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                                  PLANNING APPLICATION CREATION

   Go to Web browser and type the URL as http://geoinsys:8300/HyperionPlanning/

   From the Above URL:
   Geoinsys: Name of the computer or Server name
   8300: Planning default port number

   It prompts the use to enter user name and password. User must have Planning Application
   Creator role to create a Planning Application.
   From Shared Services create a user and give the role as Planning Application Creator.

After authentication you can see the following screen;

Before creating a planning application you must create a Data source Name (DSN) for the planning
application. Which is nothing but a creating a connection between your planning application and
oracle database.

Note: You can create only one DSN for one Planning application.

You can do this job from Hyperion Configuration Utility.

Click on Create Application tab. You can see the following screen with following tabs;


      Create a Planning Project in Shared Services
      Create a Planning Instance and Data Source Name using Hyperion Configuration utility.

From the Select tab
   1. Choose the Data Source (Ex:DSN2)
   2. Give the Application Name (Ex:BoseApp)
   3. Select Shared Services Project (Ex: PLANNINGPROJECT)
   4. Select Instance (Ex:PLANINS)

   Note: Application name should not exceed 8 characters.

You can see the selection made to the application in the following screen;

Click on Next you can see the Calendar tab screen;
Calendar settings determine the base time period and span of time for all scenarios of data in the
application. Monthly or Quarter or Custom

Note: For Custom time periods Fiscal Start Month and Weekly Distribution are disabled.

For monthly time periods, set how weeks are distributed in the months that makes up a quarter. I.e.
Even Distribution or 4-4-5 or 4-5-4 or 5-4-4.

What is Weekly Distribution?

For example there are 3 months namely Jan, Feb, Mar in Qtr1. Suppose I have given data for Qtr1.
Weekly Distribution method specifies that how the Qtr1 value is distributed among its children.
Suppose we have given Qtr1 value 100 if we select Even Distribution the values for Jan, Feb, Mar are
like this;

Jan = Qtr1/3; Feb = Qtr1/3; Mar = Qtr1/3;

If 4-4-5 => 4+4+5= 13 weeks per a Quarter

Jan= 4 * (100/13), Feb = 4 * (100/13), Mar = 5 * (100/13);

Specify the start year and month, and list the number of years to include in the application. The
fewer base time periods you establish, the more years you can include, not exceeding 100 years.

You can see the selection made for Calendar tab in the following screen;

Click on next to go to the Currency tab;

TIP: Selecting the default application currency adds the Currency dimension member to the
application, and sets the default currency for the Entity dimension member. If the application will
support multiple currencies at any time in the future, select yes for multiple currencies now. Select
Administration > Manage Exchange Rates to define exchange rates.

Click next to go to the Plan types tab;

Plan type tab is most important in creating Essbase databases. You can create up to 5 plan types for
a single application. In Which 3 are the user defined plan types and remaining two are the
specialized plan types (Workforce and Capital Expense).

Each Plan type is a database in Essbase.
For example Revenue Plan type is Revenue Cube or Revenue database under planning application in
Essbase. You can see this in later time.

For our example we are creating three plan types Ex: Revenue, Expenses, P&L;
Revenue plan type is for Revenue budgeting, Expenses is for Expenses budgeting and P&L is for P&L

Here we store Revenue in Revenue Plan type, Expenses data in Expenses Plan type and for
generating P&L budget we get data from Revenue and Expenses plan types;

You can see how to create plan types in following screen;

Click Next to go to the end of the application creation;

Click on Finish to verify whether your application is successfully created or not.

You can see the message the application is created successfully. If you want to create another
application you click on Here. Otherwise you can LogOff from the application creation wizard.

Go to Web browser and type the URL:


You can see Hyperion Planning log on screen as follows;

From the Log On window enter user Name, Password and select the Application you to work with
then click on Log On

You can see the following screen which includes all the activities to fulfill the aim of planning

Creating Planning Application in Essbase
Initially planning application profile information is stored in Relational Database (RDBMS). When ever
we do Create/Refresh from Administration -> Manage Database.

When we do Create/Refresh operation the following information will be moved from RDBMS to the

•   Application Framework
•   Dimensions, Dimension Members and Properties
•   Exchange Rates (for Currency Conversion)
•   Member Access (for Security Filters)

The following data still remain in the Planning RDBMS

•   Data form design definitions
•   Planning Units (for Process Management)
•   Annotations ( planning unit, Account and Cell text)
•   Supporting Details
•   Process Management Workflow Status

Working with Planning Dimensions:

Go to Administration menu -> Dimensions menu item

You can manage all the planning dimensions from here only;

Note: A Planning application supports 20 dimensions only; In which 8 are System
Dimensions and 12 are the custom dimensions; (If it is a multi currency application)

IF it is non-multi currency application: 6 are system dimensions and 14 are the custom dimensions;

System dimensions for Mutli-Currency applications:

   1) Account
   2) Entity
   3) Period
   4) Year
   5) Scenario
   6) Version
   7) Currency
   8) Hsp_Rates

Note: For non-multi currency application last two dimensions are not generated.

Creating Account dimension members:

Select Account then click on Edit;

Click on Save to save the changes.

Select Account dimension from the dimensions list. Click on Add Child tab to add a account
dimension member.

After clicking on Add Child tab you can see a member properties window as follows.

From the window you can observe;

        Property                                                 Value
Name                 Enter a name.
Description          Optional: Enter a description.
Alias                Optional: Select the alias table to store the alias name. Enter an alternate name for the
For Account          Select the account type.
members only:
Account Type
For Account          If the account type is Saved Assumptions, for Variance Reporting, select Expense or Non-
members only:        Expense. Designate the saved assumption as a revenue, asset, liability, or equity account.
Variance Reporting
For Account        For Time Balance, select Flow or Balance.
members only: Time

Property                                                  Value
For Account        For Exchange Rate Type, select an option.
members only:
Exchange Rate Type
For Account        For Data Type, select a data type.
members only: Data
Distribution        Sets the weekly distribution. Available for leaf Account members if the option was selected
                    when creating the application and the base time period is 12 months.
Data Storage        Select a data storage property used in building an Essbase cube. The default is Never Share
                    for new custom dimension members (except root members).
Two Pass Calculation Recalculate values of members based on values of parent members or other members.
                     Available for Account and Entity members with Dynamic Calc or Dynamic Calc and Store
For Entity members Select the Entity member’s base currency.
only: Base Currency
Plan Type           Select plan types for which the member is valid.

                    Select an aggregation option for each selected plan type. You can select a source plan only if
                    multiple plan types are valid for the member. Only plan types and aggregation options for
                    which the member’s parent is valid are available. If the parent is not valid for a plan type or
                    aggregation option, neither is the child member. Deselecting a plan type for an account or
                    entity parent member deselects it for all descendents of that parent.

                    Deselecting a plan type for dimension members after data is entered into applications may
                    result in loss of data when applications are refreshed. For account members, data is lost if the
                    deselected plan type is the source plan type.

Marked for Delete   Clear to unmark the member for delete.
For Entity members Select the base currency for the Entity member.
only: Base Currency
For Account         Select the source plan type for the member. A shared member is a pointer to the base
members only:       member and is not stored in Essbase; this is disabled for shared members. The Source Plan
Source Plan Type    Type of a shared Account member matches the source plan type of the base member, even
                    though Source Plan field is unavailable because it does not apply to shared members.
Smart Lists         Optional: Select a Smart List to associate with the member.

Click on Save.

You can see the added member as NetProfit in the following screen;

Select NetProfit member and click on Add Child to add a member as children of the NetProfit.

Click on Save.            `
 You can see the add member as child for NetProfit.

We are adding a member as sibling for Total Revenue.
Select TotalRevenue member then click Add Sibling.

Click on Save.

Now we are going to add Children for TotalRevenue member. You can add children as earlier we
have seen.

Follow the below screens;

We have successfully built the Account dimension.

Now we will see how to build Currency dimensions.

Select Currency Dimension then click on Add.

Since it is a multi-currency application and we have chosen USD as application currency at the time
application creation using AppWizard, we can add number of currencies as Reporting Currencies.

Read following error message carefully.

From the above screen you can select currencies from the list of available curreices then check
Reporting Currency check box;

You can see this in the following screen;

Click on Save to save the changes.
Note: If you want you can create new currencies by selecting Create New Currencies radio

Now we will build Entity dimension;
Select Entity dimension from the list of available dimensions. You can see this in the following

Click on Add Child to add members to the Entity dimension.

