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‫:‪Presentations Phrase Bank‬‬
      ‫‪An Arabic Guideline‬‬

 ‫العبارات اإلنجليزية‬
     ‫لمقدمي العروض التقديمية‬

              ‫جمع و تبويب‬

    ‫أ.د / أحمد رفعت عبد الغفار‬
               ‫اكتوبر 1102‬

‫مقدمة الكتاب - ‪Introduction‬‬
   ‫‪Speaking in public in a foreign language is very‬‬
   ‫‪difficult. However, we are lucky when we do this‬‬
‫‪because there are many standard phrases that we can‬‬
‫‪use to structure and construct our presentation. This‬‬
 ‫‪means that we can concentrate on the content of the‬‬
  ‫‪presentation, and communicating what we need to‬‬
 ‫‪say. The following are some useful phrases that you‬‬
      ‫.‪can use when you make your presentation‬‬
   ‫تعتبر العروض التقديمية من اهم الوسائل المستخدمة في عرض المستجدات العلمية‬
   ‫واالبحاث و الرسائل الجامعية امام الجمهور و في المؤتمرات و امام لجان التحكيم .‬
‫ومن اسرار االجادة في تقديم العروض التقديمية بلغة اجنبية هو كيفية القيام بعرض سلس‬
 ‫وواضح يربط الجمهور بما يريد ان يعرضه الباحث وال يعتمد ذلك علي المحتوي العلمي‬
‫للموضوع بل استخدام العبارات و الكلمات المناسبة و التي صيغت بصورة قياسية لتناسب‬
                      ‫مجمل المواقف التي يواجهها العارض.‬
‫وقد قمت بجمع و تبويب و عرض العبارات القياسية االكثر استخداما في العروض التقديمية‬
 ‫خدمة للباحثين من الزمالء و االبناء – العرب - آمال ان ترفع عن كاهلهم عبئ التواصل‬
                              ‫بلغة غير لغتهم االم .‬
                  ‫وهذا الكتيب قمت برفعة و نشرة مجانا علي موقعي‬
‫وذلك طلبا لتعميم الفائدة و الوصول للكافة في انحاء المعمورة .... و يمكن ألي احد القيام‬
   ‫بنسخه و استعمالة لنفسة .... علي اساس االشارة للمصدر و عدم عرضه للبيع او‬
                                    ‫التوزيع العام.‬
          ‫ويسعدني تلقي مالحظاتكم و تعليقاتكم للتجويد و التصويب و الزيادة‬
        ‫وال تنسوني من صالح دعائكم ... وهللا ولي التوفيق وهو يهدي السبيل...‬

                         ‫أ.د / احمد رفعت عبد الغفار‬
                                    ‫اكتوبر 1102‬

During your presentation you should always
              try to re-emphasize your main point   .
               Follow the 3X3 rule:
                1- Say what you are going to say
                             2- Say it
                      3-Say what you've said

       :‫في العروض التقديمية يتوجب عليك‬
.....‫التنويه بما سوف تقوم بعرضه..... ثم تقوم بعرضه‬
             ....‫ثم تذكر ما قمت بعرضة‬

‫تم تقسيم العبارات الي ثالث مجموعات حسب التسلسل الزمني للعرض‬
                        ‫كما يلي:‬

       ‫‪Open‬‬                  ‫‪Present‬‬                      ‫‪Close‬‬

    ‫بـــدء‬                 ‫عرض‬
       ‫تحيه الحضور‬
      ‫‪Greeting your‬‬
                                ‫عرض الجزء االول‬
                           ‫‪Presenting first main point‬‬

                              ‫االنتقال للجزء التالي‬        ‫الخالصة االجمالية‬
                           ‫‪Moving to another point‬‬
         ‫التعريف بنفسك‬                                   ‫‪Summaraising your‬‬
        ‫‪Introduceing‬‬                                             ‫‪work‬‬
                              ‫عرض الجداول و االشكال‬
                            ‫‪Using tables, and graphs‬‬
    ‫التعريف بعنوان العرض‬                                  ‫انهاء العرض و تقديم‬
         ‫‪Topic of‬‬                                                 ‫الشكر‬
     ‫‪Presentation‬‬               ‫عرض امثلة ايضاحات‬
                                 ‫‪Using Examples‬‬
      ‫التعريف بالمالمح‬
       ‫العامة للعرض‬
      ‫‪Presentation‬‬               ‫عرض االستنتاجات‬          ‫طلب سماع االسئلة و‬
        ‫‪Outline‬‬                ‫‪Making Conclusion‬‬
                                                             ‫طريقة االجابة‬
                                                              ‫‪Asking for‬‬
    ‫اقتراح سياسة االسئلة‬
         ‫و االستفسار‬              ‫عرض التوصيات‬
     ‫‪Question Policy‬‬        ‫‪Making Recommendation‬‬

