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My Memories Of My Childhood
Looking back at my childhood, I suppose you could say it was pretty difficult. Even at my happiest, I
was living with a foster family, separated from the rest of my biological relatives. However, I couldn t
complain. I loved them like they were my family that I spent my whole life with. I was a five year old
boy living a happy life. I had grown attached to the family, feeling like I was truly a part of it. Then
one cold November day it all changed. A woman dressed in black came to my home I had grown to
love and told me it was time to go away. I horrified, not knowing where I could be taken. After
waiting in a room full of toys for a few hours, she came back in and told me it was time to go. She put
me in the back seat of a car and started driving. Driving to my mother s house, to live with her and my
two brothers. They didn t even feel like family anymore. Time marched on, however. My sister was
born, I was reintroduced to my family, and although I missed the Bernards, everything felt like it was
going to be ok.
Everything seemed to be, until I was fifteen. One September morning while sitting in my English
class, I was called to the office. Upon arrival, I was informed that I was being de enrolled by my
mother. She told me that she was putting me on independent studies. I could handle that. However, I
couldn t handle the reason; my mother had been diagnosed with cancer.
The weeks started turning into months. The next thing I knew, it was time to start junior year, and I
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Real-Time Communication And Traditional Methods Of...
Real time communication and internet have changed the English language and its usage so online
literacy is becoming as essential for communication as traditional methods of communication used to
be. Teachers must now, not only understand the technology the students are using but how it can be
used to teach English in the 21st century. Today, technological literacy is demanded and expected, so
teachers must leverage on advancing their online literacy skills to remain relevant in the internet age.
Since real time communication and use of internet in teaching result in greater efficiencies, over time,
use of the internet has replaced traditional methods of teaching (Fairclough, 2014) bringing significant
transformations in teaching. The impact of this means that teachers must consistently update their
technological skills to enhance learning and better understand their students. With the increased need
for students to benefit from efficiencies derived from real time communication and internet, the
teaching landscape must evolve to fulfill such needs and adapt to the way the English language is now
being used. Other challenges both teachers and students face when teaching and learning in this
Digital Age is the necessity to learn the skills of the 4 C s (Pittaway, 2015). That is Critical thinking,
Communication, Collaboration and Creativity skills because teachers in the twenty first century have
an important responsibility to promote creativity and innovative methods of
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Traumatic Brain Injury Papers
A traumatic brain injury (also known as a TBI) is a hit to the head that causes damage to the brain
cells as well as causes the person to become confused, as a result of the information that s being sent
to neuron to neuron getting interrupted.When the impulses are not going the correct way it causes the
person to change their personality, attitude and emotions. Not to mention that no two brain injuries are
alike. For the medical team they take a different approach.
The individuals impacted the most by a traumatic brain injury are newborns to 4 years old, young
adults 15 24 and elderly age 75 and older. (Solomons, Saltsman Jamieson) ( January 3,2017 Placitella,
C ) A traumatic brain injury can be classified into three different groups mild, moderate and severe. A
mild patient may lose consciousness, typically for a few seconds or a few minutes. A moderate patient
can lose consciousness for 1 24 hours. A severe patient can lose consciousness or be in a coma for
more than 24 hours. It can also be put into subcategories coma, vegetative state, persistent vegetative
state, and minimally responsive ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The most common injury are vehicle collision, child abuse, shaken baby syndrome, falls,sports and
explosive blast. (mayoclinic.org)(1998 2017)The most common symptoms that occurs in a traumatic
brain injury are difficulty with balance, walking, bladder control, trouble moving, personality change,
hearing problems, memory loss, difficulty controlling emotions, headache,speech, anxiety, depression,
motor control, coma, commutation problems, confusion,and blurry vision. Other symptoms may
include loss of smell,seizures, mood changes and sensitive to light. For infants they may cry caused its
irritable. They also don t understand what is going on with them it s the only sign of emotion they
know how to express how they feel. For some patient it may take days or even weeks before the
symptoms occur.
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Automated Behavior Analysis Paper
The Boston Marathon bombing is instructive in regard to automated behavior analysis. Had a system
existed with the capacity to detect when the Tsarnaev brothers placed their devices and walked away,
flag it as an unusual event and alert observers to this occurrence, law enforcement personnel could
have been notified and the area cleared. Additionally, after being alerted to this suspicious behavior,
authorities could have actively tracked their movements and directed law enforcement to their
location, resulting in a manhunt measured in hours rather than days. Although automated behavior
analysis may not have outright prevented the bombing, the benefit of increased public safety, via
casualty reduction and quicker suspect apprehension, is difficult to refute. The Algorithm Based
Object Recognitions and Tracking (ABORAT) system offers the best solution for implementing a
surveillance system based on automated behavior analysis. Its ability to interface with off the shelf
products means ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
ABORAT provides a solution to these privacy related concerns as well. The use of smart cameras
coupled with its distributive nature means images are processed and analyzed by the cameras rather
than a human observer. As was previously noted, images are only transmitted when useful to the
operator (Appiah Hunter, 2009, p. 3), therefore, surveillance systems become less obtrusive by way of
observers viewing less video. It is true that observers would have the ability to access the cameras in
real time, but training, supervision and agency policies could be established to set limits on how and
when direct access would occur. While not a be all and end all solution to privacy, ABORAT is a step
closer to achieving a balance that results in the protection of individual liberties...in the pursuit of
national security (Prieto, 2009, p.
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Los Estudiantes A Los Examenes
El estrés académico pudiese definirse como el estrés que viene con el ámbito educativo y que incluso
no solo afecta a los estudiantes sino que también a los encargados de impartir las materias o sea los
maestros (problemas de hablar en público, síndrome de burnout, etc) (Moreno, Oliver y Aragonés,
Segun el experimento de Caballero, Palacio, Abello, 2007 cuando se analizó la relación entre el
burnout, el rendimiento académico con la satisfacción frente a los estudios, se concluyó que los que El
burnout se correlaciona negativamente con la satisfacción frente a los estudios, mientras que el
engagement lo hizo de manera positiva. Por otra parte, el engagement se correlacionó positivamente
con el buen funcionamiento académico, mientras que el mal funcionamiento no se relacionó con
agotamiento, pero sí con cinismo.
La ansiedad ante los exámenes es una respuesta emocional ante la evaluación de aptitudes de una
persona (Gutiérrez Calvo y Avero, 1995). Estas, generalmente, presentan preocupaciones y miedo al
fracaso, y temor a las consecuencias negativas para varios aspectos de sus vidas (valoración social, o
pérdida de beneficio).
Según los autores Fernández y Rusiñol (2001) un examen se puede definir como un proceso de
validación de los saberes del examinando por parte de un examinador, con la particularidad de ser:
integral, sistemático, continuo y por último acumulativo. De esta forma, la persona que imparte las
clases (docente) conoce las características del
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Walt Whitman I Hear America Singing
People may dream of a perfect society where everyone is similar a utopia. People might believe
building a utopia is a grand idea because they won t have to worry about being bullied or
discriminated. There couldn t be any flaws in building a utopia accept everything. Yeah, everyone
would be similar, and people probably won t be bullied or discriminated, but are the consequences of
fixing those proroblems going to be worth it. Absolutely not, imagine if there was only one kind of
culture/one kind of person, let s say everyone is German, that means when there is an opportunity to
go out to eat there will be no Mexican, no Chinese, no Italian, etc. The same food will be eaten just
like any other day. Plus, food wouldn t be the only thing affected ... Show more content on
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One of the first to express the strenghting power of diversity was Walt Whitman in his poem I Hear
America singing . In his poem he writes, I hear America singing, the varied carols I hear...The
carpenter singing his... The mason singing his... The wood cutter s song... Each singing what belongs
to him or her and to none else... (Whitman). This shows how different kind of jobs or the people s jobs
have their own special song which creates the American song which is supposed to represent a song of
diversity. The diffrent types of jobs can be related to current day American immigrants because people
come from all over the world, bringing a variety of different beliefs, religions, cultures, styles, tastes
and that ... is the amazing thing about the united states, a country full of immigrants, made up of
immigrants can t identify, can t come up with a common identity based on a shared ethnicity or a
shared culture, or even a common language no, what binds America together is that we share a
common story... (Aslan). The fact that America shares a common story means that we find unity in
diversity (Aslan); therfore, people don t need to share things like ethnicity, culture, or even a common
language; they can become united based on the fact that they all share a common story of being
diffrent. Whether diversity is showing how diversity makes things better by allowing people to have
their own opinions that will build and it allows people to find unity in a common story. Proving that
diversity is needed in order for society to grow well, at least in
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Lucretius Summary Sparknotes
Molly Pearson
HIST 121 Intellectual Origins of the Contemporary West
October 4, 2017
Within Lucretius dialectic and poetic writings in Robert Latham s translation of Lucretius: On the
Nature of the Universe, three major topics are discussed: philosophy, religion, and science. Lucretius
was devoted to the works of his teacher and renowned philosopher Epicurus, praising him as a
prophetic or god like figure. His poetic prose uses a host of concrete examples to show validity in his
beliefs. Lucretius effectively supports the Epicurean worldview that everything can be explained by
material forces. Memmius is the addressee of the poem, and Lucretius enlightens him to the nature of
happiness, how religion is based on superstition, and the idea of atoms composing earthly matter.
Evaluating reality gives mankind the natural answers to life s questions without concerning
themselves with gods, prophets, or beliefs, and this was Lucretius main task in his work. Lucretius
was a Roman poet who believed that the Epicurean systems provided the most important and valuable
way of thinking. He pledged all of his poetic and persuasive writing skills towards presenting
Epicurus teachings in a concise expose. A key Epicurean doctrine which he explores is the concept of
the Nature of Happiness. Philosophy, in this mindset, is a refuge from the trials and tribulations of the
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Bear Mccreary Monologue
Hey, everyone! Just got back from watching The Walking Dead s Season 7 Episode 2 and I have to
say, it has a good feel to it. But before that, let s start at the beginning. So for those who haven t seen
the newest and latest episode of TWD, beware as this contains spoilers. Really. Anyway, yeah.
Okay, so first we see the recap from when we last saw Carol and Morgan with the former badly
injured because of a savior (I think) and the latter facing two men with horses and body armors
looking bad ass as heck. Then comes the well known and loved masterpiece of Bear McCreary which
is also known as The Walking Dead theme song. Also, quick fact that I m not even sure is quite
precise but to heck with it: McCreary wanted to compose something that when we hear it, TWD
almost immediately comes to mind. And indeed, it has. Kudos to Bear McCreary!
Now, going back, we see Carol laid unto something, a somewhat wheelbarrow like carriage that is
being dragged by a horse when suddenly, I don t know. Sorry! Bad at storytelling but we re now in
Carol s temporary POV and we see the badasses and Morgan fighting. She looks in a ... Show more
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I mean, it kinda makes sense. It seems better this way, anyway. She did say that she can t won t be
staying in the Kingdom and all that and maybe because it was suffocating her? The normalcy and just
plain idea of the Kingdom doesn t sit well with her but she also needs people to stay human. So she
stays at this bungalow she saw earlier. It s nice. But then I suddenly got all sad because then, Morgan
was like saying goodbye to her like it ll be the last time they ll see each other. cause I like Carol :) I
have great hopes for this new chapter in Carol and Morgan s life. Especially with Carol when Ezekiel
unexpectedly shows up at her doorstep. That was cute, admittingly. But before that, when I heard the
knock, I was like, Bruh, no way. I thought it d be the Saviors or something.
