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Process Of Aging
Although many people dread the process of aging, getting older is simply a natural part of life. Factors
such as genetic make up, overall health, and stress all play a part in how each person ages. But at some
point, every single person will inevitably grow older. When examining the typical lifespan of human
beings, it s evident that physical changes take place even from the time of infancy and early
childhood. From the very moment of birth, our bodies embark on the journey of development.
Because of the fact that we all experience aging, it is important to know what the process of becoming
older entails. In order to equip communities with the information they need, developmental
psychologists have taken it upon themselves to study the behaviors, ... Show more content on
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Throughout infancy and the early childhood years, people are more aware of the importance of age
related milestones, which leads them to pay closer attention. However, the further on the journey of
adulthood, the more variability there is among others who are also our own age. In fact, change is not
evaluated based off of chronological age alone. It does, of course, play a role. But it isn t everything.
Biological age, which is a measure of how an adult s physical condition compares with others within
their age range, is used in the evaluation of physical systems. Biological age can also be altered
through lifestyle changes. On the other hand, psychological age refers to the measure of how well an
adult is able to deal effectively with the environment in comparison to others. An example of this
would be a 30 year old woman who constantly arrives to work late because she sleeps in. Although her
biological age is 30, her psychological age is much lower than that. Social age is a measure of the
expected roles a person takes on at a specific point in their life. A 20 year old who works full time,
goes to school, and helps her family support their household is going to have a much higher social age
than her biological age. Having an awareness of these terms helps in understanding the complexity of
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Stress And Job Stress
Work plays an important part in the lives of many human beings and it affects their everyday well
being. Working is a huge challenge for a majority of the American people. The workplace is a big
contributing factor of job stress. Psychological ill health is related to the problem of job stress. There
are interventions that can be implemented to prevent or at least to reduce psychological problems.
Stress can be defined as an interaction between people and any kind of demand within their
environment. A stressor can be an event or an object which is harmful for an individual. Stress can
happen when the demand outweighs a human s ability to deal. Factors that may cause job stress
include long work hours, job insecurity, conflict among workers and supervisors, shift work, or
hazards. Job stress can cause low productivity, low employee morale, high turnover, increased call ins,
sickness and negative results. Aspects that need to be considered when diagnosing job stress include
age, sex, race, income, education, marital status and personality.
It is vital to determine who is affected by job stress. It seems as though most people are affected by
job stress at one time or another. Job stress is on the rise. People all over the world are beginning to
suffer from job stress. Job stress doesn t occur in just one profession but it tends to occur more in
streamlined countries. Job stress can affect an employee s personal life. Job stress can cause anxiety,
depression, ulcers, chronic disease, and heart disease. In most job stress related cases, individuals are
distressed by trying to combine occupational and family demands, such as caring for their children or
sick and aging parents (Wiersma Berg, 1991, p.1210). According to Lazarus (1991), employees who
are not able to control their lives at their working place are more likely to suffer occupational stress
and thus, can experience impaired health (p.4). Numerous studies have shown that low control, heavy
job demands may cause mental strain, job dissatisfaction, cardiovascular disease, etc. (Locke Taylor,
1990, p. 160). Family responsibilities also became a source of stress. It usually occurs in single parent
families or in those which both parents work. This
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Describe My Defining Moment
If you have lived for any length of time, you probably had a defining moment. I experienced my
defining moment in the summer of 2010 when I was six years old. You may not think a child that
young could have a defining moment, but you would be wrong. Moreover, our experiences as children
help to shape our personalities, our outlook on life, and what fears and anxieties we develop. My
defining moments happened on a trip to The American Museum of Natural History.
There was nothing spectacular about that day; it started out just like any other. My dad planned a trip
to the Museum of Natural History. I did not particularly like going to the museum. At that age, I found
it boring because there was nothing to do, but stare at things that did not interest me, and that I could
not touch or play with. Nevertheless, off we went. When we were only a couple of blocks away, dad
said he was afraid we would not be able to find parking close to the museum. Therefore, when he saw
a parking space several blocks away, he pulled over and parked. His plan was for us to take the train to
the museum.
Taking the subway had never been pleasant for me. I disliked the crowdedness, and ... Show more
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There were three levels in the station: the first level for the A and B trains, the second for the C and D
trains, and the third for the E train. The stranger I followed was getting on a train on the first level. As
the train pulled into the station, the conductor honked the horn, and I got very excited because I
thought he was honking at me. I thought he was saying hello, so I looked up to tell dad that the
conductor honked at me, and when I looked up, my world stopped. The man I had been following all
this time was not my dad. In a state of panic, I ran away as fast as I could but had no idea where I was
running. My heart was pounding, my head was spinning, and my eyes were overwhelmed by the
traffic of the people and
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100g Brass Mass And Calorimetry Lab Results
G Block Science
Investigating the relationship between a 100g brass mass transfer from 95, 6° boiling water to 21, 2°
cold water.
Putuma Nyaka
Experiment performed on the 24th of September 2015
1. Design
Research question:
What is the specific heat capacity of 100g brass mass, as measured by the method of mixtures using
water in a polystyrene cup?
If I insert a 100g brass mass into a 100 degrees boiling water for two minutes and transfer it to cold
water then the cold water s temperature will increase because the 100g brass mass gained heat from
the boiling water.
Use the results in your data table to calculate the average final temperature of the water and the 100g
Hence obtain a value for the following ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Conclusion and Evaluation
According to the data the hypothesis If I insert a 100g brass mass into a 100 degrees boiling water for
two minutes and transfer it to cold water then the cold water s temperature will increase because the
100g brass mass gained heat from the boiling water was fully supported.
The results were taken and the specific heat capacity of the 100g brass mass were calculated. For the
results to be accurate we did 5 trials and finally we had our averages which were 21, 2°C, 95, 6°C, 25,
Even though the results were expected there might be some errors and accuracy made during the
experiments like how the 100g brass mass was placed in the boiling water sometimes it was all the
way in and sometimes it would come up.
Weakness Impact Improvement
A problem that I found was that I didn t use the stopwatch correctly sometimes I used it and
sometimes I didn t. I would count in my head and forget what number I was at so I just randomly pick
a number and continue maybe that made the information on the data table not accurate. I had better
use the stopwatch properly at all times and ask for my partner to time the brass as it went into the
boiling water for the time
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Purpose Of Counseling Case Study
Purpose of Counseling
Ann Boathouse is here for an assessment for candidacy for Senior Pastor at a large urban church after
being referred by Mt. Tabor Full Gospel Baptist Church.
Physical Appearance
Ann Boathouse was about 5 6 slim muscular build and with her appearance, she looked younger than
her chorological age at the time of examination, also she was well groomed. She wore a very nice
purple summer dress and matching shoes.
Present level of functioning in work /School, Relation and Leisure
Ann was cooperative throughout the interview and articulated herself clearly. She was alert and
orientated to time and place. Ann reported that today was the best day of her life, because she had
decided to be professional bodybuilder. Her co workers and employer states she is a greater. Ann was
Able to come to appropriate conclusions when questioned. Ann indicated that she enjoys working ...
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There are no other complaints and she is not currently taking any medication. Ann state that her last
medical examination was in June 2015. Ann states that she has no suicidal and homicidal ideation; and
history of violence; Impulsivity. She state there is no history of substance abuse.
Past Counseling experiences
The client has no history of psychiatric illness nor has she received any counseling. In addition, she
states that she has not received any medication for emotional problems.
Family Information
Ann is the middle child amongst eight kids four boy and four girls. Ann has been married for 25 years
and she has one daughter 28 and son age 25. Her son has one child a boy around six months and he is
married lives the state of Virginia. The daughter lives in city not too far from Ann. Both of her parents
are deceased for father from a brain tumor and mother from lung cancer.
Social /Development
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Positive Effects Of Adhd In Children
Effects of ADHD ADHD is a developmental disorder of self control. The disorder is not caused by a
failure in the parent to discipline or control their child. The disorder can also have negative effects on
the parent. Also a child can have many troubles learning and treating this disorder. ADHD can have
many effects and causes, but it is how a person copes and monitors themselves or their child. The
physical, social and cognitive consequences of this disorder reflect an impairment in the person s
ability to reflect on their own behavior. The first thing someone will notice with a person when they
have ADHD is how the act and react physically. When a person has ADHD they usually are more
physically active and less attentive. In the brain, there ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This is where the second part comes in where socially, one is different. Little is known of ADHD in
preschool years because the child has yet to develop and learn with the disorder. Anyone with ADHD
at any age can have trouble with speech and sounding things out loud. There are three methods that
help children talk to themselves out loud. These three methods are called cognitive behavior
modification, self instruction and self control programs. Some effects of ADHD that must deal with
cognition are academic failure, social isolation, depression and low self esteem. Some people think
differently about every situation. Sometimes a child could even think the decisions they are making
are the right decision and they are not. Neuropsychological deficits in adults with ADHD go beyond
comorbidity. Specific comorbid disorders may influence the neuropsychological functioning in adults
with ADHD. Comorbidity is when someone has two chronic diseases or conditions. Something that
can go along with ADHD can be bipolar disorder which then would have an effect of comorbidity.
Cognition can be very hard to get through with ADHD. He/she can take many medications to help, but
the side effects may be worry sum. Preparing someone for transitions can be very difficult. Many
people with ADHD have a hard time thinking and preparing things for the future. Anticipation is a
huge factor in people with ADHD. Children with speech problems should always sound their words
out to help themselves through the talking process. Thinking and learning with ADHD has its
disadvantages, but it is the preparation that will help the
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The Ethical Dilemma Of Grand Nursing Theories
Grand nursing theories are global in their application to nursing and have been instrumental in
developing the science of nursing (McEwen Wills, 2014). Grand nursing theories are abstract and can
be applied to many different situations. Because grand nursing theories are broad they can be applied
to ethical dilemmas that occur in nursing practice. Ethical dilemmas are a part of the healthcare field
and it is important to know how to navigate through the murky waters that dilemmas can present.
Nursing theories are a road map that allows nurses and healthcare workers to find the best option to
resolve a problem. One of the theories developed was by Virginia Henderson and called the theory of
need and is still being applied to nursing ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The patient s son accused the nursing staff of mistreating his mother by administering pain
medications to frequently which was causing his mother to be overly sedated and would not allow
administration of pain medication without his approval first. The son was refusing to accept his
mother s condition and assumed his mother would make a miraculous recovery, he was always
coming to the hospital in the middle of the night drunk. Because the nursing staff was distressed over
the son s refusal to accept his mother s condition, an ethics meeting was convened to decide what was
ethically appropriate for the patient. After the meeting, the patient was changed to comfort care and
nursing staff was allowed to administer medications as necessary to keep the patient comfortable. The
nursing staff updated the son twice a day on his mother s condition and the patient soon passed away
with her son at the bedside. Grand Nursing Theory There are many grand nursing theories that could
be applied to this ethical dilemma. However, Virginia Henderson recognized death as an option when
treatment is no longer an option. Virginia Henderson developed the theory of need. The theory of need
defines nursing as assist[ing] the individual, sick or well, in the performance of those activities that
will contribute to health or its recovery (or to a peaceful death) that the person would perform unaided
given the necessary strength, will, or knowledge (Henderson, 1997, p. 22). She described the
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Portrait Head Of Caligula Analysis
Portrait Head of Caligula
This bust of Emperor Caligula, was thought to have been made somewhere within Asia Minor, around
the year 40 AD. There is no known record of who sculpted this bust, and no accurate record of who it
was made for or why it was made. It was sculpted entirely out of marble.
After Caligula was murdered by his guards in 41 AD, almost all recorded statues and portraits of him
were destroyed, as well as a lot of writings that were done about him. This led to modern day
historians having to use later historians writings about him, which has led to possible inaccuracies and
bias about Caligula.
Portraits of Roman Emperors have long been used as a means of conveying messages to the public, as
well as conveying an emperor s ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He reigned from 117 AD to 138 AD. Emperor Trajan named him his successor shortly before dying in
117 AD. Hadrian is considered on the five good Emperors by many historians, as he was seen to be a
humanitarian by most. He was responsible for the building of Hadrian s Wall in Britannia, as well as
rebuilding the pantheon, and also the construction of the temple of Venus and Roma. Hadrian was also
noticeably philhellene in his tastes, which explains well his desire to make Greece the cultural capital
of the Roman Empire. His love of all things Greek, lead to the Greek culture being considered one the
most popular cults in ancient times. During his reign, Hadrian travelled to nearly every province
within the Empire, as well as being very involved with the military. He would often wear military
uniforms or armours, and also slept and dined with Roman soldiers.
After Emperor Trajan died in 117 AD, Hadrian quickly secured legitimacy to his claim to power
through endorsement from the Senate and the Syrian armies. Various public ceremonies were also
organized. One specific Egyptian papyri tells of one such ceremony organized somewhere between
117 118 AD, in which it was praised that Hadrian had been divinely chosen by his deified father and
by the gods
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Federalism And Separation Of Power
In 18th century America, delegates representing twelve of the thirteen states gathered in Philadelphia
to correct the national government. At the time, the existing government, which was under the Articles
of Confederation, was too weak and not doing the job required to administer the new nation. On the
other hand, representatives from the states tried to create a strong internal government without
allowing one person, or party, to gain too much power. Consequently, the framers of the Constitution
took various precautions in order to prevent tyranny within the government. Guards like; checks and
balances, Federalism, separation of powers, and the balance of power between small and large were
implemented by the delegates in hopes of preventing ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In addition, the Constitution states that liberty requires that the three great departments of power
should be separate and distinct , implying that the Legislative Branch [Congress; House of
Representatives and Senate] should be completely unrelated, in terms of responsibility, to the
Executive [President] and the Judiciary [courts]. Although different in responsibility, the three
branches are equal in power and all take part in federal processes. While the Legislative Branch
creates laws, the Executive can choose to enforce laws made by Congress. However, if the nature of
the law(s) are questionable, the Judiciary can step in and declare the act as unconstitutional. Similar to
Federalism, all branches have specific checks on each other in order to balance power. For example,
the Executive has the ability to to appoint justices to the courts, with the approval of congress.
