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The Plenary

Effective plenary sessions are characterised by

   •   careful revisiting and consolidation of learning objectives
   •   the tackling of misconceptions and the checking of the accuracy of
       pupils’ work
   •   summary assessment of what pupils have learnt in order to inform and
       plan for the next step
   •   application of learning to new areas and links to past or future lessons
   •   a shared, analytical evaluation of some work that children have

Learning processes in the plenary

    Recall       – what has been learnt
    Summary – what are the key points (the learning highlights)
    Evaluation - what do you think about what has been learnt? What are
     your feelings/opinions about what has been learnt? How important will
     this new learning be to you?
    Connectivity – how does what has been learnt in this lesson link with
     other learning in this subject/other subjects?
    Application – how could you use this knowledge? How might it help
    Metalearning – what have we learnt about the learning process in this

Mid session plenaries

These can create ‘learning episodes’ within lessons. The teacher is able to
clarify key teaching points or knowledge pupils have discovered at the point of
discovery. The end of the lesson plenary provides an opportunity to reinforce
learning, but summaries of important points that occur at other times in the
lesson can prove very valuable for children.

Teachers have also begun to be more flexible in introducing effective ‘mini
plenaries’ at critical points in a lesson to review progress, clarify
misunderstandings and move the work forward.              (OFSTED Dec. 2003)

Unsatisfactory or weak plenary sessions
In the plenary session pupils are often provided with opportunities to share
what they have done. A weak plenary is more like a ‘show and tell’ scenario
than a time when key learning points are summarised.

Characteristics of less effective plenaries

There is:
•   too little questioning by the teacher to reinforce the main learning
       objectives or asses pupils’ understanding
   •   insufficient diagnosis and resolution of pupils’ misconceptions and
   •   too much focus on the work of only one group of pupils, with the result
       that the rest of the class lose interest

Assessment and the plenary

Planning should identify the key questions pupils will be asked in order for
their progress to be assessed during or at the end of the lesson.

Plenaries contribute to assessment
   • They act as an important summary of what has been learnt
   • They provide teacher and pupil with links to the next lesson

Plenaries can be used to set up a brief review test that draws upon what has
been taught and how well children have grasped the learning objective. This
information can then be used to guide the teacher when planning for the next

Key issues to consider
    There is sometimes a failure to distinguish between learning objectives
       and activities, so that the activities become the focus of assessment
       rather than the learning
    If the objectives are not clear, teachers do not know what it is they want
       to assess
    Lack of assessment leads to a poor selection of objectives and
       activities in subsequent lessons.                   (OFSTED Dec. 2003)

Plenary sessions contribute to assessment, but they cannot carry its whole
weight. They do, however, act as an important summary of what has been
learnt and provide the teacher and the pupils with links to the next lesson.


In a mixed Year R/1/2 class, the teacher reminded pupils what they had been
learning – to partition numbers into tens and units. She rehearsed the process
to check pupils’ understanding and asked questions such as ‘Can you show
me?’; ‘What is this number made up of?’ The session ended with the teacher
setting homework to count Christmas decorations at home and then partition
the number before coming to school the next day.

In a plenary at the end of a Year 3 lesson about recognising ½ and ¼ of small
numbers, the teacher reviewed pupils’ learning successfully. She circled four
of eight shells and asked “What fraction have I circled?” She repeated this for
¼ and ¾ and introduced the term ⅓ which one group had been learning. She
finished with a challenge “What is half of 42?”. Many pupils were able to apply
their knowledge to complete the calculation.
Plenary sessions and the principles of assessment for learning

 The principles of assessment for learning can be incorporated into all
sections of a lesson, including the plenary:

   •   share learning goals with pupils
   •   help pupils know and recognise the standards to aim for
   •   provide feedback that helps pupils to identify how to improve
   •   believe that every pupil can improve in comparison with previous
   •   provide opportunities for the pupils to review and reflect on their
       performance and progress
   •   help pupils to learn self-assessment techniques to discover areas they
       need to improve on
   •   recognise that both motivation and self-esteem, crucial for effective
       learning and progress, can be increased by effective assessment