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Personal Responsibility Pros And Cons
Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA)The United
States took on a major reform of the social welfare system with the passing of thePersonal
Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act (PRWORA), signed into law by President Clinton in August
of 1996. This policy essentially changed the nation s social welfare system by replacing a federal
entitlement program for low income families, called Aid to Families with Dependent Children
(AFDC), with the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program. The primary focus is
on moving welfare recipients from primarily getting cash assistance to working in order to lower
families dependence on public support. This push toward work promotes a second focus of ... Show
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For example, unemployed workers who receive an unemployment benefit may be able continue to
support their families. Disadvantages:The biggest disadvantage of welfare is its cost to the local
governments that control it. Even with federal support, states feel the burden of welfare in each annual
budget. One of the concerns is that welfare may discourage some recipients to seek work, since an
increase in earnings would exclude them from getting free benefits. Fraud would also be a concern if
someone supplies false information in order to get benefits that they do not qualify for. Alternative:As
an alternative of giving welfare directly to those in need, funding programs that educate on new skills
or help seeking jobs for the unemployed should be implemented. These programs, if implemented, can
show drastic changes in unemployment rates over time. Restrictions on welfare, such as the time
limits for getting unemployment benefits or a maximum monthly food stamp allowance, serve to limit
the government s responsibility in a way that open ended welfare does not.Conclusion: The social
welfare reform has improved tremendously but still has more progress to be
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Cell Phone Etiquette Essay
Cell Phone Etiquette Jasmyne Ness Montana State University Billings Today, cellphones have now
became a support for the lives of many Americans. This has caused a struggle for some users to
approach the social norms and etiquette of cell phone usage. When I was younger, I remember going
to my parents company Christmas parties and hardly ever seeing a cell phone being used. Now, when I
go to my own company Christmas parties, all I ever notice is people on their cellphones constantly.
Checking on Facebook, surfing Instagram, or taking selfies to put on Snapchat. In my opinion, I feel
like cell phones have taken over face to face conversations and rely more on their digital screen. When
I m trying to have a face to face conversation with someone, I find it frustrating when the other person
is on their phone while I m talking. Another example, when people are having a dinner with a
significant other or even just a good friend and you find them constantly on their phone. Today, this is
a common sight to see when dining out. I believe that this should come to a stop. When I go out to
dinner with my family or just friends I always put my phone in the middle of the table, face down, to
avoid being tempted to use it. By doing this I am able to have an actual conversation with my family. I
have always obeyed this, but you always seem to have one, two, or even more that don t follow this
rule. It s rude when you are watching a movie, you payed a good
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Mental Health Care Tv Language Analysis
The Independent and The Telegraph both have produced two articles that strongly connect to each
other. Will Gore and The Telegraph View both express their opinions as well as the experience that
Prince Harry had with mental health through their writing. Article one by The Telegraph View talks
about the amount of people who have to suffer in silence with their mental health issues and
circumstances just like Prince harry did when his mother tragically passed away. It shows us and
makes us aware about how much service and help it required to help people as it takes time to fully
help someone with this serious health matter. Article two by Will Gore is about how someone who is
well known in the public eye has experience the relatable issue of ... Show more content on
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First piece of word choice used by The Telegraph View I have chosen to write about is stigma which
has connatations of branded, label, shame and disgrace. This shows us that people dont know the true
meaning of mental health and think firstly of the sterotypes that come with it like its just all based
around the same thing which has made is gain a very negative label or brand which is not the case and
also it gives an impression that people dont really think about mental health that much and dont take it
as serious as it should be taken. rife has connotations of common, global and normal. This shows us
that having anxiety is normal and common to many people around the world and is not unusual as
many people will have or will suffer from this during their lifetime. Finally my last example of word
choice is disorientates which has connotations of lost and confused. This shows us that the writer is
describing technology in the present day as they think it is becoming more useless as it can be
confusing for people and harder to learn about and use especially in everyday life and work
enviroments. The word choice I have metioned show us the impact of mental health not just to
patients but others and what they think about it and also that technology is becoming much hard and
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Blake s The Marriage of Heaven and Hell Essay
Blake s The Marriage of Heaven and Hell
The Nature of my Work is Visionary or Imaginative; it is an Endeavor to Restore what the Ancients
calld the Golden Age. William Blake (Johnson/Grant,xxiv).
William Blake completed the manuscript of The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, as well as the twenty
five accompanying engraved plates, in 1792. In the sense that the The Marriage of Heaven and Hell is
a vision of a particular version of reality, it subscribes to one definition of the mythic, but also fulfills
another as Birenbaum writes in Tragedy and Innocence: ...on a more specialized level... true myth
...suggests a penentration to the essential nature of human experience, made by conspicuously
violating features ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Blake uses traditional symbols of angels and devils, animal imagery, and especially images of fire and
flame to: 1) set up a dual world, a confrontation of opposites or contraries which illustrate how the
rules of Reason and Religion repress and pervert the basic creative energy of humanity, 2) argues for
apocalyptic transformation of the self through the radical regeneration of each person s own power to
imagine (Johnson/Grant, xxiv), and 3) reconstructs Man in a new image, a fully realized Man who is
both rational and imaginative, partaking of his divinity through creativity. The form of the poem
consists of The Argument, expositions on his concepts of the contraries and of expanded perception
which are both interspersed with Memorable Fancies that explicate and enlarge on his expositions, and
concludes with A Song of Liberty, a prophecy of a future heaven on earth.
Without Contraries is no progression. Attraction and
Repulsion, reason and Energy, Love and Hate, are
necessary to Human existence.
From these contraries spring what the religious call
Good Evil. Good is the passive that obeys Reason.
Evil is the active springing from Energy.
Good is Heaven. Evil is Hell.
(MHH, pp. 66 7)
One of the main themes of The Marriage of Heaven and Hell is the confrontation of the grand
oppositions of orthodox Christian doctrine: Heaven and Hell, good and evil,
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Looking For Alaska Character Traits
Character Essay
Miles Halter, a tall, skinny, scrawny boy that memorizes people s last words. In the novel Looking for
Alaska by John Green, Miles meets Alaska Young and through their relationship he transitions from a
shy nerdy kid; to an outgoing, cigarette smoking, bad boy. Alaska, Chip, and Takumi take Miles into
their group and show them the ropes of Culver Creek boarding school. Throughout the story Miles
realizes how important friendship is in life, it helps you through tough times and exposes you to new
things you d never do.
In the beginning of the story Miles is introduced as a nerdy kid who s only friends are his parents. His
parents are sending him to boarding school hoping he ll have a better time there then he did ... Show
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Miles gets up and answers the door. The principal informs them that they need to meet in the gym
immediately. The two boys throw on some clothes and hightail it to the gym. When they got there they
saw Laura and Takumi but no Alaska. The principal goes to the podium to speak but Miles stops him.
Frantically searching the bleachers for alaska begs the principal to wait until she gets there. The
principal pulls him to the side and breaks the news why all the students are there. They all met so he
could tell them about how Alaska had gotten in a car accident early that morning. Miles can t take the
news so he runs out of the gym with Chip right behind him. Chip comforts Miles as he throws up,
cries, and screams. After they ve accepted the fact, they still hardly sleep or even talk. They decide to
get the group, or what s left of it back together. They take a walk down to the smoking hole and talk
about what they loved about her. Chip throws a cigarette into the river and the rest the rest follow.
They made a ritual in remembrance of her. The group decides to do a memorial prank for her with the
whole junior class in on it. Miles realizes that his closest friends helped him get through one of the
hardest times in his life.
In conclusion, Miles and his friends go through many rough times, but also good times. It really
brought the group together when Alaska passed. Miles really felt the warmth
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The Impact of Contracted British Braille Code on The...
Chronologically, before systematic production of the Basic Module for the Visually Impaired
(KAiMaL) in 2010, pupils with visual impairments were learning braille codes according to the
initiatives and flexibility of the subject teachers. Initially, students were learning Alphabetic Braille
(Barclay, Herlich, Sacks, 2010) followed with Contracted Braille based on formulae and procedures
prescribed in the Handbook of British Braille Prime (1992).
According to D Andrea (2009), braille code has developed as a methodology that represents the
printed text for individuals with visual impairments. According to Kway (2012), braille code is the
medium for literacy activities specifically for reading and writing. In addition, with ... Show more
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Highlights of previous studies found that phonetic awareness in braille literacy is linked to the
cognitive operation of process of second language acquisition among students with visual impairment
and correlated with the first language (L1) (Cummin, 1981). In other words, the first language also
influences the operation of second language acquisition (Lord, 2008).
Language Literacy
According Argyropoulos and Martos (2006), basic literacy formed the foundation for the education.
Literacy development often receives serious attention from all parties (Rex, Koenig, Wormsley Baker,
1995). The term literacy is often linked with a person s ability to understand and write for everyday
demands. According to Troughton (2009), basic literacy skills are a continuous contour of a variety of
other technical literacies. In the context of the acquisition of language among pupils with visual
impairment, Gillon Young, 2002; McCall, McLinden, Gouglas, 2011, stated that the evolution of
literacy for braille users and sighted users are the same. The statement was agreed by Kway (2012),
which alleged that the literacy skills of students with visual impairment are as important as the typical
Orthography Skill
Orthography skill is among the most important component of literacy as well as oral language,
phonological and phonemic awareness, word
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System Advisor Model Is Developed By The National...
Gerardo M Gallardo Independent Study EEL 4905 Spring 2015 03/09/15 System Advisor Model
(SAM) or System Advisor Model is developed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
and is available for free download. Its main function is to predict the performance and cost of
residential and commercial projects. SAM has different options for predicting the performance of
photovoltaic systems. The model requires that the user choose from different photovoltaic system
models, and depending on that choice, possibly choose from different modules and different inverter
component models. The software offers a package of performance and financial for projects with
different financial structures. SAM s reports use consistent assumptions for the different models to
facilitate comparing technology and financing options. SAM is one of many photovoltaic system
models available, but is unique in the way it integrates a photovoltaic performance model with a
detailed financial model for a given project, and in its ability to compare photovoltaic systems to other
renewable energy systems. SAM has three different choices for the user to choose from to modeling a
photovoltaic system; The PVWatts System model which is an implementation of NREL s online
photovoltaic calculator, the Flat Plate PV model which combines and separates module s component
models that are available for the user to select and; and the High X Concentrating PV model which is
for concentrating PV systems. All three
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Independent Vs Assisted Living
Are you an empty nester who is currently thinking of downsizing to a smaller, more cozy home? Are
you looking at your options and trying to figure out what best suits your living style? Are you
confused between the differences between independent and assisted living? These questions and
answers will give you the information you need to make the right choice for your lifestyle: Medical
care: Independent living is for seniors that require little day to day professional medical attention. A
senior in an independent living community may be unable to handle some chores, such as pushing a
heavy lawnmower or completely washing their windows. But they are still able to do most things
without the help of other people. Assisted living is for those
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A Correlation Between Telomere Length And Chronic Disease
During each and every cell replication, chromosomes shrink by a small, but noticeable amount.
