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IndII Activity P243-02: Governance Reform
   in Internal Audit Function (IG-MPW)
Why AusAID?
GoA is a leader and a strong proponent of
  Good Governance

in the belief that countries that receive
GoA aid and have the two attributes,
improve the effectiveness of aid and
reduce corruption. These goals are in line
with the Paris Declaration.
The Paris Declaration
In March 2005, representatives of developed and developing
countries (including Australia) meeting at the High Level
Forum on Aid Effectiveness in Paris “resolve[d] to take far-
reaching and monitorable actions to reform the ways we
deliver and manage aid”. The result was the Paris Declaration
on Aid Effectiveness

Selected Summary of Indicators of Progress
1. Partners have operational development strategies
2. Partners have reliable public financial management and
   procurement systems
3. Capacity will be strengthened by coordinated support

                      OF GOA
Why AusAID Supports the IG
The IG
 understands that changes must be made to improve
  the operations in order to meet GoI obligations as IG
  and to make the unit into Professional Auditors
 was the primary mover in proposing the Reform
  Agenda – he is the Change Agent
 is Chairman of the 565+ IGs in GoI & wants to
  continue a leadership role to set an example
 Believes this experience can be a template to
  replicate at other IG Operations
 understands the challenges going forward and has
  shown ownership
 wants to work with AusAID
Our Partners
Our Partners
•   BPKP
•   LKPP
•   KPK
•   MENPAN (Bureaucratic Reform)
•   World Bank

              In house partners
• IG MPW Change Management Unit
• MPW Management
• Early 2009, IG proposed a Reform Agenda (RA) for better
  value-added services to MPW on budget impact,
  infrastructure development and activity safeguards.
• Indicative trigger for World Bank’s IDPL 4: Adoption of an
  Action Plan to strengthen staff capacity and introduce modern
  RBIA methodology & practices to provide assurance on
  internal control systems and compliance.
• Initial discussions identified the need for continuing support
  over stages, grouped by achievements / identified
• IndII support commenced in June 2009;
• Earlier IndII support helped IG to improve and strengthen its
  capacity / technical ability to do internal audit work at MPW.
• However, although substantial groundwork for fundamental
  auditing using RBIA techniques has been established, there
  are fundamental “roadblocks” within the IG structure and
  operations that must be resolved if the gains made to date
  are to be maintained and further improved.
Therefore, it was timely to consider other critical areas of
    improvement, to ensure sustainability of progress

In order to have sustainability:
Processes must have the ability to be repeated

In order to repeat processes
there must be a supporting infrastructure with
  systems that are imbedded and

Overview : Current Activity: IndII Activity P243-02:
Governance Reform in Internal Audit Function (IG-MPW)

            Moving from IACM Level 2 to Level 3

      Change Management, Training, Education & Quality Assurance

       Pillar 1                  Pillar 2                   Pillar 3
    Institutional                Better                   Enhanced
   Strengthening              Procurement               Anticorruption
                                Practices                Environment
                     Internal Control System PP 60
                                   Partners:                Partners:
       Partners:             MPW management, all
  MPW Management, BPKP                                  MPW Management, all
                             DGs, BPKP, LKPP & KPK          DGs, KPK

          IG MPW as The Change Agent (with AusAID / IndII support)
An entirely new program, both in scope and approach
• Although it builds on the prior Activities of IndII
  support to the IG, we concluded there was a serious
  danger that gains made may not be sustained longer-
  term and be capable of being used as building blocks
  for further improvements unless fundamental
  roadblocks such as updated relevant management
  structures and support mechanisms were addressed;
  therefore the importance of IACM (Pillar 1).
• In addition, GoI is now more focused on eliminating
  (or at least reducing) corruption; thus Pillar 2, a
  concentration on improving procurement practices,
  doing better and more procurement auditing and
• Pillar 3 - creating / monitoring a corruption-free
Internal Audit Capability Model
  (IA-CM) for the Public Sector
      Overview Presentation
          Libby MacRae
         Bob McDonald


  – Its structure and underlying concepts
  – Principles in its application
  – Using the IA-CM


What is the IA-CM?

