on Pig on coursera: https://www.coursera.org/course/datasci Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 2 / 78
  • 3. Apache Pig Introduction Introduction Collection and analysis of enormous datasets is at the heart of innovation in many organizations E.g.: web crawls, search logs, click streams Manual inspection before batch processing Very often engineers look for exploitable trends in their data to drive the design of more sophisticated techniques This is difficult to do in practice, given the sheer size of the datasets The MapReduce model has its own limitations One input Two-stage, two operators Rigid data-flow Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 3 / 78
  • 4. Apache Pig Introduction MapReduce limitations Very often tricky workarounds are required1 This is very often exemplified by the difficulty in performing JOIN operations Custom code required even for basic operations Projection and Filtering need to be “rewritten” for each job → Code is difficult to reuse and maintain → Semantics of the analysis task are obscured → Optimizations are difficult due to opacity of Map and Reduce 1 The term workaround should not only be intended as negative. Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 4 / 78
  • 5. Apache Pig Introduction Use Cases Rollup aggregates Compute aggregates against user activity logs, web crawls, etc. Example: compute the frequency of search terms aggregated over days, weeks, month Example: compute frequency of search terms aggregated over geographical location, based on IP addresses Requirements Successive aggregations Joins followed by aggregations Pig vs. OLAP systems Datasets are too big Data curation is too costly Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 5 / 78
  • 6. Apache Pig Introduction Use Cases Temporal Analysis Study how search query distributions change over time Correlation of search queries from two distinct time periods (groups) Custom processing of the queries in each correlation group Pig supports operators that minimize memory footprint Instead, in a RDBMS such operations typically involve JOINS over very large datasets that do not fit in memory and thus become slow Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 6 / 78
  • 7. Apache Pig Introduction Use Cases Session Analysis Study sequences of page views and clicks Example of typical aggregates Average length of user session Number of links clicked by a user before leaving a website Click pattern variations in time Pig supports advanced data structures, and UDFs Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 7 / 78
  • 8. Apache Pig Overview Pig Latin Pig Latin, a high-level programming language initially developed at Yahoo!, now at HortonWorks Combines the best of both declarative and imperative worlds High-level declarative querying in the spirit of SQL Low-level, procedural programming á la MapReduce Pig Latin features Multi-valued, nested data structures instead of flat tables Powerful data transformations primitives, including joins Pig Latin program Made up of a series of operations (or transformations) Each operation is applied to input data and produce output data → A Pig Latin program describes a data flow Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 8 / 78
  • 9. Apache Pig Overview Example 1 Pig Latin premiere Assume we have the following table: urls: (url, category, pagerank) Where: url: is the url of a web page category: corresponds to a pre-defined category for the web page pagerank: is the numerical value of the pagerank associated to a web page → Find, for each sufficiently large category, the average page rank of high-pagerank urls in that category Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 9 / 78
  • 10. Apache Pig Overview Example 1 SQL SELECT category, AVG(pagerank) FROM urls WHERE pagerank > 0.2 GROUP BY category HAVING COUNT(*) > 106 Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 10 / 78
  • 11. Apache Pig Overview Example 1 Pig Latin good_urls = FILTER urls BY pagerank > 0.2; groups = GROUP good_urls BY category; big_groups = FILTER groups BY COUNT(good_urls) > 106 ; output = FOREACH big_groups GENERATE category, AVG(good_urls.pagerank); Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 11 / 78
  • 12. Apache Pig Overview Example 2 User data in one file, website data in another Find the top 5 most visited sites Group by users aged in the range (18,25)se Pig? have user data in one data in another, and find the top 5 most by users aged 18 - Load Users Load Pages Filter by age Join on name Group on url Count clicks Order by clicks Take top 5 Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 12 / 78
  • 13. Apache Pig Overview Example 2: in MapReduce In MapReduceimport java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.io.LongWritable; import org.apache.hadoop.io.Text; import org.apache.hadoop.io.Writable; import org.apache.hadoop.io.WritableComparable; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.FileInputFormat; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.FileOutputFormat; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.KeyValueTextInputFormat; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Mapper; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.MapReduceBase; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.OutputCollector; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.RecordReader; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Reducer; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Reporter; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileOutputFormat; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.jobcontrol.Job; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.jobcontrol.JobControl; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.lib.IdentityMapper; public