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Portland Science Hack Day
October 7, 2016
Drew Fustini
OSH Park
@oshpark / @pdp7
Open Source Hardware


Design is made
publicly available
so that anyone can
or sell
designs or
hardware based on that design


Documentation required for electronics:
Schematics Board Layout
Editable source files for CAD software (KiCad, EAGLE, Altium, etc)
Bill of Materials (BOM)
Best practice: all components available in low quantity distribution


Publish documentation with an
Open Source license:
Creative Commons Share-Alike: CC-BY-SA
Non-Commercial (NC) clause is NOT acceptable
Copyleft: GPLv2, GPLv3
Permissive: Apache, BSD, MIT
OSHW inspired: CERN OHL, TAPR, SolderPad


CERN Open Hardware Licence
Originally written for CERN designs hosted in the
Open Hardware Repository
Can used by any designer wishing to share design
information using a license compliant with the OSHW
definition criteria.
CERN OHL version 1.2
Contains the license itself and a guide to its usage


CERN Open Hardware Licence
Myriam Ayass, legal adviser at CERN and author of the
OHL is to hardware what GPL is to software
Similar principles to Free or Open Source software
Anyone should be able to:
see the source*
, study it, modify it and share it
the design documentation in case of hardware


Open Hardware Repository
Collaborate on Open Hardware designs
Peer review for small teams or solo designers
Origins in experimental physics laboratories
Enable teams to work together to solve problems
More fun than isolation & results in better hardware


Example: White Rabbit


Javier Serrano, Open Hardware at CERN
Physicist and Electronics Engineer at CERN
co-author of the CERN Open Hardware License
creator of the Open Hardware Repository


Licenses, Copyright and Patents
can get confusing!
Review of Popular OSHW Licenses
Talk by Ari Douglas at OHS 2014


What is the spirit of Open Source?
● Publish everything that will:
enable collaborative development
● The goal is NOT to just check a box on a marketing
flyer or add keywords to a Kickstarter campaign


Open Source Hardware Association
● US Federal 501(c) non-profit
● Hosts the OSHW definition
● “aims to be the voice of the open hardware community,
ensuring that technological knowledge is accessible to
everyone, and encouraging the collaborative development of


● Best Practices
● Quick Reference Guide
● May and Must attributes (PDF)


Open Hardware Summit (OHS)
OHS 2016: Portland, Oregon
6 prior summits:
2010, 2011: New York Hall of Science
2012: Eyebeam (NYC)
2013: MIT (~Boston)
2014: Roma, Italia!
2015: Philadelphia


2015 videos:
Open Hardware Summit (OHS)


2014 videos:
Open Hardware Summit (OHS)


Achieved Critical Mass by Sharing:
How did it come to be?
Arduino: The Documentary


Example: Arduino UNO Design Files


OSHW Resources
● Join OSHWA
● Subscribe to the mailing list
● Follow on Twitter:
– @OHSummit
– @oshwassociation
● Building Open Source Hardware
by Alicia Gibb




● ARM Linux on Open Source Hardware
● Developed by BeagleBoard.org Foundation
and BeagleBoard.org Community
● Manufacturers: element14, GHI, Seeed


BeagleBone Black Wireless
● 1 GHz ARM processor, 512 MB RAM
● 2x 32-bit PRU microcontroller for hard real-time
● 4GB eMMC with Debian GNU/Linux installed
● WiFi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth 4.1 with BLE
● HDMI / USB / 65 GPIO pins / 8 PWM outputs
● 7 analog inputs / 4x UART / 2x I2C / 2x SPI


● CadSoft EAGLE design files hosted on GitHub
● Bill of Materials: every part available in qty 1
● Octavo System-in-Package (SiP) large pitch BGA
simplifies PCB layout and assembly
BeagleBone Black Wireless
(ships Novermber 2016)


● 64-bit Intel Atom “Bay Trail”
● MinnowBoard Turbot
– $135: E3826 (dual-core, 1.46 GHz)
● USB 3.0, SATA, PCIe, Gigabit Ethernet, HDMI
● Integrated Intel HD Graphics
– Open Source Mainline Linux drivers!


