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Setting Bejeweled Blitz free
Lessons learned moving from premium to freemium on iOS

             Giordano Bruno Contestabile, PopCap Games
                                         March 5th, 2011
                                  Twitter: @giordanobc
My job: managing the                               business…
…even though I suck at it!

 My excuse: half of those people work at PopCap
   • But so do I
       • Oh dear!
          • I suck!
Some quick facts
                    Launched in late 2000
                    History: Bejeweled, Bejeweled 2,
                       Bejeweled Twist, Bejeweled Blitz,
                       Bejeweled 3
                      Key platforms: PC/Mac, Facebook,
                       iPhone, XBox360, DS
                      Units:        > 55 million
                      Installs:     > 200 million
                      MAUs:         > 25 million
                      Users:        500 million+
One Very Long Minute
History of Bejeweled Blitz on Facebook & iOS
 Bejeweled 2 iOS Client launched 2 days after iTunes app store opened (Summer 2008)
 Bejeweled Blitz on Facebook launched in November 2009
 Blitz mode and FB Connect added to Bejeweled 2 iOS client (April 2010)
 Major Feature Launches: Rare Gems; Daily Spin; Keystones Tutorial
 One of the first games to be fully integrated FB and iOS
 2+ years from launch, still consistently popular:
    • Facebook: top 10 games by DAU (3M+)
    • iPhone: top 10 top grossing games
Doubling Down
 on Bejeweled
Why Change?

 From mode in a paid game to freemium game
   • Reach much wider audience
   • Update more nimbly; follow Facebook closely

 A new iteration of a great premium game
   • Feature set and game rules from Bejeweled 3
   • Lose the version number: an evergreen product
     that continues to evolve over time
The Great Maneuvers
Retiring one game, launching two new ones
 Launch Timeline      Soft launch of Bejeweled Blitz in Canada iTunes app store (12/1)
                      Worldwide launch of Bejeweled and Bejeweled Blitz (12/8)
                      Retirement of Bejeweled 2 + Blitz (12/8)
 Products            One of few titles with Premium and Freemium business model
                      Bejeweled Blitz (Freemium)
                      Bejeweled (Premium $0.99 download)
 Launch Goals           Top 10 Premium Title
                        Top 10 Freemium Title
                        Rating of 4.5 stars or more
                        6M Freemium downloads in 1 month
                                                     Highest App Store       Current App Store
                                                         Rankings                 Rating
 Bejeweled Blitz           Well over 10M          2nd Free / 3rd Grossing         ½
 Bejeweled Premium          Well over 1M                  1st Paid               
Did It Work?
Change in metrics from premium to freemium

                                          Key Metrics   Change

    Downloads            Daily Average Downloads         9X
    Daily Active Users   Weekly Average                  5X
    Revenue              Daily Average                   5X

… and still growing (every week has been bigger than previous one)
Comparing iOS to Facebook
                                 Key Metrics   iOS (FB = 100)

   Daily Active Users   Weekly Average             33%

   ARPU                 DARPU                     196%

   Engagement           Games played / day     208% (52!)

   Retention            7-day retention           200%

   Monetization         % of paying users         205%
Learnings – behavior iOS vs FB
 On most metrics, iOS users are 2x higher than Facebook users
 Contributing factors:
   • “Always on, always with me” nature of mobile
   • Bejeweled Blitz strongly suited to bite-sized gaming
   • Efficient Apple ecosystem, in particular for billing
 We see significant FB / iOS cross-over in user base
   • New FB users discovering the game through iOS first
The Power of Free
Premium Vs. Freemium: Downloads

                                                 Bejeweled Blitz

Freemium client has 9x as many downloads per day vs. premium
Many Play For Free…

 As expected, ARPPU declined when switching from paid to free
   • Higher percentage of free players
 ARPPU still higher, but closer, to Facebook
…But Enough of Them Pay!

