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Plurals rule chart
•   Add more examples for each rule.

             Rules              Singular      Plural
    Most nouns just add s.             cat     cats

    Many nouns ending with         baby       babies
    a consonant + y change
    the y to i and add es.
    Nouns ending with a            toy         toys
    vowel + y just add s.

    Nouns ending with ch,         church     churches
    sh, ss or x add es.

    Many nouns ending with         loaf       loaves
    f or fe change this to
    a v and add es.
    Nouns ending with a            radio      radios
    vowel + o add s.

    Nouns ending with a          volcano     volcanoes
    consonant + o add es.
Plurals rule chart
•   Complete the missing singulars and plurals.
•   Add more examples for each rule.

                Rules                      Singular     Plural
    Most nouns just add s.                        cat

    Many nouns ending with                              babies
    a consonant + y change
    the y to i and add es.
    Nouns ending with a                           toy
    vowel + y just add s.

    Nouns ending with ch,                    church
    sh, ss or x add es.

    Many nouns ending with                              loaves
    f or fe change this to
    a v and add es.
    Nouns ending with a                       radio
    vowel + o add s.

    Nouns ending with a                      volcano
    consonant + o add es.
Plurals rule chart
•   Complete the missing singulars and plurals.
•   Add more examples for each rule.

                Rules                      Singular   Plural
    Most nouns just add s.

    Many nouns ending with
    a consonant + y change
    the y to i and add es.
    Nouns ending with a
    vowel + y just add s.

    Nouns ending with ch,
    sh, ss or x add es.

    Many nouns ending with
    f or fe change this to
    a v and add es.
    Nouns ending with a
    vowel + o add s.

    Nouns ending with a
    consonant + o add es.
Plurals rule chart
•   Complete the rules to remind yourself how to change singulars to plurals.
•   Complete the missing singulars and plurals.
•   Add more examples for each rule.

                Rules                     Singular                 Plural
    Most nouns just add

    Many nouns ending with
    a consonant + y change
    the y to and add     .
    Nouns ending with a
    vowel + y just add

    Nouns ending with ch,
    sh, ss or x add

    Many nouns ending with
    f or fe change this to
    a    and add
    Nouns ending with a
    vowel + o add

    Nouns ending with a
    consonant + o add
Name: ____________________________________________

                           Singular and Plural Nouns
     A singular noun names one person, place, or thing.

     example: A lizard crawls on top of the rock.

           There is only one lizard in the sentence, so the word lizard is a singluar noun.

           Also, there is only one rock in the sentence, so the word rock is a singluar noun too.

     A plural noun names more than one person, place, or thing.
     example: Two rabbits ran through the trees.

           There is more than one rabbit, so the word rabbit is a plural noun.

           Also, there is more than one tree, so the word trees is a plural noun too.

 Directions:      Underline the noun in each sentence below. On the line
                  next to the sentence, tell whether the noun is singular or

  1. The squirrel is running fast.                     _______________________

  2. Three of the plates are round.                    _______________________

  3. My grandmother is very kind.                      _______________________

  4. They gave her a nice gift.                        _______________________

  5. Answer the telephone, please.                     _______________________

  6. My crayons are broken.                            _______________________

  7. Have you seen my keys?                            _______________________

  8. That map is old.                                  _______________________

  9. It flew in the sky.                               _______________________

  10. The store will open tomorrow.                    _______________________

  11. There are ten fish.                              _______________________

                        Super Teacher Worksheets - http://www.superteacherworksheets.com
Name: ____________________________________________

                            Singluar and Plural Nouns
      A singluar noun names one person, place, or thing.

      example: A lizard crawls on top of the rock.

            There is only one lizard in the sentence, so the word lizard is a singluar noun.

            Also, there is only one rock in the sentence, so the word rock is a singluar noun too.

      A plural noun names more than one person, place, or thing.
      example: Two rabbits ran through the trees.

            There is more than one rabbit, so the word rabbit is a plural noun.

            Also, there is more than one tree, so the word tree is a singular noun too.

 Directions:       Underline the noun in each sentence below. On the line
                   next to the sentence, tell whether the noun is singular or

1. The squirrel is running fast.                        singular

2. Three of the plates are round.                       plural

3. My grandmother is very kind.                         singular

4. They gave her a nice gift.                           singular

5. Answer the telephone, please.                        singular

6. My crayons are broken.                               plural

7. Have you seen my keys?                               plural

8. That map is old.                                     singular

9. It flew in the sky.                                  singular

10. The store will open tomorrow.                       singular

11. There are ten fish.                                 plural

                         Super Teacher Worksheets - http://www.superteacherworksheets.com
Name: ____________________________________________

                        Singular and Plural Nouns
 Directions:     Underline the nouns in each sentence below. Above
                 each noun, write an S if the noun is singular or write a
                 P if the noun is plural.

