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Plagiarism Essay – Pigura
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Plagiarism Essay – Pigura Plagiarism Essay – Pigura
The Terrible Corruption Of The Medieval Church
In other words, the Pardoner preached his sermons on greed as to guilt those who listened into being
more generous with their money so he could satisfy his own greed. Chaucer gave this excellent
example of the terrible corruption of the medieval Church in Canterbury Tales. The Middle Ages
spanned from the fall of the Roman Empire in 476 AD through the beginning of the Renaissance. This
was a period of great hypocrisy and darkness within the Church and its leaders. The corruption of the
Church during the Middle Ages can be studied by exploring the effects of the Black Plague, the
resulting corruption within the church, the unbiblical practices that came about, and those who
recognized the corruption and fought to expose it.
The ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Perpetrators: Throughout history, there have been many popes who have promoted these unethical
practices. Pope Boniface VIII is one of the most well known corrupted popes. After making his way
up to the position of pope in 1294, Boniface began his tyrannical leadership. He was in favor of papal
authority which was the belief that the pope has ultimate authority over the whole church and can
exercise it unhindered at any time (Bonsor, Roos). He also felt that he was the supreme authority over
not just the church, but over the emperor as well. Boniface abused his power, waging wars, leading
conquests, and collecting riches for himself. He also feuded for many years with King Philip IV
because he believed the church should not be taxed. Dante Alighieri, an Italian poet, was a personal
enemy of Boniface because he believed that the emperor and pope should share equally distributed
power between them. He also condemned Boniface s participation in simony. Later, Boniface s
careless actions resulted in Dante s exile; therefore, Dante reserved a place for Pope Boniface VIII in
the eighth circle of hell in his work Inferno for his disgraceful acts against him and the church. In
addition to the damage Pope Boniface VIII caused the medieval church, Pope Alexander VI further
contributed to the Church s downfall.
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The Pigeon Power House Essay
Before I begin to describe the film, I would like to emphasize that I will tell Sean´s story formally in a
poetic realist style. Hallucinatory, sleepwalking sequences alternate with harsh reality in a desolated
environment for the sake of telling slices of true life: Emotions, diversity and the unforeseen.
Now the film.
It´s grey and dull. The Pigeon Power House in Dublin is not far away and one could smell the industry
and the sea.
12yo Sean visits drifter Johnny who is living in a tent at Ringsend beach. In daydreams Sean wears a
balaclava mask and fights adventurous battles with his hero Johnny. He admires Johnny and invites
the community´s young vagabond to his home.
Desperate for food and shelter Johnny agrees and Sean manages to ... Show more content on
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Sean is suspicious of Johnny and his mother when he finds both having an intense dance at home.
Sean realizes that Johnny physically and emotionally comes closer to his mother and suddenly the big
hero became his worst enemy. The dilemma intensifies after Sean even witnessing moans of pleasure
involving his mum in one night. Sean literally slips into Johnny´s skin after stealing his clothing a
night of pain and rage for the preteen lasts. The next morning Mary detects her son in a grotesque
situation: Sean hung and scattered Johnny´s clothing all over his room and wearing Johnny´s
oversized dress as well as the balaclava mask. The disturbed boy finally confronts his mother by
kissing her on the lips and escapes his home.
While Sean gears up for a fight Johnny hangs out with two of his peers at the beach. Sean attacks
Johnny but fails twice. As Sean lays on the ground Johnny´s friends humiliate Sean by allowing a
boxer dog to mount the boy. Affect based Sean throws a stone and hits Johnny fatally.
In the end we see Mary arriving the
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Self Realization
The Impact of Self Realization
It is the losses in life that makes us who we are. Whether it be the loss of someone close to us or the
loss of our innocence, or former beliefs, or maybe the people we thought we were. Those losses are
our first steps into adulthood. After that life gets more complicated. But it s also filled with promise
and possibility of opening our hearts to new beginnings, dreams, experiences, and places.
The summer before senior year of high school, my family and I took a trip to the city that never
sleeps, NYC. My trip there was like discovering an entirely new way of life that I wasn t accustomed
Manhattan is like a battered woman. Damaged, has seen better days, but still strong and beautiful.
This city is filled with artists, musicians, designers, performers, and writers who were distinctly
themselves and are celebrated for it. It s such a stark contrast to the world that I come from where
conformity is demanded and the light skin, curly haired girls rule.
The energy in New York City is unmatched, anywhere else in the world. The city is pulsating with life
at all hours of the day. The streets are filled with an ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It has influenced the standards on what the perfect woman is and what qualities a girl needs to possess
in order to be successful in life.
Physical appearance is the first thing we see and it becomes our Achilles heel. We live in a body
obsessed culture. Men and women, especially feel pressured to have the perfect bodies, and we come
to believe the lies supplied to us about what a perfect body is and what defines beauty. The media s
influence is not only a problem because women aspire to be a certain way, but also, women believe,
and it is true to an extent, that men have also been influenced by the media in believing that women
are supposed to be thin and flawless on the outside and have a beaming personality to
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The Origin Of Aboriginal People
The Oxford dictionary defines the stolen generation as: The Aboriginal people forcibly removed from
their families as children between the 1900s and the 1960s, to be brought up by white foster families
or in institutions. But what the Oxford definition cannot tell us is the horrible impacts of the stolen
generation on: the stolen children, their families, the Aboriginal culture and Australia as a Nation. The
stolen generation was caused by European Australians belief that Aboriginal people were inferior to
them, a belief stemming from the fact that the Aboriginal people had not industrialised and therefore
they appeared primitive to European Australians who had industrialised in the 1700s. The European
Australians also believed that the Aboriginal people were dying out, due to the catastrophic population
decline after the European Australians arrived. This decline in the Aboriginal population was mainly
caused by the arrival of the European Australians whom brought diseases that they had no immunity
for and caused conflict, (such as the frontier wars) that took the lives of many Aboriginal Australians,
causing their population to fall from 700 000 in 1788 to 93000 in 1900. This decline in the Indigenous
peoples numbers eventually lead to the creation of policies such as the Aborigines Protection Act of
1909. This and other similar acts in different states gave the members of the Aboriginal Protection
Board the power to forcibly remove Aboriginal children from their
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Similarities Between Washington McNeely by Edgar Lee...
Many authors are inspired to write by other things like a special thing in their day or sometimes other
writings or poems. Washington Mcneely by Edgar Lee Masters and Our Town by Thornton Wilder
themes because Our Town was inspired by many of Edgar Lee Masters poems. Both pieces of work
share the themes of death and time, a character similarities between Mrs. Webb and Washington
McNeely. Two themes the poem has is death and time. The poem displays the theme of time, because
it starts out telling the story of a man who is from, and raises his children in, a noble and rich family.
As his children get older, 2 of them died, and the others, to quote the poem all were gone, or broken
winged or devoured by life . He had lost, essentially all of his children, and as we find out his wife.
The poem shows how he went from a great man with a happy family, to a lost man who is all alone.
The next theme the poem shows is death. Death is all throughout the poem. It starts with a man living
a good life, but as it goes on his first child leaves, his next 2 children die, and the next 3 become
incredibly unsocial and that s not even it! Near the end his wife, the mother of all 6 children, dies. I sat
under my cedar tree, till ninety years were tolled. The poem ends with the man dying, after everything
he had lost; he died in his favorite place to be, under his cedar tree. The book also displays the same
themes as the poem. The book, Our Town shows the theme of time, because we see two
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Attempted Murder and Criminal Acts
In this essay, I will describe the elements of a criminal act, address the law of factual impossibility, the
law of legal impossibility, and distinguish whether the alleged crime in the scenario is a complete but
imperfect attempt or an incomplete attempt. I will address the ethical or moralistic concerns associated
with allowing a criminal defendant to avoid criminal responsibility by successfully asserting a legal
defense such as impossibility. The court was clearly wrong to dismiss the charge against Jack of
attempted murder of Bert.
A crime consists of an actus reus and a mens rea, in order to obtain a conviction of a criminal charge
there must be a concurrence between the actus reus and mens rea. The elements of a criminal act ...
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Transferred intent is when an individual has the intent to cause harm to one person but injures another
one instead (Lippman, 2012). In order to meet the requirements of transferred intent, two questions
must be asked and both questions must have a yes to apply transferred intent. The first question: If
contact had been made with the intended object (Bert), would there have been a crime (National
Paralegal College, 2014)? The answer is yes, there is a crime against pointing and firing a gun at a
human being and first degree murder. The second question: If the object with which contact was made
(Pratt) had been the intended target, would there have been a crime (National Paralegal College,
2014)? The answer here is yes (first degree murder). Under the legal doctrine of transferred intent,
Jack is still liable for the intentional crime he intended to commit against Bert, although, Jack
mistakenly committed a crime against Pratt.
The defenses to attempt are: factual impossibility and legal impossibility. Jack s attorney is attempting
to assert factual impossibility to have the charges of the attempted murder of Bert dismissed due to an
extraneous factor (gun malfunction), which is unethical. Factual impossibility is when a person does
everything in their power to complete the target crime, but fails
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The Strengths Of The Lakers
On their Twitter platform, the Laker following is made up of 5.6 million followers. Their tweets are
made up of the same posts on the Facebook page. In addition, use Twitter for more detailed updates.
For example, if they are playing a game, the Twitter page will keep you informed of the progress
throughout the game with highlights, pictures, and statistics. With Twitter, the Lakers have outside
help from reporters, players, and fans. Re tweeting behind the scenes actions from reporters covering
the team or remarks made by players whether it be a funny one liner or a motivational tweet to inspire
the organization. Lakers reporter Mike Trudell tweeted Zubac said he s excited to play with Russell
more in games, calling him a great screen/roll ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The fan based page already has sufficient content for viewers. Imagine if the Lakers, the organization
itself giving exclusive interviews, top plays, and show what they accomplish off the court. In their
position, they would be able gain twice as much content and views than a fan based page could ever
reach. Fans love knowing what the players on their favorite team is doing off the court. Lebron James
has created a segment he uses through the Bleacher Report application called Uninterrupted where he
has short video clips reaching out to the fans on recent events. I believe if the Lakers used this strategy
they would be able to generate even more of an interest since fans would be able to see a player s
genuine reaction than just of a reaction facing the media. My last recommendation would be for the
Lakers to strengthen their main weakness by using each social media tool to its individual strength.
While Facebook can stay informative since it executes all strategies with only one tool. Their
Instagram can be used better by continuing the I am LA campaign, then adding an Uninterrupted like
segment. On Twitter, instead of tweeting the same information as other social tools, they can show a
little more personality while they live tweet during the game. If they were to create more of a balance
of informative and entertainment instead of only informative, I believe their
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The National Security Agency Invasion
Living in a country that is known to be Land of the free... is not exactly what most people dream of.
The United States may be known for its freedom and power, but most people are unaware of the
covertness behind the government. And by now, almost every American citizen knows that privacy no
longer exists. In this century and country, it really does not. In the United States, most people look
toward the government as salvation, protection, and reliance. Unfortunately, not everything is as good
as it seems. Imagine your personal information, your daily conversations, and your daily actions being
viewed and judged by the government. This is exactly what the government does. Sometimes the
government is not always our solution; they can also be our problems.
National Security Agency (NSA) is also known as the President s Surveillance Program . It was first
implemented after the Twin Towers attack on September 11, 2001 by President George W. Bush. Soon
after, more surveillance programs sprouted in order to assist the National Security Agency. Some
surveillance programs include the FBI, IRS, Terrorist Scanning Center (TSC), Department of Defense
(DoD), Department of Homeland Security (DHS), etc. All of these surveillance programs s main
purpose is to conduct a range of surveillance activities inside the United States in search for terrorists.
These surveillance activities required much information such as call histories, data records and other
personal information. This daily
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The Plastic Pink Flamingo A Natural History Thesis
In the 1950 s, the pink flamingo became not just an American lawn ornament that was a fun
decoration, but also a status symbol of wealth and pizazz. Jennifer Prices essay, The Plastic Pink
Flamingo: A Natural History , Price uses tone and diction to provide her opinion on the ignorant and
foolish actions of the American in the 1950 s regarding the plastic pink flamingo. Price uses a
sarcastic tone throughout the piece to help reveal her opinion on the American Culture. In the title of
the essay, Price calls the flamingo plastic while also saying natural . She is stating that the flamingo is
naturally made when it is actually man made out of bright pink plastic. The contradiction made by
those two words in the title suggests prices thoughts about how the American society made the pink
flamingo a symbol of wealth. Price then ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Her sarcastic tone when explaining it was just a flamingo asserts her opinions on how America was
making a plastic pink bird a symbol of wealth and pizazz (7 8). Of all things, America chose a
flamingo and the sarcasm that she utilizes defines her view of this and that she does not support it.