class MRExample { public static class LoadPages extends MapReduceBase implements Mapper<LongWritable, Text, Text, Text> { public void map(LongWritable k, Text val, OutputCollector<Text, Text> oc, Reporter reporter) throws IOException { // Pull the key out String line = val.toString(); int firstComma = line.indexOf(','); String key = line.substring(0, firstComma); String value = line.substring(firstComma + 1); Text outKey = new Text(key); // Prepend an index to the value so we know which file // it came from. Text outVal = new Text("1" + value); oc.collect(outKey, outVal); } } public static class LoadAndFilterUsers extends MapReduceBase implements Mapper<LongWritable, Text, Text, Text> { public void map(LongWritable k, Text val, OutputCollector<Text, Text> oc, Reporter reporter) throws IOException { // Pull the key out String line = val.toString(); int firstComma = line.indexOf(','); String value = line.substring(firstComma + 1); int age = Integer.parseInt(value); if (age < 18 || age > 25) return; String key = line.substring(0, firstComma); Text outKey = new Text(key); // Prepend an index to the value so we know which file // it came from. Text outVal = new Text("2" + value); oc.collect(outKey, outVal); } } public static class Join extends MapReduceBase implements Reducer<Text, Text, Text, Text> { public void reduce(Text key, Iterator<Text> iter, OutputCollector<Text, Text> oc, Reporter reporter) throws IOException { // For each value, figure out which file it's from and store it // accordingly. List<String> first = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> second = new ArrayList<String>(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Text t = iter.next(); String value = t.toString(); if (value.charAt(0) == '1') first.add(value.substring(1)); else second.add(value.substring(1)); reporter.setStatus("OK"); } // Do the cross product and collect the values for (String s1 : first) { for (String s2 : second) { String outval = key + "," + s1 + "," + s2; oc.collect(null, new Text(outval)); reporter.setStatus("OK"); } } } } public static class LoadJoined extends MapReduceBase implements Mapper<Text, Text, Text, LongWritable> { public void map( Text k, Text val, OutputCollector<Text, LongWritable> oc, Reporter reporter) throws IOException { // Find the url String line = val.toString(); int firstComma = line.indexOf(','); int secondComma = line.indexOf(',', firstComma); String key = line.substring(firstComma, secondComma); // drop the rest of the record, I don't need it anymore, // just pass a 1 for the combiner/reducer to sum instead. Text outKey = new Text(key); oc.collect(outKey, new LongWritable(1L)); } } public static class ReduceUrls extends MapReduceBase implements Reducer<Text, LongWritable, WritableComparable, Writable> { public void reduce( Text key, Iterator<LongWritable> iter, OutputCollector<WritableComparable, Writable> oc, Reporter reporter) throws IOException { // Add up all the values we see long sum = 0; while (iter.hasNext()) { sum += iter.next().get(); reporter.setStatus("OK"); } oc.collect(key, new LongWritable(sum)); } } public static class LoadClicks extends MapReduceBase implements Mapper<WritableComparable, Writable, LongWritable, Text> { public void map( WritableComparable key, Writable val, OutputCollector<LongWritable, Text> oc, Reporter reporter) throws IOException { oc.collect((LongWritable)val, (Text)key); } } public static class LimitClicks extends MapReduceBase implements Reducer<LongWritable, Text, LongWritable, Text> { int count = 0; public void reduce( LongWritable key, Iterator<Text> iter, OutputCollector<LongWritable, Text> oc, Reporter reporter) throws IOException { // Only output the first 100 records while (count < 100 && iter.hasNext()) { oc.collect(key, iter.next()); count++; } } } public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { JobConf lp = new JobConf(MRExample.class); lp.setJobName("Load Pages"); lp.setInputFormat(TextInputFormat.class); lp.setOutputKeyClass(Text.class); lp.setOutputValueClass(Text.class); lp.setMapperClass(LoadPages.class); FileInputFormat.addInputPath(lp, new Path("/user/gates/pages")); FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(lp, new Path("/user/gates/tmp/indexed_pages")); lp.setNumReduceTasks(0); Job loadPages = new Job(lp); JobConf lfu = new JobConf(MRExample.class); lfu.setJobName("Load and Filter Users"); lfu.setInputFormat(TextInputFormat.class); lfu.setOutputKeyClass(Text.class); lfu.setOutputValueClass(Text.class); lfu.setMapperClass(LoadAndFilterUsers.class); FileInputFormat.addInputPath(lfu, new Path("/user/gates/users")); FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(lfu, new Path("/user/gates/tmp/filtered_users")); lfu.setNumReduceTasks(0); Job loadUsers = new Job(lfu); JobConf join = new JobConf(MRExample.class); join.setJobName("Join Users and Pages"); join.setInputFormat(KeyValueTextInputFormat.class); join.setOutputKeyClass(Text.class); join.setOutputValueClass(Text.class); join.setMapperClass(IdentityMapper.class); join.setReducerClass(Join.class); FileInputFormat.addInputPath(join, new Path("/user/gates/tmp/indexed_pages")); FileInputFormat.addInputPath(join, new Path("/user/gates/tmp/filtered_users")); FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(join, new Path("/user/gates/tmp/joined")); join.setNumReduceTasks(50); Job joinJob = new Job(join); joinJob.addDependingJob(loadPages); joinJob.addDependingJob(loadUsers); JobConf group = new JobConf(MRExample.class); group.setJobName("Group URLs"); group.setInputFormat(KeyValueTextInputFormat.class); group.setOutputKeyClass(Text.class); group.setOutputValueClass(LongWritable.class); group.setOutputFormat(SequenceFileOutputFormat.class); group.setMapperClass(LoadJoined.class); group.setCombinerClass(ReduceUrls.class); group.setReducerClass(ReduceUrls.class); FileInputFormat.addInputPath(group, new Path("/user/gates/tmp/joined")); FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(group, new Path("/user/gates/tmp/grouped")); group.setNumReduceTasks(50); Job groupJob = new Job(group); groupJob.addDependingJob(joinJob); JobConf top100 = new JobConf(MRExample.class); top100.setJobName("Top 100 sites"); top100.setInputFormat(SequenceFileInputFormat.class); top100.setOutputKeyClass(LongWritable.class); top100.setOutputValueClass(Text.class); top100.setOutputFormat(SequenceFileOutputFormat.class); top100.setMapperClass(LoadClicks.class); top100.setCombinerClass(LimitClicks.class); top100.setReducerClass(LimitClicks.class); FileInputFormat.addInputPath(top100, new Path("/user/gates/tmp/grouped")); FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(top100, new Path("/user/gates/top100sitesforusers18to25")); top100.setNumReduceTasks(1); Job limit = new Job(top100); limit.addDependingJob(groupJob); JobControl jc = new JobControl("Find top 100 sites for users 18 to 25"); jc.addJob(loadPages); jc.addJob(loadUsers); jc.addJob(joinJob); jc.addJob(groupJob); jc.addJob(limit); jc.run(); } } 170 lines of code, 4 hours to write Hundreds lines of code; hours to write Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 13 / 78
  • 14. Apache Pig Overview Example 2: in Pig Users = load ’users’ as (name, age); Fltrd = filter Users by age >= 18 and age <= 25; Pages = load ’pages’ as (user, url); Jnd = join Fltrd by name, Pages by user; Grpd = group Jnd by url; Smmd = foreach Grpd generate group, COUNT(Jnd) as clicks; Srtd = order Smmd by clicks desc; Top5 = limit Srtd 5; store Top5 into ’top5sites’; Few lines of code; few minutes to write Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 14 / 78
  • 15. Apache Pig Overview Pig Execution environment How do we go from Pig Latin to MapReduce? The Pig system is in charge of this Complex execution environment that interacts with Hadoop MapReduce → The programmer focuses on the data and analysis Pig Compiler Pig Latin operators are translated into MapReduce code NOTE: in some cases, hand-written MapReduce code performs better Pig Optimizer2 Pig Latin data flows undergo an (automatic) optimization phase3 These optimizations are borrowed from the RDBMS community 2 Currently, rule-based optimization only. 3 Optimizations can be selectively disabled. Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 15 / 78
  • 16. Apache Pig Overview Pig and Pig Latin Pig is not a RDBMS! This means it is not suitable for all data processing tasks Designed for batch processing Of course, since it compiles to MapReduce Of course, since data is materialized as files on HDFS NOT designed for random access Query selectivity does not match that of a RDBMS Full-scans oriented! Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 16 / 78
  • 17. Apache Pig Overview Comparison with RDBMS It may seem that Pig Latin is similar to SQL We’ll see several examples, operators, etc. that resemble SQL statements Data-flow vs. declarative programming language Data-flow: Step-by-step set of operations Each operation is a single transformation Declarative: Set of constraints Applied together to an input to generate output → With Pig Latin it’s like working at the query planner Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 17 / 78
  • 18. Apache Pig Overview Comparison with RDBMS RDBMS store data in tables Schema are predefined and strict Tables are flat Pig and Pig Latin work on more complex data structures Schema can be defined at run-time for readability Pigs eat anything! UDF and streaming together with nested data structures make Pig and Pig Latin more flexible Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 18 / 78
  • 19. Apache Pig Features and Motivations Dataflow Language A Pig Latin program specifies a series of steps Each step is a single, high level data transformation Stylistically different from SQL With reference to Example 1 The programmer supply an order in which each operation will be done Consider the following snippet spam_urls = FILTER urls BY isSpam(url); culprit_urls = FILTER spam_urls BY pagerank > 0.8; Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 19 / 78
  • 20. Apache Pig Features and Motivations Dataflow Language Data flow optimizations Explicit sequences of operations can be overridden Use of high-level, relational-algebra-style primitives (GROUP, FILTER,...) allows using traditional RDBMS optimization techniques → NOTE: it is necessary to check whether such optimizations are beneficial or not, by hand Pig Latin allows Pig to perform optimizations that would otherwise by a tedious manual exercise if done at the MapReduce level Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 20 / 78
  • 21. Apache Pig Features and Motivations Quick Start and Interoperability Data I/O is greatly simplified in Pig No need to curate, bulk import, parse, apply schema, create indexes that traditional RDBMS require Standard and ad-hoc “readers” and “writers” facilitate the task of ingesting and producing data in arbitrary formats Pig can work with a wide range of other tools Why RDBMS have stringent requirements? To enable transactional consistency guarantees To enable efficient point lookup (using physical indexes) To enable data curation on behalf of the user To enable other users figuring out what the data is, by studying the schema Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 21 / 78