 Increased user base driving much higher revenues
Facebook Connect: A High Barrier

                                  Approximately 20% of Blitz iOS
                                    downloads have activated
                                   Facebook Connect, unlocking
                                        full game content

 FB Connect required to unlock full features
 Ongoing campaigns to incentivize users to connect
Facebook Connect: A High Barrier
 Benefits of full integration FB / iOS:
   • Opportunity to leverage the same social graph
   • Cross-promotion and higher awareness
   • Big part of what makes the game fun
 Drawbacks:
   • Only 20% of iOS users connect with Facebook
   • Extremely complex to maintain and operate
 Conclusions:
   • Worth it if it improves the game
   • Try to make FB Connect optional on mobile
Reacting to feedback
App Store Ratings & Customer Feedback
          Initial Rating                                                 Results
                                               Action Taken
               ½                                                       ½
•   Game speed was                   •   Directly responded to
    intentionally slowed to              customer comments with the
    match that of Facebook app           message: “we are listening to
•   Initial app store ratings were       you and making changes”
    impacted by customer             •   Stopped requiring players on
    complaints about speed               old Bej2+Blitz app to
•   Rating reached a low of 2 ½          transition to new app
    stars                            •   Able to resubmit and launch
                                         new version with faster
                                         speed within three days
Results of Customer Response
 Ratings of new version significantly higher, and
  buoyed overall rating of app
 Stabilized App Store ranking
 Additional updates planned to address remaining
  and ongoing feedback

                                                                      Updated app
                                                                (with faster speed & iPad
                                      Source: Distimo Monitor
                                                                    support) released       Source: Distimo Monitor
Lessons Learned
 Don’t mess with everyone’s favorite game!
 Listen to feedback and address it
  • Make sure the team is ready!
 Make sure that updating the game is easy
  • Anything that can be server-side, should be!
Lessons Learned
 Be proactive
  • Happy users are less likely to rate your app
  • A “rate our game” interstitial works well
    • Don’t try to force them
    • Be honest in your messaging (“if you like us...”)
Business Model

 Low-priced in-game effects meant to be used regularly
 Balanced not to grant excessive advantages
    • The better player will still score higher on average
Rare Gems

 Higher-impact bonuses
 Can be activated every few games, appearing randomly
 Require skill to be fully taken advantage of
 Entertainment value as important as effect
Daily Spins

 Slot machine mechanic granting in-game currency
 1 free “daily spin” every day
 Additional “daily spin” can be purchased
Key tenets
 “Play forever”: no pay walls or limitations for non-paying users

 Game is fun and balanced also without paying

 Pay to have fun, not because the games forces or punishes you

 Server-side code to tweak economy in real time

 Events really important: busy marketing calendar
Our secret? Science!
A simple equation…

            mF =↑eng + ↑ret + ↑mon

…that I just made up!
More fun = more engagement, retention and monetization
If players are having fun they will play, stay and pay
Marketing Efforts
Marketing Mix
Ads on Bejeweled Blitz
                         “Apple Love”
                                        “Free App Of The Day”
 Mobile Ads                                   programs
Result analysis
 Vast majority of downloads from:
     • “Apple love”
     • Chart position
     • Organic searches
     • Existing Blitz players
   Free app programs didn’t drive significant installs
   Encouraging conversion from paid advertising
     • Very high CPI in December ($0.50 / $1)
   Organic growth more valuable than paid growth
   Sustained efforts more effective than “burst” actions
What’s Next?
Next Steps for Bejeweled on Mobile

  Bejeweled Blitz (Freemium)                   Bejeweled Premium
  •   Monthly updates                          •   Updates every 2-3 months with
  •   Add new features close to FB updates         additional game modes and
  •   Continue to address customer feedback
                                               •   iPad
  •   Encourage and incent players to unlock
      full features by activating FB Connect
  •   Android
The Challenge of Android

Screen resolutions      3                  5 (key resolutions)
Supported OS versions   2 (iOS 4, iOS 5)   4 (2.2, 2.3, 3, 4)
Phone models            10                 100+
ARPU as % of iOS        100%               25%
Active user base*       250M               250M
Distribution Channels   1                  10+
Ecosystem               Integrated         Fragmented
Platform                Closed             Open (?)