However, Congress can impeach a president or judge if they have committed an act of treason. In turn,
the Judicial Branch can declare laws and acts created by the Congress as unconstitutional. To
summarize, separation of powers can help guard against tyranny by preventing the accumulation of
powers, for the accumulation of all powers... in the same hands, whether one, a few or, many... may be
justly pronounced the very definition of tyranny ; To put the powers of
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Summary Of The Odyssey
Liu 1
Hilary Liu
Dr. Senior
IX English
September 22, 2014
The Importance of Perspectives in The Odyssey and The Penelopiad Margaret Atwood writes in her
novel The Penelopiad I ve chosen to give the telling of the story to Penelope and the twelve hanged
maids...which focus on two questions that must pose themselves after any close reading of The
Odyssey: what led to the hanging of the maids, and what was Penelope really up to? The Odyssey tells
the story of the long journey of Odysseus s return home to Ithaca after fighting in Troy for ten years,
in which he overcomes the Cyclops, enthralling enchantresses, alluring Sirens, the despondent
Underworld, and dangerous monsters. When he returns home he slaughters the Suitors courting his ...
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Penelope wishes to change the way they are portrayed in history instead of being remembered as
deceptive traitors, she wants the Maids to be reminisced as the loyal servants that they truly were,
herself to be remembered as a more compassionate person, and Odysseus to have a slightly less
notable and more humble reputation.
Liu 2 Penelope tells the readers a version of events in which the maids were not deliberately being
rude to Telemachus and Odysseus, and would have behaved differently if they had known more, trying
to change the opinion of the maids from how they are portrayed in The Odyssey. In The Odyssey,
Homer portrays the maids as disloyal and faithless betrayers of Penelope and Odysseus. Melantho,
one of the maids, is portrayed in this way: Flushed with beauty, Melantho mocked him shamelessly...
her heart felt nothing for her mistress anguish now. she was Eurymachus lover, always slept with him.
She was the one who mocked her king and taunted... (Fagles 386) Even though Penelope treats them
very lovingly, the Maids feel nothing for the sorrow that Penelope feels about Odysseus s absence, and
are always sleeping with the Suitors, mocking and taunting their king. The only reason that the maids
behave rather rudely to Odysseus and Telemachus is because they are doing as they are told, as
Penelope narrates, Unfortunately I could not tell my twelve maids who he really was, so they
continued their rudeness to Telemachus, and joined the Suitors in their
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Analysis Of The Show Pretty Little Liars
The scene shows a scene from the show, Pretty Little Liars. In the scene, the character Hanna has a
flashback of when she struggled with bulimia. She is reflecting on a time when she used to binge eat,
to deal with her feelings. During her flashback, she remembers how a girl she was sort of friends with
told her she could fix her problem of binge eating, by throwing up her food after she ate it. The end of
the scene shows a conversation between Hanna and her friend Aria, where Hanna talks about how she
knew she was stronger than her bulimia, and how she was done with that part of her life. The parts of
the scene that were problematic was the depiction of how Hanna was able to treat her bulimia. In the
scene, it reflected how she was
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The Astonishing X-Men by Joss Whedon and John Cassaday Essay
When the term X Men , comes to my mind, I immediately deem of an individuals with their own
unique abilities, lovable characters, their characteristics features, qualities, traits, aspects with cool
special costumes. I m sure of it, everyone gets the impression of the X Men same way as I does. The
X Men are superheroes with the powers, fighting bad guys and making the world peaceful and
standing up for what is right and fair. Am I correct? However, as I grew older, my conscience begin to
comprehend that X Men were more than the superheroes. They were born with an unique gifts that
granted them superhuman strengths that makes them totally different from the rest of the normal
people. We call them the Mutant . What is a Mutant? ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
What is like to be normal? All of us were taught and sometimes forced to follow the society s
guidelines, obey the laws, bowed down and pray for what you believes, dress what is appropriate,
eliminate what and when is necessary, pay your taxes, debts and vote for who do we trust. After all; it
all repeats again. A typical human being, a normal person, regardless of their age, gender, ethnicity,
social class, nationality, we all follow what s on the dashboard in order to keep track with others and
the rest of the world. In addition, being normal requires some level of education and knowledge. The
fact of being Common can be found or living in relatively in large numbers that consist of an animal
or human beings. According to the wild lives, notice how they all live in one particular group that
accustomed with their own species. Zebras live with their group, lions live in a pack with their own
controlled territory. According to humans, they are consists of vary ethnic groups such as African,
Caucasian, Asian, and Indian (Americas continent). However, people classify themselves as Race ,
because they believed that they belongs in their own identical group. Humans are dominate creatures
in the world. We have our own country, culture, language, art and other variety. Notice how we all
have mixture of ethnic groups around the world. In New York City alone, there are considerable
numbers of people from all over the
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Privacy And Privacy Of National Security
Importance of Privacy and Acceptance of National Security The definition of the word privacy,
according to Dictionary.com is, The state of being apart from other people or concealed from their
view . The right to feel safe and secure is one that citizens are privileged to have. Although the
Government s use of spying techniques is an invasion of privacy some would argue that the positive
effects far outweigh the negative. The ability to increase security, prevent attacks, and provide safety
to citizens are just some of the positive effects of Government surveillance. Freedom of privacy comes
with being an American, but some citizens are not ready to give up that basic right for added
protection (Mullikin and Rahman). There has to be a balance of privacy for some and security for
others. There are many tools used by the Government to keep its citizens safe. One of the more talked
about and effective tools is wiretapping. The ultimate goal in wiretapping is to collect data on a
specific individual, usually someone that is a high risk suspect. A wiretap can be manually or digitally
placed, then the necessary data can be gathered. Although wiretapping has been around since the 1890
s it really gathered relevance in 2001 with the Bush administration (Mullikin and Rahman). On
September 11, 2001 there was a devastating terrorist attack against The United States, where 2,977
people lost their lives. As a result of this horrible terrorist attack the Government had to put more
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The Blind Man InCathedral, By Raymond Carver
In the story, Cathedral written by Raymond Carver, a wife, a husband, and a blind man, known as
Robert, come together and interact with each other. The narrator was disturbed with the thought of
having Robert in his home, especially since he is a stranger to the narrator. The narrator believes in the
falsifications of blind people from the movies and therefore, judges the blind man (1) prior to his
arrival. His judgment shows that he thinks of Robert on a highly shallow level, which demonstrates,
similar to all his other negative characteristics, that he doesn t experience the depth of reality. When
Robert actually arrives, the narrator feels awkward and hardly speaks with him, as he doesn t know
what to have a conversation about. When he does speak up, however, he asks questions and discusses
statements that one would have the decency not to discuss with the disabled. The narrators personality
consists of ignorance and immaturity that portrays his lack of empathy as he suggests activities like
going bowling (3). In a sense, the husband has his own emotional, social and intellectual blindness
that he is unaware of. He is socially oblivious of what Robert experiences with his physical
abnormality, and how the intimacy between him and his wife decreases. Nevertheless, as the
protagonist lacks dimension and the depth of reality, he achieves his epiphany after a series of
perceptual blows that clobber him to his preconceived notions, which allows him to overcome his
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Florida Black Bear Research Paper
In 1997, while bow hunting in the Ocala National Forest. I saw two large male bears eating grubs and
one of them caught and begun to eat a Cotton Tail rabbit. They were approximately ½ mile from each
other. It seemed like the very second that the bear with the rabbit tore it apart, I saw the other bear lift
his nose to the air and was at a full run and was to the other bear within a minute. The first bear was
bigger, but the second bear seemed to be hungrier and quickly took the remains of the rabbit away and
out of sight. Thinking that it was a waste of time to remain in the area I returned to my jeep to head
back to camp and get some lunch for myself. Upon reaching the logging road that lead to my jeep, I
found large bear prints within my ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Prior to the late 1900s they roamed throughout Florida, over 53,000 square miles of land. From the
Panhandle to the Keys, to the southern edges of our neighboring states. At that time an estimated
twelve to twenty thousand black bears roamed throughout Florida.
Since then, between deforestation, unregulated hunting prior to 1950 s, habitat loss and habitat
fragmentation, have resulted in the loss of a substantial portion of the Florida black bear population
and 80% of its habitat. As a result, in 1974 the black bear was listed by the state of Florida as a
threatened species in through out the state with the exception of The Apalachicola National Forest and
Baker and Columbia counties. At that time all hunting for Black Bears in the state of Florida was
suspended until future notice.
In 1974 bear estimates were between 300 and 400 bears, in 2002 just eight years later with the help of
Central Florida Farmers Association approximately 132,000 acres were set aside for bear habitation.
Due to these and the efforts groups like TreeHuggerofAmerica, Defender.org and the FWC (Florida
Wildlife Commission) the bear population started growing and growing and growing. From three to
five hundred in 1974 to a little over three thousand in 2002. As of 2015 the current estimates are four
thousand three hundred fifty bears and the amount of human / bear contact has
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House Full Of Love Analysis
House full of Love: Bringing up Children in Polyamorous Relationships
In House full of Love: Bringing up Children in Polyamorous Relationships , Alessandra Iantaffi
(2009) shares a personal narrative of her experience as a participant in qualitative research on queer
polyamorous relationships. Iantaffi leaves the audience with an authentic experience of lives lived
outside heteronormativity, in the process, trying to create space for alternative family models other
than the conventional nuclear family typically dictated by Western ideology. This article provides a
basic understanding of queer polyamorous relationships and what they look like as part of a family
unit and in parenting. Iantaffi does not paint a fantastical vision of the lives of queer polyamory, rather
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This was obviously an important connection to make possibly as part of her own experience, but she
offered no conjecture in the text to explain this throughout the main parts of her article. One can
assume that child welfare as a structure guided by patriarchal euro western ideology has served to
scrutinize parenting outside the norms of nuclear, monogamous family structures. In my personal
experience in Child Welfare I have seen the scrutiny in the past over same sex couples seeking to
foster or adopt children. It would have been helpful for her to situate the issues directed toward Child
Welfare, for example in increased investigations, involvement, attributing being queer to issues
experienced by a child, or in fostering and adopting youth. Further it would be good in her concluding
remarks to explain what that scrutiny is connected to such as the fear and ignorance that permeates in
society and directs policy as in child
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Marcel Derain The Burning Of Houses
The way that the colors are used within The Houses of Parliament are very expressive way while the
Burning of Houses, the colors are used in a more realistic manner. André Derain uses the concept of
warm and cool colors in specific areas of the painting; for example he uses warm colors within the sky
and the buildings and the bridge and the people are in cooler colors. The buildings go in a transition
from one end to the other startin with a scarlet red and transfers ( not really in a blended way ) into a
yellow tone. You also see a more faded yellow and red more towards the ground as is up to the top of
the buildings. The clouds are rather white with a tint of yellow and red within them which probably
shows that they re the same temperature ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Ironically warm colors are red, orange, and yellow and cool colors are blue, green, and purple;
Although this is true it seems to be quite backwards in this painting. Here in this painting I believe that
the day is cooler day as if it were autumn at that time because green an blue are cooler colors; Also the
buildOnes maybe warmer because inside it s always warmer, however noticing the taller building is
more green which shows that it s more cooler up top. Now I m the Burning Houses of the Lords the
colors are used exactly how they would be thought of because the name burning houses clearly
presents itself within the image. You can tell the warm colors from the cool colors since the flames are
showing the colors red, orange, and yellow showing that the temperature is very hot as fire always is. I
also see water and the sky within this image as well and they pose to be cooler colors which appear to
be blues, greens and other colors that are in the cool state. This painting clearly shows where different
temperatures are as apposed to André Derains painting where you more have to guess where the
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Reactive Chromatography ( Rc )
Chapter 2 2
Literature review 2
Introduction 2
2.1. Reactive Separation Techniques 3
2.1.1. Reactive Chromatography (RC) 4 Principal 5 Adsorbent 6 Solvent 6 Esterification Reaction 7
2.1.2. Reactive Extraction (RE) 7 Extractant 8 Reaction Product Properties 9
2.1.3. Reactive Distillation (RD) 10
References 13
Chapter 2
Literature review
2.1. Introduction
Carboxylic acids (Lactic, propionic, caproic, acetic, picolinic etc.) are chemicals extensively used in
pharmaceutical, food and other allied industries, as they find diverse application as reactants, solvents
and even as catalysts in a few work instances (Talnikar et al., 2014). These acids when obtained by
fermentation of sugars, the presence of fermentation by products, media impurities additives like
antifoam agents interfere in purification process (Pursell et al., 2009). During fermentation acids are
produced essentially as mixture and mostly dilute solutions are obtained. Moreover during hetero
fermentation the broth contains mixture of acids as final product (Abdel Rahman et al., 2013).
2.2. Outline of the process for preparation of carboxylic acid from biomass The process for
preparation of carboxylic acid from biomass includes pre treatment and hydrolysis of agricultural
waste to simple sugars. These sugars are than used as raw material for fermentation using
microorganism to produce carboxylic acids. These acids are generated either in form of free
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Analysis Of The Television Show Saved By The Bell Essay
Millennials Are Determined In the television show Saved by the Bell, the character Zach Morris a
high school student failed to have enough credits to graduate high school. Zach demonstrated his
determination to make up a class in order to graduate on time with his class. A failed experience
motivates millennials to keep trying until the goal is accomplished. We use our past experiences as an
encouragement to succeed in education. Higher education opens the door to better job opportunities
for generation Y. Having a similar experience in high school includes me of this generation. Once
informed regarding low grades it motivated Zack to put more work and effort because a passing grade
is required in order to graduate. Schools educate the millennials to enter the workforce. Generation Y
is special because they are the largest group of people schooled in history, have the nature to own a
business and be their own boss, and work for a meaningful cause, not just money. Generation Y is
special because we face challenges that influence us to succeed. In Paul Angone s article 3 Major
Challenges Facing Millennials he states, Millennials are the Largest, Most Educated Generation in
History (Angone 2). They are the largest group of people schooled in history. College students work to
obtain a bachelors or doctorate college degree.in the desired field of work. Attending college allows
the millennials to have better job opportunities in the workforce.
