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MAY 1, 2013
Parents, Children, Libraries,
and Reading
Parents of minor children have a special relationship with libraries. Most believe
libraries are very important for their children and provide extra resources that are not
available at home. Parents are also more likely than other adults to use libraries for
services ranging from book borrowing to accessing the internet to attending classes
and events – and mothers are considerably more engaged with libraries than fathers.
Carolyn Miller
Research Consultant, Pew Internet Project
Kathryn Zickuhr
Research Analyst, Pew Internet Project
Lee Rainie
Director, Pew Internet Project
Kristen Purcell
Associate Director for Research, Pew
Internet Project
Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project
1615 L St., N.W., Suite 700
Washington, D.C. 20036
Media Inquiries:


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Summary of Findings
The vast majority of parents of minor children — children younger than 18 — feel libraries are very
important for their children. That attachment carries over into parents’ own higher-than-average use of
a wide range of library services.1
The ties between parents and libraries start with the importance parents attach to the role of reading in
their children’s lives. Half of parents of children under age 12 (50%) read to their child every day and an
additional 26% do so a few times a week. Those with children under age 6 are especially keen on daily
reading with their child: 58% of these parents read with their child every day and another 26% read
multiple times a week with their children.
The importance parents assign to reading and access to knowledge shapes their enthusiasm for libraries
and their programs:
 94% of parents say libraries are important for their children and 79% describe libraries as “very
important.” That is especially true of parents of young children (those under 6), some 84% of
whom describe libraries as very important.
 84% of these parents who say libraries are important say a major reason they want their
children to have access to libraries is that libraries help inculcate their children’s love of reading
and books.
 81% say a major reason libraries are important is that libraries provide their children with
information and resources not available at home.
 71% also say a major reason libraries are important is that libraries are a safe place for children.
Almost every parent (97%) says it is important for libraries to offer programs and classes for children and
Library visits by children
Some 70% of parents report their child visited a public library in the past 12 months and 55% say their
child has his/her own library card. Those children who are library visitors did the following:
 87% visited the library to borrow books.
 55% went to do school work — and 77% of the children ages 12-17 went to the library for this
 46% went to borrow DVDs or CDs.
Throughout this report, the word “parents” refers exclusively to those who currently have a child under age 18.
We use the term “other adults” to refer to those who do not currently have a minor child – even if they do have
children 18 or older. For some questions, a small share of those “other adults” are ages 16 and 17.


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 46% went to attend a library event — and 53% of the children under age 12 went to the library
for this reason.
 37% went to use the internet — and 43% of the children ages 12-17 went to the library for this
 37% went to socialize with their friends.
 32% went to a library-sponsored book club or program.
Parents themselves are considerably more likely than other adults to use
library services
These parental feelings about the importance of libraries for their children are associated with higher
levels of library use by the parents themselves. Indeed, the presence of a child or a grandchild in a family
is the primary reason cited by the 30% of parents who say their patronage of libraries has increased in
the past five years. Compared with other adults who do not have minor children, these parents are
more likely to have visited a library in the past 12 months, have a library card, to have visited a library
website in the past year, and use a mobile device to connect to a library website.
Parents are more likely than other adults to use libraries
The percentage of parents and other adults who do these library activities
Source: Pew Research Center Internet & American Life Project Library Services Survey. October 15-November 10, 2012.
N=2,252 Americans ages 16 and older. Total N for parents=584; other adults=1668. Interviews were conducted in English and
Spanish and on landline and cell phones.
Note: All differences are statistically significant
Once at the library or on the library website, parents are more likely than other adults to do a notable
number of activities, including browse shelves, borrow printed books, attend classes and events for
children, borrow DVDs and CDs, use computers and the internet, and borrow e-books.
32% 30%
22% 23%
Have library
Visit library past
Used library
website ever
Used library
website in last
Increased library
use in past 5
years (among
library users)
Visit library
website via
mobile device
Parents of minor children Other adults


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Among library users, parents are more likely than other adults to do library
The percentage of parents and other adults who used the library in the past 12 months who have done these library
Source: Pew Research Center Internet & American Life Project Library Services Survey. October 15-November 10, 2012.
N=2,252 Americans ages 16 and older. Total N for parents=584; parents ever visited library =501; parents visited library past 12
months =375, Form A=201, Form B=174. Total N for other adultss=1668; ever visited library=1419; visited library past year=863,
Form A=415, Form B=448Interviews were conducted in English and Spanish and on landline and cell phones.
*denotes places where the differences are statistically different
Parents’ ties to libraries are all the more striking because parents are more likely than other adults to
have computers, internet access, smartphones, and tablet computers — tools that might make them
less reliant on libraries because they have access to information and media through other convenient
Parents are more likely to be interested in expanding library services and
adding future tech-related services
Parents’ tighter connections to libraries likely accounts for the fact that they are more aware than other
adults about the array of programs and services their local libraries offer. Some 74% of parents say they
know about “all" or "most" of the services and programs their library offers, compared with 65% of
other adults who feel that way.
And parents are more likely to want libraries to expand their offerings. Compared with other adults,
parents are more likely to say that libraries should definitely offer more comfortable spaces (65% vs.
56%). This attitude might stem from the fact that parents visit the library more. Parents are also more
likely than other adults to think libraries should definitely offer a broader selection of e-books (62% vs.
49%) and definitely offer more interactive learning experiences (54% vs. 43%). Interestingly, other
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Borrow e-book
Use computer/internet
Borrow DVD/CD/videotape
Attend class or event for children
Borrow print books
Browse shelves
Other adults Parents of minor children


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adults are just as supportive as parents of library services for school children and these activities are
supported by eight in 10 or more of both groups.
Parents express more interest than other adults in an array of tech-oriented services that are being
discussed and implemented among some American libraries, including online reference services, cell
phone apps to connect to library materials, tech “petting zoos” that would allow people to try out new
gadgets, and library kiosks or “Redbox”-type offerings in the community to check out books and movies.
Parents are more likely than other adults to say they would use new
library offerings
The percentage of parents and other adults who say they would be "very likely" or "somewhat likely" to use
each service
Source: Pew Research Center Internet & American Life Project Library Services Survey. October 15-November 10, 2012.
N=2,252 Americans ages 16 and older. Total N for parents=584; other adults=1668. N for Form A: parents=302; other
adults=817. N for Form B: parents=282; other adults=851. Interviews were conducted in English and Spanish and on
landline and cell phones.
*denotes places where differences are statistically different
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Instruction on how to use e-book reading devices
Digital media lab to create/upload new content like
movies or e-books
E-book readers already loaded with books you want to
Classes on how to download library e-books
Personalized accounts that give book
Library kiosks in community to check out books,
Cell GPS app that helps locate material inside library
Program to try out new tech devices/apps
Cell app to use/view library services
An online research service ("ask a librarian")
Parents Other adults


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Mothers stand out when it comes to reading and libraries
More than fathers, mothers in many respects are attached to their libraries, feel they are important for
their children and their communities, and are eager to see libraries expand and add new tech-related
 Reading habits: Mothers are more likely than fathers to read to their children every day (55% vs.
Overall, mothers read books somewhat more often than fathers. In the past 12 months,
mothers read an average of 14 books (mean), compared with 10 for fathers. Book-reading
mothers are more likely than fathers to have read a printed book in the past year (90% vs. 82%).
Mothers are also more likely than fathers to feel it is very important for their children to read
printed books in addition to digital content (86% vs. 74%).
 Family use of library services and activities: Mothers are more likely than fathers to report that
their children have visited the library in the past year (74% vs. 64%).
When it comes to parents’ use of libraries, mothers are notably more engaged than fathers.
They are more likely than fathers to have a library card, to have visited a library in the last 12
months, to have visited a library website in the past year, and to have visited a library website
via mobile device.
At the library, mothers are more likely than fathers to have used the computers and internet
access at the library and to use those computers to take an online class or certification course
(26% vs. 7%). Mothers are also more likely than fathers to have gotten help from librarians in
using computers and the internet at the library (46% vs. 30%).


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Mothers are more likely than fathers to engage with libraries
The percentage of parents who do these activities
Source: Pew Research Center Internet & American Life Project Library Services Survey. October 15-November 10, 2012.
N=2,252 Americans ages 16 and older. Total N for mothers of minors=321; for fathers of minors=263. Interviews were
conducted in English and Spanish and on landline and cell phones.
*denotes places where the differences are statistically different
Among library users, mothers visit more frequently than fathers: 21% of library-using mothers
visit the library weekly, compared with 10% of library-using fathers who visit that frequently.
 Importance of libraries: Mothers are more likely than fathers to say libraries are important to
their communities (94% vs. 87%). And they are more likely than fathers to say libraries are
important to them and their families (87% vs. 80%).
When it comes to their own children, mothers are more likely than fathers to say a major reason
why libraries are important is because libraries help children develop a love of reading and
books (90% vs. 77%). Mothers also are more likely to believe libraries offer their children access
to information and resources they can’t get at home or school (86% vs. 75%).
 Importance of library services: Mothers are more likely than fathers to say it is very important
for libraries to offer quiet spaces for adults and children (85% vs. 69%). They are also more likely
to say it is very important for libraries to offer job, employment, and career resources (74% vs.
61%), for libraries to offer free cultural events and classes (74% vs. 60%) and libraries to offer
free public meeting spaces (55% vs. 36%).
Mothers say they are better informed than fathers about what their local library offers: 32% of mothers
say they are know all or most of the services and programs the library offers, compared with 21% of
Have library card Visit library in last
Visit library website
Visit library website
(last year)
Visit libray website
via mobile device
(among library users)
Mothers Fathers


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Lower income parents are more likely to view library services as very
When it comes to newer services that libraries might create, parents living in households earning less
than $50,000 are more likely than parents in higher income households to say they would be “very
likely” to take advantage of:
 classes on how to download library e-books (44% vs. 29%)
 e-readers already loaded with library content (40% vs. 22%)
 digital media lab (40% vs. 28%)
 classes on how to use e-readers (34% vs. 16%)


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Lower income parents are more likely to view various library services as “very
Among all parents, the percentage of those living in households with income less than $50,000 and those with
$50,000 or more who say it is “very important” for libraries to offer these services
Source: Pew Research Center Internet & American Life Project Library Services Survey. October 15-November 10, 2012. Total N
for parents = 584. Total N for parents with income under $50,000 =273; total N for parents with income of $50,000 or
more=266. Form A parents total n=302; parents with income under $50,000=140; parents with income $50,000+=136. Total
Form B parents = 282; Form B under $50,000=133; Form B $50,000+=130. Interviews were conducted in English and Spanish
and on landline and cell phones.
*denotes places where the differences are statistically different
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Free meeting spaces
Free events/activities
Jobs/career resources
Research resources
Programs/classes for kids
Quiet study spaces
Free access to computers/ internet
Borrowing books
Librarians to help people
Less than $50K $50k or more


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About this Research
This report explores the relationship that parents of minor children have with public libraries. In some
ways, parents of minor children are similar to other Americans who do not currently have minor
children (“other adults” as we refer to them throughout this report) in how they view and use the
library. But there are key differences that will be highlighted and explored in this report.
This report is part of a broader effort by the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project that
is exploring the role libraries play in people’s lives and in their communities. The research is
underwritten by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
This report contains findings from a survey of 2,252 Americans ages 16 and above between October 15
and November 10, 2012. The surveys were administered half on landline phones and half on cellphones
and were conducted in English and Spanish. The margin of error for the full survey is plus or minus 2.3
percentage points. The survey includes 584 interviews with parents of children under 18 years of age.
The margin of error for the sample of parents is plus or minus 4.5 percentage points.
There were several long lists of activities and services in the phone survey. To minimize the burden on
those taking the survey, we asked half the respondents about one set of activities and the other half of
the respondents were asked about a different set of activities. These findings are representative of the
population ages 16 and above, but it is important to note that the margin of error is larger when only a
portion of respondents is asked a question.
There are also findings in this report that come from a survey of a non-scientific sample of librarians who
volunteered to participate in Pew Internet surveys. Some 2,067 library staff members participated in the
online survey between December 17 and December 27, 2012. No statistical results from that canvassing
are reported here because it is based on non-probability samples of patrons and librarians intended to
provide open-ended comments and other qualitative information. We highlight librarians’ written
answers to open-ended questions that illustrate how they are thinking about and implementing new
library services.
In addition, we quote librarians and library patrons who participated in focus groups in-person and
online that were devoted to discussions about library services and the future of libraries. One set of in-
person focus groups was conducted in Chicago on September 19-20. Other focus groups were
conducted in Denver on October 3-4 and in Charlotte, N.C. on December 11-12.


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About Pew Internet
The Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project is an initiative of the Pew Research Center,
a nonprofit “fact tank” that provides information on the issues, attitudes, and trends shaping America
and the world. The Pew Internet Project explores the impact of the internet on children, families,
communities, the work place, schools, health care and civic/political life. The Project is nonpartisan and
takes no position on policy issues. Support for the Project is provided by The Pew Charitable Trusts.
More information is available at http://libraries.pewinternet.org/.
Advisors for this research
A number of experts have helped Pew Internet in this research effort:
Daphna Blatt, Office of Strategic Planning, The New York Public Library
Richard Chabran, Adjunct Professor, University of Arizona, e-learning consultant
Larra Clark, American Library Association, Office for Information Technology Policy
Mike Crandall, Professor, Information School, University of Washington
Allison Davis, Senior Vice President, GMMB
Catherine De Rosa, Vice President, OCLC
LaToya Devezin, American Library Association Spectrum Scholar and librarian, Louisiana
Amy Eshelman, Program Leader for Education, Urban Libraries Council
Sarah Houghton, Director, San Rafael Public Library, California
Mimi Ito, Research Director of Digital Media and Learning Hub, University of California Humanities
Research Institute
Patrick Losinski, Chief Executive Officer, Columbus Library, Ohio
Jo McGill, Director, Northern Territory Library, Australia
Michael Kelley, Editor-in-Chief, Library Journal
Dwight McInvaill, Director, Georgetown County Library, South Carolina
Bobbi Newman, Blogger, Librarian By Day
Carlos Manjarrez, Director, Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation, Institute of Museum and Library
Johana Orellana-Cabrera, American Library Association Spectrum Scholar and librarian in TX.
Mayur Patel, Vice President for Strategy and Assessment, John S. and James L. Knight Foundation
Karen Archer Perry, Senior Program Officer, Global Libraries, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Gail Sheldon, Director, Oneonta Public Library (Alabama)
Sharman Smith, Executive Director, Mississippi Library Commission


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Disclaimer from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
This report is based on research funded in part by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The findings and
conclusions contained within are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect positions or policies
of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.


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Part 1: A Profile of Parents
Roughly a quarter (26%) of the sample for the full Library Services Survey is parents of minor children,
and this report examines their particularly strong attachments to libraries.
Parents are demographically different from the other adults in our sample — and in the wider
population. So, the results presented in the remainder of this report should be interpreted in the
context of who these parents are.2
This first section will examine the sample of parents analyzed for this report and compare them to
national parameters for parents and to the sample of other adults from the survey.
Our parent sample is composed of slightly more mothers than fathers (54% vs. 46%) and it is relatively
young (54% under 40 years old) and well-educated (31% some college, 31% four year college or more).
While predominantly white (61%), 17% of the sample of parents is Hispanic and 13% African-American.
More than half are employed full-time (58%) and an additional 15% are employed part-time or self-
employed. Three quarters (73%) are married or living with a partner and 85% report two or more adults
in the household. Half (53%) live in the suburbs, a third (32%) in urban areas and 15% are in rural areas.
These parents have young children; 55% have a youngest child who is 5 years old or younger, 22% have
a youngest child 6 -11 years old, and 23% have a youngest child 12-17 years old. Three quarters (77%)
of the sample have at least one child under 12, 23% have only older children 12-17.
Our sample of parents closely mirrors the national population of parents of minor children as measured
by the Census Bureau's 2011 Annual Social and Economic Supplement. The table below shows the
comparison of our sample of parents to these national parameters on some key demographic variables.
Our sample slightly over-represents parents of younger children — 52% of our sample is a parent of at
least one child 5 or younger, compared with 46% of the full U.S. population of parents. This should be
kept in mind when interpreting findings. There are substantive differences between parents of younger
children and parents of older children on questions related to reading, library use, and perceptions of
These “other adults” as we refer to them throughout the report, are adults 16 or older who do not currently have
any children 17 or younger.


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Demographic profile of sample of parents vs.
national parameters
The percentage of parents from our survey in each demographic category
compared to national parameters for parents of children under 18
2011 US
Census Bureau
(n) (584)
Number of adults in the HH
Single adult HH 14% 15%
2+ adults in HH 85 85
White, Non-Hispanic 61 59
Black, Non-Hispanic 13 13
Hispanic 17 20
Other, non-Hispanic 7 8
Under 40 54 58
40 and older 46 42
Age of children+
1+ child 5 or young 52 46
1+ child 6 – 11 44 48
1+ child 12 – 17 48 49
Education attainment
No high school diploma 10 12
High school grad 28 23
Some College 31 34
College + 31 31
Source: Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Library Services Survey of
2,252 people age 16 and older conducted October 15-November 10, 2012. The
survey was conducted in English and Spanish and on landline and cell phones.
Source for National Parameters: 2011 US Census Bureau's 2011 Annual
Social and Economic Supplement (ASES), including all household in United
Comparing the demographic profile of parents of children under 18 to other adults (adults with no
children currently under age 18) in our sample reveals some important differences that may, in part,
explain differences between the two groups in their reading habits, and relationship with libraries.
Compared with other adults, parents are more likely to be in their 30s and 40s and live in the suburbs.
They are also more likely to be married, somewhat more educated, employed full time and Hispanic.