Because of this, telomeres cap the ends to protect the coding regions of the chromosomes. With each
generation of DNA, more and more of the telomere disappears. An enzyme slowly rebuilds them, but
it cannot keep up with the degradation during chromosome replication. Eventually the shortened
telomeres cause the cell to go through apoptosis (Pierce 2014). Because telomeres are one cause of
cell death, it is hypothesized that telomere size can determine the health and age of an individual.
Research has shown a correlation between telomere length and chronic disease. Those with chronic
diseases usually have significantly shorter telomeres. This raises ... Show more content on
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Telomeres are related to so many different aspects of our bodies because they play a key role in
protecting our genetic make up. They are important structures in every cell of our body. Because of
their role, their effect spreads well beyond that of simply protecting chromosomes.
Structure and Function
Telomeres make up the tips of linear chromosomes and function to protect and stabilize the
chromosomes from degradation (Pierce 2014). There are other functions, but the primary one is
protection. At each replication, DNA shortens by just a few base pairs due to the nature of replication
in eukaryotes (who have linear chromosomes). The two strands of DNA are synthesized at different
rates, creating a leading strand and a lagging strand. The leading strand is replicated quickly and
fluidly in a 5 to 3 direction, as seen in Image 1. The lagging strand is replicated in a backstitch patter.
Primers are placed along the DNA strand and DNA polymerase replaces them with segments of DNA.
It can only do this, though, if a 3 OH group is present. The 3 OH group precedes the primer, and
would sit just to the right of the green primers in Image 1. No 3 OH group would be present at the end
of the chromosome because it only exists on one side of the primer. The area where the primer is
sitting would not be replicated, and thus the DNA would shorten. Tandem sequences of noncoding
DNA sit at the ends of the
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Clara Barton Accomplishments
Clara Barton, born Clarissa Harlowe Barton, is one of the most significant figures in US history.
Barton is well known for being a female pioneer in the field of teaching, as well as for her work in the
US patent office during the Civil war. These feats alone make her a historical figure; however, she is
also known for something which far surpasses these accomplishments. Clara Barton is recognized and
remembered today for her extraordinary work as a nurse during the American Civil War, and for going
on to establish the American Red Cross. (Clara Barton; Clara Barton)
Clarissa Harlowe Barton was born in Massachusetts on December 25, 1821. Barton was the youngest
of 5 siblings born to Sarah Stone and Stephen Barton. Barton was raised on a small ... Show more
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Barton began running the office of Missing Soldiers in Washington D.C. The purpose of the office was
to locate or identify soldiers killed or Missing in action. Barton worked tirelessly with her assistants
writing 41,885 replies to inquiries and locating more than 22,000 men. (Clara Barton and
Andersonville) Barton would go on to spend the summer of 1865 finding, identifying, and properly
burying 13,000 individuals who died in Andersonville prison camp, a Confederate prisoner of war
camp in Georgia. She continued these tasks over the next several years, burying 20,000 more Union
soldiers and marking their graves. (Clara Barton and
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Two Theoretical Models That Underpin Health Promotion
The aim of the assignment is to outline at least 2 Theoretical Models that underpin health promotion.
The theories chosen in this evaluation are the Health Belief Model and the Social Cognitive Theory.
In order to outline theories which underpin health promotion it is important to first understand what
health promotion is. Heath promotion is the process of enabling control over health and its detriments,
improving health in the long run. It promotes awareness about the issue at hand and provides support
and means of improving health in the long run.
The World Health Organisation (WHO, 2005) describes health promotions as;
The process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve, their health. It moves beyond
a focus on individual ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It specifies the constructs individually, however it doesn t take into consideration the likelihood of
actions. For example, if the perceived seriousness is high and susceptibility is low, it is assumed that
the probability of action will still be high; whereas realistically the likelihood would be lower than
when both of the variables are high. It is assumed that the variables are not moderated by each other. It
also assumes that the variables directly affect health behaviour and we remain resilient by our
behavioural intentions.
The second weakness is that important factors of health behaviour, such as the positive effects of
negative behaviours and social influence are not included in the model, neither are affecting social and
economic factors. In addition to this criticism some behaviours, such as smoking for example; are
based on a force of habit rather than a
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Therapeutic Massager Advantage
With all of the stresses and strains of the everyday world, we all could use a good therapeutic massage
from time to time. Yet few of us have the time and money to visit a spa for a daily rub down. This is
why more and more people are turning to the Shoulder Massager with Shiatsu Kneading Massage to
be their ultimate neck and shoulder massager.
This professional level massager with heat is a high tech, multi functional unit that comes complete
with low, medium and high intensity modes; eight deep kneading Shiatsu massage nodes; and rotating
3D massage nodes that come as part and parcel of its ergonomic U design. The at home equivalent of
a lift chair with heat and massage, this is far more than a typical shoulder massager. It is cordless,
comfortable and rechargeable. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
That s right; this little wonder is the easy equivalent of a massage full body. If you need a shoulder
massager, a sex seat for certain very important parts, a heat back massager, a hand massager, a
combination back and neck massager or back and shoulder massager, or a surefire aid for achy legs or
even a sore scalp, this is the equivalent to a magic massage wand with heat.
As an added bonus, the Shoulder Massager with Shiatsu is just a whole lot of fun. Known at various
times as a japanese sex massage tool, a ball scratcher, sex scratchers, and sex seats for women, this
truly is the massager for all
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Margaret Thatcher’s Achievements as Prime Minister in the...
Margaret Thatcher s achievements as Prime Minister in the years 1979 1990 were limited. Assess the
validity of the statement. Margaret Thatcher s political career has been one of the most remarkable of
modern times she served as British Prime Minister for more than eleven years (1979 90), a record
unmatched in the twentieth century. During her term of office she reshaped almost every aspect of
British politics, reviving the economy, reforming outdated institutions, and reinvigorating the nation s
foreign policy. She challenged and did much to overturn the psychology of decline, which had become
rooted in Britain since the Second World War, pursuing national recovery with striking energy and
determination. In the process, Margaret ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Her economic policies were another success for Thatcher s regime. Thatcher s policies were
monumental changes for Britain. Privatisation and deregulation were famous changes implemented by
Thatcher. The policy of Privatisation has been called a crucial ingredient of Thatcherism . After the
1983 election the sale of state utilities accelerated; more than £29 billion was raised from the sale of
nationalised industries, and another £18 billion from the sale of council houses. The process of
privatisation, especially the preparation of nationalised industries for privatisation, was associated
with marked improvements in performance, particularly in terms of labour productivity. Some of the
privatised industries including gas, water, and electricity, were natural monopolies for which
privatisation involved little increase in competition. The privatisation allowed people to become more
involved in the buying of shares in companies. Although this did not work as well as Thatcher would
have hoped as many of the richer part of society bought as many shares at they could. Many people
denounced this policy as an Elitist policy. The privatisation of public companies was combined with
financial deregulation in an attempt to encourage economic growth. Geoffrey Howe Thatcher s
Chancellor of the
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Tragic Heroines In Greek Drama
In ancient Greece, societal conventions and norms permeated all aspects of life. The arts were
especially influenced by the ideals and beliefs of society. Gender was especially regulated in everyday
life, something we see reflected in many art forms. The ancient Greeks were extremely influential in
both the visual and dramatic arts. Throughout the development of these styles, we see how society s
established gender norms permeated the works of artists and playwrights alike. This is especially true
in the depictions of dramatic heroines. Women from famous legends and myth were popular topics of
study in the arts, but this does not mean they were spared from gendered expectations and roles. This
paper will study representations of Greek tragic heroines in Athenian drama and on vase paintings.
Through case studies of Alcestis, Medea, Electra, and Clytemnestra, I will see how perceptions of
these women consistent or varying across the different art forms, how they upheld expectations of
decorum, and how they are shown as upholding or challenging gender roles. By examining the
intersection of theatre and vase painting, we can have a better understanding of how Greek society
viewer these tragic heroines and the themes connected to their narratives. It is important to
acknowledge the time frame we are looking at for both the texts and vases. Greek drama greatly
developed and rose in popularity during the 6th and 5th centuries BCE, during which all of the texts
we will be
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Theme Of Duality In Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde
Gothic novels tackle many aspects of the Victorian era which was between 1837 to 1901. Such aspects
were then translated into tropes of different gothic novels. Duality, Masculinity, Secrecy, Sexuality,
Mystery, Suspense, Rationalism Vs Irrationalism and Supernatural beings Vs Human Beings and
many more were all important tropes to their respective novels. The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and
Mr. Hyde was one of the driving forces behind the trope of Duality, published in 1886 by Robert
Louis Stevenson. The book was written in the form of an Allegorical novel, which meant that the
novel had an extended metaphor. One of the main messages conveyed through the book was duality,
the idea of 2 separate entities residing in the same person. Good being their gentlemanly
characteristics while bad being the hidden dark pleasures. Hence, this essay will discuss the duality
within supporting characters association ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Duality has famously been shown through Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. However, duality were not only
reserved to Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, they were also subtly used between the supporting characters
such as Mr. Utterson, Dr. Lanyon, Mr. Enfield and many more. Although,
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The Etiology Of Breast Cancer
The etiology of breast cancer is unknown. However, hereditary factors are considered the major
determinant of individual in risk. Mutation in cancer susceptibility genes such as BRCA1 can be used
in the assessment of individuals at risk of developing breast cancer. Breast cancer initiated as a change
in single cell. Progression of tumor depends on accumulation of these changes8.
Breast cancers are classified by several grading systems. Histopathology grading depends on the
histological appearance of tumor. Grade of tumor compares the appearance of the breast cancer cells
to the appearance of normal breast tissue with low grade being as well and high grade as poorly
differentiated .Classification of Malignant Tumors (TNM) uses three ... Show more content on
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Microarray introduction divided breast cancer to different subtypes with associated with different
clinical outcome. Molecular classification leads to further understanding of breast cancer progression.
It has provided more wide definition of the disease as a group of malignancies which has the same
origin but differ in their biology. DNA microarray clusters breast carcinomas based on the gene
expression profiles shifting the treatment to more specific approach guided by certain gene expression.
Gene expression profiling divides breast cancer into 3 major subtypes: luminal, human epidermal
growth factor receptor 2+ (HER2+), and basal like. Such classification has helped in predicting the
treatment and the prognosis of each type11. Hormonal therapy and targeted therapy have replaced
chemotherapy for subclasses that overexpress the corresponding receptors.
Luminal subtypes (Luminal A, Luminal B) are hormone receptor positive (HR) estrogen receptor
(ER)positive and progesterone receptor (PR) positive. They gene expression patterns similar to normal
cells that line the breast ducts12 14. Luminal subtypes are known to have better prognosis, high
survival rate and low recurrence rate compared to other subtypes .Treatment option of luminal
subtypes is based on HR targeting.
HER 2 is known for overexpression of human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) genes. This
subtype of breast
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A Cloud Provider
Setting basic information in the hands of a cloud supplier ought to accompany the assurance of
security and accessibility for information very still, in movement, and being used. A few choices exist
for capacity administrations, while information secrecy answers for the database as an administration
standard are still youthful. We propose a novel construction modeling that coordinates cloud database
administrations with information secrecy and the likelihood of executing simultaneous operations on
scrambled information. This is th first arrangement supporting geologically disseminated customers to
join straightforwardly to a scrambled cloud database, and to execute simultaneous and autonomous
operations including those adjusting the database structure. The proposed building design has the
further favorable position of wiping out middle of the road intermediaries that cutoff the versatility,
accessibility, and adaptability properties that are inborn in cloud based arrangements. The viability of
the proposed construction modeling is assessed through hypothetical examinations and broad test
results in view of a model usage subject to the TPC C standard benchmark for diverse quantities of
customers and system latencies.