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Francesco Guardi s Art Analysis
Francesco used a style that I really enjoy, it is called pittura di tocco and it is a style known for its
small dotting in the art work and it s small but clean brush strokes. It s a style that not many artist can
lock down it is very very advanced. He started in venice italy when he was passed down a shop from
his father who was deceased and he worked alongside his brother to make and sell hand made
paintings. His paintings are beautiful painting like the venetian capriccio which is a landscape painting
of the molo towards santa Maria. He was born october 1712 and when his father passed away in the
year 1716 and that s when he had the shop passed down to him, he was only 4 when the shop was
handed down to him and his brother. He worked with ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Known as one of if not they best artists of his time Francesco Guardi is quite the artist. he is known
for his later works, one of his bests know as the doges feasts which was a 12 canvas set of pure beauty.
The painting was pictures of the election that took place in 1763 with the election of Dodge Alvise IV
Mocenigo. Guardi captured this amazing moment for the future to witness, the election is a massive
thing in italy. Its compared to the election in America but almost 2 times more bigger, its no joke to
italy and he was there to capture and give the future a vivid
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A Struggle For Employees Inside The Working Environment
Outside and interior strengths make a struggle for employees inside the working environment. With a
battling economy and perpetually expanding costs for sustenance, gas, utilities, and different items,
these outer hassles place struggle on workers home lives. Employees convey those outside clashes to
work. These outside hassles additionally put intense financial conditions on employers. The
workforces also feel the boss working environment loads as well. Chatter, bits of gossip and dread of
decreases in the workforce, cutting back because of changing innovation and outside exchange,
diminishments and terminations in hours worked with the loss of advantages, and loss of business
makes agitation and precariousness for both bosses and representatives. Indeed, even those employees
who are sufficiently fortunate to keep their occupations amid a financial downturn are tasked with
substantial workloads to compensate for the diminishments in the workforce and rare assets. These all
in mix prompts the condition, where organizations are compelled to create more with darling measure
of assets. The outer powers increase with a focused on the economy and typical interior strengths are
an actuality of working. Strains amongst bosses and employees, pay uniformity, security issues,
diverse interests and values among employees, identity conflicts between the workforce, poor
correspondence, and top down the absence of correspondence are some inward elements that impact
worker working
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The Culture of the 1920s in America Essay
The 1920s, often referred to as the Roaring Twenties, was a time of great change and a time of
powerful enthusiasm in many areas of society. The world had just finished the biggest war in history,
the First World War, and the United States was left almost unharmed by the war. The United States
was able to experience a decade of peace and success following the war. During this decade, America
became the wealthiest country in the world (Trueman, 2000). The people in the United States went
through a colorful period during the twenties. However, at the same time the 1920s was also a very
rebellious and difficult time for many. The culture of the 1920s has influenced the culture of America s
society today. Overview of the 1920s The decade of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Technology Technology played a vital part in helping America become the great economic and
cultural success that it was during the 1920s. New advancements, new discoveries, and new inventions
improved American lives in every imaginable way but not without a few negative side effects. As
mentioned earlier, the automobile really came into play during the 1920s by making traveling a
common thing for anyone who could afford a car (Trueman, 2000). Henry Ford started the Ford Motor
Company, which began to mass produce affordable automobiles known as the Model T. Ford s Model
T car became such an irresistible success that by the end of the decade, there was almost one car per
family in the United States (Bruce, 1981). The automobile seemed to give people a type of new
freedom, but the automobile also proved to be a dangerous item in the hands of many irresponsible
people who loved to drink during the 1920s. The washing machine, telephone, and radio made their
arrival during the twenties. People were discovering life to be far easier than the previous generations
because of technology, but they were also slowly being driven into an industrial nation. People were
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Social Reasons And Social Causes Of The French Revolution
Social Causes of the French Revolution
The French Revolution was mainly the result of social causes. In the 18th century, the social classes
were categorized as the First Estate, consisting of the clergy; the Second Estate, consisting of the
aristocracy; and finally the Third Estate, including every remaining citizen; from the bourgeoisie
(merchants, lawyers, businessmen) all the way to the poor peasants of the land. All the members of the
first two estates were privileged in law and taxation. Moreover, there was virtually no way to move up
the social ladder unless you were born into it, consequently, raising anger among the bourgeoisie
since, despite their equivalence in wealth as certain nobles, they still had lower living conditions than
the first two estates and were considered the minority.
The bourgeoisie s (middle class) ambition was a major contributor of the French Revolution. This
close contact of the bourgeoisie with less educated members of the Third Estate enabled them to
provide the real leadership of the Revolution when it came... (Truman et al, 131) The middle class
made up the larger half of the Third Estate. Since the peasants were not organized enough to form
their own assembly, or begin a revolution, the bourgeoisie guided the Third Estate, eventually forming
the National Assembly, and pushed them to act against the higher levels of society. ...it was through
them, by mouth, that the radical views of the philosophes spread down through the population.
(Truman et al, 131) The bourgeoisie began holding salons where they would discuss and patronize
philosophers views. Over time, every member of the Third Estate, even the illiterate peasants of the
land, had begun forming political opinions. However, as gracious as the middle class intentions may
appear, one of the largest motives they had was their envy for Second Estate privileges.
The Second Estate (nobles) consisted of members who had outlived their social usefulness, as the
ancestors of warriors from the Middle Ages. However, they still retained the privileges that they had
enjoyed for hundreds of years. Privilege, by which small numbers of Frenchmen enjoyed special
rights, favors, and advantages at the expense of great
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Music In A Streetcar Named Desire
I personally identify with Blanche. She knows she is going crazy and she tries to hide her mental state
with more lies piled on. After Blanche goes through the traumatic experiences of living and losing
Belle Reve, she refuses to admit anything is wrong. She continues living her life the way she always
did, and I fear because I know I would take a similar route. I know I will never admit when anything is
wrong, and I will try to fix a problem before it starts. Blanche s problem is she has finally lost
everything; her solution is moving away and acting as if the problem never happened. Reading
through A Streetcar Named Desire made me understand how similar I am to Blanche DeBois. If it was
not for how the play was written, I am sure I would not have these feelings towards Blanche.
Tennessee Williams, the writer of the play, uses music, objects, and sound or dialogue to further
explain drama in Streetcar Named Desire . Using music helps the audience distinguish relationships
between characters. Blanche hears the Varsouviana Polka whenever she thinks of Alan, and the only
thing that can stop her music is the gunshot that ended Alan s life. Since the music she hears is in her
head, no one else can hear the gunshot. The last time Blanche can hear the music the gunshot can be
heard, yet the music does not stop. This has started her mental break because in her mind everything is
going fine, yet in the world the characters start understanding who Blanche is and how she does not
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LDA Consulting Incorporation Paper
The LDA Consulting Incorporation has an initiative to bring to the community, evidenced based or
model programs designed to educate the participants about the risk factors associated with tobacco
usage among youths. LDA Consulting s program is designed for youths ages 9 through 18.
We will fund our organization by applying and receiving grants from local community organizations,
governmental agencies like the Fulton County Health Department, the Georgia National Guard and the
federal government. An Environmental analysis was conducted in order to identify the factors
influencing the requirements for such services within the targeted communities. The analysis will
assist in understanding what is happening internal and external ... Show more content on
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4. Strategic position Since my business choice is in the service segment the customer perception factor
is the most typical method of attempting to differentiate it from the competition. (Abrams, 2014) As a
non profit entrepreneur, I am not in this business just for to hopefully make a profit. My business goal
is to make a social impact in the local community. LDA has proven to the community through its
outreach programs that the youth are committed to avoid using tobacco products. The youth are
bringing the positive messages home sharing them with their family. Research has proven that once
youth are enthusiastic about a subject they want everyone around them to be acceptable of it. LDA has
extended the branding to include educating adults on eliminating or reducing their tobacco use. Youth
often imitate the habits of their adult family members. Studies have proven that if teens are educated
at an early age there is an 85% chance they will not use tobacco products. LDA Consulting wants to
introduce our curriculums to the youths in the Metro Atlanta area so that we can catch those at risk
before they are introduced to this deadly Legal
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Literary Techniques In Hatchet By Gary Paulsen
Things seemed to go back and forth between reality and imagination expect that it was all reality.
Hatchet is an adventure novel which tells the story of thirteen year old Brian Robeson, who finds
himself alone in the wilderness, having to learn how to survive. The only thing Brian is left with is a
hatchet, a present his mother had given to him shortly before his plane departed for Canada. Hatchet
follows Brian along on his journey in the Canadian wilderness, each day discovering more about
himself, and the needs for survival.
The author Gary Paulsen, uses different literary techniques to help the reader grasp a deeper meaning
of the story. Throughout the book, Paulsen explores the use of similes and repetition to bring the
characters and setting of the story to life. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Using similes to describe whereabouts helps the reader to connect with the story at a deeper and more
meaningful level. Brian s entry into the wilderness occurred when he was put in the position where he
only had one choice, to crash the plane. Then a wild crashing sound, ripping of metal, and the plane
rolled to the right and blew through the trees, out over the water and down, down to slam into the lake,
skip once on water as hard as concrete, water that tore the windshield out and shattered the side
windows, water that drove him back into the seat. (Paulsen, pg. 23). The comparisons made between
Brian s location, and the objects and specific things in our lives, helps the reader to create a better
understanding as readers can relate to their own personal
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Summary Of Ode On Melancholy
In John Keats Ode on Melancholy, he writes on the relationship of the self and how one deals with
Melancholy. There have been many different authors that have written about the topic of experiencing
melancholy. Generally, writers talk about melancholy as a problem and wanting to escape it, or they
discuss how one can remedy it. However, Keats takes a different approach and discusses an alternative
way of looking at melancholy. On the surface, the poem talks about ways that one should not escape
it, how one should deal with it, and ends with a conclusion on melancholy. The poem, when analyzed
closer, shifts to a different meaning. Through Keats use of word choice, symbolism, and form, he
discusses the relationship between appreciation ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
(474). Then, he begins to offer solutions to dealing with melancholy. He repeatedly uses the words
like glut, feed, and imagery of food when describing how to deal with this sadness (474). This
repetition of imagery suggests that one should continue to feed this melancholy spirit, rather than
escape it whatsoever so that it is experienced as much as possible. He also continues to use imagery of
heaven or at least transcendence in some sort of way, by referencing heaven repeatedly. He also
suggests a relationship between transcendence and melancholy in the sentence, Ay, in the very temple
of Delight / Veil d Melancholy has her Sovran shrine (474). Therefore, this creates an undertone that
melancholy is related to something that is heavenly, which will be explored later on. Throughout the
poem, Keats uses symbolism to create polarities such as death and life, experience and escape that
shifts the poem s meaning to a philosophical thought process. The beginning stanza makes numerous
references to death, but also to life as well. For instance, Keats references Proserpine, who was the
goddess of the underworld, but also came to earth for half of the year so that she could be with her
mother, Ceres, who was the goddess of the harvest (474, 170). Therefore, this immediately creates a
polarity between spending half her time in
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The Resurrection Of Former Prisons Across The World
Prison Theory The resurrection of former prisons across the world has equally captured the awareness
of tourists and scholars alike. While prison museums, as a result of their bleak and in some cases
disturbing subject matter, invert the Disney experience, they proceed to exploit a phenomenon known
as dark tourism, . . . in which people gravitate to sites associated with war, genocide, and other tragic
events for purposes of remembrance education, or even entertainment, (Welch, 1). Generated in order
to convey the aforementioned purpose, the museum effect subjects visitors of the prison museums to a
multilayered encounter with objects, images and space. Utilizing models such as The Clink, Alcatraz,
Eastern State Penitentiary, and Seodaemun prison, this papers purpose is to illustrate the success of the
museum effect in achieving its desired ends of remembrance through memorialization, education and
culturalization through use of images and space, and entertainment through the use of objects.
In order to develop a proper understanding of the museum effect, one must understand each aspect
that contributes to the effect, the first being space. No prison structure better describes the use of space
than Eastern State Penitentiary. Designed by John Haviland, and opened on October 25thth 1829,
Eastern State, also known as the model prison is considered to be the world s first true penitentiary.
Haviland designed the penitentiary using a new architecture scheme dubbed
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Life In The 1920s Essay
The 1920 s In the beginning of the 1920 s americans lived in the cities more than farm lands.
According to history. com, The nation s total wealth more than doubled between 1920 and 1929, and
that led to many americans getting money and not knowing what to do with it so therefore many
people spent their money on fashion stores. However with all of this money people started getting out
of hand. Some people started conflicts at celebrations many young women called the flappers with
bobbed hair and short skirts caused problems at parties because of there unladylike actions. As said
earlier, many americans had extra money to spend so they spend it on consumer goods, ready to wear
clothes, and home appliances, and especially automobiles, state s ... Show more content on
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First of all, coats and outerwear was usually made from browns, dark blues, and usually covered in
large buttons. Also, if a women had money she would wear wool or fur jackets. In the 1920s, women
also wore different kinds of coats. For example, some coats were long that stretched below the knee
and others were short coats that were mainly used for sport occasions. Cardigans were also in style at
the time. They were typically made of wool and had a few buttons with or without pockets. Men wore
fur coats for everything they went to, and they wore leather jackets when they wanted to go to a place
where they could play sports for fun. For the women, under garments usually consisted of dresses and
skirts. As said in retrowaste.com, dresses were thin, with loose silk, and had a thin belt around the
waist. Some women liked to show leg and others didn t, but designers catered to all different
tastes.Women also had sport dresses that were more modern. Men wore suits into town and flannels
when they were relaxing. In addition, when the men were at home they wore smokey jackets or lounge
jackets. Once in awhile the men wore decorative shirts that were white or light
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Jane Austen s Northanger Abbey
Jane Austen s Northanger Abbey is a novel that features vibrant character development but the biggest
development is that which occurs in Catherine Morland. Catherine s character nearly develops in all
components of her being and she is able to evolve from the unorthodox heroine that she is initially
described as. In the novel, Catherine starts out as an incredibly naïve and inexperienced girl who
confuses all facets of the real world as the plot in a Gothic novel. Catherine develops as a character
through her social interactions with those around her as it helps her gain experience with how to
correctly perceive the world. With her newly gained experience of her surroundings, Catherine
develops and is able to see the real world through a social lens rather than her own subjective lens or
that of a Gothic lens.