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Demographic profile of parents and other adults
Among all Americans ages 16+, the percentage of parents and other adults in
each demographic category
Parents Other adults
(n) (584) (1668)
Men (n=1,059) 46% 50%
Women (n=1,193) 54 50
White, Non-Hispanic (n=1,572) 61 69
Black, Non-Hispanic (n=243) 13 11
Hispanic (n=277) 17
Other, non-Hispanic (n=127) 7 6
16-17 (n=101) - 8
18-29 (n=369) 19 20
30-49 (n=586) 65
50-64 (n=628) 13 32
65+ (n=531) 2 23
Household income
Less than $30,000/yr (n=629) 31 32
$30,000-$49,999 (n=363) 20
$50,000-$74,999 (n=314) 14 13
$75,000+ (n=567) 28
Don't know/refused (n=379)) 7 19*
Education attainment
No high school diploma (n=254) 10 19
High school grad (n=610) 28 30
Some College (n=562) 31
College + (n=812) 31 26
Employment status
Employed full-time (n=954) 58* 36
Employed part-time/self-employed (n=263) 15 15
Not employed (n=368) 20 18
Retired (n=578) 4 26
Student/disabled (n=74) 2 5
Marital status
Married/living with partner (n=1,205) 73
Widowed/divorced/separated (n=479) 14 20
Single never married (n=548) 12 33


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Number of adults in HH
Single adult HH (n=524) 14 22
2 or more adults in household (n=1,715) 85
Urban (n=721) 32 34
Suburban (n=1,090) 53
Rural (n=440) 15 19
Source: Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Library Services Survey
of 2,252 people age 16 and older conducted October 15-November 10, 2012.
The survey was conducted in English and Spanish and on landline and cell
Note: * indicates a statistically significant difference between that item and the
column next to it.


pewinternet.org 17
Sometimes there are differences in parents’ responses to our questions that are associated with the age
of their children. Of course, many families have several children with different ages. We report on a few
different categories of the age of children throughout this report. For instance, for some questions, we
examine parents who have at least one teenager (46% of the sample) and compare them to parents
with no teenagers (54% of the parent sample). For other questions we focus on parents with any
children under 5 years (55%) and compare them to parents with no young children (45%).


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Part 2: Parents and Reading
Parents of minor children do not necessarily read more than adults who do not currently have minor
children ("other adults"), but they are heavier consumers of audio books and e-books. Sixteen percent
of parents have read more than 20 books in the past year and an additional 13% have read 11-20 books
while two in ten parents (22%) report no reading in the past 12 months. Parents who read books, read
an average (mean) of 16 books per year and a median (mid-point) of 8 books per year.
Among parents, fathers are less likely than mothers to have read a book in the past year. About three in
ten (29%) fathers say they have not read any books in the past year, compared with 16% of mothers
who are not readers. However, among those who do read, mothers and fathers read about the same
number of books per year; an average of 14 books per year for fathers and an average of 17 per year for
Parents who live in households earning less than $50,000 in annual income are less likely to be readers
than those with higher income; 27% in that income bracket have not read any books in the past year,
compared with 16% of higher income parents. A similar pattern is seen with college education; 38% of
those with no college education are non-readers, compared with 12% of those with at least some
college education. However, among readers, there is no significant difference in the average number of
books read in the past year for parents with different levels of income (16 vs. 15) or education (17 vs.
Reading frequency for parents and other adults
Other adults
(n=584) (n=1668)
% of parents and other adults who read this
number of books in past 12 months
None 22% 24%
One book 7 7
2 - 3 books 12 15
4 - 5 books 11 12
6 - 10 books 17 14
11 - 20 books 13 13
More than 20 books 16 13
Don't know/refused 1 2
Source: Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Library Services Survey of 2,252
people age 16 and older conducted October 15-November 10, 2012. The survey was conducted
in English and Spanish and on landline and cell phones.
Differences between parents of minor children and other adults (those with children 18 or older or with
no children) emerge when looking at the type of reading that is done. Other adults are more likely than
parents to read print books (91% vs. 86%) - due in large part to age and educational differences between


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the two — but parents who are book readers consume a greater variety of book formats than other
adults. Roughly four in ten (38%) parents have read an e-book and a quarter (24%) have listened to an
audio book in the past year, compared with 27% and 14% of other adults, respectively. Among parents,
those with children under 12 are more likely than those with only 12-17 year-olds to have listened to an
audio book in the past 12 months (26% vs. 17%). Other than this difference, reports of listening to audio
books or reading e-books are similar across all types of parents.
Type of books read in past 12 months differs for parents and other adults
% of parent and non-parent readers who have read each type of book in the past 12 months
Source: Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Library Services Survey of 2,252 people age 16 and older
conducted October 15-November 10, 2012. The survey was conducted in English and Spanish and on landline and cell
phones. Total N for parents who have read any books in past 12 months = 454; N for non-parent readers = 1300
*denotes places where the differences are statistically different
Printed books Audiobooks Electronic books
Parents Other adults


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Part 3: Parents and Reading to Children
Parents read to their children regularly and the parents of younger children read more often to their
children than the parents of older children. Half of all parents with children under 12 (50%) say they
read to their child every day and an additional 26% do so a few times a week. About one in ten read to
their child about once a week, 6% a few times a month and 9% less often or never.
Parents whose youngest child is 0 to 5 years old are more likely than those whose youngest is 6 to 11
years old to read to their child every day (58% vs. 31%). Parents whose youngest child is 6 to 11 years
old are more likely than those with younger children to say they read to their child about once a week
(16% vs. 6%) or a few times a month (12% vs. 3%). Interestingly, parents who have both young children
and teenagers are less likely to read to their young children every day than parents who only have
children under 12 (29% vs. 60%) — data not shown in the table below.
How often parents read to children, by age of youngest child
All Parents
with child
under 12
Youngest child
is 0-5 year old
Youngest child
is 6-11 year old
(n) (n=434) (n=303) (n=131)
% of parents with at least one child
under 12 who read this frequently
to their child
Everyday 50 58
A few times a week 26 26 25
About once a week 9 6 16*
A few times a month 6 3 12*
Less often 7 5 11
Never (volunteered) 2 1 4
Don't know/refused 0 0 1
Source: Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Library Services Survey of 2,252 people age 16
and older conducted October 15-November 10, 2012. The survey was conducted in English and Spanish
and on landline and cell phones. Total N for parents with children under 12 = 434; N for parents with
youngest child age 0-5 = 303; N for parents with youngest child age 6-11 = 131.
Note: * indicates a statistically significant difference between that item and the column next to it.


pewinternet.org 21
Mothers are more likely than fathers to read to their child every day (55% vs. 45%) as are parents under
40 (55% vs. 43%), those with income over $50,000 (60% vs. 42%) and those with at least some college
education (59% vs. 36%).
Characteristics of parents who read to their child every day
Among parents with at least one child under 12 years of age, the percentage who read to
their child/children ever day
% who read to child every
Parents with child/children under 12 (434)
a Men (n=204) 45%
b Women (n=230) 55
Age of Children
a Have children under 12 AND 12-17 (n=140) 29
b Only children under 12 years (n=294) 60
Parent Age
a Under 40 (n=265) 55
b 40 or Older (n=164) 43
Parent Household income
a Less than $50,000/yr (n=212 42
b $50,000 + (n=190) 60
Parent Education attainment
a No College (n=144) 36
b Some College + (n=288) 59
Source: Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Library Services Survey of 2,252 people
age 16 and older conducted October 15-November 10, 2012. Total N for parents of children under
18 = 584The survey was conducted in English and Spanish and on landline and cell phones.
Note: Columns marked with a superscript letter (
) or another letter indicate a statistically
significant difference between that row and the row designated by that superscript letter.
Statistical significance is determined inside the specific section covering each demographic trait.


pewinternet.org 22
The frequency with which parents read to children may reflect the value they place on encouraging their
children to read, and read print books in particular. More than nine in ten parents of minor children say
it is important to them that their children read print books. Eighty-one percent say it is very important,
and an additional 13% say it is somewhat important. The importance of children reading print books is
high among parents of all minor children, regardless of the age of the child. Mothers are more likely
than fathers to say that reading print books is very important for children (86% vs. 74%).
Parents say reading print books is very
important for their children
% of parents who say having their child read print books is ...
Source: Pew Research Center Internet & American Life Project Library Services
Survey. October 15-November 10, 2012. N=2,252 Americans ages 16 and older.
Total N for parents of children under 18 = 584. Interviews were conducted in
English and Spanish and on landline and cell phones.
In our focus groups, one father said he valued reading print books because they helped model reading
habits for his children:
“I'm reading like a book [on a tablet] and my children don’t know if I'm reading a book or if I’m
playing on Twitter, so I think it’s important to have the book so that they go, ‘Oh Dad’s reading’ .
. . not just, ‘Oh he’s updating his Facebook page.’ I think there is like a difference in that.”
Other focus group members voiced similar sentiments, saying they valued the physicality and the
relative permanence of printed books because they can be passed down “from generation to
generation.” One participant said while e-books have some advantages — for instance, they are more
convenient to carry when traveling — “I like those books in my hands sometimes.”
Not too
at all, 3%


pewinternet.org 23
Part 4: Parents and Libraries
Parents think libraries are important for themselves and for their community and they visit their local
public library more than other adults.
How important libraries are to individuals and their communities
In our survey, we asked people about their general library patronage — if they had experiences with
libraries in childhood, how often they visit libraries or library websites, and what sort of experiences
they have had in these visits. We also asked people how important libraries are, not only to them and
their family, but also to their community as a whole.
How important libraries are to parents
Parents value libraries for themselves and their families, and for their communities. More than half
(54%) of parents say the public library is very important for themselves and their family and 30% say
libraries are somewhat important. Overall, parents of children under 18 are more likely than other
adults to say the library is very important for them and their family (54% vs. 42%) and, among parents,
mothers are more likely than fathers to say libraries are either very or somewhat important (87% vs.
As important as parents think libraries are for themselves and their families, they view public libraries as
even more important for their communities. Two thirds (66%) of parents consider the library very
important for the community and 25% say it is somewhat important. Parents and other adults do not
differ when it comes to the importance of the library for the community. Among parents, mothers are
more likely than fathers to say libraries are either very or somewhat important for the community (94%
vs. 87%).


pewinternet.org 24
How important are libraries?
Among all Americans 16+, the percentage of parents and other adults who say libraries are “very
important,” “somewhat important,” “not too important,” or “not important at all” to them and their
families, and to their community as a whole
Source: Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Library Services Survey of 2,252 people age 16 and older
conducted October 15-November 10, 2012. The survey was conducted in English and Spanish and on landline and cell
phones. Total N for parents = 584; total N for other adults = 1668
*denotes places where the differences are statistically different
Library patronage questions show that more than eight in ten American adults have ever visited a library
and roughly half have been to a public library in the past 12 months. While there is no difference
between parents and other adults when it comes to having ever visited a library in person (85% and 84%
report they have, respectively), parents of children under 18 are more likely to have visited a library in
person in the past 12 months (64% vs. 49%), to have ever visited a library website (46% vs. 36%), and to
have visited a library website in the past 12 months (32% vs. 22%).
For the purposes of this survey, we define 'recent library users' as anyone who has visited a public
library in person in the past 12 months, gone on a public library website in the past 12 months, or used a
cell phone, e-reader or tablet to visit a public library website or access public library resources in the
past 12 months. Parents are more likely than other adults to be recent library users (71% vs. 54%).
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Other adults
Your community as a whole
Other adults
You and your family
Very important Somewhat important Not too important Not important at all


pewinternet.org 25
Library use among parents and other adults
Among all Americans ages 16+, the total percentage of parents and other adults
who report each type of library patronage
Parents Other adults
Total (584) (1668)
Ever visited library, bookmobile,
Library or bookmobile in person
Library website
85 84
Visited or used website in the past
12 months
Visited library in person
Used library website
Recent library user
Recent library user 71
Source: Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Library Services Survey of 2,252
people age 16 and older conducted October 15-November 10, 2012. The survey was
conducted in English and Spanish and on landline and cell phones.
Note: * indicates a statistically significant difference between that item and the column
next to it.
Some other differences among parents:
Parents with higher income and education are more likely to have ever visited a library or bookmobile in
person. Recent visits to the library are also more common among mothers and those with some college
education. Mothers are more likely than fathers to be a recent library user and so are those with at least
some college education.
 Visiting a library website is more common among mothers, those with an annual household
income of $50,000 or more, and those with at least some college education.
 Use of a library website in the past year is also more common among mothers, those with an
income of $50,000 or more, and those with some college education.


pewinternet.org 26
Characteristics of parents by library patronage
Among all parents, the percentage who have ever visited a library in person, have visited in the past 12 months, are
recent library users*
% who have EVER visited
a library in person
% who have visited
library in person in past
12 months
% who are 'recent library
All Parents 85% 64% 71%
a Men (n=263) 81 54 59
b Women (n=321) 87 72
Age of Youngest Child
a 5 Years or Younger (n=303) 84 63 71
b 6 to 11 Years (n=131) 86 68 71
c 12 to 17 years (n=150) 85 62 70
Any child under 12
Any Child Under 12 years
84 65 71
b No Child Under 12 (n=150) 85 62 70
Any child 12 - 17
Any Child 12-17 years
84 63 70
No Child 12-17 years
85 65 71
Parent Age
a Under 40 (n=282) 85 64 71
b 40 or Older (n=293) 84 64 71
Parent Household income
Less than $50,000/yr
81 65 70
b $50,000 + (n=266) 90
66 74
Parent Education attainment
a No College (n=193) 77 58 63
b Some College + (n=386) 89
* A ‘recent library users' is anyone who has visited a public library in person in the past 12 months, gone on a public library
website in the past 12 months, or used a cell phone, e-reader or tablet to visit a public library website or access public library
resources in the past 12 months.
Source: Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Library Services Survey of 2,252 people age 16 and older conducted
October 15-November 10, 2012. The total N for parents = 584. The survey was conducted in English and Spanish and on landline
and cell phones.
Note: Columns marked with a superscript letter (
) or another letter indicate a statistically significant difference between that
row and the row designated by that superscript letter. Statistical significance is determined inside the specific section covering
each demographic trait.


pewinternet.org 27
Recollection of library use by family members and experiences at libraries
Eight in ten parents (80%) have memories from childhood of family members using the library - slightly
more than other adults (76%). Among parents, those with higher income and education are more likely
to have childhood memories of library use. Parents with annual incomes of $50,000 or more are more
likely than other parents to have childhood memories of library visits (85% vs. 75%) as are those with at
least some college education when compared with parents who have not been to college (86% vs. 70%).
Many of the parents in our in-person focus groups said that they were introduced to libraries by their
parents or by their schools. In general, they said they had very positive memories of their early library
“My parents were real big on [the library]. It was a treat for us, twice a week after church . . .
You behave, you [get] to go to the library and get a book, get two books if you’re real good, read
them that week and bring them back. So I think a lot of children these days lack that same
experience [that] we felt associated to it, being kind of a reward.”
Some said that they weren’t sure their children would have the same sort of memories:
Respondent: “[The library] always had like a children section. You have the children section and
you have the adult section and then if you start laughing too loud like in your children section,
there’s always that librarian that’d come around the corner like it’s too loud and I know your
mother or whatever so yes, I mean it would just - that’s was just like where you sit in that little
table when you’re passing those things.”
Respondent: “[We had] tiny libraries at the church and . . . it was like a [place to] socialize. A lot
of times those children are telling you [about] other things that you’re going to enjoy at the
library, [things that] they’re just doing. It’s just like networking and talking to the other friends.”
Moderator: “Do you think it’s the same for children today?”
Respondent: “No.”
Respondent: “No, they’re in front of a computer. Nobody talks to nobody it seems.”
Moderator: “Even at the library, they’re doing the same stuff.”
Respondent: “Yes.”
Not all the parents in our focus groups had experiences with libraries growing up, although some of
them began using libraries later in life:
“[G]rowing up, the library was intimidating to me actually because I wasn’t [a big] reader. On
top of that . . . the first 20 years of your career you’re working your butt off. You don’t have time
for anything. You’re raising children just like today. I delegated that part of it to my wife to let
her take the children to the library and she did. She took them and they were always into it.”


pewinternet.org 28
Generally, the overall perception of library experience is positive for almost all Americans and does not
differ between parents and other adults. Roughly six in ten parents and other adults rate their overall
library experience as very positive and an additional four in ten in each group describe it as mostly
Overall library experiences are positive for almost all Americans
% of parents and other adults who rate their overall library experience as …
Source: The Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project Library Services Survey. October 15-November 10, 2012.
N for parents who have ever visited a library = 520; N for other adults who have ever visited a library =1461. Interviews were
conducted in English and Spanish and on landline and cell phones.
Parents are more likely than other adults to have a library card and are more likely to say their use of
the library has increased over the past five years, possibly because they became parents during this time
or their children grew to an age that encouraged library visits.
Nearly three quarters (73%) of parents of children under 18 have a library card, compared with 59% of
adults who do not have children under 18. Among parents, mothers are more likely than fathers to have
a library card (82% vs. 63%) and so are those with at least some college education (79% vs. 64%).
Parents more likely to have a library card
% of parents and other adults who have a library card
Source: The Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project Library Services Survey. October 15-November 10, 2012.
N for parents = 584; N for other adults = 1668. Interviews were conducted in English and Spanish and on landline and cell
*denotes places where the differences are statistically different
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Other adults
Very positive Mostly positive Mostly negative Very negative
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Other adults
Yes No Dk/Ref


pewinternet.org 29
Changes in library use in recent years
The Pew Internet survey asked recent library users about their use of libraries over the last five years.
The results show there is fluidity in library patronage patterns and differences between parents and
other adults:
 30% of parents who are recent library users say their own use of local libraries has increased in
the past five years, compared with 23% of other adults.
 17% of parents and 25% of other adults say their use has decreased.
 52% of both parents and other adults say their use has stayed the same during that time period.
Among parents, those with some college education are more likely to say their use of the library has
increased over the past five years (35% vs. 22%).
Changes in library use
% of parents and other adults who say their library use over the past five years has …
Source: The Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project Library Services Survey. October 15-
November 10, 2012. N for parents who are recent library users = 414; N for other adults who are recent
library users =947. Interviews were conducted in English and Spanish and on landline and cell phones.
The following table shows the reasons parents give when asked why their library use has increased over
recent years. Changes in library usage for parents are driven mostly by children and the internet. The
most common reason parents give for their increased use of the library is to take children,
grandchildren, or other family members (54% with increased library use gave this reason). The most
common reason parents give for a decrease in library use, given by slightly less than half (47%), is use
and convenience of the internet for getting books and doing research.
Parents with younger children (under 12) are more likely than parents of children 12 to 17 to say that
taking children is a reason for their increased use of the library (62% vs. 19%) while parents with only
teenagers are more likely than others to say their increased use is to do research (29% vs. 7%).
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Other adults
Increased Decreased Stayed the same


pewinternet.org 30
The sample size for this open-ended question is small so there are few meaningful differences between
parents and other adults.
The main reasons parents’ library use has
increased in the past five years
Main reasons parents cite why their use increased
30% of parents who are recent library users say their use of libraries
has gone up in the past 5 years. N=130
Enjoy taking their children, grandchildren 54%
Do research and use reference materials 11%
Borrow books more 11%
Student 8%
Use library computers and internet 6%
Library events and activities 6%
Have more time to read now, retired 3%
To save money 3%
Good selection and variety 4%
E-books, audio books, media are available 4%
Convenient 4%
Reading more now 2%
Good library and helpful staff 3%
Use for my job 2%
Source: Pew Research Center Internet & American Life Project Library
Services Survey. October 15-November 10, 2012. N for parents who are
recent library users and say use has increased = 130; N for parents who are
recent library users and say use has decreaed = 70. Interviews were
conducted in English and Spanish and on landline and cell phones.
Parents visit the library fairly frequently and slightly more often than other adults. When they go, they
browse, borrow books or DVDs, or attend classes or events for children or teens. About one in six (16%)
parents go to the library at least once a week or more, a quarter (24%) go several times a month and
another quarter (27%) go at least once a month. One third (32%) of parents visit the library less than
once a month. In comparison, four in ten (41%) other adults visit the library less than once per month.
Among parents, mothers visit the library more often than fathers -21% of mothers go weekly, compared
with 10% of fathers - and 23% of those with income of less than $50,000 go weekly, compared with 9%
of higher income parents.