• A universal model with comparability – principles,
  processes and practices
• To be used globally to improve internal auditing
• Framework for assessing capabilities against standards
  and practices
• Communication vehicle for defining and advocating
  the importance of internal auditing
• Roadmap and toolkit for orderly improvement
Underlying Principles

IA Activity’s Obligations
• Be an integral component of effective governance in the
   public sector
• Assist organizations achieve their objectives and account for
   their results
Organization’s Obligations
• Determine optimum level of IA capability to support required
   governance structures
• Achieve and maintain the desired capability

Underlying Principles

Selecting Optimum Capability
• Three variables
   – Environment
   – Organization
   – IA Activity
• Different capability required
• Auditing must be cost-effective
• No “one size fits all”

IA-CM Levels
                                          IA learning from inside and outside the organization for   LEVEL 5
                                                                        continuous improvement       Optimizing

         IA integrates information from across the organization to improve          LEVEL 4
                                         governance and risk management             Managed

             IA management and professional practices          LEVEL 3
                                   uniformly applied           Integrated

       Sustainable and repeatable IA       LEVEL 2
            practices and procedures
  No sustainable,
    capabilities –
                       LEVEL 1
 dependent upon        Initial
individual efforts


Level 1- Initial
• Ad hoc or unstructured
• Isolated single audits, document reviews, transaction
• Outputs dependent on incumbent skills
• No professional practices or standards applied
• Funding approved by management as needed
• Absence of Infrastructure
• Auditors likely belong to a larger organizational unit
• Institutional capability not developed

Level 2- Infrastructure
• Repeatable processes or capability established
• Reporting relationships, management, administrative
  infrastructure, professional practices established
• Audit planning based principally on management
• Continued reliance essentially on skills and
  competencies of incumbents
• Partial conformance with IIA Standards

Level 3 - Integrated
• Defined IA policies, procedures, documented and
  integrated into organization structure
• IA management and professional practices well
  established, uniformly applied
• IA beginning to align with business and its risks
• IA providing advice on performance and
  management of risks
• Focus on team building and IA capacity and
  independence and objectivity
• Generally conforms to IIA Standards

IA-CM 1-page Matrix                                                 © 2009, The IIA Research
                                                                                                                Foundation – All Rights Reserved
                 Services and Role       People Management            Professional           Performance          Organizational        Governance
                       of IA                                           Practices           Management and         Relationships          Structures
                                                                                            Accountability         and Culture
Level 5 –                                     Leadership               Continuous
Optimizing                                 Involvement with          Improvement in
                  IA Recognized as                                                        Public Reporting of      Effective and       Independence,
                                          Professional Bodies         Professional
                    Key Agent of                                                           IA Effectiveness          Ongoing             Power, and
                      Change             Workforce Projection                                                      Relationships      Authority of the IA
                                                                       Strategic IA                                                        Activity
Level 4 –                                   IA Contributes to                                                                           Independent
Managed                                       Management                                                                               Oversight of the
                 Overall Assurance                                   Audit Strategy          Integration of      CAE Advises and
                                              Development                                                                                 IA Activity
                  on Governance,                                       Leverages            Qualitative and       Influences Top-
                 Risk Management,         IA Activity Supports       Organization’s           Quantitative              level          CAE Reports to
                    and Control           Professional Bodies        Management of           Performance           Management            Top-level
                                                                          Risk                 Measures                                  Authority
                                          Workforce Planning
Level 3 –                                 Team Building and             Quality              Performance         Coordination with      Management
Integrated                                   Competency               Management              Measures            Other Review         Oversight of the
                 Advisory Services
                                                                      Framework                                      Groups              IA Activity
                                            Professionally                                 Cost Information
                                            Qualified Staff         Risk-based Audit                                 Integral             Funding
                  Value-for-Money                                                          IA Management
                                                                         Plans                                     Component of          Mechanisms
                       Audits                 Workforce                                        Reports
Level 2 –                                     Individual              Professional                                                    Full Access to the
Infrastructure                               Professional             Practices and                              Managing within       Organization’s
                    Compliance                                                               IA Operating
                                             Development               Processes                                  the IA Activity        Information,
                     Auditing                                                                   Budget
                                                                       Framework                                                         Assets, and
                                            Skilled People
                                                                                           IA Business Plan                                 People
                                            Identified and          Audit Plan Based
                                              Recruited             on Management/                                                        Reporting
                                                                      Stakeholder                                                       Relationships
                                                                       Priorities                                                        Established