‫بـنـك العبارات اإلنجليزية‬
                   ‫لمقدمي العروض التقديمية‬
                ‫اعداد أ.د / أحمد رفعت عبد الغفار‬
                    ‫نسخ مجانية للتنزيل من الموقع‬

             ‫القسم األول : افتتح العرض‬
       Opening the Presentation

      Open              Present                    Close

1:1                 ‫تحيه الحضور‬
               Greeting your audience
       Good morning/afternoon ladies and gentlemen.
       Thank you for this opportunity to talk to you
      today. (formal)
      • Hello everybody and welcome to my presentation.
       Good morning / afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.
       First of all, let me thank you all for coming here
       It’s a pleasure to welcome you today. I’m happy /
      delighted that so many of you could make it today.

       It’s good to see you all here.
1:2                    ‫التعريف بنفسك‬
                    Introducing yourself
      • Let me introduce myself: My name is ...and I'm a
        student of ... at the Faculty of ...
      • My name is X from Y (name of company, country
        etc) ...
      • Let me introduce myself. I’m Abc.. from …

      • For those of you who don’t know me, my name is
          …Let me just start by introducing myself.

      • My name is …Giving your position, function,

1:3               ‫التعريف بعنوان العرض‬
                 Topic of Presentation
      •   Today/This morning I'm going to talk about......../
      •   I'd like to talk about ...
      •   The aim of my presentation is to …
      •   I'd like to tell you a little about ...
      •   The subject/topic/focus of my presentation is .....
      •    I plan to say a few words about ...
      •   • I'd like to talk today about ...
          • I'm going to talk about .../present .../brief you
          on .../inform you about ...

1:4           ‫التعريف بالمالمح العامة للعرض‬
               Presentation Outline
      • I've divided my presentation
        into…..parts/sections. They are ...
      • The subject can be looked at under the following
        headings. Firstly/first of all…..
        Secondly/then/next ……Thirdly/and then we
        come to…. Finally/eventually/Lastly/last of all…..

      • I've divided my presentation into X parts.
         First, I'd like to talk about ...
         Second, ... Then, (I'll move on to/consider/deal
         with/focus on) ... After that, ... Next, ...
       • I shall only take (...) minutes of your time.
         • I plan to be brief.
         • This should only last (...) minutes.
         • My talk will take about (...) minutes
      The purpose / objective / aim
       • The purpose / objective / aim of this presentation
         is to …
       • Our goal is to determine how / the best way to
       • What I want to show you is …
       • My objective is to …
       • Today I’d like to give you an overview of …
       • Today I’ll be showing you / reporting on …
       • I’d like to update you on / inform you about
       • During the next few hours we’ll be …

1:5        ‫اقتراح سياسة االسئلة و االستفسار‬
                 Question Policy
      • Please keep any questions until the end.
        If you have any questions please feel free to
      • I'd be happy to answer any questions at the end.
      • I'd be glad to answer any questions at the end
        of my talk.
        • If you have any questions, please feel free to
        ask me at the end of my presentation.
        • There will be time for discussion at the end.
      • There will be time for questions after my
      • We will have about 10 minutes for questions in
        the question and answer period.If you have any
        questions, feel free to interrupt me at any time.
      • Feel free to ask questions at any time during my


‫بـنـك العبارات اإلنجليزية‬
                   ‫لمقدمي العروض التقديمية‬
                ‫اعداد أ.د / أحمد رفعت عبد الغفار‬
                    ‫نسخ مجانية للتنزيل من الموقع‬

        ‫القسم الثاني : قـــدم العـــــــرض‬
       Present the Presentation

      Open              Present                    Close

2-1               ‫عرض الجزء االول‬
             Presenting first main point
       • • Now let's move to the first part of my talk,
         which is about ...
         • So, to begin with ...
         • So, first ...