Price explains how the flamingo was once hunted to extinction in America but now it is an icon and
everyone is drawn to it. She claims, But no matter. (15). Price is using her sarcastic tone to describe
how she feels about America killing the flamingo one minute and then using as a symbol the next. She
continues to indirectly attack the American views. Price asks the question, Why, after all, call the birds
pink flamingos as if they could be blue or green? (46 47). Price s repeated sarcastic tone is criticism of
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Hunger Games And White Noise Comparative Essay
Comparative Analysis of The Hunger Games and White Noise Both novels The Hunger Games by
Suzanne Collins and White Noise by Don DeLillo having varying representations of reality and
simulation. This is apparent in many articles and stories we have read in this course. Both protagonists
fear death and they keep up appearances to stay alive. Both showcase what can happen when
technology and the government gain too much control and the haphazard and dangerous situations
society is exposed to. These novels explore the tension that reality and simulacra create. The
environmental catastrophes that occur in both set the stage for a continuous downfall. In White Noise,
Jack s alternative reality is portrayed as the vibrant sunsets and his big ... Show more content on
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It represents White Noise by Jack s view of the sunsets. He has seen beautiful sunsets so many times
without any contrast, therefore he has become numb to really appreciating the beauty of the sun
setting. This quote also represents The Hunger Games by the structure of the games and the
propaganda done by the Capitol. Many of the wealthier districts are honored to participate in the
games because they have prepared for the event. They believe the Capitol s perception of the games as
suffering as entertainment. In reality these contestants are honored to fight other teenagers on TV and
hope to be the last one alive. Both novels suffer from an anesthesia from different sources which cause
their societies to be desensitized to the occurring
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Why Is Thomas Aquinas Important
In Thomas Aquinas Summa Theologica, St. Thomas enters into multiple discussions on the essence
and nature of humans, God, and everything else in between. Thomas explores questions that are seen
by others as too arduous to explore due to complicated sophistication and/or various complex thought
experiments. Nonetheless, Thomas tackles such difficulties and breaks it down in his own style with
help from others who have embarked on the same treacherous journey. With a lot of help from
Aristotle, specifically, Thomas equates many of his ideas about life to Aristotle s previous works.
Thomas even gives multiple commentaries on Aristotle s work, not something that most people can
put on their résumé. It s quite simple to see how brilliant Thomas ... Show more content on
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The objector suggests that the law itself directs man in his actions, which to the objector, seems to be
concerned only with particular matters. It is then concluded that the law is directed to some particular
good, not the common good. Following that argument, I would explain to the objector that particular
goods are involved in striving toward a larger goal. For instance, if my goal is to eat food, I may
occupy myself with the particular medium of cooking for myself, venturing to a restaurant, mooching
off of my friend, or whatever else seems to fit the mood at that moment. Just because the end goal is
concerned with a particular doesn t mean the subject s mindset is contained to those individual
particulars. Particulars in every circumstance do in fact strive for an end of some sort. To break this
down further, let us take for example the basic law to not kill. In the United States, the law is that
people drive on the right side of the road. In other countries, it may be on the left side. This specific
law is aimed at the end of not killing, which in turn promotes human flourishing. Thus, we can
conclude that rules for driving on the opposite sides of the road is aimed at the end of a common good.
The objector is saying that laws are concerned only with a particular matter or a particular good.
Following that logic
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Pride In The Count Of Monte Cristo
It was pride that changed angels into devils; it is humility that makes men as angels Saint Augustine.
Pride is can bring out the good qualities in people but can also overpower them, and cause a negative
reaction. The Count of Monte Cristo is about Edmond Dantes who was about to be the captain of the
Pharaon and marry the love of his life. Until, he was falsely accused of treason, by his friends and sent
to Chateau d if. When Edmond escapes the jail he finds a smuggler ship who takes him to the Isle of
Monte Cristo. Where he finds the treasure Edmonds friend from jail Abbe Faria Told him about.
Edmond sets off to get revenge on the people who betrayed him, and reward his loyal friends. Edmond
eventually stops fulfilling his vengeance when he feels guilty and runs away with his new lover to
start a new life. In comparison, the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
King Louis XVI has a great decline in power and calls himself just a puppet on a lonely string
(Coldplay 31). This presents the idea that after the king was overthrown he felt useless. And he lost all
pride in himself, because puppets are controlled by other people, hee no longer has the confidence to
do the bold things he used to do. But in the Count of Monte Cristo Edmond has the opposite problem,
his pride has made him think he is above/with God on levels of power. By telling everyone Satan took
him to the tallest mountain in the world and Satan told him as he had said to christ, son of man what
would thou have in order to worship me? (Dumas 213). Presenting the information, that Edmond has
called himself Godlike and will sell his soul to Satan, just to get that much more power. With all of the
money, power, and abundance of pride he forgot that he was human wich can come back at him and
cause problems. King Louis XVI and Edmond Dantes are very similar in the way of how pride took
over them, and how they ended
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Essay on Confirmation in the Catholic Church
Confirmation in the Catholic Church Confirmation is a Catholic sacrament of mature Christian
commitment and a deepening of baptismal gifts. Like Baptism and Eucharist, it is a Sacrament of
Initiation for Catholics and a Sacrament of faith in God s fidelity to us
Confirmation is the moment when two things are confirmed. The candidate confirms his/her faith in
Christ and takes full responsibility for that faith and for membership of the community of faith, which
we call the church . God, through the Bishop, confirms God s claim on the candidate s life.
Whatever happens at confirmation, the moment for those who are confirmed is a ... Show more
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Confirmation complements the symbols of Baptism. The historical origins of the symbols of
Confirmation are many and diverse. One source of the rituals for the Sacrament of Confirmation can
be found in the bathing customs of the Roman Empire. The water ritual (Baptism) came to mean the
washing away of sin, and the oil ritual (Confirmation) was interpreted to mean the sweet fragrance of
God s presence: sanctifying grace. In the same way God s grace fills us with redemption and salvation.
This grace, this presence of God in us, is the Holy Spirit. Confirmation is the Sacrament of the Holy
Spirit. Anointing can mean many things. From ancient times, oil has been a symbol of strength,
healing and agility. For Jews, our ancestors in the faith, oil is the sign of God appointing someone to
be a priest, prophet and king. Christians believe that Jesus of Nazareth was this anointed one. As
Christ means anointed, we call ourselves Christians because we are the anointed ones, the Oiled
People, so to speak. The Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist initiate us into that oiled
community, the community anointed to continue the vocation of the Messiah, the Christ.
At Baptism, the priest lays his hand on those to be baptised and marks them with the sign of the cross.
In the Sacrament of Reconciliation, the priest lays his hands on the head of the
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Pet Friendly By Sue Pethick
Animal companionship is available through many choices and may include such examples as furry,
four legged creatures or those that may slither and frighten even the most ardent animal lover. Still, the
mutual bond that forms between owner and guardian transcends the daily duties associated with pet
ownership. These emotional relationships are corroborated through personal stories and often
presented in heartwarming movies and novels. Pet Friendly by Sue Pethick utilizes an encouraging
theme to embody one example, which exemplifies how pet ownership, including the rewarding aspect
of adoption, has a magnitude of positive benefits on the physical, emotional, and social well being of
the human companion.
There are a significant number of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Unfortunately, some individuals may have reservations about animal adoption because of
preconceived notions of low success rates. Mindful of these concerns, Pet Smart Charities sought
information regarding the success rates of animal adoptions. In three surveys performed over a one
year period with respondents who adopted dogs and cats from either a PetSmart location, Adopt a
Thon event, or shelter, Neidhart and Boyd concluded there was an overwhelming positive response to
animal adoption (175). Ninety percent reported being very satisfied with the animal chosen, while
only two percent responded very dissatisfied. Additionally, eighty eight percent reported being very
satisfied with the adoption experience, and ninety eight percent would recommend their adoption
location to others (176). While adoption is just the beginning of the subsequent years of happiness and
companionship for the pet and the caretaker, numerous other benefits accompany this camaraderie.
Individuals who share their lives with animals reap numerous physical benefits, which leads to an
improvement of overall health. One of the most widely known physical rewards is simply achieved by
exercising with a dog, which mutually benefits both parties and involves merely taking the
recommended thirty minute daily walk (Benjamin 1). Additionally, the reduction in heart disease,
which is a more
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Tv Final Essay
Study Guide for Level One TV Senior Final 2012 1. Signal transmission speed of radio TV waves The
speed of light 2. Difference between networks, ONO, and affiliates Networks: make program bundles
available exclusively to its affiliates ONO: Owned and Operated. Type of affiliate that is owned by
one of the Networks (CBS, NBC, ABC, Fox, etc.) Affiliates: Local stations (WSVN, WFOR, etc.) 3.
Differences between pre , production, post Pre : What happens before we go out to shoot Production:
Time of shooting Post : Editing 4. Application of pre , production, post Pre : Costuming, research,
hiring actors, etc. Production: Shooting video for the production Post : Editing (including music
editing). ADR (automatic dialogue ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
We have them because of a 1912 international agreement. 14. Amount of time for creating a film Pre
production (60% of your time is spent on this [24 months]) Production (10% of your time is spent on
this [1 month or 2]) Postproduction (30% of your time is spent on this [6 months]) 15. Network
ownership The Walt Disney Company owns ABC News Corporation owns FOX Comcast and GE
owns NBC CBS owns CBS 16. Local affiliates WFOR, WTVJ, WSVN, and WPLG. 17. SMRC See
#24 S M R C Sender Message Receiver Communication Feedback 18. Gaffers Tape It s like duct tape
but there s no goo when you take it off. Garner loves it. 19. Large and small scale production
companies Large scale: Creates shows that you know (Glee, Grey s Anatomy, etc.). Also, sporting
events. Small scale: Local stuff. Wedding Bar Mitzvah videos. 20. Interpersonal vs. Intrapersonal
Interpersonal: Communication between two people (dyadic). Intrapersonal: The individual becomes
his or her own sender and receiver, providing feedback to him or herself in an ongoing internal
process. **21. Regulation of radio 22. Nonverbal, verbal 90% of all communications is nonverbal. It s
everything that is not spoken. Nonverbal
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Cost Accounting Essay
Solutions Manual for
Creating Value for Management
Fifth Edition
University of California, Davis
Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Cost Accounting: How Managers User Cost Accounting Information
Chapter 15
Using Differential Analysis for Production Decisions
Chapter 2
Cost Concepts and Behaviour
Chapter 16
Managing Quality and Time
Chapter 3
Cost System Design: An Overview
Chapter 17
Planning and Budgeting
Chapter 4
Job Costing
Chapter 18
Flexible Budgeting and Performance Evaluation
Chapter 5
Process Costing
Chapter 19
Performance Evaluation: Cost Variances
Chapter 6
Spoilage and Quality Management
Chapter 20 Chapter 7
Allocating Costs to Departments ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Nonvalue added activities do not add value to the goods or services. 1 4. Differential costs are
important for managerial decision making, but other cost data can provide management with
additional important information. For example, inventory values and costs of goods sold are important
for income tax and financial reporting purposes as well as for most bonus and cost plus contracting
purposes. Costs for performance evaluation are not necessarily differential costs. Companies try to
recover all costs, hence some estimate of total costs is needed. (This could be an opportunity to
discuss short run and long run costs with students, noting that in the long run, all costs must be
The McGraw Hill Companies, Inc., 1997 Solutions Manual, Chapter 1 1
1 5. Costs that could be shared among housemates might include a share of the rent, food, utilities,
and other related costs. Costs that would differ with the addition of another person are the differential
costs. These differential costs might include food. It would be necessary to negotiate an agreement
between you and the other person considering all factors. For example, should you split the total costs
or charge only the differential costs of the additional person. Businesses are often faced with similar
decisions on finding the appropriate cost base for splitting costs. There are no generally accepted
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Ferguson Incorporation Case Study
My recommendations on an Alcohol and Drug Policy would look like:
Ferguson Incorporation desires to provide a work environment that is both healthy and comfortable
for all its employees. It is recognized that the use of alcohol or drugs may have serious adverse effects
on an employee s health, safety, and job performance.
Individuals who believe they have a developing alcohol and/or drug problem are expected to assume
responsibility and seek assistance from their personal physician(s) and or appropriate community
resources before their job performance is affected or violations of this policy and related guidelines
occur Ferguson Inc. employees may access the Employee Family Assistance Program. Employees
may also seek assistance from a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
If an employee is required to take prescription drugs, these drugs should not inhibit their ability to
proficiently perform their job functions.
Employees are not to have illegal drugs, or related paraphernalia in their possession while in the work
place or on company business.
Possession, use, or selling of drugs, or drug paraphernalia on Ferguson Inc. property or in company
vehicles is prohibited. It is a Criminal Offence under the Criminal Code and the proper Authorities
will be contacted.
Smoking/ Vaper Using
There must be no use of tobacco products in Ferguson Inc. buildings or company vehicles.
Employees who desire to smoke or use tobacco products and or Vaper users must do so during rest or
lunch breaks only and in the designated areas.
Proper clean up and disposal of tobacco products is required.
Policy violations
Should there be reason to believe that an employee s job performance is being negatively affected by
alcohol, illegal or prescription drugs, or that this policy is being violated in anyway, [Organization
Name] is entitled to inquire as to the nature of the problem and to take appropriate action; which may
include disciplinary
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Phonic Strategies
I use some strategies from Orton Gillingham. I would focus on breaking apart words and the rules that
go along with it. I think you need it. I teach Zack (her son) with phonics. I do not feel we do a strong
enough foundation in it. It needs to be focused on longer then what it is.
Phonics is understanding the relationship between letters and sounds. It is important for all people to
get a good grasp of it when they are young. Having this knowledge will create a strong basis for
learning the English language. Mrs. Baughman uses phonics as much as she can in her sixth grade
science and language arts classes. The formal teaching of phonics is finished before sixth grade, but
she believes it is important to go over it as much ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Baughman is using word identification strategies in her classroom. Some strategies to help with word
identification are using context clues, word analysis (affixes and suffixes), and sounding out words.
Mrs. Baughman is doing very well on how she is handling words that are hard to identify. In her
science class she probably runs into many words that are very hard for her students to say. These sight
words would be considered Tier three words. This is Isabel Beck s way of categorizing vocabulary
words into three tiers: Tier one, Tier two, and Tier three. Tier one words are the basic words that
children should already know like door, paper, and ball. Tier two words are high frequency words that
are needed when using mature language. Some examples include analysis, performed, and benevolent.