Five simple techniques to use in the plenary

The block it review technique

Pair up children and ask them to tell each other
       - 3 things I learnt
       - 2 questions I want to ask
       - 1 thing I already knew

The key learning point technique

Ask each child to quickly jot down (or simply think of) the most important thing
they learnt in a particular session. Then share this with a partner: see if you
agree; say why. You have 45 seconds to convince the other person that your
key learning point is the most important. If children agree, go on to the second
key point. This simple exercise could then be extended by joining up two pairs
to make a four and repeating the process.

Extending children’s thinking through question formulation

One way of assisting the children to think about and review their learning is to
ask them to formulate some questions about what has been learnt in the
lesson. Working in pairs children can then actively revisit learning through
questioning each other. Through the process of creating their own questions
children are given a valuable opportunity to think back over and make sense
of what has been learnt.

Facilitating active, critical listening skills
Plenaries provide an opportunity for children to share the work they have
produced during the independent part of the lesson. Clearly it is not feasible
for more than a few individuals or groups to share their work. The danger is
that those who are not ‘presenting’ become passive and switch off. In order to
counter this, teachers can give those listening an active role by asking them to
listen out for a key feature and report back to the class at the end of the
presentation. Different children, or groups of children, are given a card that
informs them what they are listening for. The listening focus should link
closely with the success criteria for the task which children should be provided
with prior to commencing the task.

In a Year 2 literacy lesson on writing instructions for how to make a sandwich
the children listening, who are organised into five groups, are provided with
the following focuses
- Are the instructions written in the right order?
- Does the writer sometimes use a verb to start a sentence?
- Has the writer used any of the following words and phrases: first, next, after
that, following this, finally?
- Are sentences organised as a series of short statements?
- Pick out one sentence that you thought was particularly good. Say why you
  liked it.

The self-reflection of learning tool

This is a model produced by Shirley Clarke that involves children, either
individually or in a pair, assessing their own learning within a lesson.
    • Do you remember the learning intention of the lesson?
    • What did you find difficult?
    • Did anyone or anything help you move on to learn something new?
       (friend, equipment, resources, teacher)
    • What do you need more help with?
    • What are you most pleased with?
    • Did you learn anything new?

Plenaries and metalearning
A plenary session also offers a valuable opportunity for teachers to facilitate a
discourse about the act of learning.

      What have you learnt about the way in which you learn in this lesson?
      How did working with a partner help you?
      What did you do when you were stuck?
      What skills/techniques/strategies did you use to learn . . .?
      How will you be able to remember what you learnt . . .?

If an ongoing discourse about the learning process is a regular feature of
lessons, children will begin to acquire knowledge about how to learn which
they will be able to apply in lessons and in other contexts outside of school.
Plenaries and homework
It is also fine to use plenaries to clearly explain a homework that is directly
linked to the lesson that has just taken place. Homeworks should provide
opportunities for children to
      apply what they have learnt
      consolidate something that has been learnt
      reflect on what has been learnt

Extending children’s vocabulary in plenary sessions
Plenaries offer the teacher an opportunity to go over some of the new
    vocabulary that has either been introduced or has emerged during the
    course of the lesson. Teachers should consider three broad categories of
    vocabulary extension which they can consolidate during the plenary:

      Subject specific vocabulary
      General vocabulary
      Vocabulary relating to processes and skills

In a Year 5 history lesson about working conditions in Victorian factories the
teacher used the plenary session to pose questions about some of the key
vocabulary that had been used in the lesson:
Loom, mill,                       (subject specific)
Health and safety, insurance      (general terms that were introduced in the lesson)
Primary and secondary sources (historical processes)

Planning a plenary
Teachers should plan out an idea for some kind of a plenary in all lessons.
Planning might include reference to:
    the learning objectives for the lesson or a series of lessons, including
      identifying what different groups will learn
    the key questions to be asked to support assessment in the plenary
    the vocabulary to be consolidated
    how this lesson links to the previous one/the next one/other lessons

The teacher should be prepared to display flexibility however, and amend or
change the plenary according to what has been assessed through the
observations made during the lesson. It is important to respond to what has
taken place in the lesson. The teacher should focus upon responding to the
children’s learning and the difficulties in learning that have been observed.