2:2              ‫االنتقال للجزء التالي‬
               Moving to another point
      • Let's move on to ...
        Moving on to ...
        This leads to ...
        Let's turn to ...

      Moving backwards and forwards
       • As I mentioned earlier, ...
         I'll be talking more about this later.
         I'll return to this point.
      Linking parts together
       • • Let's start with ...
         • Let's move/go on to ...
         • Now we come to ...
         • That brings us/me to ...
         • Let's leave that and turn to ...
         • Now I'd like to describe/talk about


2:3       ‫عرض الجداول و االشكال‬
        Using tables, and graphs
      • This slide/diagram/transparency
         shows ...
      • If you look at this graph it shows that
      • What is interesting here is ...
      • I'd like to draw your attention to
       • "This graph shows you...
       • "Take a look at this... "
       • "If look at this, you will see...
       • "I'd like you to look at this...
       • "This chart illustrates the figures...
       • explain why the visual is important:
       • "As you can see... "
       • "This clearly shows
       • "From this, we can understand how /
       • "This area of the chart is interesting...

2:4               ‫عرض امثلة ايضاحات‬
                   Using Examples
      • For example,...
      • A good example of this is...
      • As an illustration,...
      • To give you an example,...
      • To illustrate this point...
      • Let's take the example of what happens when ...
      • The best example of ... is probably ...
      • An interesting example of ... is ...
      • For instance ...
      • Let's now look at ...
      • This will illustrate some of the principles we've
        been talking about.
      • Let's take the case where.



2:5               ‫عرض االستنتاجات‬
                 Making Conclusion
      • In conclusion I'd like to say .../ to suggest .../ to
        recommend ...
        • I'd like to leave you with the following
        • What we need is ....
        • As you can see there are some very good
        reasons ...
        • I think we have to ....
      • To conclude my presentation, ...
      • In conclusion, ...
      • To summarise the main points of my
        presentation …
      • In view of the evidence I have presented I think it
        is fair to say that …
      • After all is said and done I think we can conclude
        that …



2:6               ‫عرض التوصيات‬
             Making Recommendation
      • We’d suggest …
      • We therefore (strongly) recommend that …In my
        opinion, we should …
      • Based on the figures we have, I’m quite certain
        that …

2:7            ‫االشارة الي ما سبق قوله‬
              Refer to what have said
      To refer to what you have said
       • As I have already said earlier...
       • As we saw in part one...
       • To repeat what I've said already…
       • To refer to what you will say:
       • We will see this a little
       • later on.
       • This will be the subject of
       • part 3.
       • We will go into more
       • detail on that later.
       • For now, suffice to say...

To refer to what an
                expert says:
 • I quote the words of ...
 • In the words of…
 • According to...
 • Here I'd like to quote…
 • As Mr. X says in his book...
 • There is a famous quotation that
           Referring to research
• Researchers have identified three key issues
  here, they are …
• Researchers have shown quite conclusively that
• A number of recent studies, notably the ones by
  … and …, have shown that …
• A number of studies have shown that ...
• A study by … shows that ...
• Research suggests/indicates that …
• According to …
• Figures from … show/suggest/indicate that ...
• A very interesting study by … shows that…
• The study by … is on your reading list and I
  encourage you to take a look at it. Basically,
  what he found was that …
• One of the most interesting studies carried out
  in this area by … showed that …
To refer to common knowledge:
•   As you all may well know...
•   It is generally accepted that...
•   As you are probably aware (of)..
•   To emphasize

•   What is very significant is...
           •   What is important to remember...
           •   I'd like to emphasize the fact that...
           •   I’d like to stress the importance of...
           •   to highlight...


 2:8                         ‫عرض اآلراء‬
                          Expressing opinion
preceding       ➤ To signal another person's opinion
everything      • * According to Professor Grand ... (an
you say           authority on the subject)
with, "in       • * Lauren Thompson has expressed the
my                opinion that ...
opinion,"       • * In a recent article, Abc… stated that ...
or "I think     ➤ To signal a widely-held opinion
that            • * It is commonly thought that ...
                • * According to conventional wisdom ..
                ➤ To signal your opinion
                • * In my opinion ....
                • * I think that ...
                • * It is my view that ...