         Property                                                 Value
 Name                 Enter a name.
 Description          Optional: Enter a description.
 Alias                Optional: Select the alias table to store the alias name. Enter an alternate name for the
 For Account          Select the account type.
 members only:
 Account Type
 For Account          If the account type is Saved Assumptions, for Variance Reporting, select Expense or Non-
 members only:        Expense. Designate the saved assumption as a revenue, asset, liability, or equity account.
 Variance Reporting
 For Account        For Time Balance, select Flow or Balance.
 members only: Time

Property                                                   Value
 For Account        For Exchange Rate Type, select an option.
 members only:
 Exchange Rate Type
 For Account        For Data Type, select a data type.
 members only: Data
 Distribution         Sets the weekly distribution. Available for leaf Account members if the option was selected
                      when creating the application and the base time period is 12 months.
 Data Storage         Select a data storage property used in building an Essbase cube. The default is Never Share
                      for new custom dimension members (except root members).
 Two Pass Calculation Recalculate values of members based on values of parent members or other members.
                      Available for Account and Entity members with Dynamic Calc or Dynamic Calc and Store
 For Entity members Select the Entity member’s base currency.
 only: Base Currency
 Plan Type            Select plan types for which the member is valid.

                      Select an aggregation option for each selected plan type. You can select a source plan only if
                      multiple plan types are valid for the member. Only plan types and aggregation options for
                      which the member’s parent is valid are available. If the parent is not valid for a plan type or
                      aggregation option, neither is the child member. Deselecting a plan type for an account or
                      entity parent member deselects it for all descendents of that parent.

                      Deselecting a plan type for dimension members after data is entered into applications may
                      result in loss of data when applications are refreshed. For account members, data is lost if the
                      deselected plan type is the source plan type.

 Marked for Delete    Clear to unmark the member for delete.
 For Entity members Select the base currency for the Entity member.
 only: Base Currency
 For Account          Select the source plan type for the member. A shared member is a pointer to the base
 members only:        member and is not stored in Essbase; this is disabled for shared members. The Source Plan
 Source Plan Type     Type of a shared Account member matches the source plan type of the base member, even
                      though Source Plan field is unavailable because it does not apply to shared members.
 Smart Lists          Optional: Select a Smart List to associate with the member.

You can see this in the following screen;

Click on Save;
Now we add children for the India;

Click on Save. Like this you can number of children you want.

Now we will build Period dimension

Note: I have not made any changes to the Period dimension.

Scenario Dimension:

Create 3 members under Scenario dimension;

      Actual
      Budget
      Forecast

You can see this in the following screens;

Version dimension:

We create two members for Version dimension;

      1stDraft as Bottom-Up
      2ndDraft as Target
      Final as Bottom-Up

Note: Any Version member as of two types; either Target or Bottom-Up

For Target version member we enter data at Parent level
For Bottom-Up we enter data at base level.

Year dimension:

Note: I have not made any changes to the year dimension because I have taken enough number of
years in creation of application using AppWizard.

Now we will create two custom dimensions;

      Product
      Employee

Note: We can create up to 12 custom dimensions;

To create custom dimension click on Add Dimension

Click On Add Dimension

Click on Save

Add children to the Product dimension similar to the adding children to system dimensions;

Add children to the Employee dimension similar to the adding children to system dimensions;

Conclusion: Up to this we have successfully created all system dimensions and custom

Manage Database

We have created dimensions and its members. Initially they are stored in Planning Relational
database (Ex: hypplan). When we do a Create/Refresh operation using Manage Database from
Administration menu all the plan types (Ex: Revenue, Expenses, P&L) are transformed as separate
databases in Essbase under Planning application (Ex: BoseApp) and gets stored in essbase database
(Ex: hypeas)

Before Create/Refresh operation:


                      You can BoseApp
                      planning application
                      with out any databases;

From Planning:

Go to Administration menu then select Manage Database menu item;

Check Database check box then click on Create (for the first time)

Note: At initial time we click on Create why because this is the first time we are creating the
databases in Essbase. From the second time onwards if you do any modifications to the Planning
Application (Ex: BoseApp) from the Planning Windows Client we de Refresh instead of Create.

From the Essbase:

You can clearly observe that new databases are created under planning application;

BoseApp is created
with databases
Expense, Revenue,

                         WORKING WITH DATA ENTRY FORMS

In planning we enter data through web entry forms;

To create data entry form select Administration menu -> select Manage Data Forms menu

You can see this in the following screen;

You can see the following screen is displayed.

This Create is used to
                          create Folder in which   This Create is used to
                          you data entry form is   create new data entry
                          stored.                  form.

Note: First create Folder then create data entry form. Here I am creating RevenueForms as
folder and I am going store all data forms related to the Revenue cube in this RevenueForms

You can see the created RevenueFolder in the left side of the panel.

Click on this tab to create
                                                    new data entry form under
                              Select                RevenueForms folder

You can see the Create window. Using this window we can create new data entry form.

Here I have selected Revenue Plan type
             because Sales data is stored in Revenue

Click Next

Click on this
                                                                    button to select
                                                                    period dimension

I selected Period dimension in column and Account dimension in Row.

By clicking on member selection button you can see following screen which allows you to select
dimension members for this data form.

Product dimension member selection box.

Click on Submit

Like this you can select Account dimension members;

Click on Next to select Page, POV dimensions and its members; You can see these selection in
the following screen;

Click on Next to select Other options. At this time leave those options as tease. Then click on
Next, you can see a list of Business Rules. Leave this tab then click on Next to see the
Preview of your data form.

Now you will see your created Web entry form.

            Click on SalesForm to see the Sales data form;
                                         Reven u can see
                                 Select         o
                                         then y ms
                                 folder           r
                      d                   data fo     r
                                  list of n that folde

            orm is
      ha ve c
     which eated
Revenue database
                                                    Note: This data form tied up with
                                                    these cells.
                                                    Expense so we can not enter data for
                                                    Since Cogs source plan type is

Now   I am entering data for the following   combinations;
HYD   -> Mixy -> Local ->FY07 -> Actual      -> 1stDraft->Jan ->Sales
HYD   -> Mixy -> Local ->FY07 -> Actual      -> 1stDraft->Feb ->Sales
HYD   -> Mixy -> Local ->FY07 -> Actual      -> 1stDraft->Mar ->Sales

You can see this in the following screen;

I am creating one more data entry form to enter data for Cogs; You can see this in the following

Since Cogs data stored in Expense cube so I have selected Expense plan type.

values in SalesForm.
Now we enter data for Cogs, we can view these values in SalesForm but we can not modify these
     Since Sales data stored in Revenue cube,
     so here we can not data for this member.
     Here we already entered data for Sales in
     Sales form that’s why these values are
                                                     You can see created data form as follows;
cube in Essbase.
                                                      these values in Expense
                                                      Cogs, click on Go to store
                                                      We just entered data for

After clicking on Go you can see the message “The data has been Saved”

Now open SalesForm from RevenuForms folder. You can see the difference; i.e the data which
you have entered in CogsForm are displayed in read form in SalesForm and Viceversa..

Exporting data entry forms to the Spread Sheet Add-In

You can export these data entry forms to the spread sheet Add-In so that you can enter data
from excel sheets;

Step1: Select the data entry form which you want to export.
Step2: go to File menu -> select Spread Sheet Export
Step3: give the file name and path to store you exported data form




Click on Save

Now open your exported data entry form in Micro soft Excel:

To see data for these combinations go to Essbase menu -> select Retrieve. It prompts the user to
select Essbase server , Application and database.

In our example Server Name: localhost
                    Application: BoseApp
                    Database:     Revenue

Click on OK to see the data for these member combinations;

                                 MANAGE EXCHANGE RATES

We have entered data for Indian cities. Since India base currency is INR; some users want to see
their data in reporting currency;

Here I am creating Exchange rate table that contains exchange rate for USD;

I USD = 52.5 INR;

Planning automatically creates currency conversion calculation scripts in the form Business rules; if
we run these business rules, base currency values are automatically converted to the reporting

You can see how to create exchange rate tables in the following screens;

     Click on Create to create a new
     Exchange rate table;
Click on Save.

     Click on Edit to
     enter the exchange
     rate values
Click Next

Click on Save then Close.

Manage Currency Conversion

Click on Next

Click on Save.

Now you must assign Exchange rate table to the Scenario dimension;

Select Actual and click on Edit;

Click in Save to reflect the changes.