A Billion New Players!
★ Facebook         ★ iOS
★ Google+          ★ Android
★ QQ               ★ Gree
★ Vkontakte        ★ DeNA
★…                 ★…


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  • 1. Setting Bejeweled Blitz free Lessons learned moving from premium to freemium on iOS Giordano Bruno Contestabile, PopCap Games March 5th, 2011 Twitter: @giordanobc
  • 2. My job: managing the business… …even though I suck at it!  My excuse: half of those people work at PopCap • But so do I • Oh dear! • I suck!
  • 3. Some quick facts  Launched in late 2000  History: Bejeweled, Bejeweled 2, Bejeweled Twist, Bejeweled Blitz, Bejeweled 3  Key platforms: PC/Mac, Facebook, iPhone, XBox360, DS  Units: > 55 million  Installs: > 200 million  MAUs: > 25 million  Users: 500 million+
  • 4. One Very Long Minute History of Bejeweled Blitz on Facebook & iOS  Bejeweled 2 iOS Client launched 2 days after iTunes app store opened (Summer 2008)  Bejeweled Blitz on Facebook launched in November 2009  Blitz mode and FB Connect added to Bejeweled 2 iOS client (April 2010)  Major Feature Launches: Rare Gems; Daily Spin; Keystones Tutorial  One of the first games to be fully integrated FB and iOS  2+ years from launch, still consistently popular: • Facebook: top 10 games by DAU (3M+) • iPhone: top 10 top grossing games
  • 5. Doubling Down on Bejeweled
  • 6. Why Change?  From mode in a paid game to freemium game • Reach much wider audience • Update more nimbly; follow Facebook closely  A new iteration of a great premium game • Feature set and game rules from Bejeweled 3 • Lose the version number: an evergreen product that continues to evolve over time
  • 7. The Great Maneuvers Retiring one game, launching two new ones Launch Timeline  Soft launch of Bejeweled Blitz in Canada iTunes app store (12/1)  Worldwide launch of Bejeweled and Bejeweled Blitz (12/8)  Retirement of Bejeweled 2 + Blitz (12/8) Products One of few titles with Premium and Freemium business model  Bejeweled Blitz (Freemium)  Bejeweled (Premium $0.99 download) Launch Goals  Top 10 Premium Title  Top 10 Freemium Title  Rating of 4.5 stars or more  6M Freemium downloads in 1 month Highest App Store Current App Store Downloads Rankings Rating Bejeweled Blitz Well over 10M 2nd Free / 3rd Grossing ½ Bejeweled Premium Well over 1M 1st Paid 
  • 8. Did It Work? Change in metrics from premium to freemium Key Metrics Change Downloads Daily Average Downloads 9X Daily Active Users Weekly Average 5X Revenue Daily Average 5X … and still growing (every week has been bigger than previous one)
  • 9. Comparing iOS to Facebook Key Metrics iOS (FB = 100) Daily Active Users Weekly Average 33% ARPU DARPU 196% Engagement Games played / day 208% (52!) Retention 7-day retention 200% Monetization % of paying users 205%
  • 10. Learnings – behavior iOS vs FB  On most metrics, iOS users are 2x higher than Facebook users  Contributing factors: • “Always on, always with me” nature of mobile • Bejeweled Blitz strongly suited to bite-sized gaming • Efficient Apple ecosystem, in particular for billing  We see significant FB / iOS cross-over in user base • New FB users discovering the game through iOS first
  • 11. The Power of Free
  • 12. Premium Vs. Freemium: Downloads Bejeweled Blitz Bejeweled Freemium client has 9x as many downloads per day vs. premium
  • 13. Many Play For Free…  As expected, ARPPU declined when switching from paid to free • Higher percentage of free players  ARPPU still higher, but closer, to Facebook
  • 14. …But Enough of Them Pay!  Increased user base driving much higher revenues
  • 15. Facebook Connect: A High Barrier Approximately 20% of Blitz iOS downloads have activated Facebook Connect, unlocking full game content  FB Connect required to unlock full features  Ongoing campaigns to incentivize users to connect
