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by Jeevan Jagadeesh
REpresentational State Transfer
Definition of REST -
“REST is an architectural style built on
certain principles using the "Web"
Web is matured and widely accepted http protocol
HTTP protocol has standard methods like GET, POST,
HTTP protocol is stateless
Uses URI (uniform resource identifier) using which we
can identify any resource on the web
Features of the Web
Every distinguishable entity is a resource. A resource may be a Web site,
an HTML page, an XML document, a Web service, a physical device, etc.
URIs to Identify Resources
Every resource is uniquely identified by a URL.
HTTP Standard Methods
Communicate with a standard set of methods
Fundamental Aspects of the REST
URIs Simple Operations
Uniform interface
Decoupled client-server interaction
Code on Demand (optional)
Constraints of REST
The Client request a resource using a URL.
A representation of the resource is returned (in this case as an HTML document).
The representation (e.g., Boeing747.html) places the client in a new state.
When the client selects a hyperlink in Boeing747.html, it accesses another
The new representation places the client application into yet another state.
Thus, the client application transfers state with each resource representation.
Why is it called
"Representational State Transfer? "
 6 HTTP behaviors associated with REST actions
REST Actions
 GET - query/read a resource for a representation
 POST - Create a resource with ID set by server
 PUT - Update a resource, ID specified by the client
 DELETE - Remove the Resource
 HEAD – Returns meta information about the request
 OPTIONS – Indicates which HTTP methods are
supported at the request URL
Remaining Actions
 Java has defined JAX-RS (JSR 311) as the Java API for
RESTful Web Services
 Jersey --- Sun/ Oracle
 RESTEasy --- JBOSS
 CXF --- Apache
Popular Java Rest implementations
 Create a Dynamic Web Project
 Place the below jars in WEB-INF/lib
Hello World Demo
Configuring the Servlet
Create Resource/Service
Testing the Resource
@javax.ws.rs.Path annotation is used to define a URI
matching pattern for incoming HTTP requests
@Path can be placed at class level or at method level
To make a Java class a Resource, it must be @Path
annotated at class level and should have at least one
method Path annotated. These types of classes are called
Root Resources
Binding URI
JAX-RS defines 4 annotations that map to specific
HTTP operations:
CRUD using HTTP Method
Used to specify the MIME media types of representations a
resource can produce and send back to the client
Can be applied at both the class and method levels
Method level overrides class level
Used to specify the MIME media types of representations a
resource can consume
Can be applied at both the class and method levels
Method level override a class level
Representation Annotations
How it Works?
Scanning/Loading only the
required packages
Lets Build a Rest based application to perform CRUD
operations using the HTTP method and representation
Sample Xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Test Scenario’s:
1. Create customers using POST method
2. Retrieve the customers using GET with id
3. Update a customer
4. Retrieve the updated customer
5. Delete a customer
6. Do a get on the deleted customer
CRUD Testing
Sub-resource locators are Java methods annotated with
@Path, but with no HTTP method annotation
Sub-resource locators enable reuse of resource classes
Sub-resource locators supports polymorphism (The
processing of resource class returned by sub-resource
locators is performed at runtime)
Lets try an example
Sub-Resource Locators
JAX-RS has provided a set of injection annotations, through
which we can retrieve data from the request.
JAX-RS Injection
@PathParam annotation is used to extract values from URI parameters
@GET // GET /customers/1
public void getCustomer(@PathParam("id") int id) {
System.out.println("In get Customer---id===" + id);
Multiple Path Param
@GET // GET /customers/Jeevan-Jagadeesh
public StreamingOutput getCustomerUsingFirstLast(
@PathParam("first") String first, @PathParam("last") String last) {…}
@QueryParam annotation is used to inject URI query parameter into Java
public class CustomerResource {
public void getCustomers(@QueryParam("start") int start,
@QueryParam("end") int end) {
System.out.println("Start " + start);
System.out.println("End " + end);
URI - /customers?start=0&end=10
@MatrixParam annotation is used to inject name value pair in the URI path
into Java method
Matrix parameters must be separate by a semi colon
public Response testMatrixParam(@MatrixParam("firstName") String firstName,
@MatrixParam("lastName") String lastName) {
System.out.println("firstName " + firstName);
System.out.println("lastName" + lastName);
return Response.status(200).entity("In Matrix Param firstName: " +firstName + " lastName:
URI - matrix;firstName=Jeevan;lastName=Jagadeesh
@FormParam annotation to bind HTML form parameters value to a Java
public Response formParam(@FormParam("firstname") String firstname,
@FormParam("lastname") String lastname) {
return Response.status(200).entity(
"In Form Param, firstname : " + firstname + ", lastname : "
+ lastname).build();
URI - /customers/formParam
POST Method, content-type=application/x-www-form-urlencoded,
HTTP Body = firstname=Jeevan
@HeaderParam annotation is used to inject HTTP request header
public Response headerParam(@HeaderParam("user-agent") String userAgent) {
return Response.status(200).entity("In Header Param userAgent : " + userAgent)
URI - /customers/headerParam
@CookieParam annotation allows you to inject cookies sent by a
client request into your JAX-RS resource methods
Servers can store state information in cookies on the client, and can retrieve that
information when the client makes its next request
Java API for XML binding (JAXB) – converting xml to java
objects (unmarshalling) and vice-versa (marshalling)
JAX-RS has built-in support for JAXB
The JAX-RS has built-in handlers to support marshalling and
unmarshalling of classes that are annotated with
@XmlRootElement(name = "customer")
public class Customer {
Annotating the POJO object, JAX-RS does marshalling and unmarshalling
without us writing any code.