pewinternet.org 31
Frequency of library visits — parents and other adults
% of parents and other adults who visited the library …
Source: The Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project Library Services Survey. October 15-November 10, 2012.
N for recent library users ages 16+=1,361. Total N for parents who are recent users = 375; other adults n=863. Interviews were
conducted in English and Spanish and on landline and cell phones.
*denotes places where the differences are statistically different
In addition to asking people about their general feelings about libraries and their patterns of patronage,
Pew Internet’s survey explored in depth what people do at libraries. The activities reported below were
asked of the 64% of American parents who say they visited a library or bookmobile in the past 12
Activities at libraries
Here is a rundown of the things parents of children under 18 do at libraries among those who have
visited a library or bookmobile in the past 12 months:
(Table below)
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Other adults
Everyday or almost every day At least once a week Several times a month


pewinternet.org 32
What parents do at libraries
Among parents who have visited a library or bookmobile in the past 12 months, the % who have done
the following activities
Source: Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Library Services Survey of 2,252 people age 16 and
older conducted October 15-November 10, 2012. The survey was conducted in English and Spanish and on
landline and cell phones. Total N for parents who have visited library in the past 12 months = 375. Total N for
parents asked Form A items = 201; total N for parents asked Form B items = 174
Eighty percent of parents have visited the library in the past 12 months to browse the shelves for books
or media (81%) or to borrow a book (81%). Nearly two-thirds (64%) of parents have brought a child to
the library to attend a program or event specifically for children or teens. Other library activities that
were reported by roughly half of parents include research activities (research topic of interest 55% or
use a research database 51%), help from librarians (53%), to sit and read (50%) or to borrow a DVD
(50%). A third visited the library to read newspapers or magazines (30%) and other activities are
reported by two in ten or fewer.
There are some significant differences between parents and other adults and between parents in
different demographic groups. These differences are described below.
Borrow print books
Parents were more likely than other adults to visit a public library to borrow print books (81% vs. 68%).
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Borrow a music CD
Borrow or download an audio book
Attend a class, program, or lecture for adults
Attend a meeting of a group
Read or check out printed magazines or
Borrow a DVD or videotape of a movie or TV show
Use a research database
Sit, read, and study, or watch or listen to media
Get help from a librarian
Research topics of interest
Attend or bring a younger person to a class,
program, or event designed for children or teens
Browse the shelves for books or media
Borrow print books


pewinternet.org 33
Browse the shelves for books or media
Parents are more likely than other adults to visit the library to browse (81% vs. 70%) and among parents,
those with at least some college education were more likely than parents with no college education to
say they visited the library just to browse the shelves (86% vs. 68%).
Attend or bring a younger person to a class, program, or event designed for children or
Roughly two thirds of parents (64%) visited the library to attend a class or event for children as,
compared with about one third (31%) of other adults. Parents with at least one child under 12 are more
likely than parents with no young children to say they visit the library to attend a class or event for
children or teens (69% vs. 47%) as are parents with at least some college (71% vs. 46%).
Research topics that interest them
Lower income parents are more likely than wealthier parents to go to the library to research topics of
interest to them (65% vs. 47%). Parents with a teenager are more likely than parents who do not have
any teenagers to say they visit the library to research a topic of interest to them (64% vs. 46%).
Get help from a librarian
Mothers are more likely than fathers to say they visit the library to get help from a librarian (57% vs.
46%), as are parents who are over 40 (60% vs. 46%) and those with income of less than $50,000 (60% vs.
Sit, read, and study, or watch or listen to media
Those earning less than $50,000 were more likely than other parents to visit a library for this reason
(58% vs. 41%)
Use a research database
Parents earning less than $50,000 a year were more likely than others to visit for this reason (60% vs.
Borrow a DVD or videotape of a movie or TV show
Half (50%) of parents visit the library to borrow a DVD or video tape, compared with about a third (35%)
of other adults. Older parents are more likely than those under 40 to say they visit the visit the library to
borrow a DVD or videotape (60% vs. 43%), as are those with at least some college education (55% vs.
Read or check out printed magazines or newspapers
Parents who earn less than $50,000 a year are more likely than those earning $50,000 or more to say
they visit the library to read or check out print magazines or newspapers (45% vs. 17%).


pewinternet.org 34
How frequently parents receive assistance from library staff
Similar to all adults, parents of minor children seek help from library staff frequently and they find the
library staff to be very helpful.
A third (33%) of parents say they frequently get help from librarian staff and four in ten (40%) say they
sometimes get help. Among parents, those with less than $50,000 income are more likely than those
with income over $50,000 to seek help from library staff frequently or sometimes (78% vs. 67%).
How often people get help from library staff
Among Americans ages 16+, who visited a library in the past 12 months, the percentage who say they receive help
from library staff with the following frequencies
Parents vs. other adults
Source: Pew Research Center Internet & American Life Project Library Services Survey. October 15-November 10, 2012. N for
those ages 16+ who visited library in past 12 months=1,238. N for parents =375. N for other adults = 863. Interviews were
conducted in English and Spanish and on landline and cell phones.
Roughly eight in ten parents (79%) say the library staff are very helpful and an additional 18% say staff is
somewhat helpful.
How helpful was library staff
Among Americans ages 16+, who visited a library in the past 12 months, the percentage who say the staff was
'very', 'somewhat', 'not too' or 'not at all' helpful
Parents vs. other adults
Source: Pew Research Center Internet & American Life Project Library Services Survey. October 15-November 10, 2012. N
for those ages 16+ who visited library in past 12 months=1,238. N for parents =375. N for other adults = 863. Interviews
were conducted in English and Spanish and on landline and cell phones.
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Other adults
Frequently Sometimes Hardly ever Never
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Other adults
Very helpful Somewhat helpful Not too helpful Not at all helpful


pewinternet.org 35
How much people know about what their library offers
In addition to asking people how they use their local public libraries, we also asked them how much they
know about the different services and programs their library offers. In general, parents rate their
knowledge of library services pretty high. About a quarter (27%) of parents say they know all or most of
the services and programs offered by the library and half (47%) say they know some of what their library
has to offer. One quarter (25%) of parents say they don't know much or know nothing of their public
library's offerings. Parents are better informed than other adults about library services, which may be
reflective of their increased usage. One third (34%) of other adults say they don't know much or know
nothing about what their library has to offer (vs. 25% of parents).
How much do you feel like you know about the different services
and programs your public library offers?
How much Americans ages 16+ feel they know about the services offered by their public library
Source: Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Library Services Survey of 2,252 people age 16 and
older conducted October 15-November 10, 2012. The survey was conducted in English and Spanish and on
landline and cell phones. Total N for parents = 584; other adults = 1668.
*denotes places where the differences are statistically different
Among parents, there are demographic groups who appear to be more well-informed about library
offerings than others. Mothers say they are more well-informed than fathers - 32% say they are know
all or most, compared with 21% of fathers - as do lower income parents when compared with those
making $50,000 or more (31% vs. 21%). Parents with no children under 12 are more likely than parents
with a young child to say they know about all or almost all of the services offered by the public library
(36% vs. 24%).
In our focus groups, many parents said that they had very positive feelings about their libraries and
library staff. “In my library the staff is wonderful,” one parent told us. “I love the staff. I love the people
who work at the front. They’re always just so welcoming and they’re very community oriented.”
However, many often wished that they knew more about what was happening at their library—“there’s
so much good stuff going on but no one tells anybody,” one said.
“They do have a thing what’s going on with the children each month. There’s a printout but I
forget to grab those and this is not the way, some of [the activities] need reservations. . . . I
would love to get it through the email, as in getting everything else that way.”
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Other adults
Parents All or most
Not much
Nothing at all


pewinternet.org 36
“One thing I didn’t like at my library, I didn’t notice were - as far as the classes that they have to
offer, I didn’t see like much information or any big boards, “Hey, we have classes coming on this
week or this week” and just I guess the advertisement part of it, I just didn’t notice that. And,
it’s like maybe they would have sent something in the mail or something somewhere. It’s just I
don't know - or even pass it out to the schools in the area.”
Several said they would like their libraries to coordinate with local schools to relay information about
library hours and activities:
“They should give some of this information to the schools around the community - and the
schools, we get folders every week and maybe I don't know put some stuff in there to say, ‘Hey,
this is going on this weekend.’ That’s how our school does it. Maybe go out to schools some
more than just the library itself.”
Some parents said that they learn about library events mostly through word-of-mouth:
Respondent: Like you get to see people who frequent your library. You all become like library
buddies like you know what they thinking because you’re there and interact with your children
and they kind of see you and you see that person maybe on the bus or something like that and
I'm like, “Girl, did you find it out? You heard if they’re doing this or not?”
Respondent: Or a kid tells your kid.
Respondent: Yes, so that’s usually how it gets done.


pewinternet.org 37
How much do parents know about the different services and programs the
public library offers
Among all parents, the percentage within each demographic category who say they know 'all or most', 'some;,
'not much', or 'nothing at all' about the services offered by their public library
Source: Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Library Services Survey of 2,252 people age 16 and older conducted
October 15-November 10, 2012. The survey was conducted in English and Spanish and on landline and cell phones. Total N
for parents = 584.
*denotes places where the differences are statistically different
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
No child <12
At least one child <12
Parent of young child
No Child 12-17
At least one child 12-17
Parent of teenager
Some college+
No college
Educational attainment
Less than $50,000/yr
Parent income
40 or older
Under 40 years
Age of parent
12 to 17 years
6 to 11 years
5 years or younger
Age of youngest child
All parents
All or most Some Not much Nothing at all


pewinternet.org 38
Part 5: Parents, children and libraries
Parents value libraries for their children
The previous section highlights the importance parents place on public libraries for themselves and for
their communities and the fact that parents are more likely than other adults to view libraries as
important. Given those findings, it is not surprising that parents of minor children view public libraries as
very important for their children. Eight in ten (79%) parents say libraries are 'very important' and an
additional 15% of parents say that public libraries are 'somewhat important' for their children.
Importance of libraries to parents
Among parents, percentage who say access to public library is very, somewhat, not too or not at all important
for self and family, community, and children.
Source: Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Library Services Survey of 2,252 people age 16 and older
conducted October 15-November 10, 2012. The survey was conducted in English and Spanish and on landline and cell
phones. Total N for parents=584.
Among parents of children under 18, mothers are more likely than fathers to say that libraries are 'very
important' (85% vs. 73%) and those with income of less than $50,000 are more likely than wealthier
parents to say libraries are 'very important' (86% vs. 73%). Parents of younger children are more likely
than parents of older children to say that libraries are 'very important' for their children. Eighty-four
percent of parents whose youngest child is 0-5 years of age say libraries are very important compared to
72% of those whose youngest child is 12-17. Even looking at the broader age category of children under
12 shows this pattern. Parents with any child under 12 are more likely than those with only teenagers to
say libraries are very important (82% vs. 72%).
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Your community as
a whole
You and your family
Your children
Very important Somewhat important Not too important Not at all important


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How important are libraries for children?
Among all parents, the percentage within each demographic category who say libraries are 'very', 'somewhat',
'not too' or 'not at all' important for their children.
Source: Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Library Services Survey of 2,252 people age 16 and older
conducted October 15-November 10, 2012. The survey was conducted in English and Spanish and on landline and cell
phones. Total N for parents = 584.
*denotes places where the differences are statistically different
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
$50,000 or more
Less than $50,000
Parent income
12 to 17 years
6 to 11 years
5 years or younger
Age of youngest child
All parents
Very important Somewhat important Not too important Not at all important


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The most common reason given for the importance parents place on access to public libraries for their
children is that libraries instill a love of reading and books and provide resources they cannot get at
home. More than eight in ten parents (84%) say a major reason they view the library as important is
that it helps to develop a love of books and reading and 81% say it provides children with information
and resources not available at home. Slightly fewer but still a substantial majority of parents (71%) say
the library is important as a safe place for children to be.
Reason for importance of libraries
Among parents who say libraries are important for their children, the percentage who say that each
reason is a 'major', 'minor' or 'not a reason'
Source: Pew Research Center Internet & American Life Project Library Services survey. October 15-November 10,
2012. N=2,252 Americans ages 16 and older. Total N for parents of children under age 18 = 584. N for parents who
feel that access to public library is important for their children = 552. Interviews were conducted in English and
Spanish and on landline and cell phones.
Among parents who feel that access to public libraries for their children is important, mothers are more
likely than fathers to say that instilling a love of reading and books and access to information are major
reasons they feel this way. Parents with income under $50,000 are more likely than those making
$50,000 or more to say that all of these are major reasons they feel libraries are important for their
children. Parents of teenagers are more likely than parents of younger children to say that access to
information is a major reason they feel libraries are important for their children. Those with no college
education are more likely than parents with at least some college to say that providing a safe place for
children to be and providing access to information and resources not available to them at home are
major reasons for the importance of libraries.
0 20 40 60 80 100
The public library is a safe space for kids to be
To have access to information or use resources
they can't get at home
The public library helps children develop a love
of reading and books
Major reason Minor reason Not a reason


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Parents who say each is a MAJOR reason libraries are important
Among parents who feel access to libraries is important for their children, the percentage in each demographic
category who say each is a MAJOR reason libraries are important
Instill a love of books
and reading
% saying “major
Provide access to
information not
available at home
% saying “major
Safe place for children
to be
% saying “major
Parents who say access to
public libraries is important
84% 81% 71%
a Men (n=243) 77 75 67
b Women (n=309) 90
Age of youngest child
a 5 Years or Younger (n=290) 86 81 71
b 6 to 11 Years (n=126) 85 79 69
c 12 to 17 years (n=136) 78 84 71
Any child 12 - 17
a Any Child 12-17 years (n=263) 81 86
B No Child 12-17 years (n=289) 87 77 70
Parent Age
a Under 40 (n=268) 85 79 72
b 40 or Older (n=276) 83 84 69
Parent Household income
a Less than $50,000/yr (n=261) 89
b $50,000 + (n=251) 78 75 60
Parent Education attainment
a No College (n=184) 87 87
b Some College + (n=364) 83 78 64
Source: Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Library Services Survey of 2,252 people age 16 and older conducted
October 15-November 10, 2012. The total N for parents who say the library is important = 552. The survey was conducted in
English and Spanish and on landline and cell phones.
Note: Columns marked with a superscript letter (
) or another letter indicate a statistically significant difference between that
row and the row designated by that superscript letter. Statistical significance is determined inside the specific section covering
each demographic trait.
Seven in ten (70%) parents of children under 18 report that their child visited a public library in the past
12 months and more than half (55% ) say their child has his/her own library card. Parental reports on
the use of the library and child ownership of a library card suggest differences by the child's age.
Children 6-11 seem to be visiting the library the most and are more likely to have a library card than
younger children. Eight in ten (81%) parents whose youngest child is in this middle age category report
their child visited the library or bookmobile in the past 12 months, compared with 65% of parents whose
youngest is 0-5 years old and 70% of parents who have only teenagers. Three quarters of parents who
youngest child is 6-11 or 12-17 have report their child has their own library card, compared with four in
ten parents with a youngest child 0-5 years of age (74%, 76% vs. 39%).
Mothers (74% vs. 64%), older parents (76% vs. 64%), those with higher income (76% vs. 65%), and those
with more education (75% vs. 62%) are more likely than others to report their child visited a library or


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bookmobile in the past 12 months. Older parents, those 40 and over are more likely than parents under
40 to report their child has his/her own library card (72% vs. 42%).
Library use by children
Among parents, the percentage of parents with teenagers and with no teenagers who say their children visited
the library in past 12 months and has his/her own public library card
All Parents
child is
0-5 years
Youngest child is
6-11 years old
Youngest child is
12-17 years old
Total (584) (303) (131) (150)
Visited public library or bookmobile in the past 12 months
a Yes 70% 65% 81%* 70%
b No/No answer 30 35 19 30
Child has own public library card
a Yes 55 39 74* 76*
b No/no answer 45 61 26 24
Source: Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Library Services Survey of 2,252 people age 16 and older
conducted October 15-November 10, 2012. Total N for parents of minor children = 584. The survey was conducted in
English and Spanish and on landline and cell phones.
Note: Columns marked with a superscript letter (a) or another letter indicate a statistically significant difference between
that row and the row designated by that superscript letter. Statistical significance is determined inside the specific section
covering each demographic trait.
Parents report similar frequency of library use for their children as for themselves and this use does not
differ a great deal by age of the child. Similar to their own use of libraries, about a quarter (24%) of
parents say their child visits a library or bookmobile at least once a week or more, another quarter (24%)
go several times a month, at least once a month (28%) or less often than once a month (23%). The
frequency with which different age children visit the library, according to their parents, is roughly the
same across age groups although parents of teenagers are more likely than other parents to say their
child visits the library every day or almost every day (8% vs. 2%). Parents with less than $50,000 annual
income are more likely than other parents to report weekly library visits for their children (33% vs. 15%)
as are those with no college education when, compared with to those with at least some college (32%
vs. 20%).