Catherine s growth is evident in the very first line of the novel as it states No one who had ever seen
Catherine Morland in her infancy would have supposed her born to be an heroine. Her situation in life,
the character of her father and mother, her own person and disposition, were all equally against her
(37). Catherine s lowly heroine figure is made known instantly so that her development is much more
apparent at the end of the novel. From the start of the novel Catherine is not a typical heroine, she is
unorthodox in all facets of her life including the status of her parents. Catherine is initially also an
incredibly naive character and this fuels her
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Murder in All Its Forms
Murder: And all its forms Throughout the criminal justice system, news, and in many other situations
the term murder is used quite frequently however usually incorrectly. Some people say animals or
even trees get murdered, but under the law it is not murder unless a human takes the life of another
human. Homicide is a lawful term for any killing of a human being by another human being.
Homicide itself is not automatically a crime, some homicides are legal, such as the justifiable killing
of a suspect by the police or a killing in self defense. Unlawful homicides are classified as crimes like
murder and manslaughter. This paper will explain the important but often overlooked distinctions
between murder and manslaughter, and the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The defendant could be convicted of 2nd degree murder. Depraved heart murders are unintentional but
extremely reckless murders. For example, playing with a loaded gun and pointing the gun at another
for fun is extremely reckless behavior. If the gun went off and killed another the defendant was
pointing at it could constitute as a 2nd degree murder charge under the depraved heart murder
standard. Manslaughter is the unlawful killing of another human by a human that does not involve
malice aforethought. The absence of malice aforethought means that manslaughter involves less moral
blame than either first or second degree murder. While manslaughter is a serious crime, the
punishment for it is generally less than that for murder. There are two main classes or degrees that
manslaughter falls under. Those are voluntary and involuntary manslaughter. Voluntary manslaughter
is often what is referred to as a heat of passion crime. Voluntary manslaughter occurs when a person is
strongly provoked under circumstances that could provoke a reasonable and rationale person, and kills
in the heat of passion aroused by that baiting. An example of this would be where a husband comes
home to find his wife committing adultery. The act provokes the husband to enter such a heat of rage
in that moment that he kills the other man right then and
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Essay On College Tuition Cost
In today s society, the rising college tuition costs is becoming a problem because people can t keep up
with the funding of the college costs and kids are not getting the right education they deserve and need
in life.
Since the 1987 1988 school year students at public four year institutions paid an average $3,190 in
tuition, with prices adjusted to reflect 2017 dollars. Thirty years later, that average has risen to $9,970
for the 2017 2018 school year(Martin). Parents all over the world will make their kid s focus on a
sport in hopes that they will get a scholarship and not have to pay the high fees for college. They don t
get to have the freedom to do the things that wealthy children can, for example wealthy kids have no
financial problems going in to college while poor kids will struggle and have to get students loans. As
a parent, you just hope that your kid will be good enough to get a scholarship so that you won t have
to pay for the college tuition. Martin also states, More likely, the hypothetical child would pay the
tuition bill themselves, as the rising cost of higher education has led Americans to struggle with a
collective $1.4 trillion in student loan debt(MAKE IT). ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
As a result, if the poor kids end up going to college they are in debt for many dollars and is
challenging to repay. In 2012, 71 percent of graduates from four year colleges carried debt, with
students at public schools owing an average of $25,550 and those with degrees from private colleges
owing $32,300(Martin). That means that debt is becoming an overwhelming problem for college
students. College students don t know how to handle this
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The Dred Scott The United States Army
Dred Scott was of African descent and born in America. He was a slave in 1834. He belonged to Dr.
Emerson, a surgeon for the United States army. Scott and Dr. Emerson were originally located in
Missouri, a slave state. But, in the year 1834, Dr. Emersion took Scott to the Rock Island Military Post
in Illinois, a free state, where he worked for him as a slave. This continued until 1836, when Dr.
Emerson moved with Scott to Fort Snelling located in Upper Louisiana, a territory at the time
(http://www.pbs.org/wnet/supremecourt/antebellum/landmark_dred.html). Later, this territory would
enter the Union as a free state because of the Missouri Compromise (The Dred Scott Decision 2013).
While this was happening, Harriet, the eventual wife of Dred ... Show more content on
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Emerson treated the entire family as his salves
(http://www.pbs.org/wnet/supremecourt/antebellum/landmark_dred.html). Just before the suit was
filed, Dr. Emerson sold Dred Scott, Harriet, and their two children to John F. A. Sandford. Sandford,
considering the Scott family his slaves, laid hands on them and imprisoned them many times
(http://www.pbs.org/wnet/supremecourt/antebellum/landmark_dred.html). These actions would be
considered legal if Harriet, Lizzie, Eliza, and Dred Scott were his slaves. Dred Scott wanted to
challenge this. Due to the Missouri Compromise, Illinois and the territory where Dr. Emerson had
taken Dred Scott and purchased Harriet, were free (Independence Hall Association 2013). Dred Scott
sued his owner, John Sandford, for assaulting himself, and his family. Scott openly admitted he was
born a slave and of African descent, but he also argued that once his owner took him and his family to
a free state and territory to exist in, his family became free from slavery. And since they were free
when Sandford moved them back to Missouri, Scott claimed it was illegal for Sandford to assault him
and his family. Scott also claimed he should be legally considered a citizen by the state. These are the
ideas on which Scott pursued to sue Sandford. His declaration specifically had three counts: that
Sandford assaulted Dred Scott that Sandford had assaulted Harriet,
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Football Pest Analysis Essay
Course Work
Austin Tweneboa
Analysis Section Strength one Fitness component=Agility Strength two=Dribbling
The sport that I ve chosen is football. One of my strength is agility, that is the ability to perform a
series of explosive power movements in rapid succession in opposing directions.
Agility had a positive impact and a benefit in the last Sunday game, I had to get past the opponent and
I dribbled the opponent, with my agility I was able to perform a series of explosive power movements
in rapid succession in opposing directions. I chose agility and dribbling as strengths because in a
match situation I m really good on getting past opponent by dribbling them by also using my agility
and the fact that I m small. Changing direction gives me and advantage, because you can get away
from the opponent easily. As a winger I need to be able to perform a series of explosive power in rapid
succession, as small winger I can change direction quickly. My dribbling helps me a lot in my match
or training situations because by taking the ball forwards past opponents ... Show more content on
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Sometimes it is called steady state exercise which means the speed stays steady. Football at my age
lasts 80 minutes with each half lasting 40 minutes, so it is really important that you can keep working
aerobically, as much as possible. Muscular endurance was chosen as one of my weakness so
continuous training is appropriate, it allows improvements in my muscular endurance. Continuous
training involves working for a sustained period of time without rest. Running, jogging, cycling,
swimming and rowing are all examples of physical activities that lend themselves to continuous
training . Using a treadmill, an exercise bike or a cross trainer are also popular ways pf carrying out
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Ip Address Schema
Gerald Boursiquot Network amp; Infrastructure
Bever Branson Budget/Proposal/Visio
NT 1210
May 23, 2013
In order to properly address the Infrastructure upgrade of the Kamazon Network our group decided
that an appropriate ip address schema that will take into account the idea that people will be using
more than just a desktop computer. They will have tablets, laptops, departmental printers, and smart
phones. This is also based upon the understanding that every Department will have at least two
printers for the staff and one for the Manager/Supervisor or VP of that Department. So with that being
said, we estimated that could be at least three or more accurately four ip ... Show more content on
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If we break out the third octet displaying the binary values for each bit space this is how it would be
128 | 64 | 32 | 16 | 8 | 4 | 2 | 1
This is our class C after applying CIDR notation.
128 | 64 | 32 | 16 | 8 | 4 | 2 / 0 = 254 By borrowing the one bit we have changed our subnet mask from to
The next step is to determine what our Network ID s will be, and what our usable hosts will be. This is
done by going back to the binary. There are 8 bits in each octet which is in base 2 the numerical value
of the binary numbers. This is equal to 28 or 256. When we borrow the one bit from the third octet we
are now adding that one bit to the original eight this changes our binary value from 8 bits to 9 bits
which is equal to 29 or 512. This means that we will now have 512 IP Addresses per subnet, and if we
apply the formula 2n 2 this will give us 510 usable hosts per subnet. We can then take this same
formula without the minus 2 to calculate the number of subnets that we will obtain from this
calculation. There are still seven on bits to the left in this octet. This is equal to 27 or 128. This means
that will obtain 128 subnets with this CIDR calculation.
This is the default C before we borrowed the one bit in binary notation,
Before 11111111.11111111.11111111.00000000 255 . 255 .
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Barbarians In The Odyssey
Last but definitely not least, Polyphemos from the Odyssey is by far at the tip of that barbarians scale.
In the beginning passage about Polyphemus, he is presented as quite gentle with his heard of sheep
while milking them, this give no indication to him being uncivilized and violent (Homer, pg. 143). But
as the story progress, the audience can sense that he is less and less similar to their ideal of a Greek
citizens. Polyphemus expressed that the Cyclopes do not concern themselves with Zeus since they are
far better than the gods, this means he does not adhere to the same religious system as the Greeks do
(Homer, pg. 144). Not only that, Polyphemus does not adhere to the Greek custom of giving gifts and
hospitality to guests in the worst
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Heroin And The Natural Endorphin Production
Diacetylmorphine, known as heroin, is an extremely addictive drug that comes from the opium poppy,
Papaver somniferum [1]. The poppy plant contains latex, which is harvested from cutting the seed and
gathering the juice that flows out. This juice contains morphine, which can be converted into heroin
through simple chemical processes. [1]. When introduced into the body, heroin mimics peptide
substances called endorphins [2]. The specific endorphins that heroin effects are neurotransmitters in
the brain that are responsible for pain, pleasure, and fatigue. Heroin will combine with the receptors in
the brain to induce a state of euphoria and analgesia [2]. This causes a reduction in the natural
endorphin production. These modifications cause a person the need to replace the naturally produced
endorphins, which creates an ongoing addiction [2]. There are many drugs that have been developed
in the past to try to help heroin addicts cope with their addictions. However, most of these drugs have
either had side effects or have not produced a full effect of sobriety from the user. Some popular drugs
that have been developed more recently are methadone, Levo aplha acetyl methadol (LAAM), and
Buprenorphine [1]. About 1.6% of the population, or around 4.2 million Americans aged twelve and
up, were reported to use heroin in the year 2011. Among those 4.2 million, 23% of the user population
was reported to be dependent on the drug [3]. It has been estimated that 27 38% of
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informative speech Video games Essay
Nicholas Frimel COM121
10/11/2014 Glick
Topic: Video games in America
Specific Purpose: To inform my COM121 class on how video games are part of peoples lives.
Central Idea: Focusing on how games are incorperated in peoples lives by viewing the time spent
playing, relationships through video games, how video games are for all people, and the social aspect
that is incorperated in the video games.
Attention getter: 59% of americans play video games, there are two gamers in each household in the
U.S. People of all ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
1. The average U.S gamers age 13 or older spend 6.3 hours a week playing video games 2. The
average Americans ages 15 and older spends 1.23 hours eating and drinking per day. 3. The average
Americans ages 15 and older spend caring for children and others is .72 hours per day. 4. The average
Americans ages 15 and older spend .48 hours of Educational activties per day.
(Link: Now that you see how people incorperate there games into their day, lets look at relationships
through video games)
II. Video games also incorperate relationships for people. A. One relationship is an intimate
relationship. 1. There have been cases of people finding their husband or wife through video games.
B. Another relationship is friendship. 1. People play online and connect with other people, then add
them as a friend, thus being able to play with and socialize with them. C. Also it incorperates family
relationships. 1. One way is by playing and interacting with distant family members. 2.Another way is
spending time playing video games with your child, spouse, or brother/sister. D. Last relationship is a
in game relationship. 1. When you play certaint video games you build a relationship with the A.I and
(Link: Now that you see how video games relate to relationships, lets checkout who plays video
III. Now,
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The Dangers Of Child Beauty Pageants
Child Beauty pageants have been around for about fifty five years already and are becoming more and
more common throughout society. There have been many TV shows such as Toddlers and Tiaras in
which young children are judged based on their beauty, personality, and talent. Although some people
might think that child beauty pageants are beneficial because they teach discipline, patience, and
improve self confidence, in reality, they give children an unrealistic idea about what a perfect body is
and often lead to an insecure future. These pageants often have high standards that children have to
live up to. Many psychologists have stated that these girls could often develop emotional problems
because their figures might not develop into what
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The Labor Market Of The Labour Market
The labour market is defined as the place where employment and employee interaction take place,
otherwise known as Job Sector . In the labour market, employers and companies whether big or small
always compete to hire the best skilled, highly motivated and hard working of individuals to compete
for the best job available. (Economic, 2015). A labour market in complex terms is defined as an
economic function which supplies different level of demand and supply of labour (Webster, 2015).
E.g. labour demand is essentially the firm s demand for labour whether high or low depending on
certain factors influencing the demand whereas supply is often explained via the individual employee
s supply of labour via how much input and output they apply to the job.
My chosen field of work is going to be in the business marketing sector such as Commercial
Marketing and will be analysing the labour market within marketing and distinguish what the
influences change in the labour market concerning marketing. Location of the job would preferably in
the London districts mostly central London.