Now any changes to the Dimensions should be reflected on Essbase:
Go to Administration -> Manage Database

     Click on Refresh to reflect
     changes made to Dimensions on
Now assign Business rules to appropriate data entry form the Data entry form
Here I am assigning the business rules to the SalesForm;

Go to Administration menu -> select Manage Data Forms

Select SalesForm from Revenue Folder then click on Edit

                                                          business rules
                                                          Click on Edit to assign

Go to Business Rules tab

Select left side two business rules one by one then click on right arrow to move;

Click on Save

Now open your SalesForm;

                           Double click on Revenue – HspCRtB
                           Double click on Revenue - InrToUsd

From the 1st double click you can see the message like this;

From the 2nd double click you can see the message like this;

Before Launching Business Rules:

Currency: Local

     You can clearly observe that
     INR values converted to USD
                                                    Currency: USD
                                    After Launching Business Rules:
Another way of Launching Business Rules:

Up to this Currency Conversion is Over.

                                PLANNING SECURITY FILTERS

There are different levels of security

   •   Task Level Security
   •   Object Level Security
   •   Data Level Security

We can give Task level roles from Shared Services (Not in the Planning); The following are the
Task-level roles;

        Role                                            Description

 Power Roles

 Administrator      Performs all application tasks except those reserved for the application owner and
                    Mass Allocate role. Creates and manages applications, manages access permissions,
                    initiates the budget process, designates the e-mail server for notifications.
 Application Owner Reassigns application ownership.
 Mass Allocate      Accesses the Mass Allocate feature to spread data multi-dimensionally down a
                    hierarchy, even to cells not visible in the data form and to which the user does not
                    have access. Any user type can be assigned this role, but it should be assigned
 Analytic Services For planners and interactive users: Grants users the same access permissions they
 Write Access      have in Planning to Planning data in Essbase. Enables users having write access, to
                   change Planning data directly in Essbase using another product such as Financial
                   Reporting or a third-party tool.
 Interactive Roles
 Interactive User   Creates and maintains data forms, Smart View worksheets, business rules, task
                    lists, Financial Reporting reports, and Oracle's Hyperion® Application Link adapter
                    processes and flow diagrams. Manages the budget process. Can perform all Planner
                    tasks. Interactive users are typically department heads and business unit managers.
 Planner Roles
 Planner            Enters and submits plans for approval, runs business rules and Oracle's Hyperion®
                    Application Link flow diagrams. Uses reports that others have created, views and
                    uses task lists, enables e-mail notification for themselves, creates data using Smart
 View Roles
 View User          Views and analyzes data through Planning data forms and any data access tools for
                    which they are licensed (for example, Financial Reporting, Web Analysis, Smart
                    View). Typical View users are executives who want to see business plans during and
                    at the end of the budget process.

Creating new user in the Shared services;
LogOn http://geoinsys:58080/interop/index.jsp

Click on Finish;

Provision user with specific role;

Select Planner role then click on Right arrow button;

You can see the selected user in the right side of the Panel;

Click on Save;


Now Logoff and Exit from the Shared Services;

Now Logon to Planning:


Object Level Security

Here some of the planning objects are:

          •   Data entry forms
          •   Task lists
          •   Business Rules

Now as an Administrator I am assigning SalesForm to the user HydSalesManager so that he
can able to enter data for SalesForm;

You can how to assign a user to particular data entry form;

      Click on Assign Access
      Click on Add Access
Select the user HYDSalesManager and give access as Write

                                             Click on Add

You can see the following screen;

Click on Close

User HYDSalesManger is now eligible to Access SalesForm. Even though he is eligible he could not
enter data for Sales due to lack of Data-Level security;

To make the user to enter data for sales you do the following steps;

You can do this job from Administration -> Dimensions

Note: Keep in mind the members of the SalesForm while giving data-level security;

      Select Sales and click on
      Assign Access
      Click on Add Access
Click on Add

Like this add access for members of SalesForm;

Account:    Sales
Scenario:   Budget
Version:    1stDraft
Entity:     HYD, CHN, BNG

Note: You can assign access for only following dimensions;

      Account
      Scenario
      Version
      Entity

For other dimension members you can not find Assign Access option.

Now we have to create security filters.

                                                                security filters for
                                                                Click on Create to create

You will get a message that “Security Filters have created successfully”

Create new data entry form to enter Budget sales data. I am creating SalesBudForm data entry
form under RevenueFolder. You can follow similar steps of creating SalesActForm

Newly created SalesBudForm is;

Up to this we have successfully maintained the Planning Security;

Logoff from the Administrator user (i.e. admin)

Note: Before logging off you should check whether your application is in maintenance mode or not;

Go to Administration -> Application settings. Change Application Maintenance mode from
Administrator to All Users
You can see this in the following screen;

Click on Save to save the changes;

Checking whether security filters for HYDSalesManager are successfully created or not;

LogOn to Planning with HYDSalesManager credentials;


Here Password is password which you have created in Shared Services;

                                                                                      You can see

If you observe clearly you can find that there is no Administration menu; Because we have given
the role Planner for this user. So he has provided some responsibilities for this role;

Those are

 Planner           Enters and submits plans for approval, run business rules and Oracle's Hyperion®
                   Application Link flow diagrams. Uses reports that others have created views and
                   uses task lists, enables e-mail notification for themselves, creates data using Smart

                            PLANNING PROCESS MANAGEMENT
Heart of the Planning is Process Management;

What is Process Management?

You can track budgets and review status, process issues, and planning unit ownership using
Planning units. Budget cycle time is reduced:

●   Users can approve planning units from any process state
●   Approval path is independent of organizational structure
●   Exceptions and problem areas are highlighted
●   Audit information includes annotations and process status
●   Reviews include annotations and comments

Planning Units

Planning units are combinations of scenario, version, and entity. Scenarios and versions are the
basis of the review cycle. Entities submit planning data for a scenario and version. For example,
a planning unit might consist of a version (Best Case), an entity (New York), and a scenario

You start, view, and promote planning units, and view a history of the budget review process
and user annotations. Planning units have six states:

Not Started: Budget administrators can initiate the review process using the Start action.

First Pass: Users with access permissions can enter data and promote planning units.

Under Review: Only the current owner or budget administrators can modify data.

Signed Off: Only the current owner or budget administrators can modify data.

Not Signed Off: If planning units are rejected, only the current owner or budget
administrators can modify data.

Approved: After planning units are approved and the budge is complete, the budget
administrator becomes the owner and can modify data. With multiple budget
administrators, management of the planning cycle requires coordination among
administrators. Administrators can reject planning units that are approved.
In all states except Not Started, users with read access can view process state, history, data, and
view and enter annotations.

Starting the Review Process

Budget administrators begin the review process by selecting a planning unit and starting it.
Budget administrators can select all planning units or a subset of planning units. The Start action
changes the state of the planning unit to First Pass. Budget administrators can exclude some or all
entities from the planning unit.
To start planning units:

1 Select File > Workflow > Manage Process.
2 For Scenario, select a scenario.
3 For Version, select a version.

The scenarios and versions displayed are enabled for process management.

4 Click Go.
5 Select Start next to the entity to start.

For budget administrators, the Entity list can be displayed as a tree or a flat list. In tree view, you
can expand the hierarchy. In flat list view, you can click a column header to sort the list.
6 Optional: To remove planning units from the planning process or from being tracked in the
system, select Exclude. After administrators exclude planning units, all associated annotations and
history are discarded. Planning unit status is returned to Not Started and the owner is set to No
Owner. Data values are retained.

Working Scenario:

In our example I am creating 6 users;

1.   HYDSalesManager: He can enter HYD budget sales data and submits data to South level
     manager for approval

2.   CHNSalesManager: He can enter CHN budget sales data and submits data to South level
     manager for approval

3.   BNGSalesManager: He can enter BNG budget sales data and submits data to South level
     manage for approval

4.   SISalesManager: South India Budget sales manager, he can accept data from south branches
     (like HYD, CHN, BNG) and submits data all at once to India level manager.

5.   INDSalesManager: India level manager receives data Sales budget data from South India,
     North India; finally he submits data to the Administrator.

6.   BudAdministrator: He is the Budget Administrator who accepts data as country level. Finally
     approves/rejects the data.