  • 16. Facebook Connect: A High Barrier  Benefits of full integration FB / iOS: • Opportunity to leverage the same social graph • Cross-promotion and higher awareness • Big part of what makes the game fun  Drawbacks: • Only 20% of iOS users connect with Facebook • Extremely complex to maintain and operate  Conclusions: • Worth it if it improves the game • Try to make FB Connect optional on mobile
  • 18. App Store Ratings & Customer Feedback Initial Rating Results Action Taken ½ ½ • Game speed was • Directly responded to intentionally slowed to customer comments with the match that of Facebook app message: “we are listening to • Initial app store ratings were you and making changes” impacted by customer • Stopped requiring players on complaints about speed old Bej2+Blitz app to • Rating reached a low of 2 ½ transition to new app stars • Able to resubmit and launch new version with faster speed within three days
  • 19. Results of Customer Response  Ratings of new version significantly higher, and buoyed overall rating of app  Stabilized App Store ranking  Additional updates planned to address remaining and ongoing feedback Updated app (with faster speed & iPad Source: Distimo Monitor support) released Source: Distimo Monitor
  • 20. Lessons Learned  Don’t mess with everyone’s favorite game!  Listen to feedback and address it • Make sure the team is ready!  Make sure that updating the game is easy • Anything that can be server-side, should be!
  • 21. Lessons Learned  Be proactive • Happy users are less likely to rate your app • A “rate our game” interstitial works well • Don’t try to force them • Be honest in your messaging (“if you like us...”)
  • 23. Boosts  Low-priced in-game effects meant to be used regularly  Balanced not to grant excessive advantages • The better player will still score higher on average
  • 24. Rare Gems  Higher-impact bonuses  Can be activated every few games, appearing randomly  Require skill to be fully taken advantage of  Entertainment value as important as effect
  • 25. Daily Spins  Slot machine mechanic granting in-game currency  1 free “daily spin” every day  Additional “daily spin” can be purchased
  • 26. Key tenets  “Play forever”: no pay walls or limitations for non-paying users  Game is fun and balanced also without paying  Pay to have fun, not because the games forces or punishes you  Server-side code to tweak economy in real time  Events really important: busy marketing calendar
  • 27. Our secret? Science! A simple equation… mF =↑eng + ↑ret + ↑mon …that I just made up! More fun = more engagement, retention and monetization If players are having fun they will play, stay and pay
  • 29. Marketing Mix Ads on Bejeweled Blitz Facebook “Apple Love” “Free App Of The Day” Mobile Ads programs
  • 30. Result analysis  Vast majority of downloads from: • “Apple love” • Chart position • Organic searches • Existing Blitz players  Free app programs didn’t drive significant installs  Encouraging conversion from paid advertising • Very high CPI in December ($0.50 / $1)  Organic growth more valuable than paid growth  Sustained efforts more effective than “burst” actions
  • 32. Next Steps for Bejeweled on Mobile Bejeweled Blitz (Freemium) Bejeweled Premium • Monthly updates • Updates every 2-3 months with • Add new features close to FB updates additional game modes and content • Continue to address customer feedback • iPad • Encourage and incent players to unlock full features by activating FB Connect • Android
  • 33. The Challenge of Android Screen resolutions 3 5 (key resolutions) Supported OS versions 2 (iOS 4, iOS 5) 4 (2.2, 2.3, 3, 4) Phone models 10 100+ ARPU as % of iOS 100% 25% Active user base* 250M 250M Distribution Channels 1 10+ Ecosystem Integrated Fragmented Platform Closed Open (?) *Estimated
  • 34. A Billion New Players! ★ Facebook ★ iOS ★ Google+ ★ Android ★ QQ ★ Gree ★ Vkontakte ★ DeNA ★… ★…
  • 35. Thanks! Questions? @giordanobc