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• What is population dynamics?
   • The changes in the populations of organisms over time
   • Population ecology is the study of populations. Their
     size, density, distribution and changes over time
   • By doing this ecologists are able to gather data that can
     help them predict growth trends, health, manage sizes
Population Size & Population
To study populations, scientists measure population size
(the number of individuals of a specific species occupying
a given area/volume at a given time) and population
density (the number of individuals of the same species
that occur per unit area or volume)

• Knowing the population size and density provides more
  information about the population’s relationship to
  resources it uses

N=Total number of individuals in the population
S=Space occupied by the population

The population density of 480 moose living in a 600
hectare (ha) region of Algonquin Park:

D=   N

D=   480 moose
      600 ha

D= 0.8 moose/ha
Population Dispersion
the pattern of distribution in which a population exists
Clumped Dispersion Pattern

      A pattern in which individuals
      in a population are more
      concentrated in certain parts of
      the habitat. It occurs in these
      3 situations:

      1) When suitable living
         conditions are distributed in
      2) Mates are easier to locate in
      3) Limited seed dispersal or
         asexual reproduction
Random Dispersion
 Occurs when environmental
 conditions do not vary
 greatly within a habitat and
 when individuals are neither
 attracted to nor repelled by
 others of their species.
 Organisms are distributed
Uniform Dispersion

 Equally spaced throughout a
Mark-Recapture Sampling

A sampling technique used to estimate the
population size of a species.
• A specific number of animals in the natural
  population is captured, marked or tagged in
  some way and then released back into the
• After a period of time when the marked
  animals have mixed in with the unmarked
  animals, another sample is captured
• Biologists use the proportion of marked to
  unmarked animals in the second sample to
  estimate the size of the entire population
Accuracy is based on 5 assumptions
• the chances for each individual in the population to be caught
  are equal and constant for the initial capture and the
• No new individuals can enter the population through birth or
  immigration and no individuals can leave through death or
• Enough time is given between the release and recapture so
  individuals can disperse
• The animals are not affected by their markings
• The marked animals do not lose their markings
  The estimated population size can be calculated as

  Total number marked (M) = number of recaptures (m)
  Total population (N)      size of second sample (n)


                           N= Mn
Mark-Recapture Sampling Activity

1) Pick a species
2) Randomly pick out 20 marshmallows from your
   paper bag
3) Mark each captured marshmallows with your
   marker and return them all to the bag. Shake
   and stir the bag to mix the marshmallows up.
4) Without looking in the bag, capture a similar
   amount of marshmallows from the bag
5)Calculate the estimate of the total population size
                       N= Mn

6)Compare with other groups

Depending on the species and the environmental
conditions, population numbers can undergo
hourly, daily, seasonal and annual changes.
Demography is the study of these changes. Ecologists
use demographic analysis to predict the growth of a

Birth rate, death rate, immigration and emigration can be
used to determine the growth rate of the population in a
given period of time. This data can also be used to
develop plans to protect endangered species
Survivorship Curves
    Data about survival can be depicted graphically in a
    survivorship curve. This displays the survival of
    individuals over the lifespan of the species. Most
    organisms exhibit survivorship patterns that fall
    somewhere between these general patterns:

Low death rate in             Constant rate of       High death rate in early
early/middle years, death     mortality in all age   years, declines for the
rate increases in older age   groups                 few individuals that
groups                                               survive
   The reproductive capacity of an individual or population.

A horseshoe crab can lay          An elephant produces a
up to 90 000 eggs in a            average of only 4 offspring
single spawning season            during a lifetime
An animal that has high fecundity normally does little to care for

 An animal that has only 1 or 2 offspring per year tend to be
 very protective of them. This is called extensive parental care.
Population Growth Models

Population growth rate: the change in a population over a unit time

Population        (births + immigration) – (deaths + emigration)
              =                  initial population            X100
growth rate

• A positive growth rate indicates that the population is increasing
• A negative growth rate indicates that the population is
• A growth rate of zero indicates there was no difference between
  birth rates and death rates
• Some species reproduce continuously so the sizes of these
  populations have the potential to increase exponentially by a
  contrast ratio per unit of time. Ex, bacteria, virus
Exponential Growth
Associated with the name of Thomas Robert Malthus
(1766-1834) who first realized that any species can
potentially increase in numbers according to a geometric
• Populations that grow
  exponentially increase in numbers
  rapidly, resulting in a J-shaped
  growth curve. As the population
  gets larger, it grows faster and
  becomes steeper.

• We can determine the change in
  population size over time by using
  the equation

dN = B – D

dt = the change in population size
over time.
B=Birth rate
D=death rate

• This equation can be used for ANY
  population if we know the exact
  number of births and deaths
• Environmental limitations prevent
  populations from experiencing continuous
• Per capita birth rate decrease and the per
  capita death rate increases as competition
  for resources such as food and shelter
• Large sudden birth rates in Canada due to
  breeding periods (frogs reproduce in fixes
  intervals) not continuously
Logistic Model
• Environmental limitations create this model. It describes limited
  population growth, often due to limited resources or predation.
• An environment only provides enough resources to sustain only a
  limited amount of any species.
• The maximum number of individuals that an environment can support
  indefinitely is its carrying capacity.