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Causes And Effects Of Animal Cruelty In Australia
Animal cruelty is a rapidly growing nationwide problem. Animals are being hurt and starved
everyday. Acts of violence towards animals, animal neglect and even psychological harm are forms of
animal cruelty. If you check the webpage of RSPCAAustralia (Royal Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Animals), you will find a list of actions and conditions that can be qualified as cruelty to
animals. The list includes such points as torturing or beating an animal; failing to provide it with food
and appropriate treatment in case of disease or injury; killing an animal in an inhumane manner;
failing to provide appropriate transportation conditions, and so on. According to statistics, animals
who suffer from cruelty most often are dogs (64.5%) and cats (18%). 25% are for other animals, such
as horses (The Humane Society). Supposedly, it means domestic pets are the most vulnerable category
to suffer from cruelty; also, it might mean cruelty towards animals is a result of pet owners
demonstrating their anger, frustration, or stress on the closest and most defenseless creatures.
Greyhound racing, puppy farms and animal testing are three major examples of animal cruelty.
Thousands of animals are being mistreated in Australia
Legal commercial greyhound racing is formally regulated in Australia. Greyhound racing, which is an
example of animal cruelty, is a competitive sport in which greyhound dogs are raced around a track.
Australia is one of one eight countries where greyhound
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Tweetsie Case Study
On the rainy Wednesday I learned that when there is bad weather the park has three options for
running operations. Option #1 is that Tweetsie is run as normal and the show goes on as usual. Option
#2 is running at half capacity, which means that only Main Street and the train will operate. All of the
rides stop running and none of the shows take place during operating hours. Finally, Tweetsie has the
option of just running train rides and closing all other aspects of the park. If this happens we let people
in for free because all they would be able to do is ride the train. In the recent history of Tweetsie they
ve only closed twice and run a half day once, so it s common to keep the park open despite nasty
weather. I also learned not to get my hopes up that I wouldn t have to go into work if it s raining in the
morning! ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This includes cleaning, stocking brochures, filing reports, and making sure that we open on time. I ve
also been helping with large groups that enter the park via group sales. Groups have a different way of
entering the park and paying so I ve been watching and learning that process over the past week. Also,
I count unlimited food and drink armbands in order to make sure that each group has enough of what
they ordered and get that completed before they arrive. My boss also showed me how to count out
cash registers for final close and all of the reports you have to run in order to send a bag to audit. I m
sure that next week she ll let me practice by counting out other bags and I m looking forward to
learning another
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Analysis of a Leading Real Estate Company in Virginia, CBPRO
CBPRO is a leading real estate company in Virginia, an independent franchisor of the Coldwell banker
brand since 2001. CBPRO s business focuses on residential real estate services such as selling,
buying, and leasing houses; has 299 agents in 13 offices. The residential real estate industry is
influenced by the ups and downs of the economy. In good times it fuels consumers confidence and
spending, and in bad times consumers are cautious and not willing to invest in a house etc. CBPRO
had a breaking sale of 2,848 percent in the first three years of services and during the plummet in the
economy, sales flattened down to 2.5 percent, as was the case with the industry in general. (Coldwell
Banker Virginia Beach, Page 279). Due to high competition in the residential real estate industry
(especially locally), coupled with fluctuating national economic conditions, and narrowly defined
target customers, CBPRO faced several distinctive challenges; residential and clients lists were
important to CBPRO business and to its competitors, especially the local competitors.
SWOT Analysis: The strengthens of CBPRO with only few years in existence, it was ranked the first
in service industry and second in overall highest growth by the Virginia Chamber of Commerce
fantastic 50. CBPRO is a highly reputable brand and its parent company Coldwell banker is
recognized as one of the premier real estate organizations. As mentioned in the case, Coldwell Banker
founded in 1914,
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Living A Health Conscious Lifestyle
Like many children, I went through the ubiquitous why stage. I constantly posed this question, even to
the smallest and most mundane events in life. Filled with genuine curiosity and love of learning, I
desired to understand the ornate workings of the world. Unlike the majority of children, however, I did
not lose this fervor and drive to find answers. This inquisitiveness laid the foundation for my interest
in research work. Growing up, my family placed a tremendous emphasis on health, fitness, and
From an early age, I appreciated the value of living a health conscious lifestyle. However, when my
older sister, Melissa, began to struggle with an eating disorder, I saw the detrimental effects that occur
when this healthy lifestyle is amplified to an all consuming extreme. Witnessing the immense
ramifications and toil that this disorder had on her instigated my interest in the psychology of eating
disorders and led me to countless questions that began with why? . Although this was in keeping with
my inquisitive nature, this time my questions evoked not only a search for answers but a distinctive
and enduring academic quest. By the time I was in 6th grade, I had confidently decided I would obtain
my PhD in clinical psychology. In an academic light, I sought to cultivate a professional
comprehension of eating disorders and dissect their intricate nature and the various methods of
treatment. My aspiration to pursue an active role in this field is chiefly
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Analysis Of The Movie The Help
The Help is a drama set in Jackson, Mississippi during the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960 s. The
film focuses on the development of Eugenia Skeeter Phelan, a young, aspiring Anglo American author
trying to find her way in the world of writing. After becoming closer acquainted with Aibileen, an
African American maid employed by her peer Elizabeth Leefolt, Skeeter becomes more aware of the
racist attitudes that white Americans in her community have towards black Americans. After
successfully interviewing Minny, Aibileen s best friend and fellow maid, Skeeter interviews the maids
of multiple households and collects their stories and experiences of their lives. This leads Skeeter on a
risky path towards bringing awareness to black ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Mammy is a stereotypical black motherly figure that has cast African American actors as either
slaves or domestic help in the film industry since its inception. For example in the classic 1939 film
Gone with the Wind adapted from Margaret Mitchell s 1936 novel set during the American Civil war
in 1861, the character named Mammy is played by African American actress Hattie McDaniel. In this
role Mammy is portrayed as an overweight, elderly, black servant. She is beyond the years of
childbearing but who is devoted to the white O Hara family she is assigned to nurture. In the book she
is described as, a huge old woman with the small, shrewd eyes of an elephant. She was shining black,
pure African, devoted to her last drop of blood to the O Haras... (Mitchell, 1936) . Since this depiction
a Mammy has become an archetypal figure that began with slavery but continued to be depicted by
white Americans as classic domesticated help. Like McDaniel s character these women are most often
characterised as portly with large breasts (Gray, 2004) devoid of any sexual identity. In The Help the
appearance of the African American maids, particularly the main character, Aibileen, is reminiscent of
the Mammy figure. Aibileen is not portrayed as overweight as Hattie McDaniel s character, but she is
noticeably larger than all of the white characters in the film. Aibileen also has very dark skin which
separates her from her white counterparts. In the novel Aibileen compares
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Reflective Essay On Student Affairs
This was my first student affairs conference. I have attended different conferences during my
undergraduate years but never for student affairs. I am happy that I did attend because I was got to
meet different individuals that have been on the feel for many years. Having this as an assignment
motivated me more to go. I know that for the following year I will attend even if is not an assignment.
I enjoyed the keynote speaker Dr. Vincent Vigil. His story was something I can relate while growing
up in that type of environments. Dr. Vigil message was inspiring to many of us and it shows how
many of us do not plan to be in student affairs but somehow we end up in this field.
When Dr. Vigil said his story, it reminded how I ended up in student affairs. It was a very similar
story, I had my mentor asked me if that is something I would consider. My mentor was who opened
many doors and my passion for student affairs. His passion for helping students was what inspired me
to be like that and follow his footsteps. At the conference, I meet many professionals that have been in
the field for a long time and that just started. I felt a little intimidated because I just started and it was
my first conference.
After the keynote speaker, I decided to attend the workshop of Academic Advising and Counseling . I
decided on this workshop because I want to become a counselor and I already work at a community
college. This workshop was structure to help student affairs professionals identify
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The Hobbit Movie Essay
During the winter vacation, I watched a movie, which is quiet impressed me.
It is called The Hobbit. It tells an exciting story.It also teach me something when I watch it.The movie
really give me a shock.
In my opinion. The Hobbit is the best movie I have seen. Its world background is very palatial. It tells
a story that happen in a land , which is named Middle Earth. For example, there are different races in
this world,such as human,dwarf, eidolon , Orcs and dragon. Human is a normal character in many
movies, they are usually in weak position but they are goodness and hard working. Dwarf is a very
belligerent race, they govern the world and their king like golden in crazy. Eidolon is a race, which
like peace, they do not like war. So they ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Just like Bilbo, he is shorter and weaker ,maybe he is little timid,but when his companion in danger,
he always can throw himself into breach. This is brave. Timid do not present you don t have brave. On
the contrary, when your friends are in danger ,you help them without any delay,you are brave. When
we are facing dangerous, maybe one person power is small,but if we are united and together work out
the dangerous,the power is stronger. Any difficulty can not stop our forward steps. So, like dwarfs
,when one of them was fund by orcs, he was in weak position and then he was grasped.However,
while his companion came to save him, they unite together and beat the orcs. This movie also teach
me that we shouf not be consumed by desire. Thorin was consumed by desire,so he gradually become
different from before, he did not trust anyone anymore.At the end,he came to his sense.So when we
are facing the temptation of desire, we should firm our own will and resist the desire.
The Hobbit is the best movie I have seen, I am shocked by its palatial world background. With the
story begin, I see some excited plots, its ups and downs of plots make everyone feel surprised. Last
but not least ,we can learn something from the movie, such as ,brave,united and do not be consumed
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Stoetson Case Study
Policy Recommendations for Stetson University
There are currently no demonstration policies in place, which make students who protest vulnerable to
violations. In the Stetson Code of Community Standards, disorderly conduct is defined as any
behavior which disrupts the orderly conduct, processes, and functions of the university, or infringes on
the rights of others normal activities and any act that aids, abets, or procures another person to breach
the peace of the University premise or at a University sponsored event. I would like to see a clause
added that protects demonstrators on campus from this disorderly conduct clause.
Stetson University has no designated free speech spaces/areas that students can utilize to engage in
protest ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
So, students may not be aware of what they can distribute on campus and what they cannot. I believe
Georgetown University literature policy serves as a notable example of a literature clause that would
be beneficial at Stetson University. They state that, Handbills, pamphlets, flyers and quarter sheets
may be distributed to any location on campus except classrooms or offices in use. When handbill
distribution is associated with a particular event, whether indoor or outdoor, the location of indoor
handbill distribution may be restricted on occasion to preserve safety and security at events and
convocation, but distribution in these cases may not be wholly prevented or unnecessarily restricted.
This policy and information is designed to assist individuals and groups in the Georgetown University
community in effectively sharing information with the rest of campus in respectful and creative ways.
Stetson University also lack Political Activity policies. Our school does not explicitly state in our code
of community standards what we are politically allowed to. I provided the link to one that I think is a
good example of this, but it is too long for me to just copy and paste.