  • 22. Apache Pig Features and Motivations Quick Start and Interoperability Why is Pig so flexible? Supports read-only workloads Supports scan-only workloads (no lookups) → No need for transactions nor indexes Why data curation is not required? Very often, Pig is used for ad-hoc data analysis Work on temporary datasets, then throw them out! → Curation is an overkill Schemas are optional Can apply one on the fly, at runtime Can refer to fields using positional notation E.g.: good_urls = FILTER urls BY $2 > 0.2 Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 22 / 78
  • 23. Apache Pig Features and Motivations Nested Data Model Easier for “programmers” to think of nested data structures E.g.: capture information about positional occurrences of terms in a collection of documents Map<documnetId, Set<positions> > Instead, RDBMS allows only fat tables Only atomic fields as columns Require normalization From the example above: need to create two tables term_info: (termId, termString, ...) position_info: (termId, documentId, position) → Occurrence information obtained by joining on termId, and grouping on termId, documentId Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 23 / 78
  • 24. Apache Pig Features and Motivations Nested Data Model Fully nested data model (see also later in the presentation) Allows complex, non-atomic data types E.g.: set, map, tuple Advantages of a nested data model More natural than normalization Data is often already stored in a nested fashion on disk E.g.: a web crawler outputs for each crawled url, the set of outlinks Separating this in normalized form imply use of joins, which is an overkill for web-scale data Nested data allows to have an algebraic language E.g.: each tuple output by GROUP has one non-atomic field, a nested set of tuples from the same group Nested data makes life easy when writing UDFs Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 24 / 78
  • 25. Apache Pig Features and Motivations User Defined Functions Custom processing is often predominant E.g.: users may be interested in performing natural language stemming of a search term, or tagging urls as spam All commands of Pig Latin can be customized Grouping, filtering, joining, per-tuple processing UDFs support the nested data model Input and output can be non-atomic Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 25 / 78
  • 26. Apache Pig Features and Motivations Example 3 Continues from Example 1 Assume we want to find for each category, the top 10 urls according to pagerank groups = GROUP urls BY category; output = FOREACH groups GENERATE category, top10(urls); top10() is a UDF that accepts a set of urls (for each group at a time) it outputs a set containing the top 10 urls by pagerank for that group final output contains non-atomic fields Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 26 / 78
  • 27. Apache Pig Features and Motivations User Defined Functions UDFs can be used in all Pig Latin constructs Instead, in SQL, there are restrictions Only scalar functions can be used in SELECT clauses Only set-valued functions can appear in the FROM clause Aggregation functions can only be applied to GROUP BY or PARTITION BY UDFs can be written in Java, Python and Javascript With streaming, we can use also C/C++, Python, ... Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 27 / 78
  • 28. Apache Pig Features and Motivations Handling parallel execution Pig and Pig Latin are geared towards parallel processing Of course, the underlying execution engine is MapReduce SPORK = Pig on Spark → the execution engine need not be MapReduce Pig Latin primitives are chosen such that they can be easily parallelized Non-equi joins, correlated sub-queries,... are not directly supported Users may specify parallelization parameters at run time Question: Can you specify the number of maps? Question: Can you specify the number of reducers? Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 28 / 78
  • 29. Apache Pig Features and Motivations A note on Performance But can it fly? src: OlstonPietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 29 / 78
  • 30. Apache Pig Pig Latin Pig Latin Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 30 / 78
  • 31. Apache Pig Pig Latin Introduction Not a complete reference to the Pig Latin language: refer to [1] Here we cover some interesting/useful aspects The focus here is on some language primitives Optimizations are treated separately How they can be implemented (in the underlying engine) is not covered Examples are taken from [2, 3] Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 31 / 78
  • 32. Apache Pig Pig Latin Data Model Supports four types Atom: contains a simple atomic value as a string or a number, e.g. ‘alice’ Tuple: sequence of fields, each can be of any data type, e.g., (‘alice’, ‘lakers’) Bag: collection of tuples with possible duplicates. Flexible schema, no need to have the same number and type of fields (‘alice’,‘lakers’) (‘alice’,(‘iPod’,‘apple’)) The example shows that tuples can be nested Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 32 / 78
  • 33. Apache Pig Pig Latin Data Model Supports four types Map: collection of data items, where each item has an associated key for lookup. The schema, as with bags, is flexible. NOTE: keys are required to be data atoms, for efficient lookup.  ‘fan of’ → (‘lakers’) (‘iPod’) ‘age’ → 20   The key ‘fan of’ is mapped to a bag containing two tuples The key ‘age’ is mapped to an atom Maps are useful to model datasets in which schema may be dynamic (over time) Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 33 / 78
