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Invisible Man


About author
Herbert George Wells, better known as H. G. Wells,
was the third son of a shopkeeper. After two
years 'apprenticeship in a draper's shop, he
became a pupil- teacher at Midhurst Grammar
School and won a scholarship to study under T.
H. Huxley at the Normal School of Science,
South Kensington. He taught biology before
becoming a professional writer and journalist.
Wells is most famous today for his science fiction
novels, of which the best known are: The Time
Machine, The War of the Worlds, The Invisible
Man, The First Men in the Moon and The Island of
Dr. Moreau. He was a prolific writer, writing
more than hundred books of both fiction and non-
fiction, and works in many different genres,
including contemporary novels, essays, histories,
programmes for world regeneration, and social


The Invisible Man is a science fiction novella by H.
G. Wells published in 1897. Originally serialized
in Pearson's Weekly in 1897, it was published as a
novel the same year. The Invisible Man of the
title is Griffin, a scientist who has devoted
himself to research into optics and invents a way
to change a body's refractive index to that of air
so that it absorbs and reflects no light and thus
becomes invisible. He successfully carries out this
procedure on himself, but fails in his attempt to
reverse the procedure.


Character Descriptions
• Griffin: He is the main character in this story. He is
described to be an albino college student who majored
in physics and medicine. During his experiments he
came across formulas that causes himself to turn
invisible. He ends up becoming the burglar in the story


• Mr. Marvel: This is the first man that Griffin attempts
to make his accomplice. He is described to be short, fat
and un liked by all. Also the area tramp. He betrays
• Dr Kemp: Used to go to university with Griffin. He is
interested in the bizarre aspects of science. Griffin
comes Dr. Kemp in attempt to make him his
accomplice, and even though Dr. Kemp acts as though
he is agreement with Griffin, he still betrays him.


• Teddy Henfrey:
–Teddy Henfrey is a clock repairman who
Mrs. Hall uses in attempt to find out more
about Griffin. But because Griffin doesn’t
speak much, Teddy begins rumors about
Griffin stating that he is wanted man.


 COLONEL AYDE : Colonel Adye was the Chief of Police in
Burdock. He was a dutiful officer who worked conscientiously
and according to the demands of the situations. He responded
promptly and fearlessly to Dr. Kemp’s call to arrest the invisible
man. Adye also had the will to take quick and wise decisions. He
knew that it would not be an easy task to capture Griffin single-
handedly, so he decided to get hounds that could sniff and locate
the Invisible Man. This venture was indeed an act of bravery
because he knew very well that Griffin was present in the
compound of the house and could harm him. But a fearless
person like Adye could not be intimidated by any threat. He
turned around with alacrity to overpower the Invisible Man when
the latter tried to move him back into Kemp’s house. Another
quality of Adye was his simple and trusting nature which is
revealed when he follows all the instructions given by Kemp to
arrest the Invisible Man.


 MR. CUSS: Dr. Cuss was the medical practitioner at
Iping. He was a curious , jealous and a educated man.
When he heard about the arrival of a strange guest at
the inn who possessed more vials and bottles than
him, he sought excuse to explore this man. He tried to
probe Griffin to make him reveal his purpose.
However, when he was scared off by the invisible Man,
he tried to think rationally regarding the strange
phenomenon. He did not give up his curiosity and
shared his quaint experience with Bunting.
 J.A. JAFFERS: J.A. Jaffers is a constable or
“bobby” in the town of Iping. He is called upon by
George Hall and Janny Hall to arrest Griffin after they
suspect him of robbing the Reverend Bunting. He
overcomes his shock at the discovery that Griffin was
invisible quickly, determined to arrest him in spite of
this. The Invisible Man knocks him unconscious in his
flight from Iping.