Note : The Media type must be
• application/xml
• text/xml
• application/*+xml
Using JAXB we can to convert Java objects to JSON
For this we need jersey-json-1.10.jar to be placed in the WEB-
INF/lib folder
JAX-RS returns default response codes
Successful Response:
 Successful HTTP response code numbers range from 200 to 399
• GET returns 200 OK
• POST returns 201 CREATED
• 200 OK
• 201 Created
• 202 Accepted
• 203 Non-Authoritative Information
• 204 No Content
• 205 Reset Content
• 206 Partial Content
Error Response:
 Error response code numbers range from 400 to 599
• 404 Not Found
• 405 Method Not allowed
• 406 Not Acceptable
Default Response
 Sometimes it is necessary to return additional information in response to a HTTP
request. Such information can be built and returned using
• Response
• Response.ResponseBuilder
 Response building provides other functionality such as
• setting the entity tag
• last modified date of the representation.
Response.status(201).entity("Customer with id : " + cust.getId() + "
Customizing Response with Response
 JAX-RS provides javax.ws.rs.WebApplicationException.
 Extends java.lang.RuntimeException
 When WebApplicationException is thrown, jax-rs catches the exception
returns the Response back to the client
 Any other exception will result in HTTP status “500 Internal Server Error”
if (customer== null) {
throw new WebApplicationException(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND);
Exception Handling
 There could be various exceptions thrown from application code and third-
party frameworks. Catching and then wrapping all these exceptions within
WebApplicationException would become quite tedious
 Alternatively we can implement javax.ws.rs.ext.ExceptionMapper for the
exception type you want to handle.
 ExceptionMapper implementation class must be annotated with the
@Provider annotation
 toResponse()method receives the thrown exception and creates a Response
object that will be used to build the HTTP response
Custom Exception Handling using
 DATA Format Problems:
• Different clients need different formats to run efficiently. E.g: Java clients might
like their data within an XML format. Ajax clients work a lot better with JSON
• Clients may also want internationalized data
 HTTP Solution:
• Http client's have the capability to specify to the server how it would like its
response formatted. i.e The client can negotiate the content type of the data, how
it should be encoded
• This protocol is called HTTP Content Negotiation or conneg.
Content Negotiation
 Content Type Negotiation:
• Clients set an Accept request header that is a comma-delimited list of preferred
For example:
GET http://localhost:8080/App/customers
Accept: application/xml, application/json
 Language Negotiation:
• Clients use the Accept-Language header to specify the language they would like
to receive.