Step1: Create users in Shared Services. Provide Planner role to the all users except Budget
administrator. (Nothing but Task-level security)

Step2: From Planning assign data entry forms to the Users (nothing but Object-Level security)

Step3: From Planning assign appropriate dimension members to the each user (nothing but Data-
Level security)

Shared Services:


Create 6 users:

Provision 6 users with Planner role except BudAdministrator

Give Administrator role for BudAdministrator

Up to this we have successfully created and assigned appropriate roles the users. You can Logoff
from the shared services:

Login to planning:

Edit Data entry for SalesBudForm with new members as follows;

Entity: Add India with member formal Decendents

Click on Submit and Save;

Here you can provide Object and Data level securities to the users;

Earlier we have provided Object and Data-Level security for the user HYDSalesManager. Similarly
provide object and data level securities for the remaining users.

Note: we no need to provide Object and Data level security for BudAdministrator because we
have given the role Administrator to him so that he can access all the objects for that application
and he can do any operation on the that particular application except provisioning the users. Means
that Provisioning Manager role is diff from Administrator role.

From page no (105 – 119) I have created object and data level security for HydSalesManager, so
you no need to create for him. You create remaining users in the same manner;

Note: For entity dimension give access in the following manner;

HydSalesManager: HYD
ChnBudSalesManager: CHN
BngBudSalesManager: BNG
SIBudSalesManager: HYD, CHN, BNG
IndBudSalesManager: SI, NI,

I have assigned SalesBudForm for users as follows:

Up to this object level security is completed:

I have given Data-Level Security for Account dimension -> Sales member as follows;

I have given data level security for Entity dimension -> India member as follows;

For Entity -> SI

Click in Add

For Entity -> CHN

For Entity -> HYD

For Entity -> BNG

For Scenario -> Budget member

For Version dimension -> 1stDraft member

Now we must create security filters for the users;
Go to Administration -> Manage Security Filters

Click on Create

You will get a message that “Security filters have created successfully”

Up to this we have successfully created all levels of security for all the process
management users;

Now onwards process management starts;

Login with all users;







BudAdministrator is the only person can start Process management;

Select the Scenario and Version

Click on Go

Start SI children : CHN, HYD, BNG

When I select radio boxes for CHN, BNG, HYD its status changed from Not Started to First Pass

Now ChnBudSalesManager can enter sales budget data;

ChnBudSalesManager‘s part

Enter Sales budget data for CHN

Submit budget data to SIBudSalesManager

Select Scenario and Version

Click on Go

Click on Details.

Click on Change Status

You will get following screen;

Select Action as Promote and Owner as SIBudSalesManager;

Click on Submit;

CHN Budget sales data has successfully moved to South level manager. So this planning unit
Budget -> 1stDraft -> CHN is under review process;

Click on Done

Current owner changed from ChnBudSalesManager to SIBudSalesManager;

Now control is at SIBudSalesManager;

Note: Now ChnBudSalesManager can not change data that he has already submitted to next level
user; If South level manager rejects the data then only he can modify the data;

LogOff ChnBudSalesManager.

Similarly submit HYD data to the South level manager;

HYDSalesManger’ s part

Login HYDSalesManager

Enter Budget Sales data.

Click on Go to save the data

Submit HYD to South level manager (SIBudSalesManager)

Select Scenario and Version;

Click on Go

Now status is First Pass

Click on Details

Click on Change Status

Select Action: Promote, Next Owner: SIBudSalesManager

Click on Submit.

Click on Done

Now HYD Sales budget data successfully moved to South level manager for review and Approval;

Note: Chennai sales manger can not change data until South level manger rejects the planning

Log off from the Chennai Sales manager;

Now submit BNG data to South level manager;

Log in as BngBudSalesManager

Enter data;

Click on Go to save data.

Select File -> Workflow -> Manage Process

Select Scenario and Version

Click on Go

Then click on Details -> Click on Change Status

Select Action: Promote NextOwner: SIBudSalesManager

Click on Submit to submit Bangalore sales budget data to the south level sales budget manager.

Log off;

Now this is the time for South level sales manager to submit South level data to the India level
sales manager;

For this the children values should be aggregated to the SI level; For SIBudSalesManager must run
a business rule to aggregate data values;

Note: Here I am created a business rule SIBudAggRule for this purpose. At this time I am
leaving how to create business rule. Does n’t worry; you can learn this at latter time.

Note: Assign SIBudSalesManager to the Business rule SIBudAggRule, so that he can run this rule
from the Planning web client.

We can do this job from the EAS (Essbase Administrative Services)

                                     Double click on this
                                     Rule to open

You can see the following screen;

Click on Access Privileges tab

Click on Add button

Select SIBudSalesManager from the available users the click on “>”

Click on OK

Click on Save then Click on Close

Now open Planning web client and Log in as SIBudSalesManager

Before giving access to Business rule SIBudAggRule

After giving access to the business rule in the Essbase Administrative Services:

Note: You can not see the business rule SIBudAggRule;

Remedy: Log in as admin in the planning web client;

Click on Edit

Click on Business Rules tab

Click on Right arrow;

Click on Save

Log off from the Admin

Log in with SIBudSalesManager

                                                                       values for SI.
                                                                       observe that there are
                                                                       You can clearly

                            You can see

Note: To role up values to the parent level double click the Business Rule SIBudAggRule

Click on Close

      Click on Refresh button to
      see the parent level values
After Refresh

Now submit these south level values to the India level sales budget manager;

File -> WorkFlow -> Process Management

Select Scenario: Budget Version: 1stDraft

Click on Go

Submit CHN, HYD, BNG, SI sales budget data for the first quarter of the FY08 year to the India
level sales budget manager;

Click on Details for CHN

Click on Change Status

Select Action: Approve Next Owner: IndBudSalesManager

Click on Submit

Similarly Submit HYD, BNG, SI values;

Note: If you submit children values the parent values automatically submitted to the same owner

In our example SIBudSalesManager submitted it’s children values (CHN,BNG,HYD) to the
IndBudSalesManager implies SI values are automatically submitted to the same owner.

Log off;

Log in as IndBudSalesManager

Clearly observe that there are no values for India level;

You can not find business rule for that purpose;

Now I am creating business rule as IndBudAggRule. Do not worry about business rules you can
learn this in the Working With Business Rules chapter later.

After assigning IndBudAggRule to the IndBudSalesManager

                                                          against the data form
                                                          runs the business rules
                                                          values because he not yet
                                                          There are no India level

                        You can see the
                        rule here

Now double click on IndBudAggRule

Click on Close

      Click on Refresh
You can see the India level calculated values;

Now submit the India level values to the BudAdministrator for the Approval.

Select Scenario: Budget Version: 1stDraft

Click on Go

Submit all the entity values to the BudAdministrator for the Approval

Start with CHN …… End with India

Click on Details for CHN

Click on Change Status

Promote values to the BudAdminstrator

Click on Submit

Click on Done

Now CHN planning unit is Under Review by the BudAdministrator

Similarly submit all the remaining entity values to the BudAdministrator for the approval

Note: After submitting the Entity sales budget values of CHN, HYD, BNG, their parent values (i.e.
SI, India) values are automatically submitted to the BudAdministrator

Log off;

Log in as BudAdministrator

Select Scenario: Budget   Version: 1stDraft

Click on Go

Change the Process Status fron Under Review -> Approval for India

For that click on Details for India

Click on Change Status

Click on Submit

Click on Done

Note: If parent approved children automatically approved.

In the above India is approved hence their children SI, its children CHN, BNG, HYD are
automatically approved;

You can see this in the following screen;

Up to this one planning life cycle is completed for the Scenario: Budget Version: 1stDraft

Note: If Budget Administrator Rejects the Planning Unit then planning unit again goes back to the
India level manager.