 Janny Hall : is the wife of Mr. Hall and the owner of
the Coach and Horses Inn. A very friendly, down-to-
earth woman who enjoys socializing with her guests, Mrs.
Hall is continually frustrated by the mysterious Griffin's
refusal to talk with her, and his repeated temper
 George Hall : is the husband of Mrs. Hall and helps
her run the Coach and Horses Inn. He is the first person
in Iping to suspect that the mysterious Griffin is invisible:
when a dog bites him and tears his glove, Griffin
retreats to his room and Hall follows to see if he is all
right, only to see Griffin without his glove and handless


In the first chapter, when the novel begins, we find a stranger moving
towards Iping, a small hill side village of London, from Bramblehurst.
He is covered from top to bottom wearing long over coat, having pink
nose and blue goggles with side light. The author (H.G Wells) too,
calls him a wrapped up mystery in this chapter. When the stranger
reaches an inn owned by Mrs. Hall, he offers two golden sovereigns in
exchange of a room and fireplace in it. Being an impeccable business
woman, she makes the most of the situation and allots him a room
without any due verification. The stranger tells him that his luggage is
kept at Bramblehurst railway station and he wants it to be brought
upwards as soon as possible but Mrs. Hall makes an excuse of hefty
snowfall and assures him to get it brought in a couple of days. She
actually wants to make most of the situation and earn a good fortune.
Besides, she responds with a good hospitality offering the stranger
good food to eat such as ham, bacon and some eggs. She observes
some strange and odd things in the stranger such as; he neither takes
his serviette off while speaking nor his hat and coat off when she
wants to do so for making them wet. When she tries to figure out the
cause of that awkward look of the stranger, she finds the stranger
laughing with hollow mouth. But she pays no attention to it.


•  In the second chapter, a clock jobber namely Teddy Henfrey comes to Coach and 
Horses for a cup of coffee whence he is sent to stranger’s room by Mrs. Hall to keep 
an eye on him and his odd habits along with repairing the watch. He goes inside, 
stares at the stranger and tries to talk to him making and excuse of the weather but 
the stranger orders him to mind his own business and leave as soon as he is done 
with his work. Teddy gets hurt and irritated with his words and leaves Coach and 
Horses even after Mrs. Hall tries her level best to stop him & go to the root cause. 
Having left Coach and Horses, he meets Mr. Hall whom he incites and provokes 
against the stranger stating that latter’s wife has no sense of business. Teddy also 
talks ill of the stranger and his luggage that is supposed to reach soon. Mr. Hall, in 
order to show his supremacy, goes to Mrs. Hall to teach her a lesson of ‘how to do 
business’ but on the contrary, he is reprimanded and lambasted by Mrs. Hall. Mr. Hall 
leaves from there but it leaves a question mark in the mind of Mrs. Hall about the real 
identity of the stranger. She starts suspecting him.


• In the third chapter, in the month of February, Mr. Fearenside brings stranger’s
luggage which contains more than thousand bottle of different shapes, three fat
books labelled as diary, dozen or more crates, boxes and cases packed in straw
etc. When the excited stranger comes to receive his luggage, he is attacked by
the dog of Mr. Fearenside. He rips his glove as well as the pants. Seeing this
misadventure, many people gather there and start cursing Fearenside for
keeping such a ferocious dog with him. Mrs. Hall, being a perfect business
woman, even demands compensation from Mr. Fearenside for this cruel act.
Meanwhile the stranger returns after changing his clothes and asks the carrier
to bring his luggage upwards. Having received his luggage, he pays off Mr.
Fearenside and starts opening his luggage one by one. While he is busy in his
experiments, Mrs. Hall comes and observes that stranger’s eyes are as hollow
as sockets. She objects to the litter created by the stranger in his room but the
stranger advises her to add it to his bill. In this way, stranger gets rid of
talkative and disturbing owner of Coach and Horses. At the end of this chapter,
we find Mr. Fearenside & Teddy Henfey giving their own theories about the
stranger. Former thinks him as a piebald who has different nose and different
body colour whereas Teddy Henfrey calls him a criminal who is hiding here and
there in order to conceal his identity.