  • 34. Apache Pig Pig Latin Structure Pig Latin programs are a sequence of steps Can use an interactive shell (called grunt) Can feed them as a “script” Comments In line: with double hyphens (- -) C-style for longer comments (/* ... */) Reserved keywords List of keywords that can’t be used as identifiers Same old story as for any language Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 34 / 78
  • 35. Apache Pig Pig Latin Statements As a Pig Latin program is executed, each statement is parsed The interpreter builds a logical plan for every relational operation The logical plan of each statement is added to that of the program so far Then the interpreter moves on to the next statement IMPORTANT: No data processing takes place during construction of logical plan → Lazy Evaluation When the interpreter sees the first line of a program, it confirms that it is syntactically and semantically correct Then it adds it to the logical plan It does not even check the existence of files, for data load operations Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 35 / 78
  • 36. Apache Pig Pig Latin Statements → It makes no sense to start any processing until the whole flow is defined Indeed, there are several optimizations that could make a program more efficient (e.g., by avoiding to operate on some data that later on is going to be filtered) The trigger for Pig to start execution are the DUMP and STORE statements It is only at this point that the logical plan is compiled into a physical plan How the physical plan is built Pig prepares a series of MapReduce jobs In Local mode, these are run locally on the JVM In MapReduce mode, the jobs are sent to the Hadoop Cluster IMPORTANT: The command EXPLAIN can be used to show the MapReduce plan Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 36 / 78
  • 37. Apache Pig Pig Latin Statements Multi-query execution There is a difference between DUMP and STORE Apart from diagnosis, and interactive mode, in batch mode STORE allows for program/job optimizations Main optimization objective: minimize I/O Consider the following example: A = LOAD ’input/pig/multiquery/A’; B = FILTER A BY $1 == ’banana’; C = FILTER A BY $1 != ’banana’; STORE B INTO ’output/b’; STORE C INTO ’output/c’; Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 37 / 78
  • 38. Apache Pig Pig Latin Statements Multi-query execution In the example, relations B and C are both derived from A Naively, this means that at the first STORE operator the input should be read Then, at the second STORE operator, the input should be read again Pig will run this as a single MapReduce job Relation A is going to be read only once Then, each relation B and C will be written to the output Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 38 / 78
  • 39. Apache Pig Pig Latin Expressions An expression is something that is evaluated to yield a value Lookup on [3] for documentation ython, so that sing web-scale n-parallel eval- d in Pig Latin t can be easily ot lend them- non-equi-joins, excluded. d out by writ- es not provide are aware of ther they will program right few iterations t = „ ‘alice’, ⇤ (‘lakers’, 1) (‘iPod’, 2) ⌅ , ˆ ‘age’ ⇤ 20 ˜ « Let fields of tuple t be called f1, f2, f3 Expression Type Example Value for t Constant ‘bob’ Independent of t Field by position $0 ‘alice’ Field by name f3 ˆ ‘age’ ⇤ 20 ˜ Projection f2.$0 ⇤ (‘lakers’) (‘iPod’) ⌅ Map Lookup f3#‘age’ 20 Function Evaluation SUM(f2.$1) 1 + 2 = 3 Conditional Expression f3#‘age’>18? ‘adult’:‘minor’ ‘adult’ Flattening FLATTEN(f2) ‘lakers’, 1 ‘iPod’, 2 Table 1: Expressions in Pig Latin. Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 39 / 78
  • 40. Apache Pig Pig Latin Schemas A relation in Pig may have an associated schema This is optional A schema gives the fields in the relations names and types Use the command DESCRIBE to reveal the schema in use for a relation Schema declaration is flexible but reuse is awkward4 A set of queries over the same input data will often have the same schema This is sometimes hard to maintain (unlike HIVE) as there is no external components to maintain this association HINT:: You can write a UDF function to perform a personalized load operation which encapsulates the schema 4 Current developments solve this problem: HCatalogs. We will not cover this in this course. Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 40 / 78
  • 41. Apache Pig Pig Latin Validation and nulls Pig does not have the same power to enforce constraints on schema at load time as a RDBMS If a value cannot be cast to a type declared in the schema, then it will be set to a null value This also happens for corrupt files A useful technique to partition input data to discern good and bad records Use the SPLIT operator SPLIT records INTO good_records IF temperature is not null, bad _records IF temperature is NULL; Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 41 / 78
  • 42. Apache Pig Pig Latin Other relevant information Schema propagation and merging How schema are propagated to new relations? Advanced, but important topic User-Defined Functions Use [3] for an introduction to designing UDFs Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 42 / 78
  • 43. Apache Pig Pig Latin Data Processing Operators Loading and storing data The first step in a Pig Latin program is to load data Accounts for what input files are (e.g. csv files) How the file contents are to be deserialized An input file is assumed to contain a sequence of tuples Data loading is done with the LOAD command queries = LOAD ‘query_log.txt’ USING myLoad() AS (userId, queryString, timestamp); Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 43 / 78