pewinternet.org 43
Frequency of children's visits to public library in past
12 months
% of parents who say their child/children visited the library this often in past 12
Source: Pew Research Center Internet & American Life Project Library Services Survey.
October 15-November 10, 2012. N=2,252 Americans ages 16 and older. Total N for
parents of children under 18 = 584. N for parents whose children have visited a public
library in the past 12 months = 418. Interviews were conducted in English and Spanish and
on landline and cell phones.
Not surprisingly, the most common reason for children's library visits, as reported by parents, is to
borrow books (87%). Substantially fewer parents but still more than half say their children visit the
library to do school work (55%). Slightly less than half go to borrow DVDs (46%) or to attend events
(46%), and roughly one third use the internet (37%), socialize with friends (37%) or participate in a
library sponsored book club or program (32%).
The reasons for library visits differ by the age of the child, as might be expected. Parents with teenagers
(12-17 year olds) are more likely than parents who only have children under 12 to report library use for
school work (77% vs. 33%) and to use the internet (43% vs. 32%). Parents who only have children under
12 are more likely to say their child uses the library to attend organized activities (51% vs. 40%).
Every day or
almost every
day, 5%
At least once a
week, 19%
Several times a
month, 24%
At least once a
month, 28%
Less often, 23%


pewinternet.org 44
Child's age makes a difference in how the library is used
Among parents with different age children, the percentage who say their child used the library for each
Source: Pew Research Center Internet & American Life Project Library Services Survey. October 15-November 10,
2012. N=2,252 Americans ages 16 and older. Total N for parents of children under 18 = 584. N for parents whose
children have visited a public library in the past 12 months = 418. N for parents with any child 12-17 who visited
public library in past 12 months = 213; N for parents with only children under 12 who visited a public library in past 12
months = 205. Interviews were conducted in English and Spanish and on landline and cell phones.
Other demographic differences in children's use of the public library for these purposes:
 School research or assignments - older parents are more likely to say their children have visited
the public library in the past 12 months for this reason- most likely because their children are
older (67% vs. 41%).
 Use the Internet or computers - lower income parents are more likely to report library use for
this purpose (51% vs. 27%) and so are those with no college education (46% vs. 33%).
 Attend organized activities, events or classes - parents under age 40 (51% vs. 39%) and those
with at least some college education (50% vs. 37%) are more likely than others to report their
children use the library for this purpose.
 Socialize with friends - lower income parents are more likely than wealthier parents to report
this library use for their children (43% vs. 31%).
43%* 40%
30%33% 32%
For school research or
To use the
To attend organized
activities, classes or
To participate in library
sponsored reading
program or club
Any child 12-17 Only children under 12
42% 41%
To borrow books To borrow movies or CDs To socialize with friends


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Parents’ experiences
In our in-person focus groups, we asked parents to tell us more about how they use the library with
their children:
“I have a four-year old and a seven year old so we go take out I guess like the max is like 30
books. We go then and just take those books out and just pretty much bring them home. We
really don’t stay much at the library. Just with their age, they’re kind of - just kind of just want
to go wandering around everywhere. So pretty much we go there and spend some time taking
out the books that they want to read and then we just bring them home. That’s one thing that
we do there. We do rent movies.”
“I go to the library because I do have children and it’s much easier to go there and do homework
sometimes. I homeschooled one child with ADD so it helps us to go and be able to have that
access to information as well as internet in order for us to work on his studies.”
“[My daughters] take books out. They do research. We order our [tickets] to go to like concerts
and all that stuff too. I sometimes do job searches for the neighbors. I do their resume for them
and help them out and to retrieve books . . . The way times are right now, when my daughter
wants a book, I can order it [at the library] . . . And the other thing too, what’s nice about the
library - like when you use the computer lab, if your book is overdue, you access [the system] . . .
so that way I don’t get whacked for like $10 or something.”
Many described the library as a destination for the whole family, with older children using the library’s
resources for schoolwork or to surf the web while younger children attended story times and explored
new books:
Respondent: A lot of times for school like [my children] need specific articles—like they need
more than just one resource for information, so then I’ll take them to the local library . . . if we
go, we’re there for hours. So, I just take my work from the office with me and then they do their
research there. . . . Even though we have the internet at home, they still need [to use] an
encyclopedia to read books.
Moderator: Do they ever get help from the librarians over there?
Respondent: Yes, they do. If they have questions and if I can’t answer them, I ask somebody
that works here. . . Then my younger children, I take them with me anyway just for the
experience because they love books, because I'm always reading to them—so it shows them
how many books are in there, and then they can kind of pick and choose the ones that they
want to take home.
Moderator: So, they get excited about going.
Respondent: They love it. They love it. They love it.


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Another parent, a frequent library user, described how she sees the library as a place where she knows
that her children can explore the internet, books, and media in a safe context:
Respondent: We go. I mean, my daughter and I go a lot. My older children, they’re not at home
anymore but they used to go all the time to do internet stuff because I wouldn’t let them do it at
Moderator: Because?
Respondent: I’m not letting a teenage boy use my internet unsupervised. [Laughter] Good
reasons. So, I figured at least the library has filters on it and everything else and it’s going to be
supervised more. My son would go to go check out his MySpace page and play games and stuff.
My older daughter would go to check out movies and books. She’s a voracious reader. My little
one who’s six, she goes—and I have a little girl I babysit too and so I’ll take them and they’ll
hang out at the library. … [The library has] a kid section with puzzles and a little playhouse there
and they have some mind game things. So, they really like to go and play with that. So, we check
out books. We check out movies. We check out audio books. I reserve books online, order them
from other libraries so I’m using—I’m there a lot. I use the website a lot.
Many focus group participants said that they appreciated the atmosphere of the library in addition to its
Respondent: I go [to the library] frequently for my daughter, because she does a lot of reports. I
go to use . . . the computer to get online, do a little research or if I'm looking for jobs or anything
of that matter. I would like to use the facility because it’s quiet. She could actually do her
reports and do research and check out choices of books as well.
Moderator: She checks out books. You said you use the computers there?
Respondent: Yes.
Moderator: Is that because you're there with her or do you have Internet access at home?
Respondent: Yes, I do but it’s kind of slow. Theirs is a lot faster. It’s kind of like regularly do two
things at once.
One parent said that the library was the only way they could keep up with their daughter’s voracious
reading habits:
“My son’s not interested in going to the library, the 12-year-old, but my daughter goes. I mean
she wanted to go today actually right after school. I’m like, ‘No, I don’t have time right now.’ But
she is this reader and I’m like—I almost can’t just keep buying books for her because she’s done
with them in like two days, so it’s kind of silly. We might as well just go check them out and if
she doesn’t like it, just return it, whatever. I guess it’s mostly what we use [the library] for now.


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She loves to do like the reading contest they have so we’ll use their website for that just to kind
of see when one is coming up and then right going and register on there.”
However, many parents in our focus groups also mentioned that it was sometimes difficult to know
when their local public library would be open, with hours changing due to budget cutbacks. Several said
that they would appreciate longer hours so they could spend more time at the library after work:
“I used the library as my daughter was growing up and it was always—you have an agenda.
You’re there. You’re researching or you’re looking for something but . . . what’s happened over
time here is we’ve reduced the hours, reduced the days that the library is opened. . . . I can’t
remember when this branch has got their hours or that branch or what we’re doing and all of a
sudden it’s like well, it’s just easier not to mess with it than it is to take note of [the hours]
because it just becomes more of an obstacle I guess. . . . It needs to be more dependable.”
Another subject that came up several times in the focus group discussions was how the parents valued
the role of their local public library in the larger community. One parent who has a three-year-old son
“To me, a library . . . is a necessity. They have lots of things to offer. It’s kind of like home room
for your community. If you want to find something out then you just ask. And they have a lot of
things that they offer that they don’t advertise.”
Other focus group participants said that they appreciated their relationships with library staff, who were
able to recommend specific library books, services, and other resources that the patrons would not have
known about otherwise. One mother said that her local library’s staff had known her since she was first
pregnant with her children, and were able to suggest things that they though her family might be
interested in. “[The library staff] know [your children] by name so as you come in it’s like your children
can go right into the library,” she said. “They know what kind of things they like and they’ll kind of hold
stuff to like tell your kid ‘we got a new [book]’ or whatever.”
Another mother said that it was helpful when library staff could point out resources she might be
interested in, because many times she wouldn’t think to ask about them in the first place:
“If I want to know something, I’d know to ask [the library staff] questions, but I'm not going to
always know what questions to ask because I'm not going to always know what information I
can ask about. . . . [An activity] might not necessarily be posted, and if it’s not posted, how
would you know to [ask]?”
Some parents in our focus groups said that for their children, “libraries are just as common [a] request
to go to as the mall.” Other parents agreed that it was good to have a place where children could
socialize—within limits:
“They still have to behave themselves. [Library staff] still make them behave themselves if
they’re old enough to be on their own, but it’s very family-friendly and you need that when you


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have children. You need to have that kind of an atmosphere, that kind of place area for them to
go, [where] if they do speak out loud, nobody’s going to freak out.”
Several parents in our focus groups said that they wanted their children to use the library so that they
could learn about personal responsibility, as well as how to act appropriately in public spaces:
“I try to teach my son . . . that [the library] is the quiet place. This is where you’re respectful of
the things, you’re respectful of the people reading their stories, they’re reading or they’re doing
homework or whatever the case is.”
Some viewed a child’s first library card as a rite of passage. “[Going to the library gives children] a little
more responsibility,” one parent said, “especially when they fill out that application and get their own
library card in their own name—it makes them feel like ‘I'm grown now.’” Another parent had a similar
Respondent: …my children have been excited about the library since like about three or four.
That was something that we set up like a goal for them that as soon as they can learn how to
write their full name, they can get their own library card so they were so excited to be able to
walk up and write their name on the card. Once they were able to do that, then they realized
like they can check out their own movies, they can check out books. So like yeah, that’s their
thing now. They’ll get on the computer and try to reserve stuff like “Mommy, I’ve got a movie
due at the library, can you take me?”. You know, they call and say that my stuff is ready [so they
would] write down the home number to wait for the call from the library.”
Moderator: “They feel they’re kind of grown up that they have this card.”
Respondent: “Yes, because like my son had a sleepover over the summer and he had like about
four boys over and he’s like, ‘I get to use my card and we can just pick out, pick out any movie
we want. I can use my own card.’”
One focus group participant said that libraries taught children an important lesson in sharing:
“I think it also gives them a sense of community because that book, that you know you have that
set time that you have to bring it back . . . My daughter just loves this book, the Hungry
Caterpillar. . . . Every time [we go to the library], she doesn’t care if she has 20 books, she has to
have like the Hungry Caterpillar in it. And I'm like, ‘But what about the other little children who
need to have the chance of loving the story too? If you always have it, how’s anybody else going
to love it?’ . . . So it’s like you have to teach them like there’s other children waiting for this
book—we have to be responsible—you have to write that date down because somebody has
already called and said, like ‘Susie is waiting for the book.’ You have to take it back.”
Due dates and late fees offer another potential lesson, the parent continued. “If their book is late, I
don’t pay fees. You pay your own . . . You have to pay [the late fees] and you have to know when your
due date is due.”


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However, even as they appreciated the library’s role as a social meeting space, several parents had
concerns about safety at the library:
“Have you been [at the library] after the children get dropped off to school? . . . Sometimes the
children would just loiter and there’s a lot of issues with some children. I always caught [some of
them] bullying, talking using bad language, and children and other children and parents . . .
walking in and they were just not ready or equipped to be able to handle that. So there are
issues that do need to be addressed [in order] to make sure that it stays the safe, family-friendly
place that it’s supposed to be.”
Some parents wished that their children could have the same relationship with the library that they had
when they were younger, when the library was considered a safer place:
“The closer it is to you, the more you are inclined to go. . . . If it’s going to take 20 minutes to
walk there, then you’re not as inclined to go. Living in a bedroom community where you drive
everywhere—I grew up in the city so I [could] walk to most things, but I can’t say to my
daughter, ‘Just walk to the library.’ So, it takes away some of that independence that she can
have of me sending her to a safe place. It has to be around my [schedule]. So, I think that . . .
even if [libraries] were smaller but just a little bit more within every 10 blocks or something like
that, that you could get to walk [there].”


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Part 6: Parents and library services
What is important for libraries to offer
We asked survey respondents about a variety of services that public libraries often provide to the public,
and asked them how important, if at all, they think it is for public libraries to provide each to the
community. All but one of the services are considered to be “very important” by a majority of
Borrowing books and free access to computers and the internet are the most important services
libraries provide to the public, according to parents in our sample, but these popular services are
followed closely by research and informational help, programs and classes for children and teens, and
providing a quiet study space for both adults and children.
 Eight in ten parents say that borrowing books (83%) and free access to computers and the
internet (81%) are very important library services.
 Roughly eight in ten (79%) parents say that librarians helping people find the information they
need is a very important library service.
 Three quarter of parents say that quiet study spaces for adults and children (78%), providing
research resources (77%) and programs and classes for children and teens (76%) are very
 Seven in ten (68%) parents say that providing free events and activities, such as classes and
cultural events for people of all ages or job resources (68%) is very important.
 Fewer than half (46%) say that providing free public meeting space is a very important service
the library provides the public (although an additional 42% say this is somewhat important).


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What parents think is important for libraries to offer
Among all parents, the percentage who say that these services and programs are “very important”
or “important” for libraries to offer
Source: Pew Research Center Internet & American Life Project Library Services survey. October 15-November
10, 2012. N=2,252 Americans ages 16 and older. Total N for parents =584. Total Form A parents =302; Form B
parents =282. Interviews were conducted in English and Spanish and on landline and cell phones.
Parents and other adults do not differ in their ranking of the importance of these services to the public
with the exception of borrowing books - parents are more likely than other adults to view this as a very
important public service provided by the library (83% vs. 78%).
Among parents, those with income of less than $50,000 are more likely that those with income of
$50,000 or more to view most of the services asked about as 'very important'. In addition to income,
education and parent gender play a role in parental attitudes about these library services; however,
there are no differences among parents with children of different ages. A more detailed examination of
all these services follows.
0 20 40 60 80 100
Free public meeting spaces
Free events/activities
Job/career resources
Research resources such as free databases
Programs and classes for children and teens
Quiet study spaces for adults and children
Free access to computers and the internet
Borrowing books
Librarians to help people find info
Very important Somewhat important


pewinternet.org 52
Parents who say each is VERY important for libraries to offer
Among parents who feel access to libraries is important for their children, the percentage in each demographic
category who say each service is 'very' important for libraries to offer
Quiet study spaces for
(Form A)
% Very important
Programs/classes for
(Form A)
% Very important
Free events and
activities for all
(Form B)
% Very Important
All Parents 78% 76% 68%
Men (Form A n=135; Form
B n=128)
69 70 60
Women (Form A n=167;
Form B n=154)
80 74
Age of youngest child
5 Years or Younger (Form
A n=163; Form B n=140)
79 79 68
6 to 11 Years (Form A
n=65; Form B n=66)
76 68 70
12 to 17 years (Form A
n=74; Form B n=76)
76 74 65
Any child 12 - 17
Any Child 12-17 years
(Form A n= 149; Form B
80 71 72
No Child 12-17 years
(Form A n=153; Form B
76 80 65
Parent age
Under 40 (Form A n=142;
Form B n=140)
78 81 69
40 or Older (Form A
n=155; Form B n=138)
78 71 67
Parent household income
Less than $50,000/yr
(Form A n=140; Form B
$50,000 + (Form A n=136;
Form B n=130)
72 67 58
Parent education attainment
No College (Form A
n=103; Form B n=90)
81 85
Some College + (Form A
n=194; Form B n=192)
76 71 66
Source: Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Library Services Survey of 2,252 people age 16 and older conducted
October 15-November 10, 2012. The survey was conducted in English and Spanish and on landline and cell phones. The total
N for parents = 584. Form A total parents = 302; Form B total parents = 282.
Note: Columns marked with a superscript letter (
) or another letter indicate a statistically significant difference between that
row and the row designated by that superscript letter. Statistical significance is determined inside the specific section covering
each demographic trait.


pewinternet.org 53
Borrowing books
Overall, 83% of parents say that it is “very important” for libraries to provide books to the community
for borrowing. Another 13% consider book borrowing “somewhat important,” while 2% say this is “not
too important” and 2% say it is “not at all important.” Parents with at least some college education are
more likely than less educated parents to say borrowing books is a very important library service (87%
vs. 79%).
Free access to computers and the internet
Eight in ten (81%) parents think it is “very important” for public libraries to provide free access to
computers and the internet to the community. Another 16% consider free computer and internet access
“somewhat important,” while 2% say this is “not too important” and 1% say it is “not at all important.”
Parents with income of less than $50,000 are more likely than those making $50,000 or more to say free
access to computers is very important (88% vs. 74%).
Librarians to help people find information they need
Seventy-nine percent of parents say that it is “very important” for the community that libraries have
librarians available to help people find information they need. Some 18% consider having librarian
assistance available at libraries “somewhat important,” while 1% say this is “not too important” and 1%
say it is “not at all important.” Lower income parents are more likely to view librarian help as very
important than are parents who make $50,000 or more (88% vs. 71%).
Quiet study spaces for adults and children
Some 78% of parents think it is “very important” to the community for public libraries to provide quiet
study spaces for adults and children. Another 18% consider quiet study spaces “somewhat important,”
while 3% say they are “not too important” and 2% say they are “not at all important.” Mothers are more
likely than fathers to say that providing quiet study spaces is very important (85% vs. 69%) as are those
with income less than $50,000 compared to those making $50,000 or more (84% vs. 72%).
Research resources such as free databases
More than three quarters (77%) of parents say it is “very important” for public libraries to provide
research resources such as free databases to the community. Another 17% consider these resources
“somewhat important,” while 3% say they are “not too important” and 1% say they are “not at all
important.” Parents with income of less than $50,000 are more likely than wealthier parents to think
free research resources are very important (85% vs. 71%).
Programs and classes for children and teens
Three-quarters (76%) of parents think it is “very important” for public libraries to provide programs and
classes for children and teens. Another 21% consider these programs “somewhat important,” while 1%
say they are “not too important” and 1% say they are “not at all important.” Parents who have not


Parents, Children, Libraries, and Reading


Parents, Children, Libraries, and Reading


Parents, Children, Libraries, and Reading


Parents, Children, Libraries, and Reading


Parents, Children, Libraries, and Reading


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Parents, Children, Libraries, and Reading


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Parents, Children, Libraries, and Reading


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Parents, Children, Libraries, and Reading

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Parents, Children, Libraries, and Reading