                 • * It seems to me that ...
‫بـنـك العبارات اإلنجليزية‬
                   ‫لمقدمي العروض التقديمية‬
                ‫اعداد أ.د / أحمد رفعت عبد الغفار‬
                    ‫نسخ مجانية للتنزيل من الموقع‬

         ‫القسم الثالث : ختام العـــــــرض‬
       Closing the Presentation

      Open              Present                    Close

3-1               ‫الخالصة االجمالية‬
               Summarizing your work
       Signalling the end
       • That's all about ...
       • That brings me to the end of my presentation.
       • That completes my presentation.
        • I’m now approaching / nearing the end of my
        • Well, this brings me to the end of my
        • That covers just about everything I wanted to
          say about …
        • OK, I think that’s everything I wanted to say
          about …As a final point, I’d like to …
        • Finally, I’d like to highlight one key issue.

        • Now I'd like to finish with a summary of the main
          • Now let me summarize the key points/parts of
          my talk.
        • So, to summarise, …
          • To summarize, .../To sum up, ...
          • Let me just run over the key points again.
          • Now I'll briefly summarize the main issues.
        • Before I stop, let me go over the key issues
          again.Just to summarize the main points of my
          talk …

        • To conclude / In conclusion, I’d like to …

3:2              ‫انهاء العرض و تقديم الشكر‬
        • Thank you for your attention. If there are any
          questions I'll be happy to answer them now.
          • Well, I think I've covered everything. I hope you
          enjoyed my presentation and if you have any
          question, feel free to ask me now…. Thank You..

                     Any further questions?•
         • If there are no more questions, I'll end my
      presentation. Thank you again for your attention.
       • Any more questions? Fine that's all for today.
                   Thanks for your attention.

3:3           ‫طلب سماع االسئلة و طريقة االجابة‬
                   Asking for questions
               Answering the questions
          • If you have any questions I'll do my best to
              answer them.
      Clarifying a question
      • Sorry, I'm not sure I've understood. Could you
      repeat it?
      • I'm afraid, I didn't catch your question.
      • If I understood you well, you mean ... Is that right?
      Checking the questioner is satisfied
      • Does that answer your question?
      • Is that clear?
      • May we go on to the next question?



‫بـنـك العبارات اإلنجليزية‬
             ‫لمقدمي العروض التقديمية‬
          ‫اعداد أ.د / أحمد رفعت عبد الغفار‬
              ‫نسخ مجانية للتنزيل من الموقع‬

‫القسم الرابع : مواقف حرجة و غير متوقعة‬
         Hard Situations

                  !!...‫حدث طارئ‬
                  Lost Your Way

              ‫لفت نظر الحضور‬
        Get the audience's attention

      Get the audience's attention and signal the
        • Right / Well / OK. …… .Let's begin.
        • Good./ Fine/ . Great/ . Can we start?
        • Shall we start?
        • Let's get down to business

‫اجابة سؤال صعب‬
                Replying to difficult questions

 (when you
don't have an     • That's a good point.
 answer or        • I'll come to that later if you don't mind.
don't want to       I'm afraid I don't have that information
  answer a          to hand.
  question)       • I'm afraid I'm not the right person to
                    answer that.
                  • Hmm, that’s a good question. I don’t
                    have the information to answer that
                    question right now, but I’d be happy to
                    find out and get back to you later.
                  • I don’t think we have enough time to
                    go into that right now, but I’ll be happy
                    to speak to you one-to-one after the
                    presentation if you would like.
                  • That’s an interesting point, but I do
                    think I have shown that ...

                 ‫خلل .... فقدت الطريق... شيء قد فقد‬
                            Losing your way
                  • Now, where was I? Oh yes, …
                  • If you’ll bear with me for a moment
                    while I just glance at my notes, right,

                  • Erm, I’ll just need a minute to sort out
                    the technology and I’ll be with you ...