Lastly, Tier three words are only found in specific fields of study like prokaryote, isotope, and
arachnids. You only find these words when teaching a certain topic like Mrs. Baughman s science
class. Telling a student to sound out the word can help them to identify what it may be. An example of
this happened to me while I was in high school. I came across the word Mediocre and I could not
figure out the pronunciation of this word so I asked my teacher. Once she gave me the right
pronunciation I understood the meaning of it without asking. This is why word identification is so
important. Once a student knows how to pronounce words correctly they will more easily be able to
grasp the
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Fiber To Your Diet Analysis
For 2013, one of my goals is to add more fiber to my daily diet in order to speed up my slow digestive
system. Slow digestion is common among Parkinson s patients, resulting in constant constipation. In
addition to this reason, there are three other important reasons I want added fiber in my diet. These
three reasons are included in this article, as well as a recipe for my favorite sweet source of fiber,
Baked Apples! This delicious recipe has 5 grams of fiber per serving. Three Benefits of Adding Fiber
to Your Diet 1. A diet rich in fiber helps digestion as well as helps your body maintain blood sugar
levels! 2. Soluble fiber found in foods like oats; help reduce the bad cholesterol (LDL), as well as total
cholesterol in the bloodstream. 3. Consuming high fiber foods help us to feel full longer helping us ...
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Place apples cut side up in a large ovenproof skillet. Sprinkle 1 tablespoon of the brown sugar over the
apples. Fill the apple cavities with the cereal mixture, and mound the mixture generously on top of the
apples, allowing it to cover the entire cut surface of the apples. 4. Pour the apple juice into the bottom
of the skillet and place skillet in the oven, lightly covered with foil. Bake the apples for 20 minutes.
Remove the foil and bake until they are crisp tender and the stuffing is golden brown, about 20
minutes more. 5. Transfer the apples to plates. Add the remaining 1 tablespoon of brown sugar to the
cooking liquid in the pan and simmer over medium high heat until it thickens slightly, about 5
minutes. Stir in the lemon juice. 6. Spoon the sauce over the hot apples and serve. Top with fat free
Greek yogurt if desired. These baked apples are a sweet treat that is healthy! Sources: Personal
experience with Parkinson s http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/fiber/NU00033 Making the decision
to lose weight is a great first step in achieving optimal health and looking better too, but as most of us
realize, that s often easier
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Operating System And The Computer System Essay
Introduction: An operating system is a vital component of the computer system. The common and
simple devices like refrigerators and microwave ovens does not have an operating system. The
complex systems which handle several components, functions and processes usually have an operating
system. The operating system is like the brain of a human being, the brain is an essential organ in the
body of human being which sends signals and helps functioning of the human body. Our intelligence,
attitude, emotions and senses defines our presence, all these are possible because of our brain. In
similar manner, Operating System (OS) is the power behind a computer system. In other words,
operating system is brain of the computer and processor is the heart of the computer. A computer is the
concatenation of several hardware parts. The operating system manages computer hardware resources
and provides common services for computer programs and other application software. Application
programs or software usually require an operating system to function. For basic hardware functions
such as input and output and memory allocation, the operating system acts as an intermediary between
application software and the computer hardware, although the hardware is directly accessed and
executed by application code or software directly, the hardware will frequently make a system call to
an OS function or be interrupted by it. In simple terms, operating systems track the activities of
hardware and
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Persuasive Essay On Emerging Adulthood
Despite some young adults are privileged and may not have to worry as much about issues of the real
world. Several of other young adults are growing up slowly and are not completing milestones that
were common at their age in past generations. Emerging adulthood is beneficial to young adults and
should be more supported by others because having emerging adulthood would give young adults
more time to have identity exploration, it helps give young adults more self focus, and it helps to
understand what the real world really is and the issues that come. Initially, emerging adulthood is
helpful because young adults have more time to find their identity. In the article, the Arnett talks about
the importance of identity exploration: a few of these, especially identity exploration, are part of
adolescence too, but they take on new depth and urgency in the 20s (Henig, 200). Arnett is implying
that the stage of emerging adulthood plays a major part in finding who the person is. Coming into
adulthood a person can feel rushed into adulthood and not fully grasp who they are and what they
want or like to do with their life. This feeling is felt even as a teenager. Having the extra time to
explore who they are can only benefit the person and ease the transition into adulthood. Arnett
emphasizes the urgency on how beneficial finding a person s true self. The stakes are higher when
people are approaching the age when options tend to close off and lifelong commitments must be
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Asian-American Maggie Q Analysis
It is undeniable that Asian American Actors are very competitive in the movie industry around the
world. They take part in any entertainment industry and they are much loved anywhere. In this video, I
will share Top 5 Asian American Actors that you may know and idolize.
No 5. Maggie Q An Asian American Maggie Q or Margaret Denise Quigley was a fashion model and
TV personality before she became a movie actress. Her father is an American born with Irish and
Polish ancestry while her mother is Vietnamese. She is a full fledge superstar in Asia. She had a cameo
in a movie Rush Hour 2 and a supporting cast in Mission Impossible III. People keep saying rush hour
when the hours do not rush at all.
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Religious Symbolism In Waiting For Godot
In Waiting for Godot, Samuel Beckett produces a truly cryptic work. On first analyzing the play, one
is not sure of what, if anything, happens or of the title character s significance. In attempting to
unravel the themes of the play, interpreters have extracted a wide variety symbolism from the Godot s
name. Some, taking an obvious hint, have proposed that Godot represents God and that the play is
centered on religious symbolism. Others have taken the name as deriving from the French word for a
boot, godillot. Still, others have suggested a connection between Godot and Godeau, a character who
never appears in Honore de Balzac s Mercadet; Ou, le faiseur. Through all these efforts, there is still
no definitive answer as to whom or what Godot ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
While the play contains obvious ambiguities into the word s meaning, they are all for show. There is
no real meaning. The interpretation of Godot s religious significance, while this significance is clearly
alluded to, leads to interpreter into a long, blind alley of meaninglessness. Just as Estragon s boots
contain nothing inside them, there is no central meaning to the word Godot. Furthermore, this
meaninglessness can be expanded to all of Beckett s language; full of hints of a greater significance,
language hides the triviality of all things described. Only after this revelation can one finally get
towards the central meaning of Beckett s play; there is no meaning. His characters engage in
ridiculous language to pass the time and to give [them] the impression [they] exist (44B). Illusions of
significance continue throughout the play, but, in truth, the play comes from nothing and ultimately
ends in nothing. Beckett exposes the pitfalls of a language that attempts to create meaning when none
exists. Waiting for Godot is not a commentary on religion or really anything for that matter. Its
meaning comes in its meaninglessness. That is the play s greater
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The Torus Shaped Vessel
2.3 Diverter Applications
The diverter is located at the bottom of the torus shaped vessel and is designed to extract heat from the
plasma as well as the exhaust fumes of the reaction occurring which are helium and any impurities
from the first wall of the reactor. The basic concept of a diverter used within a tokamak design can be
understood better by looking at figure x which is a diagram of JET after it had a divertor fitted. The
separatrix is the last field line which contains the plasma. The magnetic field transports the plasma to
the diverters at the bottom as shown where the heat energy strikes the diverter target plates and
conducted to pipes where it is then removed through either a water or helium cooling system and the
exhaust gases are extracted by a vacuum.
The diverter itself is made up of several components shown in figure x. The plasma facing
components are the two vertical targets and dome. A closer look at one of the vertical target in figure x
shows how the cooling system works with a pipe with cooling fluid flowing through it is fitted
through blocks of armour material which make up the targets.
Looking to the future as projects grow in size towards DEMO, which will be a functioning fusion
power plant, the demands on materials especially PFC s are going to increase. For ITER the plasma
facing components for the divertor are to be made of carbon fibre reinforced carbon composite s
(CFC) and some sections tungsten armour materials but for DEMO
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Working At Marshall s As A Freshman
While working at Marshall s as a freshman in college, I happened to assist a nice lady (Mrs. R) who I
casually conversed with as I checked her out at the front registers. She found out that I was a CNA
from our conversation and she informed me that she owned her own Homecare company. Mrs. R
handed me her business card before she left and I ended up giving her a call. A few weeks later, I
received a job offer from her and was scheduled for an interview. Even though I was a bit
inexperienced, Mrs. R saw great potential in me and I was beyond appreciative for her judgment.
Fasting forward three years later, I am still employed with Mrs. R s company. I have also worked for
multiple Homecare companies. My duties as a CNA consists of assisting ... Show more content on
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It also warms my heart to witness a client s progression mentally and physically after being diagnosed
with an illness. The most essential goal I have for all of my clients is to make sure they have a smile
on their face before I depart from their home. I also aim to build a foundation of trust by being
confidential with any personal information, if a client chooses to confide in me. With that said, I
strongly believe I can be one of the best clinical mental health counselors.
My specific career goal is to transform individuals lives through mental health. I am going to own a
mental healthcare business which allows me to be an advocate for the youth in raising their self
esteem and self confidence. Many teenagers and children go through domestic violence, bullying,
depression, anxiety and more. What they go through affects their overall self concept when it comes to
viewing themselves in a negative or positive way. I have lived through having a low self concept of
myself during my childhood because I dealt with a lot of bullying in my youth years. I have a great
level of confidence in myself now because I learned that your views of yourself are key in changing
your self concept. My target area of interest is to change the negative views teenagers may have about
themselves and prime them to be the best they can be no matter what they are physically or mentally
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The Distortive View Of Womanhood In Bad Girls Club
Let s examine a few specific examples of mindless shows that are underlining harmful to the distortive
view of womanhood; Bad Girls Club depicts women as loud, unruly, angry, bitter, jealous, envious,
and non supportive of one another; All About the Game is a dating show that has women competing
against each other for the attention of one man, hence women are illustrated as desperate, conniving,
gossipers, attention seekers, insecure, and spiteful; The Housewives series extremely materialistic,
vain, over emphasizes a lack of morals, promiscuous, heartless, unmerciful, cold hearted, remorseless
and dresses provocative for attention; Mob Wives known for physical fights, being callus in their
treatment towards others, unbending,
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Swot Analysis Of Coffee
a. Industry Background
Coffee is an extremely popular beverage worldwide and has a market that is segmented into three
categories: growers, roasters, and retailers. Aside from oil, coffee is the most popular item in the
world. South America has been ranked as the #1 coffee producing region in the world. The top
producer in that region is Brazil. 50% of people aged 18 24 in the U.S. would consider themselves to
be coffee drinkers. Out of all American coffee drinkers the amount consumed is 1.96 cups of coffee
per day, and 87% of these people typically drink their cup of coffee at home. Retail sales of coffee has
amounted to $5.17 billion in the United States. 58% of people reported that they typically drink coffee
because they need to wake up. Coffee related economic activity comprises approximately 1.6% of the
total U.S. gross domestic product and the coffee industry alone provides jobs for over 1.5 million
Duncan, Eric. Topic: Coffee Market. Www.statista.com, Statista, 2017,
www.statista.com/topics/1248/coffee market/.
NCAUSA. The Economic Impact of the Coffee Industry. NCA National Coffee Association USA Est.
1911, NCAUSA, 2017, www.ncausa.org/Industry Resources/Economic Impact.
Lombardo, Jessica. Starbucks Coffee SWOT Analysis. Panmore Institute. Panmore Institute, 31 Jan.
2017. Web. 12 Feb. 2017.
Meyer, Pauline. Starbucks Coffee Company s Organizational Structure. Panmore Institute. Panmore
Institute, 31 Jan. 2017. Web. 12 Feb. 2017.