Level 1 –        Ad hoc and unstructured; isolated single audits or reviews of documents and transactions for accuracy and compliance; outputs
Initial          dependent upon the skills of specific individuals holding the position; no specific professional practices established other than those
                 provided by professional associations; funding approved by management, as needed; absence of infrastructure; auditors likely part of a
                 larger organizational unit; no established capabilities; therefore, no specific key process areas
Key Process Area (KPA)
        Key Process Area





    Institutionalizing Practice

People Management
                   Level 2 – Infrastructure
          Skilled People Identified and Recruited

Purpose – To identify and attract people with the necessary competencies and
   relevant skills to carry out the work of the IA activity. Appropriately qualified
   and recruited internal auditors are more likely to provide credibility to the
   internal audit results.

Essential Activities
• Identify and define the specific audit tasks to be conducted
• Identify the knowledge, skills (technical and behavioral), and other
   competencies required to conduct audit tasks
• Develop job descriptions for positions
• Determine proper pay classification for positions
• Conduct valid, credible recruitment process to select appropriate candidates

People Management
                      Level 2 – Infrastructure
             Skilled People Identified and Recruited
• Internal audit positions are filled with appropriately qualified persons
• Audit work is conducted with due professional care
• There are credible audit observations, conclusions, and recommendations
Institutionalizing Practice Examples
• Visible commitment and support through senior management action to ensure that a
    competent and qualified CAE is in place, and the necessary resources are provided to
    appropriately staff the IA activity
• Staffing and recruitment policy
• Job descriptions
• Classification system, including levels specific to internal auditing


Institutionalizing a Key Process Area

                               To Perform

    Activities                                         Ability to
    Verified                                           Perform
                               Key Process

                 Activities                   Activities
                 Measured                    Performed

Using the IA-CM as an Assessment Tool

• Understand the purpose and structure of the IA-CM
• Identify the KPAs that appear to be institutionalized by
  the IA activity
• Obtain and review documentation re: IA activity,
  organization, and environment
• Interview managers/stakeholders
• Confirm the actual KPAs institutionalized
• Determine the capability level
• Communicate and confirm the opportunities for
• Develop and implement the improvement plan

Principles in its Application

• Apply professional judgment
• Environmental and organizational factors
• A practice cannot be improved if it cannot be repeated
• Capability gets built in steps/stages
• KPAs at one level set the foundation for KPAs at the next
• A KPA is achieved when it is institutionalized into the
  culture of the IA activity
• All KPAs, up to and including the KPAs at a given level,
  must be institutionalized to achieve that level
• Not all all elements need be at the same level               29

Important Considerations

• All levels in the IG participate
• Organizational management and stakeholder support
• Processes are institutionalized and sustainable

Procurement Standards in
           IndII Activity P243-02: Governance Reform
              in Internal Audit Function (IG-MPW)
                                                              Presented by Rob Thompson

                      IndII Activity P243-02: Governance Reform
                         in Internal Audit Function (IG-MPW)
The Procurement Process
                     Identify the Need
      Review of                          Approval to Proceed
                                             Develop Contract Strategy
   Manage                                        Set Evaluation Criteria
                                                Develop the Specification
Performance                                           Define the
 Contract Award                                    Contractual Terms