  • 1. www.pewresearch.org MAY 1, 2013 Parents, Children, Libraries, and Reading Parents of minor children have a special relationship with libraries. Most believe libraries are very important for their children and provide extra resources that are not available at home. Parents are also more likely than other adults to use libraries for services ranging from book borrowing to accessing the internet to attending classes and events – and mothers are considerably more engaged with libraries than fathers. Carolyn Miller Research Consultant, Pew Internet Project Kathryn Zickuhr Research Analyst, Pew Internet Project Lee Rainie Director, Pew Internet Project Kristen Purcell Associate Director for Research, Pew Internet Project http://libraries.pewinternet.org/2013/05/01/parents-children-libraries-and-reading/ FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT: Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project 1615 L St., N.W., Suite 700 Washington, D.C. 20036 Media Inquiries: 202.419.4500
  • 2. pewinternet.org 2 Summary of Findings The vast majority of parents of minor children — children younger than 18 — feel libraries are very important for their children. That attachment carries over into parents’ own higher-than-average use of a wide range of library services.1 The ties between parents and libraries start with the importance parents attach to the role of reading in their children’s lives. Half of parents of children under age 12 (50%) read to their child every day and an additional 26% do so a few times a week. Those with children under age 6 are especially keen on daily reading with their child: 58% of these parents read with their child every day and another 26% read multiple times a week with their children. The importance parents assign to reading and access to knowledge shapes their enthusiasm for libraries and their programs:  94% of parents say libraries are important for their children and 79% describe libraries as “very important.” That is especially true of parents of young children (those under 6), some 84% of whom describe libraries as very important.  84% of these parents who say libraries are important say a major reason they want their children to have access to libraries is that libraries help inculcate their children’s love of reading and books.  81% say a major reason libraries are important is that libraries provide their children with information and resources not available at home.  71% also say a major reason libraries are important is that libraries are a safe place for children. Almost every parent (97%) says it is important for libraries to offer programs and classes for children and teens. Library visits by children Some 70% of parents report their child visited a public library in the past 12 months and 55% say their child has his/her own library card. Those children who are library visitors did the following:  87% visited the library to borrow books.  55% went to do school work — and 77% of the children ages 12-17 went to the library for this reason.  46% went to borrow DVDs or CDs. 1 Throughout this report, the word “parents” refers exclusively to those who currently have a child under age 18. We use the term “other adults” to refer to those who do not currently have a minor child – even if they do have children 18 or older. For some questions, a small share of those “other adults” are ages 16 and 17.
  • 3. pewinternet.org 3  46% went to attend a library event — and 53% of the children under age 12 went to the library for this reason.  37% went to use the internet — and 43% of the children ages 12-17 went to the library for this reason.  37% went to socialize with their friends.  32% went to a library-sponsored book club or program. Parents themselves are considerably more likely than other adults to use library services These parental feelings about the importance of libraries for their children are associated with higher levels of library use by the parents themselves. Indeed, the presence of a child or a grandchild in a family is the primary reason cited by the 30% of parents who say their patronage of libraries has increased in the past five years. Compared with other adults who do not have minor children, these parents are more likely to have visited a library in the past 12 months, have a library card, to have visited a library website in the past year, and use a mobile device to connect to a library website. Parents are more likely than other adults to use libraries The percentage of parents and other adults who do these library activities Source: Pew Research Center Internet & American Life Project Library Services Survey. October 15-November 10, 2012. N=2,252 Americans ages 16 and older. Total N for parents=584; other adults=1668. Interviews were conducted in English and Spanish and on landline and cell phones. Note: All differences are statistically significant Once at the library or on the library website, parents are more likely than other adults to do a notable number of activities, including browse shelves, borrow printed books, attend classes and events for children, borrow DVDs and CDs, use computers and the internet, and borrow e-books. 73% 64% 46% 32% 30% 19% 59% 49% 36% 22% 23% 11% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Have library card Visit library past year Used library website ever Used library website in last year Increased library use in past 5 years (among library users) Visit library website via mobile device Parents of minor children Other adults
  • 4. pewinternet.org 4 Among library users, parents are more likely than other adults to do library activities The percentage of parents and other adults who used the library in the past 12 months who have done these library activities Source: Pew Research Center Internet & American Life Project Library Services Survey. October 15-November 10, 2012. N=2,252 Americans ages 16 and older. Total N for parents=584; parents ever visited library =501; parents visited library past 12 months =375, Form A=201, Form B=174. Total N for other adultss=1668; ever visited library=1419; visited library past year=863, Form A=415, Form B=448Interviews were conducted in English and Spanish and on landline and cell phones. *denotes places where the differences are statistically different Parents’ ties to libraries are all the more striking because parents are more likely than other adults to have computers, internet access, smartphones, and tablet computers — tools that might make them less reliant on libraries because they have access to information and media through other convenient platforms. Parents are more likely to be interested in expanding library services and adding future tech-related services Parents’ tighter connections to libraries likely accounts for the fact that they are more aware than other adults about the array of programs and services their local libraries offer. Some 74% of parents say they know about “all" or "most" of the services and programs their library offers, compared with 65% of other adults who feel that way. And parents are more likely to want libraries to expand their offerings. Compared with other adults, parents are more likely to say that libraries should definitely offer more comfortable spaces (65% vs. 56%). This attitude might stem from the fact that parents visit the library more. Parents are also more likely than other adults to think libraries should definitely offer a broader selection of e-books (62% vs. 49%) and definitely offer more interactive learning experiences (54% vs. 43%). Interestingly, other 9% 40%* 50%* 64%* 81%* 81%* 5% 27% 35% 31% 68% 70% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Borrow e-book Use computer/internet Borrow DVD/CD/videotape Attend class or event for children Borrow print books Browse shelves Other adults Parents of minor children
  • 5. pewinternet.org 5 adults are just as supportive as parents of library services for school children and these activities are supported by eight in 10 or more of both groups. Parents express more interest than other adults in an array of tech-oriented services that are being discussed and implemented among some American libraries, including online reference services, cell phone apps to connect to library materials, tech “petting zoos” that would allow people to try out new gadgets, and library kiosks or “Redbox”-type offerings in the community to check out books and movies. Parents are more likely than other adults to say they would use new library offerings The percentage of parents and other adults who say they would be "very likely" or "somewhat likely" to use each service Source: Pew Research Center Internet & American Life Project Library Services Survey. October 15-November 10, 2012. N=2,252 Americans ages 16 and older. Total N for parents=584; other adults=1668. N for Form A: parents=302; other adults=817. N for Form B: parents=282; other adults=851. Interviews were conducted in English and Spanish and on landline and cell phones. *denotes places where differences are statistically different 48% 53% 55% 55% 60% 60% 59% 65% 57% 71% 55% 70%* 65%* 63%* 72%* 70%* 71%* 78%* 77%* 79%* 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Instruction on how to use e-book reading devices Digital media lab to create/upload new content like movies or e-books E-book readers already loaded with books you want to read Classes on how to download library e-books Personalized accounts that give book recommendations Library kiosks in community to check out books, movies Cell GPS app that helps locate material inside library Program to try out new tech devices/apps Cell app to use/view library services An online research service ("ask a librarian") Parents Other adults
  • 6. pewinternet.org 6 Mothers stand out when it comes to reading and libraries More than fathers, mothers in many respects are attached to their libraries, feel they are important for their children and their communities, and are eager to see libraries expand and add new tech-related services.  Reading habits: Mothers are more likely than fathers to read to their children every day (55% vs. 45%). Overall, mothers read books somewhat more often than fathers. In the past 12 months, mothers read an average of 14 books (mean), compared with 10 for fathers. Book-reading mothers are more likely than fathers to have read a printed book in the past year (90% vs. 82%). Mothers are also more likely than fathers to feel it is very important for their children to read printed books in addition to digital content (86% vs. 74%).  Family use of library services and activities: Mothers are more likely than fathers to report that their children have visited the library in the past year (74% vs. 64%). When it comes to parents’ use of libraries, mothers are notably more engaged than fathers. They are more likely than fathers to have a library card, to have visited a library in the last 12 months, to have visited a library website in the past year, and to have visited a library website via mobile device. At the library, mothers are more likely than fathers to have used the computers and internet access at the library and to use those computers to take an online class or certification course (26% vs. 7%). Mothers are also more likely than fathers to have gotten help from librarians in using computers and the internet at the library (46% vs. 30%).
  • 7. pewinternet.org 7 Mothers are more likely than fathers to engage with libraries The percentage of parents who do these activities Source: Pew Research Center Internet & American Life Project Library Services Survey. October 15-November 10, 2012. N=2,252 Americans ages 16 and older. Total N for mothers of minors=321; for fathers of minors=263. Interviews were conducted in English and Spanish and on landline and cell phones. *denotes places where the differences are statistically different Among library users, mothers visit more frequently than fathers: 21% of library-using mothers visit the library weekly, compared with 10% of library-using fathers who visit that frequently.  Importance of libraries: Mothers are more likely than fathers to say libraries are important to their communities (94% vs. 87%). And they are more likely than fathers to say libraries are important to them and their families (87% vs. 80%). When it comes to their own children, mothers are more likely than fathers to say a major reason why libraries are important is because libraries help children develop a love of reading and books (90% vs. 77%). Mothers also are more likely to believe libraries offer their children access to information and resources they can’t get at home or school (86% vs. 75%).  Importance of library services: Mothers are more likely than fathers to say it is very important for libraries to offer quiet spaces for adults and children (85% vs. 69%). They are also more likely to say it is very important for libraries to offer job, employment, and career resources (74% vs. 61%), for libraries to offer free cultural events and classes (74% vs. 60%) and libraries to offer free public meeting spaces (55% vs. 36%). Mothers say they are better informed than fathers about what their local library offers: 32% of mothers say they are know all or most of the services and programs the library offers, compared with 21% of fathers. 82%* 73%* 54%* 39%* 24%* 44%* 63% 54% 36% 25% 14% 34% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Have library card Visit library in last year Visit library website (ever) Visit library website (last year) Visit libray website via mobile device Use computers/internet (among library users) Mothers Fathers
  • 8. pewinternet.org 8 Lower income parents are more likely to view library services as very important When it comes to newer services that libraries might create, parents living in households earning less than $50,000 are more likely than parents in higher income households to say they would be “very likely” to take advantage of:  classes on how to download library e-books (44% vs. 29%)  e-readers already loaded with library content (40% vs. 22%)  digital media lab (40% vs. 28%)  classes on how to use e-readers (34% vs. 16%)
  • 9. pewinternet.org 9 Lower income parents are more likely to view various library services as “very important” Among all parents, the percentage of those living in households with income less than $50,000 and those with $50,000 or more who say it is “very important” for libraries to offer these services Source: Pew Research Center Internet & American Life Project Library Services Survey. October 15-November 10, 2012. Total N for parents = 584. Total N for parents with income under $50,000 =273; total N for parents with income of $50,000 or more=266. Form A parents total n=302; parents with income under $50,000=140; parents with income $50,000+=136. Total Form B parents = 282; Form B under $50,000=133; Form B $50,000+=130. Interviews were conducted in English and Spanish and on landline and cell phones. *denotes places where the differences are statistically different 37% 58% 57% 71% 67% 72% 74% 86% 71% 56%* 76%* 79%* 85%* 82%* 84%* 88%* 82% 88%* 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Free meeting spaces Free events/activities Jobs/career resources Research resources Programs/classes for kids Quiet study spaces Free access to computers/ internet Borrowing books Librarians to help people Less than $50K $50k or more
  • 10. pewinternet.org 10 About this Research This report explores the relationship that parents of minor children have with public libraries. In some ways, parents of minor children are similar to other Americans who do not currently have minor children (“other adults” as we refer to them throughout this report) in how they view and use the library. But there are key differences that will be highlighted and explored in this report. This report is part of a broader effort by the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project that is exploring the role libraries play in people’s lives and in their communities. The research is underwritten by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. This report contains findings from a survey of 2,252 Americans ages 16 and above between October 15 and November 10, 2012. The surveys were administered half on landline phones and half on cellphones and were conducted in English and Spanish. The margin of error for the full survey is plus or minus 2.3 percentage points. The survey includes 584 interviews with parents of children under 18 years of age. The margin of error for the sample of parents is plus or minus 4.5 percentage points. There were several long lists of activities and services in the phone survey. To minimize the burden on those taking the survey, we asked half the respondents about one set of activities and the other half of the respondents were asked about a different set of activities. These findings are representative of the population ages 16 and above, but it is important to note that the margin of error is larger when only a portion of respondents is asked a question. There are also findings in this report that come from a survey of a non-scientific sample of librarians who volunteered to participate in Pew Internet surveys. Some 2,067 library staff members participated in the online survey between December 17 and December 27, 2012. No statistical results from that canvassing are reported here because it is based on non-probability samples of patrons and librarians intended to provide open-ended comments and other qualitative information. We highlight librarians’ written answers to open-ended questions that illustrate how they are thinking about and implementing new library services. In addition, we quote librarians and library patrons who participated in focus groups in-person and online that were devoted to discussions about library services and the future of libraries. One set of in- person focus groups was conducted in Chicago on September 19-20. Other focus groups were conducted in Denver on October 3-4 and in Charlotte, N.C. on December 11-12.
  • 11. pewinternet.org 11 Acknowledgements About Pew Internet The Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project is an initiative of the Pew Research Center, a nonprofit “fact tank” that provides information on the issues, attitudes, and trends shaping America and the world. The Pew Internet Project explores the impact of the internet on children, families, communities, the work place, schools, health care and civic/political life. The Project is nonpartisan and takes no position on policy issues. Support for the Project is provided by The Pew Charitable Trusts. More information is available at http://libraries.pewinternet.org/. Advisors for this research A number of experts have helped Pew Internet in this research effort: Daphna Blatt, Office of Strategic Planning, The New York Public Library Richard Chabran, Adjunct Professor, University of Arizona, e-learning consultant Larra Clark, American Library Association, Office for Information Technology Policy Mike Crandall, Professor, Information School, University of Washington Allison Davis, Senior Vice President, GMMB Catherine De Rosa, Vice President, OCLC LaToya Devezin, American Library Association Spectrum Scholar and librarian, Louisiana Amy Eshelman, Program Leader for Education, Urban Libraries Council Sarah Houghton, Director, San Rafael Public Library, California Mimi Ito, Research Director of Digital Media and Learning Hub, University of California Humanities Research Institute Patrick Losinski, Chief Executive Officer, Columbus Library, Ohio Jo McGill, Director, Northern Territory Library, Australia Michael Kelley, Editor-in-Chief, Library Journal Dwight McInvaill, Director, Georgetown County Library, South Carolina Bobbi Newman, Blogger, Librarian By Day Carlos Manjarrez, Director, Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation, Institute of Museum and Library Services Johana Orellana-Cabrera, American Library Association Spectrum Scholar and librarian in TX. Mayur Patel, Vice President for Strategy and Assessment, John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Karen Archer Perry, Senior Program Officer, Global Libraries, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Gail Sheldon, Director, Oneonta Public Library (Alabama) Sharman Smith, Executive Director, Mississippi Library Commission
  • 12. pewinternet.org 12 Disclaimer from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation This report is based on research funded in part by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The findings and conclusions contained within are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect positions or policies of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
  • 13. pewinternet.org 13 Part 1: A Profile of Parents Roughly a quarter (26%) of the sample for the full Library Services Survey is parents of minor children, and this report examines their particularly strong attachments to libraries. Parents are demographically different from the other adults in our sample — and in the wider population. So, the results presented in the remainder of this report should be interpreted in the context of who these parents are.2 This first section will examine the sample of parents analyzed for this report and compare them to national parameters for parents and to the sample of other adults from the survey. Our parent sample is composed of slightly more mothers than fathers (54% vs. 46%) and it is relatively young (54% under 40 years old) and well-educated (31% some college, 31% four year college or more). While predominantly white (61%), 17% of the sample of parents is Hispanic and 13% African-American. More than half are employed full-time (58%) and an additional 15% are employed part-time or self- employed. Three quarters (73%) are married or living with a partner and 85% report two or more adults in the household. Half (53%) live in the suburbs, a third (32%) in urban areas and 15% are in rural areas. These parents have young children; 55% have a youngest child who is 5 years old or younger, 22% have a youngest child 6 -11 years old, and 23% have a youngest child 12-17 years old. Three quarters (77%) of the sample have at least one child under 12, 23% have only older children 12-17. Our sample of parents closely mirrors the national population of parents of minor children as measured by the Census Bureau's 2011 Annual Social and Economic Supplement. The table below shows the comparison of our sample of parents to these national parameters on some key demographic variables. Our sample slightly over-represents parents of younger children — 52% of our sample is a parent of at least one child 5 or younger, compared with 46% of the full U.S. population of parents. This should be kept in mind when interpreting findings. There are substantive differences between parents of younger children and parents of older children on questions related to reading, library use, and perceptions of libraries. 2 These “other adults” as we refer to them throughout the report, are adults 16 or older who do not currently have any children 17 or younger.
  • 14. pewinternet.org 14 Demographic profile of sample of parents vs. national parameters The percentage of parents from our survey in each demographic category compared to national parameters for parents of children under 18 Parents 2011 US Census Bureau National Parameters (ASES) (n) (584) Number of adults in the HH Single adult HH 14% 15% 2+ adults in HH 85 85 Race/ethnicity White, Non-Hispanic 61 59 Black, Non-Hispanic 13 13 Hispanic 17 20 Other, non-Hispanic 7 8 Age Under 40 54 58 40 and older 46 42 Age of children+ 1+ child 5 or young 52 46 1+ child 6 – 11 44 48 1+ child 12 – 17 48 49 Education attainment No high school diploma 10 12 High school grad 28 23 Some College 31 34 College + 31 31 Source: Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Library Services Survey of 2,252 people age 16 and older conducted October 15-November 10, 2012. The survey was conducted in English and Spanish and on landline and cell phones. Source for National Parameters: 2011 US Census Bureau's 2011 Annual Social and Economic Supplement (ASES), including all household in United States Comparing the demographic profile of parents of children under 18 to other adults (adults with no children currently under age 18) in our sample reveals some important differences that may, in part, explain differences between the two groups in their reading habits, and relationship with libraries. Compared with other adults, parents are more likely to be in their 30s and 40s and live in the suburbs. They are also more likely to be married, somewhat more educated, employed full time and Hispanic.