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Repercussions In Macbeth
Throughout history, many have pursued to gain world power. The age of imperialism, Hitler s desire
for his nazi party to control the world, Napoleon s attempt for France to control Europe, and many
others. Many have pursued to gain power, but ultimately failed from repercussions created in the
pursuit. In the Elizabethan era tragedy, Macbeth, William Shakespeare reveals through the motif of
blood to represent the harmful repercussions of the pursuit of power. Shakespeare warns
The pursuit of power has harmful repercussions. During Shakespeare s time people thought thin blood
implies good health while thick blood implies the result of poison. Lady Macbeth in planning for
Duncan s murder states, Make thick my blood; Stop up the access and passage to remorse
(Shakespeare I.v. 43 44). Lady Macbeth desires to thicken her blood to make planning murder easier
by removing her remorse. The result of thicker blood is poisoning: Lady Macbeth invokes the spirits
of murder to poison herself to aid in Macbeth s pursuit of power. As a result of pursuing power, one
can throw away part of himself to more easily commit vile acts. transition Shakespeare demonstrates
throwing away a part of oneself with Lady Macbeth desiring to poison herself to remove her remorse.
Furthermore, repercussions for the pursuit of power also come from others. After the events of the
banquet and Macbeth s sighting of Banquo s ghost Macbeth states, It will have blood; they say, blood
will have blood. Stones have been known to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
One cannot pursue power without expecting repercussions. In Macbeth, Shakespeare uses blood to
reveal to the audience the harm done in pursuing power, and the ultimate downfall of the pursuer and
those involved with him. By pursuitment power one sacrifices parts of himself and faces
repercussions. So one must beware of the rash pursuit of power, lest he falls in the same way as those
in the
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  • 4. Traumatic Brain Injury Papers A traumatic brain injury (also known as a TBI) is a hit to the head that causes damage to the brain cells as well as causes the person to become confused, as a result of the information that s being sent to neuron to neuron getting interrupted.When the impulses are not going the correct way it causes the person to change their personality, attitude and emotions. Not to mention that no two brain injuries are alike. For the medical team they take a different approach. The individuals impacted the most by a traumatic brain injury are newborns to 4 years old, young adults 15 24 and elderly age 75 and older. (Solomons, Saltsman Jamieson) ( January 3,2017 Placitella, C ) A traumatic brain injury can be classified into three different groups mild, moderate and severe. A mild patient may lose consciousness, typically for a few seconds or a few minutes. A moderate patient can lose consciousness for 1 24 hours. A severe patient can lose consciousness or be in a coma for more than 24 hours. It can also be put into subcategories coma, vegetative state, persistent vegetative state, and minimally responsive ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The most common injury are vehicle collision, child abuse, shaken baby syndrome, falls,sports and explosive blast. (mayoclinic.org)(1998 2017)The most common symptoms that occurs in a traumatic brain injury are difficulty with balance, walking, bladder control, trouble moving, personality change, hearing problems, memory loss, difficulty controlling emotions, headache,speech, anxiety, depression, motor control, coma, commutation problems, confusion,and blurry vision. Other symptoms may include loss of smell,seizures, mood changes and sensitive to light. For infants they may cry caused its irritable. They also don t understand what is going on with them it s the only sign of emotion they know how to express how they feel. For some patient it may take days or even weeks before the symptoms occur. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Automated Behavior Analysis Paper The Boston Marathon bombing is instructive in regard to automated behavior analysis. Had a system existed with the capacity to detect when the Tsarnaev brothers placed their devices and walked away, flag it as an unusual event and alert observers to this occurrence, law enforcement personnel could have been notified and the area cleared. Additionally, after being alerted to this suspicious behavior, authorities could have actively tracked their movements and directed law enforcement to their location, resulting in a manhunt measured in hours rather than days. Although automated behavior analysis may not have outright prevented the bombing, the benefit of increased public safety, via casualty reduction and quicker suspect apprehension, is difficult to refute. The Algorithm Based Object Recognitions and Tracking (ABORAT) system offers the best solution for implementing a surveillance system based on automated behavior analysis. Its ability to interface with off the shelf products means ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... ABORAT provides a solution to these privacy related concerns as well. The use of smart cameras coupled with its distributive nature means images are processed and analyzed by the cameras rather than a human observer. As was previously noted, images are only transmitted when useful to the operator (Appiah Hunter, 2009, p. 3), therefore, surveillance systems become less obtrusive by way of observers viewing less video. It is true that observers would have the ability to access the cameras in real time, but training, supervision and agency policies could be established to set limits on how and when direct access would occur. While not a be all and end all solution to privacy, ABORAT is a step closer to achieving a balance that results in the protection of individual liberties...in the pursuit of national security (Prieto, 2009, p. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Los Estudiantes A Los Examenes El estrés académico pudiese definirse como el estrés que viene con el ámbito educativo y que incluso no solo afecta a los estudiantes sino que también a los encargados de impartir las materias o sea los maestros (problemas de hablar en público, síndrome de burnout, etc) (Moreno, Oliver y Aragonés, 1991) Segun el experimento de Caballero, Palacio, Abello, 2007 cuando se analizó la relación entre el burnout, el rendimiento académico con la satisfacción frente a los estudios, se concluyó que los que El burnout se correlaciona negativamente con la satisfacción frente a los estudios, mientras que el engagement lo hizo de manera positiva. Por otra parte, el engagement se correlacionó positivamente con el buen funcionamiento académico, mientras que el mal funcionamiento no se relacionó con agotamiento, pero sí con cinismo. La ansiedad ante los exámenes es una respuesta emocional ante la evaluación de aptitudes de una persona (Gutiérrez Calvo y Avero, 1995). Estas, generalmente, presentan preocupaciones y miedo al fracaso, y temor a las consecuencias negativas para varios aspectos de sus vidas (valoración social, o pérdida de beneficio). Según los autores Fernández y Rusiñol (2001) un examen se puede definir como un proceso de validación de los saberes del examinando por parte de un examinador, con la particularidad de ser: integral, sistemático, continuo y por último acumulativo. De esta forma, la persona que imparte las clases (docente) conoce las características del ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Walt Whitman I Hear America Singing People may dream of a perfect society where everyone is similar a utopia. People might believe building a utopia is a grand idea because they won t have to worry about being bullied or discriminated. There couldn t be any flaws in building a utopia accept everything. Yeah, everyone would be similar, and people probably won t be bullied or discriminated, but are the consequences of fixing those proroblems going to be worth it. Absolutely not, imagine if there was only one kind of culture/one kind of person, let s say everyone is German, that means when there is an opportunity to go out to eat there will be no Mexican, no Chinese, no Italian, etc. The same food will be eaten just like any other day. Plus, food wouldn t be the only thing affected ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One of the first to express the strenghting power of diversity was Walt Whitman in his poem I Hear America singing . In his poem he writes, I hear America singing, the varied carols I hear...The carpenter singing his... The mason singing his... The wood cutter s song... Each singing what belongs to him or her and to none else... (Whitman). This shows how different kind of jobs or the people s jobs have their own special song which creates the American song which is supposed to represent a song of diversity. The diffrent types of jobs can be related to current day American immigrants because people come from all over the world, bringing a variety of different beliefs, religions, cultures, styles, tastes and that ... is the amazing thing about the united states, a country full of immigrants, made up of immigrants can t identify, can t come up with a common identity based on a shared ethnicity or a shared culture, or even a common language no, what binds America together is that we share a common story... (Aslan). The fact that America shares a common story means that we find unity in diversity (Aslan); therfore, people don t need to share things like ethnicity, culture, or even a common language; they can become united based on the fact that they all share a common story of being diffrent. Whether diversity is showing how diversity makes things better by allowing people to have their own opinions that will build and it allows people to find unity in a common story. Proving that diversity is needed in order for society to grow well, at least in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Lucretius Summary Sparknotes DOCUMENT ANALYSIS: THINK OF BETTER TITLE Molly Pearson HIST 121 Intellectual Origins of the Contemporary West October 4, 2017 DOCUMENT ANALYSIS LUCRETIUS: EPICUREAN PHILOSPHY AT ROME Within Lucretius dialectic and poetic writings in Robert Latham s translation of Lucretius: On the Nature of the Universe, three major topics are discussed: philosophy, religion, and science. Lucretius was devoted to the works of his teacher and renowned philosopher Epicurus, praising him as a prophetic or god like figure. His poetic prose uses a host of concrete examples to show validity in his beliefs. Lucretius effectively supports the Epicurean worldview that everything can be explained by material forces. Memmius is the addressee of the poem, and Lucretius enlightens him to the nature of happiness, how religion is based on superstition, and the idea of atoms composing earthly matter. Evaluating reality gives mankind the natural answers to life s questions without concerning themselves with gods, prophets, or beliefs, and this was Lucretius main task in his work. Lucretius was a Roman poet who believed that the Epicurean systems provided the most important and valuable way of thinking. He pledged all of his poetic and persuasive writing skills towards presenting Epicurus teachings in a concise expose. A key Epicurean doctrine which he explores is the concept of the Nature of Happiness. Philosophy, in this mindset, is a refuge from the trials and tribulations of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Bear Mccreary Monologue Hey, everyone! Just got back from watching The Walking Dead s Season 7 Episode 2 and I have to say, it has a good feel to it. But before that, let s start at the beginning. So for those who haven t seen the newest and latest episode of TWD, beware as this contains spoilers. Really. Anyway, yeah. Okay, so first we see the recap from when we last saw Carol and Morgan with the former badly injured because of a savior (I think) and the latter facing two men with horses and body armors looking bad ass as heck. Then comes the well known and loved masterpiece of Bear McCreary which is also known as The Walking Dead theme song. Also, quick fact that I m not even sure is quite precise but to heck with it: McCreary wanted to compose something that when we hear it, TWD almost immediately comes to mind. And indeed, it has. Kudos to Bear McCreary! Now, going back, we see Carol laid unto something, a somewhat wheelbarrow like carriage that is being dragged by a horse when suddenly, I don t know. Sorry! Bad at storytelling but we re now in Carol s temporary POV and we see the badasses and Morgan fighting. She looks in a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I mean, it kinda makes sense. It seems better this way, anyway. She did say that she can t won t be staying in the Kingdom and all that and maybe because it was suffocating her? The normalcy and just plain idea of the Kingdom doesn t sit well with her but she also needs people to stay human. So she stays at this bungalow she saw earlier. It s nice. But then I suddenly got all sad because then, Morgan was like saying goodbye to her like it ll be the last time they ll see each other. cause I like Carol :) I have great hopes for this new chapter in Carol and Morgan s life. Especially with Carol when Ezekiel unexpectedly shows up at her doorstep. That was cute, admittingly. But before that, when I heard the knock, I was like, Bruh, no way. I thought it d be the Saviors or something. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Personal Responsibility Pros And Cons Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA)The United States took on a major reform of the social welfare system with the passing of thePersonal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act (PRWORA), signed into law by President Clinton in August of 1996. This policy essentially changed the nation s social welfare system by replacing a federal entitlement program for low income families, called Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), with the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program. The primary focus is on moving welfare recipients from primarily getting cash assistance to working in order to lower families dependence on public support. This push toward work promotes a second focus of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For example, unemployed workers who receive an unemployment benefit may be able continue to support their families. Disadvantages:The biggest disadvantage of welfare is its cost to the local governments that control it. Even with federal support, states feel the burden of welfare in each annual budget. One of the concerns is that welfare may discourage some recipients to seek work, since an increase in earnings would exclude them from getting free benefits. Fraud would also be a concern if someone supplies false information in order to get benefits that they do not qualify for. Alternative:As an alternative of giving welfare directly to those in need, funding programs that educate on new skills or help seeking jobs for the unemployed should be implemented. These programs, if implemented, can show drastic changes in unemployment rates over time. Restrictions on welfare, such as the time limits for getting unemployment benefits or a maximum monthly food stamp allowance, serve to limit the government s responsibility in a way that open ended welfare does not.Conclusion: The social welfare reform has improved tremendously but still has more progress to be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Cell Phone Etiquette Essay Cell Phone Etiquette Jasmyne Ness Montana State University Billings Today, cellphones have now became a support for the lives of many Americans. This has caused a struggle for some users to approach the social norms and etiquette of cell phone usage. When I was younger, I remember going to my parents company Christmas parties and hardly ever seeing a cell phone being used. Now, when I go to my own company Christmas parties, all I ever notice is people on their cellphones constantly. Checking on Facebook, surfing Instagram, or taking selfies to put on Snapchat. In my opinion, I feel like cell phones have taken over face to face conversations and rely more on their digital screen. When I m trying to have a face to face conversation with someone, I find it frustrating when the other person is on their phone while I m talking. Another example, when people are having a dinner with a significant other or even just a good friend and you find them constantly on their phone. Today, this is a common sight to see when dining out. I believe that this should come to a stop. When I go out to dinner with my family or just friends I always put my phone in the middle of the table, face down, to avoid being tempted to use it. By doing this I am able to have an actual conversation with my family. I have always obeyed this, but you always seem to have one, two, or even more that don t follow this rule. It s rude when you are watching a movie, you payed a good ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Mental Health Care Tv Language Analysis The Independent and The Telegraph both have produced two articles that strongly connect to each other. Will Gore and The Telegraph View both express their opinions as well as the experience that Prince Harry had with mental health through their writing. Article one by The Telegraph View talks about the amount of people who have to suffer in silence with their mental health issues and circumstances just like Prince harry did when his mother tragically passed away. It shows us and makes us aware about how much service and help it required to help people as it takes time to fully help someone with this serious health matter. Article two by Will Gore is about how someone who is well known in the public eye has experience the relatable issue of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... First piece of word choice used by The Telegraph View I have chosen to write about is stigma which has connatations of branded, label, shame and disgrace. This shows us that people dont know the true meaning of mental health and think firstly of the sterotypes that come with it like its just all based around the same thing which has made is gain a very negative label or brand which is not the case and also it gives an impression that people dont really think about mental health that much and dont take it as serious as it should be taken. rife has connotations of common, global and normal. This shows us that having anxiety is normal and common to many people around the world and is not unusual as many people will have or will suffer from this during their lifetime. Finally my last example of word choice is disorientates which has connotations of lost and confused. This shows us that the writer is describing technology in the present day as they think it is becoming more useless as it can be confusing for people and harder to learn about and use especially in everyday life and work enviroments. The word choice I have metioned show us the impact of mental health not just to patients but others and what they think about it and also that technology is becoming much hard and causes ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Blake s The Marriage of Heaven and Hell Essay Blake s The Marriage of Heaven and Hell The Nature of my Work is Visionary or Imaginative; it is an Endeavor to Restore what the Ancients calld the Golden Age. William Blake (Johnson/Grant,xxiv). William Blake completed the manuscript of The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, as well as the twenty five accompanying engraved plates, in 1792. In the sense that the The Marriage of Heaven and Hell is a vision of a particular version of reality, it subscribes to one definition of the mythic, but also fulfills another as Birenbaum writes in Tragedy and Innocence: ...on a more specialized level... true myth ...suggests a penentration to the essential nature of human experience, made by conspicuously violating features ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Blake uses traditional symbols of angels and devils, animal imagery, and especially images of fire and flame to: 1) set up a dual world, a confrontation of opposites or contraries which illustrate how the rules of Reason and Religion repress and pervert the basic creative energy of humanity, 2) argues for apocalyptic transformation of the self through the radical regeneration of each person s own power to imagine (Johnson/Grant, xxiv), and 3) reconstructs Man in a new image, a fully realized Man who is both rational and imaginative, partaking of his divinity through creativity. The form of the poem consists of The Argument, expositions on his concepts of the contraries and of expanded perception which are both interspersed with Memorable Fancies that explicate and enlarge on his expositions, and concludes with A Song of Liberty, a prophecy of a future heaven on earth. Without Contraries is no progression. Attraction and Repulsion, reason and Energy, Love and Hate, are necessary to Human existence. From these contraries spring what the religious call Good Evil. Good is the passive that obeys Reason. Evil is the active springing from Energy. Good is Heaven. Evil is Hell. (MHH, pp. 66 7) One of the main themes of The Marriage of Heaven and Hell is the confrontation of the grand oppositions of orthodox Christian doctrine: Heaven and Hell, good and evil,
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  • 15. Looking For Alaska Character Traits Character Essay Miles Halter, a tall, skinny, scrawny boy that memorizes people s last words. In the novel Looking for Alaska by John Green, Miles meets Alaska Young and through their relationship he transitions from a shy nerdy kid; to an outgoing, cigarette smoking, bad boy. Alaska, Chip, and Takumi take Miles into their group and show them the ropes of Culver Creek boarding school. Throughout the story Miles realizes how important friendship is in life, it helps you through tough times and exposes you to new things you d never do. In the beginning of the story Miles is introduced as a nerdy kid who s only friends are his parents. His parents are sending him to boarding school hoping he ll have a better time there then he did ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Miles gets up and answers the door. The principal informs them that they need to meet in the gym immediately. The two boys throw on some clothes and hightail it to the gym. When they got there they saw Laura and Takumi but no Alaska. The principal goes to the podium to speak but Miles stops him. Frantically searching the bleachers for alaska begs the principal to wait until she gets there. The principal pulls him to the side and breaks the news why all the students are there. They all met so he could tell them about how Alaska had gotten in a car accident early that morning. Miles can t take the news so he runs out of the gym with Chip right behind him. Chip comforts Miles as he throws up, cries, and screams. After they ve accepted the fact, they still hardly sleep or even talk. They decide to get the group, or what s left of it back together. They take a walk down to the smoking hole and talk about what they loved about her. Chip throws a cigarette into the river and the rest the rest follow. They made a ritual in remembrance of her. The group decides to do a memorial prank for her with the whole junior class in on it. Miles realizes that his closest friends helped him get through one of the hardest times in his life. In conclusion, Miles and his friends go through many rough times, but also good times. It really brought the group together when Alaska passed. Miles really felt the warmth ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. The Impact of Contracted British Braille Code on The... Introduction Chronologically, before systematic production of the Basic Module for the Visually Impaired (KAiMaL) in 2010, pupils with visual impairments were learning braille codes according to the initiatives and flexibility of the subject teachers. Initially, students were learning Alphabetic Braille (Barclay, Herlich, Sacks, 2010) followed with Contracted Braille based on formulae and procedures prescribed in the Handbook of British Braille Prime (1992). According to D Andrea (2009), braille code has developed as a methodology that represents the printed text for individuals with visual impairments. According to Kway (2012), braille code is the medium for literacy activities specifically for reading and writing. In addition, with ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Highlights of previous studies found that phonetic awareness in braille literacy is linked to the cognitive operation of process of second language acquisition among students with visual impairment and correlated with the first language (L1) (Cummin, 1981). In other words, the first language also influences the operation of second language acquisition (Lord, 2008). Language Literacy According Argyropoulos and Martos (2006), basic literacy formed the foundation for the education. Literacy development often receives serious attention from all parties (Rex, Koenig, Wormsley Baker, 1995). The term literacy is often linked with a person s ability to understand and write for everyday demands. According to Troughton (2009), basic literacy skills are a continuous contour of a variety of other technical literacies. In the context of the acquisition of language among pupils with visual impairment, Gillon Young, 2002; McCall, McLinden, Gouglas, 2011, stated that the evolution of literacy for braille users and sighted users are the same. The statement was agreed by Kway (2012), which alleged that the literacy skills of students with visual impairment are as important as the typical students. Orthography Skill Orthography skill is among the most important component of literacy as well as oral language, phonological and phonemic awareness, word ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. System Advisor Model Is Developed By The National... Gerardo M Gallardo Independent Study EEL 4905 Spring 2015 03/09/15 System Advisor Model (SAM) or System Advisor Model is developed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and is available for free download. Its main function is to predict the performance and cost of residential and commercial projects. SAM has different options for predicting the performance of photovoltaic systems. The model requires that the user choose from different photovoltaic system models, and depending on that choice, possibly choose from different modules and different inverter component models. The software offers a package of performance and financial for projects with different financial structures. SAM s reports use consistent assumptions for the different models to facilitate comparing technology and financing options. SAM is one of many photovoltaic system models available, but is unique in the way it integrates a photovoltaic performance model with a detailed financial model for a given project, and in its ability to compare photovoltaic systems to other renewable energy systems. SAM has three different choices for the user to choose from to modeling a photovoltaic system; The PVWatts System model which is an implementation of NREL s online photovoltaic calculator, the Flat Plate PV model which combines and separates module s component models that are available for the user to select and; and the High X Concentrating PV model which is for concentrating PV systems. All three ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Independent Vs Assisted Living Are you an empty nester who is currently thinking of downsizing to a smaller, more cozy home? Are you looking at your options and trying to figure out what best suits your living style? Are you confused between the differences between independent and assisted living? These questions and answers will give you the information you need to make the right choice for your lifestyle: Medical care: Independent living is for seniors that require little day to day professional medical attention. A senior in an independent living community may be unable to handle some chores, such as pushing a heavy lawnmower or completely washing their windows. But they are still able to do most things without the help of other people. Assisted living is for those ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. A Correlation Between Telomere Length And Chronic Disease During each and every cell replication, chromosomes shrink by a small, but noticeable amount. Because of this, telomeres cap the ends to protect the coding regions of the chromosomes. With each generation of DNA, more and more of the telomere disappears. An enzyme slowly rebuilds them, but it cannot keep up with the degradation during chromosome replication. Eventually the shortened telomeres cause the cell to go through apoptosis (Pierce 2014). Because telomeres are one cause of cell death, it is hypothesized that telomere size can determine the health and age of an individual. Research has shown a correlation between telomere length and chronic disease. Those with chronic diseases usually have significantly shorter telomeres. This raises ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Telomeres are related to so many different aspects of our bodies because they play a key role in protecting our genetic make up. They are important structures in every cell of our body. Because of their role, their effect spreads well beyond that of simply protecting chromosomes. Structure and Function Telomeres make up the tips of linear chromosomes and function to protect and stabilize the chromosomes from degradation (Pierce 2014). There are other functions, but the primary one is protection. At each replication, DNA shortens by just a few base pairs due to the nature of replication in eukaryotes (who have linear chromosomes). The two strands of DNA are synthesized at different rates, creating a leading strand and a lagging strand. The leading strand is replicated quickly and fluidly in a 5 to 3 direction, as seen in Image 1. The lagging strand is replicated in a backstitch patter. Primers are placed along the DNA strand and DNA polymerase replaces them with segments of DNA. It can only do this, though, if a 3 OH group is present. The 3 OH group precedes the primer, and would sit just to the right of the green primers in Image 1. No 3 OH group would be present at the end of the