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Nicholas Stoller s Neighbors
When I got the invite to see Nicholas Stoller s work in progress comedy Neighbors back in February, I
didn t know what to expect. Of course, I knew it was going to be raunchy but my main concern was
whether the film would be actually funny. Seth Rogen s particular brand of comedy has been largely
hit or miss with me as there are times where I ve found him too abrasive (like in 2011 s ill advised
reimagining of venerable radio serial crime fighter the Green Hornet) but when he s in a role that
plays to his strengths, he can be absolutely hilarious. Despite my mixed feelings on Rogen, the biggest
wildcard in Neighbors was Zac Efron. Women specifically teenage girls may go crazy over his baby
blue eyes and perfectly formed pecs and abs but as an actor, he s been less than impressive. With only
the poster as my frame of reference, I went into the screening of Neighbors and came out ninety
minutes later in pain...because I was laughing so hard! In fact, I enjoyed Stoller s film so much that I
recently saw it a second time in its completed form, although the only things that were missing in the
work in progress version was some post production effects and the end credits. We re barely two
weeks into the summer movie season and already we have a strong contender for best comedy of
Married couple Mac and Kelly Radnor (Seth Rogen and Rose Byrne) are slowly adjusting to life in the
suburbs with their newborn baby girl Stella but the family s hope for peace and quiet is
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Dichotomy Yoga
Tinker: an innate disposition bestowed upon me every Sunday from ten in the morning to two in the
afternoon since the inception of my high school career. Instead of pixie dust, a wand which grants
wishes at the silence of desires engendered by the threat of danger, a short green dress embellished
with sparkles, and Lost Boys, I am equipped with duct tape, a glue gun, pants and hoodie which I do
not care for knowing that four hours later, they will be covered in shrapnels of paper, paint, glitter, and
a Destination Imagination (DI) team consisting of five other individuals. A title of distinction, one
premised on capability and strong suits, is tethered to each of the Lost Boys on the DI team. There is
the leader, Peter Pan, of us Lost Boys, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
For eight months, duct tape functions as my pixie dust as I repair any ruptures in executions of
creative planning as I duct tape tears in scenes of imaginative artistry: of the deep seas and its
creatures, of a human face, of the dichotomy between the Victorian era and 1920s New York. For eight
months, a paintbrush functions as my wand of assistive artistry as I assist in painting scenes of
creative output, a molecular highway scroll of last minute ingenuity, and octopus tentacles. For eight
months, I assist in paper macheing dolphin bodies, soldering electrical circuits, and cutting pieces of
two by fours. On the day of competition, you can find the Tinker of the team repairing the water boxes
using duct tape or caulking gun, or piecing falling apart costumes with a glue gun. I serve no
distinction among my teammates for I only assist and repair, but do not excel in a specialty; therefore,
I am condemned to the unflattering, humbling title of Tinker. However, during our performance I am
liberated from the mundane ritual of Sunday evenings and catapulted into immortality, ingrained in
life s game
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Gender Differences Between Lora And Annie
Lora is often opposite to Annie as she challenges the traditional female roles in cinema and regular life
while Annie strengthens them. This is because Lora is a single mother for a majority of the film and
struggles to spend time with her daughter Susie. This was unusual in films and regular life during the
1950s 1960s due to the strong adherence to gender roles which prioritized women to parenting over
jobs. Lora goes against many of the traditional female role in many ways with the first being how she
is shown as a work driven person with aspirations and hard work ethic. Lora shows her devotion to
work by refusing a marriage proposal from her first romantic partner Steve. This melodramatic scene
showed how Lora is an independent person who
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A Connection to Real Life Events; King Henry V
Have you ever read a book that made you contemplate how it would pertain to your life or someone
else s life? Certainly, after reading the play titled King Henry V originally written by William
Shakespeare and edited by Andrew Gurr, I concluded that certain situations in this book correspond to
several aspects in this world. For instance, it can connect to many events that occurred during the
1590s, the time period in which this play was written. On the other hand, it correlates with other
compositions that were read in class such as The Prince, but more importantly this play undoubtedly
relates to my life. Even though you may not think the production titled King Henry V applies to you,
you may want to reconsider your decision and realize ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
For instance, a Prince struggles with various military matters such as the type of troops to have and
even auxiliary to use. Both of these matters resulted from the breaking of Italy where various military
techniques were ineffective and caused great harm (Machiavelli 76 84). On the other hand, King
Henry V struggles with the concept that he is liable for his men s souls and has to implement rules that
do not bestow him with personal gains. In fact, he had difficulty in hanging his best friend Bardolph
because he stole a religious pax which was forbidden in his country (Gurr III vi. 35). While they both
encounter various aspects of being leaders, they additionally correspond with each another in the fact
that they insist on being feared by their men than loved. To illustrate, the Prince proclaimed that he
would preferably be feared because although people love you now they will only turn on you in the
future (Machiavelli 91). Moreover, because love may cease, but being feared never will (Machiavelli
91). However, King Henry V s men worry that all he wants for them is to be executed (Gurr IV.i). In
regards, King Henry did not want to be responsible for their actions because they make pilgrimages
and ultimately decided to enlist in his army which in turn contributes to the fact of being feared and
not loved (Gurr IV.i). Of course, both these subjects interrelate to one another in various ways, but
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Sex Trafficking In Women
Rubin s theory is used in this work to state the power struggle of the findom. Since the findom can be
placed in this vague status, it can be located in Rubin s theory of an imaginary line between good and
bad sex, titled the struggle over where to draw the line (Figure 2). Rubin points out that the line
seemingly stands between sexual order and chaos; however, some behavior is considered vague near
the border for example, the coupled and monogamous homosexuality (Rubin, 1993: 14 15). Therefore,
the findom can be placed in the major area of contest in the figure since it can be good and bad
(Figure 2.)
As Rubin (1993) states, the sex hierarchy not only functions for societies to appraise the value of sex
but also unequally rewards individuals in different levels of the hierarchy. Each individual receives
different power benefits in social position according to his/her sexual position. Sexuality, through the
hierarchal system, is engaged ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Butler says the formulation of gender trouble is built on Rubin s theory The Traffic in Women (1975),
which describes how normative sexuality fortifies normative gender and how sexual practice has the
power to destabilize gender (Butler, 1999: xi). As if sexual practice has the power to destabilize
gender, sexual behavior has the power to challenge gender normativity. The statement, in this
research, is linked to Jackson s (1995) suggestion that heterosexuality is neither fixed nor unchanging.
The heterosexual normativity can be destabilised through sexual practices, and the constraints can be
challenged through the materiality of the findom. The findom here is considered as a medium or a
signifier to provide new signification of the re articulation of desire, pleasure, and heterosexuality.
This is therefore the possibility of subversion of the findom through bodies sexual
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Descriptive Essay About Ice Skating
As quickly as possible, I ripped open the present that lay in my hands. I couldn t seem to open this
marvelous thing fast enough! The cold, crisp, December air blew from the front door passing by,
leaving a frigid feel to the house. It was my eleventh birthday in the year 1972, and there I held in my
very own hands, my first pair of ice skates. White as the snow outside my door they were, and a
glorious delight filled the air with the excitement over this special gift. I looked over and saw my
Mom glaring at my Grandma. Why on earth would she be mad about such a thrilling present? It was
such an obvious stare, that it almost seemed like my Mom wanted to demolish my skating career
before it even started. That had been two years ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I put on my skates, and started gliding across the lake. Happiness flowed around me, and I felt the
crisp, winter feel of the snow. The weather conditions were perfect for ice skating, better than the
abominable harsh winds and copious amounts of snow from last week. I was in my own world, gliding
around on the glistening ice, when I suddenly saw a figure standing right beside the ice rink. My mind
froze just as cold as it was outside. I quickly realized that this person standing right beside me was my
Mother. I quickly ran over to her, and took off my skates. I then gave my Mom an aberrant face,
already knowing she was mad. The whole walk home was in silence, and my Mom was clearly irate.
When we got to our house, my Mom opened the front door, and I quickly went inside. Before I could
even think of what to say to her, she started talking. She asked me why I had disobeyed her, breaking
her trust and going against her rules. I screamed back, asking her why she never let me go ice skating,
and was always making excuses for me not to go. What started as a small argument, turned into a
colossal fight. This continued on for about ten minutes, each of us blaming each other for the fight that
went on between us. Finally, she asked me if I really wanted to know why she never let me go ice
skating. I quickly nodded my head, and listened to her story. She started off by
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How Did Korean Shikai Influence The Qing Dynasty
Yuan Shikai was a chinese general, politician, and emperor in China s modern history. And he was the
one who established Northern New Army and had a big influence in the late Qing Dynasty. He went to
Korea as a supreme adviser on Korean government policies when he was young, and was in charge of
training new troops after his return. He played a very important role in events such as promoting the
modernization reform.
Yuan Shikai was elected as the first official president of the Republic of China, and was very active in
establishing the modern industry and educational systems as well as unifying the currency. Also he
attempted to restore the monarchy of China and proclaimed himself the Hongxian Emperor in his
short life, even though he ended ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
A military coup broke out during the Joseon Dynasty in Korea in 1882. Yuan Shikai was sent to Korea
by Li Hongzhang to suppress the rebellion, and he succeeded.
And Yuan Shikai was appointed the supreme adviser on Korean government policies and gave some
assistance for Korea to train the new army and to control Korean taxes.
During the military coup in 1884, The Japanese troop stationed in Korea tried to kidnap the Korean
Emperor Li Xi. Li Xi asked the Qing government for help, and Yuan Shikai commanded his Army and
assisted the Koreans to defeat the Japanese troop, protecting Korea and the Qing government s
interests in Korea, and he attracted Li Hongzhang s attention by this.
As the Dongxuedang uprising broke out in Korea in 1894, Yuan Shikai advised the Korean Emperor to
ask for assistance from the Qing government. Later on, the Japanese army sent more troops to Korea
and attempted to start a war. Before the First Sino Japanese War, Yuan Shikai masqueraded as a
peasant and returned to China. Yuan Shikai was recommended by Li Hongzhang to be in charge of
training new armies due to his great performances in
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The Organizational Culture of Quinlan s
The Organizational Culture of Quinlan s
Quinlan has been UK s foremost retail giant for a long period of time. By end of 1998 there was
evidence of a crisis and since then the company has been on a decline. The company has been
ignoring market changes and trying to maintain its corporate image and identity. This has caused the
customers to drift to more fashionable brands causing huge loss of business to Quinlan. Presently the
company is on a restructuring exercise to improve sales with particular emphasis on customer
satisfaction and marketing.
Organisation culture at Quinlan s
Organisation culture can be defined as the set of key values, beliefs, understandings and ... Show more
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This culture gives prominence to achievement and competitiveness. Employees usually work long
hours to achieve certain goals.
c) Clan This culture is reflected in organisations that emphasise on employee s participation in
meeting changes of the environment. Particular attention is paid to employee well welfare.
d) Bureaucratic This type of culture is visible in organisations that follow a well defined way of doing
things. Employees are not encouraged to take risks and rewarded for following rules. This is suitable
for a stable environment that is hard to find in these modern days.
It is visible that Quinlan s culture was bureaucratic. In particular Quinlan had:
a) Properly defined rules and procedures to function in a predictable and routine manner
b) Roles were clearly defined and labour was divided based on these roles
c) A hierarchical chain of command
d) Clear separation of ownership and control
Culture and organisation success
Daft, Management, 2003, chapter 3 explains that an organisation has two main environments: the
external and internal. The external environment includes elements that exist outside the boundary but
have the ability to affect the organisation. Eg. competitors, resources, technology, customers. The
internal environment consists of
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Tankless Water Research Paper
Should You Get a Tankless Water Heater?
Many households are becoming more energy efficient in some way or another. Homeowners are
purchasing fuel efficient vehicles or installing solar panels on their homes to reduce their carbon
footprint. You may also be considering taking a baby step, like installing a tankless water heater at
your home. If your goal is to compare the benefits of a tankless heater to traditional water heater, keep
reading to see the pros and cons.
Tankless Water Heaters Are Energy Efficient
As stated earlier, you save energy when you install a tankless water heater. You get the benefit of
heating less water, which requires less energy, so you may see an energy savings of up to 30% each
A Tankless Water Heater Takes Less Space ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
They also hang on your wall, so you don t have to worry about taking up floor space, and we all know
that floor space is a commodity in your bathroom or pantry.
Get How Water Faster with a Tankless Water Heater
Of course, every tankless water heater is different, but Energy.gov estimates that electric tankless
water heaters can heat up to five gallons of water per minute. By heating up water so quickly, there is
no need to store water and heat it periodically, like traditional water heaters.
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Air Transport
Using the right type of transport is very important in the supply chain. As we have learnt earlier the
use of the transport mode is of strategic importance to stock holding decisions. Air transport is much
quicker but the costs are high as opposed to shipping by boat or rail. Sea or rail transport requires
having higher levels of inventory in house to meet quick customer demands. Most importantly,
customer service levels must be met, and this often determines the mode of transport used.
The options for consideration include: rail, road, water (sea and river) or air transport.
Railway offers the logistics manager cost effective, energy efficient mode of transport for large
quantities of goods over long distances. Though often associated with the movement of low value/
high volume cargo like ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Figure: The route of the CMA CGM Liner service and one the vessels one the route
Air transport is often viewed as a premium, emergency type service that is used when all else fails.
The most expensive of all the modes of transport, airfreight offers the logistics manager fast, on time
service, but at a relatively high price. However, for firms supporting global markets, air may in fact be
the most cost effective mode of transport when inventory and customer service issues are considered.
Air transportation is best suited to moving relatively small high value / low volume items long
distances, although things as diverse as livestock and automobiles routinely move by air as well. The
best example of air transport is jewellery, watches, diamonds, gold and gemstones. Like trucking, air
transport industry is made up of many small companies dominated by a few large airlines.
Transportation of goods by air is regulated by appropriate rules. Commodities are shipped in
appropriate air containers. There is also a set of special equipment
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Timeline of Gendered Movements Essay
Timeline of Gendered Movements
Timeline of Gendered Movements Beginning in the mid 19th century, woman suffrage supporters
worked to achieve what many Americans considered a radical change in the Constitution. Women s
rights pioneers used tactics such as parades, silent vigils, hunger strikes, and picketing to get there
points across and Congress to pass a women suffrage amendment. (Reforming Their World, 2007)
The 19th amendment of 1920 is a very important amendment to the constitution because it gave
women the right to vote. You may remember that the 15th amendment made it illegal for the federal
and state government to deny any US citizen the right to vote, however, this did not apply to women.
The 19th ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In 1964, the Civil Rights Act was passed forbidding discrimination on the basis of sex as well as race
in hiring, promoting, and firing. It took some time, but we have finally made it. Nevertheless, as you
can see from the past, even though a law is written, an amendment always seems to follow and that is
what happened in the case of General Electric v. Gilbert, in which the Court held that denial of
benefits for pregnancy related disability was not discrimination based on sex. Women s organizations,
feminists, and labor and civil rights advocates went to work and in 1978, an amendment to Title VII of
the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is passed by Congress, the Pregnancy Discrimination Act, prohibiting
employment discrimination against pregnant women. (Encyclopedia.com, 2013) Between these we
also had many other significant events which I did not mention here, I end my commentary with the
Pregnancy Discrimination Act. Why did I choose this amendment to end with in 1978 when they
continue throughout the years? The reason being my Daughter in law is pregnant, due in April. She
was just let go from her current employment and told it was due to lack of work. She goes to school
full time and is a delivery person on the side. She has just found out that they have hired a replacement
to fill her position (let me mention that this employee is also male). I guess some employers need to
read up on the
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Bach Musical Offering Essay
This paper work will be talking about The musical offering, which wrote by the most important
composer, Johann Sebastian Bach. The musical offering was one of Bach s keyboard collection. In this
essay will be including its background, an analysis of an interesting section, and its influence on later
composers. The musical offering was keyboard canons, fugues and another genre of Bach s music. All
of them dedicated to Frederick the Great or Frederick II of Prussia, who brought a one line musical
theme to Bach. Frederick knew that Bach had good improvising skill, so he wanted him to do it. In
addition, Bach had improvised three parts of a voice fugue, but Frederick did want to make it harder
than Bach did. He told Bach to make it done by writing
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Examples Of Split Infinitives
Of the three verb classes, infinitives might be the easiest to understand, as it is the basic form of the
verb, without an infection binding it to a particular subject or tense (Oxford Dictionaries). Speakers
only need the basic understanding of a verb s meaning to simply use its infinitive form. As the speaker
s language develops, one begins to understand gerund and participle phrases later, eventually even
learning how to modify those sentences with modal verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. However, when
one attempts to modify infinitive phrases, many professors to be incorrect, as a mark of informality .