 Clarify/ PTN VFM                                Research the
 Analyse Quotes/                                    Market
                    Invite Quotes/       Identify Pre-Qualification
                        Tenders          and Select Bidders
Key Areas of Procurement Activity
• Good Sourcing Principles and Practices

• Price and Cost Analysis

• Inventory Management

• Legal Protection

Procurement Competencies being prepared
• Analysis of current competencies, procedures, practices and policies
• Work with MPW management and selected DG’s to enhance
  procurement competency
• Develop and support the ULP in developing good procurement
• Applying Risk Assessment & Management techniques to all
• Introduction of best practice procurement training
• Presenting and mentoring the introduction of new procurement
  tools and techniques
• Providing practical guidance to MPW & DG’s to ensure a consistent
  application of best practice techniques
Key Messages
• Early involvement (by both parties) in the
  procurements to resolve potential risk areas in
• Shared understanding of what is procurement
• Integrate lessons learnt from past experience in
  future training and procurement practices
• Best practice contract management
• Cost not price
• Performance not conformance
• Consistency in actions.
Best Practice Procurement
              achieve compliance,

            Compliance alone does not
           ensure a best value for money

                  IndII Activity P243-02: Governance Reform
                     in Internal Audit Function (IG-MPW)
Change Management Support
     Program (CMSP)
      Dr Steve Harris

Role in Change Management
• Private and Public Sectors
  – Reform efforts gone under many banners
     • TQM, PRR, Reengineering, restructuring, cultural
       change, turnaround
• Core focus: “making fundamental changes in
  doing business”
  – Results variable
     • Some reforms successful & few utter failures & most fall
       somewhere in between
     • Lessons learned are significant

CMSP at core of reform
• CMSP + CM Strategy (D5)
  – Inform & guide key strategic/operational
    decisions the MoW/IndII Team make
  – Address and overcome Roadblocks
  – Linked closely to long-term approach
    outlined in the 'roadmap’

Lessons Learned
• The most general lesson is change is a series
  of steps/stages over considerable time (5-10
  – Tenacity to skip stages and creates an illusion of
    speed and never produces satisfying results
• Critical mistakes during stages have a
  devastating impact on the reform program
  – Declaring early victory
     • Negative impact, momentum lost
     • Erodes/negates progress made
Lessons Learned (con’t)
• Transformation thus is a process not an event
   – Series of building blocks
   – 5-10 year time frame
   – Resist skipping stages
• Standard approach to CM
   – Targeted areas are:
      •   Org's Strategy
      •   People, pay, processes
      •   Move staff
      •   Realign functions
      •   Rewards and incentives
      •   Remove inefficiencies

Lessons Learned (con’t)
Sustainable and effective leadership is often the missing Ingredient in reform
• MPW leaders as 'Guiding Coalition’
• IndII Team as 'Change Agents'
• Selected employees as CAs
• Establish CM mechanism
Effective persuasion campaign
• Early activation/weeks or months
• IndII Team instrumental here/design and implement
• goals: ensure employees listen to tough messages
• Understand institutional and national psychology
Campaign goals: ensure employees listen to tough messages; question old
    assumptions; embrace new ways
IndII Team mentor and nurture/training (technical&CM)

Key IG MPW - IndII Team Phased Steps
                 (Source: JP Kotter)
•   Sense of urgency/identify crises & opportunties
•   Forming a powerful coalition to lead change
•   Create Vision to direct reform
•   Communicate Vision/use every vehicle available
•   Empowering others to act on vision (get rid of
    obstacles (encourage risk taking/change systems
    or structures that undermine the vision