• In this chapter, we get to read that stranger has become quite popular in this 
small town of London. People have different opinions about him as some 
people think he is a detective whereas some consider him as a magician 
whose only purpose is to earn money. Some of the people suspect him as a 
criminal and some youngsters tease him as ‘Bogey Man’. Hearing a lot of 
him, Dr.Cuss who is a local practitioner, gets jealous of him and plans to 
expose him in front of the whole town. With this intention, he goes to Coach 
and Horses and enters Stranger’s room with an excuse of subscription for 
nurses. While talking to the stranger, he introduces himself as a local doctor 
who works for the welfare of the people. Besides, he starts putting up 
strange questions which infuriates the stranger ultimately. Stranger exhibits 
his invisibility keeping his sleeves up bit by bit. The more he rolls, the more 
invisible he becomes. Having made him feel his invisible body, he throws his 
subscription in the fireplace. He even pinches the nose of the stranger 
which makes him run like a tracer bullet. He narrates the whole incident to 
his best friend who forbids to believe in his story as well as in invisibility. In 
this way, once again people refuse to believe in the invisibility of the 


• In this chapter, we get to know about the burglary that 
happened at Mr. Bunting’s home at midnight. The 
stranger, who has to make his payment to Mrs. Hall, 
enters Mr. Bunting’s home with an intension to steal. He 
breaks into his house and manages to steal a few golden 
coins kept in the drawer of Bunting’s home. Mrs. Bunting 
who hears a strange noise coming from her home, 
follows that noise but all in vain. The couple can see that 
somebody has lit a candle, somebody is opening the 
drawer again and again but unfortunately no one is 
visible. Ultimately, they conclude that the thievery has 
been committed by the invisible man who is putting up at 
Coach and Horses.


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• While the thievery was being committed at Mr. Bunting’s home, Mrs. Hall and
Mr. Hall were going to dilute the beer in their cellar at the same time. But soon
the couple realize that they have forgotten to bring the bottle of Sarsaparilla. In
order to carry that bottle, Mrs. Hall sends Mr. Hall to bring that bottle down.
While bringing the bottle down, Mr. Hall observes that the stranger’s room is
ajar. He enters and finds that the stranger is not there. Soon, he calls Mrs. Hall
upwards and they both get to see his clothes being scattered there. While they
wonder about the stranger, they hear some strange noises of sneezing and
coughing etc. Then the mess begins. The stranger starts disturbing the
furniture, throwing things at the couple and scaring them. Ultimately, he lifts a
four-legged chair and throw the couple out of the room. Mrs. Hall faints
whereas Mr. Hall awakens Millie in order to call some of the neighbours. She
goes out and brings Mr. Huxter (A General Dealer) & Sandy Wadgers (A
Blacksmith). Mrs. Hall is given some restoratives to bring her back to her
senses. Before they all could plan to raid the room of the stranger, latter himself
comes, covered from top to bottom with his usual appearance, and hands in the
bottle to Mr. George Hall stating that he had forgotten his bottle inside.


• In the beginning of this chapter we get to read that Mrs. Hall has stopped the food 
supply of the stranger as he has not paid his bills for last five days. Stranger, who is 
extremely hungry who has been waiting for his food since morning, has rung the bell 
thrice but not responded by Mrs. Hall. Eventually, he comes out of room, calls one of 
the customers enjoying Whit Monday and asks him to call Mrs. Hall. Mrs. Hall brings 
a plate having a bill on it and asks stranger to pay it if he really wants to have food 
else she’ll not give him anything to eat. Mrs. Hall. Besides, she puts up some 
questions, at the time of being given the money by the stranger, from the stranger 
which infuriate him completely. He starts taking his goggles, bandages and gloves off 
and becomes invisible. He runs to the kitchen and brings some food from there. On 
the other hand, Mr. Hall brings a local village constable namely Mr. Bobby Jaffers 
who show Griffin a warrant and request him to accompany to police station for the 
probe. But, rather than supporting him, he starts beating him like hell and make him 
black and blue. Even after being beaten a lot, police constable does not give up and 
manages to get hold on the stranger. Stranger gives in and asks for the reason of his 
arrest. Stranger is told that he is accused of calling spirits and breaking in Mr. 
Bunting’s house. Stranger admits his fault and enacts as if he were ready to 
accompany him for the probe. But, taking the advantages, he unclothes himself and 
becomes invisible. Thereafter, he beats Mr. Jaffers, Mr. Hall, Sandy Wadgers and 
everyone else who comes on his way. Having beaten all of them, he runs from there 
but vows to come back again to take revenge.