        N=population size
        K=carrying capacity

• If a population is very small then plenty of resources are available and
  therefore the value of (K-N)/K is close to 1.
• Vice versa, if the population is large, few resources are available and
  the value of (K-N)/K is small and the per capita growth rate is very
• Lastly, if the size of the population exceeds the carrying capacity of the
  habitat then the population would decrease from lack of food and other
  resources. If this is graphed it produces an S shape curve.
Sigmoid Curve

Logistic growth can be seen in a population of fur seals on St. Paul Island, Alaska. In
1911, fur seal hunting was banned on St. Paul Island, since the population had
become extremely low. Because their numbers were so severely depressed, the seals
had many unused resources to support the recovering population. The population
began to grow rapidly until it stabilized around its carrying capacity.

A white-tailed deer population in a small forest ecosystem
exhibits logistic growth. The carrying capacity is 300 deer
and rmax =0.23.
a) Determine the population growth rates of 100, 200 and
   300 deer.
Equation: dN=rmax N(K-N)
            dt             K
• The logistic growth model assumes that all individuals
  reproduce, die and use resources at an identical rate.
• It assumes that the carrying capacity remains constant
  and there are no environmental variations that might
  cause the carrying capacity to fluctuate.
• Assumption that there is no migration and that
  populations do not interact with each other.
Factors that Affect Population
Individuals within a population do not live in isolation. They interact with members
of their own species and members of other species. Coevolution occurs when one
species evolves in response to the evolution of another species.

Relationships between pairs of organisms:

Herbivory: the interaction between herbivorous animals
and plants they eat. Ex: White–tailed deer and foliage

Mutualism: an interaction in which both partners benefit.
Ex: honey bee and flowering plant

Parasitism: awhile the tree is unaffected interaction in which one
species benefits and the other is harmed. Ex: mistletoe, which
attaches to a tree and takes water and nutrients from its host;
usually stunts growth but can kill the tree with heavy infestation

Commensalism: an interaction in which one species benefits and
the other is unaffected. Ex: moss, which grows on a tree, getting
light and nutrient it needs
Defense Mechanisms
  Organisms have evolved mechanisms to avoid being
  caught and eaten.
Camouflage       Chemical Defense           Mimicry

Behavioural defense         Spines and armour

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Population dynamics presentation

