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Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture:
             A Commons Perspective

                             Chikelu Mba, PhD
            Agricultural Officer (Plant Genetic Resources Use)
                Plant Production and Protection Division 

       Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
       Plant Production and a world without hunger
                         for Protection Division
• Food security‐related global development 
  issues and drivers
  i        dd i
  – pivotal role in food security
  – as global commonwealth
    as global commonwealth
  – International efforts at optimizing the benefits
• Perspectives: towards a road map for a 
  reinvigorated global PGRFA environment

             Plant Production and Protection Division
Global Development Issues
Millennium Development Goals

               Plant Production and Protection Division
Profiling Food (In)Security & Challenges
• Wake up call in the recent food                                          Production
  price increases
  price increases                                      Commodity                (MT)
                                                       Sugar cane         1627450797
                                                       Maize              788112128
• 1 billion people go hungry today
                                                       Rice, paddy        657413530
                                                        h                 611101664
• Uncertainties exacerbated by                         Potatoes           323543199
  climate change and variations                        Vegetables fresh   244719080
                                                       Cassava            224131501
                                                       Soybeans           219545479
• At current rates, population by 
                                                       Tomatoes           133259909
  2050 estimated at 9 billion                          Bananas             89099503
                                                       Onions dry          70039038
• Efforts to breed better resilient                    Apples              66091848
  crops confounded by narrow                           Grapes              65971144
                                                       Rapeseed            51353701
  genetic base of crops and breeding 
  genetic base of crops and breeding
                                                       Groundnuts          37816142
  materials                                            Garlic              15922500

                   Plant Production and Protection Division
Plant Genetic Resources as global 
some examples of international accords 

         Plant Production and Protection Division
Convention on Biological Diversity, 1992

                        Aimed at conservation 
                        Aimed at conservation
                        and  sustainable use of 
                        biological diversity, fair 
                        biological diversity fair
                        and equitable sharing 
                        of the benefits arising 
                        out of their use, 
                        including access ‐‐‐‐‐‐

          Plant Production and Protection Division
Was CBD enough?
• Aim was to promote the exchange of PGRFA but  
  practical effect has been a reduction
  practical effect has been a reduction
• The CBD is based on the concept of national 
  sovereignty over PGRFA and the right of each 
  sovereignty over PGRFA and the right of each
  country to set its own terms of access to those 
• In practice, the CBD has been implemented on a 
  bilateral basis, with access to PGRFA subject to the 
  bilateral basis with access to PGRFA subject to the
  negotiation of bilateral agreements for access and 

              Plant Production and Protection Division
Global Plan of Action for the Conservation and 
    Sustainable Use of PGRFA  (1996 FAO)
                                (        )
                  ensure the conservation of plant genetic resources for 
                  food and agriculture as the basis of food security, 
                  promote sustainable use of plant genetic resources to 
                  foster development and reduce hunger and poverty, 
                  promote the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits 
                             h f i    d     i bl h i        f h b   fi
                  arising from the use of plant genetic resources, 
                  assist countries and institutions to identify priorities 
                  for action, 
                  strengthen existing programmes and enhance 
                  institutional capacity.                                                                  
                  institutional capacity.

            Plant Production and Protection Division
The International Treaty on 
Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, 2001
                                        g       ,

                                •The conservation and 
                                sustainable use of   plant genetic 
                                         bl      f l
                                resources for food and 
                                •The fair and equitable sharing of 
                                benefits derived from their use, 
                                benefits derived from their use,
                                in harmony with the Convention 
                                on Biological Diversity, for 
                                sustainable agriculture and food 
                                     i bl      i l          df d

            Plant Production and Protection Division
Plant Genetic Resources for Food & Agriculture ---

                               ‘Any material of plant origin, 
                               including reproductive and 
                               vegetative propagating material, 
                                 g        p p g     g         ,
                               containing functional units of 
                               heredity of plant origin of actual or 
                               heredity of plant origin of actual or
                               potential value for food and 

             Plant Production and Protection Division
Global Crop Diversity Trust

                                                    In line with the IT‐PGRFA and the GPA the
                                                                     IT PGRFA         GPA,
                                                    Trust aims to advance an efficient and
                                                    sustainable global system of ex situ
                                                    conservation by promoting the rescue,
                                                    understanding                   use         and          long‐term
                                                                                                             long term
                                                    conservation of valuable plant genetic