  • 15. pewinternet.org 15 Demographic profile of parents and other adults Among all Americans ages 16+, the percentage of parents and other adults in each demographic category Parents Other adults (n) (584) (1668) Gender Men (n=1,059) 46% 50% Women (n=1,193) 54 50 Race/ethnicity White, Non-Hispanic (n=1,572) 61 69 * Black, Non-Hispanic (n=243) 13 11 Hispanic (n=277) 17 * 13 Other, non-Hispanic (n=127) 7 6 Age 16-17 (n=101) - 8 * 18-29 (n=369) 19 20 30-49 (n=586) 65 * 16 50-64 (n=628) 13 32 * 65+ (n=531) 2 23 * Household income Less than $30,000/yr (n=629) 31 32 $30,000-$49,999 (n=363) 20 * 14 $50,000-$74,999 (n=314) 14 13 $75,000+ (n=567) 28 * 21 Don't know/refused (n=379)) 7 19* Education attainment No high school diploma (n=254) 10 19 * High school grad (n=610) 28 30 Some College (n=562) 31 * 25 College + (n=812) 31 26 Employment status Employed full-time (n=954) 58* 36 Employed part-time/self-employed (n=263) 15 15 Not employed (n=368) 20 18 Retired (n=578) 4 26 * Student/disabled (n=74) 2 5 Marital status Married/living with partner (n=1,205) 73 * 44 Widowed/divorced/separated (n=479) 14 20 Single never married (n=548) 12 33 *
  • 16. pewinternet.org 16 Number of adults in HH Single adult HH (n=524) 14 22 * 2 or more adults in household (n=1,715) 85 * 77 Urbanity Urban (n=721) 32 34 Suburban (n=1,090) 53 * 46 Rural (n=440) 15 19 * Source: Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Library Services Survey of 2,252 people age 16 and older conducted October 15-November 10, 2012. The survey was conducted in English and Spanish and on landline and cell phones. Note: * indicates a statistically significant difference between that item and the column next to it.
  • 17. pewinternet.org 17 Sometimes there are differences in parents’ responses to our questions that are associated with the age of their children. Of course, many families have several children with different ages. We report on a few different categories of the age of children throughout this report. For instance, for some questions, we examine parents who have at least one teenager (46% of the sample) and compare them to parents with no teenagers (54% of the parent sample). For other questions we focus on parents with any children under 5 years (55%) and compare them to parents with no young children (45%).
  • 18. pewinternet.org 18 Part 2: Parents and Reading Parents of minor children do not necessarily read more than adults who do not currently have minor children ("other adults"), but they are heavier consumers of audio books and e-books. Sixteen percent of parents have read more than 20 books in the past year and an additional 13% have read 11-20 books while two in ten parents (22%) report no reading in the past 12 months. Parents who read books, read an average (mean) of 16 books per year and a median (mid-point) of 8 books per year. Among parents, fathers are less likely than mothers to have read a book in the past year. About three in ten (29%) fathers say they have not read any books in the past year, compared with 16% of mothers who are not readers. However, among those who do read, mothers and fathers read about the same number of books per year; an average of 14 books per year for fathers and an average of 17 per year for mothers. Parents who live in households earning less than $50,000 in annual income are less likely to be readers than those with higher income; 27% in that income bracket have not read any books in the past year, compared with 16% of higher income parents. A similar pattern is seen with college education; 38% of those with no college education are non-readers, compared with 12% of those with at least some college education. However, among readers, there is no significant difference in the average number of books read in the past year for parents with different levels of income (16 vs. 15) or education (17 vs. 15). Reading frequency for parents and other adults Parents (a) Other adults (b) (n=584) (n=1668) % of parents and other adults who read this number of books in past 12 months None 22% 24% One book 7 7 2 - 3 books 12 15 4 - 5 books 11 12 6 - 10 books 17 14 11 - 20 books 13 13 More than 20 books 16 13 Don't know/refused 1 2 Source: Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Library Services Survey of 2,252 people age 16 and older conducted October 15-November 10, 2012. The survey was conducted in English and Spanish and on landline and cell phones. Differences between parents of minor children and other adults (those with children 18 or older or with no children) emerge when looking at the type of reading that is done. Other adults are more likely than parents to read print books (91% vs. 86%) - due in large part to age and educational differences between
  • 19. pewinternet.org 19 the two — but parents who are book readers consume a greater variety of book formats than other adults. Roughly four in ten (38%) parents have read an e-book and a quarter (24%) have listened to an audio book in the past year, compared with 27% and 14% of other adults, respectively. Among parents, those with children under 12 are more likely than those with only 12-17 year-olds to have listened to an audio book in the past 12 months (26% vs. 17%). Other than this difference, reports of listening to audio books or reading e-books are similar across all types of parents. Type of books read in past 12 months differs for parents and other adults % of parent and non-parent readers who have read each type of book in the past 12 months Source: Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Library Services Survey of 2,252 people age 16 and older conducted October 15-November 10, 2012. The survey was conducted in English and Spanish and on landline and cell phones. Total N for parents who have read any books in past 12 months = 454; N for non-parent readers = 1300 *denotes places where the differences are statistically different 86% 24%* 38%* 91% 14% 27% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Printed books Audiobooks Electronic books Parents Other adults
  • 20. pewinternet.org 20 Part 3: Parents and Reading to Children Parents read to their children regularly and the parents of younger children read more often to their children than the parents of older children. Half of all parents with children under 12 (50%) say they read to their child every day and an additional 26% do so a few times a week. About one in ten read to their child about once a week, 6% a few times a month and 9% less often or never. Parents whose youngest child is 0 to 5 years old are more likely than those whose youngest is 6 to 11 years old to read to their child every day (58% vs. 31%). Parents whose youngest child is 6 to 11 years old are more likely than those with younger children to say they read to their child about once a week (16% vs. 6%) or a few times a month (12% vs. 3%). Interestingly, parents who have both young children and teenagers are less likely to read to their young children every day than parents who only have children under 12 (29% vs. 60%) — data not shown in the table below. How often parents read to children, by age of youngest child All Parents with child under 12 Youngest child is 0-5 year old Youngest child is 6-11 year old (n) (n=434) (n=303) (n=131) % of parents with at least one child under 12 who read this frequently to their child Everyday 50 58 * 31 A few times a week 26 26 25 About once a week 9 6 16* A few times a month 6 3 12* Less often 7 5 11 Never (volunteered) 2 1 4 Don't know/refused 0 0 1 Source: Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Library Services Survey of 2,252 people age 16 and older conducted October 15-November 10, 2012. The survey was conducted in English and Spanish and on landline and cell phones. Total N for parents with children under 12 = 434; N for parents with youngest child age 0-5 = 303; N for parents with youngest child age 6-11 = 131. Note: * indicates a statistically significant difference between that item and the column next to it.
  • 21. pewinternet.org 21 Mothers are more likely than fathers to read to their child every day (55% vs. 45%) as are parents under 40 (55% vs. 43%), those with income over $50,000 (60% vs. 42%) and those with at least some college education (59% vs. 36%). Characteristics of parents who read to their child every day Among parents with at least one child under 12 years of age, the percentage who read to their child/children ever day % who read to child every day Parents with child/children under 12 (434) a Men (n=204) 45% b Women (n=230) 55 a Age of Children a Have children under 12 AND 12-17 (n=140) 29 b Only children under 12 years (n=294) 60 a Parent Age a Under 40 (n=265) 55 b b 40 or Older (n=164) 43 Parent Household income a Less than $50,000/yr (n=212 42 b $50,000 + (n=190) 60 a Parent Education attainment a No College (n=144) 36 b Some College + (n=288) 59 a Source: Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Library Services Survey of 2,252 people age 16 and older conducted October 15-November 10, 2012. Total N for parents of children under 18 = 584The survey was conducted in English and Spanish and on landline and cell phones. Note: Columns marked with a superscript letter ( a ) or another letter indicate a statistically significant difference between that row and the row designated by that superscript letter. Statistical significance is determined inside the specific section covering each demographic trait.
  • 22. pewinternet.org 22 The frequency with which parents read to children may reflect the value they place on encouraging their children to read, and read print books in particular. More than nine in ten parents of minor children say it is important to them that their children read print books. Eighty-one percent say it is very important, and an additional 13% say it is somewhat important. The importance of children reading print books is high among parents of all minor children, regardless of the age of the child. Mothers are more likely than fathers to say that reading print books is very important for children (86% vs. 74%). Parents say reading print books is very important for their children % of parents who say having their child read print books is ... Source: Pew Research Center Internet & American Life Project Library Services Survey. October 15-November 10, 2012. N=2,252 Americans ages 16 and older. Total N for parents of children under 18 = 584. Interviews were conducted in English and Spanish and on landline and cell phones. In our focus groups, one father said he valued reading print books because they helped model reading habits for his children: “I'm reading like a book [on a tablet] and my children don’t know if I'm reading a book or if I’m playing on Twitter, so I think it’s important to have the book so that they go, ‘Oh Dad’s reading’ . . . not just, ‘Oh he’s updating his Facebook page.’ I think there is like a difference in that.” Other focus group members voiced similar sentiments, saying they valued the physicality and the relative permanence of printed books because they can be passed down “from generation to generation.” One participant said while e-books have some advantages — for instance, they are more convenient to carry when traveling — “I like those books in my hands sometimes.” Very important, 81% Somewhat important, 13% Not too important, 3% Not important at all, 3%
  • 23. pewinternet.org 23 Part 4: Parents and Libraries Parents think libraries are important for themselves and for their community and they visit their local public library more than other adults. How important libraries are to individuals and their communities In our survey, we asked people about their general library patronage — if they had experiences with libraries in childhood, how often they visit libraries or library websites, and what sort of experiences they have had in these visits. We also asked people how important libraries are, not only to them and their family, but also to their community as a whole. How important libraries are to parents Parents value libraries for themselves and their families, and for their communities. More than half (54%) of parents say the public library is very important for themselves and their family and 30% say libraries are somewhat important. Overall, parents of children under 18 are more likely than other adults to say the library is very important for them and their family (54% vs. 42%) and, among parents, mothers are more likely than fathers to say libraries are either very or somewhat important (87% vs. 80%). As important as parents think libraries are for themselves and their families, they view public libraries as even more important for their communities. Two thirds (66%) of parents consider the library very important for the community and 25% say it is somewhat important. Parents and other adults do not differ when it comes to the importance of the library for the community. Among parents, mothers are more likely than fathers to say libraries are either very or somewhat important for the community (94% vs. 87%).
  • 24. pewinternet.org 24 How important are libraries? Among all Americans 16+, the percentage of parents and other adults who say libraries are “very important,” “somewhat important,” “not too important,” or “not important at all” to them and their families, and to their community as a whole Source: Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Library Services Survey of 2,252 people age 16 and older conducted October 15-November 10, 2012. The survey was conducted in English and Spanish and on landline and cell phones. Total N for parents = 584; total N for other adults = 1668 *denotes places where the differences are statistically different Library patronage questions show that more than eight in ten American adults have ever visited a library and roughly half have been to a public library in the past 12 months. While there is no difference between parents and other adults when it comes to having ever visited a library in person (85% and 84% report they have, respectively), parents of children under 18 are more likely to have visited a library in person in the past 12 months (64% vs. 49%), to have ever visited a library website (46% vs. 36%), and to have visited a library website in the past 12 months (32% vs. 22%). For the purposes of this survey, we define 'recent library users' as anyone who has visited a public library in person in the past 12 months, gone on a public library website in the past 12 months, or used a cell phone, e-reader or tablet to visit a public library website or access public library resources in the past 12 months. Parents are more likely than other adults to be recent library users (71% vs. 54%). 62% 66% 42% 54%* 29% 25% 30% 30% 4% 4% 12%* 8% 2% 3% 15%* 7% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Other adults Parents Your community as a whole Other adults Parents You and your family Very important Somewhat important Not too important Not important at all
  • 25. pewinternet.org 25 Library use among parents and other adults Among all Americans ages 16+, the total percentage of parents and other adults who report each type of library patronage Parents Other adults Total (584) (1668) Ever visited library, bookmobile, website Library or bookmobile in person Library website 85 84 46 * 36 Visited or used website in the past 12 months Visited library in person Used library website 64 * 49 32 * 22 Recent library user Recent library user 71 b* 54 Source: Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Library Services Survey of 2,252 people age 16 and older conducted October 15-November 10, 2012. The survey was conducted in English and Spanish and on landline and cell phones. Note: * indicates a statistically significant difference between that item and the column next to it. Some other differences among parents: Parents with higher income and education are more likely to have ever visited a library or bookmobile in person. Recent visits to the library are also more common among mothers and those with some college education. Mothers are more likely than fathers to be a recent library user and so are those with at least some college education.  Visiting a library website is more common among mothers, those with an annual household income of $50,000 or more, and those with at least some college education.  Use of a library website in the past year is also more common among mothers, those with an income of $50,000 or more, and those with some college education.
  • 26. pewinternet.org 26 Characteristics of parents by library patronage Among all parents, the percentage who have ever visited a library in person, have visited in the past 12 months, are recent library users* % who have EVER visited a library in person % who have visited library in person in past 12 months % who are 'recent library user' All Parents 85% 64% 71% a Men (n=263) 81 54 59 b Women (n=321) 87 72 a 81 a Age of Youngest Child a 5 Years or Younger (n=303) 84 63 71 b 6 to 11 Years (n=131) 86 68 71 c 12 to 17 years (n=150) 85 62 70 Any child under 12 a Any Child Under 12 years (n=434) 84 65 71 b No Child Under 12 (n=150) 85 62 70 Any child 12 - 17 a Any Child 12-17 years (n=283) 84 63 70 b No Child 12-17 years (n=301) 85 65 71 Parent Age a Under 40 (n=282) 85 64 71 b 40 or Older (n=293) 84 64 71 Parent Household income a Less than $50,000/yr (n=273) 81 65 70 b $50,000 + (n=266) 90 a 66 74 Parent Education attainment a No College (n=193) 77 58 63 b Some College + (n=386) 89 a 68 a 76 a * A ‘recent library users' is anyone who has visited a public library in person in the past 12 months, gone on a public library website in the past 12 months, or used a cell phone, e-reader or tablet to visit a public library website or access public library resources in the past 12 months. Source: Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Library Services Survey of 2,252 people age 16 and older conducted October 15-November 10, 2012. The total N for parents = 584. The survey was conducted in English and Spanish and on landline and cell phones. Note: Columns marked with a superscript letter ( a ) or another letter indicate a statistically significant difference between that row and the row designated by that superscript letter. Statistical significance is determined inside the specific section covering each demographic trait.
  • 27. pewinternet.org 27 Recollection of library use by family members and experiences at libraries Eight in ten parents (80%) have memories from childhood of family members using the library - slightly more than other adults (76%). Among parents, those with higher income and education are more likely to have childhood memories of library use. Parents with annual incomes of $50,000 or more are more likely than other parents to have childhood memories of library visits (85% vs. 75%) as are those with at least some college education when compared with parents who have not been to college (86% vs. 70%). Many of the parents in our in-person focus groups said that they were introduced to libraries by their parents or by their schools. In general, they said they had very positive memories of their early library use: “My parents were real big on [the library]. It was a treat for us, twice a week after church . . . You behave, you [get] to go to the library and get a book, get two books if you’re real good, read them that week and bring them back. So I think a lot of children these days lack that same experience [that] we felt associated to it, being kind of a reward.” Some said that they weren’t sure their children would have the same sort of memories: Respondent: “[The library] always had like a children section. You have the children section and you have the adult section and then if you start laughing too loud like in your children section, there’s always that librarian that’d come around the corner like it’s too loud and I know your mother or whatever so yes, I mean it would just - that’s was just like where you sit in that little table when you’re passing those things.” Respondent: “[We had] tiny libraries at the church and . . . it was like a [place to] socialize. A lot of times those children are telling you [about] other things that you’re going to enjoy at the library, [things that] they’re just doing. It’s just like networking and talking to the other friends.” Moderator: “Do you think it’s the same for children today?” Respondent: “No.” Respondent: “No, they’re in front of a computer. Nobody talks to nobody it seems.” Moderator: “Even at the library, they’re doing the same stuff.” Respondent: “Yes.” Not all the parents in our focus groups had experiences with libraries growing up, although some of them began using libraries later in life: “[G]rowing up, the library was intimidating to me actually because I wasn’t [a big] reader. On top of that . . . the first 20 years of your career you’re working your butt off. You don’t have time for anything. You’re raising children just like today. I delegated that part of it to my wife to let her take the children to the library and she did. She took them and they were always into it.”
  • 28. pewinternet.org 28 Generally, the overall perception of library experience is positive for almost all Americans and does not differ between parents and other adults. Roughly six in ten parents and other adults rate their overall library experience as very positive and an additional four in ten in each group describe it as mostly positive. Overall library experiences are positive for almost all Americans % of parents and other adults who rate their overall library experience as … Source: The Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project Library Services Survey. October 15-November 10, 2012. N for parents who have ever visited a library = 520; N for other adults who have ever visited a library =1461. Interviews were conducted in English and Spanish and on landline and cell phones. Parents are more likely than other adults to have a library card and are more likely to say their use of the library has increased over the past five years, possibly because they became parents during this time or their children grew to an age that encouraged library visits. Nearly three quarters (73%) of parents of children under 18 have a library card, compared with 59% of adults who do not have children under 18. Among parents, mothers are more likely than fathers to have a library card (82% vs. 63%) and so are those with at least some college education (79% vs. 64%). Parents more likely to have a library card % of parents and other adults who have a library card Source: The Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project Library Services Survey. October 15-November 10, 2012. N for parents = 584; N for other adults = 1668. Interviews were conducted in English and Spanish and on landline and cell phones. *denotes places where the differences are statistically different 56% 60% 42% 38% 1% 1% 1% 1% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Other adults Parents Very positive Mostly positive Mostly negative Very negative 59% 73%* 40% 26% 1% 1% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Other adults Parents Yes No Dk/Ref
  • 29. pewinternet.org 29 Changes in library use in recent years The Pew Internet survey asked recent library users about their use of libraries over the last five years. The results show there is fluidity in library patronage patterns and differences between parents and other adults:  30% of parents who are recent library users say their own use of local libraries has increased in the past five years, compared with 23% of other adults.  17% of parents and 25% of other adults say their use has decreased.  52% of both parents and other adults say their use has stayed the same during that time period. Among parents, those with some college education are more likely to say their use of the library has increased over the past five years (35% vs. 22%). Changes in library use % of parents and other adults who say their library use over the past five years has … Source: The Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project Library Services Survey. October 15- November 10, 2012. N for parents who are recent library users = 414; N for other adults who are recent library users =947. Interviews were conducted in English and Spanish and on landline and cell phones. The following table shows the reasons parents give when asked why their library use has increased over recent years. Changes in library usage for parents are driven mostly by children and the internet. The most common reason parents give for their increased use of the library is to take children, grandchildren, or other family members (54% with increased library use gave this reason). The most common reason parents give for a decrease in library use, given by slightly less than half (47%), is use and convenience of the internet for getting books and doing research. Parents with younger children (under 12) are more likely than parents of children 12 to 17 to say that taking children is a reason for their increased use of the library (62% vs. 19%) while parents with only teenagers are more likely than others to say their increased use is to do research (29% vs. 7%). 23% 30% 25% 17% 52% 52% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Other adults Parents Increased Decreased Stayed the same