• Griffin escapes from Coach and Horses in 
search of someone who can help him out in 
arranging food, clothes and basic facilities. On 
the way, he runs across Mr. Gibbons who is an 
amateur as well as naturalist. Griffin tries to get 
closer to him, but soon Mr. Gibbons gets to hear 
a strange noise of his sneezing and coughing. 
Understanding the gravity of the situation & 
seeing the danger around him, he runs from 
there and rushes to his home.


Plot Summary
• Having failed to talk to Mr. Gibbons, Griffin moves 
towards Adder dean where he comes across a drunkard 
namely Mr. Thomas Marvel who is confused between a 
pair of shoes, which one to wear which one not to. Griffin 
speaks from his back and advises him to put either pair. 
Hearing the voice, Marvel turns up but fails to see 
anyone there. Griffin tries his level best to convince 
about his invisibility but Marvel forbids to do so. Finally, 
Griffin picks up some flints and throws at the drunkard 
man. One of the flints hits Marvel on his toe, thereafter 
he gets ready to everything being said by Griffin. Marvel 
requests him not to throw any more stone at him. He 
gets ready to work for him when convinced by the 


Plot Summary
• Having been convinced by Griffin, Marvel goes to Coach 
and Horses to get back the luggage which includes 
former’s clothes, diary etc. He tries to sneak into 
stranger’s room but abrupt by Mr. Hall who tells him 
about the privacy of the room. Marvel comes out of the 
inn and wait for something to happen. Soon he receives 
a big bundle kind of thing which he gets through the 
window and runs down the hill. Mr. Huxter who had been 
keeping an eye on him since his arrival, tries to get hold 
of him, gets beaten by Griffin who also saves Marvel 
from the hands of Iping’s local folk.


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• In this chapter, readers get to know how the thievery at Coach
and Hoses takes place. It is actually committed by Griffin who
enters his hired room and finds Mr. Cuss and Mr. Bunting
sitting inside. He threatens them not to utter a single word and
steals his diary, cheque book and other important things.
Griffin makes a bundle of it with the help of a table cloth and
hands over the entire bundle to Mr. Thomas Marvel waiting
outside the inn in the backyard. Marvel runs with the bundle.
• In the pursuit of Thomas Marvel, People collide with Griffin
and one of the men hits him unknowingly. Griffin, who is
already short tempered, loses his cool and starts beating the
people of Iping. He breaks a street light and scares the people
of Iping as much as he can. He creates ruckus everywhere
and generates a fear in the minds of people of Iping once
CHAPTER:11& 12


Quote (Mariah)
• Mr. Marvel and Griffin manage to escape from Iping with latter’s luggage. Marvel
gets too tired to carry such a weight on his shoulder. Besides, he has to move
on with the money Griffin has robbed from the people of Iping and other areas.
Having been so tired, he offers his resignation to Griffin regretting his inability to
run and walk as his job requires. At first, Griffin accuses him of giving him a slip
and later refuses to accept his resignation. In short, Griffin makes it very clear to
him that Marvel can’t resign until he succeeds in his mission.
• Griffin and Marvel keep on moving towards Bramblehurst. On the way, Griffin
gives some relaxation to tired Marvel & asks him to eat something at Port
Stowe. While Marvel is sitting on a bench outside an inn, a mariner comes and
starts suspecting the former. Besides, he tells him about the news published in a
local newspaper about ruckus created by the invisible man in the surrounding
areas when promised by Marvel to disclose some more things about the
invisible man. As soon as Marvel starts telling him about the invisible man, he is
hit from the back by an invisible power. Griffin pushes him and takes him down
the hill. On the other hand, other mariner comes and tells the former one about
the money which was seen flying in the air. He also adds that he was hit by one
of the invisible power.
CHAPTER: 13 &14