Typically, when one modifies an infinitive phrase adjuncts are added between to and the verb, like in
the case of to casually walk or ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Additionally, with Byron s use of the split infinitive, the line mimics the excitement of conversation
rather than the seriousness of prose, allowing the reader to feel a larger emotional response. Anne
Curzan states that one of the largest myths about standard English is that it always makes sense. She
uses split infinitives as an example for this myth, as there is no clear explanation for where the rule
came from. However, despite some speakers proclamations against split infinitives, Curzan (and
Pullum in his previously mentioned article) state that split infinitives clear more ambiguity than they
add to a sentence. Examine the sentence: Tell her to please be careful . If a writer rewrites the
sentences to unsplit the infinitive, it changes what exactly please modifies. For example, Please tell
her to be careful , please now references the listener rather than the her in question. If please is moved
to follow careful , like Tell her to be careful please it becomes ambiguous if the speaker is asking the
listener please or still referring to the other person. Keeping the infinitive split helps the listener
understand that the speaker wishes the person being referenced to be please be
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Impact Of The American Automotive Industry Essay
The American automotive industry is a massive force, to say the least. The historical impacts of
automotive technology and assembly line manufacturing has effected economies around the world and
has also created world wide ecological challenges. Governments, under pressure from
environmentalists, have had to realize, create, implement, and constantly refine manufacturing and
emission standards. Consumers, who foot the gas bill for vehicles, continue to express their desire for
less expensive autos that require less fuel without sacrificing style, comfort, safety, or performance.
One cannot discuss the impacts of the American automotive industry without giving due credit to
Henry Ford. While Ford did not create the first gas powered car, nor the first assembly line, he did
revolutionize both (Voice of America, 2012). He was an accomplished machinist and one day he
discovered a gas powered machine called a Silent Otto (Voice of America, 2012). Henry was a self
motivated independent learner who relished innovative challenges. As his innovations developed
marketable products, Ford insisted on making cars that were affordable for everyone. The
improvements he made to assembly line manufacturing streamlined production and kept consumer
costs low, even though he had to fight tooth and nail to retain this control. Ford s advancements in
mass production lead to foreign expansion in Japan and Western Europe after both World War 1 and
World War II (The Automotive
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Symbolism In The Kite Runner
A soaring kite, deep blue and barely distinguishable from the sky, danced at the mercy of the young
boy below holding its string in scarred, bloody hands. The juxtaposition between this jubilant activity
and the scars hidden in the palms of the participants accurately parallels the situation in Afghanistan.
To most Americans, talk of the war in Afghanistan is commonplace, just like kite flying. However,
comparable to the scars that each kite flyer holds within his hands, Afghanistan s true miseries are
hidden from the world, overlooked and a testament to the Western backed government s failure to
assert authority and curtail rogue strongmen (Rasmussen). Though the Western government sends
troops, the government of Afghanistan remains too feeble to rebuild and revert the country back to its
almost forgotten state of comfort and security. Recognizing the muted cry for help in war torn
Afghanistan, Khaled Hosseini develops kite flying as a major symbol throughout his book, The Kite
Runner, to further his point that Afghan society has the potential to change, and the choices we all
make now will decide its fate, for better or for worse.
From a cultural standpoint, kite running documents key elements of ingrained values and Afghan
custom. A testament to Persian and Islamic values, the story of Rustam and Suhrab in the Shah nama
conveys a culture of strong family values and obligations to maintain honor (Firdawsi). This culture
has been in practice since the 1000s when the
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The Room Number Of High School
The room number was 17B located in the silent, empty hallway. Mark Dunn slowly trudged through
the hallway alone to the room. The only thing with him was his old, hand me down backpack. He
opened the door to the sight of rows of kids, all scribbling down numbers on paper. It was the day for
the last quiz for his Advanced Geometry course. Mark s freshman year of high school was slowly
creeping to a close and teachers were desperately trying to squeeze in quizzes, tests, and assignments.
Mark had come two minutes late to the class due to a dentist appointment he had. He looked over to
his friend Isaac Manning, who was drawing what appeared to be a demon. No answers were written
on his paper and above the drawing was the label Mrs. Milner . ... Show more content on
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I heard the big geometry test is coming up. Make sure you prepare. Your courses may depend on it
next year. Mark went up to his room. He easily breezed passed his math and Spanish homework. He
went to his drawer and took out a giant 300 page geometry test practice book his dad got after Mark
got a 75% on the last test. It was unusual for Mark to get such a low grade so his parents bought the
monstrous test book to prevent it from ever happening again. The days went by fast and everything
normal was happening. Teachers were pouring out quizzes and homework assignments, Isaac got a
couple more after school detentions, and Mark s parents were constantly stressing out over his
upcoming report card. It was two days until the geometry test that Isaac came to Mark s house after
school. They were supposed to prepare for the test by studying together. Mark knew Isaac needed his
help. In school, Isaac was known as being the most poorly behaved kid. Mark thought that Isaac must
have received a couple thousand lunch detentions and a couple million after schools. Isaac was barely
able to make advanced geometry because of his dad, who was part of the school s board of education,
and who always worried about good grades. Isaac barely made a passing grade on the final test last
year and made advanced geometry by the skin of his teeth. When Isaac arrived at Mark s house, he
pulled out a manilla folder. He opened it up and stared at Mark. Well? What is this? Where
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Government In Brave New World
The government within the novel Brave New World goes to extreme measures to legitimize itself. It s
most extreme form of legitimization is going to great lengths to create significant class divides
amongst its citizens. From the beginning of an individual s life within this society their embryo is
exposed to different genetic enhancers and more or less oxygen depending on where they are
supposed to be in the caste system. Later on, as infants, certain castes are taught to dislike and fear
certain things. The government even goes to the lengths of sleep hypnosis to ensure the divide
amongst individuals in society. The conditioning of people also enhances this divide or separation
between people so that they don t fall in love with others, or
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  • 10. The Plastic Pink Flamingo A Natural History Thesis In the 1950 s, the pink flamingo became not just an American lawn ornament that was a fun decoration, but also a status symbol of wealth and pizazz. Jennifer Prices essay, The Plastic Pink Flamingo: A Natural History , Price uses tone and diction to provide her opinion on the ignorant and foolish actions of the American in the 1950 s regarding the plastic pink flamingo. Price uses a sarcastic tone throughout the piece to help reveal her opinion on the American Culture. In the title of the essay, Price calls the flamingo plastic while also saying natural . She is stating that the flamingo is naturally made when it is actually man made out of bright pink plastic. The contradiction made by those two words in the title suggests prices thoughts about how the American society made the pink flamingo a symbol of wealth. Price then ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Her sarcastic tone when explaining it was just a flamingo asserts her opinions on how America was making a plastic pink bird a symbol of wealth and pizazz (7 8). Of all things, America chose a flamingo and the sarcasm that she utilizes defines her view of this and that she does not support it. Price explains how the flamingo was once hunted to extinction in America but now it is an icon and everyone is drawn to it. She claims, But no matter. (15). Price is using her sarcastic tone to describe how she feels about America killing the flamingo one minute and then using as a symbol the next. She continues to indirectly attack the American views. Price asks the question, Why, after all, call the birds pink flamingos as if they could be blue or green? (46 47). Price s repeated sarcastic tone is criticism of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Hunger Games And White Noise Comparative Essay Comparative Analysis of The Hunger Games and White Noise Both novels The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins and White Noise by Don DeLillo having varying representations of reality and simulation. This is apparent in many articles and stories we have read in this course. Both protagonists fear death and they keep up appearances to stay alive. Both showcase what can happen when technology and the government gain too much control and the haphazard and dangerous situations society is exposed to. These novels explore the tension that reality and simulacra create. The environmental catastrophes that occur in both set the stage for a continuous downfall. In White Noise, Jack s alternative reality is portrayed as the vibrant sunsets and his big ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It represents White Noise by Jack s view of the sunsets. He has seen beautiful sunsets so many times without any contrast, therefore he has become numb to really appreciating the beauty of the sun setting. This quote also represents The Hunger Games by the structure of the games and the propaganda done by the Capitol. Many of the wealthier districts are honored to participate in the games because they have prepared for the event. They believe the Capitol s perception of the games as suffering as entertainment. In reality these contestants are honored to fight other teenagers on TV and hope to be the last one alive. Both novels suffer from an anesthesia from different sources which cause their societies to be desensitized to the occurring ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Why Is Thomas Aquinas Important In Thomas Aquinas Summa Theologica, St. Thomas enters into multiple discussions on the essence and nature of humans, God, and everything else in between. Thomas explores questions that are seen by others as too arduous to explore due to complicated sophistication and/or various complex thought experiments. Nonetheless, Thomas tackles such difficulties and breaks it down in his own style with help from others who have embarked on the same treacherous journey. With a lot of help from Aristotle, specifically, Thomas equates many of his ideas about life to Aristotle s previous works. Thomas even gives multiple commentaries on Aristotle s work, not something that most people can put on their résumé. It s quite simple to see how brilliant Thomas ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The objector suggests that the law itself directs man in his actions, which to the objector, seems to be concerned only with particular matters. It is then concluded that the law is directed to some particular good, not the common good. Following that argument, I would explain to the objector that particular goods are involved in striving toward a larger goal. For instance, if my goal is to eat food, I may occupy myself with the particular medium of cooking for myself, venturing to a restaurant, mooching off of my friend, or whatever else seems to fit the mood at that moment. Just because the end goal is concerned with a particular doesn t mean the subject s mindset is contained to those individual particulars. Particulars in every circumstance do in fact strive for an end of some sort. To break this down further, let us take for example the basic law to not kill. In the United States, the law is that people drive on the right side of the road. In other countries, it may be on the left side. This specific law is aimed at the end of not killing, which in turn promotes human flourishing. Thus, we can conclude that rules for driving on the opposite sides of the road is aimed at the end of a common good. The objector is saying that laws are concerned only with a particular matter or a particular good. Following that logic ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Pride In The Count Of Monte Cristo It was pride that changed angels into devils; it is humility that makes men as angels Saint Augustine. Pride is can bring out the good qualities in people but can also overpower them, and cause a negative reaction. The Count of Monte Cristo is about Edmond Dantes who was about to be the captain of the Pharaon and marry the love of his life. Until, he was falsely accused of treason, by his friends and sent to Chateau d if. When Edmond escapes the jail he finds a smuggler ship who takes him to the Isle of Monte Cristo. Where he finds the treasure Edmonds friend from jail Abbe Faria Told him about. Edmond sets off to get revenge on the people who betrayed him, and reward his loyal friends. Edmond eventually stops fulfilling his vengeance when he feels guilty and runs away with his new lover to start a new life. In comparison, the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... King Louis XVI has a great decline in power and calls himself just a puppet on a lonely string (Coldplay 31). This presents the idea that after the king was overthrown he felt useless. And he lost all pride in himself, because puppets are controlled by other people, hee no longer has the confidence to do the bold things he used to do. But in the Count of Monte Cristo Edmond has the opposite problem, his pride has made him think he is above/with God on levels of power. By telling everyone Satan took him to the tallest mountain in the world and Satan told him as he had said to christ, son of man what would thou have in order to worship me? (Dumas 213). Presenting the information, that Edmond has called himself Godlike and will sell his soul to Satan, just to get that much more power. With all of the money, power, and abundance of pride he forgot that he was human wich can come back at him and cause problems. King Louis XVI and Edmond Dantes are very similar in the way of how pride took over them, and how they ended ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Essay on Confirmation in the Catholic Church Confirmation in the Catholic Church Confirmation is a Catholic sacrament of mature Christian commitment and a deepening of baptismal gifts. Like Baptism and Eucharist, it is a Sacrament of Initiation for Catholics and a Sacrament of faith in God s fidelity to us Confirmation is the moment when two things are confirmed. The candidate confirms his/her faith in Christ and takes full responsibility for that faith and for membership of the community of faith, which we call the church . God, through the Bishop, confirms God s claim on the candidate s life. Whatever happens at confirmation, the moment for those who are confirmed is a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Confirmation complements the symbols of Baptism. The historical origins of the symbols of Confirmation are many and diverse. One source of the rituals for the Sacrament of Confirmation can be found in the bathing customs of the Roman Empire. The water ritual (Baptism) came to mean the washing away of sin, and the oil ritual (Confirmation) was interpreted to mean the sweet fragrance of God s presence: sanctifying grace. In the same way God s grace fills us with redemption and salvation. This grace, this presence of God in us, is the Holy Spirit. Confirmation is the Sacrament of the Holy Spirit. Anointing can mean many things. From ancient times, oil has been a symbol of strength, healing and agility. For Jews, our ancestors in the faith, oil is the sign of God appointing someone to be a priest, prophet and king. Christians believe that Jesus of Nazareth was this anointed one. As Christ means anointed, we call ourselves Christians because we are the anointed ones, the Oiled People, so to speak. The Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist initiate us into that oiled community, the community anointed to continue the vocation of the Messiah, the Christ. At Baptism, the priest lays his hand on those to be baptised and marks them with the sign of the cross. In the Sacrament of Reconciliation, the priest lays his hands on the head of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Pet Friendly By Sue Pethick Animal companionship is available through many choices and may include such examples as furry, four legged creatures or those that may slither and frighten even the most ardent animal lover. Still, the mutual bond that forms between owner and guardian transcends the daily duties associated with pet ownership. These emotional relationships are corroborated through personal stories and often presented in heartwarming movies and novels. Pet Friendly by Sue Pethick utilizes an encouraging theme to embody one example, which exemplifies how pet ownership, including the rewarding aspect of adoption, has a magnitude of positive benefits on the physical, emotional, and social well being of the human companion. There are a significant number of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Unfortunately, some individuals may have reservations about animal adoption because of preconceived notions of low success rates. Mindful of these concerns, Pet Smart Charities sought information regarding the success rates of animal adoptions. In three surveys performed over a one year period with respondents who adopted dogs and cats from either a PetSmart location, Adopt a Thon event, or shelter, Neidhart and Boyd concluded there was an overwhelming positive response to animal adoption (175). Ninety percent reported being very satisfied with the animal chosen, while only two percent responded very dissatisfied. Additionally, eighty eight percent reported being very satisfied with the adoption experience, and ninety eight percent would recommend their adoption location to others (176). While adoption is just the beginning of the subsequent years of happiness and companionship for the pet and the caretaker, numerous other benefits accompany this camaraderie. Individuals who share their lives with animals reap numerous physical benefits, which leads to an improvement of overall health. One of the most widely known physical rewards is simply achieved by exercising with a dog, which mutually benefits both parties and involves merely taking the recommended thirty minute daily walk (Benjamin 1). Additionally, the reduction in heart disease, which is a more ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Tv Final Essay Study Guide for Level One TV Senior Final 2012 1. Signal transmission speed of radio TV waves The speed of light 2. Difference between networks, ONO, and affiliates Networks: make program bundles available exclusively to its affiliates ONO: Owned and Operated. Type of affiliate that is owned by one of the Networks (CBS, NBC, ABC, Fox, etc.) Affiliates: Local stations (WSVN, WFOR, etc.) 3. Differences between pre , production, post Pre : What happens before we go out to shoot Production: Time of shooting Post : Editing 4. Application of pre , production, post Pre : Costuming, research, hiring actors, etc. Production: Shooting video for the production Post : Editing (including music editing). ADR (automatic dialogue ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... We have them because of a 1912 international agreement. 