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Planning learn step by step

  • 1. CHAPTER-1 PLANNING APPLICATION CREATION Go to Web browser and type the URL as http://geoinsys:8300/HyperionPlanning/ AppWizard.jsp From the Above URL: Geoinsys: Name of the computer or Server name 8300: Planning default port number It prompts the use to enter user name and password. User must have Planning Application Creator role to create a Planning Application. From Shared Services create a user and give the role as Planning Application Creator. After authentication you can see the following screen; 1
  • 2. Before creating a planning application you must create a Data source Name (DSN) for the planning application. Which is nothing but a creating a connection between your planning application and oracle database. Note: You can create only one DSN for one Planning application. You can do this job from Hyperion Configuration Utility. Click on Create Application tab. You can see the following screen with following tabs; Prerequisites:  Create a Planning Project in Shared Services  Create a Planning Instance and Data Source Name using Hyperion Configuration utility. 2
  • 3. From the Select tab 1. Choose the Data Source (Ex:DSN2) 2. Give the Application Name (Ex:BoseApp) 3. Select Shared Services Project (Ex: PLANNINGPROJECT) 4. Select Instance (Ex:PLANINS) Note: Application name should not exceed 8 characters. 3
  • 4. You can see the selection made to the application in the following screen; Click on Next you can see the Calendar tab screen; Calendar settings determine the base time period and span of time for all scenarios of data in the application. Monthly or Quarter or Custom Note: For Custom time periods Fiscal Start Month and Weekly Distribution are disabled. For monthly time periods, set how weeks are distributed in the months that makes up a quarter. I.e. Even Distribution or 4-4-5 or 4-5-4 or 5-4-4. What is Weekly Distribution? For example there are 3 months namely Jan, Feb, Mar in Qtr1. Suppose I have given data for Qtr1. Weekly Distribution method specifies that how the Qtr1 value is distributed among its children. Suppose we have given Qtr1 value 100 if we select Even Distribution the values for Jan, Feb, Mar are like this; Jan = Qtr1/3; Feb = Qtr1/3; Mar = Qtr1/3; 4
  • 5. If 4-4-5 => 4+4+5= 13 weeks per a Quarter Jan= 4 * (100/13), Feb = 4 * (100/13), Mar = 5 * (100/13); Specify the start year and month, and list the number of years to include in the application. The fewer base time periods you establish, the more years you can include, not exceeding 100 years. You can see the selection made for Calendar tab in the following screen; Click on next to go to the Currency tab; TIP: Selecting the default application currency adds the Currency dimension member to the application, and sets the default currency for the Entity dimension member. If the application will support multiple currencies at any time in the future, select yes for multiple currencies now. Select Administration > Manage Exchange Rates to define exchange rates. 5
  • 6. Click next to go to the Plan types tab; Plan type tab is most important in creating Essbase databases. You can create up to 5 plan types for a single application. In Which 3 are the user defined plan types and remaining two are the specialized plan types (Workforce and Capital Expense). Each Plan type is a database in Essbase. For example Revenue Plan type is Revenue Cube or Revenue database under planning application in Essbase. You can see this in later time. For our example we are creating three plan types Ex: Revenue, Expenses, P&L; Revenue plan type is for Revenue budgeting, Expenses is for Expenses budgeting and P&L is for P&L budget; Here we store Revenue in Revenue Plan type, Expenses data in Expenses Plan type and for generating P&L budget we get data from Revenue and Expenses plan types; You can see how to create plan types in following screen; 6
  • 7. Click Next to go to the end of the application creation; 7
  • 8. Click on Finish to verify whether your application is successfully created or not. 8
  • 9. You can see the message the application is created successfully. If you want to create another application you click on Here. Otherwise you can LogOff from the application creation wizard. 9
  • 10. CHAPTER-2 WORKING WITH PLANNING APPLICATION Go to Web browser and type the URL: http://geoinsys:8300/HyperionPlanning/LogOn.jsp You can see Hyperion Planning log on screen as follows; From the Log On window enter user Name, Password and select the Application you to work with then click on Log On You can see the following screen which includes all the activities to fulfill the aim of planning application. 10
  • 11. Creating Planning Application in Essbase Initially planning application profile information is stored in Relational Database (RDBMS). When ever we do Create/Refresh from Administration -> Manage Database. When we do Create/Refresh operation the following information will be moved from RDBMS to the Essbase. • Application Framework • Dimensions, Dimension Members and Properties • Exchange Rates (for Currency Conversion) • Member Access (for Security Filters) 11
  • 12. The following data still remain in the Planning RDBMS • Data form design definitions • Planning Units (for Process Management) • Annotations ( planning unit, Account and Cell text) • Supporting Details • Process Management Workflow Status Working with Planning Dimensions: Go to Administration menu -> Dimensions menu item You can manage all the planning dimensions from here only; 12
  • 13. Note: A Planning application supports 20 dimensions only; In which 8 are System Dimensions and 12 are the custom dimensions; (If it is a multi currency application) IF it is non-multi currency application: 6 are system dimensions and 14 are the custom dimensions; System dimensions for Mutli-Currency applications: 1) Account 2) Entity 3) Period 4) Year 5) Scenario 6) Version 7) Currency 8) Hsp_Rates Note: For non-multi currency application last two dimensions are not generated. Creating Account dimension members: Select Account then click on Edit; 13
  • 14. Click on Save to save the changes. Select Account dimension from the dimensions list. Click on Add Child tab to add a account dimension member. After clicking on Add Child tab you can see a member properties window as follows. 14
  • 15. From the window you can observe; Property Value Name Enter a name. Description Optional: Enter a description. Alias Optional: Select the alias table to store the alias name. Enter an alternate name for the member. For Account Select the account type. members only: Account Type For Account If the account type is Saved Assumptions, for Variance Reporting, select Expense or Non- members only: Expense. Designate the saved assumption as a revenue, asset, liability, or equity account. Variance Reporting For Account For Time Balance, select Flow or Balance. members only: Time 15
  • 16. Property Value Balance For Account For Exchange Rate Type, select an option. members only: Exchange Rate Type For Account For Data Type, select a data type. members only: Data Type Distribution Sets the weekly distribution. Available for leaf Account members if the option was selected when creating the application and the base time period is 12 months. Data Storage Select a data storage property used in building an Essbase cube. The default is Never Share for new custom dimension members (except root members). Two Pass Calculation Recalculate values of members based on values of parent members or other members. Available for Account and Entity members with Dynamic Calc or Dynamic Calc and Store properties. For Entity members Select the Entity member’s base currency. only: Base Currency Plan Type Select plan types for which the member is valid. Select an aggregation option for each selected plan type. You can select a source plan only if multiple plan types are valid for the member. Only plan types and aggregation options for which the member’s parent is valid are available. If the parent is not valid for a plan type or aggregation option, neither is the child member. Deselecting a plan type for an account or entity parent member deselects it for all descendents of that parent. Caution! Deselecting a plan type for dimension members after data is entered into applications may result in loss of data when applications are refreshed. For account members, data is lost if the deselected plan type is the source plan type. Marked for Delete Clear to unmark the member for delete. For Entity members Select the base currency for the Entity member. only: Base Currency For Account Select the source plan type for the member. A shared member is a pointer to the base members only: member and is not stored in Essbase; this is disabled for shared members. The Source Plan Source Plan Type Type of a shared Account member matches the source plan type of the base member, even though Source Plan field is unavailable because it does not apply to shared members. Smart Lists Optional: Select a Smart List to associate with the member. 16
  • 17. Click on Save. You can see the added member as NetProfit in the following screen; 17
  • 18. Select NetProfit member and click on Add Child to add a member as children of the NetProfit. 18
  • 19. Click on Save. ` You can see the add member as child for NetProfit. 19
  • 20. We are adding a member as sibling for Total Revenue. Select TotalRevenue member then click Add Sibling. 20
  • 21. Click on Save. Now we are going to add Children for TotalRevenue member. You can add children as earlier we have seen. Follow the below screens; 21
  • 22. 22
  • 23. 23
  • 24. We have successfully built the Account dimension. Now we will see how to build Currency dimensions. Select Currency Dimension then click on Add. Since it is a multi-currency application and we have chosen USD as application currency at the time application creation using AppWizard, we can add number of currencies as Reporting Currencies. 24
  • 25. Read following error message carefully. 25
  • 26. 26
  • 27. From the above screen you can select currencies from the list of available curreices then check Reporting Currency check box; You can see this in the following screen; 27