“Together with the air we breathe and the water we drink, crop diversity is one of the most fundamentally important resources for
human life is one of the most fundamentally important resources for human life on earth.”
                                   Plant Production and Protection Division
FAO’s central role in PGRFA

• Policy and technical support as a global forum for
  Policy and technical support as a global forum for 
  PGRFA and related aspects 
• Secretariat for IT PGRFA
  Secretariat for IT‐PGRFA
• Hosts the Global Crop Diversity Trust
• Implementation of the Global Plan of Action
• PGR and Seed Information and Initiatives
  PGR and Seed Information and Initiatives 
• Advocacy, awareness and partnerships

             Plant Production and Protection Division
Publication of Reports on Global Status of PGRFA



                Plant Production and Protection Division
Publication of Reports on Global Status of PGRFA
   Contents of SOW‐2


               Plant Production and Protection Division
The PGRFA Continuum

   • Collections               Utilization           • Seed Sectors
     • In-Situ                                         • Formal
     • Ex-Situ
                      • Crop Improvement               • Informal
                        • Breeding
      Conservation      • Pre-breeding                          Delivery

                                                   Requisite interventions
                                                         •Capacity building
Interventions                                            •Information dissemination

                     Plant Production and Protection Division
The PGRFA Continuum

• Collections                  Utilization             • Seed Sectors
  • In-Situ                                              • Formal
  • Ex-Situ                                              • Informal
                     • Crop Improvement
                          p p
                       • Breeding
   Conservation        • Pre-breeding

                  Plant Production and Protection Division
The PGRFA Continuum

  Not always continuous Indeed broken often
             continuous. Indeed,

• Collection               Utilization          • Seed Sectors
  s                                               • Formal
  • In-Situ        • Crop                         • Informal
  • Ex-Situ          Improvement
  Conservation       • Breeding                           Delivery
                     • P b di

               Plant Production and Protection Division
Towards the transitioning from a modular to
           seamless PGRFA continuum

• Frame dialogue for inclusive national PGRFA strategies
    – Consultations for strategizing the institutionalization of farmer perspectives
    – Policy interventions 
• Targeted information dissemination
    – Scientific community 
    – Policy makers
    – Mass media
• Capacity building
    – TCP vehicle
• Synergies
    – ITPGR
    – Global Crop Diversity Trust
    – CGIAR

                     Plant Production and Protection Division
Grand Challenges 
• Decades‐long neglect of agricultural R&D 
  (including the development of new crop 
  (including the development of new crop
• Poor policy environment
• Narrow genetic base of crop germplasm
• Dwindling or stagnant human and material
  Dwindling or stagnant human and material 
  resources for germplasm enhancement

            Plant Production and Protection Division
Global Partnership Initiative for
Plant Breeding Capacity Building -- GIPB

        Plant Production and Protection Division
Global Partnership Initiative for
Plant Breeding Capacity Building -- GIPB
                            Key Achievements of GIPB
                             C       h i B i         Pl f
                            •Comprehensive Business Plan for 
                            global improvement in capacity in 
                            plant breeding systems
                            •Development of a web‐based one‐
                            stop Knowledge Resource Centre 
                            now broadly recognized as an 
                                 b dl             d
                            unequalled global resource for plant 
                            •Development of a range of policy‐
                            related materials and organization of 
        Plant Production and Protection Division
Vistas: GIPB roadmap
• Leverage the success of the GIPB to foster coalition for 
  addressing shortcomings of the PGRFA continuum
  addressing shortcomings of the PGRFA continuum
• Deploy, exploit, scale‐up results of studies:
   – d fi i
     defining and assessing plant breeding capacity
                d       i    l    b di          i
   – assessing policy and program options to improve the capacity 
     of plant breeding and delivery systems
     of plant breeding and delivery systems
• Foster initiatives for institutionalization of national 
  plant breeding strategies
  plant breeding strategies
• Consult, dialogue, strategize, seize opportunities

                Plant Production and Protection Division
Vistas: GIPB roadmap

                                                                    Largest plant breeding
Tools to revolutionize                                              community on the web
public sector plant

                            ---- but not without the minister!
                         Plant Production and Protection Division
Parting Shot(s)
Be a part of the Community!
•Advance the cause of PGRFA use SMTA influence policy
•Advance the cause of PGRFA, use SMTA, influence policy

•Capacity building, information, community ‐ peers, mentors

   oVisit the GIPB websites regularly

   oJoin the PB‐Forum ‐‐‐‐ and participate!