14. Amount of time for creating a film Pre production (60% of your time is spent on this [24 months]) Production (10% of your time is spent on this [1 month or 2]) Postproduction (30% of your time is spent on this [6 months]) 15. Network ownership The Walt Disney Company owns ABC News Corporation owns FOX Comcast and GE owns NBC CBS owns CBS 16. Local affiliates WFOR, WTVJ, WSVN, and WPLG. 17. SMRC See #24 S M R C Sender Message Receiver Communication Feedback 18. Gaffers Tape It s like duct tape but there s no goo when you take it off. Garner loves it. 19. Large and small scale production companies Large scale: Creates shows that you know (Glee, Grey s Anatomy, etc.). Also, sporting events. Small scale: Local stuff. Wedding Bar Mitzvah videos. 20. Interpersonal vs. Intrapersonal Interpersonal: Communication between two people (dyadic). Intrapersonal: The individual becomes his or her own sender and receiver, providing feedback to him or herself in an ongoing internal process. **21. Regulation of radio 22. Nonverbal, verbal 90% of all communications is nonverbal. It s everything that is not spoken. Nonverbal ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Cost Accounting Essay Solutions Manual for COST ACCOUNTING Creating Value for Management Fifth Edition MICHAEL MAHER University of California, Davis Table of Contents Chapter 1 Cost Accounting: How Managers User Cost Accounting Information Chapter 15 Using Differential Analysis for Production Decisions Chapter 2 Cost Concepts and Behaviour Chapter 16 Managing Quality and Time Chapter 3 Cost System Design: An Overview Chapter 17 Planning and Budgeting Chapter 4 Job Costing Chapter 18 Flexible Budgeting and Performance Evaluation Chapter 5 Process Costing Chapter 19
  • 18. Performance Evaluation: Cost Variances Chapter 6 Spoilage and Quality Management Chapter 20 Chapter 7 Allocating Costs to Departments ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Nonvalue added activities do not add value to the goods or services. 1 4. Differential costs are important for managerial decision making, but other cost data can provide management with additional important information. For example, inventory values and costs of goods sold are important for income tax and financial reporting purposes as well as for most bonus and cost plus contracting purposes. Costs for performance evaluation are not necessarily differential costs. Companies try to recover all costs, hence some estimate of total costs is needed. (This could be an opportunity to discuss short run and long run costs with students, noting that in the long run, all costs must be covered.) The McGraw Hill Companies, Inc., 1997 Solutions Manual, Chapter 1 1 1 5. Costs that could be shared among housemates might include a share of the rent, food, utilities, and other related costs. Costs that would differ with the addition of another person are the differential costs. These differential costs might include food. It would be necessary to negotiate an agreement between you and the other person considering all factors. For example, should you split the total costs or charge only the differential costs of the additional person. Businesses are often faced with similar decisions on finding the appropriate cost base for splitting costs. There are no generally accepted ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Ferguson Incorporation Case Study My recommendations on an Alcohol and Drug Policy would look like: Ferguson Incorporation desires to provide a work environment that is both healthy and comfortable for all its employees. It is recognized that the use of alcohol or drugs may have serious adverse effects on an employee s health, safety, and job performance. Individuals who believe they have a developing alcohol and/or drug problem are expected to assume responsibility and seek assistance from their personal physician(s) and or appropriate community resources before their job performance is affected or violations of this policy and related guidelines occur Ferguson Inc. employees may access the Employee Family Assistance Program. Employees may also seek assistance from a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... If an employee is required to take prescription drugs, these drugs should not inhibit their ability to proficiently perform their job functions. Employees are not to have illegal drugs, or related paraphernalia in their possession while in the work place or on company business. Possession, use, or selling of drugs, or drug paraphernalia on Ferguson Inc. property or in company vehicles is prohibited. It is a Criminal Offence under the Criminal Code and the proper Authorities will be contacted. Smoking/ Vaper Using There must be no use of tobacco products in Ferguson Inc. buildings or company vehicles. Employees who desire to smoke or use tobacco products and or Vaper users must do so during rest or lunch breaks only and in the designated areas. Proper clean up and disposal of tobacco products is required. Policy violations Should there be reason to believe that an employee s job performance is being negatively affected by alcohol, illegal or prescription drugs, or that this policy is being violated in anyway, [Organization Name] is entitled to inquire as to the nature of the problem and to take appropriate action; which may include disciplinary ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Phonic Strategies Answer: I use some strategies from Orton Gillingham. I would focus on breaking apart words and the rules that go along with it. I think you need it. I teach Zack (her son) with phonics. I do not feel we do a strong enough foundation in it. It needs to be focused on longer then what it is. Analysis: Phonics is understanding the relationship between letters and sounds. It is important for all people to get a good grasp of it when they are young. Having this knowledge will create a strong basis for learning the English language. Mrs. Baughman uses phonics as much as she can in her sixth grade science and language arts classes. The formal teaching of phonics is finished before sixth grade, but she believes it is important to go over it as much ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Baughman is using word identification strategies in her classroom. Some strategies to help with word identification are using context clues, word analysis (affixes and suffixes), and sounding out words. Mrs. Baughman is doing very well on how she is handling words that are hard to identify. In her science class she probably runs into many words that are very hard for her students to say. These sight words would be considered Tier three words. This is Isabel Beck s way of categorizing vocabulary words into three tiers: Tier one, Tier two, and Tier three. Tier one words are the basic words that children should already know like door, paper, and ball. Tier two words are high frequency words that are needed when using mature language. Some examples include analysis, performed, and benevolent. Lastly, Tier three words are only found in specific fields of study like prokaryote, isotope, and arachnids. You only find these words when teaching a certain topic like Mrs. Baughman s science class. Telling a student to sound out the word can help them to identify what it may be. An example of this happened to me while I was in high school. I came across the word Mediocre and I could not figure out the pronunciation of this word so I asked my teacher. Once she gave me the right pronunciation I understood the meaning of it without asking. This is why word identification is so important. Once a student knows how to pronounce words correctly they will more easily be able to grasp the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Fiber To Your Diet Analysis For 2013, one of my goals is to add more fiber to my daily diet in order to speed up my slow digestive system. Slow digestion is common among Parkinson s patients, resulting in constant constipation. In addition to this reason, there are three other important reasons I want added fiber in my diet. These three reasons are included in this article, as well as a recipe for my favorite sweet source of fiber, Baked Apples! This delicious recipe has 5 grams of fiber per serving. Three Benefits of Adding Fiber to Your Diet 1. A diet rich in fiber helps digestion as well as helps your body maintain blood sugar levels! 2. Soluble fiber found in foods like oats; help reduce the bad cholesterol (LDL), as well as total cholesterol in the bloodstream. 3. Consuming high fiber foods help us to feel full longer helping us ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Place apples cut side up in a large ovenproof skillet. Sprinkle 1 tablespoon of the brown sugar over the apples. Fill the apple cavities with the cereal mixture, and mound the mixture generously on top of the apples, allowing it to cover the entire cut surface of the apples. 4. Pour the apple juice into the bottom of the skillet and place skillet in the oven, lightly covered with foil. Bake the apples for 20 minutes. Remove the foil and bake until they are crisp tender and the stuffing is golden brown, about 20 minutes more. 5. Transfer the apples to plates. Add the remaining 1 tablespoon of brown sugar to the cooking liquid in the pan and simmer over medium high heat until it thickens slightly, about 5 minutes. Stir in the lemon juice. 6. Spoon the sauce over the hot apples and serve. Top with fat free Greek yogurt if desired. These baked apples are a sweet treat that is healthy! Sources: Personal experience with Parkinson s http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/fiber/NU00033 Making the decision to lose weight is a great first step in achieving optimal health and looking better too, but as most of us realize, that s often easier ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Operating System And The Computer System Essay Introduction: An operating system is a vital component of the computer system. The common and simple devices like refrigerators and microwave ovens does not have an operating system. The complex systems which handle several components, functions and processes usually have an operating system. The operating system is like the brain of a human being, the brain is an essential organ in the body of human being which sends signals and helps functioning of the human body. Our intelligence, attitude, emotions and senses defines our presence, all these are possible because of our brain. In similar manner, Operating System (OS) is the power behind a computer system. In other words, operating system is brain of the computer and processor is the heart of the computer. A computer is the concatenation of several hardware parts. The operating system manages computer hardware resources and provides common services for computer programs and other application software. Application programs or software usually require an operating system to function. For basic hardware functions such as input and output and memory allocation, the operating system acts as an intermediary between application software and the computer hardware, although the hardware is directly accessed and executed by application code or software directly, the hardware will frequently make a system call to an OS function or be interrupted by it. In simple terms, operating systems track the activities of hardware and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Persuasive Essay On Emerging Adulthood Despite some young adults are privileged and may not have to worry as much about issues of the real world. Several of other young adults are growing up slowly and are not completing milestones that were common at their age in past generations. Emerging adulthood is beneficial to young adults and should be more supported by others because having emerging adulthood would give young adults more time to have identity exploration, it helps give young adults more self focus, and it helps to understand what the real world really is and the issues that come. Initially, emerging adulthood is helpful because young adults have more time to find their identity. In the article, the Arnett talks about the importance of identity exploration: a few of these, especially identity exploration, are part of adolescence too, but they take on new depth and urgency in the 20s (Henig, 200). Arnett is implying that the stage of emerging adulthood plays a major part in finding who the person is. Coming into adulthood a person can feel rushed into adulthood and not fully grasp who they are and what they want or like to do with their life. This feeling is felt even as a teenager. Having the extra time to explore who they are can only benefit the person and ease the transition into adulthood. Arnett emphasizes the urgency on how beneficial finding a person s true self. The stakes are higher when people are approaching the age when options tend to close off and lifelong commitments must be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Asian-American Maggie Q Analysis TOP 5 ASIAN AMERICAN ACTORS Narrator: It is undeniable that Asian American Actors are very competitive in the movie industry around the world. They take part in any entertainment industry and they are much loved anywhere. In this video, I will share Top 5 Asian American Actors that you may know and idolize. No 5. Maggie Q An Asian American Maggie Q or Margaret Denise Quigley was a fashion model and TV personality before she became a movie actress. Her father is an American born with Irish and Polish ancestry while her mother is Vietnamese. She is a full fledge superstar in Asia. She had a cameo in a movie Rush Hour 2 and a supporting cast in Mission Impossible III. People keep saying rush hour when the hours do not rush at all. No. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Religious Symbolism In Waiting For Godot In Waiting for Godot, Samuel Beckett produces a truly cryptic work. On first analyzing the play, one is not sure of what, if anything, happens or of the title character s significance. In attempting to unravel the themes of the play, interpreters have extracted a wide variety symbolism from the Godot s name. Some, taking an obvious hint, have proposed that Godot represents God and that the play is centered on religious symbolism. Others have taken the name as deriving from the French word for a boot, godillot. Still, others have suggested a connection between Godot and Godeau, a character who never appears in Honore de Balzac s Mercadet; Ou, le faiseur. Through all these efforts, there is still no definitive answer as to whom or what Godot ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... While the play contains obvious ambiguities into the word s meaning, they are all for show. There is no real meaning. The interpretation of Godot s religious significance, while this significance is clearly alluded to, leads to interpreter into a long, blind alley of meaninglessness. Just as Estragon s boots contain nothing inside them, there is no central meaning to the word Godot. Furthermore, this meaninglessness can be expanded to all of Beckett s language; full of hints of a greater significance, language hides the triviality of all things described. Only after this revelation can one finally get towards the central meaning of Beckett s play; there is no meaning. His characters engage in ridiculous language to pass the time and to give [them] the impression [they] exist (44B). Illusions of significance continue throughout the play, but, in truth, the play comes from nothing and ultimately ends in nothing. Beckett exposes the pitfalls of a language that attempts to create meaning when none exists. Waiting for Godot is not a commentary on religion or really anything for that matter. Its meaning comes in its meaninglessness. That is the play s greater ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. The Torus Shaped Vessel 2.3 Diverter Applications The diverter is located at the bottom of the torus shaped vessel and is designed to extract heat from the plasma as well as the exhaust fumes of the reaction occurring which are helium and any impurities from the first wall of the reactor. The basic concept of a diverter used within a tokamak design can be understood better by looking at figure x which is a diagram of JET after it had a divertor fitted. The separatrix is the last field line which contains the plasma. The magnetic field transports the plasma to the diverters at the bottom as shown where the heat energy strikes the diverter target plates and conducted to pipes where it is then removed through either a water or helium cooling system and the exhaust gases are extracted by a vacuum. The diverter itself is made up of several components shown in figure x. The plasma facing components are the two vertical targets and dome. A closer look at one of the vertical target in figure x shows how the cooling system works with a pipe with cooling fluid flowing through it is fitted through blocks of armour material which make up the targets. Looking to the future as projects grow in size towards DEMO, which will be a functioning fusion power plant, the demands on materials especially PFC s are going to increase. For ITER the plasma facing components for the divertor are to be made of carbon fibre reinforced carbon composite s (CFC) and some sections tungsten armour materials but for DEMO ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Working At Marshall s As A Freshman While working at Marshall s as a freshman in college, I happened to assist a nice lady (Mrs. R) who I casually conversed with as I checked her out at the front registers. She found out that I was a CNA from our conversation and she informed me that she owned her own Homecare company. Mrs. R handed me her business card before she left and I ended up giving her a call. A few weeks later, I received a job offer from her and was scheduled for an interview. Even though I was a bit inexperienced, Mrs. R saw great potential in me and I was beyond appreciative for her judgment. Fasting forward three years later, I am still employed with Mrs. R s company. I have also worked for multiple Homecare companies. My duties as a CNA consists of assisting ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It also warms my heart to witness a client s progression mentally and physically after being diagnosed with an illness. The most essential goal I have for all of my clients is to make sure they have a smile on their face before I depart from their home. I also aim to build a foundation of trust by being confidential with any personal information, if a client chooses to confide in me. With that said, I strongly believe I can be one of the best clinical mental health counselors. My specific career goal is to transform individuals lives through mental health. I am going to own a mental healthcare business which allows me to be an advocate for the youth in raising their self esteem and self confidence. Many teenagers and children go through domestic violence, bullying, depression, anxiety and more. What they go through affects their overall self concept when it comes to viewing themselves in a negative or positive way. I have lived through having a low self concept of myself during my childhood because I dealt with a lot of bullying in my youth years. I have a great level of confidence in myself now because I learned that your views of yourself are key in changing your self concept. My target area of interest is to change the negative views teenagers may have about themselves and prime them to be the best they can be no matter what they are physically or mentally going ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. The Distortive View Of Womanhood In Bad Girls Club Let s examine a few specific examples of mindless shows that are underlining harmful to the distortive view of womanhood; Bad Girls Club depicts women as loud, unruly, angry, bitter, jealous, envious, and non supportive of one another; All About the Game is a dating show that has women competing against each other for the attention of one man, hence women are illustrated as desperate, conniving, gossipers, attention seekers, insecure, and spiteful; The Housewives series extremely materialistic, vain, over emphasizes a lack of morals, promiscuous, heartless, unmerciful, cold hearted, remorseless and dresses provocative for attention; Mob Wives known for physical fights, being callus in their treatment towards others, unbending, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Swot Analysis Of Coffee a. Industry Background Coffee is an extremely popular beverage worldwide and has a market that is segmented into three categories: growers, roasters, and retailers. Aside from oil, coffee is the most popular item in the world. South America has been ranked as the #1 coffee producing region in the world. The top producer in that region is Brazil. 50% of people aged 18 24 in the U.S. would consider themselves to be coffee drinkers. Out of all American coffee drinkers the amount consumed is 1.96 cups of coffee per day, and 87% of these people typically drink their cup of coffee at home. Retail sales of coffee has amounted to $5.17 billion in the United States. 58% of people reported that they typically drink coffee because they need to wake up. Coffee related economic activity comprises approximately 1.6% of the total U.S. gross domestic product and the coffee industry alone provides jobs for over 1.5 million people. Duncan, Eric. Topic: Coffee Market. Www.statista.com, Statista, 2017, www.statista.com/topics/1248/coffee market/. NCAUSA. The Economic Impact of the Coffee Industry. NCA National Coffee Association USA Est. 1911, NCAUSA, 2017, www.ncausa.org/Industry Resources/Economic Impact. Lombardo, Jessica. Starbucks Coffee SWOT Analysis. Panmore Institute. Panmore Institute, 31 Jan. 2017. Web. 12 Feb. 2017. Meyer, Pauline. Starbucks Coffee Company s Organizational Structure. Panmore Institute. Panmore Institute, 31 Jan. 2017. Web. 12 Feb. 2017. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Nicholas Stoller s Neighbors When I got the invite to see Nicholas Stoller s work in progress comedy Neighbors back in February, I didn t know what to expect. Of course, I knew it was going to be raunchy but my main concern was whether the film would be actually funny. Seth Rogen s particular brand of comedy has been largely hit or miss with me as there are times where I ve found him too abrasive (like in 2011 s ill advised reimagining of venerable radio serial crime fighter the Green Hornet) but when he s in a role that plays to his strengths, he can be absolutely hilarious. Despite my mixed feelings on Rogen, the biggest wildcard in Neighbors was Zac Efron. Women specifically teenage girls may go crazy over his baby blue eyes and perfectly formed pecs and abs but as an actor, he s been less than impressive. With only the poster as my frame of reference, I went into the screening of Neighbors and came out ninety minutes later in pain...because I was laughing so hard! In fact, I enjoyed Stoller s film so much that I recently saw it a second time in its completed form, although the only things that were missing in the work in progress version was some post production effects and the end credits. We re barely two weeks into the summer movie season and already we have a strong contender for best comedy of 2014. Married couple Mac and Kelly Radnor (Seth Rogen and Rose Byrne) are slowly adjusting to life in the suburbs with their newborn baby girl Stella but the family s hope for peace and quiet is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Dichotomy Yoga Tinker: an innate disposition bestowed upon me every Sunday from ten in the morning to two in the afternoon since the inception of my high school career. Instead of pixie dust, a wand which grants wishes at the silence of desires engendered by the threat of danger, a short green dress embellished with sparkles, and Lost Boys, I am equipped with duct tape, a glue gun, pants and hoodie which I do not care for knowing that four hours later, they will be covered in shrapnels of paper, paint, glitter, and a Destination Imagination (DI) team consisting of five other individuals. A title of distinction, one premised on capability and strong suits, is tethered to each of the Lost Boys on the DI team. There is the leader, Peter Pan, of us Lost Boys, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For eight months, duct tape functions as my pixie dust as I repair any ruptures in executions of creative planning as I duct tape tears in scenes of imaginative artistry: of the deep seas and its creatures, of a human face, of the dichotomy between the Victorian era and 1920s New York. For eight months, a paintbrush functions as my wand of assistive artistry as I assist in painting scenes of creative output, a molecular highway scroll of last minute ingenuity, and octopus tentacles. For eight months, I assist in paper macheing dolphin bodies, soldering electrical circuits, and cutting pieces of two by fours. On the day of competition, you can find the Tinker of the team repairing the water boxes using duct tape or caulking gun, or piecing falling apart costumes with a glue gun. I serve no distinction among my teammates for I only assist and repair, but do not excel in a specialty; therefore, I am condemned to the unflattering, humbling title of Tinker. However, during our performance I am liberated from the mundane ritual of Sunday evenings and catapulted into immortality, ingrained in life s game ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Gender Differences Between Lora And Annie Lora is often opposite to Annie as she challenges the traditional female roles in cinema and regular life while Annie strengthens them. This is because Lora is a single mother for a majority of the film and struggles to spend time with her daughter Susie. This was unusual in films and regular life during the 1950s 1960s due to the strong adherence to gender roles which prioritized women to parenting over jobs. Lora goes against many of the traditional female role in many ways with the first being how she is shown as a work driven person with aspirations and hard work ethic. Lora shows her devotion to work by refusing a marriage proposal from her first romantic partner Steve. This melodramatic scene showed how Lora is an independent person who ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. A Connection to Real Life Events; King Henry V Have you ever read a book that made you contemplate how it would pertain to your life or someone else s life? Certainly, after reading the play titled King Henry V originally written by William Shakespeare and edited by Andrew Gurr, I concluded that certain situations in this book correspond to several aspects in this world. For instance, it can connect to many events that occurred during the 1590s, the time period in which this play was written. On the other hand, it correlates with other compositions that were read in class such as The Prince, but more importantly this play undoubtedly relates to my life. Even though you may not think the production titled King Henry V applies to you, you may want to reconsider your decision and realize ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For instance, a Prince struggles with various military matters such as the type of troops to have and even auxiliary to use. Both of these matters resulted from the breaking of Italy where various military techniques were ineffective and caused great harm (Machiavelli 76 84). On the other hand, King Henry V struggles with the concept that he is liable for his men s souls and has to implement rules that do not bestow him with personal gains. In fact, he had difficulty in hanging his best friend Bardolph because he stole a religious pax which was forbidden in his country (Gurr III vi. 35). While they both encounter various aspects of being leaders, they additionally correspond with each another in the fact that they insist on being feared by their men than loved. To illustrate, the Prince proclaimed that he would preferably be feared because although people love you now they will only turn on you in the future (Machiavelli 91). Moreover, because love may cease, but being feared never will (Machiavelli 91). However, King Henry V s men worry that all he wants for them is to be executed (Gurr IV.i). In regards, King Henry did not want to be responsible for their actions because they make pilgrimages and ultimately decided to enlist in his army which in turn contributes to the fact of being feared and not loved (Gurr IV.i). Of course, both these subjects interrelate to one another in various ways, but ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Sex Trafficking In Women Rubin s theory is used in this work to state the power struggle of the findom. Since the findom can be placed in this vague status, it can be located in Rubin s theory of an imaginary line between good and bad sex, titled the struggle over where to draw the line (Figure 2). Rubin points out that the line seemingly stands between sexual order and chaos; however, some behavior is considered vague near the border for example, the coupled and monogamous homosexuality (Rubin, 1993: 14 15). Therefore, the findom can be placed in the major area of contest in the figure since it can be good and bad simultaneously. (Figure 2.) As Rubin (1993) states, the sex hierarchy not only functions for societies to appraise the value of sex but also unequally rewards individuals in different levels of the hierarchy. Each individual receives different power benefits in social position according to his/her sexual position. Sexuality, through the hierarchal system, is engaged ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Butler says the formulation of gender trouble is built on Rubin s theory The Traffic in Women (1975), which describes how normative sexuality fortifies normative gender and how sexual practice has the power to destabilize gender (Butler, 1999: xi). As if sexual practice has the power to destabilize gender, sexual behavior has the power to challenge gender normativity. The statement, in this research, is linked to Jackson s (1995) suggestion that heterosexuality is neither fixed nor unchanging. The heterosexual normativity can be destabilised through sexual practices, and the constraints can be challenged through the materiality of the findom. The findom here is considered as a medium or a signifier to provide new signification of the re articulation of desire, pleasure, and heterosexuality. This is therefore the possibility of subversion of the findom through bodies sexual ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Descriptive Essay About Ice Skating As quickly as possible, I ripped open the present that lay in my hands. I couldn t seem to open this marvelous thing fast enough! The cold, crisp, December air blew from the front door passing by, leaving a frigid feel to the house. It was my eleventh birthday in the year 1972, and there I held in my very own hands, my first pair of ice skates. White as the snow outside my door they were, and a glorious delight filled the air with the excitement over this special gift. I looked over and saw my Mom glaring at my Grandma. Why on earth would she be mad about such a thrilling present? It was such an obvious stare, that it almost seemed like my Mom wanted to demolish my skating career before it even started. That had been two years ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I put on my skates, and started gliding across the lake. Happiness flowed around me, and I felt the crisp, winter feel of the snow. The weather conditions were perfect for ice skating, better than the abominable harsh winds and copious amounts of snow from last week. I was in my own world, gliding around on the glistening ice, when I suddenly saw a figure standing right beside the ice rink. My mind froze just as cold as it was outside. I quickly realized that this person standing right beside me was my Mother. I quickly ran over to her, and took off my skates. I then gave my Mom an aberrant face, already knowing she was mad. The whole walk home was in silence, and my Mom was clearly irate. When we got to our house, my Mom opened the front door, and I quickly went inside. Before I could even think of what to say to her, she started talking. She asked me why I had disobeyed her, breaking her trust and going against her rules. I screamed back, asking her why she never let me go ice skating, and was always making excuses for me not to go. What started as a small argument, turned into a colossal fight. This continued on for about ten minutes, each of us blaming each other for the fight that went on between us. Finally, she asked me if I really wanted to know why she never let me go ice skating. I quickly nodded my head, and listened to her story. She started off by ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. How Did Korean Shikai Influence The Qing Dynasty Yuan Shikai was a chinese general, politician, and emperor in China s modern history. And he was the one who established Northern New Army and had a big influence in the late Qing Dynasty. He went to Korea as a supreme adviser on Korean government policies when he was young, and was in charge of training new troops after his return. He played a very important role in events such as promoting the modernization reform. Yuan Shikai was elected as the first official president of the Republic of China, and was very active in establishing the modern industry and educational systems as well as unifying the currency. Also he attempted to restore the monarchy of China and proclaimed himself the Hongxian Emperor in his short life, even though he ended ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A