  • 28. Click on Save to save the changes. Note: If you want you can create new currencies by selecting Create New Currencies radio box. Now we will build Entity dimension; Select Entity dimension from the list of available dimensions. You can see this in the following screen; 28
  • 29. Click on Add Child to add members to the Entity dimension. Property Value Name Enter a name. Description Optional: Enter a description. Alias Optional: Select the alias table to store the alias name. Enter an alternate name for the member. For Account Select the account type. members only: Account Type For Account If the account type is Saved Assumptions, for Variance Reporting, select Expense or Non- members only: Expense. Designate the saved assumption as a revenue, asset, liability, or equity account. Variance Reporting For Account For Time Balance, select Flow or Balance. members only: Time 29
  • 30. Property Value Balance For Account For Exchange Rate Type, select an option. members only: Exchange Rate Type For Account For Data Type, select a data type. members only: Data Type Distribution Sets the weekly distribution. Available for leaf Account members if the option was selected when creating the application and the base time period is 12 months. Data Storage Select a data storage property used in building an Essbase cube. The default is Never Share for new custom dimension members (except root members). Two Pass Calculation Recalculate values of members based on values of parent members or other members. Available for Account and Entity members with Dynamic Calc or Dynamic Calc and Store properties. For Entity members Select the Entity member’s base currency. only: Base Currency Plan Type Select plan types for which the member is valid. Select an aggregation option for each selected plan type. You can select a source plan only if multiple plan types are valid for the member. Only plan types and aggregation options for which the member’s parent is valid are available. If the parent is not valid for a plan type or aggregation option, neither is the child member. Deselecting a plan type for an account or entity parent member deselects it for all descendents of that parent. Caution! Deselecting a plan type for dimension members after data is entered into applications may result in loss of data when applications are refreshed. For account members, data is lost if the deselected plan type is the source plan type. Marked for Delete Clear to unmark the member for delete. For Entity members Select the base currency for the Entity member. only: Base Currency For Account Select the source plan type for the member. A shared member is a pointer to the base members only: member and is not stored in Essbase; this is disabled for shared members. The Source Plan Source Plan Type Type of a shared Account member matches the source plan type of the base member, even though Source Plan field is unavailable because it does not apply to shared members. Smart Lists Optional: Select a Smart List to associate with the member. You can see this in the following screen; 30
  • 31. Click on Save; Now we add children for the India; 31
  • 32. Click on Save. Like this you can number of children you want. 32
  • 33. 33
  • 34. 34
  • 35. 35
  • 36. Now we will build Period dimension 36
  • 37. Note: I have not made any changes to the Period dimension. Scenario Dimension: Create 3 members under Scenario dimension;  Actual  Budget  Forecast You can see this in the following screens; 37
  • 38. 38
  • 39. 39
  • 40. Version dimension: We create two members for Version dimension;  1stDraft as Bottom-Up  2ndDraft as Target  Final as Bottom-Up Note: Any Version member as of two types; either Target or Bottom-Up For Target version member we enter data at Parent level For Bottom-Up we enter data at base level. 40
  • 41. 41
  • 42. 42
  • 43. Year dimension: Note: I have not made any changes to the year dimension because I have taken enough number of years in creation of application using AppWizard. Now we will create two custom dimensions;  Product  Employee Note: We can create up to 12 custom dimensions; To create custom dimension click on Add Dimension 43
  • 44. Click On Add Dimension tab 44
  • 45. Click on Save Add children to the Product dimension similar to the adding children to system dimensions; 45
  • 46. Add children to the Employee dimension similar to the adding children to system dimensions; 46
  • 47. Conclusion: Up to this we have successfully created all system dimensions and custom dimensions Manage Database We have created dimensions and its members. Initially they are stored in Planning Relational database (Ex: hypplan). When we do a Create/Refresh operation using Manage Database from Administration menu all the plan types (Ex: Revenue, Expenses, P&L) are transformed as separate databases in Essbase under Planning application (Ex: BoseApp) and gets stored in essbase database (Ex: hypeas) Before Create/Refresh operation: Essbase: You can BoseApp planning application with out any databases; 47
  • 48. From Planning: Go to Administration menu then select Manage Database menu item; Check Database check box then click on Create (for the first time) 48
  • 49. Note: At initial time we click on Create why because this is the first time we are creating the databases in Essbase. From the second time onwards if you do any modifications to the Planning Application (Ex: BoseApp) from the Planning Windows Client we de Refresh instead of Create. From the Essbase: You can clearly observe that new databases are created under planning application; 49
  • 50. BoseApp is created with databases Expense, Revenue, P&L 50
  • 51. CHAPTER-3 WORKING WITH DATA ENTRY FORMS In planning we enter data through web entry forms; To create data entry form select Administration menu -> select Manage Data Forms menu item You can see this in the following screen; You can see the following screen is displayed. 51
  • 52. This Create is used to create Folder in which This Create is used to you data entry form is create new data entry stored. form. Note: First create Folder then create data entry form. Here I am creating RevenueForms as folder and I am going store all data forms related to the Revenue cube in this RevenueForms folder. 52
  • 53. You can see the created RevenueFolder in the left side of the panel. 53
  • 54. Click on this tab to create new data entry form under Select RevenueForms folder RevenueForms folder You can see the Create window. Using this window we can create new data entry form. 54
  • 55. Here I have selected Revenue Plan type because Sales data is stored in Revenue cube. Click Next 55
  • 56. Click on this button to select period dimension members I selected Period dimension in column and Account dimension in Row. By clicking on member selection button you can see following screen which allows you to select dimension members for this data form. 56
  • 57. Product dimension member selection box. Click on Submit Like this you can select Account dimension members; Click on Next to select Page, POV dimensions and its members; You can see these selection in the following screen; 57
  • 58. Click on Next to select Other options. At this time leave those options as tease. Then click on Next, you can see a list of Business Rules. Leave this tab then click on Next to see the Preview of your data form. 58
  • 59. 59
  • 60. Now you will see your created Web entry form. 60
  • 61. 61 Click on SalesForm to see the Sales data form; ms ueFor Reven u can see Select o then y ms folder r d data fo r list of n that folde i stored ueFol r we orm is er Reven in ha ve c which eated SalesF
  • 62. Revenue database Note: This data form tied up with these cells. Expense so we can not enter data for Since Cogs source plan type is Now I am entering data for the following combinations; HYD -> Mixy -> Local ->FY07 -> Actual -> 1stDraft->Jan ->Sales HYD -> Mixy -> Local ->FY07 -> Actual -> 1stDraft->Feb ->Sales HYD -> Mixy -> Local ->FY07 -> Actual -> 1stDraft->Mar ->Sales You can see this in the following screen; 62
  • 63. I am creating one more data entry form to enter data for Cogs; You can see this in the following screen; 63
  • 64. Since Cogs data stored in Expense cube so I have selected Expense plan type. 64
  • 65. 65
  • 66. 66 values in SalesForm. Now we enter data for Cogs, we can view these values in SalesForm but we can not modify these Since Sales data stored in Revenue cube, so here we can not data for this member. Here we already entered data for Sales in Sales form that’s why these values are displayed. You can see created data form as follows;
  • 67. cube in Essbase. these values in Expense Cogs, click on Go to store We just entered data for After clicking on Go you can see the message “The data has been Saved” Now open SalesForm from RevenuForms folder. You can see the difference; i.e the data which you have entered in CogsForm are displayed in read form in SalesForm and Viceversa.. 67
  • 68. Exporting data entry forms to the Spread Sheet Add-In You can export these data entry forms to the spread sheet Add-In so that you can enter data from excel sheets; Step1: Select the data entry form which you want to export. Step2: go to File menu -> select Spread Sheet Export Step3: give the file name and path to store you exported data form Step1: 68
  • 69. Step2: 69
  • 71. Now open your exported data entry form in Micro soft Excel: To see data for these combinations go to Essbase menu -> select Retrieve. It prompts the user to select Essbase server , Application and database. In our example Server Name: localhost Application: BoseApp Database: Revenue 71
  • 72. Click on OK to see the data for these member combinations; 72
  • 73. 73
  • 74. CHAPTER-4 MANAGE EXCHANGE RATES We have entered data for Indian cities. Since India base currency is INR; some users want to see their data in reporting currency; Here I am creating Exchange rate table that contains exchange rate for USD; I USD = 52.5 INR; Planning automatically creates currency conversion calculation scripts in the form Business rules; if we run these business rules, base currency values are automatically converted to the reporting currencies. You can see how to create exchange rate tables in the following screens; 74