  • 30. pewinternet.org 30 The sample size for this open-ended question is small so there are few meaningful differences between parents and other adults. The main reasons parents’ library use has increased in the past five years Main reasons parents cite why their use increased 30% of parents who are recent library users say their use of libraries has gone up in the past 5 years. N=130 Enjoy taking their children, grandchildren 54% Do research and use reference materials 11% Borrow books more 11% Student 8% Use library computers and internet 6% Library events and activities 6% Have more time to read now, retired 3% To save money 3% Good selection and variety 4% E-books, audio books, media are available 4% Convenient 4% Reading more now 2% Good library and helpful staff 3% Use for my job 2% Source: Pew Research Center Internet & American Life Project Library Services Survey. October 15-November 10, 2012. N for parents who are recent library users and say use has increased = 130; N for parents who are recent library users and say use has decreaed = 70. Interviews were conducted in English and Spanish and on landline and cell phones. Parents visit the library fairly frequently and slightly more often than other adults. When they go, they browse, borrow books or DVDs, or attend classes or events for children or teens. About one in six (16%) parents go to the library at least once a week or more, a quarter (24%) go several times a month and another quarter (27%) go at least once a month. One third (32%) of parents visit the library less than once a month. In comparison, four in ten (41%) other adults visit the library less than once per month. Among parents, mothers visit the library more often than fathers -21% of mothers go weekly, compared with 10% of fathers - and 23% of those with income of less than $50,000 go weekly, compared with 9% of higher income parents.
  • 31. pewinternet.org 31 Frequency of library visits — parents and other adults % of parents and other adults who visited the library … Source: The Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project Library Services Survey. October 15-November 10, 2012. N for recent library users ages 16+=1,361. Total N for parents who are recent users = 375; other adults n=863. Interviews were conducted in English and Spanish and on landline and cell phones. *denotes places where the differences are statistically different In addition to asking people about their general feelings about libraries and their patterns of patronage, Pew Internet’s survey explored in depth what people do at libraries. The activities reported below were asked of the 64% of American parents who say they visited a library or bookmobile in the past 12 months. Activities at libraries Here is a rundown of the things parents of children under 18 do at libraries among those who have visited a library or bookmobile in the past 12 months: (Table below) 3% 3% 12% 13% 16% 24%* 28% 27% 41%* 32% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Other adults Parents Everyday or almost every day At least once a week Several times a month
  • 32. pewinternet.org 32 What parents do at libraries Among parents who have visited a library or bookmobile in the past 12 months, the % who have done the following activities Source: Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Library Services Survey of 2,252 people age 16 and older conducted October 15-November 10, 2012. The survey was conducted in English and Spanish and on landline and cell phones. Total N for parents who have visited library in the past 12 months = 375. Total N for parents asked Form A items = 201; total N for parents asked Form B items = 174 Eighty percent of parents have visited the library in the past 12 months to browse the shelves for books or media (81%) or to borrow a book (81%). Nearly two-thirds (64%) of parents have brought a child to the library to attend a program or event specifically for children or teens. Other library activities that were reported by roughly half of parents include research activities (research topic of interest 55% or use a research database 51%), help from librarians (53%), to sit and read (50%) or to borrow a DVD (50%). A third visited the library to read newspapers or magazines (30%) and other activities are reported by two in ten or fewer. There are some significant differences between parents and other adults and between parents in different demographic groups. These differences are described below. Borrow print books Parents were more likely than other adults to visit a public library to borrow print books (81% vs. 68%). 18% 21% 20% 22% 30% 50% 51% 50% 53% 55% 64% 81% 81% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Borrow a music CD Borrow or download an audio book Attend a class, program, or lecture for adults Attend a meeting of a group Read or check out printed magazines or newspapers Borrow a DVD or videotape of a movie or TV show Use a research database Sit, read, and study, or watch or listen to media Get help from a librarian Research topics of interest Attend or bring a younger person to a class, program, or event designed for children or teens Browse the shelves for books or media Borrow print books
  • 33. pewinternet.org 33 Browse the shelves for books or media Parents are more likely than other adults to visit the library to browse (81% vs. 70%) and among parents, those with at least some college education were more likely than parents with no college education to say they visited the library just to browse the shelves (86% vs. 68%). Attend or bring a younger person to a class, program, or event designed for children or teens Roughly two thirds of parents (64%) visited the library to attend a class or event for children as, compared with about one third (31%) of other adults. Parents with at least one child under 12 are more likely than parents with no young children to say they visit the library to attend a class or event for children or teens (69% vs. 47%) as are parents with at least some college (71% vs. 46%). Research topics that interest them Lower income parents are more likely than wealthier parents to go to the library to research topics of interest to them (65% vs. 47%). Parents with a teenager are more likely than parents who do not have any teenagers to say they visit the library to research a topic of interest to them (64% vs. 46%). Get help from a librarian Mothers are more likely than fathers to say they visit the library to get help from a librarian (57% vs. 46%), as are parents who are over 40 (60% vs. 46%) and those with income of less than $50,000 (60% vs. 43%). Sit, read, and study, or watch or listen to media Those earning less than $50,000 were more likely than other parents to visit a library for this reason (58% vs. 41%) Use a research database Parents earning less than $50,000 a year were more likely than others to visit for this reason (60% vs. 39%) Borrow a DVD or videotape of a movie or TV show Half (50%) of parents visit the library to borrow a DVD or video tape, compared with about a third (35%) of other adults. Older parents are more likely than those under 40 to say they visit the visit the library to borrow a DVD or videotape (60% vs. 43%), as are those with at least some college education (55% vs. 38%). Read or check out printed magazines or newspapers Parents who earn less than $50,000 a year are more likely than those earning $50,000 or more to say they visit the library to read or check out print magazines or newspapers (45% vs. 17%).
  • 34. pewinternet.org 34 How frequently parents receive assistance from library staff Similar to all adults, parents of minor children seek help from library staff frequently and they find the library staff to be very helpful. A third (33%) of parents say they frequently get help from librarian staff and four in ten (40%) say they sometimes get help. Among parents, those with less than $50,000 income are more likely than those with income over $50,000 to seek help from library staff frequently or sometimes (78% vs. 67%). How often people get help from library staff Among Americans ages 16+, who visited a library in the past 12 months, the percentage who say they receive help from library staff with the following frequencies Parents vs. other adults Source: Pew Research Center Internet & American Life Project Library Services Survey. October 15-November 10, 2012. N for those ages 16+ who visited library in past 12 months=1,238. N for parents =375. N for other adults = 863. Interviews were conducted in English and Spanish and on landline and cell phones. Roughly eight in ten parents (79%) say the library staff are very helpful and an additional 18% say staff is somewhat helpful. How helpful was library staff Among Americans ages 16+, who visited a library in the past 12 months, the percentage who say the staff was 'very', 'somewhat', 'not too' or 'not at all' helpful Parents vs. other adults Source: Pew Research Center Internet & American Life Project Library Services Survey. October 15-November 10, 2012. N for those ages 16+ who visited library in past 12 months=1,238. N for parents =375. N for other adults = 863. Interviews were conducted in English and Spanish and on landline and cell phones. 30% 33% 38% 40% 24% 21% 8% 6% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Other adults Parents Frequently Sometimes Hardly ever Never 81% 79% 15% 18% 1% 1% 1% 0% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Other adults Parents Very helpful Somewhat helpful Not too helpful Not at all helpful
  • 35. pewinternet.org 35 How much people know about what their library offers In addition to asking people how they use their local public libraries, we also asked them how much they know about the different services and programs their library offers. In general, parents rate their knowledge of library services pretty high. About a quarter (27%) of parents say they know all or most of the services and programs offered by the library and half (47%) say they know some of what their library has to offer. One quarter (25%) of parents say they don't know much or know nothing of their public library's offerings. Parents are better informed than other adults about library services, which may be reflective of their increased usage. One third (34%) of other adults say they don't know much or know nothing about what their library has to offer (vs. 25% of parents). How much do you feel like you know about the different services and programs your public library offers? How much Americans ages 16+ feel they know about the services offered by their public library Source: Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Library Services Survey of 2,252 people age 16 and older conducted October 15-November 10, 2012. The survey was conducted in English and Spanish and on landline and cell phones. Total N for parents = 584; other adults = 1668. *denotes places where the differences are statistically different Among parents, there are demographic groups who appear to be more well-informed about library offerings than others. Mothers say they are more well-informed than fathers - 32% say they are know all or most, compared with 21% of fathers - as do lower income parents when compared with those making $50,000 or more (31% vs. 21%). Parents with no children under 12 are more likely than parents with a young child to say they know about all or almost all of the services offered by the public library (36% vs. 24%). In our focus groups, many parents said that they had very positive feelings about their libraries and library staff. “In my library the staff is wonderful,” one parent told us. “I love the staff. I love the people who work at the front. They’re always just so welcoming and they’re very community oriented.” However, many often wished that they knew more about what was happening at their library—“there’s so much good stuff going on but no one tells anybody,” one said. “They do have a thing what’s going on with the children each month. There’s a printout but I forget to grab those and this is not the way, some of [the activities] need reservations. . . . I would love to get it through the email, as in getting everything else that way.” 20% 27% 45% 47% 22% 16% 12% 9% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Other adults Parents All or most Some Not much Nothing at all
  • 36. pewinternet.org 36 “One thing I didn’t like at my library, I didn’t notice were - as far as the classes that they have to offer, I didn’t see like much information or any big boards, “Hey, we have classes coming on this week or this week” and just I guess the advertisement part of it, I just didn’t notice that. And, it’s like maybe they would have sent something in the mail or something somewhere. It’s just I don't know - or even pass it out to the schools in the area.” Several said they would like their libraries to coordinate with local schools to relay information about library hours and activities: “They should give some of this information to the schools around the community - and the schools, we get folders every week and maybe I don't know put some stuff in there to say, ‘Hey, this is going on this weekend.’ That’s how our school does it. Maybe go out to schools some more than just the library itself.” Some parents said that they learn about library events mostly through word-of-mouth: Respondent: Like you get to see people who frequent your library. You all become like library buddies like you know what they thinking because you’re there and interact with your children and they kind of see you and you see that person maybe on the bus or something like that and I'm like, “Girl, did you find it out? You heard if they’re doing this or not?” Respondent: Or a kid tells your kid. Respondent: Yes, so that’s usually how it gets done.
  • 37. pewinternet.org 37 How much do parents know about the different services and programs the public library offers Among all parents, the percentage within each demographic category who say they know 'all or most', 'some;, 'not much', or 'nothing at all' about the services offered by their public library Source: Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Library Services Survey of 2,252 people age 16 and older conducted October 15-November 10, 2012. The survey was conducted in English and Spanish and on landline and cell phones. Total N for parents = 584. *denotes places where the differences are statistically different 36%* 24% 24% 30% 30% 22% 21% 31%* 27% 27% 36%* 24% 24% 32%* 21% 27% 39% 50% 47% 48% 48% 46% 56%* 41% 51% 44% 39% 54%* 48% 48% 46% 47% 19% 16% 17% 16% 17% 16% 18% 15% 15% 17% 19% 13% 17% 13% 20%* 16% 5% 10%* 11%* 6% 5% 15%* 5% 11%* 6% 11%* 5% 9% 10%* 7% 11% 9% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% No child <12 At least one child <12 Parent of young child No Child 12-17 At least one child 12-17 Parent of teenager Some college+ No college Educational attainment $50,000+ Less than $50,000/yr Parent income 40 or older Under 40 years Age of parent 12 to 17 years 6 to 11 years 5 years or younger Age of youngest child Women Men Sex All parents All or most Some Not much Nothing at all
  • 38. pewinternet.org 38 Part 5: Parents, children and libraries Parents value libraries for their children The previous section highlights the importance parents place on public libraries for themselves and for their communities and the fact that parents are more likely than other adults to view libraries as important. Given those findings, it is not surprising that parents of minor children view public libraries as very important for their children. Eight in ten (79%) parents say libraries are 'very important' and an additional 15% of parents say that public libraries are 'somewhat important' for their children. Importance of libraries to parents Among parents, percentage who say access to public library is very, somewhat, not too or not at all important for self and family, community, and children. Source: Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Library Services Survey of 2,252 people age 16 and older conducted October 15-November 10, 2012. The survey was conducted in English and Spanish and on landline and cell phones. Total N for parents=584. Among parents of children under 18, mothers are more likely than fathers to say that libraries are 'very important' (85% vs. 73%) and those with income of less than $50,000 are more likely than wealthier parents to say libraries are 'very important' (86% vs. 73%). Parents of younger children are more likely than parents of older children to say that libraries are 'very important' for their children. Eighty-four percent of parents whose youngest child is 0-5 years of age say libraries are very important compared to 72% of those whose youngest child is 12-17. Even looking at the broader age category of children under 12 shows this pattern. Parents with any child under 12 are more likely than those with only teenagers to say libraries are very important (82% vs. 72%). 66% 54% 79% 25% 30% 15% 4% 8% 4% 3% 7% 2% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Your community as a whole You and your family Your children Very important Somewhat important Not too important Not at all important
  • 39. pewinternet.org 39 How important are libraries for children? Among all parents, the percentage within each demographic category who say libraries are 'very', 'somewhat', 'not too' or 'not at all' important for their children. Source: Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Library Services Survey of 2,252 people age 16 and older conducted October 15-November 10, 2012. The survey was conducted in English and Spanish and on landline and cell phones. Total N for parents = 584. *denotes places where the differences are statistically different 73% 86%* 72% 76% 84%* 85%* 73% 79% 21%* 9% 17% 20% 11% 11% 19%* 15% 3% 3% 5% 3% 3% 3% 4% 4% 1% 1% 4% 1% 1% 2% 2% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% $50,000 or more Less than $50,000 Parent income 12 to 17 years 6 to 11 years 5 years or younger Age of youngest child Women Men Sex All parents Very important Somewhat important Not too important Not at all important
  • 40. pewinternet.org 40 The most common reason given for the importance parents place on access to public libraries for their children is that libraries instill a love of reading and books and provide resources they cannot get at home. More than eight in ten parents (84%) say a major reason they view the library as important is that it helps to develop a love of books and reading and 81% say it provides children with information and resources not available at home. Slightly fewer but still a substantial majority of parents (71%) say the library is important as a safe place for children to be. Reason for importance of libraries Among parents who say libraries are important for their children, the percentage who say that each reason is a 'major', 'minor' or 'not a reason' Source: Pew Research Center Internet & American Life Project Library Services survey. October 15-November 10, 2012. N=2,252 Americans ages 16 and older. Total N for parents of children under age 18 = 584. N for parents who feel that access to public library is important for their children = 552. Interviews were conducted in English and Spanish and on landline and cell phones. Among parents who feel that access to public libraries for their children is important, mothers are more likely than fathers to say that instilling a love of reading and books and access to information are major reasons they feel this way. Parents with income under $50,000 are more likely than those making $50,000 or more to say that all of these are major reasons they feel libraries are important for their children. Parents of teenagers are more likely than parents of younger children to say that access to information is a major reason they feel libraries are important for their children. Those with no college education are more likely than parents with at least some college to say that providing a safe place for children to be and providing access to information and resources not available to them at home are major reasons for the importance of libraries. 71% 81% 84% 19% 14% 12% 9% 4% 3% 0 20 40 60 80 100 The public library is a safe space for kids to be To have access to information or use resources they can't get at home The public library helps children develop a love of reading and books Major reason Minor reason Not a reason
  • 41. pewinternet.org 41 Parents who say each is a MAJOR reason libraries are important Among parents who feel access to libraries is important for their children, the percentage in each demographic category who say each is a MAJOR reason libraries are important Instill a love of books and reading % saying “major reason” Provide access to information not available at home % saying “major reason” Safe place for children to be % saying “major reason” Parents who say access to public libraries is important 84% 81% 71% a Men (n=243) 77 75 67 b Women (n=309) 90 a 86 a 74 Age of youngest child a 5 Years or Younger (n=290) 86 81 71 b 6 to 11 Years (n=126) 85 79 69 c 12 to 17 years (n=136) 78 84 71 Any child 12 - 17 a Any Child 12-17 years (n=263) 81 86 b 72 B No Child 12-17 years (n=289) 87 77 70 Parent Age a Under 40 (n=268) 85 79 72 b 40 or Older (n=276) 83 84 69 Parent Household income a Less than $50,000/yr (n=261) 89 b 86 b 78 b b $50,000 + (n=251) 78 75 60 Parent Education attainment a No College (n=184) 87 87 b 82 b b Some College + (n=364) 83 78 64 Source: Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Library Services Survey of 2,252 people age 16 and older conducted October 15-November 10, 2012. The total N for parents who say the library is important = 552. The survey was conducted in English and Spanish and on landline and cell phones. Note: Columns marked with a superscript letter ( a ) or another letter indicate a statistically significant difference between that row and the row designated by that superscript letter. Statistical significance is determined inside the specific section covering each demographic trait. Seven in ten (70%) parents of children under 18 report that their child visited a public library in the past 12 months and more than half (55% ) say their child has his/her own library card. Parental reports on the use of the library and child ownership of a library card suggest differences by the child's age. Children 6-11 seem to be visiting the library the most and are more likely to have a library card than younger children. Eight in ten (81%) parents whose youngest child is in this middle age category report their child visited the library or bookmobile in the past 12 months, compared with 65% of parents whose youngest is 0-5 years old and 70% of parents who have only teenagers. Three quarters of parents who youngest child is 6-11 or 12-17 have report their child has their own library card, compared with four in ten parents with a youngest child 0-5 years of age (74%, 76% vs. 39%). Mothers (74% vs. 64%), older parents (76% vs. 64%), those with higher income (76% vs. 65%), and those with more education (75% vs. 62%) are more likely than others to report their child visited a library or
  • 42. pewinternet.org 42 bookmobile in the past 12 months. Older parents, those 40 and over are more likely than parents under 40 to report their child has his/her own library card (72% vs. 42%). Library use by children Among parents, the percentage of parents with teenagers and with no teenagers who say their children visited the library in past 12 months and has his/her own public library card All Parents Youngest child is 0-5 years old Youngest child is 6-11 years old Youngest child is 12-17 years old Total (584) (303) (131) (150) Visited public library or bookmobile in the past 12 months a Yes 70% 65% 81%* 70% b No/No answer 30 35 19 30 Child has own public library card a Yes 55 39 74* 76* b No/no answer 45 61 26 24 Source: Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Library Services Survey of 2,252 people age 16 and older conducted October 15-November 10, 2012. Total N for parents of minor children = 584. The survey was conducted in English and Spanish and on landline and cell phones. Note: Columns marked with a superscript letter (a) or another letter indicate a statistically significant difference between that row and the row designated by that superscript letter. Statistical significance is determined inside the specific section covering each demographic trait. Parents report similar frequency of library use for their children as for themselves and this use does not differ a great deal by age of the child. Similar to their own use of libraries, about a quarter (24%) of parents say their child visits a library or bookmobile at least once a week or more, another quarter (24%) go several times a month, at least once a month (28%) or less often than once a month (23%). The frequency with which different age children visit the library, according to their parents, is roughly the same across age groups although parents of teenagers are more likely than other parents to say their child visits the library every day or almost every day (8% vs. 2%). Parents with less than $50,000 annual income are more likely than other parents to report weekly library visits for their children (33% vs. 15%) as are those with no college education when, compared with to those with at least some college (32% vs. 20%).