Current labour market trends have to be thoroughly and constantly analysed to get a perspective on
how they affect the labour supply and demand on certain areas such as marketing and other business
sectors yearly as market trends are constantly fluctuating. Recent future graduate statistics for the
previous years have given us a clear window of the up rise and downfall of the market trends as
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Martin Luther s Ninety-Five Theses On The Church
Martin Luther was the son of a coal miner and left his studies to become an Augustinian monk. He
spoke out against the church in Wittenberg. Luther was convinced that salvation was earned by the
performance of good deeds and grace through the church. He disagreed and argued that salvation
could only be obtained by faith in knowing Christ s sacrifice. If one were to purchase indulgences,
Luther thought that they were useless because one can only be saved by the grace of God. He also
believed that Christian s should assume full responsibility for their actions on earth. In 1517, Luther
posted the Ninety Five Theses on the church door in Wittenberg. This post was ninety five issues he
sought to bring up and dispute with the leaders of the Church
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Behind Mud Walls Paper
Modern India
Behind Mud Walls Paper
In order to understand India, one needs to understand its villages. Behind Mud Walls does a great job
in providing a detailed background of an ordinary village life in India. Since seventy percent of
Indians live in villages, it is important to learn about village lifestyle and the changes that take place in
it. Only then one can learn about the cities because one needs to understand the relationship between
the two in India. Behind Mud Walls provides the opportunity to examine a north Indian village from a
non Indian point of view; in other words, a non biased point of view. Since the book is broken up into
parts by years, it gives the reader a great way to examine the changes that take place in ... Show more
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An interesting relationship noticed by the Wisers was that of newly wed girls and their mother in laws.
Mother in laws would keep an eye on their daughter in laws or bahus. These bahus would have to
please their mother in laws and take care of the household and everyone living in the family or in this
case joint family where brothers and their families live together with their parents under one roof.
Therefore, one can see that Karimpur described by the Wisers in 1930 was quite backward and
orthodox. The next half of the paper will be focused on the changes that took place over the decades in
Karimpur. What were the changes in the second half of the century when Wisers and Susan Wadley
visited Karimpur? Firstly, the role of women had changed a little bit. Secondly, education had
increased and more and more villagers had B.A. degrees and moved to cities to find work. Thirdly,
technological changes had brought enormous agricultural growth in the farms. The rigid caste system
had slowed down a little bit and the mutual relationship of Jajmani system had declined as well.
Finally, the younger generation was more in touch with the world through cities and education, the
lower castes had more access to land ownership and most of the mud houses were transformed into
brick houses or pakka houses. The roles of women had started to change in the 60s and later as
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Memory In The Reader
Memory is a powerful concept. Often when an individual undergoes a traumatic situation, the
ramifications of these actions seep into an individualfs psyche unknowingly. In effect this passes
through memory and becomes sub consciously buried within a personfs behavioural patterns
generally. The Reader by Bernhard Schlink explores the concept of a young mans subconscious desire
for a woman whom he gcanft remember to forgeth (1Memento) as she is so deeply inlaid within
his soul.
Critically acclaimed as gA formally beautiful, disturbing, and finally morally devastating novel.
From the first pagec [it] ensnares both heart and mindh ( Los Angeles Times), the novel tells the
story of a young boy, 15, Michael Berg, through his own ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The helpless nature of Michaels actions show how much Hanna has affected his subconscious and
although he is made aware of his actions, his physical dependence comes from the deep scaring within
On another occasion, after Hannafs death, it is documented that Michael once again subconsciously
desires her presence. Michael dreams of Hanna while travelling through the countryside to bid
Hannafs final wishes.
gI dreamed of Hanna and myself in a house in the autumn blazed hills that were lining our route.
Hanna was older than when I had met her and younger than when I had met her again, older than me,
more attractive than in earlier years, more relaxed in her movements with age, more at home in her
own body. I saw her getting out of the car and picking up shopping bags, saw her going through the
garden into the house, saw her set down the bags and go upstairs ahead of me. My longing for Hanna
became so strong that it hurt. I struggled against the longing, argued that it went against Hannafs and
my reality, the reality of our ages, the reality of our circumstancesh.
The interior narration here allows the focus to hold a contemplative and introspective view of
Michaels thought patterns. He remembers his dreams and notes them as being irrational and beyond
all reason of reality, yet he finds himself yearning for her
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The Integrated Model Of Choking In Sport
Choking in sport can be defined as the decline in optimal sporting performance under stressful
situations (Hill, Hanton, Matthews, Fleming, 2010) often due to high levels of pressure placed upon
athletes which leads to a subsequent decline in performance (Baumeister Showers, 1986). It is a result
of a range of different internal and external factors placed upon the athlete (Baumeister Showers,
1986) these factors most commonly including distractions, both state and trait anxiety, self confidence
issues (J. Wang, Marchant, Morris, Gibbs, 2004) (Hill Shaw, 2013) that lead athletes to choke creating
drop in optimal performance (Hill et al., 2010). The Integrated Model of Choking in Sport combined
both the distraction model and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Mesagno Mullane Grant studied the effects of pre performance routines on 60 elite soccer players,
their performance was looked at under both high and low pressure with some of the athletes being
provided with pre performance routines, measuring levels of state anxiety (Mesagno Mullane Grant,
2010). The pre performance routine consisted of cue words, deep breathing, temporal consistency and
extensive pre performance routines that consisted of finding optimal arousal levels, behavioural steps
and focusing on eternal zones of scoring (Mesagno Mullane Grant, 2010). Extensive pre performance
routines were the most successful form of intervention in Mesagno Mullane Grant s study in reducing
the choking in performance and decreasing the athletes levels of state anxiety (Mesagno Mullane
Grant, 2010). This strategy is similarly seen in Wang, Callahan Goldfine s study looking at
psychological interventions (Jin Wang, Callahan, Goldfine, 2003). In which they suggested the use of
psychological approaches including mental imagery, attentional training, self talk in order to prevent
choking in athletes, by decreasing distractions and anxiety levels (Jin Wang et al.,
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  • 9. The Ethical Dilemma Of Grand Nursing Theories Grand nursing theories are global in their application to nursing and have been instrumental in developing the science of nursing (McEwen Wills, 2014). Grand nursing theories are abstract and can be applied to many different situations. Because grand nursing theories are broad they can be applied to ethical dilemmas that occur in nursing practice. Ethical dilemmas are a part of the healthcare field and it is important to know how to navigate through the murky waters that dilemmas can present. Nursing theories are a road map that allows nurses and healthcare workers to find the best option to resolve a problem. One of the theories developed was by Virginia Henderson and called the theory of need and is still being applied to nursing ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The patient s son accused the nursing staff of mistreating his mother by administering pain medications to frequently which was causing his mother to be overly sedated and would not allow administration of pain medication without his approval first. The son was refusing to accept his mother s condition and assumed his mother would make a miraculous recovery, he was always coming to the hospital in the middle of the night drunk. Because the nursing staff was distressed over the son s refusal to accept his mother s condition, an ethics meeting was convened to decide what was ethically appropriate for the patient. After the meeting, the patient was changed to comfort care and nursing staff was allowed to administer medications as necessary to keep the patient comfortable. The nursing staff updated the son twice a day on his mother s condition and the patient soon passed away with her son at the bedside. Grand Nursing Theory There are many grand nursing theories that could be applied to this ethical dilemma. However, Virginia Henderson recognized death as an option when treatment is no longer an option. Virginia Henderson developed the theory of need. The theory of need defines nursing as assist[ing] the individual, sick or well, in the performance of those activities that will contribute to health or its recovery (or to a peaceful death) that the person would perform unaided given the necessary strength, will, or knowledge (Henderson, 1997, p. 22). She described the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Portrait Head Of Caligula Analysis Portrait Head of Caligula This bust of Emperor Caligula, was thought to have been made somewhere within Asia Minor, around the year 40 AD. There is no known record of who sculpted this bust, and no accurate record of who it was made for or why it was made. It was sculpted entirely out of marble. After Caligula was murdered by his guards in 41 AD, almost all recorded statues and portraits of him were destroyed, as well as a lot of writings that were done about him. This led to modern day historians having to use later historians writings about him, which has led to possible inaccuracies and bias about Caligula. Portraits of Roman Emperors have long been used as a means of conveying messages to the public, as well as conveying an emperor s ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He reigned from 117 AD to 138 AD. Emperor Trajan named him his successor shortly before dying in 117 AD. Hadrian is considered on the five good Emperors by many historians, as he was seen to be a humanitarian by most. He was responsible for the building of Hadrian s Wall in Britannia, as well as rebuilding the pantheon, and also the construction of the temple of Venus and Roma. Hadrian was also noticeably philhellene in his tastes, which explains well his desire to make Greece the cultural capital of the Roman Empire. His love of all things Greek, lead to the Greek culture being considered one the most popular cults in ancient times. During his reign, Hadrian travelled to nearly every province within the Empire, as well as being very involved with the military. He would often wear military uniforms or armours, and also slept and dined with Roman soldiers. After Emperor Trajan died in 117 AD, Hadrian quickly secured legitimacy to his claim to power through endorsement from the Senate and the Syrian armies. Various public ceremonies were also organized. One specific Egyptian papyri tells of one such ceremony organized somewhere between 117 118 AD, in which it was praised that Hadrian had been divinely chosen by his deified father and by the gods ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Federalism And Separation Of Power In 18th century America, delegates representing twelve of the thirteen states gathered in Philadelphia to correct the national government. At the time, the existing government, which was under the Articles of Confederation, was too weak and not doing the job required to administer the new nation. On the other hand, representatives from the states tried to create a strong internal government without allowing one person, or party, to gain too much power. Consequently, the framers of the Constitution took various precautions in order to prevent tyranny within the government. Guards like; checks and balances, Federalism, separation of powers, and the balance of power between small and large were implemented by the delegates in hopes of preventing ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In addition, the Constitution states that liberty requires that the three great departments of power should be separate and distinct , implying that the Legislative Branch [Congress; House of Representatives and Senate] should be completely unrelated, in terms of responsibility, to the Executive [President] and the Judiciary [courts]. Although different in responsibility, the three branches are equal in power and all take part in federal processes. While the Legislative Branch creates laws, the Executive can choose to enforce laws made by Congress. However, if the nature of the law(s) are questionable, the Judiciary can step in and declare the act as unconstitutional. Similar to Federalism, all branches have specific checks on each other in order to balance power. For example, the Executive has the ability to to appoint justices to the courts, with the approval of congress. However, Congress can impeach a president or judge if they have committed an act of treason. In turn, the Judicial Branch can declare laws and acts created by the Congress as unconstitutional. To summarize, separation of powers can help guard against tyranny by preventing the accumulation of powers, for the accumulation of all powers... in the same hands, whether one, a few or, many... may be justly pronounced the very definition of tyranny ; To put the powers of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Summary Of The Odyssey Liu 1 Hilary Liu Dr. Senior IX English September 22, 2014 The Importance of Perspectives in The Odyssey and The Penelopiad Margaret Atwood writes in her novel The Penelopiad I ve chosen to give the telling of the story to Penelope and the twelve hanged maids...which focus on two questions that must pose themselves after any close reading of The Odyssey: what led to the hanging of the maids, and what was Penelope really up to? The Odyssey tells the story of the long journey of Odysseus s return home to Ithaca after fighting in Troy for ten years, in which he overcomes the Cyclops, enthralling enchantresses, alluring Sirens, the despondent Underworld, and dangerous monsters. When he returns home he slaughters the Suitors courting his ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Penelope wishes to change the way they are portrayed in history instead of being remembered as deceptive traitors, she wants the Maids to be reminisced as the loyal servants that they truly were, herself to be remembered as a more compassionate person, and Odysseus to have a slightly less notable and more humble reputation. Liu 2 Penelope tells the readers a version of events in which the maids were not deliberately being rude to Telemachus and Odysseus, and would have behaved differently if they had known more, trying to change the opinion of the maids from how they are portrayed in The Odyssey. In The Odyssey, Homer portrays the maids as disloyal and faithless betrayers of Penelope and Odysseus. Melantho, one of the maids, is portrayed in this way: Flushed with beauty, Melantho mocked him shamelessly... her heart felt nothing for her mistress anguish now. she was Eurymachus lover, always slept with him. She was the one who mocked her king and taunted... (Fagles 386) Even though Penelope treats them very lovingly, the Maids feel nothing for the sorrow that Penelope feels about Odysseus s absence, and are always sleeping with the Suitors, mocking and taunting their king. The only reason that the maids behave rather rudely to Odysseus and Telemachus is because they are doing as they are told, as Penelope narrates, Unfortunately I could not tell my twelve maids who he really was, so they continued their rudeness to Telemachus, and joined the Suitors in their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Analysis Of The Show Pretty Little Liars The scene shows a scene from the show, Pretty Little Liars. In the scene, the character Hanna has a flashback of when she struggled with bulimia. She is reflecting on a time when she used to binge eat, to deal with her feelings. During her flashback, she remembers how a girl she was sort of friends with told her she could fix her problem of binge eating, by throwing up her food after she ate it. The end of the scene shows a conversation between Hanna and her friend Aria, where Hanna talks about how she knew she was stronger than her bulimia, and how she was done with that part of her life. The parts of the scene that were problematic was the depiction of how Hanna was able to treat her bulimia. In the scene, it reflected how she was ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. The Astonishing X-Men by Joss Whedon and John Cassaday Essay When the term X Men , comes to my mind, I immediately deem of an individuals with their own unique abilities, lovable characters, their characteristics features, qualities, traits, aspects with cool special costumes. I m sure of it, everyone gets the impression of the X Men same way as I does. The X Men are superheroes with the powers, fighting bad guys and making the world peaceful and standing up for what is right and fair. Am I correct? However, as I grew older, my conscience begin to comprehend that X Men were more than the superheroes. They were born with an unique gifts that granted them superhuman strengths that makes them totally different from the rest of the normal people. We call them the Mutant . What is a Mutant? ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... What is like to be normal? All of us were taught and sometimes forced to follow the society s guidelines, obey the laws, bowed down and pray for what you believes, dress what is appropriate, eliminate what and when is necessary, pay your taxes, debts and vote for who do we trust. After all; it all repeats again. A typical human being, a normal person, regardless of their age, gender, ethnicity, social class, nationality, we all follow what s on the dashboard in order to keep track with others and the rest of the world. In addition, being normal requires some level of education and knowledge. The fact of being Common can be found or living in relatively in large numbers that consist of an animal or human beings. According to the wild lives, notice how they all live in one particular group that accustomed with their own species. Zebras live with their group, lions live in a pack with their own controlled territory. According to humans, they are consists of vary ethnic groups such as African, Caucasian, Asian, and Indian (Americas continent). However, people classify themselves as Race , because they believed that they belongs in their own identical group. Humans are dominate creatures in the world. We have our own country, culture, language, art and other variety. Notice how we all have mixture of ethnic groups around the world. In New York City alone, there are considerable numbers of people from all over the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Privacy And Privacy Of National Security Importance of Privacy and Acceptance of National Security The definition of the word privacy, according to Dictionary.com is, The state of being apart from other people or concealed from their view . The right to feel safe and secure is one that citizens are privileged to have. Although the Government s use of spying techniques is an invasion of privacy some would argue that the positive effects far outweigh the negative. The ability to increase security, prevent attacks, and provide safety to citizens are just some of the positive effects of Government surveillance. Freedom of privacy comes with being an American, but some citizens are not ready to give up that basic right for added protection (Mullikin and Rahman). There has to be a balance of privacy for some and security for others. There are many tools used by the Government to keep its citizens safe. One of the more talked about and effective tools is wiretapping. The ultimate goal in wiretapping is to collect data on a specific individual, usually someone that is a high risk suspect. A wiretap can be manually or digitally placed, then the necessary data can be gathered. Although wiretapping has been around since the 1890 s it really gathered relevance in 2001 with the Bush administration (Mullikin and Rahman). On September 11, 2001 there was a devastating terrorist attack against The United States, where 2,977 people lost their lives. As a result of this horrible terrorist attack the Government had to put more ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. The Blind Man InCathedral, By Raymond Carver In the story, Cathedral written by Raymond Carver, a wife, a husband, and a blind man, known as Robert, come together and interact with each other. The narrator was disturbed with the thought of having Robert in his home, especially since he is a stranger to the narrator. The narrator believes in the falsifications of blind people from the movies and therefore, judges the blind man (1) prior to his arrival. His judgment shows that he thinks of Robert on a highly shallow level, which demonstrates, similar to all his other negative characteristics, that he doesn t experience the depth of reality. When Robert actually arrives, the narrator feels awkward and hardly speaks with him, as he doesn t know what to have a conversation about. When he does speak up, however, he asks questions and discusses statements that one would have the decency not to discuss with the disabled. The narrators personality consists of ignorance and immaturity that portrays his lack of empathy as he suggests activities like going bowling (3). In a sense, the husband has his own emotional, social and intellectual blindness that he is unaware of. He is socially oblivious of what Robert experiences with his physical abnormality, and how the intimacy between him and his wife decreases. Nevertheless, as the protagonist lacks dimension and the depth of reality, he achieves his epiphany after a series of perceptual blows that clobber him to his preconceived notions, which allows him to overcome his ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Florida Black Bear Research Paper In 1997, while bow hunting in the Ocala National Forest. I saw two large male bears eating grubs and one of them caught and begun to eat a Cotton Tail rabbit. They were approximately ½ mile from each other. It seemed like the very second that the bear with the rabbit tore it apart, I saw the other bear lift his nose to the air and was at a full run and was to the other bear within a minute. The first bear was bigger, but the second bear seemed to be hungrier and quickly took the remains of the rabbit away and out of sight. Thinking that it was a waste of time to remain in the area I returned to my jeep to head back to camp and get some lunch for myself. Upon reaching the logging road that lead to my jeep, I found large bear prints within my ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Prior to the late 1900s they roamed throughout Florida, over 53,000 square miles of land. From the Panhandle to the Keys, to the southern edges of our neighboring states. At that time an estimated twelve to twenty thousand black bears roamed throughout Florida. Since then, between deforestation, unregulated hunting prior to 1950 s, habitat loss and habitat fragmentation, have resulted in the loss of a substantial portion of the Florida black bear population and 80% of its habitat. As a result, in 1974 the black bear was listed by the state of Florida as a threatened species in through out the state with the exception of The Apalachicola National Forest and Baker and Columbia counties. At that time all hunting for Black Bears in the state of Florida was suspended until future notice. In 1974 bear estimates were between 300 and 400 bears, in 2002 just eight years later with the help of Central Florida Farmers Association approximately 132,000 acres were set aside for bear habitation. Due to these and the efforts groups like TreeHuggerofAmerica, Defender.org and the FWC (Florida Wildlife Commission) the bear population started growing and growing and growing. From three to five hundred in 1974 to a little over three thousand in 2002. As of 2015 the current estimates are four thousand three hundred fifty bears and the amount of human / bear contact has ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. House Full Of Love Analysis House full of Love: Bringing up Children in Polyamorous Relationships In House full of Love: Bringing up Children in Polyamorous Relationships , Alessandra Iantaffi (2009) shares a personal narrative of her experience as a participant in qualitative research on queer polyamorous relationships. Iantaffi leaves the audience with an authentic experience of lives lived outside heteronormativity, in the process, trying to create space for alternative family models other than the conventional nuclear family typically dictated by Western ideology. This article provides a basic understanding of queer polyamorous relationships and what they look like as part of a family unit and in parenting. Iantaffi does not paint a fantastical vision of the lives of queer polyamory, rather ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This was obviously an important connection to make possibly as part of her own experience, but she offered no conjecture in the text to explain this throughout the main parts of her article. One can assume that child welfare as a structure guided by patriarchal euro western ideology has served to scrutinize parenting outside the norms of nuclear, monogamous family structures. In my personal experience in Child Welfare I have seen the scrutiny in the past over same sex couples seeking to foster or adopt children. It would have been helpful for her to situate the issues directed toward Child Welfare, for example in increased investigations, involvement, attributing being queer to issues experienced by a child, or in fostering and adopting youth. Further it would be good in her concluding remarks to explain what that scrutiny is connected to such as the fear and ignorance that permeates in society and directs policy as in child ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Marcel Derain The Burning Of Houses The way that the colors are used within The Houses of Parliament are very expressive way while the Burning of Houses, the colors are used in a more realistic manner. André Derain uses the concept of warm and cool colors in specific areas of the painting; for example he uses warm colors within the sky and the buildings and the bridge and the people are in cooler colors. The buildings go in a transition from one end to the other startin with a scarlet red and transfers ( not really in a blended way ) into a yellow tone. You also see a more faded yellow and red more towards the ground as is up to the top of the buildings. The clouds are rather white with a tint of yellow and red within them which probably shows that they re the same temperature ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Ironically warm colors are red, orange, and yellow and cool colors are blue, green, and purple; Although this is true it seems to be quite backwards in this painting. Here in this painting I believe that the day is cooler day as if it were autumn at that time because green an blue are cooler colors; Also the buildOnes maybe warmer because inside it s always warmer, however noticing the taller building is more green which shows that it s more cooler up top. Now I m the Burning Houses of the Lords the colors are used exactly how they would be thought of because the name burning houses clearly presents itself within the image. You can tell the warm colors from the cool colors since the flames are showing the colors red, orange, and yellow showing that the temperature is very hot as fire always is. I also see water and the sky within this image as well and they pose to be cooler colors which appear to be blues, greens and other colors that are in the cool state. This painting clearly shows where different temperatures are as apposed to André Derains painting where you more have to guess where the temperature ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Reactive Chromatography ( Rc ) Chapter 2 2 Literature review 2 Introduction 2 2.1. Reactive Separation Techniques 3 2.1.1. Reactive Chromatography (RC) 4 Principal 5 Adsorbent 6 Solvent 6 Esterification Reaction 7 2.1.2. Reactive Extraction (RE) 7 Extractant 8 Reaction Product Properties 9 2.1.3. Reactive Distillation (RD) 10 References 13 Chapter 2 Literature review 2.1. Introduction Carboxylic acids (Lactic, propionic, caproic, acetic, picolinic etc.) are chemicals extensively used in pharmaceutical, food and other allied industries, as they find diverse application as reactants, solvents and even as catalysts in a few work instances (Talnikar et al., 2014). These acids when obtained by fermentation of sugars, the presence of fermentation by products, media impurities additives like antifoam agents interfere in purification process (Pursell et al., 2009). During fermentation acids are produced essentially as mixture and mostly dilute solutions are obtained. Moreover during hetero fermentation the broth contains mixture of acids as final product (Abdel Rahman et al., 2013). 2.2. Outline of the process for preparation of carboxylic acid from biomass The process for preparation of carboxylic acid from biomass includes pre treatment and hydrolysis of agricultural waste to simple sugars. These sugars are than used as raw material for fermentation using microorganism to produce carboxylic acids. These acids are generated either in form of free ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Analysis Of The Television Show Saved By The Bell Essay Millennials Are Determined In the television show Saved by the Bell, the character Zach Morris a high school student failed to have enough credits to graduate high school. Zach demonstrated his determination to make up a class in order to graduate on time with his class. A failed experience motivates millennials to keep trying until the goal is accomplished. We use our past experiences as an encouragement to succeed in education. Higher education opens the door to better job opportunities for generation Y. Having a similar experience in high school includes me of this generation. Once informed regarding low grades it motivated Zack to put more work and effort because a passing grade is required in order to graduate. Schools educate the millennials to enter the workforce. Generation Y is special because they are the largest group of people schooled in history, have the nature to own a business and be their own boss, and work for a meaningful cause, not just money. Generation Y is special because we face challenges that influence us to succeed. In Paul Angone s article 3 Major Challenges Facing Millennials he states, Millennials are the Largest, Most Educated Generation in History (Angone 2). They are the largest group of people schooled in history. College students work to obtain a bachelors or doctorate college degree.in the desired field of work. Attending college allows the millennials to have better job opportunities in the workforce. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Francesco Guardi s Art Analysis Francesco used a style that I really enjoy, it is called pittura di tocco and it is a style known for its small dotting in the art work and it s small but clean brush strokes. It s a style that not many artist can lock down it is very very advanced. He started in venice italy when he was passed down a shop from his father who was deceased and he worked alongside his brother to make and sell hand made paintings. His paintings are beautiful painting like the venetian capriccio which is a landscape painting of the molo towards santa Maria. He was born october 1712 and when his father passed away in the year 1716 and that s when he had the shop passed down to him, he was only 4 when the shop was handed down to him and his brother. He worked with ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Known as one of if not they best artists of his time Francesco Guardi is quite the artist. he is known for his later works, one of his bests know as the doges feasts which was a 12 canvas set of pure beauty. The painting was pictures of the election that took place in 1763 with the election of Dodge Alvise IV Mocenigo. Guardi captured this amazing moment for the future to witness, the election is a massive thing in italy. Its compared to the election in America but almost 2 times more bigger, its no joke to italy and he was there to capture and give the future a vivid ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. A Struggle For Employees Inside The Working Environment Outside and interior strengths make a struggle for employees inside the working environment. With a battling economy and perpetually expanding costs for sustenance, gas, utilities, and different items, these outer hassles place struggle on workers home lives. Employees convey those outside clashes to work. These outside hassles additionally put intense financial conditions on employers. The workforces also feel the boss working environment loads as well. Chatter, bits of gossip and dread of decreases in the workforce, cutting back because of changing innovation and outside exchange, diminishments and terminations in hours worked with the loss of advantages, and loss of business makes agitation and precariousness for both bosses and representatives. Indeed, even those employees who are sufficiently fortunate to keep their occupations amid a financial downturn are tasked with substantial workloads to compensate for the diminishments in the workforce and rare assets. These all in mix prompts the condition, where organizations are compelled to create more with darling measure of assets. The outer powers increase with a focused on the economy and typical interior strengths are an actuality of working. Strains amongst bosses and employees, pay uniformity, security issues, diverse interests and values among employees, identity conflicts between the workforce, poor correspondence, and top down the absence of correspondence are some inward elements that impact worker working ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. The Culture of the 1920s in America Essay The 1920s, often referred to as the Roaring Twenties, was a time of great change and a time of powerful enthusiasm in many areas of society. The world had just finished the biggest war in history, the First World War, and the United States was left almost unharmed by the war. The United States was able to experience a decade of peace and success following the war. During this decade, America became the wealthiest country in the world (Trueman, 2000). The people in the United States went through a colorful period during the twenties. However, at the same time the 1920s was also a very rebellious and difficult time for many. The culture of the 1920s has influenced the culture of America s society today. Overview of the 1920s The decade of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Technology Technology played a vital part in helping America become the great economic and cultural success that it was during the 1920s. New advancements, new discoveries, and new inventions improved American lives in every imaginable way but not without a few negative side effects. As mentioned earlier, the automobile really came into play during the 1920s by making traveling a common thing for anyone who could afford a car (Trueman, 2000). Henry Ford started the Ford Motor Company, which began to mass produce affordable automobiles known as the Model T. Ford s Model T car became such an irresistible success that by the end of the decade, there was almost one car per family in the United States (Bruce, 1981). The automobile seemed to give people a type of new freedom, but the automobile also proved to be a dangerous item in the hands of many irresponsible people who loved to drink during the 1920s. The washing machine, telephone, and radio made their arrival during the twenties. People were discovering life to be far easier than the previous generations because of technology, but they were also slowly being driven into an industrial nation. People were lured ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Social Reasons And Social Causes Of The French Revolution Social Causes of the French Revolution The French Revolution was mainly the result of social causes. In the 18th century, the social classes were categorized as the First Estate, consisting of the clergy; the Second Estate, consisting of the aristocracy; and finally the Third Estate, including every remaining citizen; from the bourgeoisie (merchants, lawyers, businessmen) all the way to the poor peasants of the land. All the members of the first two estates were privileged in law and taxation. Moreover, there was virtually no way to move up the social ladder unless you were born into it, consequently, raising anger among the bourgeoisie since, despite their equivalence in wealth as certain nobles, they still had lower living conditions than the first two estates and were considered the minority. The bourgeoisie s (middle class) ambition was a major contributor of the French Revolution. This