● Manufactured by ADI and CircuitCo
● Released under Creative Commons CC-BY-SA
● Download:
– [x] Schematic (Orcad DSN & PDF)
– [x] Board Layout (Allegro BRD & Gerbers)
– [x] Bill of Materials


● Low cost OSHW Linux computers
● Designed and manufactured by Olimex
in Bulgaria
● Blog post:
“Open Source Hardware, why it matters
and what is pseudo OSHW”


● Allwinner A64: Quad Core 64-bit ARM
● Designed with Open Source KiCad
● 1GB RAM, 4GB eMMC, WiFi+BLE4.0




● getchip.com
● Next Thing Co. in Oakland
● Kickstarter in 2015:
● 39,560 backers
● $2,071,927 pledged


Portland Science Hack Day: Open Source Hardware


● GitHub: NextThingCo/CHIP-Hardware
– Schematics
– PCB Layout
– Bill of Materials (BoM)
● License:
– Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
C.H.I.P. is OSHW


OSHW in Science
Suggestions from the OSHWA mailing list


Public Lab
● “Using inexpensive DIY techniques, we seek to
change how people see the world in
environmental, social, and political terms.”
● Office in Portland!
● Riffle: Open Source Water Monitoring
● Desktop Spectrometry
● Balloon Mapping Kit


Generic Lab Equipement
● GaudiLabs in Lucern, Switzerland
– part of the hackteria.org open source biology art network


Generic Lab Equipement
● WebCam Microscope
● Hard Drive Centrifuge
● Incubator Controller
● Gel Box and High Voltage Supply
● Turbidity Meter Kit
● DIY Microvolume Spectrometer
● My Open PCR
● Tube Racks


GOSH 2017
● Gathering for Open Science Hardware
● Santigo, Chile. March 22-25, 2017.
● “growing number of people around world are
developing and using Open Science Hardware,
and we want to help build self-organising
community to drive change in open science”


● “Desktop Digital Biology Laboratory”
● digital microfludics platform for research
● part of a bigger ecosystem around digital
biology with the aim of making personal lab-
automation accessible to more people


● Robots for Biologists
● “We think biologists should have robots to do
pipetting for them.”
● “They should be able to spend their time
designing experiments and analyzing data.”


● PCR is a method of copying
DNA molecules.
● OpenPCR is a project to
develop open source
hardware, software, and
protocols to perform PCR and
Real-Time PCR reactions
● community dedicated to
openness in science and
applying the fundamental
technologies of PCR to global


Open Source Imaging (MRI)
● Open Source Magnetic Resonance Imaging
● Opencore NMR is an open-source toolkit for
implementing an NMR spectrometer
● LukasW log: “COSI Magnet: Single ring results
look fantastic! Less than 2% difference to


● Collection of DIY Biology, Open Source Art
Projects that use Biology, LifeSciences,


Digital Naturalism
● Investigates the role that Digital Media can play
for Biological Field Work
● Uphold the naturalistic values of wilderness
exploration, while investigating the new abilities
offered by digital technology
● Theory and Guidelines by Andrew Quitmeyer


MOST research group
● Joshua Pearce Research Group at Michigan
Tech in Open Sustainability Technology
(MOST) focuses on open and applied
● Exploring the way solar photovoltaic technology
can sustainably power our society


Libre Space Foundation
● Non-profit for Open Source HW & SW in Space
● UPSat: first open hardware satellite bound to
be launched to the International Space Station
in late December
● SatNOGS: open source hardware satellite
ground-station network




What about silicon?
“lowRISC is producing fully open hardware
systems. From the processor core to the
development board, our goal is to create a
completely open computing eco-system”


Novena laptop
● Created by Bunnie & xobs!
– Chumby! Hacking the X-Box! Amazing reverse engineers
– The Exploration and Exploitation of an SD Memory Card
● 100% Open Source Hardware laptop
● Quad-core 1.2GHz Freescale ARM CPU
● FPGA! 4GB RAM, WiFi, 2x Ethernet, SSD


Lulzbot 3-D Printers
100% Open Source
Hardware & Software
● FSF Respects Your Freedom certified


● Suggestions from the OSHWA mailing list:
– Abram Connelly
– Andrew Plumb
– Andrew Quitmeyer
– Eleftherios Kosmas
– Marcin Jakubowski
● Jeena Lee for first telling me of Portland
Science Hack Day
● Max Ogden for asking me to speak


Contact info
● email: Drew Fustini <drew@oshpark.com>
● SMS: +1-773-710-7131
● twitter: @OSHPark / @pdp7
● OSH Park Blog

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Portland Science Hack Day: Open Source Hardware