  • 43. pewinternet.org 43 Frequency of children's visits to public library in past 12 months % of parents who say their child/children visited the library this often in past 12 months Source: Pew Research Center Internet & American Life Project Library Services Survey. October 15-November 10, 2012. N=2,252 Americans ages 16 and older. Total N for parents of children under 18 = 584. N for parents whose children have visited a public library in the past 12 months = 418. Interviews were conducted in English and Spanish and on landline and cell phones. Not surprisingly, the most common reason for children's library visits, as reported by parents, is to borrow books (87%). Substantially fewer parents but still more than half say their children visit the library to do school work (55%). Slightly less than half go to borrow DVDs (46%) or to attend events (46%), and roughly one third use the internet (37%), socialize with friends (37%) or participate in a library sponsored book club or program (32%). The reasons for library visits differ by the age of the child, as might be expected. Parents with teenagers (12-17 year olds) are more likely than parents who only have children under 12 to report library use for school work (77% vs. 33%) and to use the internet (43% vs. 32%). Parents who only have children under 12 are more likely to say their child uses the library to attend organized activities (51% vs. 40%). Every day or almost every day, 5% At least once a week, 19% Several times a month, 24% At least once a month, 28% Less often, 23%
  • 44. pewinternet.org 44 Child's age makes a difference in how the library is used Among parents with different age children, the percentage who say their child used the library for each purpose Source: Pew Research Center Internet & American Life Project Library Services Survey. October 15-November 10, 2012. N=2,252 Americans ages 16 and older. Total N for parents of children under 18 = 584. N for parents whose children have visited a public library in the past 12 months = 418. N for parents with any child 12-17 who visited public library in past 12 months = 213; N for parents with only children under 12 who visited a public library in past 12 months = 205. Interviews were conducted in English and Spanish and on landline and cell phones. Other demographic differences in children's use of the public library for these purposes:  School research or assignments - older parents are more likely to say their children have visited the public library in the past 12 months for this reason- most likely because their children are older (67% vs. 41%).  Use the Internet or computers - lower income parents are more likely to report library use for this purpose (51% vs. 27%) and so are those with no college education (46% vs. 33%).  Attend organized activities, events or classes - parents under age 40 (51% vs. 39%) and those with at least some college education (50% vs. 37%) are more likely than others to report their children use the library for this purpose.  Socialize with friends - lower income parents are more likely than wealthier parents to report this library use for their children (43% vs. 31%). 77%* 43%* 40% 30%33% 32% 53%* 33% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% For school research or assignments To use the Internet/computers To attend organized activities, classes or events To participate in library sponsored reading program or club Any child 12-17 Only children under 12 86% 42% 41% 89% 49% 35%* 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% To borrow books To borrow movies or CDs To socialize with friends
  • 45. pewinternet.org 45 Parents’ experiences In our in-person focus groups, we asked parents to tell us more about how they use the library with their children: “I have a four-year old and a seven year old so we go take out I guess like the max is like 30 books. We go then and just take those books out and just pretty much bring them home. We really don’t stay much at the library. Just with their age, they’re kind of - just kind of just want to go wandering around everywhere. So pretty much we go there and spend some time taking out the books that they want to read and then we just bring them home. That’s one thing that we do there. We do rent movies.” “I go to the library because I do have children and it’s much easier to go there and do homework sometimes. I homeschooled one child with ADD so it helps us to go and be able to have that access to information as well as internet in order for us to work on his studies.” “[My daughters] take books out. They do research. We order our [tickets] to go to like concerts and all that stuff too. I sometimes do job searches for the neighbors. I do their resume for them and help them out and to retrieve books . . . The way times are right now, when my daughter wants a book, I can order it [at the library] . . . And the other thing too, what’s nice about the library - like when you use the computer lab, if your book is overdue, you access [the system] . . . so that way I don’t get whacked for like $10 or something.” Many described the library as a destination for the whole family, with older children using the library’s resources for schoolwork or to surf the web while younger children attended story times and explored new books: Respondent: A lot of times for school like [my children] need specific articles—like they need more than just one resource for information, so then I’ll take them to the local library . . . if we go, we’re there for hours. So, I just take my work from the office with me and then they do their research there. . . . Even though we have the internet at home, they still need [to use] an encyclopedia to read books. Moderator: Do they ever get help from the librarians over there? Respondent: Yes, they do. If they have questions and if I can’t answer them, I ask somebody that works here. . . Then my younger children, I take them with me anyway just for the experience because they love books, because I'm always reading to them—so it shows them how many books are in there, and then they can kind of pick and choose the ones that they want to take home. Moderator: So, they get excited about going. Respondent: They love it. They love it. They love it.
  • 46. pewinternet.org 46 Another parent, a frequent library user, described how she sees the library as a place where she knows that her children can explore the internet, books, and media in a safe context: Respondent: We go. I mean, my daughter and I go a lot. My older children, they’re not at home anymore but they used to go all the time to do internet stuff because I wouldn’t let them do it at home. Moderator: Because? Respondent: I’m not letting a teenage boy use my internet unsupervised. [Laughter] Good reasons. So, I figured at least the library has filters on it and everything else and it’s going to be supervised more. My son would go to go check out his MySpace page and play games and stuff. My older daughter would go to check out movies and books. She’s a voracious reader. My little one who’s six, she goes—and I have a little girl I babysit too and so I’ll take them and they’ll hang out at the library. … [The library has] a kid section with puzzles and a little playhouse there and they have some mind game things. So, they really like to go and play with that. So, we check out books. We check out movies. We check out audio books. I reserve books online, order them from other libraries so I’m using—I’m there a lot. I use the website a lot. Many focus group participants said that they appreciated the atmosphere of the library in addition to its resources: Respondent: I go [to the library] frequently for my daughter, because she does a lot of reports. I go to use . . . the computer to get online, do a little research or if I'm looking for jobs or anything of that matter. I would like to use the facility because it’s quiet. She could actually do her reports and do research and check out choices of books as well. Moderator: She checks out books. You said you use the computers there? Respondent: Yes. Moderator: Is that because you're there with her or do you have Internet access at home? Respondent: Yes, I do but it’s kind of slow. Theirs is a lot faster. It’s kind of like regularly do two things at once. One parent said that the library was the only way they could keep up with their daughter’s voracious reading habits: “My son’s not interested in going to the library, the 12-year-old, but my daughter goes. I mean she wanted to go today actually right after school. I’m like, ‘No, I don’t have time right now.’ But she is this reader and I’m like—I almost can’t just keep buying books for her because she’s done with them in like two days, so it’s kind of silly. We might as well just go check them out and if she doesn’t like it, just return it, whatever. I guess it’s mostly what we use [the library] for now.
  • 47. pewinternet.org 47 She loves to do like the reading contest they have so we’ll use their website for that just to kind of see when one is coming up and then right going and register on there.” However, many parents in our focus groups also mentioned that it was sometimes difficult to know when their local public library would be open, with hours changing due to budget cutbacks. Several said that they would appreciate longer hours so they could spend more time at the library after work: “I used the library as my daughter was growing up and it was always—you have an agenda. You’re there. You’re researching or you’re looking for something but . . . what’s happened over time here is we’ve reduced the hours, reduced the days that the library is opened. . . . I can’t remember when this branch has got their hours or that branch or what we’re doing and all of a sudden it’s like well, it’s just easier not to mess with it than it is to take note of [the hours] because it just becomes more of an obstacle I guess. . . . It needs to be more dependable.” Community Another subject that came up several times in the focus group discussions was how the parents valued the role of their local public library in the larger community. One parent who has a three-year-old son said: “To me, a library . . . is a necessity. They have lots of things to offer. It’s kind of like home room for your community. If you want to find something out then you just ask. And they have a lot of things that they offer that they don’t advertise.” Other focus group participants said that they appreciated their relationships with library staff, who were able to recommend specific library books, services, and other resources that the patrons would not have known about otherwise. One mother said that her local library’s staff had known her since she was first pregnant with her children, and were able to suggest things that they though her family might be interested in. “[The library staff] know [your children] by name so as you come in it’s like your children can go right into the library,” she said. “They know what kind of things they like and they’ll kind of hold stuff to like tell your kid ‘we got a new [book]’ or whatever.” Another mother said that it was helpful when library staff could point out resources she might be interested in, because many times she wouldn’t think to ask about them in the first place: “If I want to know something, I’d know to ask [the library staff] questions, but I'm not going to always know what questions to ask because I'm not going to always know what information I can ask about. . . . [An activity] might not necessarily be posted, and if it’s not posted, how would you know to [ask]?” Some parents in our focus groups said that for their children, “libraries are just as common [a] request to go to as the mall.” Other parents agreed that it was good to have a place where children could socialize—within limits: “They still have to behave themselves. [Library staff] still make them behave themselves if they’re old enough to be on their own, but it’s very family-friendly and you need that when you
  • 48. pewinternet.org 48 have children. You need to have that kind of an atmosphere, that kind of place area for them to go, [where] if they do speak out loud, nobody’s going to freak out.” Responsibility Several parents in our focus groups said that they wanted their children to use the library so that they could learn about personal responsibility, as well as how to act appropriately in public spaces: “I try to teach my son . . . that [the library] is the quiet place. This is where you’re respectful of the things, you’re respectful of the people reading their stories, they’re reading or they’re doing homework or whatever the case is.” Some viewed a child’s first library card as a rite of passage. “[Going to the library gives children] a little more responsibility,” one parent said, “especially when they fill out that application and get their own library card in their own name—it makes them feel like ‘I'm grown now.’” Another parent had a similar story: Respondent: …my children have been excited about the library since like about three or four. That was something that we set up like a goal for them that as soon as they can learn how to write their full name, they can get their own library card so they were so excited to be able to walk up and write their name on the card. Once they were able to do that, then they realized like they can check out their own movies, they can check out books. So like yeah, that’s their thing now. They’ll get on the computer and try to reserve stuff like “Mommy, I’ve got a movie due at the library, can you take me?”. You know, they call and say that my stuff is ready [so they would] write down the home number to wait for the call from the library.” Moderator: “They feel they’re kind of grown up that they have this card.” Respondent: “Yes, because like my son had a sleepover over the summer and he had like about four boys over and he’s like, ‘I get to use my card and we can just pick out, pick out any movie we want. I can use my own card.’” One focus group participant said that libraries taught children an important lesson in sharing: “I think it also gives them a sense of community because that book, that you know you have that set time that you have to bring it back . . . My daughter just loves this book, the Hungry Caterpillar. . . . Every time [we go to the library], she doesn’t care if she has 20 books, she has to have like the Hungry Caterpillar in it. And I'm like, ‘But what about the other little children who need to have the chance of loving the story too? If you always have it, how’s anybody else going to love it?’ . . . So it’s like you have to teach them like there’s other children waiting for this book—we have to be responsible—you have to write that date down because somebody has already called and said, like ‘Susie is waiting for the book.’ You have to take it back.” Due dates and late fees offer another potential lesson, the parent continued. “If their book is late, I don’t pay fees. You pay your own . . . You have to pay [the late fees] and you have to know when your due date is due.”
  • 49. pewinternet.org 49 Safety However, even as they appreciated the library’s role as a social meeting space, several parents had concerns about safety at the library: “Have you been [at the library] after the children get dropped off to school? . . . Sometimes the children would just loiter and there’s a lot of issues with some children. I always caught [some of them] bullying, talking using bad language, and children and other children and parents . . . walking in and they were just not ready or equipped to be able to handle that. So there are issues that do need to be addressed [in order] to make sure that it stays the safe, family-friendly place that it’s supposed to be.” Some parents wished that their children could have the same relationship with the library that they had when they were younger, when the library was considered a safer place: “The closer it is to you, the more you are inclined to go. . . . If it’s going to take 20 minutes to walk there, then you’re not as inclined to go. Living in a bedroom community where you drive everywhere—I grew up in the city so I [could] walk to most things, but I can’t say to my daughter, ‘Just walk to the library.’ So, it takes away some of that independence that she can have of me sending her to a safe place. It has to be around my [schedule]. So, I think that . . . even if [libraries] were smaller but just a little bit more within every 10 blocks or something like that, that you could get to walk [there].”
  • 50. pewinternet.org 50 Part 6: Parents and library services What is important for libraries to offer We asked survey respondents about a variety of services that public libraries often provide to the public, and asked them how important, if at all, they think it is for public libraries to provide each to the community. All but one of the services are considered to be “very important” by a majority of respondents. Borrowing books and free access to computers and the internet are the most important services libraries provide to the public, according to parents in our sample, but these popular services are followed closely by research and informational help, programs and classes for children and teens, and providing a quiet study space for both adults and children.  Eight in ten parents say that borrowing books (83%) and free access to computers and the internet (81%) are very important library services.  Roughly eight in ten (79%) parents say that librarians helping people find the information they need is a very important library service.  Three quarter of parents say that quiet study spaces for adults and children (78%), providing research resources (77%) and programs and classes for children and teens (76%) are very important.  Seven in ten (68%) parents say that providing free events and activities, such as classes and cultural events for people of all ages or job resources (68%) is very important.  Fewer than half (46%) say that providing free public meeting space is a very important service the library provides the public (although an additional 42% say this is somewhat important).
  • 51. pewinternet.org 51 What parents think is important for libraries to offer Among all parents, the percentage who say that these services and programs are “very important” or “important” for libraries to offer Source: Pew Research Center Internet & American Life Project Library Services survey. October 15-November 10, 2012. N=2,252 Americans ages 16 and older. Total N for parents =584. Total Form A parents =302; Form B parents =282. Interviews were conducted in English and Spanish and on landline and cell phones. Parents and other adults do not differ in their ranking of the importance of these services to the public with the exception of borrowing books - parents are more likely than other adults to view this as a very important public service provided by the library (83% vs. 78%). Among parents, those with income of less than $50,000 are more likely that those with income of $50,000 or more to view most of the services asked about as 'very important'. In addition to income, education and parent gender play a role in parental attitudes about these library services; however, there are no differences among parents with children of different ages. A more detailed examination of all these services follows. 46 68 68 77 76 78 81 83 79 42 26 23 17 21 18 16 13 18 0 20 40 60 80 100 Free public meeting spaces Free events/activities Job/career resources Research resources such as free databases Programs and classes for children and teens Quiet study spaces for adults and children Free access to computers and the internet Borrowing books Librarians to help people find info Very important Somewhat important
  • 52. pewinternet.org 52 Parents who say each is VERY important for libraries to offer Among parents who feel access to libraries is important for their children, the percentage in each demographic category who say each service is 'very' important for libraries to offer Quiet study spaces for children/adults (Form A) % Very important Programs/classes for children/teens (Form A) % Very important Free events and activities for all (Form B) % Very Important All Parents 78% 76% 68% a Men (Form A n=135; Form B n=128) 69 70 60 b Women (Form A n=167; Form B n=154) 85 a 80 74 a Age of youngest child a 5 Years or Younger (Form A n=163; Form B n=140) 79 79 68 b 6 to 11 Years (Form A n=65; Form B n=66) 76 68 70 c 12 to 17 years (Form A n=74; Form B n=76) 76 74 65 Any child 12 - 17 a Any Child 12-17 years (Form A n= 149; Form B n=134) 80 71 72 B No Child 12-17 years (Form A n=153; Form B n=148) 76 80 65 Parent age a Under 40 (Form A n=142; Form B n=140) 78 81 69 b 40 or Older (Form A n=155; Form B n=138) 78 71 67 Parent household income a Less than $50,000/yr (Form A n=140; Form B n=133) 84 b 82 b 76 b b $50,000 + (Form A n=136; Form B n=130) 72 67 58 Parent education attainment a No College (Form A n=103; Form B n=90) 81 85 b 71 b Some College + (Form A n=194; Form B n=192) 76 71 66 Source: Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Library Services Survey of 2,252 people age 16 and older conducted October 15-November 10, 2012. The survey was conducted in English and Spanish and on landline and cell phones. The total N for parents = 584. Form A total parents = 302; Form B total parents = 282. Note: Columns marked with a superscript letter ( a ) or another letter indicate a statistically significant difference between that row and the row designated by that superscript letter. Statistical significance is determined inside the specific section covering each demographic trait.
  • 53. pewinternet.org 53 Borrowing books Overall, 83% of parents say that it is “very important” for libraries to provide books to the community for borrowing. Another 13% consider book borrowing “somewhat important,” while 2% say this is “not too important” and 2% say it is “not at all important.” Parents with at least some college education are more likely than less educated parents to say borrowing books is a very important library service (87% vs. 79%). Free access to computers and the internet Eight in ten (81%) parents think it is “very important” for public libraries to provide free access to computers and the internet to the community. Another 16% consider free computer and internet access “somewhat important,” while 2% say this is “not too important” and 1% say it is “not at all important.” Parents with income of less than $50,000 are more likely than those making $50,000 or more to say free access to computers is very important (88% vs. 74%). Librarians to help people find information they need Seventy-nine percent of parents say that it is “very important” for the community that libraries have librarians available to help people find information they need. Some 18% consider having librarian assistance available at libraries “somewhat important,” while 1% say this is “not too important” and 1% say it is “not at all important.” Lower income parents are more likely to view librarian help as very important than are parents who make $50,000 or more (88% vs. 71%). Quiet study spaces for adults and children Some 78% of parents think it is “very important” to the community for public libraries to provide quiet study spaces for adults and children. Another 18% consider quiet study spaces “somewhat important,” while 3% say they are “not too important” and 2% say they are “not at all important.” Mothers are more likely than fathers to say that providing quiet study spaces is very important (85% vs. 69%) as are those with income less than $50,000 compared to those making $50,000 or more (84% vs. 72%). Research resources such as free databases More than three quarters (77%) of parents say it is “very important” for public libraries to provide research resources such as free databases to the community. Another 17% consider these resources “somewhat important,” while 3% say they are “not too important” and 1% say they are “not at all important.” Parents with income of less than $50,000 are more likely than wealthier parents to think free research resources are very important (85% vs. 71%). Programs and classes for children and teens Three-quarters (76%) of parents think it is “very important” for public libraries to provide programs and classes for children and teens. Another 21% consider these programs “somewhat important,” while 1% say they are “not too important” and 1% say they are “not at all important.” Parents who have not