                                               S                       P

                 example: Yesterday, the lake was filled with boats. (2 nouns)

1. We went to the store to buy two lamps. (2 nouns)

2. The notebook was filled with colorful drawings. (2 nouns)

3. That lady drives too fast. (1 noun)

4. Have you read all of the books on that shelf? (2 nouns)

5. The teacher assigned a project for her students to complete. (3 nouns)

6. Tonight I will clean the dishes in the kitchen. (2 nouns)

7. The nice man cleaned the chimney with his broom. (3 nouns)

8. The towels next to the pool were wet. (2 nouns)

           Super Teacher Worksheets -   http://www.superteacherworksheets.com
Name: ____________________________________________

                      Singular and Plural Nouns - ANSWER KEY
 Directions:              Underline the nouns in each sentence below. Above
                          each noun, write an S if the noun is singular or write a
                          P if the noun is plural.

                                                          S                    P

                          example: Yesterday, the lake was filled with boats. (2 nouns)

                             S                   P

1. We went to the store to buy two lamps. (2 nouns)

                  S                                   P

2. The notebook was filled with colorful drawings. (2 nouns)


3. That lady drives too fast. (1 noun)

                                        P                 S

4. Have you read all of the books on that shelf? (2 nouns)

              S                         S                 P

5. The teacher assigned a project for her students to complete. (3 nouns)

                                        P             S

6. Tonight I will clean the dishes in the kitchen. (2 nouns)

                      S                     S                 S

7. The nice man cleaned the chimney with his broom. (3 nouns)

              P                     S

8. The towels next to the pool were wet. (2 nouns)

              Super Teacher Worksheets -        http://www.superteacherworksheets.com
Name: ____________________________________________

          Plural Nouns that Don't Follow the Rules
     Sometimes you don't add -s or -es to a noun to make it plural.
     Read each sentence. Figure out the plural of the word in
     parenthesis and write it on the line. If you need help, look the
     word up in the dictionary.

1. Mrs. Jones has two ________________________. (child)

2. A flock of ________________________ just flew overhead. (goose)

3. Three ________________________ scurried through the kitchen. (mouse)

4. Mother cut the sandwich into two ________________________. (half)

5. The dental hygienist cleaned my ________________________. (tooth)

6. The ________________________ at the bus stop had umbrellas. (woman)

7. Grandpa sharpened the ________________________ in the kitchen. (knife)

8. Those ________________________ were making a lot of noise. (person)

9. Mama bought two ________________________ of bread. (loaf)

10. The ________________________ were fixing the hole in the street. (man)

11. I heard a pack of ________________________ in the forest. (wolf)

12. The farmer had a dozen ________________________. (sheep)

          Super Teacher Worksheets -   http://www.superteacherworksheets.com
Name: ____________________________________________

           Plural Nouns that Don't Follow the Rules
                        ANSWER KEY
     Sometimes you don't add -s or -es to a noun to make it plural.
     Read each sentence. Figure out the plural of the word in
     parenthesis and write it on the line. If you need help, look the
     word up in the dictionary.

1. Mrs. Jones has two children. (child)

2. A flock of geese just flew overhead. (goose)

3. Three mice scurried through the kitchen. (mouse)

4. Mother cut the sandwich into two halves. (half)

5. The dental hygienist cleaned my teeth. (tooth)

6. The women at the bus stop had umbrellas. (woman)

7. Grandpa sharpened the knives in the kitchen. (knife)

8. Those people were making a lot of noise. (person)

9. Mama bought two loaves of bread. (loaf)

10. The men were fixing the hole in the street. (man)

11. I heard a pack of wolves in the forest. (wolf)

12. The farmer had a dozen sheep. (sheep)
           Super Teacher Worksheets -   http://www.superteacherworksheets.com
Plurals Practice Sheet

  Name:                                                                                     Date:

Types of Word                                           How to make the word plural                          Example
Most words that end in –s, -x, -z, -ch, -sh             Add –es.                                             wish → wishes
Some words that end in -f                               Change the –f to a –v then add –es.                  wolf → wolves
Words that end in -ife                                  Change the –ife to –ive and add –s.                  wife → wives
Words that end in consonant + y                         Change the –y to an –i then add –es.                 berry → berries
Some words, particularly types of fish                  Don’t change.                                        salmon → salmon
                                                        Add –es (some are just add –s, some
Some words ending in –o                                                                     tomato → tomatoes
                                                        can be –es or –s).
Some other words                                        Change almost completely.                            person → people
Most other words                                        Just add –s.                                         cat → cats

Use the above rules to help you write the plural of each of these words.
      potato                         shelf                 hutch                        mouse                            dog

         life                        child                 buggy                          half                         deer

       poppy                        tooth                  shirt                         boss                           leaf

        knife                         box                   tuna                        nappy                           foot

         loaf                          fly                  hero                           key                          man

     curtain                        sheep                 match                         goose                            elf

       pencil                        glass                  book                         thief                        penny

2005 First School Years (www.firstschoolyears.com)                 This worksheet may be reproduced without permission for educational use.