  • 75. 75 Click on Create to create a new Exchange rate table;
  • 77. 77 Click on Edit to enter the exchange rate values
  • 79. Click on Save then Close. 79
  • 82. Click on Save. Now you must assign Exchange rate table to the Scenario dimension; 82
  • 83. 83
  • 84. Select Actual and click on Edit; 84
  • 85. Click in Save to reflect the changes. 85
  • 86. Now any changes to the Dimensions should be reflected on Essbase: Go to Administration -> Manage Database 86
  • 87. 87 Click on Refresh to reflect changes made to Dimensions on Essbase
  • 88. Now assign Business rules to appropriate data entry form the Data entry form Here I am assigning the business rules to the SalesForm; Go to Administration menu -> select Manage Data Forms 88
  • 89. Select SalesForm from Revenue Folder then click on Edit business rules Click on Edit to assign 89
  • 90. Go to Business Rules tab 90
  • 91. Select left side two business rules one by one then click on right arrow to move; Click on Save 91
  • 92. Now open your SalesForm; Double click on Revenue – HspCRtB Double click on Revenue - InrToUsd 92
  • 93. From the 1st double click you can see the message like this; 93
  • 94. From the 2nd double click you can see the message like this; 94
  • 95. Before Launching Business Rules: Currency: Local 95
  • 96. 96 You can clearly observe that INR values converted to USD Currency: USD After Launching Business Rules:
  • 97. Another way of Launching Business Rules: 97
  • 98. Up to this Currency Conversion is Over. 98
  • 99. CHAPTER-5 PLANNING SECURITY FILTERS There are different levels of security • Task Level Security • Object Level Security • Data Level Security We can give Task level roles from Shared Services (Not in the Planning); The following are the Task-level roles; Role Description Power Roles Administrator Performs all application tasks except those reserved for the application owner and Mass Allocate role. Creates and manages applications, manages access permissions, initiates the budget process, designates the e-mail server for notifications. Application Owner Reassigns application ownership. Mass Allocate Accesses the Mass Allocate feature to spread data multi-dimensionally down a hierarchy, even to cells not visible in the data form and to which the user does not have access. Any user type can be assigned this role, but it should be assigned sparingly. Analytic Services For planners and interactive users: Grants users the same access permissions they Write Access have in Planning to Planning data in Essbase. Enables users having write access, to change Planning data directly in Essbase using another product such as Financial Reporting or a third-party tool. Interactive Roles Interactive User Creates and maintains data forms, Smart View worksheets, business rules, task lists, Financial Reporting reports, and Oracle's Hyperion® Application Link adapter processes and flow diagrams. Manages the budget process. Can perform all Planner tasks. Interactive users are typically department heads and business unit managers. Planner Roles Planner Enters and submits plans for approval, runs business rules and Oracle's Hyperion® Application Link flow diagrams. Uses reports that others have created, views and uses task lists, enables e-mail notification for themselves, creates data using Smart View. View Roles View User Views and analyzes data through Planning data forms and any data access tools for which they are licensed (for example, Financial Reporting, Web Analysis, Smart View). Typical View users are executives who want to see business plans during and at the end of the budget process. Creating new user in the Shared services; LogOn http://geoinsys:58080/interop/index.jsp 99
  • 100. 100
  • 102. Provision user with specific role; 102
  • 103. Select Planner role then click on Right arrow button; 103
  • 104. You can see the selected user in the right side of the Panel; Click on Save; Now HYDS Now Logoff and Exit from the Shared Services; 104
  • 105. Now Logon to Planning: http://geoinsys:8300/HyperionPlanning/LogOn.jsp Object Level Security Here some of the planning objects are: • Data entry forms • Task lists • Business Rules Now as an Administrator I am assigning SalesForm to the user HydSalesManager so that he can able to enter data for SalesForm; You can how to assign a user to particular data entry form; 105
  • 106. 106 Click on Assign Access
  • 107. 107 Click on Add Access
  • 108. Select the user HYDSalesManager and give access as Write Click on Add 108
  • 109. You can see the following screen; Click on Close User HYDSalesManger is now eligible to Access SalesForm. Even though he is eligible he could not enter data for Sales due to lack of Data-Level security; To make the user to enter data for sales you do the following steps; 109
  • 110. You can do this job from Administration -> Dimensions Note: Keep in mind the members of the SalesForm while giving data-level security; 110
  • 111. 111 Select Sales and click on Assign Access
  • 112. 112 Click on Add Access
  • 113. Click on Add Like this add access for members of SalesForm; Account: Sales Scenario: Budget Version: 1stDraft Entity: HYD, CHN, BNG Note: You can assign access for only following dimensions;  Account  Scenario  Version  Entity For other dimension members you can not find Assign Access option. 113
  • 114. Now we have to create security filters. 114
  • 115. HYDSalesManager security filters for Click on Create to create You will get a message that “Security Filters have created successfully” 115
  • 116. Create new data entry form to enter Budget sales data. I am creating SalesBudForm data entry form under RevenueFolder. You can follow similar steps of creating SalesActForm Newly created SalesBudForm is; Up to this we have successfully maintained the Planning Security; Logoff from the Administrator user (i.e. admin) Note: Before logging off you should check whether your application is in maintenance mode or not; Go to Administration -> Application settings. Change Application Maintenance mode from Administrator to All Users You can see this in the following screen; 116
  • 117. Click on Save to save the changes; Checking whether security filters for HYDSalesManager are successfully created or not; 117
  • 118. LogOn to Planning with HYDSalesManager credentials; http://geoinsys:8300/HyperionPlanning/LogOn.jsp Here Password is password which you have created in Shared Services; 118
  • 119. login. HYDSalesManager You can see If you observe clearly you can find that there is no Administration menu; Because we have given the role Planner for this user. So he has provided some responsibilities for this role; Those are Planner Enters and submits plans for approval, run business rules and Oracle's Hyperion® Application Link flow diagrams. Uses reports that others have created views and uses task lists, enables e-mail notification for themselves, creates data using Smart View. 119
  • 120. CHAPTER-6 PLANNING PROCESS MANAGEMENT Heart of the Planning is Process Management; What is Process Management? You can track budgets and review status, process issues, and planning unit ownership using Planning units. Budget cycle time is reduced: ● Users can approve planning units from any process state ● Approval path is independent of organizational structure ● Exceptions and problem areas are highlighted ● Audit information includes annotations and process status ● Reviews include annotations and comments Planning Units Planning units are combinations of scenario, version, and entity. Scenarios and versions are the basis of the review cycle. Entities submit planning data for a scenario and version. For example, a planning unit might consist of a version (Best Case), an entity (New York), and a scenario (Actual). You start, view, and promote planning units, and view a history of the budget review process and user annotations. Planning units have six states: Not Started: Budget administrators can initiate the review process using the Start action. First Pass: Users with access permissions can enter data and promote planning units. Under Review: Only the current owner or budget administrators can modify data. Signed Off: Only the current owner or budget administrators can modify data. Not Signed Off: If planning units are rejected, only the current owner or budget administrators can modify data. Approved: After planning units are approved and the budge is complete, the budget administrator becomes the owner and can modify data. With multiple budget administrators, management of the planning cycle requires coordination among administrators. Administrators can reject planning units that are approved. In all states except Not Started, users with read access can view process state, history, data, and view and enter annotations. Starting the Review Process Budget administrators begin the review process by selecting a planning unit and starting it. Budget administrators can select all planning units or a subset of planning units. The Start action changes the state of the planning unit to First Pass. Budget administrators can exclude some or all entities from the planning unit. To start planning units: 120
  • 121. 1 Select File > Workflow > Manage Process. 2 For Scenario, select a scenario. 3 For Version, select a version. The scenarios and versions displayed are enabled for process management. 4 Click Go. 5 Select Start next to the entity to start. For budget administrators, the Entity list can be displayed as a tree or a flat list. In tree view, you can expand the hierarchy. In flat list view, you can click a column header to sort the list. 6 Optional: To remove planning units from the planning process or from being tracked in the system, select Exclude. After administrators exclude planning units, all associated annotations and history are discarded. Planning unit status is returned to Not Started and the owner is set to No Owner. Data values are retained. Working Scenario: In our example I am creating 6 users; 1. HYDSalesManager: He can enter HYD budget sales data and submits data to South level manager for approval 2. CHNSalesManager: He can enter CHN budget sales data and submits data to South level manager for approval 3. BNGSalesManager: He can enter BNG budget sales data and submits data to South level manage for approval 4. SISalesManager: South India Budget sales manager, he can accept data from south branches (like HYD, CHN, BNG) and submits data all at once to India level manager. 5. INDSalesManager: India level manager receives data Sales budget data from South India, North India; finally he submits data to the Administrator. 6. BudAdministrator: He is the Budget Administrator who accepts data as country level. Finally approves/rejects the data. Step1: Create users in Shared Services. Provide Planner role to the all users except Budget administrator. (Nothing but Task-level security) Step2: From Planning assign data entry forms to the Users (nothing but Object-Level security) Step3: From Planning assign appropriate dimension members to the each user (nothing but Data- Level security) Shared Services: 121