   oSubscribe to the Plant Breeding Newsletter

   oQuite importantly, be listed in the Plant Breeder Directory

•Register with AGORA
                   Plant Production and Protection Division

• Colleagues at FAO especially the Seeds and
  Colleagues at FAO, especially the Seeds and 
  Plant Genetic Resources Team of AGP
• CIAT Management for the invitation
• You for being a great audience
  You for being a great audience

          Plant Production and Protection Division

More Related Content

Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture: A Commons Perspective

  • 1. Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture: A Commons Perspective Chikelu Mba, PhD Agricultural Officer (Plant Genetic Resources Use) Plant Production and Protection Division  Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Plant Production and a world without hunger for Protection Division
  • 2. Outline • Food security‐related global development  issues and drivers i dd i • PGRFA – pivotal role in food security – as global commonwealth as global commonwealth – International efforts at optimizing the benefits • Perspectives: towards a road map for a  reinvigorated global PGRFA environment Plant Production and Protection Division
  • 3. Global Development Issues Millennium Development Goals Plant Production and Protection Division
  • 4. Profiling Food (In)Security & Challenges • Wake up call in the recent food  Production price increases price increases Commodity (MT) Sugar cane 1627450797 Maize 788112128 • 1 billion people go hungry today Rice, paddy 657413530 Wheat h 611101664 • Uncertainties exacerbated by  Potatoes 323543199 climate change and variations Vegetables fresh 244719080 Cassava 224131501 Soybeans 219545479 • At current rates, population by  Tomatoes 133259909 2050 estimated at 9 billion Bananas 89099503 Onions, Onions dry 70039038 • Efforts to breed better resilient  Apples 66091848 crops confounded by narrow  Grapes 65971144 Rapeseed 51353701 genetic base of crops and breeding  genetic base of crops and breeding Groundnuts 37816142 materials Garlic 15922500 Plant Production and Protection Division
  • 5. Plant Genetic Resources as global  commonwealth:  lth some examples of international accords  Plant Production and Protection Division
  • 6. Convention on Biological Diversity, 1992 Aimed at conservation  Aimed at conservation and  sustainable use of  biological diversity, fair  biological diversity fair and equitable sharing  of the benefits arising  out of their use,  including access ‐‐‐‐‐‐ www.cbd.int Plant Production and Protection Division
  • 7. Was CBD enough? • Aim was to promote the exchange of PGRFA but   practical effect has been a reduction practical effect has been a reduction • The CBD is based on the concept of national  sovereignty over PGRFA and the right of each  sovereignty over PGRFA and the right of each country to set its own terms of access to those  resources  resources • In practice, the CBD has been implemented on a  bilateral basis, with access to PGRFA subject to the  bilateral basis with access to PGRFA subject to the negotiation of bilateral agreements for access and  benefit‐sharing.    Plant Production and Protection Division
  • 8. Global Plan of Action for the Conservation and  Sustainable Use of PGRFA  (1996 FAO) ( ) ensure the conservation of plant genetic resources for  food and agriculture as the basis of food security,  promote sustainable use of plant genetic resources to  foster development and reduce hunger and poverty,  promote the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits  h f i d i bl h i f h b fi arising from the use of plant genetic resources,  assist countries and institutions to identify priorities  for action,  strengthen existing programmes and enhance  institutional capacity.                                                                   institutional capacity. www.globalplanofaction.org Plant Production and Protection Division
  • 9. The International Treaty on  Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, 2001 g , •The conservation and  sustainable use of   plant genetic  bl f l resources for food and  agriculture •The fair and equitable sharing of  benefits derived from their use,  benefits derived from their use, in harmony with the Convention  on Biological Diversity, for  sustainable agriculture and food  i bl i l df d security www.planttreaty.org Plant Production and Protection Division
  • 10. Plant Genetic Resources for Food & Agriculture --- PGRFA ‘Any material of plant origin,  including reproductive and  vegetative propagating material,  g p p g g , containing functional units of  heredity of plant origin of actual or  heredity of plant origin of actual or potential value for food and  agriculture’. Plant Production and Protection Division