chromosome because it only exists on one side of the primer. The area where the primer is sitting would not be replicated, and thus the DNA would shorten. Tandem sequences of noncoding DNA sit at the ends of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Clara Barton Accomplishments Clara Barton, born Clarissa Harlowe Barton, is one of the most significant figures in US history. Barton is well known for being a female pioneer in the field of teaching, as well as for her work in the US patent office during the Civil war. These feats alone make her a historical figure; however, she is also known for something which far surpasses these accomplishments. Clara Barton is recognized and remembered today for her extraordinary work as a nurse during the American Civil War, and for going on to establish the American Red Cross. (Clara Barton; Clara Barton) Clarissa Harlowe Barton was born in Massachusetts on December 25, 1821. Barton was the youngest of 5 siblings born to Sarah Stone and Stephen Barton. Barton was raised on a small ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Barton began running the office of Missing Soldiers in Washington D.C. The purpose of the office was to locate or identify soldiers killed or Missing in action. Barton worked tirelessly with her assistants writing 41,885 replies to inquiries and locating more than 22,000 men. (Clara Barton and Andersonville) Barton would go on to spend the summer of 1865 finding, identifying, and properly burying 13,000 individuals who died in Andersonville prison camp, a Confederate prisoner of war camp in Georgia. She continued these tasks over the next several years, burying 20,000 more Union soldiers and marking their graves. (Clara Barton and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Two Theoretical Models That Underpin Health Promotion The aim of the assignment is to outline at least 2 Theoretical Models that underpin health promotion. The theories chosen in this evaluation are the Health Belief Model and the Social Cognitive Theory. In order to outline theories which underpin health promotion it is important to first understand what health promotion is. Heath promotion is the process of enabling control over health and its detriments, improving health in the long run. It promotes awareness about the issue at hand and provides support and means of improving health in the long run. The World Health Organisation (WHO, 2005) describes health promotions as; The process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve, their health. It moves beyond a focus on individual ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It specifies the constructs individually, however it doesn t take into consideration the likelihood of actions. For example, if the perceived seriousness is high and susceptibility is low, it is assumed that the probability of action will still be high; whereas realistically the likelihood would be lower than when both of the variables are high. It is assumed that the variables are not moderated by each other. It also assumes that the variables directly affect health behaviour and we remain resilient by our behavioural intentions. The second weakness is that important factors of health behaviour, such as the positive effects of negative behaviours and social influence are not included in the model, neither are affecting social and economic factors. In addition to this criticism some behaviours, such as smoking for example; are based on a force of habit rather than a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Therapeutic Massager Advantage With all of the stresses and strains of the everyday world, we all could use a good therapeutic massage from time to time. Yet few of us have the time and money to visit a spa for a daily rub down. This is why more and more people are turning to the Shoulder Massager with Shiatsu Kneading Massage to be their ultimate neck and shoulder massager. This professional level massager with heat is a high tech, multi functional unit that comes complete with low, medium and high intensity modes; eight deep kneading Shiatsu massage nodes; and rotating 3D massage nodes that come as part and parcel of its ergonomic U design. The at home equivalent of a lift chair with heat and massage, this is far more than a typical shoulder massager. It is cordless, comfortable and rechargeable. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... That s right; this little wonder is the easy equivalent of a massage full body. If you need a shoulder massager, a sex seat for certain very important parts, a heat back massager, a hand massager, a combination back and neck massager or back and shoulder massager, or a surefire aid for achy legs or even a sore scalp, this is the equivalent to a magic massage wand with heat. As an added bonus, the Shoulder Massager with Shiatsu is just a whole lot of fun. Known at various times as a japanese sex massage tool, a ball scratcher, sex scratchers, and sex seats for women, this truly is the massager for all ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Margaret Thatcher’s Achievements as Prime Minister in the... Margaret Thatcher s achievements as Prime Minister in the years 1979 1990 were limited. Assess the validity of the statement. Margaret Thatcher s political career has been one of the most remarkable of modern times she served as British Prime Minister for more than eleven years (1979 90), a record unmatched in the twentieth century. During her term of office she reshaped almost every aspect of British politics, reviving the economy, reforming outdated institutions, and reinvigorating the nation s foreign policy. She challenged and did much to overturn the psychology of decline, which had become rooted in Britain since the Second World War, pursuing national recovery with striking energy and determination. In the process, Margaret ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Her economic policies were another success for Thatcher s regime. Thatcher s policies were monumental changes for Britain. Privatisation and deregulation were famous changes implemented by Thatcher. The policy of Privatisation has been called a crucial ingredient of Thatcherism . After the 1983 election the sale of state utilities accelerated; more than £29 billion was raised from the sale of nationalised industries, and another £18 billion from the sale of council houses. The process of privatisation, especially the preparation of nationalised industries for privatisation, was associated with marked improvements in performance, particularly in terms of labour productivity. Some of the privatised industries including gas, water, and electricity, were natural monopolies for which privatisation involved little increase in competition. The privatisation allowed people to become more involved in the buying of shares in companies. Although this did not work as well as Thatcher would have hoped as many of the richer part of society bought as many shares at they could. Many people denounced this policy as an Elitist policy. The privatisation of public companies was combined with financial deregulation in an attempt to encourage economic growth. Geoffrey Howe Thatcher s Chancellor of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Tragic Heroines In Greek Drama In ancient Greece, societal conventions and norms permeated all aspects of life. The arts were especially influenced by the ideals and beliefs of society. Gender was especially regulated in everyday life, something we see reflected in many art forms. The ancient Greeks were extremely influential in both the visual and dramatic arts. Throughout the development of these styles, we see how society s established gender norms permeated the works of artists and playwrights alike. This is especially true in the depictions of dramatic heroines. Women from famous legends and myth were popular topics of study in the arts, but this does not mean they were spared from gendered expectations and roles. This paper will study representations of Greek tragic heroines in Athenian drama and on vase paintings. Through case studies of Alcestis, Medea, Electra, and Clytemnestra, I will see how perceptions of these women consistent or varying across the different art forms, how they upheld expectations of decorum, and how they are shown as upholding or challenging gender roles. By examining the intersection of theatre and vase painting, we can have a better understanding of how Greek society viewer these tragic heroines and the themes connected to their narratives. It is important to acknowledge the time frame we are looking at for both the texts and vases. Greek drama greatly developed and rose in popularity during the 6th and 5th centuries BCE, during which all of the texts we will be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Theme Of Duality In Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde Gothic novels tackle many aspects of the Victorian era which was between 1837 to 1901. Such aspects were then translated into tropes of different gothic novels. Duality, Masculinity, Secrecy, Sexuality, Mystery, Suspense, Rationalism Vs Irrationalism and Supernatural beings Vs Human Beings and many more were all important tropes to their respective novels. The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde was one of the driving forces behind the trope of Duality, published in 1886 by Robert Louis Stevenson. The book was written in the form of an Allegorical novel, which meant that the novel had an extended metaphor. One of the main messages conveyed through the book was duality, the idea of 2 separate entities residing in the same person. Good being their gentlemanly characteristics while bad being the hidden dark pleasures. Hence, this essay will discuss the duality within supporting characters association ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Duality has famously been shown through Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. However, duality were not only reserved to Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, they were also subtly used between the supporting characters such as Mr. Utterson, Dr. Lanyon, Mr. Enfield and many more. Although, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. The Etiology Of Breast Cancer The etiology of breast cancer is unknown. However, hereditary factors are considered the major determinant of individual in risk. Mutation in cancer susceptibility genes such as BRCA1 can be used in the assessment of individuals at risk of developing breast cancer. Breast cancer initiated as a change in single cell. Progression of tumor depends on accumulation of these changes8. Breast cancers are classified by several grading systems. Histopathology grading depends on the histological appearance of tumor. Grade of tumor compares the appearance of the breast cancer cells to the appearance of normal breast tissue with low grade being as well and high grade as poorly differentiated .Classification of Malignant Tumors (TNM) uses three ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Microarray introduction divided breast cancer to different subtypes with associated with different clinical outcome. Molecular classification leads to further understanding of breast cancer progression. It has provided more wide definition of the disease as a group of malignancies which has the same origin but differ in their biology. DNA microarray clusters breast carcinomas based on the gene expression profiles shifting the treatment to more specific approach guided by certain gene expression. Gene expression profiling divides breast cancer into 3 major subtypes: luminal, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2+ (HER2+), and basal like. Such classification has helped in predicting the treatment and the prognosis of each type11. Hormonal therapy and targeted therapy have replaced chemotherapy for subclasses that overexpress the corresponding receptors. Luminal subtypes (Luminal A, Luminal B) are hormone receptor positive (HR) estrogen receptor (ER)positive and progesterone receptor (PR) positive. They gene expression patterns similar to normal cells that line the breast ducts12 14. Luminal subtypes are known to have better prognosis, high survival rate and low recurrence rate compared to other subtypes .Treatment option of luminal subtypes is based on HR targeting. HER 2 is known for overexpression of human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) genes. This subtype of breast ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. A Cloud Provider ABSTRACT Setting basic information in the hands of a cloud supplier ought to accompany the assurance of security and accessibility for information very still, in movement, and being used. A few choices exist for capacity administrations, while information secrecy answers for the database as an administration standard are still youthful. We propose a novel construction modeling that coordinates cloud database administrations with information secrecy and the likelihood of executing simultaneous operations on scrambled information. This is th first arrangement supporting geologically disseminated customers to join straightforwardly to a scrambled cloud database, and to execute simultaneous and autonomous operations including those adjusting the database structure. The proposed building design has the further favorable position of wiping out middle of the road intermediaries that cutoff the versatility, accessibility, and adaptability properties that are inborn in cloud based arrangements. The viability of the proposed construction modeling is assessed through hypothetical examinations and broad test results in view of a model usage subject to the TPC C standard benchmark for diverse quantities of customers and system latencies. CHAPTER NO. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE NO. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 8 9. 10. INTRODUCTION 1.1 . LITERATURE SURVEY