  • 44. Apache Pig Pig Latin Data Processing Operators Loading and storing data The example above specifies the following: The input file is query_log.txt The input file should be converted into tuples using the custom myLoad deserializer The loaded tuples have three fields, specified by the schema Optional parts USING clause is optional: if not specified, the input file is assumed to be plain text, tab-delimited AS clause is optional: if not specified, must refer to fileds by position instead of by name Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 44 / 78
  • 45. Apache Pig Pig Latin Data Processing Operators Loading and storing data Return value of the LOAD command Handle to a bag This can be used by subsequent commands → bag handles are only logical → no file is actually read! The command to write output to disk is STORE It has similar semantics to the LOAD command Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 45 / 78
  • 46. Apache Pig Pig Latin Data Processing Operators Loading and storing data: Example A = LOAD ’myfile.txt’ USING PigStorage(’,’) AS (f1,f2,f3); <1, 2, 3> <4, 2, 1> <8, 3, 4> <4, 3, 3> <7, 2, 5> <8, 4, 3> Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 46 / 78
  • 47. Apache Pig Pig Latin Data Processing Operators Per-tuple processing Once you have some data loaded into a relation, a possible next step is, e.g., to filter it This is done, e.g., to remove unwanted data HINT: By filtering early in the processing pipeline, you minimize the amount of data flowing trough the system A basic operation is to apply some processing over every tuple of a data set This is achieved with the FOREACH command expanded_queries = FOREACH queries GENERATE userId, expandQuery(queryString); Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 47 / 78
  • 48. Apache Pig Pig Latin Data Processing Operators Per-tuple processing Comments on the example above: Each tuple of the bag queries should be processed independently The second field of the output is the result of a UDF Semantics of the FOREACH command There can be no dependence between the processing of different input tuples → This allows for an efficient parallel implementation Semantics of the GENERATE clause Followed by a list of expressions Also flattening is allowed This is done to eliminate nesting in data → Allows to make output data independent for further parallel processing → Useful to store data on disk Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 48 / 78
  • 49. Apache Pig Pig Latin Data Processing Operators Per-tuple processing: example X = FOREACH A GENERATE f0, f1+f2; Y = GROUP A BY f0; Z = FOREACH Y GENERATE group, Y.($1, $2); A= <1, 2, 3> <4, 2, 1> <8, 3, 4> <4, 3, 3> <7, 2, 5> <8, 4, 3> X= <1, 5> <4, 3> <8, 7> <4, 6> <7, 7> <8, 7> Z= <1, {<2, 3>}> <4, {<2, 1>, <3, 3>}> <7, {<2, 5>}> <8, {<3, 4>, <4, 3>}> Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 49 / 78
  • 50. Apache Pig Pig Latin Data Processing Operators Per-tuple processing: Discarding unwanted data A common operation is to retain a portion of the input data This is done with the FILTER command real_queries = FILTER queries BY userId neq ‘bot’; Filtering conditions involve a combination of expressions Comparison operators Logical connectors UDF Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 50 / 78
  • 51. Apache Pig Pig Latin Data Processing Operators Filtering: example Y = FILTER A BY f1 == ’8’; A= <1, 2, 3> <4, 2, 1> <8, 3, 4> <4, 3, 3> <7, 2, 5> <8, 4, 3> Y= <8, 3, 4> <8, 4, 3> Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 51 / 78
  • 52. Apache Pig Pig Latin Data Processing Operators Per-tuple processing: Streaming data The STREAM operator allows transforming data in a relation using an external program or script This is possible because Hadoop MapReduce supports “streaming” Example: C = STREAM A THROUGH ‘cut -f 2’; which use the Unix cut command to extract the second filed of each tuple in A The STREAM operator uses PigStorage to serialize and deserialize relations to and from stdin/stdout Can also provide a custom serializer/deserializer Works well with python Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 52 / 78
  • 53. Apache Pig Pig Latin Data Processing Operators Getting related data together It is often necessary to group together tuples from one or more data sets We will explore several nuances of “grouping” Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 53 / 78
  • 54. Apache Pig Pig Latin Data Processing Operators The GROUP operator Sometimes, we want to operate on a single dataset This is when you use the GROUP operator Let’s continue from Example 3: Assume we want to find the total revenue for each query string. This writes as: grouped_revenue = GROUP revenue BY queryString; query_revenue = FOREACH grouped_revenue GENERATE queryString, SUM(revenue.amount) AS totalRevenue; Note that revenue.amount refers to a projection of the nested bag in the tuples of grouped_revenue Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 54 / 78
  • 55. Apache Pig Pig Latin Data Processing Operators GROUP ... BY ...: Example X = GROUP A BY f1; A= <1, 2, 3> <4, 2, 1> <8, 3, 4> <4, 3, 3> <7, 2, 5> <8, 4, 3> X= <1, <1, 2, 3>> <4, <4, 2, 1>, <4, 3, 3>> <7, <7, 2, 5>> <8, <8, 3, 4>, <8, 4, 3>> Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 55 / 78