• In this chapter, we get to read about Dr. Kemp who is a scientist and
preparing for Royal Society Fellowship Exam. He is one who always
remains engaged in studying. When he gets bored or whenever he gets
time to relax, he opens his window and looks out. On that day, he gets to
see a short and fat man walking down the hill but he turns a blind eye
considering him a fool. He has no idea that the man is Thomas Marvel who
has cheated on Griffin and escaped.
• Marvel who has cheated on Griffin, has escaped and managed to enter an
inn called ‘The Jolly Cricketers’. On reaching there, he begs an American,
who is drinking in that inn, and a policeman. He tells them that he is being
chased by the invisible man who wants to kill him. The American assures
him that he needs not worry as he has got a gun and he’ll kill him. But the
invisible man enters somehow from the back door & starts hitting Thomas
Marvel. American, on hearing the noise, fires at Griffin with all the bullets he
had. He asks other people to look for Griffin’s dead body but all in vain.
Griffin gets hit but somehow manages to escape from there. Afterwards,
Marvel surrenders to police with all his luggage and money stolen from the


ources• Having escaped from there, Griffin manages to enter Dr. Kemp’s house. When
Dr. Kemp reaches downstairs, he finds some blood stains on the ground. He
thinks it might be the maid who had cut her hand with something, therefore he
moves on. When he reaches his room’s door, he finds the knob stained with
blood. Yet, he enters and finds his bed-sheet torn. Even, he finds some
bandages flying in the air. Before he can understand anything, he is startle by a
voice ”Good Heavens Dr. Kemp”. Then, he gets to know about the invisible
man. Stranger tells him about his past that they both used to study in the same
college. He further adds that his name is Griffin, he is an albino, a 6 feet tall man
& he used to be topper of Chemistry in University College London. Having heard
him whole-heartedly and believed everything about him, Dr. Kemp yet refuses to
believe in his invisibility. After taking a couple of blows from Griffin, Dr. Kemp
believes in him and gets ready to follow his orders.
• After Giving Griffin some food to eat, alcohol to drink and cigarettes to smoke,
Dr. Kemp gets stuck in a dilemma. He fails to decide whether to support a
former mate or humanity which seems to be missing from Griffin, Having
thought for a while and read about Griffin, he writes a letter to Colonel Adye
(Chief of Police, Burdock) and tells him everything from the scratch. He requests
the colonel to come to his home and arrest Griffin as soon as possible.
CHAPTER :17 &18


• In this chapter, Griffin tells Dr. Kemp about his past that how successfully he
had started his career. One day he meets Professor Oliver in his college
who draws his attention towards Physics and invisibility. The professor tells
him about pigments and seeks for his support in making the formula of
invisibility. Griffin loses his interest in Chemistry and starts working on the
tunes of the Professor. They both work together for a long time but soon
have tussle with each other over credit-taking issue of invisibility. Soon they
part each and other and Griffin decides to work single handedly on the
formula of invisibility.
• Griffin goes to the Great Portland Street and hires a room. He continues his
research until he lacks in money. To arrange some money, he breaks into
his father’s home and steals his money which he had borrowed from
someone. His father commits suicide but Griffin does not shed a single tear.
He continues he research and almost succeeds in that when he manages to
make his neighbour’s cat invisible. He even fights with his landlord. Out of
compulsion, he applies the formula of invisibility on himself and becomes
invisible. After being invisible, he sets fire to his landlord’s home and
escapes from there.


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CHAPTER 21 &22
• Now, Griffin goes to Oxford Street one of the most crowded and engaged
place in England where he gets to know the flaws of being invisible. He
realizes that for being invisible, he has to naked throughout the day however
the weather is. Besides, he can’t eat anything, he can see people but people
can’t and he can be perceived by the dogs by his smell. On the very first day
of invisibility, he realizes that visibility is much better than invisibility. He
continues telling his all the shortcomings to Dr. Kemp in the form of a story.
• Having left Oxford Street, in order to protect himself from the falling snow
and biting cold, Griffin decides to hide himself in an inn called ‘Omniums’
where he manages to enter stealthily. He gets to eat a lot from there, gets to
wear some clothes and gets to sleep in some quilts. That night, he has few
nightmares which don’t let him sleep, he remembers his father for the first
time and hold himself responsible for his father’s death. When he wakes up
in the morning, he finds himself being seized by the employees of that
emporium. But somehow, he manages to escape from there taking the
advantage of his invisibility. On this day too, Griffin realizes that visibility is
much better than invisibility.