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Plurals rules and practice

  • 1. Plurals rule chart • Add more examples for each rule. Rules Singular Plural Most nouns just add s. cat cats Many nouns ending with baby babies a consonant + y change the y to i and add es. Nouns ending with a toy toys vowel + y just add s. Nouns ending with ch, church churches sh, ss or x add es. Many nouns ending with loaf loaves f or fe change this to a v and add es. Nouns ending with a radio radios vowel + o add s. Nouns ending with a volcano volcanoes consonant + o add es.
  • 2. Plurals rule chart • Complete the missing singulars and plurals. • Add more examples for each rule. Rules Singular Plural Most nouns just add s. cat Many nouns ending with babies a consonant + y change the y to i and add es. Nouns ending with a toy vowel + y just add s. Nouns ending with ch, church sh, ss or x add es. Many nouns ending with loaves f or fe change this to a v and add es. Nouns ending with a radio vowel + o add s. Nouns ending with a volcano consonant + o add es.
  • 3. Plurals rule chart • Complete the missing singulars and plurals. • Add more examples for each rule. Rules Singular Plural Most nouns just add s. Many nouns ending with a consonant + y change the y to i and add es. Nouns ending with a vowel + y just add s. Nouns ending with ch, sh, ss or x add es. Many nouns ending with f or fe change this to a v and add es. Nouns ending with a vowel + o add s. Nouns ending with a consonant + o add es.
  • 4. Plurals rule chart • Complete the rules to remind yourself how to change singulars to plurals. • Complete the missing singulars and plurals. • Add more examples for each rule. Rules Singular Plural Most nouns just add Many nouns ending with a consonant + y change the y to and add . Nouns ending with a vowel + y just add Nouns ending with ch, sh, ss or x add Many nouns ending with f or fe change this to a and add Nouns ending with a vowel + o add Nouns ending with a consonant + o add
  • 5. Name: ____________________________________________ Singular and Plural Nouns A singular noun names one person, place, or thing. example: A lizard crawls on top of the rock. There is only one lizard in the sentence, so the word lizard is a singluar noun. Also, there is only one rock in the sentence, so the word rock is a singluar noun too. A plural noun names more than one person, place, or thing. example: Two rabbits ran through the trees. There is more than one rabbit, so the word rabbit is a plural noun. Also, there is more than one tree, so the word trees is a plural noun too. Directions: Underline the noun in each sentence below. On the line next to the sentence, tell whether the noun is singular or plural. 1. The squirrel is running fast. _______________________ 2. Three of the plates are round. _______________________ 3. My grandmother is very kind. _______________________ 4. They gave her a nice gift. _______________________ 5. Answer the telephone, please. _______________________ 6. My crayons are broken. _______________________ 7. Have you seen my keys? _______________________ 8. That map is old. _______________________ 9. It flew in the sky. _______________________ 10. The store will open tomorrow. _______________________ 11. There are ten fish. _______________________ Super Teacher Worksheets - http://www.superteacherworksheets.com
  • 6. Name: ____________________________________________ Singluar and Plural Nouns A singluar noun names one person, place, or thing. example: A lizard crawls on top of the rock. There is only one lizard in the sentence, so the word lizard is a singluar noun. Also, there is only one rock in the sentence, so the word rock is a singluar noun too. A plural noun names more than one person, place, or thing. example: Two rabbits ran through the trees. There is more than one rabbit, so the word rabbit is a plural noun. Also, there is more than one tree, so the word tree is a singular noun too. Directions: Underline the noun in each sentence below. On the line next to the sentence, tell whether the noun is singular or plural. 1. The squirrel is running fast. singular 2. Three of the plates are round. plural 3. My grandmother is very kind. singular 4. They gave her a nice gift. singular 5. Answer the telephone, please. singular 6. My crayons are broken. plural 7. Have you seen my keys? plural 8. That map is old. singular 9. It flew in the sky. singular 10. The store will open tomorrow. singular 11. There are ten fish. plural Super Teacher Worksheets - http://www.superteacherworksheets.com