  • 56. Apache Pig Pig Latin Data Processing Operators Getting related data together Suppose we want to group together all search results data and revenue data for the same query string grouped_data = COGROUP results BY queryString, revenue BY queryString; Figure 2: COGROUP versus JOIN. Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 56 / 78
  • 57. Apache Pig Pig Latin Data Processing Operators The COGROUP command Output of a COGROUP contains one tuple for each group First field (group) is the group identifier (the value of the queryString) Each of the next fields is a bag, one for each group being co-grouped Grouping can be performed according to UDFs Next: a clarifying example Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 57 / 78
  • 58. Apache Pig Pig Latin Data Processing Operators C = COGROUP A BY f1, B BY $0; A= <1, 2, 3> <4, 2, 1> <8, 3, 4> <4, 3, 3> <7, 2, 5> <8, 4, 3> B= <2, 4> <8, 9> <1, 3> <2, 7> <2, 9> <4, 6> <4, 9> C= <1, {<1, 2, 3>}, {<1, 3>}> <2, { }, {<2, 4>, <2, 7>, <2, 9>}> <4, {<4, 2, 1>, <4, 3, 3>}, {<4, 6>,<4, 9>}> <7, {<7, 2, 5>}, { }> <8, {<8, 3, 4>, <8, 4, 3>}, {<8, 9>}> Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 58 / 78
  • 59. Apache Pig Pig Latin Data Processing Operators COGROUP vs JOIN JOIN vs. COGROUP Their are equivalent: JOIN == COGROUP followed by a cross product of the tuples in the nested bags Example 3: Suppose we try to attribute search revenue to search-results urls → compute monetary worth of each url grouped_data = COGROUP results BY queryString, revenue BY queryString; url_revenues = FOREACH grouped_data GENERATE FLATTEN(distrubteRevenue(results, revenue)); Where distrubteRevenue is a UDF that accepts search results and revenue information for each query string, and outputs a bag of urls and revenue attributed to them Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 59 / 78
  • 60. Apache Pig Pig Latin Data Processing Operators COGROUP vs JOIN More details on the UDF distribute Revenue Attributes revenue from the top slot entirely to the first search result The revenue from the side slot may be equally split among all results Let’s see how to do the same with a JOIN JOIN the tables results and revenues by queryString GROUP BY queryString Apply a custom aggregation function What happens behind the scenes During the JOIN, the system computes the cross product of the search and revenue information Then the custom aggregation needs to undo this cross product, because the UDF specifically requires so Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 60 / 78
  • 61. Apache Pig Pig Latin Data Processing Operators COGROUP in details The COGROUP statement conforms to an algebraic language The operator carries out only the operation of grouping together tuples into nested bags The user can the decide whether to apply a (custom) aggregation on those tuples or to cross-product them and obtain a JOIN It is thanks to the nested data model that COGROUP is an independent operation Implementation details are tricky Groups can be very large (and are redundant) Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 61 / 78
  • 62. Apache Pig Pig Latin Data Processing Operators JOIN in Pig Latin In many cases, the typical operation on two or more datasets amounts to an equi-join IMPORTANT NOTE: large datasets that are suitable to be analyzed with Pig (and MapReduce) are generally not normalized → JOINs are used more infrequently in Pig Latin than they are in SQL The syntax of a JOIN join_result = JOIN results BY queryString, revenue BY queryString; This is a classic inner join (actually an equi-join), where each match between the two relations corresponds to a row in the join_result Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 62 / 78
  • 63. Apache Pig Pig Latin Data Processing Operators JOIN in Pig Latin JOINs lend themselves to optimization opportunities Active development of several join flavors is on-going Assume we join two datasets, one of which is considerably smaller than the other For instance, suppose a dataset fits in memory Fragment replicate join Syntax: append the clause USING “replicated” to a JOIN statement Uses a distributed cache available in Hadoop All mappers will have a copy of the small input → This is a Map-side join Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 63 / 78
  • 64. Apache Pig Pig Latin Data Processing Operators MapReduce in Pig Latin It is trivial to express MapReduce programs in Pig Latin This is achieved using GROUP and FOREACH statements A map function operates on one input tuple at a time and outputs a bag of key-value pairs The reduce function operates on all values for a key at a time to produce the final result Example map_result = FOREACH input GENERATE FLATTEN(map(*)); key_groups = GROUP map_results BY $0; output = FOREACH key_groups GENERATE reduce(*); where map() and reduce() are UDFs Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 64 / 78
  • 65. Apache Pig Pig Execution Engine The Pig Execution Engine Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 65 / 78
  • 66. Apache Pig Pig Execution Engine Pig Execution Engine Pig Latin Programs are compiled into MapReduce jobs, and executed using Hadoop5 Overview How to build a logical plan for a Pig Latin program How to compile the logical plan into a physical plan of MapReduce jobs Optimizations 5 Other execution engines are allowed, but require a lot of implementation effort. Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 66 / 78