  • 1. Portland Science Hack Day October 7, 2016 Drew Fustini OSH Park drew@oshpark.com @oshpark / @pdp7 Open Source Hardware
  • 2. Design is made publicly available so that anyone can study, modify, distribute, make or sell designs or hardware based on that design
  • 3. Documentation required for electronics: Schematics Board Layout Editable source files for CAD software (KiCad, EAGLE, Altium, etc) Bill of Materials (BOM) Best practice: all components available in low quantity distribution
  • 4. Publish documentation with an Open Source license: ● Creative Commons Share-Alike: CC-BY-SA ● Non-Commercial (NC) clause is NOT acceptable ● Copyleft: GPLv2, GPLv3 ● Permissive: Apache, BSD, MIT ● OSHW inspired: CERN OHL, TAPR, SolderPad
  • 5. CERN Open Hardware Licence ● Originally written for CERN designs hosted in the Open Hardware Repository ● Can used by any designer wishing to share design information using a license compliant with the OSHW definition criteria. ● CERN OHL version 1.2 Contains the license itself and a guide to its usage
  • 6. CERN Open Hardware Licence Myriam Ayass, legal adviser at CERN and author of the CERN OHL: ● OHL is to hardware what GPL is to software ● Similar principles to Free or Open Source software ● Anyone should be able to: see the source* , study it, modify it and share it * the design documentation in case of hardware
  • 7. Open Hardware Repository ● Collaborate on Open Hardware designs ● Peer review for small teams or solo designers ● Origins in experimental physics laboratories ● Enable teams to work together to solve problems ● More fun than isolation & results in better hardware
  • 9. Javier Serrano, Open Hardware at CERN ● Physicist and Electronics Engineer at CERN ● co-author of the CERN Open Hardware License ● creator of the Open Hardware Repository
  • 10. Licenses, Copyright and Patents can get confusing! Review of Popular OSHW Licenses Talk by Ari Douglas at OHS 2014
  • 11. What is the spirit of Open Source? ● Publish everything that will: enable collaborative development ● The goal is NOT to just check a box on a marketing flyer or add keywords to a Kickstarter campaign
  • 12. Open Source Hardware Association ● US Federal 501(c) non-profit ● Hosts the OSHW definition ● “aims to be the voice of the open hardware community, ensuring that technological knowledge is accessible to everyone, and encouraging the collaborative development of technology”
  • 13. ● Best Practices ● Quick Reference Guide ● May and Must attributes (PDF)
  • 14. Open Hardware Summit (OHS) ● OHS 2016: Portland, Oregon ● 6 prior summits: ● 2010, 2011: New York Hall of Science ● 2012: Eyebeam (NYC) ● 2013: MIT (~Boston) ● 2014: Roma, Italia! ● 2015: Philadelphia
  • 17. Achieved Critical Mass by Sharing: Arduino How did it come to be? Arduino: The Documentary
  • 18. Example: Arduino UNO Design Files
  • 19. OSHW Resources ● Join OSHWA ● Subscribe to the mailing list ● Follow on Twitter: – @OHSummit – @oshwassociation ● Building Open Source Hardware by Alicia Gibb
  • 21. ● ARM Linux on Open Source Hardware ● Developed by BeagleBoard.org Foundation and BeagleBoard.org Community ● Manufacturers: element14, GHI, Seeed
  • 22. BeagleBone Black Wireless ● 1 GHz ARM processor, 512 MB RAM ● 2x 32-bit PRU microcontroller for hard real-time ● 4GB eMMC with Debian GNU/Linux installed ● WiFi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth 4.1 with BLE ● HDMI / USB / 65 GPIO pins / 8 PWM outputs ● 7 analog inputs / 4x UART / 2x I2C / 2x SPI
  • 23. ● CadSoft EAGLE design files hosted on GitHub ● Bill of Materials: every part available in qty 1 ● Octavo System-in-Package (SiP) large pitch BGA simplifies PCB layout and assembly BeagleBone Black Wireless (ships Novermber 2016)
  • 24. MinnowBoard ● 64-bit Intel Atom “Bay Trail” ● MinnowBoard Turbot – $135: E3826 (dual-core, 1.46 GHz) ● USB 3.0, SATA, PCIe, Gigabit Ethernet, HDMI ● Integrated Intel HD Graphics – Open Source Mainline Linux drivers!
  • 25. MinnowBoard ● Manufactured by ADI and CircuitCo ● Released under Creative Commons CC-BY-SA ● Download: – [x] Schematic (Orcad DSN & PDF) – [x] Board Layout (Allegro BRD & Gerbers) – [x] Bill of Materials