Key IG MPW - IndII Team Phased Steps
              (Source: JP Kotter)
• Planning for and creating short term wins
  (plan and create performance improvements)
• Consolidate improvements and produce even
  more change (hire promote and develop
  employees who can implement vision)
• Institutionalise (highlight link between new
  behaviours and Departmental success/ensure
• M&E/Impact Focus
Case Study: MAIL/Afghanistan
• Institutional mandate for reform mandatory (link to strategic level
  leadership in national public sector reform program)
• Capacity development
   – Based on long term commitment
   – competency based incentives
   – mentoring by national specialists
• Inst'l reforms not too ambitious
   – No 'whole inst't approach
   – select small operational priorities
   – Use them as cascading models to demonstrate CM principles
• Monitor and evaluate management ‘energy’ in the Department
• Vertical/Horizontal communications is critical
• Establish mechanism for wide ranging stakeholder collaboration and
• Guaranteed funding critical                                           45

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Presentation by bhaskar bhindie ind ii

  • 1. PRESENTATION TO THE PARTNERS OF IG MPW IndII Activity P243-02: Governance Reform in Internal Audit Function (IG-MPW)
  • 3. GoA is a leader and a strong proponent of Good Governance and Accountability in the belief that countries that receive GoA aid and have the two attributes, improve the effectiveness of aid and reduce corruption. These goals are in line with the Paris Declaration. 3
  • 4. The Paris Declaration In March 2005, representatives of developed and developing countries (including Australia) meeting at the High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness in Paris “resolve[d] to take far- reaching and monitorable actions to reform the ways we deliver and manage aid”. The result was the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness Selected Summary of Indicators of Progress 1. Partners have operational development strategies 2. Partners have reliable public financial management and procurement systems 3. Capacity will be strengthened by coordinated support THIS PROGRAM FALLS WITHIN THE GUIDELINES & PRIORITIES OF GOA 4
  • 6. The IG  understands that changes must be made to improve the operations in order to meet GoI obligations as IG and to make the unit into Professional Auditors  was the primary mover in proposing the Reform Agenda – he is the Change Agent  is Chairman of the 565+ IGs in GoI & wants to continue a leadership role to set an example  Believes this experience can be a template to replicate at other IG Operations  understands the challenges going forward and has shown ownership  wants to work with AusAID 6
  • 8. Our Partners • BPKP • LKPP • KPK • MENPAN (Bureaucratic Reform) • World Bank In house partners • IG MPW Change Management Unit • MPW Management 8
  • 10. Background • Early 2009, IG proposed a Reform Agenda (RA) for better value-added services to MPW on budget impact, infrastructure development and activity safeguards. • Indicative trigger for World Bank’s IDPL 4: Adoption of an Action Plan to strengthen staff capacity and introduce modern RBIA methodology & practices to provide assurance on internal control systems and compliance. • Initial discussions identified the need for continuing support over stages, grouped by achievements / identified deliverables. • IndII support commenced in June 2009; • Earlier IndII support helped IG to improve and strengthen its capacity / technical ability to do internal audit work at MPW. • However, although substantial groundwork for fundamental auditing using RBIA techniques has been established, there are fundamental “roadblocks” within the IG structure and operations that must be resolved if the gains made to date are to be maintained and further improved. 10
  • 11. Therefore, it was timely to consider other critical areas of improvement, to ensure sustainability of progress In order to have sustainability: Processes must have the ability to be repeated In order to repeat processes there must be a supporting infrastructure with systems that are imbedded and institutionalized. 11
  • 12. Overview : Current Activity: IndII Activity P243-02: Governance Reform in Internal Audit Function (IG-MPW) Moving from IACM Level 2 to Level 3 Change Management, Training, Education & Quality Assurance Pillar 1 Pillar 2 Pillar 3 Institutional Better Enhanced Strengthening Procurement Anticorruption Practices Environment Internal Control System PP 60 Partners: Partners: Partners: MPW management, all MPW Management, BPKP MPW Management, all DGs, BPKP, LKPP & KPK DGs, KPK IG MPW as The Change Agent (with AusAID / IndII support)