The role of the teaching assistant in the plenary session
It is important that teaching assistants play an active role in consolidating,
developing and extending learning during all parts of a lesson. They are
poorly employed and ineffective if they simply listen, passively, during the
Teaching assistants can be used to
• Sit next to one or more individuals who may be finding the content of the
   work, and the pace of learning, challenging. By putting what the teacher
   says into simpler language, repeating or rephrasing questions and
   motivating children to contribute, the teaching assistant is actively
   engaging with children’s learning.
• Observe a child or small group of children and assess how well they have
   understood the lesson’s objective. Providing brief, bullet point notes to the
   teacher ensures that this assessment is used to inform future planning.
• Test specific children in relation to a curricular target or an IEP target that
   is relevant to the learning objective of the lesson.

In order to avoid being obtrusive and drawing the children’s attention away
from the teacher, or children who are contributing to the plenary, the teaching
assistant needs to talk in a quiet voice.

Plenaries and targets
Relevant opportunities in plenary sessions should be exploited in order to
maintain children’s focus upon their learning targets.
    Termly whole class curricular targets
    Specific targets for groups of children
    Individual Education Plan targets

Using visual ways of reflecting upon learning in plenaries
Drawings are a particularly useful way of assessing what children have learnt.
For example, in a science lesson about the formation of shadows children
could be asked to draw three small pictures of a themselves standing on the
playground on a sunny, cloud free day: when they arrive at school, at
lunchtime and when they go home at the end of the day.

The construction of mind maps provides another useful way of allowing
children to review, share and reflect upon what they have learnt.

Variety and fitness for purpose
The design of plenary sessions should reflect the purpose of the plenary.
Whilst children appreciate variety in the plenary session, it is also useful for
them to get used to particular structures that are used on a regular basis.
Familiarity with the structure of a plenary design will lead to the short amount
of time available being used efficiently.