close contact of the bourgeoisie with less educated members of the Third Estate enabled them to provide the real leadership of the Revolution when it came... (Truman et al, 131) The middle class made up the larger half of the Third Estate. Since the peasants were not organized enough to form their own assembly, or begin a revolution, the bourgeoisie guided the Third Estate, eventually forming the National Assembly, and pushed them to act against the higher levels of society. ...it was through them, by mouth, that the radical views of the philosophes spread down through the population. (Truman et al, 131) The bourgeoisie began holding salons where they would discuss and patronize philosophers views. Over time, every member of the Third Estate, even the illiterate peasants of the land, had begun forming political opinions. However, as gracious as the middle class intentions may appear, one of the largest motives they had was their envy for Second Estate privileges. The Second Estate (nobles) consisted of members who had outlived their social usefulness, as the ancestors of warriors from the Middle Ages. However, they still retained the privileges that they had enjoyed for hundreds of years. Privilege, by which small numbers of Frenchmen enjoyed special rights, favors, and advantages at the expense of great ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Music In A Streetcar Named Desire I personally identify with Blanche. She knows she is going crazy and she tries to hide her mental state with more lies piled on. After Blanche goes through the traumatic experiences of living and losing Belle Reve, she refuses to admit anything is wrong. She continues living her life the way she always did, and I fear because I know I would take a similar route. I know I will never admit when anything is wrong, and I will try to fix a problem before it starts. Blanche s problem is she has finally lost everything; her solution is moving away and acting as if the problem never happened. Reading through A Streetcar Named Desire made me understand how similar I am to Blanche DeBois. If it was not for how the play was written, I am sure I would not have these feelings towards Blanche. Tennessee Williams, the writer of the play, uses music, objects, and sound or dialogue to further explain drama in Streetcar Named Desire . Using music helps the audience distinguish relationships between characters. Blanche hears the Varsouviana Polka whenever she thinks of Alan, and the only thing that can stop her music is the gunshot that ended Alan s life. Since the music she hears is in her head, no one else can hear the gunshot. The last time Blanche can hear the music the gunshot can be heard, yet the music does not stop. This has started her mental break because in her mind everything is going fine, yet in the world the characters start understanding who Blanche is and how she does not ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. LDA Consulting Incorporation Paper The LDA Consulting Incorporation has an initiative to bring to the community, evidenced based or model programs designed to educate the participants about the risk factors associated with tobacco usage among youths. LDA Consulting s program is designed for youths ages 9 through 18. We will fund our organization by applying and receiving grants from local community organizations, governmental agencies like the Fulton County Health Department, the Georgia National Guard and the federal government. An Environmental analysis was conducted in order to identify the factors influencing the requirements for such services within the targeted communities. The analysis will assist in understanding what is happening internal and external ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 4. Strategic position Since my business choice is in the service segment the customer perception factor is the most typical method of attempting to differentiate it from the competition. (Abrams, 2014) As a non profit entrepreneur, I am not in this business just for to hopefully make a profit. My business goal is to make a social impact in the local community. LDA has proven to the community through its outreach programs that the youth are committed to avoid using tobacco products. The youth are bringing the positive messages home sharing them with their family. Research has proven that once youth are enthusiastic about a subject they want everyone around them to be acceptable of it. LDA has extended the branding to include educating adults on eliminating or reducing their tobacco use. Youth often imitate the habits of their adult family members. Studies have proven that if teens are educated at an early age there is an 85% chance they will not use tobacco products. LDA Consulting wants to introduce our curriculums to the youths in the Metro Atlanta area so that we can catch those at risk before they are introduced to this deadly Legal ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Literary Techniques In Hatchet By Gary Paulsen Things seemed to go back and forth between reality and imagination expect that it was all reality. Hatchet is an adventure novel which tells the story of thirteen year old Brian Robeson, who finds himself alone in the wilderness, having to learn how to survive. The only thing Brian is left with is a hatchet, a present his mother had given to him shortly before his plane departed for Canada. Hatchet follows Brian along on his journey in the Canadian wilderness, each day discovering more about himself, and the needs for survival. The author Gary Paulsen, uses different literary techniques to help the reader grasp a deeper meaning of the story. Throughout the book, Paulsen explores the use of similes and repetition to bring the characters and setting of the story to life. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Using similes to describe whereabouts helps the reader to connect with the story at a deeper and more meaningful level. Brian s entry into the wilderness occurred when he was put in the position where he only had one choice, to crash the plane. Then a wild crashing sound, ripping of metal, and the plane rolled to the right and blew through the trees, out over the water and down, down to slam into the lake, skip once on water as hard as concrete, water that tore the windshield out and shattered the side windows, water that drove him back into the seat. (Paulsen, pg. 23). The comparisons made between Brian s location, and the objects and specific things in our lives, helps the reader to create a better understanding as readers can relate to their own personal ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Summary Of Ode On Melancholy In John Keats Ode on Melancholy, he writes on the relationship of the self and how one deals with Melancholy. There have been many different authors that have written about the topic of experiencing melancholy. Generally, writers talk about melancholy as a problem and wanting to escape it, or they discuss how one can remedy it. However, Keats takes a different approach and discusses an alternative way of looking at melancholy. On the surface, the poem talks about ways that one should not escape it, how one should deal with it, and ends with a conclusion on melancholy. The poem, when analyzed closer, shifts to a different meaning. Through Keats use of word choice, symbolism, and form, he discusses the relationship between appreciation ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... (474). Then, he begins to offer solutions to dealing with melancholy. He repeatedly uses the words like glut, feed, and imagery of food when describing how to deal with this sadness (474). This repetition of imagery suggests that one should continue to feed this melancholy spirit, rather than escape it whatsoever so that it is experienced as much as possible. He also continues to use imagery of heaven or at least transcendence in some sort of way, by referencing heaven repeatedly. He also suggests a relationship between transcendence and melancholy in the sentence, Ay, in the very temple of Delight / Veil d Melancholy has her Sovran shrine (474). Therefore, this creates an undertone that melancholy is related to something that is heavenly, which will be explored later on. Throughout the poem, Keats uses symbolism to create polarities such as death and life, experience and escape that shifts the poem s meaning to a philosophical thought process. The beginning stanza makes numerous references to death, but also to life as well. For instance, Keats references Proserpine, who was the goddess of the underworld, but also came to earth for half of the year so that she could be with her mother, Ceres, who was the goddess of the harvest (474, 170). Therefore, this immediately creates a polarity between spending half her time in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. The Resurrection Of Former Prisons Across The World Prison Theory The resurrection of former prisons across the world has equally captured the awareness of tourists and scholars alike. While prison museums, as a result of their bleak and in some cases disturbing subject matter, invert the Disney experience, they proceed to exploit a phenomenon known as dark tourism, . . . in which people gravitate to sites associated with war, genocide, and other tragic events for purposes of remembrance education, or even entertainment, (Welch, 1). Generated in order to convey the aforementioned purpose, the museum effect subjects visitors of the prison museums to a multilayered encounter with objects, images and space. Utilizing models such as The Clink, Alcatraz, Eastern State Penitentiary, and Seodaemun prison, this papers purpose is to illustrate the success of the museum effect in achieving its desired ends of remembrance through memorialization, education and culturalization through use of images and space, and entertainment through the use of objects. Space In order to develop a proper understanding of the museum effect, one must understand each aspect that contributes to the effect, the first being space. No prison structure better describes the use of space than Eastern State Penitentiary. Designed by John Haviland, and opened on October 25thth 1829, Eastern State, also known as the model prison is considered to be the world s first true penitentiary. Haviland designed the penitentiary using a new architecture scheme dubbed ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Life In The 1920s Essay The 1920 s In the beginning of the 1920 s americans lived in the cities more than farm lands. According to history. com, The nation s total wealth more than doubled between 1920 and 1929, and that led to many americans getting money and not knowing what to do with it so therefore many people spent their money on fashion stores. However with all of this money people started getting out of hand. Some people started conflicts at celebrations many young women called the flappers with bobbed hair and short skirts caused problems at parties because of there unladylike actions. As said earlier, many americans had extra money to spend so they spend it on consumer goods, ready to wear clothes, and home appliances, and especially automobiles, state s ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... First of all, coats and outerwear was usually made from browns, dark blues, and usually covered in large buttons. Also, if a women had money she would wear wool or fur jackets. In the 1920s, women also wore different kinds of coats. For example, some coats were long that stretched below the knee and others were short coats that were mainly used for sport occasions. Cardigans were also in style at the time. They were typically made of wool and had a few buttons with or without pockets. Men wore fur coats for everything they went to, and they wore leather jackets when they wanted to go to a place where they could play sports for fun. For the women, under garments usually consisted of dresses and skirts. As said in retrowaste.com, dresses were thin, with loose silk, and had a thin belt around the waist. Some women liked to show leg and others didn t, but designers catered to all different tastes.Women also had sport dresses that were more modern. Men wore suits into town and flannels when they were relaxing. In addition, when the men were at home they wore smokey jackets or lounge jackets. Once in awhile the men wore decorative shirts that were white or light ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Jane Austen s Northanger Abbey Jane Austen s Northanger Abbey is a novel that features vibrant character development but the biggest development is that which occurs in Catherine Morland. Catherine s character nearly develops in all components of her being and she is able to evolve from the unorthodox heroine that she is initially described as. In the novel, Catherine starts out as an incredibly naïve and inexperienced girl who confuses all facets of the real world as the plot in a Gothic novel. Catherine develops as a character through her social interactions with those around her as it helps her gain experience with how to correctly perceive the world. With her newly gained experience of her surroundings, Catherine develops and is able to see the real world through a social lens rather than her own subjective lens or that of a Gothic lens. Catherine s growth is evident in the very first line of the novel as it states No one who had ever seen Catherine Morland in her infancy would have supposed her born to be an heroine. Her situation in life, the character of her father and mother, her own person and disposition, were all equally against her (37). Catherine s lowly heroine figure is made known instantly so that her development is much more apparent at the end of the novel. From the start of the novel Catherine is not a typical heroine, she is unorthodox in all facets of her life including the status of her parents. Catherine is initially also an incredibly naive character and this fuels her ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Murder in All Its Forms Murder: And all its forms Throughout the criminal justice system, news, and in many other situations the term murder is used quite frequently however usually incorrectly. Some people say animals or even trees get murdered, but under the law it is not murder unless a human takes the life of another human. Homicide is a lawful term for any killing of a human being by another human being. Homicide itself is not automatically a crime, some homicides are legal, such as the justifiable killing of a suspect by the police or a killing in self defense. Unlawful homicides are classified as crimes like murder and manslaughter. This paper will explain the important but often overlooked distinctions between murder and manslaughter, and the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The defendant could be convicted of 2nd degree murder. Depraved heart murders are unintentional but extremely reckless murders. For example, playing with a loaded gun and pointing the gun at another for fun is extremely reckless behavior. If the gun went off and killed another the defendant was pointing at it could constitute as a 2nd degree murder charge under the depraved heart murder standard. Manslaughter is the unlawful killing of another human by a human that does not involve malice aforethought. The absence of malice aforethought means that manslaughter involves less moral blame than either first or second degree murder. While manslaughter is a serious crime, the punishment for it is generally less than that for murder. There are two main classes or degrees that manslaughter falls under. Those are voluntary and involuntary manslaughter. Voluntary manslaughter is often what is referred to as a heat of passion crime. Voluntary manslaughter occurs when a person is strongly provoked under circumstances that could provoke a reasonable and rationale person, and kills in the heat of passion aroused by that baiting. An example of this would be where a husband comes home to find his wife committing adultery. The act provokes the husband to enter such a heat of rage in that moment that he kills the other man right then and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Essay On College Tuition Cost In today s society, the rising college tuition costs is becoming a problem because people can t keep up with the funding of the college costs and kids are not getting the right education they deserve and need in life. Since the 1987 1988 school year students at public four year institutions paid an average $3,190 in tuition, with prices adjusted to reflect 2017 dollars. Thirty years later, that average has risen to $9,970 for the 2017 2018 school year(Martin). Parents all over the world will make their kid s focus on a sport in hopes that they will get a scholarship and not have to pay the high fees for college. They don t get to have the freedom to do the things that wealthy children can, for example wealthy kids have no financial problems going in to college while poor kids will struggle and have to get students loans. As a parent, you just hope that your kid will be good enough to get a scholarship so that you won t have to pay for the college tuition. Martin also states, More likely, the hypothetical child would pay the tuition bill themselves, as the rising cost of higher education has led Americans to struggle with a collective $1.4 trillion in student loan debt(MAKE IT). ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As a result, if the poor kids end up going to college they are in debt for many dollars and is challenging to repay. In 2012, 71 percent of graduates from four year colleges carried debt, with students at public schools owing an average of $25,550 and those with degrees from private colleges owing $32,300(Martin). That means that debt is becoming an overwhelming problem for college students. College students don t know how to handle this ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. The Dred Scott The United States Army Dred Scott was of African descent and born in America. He was a slave in 1834. He belonged to Dr. Emerson, a surgeon for the United States army. Scott and Dr. Emerson were originally located in Missouri, a slave state. But, in the year 1834, Dr. Emersion took Scott to the Rock Island Military Post in Illinois, a free state, where he worked for him as a slave. This continued until 1836, when Dr. Emerson moved with Scott to Fort Snelling located in Upper Louisiana, a territory at the time (http://www.pbs.org/wnet/supremecourt/antebellum/landmark_dred.html). Later, this territory would enter the Union as a free state because of the Missouri Compromise (The Dred Scott Decision 2013). While this was happening, Harriet, the eventual wife of Dred ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Emerson treated the entire family as his salves (http://www.pbs.org/wnet/supremecourt/antebellum/landmark_dred.html). Just before the suit was filed, Dr. Emerson sold Dred Scott, Harriet, and their two children to John F. A. Sandford. Sandford, considering the Scott family his slaves, laid hands on them and imprisoned them many times (http://www.pbs.org/wnet/supremecourt/antebellum/landmark_dred.html). These actions would be considered legal if Harriet, Lizzie, Eliza, and Dred Scott were his slaves. Dred Scott wanted to challenge this. Due to the Missouri Compromise, Illinois and the territory where Dr. Emerson had taken Dred Scott and purchased Harriet, were free (Independence Hall Association 2013). Dred Scott sued his owner, John Sandford, for assaulting himself, and his family. Scott openly admitted he was born a slave and of African descent, but he also argued that once his owner took him and his family to a free state and territory to exist in, his family became free from slavery. And since they were free when Sandford moved them back to Missouri, Scott claimed it was illegal for Sandford to assault him and his family. Scott also claimed he should be legally considered a citizen by the state. These are the ideas on which Scott pursued to sue Sandford. His declaration specifically had three counts: that Sandford assaulted Dred Scott that Sandford had assaulted Harriet, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Football Pest Analysis Essay Course Work Austin Tweneboa Analysis Section Strength one Fitness component=Agility Strength two=Dribbling The sport that I ve chosen is football. One of my strength is agility, that is the ability to perform a series of explosive power movements in rapid succession in opposing directions. Agility had a positive impact and a benefit in the last Sunday game, I had to get past the opponent and I dribbled the opponent, with my agility I was able to perform a series of explosive power movements in rapid succession in opposing directions. I chose agility and dribbling as strengths because in a match situation I m really good on getting past opponent by dribbling them by also using my agility and the fact that I m small. Changing direction gives me and advantage, because you can get away from the opponent easily. As a winger I need to be able to perform a series of explosive power in rapid succession, as small winger I can change direction quickly. My dribbling helps me a lot in my match or training situations because by taking the ball forwards past opponents ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Sometimes it is called steady state exercise which means the speed stays steady. Football at my age lasts 80 minutes with each half lasting 40 minutes, so it is really important that you can keep working aerobically, as much as possible. Muscular endurance was chosen as one of my weakness so continuous training is appropriate, it allows improvements in my muscular endurance. Continuous training involves working for a sustained period of time without rest. Running, jogging, cycling, swimming and rowing are all examples of physical activities that lend themselves to continuous training . Using a treadmill, an exercise bike or a cross trainer are also popular ways pf carrying out continuous ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Ip Address Schema Gerald Boursiquot Network amp; Infrastructure Bever Branson Budget/Proposal/Visio NT 1210 May 23, 2013 In order to properly address the Infrastructure upgrade of the Kamazon Network our group decided that an appropriate ip address schema that will take into account the idea that people will be using more than just a desktop computer. They will have tablets, laptops, departmental printers, and smart phones. This is also based upon the understanding that every Department will have at least two printers for the staff and one for the Manager/Supervisor or VP of that Department. So with that being said, we estimated that could be at least three or more accurately four ip ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... If we break out the third octet displaying the binary values for each bit space this is how it would be displayed. 128 | 64 | 32 | 16 | 8 | 4 | 2 | 1 This is our class C after applying CIDR notation. 128 | 64 | 32 | 16 | 8 | 4 | 2 / 0 = 254 By borrowing the one bit we have changed our subnet mask from to The next step is to determine what our Network ID s will be, and what our usable hosts will be. This is done by going back to the binary. There are 8 bits in each octet which is in base 2 the numerical value of the binary numbers. This is equal to 28 or 256. When we borrow the one bit from the third octet we are now adding that one bit to the original eight this changes our binary value from 8 bits to 9 bits which is equal to 29 or 512. This means that we will now have 512 IP Addresses per subnet, and if we apply the formula 2n 2 this will give us 510 usable hosts per subnet. We can then take this same formula without the minus 2 to calculate the number of subnets that we will obtain from this calculation. There are still seven on bits to the left in this octet. This is equal to 27 or 128. This means that will obtain 128 subnets with this CIDR calculation. This is the default C before we borrowed the one bit in binary notation, Before 11111111.11111111.11111111.00000000 255 . 255 . ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Barbarians In The Odyssey Last but definitely not least, Polyphemos from the Odyssey is by far at the tip of that barbarians scale. In the beginning passage about Polyphemus, he is presented as quite gentle with his heard of sheep while milking them, this give no indication to him being uncivilized and violent (Homer, pg. 143). But as the story progress, the audience can sense that he is less and less similar to their ideal of a Greek citizens. Polyphemus expressed that the Cyclopes do not concern themselves with Zeus since they are far better than the gods, this means he does not adhere to the same religious system as the Greeks do (Homer, pg. 144). Not only that, Polyphemus does not adhere to the Greek custom of giving gifts and hospitality to guests in the worst ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Heroin And The Natural Endorphin Production Diacetylmorphine, known as heroin, is an extremely addictive drug that comes from the opium poppy, Papaver somniferum [1]. The poppy plant contains latex, which is harvested from cutting the seed and gathering the juice that flows out. This juice contains morphine, which can be converted into heroin through simple chemical processes. [1]. When introduced into the body, heroin mimics peptide substances called endorphins [2]. The specific endorphins that heroin effects are neurotransmitters in the brain that are responsible for pain, pleasure, and fatigue. Heroin will combine with the receptors in the brain to induce a state of euphoria and analgesia [2]. This causes a reduction in the natural endorphin production. These modifications cause a person the need to replace the naturally produced endorphins, which creates an ongoing addiction [2]. There are many drugs that have been developed in the past to try to help heroin addicts cope with their addictions. However, most of these drugs have either had side effects or have not produced a full effect of sobriety from the user. Some popular drugs that have been developed more recently are methadone, Levo aplha acetyl methadol (LAAM), and Buprenorphine [1]. About 1.6% of the population, or around 4.2 million Americans aged twelve and up, were reported to use heroin in the year 2011. Among those 4.2 million, 23% of the user population was reported to be dependent on the drug [3]. It has been estimated that 27 38% of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. informative speech Video games Essay Nicholas Frimel COM121 10/11/2014 Glick Topic: Video games in America Specific Purpose: To inform my COM121 class on how video games are part of peoples lives. Central Idea: Focusing on how games are incorperated in peoples lives by viewing the time spent playing, relationships through video games, how video games are for all people, and the social aspect that is incorperated in the video games. Introduction Attention getter: 59% of americans play video games, there are two gamers in each household in the U.S. People of all ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 1. The average U.S gamers age 13 or older spend 6.3 hours a week playing video games 2. The average Americans ages 15 and older spends 1.23 hours eating and drinking per day. 3. The average Americans ages 15 and older spend caring for children and others is .72 hours per day. 4. The average Americans ages 15 and older spend .48 hours of Educational activties per day. (Link: Now that you see how people incorperate there games into their day, lets look at relationships through video games) II. Video games also incorperate relationships for people. A. One relationship is an intimate relationship. 1. There have been cases of people finding their husband or wife through video games. B. Another relationship is friendship. 1. People play online and connect with other people, then add them as a friend, thus being able to play with and socialize with them. C. Also it incorperates family relationships. 1. One way is by playing and interacting with distant family members. 2.Another way is spending time playing video games with your child, spouse, or brother/sister. D. Last relationship is a in game relationship. 1. When you play certaint video games you build a relationship with the A.I and (Link: Now that you see how video games relate to relationships, lets checkout who plays video games.) III. Now, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. The Dangers Of Child Beauty Pageants Child Beauty pageants have been around for about fifty five years already and are becoming more and more common throughout society. There have been many TV shows such as Toddlers and Tiaras in which young children are judged based on their beauty, personality, and talent. Although some people might think that child beauty pageants are beneficial because they teach discipline, patience, and improve self confidence, in reality, they give children an unrealistic idea about what a perfect body is and often lead to an insecure future. These pageants often have high standards that children have to live up to. Many psychologists have stated that these girls could often develop emotional problems because their figures might not develop into what ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. The Labor Market Of The Labour Market The labour market is defined as the place where employment and employee interaction take place, otherwise known as Job Sector . In the labour market, employers and companies whether big or small always compete to hire the best skilled, highly motivated and hard working of individuals to compete for the best job available. (Economic, 2015). A labour market in complex terms is defined as an economic function which supplies different level of demand and supply of labour (Webster, 2015). E.g. labour demand is essentially the firm s demand for labour whether high or low depending on certain factors influencing the demand whereas supply is often explained via the individual employee s supply of labour via how much input and output they apply to the job. My chosen field of work is going to be in the business marketing sector such as Commercial Marketing and will be analysing the labour market within marketing and distinguish what the influences change in the labour market concerning marketing. Location of the job would preferably in the London districts mostly central London. Current labour market trends have to be thoroughly and constantly analysed to get a perspective on how they affect the labour supply and demand on certain areas such as marketing and other business sectors yearly as market trends are constantly fluctuating. Recent future graduate statistics for the previous years have given us a clear window of the up rise and downfall of the market trends as comparison ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Martin Luther s Ninety-Five Theses On The Church Martin Luther was the son of a coal miner and left his studies to become an Augustinian monk. He spoke out against the church in Wittenberg. Luther was convinced that salvation was earned by the performance of good deeds and grace through the church. He disagreed and argued that salvation could only be obtained by faith in knowing Christ s sacrifice. If one were to purchase indulgences, Luther thought that they were useless because one can only be saved by the grace of God. He also believed that Christian s should assume full responsibility for their actions on earth. In 1517, Luther posted the Ninety Five Theses on the church door in Wittenberg. This post was ninety five issues he sought to bring up and dispute with the leaders of the Church ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Behind Mud Walls Paper Modern India Behind Mud Walls Paper In order to understand India, one needs to understand its villages. Behind Mud Walls does a great job in providing a detailed background of an ordinary village life in India. Since seventy percent of Indians live in villages, it is important to learn about village lifestyle and the changes that take place in it. Only then one can learn about the cities because one needs to understand the relationship between the two in India. Behind Mud Walls provides the opportunity to examine a north Indian village from a non Indian point of view; in other words, a non biased point of view. Since the book is broken up into parts by years, it gives the reader a great way to examine the changes that take place in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... An interesting relationship noticed by the Wisers was that of newly wed girls and their mother in laws. Mother in laws would keep an eye on their daughter in laws or bahus. These bahus would have to please their mother in laws and take care of the household and everyone living in the family or in this case joint family where brothers and their families live together with their parents under one roof. Therefore, one can see that Karimpur described by the Wisers in 1930 was quite backward and orthodox. The next half of the paper will be focused on the changes that took place over the decades in Karimpur. What were the changes in the second half of the century when Wisers and Susan Wadley visited Karimpur? Firstly, the role of women had changed a little bit. Secondly, education had increased and more and more villagers had B.A. degrees and moved to cities to find work. Thirdly, technological changes had brought enormous agricultural growth in the farms. The rigid caste system had slowed down a little bit and the mutual relationship of Jajmani system had declined as well. Finally, the younger generation was more in touch with the world through cities and education, the lower castes had more access to land ownership and most of the mud houses were transformed into brick houses or pakka houses. The roles of women had started to change in the 60s and later as observed ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Memory In The Reader Memory is a powerful concept. Often when an individual undergoes a traumatic situation, the ramifications of these actions seep into an individualfs psyche unknowingly. In effect this passes through memory and becomes sub consciously buried within a personfs behavioural patterns generally. The Reader by Bernhard Schlink explores the concept of a young mans subconscious desire for a woman whom he gcanft remember to forgeth (1Memento) as she is so deeply inlaid within his soul. Critically acclaimed as gA formally beautiful, disturbing, and finally morally devastating novel. From the first pagec [it] ensnares both heart and mindh ( Los Angeles Times), the novel tells the story of a young boy, 15, Michael Berg, through his own ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The helpless nature of Michaels actions show how much Hanna has affected his subconscious and although he is made aware of his actions, his physical dependence comes from the deep scaring within him. On another occasion, after Hannafs death, it is documented that Michael once again subconsciously desires her presence. Michael dreams of Hanna while travelling through the countryside to bid Hannafs final wishes. gI dreamed of Hanna and myself in a house in the autumn blazed hills that were lining our route. Hanna was older than when I had met her and younger than when I had met her again, older than me, more attractive than in earlier years, more relaxed in her movements with age, more at home in her own body. I saw her getting out of the car and picking up shopping bags, saw her going through the garden into the house, saw her set down the bags and go upstairs ahead of me. My longing for Hanna became so strong that it hurt. I struggled against the longing, argued that it went against Hannafs and my reality, the reality of our ages, the reality of our circumstancesh. The interior narration here allows the focus to hold a contemplative and introspective view of Michaels thought patterns. He remembers his dreams and notes them as being irrational and beyond all reason of reality, yet he finds himself yearning for her ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. The Integrated Model Of Choking In Sport Choking Choking in sport can be defined as the decline in optimal sporting performance under stressful situations (Hill, Hanton, Matthews, Fleming, 2010) often due to high levels of pressure placed upon athletes which leads to a subsequent decline in performance (Baumeister Showers, 1986). It is a result of a range of different internal and external factors placed upon the athlete (Baumeister Showers, 1986) these factors most commonly including distractions, both state and trait anxiety, self confidence issues (J. Wang, Marchant, Morris, Gibbs, 2004) (Hill Shaw, 2013) that lead athletes to choke creating drop in optimal performance (Hill et al., 2010). The Integrated Model of Choking in Sport combined both the distraction model and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Mesagno Mullane Grant studied the effects of pre performance routines on 60 elite soccer players, their performance was looked at under both high and low pressure with some of the athletes being provided with pre performance routines, measuring levels of state anxiety (Mesagno Mullane Grant, 2010). The pre performance routine consisted of cue words, deep breathing, temporal consistency and extensive pre performance routines that consisted of finding optimal arousal levels, behavioural steps and focusing on eternal zones of scoring (Mesagno Mullane Grant, 2010). Extensive pre performance routines were the most successful form of intervention in Mesagno Mullane Grant s study in reducing the choking in performance and decreasing the athletes levels of state anxiety (Mesagno Mullane Grant, 2010). This strategy is similarly seen in Wang, Callahan Goldfine s study looking at psychological interventions (Jin Wang, Callahan, Goldfine, 2003). In which they suggested the use of psychological approaches including mental imagery, attentional training, self talk in order to prevent choking in athletes, by decreasing distractions and anxiety levels (Jin Wang et al., ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...