For example:
GET http://localhost:8080/App/customers
Accept-Language: en-us, es, fr
Conneg Continued
 Content Type Negotiation:
• As seen in previous examples, we could used the @Produce annotation
 Language Negotiation:
• Unfortunately, JAX-RS does not have the annotation of @ProduceLanguages
• JAX-RS has exposed HttpHeaders Api, using which we can get the Accept-
Language value
public void get(@Context HttpHeaders headers) {
Locale language = headers.getAcceptableLanguages().get(0);
System.out.println("Lan " +language);
JAX-RS Conneg using JAXB
 HATEOAS stands for Hypermedia As The Engine Of Application State
 The architectural principle that describes linking of URI is called
 To make it simple - providing hyperlinks, URIs in the representations
that clients can use to transition the Web service to new application
 JAX-RS has the UriBuilder and UriInfo classes that makes it simple and
easy to build URIs
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<customer id="1">
<customer id="2">
HATEOAS - Example
Specification JAX-RS JAX-WS
Language and
Yes Yes
Transport protocol HTTP HTTP, SMTP, JMS
Message Size Lightweight, no extra xml
Heavy, has SOAP
specific markup
XML, JSON, other valid MIME
Caching GET operations can be cached No
Thank You

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Ppt on web development and this has all details

  • 2. REpresentational State Transfer (REST) Definition of REST - “REST is an architectural style built on certain principles using the "Web" fundamentals”
  • 3. Web is matured and widely accepted http protocol HTTP protocol has standard methods like GET, POST, PUT ,DELETE HTTP protocol is stateless Uses URI (uniform resource identifier) using which we can identify any resource on the web Features of the Web
  • 4. Resources Every distinguishable entity is a resource. A resource may be a Web site, an HTML page, an XML document, a Web service, a physical device, etc. URIs to Identify Resources Every resource is uniquely identified by a URL. HTTP Standard Methods Communicate with a standard set of methods Fundamental Aspects of the REST Resources URIs Simple Operations
  • 5. Uniform interface Decoupled client-server interaction Stateless Cacheable Layered Code on Demand (optional) Constraints of REST
  • 6. The Client request a resource using a URL. A representation of the resource is returned (in this case as an HTML document). The representation (e.g., Boeing747.html) places the client in a new state. When the client selects a hyperlink in Boeing747.html, it accesses another resource. The new representation places the client application into yet another state. Thus, the client application transfers state with each resource representation. Why is it called "Representational State Transfer? "
  • 7.  6 HTTP behaviors associated with REST actions  GET  POST  PUT  DELETE  OPTIONS  HEAD REST Actions
  • 8.  GET - query/read a resource for a representation GET
  • 9.  POST - Create a resource with ID set by server POST
  • 10.  PUT - Update a resource, ID specified by the client  DELETE - Remove the Resource  HEAD – Returns meta information about the request URL  OPTIONS – Indicates which HTTP methods are supported at the request URL Remaining Actions
  • 11.  Java has defined JAX-RS (JSR 311) as the Java API for RESTful Web Services JAVA and REST
  • 12.  Jersey --- Sun/ Oracle  RESTEasy --- JBOSS  CXF --- Apache Popular Java Rest implementations
  • 13.  Create a Dynamic Web Project  Place the below jars in WEB-INF/lib Hello World Demo
  • 17. @javax.ws.rs.Path annotation is used to define a URI matching pattern for incoming HTTP requests @Path can be placed at class level or at method level To make a Java class a Resource, it must be @Path annotated at class level and should have at least one method Path annotated. These types of classes are called Root Resources Binding URI
  • 18. JAX-RS defines 4 annotations that map to specific HTTP operations: @javax.ws.rs.GET @javax.ws.rs.PUT @javax.ws.rs.POST @javax.ws.rs.DELETE CRUD using HTTP Method Annotations
  • 19. @javax.ws.rs.Produces Used to specify the MIME media types of representations a resource can produce and send back to the client Can be applied at both the class and method levels Method level overrides class level @javax.ws.rs.Consumes Used to specify the MIME media types of representations a resource can consume Can be applied at both the class and method levels Method level override a class level Representation Annotations
  • 22. Lets Build a Rest based application to perform CRUD operations using the HTTP method and representation annotations. Demo
  • 23. Sample Xml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <customer> <first-name>Jeevan</first-name> <last-name>Jagadeesh</last-name> <city>Bangalore</city> </customer> Test Scenario’s: 1. Create customers using POST method 2. Retrieve the customers using GET with id 3. Update a customer 4. Retrieve the updated customer 5. Delete a customer 6. Do a get on the deleted customer CRUD Testing
  • 24. Sub-resource locators are Java methods annotated with @Path, but with no HTTP method annotation Sub-resource locators enable reuse of resource classes Sub-resource locators supports polymorphism (The processing of resource class returned by sub-resource locators is performed at runtime) Lets try an example Sub-Resource Locators
