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Predicting Flights
with Azure Databricks
Presented by Sarah Dutkiewicz
Microsoft MVP, Developer Technologies
Cleveland Tech Consulting, LLC
Microsoft Cloud Workshops
• Great way to see how Azure services work
together in end-to-end scenarios
• This presentation is based on content for the Big
Data Analysis and Visualization MCW.
• Learn more at: Microsoft Cloud Workshop
• What is Databricks?
• Introducing the flight prediction scenario
• Exploring Databricks while getting to the solution
• Margie’s Travels – a concierge for business travelers - wants to enable
their agents to enter in the flight information and produce a
prediction as to whether the departing flight will encounter a 15-
minute or longer delay, considering the weather forecast for the
departure hour.
• Data details:
• Sample data from 2013
• 2.7 million flight delays with airport codes - examples
• 20 columns – features
Training the model
• Using Decision Tree algorithm (binary classification) from Spark MLlib
• Part of the historical data (2013) is used for training and another part
for test
• Flights are delayed have DepDel15 value of 1
• Sample keeps all delayed and a downsample of 30% not delayed –
stratified sampling
• One-Hot encoded categorical variables and use the Pipeline API
• 3-fold CrossValidator
• Save the model for use in other notebooks and saved in case cluster
What is Databricks?
• Web-based analytics platform with
3 environments:
• Databricks SQL – for querying data
lakes with SQL
• Databricks Data Science &
Engineering – for data engineers, data
scientists, and ML engineers for data
ingestion and analysis using the
Apache Spark Ecosystem
• Databricks Machine Learning –
experiment tracking, model training,
feature development and
Databricks SQL
Databricks SQL
• Query data lake using SQL
• Create visualizations as part of queries
• Build and share dashboards using visualizations
SQL Endpoint
• Starter Endpoint
created by default
• Additional endpoints
can be created
Databricks SQL flow
Databricks SQL Components flow
Data Source: Data Lake
• Using Azure
• CSVs will get
migrated from an
environment to
Azure Storage
using Azure Data
Azure Data Factory
• Azure Data
Factory can
migrate data
from on-
premises to
Azure Storage.
• Once migrated,
we can run a
notebook to
score the data.
Loading the Data into Azure Databricks
• Done in the Data Science
and Engineering load
• Uses a cluster for loading
data into Azure Databricks
• Tables have 2 different
• Global tables -
accessible across all
• Local tables - available
only within one cluster
Creating a Table
Working with Queries in Azure Databricks
Query in SQL Editor
• Schema Browser to help show tables and columns
• Past Executions for metrics of past performance
• Query tabs
• Results / Visualizations
• Table is by default
• Create additional visualizations here
Predicting Flights with Azure Databricks
Predicting Flights with Azure Databricks
Predicting Flights with Azure Databricks
• Visualizations need to
be created with
queries first
• Lay out multiple
• Filter details – filters
also come from
Data Science & Engineering
Classic Databricks
Databricks Data Science & Engineering
• Classic Databricks
• Backbone for the ML
• Key components:
• Workspaces
• Runtimes
• Clusters
• Notebooks
• Jobs
• Environment for all Azure Databricks
• Organizes notebooks, libraries, and
experiments into folders
• Notebooks – runnable code + markdown
• Libraries – third party resources or locally
built code accessible to clusters
• Experiments – MLflow machine learning
model activities
• Provides access to clusters and jobs
• Integrates with Git through Repos
• Powerhouse for Azure Databricks
• Compute and configuration
• Supports workloads for:
• Data engineering
• Data science
• Data analytics
• Takes time to start
• Two types
• All-purpose – can be shared for collaborative works;
manually managed
• Job clusters – used for jobs, created and terminated by the
Azure Databricks job scheduler; cannot be restarted
Predicting Flights with Azure Databricks
• Assigned at the cluster-level
• Provides the engine for the platform, based on Apache Spark
• Includes Delta Lake for storage
• GPU-enabled support available
• Ubuntu and system libraries
• Supports the following languages:
• Python
• R
• Java
• Scala
Special Runtimes
• Databricks Runtime for Machine Learning
• Databricks Light
• Photon-enabled runtimes
• Uses a native vectorized query engine
• Currently in Public Preview
• Works in both Azure Databricks clusters and Databricks SQL endpoints
• Can mix
languages to
present data
• Example:
• Markdown
• Python
• R
Notebook cells
• Command
number helps for
execution and
• Execution details
• Duration
• User
• Timestamp
• Cluster name
• Example shows
command and
SQL notebook cell
• Using SparkR to
• Yes… R in the same