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  • 1. The Plenary Effective plenary sessions are characterised by • careful revisiting and consolidation of learning objectives • the tackling of misconceptions and the checking of the accuracy of pupils’ work • summary assessment of what pupils have learnt in order to inform and plan for the next step • application of learning to new areas and links to past or future lessons • a shared, analytical evaluation of some work that children have produced Learning processes in the plenary  Recall – what has been learnt  Summary – what are the key points (the learning highlights)  Evaluation - what do you think about what has been learnt? What are your feelings/opinions about what has been learnt? How important will this new learning be to you?  Connectivity – how does what has been learnt in this lesson link with other learning in this subject/other subjects?  Application – how could you use this knowledge? How might it help you?  Metalearning – what have we learnt about the learning process in this lesson? Mid session plenaries These can create ‘learning episodes’ within lessons. The teacher is able to clarify key teaching points or knowledge pupils have discovered at the point of discovery. The end of the lesson plenary provides an opportunity to reinforce learning, but summaries of important points that occur at other times in the lesson can prove very valuable for children. Teachers have also begun to be more flexible in introducing effective ‘mini plenaries’ at critical points in a lesson to review progress, clarify misunderstandings and move the work forward. (OFSTED Dec. 2003) Unsatisfactory or weak plenary sessions In the plenary session pupils are often provided with opportunities to share what they have done. A weak plenary is more like a ‘show and tell’ scenario than a time when key learning points are summarised. Characteristics of less effective plenaries There is:
  • 2. too little questioning by the teacher to reinforce the main learning objectives or asses pupils’ understanding • insufficient diagnosis and resolution of pupils’ misconceptions and errors • too much focus on the work of only one group of pupils, with the result that the rest of the class lose interest Assessment and the plenary Planning should identify the key questions pupils will be asked in order for their progress to be assessed during or at the end of the lesson. Plenaries contribute to assessment • They act as an important summary of what has been learnt • They provide teacher and pupil with links to the next lesson Plenaries can be used to set up a brief review test that draws upon what has been taught and how well children have grasped the learning objective. This information can then be used to guide the teacher when planning for the next lesson. Key issues to consider  There is sometimes a failure to distinguish between learning objectives and activities, so that the activities become the focus of assessment rather than the learning  If the objectives are not clear, teachers do not know what it is they want to assess  Lack of assessment leads to a poor selection of objectives and activities in subsequent lessons. (OFSTED Dec. 2003) Plenary sessions contribute to assessment, but they cannot carry its whole weight. They do, however, act as an important summary of what has been learnt and provide the teacher and the pupils with links to the next lesson. Examples In a mixed Year R/1/2 class, the teacher reminded pupils what they had been learning – to partition numbers into tens and units. She rehearsed the process to check pupils’ understanding and asked questions such as ‘Can you show me?’; ‘What is this number made up of?’ The session ended with the teacher setting homework to count Christmas decorations at home and then partition the number before coming to school the next day. In a plenary at the end of a Year 3 lesson about recognising ½ and ¼ of small numbers, the teacher reviewed pupils’ learning successfully. She circled four of eight shells and asked “What fraction have I circled?” She repeated this for ¼ and ¾ and introduced the term ⅓ which one group had been learning. She finished with a challenge “What is half of 42?”. Many pupils were able to apply their knowledge to complete the calculation.
  • 3. Plenary sessions and the principles of assessment for learning The principles of assessment for learning can be incorporated into all sections of a lesson, including the plenary: • share learning goals with pupils • help pupils know and recognise the standards to aim for • provide feedback that helps pupils to identify how to improve • believe that every pupil can improve in comparison with previous achievements • provide opportunities for the pupils to review and reflect on their performance and progress • help pupils to learn self-assessment techniques to discover areas they need to improve on • recognise that both motivation and self-esteem, crucial for effective learning and progress, can be increased by effective assessment techniques. Five simple techniques to use in the plenary The block it review technique Pair up children and ask them to tell each other - 3 things I learnt - 2 questions I want to ask - 1 thing I already knew The key learning point technique Ask each child to quickly jot down (or simply think of) the most important thing they learnt in a particular session. Then share this with a partner: see if you agree; say why. You have 45 seconds to convince the other person that your key learning point is the most important. If children agree, go on to the second key point. This simple exercise could then be extended by joining up two pairs to make a four and repeating the process. Extending children’s thinking through question formulation One way of assisting the children to think about and review their learning is to ask them to formulate some questions about what has been learnt in the lesson. Working in pairs children can then actively revisit learning through questioning each other. Through the process of creating their own questions children are given a valuable opportunity to think back over and make sense of what has been learnt. Facilitating active, critical listening skills