  • 13. An entirely new program, both in scope and approach • Although it builds on the prior Activities of IndII support to the IG, we concluded there was a serious danger that gains made may not be sustained longer- term and be capable of being used as building blocks for further improvements unless fundamental roadblocks such as updated relevant management structures and support mechanisms were addressed; therefore the importance of IACM (Pillar 1). • In addition, GoI is now more focused on eliminating (or at least reducing) corruption; thus Pillar 2, a concentration on improving procurement practices, doing better and more procurement auditing and • Pillar 3 - creating / monitoring a corruption-free environment. 13
  • 14. Internal Audit Capability Model (IA-CM) for the Public Sector Overview Presentation Libby MacRae Bob McDonald 14
  • 15. Agenda The IA-CM – Its structure and underlying concepts – Principles in its application – Using the IA-CM 15 15
  • 16. What is the IA-CM? • A universal model with comparability – principles, processes and practices • To be used globally to improve internal auditing • Framework for assessing capabilities against standards and practices • Communication vehicle for defining and advocating the importance of internal auditing • Roadmap and toolkit for orderly improvement 16
  • 17. Underlying Principles IA Activity’s Obligations • Be an integral component of effective governance in the public sector • Assist organizations achieve their objectives and account for their results Organization’s Obligations • Determine optimum level of IA capability to support required governance structures • Achieve and maintain the desired capability 17 17
  • 18. Underlying Principles Selecting Optimum Capability • Three variables – Environment – Organization – IA Activity • Different capability required • Auditing must be cost-effective • No “one size fits all” 18 18
  • 19. IA-CM Levels IA learning from inside and outside the organization for LEVEL 5 continuous improvement Optimizing IA integrates information from across the organization to improve LEVEL 4 governance and risk management Managed IA management and professional practices LEVEL 3 uniformly applied Integrated Sustainable and repeatable IA LEVEL 2 practices and procedures Infrastructure No sustainable, repeatable capabilities – LEVEL 1 dependent upon Initial individual efforts 19 19
  • 20. Level 1- Initial • Ad hoc or unstructured • Isolated single audits, document reviews, transaction verification • Outputs dependent on incumbent skills • No professional practices or standards applied • Funding approved by management as needed • Absence of Infrastructure • Auditors likely belong to a larger organizational unit • Institutional capability not developed 20
  • 21. Level 2- Infrastructure • Repeatable processes or capability established • Reporting relationships, management, administrative infrastructure, professional practices established • Audit planning based principally on management priorities • Continued reliance essentially on skills and competencies of incumbents • Partial conformance with IIA Standards 21
  • 22. Level 3 - Integrated • Defined IA policies, procedures, documented and integrated into organization structure • IA management and professional practices well established, uniformly applied • IA beginning to align with business and its risks • IA providing advice on performance and management of risks • Focus on team building and IA capacity and independence and objectivity • Generally conforms to IIA Standards 22
  • 23. IA-CM 1-page Matrix © 2009, The IIA Research Foundation – All Rights Reserved Services and Role People Management Professional Performance Organizational Governance of IA Practices Management and Relationships Structures Accountability and Culture Level 5 – Leadership Continuous Optimizing Involvement with Improvement in IA Recognized as Public Reporting of Effective and Independence, Professional Bodies Professional Key Agent of IA Effectiveness Ongoing Power, and Practices Change Workforce Projection Relationships Authority of the IA Strategic IA Activity Planning Level 4 – IA Contributes to Independent Managed Management Oversight of the Overall Assurance Audit Strategy Integration of CAE Advises and Development IA Activity on Governance, Leverages Qualitative and Influences Top- Risk Management, IA Activity Supports Organization’s Quantitative level CAE Reports to and Control Professional Bodies Management of Performance Management Top-level Risk Measures Authority Workforce Planning Level 3 – Team Building and Quality Performance Coordination with Management Integrated Competency Management Measures Other Review Oversight of