notebook as SQL…
labeled as a
Python notebook
Export to a Databricks table
• Storing
munged data
into another
Cleaning weather data with Python
• Same
DataFrame schema
• dfFlightDelays is a
• Python code, using
pretty print pprint
• Used for running non-interactive code
• ETL or ELT
• Task orchestration
• Tasks include:
• JAR file (Java)
• Azure Databricks notebook
• Delta Live Tables pipeline
• Application written in Scala, Java, or Python
• Not included in this presentation’s demo
Databricks Machine Learning
Databricks Machine Learning
• Builds on top of Data
Science & Engineering
• Same workspace
• ML components:
• Experiments
• Feature Stores
• Models
• In the 02 Train and
Evaluate Models
notebook, Cmd27
• Uses mlflow to trigger
experiment via code
• Experiments can
show MLflow
experiments across
an organization that
you have access to
Creating your own AutoML experiment
• Select a compute cluster
• ML Problem Type:
• Classification
• Regression
• Forecasting – ML Runtimes 10.x and higher
• Evaluation metric (advanced
• Classification
• F1 score
• Accuracy
• Log loss
• Precision
• Regression
• R-squared
• Mean absolute error
• Mean squared error
• Root mean squared error
Train and Evaluate Models
• Working with
PySpark in Python
• Using stratified
sampling with
sampleBy() function
• Using binary
classification – flight
is either delayed or it
is not
• Using the Decision
Tree classifier from
Spark MLib
• Models will be saved
for batch scoring
Batch Scoring
• Reads from Azure Data Storage
• Creates DataFrames for the CSVs
• Load the trained model
• Make predictions against the set
• Save the scored data in a global table scoredflights
Databricks as a Data Source
Predicting Flights with Azure Databricks
Summary data in Power BI
Looking at PHX’s track record
Source: Microsoft Cloud Workshop: Big Data Analytics and Visualization, Hands-on Lab
Additional Resources
• User guides
• Databricks SQL user guide - Azure Databricks - Databricks SQL | Microsoft
• Databricks Data Science & Engineering guide - Azure Databricks | Microsoft
• Databricks Machine Learning guide - Azure Databricks | Microsoft Docs
• Microsoft Learn pathways
• Build and operate machine learning solutions with Azure Databricks - Learn |
Microsoft Docs
• Data engineering with Azure Databricks - Learn | Microsoft Docs
• Perform data science with Azure Databricks - Learn | Microsoft Docs

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Predicting Flights with Azure Databricks

  • 1. Predicting Flights with Azure Databricks Presented by Sarah Dutkiewicz Microsoft MVP, Developer Technologies Cleveland Tech Consulting, LLC
  • 2. Microsoft Cloud Workshops (MCWs) • Great way to see how Azure services work together in end-to-end scenarios • This presentation is based on content for the Big Data Analysis and Visualization MCW. • Learn more at: Microsoft Cloud Workshop
  • 3. Agenda • What is Databricks? • Introducing the flight prediction scenario • Exploring Databricks while getting to the solution
  • 4. Scenario • Margie’s Travels – a concierge for business travelers - wants to enable their agents to enter in the flight information and produce a prediction as to whether the departing flight will encounter a 15- minute or longer delay, considering the weather forecast for the departure hour. • Data details: • Sample data from 2013 • 2.7 million flight delays with airport codes - examples • 20 columns – features
  • 5. Training the model • Using Decision Tree algorithm (binary classification) from Spark MLlib • Part of the historical data (2013) is used for training and another part for test • Flights are delayed have DepDel15 value of 1 • Sample keeps all delayed and a downsample of 30% not delayed – stratified sampling • One-Hot encoded categorical variables and use the Pipeline API • 3-fold CrossValidator • Save the model for use in other notebooks and saved in case cluster restarts
  • 6. What is Databricks? • Web-based analytics platform with 3 environments: • Databricks SQL – for querying data lakes with SQL • Databricks Data Science & Engineering – for data engineers, data scientists, and ML engineers for data ingestion and analysis using the Apache Spark Ecosystem • Databricks Machine Learning – experiment tracking, model training, feature development and management
  • 8. Databricks SQL • Query data lake using SQL • Create visualizations as part of queries • Build and share dashboards using visualizations
  • 9. SQL Endpoint • Starter Endpoint created by default • Additional endpoints can be created
  • 12. Data Source: Data Lake • Using Azure Storage • CSVs will get migrated from an on-premises environment to Azure Storage using Azure Data Factory
  • 13. Azure Data Factory • Azure Data Factory can migrate data from on- premises to Azure Storage. • Once migrated, we can run a Databricks notebook to score the data.