  • 25. JAX-RS has provided a set of injection annotations, through which we can retrieve data from the request. @javax.ws.rs.PathParam @javax.ws.rs.MatrixParam @javax.ws.rs.QueryParam @javax.ws.rs.FormParam @javax.ws.rs.HeaderParam @javax.ws.rs.CookieParam JAX-RS Injection
  • 26. @PathParam annotation is used to extract values from URI parameters @GET // GET /customers/1 @Path("{id}") public void getCustomer(@PathParam("id") int id) { System.out.println("In get Customer---id===" + id); } Multiple Path Param @GET // GET /customers/Jeevan-Jagadeesh @Path("{first:[a-zA-Z]+}-{last:[a-zA-Z]+}") @Produces("application/xml") public StreamingOutput getCustomerUsingFirstLast( @PathParam("first") String first, @PathParam("last") String last) {…} @PathParam
  • 27. @QueryParam annotation is used to inject URI query parameter into Java method @Path("/customers") public class CustomerResource { @GET public void getCustomers(@QueryParam("start") int start, @QueryParam("end") int end) { System.out.println("Start " + start); System.out.println("End " + end); } } URI - /customers?start=0&end=10 @QueryParam
  • 28. @MatrixParam annotation is used to inject name value pair in the URI path into Java method Matrix parameters must be separate by a semi colon @GET @Path("/matrix") public Response testMatrixParam(@MatrixParam("firstName") String firstName, @MatrixParam("lastName") String lastName) { System.out.println("firstName " + firstName); System.out.println("lastName" + lastName); return Response.status(200).entity("In Matrix Param firstName: " +firstName + " lastName: "+lastName).build(); } URI - matrix;firstName=Jeevan;lastName=Jagadeesh @MatrixParam
  • 29. @FormParam annotation to bind HTML form parameters value to a Java method @POST @Path("/formParam") public Response formParam(@FormParam("firstname") String firstname, @FormParam("lastname") String lastname) { return Response.status(200).entity( "In Form Param, firstname : " + firstname + ", lastname : " + lastname).build(); } URI - /customers/formParam POST Method, content-type=application/x-www-form-urlencoded, HTTP Body = firstname=Jeevan lastName=Jagadeesh @FormParam
  • 30. @HeaderParam annotation is used to inject HTTP request header values. @GET @Path("/headerParam") public Response headerParam(@HeaderParam("user-agent") String userAgent) { return Response.status(200).entity("In Header Param userAgent : " + userAgent) .build(); } URI - /customers/headerParam @HeaderParam
  • 31. @CookieParam annotation allows you to inject cookies sent by a client request into your JAX-RS resource methods Servers can store state information in cookies on the client, and can retrieve that information when the client makes its next request @CookieParam
  • 32. Java API for XML binding (JAXB) – converting xml to java objects (unmarshalling) and vice-versa (marshalling) JAX-RS has built-in support for JAXB The JAX-RS has built-in handlers to support marshalling and unmarshalling of classes that are annotated with @XmlRootElement JAX RS and JAXB
  • 33. @XmlRootElement(name = "customer") public class Customer { } Annotating the POJO object, JAX-RS does marshalling and unmarshalling without us writing any code. Note : The Media type must be • application/xml • text/xml • application/*+xml JAX RS-JAXB Example
  • 34. Using JAXB we can to convert Java objects to JSON For this we need jersey-json-1.10.jar to be placed in the WEB- INF/lib folder JAXB and JSON
  • 35. JAX-RS returns default response codes Successful Response:  Successful HTTP response code numbers range from 200 to 399 • GET returns 200 OK • POST returns 201 CREATED • 200 OK • 201 Created • 202 Accepted • 203 Non-Authoritative Information • 204 No Content • 205 Reset Content • 206 Partial Content Error Response:  Error response code numbers range from 400 to 599 • 404 Not Found • 405 Method Not allowed • 406 Not Acceptable Default Response
  • 36.  Sometimes it is necessary to return additional information in response to a HTTP request. Such information can be built and returned using • Response • Response.ResponseBuilder  Response building provides other functionality such as • setting the entity tag • last modified date of the representation. Response.status(201).entity("Customer with id : " + cust.getId() + " Created").build(); Customizing Response with Response Class
  • 37.  JAX-RS provides javax.ws.rs.WebApplicationException.  Extends java.lang.RuntimeException  When WebApplicationException is thrown, jax-rs catches the exception returns the Response back to the client  Any other exception will result in HTTP status “500 Internal Server Error” if (customer== null) { throw new WebApplicationException(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND); } Exception Handling
  • 38.  There could be various exceptions thrown from application code and third- party frameworks. Catching and then wrapping all these exceptions within WebApplicationException would become quite tedious  Alternatively we can implement javax.ws.rs.ext.ExceptionMapper for the exception type you want to handle.  ExceptionMapper implementation class must be annotated with the @Provider annotation  toResponse()method receives the thrown exception and creates a Response object that will be used to build the HTTP response Custom Exception Handling using ExceptionMapper