the Advisory Services Framework Groups IA Activity Professionally Cost Information Performance/ Qualified Staff Risk-based Audit Integral Funding Value-for-Money IA Management Plans Component of Mechanisms Audits Workforce Reports Management Coordination Team Level 2 – Individual Professional Full Access to the Infrastructure Professional Practices and Managing within Organization’s Compliance IA Operating Development Processes the IA Activity Information, Auditing Budget Framework Assets, and Skilled People IA Business Plan People Identified and Audit Plan Based Recruited on Management/ Reporting Stakeholder Relationships Priorities Established Level 1 – Ad hoc and unstructured; isolated single audits or reviews of documents and transactions for accuracy and compliance; outputs Initial dependent upon the skills of specific individuals holding the position; no specific professional practices established other than those provided by professional associations; funding approved by management, as needed; absence of infrastructure; auditors likely part of a larger organizational unit; no established capabilities; therefore, no specific key process areas
  • 24. Key Process Area (KPA) Key Process Area Purpose Essential Activities Outputs Outcomes Institutionalizing Practice Examples 24 24
  • 25. People Management Level 2 – Infrastructure Skilled People Identified and Recruited Purpose – To identify and attract people with the necessary competencies and relevant skills to carry out the work of the IA activity. Appropriately qualified and recruited internal auditors are more likely to provide credibility to the internal audit results. Essential Activities • Identify and define the specific audit tasks to be conducted • Identify the knowledge, skills (technical and behavioral), and other competencies required to conduct audit tasks • Develop job descriptions for positions • Determine proper pay classification for positions • Conduct valid, credible recruitment process to select appropriate candidates 25 25
  • 26. People Management Level 2 – Infrastructure Skilled People Identified and Recruited Outputs • Internal audit positions are filled with appropriately qualified persons Outcomes • Audit work is conducted with due professional care • There are credible audit observations, conclusions, and recommendations Institutionalizing Practice Examples • Visible commitment and support through senior management action to ensure that a competent and qualified CAE is in place, and the necessary resources are provided to appropriately staff the IA activity • Staffing and recruitment policy • Job descriptions • Classification system, including levels specific to internal auditing 26 26
  • 27. Institutionalizing a Key Process Area Commitment To Perform Activities Activities Ability to Verified Perform Key Process Activities Area Activities Activities Measured Performed 27
  • 28. Using the IA-CM as an Assessment Tool • Understand the purpose and structure of the IA-CM • Identify the KPAs that appear to be institutionalized by the IA activity • Obtain and review documentation re: IA activity, organization, and environment • Interview managers/stakeholders • Confirm the actual KPAs institutionalized • Determine the capability level • Communicate and confirm the opportunities for improvement • Develop and implement the improvement plan 28 28
  • 29. Principles in its Application • Apply professional judgment • Environmental and organizational factors • A practice cannot be improved if it cannot be repeated • Capability gets built in steps/stages • KPAs at one level set the foundation for KPAs at the next level • A KPA is achieved when it is institutionalized into the culture of the IA activity • All KPAs, up to and including the KPAs at a given level, must be institutionalized to achieve that level • Not all all elements need be at the same level 29 29
  • 30. Important Considerations • All levels in the IG participate • Organizational management and stakeholder support • Processes are institutionalized and sustainable 30
  • 31. Procurement Standards in Indonesia IndII Activity P243-02: Governance Reform in Internal Audit Function (IG-MPW) Presented by Rob Thompson IndII Activity P243-02: Governance Reform 9/6/2012 in Internal Audit Function (IG-MPW)
  • 32. The Procurement Process Identify the Need Review of Approval to Proceed Performance Develop Contract Strategy Payment Manage Set Evaluation Criteria Relationship Develop the Specification Monitor Performance Define the Contract Award Contractual Terms Clarify/ PTN VFM Research the Analyse Quotes/ Market Tenders Invite Quotes/ Identify Pre-Qualification Tenders and Select Bidders