  • 2. Introduction • What is population dynamics? • The changes in the populations of organisms over time • Population ecology is the study of populations. Their size, density, distribution and changes over time • By doing this ecologists are able to gather data that can help them predict growth trends, health, manage sizes
  • 3. Population Size & Population Density To study populations, scientists measure population size (the number of individuals of a specific species occupying a given area/volume at a given time) and population density (the number of individuals of the same species that occur per unit area or volume) • Knowing the population size and density provides more information about the population’s relationship to resources it uses D=N/S N=Total number of individuals in the population S=Space occupied by the population
  • 4. Example The population density of 480 moose living in a 600 hectare (ha) region of Algonquin Park: D= N S D= 480 moose 600 ha D= 0.8 moose/ha
  • 5. Population Dispersion the pattern of distribution in which a population exists
  • 6. Clumped Dispersion Pattern A pattern in which individuals in a population are more concentrated in certain parts of the habitat. It occurs in these 3 situations: 1) When suitable living conditions are distributed in patches 2) Mates are easier to locate in groups 3) Limited seed dispersal or asexual reproduction
  • 7. Random Dispersion Occurs when environmental conditions do not vary greatly within a habitat and when individuals are neither attracted to nor repelled by others of their species. Organisms are distributed unpredictably.
  • 8. Uniform Dispersion Equally spaced throughout a habitat.
  • 9. Mark-Recapture Sampling A sampling technique used to estimate the population size of a species. • A specific number of animals in the natural population is captured, marked or tagged in some way and then released back into the population • After a period of time when the marked animals have mixed in with the unmarked animals, another sample is captured • Biologists use the proportion of marked to unmarked animals in the second sample to estimate the size of the entire population
  • 10. Accuracy is based on 5 assumptions • the chances for each individual in the population to be caught are equal and constant for the initial capture and the recapture • No new individuals can enter the population through birth or immigration and no individuals can leave through death or emigration • Enough time is given between the release and recapture so individuals can disperse • The animals are not affected by their markings • The marked animals do not lose their markings The estimated population size can be calculated as follows: Total number marked (M) = number of recaptures (m) Total population (N) size of second sample (n) OR N= Mn m
  • 11. Mark-Recapture Sampling Activity 1) Pick a species 2) Randomly pick out 20 marshmallows from your paper bag 3) Mark each captured marshmallows with your marker and return them all to the bag. Shake and stir the bag to mix the marshmallows up. 4) Without looking in the bag, capture a similar amount of marshmallows from the bag 5)Calculate the estimate of the total population size N= Mn m 6)Compare with other groups
  • 12. Demography Depending on the species and the environmental conditions, population numbers can undergo hourly, daily, seasonal and annual changes. Demography is the study of these changes. Ecologists use demographic analysis to predict the growth of a population Birth rate, death rate, immigration and emigration can be used to determine the growth rate of the population in a given period of time. This data can also be used to develop plans to protect endangered species
  • 13. Survivorship Curves Data about survival can be depicted graphically in a survivorship curve. This displays the survival of individuals over the lifespan of the species. Most organisms exhibit survivorship patterns that fall somewhere between these general patterns: Low death rate in Constant rate of High death rate in early early/middle years, death mortality in all age years, declines for the rate increases in older age groups few individuals that groups survive
  • 14. Fecundity The reproductive capacity of an individual or population. A horseshoe crab can lay An elephant produces a up to 90 000 eggs in a average of only 4 offspring single spawning season during a lifetime
  • 15. An animal that has high fecundity normally does little to care for them. An animal that has only 1 or 2 offspring per year tend to be very protective of them. This is called extensive parental care.
  • 16. Population Growth Models Population growth rate: the change in a population over a unit time period. Population (births + immigration) – (deaths + emigration) = initial population X100 growth rate • A positive growth rate indicates that the population is increasing • A negative growth rate indicates that the population is decreasing • A growth rate of zero indicates there was no difference between birth rates and death rates • Some species reproduce continuously so the sizes of these populations have the potential to increase exponentially by a contrast ratio per unit of time. Ex, bacteria, virus
  • 17. Exponential Growth Model Associated with the name of Thomas Robert Malthus (1766-1834) who first realized that any species can potentially increase in numbers according to a geometric series.
  • 18. • Populations that grow exponentially increase in numbers rapidly, resulting in a J-shaped growth curve. As the population gets larger, it grows faster and becomes steeper. • We can determine the change in population size over time by using the equation dN = B – D dt dN dt = the change in population size over time. B=Birth rate D=death rate • This equation can be used for ANY population if we know the exact number of births and deaths
  • 19. Limitations • Environmental limitations prevent populations from experiencing continuous growth • Per capita birth rate decrease and the per capita death rate increases as competition for resources such as food and shelter occurs • Large sudden birth rates in Canada due to breeding periods (frogs reproduce in fixes intervals) not continuously
  • 20. Logistic Model • Environmental limitations create this model. It describes limited population growth, often due to limited resources or predation. • An environment only provides enough resources to sustain only a limited amount of any species. • The maximum number of individuals that an environment can support indefinitely is its carrying capacity. N=population size K=carrying capacity • If a population is very small then plenty of resources are available and therefore the value of (K-N)/K is close to 1. • Vice versa, if the population is large, few resources are available and the value of (K-N)/K is small and the per capita growth rate is very low. • Lastly, if the size of the population exceeds the carrying capacity of the habitat then the population would decrease from lack of food and other resources. If this is graphed it produces an S shape curve.
  • 21. Sigmoid Curve Logistic growth can be seen in a population of fur seals on St. Paul Island, Alaska. In 1911, fur seal hunting was banned on St. Paul Island, since the population had become extremely low. Because their numbers were so severely depressed, the seals had many unused resources to support the recovering population. The population began to grow rapidly until it stabilized around its carrying capacity.
  • 22. Activity A white-tailed deer population in a small forest ecosystem exhibits logistic growth. The carrying capacity is 300 deer and rmax =0.23. a) Determine the population growth rates of 100, 200 and 300 deer. Equation: dN=rmax N(K-N) dt K
  • 23. Limitations • The logistic growth model assumes that all individuals reproduce, die and use resources at an identical rate. • It assumes that the carrying capacity remains constant and there are no environmental variations that might cause the carrying capacity to fluctuate. • Assumption that there is no migration and that populations do not interact with each other.
  • 24. Factors that Affect Population Growth Individuals within a population do not live in isolation. They interact with members of their own species and members of other species. Coevolution occurs when one species evolves in response to the evolution of another species. Relationships between pairs of organisms: Herbivory: the interaction between herbivorous animals and plants they eat. Ex: White–tailed deer and foliage Mutualism: an interaction in which both partners benefit. Ex: honey bee and flowering plant Parasitism: awhile the tree is unaffected interaction in which one species benefits and the other is harmed. Ex: mistletoe, which attaches to a tree and takes water and nutrients from its host; usually stunts growth but can kill the tree with heavy infestation Commensalism: an interaction in which one species benefits and the other is unaffected. Ex: moss, which grows on a tree, getting light and nutrient it needs
  • 25. Defense Mechanisms Organisms have evolved mechanisms to avoid being caught and eaten. Camouflage Chemical Defense Mimicry Behavioural defense Spines and armour