  • 11. Global Crop Diversity Trust In line with the IT‐PGRFA and the GPA the IT PGRFA GPA, Trust aims to advance an efficient and sustainable global system of ex situ conservation by promoting the rescue, understanding, understanding use and long‐term long term conservation of valuable plant genetic resources. resources “Together with the air we breathe and the water we drink, crop diversity is one of the most fundamentally important resources for human life is one of the most fundamentally important resources for human life on earth.” http://www.croptrust.org/main/ Plant Production and Protection Division
  • 12. FAO’s central role in PGRFA • Policy and technical support as a global forum for Policy and technical support as a global forum for  PGRFA and related aspects  • Secretariat for IT PGRFA Secretariat for IT‐PGRFA • Hosts the Global Crop Diversity Trust • Implementation of the Global Plan of Action • PGR and Seed Information and Initiatives PGR and Seed Information and Initiatives  • Advocacy, awareness and partnerships Plant Production and Protection Division
  • 13. Publication of Reports on Global Status of PGRFA 2009 1996 Plant Production and Protection Division
  • 14. Publication of Reports on Global Status of PGRFA Contents of SOW‐2 http://www.fao.org/agriculture/crops/core-themes/theme/seeds-pgr/sow/en/ Plant Production and Protection Division
  • 15. The PGRFA Continuum Interventions • Collections Utilization • Seed Sectors • In-Situ • Formal • Ex-Situ • Crop Improvement • Informal • Breeding Conservation • Pre-breeding Delivery Requisite interventions q •Policy •Capacity building Interventions •Information dissemination •Advocacy •Emergency Plant Production and Protection Division
  • 16. The PGRFA Continuum • Collections Utilization • Seed Sectors • In-Situ • Formal • Ex-Situ • Informal • Crop Improvement p p • Breeding Conservation • Pre-breeding Delivery Plant Production and Protection Division
  • 17. The PGRFA Continuum Not always continuous Indeed broken often continuous. Indeed, • Collection Utilization • Seed Sectors s • Formal • In-Situ • Crop • Informal • Ex-Situ Improvement Conservation • Breeding Delivery • P b di Pre-breeding Plant Production and Protection Division
  • 18. Towards the transitioning from a modular to seamless PGRFA continuum • Frame dialogue for inclusive national PGRFA strategies – Consultations for strategizing the institutionalization of farmer perspectives – Policy interventions  • Targeted information dissemination g – Scientific community  – Policy makers – Mass media • Capacity building – TCP vehicle • Synergies – ITPGR – Global Crop Diversity Trust – CGIAR Plant Production and Protection Division
  • 19. Grand Challenges  • Decades‐long neglect of agricultural R&D  (including the development of new crop  (including the development of new crop varieties) • Poor policy environment • Narrow genetic base of crop germplasm • Dwindling or stagnant human and material Dwindling or stagnant human and material  resources for germplasm enhancement Plant Production and Protection Division
  • 20. Global Partnership Initiative for Plant Breeding Capacity Building -- GIPB Plant Production and Protection Division
  • 21. Global Partnership Initiative for Plant Breeding Capacity Building -- GIPB Key Achievements of GIPB C h i B i Pl f •Comprehensive Business Plan for  global improvement in capacity in  plant breeding systems •Development of a web‐based one‐ stop Knowledge Resource Centre  now broadly recognized as an  b dl d unequalled global resource for plant  g breeding •Development of a range of policy‐ related materials and organization of  events  Plant Production and Protection Division
  • 22. Vistas: GIPB roadmap • Leverage the success of the GIPB to foster coalition for  addressing shortcomings of the PGRFA continuum addressing shortcomings of the PGRFA continuum • Deploy, exploit, scale‐up results of studies: – d fi i defining and assessing plant breeding capacity d i l b di i – assessing policy and program options to improve the capacity  of plant breeding and delivery systems of plant breeding and delivery systems • Foster initiatives for institutionalization of national  plant breeding strategies plant breeding strategies • Consult, dialogue, strategize, seize opportunities Plant Production and Protection Division
  • 23. Vistas: GIPB roadmap Largest plant breeding Tools to revolutionize community on the web public sector plant breeding ---- but not without the minister! Plant Production and Protection Division
  • 24. Parting Shot(s) Be a part of the Community! •Advance the cause of PGRFA use SMTA influence policy •Advance the cause of PGRFA, use SMTA, influence policy •Capacity building, information, community ‐ peers, mentors oVisit the GIPB websites regularly oJoin the PB‐Forum ‐‐‐‐ and participate! oSubscribe to the Plant Breeding Newsletter oQuite importantly, be listed in the Plant Breeder Directory •Register with AGORA Plant Production and Protection Division
  • 25. Acknowledgements • Colleagues at FAO especially the Seeds and Colleagues at FAO, especially the Seeds and  Plant Genetic Resources Team of AGP • CIAT Management for the invitation • You for being a great audience You for being a great audience Plant Production and Protection Division