  • 26. OLinuXino ● Low cost OSHW Linux computers ● Designed and manufactured by Olimex in Bulgaria ● Blog post: “Open Source Hardware, why it matters and what is pseudo OSHW”
  • 27. A64-OlinuXino ● Allwinner A64: Quad Core 64-bit ARM ● Designed with Open Source KiCad ● 1GB RAM, 4GB eMMC, WiFi+BLE4.0
  • 29. ● getchip.com ● Next Thing Co. in Oakland ● Kickstarter in 2015: ● 39,560 backers ● $2,071,927 pledged
  • 31. ● GitHub: NextThingCo/CHIP-Hardware – Schematics – PCB Layout – Bill of Materials (BoM) ● License: – Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC-BY-SA) C.H.I.P. is OSHW
  • 32. Section: OSHW in Science Suggestions from the OSHWA mailing list
  • 33. Public Lab ● “Using inexpensive DIY techniques, we seek to change how people see the world in environmental, social, and political terms.” ● Office in Portland! ● Riffle: Open Source Water Monitoring ● Desktop Spectrometry ● Balloon Mapping Kit
  • 34. Generic Lab Equipement ● GaudiLabs in Lucern, Switzerland – part of the hackteria.org open source biology art network
  • 35. Generic Lab Equipement ● WebCam Microscope ● Hard Drive Centrifuge ● Incubator Controller ● Gel Box and High Voltage Supply ● Turbidity Meter Kit ● DIY Microvolume Spectrometer ● My Open PCR ● Tube Racks
  • 36. GOSH 2017 ● Gathering for Open Science Hardware ● Santigo, Chile. March 22-25, 2017. ● “growing number of people around world are developing and using Open Science Hardware, and we want to help build self-organising community to drive change in open science”
  • 37. OpenDrop ● “Desktop Digital Biology Laboratory” ● digital microfludics platform for research ● part of a bigger ecosystem around digital biology with the aim of making personal lab- automation accessible to more people
  • 38. OpenTrons ● Robots for Biologists ● “We think biologists should have robots to do pipetting for them.” ● “They should be able to spend their time designing experiments and analyzing data.”
  • 39. OpenPCR ● PCR is a method of copying DNA molecules. ● OpenPCR is a project to develop open source hardware, software, and protocols to perform PCR and Real-Time PCR reactions ● community dedicated to openness in science and applying the fundamental technologies of PCR to global problems
  • 40. Open Source Imaging (MRI) ● Open Source Magnetic Resonance Imaging ● Opencore NMR is an open-source toolkit for implementing an NMR spectrometer ● LukasW log: “COSI Magnet: Single ring results look fantastic! Less than 2% difference to simulation”
  • 41. Hackteria.org ● Collection of DIY Biology, Open Source Art Projects that use Biology, LifeSciences, Biotechnology.
  • 42. Digital Naturalism ● Investigates the role that Digital Media can play for Biological Field Work ● Uphold the naturalistic values of wilderness exploration, while investigating the new abilities offered by digital technology ● Theory and Guidelines by Andrew Quitmeyer
  • 43. MOST research group ● Joshua Pearce Research Group at Michigan Tech in Open Sustainability Technology (MOST) focuses on open and applied sustainability ● Exploring the way solar photovoltaic technology can sustainably power our society
  • 44. Libre Space Foundation ● Non-profit for Open Source HW & SW in Space ● UPSat: first open hardware satellite bound to be launched to the International Space Station in late December ● SatNOGS: open source hardware satellite ground-station network
  • 46. What about silicon? LowRISC: “lowRISC is producing fully open hardware systems. From the processor core to the development board, our goal is to create a completely open computing eco-system”
  • 47. Novena laptop ● Created by Bunnie & xobs! – Chumby! Hacking the X-Box! Amazing reverse engineers – The Exploration and Exploitation of an SD Memory Card ● 100% Open Source Hardware laptop ● Quad-core 1.2GHz Freescale ARM CPU ● FPGA! 4GB RAM, WiFi, 2x Ethernet, SSD
  • 48. Lulzbot 3-D Printers 100% Open Source Hardware & Software ● FSF Respects Your Freedom certified
  • 49. Thanks ● Suggestions from the OSHWA mailing list: – Abram Connelly – Andrew Plumb – Andrew Quitmeyer – Eleftherios Kosmas – Marcin Jakubowski ● Jeena Lee for first telling me of Portland Science Hack Day ● Max Ogden for asking me to speak
  • 50. Contact info ● email: Drew Fustini <drew@oshpark.com> ● SMS: +1-773-710-7131 ● twitter: @OSHPark / @pdp7 ● OSH Park Blog