  • 7. Name: ____________________________________________ Singular and Plural Nouns Directions: Underline the nouns in each sentence below. Above each noun, write an S if the noun is singular or write a P if the noun is plural. S P example: Yesterday, the lake was filled with boats. (2 nouns) 1. We went to the store to buy two lamps. (2 nouns) 2. The notebook was filled with colorful drawings. (2 nouns) 3. That lady drives too fast. (1 noun) 4. Have you read all of the books on that shelf? (2 nouns) 5. The teacher assigned a project for her students to complete. (3 nouns) 6. Tonight I will clean the dishes in the kitchen. (2 nouns) 7. The nice man cleaned the chimney with his broom. (3 nouns) 8. The towels next to the pool were wet. (2 nouns) Super Teacher Worksheets - http://www.superteacherworksheets.com
  • 8. Name: ____________________________________________ Singular and Plural Nouns - ANSWER KEY Directions: Underline the nouns in each sentence below. Above each noun, write an S if the noun is singular or write a P if the noun is plural. S P example: Yesterday, the lake was filled with boats. (2 nouns) S P 1. We went to the store to buy two lamps. (2 nouns) S P 2. The notebook was filled with colorful drawings. (2 nouns) S 3. That lady drives too fast. (1 noun) P S 4. Have you read all of the books on that shelf? (2 nouns) S S P 5. The teacher assigned a project for her students to complete. (3 nouns) P S 6. Tonight I will clean the dishes in the kitchen. (2 nouns) S S S 7. The nice man cleaned the chimney with his broom. (3 nouns) P S 8. The towels next to the pool were wet. (2 nouns) Super Teacher Worksheets - http://www.superteacherworksheets.com
  • 9. Name: ____________________________________________ Plural Nouns that Don't Follow the Rules Sometimes you don't add -s or -es to a noun to make it plural. Read each sentence. Figure out the plural of the word in parenthesis and write it on the line. If you need help, look the word up in the dictionary. 1. Mrs. Jones has two ________________________. (child) 2. A flock of ________________________ just flew overhead. (goose) 3. Three ________________________ scurried through the kitchen. (mouse) 4. Mother cut the sandwich into two ________________________. (half) 5. The dental hygienist cleaned my ________________________. (tooth) 6. The ________________________ at the bus stop had umbrellas. (woman) 7. Grandpa sharpened the ________________________ in the kitchen. (knife) 8. Those ________________________ were making a lot of noise. (person) 9. Mama bought two ________________________ of bread. (loaf) 10. The ________________________ were fixing the hole in the street. (man) 11. I heard a pack of ________________________ in the forest. (wolf) 12. The farmer had a dozen ________________________. (sheep) Super Teacher Worksheets - http://www.superteacherworksheets.com
  • 10. Name: ____________________________________________ Plural Nouns that Don't Follow the Rules ANSWER KEY Sometimes you don't add -s or -es to a noun to make it plural. Read each sentence. Figure out the plural of the word in parenthesis and write it on the line. If you need help, look the word up in the dictionary. 1. Mrs. Jones has two children. (child) 2. A flock of geese just flew overhead. (goose) 3. Three mice scurried through the kitchen. (mouse) 4. Mother cut the sandwich into two halves. (half) 5. The dental hygienist cleaned my teeth. (tooth) 6. The women at the bus stop had umbrellas. (woman) 7. Grandpa sharpened the knives in the kitchen. (knife) 8. Those people were making a lot of noise. (person) 9. Mama bought two loaves of bread. (loaf) 10. The men were fixing the hole in the street. (man) 11. I heard a pack of wolves in the forest. (wolf) 12. The farmer had a dozen sheep. (sheep) Super Teacher Worksheets - http://www.superteacherworksheets.com
  • 11. Plurals Practice Sheet Name: Date: Types of Word How to make the word plural Example Most words that end in –s, -x, -z, -ch, -sh Add –es. wish → wishes Some words that end in -f Change the –f to a –v then add –es. wolf → wolves Words that end in -ife Change the –ife to –ive and add –s. wife → wives Words that end in consonant + y Change the –y to an –i then add –es. berry → berries Some words, particularly types of fish Don’t change. salmon → salmon Add –es (some are just add –s, some Some words ending in –o tomato → tomatoes can be –es or –s). Some other words Change almost completely. person → people Most other words Just add –s. cat → cats Use the above rules to help you write the plural of each of these words. potato shelf hutch mouse dog life child buggy half deer poppy tooth shirt boss leaf knife box tuna nappy foot loaf fly hero key man curtain sheep match goose elf pencil glass book thief penny 2005 First School Years (www.firstschoolyears.com) This worksheet may be reproduced without permission for educational use.