‫مواقع مفيدة و مصادر الكتيب‬
1- http://englishforuniversity.com/wp-
2- http://www.learn-english-today.com/business-english/presentations-
3- Presentation Phrasebook ©English for University. Com Freely downloadable and copiable from
Presentation Phrasebook Version 1.1 Academic English material from English for
University. Com
4- http://www.englishclub.com/speaking/presentations.htm

         ‫بـنـك العبارات اإلنجليزية‬
        ‫لمقدمي العروض التقديمية‬
                          ‫اعداد أ.د / أحمد رفعت عبد الغفار‬
                                 ‫نسخ مجانية للتنزيل من الموقع‬


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  • 2. ‫مقدمة الكتاب - ‪Introduction‬‬ ‫‪Speaking in public in a foreign language is very‬‬ ‫‪difficult. However, we are lucky when we do this‬‬ ‫‪because there are many standard phrases that we can‬‬ ‫‪use to structure and construct our presentation. This‬‬ ‫‪means that we can concentrate on the content of the‬‬ ‫‪presentation, and communicating what we need to‬‬ ‫‪say. The following are some useful phrases that you‬‬ ‫.‪can use when you make your presentation‬‬ ‫تعتبر العروض التقديمية من اهم الوسائل المستخدمة في عرض المستجدات العلمية‬ ‫واالبحاث و الرسائل الجامعية امام الجمهور و في المؤتمرات و امام لجان التحكيم .‬ ‫ومن اسرار االجادة في تقديم العروض التقديمية بلغة اجنبية هو كيفية القيام بعرض سلس‬ ‫وواضح يربط الجمهور بما يريد ان يعرضه الباحث وال يعتمد ذلك علي المحتوي العلمي‬ ‫للموضوع بل استخدام العبارات و الكلمات المناسبة و التي صيغت بصورة قياسية لتناسب‬ ‫مجمل المواقف التي يواجهها العارض.‬ ‫وقد قمت بجمع و تبويب و عرض العبارات القياسية االكثر استخداما في العروض التقديمية‬ ‫خدمة للباحثين من الزمالء و االبناء – العرب - آمال ان ترفع عن كاهلهم عبئ التواصل‬ ‫بلغة غير لغتهم االم .‬ ‫وهذا الكتيب قمت برفعة و نشرة مجانا علي موقعي‬ ‫‪www.slideshare.net/ahmedrefat‬‬ ‫وذلك طلبا لتعميم الفائدة و الوصول للكافة في انحاء المعمورة .... و يمكن ألي احد القيام‬ ‫بنسخه و استعمالة لنفسة .... علي اساس االشارة للمصدر و عدم عرضه للبيع او‬ ‫التوزيع العام.‬ ‫ويسعدني تلقي مالحظاتكم و تعليقاتكم للتجويد و التصويب و الزيادة‬ ‫وال تنسوني من صالح دعائكم ... وهللا ولي التوفيق وهو يهدي السبيل...‬ ‫أ.د / احمد رفعت عبد الغفار‬ ‫اكتوبر 1102‬ ‫2‬
  • 3. During your presentation you should always try to re-emphasize your main point . Follow the 3X3 rule: 1- Say what you are going to say 2- Say it 3-Say what you've said :‫في العروض التقديمية يتوجب عليك‬ .....‫التنويه بما سوف تقوم بعرضه..... ثم تقوم بعرضه‬ ....‫ثم تذكر ما قمت بعرضة‬ 3
  • 4. ‫المحتوي‬ ‫تم تقسيم العبارات الي ثالث مجموعات حسب التسلسل الزمني للعرض‬ ‫كما يلي:‬ ‫‪O.P.C‬‬ ‫‪Open‬‬ ‫‪Present‬‬ ‫‪Close‬‬ ‫بـــدء‬ ‫عرض‬ ‫تحيه الحضور‬ ‫‪Greeting your‬‬ ‫عرض الجزء االول‬ ‫‪Presenting first main point‬‬ ‫انهاء‬ ‫‪audience‬‬ ‫االنتقال للجزء التالي‬ ‫الخالصة االجمالية‬ ‫‪Moving to another point‬‬ ‫التعريف بنفسك‬ ‫‪Summaraising your‬‬ ‫‪Introduceing‬‬ ‫‪work‬‬ ‫‪yourself‬‬ ‫عرض الجداول و االشكال‬ ‫‪Using tables, and graphs‬‬ ‫التعريف بعنوان العرض‬ ‫انهاء العرض و تقديم‬ ‫‪Topic of‬‬ ‫الشكر‬ ‫‪Presentation‬‬ ‫عرض امثلة ايضاحات‬ ‫‪Finishing‬‬ ‫‪Using Examples‬‬ ‫التعريف بالمالمح‬ ‫العامة للعرض‬ ‫‪Presentation‬‬ ‫عرض االستنتاجات‬ ‫طلب سماع االسئلة و‬ ‫‪Outline‬‬ ‫‪Making Conclusion‬‬ ‫طريقة االجابة‬ ‫‪Asking for‬‬ ‫‪questions‬‬ ‫اقتراح سياسة االسئلة‬ ‫و االستفسار‬ ‫عرض التوصيات‬ ‫‪Question Policy‬‬ ‫‪Making Recommendation‬‬ ‫4‬
  • 5. ‫بـنـك العبارات اإلنجليزية‬ ‫لمقدمي العروض التقديمية‬ ‫اعداد أ.د / أحمد رفعت عبد الغفار‬ ‫نسخ مجانية للتنزيل من الموقع‬ www.slideshare.net/ahmedrefat ‫القسم األول : افتتح العرض‬ Opening the Presentation Open Present Close 1:1 ‫تحيه الحضور‬ Greeting your audience  Good morning/afternoon ladies and gentlemen.  Thank you for this opportunity to talk to you today. (formal) • Hello everybody and welcome to my presentation. (informal)  Good morning / afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.  First of all, let me thank you all for coming here today.  It’s a pleasure to welcome you today. I’m happy / delighted that so many of you could make it today.  It’s good to see you all here. 5