  • 123. Provision 6 users with Planner role except BudAdministrator Give Administrator role for BudAdministrator 123
  • 124. 124
  • 125. 125
  • 126. 126
  • 127. Up to this we have successfully created and assigned appropriate roles the users. You can Logoff from the shared services: Login to planning: Edit Data entry for SalesBudForm with new members as follows; Entity: Add India with member formal Decendents 127
  • 128. Click on Submit and Save; 128
  • 129. Here you can provide Object and Data level securities to the users; Earlier we have provided Object and Data-Level security for the user HYDSalesManager. Similarly provide object and data level securities for the remaining users. Note: we no need to provide Object and Data level security for BudAdministrator because we have given the role Administrator to him so that he can access all the objects for that application and he can do any operation on the that particular application except provisioning the users. Means that Provisioning Manager role is diff from Administrator role. From page no (105 – 119) I have created object and data level security for HydSalesManager, so you no need to create for him. You create remaining users in the same manner; Note: For entity dimension give access in the following manner; HydSalesManager: HYD ChnBudSalesManager: CHN BngBudSalesManager: BNG SIBudSalesManager: HYD, CHN, BNG IndBudSalesManager: SI, NI, 129
  • 130. I have assigned SalesBudForm for users as follows: Up to this object level security is completed: 130
  • 131. I have given Data-Level Security for Account dimension -> Sales member as follows; 131
  • 132. I have given data level security for Entity dimension -> India member as follows; 132
  • 133. 133
  • 134. For Entity -> SI Click in Add 134
  • 135. 135
  • 136. For Entity -> CHN 136
  • 137. For Entity -> HYD 137
  • 138. For Entity -> BNG 138
  • 139. For Scenario -> Budget member 139
  • 140. For Version dimension -> 1stDraft member 140
  • 141. Now we must create security filters for the users; Go to Administration -> Manage Security Filters Click on Create You will get a message that “Security filters have created successfully” Up to this we have successfully created all levels of security for all the process management users; 141
  • 142. Now onwards process management starts; Login with all users; BudAdministrator: 142
  • 148. BudAdministrator is the only person can start Process management; 148
  • 149. Select the Scenario and Version Click on Go 149
  • 150. Start SI children : CHN, HYD, BNG When I select radio boxes for CHN, BNG, HYD its status changed from Not Started to First Pass 150
  • 151. Now ChnBudSalesManager can enter sales budget data; ChnBudSalesManager‘s part Enter Sales budget data for CHN 151
  • 152. Submit budget data to SIBudSalesManager 152
  • 153. Select Scenario and Version Click on Go 153
  • 155. Click on Change Status You will get following screen; 155
  • 156. Select Action as Promote and Owner as SIBudSalesManager; 156
  • 158. CHN Budget sales data has successfully moved to South level manager. So this planning unit Budget -> 1stDraft -> CHN is under review process; Click on Done 158
  • 159. Current owner changed from ChnBudSalesManager to SIBudSalesManager; Now control is at SIBudSalesManager; Note: Now ChnBudSalesManager can not change data that he has already submitted to next level user; If South level manager rejects the data then only he can modify the data; LogOff ChnBudSalesManager. 159
  • 160. Similarly submit HYD data to the South level manager; HYDSalesManger’ s part Login HYDSalesManager 160
  • 161. Enter Budget Sales data. Click on Go to save the data 161
  • 162. Submit HYD to South level manager (SIBudSalesManager) 162
  • 163. Select Scenario and Version; Click on Go 163
  • 164. Now status is First Pass Click on Details 164
  • 165. Click on Change Status 165
  • 166. Select Action: Promote, Next Owner: SIBudSalesManager Click on Submit. 166
  • 168. Now HYD Sales budget data successfully moved to South level manager for review and Approval; Note: Chennai sales manger can not change data until South level manger rejects the planning unit; Log off from the Chennai Sales manager; 168
  • 169. Now submit BNG data to South level manager; Log in as BngBudSalesManager 169
  • 170. Enter data; Click on Go to save data. 170
  • 171. Select File -> Workflow -> Manage Process 171
  • 172. Select Scenario and Version Click on Go Then click on Details -> Click on Change Status Select Action: Promote NextOwner: SIBudSalesManager Click on Submit to submit Bangalore sales budget data to the south level sales budget manager. Log off; 172
  • 173. Now this is the time for South level sales manager to submit South level data to the India level sales manager; For this the children values should be aggregated to the SI level; For SIBudSalesManager must run a business rule to aggregate data values; Note: Here I am created a business rule SIBudAggRule for this purpose. At this time I am leaving how to create business rule. Does n’t worry; you can learn this at latter time. Note: Assign SIBudSalesManager to the Business rule SIBudAggRule, so that he can run this rule from the Planning web client. We can do this job from the EAS (Essbase Administrative Services) Double click on this Rule to open 173
  • 174. You can see the following screen; Click on Access Privileges tab 174
  • 175. Click on Add button 175
  • 176. Select SIBudSalesManager from the available users the click on “>” 176
  • 177. Click on OK 177
  • 178. Click on Save then Click on Close 178
  • 179. Now open Planning web client and Log in as SIBudSalesManager Before giving access to Business rule SIBudAggRule 179
  • 180. After giving access to the business rule in the Essbase Administrative Services: Note: You can not see the business rule SIBudAggRule; Remedy: Log in as admin in the planning web client; 180
  • 181. 181
  • 182. 182
  • 184. Click on Business Rules tab 184
  • 185. Click on Right arrow; 185
  • 186. Click on Save Log off from the Admin 186
  • 187. Log in with SIBudSalesManager values for SI. observe that there are You can clearly You can see SIBudAggRule Note: To role up values to the parent level double click the Business Rule SIBudAggRule 187
  • 188. 188
  • 190. 190 Click on Refresh button to see the parent level values
  • 191. After Refresh Now submit these south level values to the India level sales budget manager; 191
  • 192. File -> WorkFlow -> Process Management 192
  • 193. Select Scenario: Budget Version: 1stDraft Click on Go 193
  • 194. Submit CHN, HYD, BNG, SI sales budget data for the first quarter of the FY08 year to the India level sales budget manager; Click on Details for CHN 194
  • 195. Click on Change Status 195
  • 196. Select Action: Approve Next Owner: IndBudSalesManager Click on Submit 196
  • 197. Similarly Submit HYD, BNG, SI values; Note: If you submit children values the parent values automatically submitted to the same owner In our example SIBudSalesManager submitted it’s children values (CHN,BNG,HYD) to the IndBudSalesManager implies SI values are automatically submitted to the same owner. 197
  • 198. Log off; 198
  • 199. Log in as IndBudSalesManager Clearly observe that there are no values for India level; You can not find business rule for that purpose; Now I am creating business rule as IndBudAggRule. Do not worry about business rules you can learn this in the Working With Business Rules chapter later. 199
  • 200. After assigning IndBudAggRule to the IndBudSalesManager against the data form runs the business rules values because he not yet There are no India level You can see the rule here Now double click on IndBudAggRule 200
  • 202. 202 Click on Refresh button
  • 203. You can see the India level calculated values; 203
  • 204. Now submit the India level values to the BudAdministrator for the Approval. 204
  • 205. Select Scenario: Budget Version: 1stDraft Click on Go 205
  • 206. Submit all the entity values to the BudAdministrator for the Approval Start with CHN …… End with India Click on Details for CHN 206
  • 207. Click on Change Status 207
  • 208. Promote values to the BudAdminstrator Click on Submit 208
  • 210. Now CHN planning unit is Under Review by the BudAdministrator Similarly submit all the remaining entity values to the BudAdministrator for the approval Note: After submitting the Entity sales budget values of CHN, HYD, BNG, their parent values (i.e. SI, India) values are automatically submitted to the BudAdministrator 210
  • 211. Log off; 211
  • 212. Log in as BudAdministrator 212
  • 213. Select Scenario: Budget Version: 1stDraft Click on Go 213
  • 214. Change the Process Status fron Under Review -> Approval for India For that click on Details for India 214
  • 215. Click on Change Status 215
  • 217. Click on Done Note: If parent approved children automatically approved. In the above India is approved hence their children SI, its children CHN, BNG, HYD are automatically approved; You can see this in the following screen; 217
  • 218. Up to this one planning life cycle is completed for the Scenario: Budget Version: 1stDraft Note: If Budget Administrator Rejects the Planning Unit then planning unit again goes back to the India level manager. 218