  • 39.  DATA Format Problems: • Different clients need different formats to run efficiently. E.g: Java clients might like their data within an XML format. Ajax clients work a lot better with JSON • Clients may also want internationalized data  HTTP Solution: • Http client's have the capability to specify to the server how it would like its response formatted. i.e The client can negotiate the content type of the data, how it should be encoded • This protocol is called HTTP Content Negotiation or conneg. Content Negotiation
  • 40.  Content Type Negotiation: • Clients set an Accept request header that is a comma-delimited list of preferred formats. For example: GET http://localhost:8080/App/customers Accept: application/xml, application/json  Language Negotiation: • Clients use the Accept-Language header to specify the language they would like to receive. For example: GET http://localhost:8080/App/customers Accept-Language: en-us, es, fr Conneg Continued
  • 41.  Content Type Negotiation: • As seen in previous examples, we could used the @Produce annotation  Language Negotiation: • Unfortunately, JAX-RS does not have the annotation of @ProduceLanguages • JAX-RS has exposed HttpHeaders Api, using which we can get the Accept- Language value public void get(@Context HttpHeaders headers) { Locale language = headers.getAcceptableLanguages().get(0); System.out.println("Lan " +language); } JAX-RS Conneg using JAXB
  • 42.  HATEOAS stands for Hypermedia As The Engine Of Application State  The architectural principle that describes linking of URI is called HATEOAS  To make it simple - providing hyperlinks, URIs in the representations that clients can use to transition the Web service to new application states  JAX-RS has the UriBuilder and UriInfo classes that makes it simple and easy to build URIs HATEOAS
  • 43. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <customers> <customer id="1"> <first-name>Jeevan</first-name> <last-name>Jagadeesh</last-name> <city>Bangalore</city> </customer> <customer id="2"> <first-name>Test</first-name> <last-name>TestLast</last-name> <city>Mysore</city> </customer> </customers> HATEOAS - Example
  • 44. TYPE REST SOAP Specification JAX-RS JAX-WS Language and Platform Independence Yes Yes Transport protocol HTTP HTTP, SMTP, JMS Message Size Lightweight, no extra xml markup Heavy, has SOAP specific markup Message Communication XML, JSON, other valid MIME type XML Caching GET operations can be cached No REST VS SOAP

Editor's Notes

  1. REST - uses the current features of the web in a simple and effective way by applying some principles.
  2. Uniform interface This is the API of the web service, describing operations and data structures. It simplifies and decouples the architecture of both client and server, enabling each to evolve independently. Client–server decoupling Clients are separated from servers by a uniform interface. For portability, clients must not concern themselves with data storage. For simplicity and scalability, servers must not concern themselves with the UI or user state. Servers and clients may be replaced and developed independently, as long as the interface is not altered. Stateless No client context should be store on the server between requests. Each request contains all of the information necessary to service the request and session state is held in the client. The server can be stateful, but server-side state must be addressable by URL as a resource. This makes servers: More scalable. More visible for monitoring. More reliable in the event of partial network failures Cacheable Clients may cache responses, so responses must define whether they are cachable to prevent clients reusing stale or inappropriate data in response to further requests. Well-managed caching can eliminate repetitive client–server interactions, further improving scalability and performance. Layered system A client’s connection to a server may pass directly to the service or through several intermediaries, allowing: Scalability by enabling load balancing and by providing shared caches The enforcement of security policies.
  3. Uniform interface This is the API of the web service, describing operations and data structures. It simplifies and decouples the architecture of both client and server, enabling each to evolve independently. Client–server decoupling Clients are separated from servers by a uniform interface. The client-server constraint is based on a principle in software known as the separation of concerns. Stateless No client context should be store on the server between requests. Each request contains all of the information necessary to service the request and session state is held in the client. Cacheable Clients may cache responses, so responses must define whether they are cacheable to prevent clients reusing stale or inappropriate data in response to further requests. Well-managed caching can eliminate repetitive client–server interactions, further improving scalability and performance. Layered system REST architecture as hierarchical layers of components, limited to communication with their immediate neighbors Code on Demand Code on demand allows a client to download and execute code from a server. Allows the client functionality to be extended after initial deployment of the application.
  4. OPTIONS – Indicates which HTTP methods are supported at the request URL. Useful for identifying HEAD – Same as GET but only returns meta-information about the resource. The response body will be empty. Useful for requesting information about a resource without having to request the resource itself.