  • 6. 1:2 ‫التعريف بنفسك‬ Introducing yourself • Let me introduce myself: My name is ...and I'm a student of ... at the Faculty of ... • My name is X from Y (name of company, country etc) ... • Let me introduce myself. I’m Abc.. from … • For those of you who don’t know me, my name is …Let me just start by introducing myself. • My name is …Giving your position, function, department, 1:3 ‫التعريف بعنوان العرض‬ Topic of Presentation • Today/This morning I'm going to talk about......../ • I'd like to talk about ... • The aim of my presentation is to … • I'd like to tell you a little about ... • The subject/topic/focus of my presentation is ..... • I plan to say a few words about ... • • I'd like to talk today about ... • I'm going to talk about .../present .../brief you on .../inform you about ... • 6
  • 7. 1:4 ‫التعريف بالمالمح العامة للعرض‬ Presentation Outline Outline • I've divided my presentation into…..parts/sections. They are ... • The subject can be looked at under the following headings. Firstly/first of all….. Secondly/then/next ……Thirdly/and then we come to…. Finally/eventually/Lastly/last of all….. • I've divided my presentation into X parts. First, I'd like to talk about ... Second, ... Then, (I'll move on to/consider/deal with/focus on) ... After that, ... Next, ... Timing • I shall only take (...) minutes of your time. • I plan to be brief. • This should only last (...) minutes. • My talk will take about (...) minutes The purpose / objective / aim • The purpose / objective / aim of this presentation is to … • Our goal is to determine how / the best way to • What I want to show you is … • My objective is to … • Today I’d like to give you an overview of … • Today I’ll be showing you / reporting on … • I’d like to update you on / inform you about • During the next few hours we’ll be … 7
  • 8. 1:5 ‫اقتراح سياسة االسئلة و االستفسار‬ Question Policy • Please keep any questions until the end. If you have any questions please feel free to interrupt. • I'd be happy to answer any questions at the end. • I'd be glad to answer any questions at the end of my talk. • If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me at the end of my presentation. • There will be time for discussion at the end. • There will be time for questions after my presentation. • We will have about 10 minutes for questions in the question and answer period.If you have any questions, feel free to interrupt me at any time. • Feel free to ask questions at any time during my talk. www.slideshare.net/ahmedrefat www.slideshare.net/ahmedrefat www.slideshare.net/ahmedrefat 8
  • 9. ‫بـنـك العبارات اإلنجليزية‬ ‫لمقدمي العروض التقديمية‬ ‫اعداد أ.د / أحمد رفعت عبد الغفار‬ ‫نسخ مجانية للتنزيل من الموقع‬ www.slideshare.net/ahmedrefat ‫القسم الثاني : قـــدم العـــــــرض‬ Present the Presentation Open Present Close 2-1 ‫عرض الجزء االول‬ Presenting first main point • • Now let's move to the first part of my talk, which is about ... • So, to begin with ... • So, first ... 9
  • 10. 2:2 ‫االنتقال للجزء التالي‬ Moving to another point • Let's move on to ... Moving on to ... This leads to ... Let's turn to ... Moving backwards and forwards • As I mentioned earlier, ... I'll be talking more about this later. I'll return to this point. • Linking parts together • • Let's start with ... • Let's move/go on to ... • Now we come to ... • That brings us/me to ... • Let's leave that and turn to ... • Now I'd like to describe/talk about www.slideshare.net/ahmedrefat 10
  • 11. 2:3 ‫عرض الجداول و االشكال‬ Using tables, and graphs • This slide/diagram/transparency shows ... • If you look at this graph it shows that … • What is interesting here is ... • I'd like to draw your attention to • "This graph shows you... • "Take a look at this... " • "If look at this, you will see... • "I'd like you to look at this... • "This chart illustrates the figures... • explain why the visual is important: • "As you can see... " • "This clearly shows • "From this, we can understand how / why... • "This area of the chart is interesting... • www.slideshare.net/ahmedrefat 11