  • 33. Key Areas of Procurement Activity • Good Sourcing Principles and Practices • Price and Cost Analysis • Inventory Management • Legal Protection Procurement Competencies being prepared
  • 34. Approach • Analysis of current competencies, procedures, practices and policies • Work with MPW management and selected DG’s to enhance procurement competency • Develop and support the ULP in developing good procurement practice • Applying Risk Assessment & Management techniques to all procurement • Introduction of best practice procurement training • Presenting and mentoring the introduction of new procurement tools and techniques • Providing practical guidance to MPW & DG’s to ensure a consistent application of best practice techniques
  • 35. Key Messages • Early involvement (by both parties) in the procurements to resolve potential risk areas in time • Shared understanding of what is procurement • Integrate lessons learnt from past experience in future training and procurement practices • Best practice contract management • Cost not price • Performance not conformance • Consistency in actions.
  • 36. Best Practice Procurement WILL achieve compliance, Compliance alone does not ensure a best value for money procurement. IndII Activity P243-02: Governance Reform 9/6/2012 in Internal Audit Function (IG-MPW)
  • 37. Change Management Support Program (CMSP) Dr Steve Harris 37
  • 38. Role in Change Management • Private and Public Sectors – Reform efforts gone under many banners • TQM, PRR, Reengineering, restructuring, cultural change, turnaround • Core focus: “making fundamental changes in doing business” – Results variable • Some reforms successful & few utter failures & most fall somewhere in between • Lessons learned are significant 38
  • 39. CMSP at core of reform • CMSP + CM Strategy (D5) – Inform & guide key strategic/operational decisions the MoW/IndII Team make – Address and overcome Roadblocks – Linked closely to long-term approach outlined in the 'roadmap’ 39
  • 40. Lessons Learned • The most general lesson is change is a series of steps/stages over considerable time (5-10 years) – Tenacity to skip stages and creates an illusion of speed and never produces satisfying results • Critical mistakes during stages have a devastating impact on the reform program – Declaring early victory • Negative impact, momentum lost • Erodes/negates progress made 40
  • 41. Lessons Learned (con’t) • Transformation thus is a process not an event – Series of building blocks – 5-10 year time frame – Resist skipping stages • Standard approach to CM – Targeted areas are: • Org's Strategy • People, pay, processes • Move staff • Realign functions • Rewards and incentives • Remove inefficiencies 41
  • 42. Lessons Learned (con’t) Sustainable and effective leadership is often the missing Ingredient in reform implementation Leadership • MPW leaders as 'Guiding Coalition’ • IndII Team as 'Change Agents' • Selected employees as CAs • Establish CM mechanism Effective persuasion campaign • Early activation/weeks or months • IndII Team instrumental here/design and implement • goals: ensure employees listen to tough messages • Understand institutional and national psychology Campaign goals: ensure employees listen to tough messages; question old assumptions; embrace new ways IndII Team mentor and nurture/training (technical&CM) 42
  • 43. Key IG MPW - IndII Team Phased Steps (Source: JP Kotter) • Sense of urgency/identify crises & opportunties • Forming a powerful coalition to lead change • Create Vision to direct reform • Communicate Vision/use every vehicle available • Empowering others to act on vision (get rid of obstacles (encourage risk taking/change systems or structures that undermine the vision 43
  • 44. Key IG MPW - IndII Team Phased Steps (Source: JP Kotter) • Planning for and creating short term wins (plan and create performance improvements) • Consolidate improvements and produce even more change (hire promote and develop employees who can implement vision) • Institutionalise (highlight link between new behaviours and Departmental success/ensure succession • M&E/Impact Focus 44
  • 45. Case Study: MAIL/Afghanistan • Institutional mandate for reform mandatory (link to strategic level leadership in national public sector reform program) • Capacity development – Based on long term commitment – competency based incentives – mentoring by national specialists • Inst'l reforms not too ambitious – No 'whole inst't approach – select small operational priorities – Use them as cascading models to demonstrate CM principles • Monitor and evaluate management ‘energy’ in the Department • Vertical/Horizontal communications is critical • Establish mechanism for wide ranging stakeholder collaboration and coordination • Guaranteed funding critical 45