  • 67. Apache Pig Pig Execution Engine Building a Logical Plan As clients issue Pig Latin commands (interactive or batch mode) The Pig interpreter parses the commands Then it verifies validity of input files and bags (variables) E.g.: if the command is c = COGROUP a BY ..., b BY ...;, it verifies if a and b have already been defined Pig builds a logical plan for every bag When a new bag is defined by a command, the new logical plan is a combination of the plans for the input and that of the current command Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 67 / 78
  • 68. Apache Pig Pig Execution Engine Building a Logical Plan No processing is carried out when constructing the logical plans Processing is triggered only by STORE or DUMP At that point, the logical plan is compiled to a physical plan Lazy execution model Allows in-memory pipelining File reordering Various optimizations from the traditional RDBMS world Pig is (potentially) platform independent Parsing and logical plan construction are platform oblivious Only the compiler is specific to Hadoop Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 68 / 78
  • 69. Apache Pig Pig Execution Engine Building the Physical Plan Compilation of a logical plan into a physical plan is “simple” MapReduce primitives allow a parallel GROUP BY Map assigns keys for grouping Reduce process a group at a time (actually in parallel) How the compiler works Converts each (CO)GROUP command in the logical plan into distinct MapReduce jobs Map function for (CO)GROUP command C initially assigns keys to tuples based on the BY clause(s) of C Reduce function is initially a no-op Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 69 / 78
  • 70. Apache Pig Pig Execution Engine Building the Physical Plan ce ig at ng ds e. er e- if i- ig s. n ns Figure 3: Map-reduce compilation of Pig Latin. Parallelism for LOAD is obtained since Pig operates over files residing in the Hadoop distributed file system. We also automatically get parallelism for FILTER and FOREACH oper- ations since for a given map-reduce job, several map and re- duce instances are run in parallel. Parallelism for (CO)GROUP MapReduce boundary is the COGROUP command The sequence of FILTER and FOREACH from the LOAD to the first COGROUP C1 are pushed in the Map function The commands in later COGROUP commands Ci and Ci+1 can be pushed into: the Reduce function of Ci the Map function of Ci+1 Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 70 / 78
  • 71. Apache Pig Pig Execution Engine Building the Physical Plan Pig optimization for the physical plan Among the two options outlined above, the first is preferred Indeed, grouping is often followed by aggregation → reduces the amount of data to be materialized between jobs COGROUP command with more than one input dataset Map function appends an extra field to each tuple to identify the dataset Reduce function decodes this information and inserts tuple in the appropriate nested bags for each group Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 71 / 78
  • 72. Apache Pig Pig Execution Engine Building the Physical Plan How parallelism is achieved For LOAD this is inherited by operating over HDFS For FILTER and FOREACH, this is automatic thanks to MapReduce framework For (CO)GROUP uses the SHUFFLE phase A note on the ORDER command Translated in two MapReduce jobs First job: Samples the input to determine quantiles of the sort key Second job: Range partitions the input according to quantiles, followed by sorting in the reduce phase Known overheads due to MapReduce inflexibility Data materialization between jobs Multiple inputs are not supported well Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 72 / 78
  • 73. Apache Pig Pig Execution Engine Summary Physical Plan Logical Plan Parser Query Plan Compiler Cross-Job Optimizer MapReduce Compiler CLUSTER Pig Latin Program MapReduce Program B(x,y)A(x,y) FILTER JOIN UDF output Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 73 / 78
  • 74. Apache Pig Pig Execution Engine Single-program Optimizations Logical optimizations: query plan Early projection Early filtering Operator rewrites Physical optimization: execution plan Mapping of logical operations to MapReduce Splitting logical operations in multiple physical ones Join execution strategies Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 74 / 78
  • 75. Apache Pig Pig Execution Engine Efficiency measures (CO)GROUP command places tuples of the same group in nested bags Bag materialization (I/O) can be avoided This is important also due to memory constraints Distributive or algebraic aggregation facilitate this task What is an algebraic function? Function that can be structured as a tree of sub-functions Each leaf sub-function operates over a subset of the input data → If nodes in the tree achieve data reduction, then the system can reduce materialization Examples: COUNT, SUM, MIN, MAX, AVERAGE, ... Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 75 / 78
  • 76. Apache Pig Pig Execution Engine Efficiency measures Pig compiler uses the combiner function of Hadoop A special API for algebraic UDF is available There are cases in which (CO)GROUP is inefficient This happens with non-algebraic functions Nested bags can be spilled to disk Pig provides a disk-resident bag implementation Features external sort algorithms Features duplicates elimination Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 76 / 78
  • 77. References References Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 77 / 78
  • 78. References References I [1] Pig wiki. http://wiki.apache.org/pig/. [2] C. Olston, B. Reed, U. Srivastava, R. Kumar, , and A. Tomkins. Pig latin: A not-so-foreign language for data processing. In Proc. of ACM SIGMOD, 2008. [3] Tom White. Hadoop, The Definitive Guide. O’Reilly, Yahoo, 2010. Pietro Michiardi (Eurecom) High-level Programming Languages 78 / 78