  • 12. 2:4 ‫عرض امثلة ايضاحات‬ Using Examples • For example,... • A good example of this is... • As an illustration,... • To give you an example,... • To illustrate this point... • Let's take the example of what happens when ... • The best example of ... is probably ... • An interesting example of ... is ... • For instance ... • Let's now look at ... • This will illustrate some of the principles we've been talking about. • Let's take the case where. www.slideshare.net/ahmedrefat www.slideshare.net/ahmedrefat 12
  • 13. 2:5 ‫عرض االستنتاجات‬ Making Conclusion • In conclusion I'd like to say .../ to suggest .../ to recommend ... • I'd like to leave you with the following idea/question. • What we need is .... • As you can see there are some very good reasons ... • I think we have to .... • To conclude my presentation, ... • In conclusion, ... • To summarise the main points of my presentation … • In view of the evidence I have presented I think it is fair to say that … • After all is said and done I think we can conclude that … www.slideshare.net/ahmedrefat www.slideshare.net/ahmedrefat 13
  • 14. 2:6 ‫عرض التوصيات‬ Making Recommendation • We’d suggest … • We therefore (strongly) recommend that …In my opinion, we should … • Based on the figures we have, I’m quite certain that … 2:7 ‫االشارة الي ما سبق قوله‬ Refer to what have said To refer to what you have said previously: • As I have already said earlier... • As we saw in part one... • To repeat what I've said already… • To refer to what you will say: • We will see this a little • later on. • This will be the subject of • part 3. • We will go into more • detail on that later. • For now, suffice to say... 14
  • 15. To refer to what an expert says: • I quote the words of ... • In the words of… • According to... • Here I'd like to quote… • As Mr. X says in his book... • There is a famous quotation that goes... Referring to research • Researchers have identified three key issues here, they are … • Researchers have shown quite conclusively that … • A number of recent studies, notably the ones by … and …, have shown that … • A number of studies have shown that ... • A study by … shows that ... • Research suggests/indicates that … • According to … • Figures from … show/suggest/indicate that ... • A very interesting study by … shows that… • The study by … is on your reading list and I encourage you to take a look at it. Basically, what he found was that … • One of the most interesting studies carried out in this area by … showed that … To refer to common knowledge: • As you all may well know... • It is generally accepted that... • As you are probably aware (of).. • To emphasize 15
  • 16. What is very significant is... • What is important to remember... • I'd like to emphasize the fact that... • I’d like to stress the importance of... • to highlight... . www.slideshare.net/ahmedrefat 2:8 ‫عرض اآلراء‬ Expressing opinion Avoid preceding ➤ To signal another person's opinion everything • * According to Professor Grand ... (an you say authority on the subject) with, "in • * Lauren Thompson has expressed the my opinion that ... opinion," • * In a recent article, Abc… stated that ... or "I think ➤ To signal a widely-held opinion that • * It is commonly thought that ... • * According to conventional wisdom .. ➤ To signal your opinion • * In my opinion .... • * I think that ... • * It is my view that ... • * It seems to me that ... 16