  • 4. Plenaries provide an opportunity for children to share the work they have produced during the independent part of the lesson. Clearly it is not feasible for more than a few individuals or groups to share their work. The danger is that those who are not ‘presenting’ become passive and switch off. In order to counter this, teachers can give those listening an active role by asking them to listen out for a key feature and report back to the class at the end of the presentation. Different children, or groups of children, are given a card that informs them what they are listening for. The listening focus should link closely with the success criteria for the task which children should be provided with prior to commencing the task. Example In a Year 2 literacy lesson on writing instructions for how to make a sandwich the children listening, who are organised into five groups, are provided with the following focuses - Are the instructions written in the right order? - Does the writer sometimes use a verb to start a sentence? - Has the writer used any of the following words and phrases: first, next, after that, following this, finally? - Are sentences organised as a series of short statements? - Pick out one sentence that you thought was particularly good. Say why you liked it. The self-reflection of learning tool This is a model produced by Shirley Clarke that involves children, either individually or in a pair, assessing their own learning within a lesson. • Do you remember the learning intention of the lesson? • What did you find difficult? • Did anyone or anything help you move on to learn something new? (friend, equipment, resources, teacher) • What do you need more help with? • What are you most pleased with? • Did you learn anything new? Plenaries and metalearning A plenary session also offers a valuable opportunity for teachers to facilitate a discourse about the act of learning.  What have you learnt about the way in which you learn in this lesson?  How did working with a partner help you?  What did you do when you were stuck?  What skills/techniques/strategies did you use to learn . . .?  How will you be able to remember what you learnt . . .? If an ongoing discourse about the learning process is a regular feature of lessons, children will begin to acquire knowledge about how to learn which they will be able to apply in lessons and in other contexts outside of school.
  • 5. Plenaries and homework It is also fine to use plenaries to clearly explain a homework that is directly linked to the lesson that has just taken place. Homeworks should provide opportunities for children to  apply what they have learnt  consolidate something that has been learnt  reflect on what has been learnt Extending children’s vocabulary in plenary sessions Plenaries offer the teacher an opportunity to go over some of the new vocabulary that has either been introduced or has emerged during the course of the lesson. Teachers should consider three broad categories of vocabulary extension which they can consolidate during the plenary:  Subject specific vocabulary  General vocabulary  Vocabulary relating to processes and skills Example In a Year 5 history lesson about working conditions in Victorian factories the teacher used the plenary session to pose questions about some of the key vocabulary that had been used in the lesson: Loom, mill, (subject specific) Health and safety, insurance (general terms that were introduced in the lesson) Primary and secondary sources (historical processes) Planning a plenary Teachers should plan out an idea for some kind of a plenary in all lessons. Planning might include reference to:  the learning objectives for the lesson or a series of lessons, including identifying what different groups will learn  the key questions to be asked to support assessment in the plenary  the vocabulary to be consolidated  how this lesson links to the previous one/the next one/other lessons The teacher should be prepared to display flexibility however, and amend or change the plenary according to what has been assessed through the observations made during the lesson. It is important to respond to what has taken place in the lesson. The teacher should focus upon responding to the children’s learning and the difficulties in learning that have been observed. The role of the teaching assistant in the plenary session It is important that teaching assistants play an active role in consolidating, developing and extending learning during all parts of a lesson. They are poorly employed and ineffective if they simply listen, passively, during the plenary.
  • 6. Teaching assistants can be used to • Sit next to one or more individuals who may be finding the content of the work, and the pace of learning, challenging. By putting what the teacher says into simpler language, repeating or rephrasing questions and motivating children to contribute, the teaching assistant is actively engaging with children’s learning. • Observe a child or small group of children and assess how well they have understood the lesson’s objective. Providing brief, bullet point notes to the teacher ensures that this assessment is used to inform future planning. • Test specific children in relation to a curricular target or an IEP target that is relevant to the learning objective of the lesson. In order to avoid being obtrusive and drawing the children’s attention away from the teacher, or children who are contributing to the plenary, the teaching assistant needs to talk in a quiet voice. Plenaries and targets Relevant opportunities in plenary sessions should be exploited in order to maintain children’s focus upon their learning targets.  Termly whole class curricular targets  Specific targets for groups of children  Individual Education Plan targets Using visual ways of reflecting upon learning in plenaries Drawings are a particularly useful way of assessing what children have learnt. For example, in a science lesson about the formation of shadows children could be asked to draw three small pictures of a themselves standing on the playground on a sunny, cloud free day: when they arrive at school, at lunchtime and when they go home at the end of the day. The construction of mind maps provides another useful way of allowing children to review, share and reflect upon what they have learnt. Variety and fitness for purpose The design of plenary sessions should reflect the purpose of the plenary. Whilst children appreciate variety in the plenary session, it is also useful for them to get used to particular structures that are used on a regular basis. Familiarity with the structure of a plenary design will lead to the short amount of time available being used efficiently.