  • 14. Loading the Data into Azure Databricks • Done in the Data Science and Engineering load • Uses a cluster for loading data into Azure Databricks • Tables have 2 different types: • Global tables - accessible across all clusters • Local tables - available only within one cluster
  • 16. Working with Queries in Azure Databricks
  • 17. Query in SQL Editor • Schema Browser to help show tables and columns • Past Executions for metrics of past performance • Query tabs • Results / Visualizations • Table is by default • Create additional visualizations here
  • 22. Dashboard • Visualizations need to be created with queries first • Lay out multiple visualizations • Filter details – filters also come from queries
  • 24. Databricks Data Science & Engineering Classic Databricks
  • 25. Databricks Data Science & Engineering • Classic Databricks environment • Backbone for the ML environment • Key components: • Workspaces • Runtimes • Clusters • Notebooks • Jobs
  • 26. Workspaces • Environment for all Azure Databricks assets • Organizes notebooks, libraries, and experiments into folders • Notebooks – runnable code + markdown • Libraries – third party resources or locally built code accessible to clusters • Experiments – MLflow machine learning model activities • Provides access to clusters and jobs • Integrates with Git through Repos
  • 27. Clusters • Powerhouse for Azure Databricks • Compute and configuration • Supports workloads for: • Data engineering • Data science • Data analytics • Takes time to start • Two types • All-purpose – can be shared for collaborative works; manually managed • Job clusters – used for jobs, created and terminated by the Azure Databricks job scheduler; cannot be restarted
  • 29. Runtimes • Assigned at the cluster-level • Provides the engine for the platform, based on Apache Spark • Includes Delta Lake for storage • GPU-enabled support available • Ubuntu and system libraries • Supports the following languages: • Python • R • Java • Scala
  • 30. Special Runtimes • Databricks Runtime for Machine Learning • Databricks Light • Photon-enabled runtimes • Uses a native vectorized query engine • Currently in Public Preview • Works in both Azure Databricks clusters and Databricks SQL endpoints
  • 31. Notebooks • Can mix Markdown and languages to present data • Example: Data Preparation notebook with: • Markdown • SQL • Python • R
  • 32. Notebook cells • Command number helps for execution and navigation • Execution details include: • Duration • User • Timestamp • Cluster name • Example shows Python command and output
  • 34. Data munging • Using SparkR to clean • Yes… R in the same notebook as SQL… labeled as a Python notebook
  • 35. Export to a Databricks table • Storing munged data into another table
  • 36. Cleaning weather data with Python • Same notebook
  • 37. DataFrame schema • dfFlightDelays is a DataFrame • Python code, using pretty print pprint library
  • 38. Jobs • Used for running non-interactive code • ETL or ELT • Task orchestration • Tasks include: • JAR file (Java) • Azure Databricks notebook • Delta Live Tables pipeline • Application written in Scala, Java, or Python • Not included in this presentation’s demo
  • 40. Databricks Machine Learning • Builds on top of Data Science & Engineering • Same workspace components • ML components: • Experiments • Feature Stores • Models
  • 41. Experiments • In the 02 Train and Evaluate Models notebook, Cmd27 • Uses mlflow to trigger experiment via code • Experiments can show MLflow experiments across an organization that you have access to
  • 42. Creating your own AutoML experiment • Select a compute cluster • ML Problem Type: • Classification • Regression • Forecasting – ML Runtimes 10.x and higher • Evaluation metric (advanced configuration): • Classification • F1 score • Accuracy • Log loss • Precision • ROC/AUC • Regression • R-squared • Mean absolute error • Mean squared error • Root mean squared error
  • 43. Train and Evaluate Models • Working with PySpark in Python • Using stratified sampling with sampleBy() function • Using binary classification – flight is either delayed or it is not • Using the Decision Tree classifier from Spark MLib • Models will be saved for batch scoring
  • 44. Batch Scoring • Reads from Azure Data Storage • Creates DataFrames for the CSVs • Load the trained model • Make predictions against the set • Save the scored data in a global table scoredflights
  • 45. Databricks as a Data Source
  • 47. Summary data in Power BI
  • 48. Looking at PHX’s track record
  • 49. Source: Microsoft Cloud Workshop: Big Data Analytics and Visualization, Hands-on Lab
  • 50. Additional Resources • User guides • Databricks SQL user guide - Azure Databricks - Databricks SQL | Microsoft Docs • Databricks Data Science & Engineering guide - Azure Databricks | Microsoft Docs • Databricks Machine Learning guide - Azure Databricks | Microsoft Docs • Microsoft Learn pathways • Build and operate machine learning solutions with Azure Databricks - Learn | Microsoft Docs • Data engineering with Azure Databricks - Learn | Microsoft Docs • Perform data science with Azure Databricks - Learn | Microsoft Docs