  • 17. ‫بـنـك العبارات اإلنجليزية‬ ‫لمقدمي العروض التقديمية‬ ‫اعداد أ.د / أحمد رفعت عبد الغفار‬ ‫نسخ مجانية للتنزيل من الموقع‬ www.slideshare.net/ahmedrefat ‫القسم الثالث : ختام العـــــــرض‬ Closing the Presentation Open Present Close 3-1 ‫الخالصة االجمالية‬ Summarizing your work Signalling the end • That's all about ... • That brings me to the end of my presentation. • That completes my presentation. • I’m now approaching / nearing the end of my presentation. • Well, this brings me to the end of my presentation. • That covers just about everything I wanted to say about … • OK, I think that’s everything I wanted to say about …As a final point, I’d like to … • Finally, I’d like to highlight one key issue. • 17
  • 18. Summarizing • Now I'd like to finish with a summary of the main points. • Now let me summarize the key points/parts of my talk. • So, to summarise, … • To summarize, .../To sum up, ... • Let me just run over the key points again. • Now I'll briefly summarize the main issues. • Before I stop, let me go over the key issues again.Just to summarize the main points of my talk … • To conclude / In conclusion, I’d like to … 3:2 ‫انهاء العرض و تقديم الشكر‬ Finishing • Thank you for your attention. If there are any questions I'll be happy to answer them now. • Well, I think I've covered everything. I hope you enjoyed my presentation and if you have any question, feel free to ask me now…. Thank You.. Any further questions?• • If there are no more questions, I'll end my presentation. Thank you again for your attention. • Any more questions? Fine that's all for today. Thanks for your attention. 18
  • 19. 3:3 ‫طلب سماع االسئلة و طريقة االجابة‬ Asking for questions Answering the questions • If you have any questions I'll do my best to answer them. Clarifying a question • Sorry, I'm not sure I've understood. Could you repeat it? • I'm afraid, I didn't catch your question. • If I understood you well, you mean ... Is that right? Checking the questioner is satisfied • Does that answer your question? • Is that clear? • May we go on to the next question? www.slideshare.net/ahmedrefat www.slideshare.net/ahmedrefat 19
  • 20. ‫بـنـك العبارات اإلنجليزية‬ ‫لمقدمي العروض التقديمية‬ ‫اعداد أ.د / أحمد رفعت عبد الغفار‬ ‫نسخ مجانية للتنزيل من الموقع‬ www.slideshare.net/ahmedrefat ‫القسم الرابع : مواقف حرجة و غير متوقعة‬ Hard Situations !!...‫حدث طارئ‬ Lost Your Way ‫لفت نظر الحضور‬ Get the audience's attention Get the audience's attention and signal the beginning. • Right / Well / OK. …… .Let's begin. • Good./ Fine/ . Great/ . Can we start? • Shall we start? • Let's get down to business 20
  • 21. ‫اجابة سؤال صعب‬ Replying to difficult questions (when you don't have an • That's a good point. answer or • I'll come to that later if you don't mind. don't want to I'm afraid I don't have that information answer a to hand. question) • I'm afraid I'm not the right person to answer that. • Hmm, that’s a good question. I don’t have the information to answer that question right now, but I’d be happy to find out and get back to you later. • I don’t think we have enough time to go into that right now, but I’ll be happy to speak to you one-to-one after the presentation if you would like. • That’s an interesting point, but I do think I have shown that ... ‫خلل .... فقدت الطريق... شيء قد فقد‬ Losing your way • Now, where was I? Oh yes, … • If you’ll bear with me for a moment while I just glance at my notes, right, • Erm, I’ll just need a minute to sort out the technology and I’ll be with you ... 21
  • 22. ‫مواقع مفيدة و مصادر الكتيب‬ 1- http://englishforuniversity.com/wp- content/uploads/2008/09/Presentation%20phrasebook.pdf 2- http://www.learn-english-today.com/business-english/presentations- phrases.htm 3- Presentation Phrasebook ©English for University. Com Freely downloadable and copiable from http://englishforuniversity.com Presentation Phrasebook Version 1.1 Academic English material from English for University. Com http://englishforuniversity.com/wp- content/uploads/2008/09/Presentation%20phrasebook.pdf 4- http://www.englishclub.com/speaking/presentations.htm ‫بـنـك العبارات اإلنجليزية‬ ‫لمقدمي العروض التقديمية‬ ‫اعداد أ.د / أحمد رفعت عبد الغفار‬ ‫نسخ مجانية للتنزيل من الموقع‬ www.slideshare.net/ahmedrefat 22