  • 28. 1.2 . MODULES DESCRIPTION STUDY OF THE SYSTEM 2.1. FEASABILITY STUDY 2.2. EXISTING SYSTEM 2.3. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Causes And Effects Of Animal Cruelty In Australia Animal cruelty is a rapidly growing nationwide problem. Animals are being hurt and starved everyday. Acts of violence towards animals, animal neglect and even psychological harm are forms of animal cruelty. If you check the webpage of RSPCAAustralia (Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals), you will find a list of actions and conditions that can be qualified as cruelty to animals. The list includes such points as torturing or beating an animal; failing to provide it with food and appropriate treatment in case of disease or injury; killing an animal in an inhumane manner; failing to provide appropriate transportation conditions, and so on. According to statistics, animals who suffer from cruelty most often are dogs (64.5%) and cats (18%). 25% are for other animals, such as horses (The Humane Society). Supposedly, it means domestic pets are the most vulnerable category to suffer from cruelty; also, it might mean cruelty towards animals is a result of pet owners demonstrating their anger, frustration, or stress on the closest and most defenseless creatures. Greyhound racing, puppy farms and animal testing are three major examples of animal cruelty. Thousands of animals are being mistreated in Australia Legal commercial greyhound racing is formally regulated in Australia. Greyhound racing, which is an example of animal cruelty, is a competitive sport in which greyhound dogs are raced around a track. Australia is one of one eight countries where greyhound ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Tweetsie Case Study On the rainy Wednesday I learned that when there is bad weather the park has three options for running operations. Option #1 is that Tweetsie is run as normal and the show goes on as usual. Option #2 is running at half capacity, which means that only Main Street and the train will operate. All of the rides stop running and none of the shows take place during operating hours. Finally, Tweetsie has the option of just running train rides and closing all other aspects of the park. If this happens we let people in for free because all they would be able to do is ride the train. In the recent history of Tweetsie they ve only closed twice and run a half day once, so it s common to keep the park open despite nasty weather. I also learned not to get my hopes up that I wouldn t have to go into work if it s raining in the morning! ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This includes cleaning, stocking brochures, filing reports, and making sure that we open on time. I ve also been helping with large groups that enter the park via group sales. Groups have a different way of entering the park and paying so I ve been watching and learning that process over the past week. Also, I count unlimited food and drink armbands in order to make sure that each group has enough of what they ordered and get that completed before they arrive. My boss also showed me how to count out cash registers for final close and all of the reports you have to run in order to send a bag to audit. I m sure that next week she ll let me practice by counting out other bags and I m looking forward to learning another ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Analysis of a Leading Real Estate Company in Virginia, CBPRO CBPRO is a leading real estate company in Virginia, an independent franchisor of the Coldwell banker brand since 2001. CBPRO s business focuses on residential real estate services such as selling, buying, and leasing houses; has 299 agents in 13 offices. The residential real estate industry is influenced by the ups and downs of the economy. In good times it fuels consumers confidence and spending, and in bad times consumers are cautious and not willing to invest in a house etc. CBPRO had a breaking sale of 2,848 percent in the first three years of services and during the plummet in the economy, sales flattened down to 2.5 percent, as was the case with the industry in general. (Coldwell Banker Virginia Beach, Page 279). Due to high competition in the residential real estate industry (especially locally), coupled with fluctuating national economic conditions, and narrowly defined target customers, CBPRO faced several distinctive challenges; residential and clients lists were important to CBPRO business and to its competitors, especially the local competitors. SWOT Analysis: The strengthens of CBPRO with only few years in existence, it was ranked the first in service industry and second in overall highest growth by the Virginia Chamber of Commerce fantastic 50. CBPRO is a highly reputable brand and its parent company Coldwell banker is recognized as one of the premier real estate organizations. As mentioned in the case, Coldwell Banker founded in 1914, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Living A Health Conscious Lifestyle Like many children, I went through the ubiquitous why stage. I constantly posed this question, even to the smallest and most mundane events in life. Filled with genuine curiosity and love of learning, I desired to understand the ornate workings of the world. Unlike the majority of children, however, I did not lose this fervor and drive to find answers. This inquisitiveness laid the foundation for my interest in research work. Growing up, my family placed a tremendous emphasis on health, fitness, and nutrition. From an early age, I appreciated the value of living a health conscious lifestyle. However, when my older sister, Melissa, began to struggle with an eating disorder, I saw the detrimental effects that occur when this healthy lifestyle is amplified to an all consuming extreme. Witnessing the immense ramifications and toil that this disorder had on her instigated my interest in the psychology of eating disorders and led me to countless questions that began with why? . Although this was in keeping with my inquisitive nature, this time my questions evoked not only a search for answers but a distinctive and enduring academic quest. By the time I was in 6th grade, I had confidently decided I would obtain my PhD in clinical psychology. In an academic light, I sought to cultivate a professional comprehension of eating disorders and dissect their intricate nature and the various methods of treatment. My aspiration to pursue an active role in this field is chiefly ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Analysis Of The Movie The Help The Help is a drama set in Jackson, Mississippi during the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960 s. The film focuses on the development of Eugenia Skeeter Phelan, a young, aspiring Anglo American author trying to find her way in the world of writing. After becoming closer acquainted with Aibileen, an African American maid employed by her peer Elizabeth Leefolt, Skeeter becomes more aware of the racist attitudes that white Americans in her community have towards black Americans. After successfully interviewing Minny, Aibileen s best friend and fellow maid, Skeeter interviews the maids of multiple households and collects their stories and experiences of their lives. This leads Skeeter on a risky path towards bringing awareness to black ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Mammy is a stereotypical black motherly figure that has cast African American actors as either slaves or domestic help in the film industry since its inception. For example in the classic 1939 film Gone with the Wind adapted from Margaret Mitchell s 1936 novel set during the American Civil war in 1861, the character named Mammy is played by African American actress Hattie McDaniel. In this role Mammy is portrayed as an overweight, elderly, black servant. She is beyond the years of childbearing but who is devoted to the white O Hara family she is assigned to nurture. In the book she is described as, a huge old woman with the small, shrewd eyes of an elephant. She was shining black, pure African, devoted to her last drop of blood to the O Haras... (Mitchell, 1936) . Since this depiction a Mammy has become an archetypal figure that began with slavery but continued to be depicted by white Americans as classic domesticated help. Like McDaniel s character these women are most often characterised as portly with large breasts (Gray, 2004) devoid of any sexual identity. In The Help the appearance of the African American maids, particularly the main character, Aibileen, is reminiscent of the Mammy figure. Aibileen is not portrayed as overweight as Hattie McDaniel s character, but she is noticeably larger than all of the white characters in the film. Aibileen also has very dark skin which separates her from her white counterparts. In the novel Aibileen compares ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Reflective Essay On Student Affairs This was my first student affairs conference. I have attended different conferences during my undergraduate years but never for student affairs. I am happy that I did attend because I was got to meet different individuals that have been on the feel for many years. Having this as an assignment motivated me more to go. I know that for the following year I will attend even if is not an assignment. I enjoyed the keynote speaker Dr. Vincent Vigil. His story was something I can relate while growing up in that type of environments. Dr. Vigil message was inspiring to many of us and it shows how many of us do not plan to be in student affairs but somehow we end up in this field. When Dr. Vigil said his story, it reminded how I ended up in student affairs. It was a very similar story, I had my mentor asked me if that is something I would consider. My mentor was who opened many doors and my passion for student affairs. His passion for helping students was what inspired me to be like that and follow his footsteps. At the conference, I meet many professionals that have been in the field for a long time and that just started. I felt a little intimidated because I just started and it was my first conference. After the keynote speaker, I decided to attend the workshop of Academic Advising and Counseling . I decided on this workshop because I want to become a counselor and I already work at a community college. This workshop was structure to help student affairs professionals identify ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. The Hobbit Movie Essay During the winter vacation, I watched a movie, which is quiet impressed me. It is called The Hobbit. It tells an exciting story.It also teach me something when I watch it.The movie really give me a shock. In my opinion. The Hobbit is the best movie I have seen. Its world background is very palatial. It tells a story that happen in a land , which is named Middle Earth. For example, there are different races in this world,such as human,dwarf, eidolon , Orcs and dragon. Human is a normal character in many movies, they are usually in weak position but they are goodness and hard working. Dwarf is a very belligerent race, they govern the world and their king like golden in crazy. Eidolon is a race, which like peace, they do not like war. So they ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Just like Bilbo, he is shorter and weaker ,maybe he is little timid,but when his companion in danger, he always can throw himself into breach. This is brave. Timid do not present you don t have brave. On the contrary, when your friends are in danger ,you help them without any delay,you are brave. When we are facing dangerous, maybe one person power is small,but if we are united and together work out the dangerous,the power is stronger. Any difficulty can not stop our forward steps. So, like dwarfs ,when one of them was fund by orcs, he was in weak position and then he was grasped.However, while his companion came to save him, they unite together and beat the orcs. This movie also teach me that we shouf not be consumed by desire. Thorin was consumed by desire,so he gradually become different from before, he did not trust anyone anymore.At the end,he came to his sense.So when we are facing the temptation of desire, we should firm our own will and resist the desire. The Hobbit is the best movie I have seen, I am shocked by its palatial world background. With the story begin, I see some excited plots, its ups and downs of plots make everyone feel surprised. Last but not least ,we can learn something from the movie, such as ,brave,united and do not be consumed by ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Stoetson Case Study Policy Recommendations for Stetson University There are currently no demonstration policies in place, which make students who protest vulnerable to violations. In the Stetson Code of Community Standards, disorderly conduct is defined as any behavior which disrupts the orderly conduct, processes, and functions of the university, or infringes on the rights of others normal activities and any act that aids, abets, or procures another person to breach the peace of the University premise or at a University sponsored event. I would like to see a clause added that protects demonstrators on campus from this disorderly conduct clause. Stetson University has no designated free speech spaces/areas that students can utilize to engage in protest ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... So, students may not be aware of what they can distribute on campus and what they cannot. I believe Georgetown University literature policy serves as a notable example of a literature clause that would be beneficial at Stetson University. They state that, Handbills, pamphlets, flyers and quarter sheets may be distributed to any location on campus except classrooms or offices in use. When handbill distribution is associated with a particular event, whether indoor or outdoor, the location of indoor handbill distribution may be restricted on occasion to preserve safety and security at events and convocation, but distribution in these cases may not be wholly prevented or unnecessarily restricted. This policy and information is designed to assist individuals and groups in the Georgetown University community in effectively sharing information with the rest of campus in respectful and creative ways. (Georgetown.edu). Stetson University also lack Political Activity policies. Our school does not explicitly state in our code of community standards what we are politically allowed to. I provided the link to one that I think is a good example of this, but it is too long for me to just copy and paste. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Repercussions In Macbeth Throughout history, many have pursued to gain world power. The age of imperialism, Hitler s desire for his nazi party to control the world, Napoleon s attempt for France to control Europe, and many others. Many have pursued to gain power, but ultimately failed from repercussions created in the pursuit. In the Elizabethan era tragedy, Macbeth, William Shakespeare reveals through the motif of blood to represent the harmful repercussions of the pursuit of power. Shakespeare warns The pursuit of power has harmful repercussions. During Shakespeare s time people thought thin blood implies good health while thick blood implies the result of poison. Lady Macbeth in planning for Duncan s murder states, Make thick my blood; Stop up the access and passage to remorse (Shakespeare I.v. 43 44). Lady Macbeth desires to thicken her blood to make planning murder easier by removing her remorse. The result of thicker blood is poisoning: Lady Macbeth invokes the spirits of murder to poison herself to aid in Macbeth s pursuit of power. As a result of pursuing power, one can throw away part of himself to more easily commit vile acts. transition Shakespeare demonstrates throwing away a part of oneself with Lady Macbeth desiring to poison herself to remove her remorse. Furthermore, repercussions for the pursuit of power also come from others. After the events of the banquet and Macbeth s sighting of Banquo s ghost Macbeth states, It will have blood; they say, blood will have blood. Stones have been known to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One cannot pursue power without expecting repercussions. In Macbeth, Shakespeare uses blood to reveal to the audience the harm done in pursuing power, and the ultimate downfall of the pursuer and those involved with him. By pursuitment power one sacrifices parts of himself and faces repercussions. So one must beware of the rash pursuit of power, lest he falls in the same way as those in the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...