military coup broke out during the Joseon Dynasty in Korea in 1882. Yuan Shikai was sent to Korea by Li Hongzhang to suppress the rebellion, and he succeeded. And Yuan Shikai was appointed the supreme adviser on Korean government policies and gave some assistance for Korea to train the new army and to control Korean taxes. During the military coup in 1884, The Japanese troop stationed in Korea tried to kidnap the Korean Emperor Li Xi. Li Xi asked the Qing government for help, and Yuan Shikai commanded his Army and assisted the Koreans to defeat the Japanese troop, protecting Korea and the Qing government s interests in Korea, and he attracted Li Hongzhang s attention by this. As the Dongxuedang uprising broke out in Korea in 1894, Yuan Shikai advised the Korean Emperor to ask for assistance from the Qing government. Later on, the Japanese army sent more troops to Korea and attempted to start a war. Before the First Sino Japanese War, Yuan Shikai masqueraded as a peasant and returned to China. Yuan Shikai was recommended by Li Hongzhang to be in charge of training new armies due to his great performances in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. The Organizational Culture of Quinlan s The Organizational Culture of Quinlan s Introduction Quinlan has been UK s foremost retail giant for a long period of time. By end of 1998 there was evidence of a crisis and since then the company has been on a decline. The company has been ignoring market changes and trying to maintain its corporate image and identity. This has caused the customers to drift to more fashionable brands causing huge loss of business to Quinlan. Presently the company is on a restructuring exercise to improve sales with particular emphasis on customer satisfaction and marketing. Organisation culture at Quinlan s Organisation culture can be defined as the set of key values, beliefs, understandings and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This culture gives prominence to achievement and competitiveness. Employees usually work long hours to achieve certain goals. c) Clan This culture is reflected in organisations that emphasise on employee s participation in meeting changes of the environment. Particular attention is paid to employee well welfare. d) Bureaucratic This type of culture is visible in organisations that follow a well defined way of doing things. Employees are not encouraged to take risks and rewarded for following rules. This is suitable for a stable environment that is hard to find in these modern days. It is visible that Quinlan s culture was bureaucratic. In particular Quinlan had: a) Properly defined rules and procedures to function in a predictable and routine manner b) Roles were clearly defined and labour was divided based on these roles c) A hierarchical chain of command d) Clear separation of ownership and control Culture and organisation success Daft, Management, 2003, chapter 3 explains that an organisation has two main environments: the external and internal. The external environment includes elements that exist outside the boundary but
  • 38. have the ability to affect the organisation. Eg. competitors, resources, technology, customers. The internal environment consists of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Tankless Water Research Paper Should You Get a Tankless Water Heater? Many households are becoming more energy efficient in some way or another. Homeowners are purchasing fuel efficient vehicles or installing solar panels on their homes to reduce their carbon footprint. You may also be considering taking a baby step, like installing a tankless water heater at your home. If your goal is to compare the benefits of a tankless heater to traditional water heater, keep reading to see the pros and cons. Pros: Tankless Water Heaters Are Energy Efficient As stated earlier, you save energy when you install a tankless water heater. You get the benefit of heating less water, which requires less energy, so you may see an energy savings of up to 30% each month. A Tankless Water Heater Takes Less Space ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They also hang on your wall, so you don t have to worry about taking up floor space, and we all know that floor space is a commodity in your bathroom or pantry. Get How Water Faster with a Tankless Water Heater Of course, every tankless water heater is different, but Energy.gov estimates that electric tankless water heaters can heat up to five gallons of water per minute. By heating up water so quickly, there is no need to store water and heat it periodically, like traditional water heaters. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Air Transport Using the right type of transport is very important in the supply chain. As we have learnt earlier the use of the transport mode is of strategic importance to stock holding decisions. Air transport is much quicker but the costs are high as opposed to shipping by boat or rail. Sea or rail transport requires having higher levels of inventory in house to meet quick customer demands. Most importantly, customer service levels must be met, and this often determines the mode of transport used. The options for consideration include: rail, road, water (sea and river) or air transport. Rail Railway offers the logistics manager cost effective, energy efficient mode of transport for large quantities of goods over long distances. Though often associated with the movement of low value/ high volume cargo like ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Figure: The route of the CMA CGM Liner service and one the vessels one the route Air Air transport is often viewed as a premium, emergency type service that is used when all else fails. The most expensive of all the modes of transport, airfreight offers the logistics manager fast, on time service, but at a relatively high price. However, for firms supporting global markets, air may in fact be the most cost effective mode of transport when inventory and customer service issues are considered. Air transportation is best suited to moving relatively small high value / low volume items long distances, although things as diverse as livestock and automobiles routinely move by air as well. The best example of air transport is jewellery, watches, diamonds, gold and gemstones. Like trucking, air transport industry is made up of many small companies dominated by a few large airlines. Transportation of goods by air is regulated by appropriate rules. Commodities are shipped in appropriate air containers. There is also a set of special equipment ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Timeline of Gendered Movements Essay Timeline of Gendered Movements [pic] Timeline of Gendered Movements Beginning in the mid 19th century, woman suffrage supporters worked to achieve what many Americans considered a radical change in the Constitution. Women s rights pioneers used tactics such as parades, silent vigils, hunger strikes, and picketing to get there points across and Congress to pass a women suffrage amendment. (Reforming Their World, 2007) The 19th amendment of 1920 is a very important amendment to the constitution because it gave women the right to vote. You may remember that the 15th amendment made it illegal for the federal and state government to deny any US citizen the right to vote, however, this did not apply to women. The 19th ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In 1964, the Civil Rights Act was passed forbidding discrimination on the basis of sex as well as race in hiring, promoting, and firing. It took some time, but we have finally made it. Nevertheless, as you can see from the past, even though a law is written, an amendment always seems to follow and that is what happened in the case of General Electric v. Gilbert, in which the Court held that denial of benefits for pregnancy related disability was not discrimination based on sex. Women s organizations, feminists, and labor and civil rights advocates went to work and in 1978, an amendment to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is passed by Congress, the Pregnancy Discrimination Act, prohibiting employment discrimination against pregnant women. (Encyclopedia.com, 2013) Between these we also had many other significant events which I did not mention here, I end my commentary with the Pregnancy Discrimination Act. Why did I choose this amendment to end with in 1978 when they continue throughout the years? The reason being my Daughter in law is pregnant, due in April. She was just let go from her current employment and told it was due to lack of work. She goes to school full time and is a delivery person on the side. She has just found out that they have hired a replacement to fill her position (let me mention that this employee is also male). I guess some employers need to read up on the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Bach Musical Offering Essay This paper work will be talking about The musical offering, which wrote by the most important composer, Johann Sebastian Bach. The musical offering was one of Bach s keyboard collection. In this essay will be including its background, an analysis of an interesting section, and its influence on later composers. The musical offering was keyboard canons, fugues and another genre of Bach s music. All of them dedicated to Frederick the Great or Frederick II of Prussia, who brought a one line musical theme to Bach. Frederick knew that Bach had good improvising skill, so he wanted him to do it. In addition, Bach had improvised three parts of a voice fugue, but Frederick did want to make it harder than Bach did. He told Bach to make it done by writing ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Examples Of Split Infinitives Of the three verb classes, infinitives might be the easiest to understand, as it is the basic form of the verb, without an infection binding it to a particular subject or tense (Oxford Dictionaries). Speakers only need the basic understanding of a verb s meaning to simply use its infinitive form. As the speaker s language develops, one begins to understand gerund and participle phrases later, eventually even learning how to modify those sentences with modal verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. However, when one attempts to modify infinitive phrases, many professors to be incorrect, as a mark of informality . Typically, when one modifies an infinitive phrase adjuncts are added between to and the verb, like in the case of to casually walk or ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Additionally, with Byron s use of the split infinitive, the line mimics the excitement of conversation rather than the seriousness of prose, allowing the reader to feel a larger emotional response. Anne Curzan states that one of the largest myths about standard English is that it always makes sense. She uses split infinitives as an example for this myth, as there is no clear explanation for where the rule came from. However, despite some speakers proclamations against split infinitives, Curzan (and Pullum in his previously mentioned article) state that split infinitives clear more ambiguity than they add to a sentence. Examine the sentence: Tell her to please be careful . If a writer rewrites the sentences to unsplit the infinitive, it changes what exactly please modifies. For example, Please tell her to be careful , please now references the listener rather than the her in question. If please is moved to follow careful , like Tell her to be careful please it becomes ambiguous if the speaker is asking the listener please or still referring to the other person. Keeping the infinitive split helps the listener understand that the speaker wishes the person being referenced to be please be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Impact Of The American Automotive Industry Essay The American automotive industry is a massive force, to say the least. The historical impacts of automotive technology and assembly line manufacturing has effected economies around the world and has also created world wide ecological challenges. Governments, under pressure from environmentalists, have had to realize, create, implement, and constantly refine manufacturing and emission standards. Consumers, who foot the gas bill for vehicles, continue to express their desire for less expensive autos that require less fuel without sacrificing style, comfort, safety, or performance. One cannot discuss the impacts of the American automotive industry without giving due credit to Henry Ford. While Ford did not create the first gas powered car, nor the first assembly line, he did revolutionize both (Voice of America, 2012). He was an accomplished machinist and one day he discovered a gas powered machine called a Silent Otto (Voice of America, 2012). Henry was a self motivated independent learner who relished innovative challenges. As his innovations developed marketable products, Ford insisted on making cars that were affordable for everyone. The improvements he made to assembly line manufacturing streamlined production and kept consumer costs low, even though he had to fight tooth and nail to retain this control. Ford s advancements in mass production lead to foreign expansion in Japan and Western Europe after both World War 1 and World War II (The Automotive ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Symbolism In The Kite Runner A soaring kite, deep blue and barely distinguishable from the sky, danced at the mercy of the young boy below holding its string in scarred, bloody hands. The juxtaposition between this jubilant activity and the scars hidden in the palms of the participants accurately parallels the situation in Afghanistan. To most Americans, talk of the war in Afghanistan is commonplace, just like kite flying. However, comparable to the scars that each kite flyer holds within his hands, Afghanistan s true miseries are hidden from the world, overlooked and a testament to the Western backed government s failure to assert authority and curtail rogue strongmen (Rasmussen). Though the Western government sends troops, the government of Afghanistan remains too feeble to rebuild and revert the country back to its almost forgotten state of comfort and security. Recognizing the muted cry for help in war torn Afghanistan, Khaled Hosseini develops kite flying as a major symbol throughout his book, The Kite Runner, to further his point that Afghan society has the potential to change, and the choices we all make now will decide its fate, for better or for worse. From a cultural standpoint, kite running documents key elements of ingrained values and Afghan custom. A testament to Persian and Islamic values, the story of Rustam and Suhrab in the Shah nama conveys a culture of strong family values and obligations to maintain honor (Firdawsi). This culture has been in practice since the 1000s when the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. The Room Number Of High School The room number was 17B located in the silent, empty hallway. Mark Dunn slowly trudged through the hallway alone to the room. The only thing with him was his old, hand me down backpack. He opened the door to the sight of rows of kids, all scribbling down numbers on paper. It was the day for the last quiz for his Advanced Geometry course. Mark s freshman year of high school was slowly creeping to a close and teachers were desperately trying to squeeze in quizzes, tests, and assignments. Mark had come two minutes late to the class due to a dentist appointment he had. He looked over to his friend Isaac Manning, who was drawing what appeared to be a demon. No answers were written on his paper and above the drawing was the label Mrs. Milner . ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I heard the big geometry test is coming up. Make sure you prepare. Your courses may depend on it next year. Mark went up to his room. He easily breezed passed his math and Spanish homework. He went to his drawer and took out a giant 300 page geometry test practice book his dad got after Mark got a 75% on the last test. It was unusual for Mark to get such a low grade so his parents bought the monstrous test book to prevent it from ever happening again. The days went by fast and everything normal was happening. Teachers were pouring out quizzes and homework assignments, Isaac got a couple more after school detentions, and Mark s parents were constantly stressing out over his upcoming report card. It was two days until the geometry test that Isaac came to Mark s house after school. They were supposed to prepare for the test by studying together. Mark knew Isaac needed his help. In school, Isaac was known as being the most poorly behaved kid. Mark thought that Isaac must have received a couple thousand lunch detentions and a couple million after schools. Isaac was barely able to make advanced geometry because of his dad, who was part of the school s board of education, and who always worried about good grades. Isaac barely made a passing grade on the final test last year and made advanced geometry by the skin of his teeth. When Isaac arrived at Mark s house, he pulled out a manilla folder. He opened it up and stared at Mark. Well? What is this? Where ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Government In Brave New World The government within the novel Brave New World goes to extreme measures to legitimize itself. It s most extreme form of legitimization is going to great lengths to create significant class divides amongst its citizens. From the beginning of an individual s life within this society their embryo is exposed to different genetic enhancers and more or less oxygen depending on where they are supposed to be in the caste system. Later on, as infants, certain castes are taught to dislike and fear certain things. The government even goes to the lengths of sleep hypnosis to ensure the divide amongst individuals in society. The conditioning of people also enhances this divide or separation between people so that they don t fall in love with others, or ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...