CHAPTER :23&24
• Having gone from the emporium, Griffin reaches Drury lane where he enters
a costume shop. The moment Griffin tries to move, Hunchback, who is the
owner of that shop comes down as he is a keen observer and can even
listen a needle’s falling noise. He suspects somebody’s presence over
there. But soon, he is attacked by Griffin with a stool on his head. He faints
over there and Griffin manages to get his clothes, pink nose, blue goggles
with side light and many more things. Besides, he steals Hunchback’s
money and moves towards a small hillside village called Iping.
•  Griffin is narrating his entire past to Dr. Kemp but latter who is peeping out
of window, gets to see Colone Adye coming with some policemen. Dr.Kemp
tries to corner Griffin but latter gets to see the policemen coming. Griffin
understands the gravity of the situation and takes his clothes off. After being
invisible, he beats Dr.Kemp, Jumps on the policemen and manages to get
away from there. He threatens Dr. Kemp that he will come back and kill him.
In this way, we can say that the plan made by Dr. Kemp and Colonel Adye
gets failed.


• When Griffin manages to escape from Dr.Kemps home, Dr. Kemp
and Colonel Adye make plans to arrest Griffin. Dr.Kemps suggests
Colonel Adye some ways to arrest Griffin. He advises the chief of
the police to use Glass powder, dogs’ help and to shut all the food
shops, public transport, schools and colleges. Having heard his
plans, Colonel Adye accedes to some of his requests and makes all
arrangement to nab Griffin lest he should easily get away from the
trap of him. They both seem desparate and feared as well in this
chapter especially Dr. Kemp.
• While they are in search of Griffin with the help of glass powder and
dogs, a news shocks the entire town that Wicksteed, a steward of
Lord Burdock, has been murdered by an unknown. When Dr. Kemp
and Colonel Adye get to know about this, they have a fair enough
idea that Wicksteed could have been murdered by Griffin. Whey
witnesses come forward with their explanation, they get sure that he
has been murdered by Griffin only. In this way, Griffin manages to
terrorise the people of Port Burdock.


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• Earlier in this chapter, Dr. Kemp receives a death threatening
letter from Griffin. He, immediately, sends his maid to Colonel
Adye but in vain. Griffin, who was already there, reprimands his
maid and comes to Dr. Kemp’s house with an axe. He starts
breaking his windows with that axe. Soon comes, Colonel Adye
who tries to kill Griffin but the reverse happens. Griffin kills him
brutally and continues breaking the windows of Dr. Kemp. On the
other hand, maid is accompanied by two policemen who warn
Griffin to surrender. But, rather than surrendering he, attacks
those policemen. One of the policemen breaks his hand which
makes him run away from there. Unfortunately, he runs through
the same door whence Dr. Kemp runs where the former chases
the latter with all his might.


• Now Griffin chases Dr. Kemp which makes him run to
each and every house and beg for his life. On the way,
Kemp reaches his close associate’s home, Mr. Heelas,
who turns down his request to let him enter the former’s
home. Dr. Kemp somehow reaches to some rural people
whom he requests to save his life from the king of terror.
Meanwhile Griffin comes and loses his hands on the
doctor brutally. Understanding the gravity of the situation
one of the masons hits Griffin with a shovel which forces
him to lose his grip from Dr. Kemp’s neck. They all,
together, jumped over Griffin and kill by suffocating him.
In the end, the reign of terror ends and people take a
sigh of relief.


• In the end, when Griffin dies, we get to read that Mr. Thomas Marvel
has been released by local police in the absence of witnesses for
his misdeeds. Therefore, his lawyers manage to get him the money
that he had stolen with Griffin as his accomplice. With that money,
he opens an inn in Port Stowe by the name of ‘The Invisible Man’
where he mints a lot of money alluring the visitors and tourist with
the real stories of Griffin. He has grown rich all of a sudden. In that
in, he has his secret chamber where he goes every night when
everyone else has fallen asleep. He opens a secret drawer & takes
three fat books out and read on daily basis. He is somewhere able
to read some of the content written in mathematical calculations.
Now his only dream is to become invisible and create the reign of
terror as Griffin did.


Book Info.
• Title: Invisible Man
• Author: H.G Wells
• Publishing Info: Dover Publications INC
• Date: First Edition was published in 1897 This
edition was published in 1992.
• (Wells III)




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